#which also takes more than 5 min to master
queerhawkeyes · 1 year
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I spent a day learning how to knit and purl on straight needles and then decided the next thing I should learn is magic loop socks. it's going surprisingly well.
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obeymematches · 2 months
Hello! Are you taking matchup requests? If yes, I'd like to send one in for Obey Me. I'd like a pina colada please
I'll go by ⭐. My pronouns are she/her and I'm demisexual
Appearance: I am South Asian with long wavy black hair. Usually tie my hair in a half ponytail at the back because I like how it looks and I don't really like the feeling of hair on my shoulders. I am 165 cm tall and reasonably fit
Personality: I'm calm, collected and hardworking. I can be a bit aloof and arrogant sometimes, but I make sure it doesn't get out of hand. I am curious and perfectionistic, and I'm also pretty academically smart (though I sometimes struggle with impostor syndrome lol). The gifted kid burnout syndrome is catching up, though. People say I do have a bit of a cold facade, but once they get to know me, they say I'm much warmer and gentler than they initially thought. I care deeply for my friends and my family, so I'll do whatever I can for them. I do face a lot of pressures too from having to be the perfect oldest daughter, the therapist friend (despite psychology not being my major, more of a special interest) and from having to do well in school (as much as I enjoy engineering, it is kicking my ass low-key). It may not look like it, but I'm very much a romantic, but I'm more practical about it if that makes any sense 😅😅
I often bake my closest friends and family a cake on their birthday with a silly message written on it. I also has a soft spot (special interest) for outer space and love to stargaze wherever the skies are clear. Don't know if this is important, but I do make some pretty mean South Asian food if I do say so myself
Likes: Books, herbal tea, art, lofi hip-hop, video games, anime, drawing, spicy food, affogato, outer space
Dislikes: Incompetence, unnecessary conflicts, bullies, fake friends dishonesty, cruelty, dog-eared book pages, anyone who dares threaten my family, loud noises, itchy fabrics
oh! we've done an exchange not too long ago.
I've decided to match you with Solomon.
• Your academia vibes definitely match his; don’t get me wrong, although he is a master of many things, unfortunately he isn’t a fashion icon (yet?) but he thinks academia style looks elegant / cute depending on the day. • It just means that he is attracted to you at first sight. Which is always a good start, even if you don’t elope into a long talk the very first time you meet. • (Bet she looking 🔥 when she feels comfortable and cute!) • To be fair he isn’t here to make friends with humans; he was fine neglecting the human world for several decades. He isn’t going to care more, now that another human is here…. but curiosity got the best of him and eventually he made sure to meet you before classes. (No. He didn’t attend that class.) • After your quick chat it became a weekly habit of his, to meet you there and then, start some kind of conversation (you’d think he was awkward and you’d be very wrong. Listen he communicates and manipluates his ways into forming a pact with almost every person there.) • It only starts getting awkward when he starts to like your personality for real real. For example this week he arrived 5 mins earlier and was waiting for you. • After a while you two found yourselves in front of your class’s door 20 minutes (!) before it would begin. Huh. • He liked your cold facade ngl, he likes a challenge. However, his ice cold frozen heart slowly, very slowly starts to melt as you warm up to him more and more. • He learned that you are reliable and trustworthy, which he very much appreciates. It lowkey made him want to get closer to you, I mean spiritually. Please help him with this or that, let me show you something, you must see this, etc. • This went on for months, you were truly good friends when he asked you the question you were excited to hear; Would you date me? Shall we go on a date? • Of course he jokes about it being a human thing and at first you can’t tell if hes just being funny or he is serious…. • By now he figured out that you like romantic stuff so if you agree to date him he is going to make the first date romantic just to please you! Possibly stargazing as you like that, or maybe a museum if you are not comfortable with meeting at night. • He secretly craved for a long time to have this level of intimacy with someone and so he’d make sure to please you; whatever you r love language is he does it to make you feel loved and secure! • The fact that you can and will cook is going to be life saving in the long run! • Some downsides of this relationship include him making dog ears to some of the books, he is always up to no good, very known public image so it’s hard to go out in public without anyone stopping you two (in the devildom, the human realm is safe).
My second option for you was Barbatos, honestly the only downside of that relationship is that neither of you is going to start and try to have a good conversation…. so it’s a rocky beginning, but if you get past that phase somehow, it’s going to be pretty solid if I do say so myself.
