#when will they come out of hibernation so i can watch them live on the bearcam
yasmeensh · 1 year
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feeling artblocked so I resorted to my usually fool-proof way of getting my hand back into the game. Drawing bears and gorillas 🐻🦍 featuring Gorilla siblings Annie and Kiyomasa, and the Grazerettes (128 Grazer’s girls)
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hyypnotix-writes · 10 months
Straight. Straight straight straight.
~ I really don’t know what this is. I couldn’t sleep and so, here we are. I’ve never written anything other than essays for uni before so ..this could go down like a lead balloon! we’ll see, lemme know! :) ~
~ it’s like ..10k words? because I really couldn’t sleep. so, it’s a long one ..if you have nothing else to do! ~
~ I don’t think it needs any content warnings, but please tell me if there should be! there’s some swearing, if that’s off putting to you.. ~
~ it takes a tiny while for A to show up, and she’s never explicitly named..but she is there, it is her ~
~ I’m talking myself out of posting, but this is too long to scrap now, sorry ~
~ good luck! good bye xx ~
The club is a disgusting little place to be. Buried right in the centre of town, with drinks so extortionately expensive, they make even the cost of your London’s monthly rent, look a little reasonable. The music blares inside your head, the strobe lighting messes with your vision, and the smell of horny sweaty bodies is an assault on the nostrils. It’s your least favourite place on earth to be.
It’s somewhere you’d managed to avoid being, for all of your early twenties. You’ve had no reason to go to a club late at night. Not when you’ve had a boyfriend for the past 5 years to go home to. That dirty little desire to get drunk, and hookup with an attractive stranger, took a nice long hibernation.
For you.
Turns out, your ever-loving, ever-caring, fuckwit of an ex-boyfriend, still managed to find the time to go to clubs, and hookup with strangers in between spending nights with you. You really thought he was out working till the early hours of the morning, busy making a living for your future together? What an idiot you were.
So, you’re back in a nightclub, at the behest of some of your single friends, for the first time in over half a decade, borderline drunk out of your mind.
It’s still a comfortable level of tipsiness at the moment, you’d argue, despite stumbling a little on your way back towards the bar. You can easily identify the song that’s being blasted, you’ve been able to order more drinks independently without being refused service. Your inhibitions are long gone, but you’re still able to think clearly, and you’re ready to find someone to go home with.
Your friends are all dotted around the room getting off with men of varying levels of attractiveness. None of them have impressed you so far, you’re not so desperate for company that you’re willing to let your own standards drop tonight. You’re happy to wait for the best-looking man in the room. Looking around the room to scope the talent on offer, however, maybe you do need to lower your standards a little bit.
You approach the bar again, and order a shot of tequila for yourself. A friendly little liquid that’s had previous success with you, for getting you to sleep with just about anything.
“¡Dos, por favor!” Comes a call from behind you, from a woman you do not know. It’s rather ballsy of her, almost rude, but she holds out her card to pay, before you can get too irritated with her request.
“Gracias.” You offer, using your exceptional detective skills to work out the woman’s nationality.
“¿Hablas español?” She checks, as she leans next to you, and you wag a dismissive, drunken finger in front of her face as you shake your head.
“Sorry to disappoint,” you tell her, “only English. GCSE level German.”
She smirks, watching you, and you narrow your eyes at her, tapping the bar as you await your drink.
You’re handed your shot, with a lime wedge and some salt, and you nod in thanks, to the woman who bought it for you. You don’t wait for her to go first, you’re in a bit of a rush here. All the men in the room are getting uglier by the second, you need to act fast, before you see the light too clearly.
You lick your hand and pour on the salt, the woman watching you closely as you do. She doesn’t go through the motions at all for her own drink, she focuses solely on you, gently biting at her bottom lip.
You lick the salt, down the shot, and she holds the lime wedge in between her fingers for you to bite. You don’t question it. Not until you sink your teeth into the lime, your eyes meet over it, and time stand still.
She has very beautiful eyes. A mysterious looking hazel. They flicker over you as you suck the citrus juice, and you can see the crinkles in the corners of them as she smiles at you. It’s weirdly intimate, unnervingly so.
You pull away, wiping the juice from your chin as you point to her own glass for her to follow suit. You find yourself watching her as she does the same routine, but you don’t hold out the fruit for her, the way she did for you. It was a strange custom, one that’s already playing on a loop in your head.
“Can I get you another?” She offers, and you find yourself torn.
You’re not here for a woman, you’ve never been with one. You’ve kissed your girlfriends once or twice when you were younger, mainly as a gross way of attracting boys. It’s not something you thought too deeply about, it wasn’t exactly a lightbulb moment for you. There was never any secret yearning for any of your friends afterwards. You’re straight. Straight straight straight.
The woman’s eyes seem to pierce through your soul, as she waits for your answer, like she can see something in you that you can’t. It draws you in, but you hold yourself back.
“I’m straight.” You tell her, and she smirks at you again.
“Congratulations! I didn’t ask,” she points out, “but thanks for letting me know.”
You frown a little as she turns her attention back to the bartender and orders two more shots for the pair of you. She doesn’t seem put off by your sexuality claim at all. It’s almost like she doesn’t believe you, and you’re not too sure you appreciate her cockiness about it.
In fairness, maybe you’re the one being cocky. She doesn’t have a badge on her saying she’s a lesbian, there’s no rainbow floating above her head. She’s not a stereotypical lesbian, not in the way that your little sister is. Maybe she’s just being friendly, and you’re projecting, because you’re drunk and full of yourself.
“Sorry,” you start, leaning into her so she can hear you above the music, and she pushes the shot towards you, “I just thought ..maybe you were coming on to me.”
“That’s very wishful thinking from you.” She says simply, turning her head slightly to face you. She’s exceptionally close, and your eyes instantly trail to her lips. Time’s stood still again.
She has nice lips, very nice lips. They’d probably taste very nice..
You have to pull yourself away.
“Gracias.” You say again, gesturing to the glass in front of you with a frown. You reach for the salt, but before you can lick your hand, she raises it to her own mouth to wet it for you. You really don’t know what to make of her. It’s very gross, it’s very rude ..it’s very sexy.
There’s a confidence in her, that has you questioning things. The warmth of her tongue sends goosebumps right up your arm. Which, she can undoubtedly see, as you don’t have long sleeves and she’s smirking at you again. You don’t appreciate her smug little attitude. Anyone would have a physical reaction to being licked by a stranger, she has no business being arrogant about it.
You must have been stuck in place for too long, as she pours the salt onto your hand on your behalf too.
You don’t like being outdone. If she wants to play it cocky, you can match her for it. You grab the lime wedge and indicate for her to open her mouth. It catches her a little off guard, which you feel a sense of pride in, but she doesn’t back down from your challenge. She welcomes your newfound confidence, with that same little smirk from before.
You place the lime, skin-side back, in between her teeth and you lick the salt from your hand with unwavering eye contact. You down the shot, and you pull her in carefully by her neck.
Your lips brush against hers, ever so slightly, as you bite the lime between her teeth and remove it in your own. It’s a deliberate move from you, maybe you’re feeling messy tonight. You watch as she raises her fingers to her lips, and you wipe the juice again with the back of your hand. You give her a nod with another little ‘gracias’, before heading away from the bar without looking back at her.
You’re stuck on a carousel of men once you return to the centre of the club. They are all admittedly, far better looking than they were before your little trip to get drinks, but there’s still no one drawing your eye. None of them like that cocky little woman at the bar.
She wasn’t really little, she’s quite tall, actually. Had a couple inches on you, that’s for sure, and you’re not short. She was impressively tall, she had nice posture. She didn’t slouch or look uncomfortable. She was just tall, and beautiful, with that endearing little smirk on her pretty little fa— what are you doing?
You need to find yourself a man, and quick.
You’ve trapped yourself between another one and a wall, only a few minutes later, and it feels like a mistake. His hands are on your hips, his mouth is dangerously close to yours, and frankly, no amount of alcohol could make you genuinely attracted to him.
“You’re really sexy.” He slurs, his hand grazing up your body.
No, next.
It doesn’t take long to find another, his arm wrapped round your waist as he shares his drink with you. He’s cute, you’re fairly certain. He does have a moustache, which isn’t your usual cup of tea. It’s like a little caterpillar resting above his top lip, twitching as he talks to you. He drowns it slightly as he has more of his drink, and it makes you cringe as he licks at it.
It’d probably tickle if he kissed you, or leave you with a rash, the hairy little ferret on his lip.
Do you know who didn’t have a moustache? Who you wouldn’t have to work out, how not to throw up in their face, as there’s no risk of their facial hair ever getting stuck in your mouth as you kiss?
Straight straight straight.
You slide out from his embrace, twirling him around to go after some other poor soul and you return to the bar.
It’s disappointing to realise she’s no longer there, not that she should be waiting around for you. She’s probably found someone less rude to spend her time with, someone more gay.
Look at the state of you, traipsing back to a bar in search of woman you don’t know because she looked at you for a second too long and now you can’t shake her from your head. How embarrassing. You’re straight. Straight straight straight.
You make your way through to the ladies’ room to splash some water on your face, and come to your senses. Of course, that’s where she’s hiding. With some new company of her own.
That shouldn’t hurt you. You don’t even know this woman’s name. You know nothing about her at all except that she’s tall, beautiful and has soft lips. Lips that are now on another woman and you’re incensed. You have no right to be angry about it, and yet, here you are.
You bash at the head of the tap, rather aggressively. Sometimes taps in nightclub restrooms don’t work, it probably needed a firm touch. It has nothing to do with you wanting to distract the woman, no no no. Because you’re straight. Straight straight straight.
You don’t need the attention of another woman, that would be ridiculous. That wouldn’t be very straight of you at all.
It doesn’t seem like your loud and theatrical washing of your hands has done anything to disturb the kiss to the side of you.
And good! You wouldn’t want to do that.
So, when you bump into them to reach for some hand towels, that’s just an accident. The fact that the tall, beautiful, soft-lipped, Spanish woman’s eyes flick to you as you dry your hands, is just an unfortunate side effect of your clumsiness.
The fact that it doesn’t stop her from kissing the other woman, however, is outrageous. Her watching you, as she’s busy with someone else? How disgusting.
Your heart shouldn’t be racing at the sight of her, your breath shouldn’t be as shallow at is, and it definitely shouldn’t be catching in your throat as the other woman kisses down her neck, and she’s still only looking at you. This isn’t attractive. This isn’t turning you on. You don’t wish it was you on her neck. There’s that infamous smirk on her face again as she stares at you. She’s unbelievable.
You throw your towels in the bin with an almighty clang as you let the lid drop back down, finally putting the other woman off her stride, and you make a swift exit back into the club.
The music’s too loud again, the smell is suffocating, all of the men are gross by comparison to the woman stuck in your head. It’s been an unsuccessful night and you’re ready to go home alone.
The hand that grabs you, has other ideas.
“You said you were straight!” She reminds you, as she pulls you outside with her.
“I am!” You tell her, still annoyed with her little antics.
“You followed me to the toilet?”
“I didn’t know you were in there!” You point out, even more annoyed with her cocky little attitude.
“You’re angry.” She tells you, smirking. “Didn’t like me kissing someone else?”
“I don’t care who you kiss!”
There’s a palpable tension between you both. It doesn’t make sense. You don’t know this woman. She doesn’t know you. It doesn’t matter that she kissed someone else. You were trying to kiss someone else only a minute before.
Why you’re so enraged by a woman who’s bought you two shots, getting with another woman after you walked away from her, is a question for future you. You’re not about to have an existential crisis in front of her. Questioning your identity in your mid-twenties, is absurd. You’re straight. Straight straight straight.
There’s a curiousness, to her decisions, actually. To follow you, when she already had company. To drag you outside, to where no one else is. She’s very confident about you being interested, but she’s not exactly being apathetic herself.
“Why did you leave her?” You ask.
“You followed me,” you point out, furrowing your brow, “had a pretty girl draping herself all over you, and you left her to follow me. Why?”
You’ve clearly touched a nerve; her smirk has vanished. You can see her tongue pushing against the inside of her mouth. She’s annoyed with you.
She slowly runs her tongue under her teeth, before wetting her bottom lip with it while rolling her eyes. She doesn’t miss how your breath hitches watching her. Her smirk is back, and she moves closer to you.
“Maybe I’ll go back to her.” She threatens, and your jaw clenches slightly.
“Maybe you should!” You tell her, taking steps backwards as she approaches.
“Do you want me to?”
You collide into the wall behind you, and she places her hands on it by your head.
“No.” You confess, breathlessly.
“You said you were straight.” She repeats, her face mere inches from yours as she leans into you.
You swallow down, your pulse picking up speed.
“I am.” You insist, your eyes locking onto her mouth. “I..”
“Do you want me to go?”
“What do you want me to do?” She questions knowingly, that all too familiar smirk, taking over her face. She tilts her head, impossibly close to yours. You can smell the lime that lingers on her lips, feel her breath that softly blows against you, but she still doesn’t let you have what you want.
“Are you going to make me beg for it?” You groan, leaning backwards into the wall as far as you can.
“Maybe.” She tells you.
You hate her holding all the cards like this. She has you like putty in her hands. She’s all cocky and in control. Who does she think she is?
You’re better than this. You’re not shy around people you fancy. You may have been caught in a pointless relationship for far too long, but you’re a catch, people are into you. This woman right here, is into you. You don’t need to be nervous with her, it doesn’t mean anything. You’re straight. Straight straight straight. It could be the worst kiss of your life, and why should you care?
You slink your arm up behind her neck, closing the distance between you even further, and her eyelids flutter shut.
“I’m not going to.” You inform her, emboldened by her reaction to you. You duck out from under her arms, blowing her a kiss as you walk back inside. To find a man to take you home. You’re straight. Straight straight straight.
It doesn’t take you long at all to find another man to wear around you. One with glasses on. No, he’s not attractive. No, you don’t want to go home with him. But he’s here, he’s a man, and he isn’t driving you quite as crazy as the woman you keep running into. It’s simple, it’s easy, it’s hassle free. It’s exactly what you came for, you’re ready to go.
Waking up in unfamiliar sheets, is something you haven’t done in a while. You’re quietly proud of yourself. The sheets smell nice, your hangover headache isn’t half as bad as you thought it would be, and there’s a pleasurable little ache between your legs that tells you that, whatever happened last night, you more than enjoyed yourself.
You wriggle a little under the covers and take a peek to confirm that you are indeed, completely naked. Your eyes are allowed to trail the body next to you. You’ve had sex with it, you’re more than entitled.
You really don’t remember which man it was you left with. There was the one with the glasses, the tall one with the mullet, the man with the moustache, the unfortunate gentleman with the incorrectly placed toupee.
He’s probably the one you’d most be upset about seeing next to you. Not that he didn’t seem friendly enough, but he really wasn’t the attractive stranger you were hunting for.
You risk another quick peek under the covers and your eyes all but bug out of your head. No no nonononono. You pull the covers back down and shut your eyes, trying to remember what the hell went wrong. You had countless semi-attractive men all over you. How the hell?
You peek again. Maybe you’re seeing things. Your hungover little brain playing tricks on you.
That’s definitely not a man’s body. It’s far too beautiful. It’s toned, smooth, sculpted by the gods themselves. You want to put your tongue on it. You probably already have had your tongue on it. Who knows what you’ve done to it, what it’s done to you. How the hell did you go home with a woman?
“Are you enjoying the view?” The voice outside of the covers asks, and you roll yourself over under the sheets away from her.
You’d recognise that accent anywhere. That cocky little tone to her voice. That insufferable Spanish woman from the bar. That tall, beautiful, soft-lipped, Spanish walking-headache, took you home, and had her way with you? You? When you’re straight? Straight straight straight.
The ache in between your legs, the dull satisfaction running through your body, and you have her to thank for it?
It’s a dream. It’s a nightmare. It’s a horrible, twisted little trick, that, if you keep your eyes closed to, maybe it will all disappear around you and you’ll wake up again next to a man. A gross, sweaty little man, with too much hair on his face and not enough on the top of his head.
There’s a snicker from outside of the covers and you let out a huff, as she taps at your body.
“What?” You grumble, making no effort to free yourself from the sheets you’ve cocooned yourself in.
You can feel her shimmy herself closer to you and you hold your hand behind you to stop her.
“No!” You tell her, quite firmly, as her torso connects with your fingertips. Her toned torso. Her taut, muscly torso that your fingers have somehow now spread out over. You can feel her breathing against your palm. She hasn’t edged any closer to you after your outburst, and you regret telling her off so soon.
You’d quite like her pressed up against you, if that’s what she wants to do. Maybe you were too hasty, too rude. You can still feel the shortness of her breath against your hand. You’re being inappropriate, touching her like this. You slowly remove your hand from her, still hovering it pretty close.
You reach back for her arm, trailing your fingers down it until you meet with her hand, and you pull it around you. You’re not entirely sure what’s possessing you, you just want to feel her on your skin. She doesn’t need much encouragement to nestle into you, and it’s definitely not a man’s body.
You tangle your fingers with hers over your stomach, leaning into her. She has nice hands. Hands that are quite a bit bigger than yours, it’s no wonder you have an ache.
She removes the covers from over your head, instantly placing her lips to your neck. It’s very easy to forget yourself with her mouth on you, it’s no real surprise she managed to trick you into coming back to hers at all. She frees her fingers from yours, moving her hand down your body, and you put up no resistance to her. You encourage it, if anything, moving yourself to make it easier.
It’s nothing like having a man between your legs. There’s no needless grunting above you, no mindless grabbing, or endless showboating. You don’t need to make excessive noises to boost her ego. She just really knows what she’s doing with her fingers. She has every right to be cocky with herself.
