#which I've only seen clips of but know it's Good from those clips
Dorian Storm, international bard legend, favored of the dice gods!
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antimony-medusa · 4 months
Anyways, prompted by nothing in particular (lies, prompted by a scroll through the tag this morning, that was bracing), I think it might be good to remember the things we like about other people in the community.
For example:
BBH fans are some of the most consistently hilarious posters on this sight. Absolutely fantastic mpreg posting, and the art is incredible with your guy on the whole spectrum from creechur to in drag. He has the range. I hope your guy gets pregnant in canon for you, you deserve it.
Tubblings, you post some of the most interesting meta concepts out of moments I have sometimes been in stream for and entirely missed. You are always watching and always ready to take a throwaway line and go "let's unpack that" and bring something heartbreaking out of it. I love getting out of stream and checking up on what Tubbo is up to and finding a) hilarious clips of the creator being out of pocket, b) some new analysis of a tubbo moment that turns me into the crycat meme.
Wilburians, your ability to take like nine streams and *continue to make content out of it* is inspiring. Your guy may not stream, but by god you are keeping the flame alive and you will be ready when he comes back. Please come back, Wilbur, there are so many men you could flirt with here. Leave New York alone, Wilbur, come back and talk to your daughter.
Mariana fans, not only do you have simply fantastic photos to share of your guy looking like a butch lesbian, those enrich my dash every time, but also I have laughed at jokes in a language I don't speak because your guy is so funny and the clips you are make and share are so good. The "mariana unpacks period products" is sincerely one of the funniest things I've ever seen, thank you so much for sharing it.
Etoiles fans, your art is SO GOOD. Like oh my god the Etoiles art is like 100% a banger EVERY TIME. Which is as it should be, your guy simply is that cool, but oh my god, the art is so good. I don't have more words here I am just flailing at the camera. The art is SO GOOD.
Bagi posters, your cubito is one of the most compelling actors on the server, for real, and you are so generous with translating whole speeches done in languages I don't speak. I sat just transfixed during that whole conversation with Cellbit after they discovered their relationship, because the emotion in the argument was so real, and then I scrolled down and found a whole translation and went oh thank you, now I know what people were saying. I'm sorry Empanada lost a life, but your creator's response to it was one for the record books in terms of emotional reaction, and I have seen some fully incredible animations made of it. You take amazing content and make something even cooler out of it, and I'm always so impressed but what you're up to.
Now you go. Tell me something you appreciate about another sub-community.
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kimberleyjean · 6 months
It's not 'discontinuity', it's just continued elsewhere...
The physical set of good omens is not just a set. It is also a series of clues. As I detailed in my previous good omens meta, the illustrated bible used in the Job flashback actually contains several more images than just the Job story. However, we can only see these images in the bookshop background - they are never shown close up on screen (and that’s why you may have missed them). If you’re not familiar with each of these illustrations please take a quick look at that post before you continue. A word of caution before you jump in - what I am about to share can have significant consequences for the season 2 plot. If you are averse to analyses that reinterpret the narrative of season 2, it might be better to skip this one. You have been warned.
So, in the last post, remember I mentioned how each illustration can be seen in a separate episode? Well, I omitted to include an important piece of information. The “Brazen Serpent” image can actually be seen in BOTH as you can see here: Actual image:
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Episode 2, when Aziraphale put's on the record, reads the newspaper clippings and draws Gabriel:
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Episode 3, starting around 1:15:
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Oh hey, would you listen to that! Both times we are hearing "Everyday" by Buddy Holly. This is the part where I argue my case that things are not as they seem, just as others have already pointed out in excellent meta posts, such as this one:
There are many indications that what we are shown on screen might not be in the right order! Have you ever thought about all those references in season 2 to rearranging books, Aziraphale visiting the Whickber stores in the 'wrong' order, or (most blatantly) Crowley shouting that the demons are “Out of Order!!”. Well, whether you believe me or not, read on, because this is about to get interesting! (or quit now, if you don’t want to know, that’s legitimate too.
So, how do these scenes relate? Well, in S2 we see Aziraphale sitting down at his desk while Everyday is playing and reading newpaper clippings about the mysterious jukebox. He then starts a (quite good) illustration of Gabriel. End Scene. Episode 2 progresses and we see more of Aziraphale on screen. However, let’s jump over to episode 3. At about the 1:15 minute mark, we see the Brazen Serpent displayed and the song playing on the record player from exactly the same spot it left off! The scene progresses with the knock at the door and Muriel arriving. While Muriel and Aziraphale have tea, we can see the book still on this page. These two sections of the story are meant to be back-to-back but yet they were separated by the latter half of episode 2. Believe me, my mind was blown when I found this! So what do you think? Is there any other conclusion we can arrive at that isn’t the scenes being “out of order”? After all, these two scenes are still in the right order, just separated. But what about all the scenes that have been shown BETWEEN these two...? When did they happen? This is not just a continuity error. In my opinion, this is an explicit editing attempt which cuts a scene into two and then arranges it so the audience thinks that they have seen things in the right order. Could it just be only this scene that was split? I doubt it. If we accept that there are more, then we can start looking for other clues of discontinuous scenes in the show - and, let me tell you, I have found a LOT. I've posted about Gabriel's statue before but there are so many others - including road markings, and extra's clothing. If you want to see yet another (and it is hiding in plain sight!) check out my post below about a set of lights!
Thankyou to those whose work has contributed to me falling down the rabbit hole:
@ineffable-detective-agency, @embracing-the-ineffable, @postsforposting, @noneorother, @indigovigilance, @ineffableigh, @the-oaken-muse and many others.
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ultfreakme · 4 months
Zuko's character arc is not lost it's clickbait
*Tired sigh* EarlyGame released an article saying "Zuko's character arc is lost!" in the live action and have said that Zuko's character motivation has shifted from chasing Aang to restore his honor to now chasing Aang to help the FN win the war. They use the short promo clip of Dallas Liu's Zuko writing a letter/journal about the Avatar to say that, especially when he says the line "it is my duty to capture the Avatar".
First of all, I read the article, because I got concerned too. Honor is a large pat of his motivation, we also got a trailer clip of Zuko telling Aang "You are the enemy of the Fire Nation!". We know Zuko didn't hunt Aang for the war.
New audiences do not know that Zuko's chasing Aang for his honor. The first premise we as an audience knew when we watched the cartoon was this;
Fire Nation is taking over the world
Aang is the only one who can stop them
The Fire Prince is chasing Aang and getting in his way
When we are introduced to Zuko, Sokka talks about invaders and spies from the Fire Nation. Zuko then attacks the village and destroys Sokka's wall with his ship and fights him. From all of this, we get the impression that Zuko's here with animosity towards SWT along with the goal to capture the avatar for the FN.
We, the OG viewers, did NOT know Zuko was doing this as a necessity due to his banishment until The Storm, halfway through the series. We thought he's just in competition with Zhao and being an asshole FN Prince. It was a huge twist and a spoiler that contributed heavily to us sympathizing with Zuko when we learned the real reason.
The Live Action isn't just for the original fans, it's for everyone. What is blatantly obvious to us is not for those who are going to watch it with brand new eyes. Zuko doing this due to his banishment is a surprise and they're 100% trying to maintain it for the live action too.
Zuko's arc of honor is also impossible to be removed btw, because we SEE clips of Ozai attacking Zuko, Zhao is still his competition. These characters and incidents are the bedrock of establishing the 'honor' motivation so no it's not gone.