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mell0bee · 2 months
tagged by @candiedjellybean thank u dude!!! im p sure ive done this tag sometime last year so will be interesting to see if my answers have changed
Are you named after anyone? unfortunately, st. brigid of ireland, but also apparently it's a name thats been in my dad's side of the family too? either way my parents knew of the name due to irish catholic reasons. yipee! though im cool with it bc st. brigid used to be the goddess brigid from irish myth, and also both of them were badasses <3
When was the last time you cried? .....genuinely i think the last time i cried was in like. early march when i watched the holdovers? i think? taking a break from college has greatly decreased the frequency at which i cry lmao
Do you have kids? no sir
Do you use sarcasm a lot? i guess yes? probably about as much as the average person (this is not sarcasm)
What sports do you play? i do not play any currently (though i probs should. i am built like a twig and a strong wind will knock me over.) but as a kid i used to play soccer which i hated and was god awful at and softball which i liked more but i was also god awful at and mostly spent my time hitting foul balls and playing with the grass in right field. but it was fun!
What’s the first thing you notice about people? uhhhhhh. uh?????? if they're wearing a cool outfit or have cool hair or smth? idk man. i guess i dont rlly think abt it?
What’s your eye color? brown
Scary movies or happy endings? uh. both? am p sure my tolerance for horror is a lot higher than most people and im always down for a tragedy but i also like happy endings too. though from a writing perspective happy endings are significantly easier to pull off than sad ones (& more common. hero's journey and all that).
Any special talents? uhhhhh im double jointed in my thumbs. also i can put my foot behind my head. is that a talent? im also working on my sudoku time, i think my lowest time for master difficulty is around 6 mins 30 seconds? which is uh. above average?? i think???
Where were you born? idk apparently they cloned me in a lab somewhere
What are your hobbies? lately playing a lot of video games, writing (mostly fanfic), art stuff (mostly drawing but am learning how to use watercolor), uhhhh.... ttrpgs but i havent gotten to play in a while sadly
Do you have any pets? dog!!!!!
How tall are you? 5'3
Favourite subject in school? science
Dream job? ahahahah funny you should ask that, i say, having been doubting my choices in career aspirations and my post-undergrad 5-year plan that i've had since high school for the past 7 months, (please send help. but. for a serious answer. i think i still want to do science research? just maybe in a softer science like psych even tho my undergrad is bio & neuro???? idk. unsure.)
tagging uhhhhhhh candiedjellybean already tagged most of the ppl i usually tag sooo @halflingkima ? i think i tagged u last time too lol. & anyone else who wants to do this!!!
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crescent-cubed · 7 months
First things first, let me go over my vision for BIGSAW!
BIGSAW aims to be a setting-neutral d100 system inspired by D&D 5e, and the ways that the community has come up with over the years to make it better, along with some personal touches! I want it to be very flexible, in that it gives Game Masters the ability to pick and choose from a bunch of additional optional rules alongside the base rules, many of which can be customized themselves!
Now, you may be wondering, what does BIGSAW stand for?
It's an anagram of the first letters of each of the Stats in the game! The Stats are as follows:
Technically, I would have liked it to go BGSIAW so that similar Stats are next to each other, but that isn't as catchy or legible as BIGSAW, so it's not that big of a deal.
Each Stat value is added to d100 rolls, which are the equivalent of d20 rolls in D&D or Pathfinder. This system uses a d100≥difficulty success ruling, meaning that you have to roll equal to or above the desired number set by the Game Master in order to succeed at difficult actions.
At character creation, the base rules state that each Stat starts at 0, and you have 30 Stat Points to add to each stat, with the maximum value of a Stat being 15 at character creation. In addition, you are able to reduce a Stat down to -5 in order to gain an equivalent number of stat points if you want to Min/Max your character a bit!
Each of the Stats are used for different things, obviously!
Brawn is the Strength AND Constitution equivalent for the system! Now, I know that it can be a bit of a controversial take to have HP and strength damage use the same stat, BUT my reasoning is that, if you're gonna be on the front lines with heavy armor and a battleaxe, you're already likely to have both of those stats high already, so why not just combine them?