Maybe this is just what it is to be with a woman. Maybe they just know, it’s the same parts, after all. Maybe it’s an inherent knowledge that all women possess, but only a select few ever get to experience. Lucky them.
Lucky you.
You are still being quite loud with her inside of you. It’s not for her benefit, it just really feels very good. You grip at her head behind you, running your fingers down the back of her neck, and you bite at your other hand to mute your sound effects, to stop giving her quite so much satisfaction with herself. You can see that smug little smirk on her face, it’s impossible to know if it’s still annoying or just incredibly sexy. It’s a very thin line with this woman.
It’s hard to keep still with her going to work on you the way she is. You find yourself rolling back over into her and she welcomes you, easily capturing your lips with hers. Like it’s the most natural thing in the world.
They are very nice lips, they do taste nice, and it’s not the first time you’ve kissed them.
Memories of the night come flooding back in.
“I can take you back to mine?” The man wearing glasses offers.
“Perfect!” You reply, all too eager to get out of this frustrating little situation you’ve found yourself in. He places his cup on the nearest table, and winks at you, before leading you to the door.
Again, the hand that grabs you, has other ideas.
“You’re not leaving with him!” She tells you in no uncertain terms, as she holds you firmly in place.
“You can’t tell me what to do! Who the hell do you think you are?” She doesn’t give in, and as you turn to find the man, he’s already wandered off without you. “Are you joking? What’s your problem?”
You’re absolutely furious with the woman, she has no right to ruin your plans like this. You shake her off of you and head back to the bar, but she shadows you closely.
“You can fuck right off, following me about!”
“You’re really very angry.” She tells you, rather amused at your attitude. “Why, because I didn’t let you leave with some gross man?”
“He was cute!”
“He was about 50!”
That can’t be right.
He had glasses on, sure, but so do lots of people in their twenties. He had ..greying hair. Slightly less common, perhaps, but he had been cute.
Hadn’t he?
You rub your fingers over your forehead, trying to erase him from your mind, as the woman continues smirking at you.
“You can wipe that smug look off your face, right now!” You warn her and she chuckles to herself.
“Do you want another drink?”
You down another round of shots together, being inappropriate with the salt and limes again. There’s an incredible amount of confidence in you. Whether it’s your new disdain for this woman, the fact that you’re unlikely to be going home with someone you’ll be happy waking up next to, or just the alcohol flooding your system, who can tell, but it’s a confidence that you’re more than willing to embrace.
You order another round of drinks and lick her collarbone ready to pour the salt on to. Her eyebrow quirks at you, but she doesn’t stop you doing it. She readies the lime in her mouth, as you down the tequila, and she pierces it with her teeth for you, dripping the juice into your mouth from hers up above.
It’s a very weird mating call from her, and it’s 100% effective. You grab her hand and lead her back to the hallway between the toilets. You bury your head in her neck as the moustache walks past you both, and you open the door to the smoking area to see if anyone’s about. No one is, so you pull her outside with you.
“Why are we back here?” She asks, that smug smile still tattooed on her lips.
“I feel more sober in fresh air.”
“Mm? You’re very drunk.”
“You’re very drunk!”
“Maybe, but at least I’m not on a ridiculous hunt for a man!”
“It’s not ridiculous, it’s meticulous!” You tell her, giggling slightly at your accidental rhyme. “I’m looking for a very specific man, preferably a good looking one, in his twenties.”
“Really? You didn’t seem too worried, that a man in his twenties was actually a man in his fifties!” She points out.
“Mm. I don’t know that I’m particularly worried about a man in his twenties ..being a woman in her twenties either.” You tell her with a rather casual shrug as you head to one of the tables. You sit yourself up on it, looking back at the woman who gives you a knowing little smile.
“You’re not very straight, are you?” She asks sarcastically.
“I really am.” You sigh, rolling your eyes. “I’ve never been with a woman, never wanted to be. I’ve only just got out of a long-term relationship with a man. I’ve only ever wanted to be with men.”
“Mm?” She mumbles, moving over to you slowly. She carefully pushes your knees apart and stands in between them, looking down at you. “I’m not a man.” She reminds you, and you trap your bottom lip between your teeth.
“Maybe I don’t want you.”
“Mm?” She places a curved finger under your chin, tilting your head and bringing your mouths very close together. “Tell me you don’t.”
There’s a feeling in your stomach at her challenge, a feeling lower than your stomach at her challenge. You do want her, and you’re not a good enough liar to pretend that you don’t.
“I can’t..” You admit, and she smiles again, before removing herself from you. You let out a frustrated little sigh as she moves backwards, and you swing your legs back together. “You want me too!” You tell her and she tilts her head to the side.
“Who told you that?”
“Tell me you don’t.”
“..I can’t.” She admits, and maybe her cocky little smirk has found its way onto your face.
You jump down from the tabletop and lean back against it, nibbling at the inside of your mouth. She casually walks back over to you, resting her hand on your hip.
It’s far less offensive than gentleman number 6’s grazing of your body. You don’t feel the need to push her away at all. She leans back into you, tucking your hair behind your ear. It sends a little tingle right down the side of your neck, and she smirks again at your reaction. You can’t not roll your eyes at her incessant need to be arrogant. She rubs her thumb across your cheek and over your mouth, pulling down on your lower lip gently.
“Do you want me to kiss you?”
“Yes ..what?” She asks, and she’s ruined the moment. You shake your head at her chuckling lightly.
“If you don’t want to kiss me, it’s fine, we don’t have to. I’m not going to beg you for it.” You tilt your head, brushing her nose with yours. “Do you want to kiss me?” She nods silently, and you wink at her. “Looks like we’re both missing out then!”
You slip out from between her and the table and make your way over to the door.
“Where are you going?”
“To find a man to take me home! I’m straight!”
You can hear her cocky little laugh as you head back into the club, and it sends a little thrill right through your body.
This bizarre game of cat and mouse continues between you both for a little while longer. You keep buying each other shots, drinking them in more obscene ways every time. You back each other into walls, threatening to kiss each other, before one of you walks away, and the whole process repeats itself.
It’s getting harder to compose yourself after each round of shots. You really do just want her to kiss you, you’ve had enough of fighting it, but you also don’t want her to have the satisfaction of you caving in. It’s a ruthless little battle that you’ve found yourself in. She’s incredibly competitive.
You have to commit. Genuinely find yourself a man. It shouldn’t be hard. There’s lots of them about, and you’re more drunk now than you’ve been all night. You’re embarrassingly easy prey.
You survey your surroundings, hoping for one decent looking man to catch your eye. It’s a truly talentless night. You find yourself grimacing slightly realising that all of your friends have already left the place. Some of them will definitely regret their choices in the morning.
As will you, if you don’t manage to get at least one kiss from this godforsaken woman.
“Looking for me?” She asks as she sidles on next to you, leaning against the wall.
“I’m looking for a man! I’ve already told you this.”
“Well ..there’s one there.” She tells you, gesturing to a random fellow in the corner. “There’s another there.” She points out. “There. There. The—”
“I get it, thanks. You have terrible taste in men.”
“I don’t have any taste in men.” She reminds you. “I have pretty impeccable taste in women.”
“Mm? Well, which one takes your fancy?” You ask. “There’s one over there. There ..there. Th—”
She grabs your pointed finger and turns it back towards you. It’s not a new answer, so god knows why you’re blushing at it.
“Then kiss me.” You tell her, little louder than a whisper. “Just kiss me, for fuc—”
She’s clearly had enough too. Maybe it was the tiredness in your voice, the obvious look of defeat in your eyes. Maybe she just doesn’t like you swearing. You’re not going to question it. Her lips are finally on yours, and she was definitely worth the wait. It ignites a spark in you, it sends your tipsy little mind fully into orbit, and she’s the only other person in the room with you.
There’s no sense of desperation in the kiss. It’s not messy, or chaotic. It’s deliberate from her, considered. There’s an air of caution perhaps, a worry that you’ll pull away from her. You’re straight, after all. Maybe she’s nervous that your certainty in wanting a kiss will waver now that she’s finally given you what you want. Maybe you’ve realised that you don’t actually want it.
It’s a new experience for you, surprisingly different from kissing a man, but it’s not one you want to pull away from. It’s not one you want to rush. It’s not one you really want to end at all. You can sense her apprehension, and it’s the first time that she’s had no snark. It’s not a cocky little kiss. She’s not doing it to get it over and done with. It’s not going to end with her smirking at you, like she’s done you a favour. It isn’t meaningless.
It’s tentative, and frankly, you’ve had enough of her carefulness. If she needs a sign that you’re not going anywhere, that you want her to keep kissing you, you’ll find a way to do that. Your tongue parts her lips, and the gasp you elicit is all the confirmation you need of her nerves. It’s endearing to have her be quite so vulnerable with you.
You deepening the kiss is clearly all the confirmation she needs that everything’s fair game, because she wastes no time in escalating the intensity. She clings to you, wrapping her arm around your waist, her hand gripping at your hip, the other cradling your jaw. She backs you up against the wall and muffles the moan that escapes you with your joined lips.
Her tongue dances with yours, and you let her take over all your senses. It’s just a kiss, and yet it’s like a journey to a whole new world. It’s entirely all-consuming, the rest of existence has melted to nothingness around you. You don’t care where you are, you don’t care who’s watching. Or do you?
Maybe there is a mild sense of urgency to it, because kissing is simply not enough. You need to have her closer, impossibly close. You need her, entirely, and regardless of how much you’re craving the feeling of her, you do still care about where that happens.
“Are you local?” You ask, breaking the kiss to catch your breath. She only gives a silent nod in reply. “I’m like ..20 minutes by taxi?”
“My hotel’s closer than that.”
“So ..back to yours?”
“Are you sure?” She asks, searching your eyes for any sense of reluctance. She’s unlikely to find any, but you nod, assertively, just to reaffirm. “I’m not taking you back to mine to ..play cards?” She double-checks with you and you chuckle, resting your forehead to hers.
“No, I’m sort of counting on that.” You tell her. “Unless you don’t wa—”
She cuts you off with a kiss again. There was no swearing this time, no tiredness or look of defeat. Maybe she just likes kissing you.
“Are you absolutely sure?” She asks again, because she’s polite, and underneath all her cocky annoyingness, she really is very sweet.
“Oh my god.” You sigh. You do still find yourself rolling your eyes, you don’t know how much more obvious you need to be with her. “..please.”
The rush back to her hotel room is fun, you feel like a teenager all over again. Waltzing through the streets of London, your hand interlaced with an attractive stranger’s, the promise of sex hanging in the air.
It doesn’t matter that it’s a woman you’re linked up with. That doesn’t mean anything. It’s a one-time little indulgence. An experiment, for research purposes. To find out what it is your sister’s been going so crazy over, ever since she was a teenager.
It doesn’t mean anything when she keeps kissing you against the walls of closed buildings. It doesn’t mean anything when you pull her back into you at the entrance of her hotel. Yes, it’s nice. It’s enjoyable. It steals the air right from your lungs every single time, but that doesn’t mean anything. How could it, when you’re straight? Straight straight straight.
You do keep your hands off each other when you get to the lift of the hotel, there’s an older woman in there with you, and you’re not about to put on a show for her. Not for free.
Maybe your eyes keep meeting too much, or the smirking is too obvious. Maybe you do keep touching once or twice, because something’s definitely giving you both away.
“Lesbians?” The older woman asks, with a very clear disdain.
“Hm? For tonight.” You reply with a nod, unperturbed by her demeanour. Your Spanish host shakes her head at you, smiling as she looks up at the ceiling.
You’ve dealt with a few homophobes in your time. Your sister isn’t exactly subtle with her identity. It welcomes dirty looks, offensive words, and you’ve never been one to shy away from protecting her. You’ve never had to defend yourself against prejudice, but she’s not exactly an intimidating woman. You could easily take her if she tries to raise her hand.
“It’s disgusting.” She mutters under her breath, and her unsupportive attitude is sort of spurring you on.
“Do you think?” You ask. “What’s so disgusting about it?”
“Two women. It’s a waste.”
“Oof. I am not about to let her go to waste, don’t you worry about that at all, madam.” You reassure her, offering a friendly smile that earns you a very angry look in reply.
You don’t miss the smirk that graces the taller woman’s face next to you in the mirror, and that’s all the encouragement you need.
“It’s not natural!” The older woman tells you, and you nod your head slowly back at her. “It’s disgusting!”
“You’re very annoyed about it.” You point out. “It’s a bit unnecessary, no?”
“I think you’re both disgusting!” She hisses at you again.
“Oh dear.” You lean back against the bar of the elevator, as the older woman stares you down. “That’s an incredible argument you’ve put forward. I think I’ve seen the light!”
She not at all impressed by your relaxed sarcasm, you’re clearly getting on her nerves. Your lack of remorse, the fact you’re not begging for her forgiveness.
“I think it—”
“You think it’s disgusting, madam. We get it.” You interrupt, a little bit tired of her insistence. “Don’t spend your evening with another woman, then. We’re not inviting you to join us, so you can calm down.” You tell her, moving back towards the Spanish woman behind you.
She wraps her arm around your waist instantly and you lean into her touch. It’s comforting, subtle. It’s a very casual display of support without silencing you, without fighting over you.
She’s not dramatically shouting at the other woman; she’s not emasculated by you doing all the talking. She’s not making empty threats or getting up in the other woman’s face.
She’s not reacting at all in the way you’ve come to expect. The way that he probably would, to someone questioning him. Not that your ex ever defended your sister’s honour with you, but he certainly enjoyed getting into a scrap when he felt threatened.
It’s very attractive from her, actually, to just silently remind you that she’s there if you need her. That she’s with you, she does have your back, and you’d kiss her right there on the mouth if the woman opposite wasn’t glaring at you quite so intently.
Maybe you should kiss her regardless. There’s only a few more floors left till the old bat gets off. What’s she going to do, slap you both for some pda? There’s a security camera in here, she wouldn’t be so stupid.
Perhaps you can control yourself for a couple more floors, you don’t need to provoke the bastard woman. So what if she’s an unfavourable little witch, she’s not ruining your evening, you’re not going to let her.
Well, if that’s your logic, why should you let her stop you from kissing the woman when you want to? What courtesy do you owe to her? If she’s that upset about it, she’ll have to either avert her eyes like a petulant little child, or stop off at the floor below and hope she doesn’t choke on her bigotry when walking the rest of the way up. You don’t care.
Thankfully, neither does the Spanish beauty who matches your energy and kisses you back with the same fervour you’re showing her.
You’re instantly entirely unbothered by the third wheel once there’s an extra tongue back in your mouth, her Spanish hands on your face. You don’t care at all how uncomfortable you’re making the old bint. Frankly, you hope her eyes are burning at the sight of you both.
She doesn’t let you enjoy your moment for too long. Of course she doesn’t, the dark-sided little mare. She barges past you both as the doors open and she spits at the floor in front of you. The absolute nerve. She expectorates in the lift inside of a nice hotel, and you’re the disgusting ones? Absolutely not. You’re seeing red. You really could take her, you’ve been to a gym more than once or twice in your life, you’re not weak.
“You revolting little bi—”
The hand that grabs you, has other ideas.
“Let her go!” She tells you, laughing as she spins you back round to face her. “Por favor, she’s not worth it!”
“She spat at us! That dirty little cu—”
She kisses you again. Maybe she really does hate your swearing. Her lips are distracting, though, and you don’t mind learning that that’s one surefire way to get them back on yours.
“She really was a hateful bitch.” You murmur between kisses, and the Spaniard giggles against you.
“You’re a very angry straight girl.” She tells you, pushing your hair back off your face. “You don’t like homophobes?”
“Do you?” You ask, frowning at the woman in front of you.
“No,” she admits with a chuckle, “I’d have probably just let her get on with it quietly, though. Didn’t feel the need to anger her more!”
“I’m sorry for embarrassing you.”
“You didn’t, I’d have backed you if she kept going.”
There’s that sexy little smirk again. It shouldn’t do things to you the way it does. It shouldn’t set your whole body on fire. A small curve to her lips, and you want to rip her clothes off? You’re very tragic.
You drag your eyes away from her and scan the floor number you’re on.
“Bloody hell!” You sigh. “Did you really have to book a room on the highest bloody floor? I get it, you’re rich ..but fuck me!”
You drum out your frustrations on the handrail of the lift, it’s slow ascent through the floors seemingly never-ending.
“Are you sobering up?” She asks, and you nod at her, still tapping your hands. “Are you changing your mind?”
You stop your little percussive performance and turn back to face her.
“You’re very convinced that I’m going to back out?”
“I just want you to know that you can.”
It’s genuine from her. It’s not a perverse attempt at guilt tripping, she’s not trying some weird technique of reverse psychology. She genuinely wants you to know that it’s okay if you’re not ready. If your own act of confidence, is exactly that, just an act.
You take her hand and pull her back towards you. She rests her hands on the rail behind you and you lean in very close.
“Do you want me to?” You ask, and she shakes her head. You tilt her face to meet her eyes and you kiss the corner of her mouth. “Well, okay then, and neither do I.” You tell her quietly, your lips feathering hers. “So know, that until I revoke it, you have my consent ..to do whatever.”
“Careful,” she warns, “I might take you up on that.”
It earns you a deep kiss, and another cheeky smirk. There’s exhilaration shooting through your body and this goddamn endless journey through the sky is entirely unbearable.
“It’s very cute, that your hotel is so close to the bar, but it really would’ve been quicker to just go back to mine!” You point out, patting at her hands behind you.
“I’m sorry, it wasn’t me that booked it.”
That’s very cryptic. What on earth is that supposed to mean?