In addition, it makes sense for Zuko to at least tell other people that he's trying to capture Aang for the Fire Nation. In the og series he didn't give a shit about the war, which makes sense, but Zuko is a Prince, an heir to the throne. He would've been deep in the propaganda. It's like;
Father wants to win the war -> Father has banished me-> The Avatar is a huge obstacle in the way of the war -> He has assigned me the task of capturing the Avatar -> I AM important to the war! -> So war= avatar's capture= me being vital -> The war and capturing the avatar, an honor mission, become one and the same.
If Zuko frames his mission as serving the Fire Nation, despite his banishment, he can think himself as still being a part of the royal family.
Nothing has drastically changed, I honestly think it's a good addition to include Zuko's thoughts on the war itself because of course the PRINCE of the FIRE NATION would have an opinion on the war. It is impossible for him to not think the Fire Nation is deserving of their victories.
Literally every single time I've seen people freak out over things, it's over a clickbait title, the article writers badly misinterpreting things, or people going into this convinced that the Live Action is bad. A conclusion has been made, and people are desperately searching for evidence even if it's false.
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aevyk-ing · 3 months
Watching the making of Wish
-Patting their backs for reusing animation as an homage. Like yeah, it’s nice, there’s work behind that, but it’s the way they say it, like: “We’ve worked hard! Trust us!” We know animation is hard and the problem with Wish was never the animation.
-I didn’t know Sabino was based on Roger from The Aristocats. I love Roger, he’s delightful. Poor Sabino just looks bland in comparison.
-They say Asha has her good and bad traits (which isn’t true) and is so brave to go against what she has believed her whole life. I've seen that done way better and with actually compelling characters.
-“She has to balance being a good friend and family member to speaking the truth and I think we can all relate to that” Well… nope. All those things can be different things. And both your friends and family should help you or at least listen to you.
-Saying that the “I want” song explains how the character is, like… duh.
-Well, yes, Ariana DeBose did great with what she was given.
-So Asha has freckles because some people of North Africa and Southern Spain have freckles… what? Any skin color can have freckles. And I can’t talk about North African people but Andalusian aren’t quite freckled (yes, that’s the name of Southern Spain). Also, I never saw her as mixed. She totally follows more of her mother’s culture. That’s why I don’t like her calling her father’s father saba. Her mother’s father would be her saba and her father’s father her abuelo.
-I love Bill Schwab’s designs, he’s a great artist. But he was only told Asha’s age, race and height. Which yeah, it’s important, but for designing a character you should think about their personality too, because that also translates into their features, hairstyle, clothes and mannerisms. We still don’t know anything about Asha. Is she shy? Likes comfy clothes? No, wait, she’s adorkable.
-They talk about Disney Princess gowns using elements from the current period where they were made (something quite interesting) but they just put the Modern twist in Asha’s hairstyle. Like, what were you afraid of?
-Maybe I’m reading too much into this, but Schwab’s just did his job with a model sheet and that was the ONLY reference they had for animating Asha for a while. Then one of them used his daughter as inspiration and then Ariana came with lots of ideas. They didn’t know how Asha moved for the longest time! Their lead character!
-They say Asha is pure energy, which is… somehow correct? Like she’s just awkward and making those weird moves and trying to be cute and funny. The movie is done and nobody knows yet who the heck is Asha as a character.
-Apparently, Asha has details of pumpkin seeds all over her clothes and she’s wearing periwinkle because of the idea of making her THE Fairy Godmother. I still think she looks better in orange.
-Seeing the voice acting outtakes was good. But now I wish the Bland Dwarfs looked more like the actors. All of them have interesting features that could have been implemented in the designs instead of making them clones of the Encanto family and the mother from Strange World.
-The first deleted scene is after Sabino retrieves his wish and he sings a song. I would have put it in the end as a farewell song with everyone joining it.
-"The Wish equation" is to have a true wish, be responsible of it and… finding support? Fight for it? Exclude fear? Accept change? What are we even talking about? A dream career?
-They say the FG gave Cinderella the dress but couldn’t make the Prince fall in love with her, so she was supporting her! Like… Cinderella just wanted to go to the ball. BAM, there you go, a new dress, WISH GRANTED. Cinderella’s wish wasn’t to make the Prince fall in love with her, she didn’t even know him yet!
-“Music happens when you’re too overwhelmed with emotion.” This clip plays AFTER a snippet of "Welcome to Rosas". I guess Asha was too overwhelmed with being late. That shouldn’t have been a song, she should have told us about Rosas in the book opening.
-They wanted it to be like a fairytale and then hired a pop composer. Like the director says she grew up with the Disney Renaissance Era. Which used Broadway music!
-They talked about this earlier but “This wish” was the song that helped them write the movie, just like "Let it go" made them rewrite Frozen. So you can tell they didn’t have much to work on, maybe an idea: “Hey, just do a fairytale about wishes for our anniversary.”
-The songwriter was so overwhelmed with the commission she had to reach a friend to help her.  Maybe because nobody actually knew what the movie was about? But hey, she’s the youngest to ever write a Disney OST.
-You know? The more I hear “This wish” the more I’m sure it’s the best song of the entire soundtrack.
-Hey, I know that guy in the archive! I’ve seen this clip before!
-I’m just hearing they didn’t know what the heck to do and dived into the archive for inspiration. I like the idea that they studied the greatest artists for some scenes, but sadly, all that is lost in the movie. They scenes are too short to appreciate the animation, but A+ for effort.
-They thought doing a fairytale illustration style was difficult to do… in 3D. Just don’t do it in 3D! Also, I don’t think it’s that difficult, Blue Eyed Samurai did something great.
-The composition is interesting and the backgrounds too, but the characters look quite bad.
-The illustration style led to the backgrounds (and everything) being in focus, which I think it also makes the movie look weird. Look at any old painting: the background is less detailed than the main focus (less brush strokes). They could have gone that direction. The backgrounds of Wish are too detailed a lot of the times and always in focus, so it’s distracting.
-BTW, most of this is: “We did this like in this movie, that like in that movie…” but, what’s original? What makes Wish its own movie?
-They talk about lines like lineart in animation, which we’ve seen it masterfully in Spiderman. But here is so subdued it doesn’t add anything.
-“Wouldn’t it be great to have a warmer climate than the one we’re used in fairytales?” Yeah, because there’s snow in Encanto and Hercules. Also, nothing tells us that’s a warmer climate. Google “Andalusia”, please. There’s flowers in bright colors everywhere, white houses, narrow streets and people, just a lot of loud and happy people. That’s Southern Spain for you all.
-At least with Frozen we CAN TELL it’s Norway. Here, there’s nothing that says SPAIN. Give us people eating serrano ham or tortillas, maybe put a bull around there, have them drink wine from botijos and play guitars!
-Again with the “this was based on this”. Rosas was inspired by The Sleeping Beauty: Germany and France. That’s a whole different architectural design! There’s no verticality as main focus in Mozarab architecture, is all about curves.
-“So it’s your fault.” Yeah, that doesn’t sound fun. I have the feeling you’re not telling a lot of things.
-You know, another Fantasia would have been great. Maybe one with all the Disney characters.
-This is now about the story of Disney, so yeah, padding. Also, way to use “At all costs” in the background. We don’t want to remember what you’ve done in the past, we just want you to tell a good story again.
-This should have been the beginning, the “wish upon a star” that put Wish in motion.
-It was going to be about the origin of the wishing star?