Intellect is the Intelligence equivalent for the system! Shocker, I know, lol. I'm thinking about adding a rule that lets players roll Intellect in certain situations for a chance for the GM to give them a hint on how to solve a problem!
Grace is the Dexterity equivalent for the system! Not really much else to say here, honestly! It's probably not gonna change much from D&D!
Sense is the Wisdom equivalent for the system! It's flavored to be more about common sense, instinct, and literal senses, rather than about actual wisdom, which fits more under Intellect, anyways.
Appeal is the Charisma equivalent for the system! However, unlike D&D it is ONLY used for social/artistic abilities in this system! Things like Sorcerer magic in D&D are covered by Will!
Will is a sort of mix of Constitution and Charisma for the system, but ONLY for the ability to resist or power through effects for the Constitution aspect, and power skills that depend on life force, willpower, etc for the Charisma aspect.
I'm also gonna have Skills that will be able to be added to rolls, regardless of Stat used, so long as the Skill is relevant to the roll!
Lastly, for this post at least, I'm getting rid of levels, in a way! Instead, I'm replacing it with the Rank system! Rank, as of right now, uses a 1-10 rating system to determine how powerful your character is and what Abilities they have access to. Rank is gained through milestones ONLY, while Ability Points and Skill Points are given out both at a Rank Up and by the GM at smaller milestones! Stat Points are only given at Rank Up.
That's it for now! I have a few other ideas in the works, such as armor, differentiating Brawn vs Grace weapon fighting, a possible Mana/Energy pool, and how Skills and Abilities work!
I hope you enjoyed reading!
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bloomskullberry · 10 months
Ok you know what i just gotta write out my feelings on the new Miraculous movie. I have both good and bad things to say. I will be rewatching it cause i was pretty biased (we'll get to that) and maybe reposting this with my new thoughts afterwards cause this is a lot.
THUS: READ MORE AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION and understand that most of this is based on personal perception, preferences, and an element of nostalgia/frustration (ive been watching this show since season one, would not have made it this far if I didnt have FEELINGS about Miraculous). but take everything with a sprinkle of salt.
1. Pacing felt like the biggest issue. A lot of stuff was happening, and a lot of big moments were happening, but there was nothing inbetween that made them feel like they flowed into eachother, and a lot of the character/relationship "development" relied on the viewers previous knowledge of the show, even tho its pretty clear the movie was doing stuff very differently in terms of characters and relationships. Do i understand this is a 1hr 40min movie trying to encapsulate the slowburn romance and 5 seasons worth of content in a way that caters to the fans of said 5 seasons? Yes, its a huge ask for what is essentially 5 episodes (average 20 mins long). Especially with the amount of exposition the concept of Miraculous requires. Is it still disappointing, considering the movie left out information because of its audience and still rushed through important stuff to just get to the "juicy" moments? Yeah
2. Visuals were lovely, as was the music and specific moments. Honestly if the pacing wasnt such an issue and everything was developed more, the Ladybug and Ladynoir songs (maybe even the Hawkmoth one too) would be really enjoyable as a way to progress stuff and show development. Im also a sucker for dramatic visuals during musical numbers to help emphasize the feelings/emotions of the characters, and it really showcases the potential benefits the animation could add to the show as a medium
3. I actually really liked movie!Marinette (partly cause she wasnt a stalker and creep about her crush on Adrien) qnd because she had a much more sarcastic and bantering attitude, even outside of the costume, which made Ladybug an alter ego more than a complete other person (which is a slight issue ive had with the show). The scene of her growing into her civilian persona and becomign more confident actually made me really happy, especially her standing up to Chloe
4. Movie!Chat Noir kinda pissed me off ngl, and felt very disconnected from movie!Adrien (or at least how he was shown). People have said movie!Adrien is much more depressed/isolated and acts appropriately as to his home life (and dont get me wrong, i loved his scene where he stood up to Gabriel), but i think thats why his relationship with Ladybug and complete 180 as Chat Noir feels so off to me? Like his almost "meanness" with Ladybug at first from being super cocky and then doesnt even apologize for his treatment of her even after he falls for her just throws me off (tbf ive always been biased against the "cocky assholes falling for people who put them in their place" trope, so this might just be a me thing). Idk, it just doesnt sit right with me
4b. Anyone else notice Adrien didnt even get chosen for being kind? Plagg just appeared in his bedroom? Like Marinette almost got ran over from saving Master Fu and then Adrien is just like Yo A Cool Ring. Idk, its funny but that felt weird to me
5. The stupid freaking montage. Yall cannot even imagine how much I hate the montage. If they had replaced the montage with one scene and maybe cut down the magician and mime fight to add another scene in to focus on marinette + adrien friendship and then adrien personal life development or chat noir + ladybug bonding/respect for EACH OTHER i think it would have elevated the movie to new heights. The montage essentially was the movie pressing fast forward x3 on any development of characters. Its because of montages like these that make me appreciate filler or fun episodes in any show, because when you just stick a montage in then you feel like youre watching coworkers kiss when the movie is trying to convince you theyre starcrossed ride or die lovers. Made me feel like i watched the origins episode and then the season 5 finale with just the stormy weather 2 episode inbetween. Hate it.