“Please don’t tell me your girlfriend’s waiting for you in there.” You tell her, narrowing your eyes as you await an explanation.
“No, it’s a ..business trip.”
That’s still very cryptic.
“A business trip? What do you do for a living?”
“I can’t tell you that.”
“No?” You chuckle, arching an eyebrow. “Are you a spy?”
She laughs back at you, shaking her head. “No,” she assures you, “but it’s too personal.”
“Too personal? We’re not allowed to know each other’s careers?”
She shakes her head, and you find yourself smiling slightly with narrowed eyes. It’s very intriguing. If she wants you to be less interested in her, that wasn’t the way to play it.
“So, I’m guessing, I’m also not allowed to even know your name?” You check.
“A?” You chuckle, nodding your head. “That’s a very beautiful name!” You tell her, your hand resting on her chest as you push her away from you. “There’s no way your parents were that lazy!”
“It’s my initial.” She tells you, rolling her eyes with that classic little smirk, as she pulls you back with her across to the other side of the elevator. “My first name starts with A.”
“And that’s all you’re giving me?” You ask, resting your hands on the railing behind her as she nods her head. “You really don’t want me to find you after tonight?” You question her, with your tongue tracing the bottom of your teeth. “Haven’t even been with me yet, and you already know you won’t want a repeat?”
She dips her head to kiss you again, and your hands grip at the bar behind her. You pull yourself in towards her, desperate to be closer, and she cradles your head in her hand.
“It’s not that,” she tells you gently, “but I go home tomorrow.”
Shit. That shouldn’t be so surprising to you. She has a thick Spanish accent, she’s staying in a luxury hotel, paid for by a company on her behalf. Of course she isn’t staying in London for very long. What happened to your exceptional detective skills? How did you not work that one out?
“Fuck.” Is all that falls out of your mouth as you pull yourself back from the woman.
“I’m sorry..” she offers, but you shake your head with a heavy sigh.
“No, I should have realised.” You tell her, nibbling at the inside of your mouth.
It’s a bummer, certainly. There’s something between you both. Whether it’s just a physical attraction, a sexual desire, who knows? But it’s there. You can feel it, and you’re positive that she can too. It doesn’t have to be anything deeper than that. That would mean you really did need to do some introspective work on yourself moving forward.
She’s just a woman. The one woman. The world’s most beautiful woman, who’s turned your world upside down, in a matter of hours. Who bought you a drink, that left you confused. That kissed another woman, and left you annoyed. Who refused to let you leave with a random ancient bastard and has saved you from spending a fundamentally flawed night with a limp-dicked disappointment.
And tomorrow she’ll be gone. You only have tonight with her.
You can walk, she’s already told you that. You can turn around now, and not let yourself fall any deeper. Save yourself the pain of a perfect night that you’ll never be able to repeat. Save yourself from spending the rest of your life chasing an experience you can never recreate with someone else.
It’d be hard enough to find her in London. It’ll be impossible to track her down in Spain.
Leave her now, with just the mind-numbing kisses to haunt you for all eternity. Don’t give your soul to a woman you’ll never see again. Don’t let her steal your heart away with her. Don’t ruin a life of enjoying mediocre sex for yourself.
The elevator rings out, signalling your arrival at her floor and you stay rooted to the spot as she slowly makes her exit. She looks back at you, a sad smile replacing her arrogant one.
“I understand.” She tells you, as she disappears down the hall.
You don’t understand. You don’t understand at all why your body feels so drawn to this woman. Why your mind, your heart, your soul are so desperate for you to chase after her. It can only spell trouble for you. One kiss with her sent your head spinning. Anything more than that will undoubtedly result in irreparable damage. How do you recover from that? How do you move on? How do you let yourself make any other meaningful connections with someone after feeling so intoxicated by a woman you know absolutely nothing about?
It isn’t possible for you to feel this way. It doesn’t make any sense. Even if you weren’t straight. Straight straight straight. How the hell can you fall for someone, when you don’t even have the luxury of knowing her first name? You don’t know what she does, you don’t know who she is. She could be an evil mastermind. A dark-sided villain who does terrible things, all the way over in Spain.
Don’t follow her. It’s foolish. It’ll be the worst mistake of your life. A night you can’t take back. An act you can’t undo.
The doors start to close in front of you, and you wedge your foot in between to stop them. You’re an idiot. A damn blasted fool.
But how could you not go after her? How can you not chase after the rush she sends through you? It’s dangerous, it’s messy, but you want her. Even though it’s just for a night. You can’t walk away from a feeling this strong. A yearning so powerful every cell in your body is screaming out for it.
She’s annoying. Frustrating. Beautiful. Enticing. There’s something, and you can’t very well just turn around and walk the other way.
You follow her into the hallway of her floor, and she turns back to face you.
“I thoug—”
“I didn’t revoke.” You tell her, shaking your head as you walk towards her. “I didn’t come up all this way to play cards, and I certainly didn’t come up all this way to go straight back bloody down again!”
She chuckles at you, shaking her head.
“And tomorrow?”
“We’ll deal with that then.” You tell her. “If it’s only meant to be one incredible night, then so be it.”
“You think it’ll be incredible?” She asks, the smirk tugging at her lips.
“With you? ..yes.”
The smirk morphs into a full smile. One that reaches her eyes. One that transforms her whole beautiful face into the most breathtaking radiance as she beams back down at you.
“And what if it’s awful?” She chuckles.
“Then I’ll be packing your bags for you to go in the morning.”
She takes a step to close the distance between you and pulls you in for a slow deep kiss.
“Are you absolutely su—”
“For fuck’s sake!” You whisper, crashing your head to her shoulder to chuckle against her neck. “Yes! I’m sure! I’m very bloody certain, I want you to take me to your room. Yes!”
“Yes ..what?”
She’s incredibly frustrating. Just wilfully annoying. Childish, pathetic, addictive, perfect. She’s everything. She’s absolutely everything.
You don’t hate this woman. She didn’t trick you into bed at all. There’s affection between you, a fondness. It wasn’t a drunken night of angry passion. It was intimate, careful, experimental. Perfect.
You have a desperate need for this woman you’re wrapped up in. A want to have her close, to keep her with you forever. An impossible request. An unattainable, hopeless little prayer.
“You’re leaving today.” You remind her, panting slightly as she calms you from your high.
“I did tell you that.” She whispers, her fingers trailing your stomach.
“I know, I just ..it just hit me.”
You look back to her, and there’s a sadness in her eyes that you can only imagine you’re reflecting back at her with yours. You stroke your thumb over her cheek and lean in for a kiss. It’s soft, impossibly gentle. It’s the most painful way to say goodbye.
“I should go,” you tell her, “my sister will be wondering where I am. Wondering what ..man I hooked up with.” You chuckle a little pulling yourself out of her embrace.
“What will you tell her?”
“He was beautiful.” You admit. “Foreign.. Italian, I think.”
She laughs to the side of you, leaning back over towards you as she shakes her head. She places a kiss on your shoulder, lighting a tiny fire with her mouth.
“I don’t want you to go.” She tells you, placing more kisses to your shoulder, your collarbone, your lips.
You don’t want to go either, not when she’s igniting an inferno inside of your body like this. It’s cruel, it’s sadistic. It’s the perfect way to say goodbye.
“What time’s your flight?” You ask, with a mild desperation to your voice.
“Not till this evening.”
“Do you have to be anywhere else today?”
“Not till this afternoon.”
“So, we still have the rest of the morning?”
“It probably wouldn’t be the worst thing ..if I was late back home.”
“Unless you’re kicking me out?”
She has no intention of doing that, as well you know. She straddles herself on top of you, and your heart starts racing again. Her body on full display in front of you. The most beautiful body. She’s in incredible shape. It’d be more intimidating to you, if she hadn’t repeatedly told you how beautiful she thinks you are last night. You’re not in terrible shape yourself, but you definitely felt the need to tense more to give yourself some sort of definition. Her abs are just naturally on full display without any effort from her at all.
“You’re very beautiful.” You tell her, taking her in. “You have very beautiful ..eyes.”
“My eyes are up here.” She tells you, pointedly.
“Mhmm. Very beautiful.” You repeat, ignoring her little biology lesson as you trace your fingers over her curves.
She traps her tongue between her teeth as she smiles down at you, before leaning back in for a bruising kiss.
“You might be my favourite straight girl.” She tells you, and you roll your eyes.
“Might be?” You ask, feigning offence as you push her back up.
“You’re in the top three.” She tells you, smirking.
“Woww.” You draw out sarcastically. “That’s very charitable of you, thanks.”
She chuckles to herself, collapsing back down to run her lips across your chest. She starts trailing lower, and you can tell where she’s heading. She’s already seen to you once this morning, she’s done more than enough. You’d like to repay the favour. Frankly, you could do with a rest.
You grip at her thighs to flip her over, and the smile on her face as you do, has you kicking yourself for not doing it sooner.
“Are you okay?” She asks as your eyes roam over her face.
“Mhmm.” You nod. “I remember ..really enjoying something last night.” You admit, a little cautiously.
“Yeah? I remember you enjoying it too.”
“Did ..did you enjoy it?”
“Mhmm.” She murmurs, and you can feel her body shifting beneath you. “You’re very good with your tongue.”
“Really?” You ask, a little too enthusiastically, as a tiny thrill courses right through you. You have to fight every instinct not to wet your own lips with it as she nods, that small smirk coming back into view. “Did it feel good?”
“You tasted good.” You breathe, clenching your jaw slightly.
“Are you still claiming to be straight?” She chuckles, her eyebrow arching.
“Mm.” You laugh, collapsing back into her for a kiss. “It’s hanging by a thread.” You admit, smiling into her as her lips move against yours. “Do you want me to?” You ask, a knowing look on your face.
“Yes.” She admits, her back arching as she readjusts herself for you.
“Yes ..what?”
She shakes her head, with a disbelieving smile. Maybe you’re in love with this stranger. Maybe she feels it too.
“..Please.” She whispers, and you don’t need asking twice.
The walk back to the elevator, has no reason being as painful as it is. Even after a morning together between the sheets, a shared shower before a very late breakfast. You’ve still only known this woman a little over 12 hours. You’ve learnt absolutely nothing about her personal life, who she is, why she’s here, whether she’ll ever be back. She knows nothing about you. It isn’t right for there to be a connection between you, when you have no fundamental knowledge of each other. You could have literally nothing in common, and your heart’s tearing itself in two at the thought of her leaving for another country.
Neither of you want to say goodbye to each other. That much is obvious as you tangle your fingers with hers and stare at the button for the lift. Both elevators are on the bottom floor, you’ll still have a few minutes together even if you request it now. You can’t draw an eternity out of a few minutes, but you can savour them. It’s like setting a little timer for you as you press the button. The lift starts its ascension up the floors and the seconds you still have together start to decrease.
“This is insane.” You admit to her, your eyes beginning to sting. “I shouldn’t hate leaving you this much, I don’t even know who you are!”
“I know.” She tells you, with the same shaky breath as you.
She pulls you into her embrace and you cling to the fabric of her sweatshirt for dear life. She’s given you one of her sweatshirts, to stop you looking too dishevelled as you do the walk of shame back home. It’s a bit oversized on you, and she told you you looked adorable when you had to roll the sleeves up a couple times to free your hands.
You sort of wish she’d stop being so sweet to you. Go back to being the annoying woman that had her lips on someone else. Go back to being the weirdly confusing woman with the salt and the limes. Do anything to make saying goodbye to each other just a tiny bit more bearable.
“Imagine if you weren’t straight,” she whispers to the side of your head, “imagine the breakdown you’d be having then!”
She’s an idiot, and it does manage to make you laugh, as warm tears escape your eyes, and you bury your head further into her neck.
She’s not straight, you remember. So, maybe it’s a subtle confession of her own struggle she’s having with you parting ways. She is holding you impossibly tight, like you’ll disappear from right in front of her in a puff of smoke, if she loosens her grip even slightly.
The elevator seems to be soaring through the levels without any people in it. It’s a far more rapid process than it was when it was holding the pair of you hostage last night. That isn’t fair. Who designed that?
“It’s going to be the longest journey of my life going back down without you.” You mumble against her.
“Hopefully you don’t bump into your best friend on the way!”
“For fuck’s sake!” You laugh, pulling yourself from her and wiping at your eyes with your sleeve. “That evil cow!” You let out a sigh and shake your head. “She’ll be fine with me today, to be fair. I’m straight again now!”
“Oh, of course! You can agree with each other about it being disgusting, then!”
“Mm. I mean ..we did do some pretty disgusting things to each other.” You remind her smugly.
“I’m sure she’ll appreciate you giving her all the details.” She winks, and you grin as you pull her back into a hug.
“I really enjoyed it.” You confess to her, quietly. “I really enjoyed being with you.”
“Me too.”
The ding of the elevator signals that your time is up. The moment you’ve been dreading, has finally arrived. You head straight in. You don’t know if it’s better to get a clean break, or prolong the inevitable for as long as possible. The doors start closing, and her foot appears in the gap to keep you for a moment longer.
She fists her hands in her sweatshirt you’re wearing and kisses you across the threshold. It’s one that catches you off guard, but you match the passion in it as soon as you realise what’s happening. The doors try closing on you a few times, but you keep blocking them with a hand. You’re not letting them steal your moment.
She breaks the kiss but keeps her grip on you. You can see the tears in her eyes, feel the ones in yours. It’s ridiculous. You catch one with your thumb as it starts to roll down her cheek and you place a kiss to where you broke its fall.
“If you’re ever back in London..” you tell her, a small smirk on your face, “just ask around for my initial. I’m sure someone will lead you back to me!”
“I’ll have to try.” She tells you earnestly, letting go of your sweatshirt and smoothing it back down for you.
“I really need to go. It’s not possible to make this any easier.” You tell her, pushing her back as the doors start their final closing attempt. “Don’t forget me!”
“I won’t remember anything else.” She tells you, as the doors close, and neither of you have chance to change your minds.
It shouldn’t hurt like this. It was a one-night stand. They’re not rare. The pair of you crying after a single night together? That’s rare. That’s ridiculous.
Collapsing in on yourself as you try to catch your breath without her? That’s insanity.
The tears flow freely as you hold yourself up against the side of the elevator. You pull the neckline of her sweatshirt up over your nose and breathe her in. Playing make believe in your head, that she’s still with you. It’s a souvenir you’ll treasure. A living memory. Proof that it wasn’t a dream, and it certainly wasn’t a nightmare. It was your perfect little night, wrapped up with the world’s most perfect woman. The woman who’s running off back to Spain with your heart in her hand luggage.
All this longing, this desire, this love, for a woman that you barely know. A woman you have no hope in ever finding again. A woman you’ve fallen head over heels for, despite being straight. Straight straight straight.
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baldurs-simp · 8 months
maybe write something about Halsin preparing for hibernation, we don't talk enough about that :3
I love this idea! Definetly not somethng talked about. Thank you for requesting. I hope you enjoy it!
Summary: You have to say farewell to Halsin for just a few months as he prepares for his bear to go into hibernation.
Warnings: just some fluff
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"What are you doing?" you question, resting your hand on the doorway as you watch Halsin pack a few supplies into his backpack. There's a small pang in your chest, fearing that his love for you has run out and that he's leaving the grove, as he had done with his last grove, seeking something new.
Halsin turns to face you and he senses your fear, giving you a sweet smile as he begins to step forward to take your face in his hands and tenderly kiss your forehead. "Nothing you need worry about, my heart," he whispers, running his hands down your arms to give them a comforting squeeze. "The cold months will be upon us shortly. I am simply making provision for the hibernation."
Your eyebrows furrow at his words and you lean back slightly to see his face better. "Hibernation? You mean..." Your words trail off, realization hitting you, and a smile slowly spreads across your face. "Your bear."
Halsin chuckles with you, glad to see the worry leaving your mind as your shoulders lose their tension. "You know how it can interfere with my life. Some years go by without me feeling the need to hibernate. But this time, I feel it just as I feel the seasons changing," he says, stepping away from you to continue packing things into his pack.
"How long will you be gone for?" you question, picking up a loaf of bread from the table to bring over to him.
"It is hard to say. Perhaps a few months, perhaps a few weeks," he says, taking the bread from you with such gentle hands that it almost contradicts the beast he can change into.
"Well, I shall hope for the latter. What of the grove? They might be lost without your guidance," you mention, leaning against the table as he fastens the buckle of the pack, securing all the content within.
He chuckles, the laugh reverberating in his throat as he turns to face you fully. "I am sure they will be alright in your capable hands," he says, placing a finger under your chin to lift your gaze up to him when you turn away to hide your flattered expression. "I shall not be far from the grove. Should anything happen, believe me when I say that I will know of it. You will not go without my protection."
"So you are leaving the grove in my care? I question your wisdom in that choice," you laugh, stepping closer to him as he rests his hands on your hips.
"You are wiser than you give yourself credit for," he mentions, smiling down at you as he marvels at your beauty. "And I am sure others will help where needed. I do not expect you to take on all the responsibilities of an Arch Druid so soon while I am away."
"Can I not come with you?"
"As much as I would like that," he starts, caressing the side of your face with the back of his hand. "Your place is here, my heart. I cannot allow you to come with me as I fear that you will not be as safe out there as you will be here."
You lean into his touch, placing your hand over his as you breathe out a sad sigh. "Then I shall eagerly await your return. Even though I will miss your warmth in the cold nights."
Your words make him laugh again as he leans forward to press his lips against yours in a sweet kiss. You hold his close, savouring the moment as you do not know how long you will have to go without it.
You walk with him through the grove, talking about unimportant things, just living in the moment you share with him because you know you will miss him.