-“Return of Disney villain” Hahahahahahah…
-They didn’t know how bad Magnífico could be and made him do mean stuff like smashing Sabino’s guitar (they called it a guitar here).
-Also, apparently he was going to be shirtless in a scene. Like, you know, a Disney villain.
-We don’t watch him BECOME a villain, we watch a magic book CONTROL him!
-“With "This is the thanks I get" I was like, oh, yeah, we have a narcissist.”, so they didn’t know anything about Magnífico until the song was written! That’s why he doesn’t act like a narcissist much until that song and why the mirror ending felt rushed.
-“When Chris Pine came in I was like: that’s it, that’s the character.” Because they didn’t even had designed it? Like, that’s literally him!
-He did give it all to that song.
-Magnífico was an alchemist?
-“We didn’t want people to know he was evil right away.” Every poster and article: “Disney’s new villain, everybody!”.
-“Makes him more dangerous the quieter he is.” Magnífico in the end battle: eyes fully open, screaming, laughing.
-Oh, Star, here we go. He was going to be pure energy as well… just like Asha! Yeah, we were robbed. BTW, he’s not like Genie or Maui. Maui and Genie aren’t even the same!
-He could have been a fantastic creature as well. And all those designs look crazily fun. But also that’s the kind of exploration you do at the beginning of the production, not in the middle. Unless someone meddles…
-Someone went out to design different sparkles for Star but I could only see it being adorkable. Focused on the face so the sparkles weren’t even noticeable.
-“…they put their personality on it (Star)” Yeah, because none of these characters had any personality… nor have it now that the movie is done.
-People being made of stardust is one of the most beautiful scientific facts. “You are a star” is the worst song in the movie. No wonder it took so long to write.
-Nope, Doc was a leader. Dalia is just there… talking. Of course she’s a way to get the medal of  “we put a disabled character” but at least she has more personality than Asha.
-BTW, just saw the Story Artist wearing a pin with a Pride flag in the shape of a Mickey.
-“She’s just a young woman, going with her life.” “And succeeding.” Yeah, representation is good, but it’s better if you’re not talking about how good you are for doing it.
-Also, we have mixed-race representation, older people with dreams representation, etc. but hey, that girl has a crutch, we’re cool.
-“Animals in Disney have to be smarter than people.” Why? Just why? And also, Valentino is no way smarter than any of the other characters. So why say that?
-“(Alan Tudyk) He pretty much made the whole character.” Yeah, because it looks like nobody had any idea of how these characters were.
-“Inspiration can came from anywhere.” You just COPY-PASTED the ideas of others.
-“Everybody has seen me crying in the studio.” For a good or bad reason?
-Ending with a Walt quote proclaiming they always do their best job… huh…
-“It served the story better to have Amaya as a good person.” Yeah, nope. It made no sense for her to switch sides so easily.
-Sabino dying would have been such a strong way to start the story. Him stealing Asha’s diary… yep, not good.
-Reinforcing my theory that Disney wanted to move away from shapeshifters after the Nimona fiasco.
-Looks like they gave the chaotic energy Star was going to have to Valentino.
-Making any other animal talking surely was a mistake. What’s with the sassiness?
-Dalia wasn’t called like that?! BTW, the writers were so proud of her clutch not being mentioned but, in the deleted scene, it’s the first thing they do. Twice.
-“When you’re underestimated, they don’t see your power coming until it changes the world.” Whoa, just whoa. Disney writers, everybody.
-LOL, the deleted scene with the animals is so bad. But Magnífico was going to transform into a Beast, so… kinda interesting?
Here's the link, BTW.
And congratulations if you read this all. If you're interested, here are my own Wish rewrites: 1, 2.
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nerdyvocals · 11 months
9 People to Know Better (except I'm not tagging 9 people)
I don't normally do tag games, but I got tagged in this twice (by @jealous-kippen and @remmixx, my beloveds <3) so here I am! (also as I'm writing this out I am realizing that while both posts were titled the same way, it looks like they had different question prompts??? So I'm just gonna combine the two)
Favorite Color: Purple! Any shade will have my heart but I am partial to more red-toned purples. (PV, if that means anything to anyone who sees this other than me, you know who you are)
Currently Reading: Three things! In terms of actual books, I've been slowly making my way through the Riordanverse since my university did The Lightning Thief in my second year (first school in my state to do it once the rights were released!) since I somehow never got into Percy Jackson as a kid, and I'm currently on Son of Neptune. I'm also one like my third or fourth re-read of Eurydice by Sara Ruhl, since that's the play I'm designing the costumes for for my senior project. And in terms of fanfic, I woke up to a notification about this yesterday and Actually Screeched.
Last Song: Dial Drunk by Noah Kahan (ft. Post Malone), which was a bit of an accident. I use siri to request music while I'm driving and I asked for Dial Drunk and was singing along until I got jumpscared by the slight difference before Post Malone's verse. Although if you look at my spotify, the ROTPL album has been on repeat for weeks.
Currently Watching (Series): I've been hyperfixated on ROTPL and have watched it over a dozen times at this point, which is probably not healthy, so I put on NCIS last night for background noise while I ate dinner and accidentally watched like six episodes.
Currently Watching (Movie): Saw the Barbie movie the night before the actual opening with my coworkers (We don't cross picket lines people! I was not asked nor invited by any company, and I paid full price for my ticket. There's a one-screen theatre in the town where I'm doing summer stock, this relic from the 50's, and they were able to get access to the film a day early and did a special first come first serve premiere.) and we all sobbed the entire way through.
Current Obsession: Rise of the Pink Ladies. Full stop. I'd seen clips of it when it first aired in April but I was iffy on it in spite of how good it looked. Like most, I'm a little tired of reboots and remakes, and while I did clock Cynthia as being queer within two seconds, (I believe my exact words were "That's either a very butch lesbian or the eggiest egg to ever egg.") I was Convinced it was a queerbait situation. Plus I was nearing finals and didn't have time to get into a new show. But then Crushing Me was trending on tiktok and I realized this was not queerbait, so I put it on to have something playing while I packed for summer stock and it's been the only thing I can think about since mid May. It got me writing fanfic again for the first time in years, if that tells you anything. Speaking of,
Currently Working On: A follow-up to my previous fic, Steady, Steady! I wanted to have it up this week, but it is a behemoth. I'm a little over halfway through my plot outline and I'm at 10,441 words. Fun fact, this will be my longest single-chapter fic so far. Not just in the fandom, not just on AO3, but ever (so far!)
No-Pressure Tagging: @merely-a-player, @penguin-writes-books, @el-fandom-birb, @marley-barnes112, @isweartheyregayyourhonor, and @look-at-those-niceass-rocks (since I've already dragged you back to tumblr kicking and screaming)
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fixfoxnox · 10 months
About the MW3 teaser....I'm not saying anything. But I'm also not not saying anything...
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Definitely not who we think they are, but WHY THE PARALLELS with the OG series?!
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Alright I'm so glad you asked me about the trailer because I have been itching to talk about it! First of all, let's get this out of the way: I'M SO FLIPPING EXCITED
Okay, with that out of the way, let's get to theorizing.
So I went through and took screenshots of every separate scene that we got that looked like gameplay. Ny goal in doing this was to find parallels between the scenes we were given and mission in the first three og MW games.
So let's start with the ones that have everyone so nervous for Ghost and the ones that you mentioned above.
Obviously everyone's mind went to Ghost's death and, to be honest, I understand why. This is clearly meant to be a callback to that specific moment, however, I also think its meant to be a distraction. Because while I've been seeing everyone else talk about the throw, I've seen no one mention whats going on in the background. So let's break it down.