6. Movie!Tikki has personality and movie!Plagg is a fart machine. I think its clear theres a favorite. Feels like it reflects the focus on Marinette and lack thereof on Adrien as a character present in both the show and the movie. Hardly a new observation, just food for thought.
7. ¿¿¿¿¿¿movie!Hawkmoth/Gabriel???? That basically sums up how I feel about him but to explain theres just very little done with him i feel. Plus it seems like all his Hawkmothing around actually takes a toll on his wellbeing, which is really cool and interesting, but it just comes out of nowhere afTER THE STUPID MONTAGE. Like id love to see the kind of degradation of his health, mental physical and emotional, as he works to revive Emilie, cause you cant tell me thay wouldnt make stuff a lot more interesting (i know he got catacylsmed but the show just treated it as an outfit change and checking his arm like a clock until the season finale, so it doesnt really count for me), but mans just shows up looking like a wreck and fights with Adrien
7b. Also i was pretty confused about how him breaking/rejecting his akuma at the end of the movie worked, and him just having all the powers ever while akumatized?? But that's just me being picky at a superhero show where magic animal jewelry exists
8. Movie!Chloe and movie!Sabrina felt more real in a way? Like Chloe was just stuck up and self centered, not actively making everyones life hell, and Sabrina didnt just blindly follow her along (i ADORED when she let Marinette escape and when she shrugged at her during the ball, you go girl you have that personality and self-consciousness the show never allowed you to have until the last moment), it was more a reluctant follower ignoring a friend's red flags ya know? Movie!Chloe wasnt the mayors daughter who had control over every adult in Paris and would literally become a dictator if elected. She was just freaking out at Marinette for "ruining" her sweater. Shes still a bully/mean kid, but shes dialed back, which i think makes her much better.
9. Alya and Nino were just kind of chilling, i dont have any feelings about their characters except how terrible Nino is at advice, and Alya was set up as a good friend throughout the movie, so i appreciate her supportiveness of Marinette. Tom and Sabine were set up to do more/be more important in the movie (I was so sure Tom was gonna be akumatized at the fair, but nope), but were kind of dropped halfway? Like Tom was set up as the overprotective and loving kinda helicopter father who would go all the way to the fair in disguise to watch over Marinette, and then he was just never mentioned again after Marinette felt embarrassed by him at said fair. Wasted opportunity and time for a movie with so much issue in pacing
10. I saw buggachat say this movie felt like an animated fanfiction of MLB and I have to say i completely agree. I dont mean that in a bad way, i love fanfiction with all my heart and you can clearly see that the movie and a lot of fanfiction fixes the issues many fans have with the show. But the thing is, this is a full movie, not a collection of one-shot specific scene rewrites. Thus, for it to be successful in "rewriting" or creating an alternate version of MLB, it has to include those in-between moments, not just the juicy identity reveal, or the "my heart belongs to another " moment, or even the "Gabriel actually cares about his son" moment. Is the movie good at those moments? Goodness yes. It definitely has its humor, its enjoyment that you can tell is a gift to the fans. But as a movie, a whole animated film, it disappoints.
10b. I mean for goodness sake they didnt even mention that Catacylsm was a thing until it was used, and Lucky Charm wasnt utilzed at all, just the fixing power (that might just be a genuine change they made so Ladybug wasnt too unbalanced with Chat Noir tho)
OK IM DONE, phew. Those are my major thoughts from the day after watching the movie, and im going to watch it again more carefully later. Ill not to be so personally biased and to just enjoy it. Who knows, maybe ill think differently afterwards.