As the wind picks up slightly, you feel the coldness in nature's breath. Halsin turns to look back at you before he reaches the treeline. Watching as he leaves the grove behind, venturing into the forest, you have no doubt that you will see him again. Even if it is in bear form.
And it brings a smile to your face.
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my-blooming-darling · 15 days
I felt like I could have added more to these so the readers could imagine it more, so here’s a revised version! I wonder if I should make another part?
Tw: slight sad in Rindou’s part…I had to do it to ya 😭
Categories: ☁️fluff; 🍡gn!reader; 💫old work; 🎐multi-character (of the same fandom)
💕 Ryusei is a big cuddler when he’s cold. You could be wearing your own jacket and he’ll still try to trap you in his with the excuse of “we can’t freeze if we’re in the same bubble”. He insists on staying home, but will go with you if you need to run errands. As soon as y’all are done though, he will be on you and squeezing you for warmth. Will reluctantly let go if you ask but he comes back with your favorite drink. He did go outside exactly once during a day in and that was because he was pelting Chifuyu and Baji with snowballs, but then he comes back acting like a wounded puppy after they tag team him. He likes to take pictures of you in the snow and he will gush about you to anybody that’ll listen to him. Chifuyu and Kazutora are tired of hearing it, but Baji will listen to him until he rambles for an hour, by which point he’ll send Ryusei back home to cuddle with you more.
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💕 Baji’s grumpy when he’s cold. He doesn’t like going anywhere and he’ll tell you as much if you wake up earlier than him because he knows what that means. Will squeeze you and grumble when you try leaving him. And by squeeze, I mean koala-type squeeze and you’re either stuck with him or you’ll do what you need to do while he buries himself in blankets like a hibernating gremlin. Sometimes he’ll occasionally wake up and y’all take turns making food or something, although he’s wrapped up in a blanket like he’s a house elf. Will curl up in front of the heater with whatever cat he has that day, and will probably complain if he can’t find his socks. He’s very cuddly when it’s cold too, and he’ll pepper you with kisses until you agree to snuggle with him. He won’t find out about the snowman competition between Chifuyu and Mikey until a full hour later.
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💕 Yuzuha buys you matching socks and takes pictures of y’all’s feet for her scrapbook. She likes having good memories of your time together, so she tries to take as many pictures as she can. She also likes to play in the snow with you if there’s any or enough to do something with, but she’ll also get embarrassed if you take pictures of her in the snow. If not, then she’ll have no problem staying in and cuddling with you while watching your favorite shows. If you’d like to go somewhere, she’ll go with you but only after making sure you’re properly warm, something she’s had to do for Hakkai throughout their lives, so it’s basically second nature to her. Hakkai does sometimes come over and he tries to feed you both because he’s a sweetie. Her favorite thing to make in winter is warm milk tea, but she would make sure to use a milk alternative just in case. Cooking with Yuzuha during winter is always an adventure because you’re always trying different recipes.
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💕 God forbid it snows because Chifuyu will go outside and build snowmen. His cutest one is a snowman of Peke J. If you won’t come out with him, he’s fine with that, but do expect him to come poke his head in the door (he won’t go inside with snow covered feet) and tell you about the snow person he built of you. He will take so many pictures of that snow person of you and send all of them to you. He sends you a picture of them in the group chat and Mikey’s hilariously offended by the fact that Chifuyu made him smaller than Peke, which was absolutely done intentionally because Fuyu’s a joker like that. He’ll take a picture of the snowman he made of Peke J and show it to him like “Look, it’s you!” while Peke meows and tilts his little head. He comes back to cuddle with you though after picking up warm drinks, cuddling with Peke J, and snacks…until he catches wind of Mikey’s snowmen, then it’s war. He also makes a snow person of you and Peke J cuddling after he finds you asleep with Peke curled up on your chest and snoring like a cute little void.
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💕 Mikey, although he’d rather be sleeping and cuddling with you, tries to go outside out of spite to build a snowman of Chifuyu after he catches wind of his hilariously tiny snow version of himself. Yes, that’s probably one of the only times he’ll willingly wake up for anything in this weather. You wake up to hear him grumbling away as he puts his boots on. You quickly figure out why he’s displeased when you see the snowmen that Chifuyu built of everyone in the group chat. Mikey hears you laughing at his expense and proceeds to tackle you and squeeze you. He’ll cuddle with you for awhile and complain until you give him kisses and snacks. Don’t mistake him though, he did go outside and show you his poorly made snowmen of Chifuyu, and wondered why you laughed harder at that one than the one Chifuyu made of him. “You’re supposed to be on my side, don’t laugh at me!” If you have to ask if he’s pouting while he says it, then there’s a 99% chance that he is absolutely pouting, and will continue until you hug or kiss him.
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💕 Emma, much like Mikey, will find you when you least expect her to and wrap you up in a giant blanket. You’ll essentially be a burrito while she makes your favorite soup. You’re not sure how she does it, but she’s able to squirm into the burrito with your bowls of soup without spilling a single drop. She’s just graceful like that, just saying. Y’all both bear witness to the snowmen war between Chifuyu and Mikey voting on whose are more absurd. It’s essentially the same as watching a game show on television but with bragging rights for the prize instead of anything else. Emma intentionally votes against Mikey solely to spite him because his grumpy anger is funny to her, which causes them to bicker, and Draken is subsequently left in charge of diffusing the situation, albeit with lots of grumbling in between sentences. She sneaks pictures of you when you’re not looking if y’all do go somewhere and keeps them in a photo album on her phone, very likely to have them printed so she can make a scrapbook or have them framed to put on her wall.
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💕 Sanzu is displeased when you and Senju declare snow war on him. Firstly, he can’t believe you’d team up with his sister instead of him. The idea mildly offends him, and he makes sure that you know it with petty complaints like “this would be more fun if my beloved didn’t pick my sister over me!”. Secondly, he wants to sleep. He’d much rather be in bed hugging you and having you all to himself with about three blankets and all the pillows you have in your home. Unfortunately , there is no such thing as sleep for him when you two have basically dragged him outside to have a snowball fight, so he gets stuck calling in reinforcements…which is an equally displeased Takeomi. Takeomi, of course, grumbles with Sanzu while you and Senju yell at them to stop complaining and bring it on. He only laughs when Takeomi gets a huge snowball thrown at his face, only to shriek when he gets hit by one himself. He takes a video of it but decides not to post it because although he’d rather have been cuddling with you, this was a fun memory of his. He likes to watch it when you’re not there.
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💕 Hakkai likes to lay on you when he’s cold. He may seem like a shy violet, but he loves his cuddles. He’s another person who thinks it’s cute to match with his partner, so y’all have matching sweaters. You took notes from Yuzuha and got him a pair of matching socks too, and he loves that y’all are on the same page. You don’t let him or Yuzuha go home when Taiju’s there. Y’all three are bound for life, they’re stuck with you for all of time. It’s a slumber party for the night. You two sometimes visit Yuzuha and her lover with food that you both cooked and you try to feed them while you’re there (mostly because Hakkai wants to make sure they’re still alive if there’s a power outage). In the event of an outage, all of you pile together in one room and try to make the most of it while you wait for the power to come back on. You and Yuzuha’s partner are good friends so this makes an already bad situation into a better one where everyone gets along.
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💕 Taiju, the roided out not-so-jolly green giant himself is surprisingly a good cuddler. Probably because, well, he’s huge and has a high body heat. Does not care about how tall or short you are, he will find a way to engulf you while he holds you. Refuses to go anywhere if he thinks it’s too cold, will hug you so you don’t escape. This is the same man who dips a toe in the ocean during the summer and refuses to go in because he thinks it’s too cold, but tells his siblings they can go in if they wish and will stay on a beach towel under an umbrella. You have to find him sweaters and shirts that are larger than life because he has a nasty unintentional habit of ripping them with his tiddies alone. It embarrasses him and he makes you swear that you never witnessed it the first time (but you totally told Inui and Kokonoi about it in the group chat). Taiju grumbles at you to never speak of that incident again when he finds out that you already spilled the tea to his dog and cat.
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💕 You and Kisaki watch Hanma (from a very safe distance) try to build the tallest snowman that he can muster. Not wanting to be caught in the carnage that would be the string bean himself falling, you two are behind a sturdy tree while he’s putting snowballs together. Hanma fully believes that he can do it, and he surprisingly pulls it off after about three hours. Yes, y’all really stayed out there for three hours, watching him put together a snowman as tall as possible. If you’re somebody that likes the cold, then you’re not really that bothered, but you and Kisaki agree to huddle for warmth because he, admittedly, is shaking like a leaf. But if you don’t like the cold, you two agree to go inside and watch from the window. Y’all don’t want him to die, and him somehow dying by his own actions seems a very on-par thing for him. Hanma manages to build it to about 7’9 feet tall with no injuries, thankfully. Kisaki thinks its eyes are beady and shudders. Hanma thinks it’s the greatest thing ever and proceeds to try and make a taller snowman. You and Kisaki have emergency services on speed dial…
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💕 Rindou is outside jogging. He keeps his body in top shape, and he does not care about the weather. He actually doesn’t seem to fear the weather much, truth be told. You’ve seen him in the beating sun working out one summer (but that was also the same summer he got that sunburn and refused to exercise outside in the summer ever again). He’s probably the type of guy to go to Tornado Alley in the States and be like “a tornado? Headed here? Lemme go see this” while standing outside. If you join him, great. If not, you don’t cuddle with him until he’s no longer covered in snow and sweat, and you playfully call him stinky until he showers. Yes, he complains about the lack of cuddles but comes back out tired. This is optimal cuddle time, for he won’t be trying to wake you up for any errands if your social battery is deader than your former friendships. Will bury his head in your neck and hold you like you’ll disappear if he doesn’t. At one point, when Takemichi was doing his time travel business, that was always a possibility. He doesn’t like to think of those timelines where he had to live without you. He also will give you lazy kisses as he falls asleep, telling you how much he loves you. He doesn’t know when it’ll be the last time he does.
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💕 Now why would anybody think Ran would wake up for anything when winter makes him more tired? That man will sleep and will barely wake up even if you told him the house was on fire. Could sleep through an entire apocalypse, even, but he’ll immediately wake up if he feels you getting up. If you do wake him up, he will pretend he’s still asleep so you’d give him more kisses. You almost miss him giggling to himself as he rolls over, conveniently turning on his side so you’ll kiss his other cheek. He’s a cheeky, sneaky little bastard sometimes. Will pounce on you when you’re not looking and pull you back into bed with him. He’s dramatic, so he’ll whine if you escape and act like you’re leaving him to be alone forever, but he won’t make you come back if you really don’t want to. He’ll just miss you a lot until you come back. Will wholeheartedly act like he’s dying and sigh very loudly. He will also come into the room you’re in and flop onto the nearest bit of furniture that’s around and fake cry like he’s a Disney princess (and you have caught him petting an actual raccoon before and not get attacked, so that might not be very far off). If you do want to, prepare to be pelted with kisses.
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💕 You can sense the displeasure in Sanzu’s eyes when you team up with Senju over him. He looks hilariously offended that you would choose her to be your teammate. If the phrase“how could you?!” was a person, it would be Sanzu. Senju, however, is motivated by pure menacery and declares snowball warfare on her brother. Sanzu’s not safe from Senju and she swears she’ll win this war. Once a reluctant Takeomi arrives, it’s game on. Everybody in the vicinity better clear out or else they’ll get caught in the crossfire. You guys spend the day pelting each other with snowballs of various sizes and shapes (yes, Senju had kunai shaped snowballs at one point, you have no idea how she was able to mold them in such a short amount of time). Alas, Sanzu gets revenge on you for throwing a snowball at him after hitting Takeomi, lands a snowball directly on your face, and you “die”. Don’t worry, Senju avenged you by burying him and Takeomi in a pile of snow. She fake gags when Sanzu kisses your cheek in apology.
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💕 Izana hates winter. Absolutely cannot stand it, he immediately starts hunting for his socks and a humidifier as soon as there’s a mild chill in the air. He probably has some sinus issues that could get worse in colder months, which is another reason why he doesn’t like winter. Hilariously, he complains about how he took breathing for granted when one of his nostrils is stuffed while the other one works. You have found him under about 5 different blankets, all of them fleece and weighted with different patterns on them. He’s grumpy, worse than Baji, and can only be bribed into leaving his nest with kisses. Yes, he has actually made a nest with those blankets. He still won’t go anywhere if you have errands to run. Instead, he’ll clean up the place, cook, and then return to his nest where he waits for your return. If you stay with him, he’ll help out around the house but he’ll still go back to his pile after he’s made sure that you’ve been fed. Yes, he will pull you in like the gremlin he is and cuddle you. Does not speak once, only hiss.
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💕 Shinichiro, bless him, tries to get his sleepier siblings to exist in society. Emma’s no trouble, she wakes up pretty easily and is usually in a good mood until Baji comes over, then she’s yelling at him to tell her his hair secrets. Even still, the commotion doesn’t wake up the other gremlins. Izana and Mikey are lazy potatoes that are one fry short of a happy meal, so you end up having to help him. Once they’re done being McMad, you and Shin have some alone time. Y’all spend part of the day putting together a blanket fort and staying there until he has to leave for work. You wait for him to come back at the end of his shift. He temporarily forgot where you were when he left so he goes around the place looking for you until he sees you sticking your head out of the fort, which jump scares him enough to fall onto a napping Mikey, who screams bloody murder and clings to you while dramatically claiming that he’s a victim of attempted fratricide. He kisses your forehead and runs off to shower so he can come back and cuddle. Y’all don’t see Emma tying Baji to a chair Liam Neeson-style and interrogating him for what he does to make his hair perfect.
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💕 Kazutora, the sleepy tiger, reluctantly wakes up and goes to work. He doesn’t leave without cuddling with you for a few minutes. He’ll leave a few kisses on your head before dragging himself out of bed. Yes, he steals your sweaters because they smell like you and it makes him feel closer to you. If they don’t fit, he wears a scarf you wore. He doesn’t care if it’s black or if it’s pink with giant red strawberries on it, it’s yours and he wants to feel like you’re with him. If neither of y’all have work or anything to do, you two either stay in or go outside for a bit. Even sitting on the porch or balcony with a warm drink is enough for you two. He’s so pretty in his landscape with snow or rain falling all around, cheeks and nose bitten pink from the chill and his lips slightly reddened by whatever warm drink you two made. He doesn’t understand why you suddenly kissed him, but he’ll never complain and he’ll always kiss you back. He’s your lock screen, but he doesn’t know yet. He’ll probably find out later on, and he’ll blush so much while you laugh and hug him. You make his heart warm up just a little bit more in the winter air.
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bts-hyperfixation · 7 months
Outside of the Fox
Chapter 29 of 35
3079 words
Y/N longs for a new life when the one she’d been living comes to an abrupt stop. Without much thought to those she is leaving behind, the little fox packs a backpack and disappears. She stumbles across the shelter and makes an interim home for herself while she works out exactly what she wants from her second chance.
The next few days are wonderful. You all spend the time relaxing and playing and growing closer. Even Namjoon has managed to let go of his monetary hangups to spend some proper time with the family, and the sunny weather has helped to clear some of his hibernation grumpiness. 
With each passing day, you find yourself extremely tempted by each of the men around you. But you can't bring yourself to get past heavy petting, although the making out was certainly a lot of fun. 
The original room assignments have ceased to matter as everyone intermingles. Jungkook had even gotten up the courage to crawl into bed with Namjoon and Seokjin. 
Taehyung had snuck away to Jimin's room after you had stopped his hands from wandering too low. Still, somehow you didn't wake up alone, finding Hoseok and Yoongi had clambered into bed with you at some point in the night. Hobi's leg was swung over your stomach and Yoongi's arms were wrapped around your shoulders, his lips buried into your hair. 
You don't get a chance to question when they had joined you before Jungkook bursts through the door and launches onto the bed. 
"Good morning!" He chirps.
He lays on top of you, only just supporting his own weight to stop from crushing you. He scents the three of you, shaking the bed as he goes and all of a sudden the humongous bed feels very cramped. 
"Jungkook, it is far too early for you to be this energetic," Yoongi grumbles. 
"But we only have two days of vacation left," He pouts. "You guys should be more willing to get out of bed and spend time with us."
"I think I preferred when you were hostile and shy," Hoseok complains. 
The human reaches for the pillow behind his head and hits Jungkook across the face with it. Jungkook squeaks in protest and buries his face into your chest 'for protection'. You groan, as his full weight lands down on top of you, and push at him until he falls dramatically on top of Hobi instead. 
Hoseok moans as Jungkook's elbow lands on his stomach. He quickly shuffles over to the edge of the bed allowing the bunny to slot in between you. Yoongi reaches over you to affectionately ruffle Jungkook's hair. The three of you manage to convince Jungkook to fall back to sleep for another hour but eventually, Jimin and Taehyung find their way into the room with you.
They cram themselves onto the bed forcing the four of you to sit up so they could fit on properly. 
"Any plans for today team?" Taehyung asks.
"Sleep." Yoongi deadpans. 
"Not an option." The panda singsongs.
Taehyung flops across Yoongi's lap, batting his eyelashes up at the man. The jackal just shakes his head and tries to push the younger man away, to no avail. Taehyung clings to him, grabbing onto his waist. He pulls himself to eye level with Yoongi, not giving the older man a chance before he leans in and kisses him hard. 
"Come on Yoongi, won't you come and play with me?" He asks in his deepest voice. 
The proximity flusters Yoongi, leaving him floundering for an answer. The rest of you just watch on in awe of Taehyung, he is the only one who can successfully leave Yoongi speechless like this. 
"Wonderful, I'm not hearing a no." 