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Night time, downed plane in the middle of a group of buildings, man in suit being thrown into fire. What are my thoughts on this? Well my initial and most prevalent theory is that this is the plane that we saw in the end credits of MW2, the one with the "No Russian" reference.
It seems to me like the plane in that sequence was already in the air, so it makes sense to me if the goal this time was to hijack the plane rather than shooting people. This seems especially true to me if we are going to see someone more similar to the original no Russian which seems likely due to the little clip we get of Verdansk in the trailer.
Now, like I said my goal was to find parallels between the clips and the original games, so did I find one here? Yes.
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This is from MW3, the mission where Makarov kidnaps the president in hopes of getting nuclear launch codes from him. Now, do I think this is what the mission will be about? No, of course not. Instead I think its merely a reference to this mission and maybe gives a hint at some things Makarov is planning. Perhaps we'll see him going after launch codes again, killing the Russian president, trying to pin this on American's etc. Or maybe this is just a section with a downed plane that won't be similar to MW3 at all.
Next I want to take a look at these parts
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All underwater sections. Now I've seen some people call to the similarities between these sections and the scuba section in MW3 with delta force, and I do think there are some similarities. Particularly the underwater explosion and the little things that they're riding which I found some parallels to in MW3.
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However I'm more inclined to say that these stills are more similar to the brief underwater intro we get in MW2 on "The Only Easy Day" mission with Roach. Why do I think that?
Well, I'll like to point out that the red bit we see in the trailer is almost identical to the red bit we see at the beginning of that mission in MW2. The underwater stab we see is something that we only see done by Roach during that mission when he pulls one of the men underwater and stabs them in a very similar way to what we see. This isn't like an optional take down its one that has to be done to progress the mission. And I will mention while the trailer shows individual little torpedo (?) things they're riding like we see in MW3, the brief section in MW2 does feature those, its just larger with more people on them.
There are no good pictures for Roach's takedown, but if you've played the mission or watched it you should know what I mean. Here is the nearly identical part I mentioned:
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Okay so my last few though here are about to get balls to the walls wild with my conspiracy theories okay? Everything above I think has at least somewhat of a chance of being correct, but what I'm about to say is like full tin foil hat okay? So just bare with me.
I think there are COD Ghosts references in this trailer.
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Now, naturally when I first saw this section I obviously thought what most people are saying. "Oh snow and stuff so like a cliffhanger or contingency reference." And as much as I really really really want to say they are, I just can't.
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Cliffhangar and Contingency are both bright missions. Daytime missions that see you stealthing through the snow. There are trucks you have to avoid in cliffhanger, but none you really interact with. Similar in Contingency.
However, I was looking at those screenshots and my brain clicked, because the environment, the vehicle aspect, the ice aspect all clicked for me.
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COD Ghost's features two separate snowy missions, both of which take place at night, both of which feature the vehicles, and both of which feature the ice breaking under people/vehicles.
In one chase sequence the entire goal is to shoot the ice out from under the cars that are chasing you, cars that look nearly identical to the one we see in the trailer.
"Okay," I hear you saying, "but thats only one thing. I'm sure other cod games have snowy parts like that." To which I say, you're right. Except, once I saw this parallel, I just couldn't stop.
Remember that scuba section we mentioned? Particularly these two stills?
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The environment there looks like nothing we've seen before right? Its different from the scuba mission in MW3 and we definitely don't see anything like that in the brief section of MW2. But you know where we see something like this extensively? A full underwater mission ending with an explosion on a sibmarine/boat?
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COD Ghosts. Thats where.
Now I can't add any more pictures, but I would also like to point to the rapelling part of the trailer. I saw that an immediately though of The Only Easy Day/Dark Water. But you know where else there is a mission featuring rapelling up to an oil rig??? COD Ghosts.
I will again say that these parallels are fully balls to the wall and probably not true, however, these were enough of them that I just had to mention it.
My hope, based on what we've heard, is that MW3 will draw more heavily on the OG MW2. That plane crash I mentioned could easily end up being something with Shadow Company and Shepherd as we do see a plane/helicopter crash in that game.
My hopes for Roach are up just a little too high because of the almost identical submarine still, however I'm trying not to get too excited. Let's just pray that August 17th is kind to us and we get some more ideas on what to expect coming up.
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daswarschonkaputt · 2 years
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so a few select people know that i've been working on these bad boys for a few weeks now. this collection started because @mortimerlatrice had the audacity to try and tell me that fem!kinn wouldn't wear skirts and dresses and i pretty much broke my tablet pen in the rush to prove her wrong. also i felt like redesigning my fem!kinn and fem!porsche ideas. beneath the cut are my thoughts on these outfits plus the fashion collections they're inspired by/referencing.
fem!kinn businesswear looks
fem!kinn i feel like is the type of person who weaponises her gender expression. every part of how she presents herself is a carefully cultivated power play. she smokes cigars and drinks scotch and can talk at length about stocks and cryptocurrency, but she wears high heels even though she had to teach herself how to run in them, has long hair even though styling it is a nightmare, and is never seen without make-up, because every part of her must straddle a line of being masculine enough to be respected without being dismissed as butch, or a transgressor of gender norms. so: power suits and heels.
most of these are just riffs on the show's suits, so no real reference images, though hilarious @elnotwoods and i managed to parallel brain the exact same corset + suit look bc we are bloggers of TASTE.
fem!kinn occasionwear looks
the product launch -- upon rewatching clips from this episode i realised that the product launch apparently has a roaring 20s theme? which be wildin'. i spent so long looking at pictures of 20s style dresses until i found eliza jane howell who is a tiny british designer who has an entire collection of 20s inspired gowns. the inspo for kinn's dress was the miranda dress from her eveningwear collection.
the diamond auction -- i've drawn fem!kinn in this dress before, and i stand by it. this is a dress from ralph and russo's fall 2015 couture collection, specifically look 12. i first saw this dress months ago when i was looking for clothes for a project i was working on and it's lived in my brain rent free since.
date night i and date night ii -- both of these dresses i saw on pinterest somewhere and forget to save the link bc when i do art i usually have abt 50 billion tabs open. (i make firefox weep each time i open a new one.)
looks that almost made it in: michael cors rtw fall 2022 look 24; and schiaparelli couture spring 2022 look 24.
fem!kinn misc looks
okay so the theme for this one was actually "iconic kinn looks" and you know what? the towel was iconic. there i said it.
the sleepwear look -- *cries in detail work* yes all that lace is hand-drawn YES MY WRIST ACHED SO BAD AFTER FINISHING IT, this one is just conjured out of my head, no inspo look
the suspenders -- real ones know which kinn look this one is based off. just google kinn in suspenders or something i guess because we were ROBBED that it wasn't in the show. ROBBED.
the towel -- since drawing it multiple ppl have told me that they think fem!kinn would just wear the towel on her hips, tits out, no shame, and they are all so valid.
family portrait -- when i was drawing this, i got sent a look by siv that i initially discounted because it was a skirt suit and fem!kinn all about those power suits. and then i was looking for thai designers and i saw the same look and i was like, "okay but she'd only wear this in a family portrait," and then i was like hhrrrrnngngn family portrait outfits for all of them, so now it's a category. this is a recoloured version of poem bangkok's fall 2022 rtw collection look 19.