Definitely gonna listen to the songs again, and definitely gonna burst out laughing at Careless Whisper tho
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threehours-aday · 3 months
hiya, folks!
i'm not new to tumblr, but i might be new to you, so here's a tiny bit 'bout myself:
i go by minee (pronounced the same as meanie) but you can also call me min, allie, or plainly alex
you may find me on social as alexander phung, which is my pen name, but i don't actually like being referred to by that
i am still underage at this moment, so no nsfw contents (and no sex jokes, if you may; i've had quite enough of those)
my fandoms: mcu, broadchurch, x-men (film series), good omens, wilde (1997), sherlock holmes (downey films), sherlock (bbc), harry potter
my favourite artists/actors so we can hype together: james mcavoy, benedict cumberbatch, jude law, michael sheen, david tennant, tom hiddleston, robert downey jr., anya taylor-joy, bitter ruin (band), exo (boy band), seventeen (boy band), billie eilish, finneas, lorne balfe
i love rice because i am asian, but i eat more pasta than rice tbh
i was one of those twelve-year-olds on wattpad
i don't take requests
i adore some pairings more than others:
mcu: stuckony, ironstrange/strangeiron, frostiron, pepperony, clintasha, black pepper, strike team delta, spideypool
broadchurch/masters of sex: bill masters/alec hardy, alec hardy/ellie miller
x-men: cherik, cherigan, jeanororo
good omens: ineffable husbands, vinylatte, ineffable bureaucracy
wilde (1997): robbie ross/john gray
sherlock holmes/sherlock: johnlock, mystrade
harry potter: drarry, dramione, krumione, pansmione, blairon
i also have some no-goes:
mcu: st*rker, iron w*tch
x-men: ch*ven, max*cest, myst*to
harry potter: lup*rry, h*rbus, h*rrius
list of my works by fandom and language
1, broadchurch/masters of sex
of unburnt toast and unmicrowaved tea (🇬🇧)
no more apples (🇬🇧)
frigid (pull me down) (🇬🇧)
2, marvel cinematic universe
series: the things i let die (and what else i find) (🇬🇧)
needles and pinches
child in a seacave (cold, cold, cold)
beware (it's heading our way)
nếu mai này mình không thức giấc (🇻🇳)
3, wilde (1997)
smitten (loved) (🇬🇧)
4, good omens
angel (🇬🇧)
5, x-men (film series)
antartica (🇬🇧)
6, original works
tối qua lạnh một ý thơ nhạt nhoà (🇻🇳)
give me love, give me pain (🇻🇳)
yours (🇬🇧)
enquiry of us (🇬🇧)
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foolshoujo · 11 months
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VERSE POST 002;   this post serves as a means to summarize the verse that pertains to the events within per/sona 5. this verse specifically follows FILE 003 listed here. mi/nato sacrificed his life to able to save his friends & provide a future for his sister mina/ko. this post will serve also as a master post for links regarding any headcanon / lore posts that pertain specifically to this verse. **please note that my default world slate has a ak/ihiko romance, as such it will be mentioned that m/inako is engaged. however ! this fact does not pertain to ships or ship partners in which the ship will be the canon default for those interactions within this verse. also note that min/ako is 25 in this verse as such there will be no shipping w/ anyone not within her age range.
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↳ follows FILE 003 as seen here. putting her foot down to not be involved in anything regarding shadows & refusing to join in even as a reserve member of the shadow operatives--- min/ako has been leading a fairly normal life. attempting to make the most of the gift of a future as per the wishes of her brother, she has recently finished getting her first degree in business & is taking a break from her university studies.
however a particular new bulletin catches her eye--- former olympic athlete kam/oshida su/guru has been arrested & charged with assault & misconduct, having his medals & accolades stripped away. something interesting is all photos of him during the arrest remind her of victims of apathy syndrome. finding no sympathy for the man whatsoever the news is passed over until the press conference of mada/rame ichiry/usai. a growing ill feeling as time passes causes her to finally take a visit to tokyo for herself. unfortunately doing so only proves to her that something is incredibly off: the sensing of powerful shadows all around the city due to the presence of mementos.