With impressive speed, he takes ahold of Yoongi's hand and drags him out of the bed not to be seen again for a few hours. 
Jimin takes the opportunity to muscle into the space Yoongi left behind.
" Y/N, do you want to go to the beach with me today?"  He asks.
"Sure, are we all going?"
"No, I was hoping just the two of us if that's okay?" 
You are met by grumbles from your other two bedmates but you shush them.
"That sounds great Jimin."
"Fantastic, I have packed us a picnic and it's all ready to go." 
He bounces out of the bed and straight through the door.
"Be ready in twenty." He shouts over his shoulder.
You climb out of bed and reach for another swimsuit. You are about to remove your PJs when you remember you are still not alone.
"Shouldn't the two of you be going about your days?" You chastise.
The two look at one another and then back at you.
"Nope, I'm quite comfortable here... How about you Kookie?" 
"I am perfectly fine myself Hobi." 
You roll your eyes and take your swimsuit and coverup with you into the ensuite, followed by their groans of disappointment as you go. 
It's only a ten-minute walk to the beach. Jimin holds the picnic basket in one hand and your hand in the other. He takes you to a secluded part of the beach, hidden from prying eyes by rockpools and caves. He sets out a blanket for the two of you and helps you to sit down without kicking up too much sand. 
He presents you with a wine glass and pours a large serving for each of you. 
"Let's have a toast," he suggests, raising his glass.
"What to?" 
"To you, to us, to the last six months. I don't know, I just want to celebrate knowing you." He shrugs.
"In which case... To us." 
You raise your glass to meet his and then take one long swig. You bring your glass down only to find that Jimin has drained his glass completely.
"Are you nervous or something?" You ask, half joking.
"Maybe a little," He admits. 
"What about, surely I don't make you nervous..."
"No, but what I want to tell you makes me nervous." 
He doesn't elaborate. Instead, he busies himself with emptying the food out of the picnic basket. He pulls out quite the array of pastries and sweets, far too much for the two of you, but you don't say anything as he arranges it onto the blanket before you. 
He takes a chocolate-covered strawberry and holds it up for you to bite. You take it as gracefully as you can, but some juice slips down your chin. He reaches out his thumb and swipes away the drip. Without really thinking about it you take the digit between your lips and suck it clean. 
"That is not helping," He whines. 
"Sorry," You say releasing him. 
"Fuck it," He pushes the food out of the way and closes the gap between you. 
You lie back as he pushes forward, spreading you out onto the blanket as he kisses you.
"You are far too tempting," He complains "This was not how today was supposed to go."
And yet he doesn't stop kissing you, hungry for more. He undoes the knot at the top of your cover-up and pulls it down to expose your bikini top. 
"How was today supposed to go?" You ask, pushing him away from your chest. 
"Well, I was going to get you in a great mood with food and wine, and then I thought I would give you a massage and help you to relax a little, and then I was going to tell you I love you..." He confesses. 
"You were going to tell me you love me?" 
"Yeah, but this doesn't feel like the romantic plan I had in mind now, I ruined it." He huffs.
"You haven't ruined it..." You assure him, "Feed me another strawberry and let's see where we get to."
He does as he is told and picks up another strawberry, holding it up for you. Again you eat the fruit and he watches your lips like they are the most mesmerizing thing on the planet. 
"I love you." He blurts out.
Then he buries his head in his hands. 
"Jimin, look at me," You say reaching out to cup his cheek.
He meets your gaze, a longing look that speaks volumes without uttering a word.
"I love you too," You respond.
"You do?" 
"Yeah, I do, I was actually talking to Namjoon about it at the beginning of the trip. I think I'm falling in love with all of you. I couldn't imagine not having met you that day at the shelter. This definitely isn't what I thought my life would become when I left my old world behind, but I genuinely don't think I could be happier than I am right now." 
Jimin listens carefully as you ramble, nodding along like you are saying something truly fascinating. He slowly shuffles closer to you across the blanket until the two of you are sat side by side. He takes your hand in his and plays with your fingers idly. 
"I always thought I wanted to be on my own, I never really got to experience life the way I thought I was supposed to and I really was deadset on trying to provide for myself and going out on my own. But now I don't think any of that was what I really wanted. I think I just wanted to find people I actually have something in common with." 
"I'm so glad you stumbled into the shelter," He says leaning his head on your shoulder. 
You sit and eat for a little while, watching as the waves crash into the shore. Until Jimin finally breaks the silence. 
"This might ruin the romantic mood, but I was wondering why you always stop us when we want to go any further than kissing. And please don't think I'm complaining, I just want to know if we can do anything to make you feel more comfortable."
"Oh no! It's nothing to do with you guys, I promise. It's just... well... I don't have a lot of experience in that field and you guys have obviously had... practice, I don't want you to be disappointed" You shuffle awkwardly at the admission. "I just get too nervous I guess." 
"Is that all?" Jimin chuckles. "Sorry, I don't mean to laugh, but I can guarantee not a single one of us will be disappointed, for so many reasons."
"I don't think you know how inexperienced I am." You sigh.
"I mean it's not like all of us are that experienced either. Jungkook and Yoongi have never slept with women. I've only ever been with one woman before I found Namjoon. And I'm not really sure about the others but their experience could only help you feel better." 
"I guess you're right, I'm probably in my head for nothing." You agree.
"Will you let me show you that you're worried for nothing?" He asks, his voice lowering an octave as he nuzzles into your scent gland. 
"Okay... but maybe we shouldn't do this on the beach..."
He cleans up the dishes and empties the rest of the wine onto the ground. He grabs a hold of your hand and practically runs off of the beach, you giggle as you follow behind him.
You feel like naughty kids as you sneak into the house, trying not to draw attention to yourselves. Everyone seems to be engrossed in some form of activity by the pool allowing the two of you to glide past easily. Jimin stores the picnic basket so that he can come back to it later without them noticing that you have returned early. 
He pulls you into his and Jungkook's bedroom and locks the door behind you, only to push you up against the closed door. 
He once again unties the knot on your cover-up, this time allowing the garment to tumble to the floor and pool around your feet. His hands land on your hips, Using the leverage to push his crotch against you, grinding through the limited fabric of your bathing suits. His grip tightens as he rubs against you, moaning against your lips. 
He stops himself shortly after, pulling you with him to the bed. He lies back and drags you on top of him as he goes. 
"You're so beautiful." He says with stars in his eyes as he gazes up at you.
You blush and hide your face in the nape of his neck, taking a deep breath of his rosemary scent. 
"I'm going to make you feel so good." He says.
He grabs ahold of your bum and rolls you both over. He bites at your neck and makes his way down, barely stopping at your breasts, racing towards his primary goal, and this time you don't stop him. 
His fingers curl around the waistband of your swimwear, pulling it straight down and away from your heat. You press your legs together out of instinct, not used to being on display. Your husband was more of a lights-off kind of lover. 
Jimin isn't willing to put up with your bout of shyness, he playfully slaps your thigh and pries them apart so he can shuffle in between. You can see his eyes poking above your mound, it makes you want to shut your eyes and hide away.
"Put your hands in my hair and tell me where you want me to go." He directs your hands for you and you thread your fingers into his red locks.
His tongue darts out and flicks at your clit making you jump, your hands tighten in his hair and you pull him closer on instinct. He takes that as an invitation, chuckling as he noses deeper between your folds lapping greedily. You can't hold in the moan as his tongue stiffens against your clit drawing circles into the sensitive nerves. 
One of his hands shoots up to cover your mouth as his other arm hooks around your thigh to give him better access.
"If you aren't quiet they are going to work out we are home. Jungkook's hearing is far too good with those bunny ears of his." He points out.
You glance down to nod at him but are met with the image of Jimin with his hair a mess and you dripping from his chin, it's positively sinful. He doesn't give you another moment to breathe before diving back in. He brings his hand back from your mouth, trusting you to keep yourself quiet as he continues. He uses his newly free hand to tease you further, his pointer finger circles your hole, thoroughly wetting it before slipping it inside. 
It doesn't take long for him to add a second finger, curling them in a come hither motion in time to the movements of his tongue. You can feel the heat building quickly in your stomach, you use your leverage on his hair to tilt him into a better position, and he obeys beautifully, going exactly where you direct him. 
His tongue begins to move quicker the closer you get, you tug harshly on his hair as you bite at your lip desperately trying to keep the noises in as you topple over the edge into your orgasm. 
You are both panting as he pulls away. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and then spreads it onto the bed, promising to wash it when he gets the chance. Then his face is in front of yours and he is kissing you, his lips still taste like the remnants of you. He barely pulls away as he reaches down to free himself from the confines of his own swimsuit. You take the opportunity to pull at the ties from your top, letting your chest free and tossing the flimsy fabric across the room. 
"Are you sure you're ready for this? We can stop right now if you want," He checks
"I want this, I want you," You confirm.
He kisses you once more before leaning over to the bedside table and pulling out a condom. He rolls the rubber on with practised ease and rubs his cock against your folds to coat himself in you before lining himself up to you. 
He takes his time sinking into you, a look akin to pain on his face. He bites his lip as he struggles to keep himself from bottoming out too quickly. You want to look away from him, but he looks so pretty with his eyes scrunched up in concentration. Your hips buck upwards to meet him involuntarily. He curses under his breath as you take the last inch. 
His mouth lowers to your collarbones as he gets comfortable, and his hips wriggle impatiently as he tries to focus on kissing along your decolletage. You claw at his back trying to encourage him to move, but his resolve is much stronger than yours. He only begins to thrust shallowly when he is sure you are ready. 
His speed grows gradually and your own hips rise in time with him, intuitively wanting to be closer to him. 
"I thought you said you were inexperienced," He groaned.
His hips start to move even faster, the rhythm becoming sloppy as it's clear he's close to his end. One of his hands makes its way between the two of you circling your clit with his thumb. His hips change angles slightly without the support of both arms. He hits deeper each time. The now familiar heat builds once more in your stomach and you can feel the moan building in your throat ready to escape. 
Like he can sense it, his mouth covers yours swallowing the moan as you cum, and he follows seconds after you.  With no strength left in his arms, he flops down onto the bed next to you. Then he cuddles into your side and rests his head on your shoulder. 
"I reckon we might have about five minutes until one of them smells the fact that we are up here," He says.
"Do you think they will actually come and look?"
"I think Taehyung will take the stairs two at a time. And there is a chance Namjoon is going to sulk even more than before." He muses. 
"Then maybe we should get dressed and go join them outside. And probably open up some windows to air out the scent..." You suggest.
"But don't you think we smell so pretty together?" He pouts. "Lavender and Rosemary is so relaxing." He takes a deep breath against your scent gland.
You pull away to look at him, seeing the obvious scent-drunkness in his dilated pupils.
"I think we need to get you outside Chim." You chuckle
He preens at the nickname and nods enthusiastically, willing to do anything you ask of him in this state. 
Send me asks - doesn’t have to be fic related. Can be smutty, thirsty, fluffy, angsty, whatever you’re feeling regarding BTS. Can be literally anything doesn’t have to be BTS
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dragon-pups · 3 months
You know I've seen a decent amount of post questioning how the batch ever managed without Echo or Omega. So I've come out of my hibernation to explain from my own experience as a chaotic bitch and an adult being with responsibilities to other living beings. I can go from no thought head empty only bonk to what are you doing? don't eat that! where are your shoes its raining?! It just depends on the group.
So we all now know that Crosshair and Hunter physical fight like all siblings have and still do, hells I just watched a pair of my cousin, my adult cousins, fight to the point of actually scrapping on the ground over something not that important and in two hours they were lounging against each other watching videos and sharing memes. Siblings do this shit. We also know that they also have some verbal only spats like some small ones we've seen between Wrecker and Tech. Also normal.
What is also normal is the transference of responsibility between members of groups. Depending on the members present at the time.
Like in a family group if the parents leave for a time and there is an eldest sibling home then that sibling, depending how they were raised, will most likely increase the responsible behavior to care for the younger, or at least see them alive til the parents come home.
Or in friend groups, yeh know the "mom friend" they one that could be anything from an always assertive person to someone who couldn't speak up for themselves but will absolutely maul a bitch that insults their friends. While they may be the leash holder for one set of friends they could very well be the fuck lit dynamite stick of another, or even of the same set of friends if you add an even more mom friend to the equation. Or the opposite if you take away a mom friend one of the chaos gremlins may take up the mantle of responsibility.
That being said, the batch are brother they fight, but off the top of my head I don't remember in the few interacts before order 66 of Cross and Hunter physically or verbally fighting during a misson, with each other, but we didn't get to see much. Hunter was the responsible one, the leader. It's only once Echo was back in the picture during season 3 that it got physically during a mission. Which makes sense, Echo is Hunter's Corporal he has the rank and the experience to take charge in Hunters place. So Hunter doesn't have to be as tight, and to be fair anger will break anyone out of a responsible headspace.
I'm also extremely certain that Echo being an ARC and being from the 501st means that when Hunter is in charge that he is also a chaos gremlin.
So yeh it makes sense for them to fight with each other especially during this whole debacle. But they're highly trained soldiers they had to be efficient the entirety of their lives, I say they get to be little shits on camera as a treat.
PS I also know that the whole "the batch couldn't manage without Echo" thing is a joke. I just thought it would be a good thought experiment and behavior dissection.
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changingplumbob · 3 months
Foster Household: Chapter 8, Part 2
Summer is here! Carson enters a new phase just in time for a family BBQ where Kayleigh takes the chance to catch up with her kids that no longer live at home.
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After Harvey shepherds Carson to bed he looks around for Kayleigh. Eventually he finds her in Reece’s old room.
Harvey: Hey sugar, what are you doing in here
Kayleigh: Just missing our kids. They’re getting so grown up. You don’t think the watcher could put off Carson’s birthday do you
Harvey: They probably could, but they shouldn’t. All his friends are teens, he needs to grow up and join them. You know, I got a little something extra done at the doctors
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Kayleigh: A vasectomy?
Harvey: I can’t exactly expect our kids to give me grandkids if we’re still making some
Kayleigh: *laughs* I suppose you’re right. Come on, let’s get to bed. We’ve got a big couple of days coming up
The next day dawns bright and clear. Summer is officially here and BBQ day is upon us. Traditions include inviting guests over, having drinks, having a BBQ, and general merriment with others.
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Carson decides to throw a wrench in my plans by entering a bear phase. Oh this is painful.
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He sorts out his washing and after putting it in the machine passes Kayleigh on his way to breakfast.
Kayleigh: Carson why-
Carson: I’m hibernating until I’m a teen
Kayleigh: Sounds like a plan, just don’t overheat and die
Carson: I won’t mum, I won’t
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Kayleigh sets up for her third Sulani still life. She has one done at night and one done at dusk. Time to add one done in the morning. After scoffing down breakfast Carson is off. I thought he might bike in something else but he is pretty attached to this bear suit. Watch out Sulani, here comes a bear on a bike.
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Better call the family over for BBQ day! I wonder how long it will be before everyone changes out of their hot weather outfits because they’ve jumped in the pool. To refresh memories or if you’ve started reading sometime after the Woods Household, from left to right we have: Harvey Foster (dad), Kayleigh Foster (mum), Charlie Nishidake (eldest child), Kaori Nishidake (Charlie’s wife), Keira Foster (second child), Marta Romero (Keira’s fiancé), Reece Foster (third child), Samir Hadji (Reece’s boyfriend). Down in front we have in the very embarrassing bear suit Carson Foster (fourth child) and Clover Nishidake (Charlie and Kaori’s furbaby).
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Carson: Here’s Reece’s copy of the photo
Samir: Okay?
Reece: Hey why aren’t you gifting it to me
Carson: I don’t give gifts to piles of poop
Reece: At least I’m not dressed like a knock off Teletubby
Charlie: Who posed good for the camera? Was it you? Was it you?
Clover: *barks*
Harvey: So… grandkids?
Kaori: Ah, we- kids…
Charlie: We’re focused on being able to summit the mountain dad, leave her be
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Keira: You good Samir
Samir: *shrugs*
Keira: Don’t worry. People are less stress when you get to know them. Loners unite!
Samir: Huzzah?
Keira: *laughs in surprise* exactly
Kayleigh: Now Marta honey tell me all about your wedding plans
Marta: We haven’t planned anything yet
Kayleigh: Great! We can do it together
Charlie: Don’t let her bulldoze you, she tried to get me to wear a dress
Kayleigh: *tuts* Yes but you won that argument
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Carson: *grrr*
Reece: That’s the worst growl I’ve ever heard
Carson: I hope a bear eats you
Reece: *sighs* There are no bears in Moonwood Mill, why does nobody get that
Carson: Shove over, I want to get in
Reece: Na twerp, there’s a whole rest of the pool edge. Find your own spot
Carson: I just wanted to tell you, it’s my birthday party tomorrow-
Reece: I know how to read a calendar
Carson: I’m not inviting you! Ha, take that!
Reece: *smiles* Suits me fine, more time at home with my boyfriend
Carson: But- I- You- GRRRR
Carson is not impressed that his snub has been ignored in this way.
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Marta: Thanks for being so… welcoming
Kayleigh pulls Marta in for a hug then.
Kayleigh: I want you to know Marta, your blood family may be in the forever save, but as long as you and Keira love each other, you’ll be a part of this family
Marta: I think my mama and padre would have liked you
Kayleigh: Yeah? Did they have any wedding plans for you
Marta: Well now that you mention it-
Harvey: Okay people, Gumbo is up! Come get it while it’s hot
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Carson: Last one there’s a rotten egg
Reece: But you’re already a rotten egg
Carson: I’m telling mum you’re being mean
Reece: Do you ever not tattle
Samir: Thanks for the food
Harvey: Huh? Oh, you’re welcome Samir
Carson seeks the comfort of his bear suit now that he’s not in the water. Most of the family stay on the deck, chatting and eating. Charlie keeps them occupied with tales from her latest soccer games while Marta and Keira flirt.