fem!porsche "pre-kinn" looks
okay so my thoughts on fem!porsche are as someone for whom gender is almost an afterthought, whose main friends are all guys, who drinks bear and kicks ass and cuts her own hair whenever it gets too annoying, who buys male toilettries because they're cheaper, who's made a career out of being rich girl's experimental whirl into lesbianism, and who can get them off real easy but isn't so good at getting herself off. she's hooked up with her fair share of guys, and considers herself more of a male-leaning bisexual. like, girls are fun and all, but she tends to have a better time when she hooks up with guys. (kinn's gonna blow that out of the water, hahaha.)
the fighter outfit -- originally this was going to be just a sports bra + jeans, but then i saw a pic of a cropped hoodie and my brain just sort of blanked out and when i was done the art was finished. porsche's abs are very important to me. as are her arms. and her thighs. she's an itty bitty titty committee member tho and i stand by that.
the bartender outfit -- i've drawn this one before, but yes! all the buttons undone! cheapest black shirt and slacks! converse!!! YESS
the casual outfit -- bike shorts, big t, big shirt? yes. fem!porsche sits somewhere between jock and gonna-fix-your-appliances on a fashion basis and i am here for it.
fem-porsche "kinn era" looks
one of the big ideas i had going into this project was the idea that porsche feels divorced from her femininity in a way that she's not altogether satisfied with and that kinn helps her reconnect with it. because, like, let's be real: porsche has no major feminine influences in her life growing up, and she's literally always got bigger concerns. she defo plays up the idea that she's above it all, whilst also completely lost as to how to get to there. kinn is probably both an object of envy and attraction for her.
(also i have in my head that the sauna conversation goes something like: porsche: do you have a boyfriend, then? kinn: i've never once found a man that truly wants a powerful woman. porsche: huh, that's weird. i've had no trouble finding guys who want me to hold the up against a wall.)
anyway it's important to me that kinn makes porsche feel dainty and feminine.
the bodyguard look -- hrrrrngngng waist. that is all.
clubbing with tankhun -- you know how i said somewhere between jock and owns a monkey wrench? meet porsche out clubbing. love it for her.
first public date with kinn -- so the background i had imagined for this outfit was that porsche and kinn are going public, and kinn sends her a box with a dress to wear plus heels, only porsche can literally not stand for more than two seconds in the heels and hates them, so she wears her converse instead. this is almost a direct copy of look 12 from monse's spring 2021 rtw collection.
black tie date with kinn -- obvs this is a dress that kinn picked out for her, so i thought long and hard about what kinn would choose. in the end, i figured kinn would probably want her to look regal. i looked at so many dresses for this one, esp bc there was a secret requirement where i wanted the skirt to be loose enough that kinn could eat her out in it. look, i just think it would be gender if kinn dressed porsche up in this dress and porsche felt all pretty and feminine and then kinn ate her out in the bathroom at the event or something. you know. girl things. this dress is look 6 from valdrin sahiti's spring 2022 bridal collection and i had to download a pdf to get a reference picture, so appreciate my work. also shoutout literally the only time porsche is wearing heels. kinn had to give her like three hours of walking lessons.
fem!porsche minor family head looks
michael kors collection saved my bacon here. i really struggled to figure out what fem!porsche's overall aesthetic would be for her minor family head position. i wanted something distinct from kinn, but didn't think she'd go full androgyny. in the end i settled on a well-tailored suits with a military flare in their cut.
first business look -- this one is based on look 19 from michael kors collection's fall 2022 rtw collection. dem arms.
second business look -- same song, different verse. same collection, but look 7. the thigh-high boots were added by me, though. i wasn't drawing lesbian kinnporsche without putting one of them in thigh-high boots.
visiting mum -- a couple of things. this one is based on this photo i found on pinterest, because i just really liked the neckline. details you might miss: this is arguably porsche's most femme outfit here, but she doesn't have the perfectly styled hair that she has when she's on mafia business, and she's still wearing her ratty beat-up converse. she's feminine, but trying to be authentic. it's a specific kind of messaging she's trying to get across to her mum. she probably agonised for hours over what to wear. kinn definitely really likes her in it.
family portrait -- again, plucked from my own imagination. the original inspiration for this look was look 9 from altuzarra pre-fall 2020 but if you click that link you'll probably be able to tell i went completely off-script. the more i drew it, basically, the more the altuzarra look looked too japanese, which is understandable, because that collection's whole thing was about blending modern and traditional japanese fashion. in the end, i pivoted, and brought it more in line with kinn's look, because i really did want them to have similar vibes. (couples outfits? couples outfits!!)
near misses -- these ones almost ended up involved: altuzarra pre-fall 2020 look 6 for the family portrait; michael kors fall 2020 look 60 also for the family portrait; michael kors fall 2020 look 30 for minor family mafia business; look 17 from alexander mcqueen's 2011 pre-fall collection also for mafia business; this look from pinterest for mafia business that got discounted bc i was going in a different direction; and this dress from rouba.g's spring 2019 rtw collection for the black tie dress which literally only avoided inclusion here because i couldn't make the sheer fabric look right.
anyway the takeaway here is don't get into an argument with me because i will bring receipts. mort learned their lesson, don't worry.
also @yeetlegay i gave you adequate warning. you knew it was coming.
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9leaguesofmirrors · 10 months
My Favourite Reece Shearsmith Characters
So it's Reece Shearsmith's birthday today, so I decided to celebrate this by sharing some of my favourite characters played by this fantastically talented actor
These are in no particular order
Gregory Brewster - Him Indoors
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Him Indoors is a short film about a serial killer with agoraphobia. Not only is the premise very interesting, Reece delivers a chilling yet very entertaining performance as the main character. It's on YouTube if you want to watch it, which I highly reccomend you do!
Tommy - Bernie Clifton's Dressing Room
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This HAD to be on the list! Reece's performance as Tommy is heartbreaking, we watch a man seems to put-together and serious slowly fall apart and lose control of his calm façade - impeccable work
Sean Stone - Chasing Shadows
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Admittedly, I don't know where the watch the full show, but I have seen clips and I knew I had to put it on this list because of Reece's portrayal of an autistic person. You can tell he put a lot of thought and research into it in order to give a realistic performance, which is a testament to his dedication and how much he truly cares about the roles he plays and who he's representing
Tyler - Riddle Of The Sphinx SPOILERS BELOW
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If there's one thing Reece is good at, it's how to play a chilling villain. Everything about Tyler is unnerving and he manages to be terrifying without being loud or angry all the time. It's measured and the emotion builds and builds - fantastic work!
Joseph Lisgoe - The League Of Gentlemen
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I've mentioned before that the debt collectors were underused, and I simply had to talk about how extraordinary Reece's performance as Lisgoe was. He completely dives into the roles he plays and this one was no exception, not even a light smashing on his closest friend stops him from carrying on a scene (just check out the outtakes!), he simply embodies the part and delivers a performance that terrifies the cast, crew and the audience
Laurence - Merrily Merrily SPOILERS BELOW
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Merrily Merrily is an Inside No. 9 episode that I can never rewatched because of how empty it made me feel - and I mean that in the best way possible! Laurence is wracked with pain over the loss of his late partner, and Reece delivers such a subtle yet haunting performance that I don't think I'll ever stop thinking about it
Ross Gaines - The League of Gentlemen
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Ross is such a fun character because of how manipulative, calculating and cold he is. Not only does it set him apart from the other inhabitants of Royston Vasey, it makes his scenes with Pauline all the more tense and entertaining - and Reece really does deliver in the role. I'm glad they decided to go with this casting choice
Aiden - Thinking Out Loud
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Like with Laurence, Reece delivers a hauntingly stellar performance. What makes this one really special is that it's a monologue. There's nobody for him to bounce off of or react to, he has to reach those emotions himself. And, as always, he nails it
Ollie Plimsolls - The League Of Gentlemen
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I've said before that I think Ollie is one of the most cleverly written League characters and I stand by that. As a representation of the Saviour Complex and self-righteousness of people in theatre, Ollie is a character that should be easy to hate... but because of Reece's expert comedic timing and delivery, he ends up being so funny that you can't help but laugh every time he's onscreen
SPECIAL MENTION: Gilbert - Betty Blue Eyes
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Reece Shearsmith said in an interview that he wasn't a great singer. Reece Shearsmith is a liar. Don't believe me? Listen to The Kind Of Man I Am from Betty Blue Eyes and thank me later
Also, if you can find it, there's a short bootleg of him in The Producers which is good too!