feeling the growing fear & resentment of the people, the growing dependence on the group known as the phantom thieves by the general public point toward a unfortunate truth: if nothing is done or the escalation is not calmed ereb/us is likely to reform with a power unlike it’s previous incarnations & once more attack the seal to once more bring forth the fall of humanity. && while the assistants of the velvet room keep the beast at bay, they too are at risk should ereb/us unearth newfound power. knowing the risk to her other half of her soul & the threat to humanity as a whole, she approaches the velvet door with her old key only to find she is refused entry despite always being welcomed by i/gor & the/odore long after her contract had been fulfilled.
understanding that there is something far bigger happening in tokyo than these two men confessing their crimes she starts for back home to make a plan to move to the city, albeit temporarily, only to have a chance moment to catch a glimpse of a group of kids disappearing into the shadows--- recognizing instantly the power of persona within them.
an idea instantly pops in her head & with a single phone call to ask a favor of a old friend who sits upon a powerful place of influence, mina/ko inserts herself into the events happening within japan’s capital.
abusing her connections with the k/irijo group, minak/o asks mits/uru to pull some strings to land her a job at sh/ujin academy as the new pe teacher replacing kamoshi/da. the idea is that here m/inako can keep an eye on the kids she suspects to be persona users & also the phantom thieves, in order to assist them & learn all she can about the situation. during this time she is relying on the shadow operatives to aid her during her personal explorations of mementos. making sure to enter it only when the PT have left or not entered that day min/ako is journeying within mementos, saving people lost within & generally attempting to figure out the purpose of the new labyrinth. the majority of the shadow operatives do not join her in tokyo due to their daily lives or responsibilities nor does min/ako press them to do so. asking of them to not dedicate their lives solely to fighting, but to living as per her & her brother’s wishes for them. however fuu/ka, aig/is, & akihik/o join min/ako in tokyo. mit/suru tasking labry/s to stay with her as she runs the k/irijo group. the goal is to figure out why the new labyrinth showed up & to prevent ere/bus’ inevitable rebirth that will undoubtedly start within the depths of mementos.
quick facts;
i use the ku/rusu ak/ira naming convention for the p5 protag. unless otherwise stated & named by protags n phantheiv muses i will default to that. hey about this, my aki/ra over at @foucoeur is the canon protag for this verse.
min/ako’s social link is the fool arc/ana. however, there is a secondary social link that also starts with her for the shadow operatives & it’s arcana is death. this is a reference to not just ny/x, the fall of man, & her brother’s sacrifice, but also dual existence as a fool & death ar/cana the latter from hosting the 13th shadow within her & changing her to her core down to the dna. tl;dr if ur new here its relevant that min/ako is p much half shadow bc of the events of p3.
the shadow operatives do not have a thief outfit as they aren’t phanthiev/es but do wear outfits similar to mits/uru’s in p4a/u as seen by the dlc outfits obtainable in p5/r without the masks as those masks are for the phant/hieves & do not have correlation w/ the operatives themselves. however, min/ako has a special outfit with a longer coat & boots that are reminiscent of the coat found on th/anatos. HERE IS THE WIP REFERENCE.
mina/ko( && aki/hiko, see first paragraph for stipulations but if this is null due to ships w/ ship partners he lives in minami-azabu ) rent an apartment in minami-aoyama, mina/to ward in tokyo. aigis stays with fuuka in nishi-shinbashi, mina/to ward. the group picked the ward specifically as that is where shujin is located & the irony of it all since its mi/nato they are aiming to protect alongside humanity, however instead of being in the same spaces the lot are still spread out. its a cheap metaphor, even apart they are together. && i also love finding where characters live.
mina/ko being part shadow does not go unnoticed by anyone sensitive to such. morg/ana is able to tell there is something extremely off about min/ako, but can’t place what it is. also any palace rulers will attempt to make it seem as if min/ako is exactly like them ie completely a shadow & a danger not to be trusted. an interesting side effect of both palaces & mementos, mina/ko’s eyes tend to darken about the sclera like this & have a shadowy like smoke leave them akin to this however the effect of the latter is very soft. her classic & iconic red eyes stay the same & do not shift into a yellow like most shadows. it’s as if the areas are enhancing the power of shadow within her. this is also not the first time for such. a post about mina/ko being part shadow gets linked here & this text will be removed weee.