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Clover however is having a scratch and snooze in the shade. Samir has elected to eat inside. It’s the full moon tonight and he feels stressed about being here. Beyond just talking to people that he wants to think well of him, he’s worried he’ll beast out and scare them. After kicking over the rubbish bin he decides to try relaxing in the water.
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Kayleigh: Samir could I speak to you
Samir: Ahh, sure?
Kayleigh: I know Reece doesn’t want to take more money right now but I’d really like to help out. I know you’ve got the electricity and water sorted at your house but can we give you some money for maybe a repaint
Samir: Reece doesn’t want it…
Kayleigh: Yes but would you like it
Samir pulls himself out of the pool and Kayleigh waits, hoping he’ll let her help. Instead he shakes off the water just like Clover would.
Kaori: That’s one way to dry off
Samir: I... if Reece doesn't... no thank you
Still mumbling half to himself Samir heads inside while Kayleigh figures she'll have to go back to the drawing board for ideas on how to get them to take money.
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Worried by the exchange Reece follows Samir inside and finds him staring at the family photos.
Reece: Are you okay boss? If you’re not we can go home
Samir: I… this full moon *sighs and kisses Reece’s hands*
Reece: We’ve been here 3 hours already. It’ll be fine if we leave
Samir: I want to make a good impression
Reece: You will, but we probably shouldn't push it if you think you'll be turning soon. I would rather you be comfortable than have my parents impressed with you
Samir: Okay blondie, home it is. Thanks
Reece: Yo dad, we’re off!
Harvey: See you guys, safe loading screen home
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Outside Marta is busy serenading Keira and Kayleigh has started on a new painting.
Kaori: What are you working on today
Kayleigh: I never seem to know what I’ll paint until I’m in the thick of it
Kaori: I get that. Sometimes when I snowboard it’s more like the board and the run are telling me what tricks to do
Kayleigh: The process just… is
Kaori: Exactly
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After the guests have left Harvey sets about cooking another meal. The family are still full from a big lunch but the food will keep. Carson arrives back from scouts and goes to ask Kayleigh for advice.
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Carson: Hey mum
Kayleigh: mmhmm
Carson: At recess last week no one was playing with me. It sucked and I didn’t know what to do
Kayleigh: Dear your friends are all teens, you’ll be one after your next school day. I‘d try to ride it out. If you really want kids to play with ask some if you can join in. If it goes badly, you never have to talk to them after that day anyway
Carson: Okay mum
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The family spend the sunny evening doing their own things. Harvey goes for a run while Kayleigh tries to boost her logic skill for promotion. Carson bikes around the island, happy in his bear suit.
Kyle: Yo Mr Foster, can I interest you in-
Harvey: Sorry Kyle, I left my wallet at home
Kyle: Fair enough Mr Foster. Have a good night now
Harvey: Next time I see your boss I’ll tell them you’re working hard
Kyle: Sweet
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Harvey sets about making a cake for Carson’s birthday tomorrow. Pink has always been his first favourite colour so strawberry it is. While it cooks he contemplates portraits Kayleigh has done of their backyard oasis. One of the showers busted earlier so Harvey takes care of it before he and Kayleigh head to bed.
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It’s barely 6am when Kayleigh and Harvey are woken up by a sad Carson.
Harvey: Hey, what’s wrong
Carson: I don’t feel good
Kayleigh: You do have a temperature
Carson: I thought vaccinations were meant to stop me getting sick
Kayleigh: Not quite, but they help you be less sick. Let’s go see what we can get you from the pharmacy
When they get back home Carson tries some cough medicine, but it does nothing for the chills. Kayleigh gives him paracetamol which seems to work better.
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Carson: Can I stay home today
Kayleigh: I don’t think so darling
Carson: But I’m sick
Kayleigh: Yes but the watcher can’t find any way to call in sick, only fake call, so we’re stuck for now
Carson: Stupid watcher
Harvey of course takes time to deal with the garden while Carson goes and has a hot bath, hoping the steam will lessen the pressure in his head.
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Harvey: You’ll wait until I’m home to do cake right
Kayleigh: Of course we will
Carson: Bye mum. See you after school. I hope I don’t infect my whole class
Kayleigh: Come on watcher could you really not find a stay home option (I could not)
After completing some paintings Kayleigh heads outside to bring the washing in. There has been reports lately of high winds in the area so she also upgrades the clothesline before heading off to work.
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sonicku · 1 year
Sonic - Hedgehog Biology Headcanons
(These apply to all the hedgehogs, not just Sonic!)
They're insomnicacs, thanks to being a nocturnal species forced into a mostly diurnal society. Whilst there are groups of hedgehogs who choose to live a nocturnal life with others like them, if you want to be part of general society you'll have to flip your sleep schedule.
Sonic's insomnia is even worse thanks to the energy that comes with his super speed; most nights he ends up going for intense long runs just to try tire himself out enough to get to bed. However, after particularly grueling battles, he'll drop light a log any time of day.
Amy makes sure to cover the bags under her eyes each morning, since otherwise diurnal people worry about her. 'This is normal', 'this is just what I look like when I live with you people', she'd tell them. They never listened.
You'd think Shadow would be set, living with a bat and a robot. And he mostly is, with Rouge favouring the cover of darkness anyway. However, he keeps finding himself in situations where he has to flip his sleep schedule to match. Spoonfulls of coffee beans come in handy.
Silver's future is still mostly diurnal, sadly for him. He's mostly managed to cope with it thanks to invented therapies and methods to help him adapt to the lifestyle, so it's always a stark reminder when he heads to the past and sees 'Team Messed Up Sleep Schedules'.
The rest of these will be more quickfire, since I can only fit so many hedgehog-headcannons in one post responsibly. </3 I'd delete the extra detail of the first one to match, but I can't bear to :,,)
When in an intense fight, they instinctivley huff, click, and puff their chests, with quills stood on end. It doesn't always intimidate as intended, it's moreso their violent glares that seals the deal. However, their screaming and hissing can really grate on the ears.
They're all lactose intolerent. Some choose to ignore this fact.
Occasionally they find themselves craving bugs and berries, as well as to hunt them. One of those foods is far more socially acceptable than the other. I'll let you work out which.
Really disgusting foods and smells remind them of poison, and will make them instinctevly self-anoint. Some find this funny to watch/do, but others think it's disgusting and bordeline taboo. Due to the latter, the less 'uncouth' of society mask the urge.
Their eyesight is naturally abysmal. This means that many hoglets will get lazer eye surgery as soon as it's safe, but some use glasses, contacts, or go back to their roots and rely on their ears and nose.
Winters are pretty hard for them, as their body fights to hibernate. Productivity dips in these months, combined with other hibernating people. If they can't get enough sleep, which is likely, they're likely to suffer from seasonal depression. This behaviour also kicks in when exposed to prolonged cold, so most hedgehogs prefer to only go to cold places out of necesity, or for a relaxing holiday.
They can lose their quills for a variety of reasons, including sickness or stress. It took solid days of work to clean the Resistance HQ of shedded pink quills after Amy's duty was over.
You might hear a typical persons stomach rumble when hungry, but hedgehogs will start to chirp. It's a cute noise, so those trying to keep up appearences do their best to stay well fed.
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alltheficsiwant · 2 years
The List (Bucky Barnes x Reader One shot)
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Hiii! This is my entry for @jadedvibes Falling In Love Writing Challenge. I actually have this idea in my head for a while but I was hesitant to write since in my country. We do not have a "Fall Season". We only have rainy and summer season. I had to do a bit of research. I hope you guys likes it and sorry for any errors. - J xxx
Summary: Bucky Barnes knows what's coming when Fall comes. He didn't want to let himself be affected anymore. He wanted a change. So he made plans, a things to do list. He just hope he could go through with it.
Warnings: Fluff and a bit of ANGSTS. Mentions of motorcycle accident and a disabled character is in the story. If you find these triggering please read with caution.
Words: 4.2k
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Bucky has a plan. A list of things to do.
For the first time in over a hundred years that he had lived, despite 70 of them living in captivity, brainwashed and in cryo, he had plans that didn't involve any fighting at all.
This is something Bucky would love to go through over and over again. Even if it's an indication that winter is just closeby. The worst of seasons for him were nightmares that plagued him and raged on furiously as if in a hurry to push Bucky back to the darkness he tried not to drown in. Where the past whispers things that weren’t true but Bucky would believe them, after all the world still sees him that way. Even after the good he tried to do, even after trying to amend his failures and past, even if he has a solid friendship with the new Captain America. Even then, Bucky would happily go through this.
After all, it brought him to you.
Fall usually is where he starts to prepare to ‘hibernate’ as Sam calls it. Teasing him on it and calling him Ice Bear (Sam explained it was from a cartoon which Bucky tried to watch when Sam wasn't around. He kind of liked it better than being called Tin Man but he wouldn’t admit that.) Between those times, Bucky becomes closed off, silent and irritable to end missions. Sam learned that the hard way when they settled to a routine after the Flag Smashers and John Walker debacle.
Even when he shipped off Bucky to Louisiana so that fall and winter wouldn’t actually bother him. Bucky just knew when the season’s changed. He hates the cold and he just reverts back to prepare for hibernation and isolate himself. So when Fall comes, Bucky tries to soldier on and when Winter finally comes. He retreats to his broken down Brooklyn apartment and just be.
Bucky never really tells Sam what he does during that time. He didn’t want to tell Sam that each night, he had a hard time choosing between suffering a nightmare or having the urge to destroy. He had a hard time controlling the voices inside his head that sounded like him but not at all. Bucky is honestly getting tired of that.
His new therapist, the one he chose for himself after the government told him he can, told him that he could take his time. When he voiced his frustration (something he cannot do before and now he is trying to), the doctor assured him that it's okay not to rush. After all, he now has the power to plan or choose for his life.
So that's what Bucky did, make plans. A list of some sort, he sometimes wishes Yuri was there since he was the one who helped him last time on a personal list he made alongside the list of people he had to apologize to. But that is something that he cannot control.
He created a list one night, a few weeks before October comes. He doesn’t want to stay in, so he has to plan things to do to force himself to go out.
Try to take a walk in the morning.
Be Spontaneous.
Eat in a new place.
Try those pumpkin spice latte
Buy a new book.
Feed the birds in the park.
Meet up with Sam and Torres
Try to meet someone new.
There are a lot of tries but he took his time on his list. It might be short but Bucky was proud of it himself and he was just eager to do the list. He didn't think it would bring him to you. His doll. His best friend. His everything.
It was funny though because coincidentally, you have a list of your own similar to his. You have your own demons to face and like Bucky, you tried to create a list to push yourself out there. 
You bumped into him as Bucky was too busy looking down on his shoes trying not to flinch every few minutes of kids running around the park. While your head was down trying to fumble  with your earphones because you never really got accustomed to how noisy New York is. Though Bucky saw you or more like sensed you before the both of you collided and when he looked up.
He could have easily dodged and went out his way. He has the strength and the speed to do that but he found himself rooted in place as he just stared. Despite everything, he still has a staring problem. He was trying not to do it but there he was caught up on you.
You lifted the earphones on your eye level this time, trying to detangle the knots, your mouth pursed cutely. Your eyes fixated on it and Bucky knew you didn’t see him. Your brows scrunched together cutely and cute little whimpers came out of you. 
“Come on,” You cutely muttered as you pouted at the stubborn earphones. Bucky can’t help the twitching of his mouth as you neared completely oblivious to the 6 foot wall standing still in the middle of the park road.
He doesn’t even know why he stopped or why he let him happen. Maybe because Bucky saw something in you, something in your eyes that looked familiar to him. Despite your worry over your earphones, your eyes still darted to the side when a loud noise caught your attention. Your movements are a bit skittish.
As if you just forced yourself out to walk, just like him. Though Bucky has no time to observe you further because there was a thump against his chest and a small gasp as he looked down at the same time you looked up.
Your eyes wide as the earphones clattered on the ground between the two of you and something else fell off your hands. 
“Oh, I-I’m so—rry,” You trailed off as you stared at him wide eyed. Recognition flashing before your eyes and for a moment Bucky held his breath. Waiting for the fear or disgust or hostility yet you surprised him as your eyes warmed a bit before it became shy. You took a small step back as you put your hands over your chest.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t watching where I am going– oh! My earphones,” you said as you crouched down but then winced a bit as you clutched onto your right leg. Bucky could hear an audible click that sounded like metal from it.
“I’ll get it for you,” He mumbled as he bent down to retrieve the earphones and not noticing the piece of paper. He picked it up and held it out for you as you thanked him. The earphones, surprisingly untangled now as you looked at in surprise. Bucky continued to stare at you, as you pulled out your phone and plugged it in. Though you had to shift a bit and Bucky heard that audible click again and you winced one more time clutching your right leg.
“Are you okay?” Bucky can’t help but ask as you look back at him surprised and confused. Bucky then motioned to your right leg and you followed it. Something changed in your expression but then it settled into a small shy smile as you looked back at him.
“I think, out of all people, you would know,” You told him as you glanced at his left arm, his metal arm.
Bucky looked down at it and clenched his gloved hand. The plates shifted as he did so, realizing what you were saying. You lost it and Bucky assumed that the metal clicking is your prosthetics.
“I-I’m sorry if you I made—”
“No worries. I should be the one to apologize. You might have been trying to take a quiet stroll and— I’ll just leave you to it,” you said in a small voice as you started to move past him. You limped a bit before it settled into a normal pacing. “Thank you for this!” You waved the earphones and then continued your way.
Bucky watched you go and glanced down at his hand but then he saw something else on the floor. A piece of paper. Curiously he bent down to retrieve it and opened it to see a list almost as similar as his own. Though he can’t help but chuckle. It's more of a reprimanding list than an actual list. He also assumed the name written was yours. The first one is already crossed out.
Take a fucking walk in the park, Y/N
Try to be outgoing, yes? Live a little,
Eat other things rather than those takeouts. STOP BEING LAZY.
Give the pumpkin spice latte a taste. Indulge your brother and his basic ass.
Finally buy that series you wanted.
Try to overcome your fear of pigeons and feed them. Count it as a good deed.
Meet with Patricia and Christine. They have been nagging you not to hibernate again.
This is wishful, fall in love. If someone would take up a girl missing her right leg. Sure.
His brows raised at the last one. Huh. That sounded—
“Hi! Did you see— oh!” Bucky looked up to see back in front of him again. Your eyes wide, your hair a bit disheveled (maybe because you panicked a bit when you couldn't find the paper.), one bud of the earphone already on your eye while the other dangles and you were breathing hard as if you ran. “You saw my list,”
Bucky jumped a bit as he blinked and immediately handed it to you.
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to read it over. It was just—I’m sorry,” He finished lamely as you took it gingerly from him.
“N-No it’s okay. I was just— this is just— you know what, thank you again,” You stuttered out as Bucky looked at you biting your lip. He felt the twitch in his mouth again. Then you stuffed it in your pocket carefully before turning around.
Now Bucky could have let you walk away but something about this moment pushed him to call out to you. Since number one on his list is finished, maybe moved on to number 2? 2. Be spontaneous.
“Y/N,” he called out your name hoping he was pronouncing it right. You immediately turned around, shock evident on your face.
“Hi,” you answered. It sounded like it was an automatic response judging by the way you said it with a jump. Bucky can’t help but huff out a chuckle before he clears his throat.
“Hi, I’m James Barnes—,” He started.
“I know,” You mumbled. 
Bucky then nodded caught off guard but then he soldiered on. 
“Right, I– ummm– I didn’t mean to know your name or read the list but I also have one,” He stuttered out as he pulled out his little notebook. A small black one, gifted by Sarah. It is where Bucky usually places important things he has to remember and do. He quickly flipped through the pages from the bank account of his pension and money he receives from his work with Sam. Then the numbers of selected people he wanted to contact (For the life of him, he is still having a hard time storing numbers in his phone). Then finally his list.
You patiently watched him fumble and when he looked up. You were already looking down at the list he presented to you. You tilted your head a bit as you read over it.
“I-I was wondering if you know– you want to do it together?” He mumbled as you looked up at him. For a moment the two of you just stared at each other. Bucky now felt himself being drawn in your eyes. He can’t help but admire it as the New York's sun illuminated it making it glow more as you regard him. After a while of you staring, he started to feel the heat on his cheeks. He was tempted to look away but he didn’t. He didn’t want to.
You were silent for a while until your mouth twitched and slowly it lifted to a small smile.
“You are doing your number 2?” You asked him and Bucky couldn't help but return it as he nodded. “Well, lucky. I’m doing mine too,”
Bucky can’t help but chuckle as your pulled out the bud of the earphones out of your ears and stuffed it in your pocket.
“What should we do then James?” You asked as he tucked his notebook inside his pocket. He looked around and sighed. Trying to think of something.
“I don’t know but I would love to have your number first,” He managed to say. Thanking the Gods he didn’t stutter and that made you giggle.
“Smooth,” You told him as you offered your hand. He looked at it confused and you only giggled at him. “I need to put my number in your phone,”
“Oh,” he fumbled around trying to find that damn smartphone Sam forced him to buy in exchange with the flip phone he was using before. He pulled it out and unlocked it.
Quickly you typed in your number but then Bucky heard you gasp.
“What’s wrong?”
“You don’t have any numbers in your contacts?” You said as you looked up. “Aren’t you supposed to have, I don’t know, Captain America’s number?”
“Do you want his number?” Bucky asked and you quickly shook your head.