Of course, this are just a few of his performances and he's never delivered a bad one - whether he's playing a comedic character like Archie in The Bill or a more serious one like in Borley Rectory. And we haven't even touched on his writing skills, I can't wait to see what he does next!
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dissonantharmony · 4 months
ive just found you through the c!eret quiz so i thought youd be the person to know if there was any sort of vod library of old eret streams? ive just come across an old flash drive i used to download a good few dsmp start-lmanburg era streams from a couple creators. i know older dsmp streams are hard to find so i was hoping to figure out if i have anything thats been lost to time and if i did i could upload them publicly somewhere for people to see
OOOOO ok ok. the best places to upload those would probably be archive.org and youtube—archive.org in particular is pretty great because it has a really good search system and i don't tend to see vods getting removed on here like they do on youtube sometimes.
as for specific eret vod libraries:
My specific search filters for looking for Eret vods on archive.org (scroll to the top while it loads or else the page breaks lol)
@/dsmparchive (They are always looking for new members to help archive vods, and have a masterpost of all the vods they've collected)
Piper Kells' Eret VODs playlist* (Only goes back to March 2022)
RetsRose's Eret's VODs playlist* (Goes back to August 2020 but does not nearly include everything)
Eret's official VOD channel*
Eret & Elaina Vods & Clips*
My own personal collection of bits and pieces*
*Does not allow you to upload your stuff to it
An honorable mention goes to Eret's page on twitchtracker, which is by no means a vod archive but DOES archive stream dates, statistics, titles, and clips and is a massive help for me in hunting down the dates and streams that events took place in.
ALSO - Even if you find out people have uploaded some of these vods already, I'd still recommend uploading them. I've seen countless vods and vod channels disappear right before my eyes, so it is Always good to have a backup.
I hope this helps!! By all means I'd be happy to talk more if you need anything else cleared up :D I'd LOVE to see what vods you've archived. l'manburg era stuff is Especially hard to come by in many streamer's cases.
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kethsi · 1 month
So I'm sure that you know how jagex turned Burthorpe into the starter area of rs3 Where the tutorial is and all the new player skill guides are. And has graphically reworked everything including the buildings and the people. And you know how since jagex released Necromancy as a skill they allow you to see the ghosts of canonically dead npcs in Um. And technically allows some interaction with them. And you know how mod Raven said that one time around the release of Nomad's elegy, that the rs3 team actually regrets killing Cyrisus during WGS? And you know how in Path of Glouphrie Hazelmere told you of the 8 npc's sent to rescue you, 2 will survive, one representing the path of the warrior and one representing the path of the slayer?
And you know how one of these 2 NPCs, specifically the one representing the path of the warrior, is Harrallak Menarous, the most irrelevant npc in Burthorpe, so irrelevant in fact that in 2 graphical updates they haven't fixed his coif ass hair clipping through his hat? And haven't even added any dialogue to him since the Necromancy release, not even some generic "hey since u talk to the spirits of the dead, can you pls buy Ghommal and Sloane a pint?" With a "thanks" and some cosmetic rapier as a reward or whatever? So are the OSRS team gonna stick beat for beat to the original WGS script and let irrelevant nobody Harrallak live while killing Cyrisus for the shock value (which will shock no one bc we all knew it was coming) or are they actually gonna do what the rs3 team couldn't by letting Cyrisus live and continue his character arc by either: 1. Going to work @ the warrior's guild, even if only temporarily now that they have so many vacancies, possibly rising in the ranks until he becomes guildmaster or at least in charge of one of the rooms like Sloane is now (Because even if he doesn't rise to become guildmaster, I'd much rather buy the strength cape for example from Cyrisus who demonstrated strength by his willingness to carry on despite reaching rock bottom before we met him in Dream Mentor than from some quaternary NPC like Yadech Strongarm who didn't even EXIST prior to wgs), thus paying the player's kindness forward by being a guide to others the way the player was a guide to him? or 2. Making him a Slayer Master / Slayer Master in training, since his npc contact dialogue about hunting the Kalphite Queen suggests he already is on frequent bossing trip terms with the other Slayer Masters and could possibly be training with them. He is so good at combat and slayer at this point that maybe he's learning slayer master minutia from his slayer master buddies during those current trips as we speak, and is reasonably close to graduating to slayer master himself, and he's as good a candidate to replace one of the fallen slayer masters soon anyway, which will also complete his character arc by making him a guide to learners the way the player was to him, just in an aspect he seems to be happy with on his own without being introduced to it by others.
Or, maybe, they can just let him live and do something else thing that will not involve combat directly bc he seems to be meeting with world leaders on his off time and discussing weird secret stuff so he can be involved in trying to help us somehow through that. Or even write their own ideas. I mean, osrs has a writing team of people who, from what I've seen, can actually continue a story and don't need to directly copy paste every last thing rs3 does into their game. Why not develop an existing character instead of killing him for the sake of avoiding killing some other overhyped loser (Lucien) that will die in the wgs sequel anyway??? I mean surely they can spare some character development for Cyrisus this time around instead of letting him die simply to shock the 5 people who don't skip quest dialogue and very slightly like him bc he was in a quest once?
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I've encountered V-lovers on instagram who sometimes have ask games where someone asks them if they've seen SL, and every time they say "no I haven't" it itches in my fingers to go encourage them to watch it.
But I don't, because I know I've been there myself. I AVOIDED watching SL like the plague for several years. Both out of spite because SL fans were so mean to V-lovers back in the day, there was an unnecessary war about which show is "the best", when really both shows are kind of equally flawed tbh, but also because I found myself too old to watch it.
But when you finally watch it, it's just like... "wow, why didn't I give this a chance sooner?" and you wanna encourage everyone else to watch it. Though, from personal experience, it won't do much to ask and encourage them to watch it. People have probably already tried for years. They need an own sheer will.
I have so say I feel the same sometimes with some people who have only watched SL and never Violetta. Especially those who are like "No I heard Violetta is bad/boring" because I'm like "!!!! I WANNA REMOVE THOSE STEREOTYPES FROM YOU RIGHT NOW!! PLEASE GO WATCH VIOLETTA!!!!! YOU'LL BE SURPRISED!!!" (there is a very small minority who still thinks "I have heard Violetta is bad" but every time there is one, I'm like "oh you have met the wrong people... if I had been there and showed you the light...")
I'm even more defensive about Violetta because it's my middle school obsession show, so it's easy to get this "Only those who watched it can call it bad" mentality. But I can't force anyone to watch it, let alone really encourage it. With the dcla shows, what you have to do is essentially just... post about it yourself. When they're exposed to out of context clips and pictures, it's often what can make them intrigued.