min/ako has no real intention of revealing herself to the pha/nkids as a persona user & leader of the newly-found tokyo branch shadow operatives for mission: mementos. she holds complete faith that they will do the right thing just as she & her brother & their friends did. just as the persona users of in/aba did. however if it happens it happens. obviously being a teacher at s/hujin & her lingering about the places of which one can dive into mementos n such open up their own paths to the phank/ids finding out.
look. listen. mina/ko at this point is op. she’s fuckin that bitch. despite the sea of her soul being ripped in half, she’s been tempering it for years in the velvet room with igor & the/o n li/z. mina/ko’s future goal is to become akin to a avatar of power like the residents of the velvet room so that once she dies her soul will manifest into an entity that will allow her to stay by her brother’s side protecting him from er/ebus & safeguard humanity. she’s also the damn hero from a previous game. she’s level 100+. her personas are level 100+. i’d love to see a bitch try aight.
speaking of ig/or she is pissed off that she has been locked out of the velvet room & suspects something has happened to him. because she can not access the velvet room her personas are locked to than/atos, lo/ki, th/or, black fr/ost, & orp/heus tel/os. lo/ki is used as her main persona usually so thats a fun parallel of who can u trust vs goro LOL. while she is a wild card & can summon & hold as many personas as her soul allows, she can not fuse or access the compendium so long as she is denied access to the velvet room. for some unknown reason she also can not contact theo/dore, e/lizabeth, mar/gret, or lave/nza. however once the false ig/or is revealed min/ako can access the velvet room once more. naturally after the events of the final battle the thieves have, she returns & is greeted instantly by laven/za rushing into her arms. what im saying is min/ako is a friend of the velvet room, everyone there loves her. i should make this own post. <-- i will be changing a lot of this i think i unfairly nerf'd her which makes zero sense in hindsight & i wanna rework it. her 5 personas tho are like op as fuck tho so there is that.
more will be added &/or linked as time goes on.
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thefourthrabbit · 2 years
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@sometownie Thank you for your kind comment!
I think being a simblr we all have our fair share of frustrating experiences of crashing, pink soup, or other issues, particularly on large and exquisite lots. This is quite unfortunate as the fear of these issues has essentially narrowed the potential of simming. Luckily, I think I have figured out how to run the game smooth and stable on a modern laptop with moderately powerful CPU and graphics card. It turns out that the game can handle much more stuff than it appears. So I think maybe I should share some tips here, which might come handy if you happen to have downloaded one of my lots (for example, this one). I am sure many simblrs have their own tricks or are already doing these, but there are always people who might benefit from these tips. So here are my two cents:
(1) Use the 4GB patch by NTCore. According to the description of this tool, it allows the game's .exe to use 4 GB of RAM, instead of 2 GB, which is a limit for games designed with 32-bit OS. This increases stability and performance significantly.
(2) All game files take up bits of the RAM when you play the game and load anything (from the neighborhood to the lot, from characters to any piece of cc). However, not everything is needed at all time. After all, the sims 2 is not a seamless world like the sims 3. So, the idea is to minimize the amount of loading unrelated to the gameplay. For example, I always build a new lot in a testing hood, which contains only a small number of lots and characters. Thus, loading into the neighborhood is extremely fast and it also does not use up the precious RAM.
(3) Likewise, if you spend 15-30 min on the loading screen alone, this usually means your downloads folder can use some trimming. Ironically, a larger D-folder means your game can simultaneously handle FEWER items during gameplay. What I suggest is that you should divide the D-folder. Keep only a small core set of commonly used mods (by "commonly used", I mean the mods that creators often use as master meshes or recoloring basis, this should also minimize blue-flashing) in the folder and switch among the others stored somewhere else when you play different lots. The file size of my folder seldom exceeds 10 GB and I find it quite adequate for my purpose (and again this saves tremendous amount of time in loading).
(4) Of course, this requires you to keep track of the mods you use on different lots and anticipate what you might need in a new lot. If, additionally, you categorize and sub-folder every cc along with previews like I do, you can maximize the amount of cc you can actually use in the game. But even with a very crude D-folder division, you can play a downloaded lot with ease -- just put the packaged cc in a separate folder from your core set of cc (similarly, your CAS cc, storytelling cc, and neighborhood deco cc should be put in separate folders) and load the game with just these (do not load other lots as you would lose the cc on those lots). This also minimizes chances of mod conflicts.