“Nope, I got the number I want,” you told him as you continued to fiddle with his phone. You gave it back to him and pulled out your phone. He was about to look into it when his screen flashed with someone calling and your name flashed on the screen. Your full name.
“That’s my name, if you want to know,” You pointed out and ended the call. Then you fiddled with yours and turned around to show his name on your phone.
James Barnes :)
“Now you have my number, do you have anything in mind?” You asked as he regarded you for a moment before something came to mind. Something he wanted to do yet didn’t want to do it alone.
“Have you been to the aquarium?”
The rest was history and it has been a year since that happened. The both of you had gone through the list. You both hated pumpkin spice latte (which you boasted against your brother, who grumpily accepted defeat), Bucky discovered his love for Filipino food and you discovered your love for Romanian food. You finally bought the Lord of the Rings series in which you and Buck took turns to read into. Then the spontaneous trip in the Aquarium was a bust(You both decided to go in a different date than the day you both met) because Bucky got recognized and the both of you ended up feeding the pigeons instead (You promised Bucky to not show the video of you screaming for dear life as you tried to feed them. Bucky laughing his ass off for a while since his Louisiana trip).
You both introduced each other to your friend group. In which both sides proceed to tease about you and Bucky. (Until now, a betting pool between the four of them is in the works of when the two would realize their feelings for each other). The two of you remained friends through it all.
It was a great friendship but recently Bucky wanted more. So he made plans, exactly at the beginning of Fall where he met you. He was determined before winter comes that he wouldn’t spend it alone. He might have spent winter last year with you but this year, he is determined not just with you but together with you.
“Hey handsome,” Bucky looked down at you as your voice brought him out of his thoughts. The both of you are cozied up in the living room of his apartment (He had Sam’s help in making it cozier since you had been over too many times to count. Despite knowing he would be teased, he wanted to make this right). He was already going through the list he planned and it was already halfway fall. Halloween was just over and you  had spent the weekend with him last week. 
Now you are doing it again and Bucky is just so happy. Now he had just to go through the last three on his list. He was hoping to get it in order.
Give Y/N the favor from Wakanda.
Take her on a romantic date.
Make Y/N mine and me hers.
He was planning to give you today the prosthetics for your leg because the one you had has been bothering you. (You lost it when a drunk driver ran over a red light and you were riding a motorcycle with your friend. You got your leg fractured into pieces while your friend nearly died but now the two of you are alive and well. Your friend unfortunately lost her sense of taste and feeling while you lost your right leg. Surprisingly, it didn't stop you on riding motorcycles. Making Bucky fall in love with you and your strength.)
It was giving you the hardest time to walk recently and Bucky opted on carrying you around much to your protest (He’s okay with it. He likes it, loves it even, because you snuggle your face on his neck every time he does that,) Though he would have to fly you to Wakanda first to fit in the plates that would connect it. 
But you looked to have plans on your own. You have been particularly skittish around him today, restless even.
“What’s wrong doll?” You looked at him as you chewed your bottom lip. Your brows furrowed as your hands fiddle with his shirt. Bucky’s arms tightened around you as he felt your nervousness. “Are you okay?”
“Y-yeah I just,” You trailed off and then sighed deeply. Your expression shows as if you lost an internal battle before you sat up a bit. Making Bucky let go of you, he almost pouted but then you pulled out something from your pocket. A familiar looking piece of paper and you offered it to him.
“Is this your old list?” He asked as he took it from your hands. You nodded shyly as you looked down and fumbled with your (his) hoodie.
“Yes, I wanted to show you something on it. Open it,” You told him as you bit your lip harder this time. Bucky looked at you for a moment worried at the expression on your face. He has seen that numerous times since the two of you met. The look you always have when a panic is over the horizon and until it's triggered it remains there. 
He decided opening the list would have to be later as he reached to you with his left hand to touch your cheek with his palm. You instantly relaxed on it and nuzzled the metal hand. It still amazed Bucky how you weren’t afraid of it. Like you said you feel much more secure with it.
“I feel safe  with you Bucky, you won’t hurt me,”
Nobody really said those words to him. In addition to Sam, Torres, Sarah and the kids. No one put their trust and faith in him not until you came. Despite knowing what he had done and what his past was. So, when you uttered those words, that is when he knew that he was falling in love with you.  You never were afraid and you always made sure to show that nothing will ever make you leave his side. So he created his list, THE PLAN but something is bothering you since the beginning of September.
“C’mere,” He murmured as you willingly went back to his arms. You winced at the sound your prosthetic leg has made as you curled your legs to lean your whole body against Bucky. Bucky noticed it and as he wrapped his left arm around your waist, his right trailed towards the strap of your prosthetics. “Let’s relax, okay? Let me remove your prosthetics. I could see the start of your panic and I don’t want that for you Doll,” He mumbled.
You blushed at that as you nodded. His right hand quickly removed it as you helped him. An audible click was heard as you breathed a sigh of relief. Bucky took it from you and placed it against the coffee table.
“Thank you Buck,” You mumbled as you then picked the paper back up to hold it down to him. “Now open it please,”
He chuckled as he laid a kiss on your forehead. Something he started to do recently and it always makes you blush just like now. Burying your face against his chest after. He took the paper in his left hand. His arms are finally around you. You were tiny enough that he can still open the paper with his two hands.
“What is it you want me to see? Didn’t we do all of it?” He asked as he carefully opened it. “I thought you framed this,”
His list was framed, with your insistence when the two of you had done it last year and you told him you framed yours. You even showed it to him so he is slightly confused at this.
“That is a modified list, this the list you saw the first time,” You told him and when he finally opened it. He saw that all of it was crossed out except one.
8.This is wishful, fall in love. If someone would take up a girl missing her right leg. Sure.
Bucky looked up at you as you moved and produced a pen of your own. His heart was beating fast as he watched you. Is this--- He had hope and disappointment swirling inside his chest. Hope that whatever you are trying to tell him is the same as the one he is trying to tell you. Then, Disappointment that maybe you fell in love with someone else and he doesn’t know if he could take that. He was in deep with you.
“I wasn’t able to do everything yet but now I have,” You told him as you leaned down and crossed out the last one. Tears gathered in your eyes as you looked up at him. “I love you James,” 
You breathed out and Bucky’s eyes widened. He can’t help but stare as you stare back. Silence enveloped between the two of you. His mind raced but then you blinked. You have mistaken Bucky’s silence as rejection as tears freely fall from your eyes.
“I-I was gearing up to tell you because I have been in love with you for a while. I was afraid that if you d-don’t feel the same way I would lose you. I have to take the chance b-because I don’t want to see you with another woman. B-but it looks like I-I am wrong—”
“I love you,” Bucky finally said, stopping your rant as you looked up. Your eyes wide as tears fall down from it. “Oh doll, I have been gearing up to tell you this too,” He gingerly placed the paper on the coffee table before surging forward to bring you in his arms again.
You sobbed against his chest as he tightened his hold on you. His own tears threatened to come out as he buried his face against your hair inhaling your scent.
“S-say it again Buck,” you mumbled as you looked up at him.
“I love you, Y/N” Bucky said and surged forward, crashing his lips against yours. He cupped your cheeks as his thumb wiped away the tears while you clutched on to him. The two of you kissed for a while before he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. Wanting to taste you. You whimpered and Bucky still felt you crying. So instead, he slowed down the kiss and with one final peck he pulled away. “Oh baby, please stop crying. I love you okay?”
You nodded as you left Bucky to wipe your tears. “I-I was so scared and I-I chickened out numerous times to tell you,” you told him. “I was just relieved,”
“I’m sorry I didn’t speak immediately, doll. You caught me off guard,” Bucky chuckled as he couldn't help but lay a kiss on your cheeks after wiping it. “I was supposed to be the one with a surprise today but of course, you have other plans,”
You giggled at that as you laid a kiss against his jaw. “Sorry about that, thinking about it. We never really did follow the number on your list last year. I crossed out the last one of your list the day we met,” You told him.
Bucky chuckled as he thought of his own list. “Well, you are just doing exactly the same on my list this year babydoll,” He mumbled as he leaned down again to lay a kiss on your lips.
The both of you stayed like that. Kissing and savoring each other until you're pulled away and looked up at him with doe eyes.
“Sorry about ruining your list. I won’t do it next time. I promise. Forgive me?” You asked sweetly as you fluttered your lashes. Bucky can’t help but stare as he thought of a new list for next year. It will surely not be ruined as it was only one thing.
Marry Y/N. Never let her go.
“I’ll accept,” He mused as he put a kiss on your lips before he pulled away. “You’re lucky I love you,”
“I know,”
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orangemocharaktajino · 10 months
How not to care for hedgehogs with Vegas Theerapanyakul
Low stress environment ❌ Lots of sudden loud noises and sleep interruptions due to flickering lights and various torture dungeon activities
Appropriate enclosure ❌ Old bird cage with lots of unusable vertical space, zero hiding spots, and just a sprinkle of substrate
Exercise ❌ No exercise wheel or much room to run around
Medical care ❌ Too remote for care in an emergency
Varied diet ❌ Pellets only
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plz p', watch a youtube video on hedgehog care. i don't even have a water dish in here.
Hedgehogs are sensitive to temperature and lighting changes so both need to be regulated. Domesticated hedgehogs can attempt to go into hibernation under the wrong temperature and lighting conditions and can suffer organ failure when they are unable to come out of hibernation on their own. Lighting hooked up to a timer set for 12-14 hours of light per day is recommended as well as monitoring temperature and using heat lamps as needed.
Hedgehogs are also very sensitive to stress. They are afraid of loud noises and prefer to sleep during the day and come out at night. Without a place to hide, it can be very hard for them to let their guard down and feel safe enough to sleep. Living in a stressful environment for extended periods of time can negatively impact their life spans.
The minimum recommended amount of living space for hedgehogs is 4 square feet. Hedgehogs like to climb but their tiny feet and terrible eye sight make them prone to falling accidents. Unnecessarily tall cages are not recommended but barriers can be placed to prevent them from climbing and hurting themself.
Just like hamsters and mice, hedgehogs also benefit from exercise wheels and need mental stimulation. Without any way to exercise, hedgehogs can easily develop heart issues and obesity. They also need mental stimulation like toys, puzzles, or areas they can do some digging / burrowing and foraging for their food.
Domesticated hedgehogs can eat specially formulated hedgehog pellets or even cat food but they also appreciate a variety of foods. Their diet can be supplemented with things they would find in the wild like insects, fruits, vegetables, and eggs.
Their life expectancy is around 3-5 years on average but with good care they have been known to live as long as 10.
Let's be honest poor Khun Spikes probably didn't make it that long though. Shit's rough for those born into the minor family, eh?
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worftism · 1 month
*wanders up to the playground with two toddlers as confused as I am* hey is this the star trek OCs playdate
anyway yeah hi :) I have some pals to introduce
Anna (they/she)
Denobulan-human mixed species
Entomologist (bug science :D)
So so autism
I like making up things about alien beings that canon doesn’t necessarily contradict, so her Denobulan physiology means that the number of times she’s gone hey cool bug :D and got bitten/scratched/stung means she’s become immune to many toxins
has loved Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea ever since they were little (their human mum showed it to them, probably on a computer screen to keep them entertained, but they kept wanting to watch it again and again) (could probably recite the whole script)
The name Anna was chosen as it’s fairly similar to Denobulan name sounds so easier for their family to pronounce
Regards Anna as their full name (Denobulans don't have surnames)
However being listed in files as Anna [surname, probably Baker or Bryant or something] and as both an English and Denobulan language of some sort native speaker, she gets addressed as [title/rank] [surname] more often than [title/rank] Anna, which would be correct
I couldn’t remember why I liked the idea of a Human-Denobulan mixed character so much but then I remembered the thing that inspired this is the whole sleep thing
(If you don’t know, Denobulans hibernate for a week or so once a year and do not sleep outside that. Humans sleep every 24 hours.)
This ends up meaning this character doesn’t sleep as often as a normal human, but when they do, they are Fast Asleep
So they’re awake for maybe 5 days or so, then simply collapse for a few hours and can function again
I can’t believe I forgot to include this until now, this is such an integral part of this character to me it just feels obvious
They always have their hair in a buzz cut and have done ever since they were old enough to express that their hair being too long caused them discomfort because Bad Sensory. this is 100% because at the time I was first coming up with them my hair was getting too long (it’s usually short but long enough to be curly) and itching my skin and I kept thinking mmmmmm want to cut it all off
I actually renamed her since writing this draft!! they're called Esk now (yes after the Discworld character, long story short her human mum loves Discworld)
Another interest of theirs is baking! Will elaborate on that another time as well
You Love Her. You Have To.
Unnamed (she/her)
Klingon traditional weaponsmith!
Whole Backstory Stuff around how she inherited this
I need to look into both Klingon family stuff and history to find out exactly how this would work but a loose timeline is
Weapon making traditionally not a women’s job (I don’t know if this is accurate to Klingon culture, it genuinely just felt like a good conflict to add)
However smol [unnamed] really wanted to learn from her uncle, so begged and nagged at him until he gave in and taught her stuff
Both verbally bothering him and just constantly being around the workshop, walking there every day, doing the cleaning jobs just to show up and show she was determined
Also necessary to this story is traditional weapon-making methods are dying out, but are preserved in something around a high- or moderately-high-status warrior having their Own Blade, rather than a copy (replicated) or a hand-me-down (unless it’s a very famous one with a great history, though still that might be presumptuous to think you’d live up to that legacy)
This has been her family’s (House’s) traditional job since anyone can remember, but only one lineage had still preserved it
Uncle is training his son to take over, but at some point when [unnamed] has been learning for a little while, this son dies in some sort of battle, leaving her as the only heir to the family’s tradition
From the little I’ve read on Memory Alpha, women couldn’t inherit a House’s title except under special circumstances, so I think she and her uncle will have to fight for her right to inherit the name and lineage
Would probably regard herself as aroace if she had the vocabulary for that, however restoring a dying craft in a remote part of a planet doesn’t leave much time for such questions
Still knows what she wants, has no intention to marry or have children, but to keep the craft being inherited she will adopt someone as a full member of her House who she believes is worthy of carrying on the tradition
This is actually a really interesting point as it shows how she regards the respect and dedication to the craft as making somebody more a part of her House than blood does
There’s a whole loosely defined thing about how she has some distant relatives who want to claim that house’s title despite having been fully prepared to let go of their house’s craftspeople’s legacy
Is actually quite short for a Klingon, maybe 5’4? and also fat and muscular, so she’s still quite a presence
I have got to do more research
(wrote this ages ago and did not post it. also haven't done research. but I want to post my Characters! so here you are :) these are works in progress and I'll keep adding to them but it's nice to get out what I have for now)
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k-dokja · 2 years
I have no idea where I was going with this.
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Junghyeok has watched you for the past five minutes. His plan to drag you to training was interrupted by the strange behaviours he saw you performing. You loiter around, flickering in and out of one hiding spot to another. It doesn't take much for him to deduce that you're watching something... someone.
He glances back and scans his surrounding. In the distance, that idiot squid is talking to some of the employees at the complex, which meant he can't be the one you're watching. And if he has to recall who often stays in the area you are snooping around, then only one answer comes up.
Though, his deduction stops when he sees your eyes widening at a new discovery. Whatever shocked you has shaken him out of his spacing out. Junghyeok can scarcely believe then that he has wasted time watching you being weird. Better put an end to this.
“You look alarmed.”
Your round eyes narrow into a glare when you spot him approaching, but you don't grace him with an answer. Not in the immediate moment after he catches you in the act. You jut out your lower lip, accompanied by a frown, and turn back to your sneaking.
From where he stands, it's abundantly clear who was the target of your hovering. A couple of anomalies within the industrial complex, an ethereal woman fawning over what would be a hibernating young boy. They bear more resemblances to a mother and her son more than lovers, but his past encounters with them proved otherwise.
Though, the most troubling aspect of them is their appearance. Junghyeok can see why this has taken you.
You hug close to the steel pillar you hide behind, “I recently discovered there exists an Outer God version of you and there also exists an Outer God version of me, saying I am alarmed is the understatement of the year.”
“Only of the year?”
“The decade.”
He steps up and shadows you where he stands, “Do you worry about their trustworthiness?”
“I’m not bothered by their existence, they'd gain nothing by hindering us,” you say, “I’m bothered by the fact they are together.”
Ah, that.
Yes, that confuses him at first. In fact, it contributes to why he cannot accept the Plotter is none other than him of another world line. However, at this point in time, denying it would simply be foolish. “You are thinking about nonsensical things again,” Junghyeok frowns, putting a hand on the pillar, above your head, to stabilise his footing.
You glare back, facing him with the full force of your grievance. “It doesn’t bother you? Look at her mooning over him, she has never left him alone since she arrived, she even called him beloved!”
“Ugh, it is impossible to complain to you,” you grumble, waving him away, “you wouldn't get it, you are always the one getting gushed over.”
“Do you prefer to be pampered instead?”
For a little while, your ire is replaced by curiosity. “Is that an offer?”
“Then why did you ask?”
To that, Junghyeok replies with nothing.
“...You know, now that we're at the final stretch, I have to confess I really don't like you.”
It was a baldfaced lie, but he humours it. “Is that why you opposed the idea?”
“Them being together,” he clarifies.
“...no, I guess it’s not my place to decide what they do,” you purse your lips together, thoughtful, “but it’s weird, they have our faces, they have lived our lives, and they are now together.”
Admittedly, you have piqued his interest with your logic. Even if it is strange. So, he pushes. “Do you see our futures in them? A possible outcome if we failed all of this?”