I did not feel like watching Soy Luna after people told me that "I should" and "It's actually good". I did feel like watching Soy Luna when someone made a long post about how Ámbar spent time fixing the Dia de los Muertos party only for it to be ruined by Benicio. I was like "yeah! Oh my god!"
I have not convinced anyone to watch Violetta by telling them they should watch it. I have unintentionally got people interested in Violetta after they saw me being passionate about it out of context.
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thesmpisonfire · 1 year
[Last post I'll make about this]
Okay so, everything I, as a person who has been seeing this going down for 6 years now and is not a particular fan of neither side, know about the Cellbit and Sasa situation
First thing first: I'm really not a fan of Cellbit these past years. Yes he was a big part of my childhood going from 13-16 yo following him. I got to see the breakup first hand and it was around the time he was shifting his content in a way i didn't like so it was just another push for me to stop following him as close. As for nowadays, hes the BIGGEST ttrpg streamer of Brazil, he changed a lot, he has achieved SO MUCH. He's a great storyteller and rper. But its a guy I'd never sit in a bar table to talk to.
Since he was so big, i still saw all this developing as the years passed. I saw the exposed thread, and i saw sasa's first stream on the subject and his own tweet admitting to have done everything Sasa had said (and a clip, that I can't for the love of god find rn. It was in the exposed thread but some tweets have disappeared since then so :/) and to stop harassing her because she was saying the truth and he was the toxic one and he was going to do therapy
A LOT OF PEOPLE showed their support to Sasa at the time. Cellbit lost a lot of subs and a lot of YouTubers covered the situation. It WASN'T pushed under the rug, it was front and center, EVERYONE that was in the Brazilian yt environment at the time knew about it
Both him and Sasa stopped talking about it after, they said everything had been said, Sasa's friends backed her up with screenshots and sharing her vod. Sasa changed everything about her media presence, trying to distance herself from Cellbit, but ppl never stopped asking her, ever since 2018/2019, getting worse whenever Cellbit did something big, ppl relived her stuff, and she got SHOWERED in hate for it, everytime
And she asked to stop bringing it up because it wasn't doing any good, it was just bringing her more hate and making ppl distance themselves from her bc she was becoming = to drama in online communities
And then she had a breakdown on stream in 2021 about it. Y'all seen the clips with caption.
First thing i have to say: These clips are out of order. And out of context as well
This is the thread with the almost entirety of her Livestream
First thing to point out: She has not healed from her relationship with Cellbit at that point (2021). She didn't manage to get support immediately after and only got psychological support in 2020, 1-2 years after everything she went down
She is crying and she is saying how she is getting tired of being silenced and being ignored. She says she's her own person and did everything to distance herself from Cellbit but people keep bringing that up. She says how everyweek someone still shows up to ask her about Cellbit, how when the exposed came out she got so much hate it badly fucked with her mental health. She says ppl started spreading around she was also toxic, when she wasn't AND cellbit never said she was. She then says she doesn't wanna keep talking in details or bringing it up again (which y'all can see at the very start of this same captioned clip), plus saying she left a lot of details out BECAUSE she didn't want to enter in those details
She then asks if ppl are going to keep ignoring her words (dismissing her abuse, twisting her words, ignoring her pleads to be left alone), to do it quietly without invading her chat or personal socials bc she is tired of being hammered with that everyday and she just wants to heal
Once again: Cellbit confirmed everything, and both have ended discussion, Sasa wants to be left alone
This is all I know. Now please, stop dragging Sasa back into this. I've seen this poor girl crying way too many times
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rainbowsky · 6 months
Hope you are doind good !
I saw a lot of discussion on the bird app about the editor on the boat being a creep with WYB.
He looked really comfortable and happy to me. I have not seen him smile so much at an event in recent times…
So, wanted to know if I am reading the situation wrong ..
Hi Choko! I'm doing well, thanks - hope you are too! 💛.
Rocco Liu was not weird in any way with DD. They have known each other for years, and seem to have a normal relationship. DD does not look even remotely ill at ease, so if people think that he was being a creeper, then it only follows that DD was okay with it. Is that what people are trying to put out into the world? 🤔
One thing that I find frustrating about the fandom is that there seem to be quite a few people who try to look for something negative or melodramatic in everything that happens.
This is especially true when it comes to DD. People are constantly trying to make it out like he's crying or sad or unhappy or angry or even hostile or 'rude'. It seems like some people do not know how to read his demeanor at all.
There was a hot search on Weibo during that boat ride, something like "GQ awkward boat ride" or something along those lines. I think it's understandable that people found the boat ride a little bit awkward. I think the whole boat concept in general was awkward, not just with DD but all of the stars. But at least all of the other stars only took a minute or two to get across the water. They seemed to intentionally drag the final boat ride out and it ended up two or three times as long as the rest of them.
EDIT: If you're wondering why there was some tension at times, here's what their view was from the boat:
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Awkwardness is one thing. I think anyone with a million spotlights on them taking a weird boat ride that was two or three times longer than necessary could be forgiven for appearing to look forward to the thing being over. 😅😅😅 But to start trying to create all these other kinds of melodramas around it... it doesn't serve any useful purpose besides pointless negative gossip.
During the boat ride both of them looked like I think you or I would have looked; at moments relaxed and laughing, and at moments feeling a little bit 'deer in the headlights'. But toward each other they seemed overall pretty at ease.
In fact DD looked more relaxed than he would have with a lot of other people. He didn't behave in a formal way at all, and I think we all know how formal he can be with people he's uncomfortable with.
Rocco is rumored to be gay, which makes sense because he reads to me as a very queer guy. He reminds me so much of certain kinds of queer guys I've been close with. Sort of a Nie Huiasang meets Jesse Tyler Ferguson, if I can put it that way. 😅
Gay or not, he seems like the kind of guy I think DD would be comfortable around at times, and other times vaguely annoyed by, just given Rocco's social exuberance and how different it is from DD's quiet, calm personality. But every time I've seen him and DD together they've looked mostly relaxed - even in the clips where people are claiming DD looks uncomfortable - and Rocco has behaved respectfully and professionally toward him.
And I have to say it because it really stands out in this situation: I hope to hell this 'creeper' take isn't motivated by homophobia. There are a lot of people who assume the worst of any overtly queer person, or assume that all homosexuals are always on the prowl.
It's one thing to read a relative stranger weirdly, though, it's another thing entirely to read DD in negative ways.
This type of thing is really nothing new. Every time DD appears in public my inbox fills with claims DD looked sad, or lonely, or upset, or uncomfortable, or even angry or rude. This is one of the hazards of being a pretty calm guy like DD is.
I know this all too well as an autistic person who doesn't have a lot the kinds of facial expressions I'm apparently expected to have. My face is almost always pretty neutral.
Throughout my life I've had to deal with people thinking I'm mad at them, upset, unhappy, sad, and on and on and on. I've had people come to me with entire stories in their head about what I'm thinking and feeling, and why - stories they've cooked up around their own insecurities and expectations, which are totally inaccurate.
And it's always struck me as odd that people would think such things. I don't hide my feelings. I'm pretty direct and forthright, and I don't deal in hints or subtext or try to lead people down a psychological path or play mind games. I don't have any time or patience for that kind of thing - not from either side of the situation.