You stop to think it over, then sigh. “...No, but it does make me worry about whether their relations had anything to do with ours.”
“Then talk to her,” he says plainly, “ask for guidance or clarification.”
“...You know, there is a reason why I’m the charming one between us two,” you deadpan, “I don’t get up in people's faces and demand they give me information about the future.”
He wants to add that it was long ago when that happened, but he knows it does nothing in his favour. “No matter the answer, they didn’t live our lives. We lived our lives. Their choices won’t affect us, there is no correlation.”
“...Fair enough,” you shrug and let out a defeated sigh, “you have to admit it is weird to look at them.”
The resolution is simple, he points out. “Then look away."
“...I’m going to make you regress again one of these days,” you mutter, turning your back to him once more.
“Besides, at least they have each other,” Junghyeok crosses his arms, “it’d far worse to face the eternity alone.”
You continue to pout but no longer do you carry the previous annoyance, “You make sense sometimes.”
“As opposed to you, who never do,” dryly, he retorts.
“Why, you—Oh, Dokja!”
Whatever attack you planned to launch at him is forgotten the moment the other man shows up. From how Junghyeok sees it, Kim Dokja hasn't even meant to intrude on the conversation, he was simply passing by when you spotted him. Your call stops him in his track and immediately, you leave Junghyeok behind to get to his side.
"There you are, I've been searching for you all day," your previous grievance dissipates when you stepped up to Dokja's side, "you promised to let me help with work, remember?"
Dokja opens his mouth with unbridled surprise, then glances at the corner of his eyes and spots Junghyeok. Whatever he saw has him fixed his lips into a crooked smile, "Oh, right," he says, "better get to it then."
Quickly, the two of you disappear from Junghyeok's view. Now, there stands one reason why you and he would never turn out like those Outer Gods. For once, there is never a Kim Dokja between the two of them. You'd have nothing to worry about.
"Wait. Come back here! You're supposed to train!"
Right, that.
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the-possum-writes · 10 months
Fiona and Cake: FaC!Fern X Fem!Reader
I don't have much other than that I just wanna see that tbh. No smut is the only rule. That's a lie- the other rule is to have fun writing this. No smut and have fun.
❥Character: Flora Mertens (Fem!Fern)
❥Tags: SFW, established relationship, snowy cottagecore
❥Synopsis: It's winter season and you're left helping Flora by chopping wood and keeping her company.
❥A/N: I'mma be real and admit I didn't know what to write for this request and kept postponing it, sorry if it's on the short side. But hey, I still wanted to do some fanart for her.
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"That'll do," you say as you let go of the ax after chopping the last log in half, removing your gloves to rub your calloused hands together. Since the majority of forest animals hibernate once the snow falls, it is silent outside.
The snow-covered dirt crunches under your shoes as you pick up the extra logs surrounding the chopping block and stack them in your arms before bringing them inside your tiny hut. You piled your wooden stack next to a coat rack when the door banged shut. Upon hearing two pots shuffle in the kitchen, a female voice says "How's the weather?" from inside your isolated home.
"It stopped snowing, and it's not as cold so maybe we can head out for a walk later." you suggest mainly because cabin fever has been eating you from the inside out these past few weeks but Flora doesn't share your sentiments.
"I'll pass, even if the weather is fine i hate feeling the cold snow biting at my feet." she expresses with a complain.
"Come on Flo, the clouds look really pretty and soft during the sunset. Besides, I bet it gets pretty lonely and quiet here when i run errands at the village." you insist while removing your excessive coat and scarfs.
"You're just jealous my heaters keep me company at night." she taunts.
"Jealous? Hah! It's like a tropical forest in there, I'd evaporate the moment I take a step inside!" you cross your arms. "I'll keep staying in the guest room thank you very much."
Flora walks in the living room with two mugs in hand but all you can do is stare in bewilderment at your roommate's choice in clothing. "Pfft, what are you wearing?" you suppress a chuckle but failed to hide your smile.
Homegirl looks like she's prepared for the next ice age, she's wearing at least 6 layers of sweaters and two blankets thrown over his shoulders for good measure, the shuffling you heard from the kitchen comes from her bunny slippers that barely contained her pointy feet wrapped in socks and legs warmers.
"What do you mean? It's my winter clothes." Flora responds with annoyance, more than aware that her choice of clothing looks like a bundle of laundry.
"You look like the pile of clothes on the side of my bed." you laugh, standing up to retrieve your own scarf from the coat hanger on the door entry.
"Yeah, yeah I know I look ridiculous but if you were in my place you'd know how bad plants have it during winter." Flora defends, almost regretting to bring you hot chocolate.
"I didn't say it looks ridiculous, rather I'd say you look comfy, like when we get together to watch home movies," you place your scarf around her neck and tie it properly, the final cherry on top to complete her cozy outfit. "There, you left a part of your neck exposed." you complement her, placing a kiss on you forehead as you take the mug from her hand.
The gesture and compliment has Flora's mood change, softening her expression as she takes a seat on the living room couch. "Now that the wood is chopped up and the fire is burning, how about we finish watching that TV series we left behind yesterday?" she pats the empty spot next to her, an offer you can't deny.
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sea-owl · 9 months
I find it so funny imagining how both the seasonal wives and season brothers act when its not their season. Like yeah you have here the Seasonal wives as cottagecore besties maybe frolicking in the fields doing watercolors and sewing and people watching (with the occasional blackmarketing) just them living their best life and on the other hand the brothers are screaming crying throwing up and GOING OFF at the most minor of inconveniences coz THEY. MISS. THEIR. WIVES. DAMMIT and why can't they live with their husbands huh??? They're married! They should live together! (They are mortal, you fools). But no amount of reason or logic is convincing them that they should be apart from their wives.
Cut to their season and the brother finally reunites with his wife and the first few weeks the wife literally has to pry their husband off of them coz he's stuck to her like glue and will not lift a finger to do their damn job unless his wife is within a cuddling distance (and to him that's like a few inches apart)
Just imagine the shenanigans and absolute chaos in all of this
The wives got to make an itinerary for when it's time for their season or nothings getting done. They don't expect to see their friend for the first month of their season.
Anthony is the most responsible of his brothers when it comes to balancing his need for his wife and actually doing his job. Probably has to do with the fact that he's the eldest of not only the brothers but all the Bridgerton siblings. His season is also the time of the harvest and last-minute hunting, and fishing before everything freezes, and some animals go to hibernate. Fertility also falls in Anthony's responsibilities with most animals mating during his season. That responsibility keeps him focused. But Kate is also there to make sure he relaxes and jumps into piles of leaves once in a while. She can help take part of his load or help be a stress relief. So long as her own temper is ignited.
Benedict is the absolute worst about doing his damn job. He doesn't want to work! He just wants to be with Sophie. More than once, Sophie had to withhold affection so that Benedict didn't rush winter in one storm and then call it good. She also made sure he actually made it snow during winter. While winter is tough, it is also a rest periord for the earth. The other wives did wish Sophie had put her foot down more about Benedict leaving on time, but it's his one bad habit she enables. She likes spending time with her husband, too.
Colin is actually the second most responsible when it comes to his season now, which is surprising because he used to he a total flight risk. Those super late springs and the springs that only seemed to last a week? Yeah, that was Colin avoiding his job. He used to hate that all he was known for was flowers and the nickname charming spring. It wasn't until Penelope pointed out to him that he actually brought life back to the earth that he took a double take at what his job really was. Yes, he brings life back and brings in new life as he helps with the births of animals who mated during fall. Now, that doesn't mean that sometimes he likes to play a joke in delaying spring just a little bit. Only now he hides away with his wife.
Gregory isn't bad about doing his job like Benedict, but he also isn't as strict as Anthony is. He wants to do a good job. He just sometimes goes a little overboard. Extreme heat is one issue he's working on. Gregory sometimes forgets that mortals don't feel the elements the same as immortals. Thankfully, Lucy is there to remind him should he need it, and if Gregory is confused if he is going overboard by mortal standards, he has Lucy to turn to to get a mortals perspective.
Though nothing prepares them for when the first wife dies.
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boneeeeeesssssss · 5 months
random obey me headcanons I have that I feel the world has to hear
I disregard canon and haven’t touched either game in months so ignore anything blatantly wrong
All the brothers are connected to major historical events. The stock crash of 1929? Mammon made a mistake. The French Revolution? Satan was instigating.
Mammon is into crypto and even if you tell him most of it is a scam he won’t believe you and will quickly lose a whole lot of money.
Belphie is capable of hibernating and has done so before in the past
Levi has watched a lot of human anime to the point he knows the most about humans out of all the brothers. But it will only be really random facts like average body temperature.
Asmo styles his hair so often it actually has some damage which puts him into a vicious cycle.
All of the brothers had a phase where they were just roaming around as Eldritch Horrors after the fall. Satan’s lasted the longest.
Demons have more and much bigger teeth than humans and they come in different varieties. Levi would have multiple rows of sharp teeth like a shark.
Lucifer sleeps at his desk so often he has a lot of back pain that he refuses to bring up to anyone because it would hurt his pride.
Simeon once played FNAF but he cannot tell you who is Freddy.
Angels aren’t capable of getting sick and demons rarely do.
Mammon keeps a random cave full of treasure that he started during his eldritch horror phase. He only goes to it occasionally when his greed gets a little out of control.
All the brothers have a spot that they can go to when their sin gets hard to deal with.
Beel once ran through two walls without realizing until he looked behind himself.
Demons have such a good sense of smell that they actually can indeed smell fear.
Demons can see in the dark.
Hissing or growling is very common for demons but some refrain from doing so to feel civilized - mostly pride demons.
Angels have this glow to them that actually can work as a dim light in the dark.
RAD is the only actual school in the Devildom and Diavolo plans on one day making more.
On the outside of the Devildom there are demons that live more animalistically and just flat out reject society.
All demons are animalistic by nature.
Some lesser demons have a harder time holding their humanoid forms so you may see demons walking around looking like a alter from the Mandela Catalogue.
Angels can look just as scary as demons.
Satan likes reality TV but he watches it in secret out of embarrassment.
Lucifer like metal music and occasionally will swap out his classical music for it.
Levi happens to own every single video game console ever created and just keeps them in a bin in the corner of his room.
Mammon has tried to steal the consoles and if he ever does succeed he gets forced to go and find them again for Levi.
Asmo knows everything about the Dramageddon
Beel loves to watch sports.
Belphie spends a lot of time plotting against Lucifer with Satan when he isn’t asleep.
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hibernationsuit · 8 months
Silent fury and/or trembling hands? For the writing prompt? :D
omg these are so good :') thank u!
trembling hands Waking up after hibernation nap could've been more peaceful, but alas, your first minutes are just a scientist monologuing about saving the colony from the Board and that you have been a popsicle for 70 years instead of 10, and then the said mad scientist sends you down to the planet on an escape pod. Sad! Have a look on how Toby's first moments went on Terra 2. warnings: violence mention, death mention, self-concious thoughts, gun mention
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"Oh my god did I just kill a man???"
"Technically, no. It was the escape pod, and maybe his stupidity."
The old man's calm-ish voice sounded sligthly more high-pitched than before. "Calm down, take a deep breath." He paused for a moment, then continued, with his typical voice this time. "What's done is done. Now go find the ship."
Oh boy, he probably hates me already.
I stood up, slowly and steadily, trying not to fall, as if my body was slowly recalling how to stand. Even worse, the 36 hour period of no eating before entering hibernation added dizziness and nausea to the mix. I definitely didn't feel like those smiling people on the pictures of the papers Klara was designing.
Oh no...Klara...
"Hey! Doctor Welles? I need to ask you a-"
"Whatever questions you have, I'll answer them later. You can come to my lab once you get that ship and we can talk there," the scientist said, and quickly added before I could reply, "And please, call me Phineas."
"Fine, okay, sure." He definitely hates me.
I took a deep breath and looked at the sky to get my thoughts together. Except that instead of seeing the typical, calming Earth scenery, what I saw instead was another planet covering almost half of the sky.
"Listen, I know this may all be shocking for you, but you have to get moving." Phineas's voice said.
May?! I'm barely holding myself together after your monologue and now you want me to steal a dead man's ship??? And I'm supposed to be calm? "Why the hurry?"
"The Board will come. And trust me, they don't want my success to surface. Erm, I mean, a live Hope colonist isn't something that will make them happy. Now go."
Fine. I looked around to see the way forward and noticed two small, green creatures running somewhere. The image from a guide to space fauna came to my mind right away: sprats. Tiny little creatures that apparently live almost everywhere in the world. I'll follow these and see where they lead. Surely they know their way around.
The sprats led me on a small little road, past a half-eaten body of a human and two dog-like animals that didn't seem friendly enough to walk past them normally. Were they the ones who ate the person? I didn't feel like finding out, and sneaked past hiding in the grass. This feels like some kind of shitty action movie. Or a joke. Surely this can't be a joke?
The road led into a cave, and the sudden change in light and a somewhat bad landing worsened my headache. I took a few steps and leaned on a wall, fighting the urge to lay down on the ground and curl up like a hedgehog trying to defend itself from the bad things around it. Of course, a migraine, as if the situation wasn't bad enough.
Back when I was a child, I used to get migraines often, but I haven't had any for a few years now. This one felt even worse than I remembered. I took a few deep breaths and wondered what could've triggered it. Dehydration? Hunger? Being on a strange new planet my body wasn't used to? Or was it the fucking escape pod?
I continued walking forward slowly, leaning on the wall with one hand. My vision became blurrier every step and the ringing in my ears got stronger, but as I barely managed not to trip over one of the sprats skittering in front of my leg, it all suddenly stopped.
And so did the time.
I watched the sprat, a critter which previously ran quite fast, move slower than a snail.
One blink, and everything went back to normal.
"What the f-" I muttered before crashing on the ground.
"Careful now," Phineas murmured. I barely registered the words he said after as I was slowly getting back up. Something about side effects of hibernation. Yeah right.
The headache seemed to have eased for now, leaving the fatigue as my only company. He could've at least let me drink some water first before stuffing me into an escape pod.
"Hey, who's there?" A voice asked, coming from the cave further part of the cave.
I managed to walk a bit further and saw a man sitting on a bench, supplies laying around. The man himself was wounded, not lethally but still badly.
He noticed me and gestured to come closer. "Okay, good, now..." He took a deep breath, and instead of what could've been a greeting, began, "You've tried the best, now-" he paused again, wincing from pain, "-now try the rest. Spacer's Choice. Oh Law, that stings."
What the hell was that? I looked around and noticed some first aid supplies in a box. It's been years since I took the first aid course, but it was better than nothing. "Sit still, I'll patch you up."
The man, who introduced himself as guard Pelham while I was doing all I could remember about dealing with such wounds, watched me do it all with a worried face. Do I look as unsure as I actually am?
Yet once I was done, he looked at his side and smiled. "Looks like the bleeding stopped, I owe you one. Though, I hope you don't mind me omitting this little exchange from my report. Spacer's Choice doesn't like us accepting outside help."
"Spacer's wha-" I stopped myself from finishing the sentence. Was this guy so worried I'll tell his supervisors I helped him? "Never mind. How are you feeling?"
"Better, thanks to you. Might've bled out on my own. Or worse, would've had to beg our boss to give us some Adrena-Time."
"Wait. Aren't you supposed to get a sick leave for this so your wound would heal?"
"Sick what?"
"Paid time off work? So you can rest?"
"That's a funny joke. Why would someone be paid for resting?"
"Are you telling me you-" I stopped and sighed, muttering quietly to myself, "Where the hell did I end up?"
"You're acting a bit weird. Did you hit your head or something? You're in Emerald Vale, a Spacer's Choice community. You know what that is, right?"
"Uhhhhh...no. Sorry, my thoughts are all over the place now. Just woke up after long hibernation."
"Oh. That explains what you're wearing. Where did you travel from?"
Pelham laughed. "Joking again, are you? That's alright, keep your secrets."
"What? I'm not joking, I-" Could Phineas be telling the truth? "Um. Do you know anything about the Hope?"
"The what? Is that some new Auntie Cleo drug? You're not one of them, are you?"
What the fuck? "Um. No. Sorry. What year is it?"
"2355. Man, you sure you're alright?"
We left in 2285... "Um. Yeah, definitely. Sorry." I really need to change the topic. "Uh. How did you end up here, anyway?"
"We were patrolling the area. There's an illegally grounded ship there, and we're looking for its owner."
That must be Hawthorne's ship. "Really, where?"
"That way," he pointed at the entrance blocked by the canisters. "But, there's Marauders there. Thought I could take them out, but then my gun misfired. So, I barricaded myself here. If they try to come, I'll deal with all of them in one shot." The guard smirked, clearly proud of himself.
"Right, great." The migraine symptoms were slowly starting to come back and I realized that I really need to continue to look for that ship. "Whatever. Listen, I really need to get out of this cave. Can you help me move these canisters so I could go?"
"Why bother moving them when you can just blow them up?" The guard picked up the gun laying next to him and handed it to me, along with extra ammo. "You'll definitely get really far with all that ammo. Sorry that I can't give you one more, it's stuck in my side."
"Uh, thanks," I took the gun and looked at it. I've never fired a gun, can't even remember ever holding one. They were heavier than they looked. Though, the fact that something so small could be lethal...
"Everything alright?" Pelham asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I noticed my left hand was holding my side, right where the wound was a few months ago. Wait, not months. Seventy years ago. I sighed and nodded quickly. What a mess.
"Good. Now, just aim at the canisters and shoot. Easy as a pie. Just make sure you're not too close to them."
"I- Um, alright." I walked back from the canisters and raised the gun with my trembling hands. Why can't this all be just a bad dream? I thought before pulling the trigger.
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