DD is the same way. He doesn't mess around or perform social behavior the way he's expected to. He doesn't make himself out to be fakely exuberant or cheerful, nor does he hold back his honest feelings when something bothers him. He doesn't conform to expectations or put on a show for people. He's just himself.
Most of his fans have come to understand this about him and have grown to love his honest, authentic, straighforward personality and accept that with DD, 'what you see is what you get'. But there are some people who still seem to read things negatively and expect him to be someone he isn't.
That's my take on it, anyway. Everyone will have to make up their own minds about how to interpret things.
Edit: If you are wondering whether DD is comfortable with Rocco, you might want to take a look at this clip.
For those who missed the event posts:
My GQ MOTY posts
Boat ride
Brick red carpet
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mysticmellowlove · 2 years
a/n; and here is the second piece. we’re stocking up on sub yandere today so have fun. i looked up the temperature and apparently it's only 19. my room just apparently descended into hell for a moment and tried to kill me.
warnings; sub male, sub yandere, yandere behaviours, dom reader, gn reader, possessiveness, marking
word count; 933
A huff drew his attention as he sat next to his partner on the bus. He looked over to them, glossing over the fact that his hand was intertwined with theirs, and went to peek closer at their pouty face. Moments later he realised that the expression on his partner's face wasn't pouty but rather a hard set glare. His eyebrows furrowed as he tried to look in the direction they were glaring in only to see a group of girls at the front of the bus.
He stared at them for a moment more before returning his gaze back to his partner only to jump at their sudden proximity. With a harsh sigh they wrapped their free hand around his shoulder and prevented him from falling into the walkway.
"Is something wrong love?" He questioned them, coughing into his hand as their stare grew intense. He'd never seen them so unnerved before, which was strange as he had technically kidnapped them and dragged them halfway across the country.
"I don't know you tell me." A grimace grew on his face at their stern and dark tone, did he do something wrong? His mind spiralled as he tried to figure it out. Sure he did a lot of 'wrong' stuff but he thought he had been good recently. He didn't cling onto them as much as before, which was only because they were finally starting to like him back, and he hadn't killed anyone recently... except the neighbour down the street that was getting too close for his liking.
"Are you seriously acting dumb?" He zoned back into the present as their grip on his hand tightened. A clipped whine left him as he tried to pull back from the punishing hold only for them to sneer at him. By now sweat was beginning to bead at his forehead, what had he done to make them so displeased with him? He knew they were probably strong enough to overpower him, the only reason he managed to trap them was because he had planned to do such for about three years. Was this where he lost them? He couldn't help the panic surging through his gut at the thought.
After everything he had endured to get them where they were now... he couldn't go back to be without them. He wouldn't go back to being without them.
"Seriously! I've seen how those girls were looking at you and yet you said nothing!" Once again his mind took a sharp turn at the new information. So they didn't want to leave him? This was about those girls at the front of the bus? He hadn't even noticed, he was too busy looking at his love.
"I didn't even notice?" His unsure tone wasn't enough to quell their worries but he couldn't find it in him to care too much. Were they perhaps... jealous?
"So you seriously didn't see how they were eying you up? How they fanned at themselves and pretended to suck on your dick? How about when you looked in their direction and they all blushed? You seriously didn't notice?" Their tone was getting more and more dangerous, something that he should've been worried about. He wasn't though, the thought of them being jealous over him was intoxicating. Everything had finally come full circle and he couldn't be happier.
"You fucking bastard, are you even fucking listening to me? I'll fucking show you who you belong to." Still too wrapped up in his head he failed to notice their hands going to wrap around his neck. A short gasp left his mouth as they dragged his face closer to them, crushing their lips onto his. Paired with their hands on his neck and the feeling of their lips on his own he felt high. Sensitivity crawled over him as his hands went to try and pry their grip from him.
Soon they gave in but instead of giving him reprieve their lips instantly latched onto where their hands had been, sucking dark bruises into his skin. His mouth clamped shut as the overwhelming want to moan made him stop in place.
"Keep quiet baby, wouldn't want to disturb everyone would we? Or maybe you do, show everyone who you belong to." Their tone was dripping in sarcasm as they moved their attention to another spot on his neck. His legs jerked as they bit down, drawing his skin into their mouth.
His eyes fluttered shut as they continued to do so, drawing the attention of those around them as he fought to keep his sounds at bay. After sucking obscenely on his skin for a moment longer they finally pulled back, their lips slick with their own spit as they looked down at him. He was sure his face was flushed as he tried to shrink under their intense gaze.
"Now tell me who you belong to." A discreet shiver ran through his body as their hands wrapped themselves in his hair, jerking his head upwards so that he was able to see his reflection in the window before him. His neck was covered in progressing bruises, red marks and teeth indents.
"You... fuck I belong to you." He couldn't help the whine that came from his mouth as he looked at his expression. He was covered in physical proof that they loved him, they had marked his neck up on their own volition.
"That's right. You belong to me."
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laf-outloud · 1 year
Jensen Ackles seems too forced when he does anger, too obvious when peeved, too heavy with sarcasm. What kind of acting is that? Maybe it is that it is acting. I don't get the sense that there is anything beneath the surface to explore. He plays a part, rather than becomes the character. I believe the acting Jensen does is considered over-acting without any consideration for the character... it does seem very one-note, at least from what I've seen since SPN. I know he can do better, as even his Dean from early seasons of SPN had a layer of nuance that can only happen by truly understanding the character and his motivations... Unfortunately, the long stretch of SPN either made him lazy or forgetful when it comes to crafting characters and stories.
He's very histrionic when he acts, and it started in the later half of spn. He played Dean so much more nuanced and layered in the early seasons, and more subtle - although Dean as a character was never really "subtle" and that's ok because that's who the character was and it worked for him. As the seasons went on he seemed to get too comfortable and then when the writing took a nosedive, instead of trying to work with the script and still make Dean recognizable as the character we knew, he just went with the script as is and overdid it.
He got comfortable and therefore complacent. He never worked on his craft because he knew he had reliable steady employment for the foreseeable future. Then when spn was coming to an end I think he thought the popularity he found as Dean was going to continue on and he was just going to get offered roles so again, he didn't put any work in (outside of the awful s15 audition reel he tried to work into the show). And now we see where that has gotten him. If he wasn't conventionally good looking and as charismatic as he is, I don't think he would be getting the jobs he's gotten since spn - and he even got all of those by working his connections, but those are going to dry up or move to other positions where they can't help him anymore sooner or later.
I say this all the time when I see his acting nowadays (I watch TB and saw clips from both BS and BG2 online) - when I watch Jensen act I feel like I am watching him think through what he is about to do the second before he does it. I don't see the character, I see Jensen acting (I feel like I am literally watching him do the job rather than play the part). And even then its all mostly just different versions of Dean (which is funny because he seems to have forgotten how to play Dean...).
You're not the first to mention all this, and I doubt the last. I completely agree about the lack of care he took with Dean in the latter seasons of SPN. I think the only times I saw him return to early-seasons Dean were when he was acting against Sam Smith and JDM (and occasionally Jared, though I think he let Jared do most of the heavy lifting when they had emotional scenes).With everyone else, it was just business as usual.
And since then? It's just as you said: "I feel like I am literally watching him do the job rather than play the part." I get the feeling that Jensen also sees these roles as jobs and not an art form, which is why the work he puts into them is so lackluster. The problem is, while putting in the minimum amount of work in other industries can be hidden from future employers, that's not the case with the entertainment industry, where everyone can see how much or how little you care about the "job."
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