(5) Before first loading a lot, turn on testingcheatsenabled. During the final loading process, you can detect and delete any potential conflicting items, so that when you actually enter the lot there won't be any item creating issues.
These are the tips that I can think of for now. Please feel free to correct me or add more in your comments!
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flo-nelja · 2 years
@anysin​ asked for noncon for the meme Give me a kink, and I’ll make a top 10 of the ships I like to read it for
1 - The Gentleman with the Thistledown Hair/Stephen Black (Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell)
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I love them better in the book, but of course, I only have pictures from the show. I love everything that involves fairy magic and weird obligations. And honestly, it’s hard for me to imagine Stephen consent without at least feeling that he’s threatened and forced (the Gentleman wouldn’t notice). Also, it’s very satisfying for me how Stephen ends. It’s conditional to my enjoyment, that he wins.
2 - Master/Doctor (Doctor Who)
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So much repressed violence and mental invasion and power games. So many incarnations to make it work with the same history but slightly different dynamics.
3 - Howard/Rizel (Lastman)
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This ship has canon electric torture and almost canon demonic possession by someone who might have had a crush on you once and it has so much potential and the fandom is so tiny.
4 - Louis/Caesar (Kimi o Shinasenai tame no Monogatari / Nos temps contraires)
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This has so much twists and jealousy and hate each other but still don’t want to live without each other and the rape was canon and awful and there’s a whole chapter about realizing it was even worse than we knew and I still love it. In the car crash way. It’s a basically empty fandom, so I’ll take everything that aknowledges it happened and was wrong.
5 - Bill/Ford (Gravity Falls)
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I usually write it consensual, post-betrayal, but I certainly keep loving all the oportunities after, and Ford certainly doesn’t.
6 - Michael/Sasha (The Magnus Archives)
I loved Michael/Sasha from the first encounter, I wanted her to have a creepy monster romance with a creature of treachery that pretends to care for her (and maybe does but a tiny bit). Canon didn’t make it possible, but we have fanfics!
7 - Renge/Anlise (Namesake)
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Canon mins control girlfriends, I fear that when you’re brainwashing your girlfriend to hide your evil plans even normal sex counts as noncon. Which is sad because they might have been happy once.
8 - Maldoror/God (Les chants de Maldoror)
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I don’t have any good pic for the ship, so have a fic from the fandom! In Maldoror, the main character, who is evil and trying very hard to be more evil, has two encounters with God, once when he (God) is drunk on the side of the road, one with one of his hairs forgotten in a whorehouse. I decided he should rape God to add offense to injury, and as it doesn’t happen in canon I wrote it ^^
9 - Wanda/Agatha (Wandavision)
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Works theoretically in both directions, but to be fair what lives in my mind is the picture of Agatha brainwashed, kneeling, and flirting. ^^
10 - Seishirou/Subaru (Tokyo Babylon)
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It’s so sad and tragic that rape doesn’t even make it worse, but it sure as hell won’t make it better, and as I love this story for the horror and the tragedy, yes. 
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cattutorialsblogs · 23 days
CAT Do’s – 1 month earlier than CAT Exam
What are the CAT Do’s : 1 month before the CAT Exam?
1. Focus extra on reviewing Mock Tests
In these final days, avoid the rush of taking up a ridicule take a look at every trade day. Target to take 2 mock assessments each week, devote all the time to reviewing and enhancing. Take an in depth take a look at in examination like situation and assess your performance to analyze if there may be still a place you can improve upon. Practice tests at this level are more approximately reinforcing your preparations rather than finding your weaknesses so take it in that spirit. CAT Exam Online Coaching will must help you to cracking a CAT Exam.
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During this last month make certain that you get right into a addiction of attempting the mock tests/ CAT papers at the time of your slot. This will ensure which you are not drowsy or lethargic on the time of the actual CAT examination.
2. Solve Previous year Question Papers of CAT
Apart from the mock exams, fixing the preceding year question papers is every other key that let you tame the CAT nicely.
3. Prepare final notes for instruction
This is the remaining time you have to prepare the notes and those might be the revision notes. You might be below extra strain and tension within the remaining week and consequently you want to be prepared to study the ideas and formulation in best manner. Neither the book nor the formulae list purchased from the market can assist or will be effective as the only created via you. Prepare evaluate sheets or components sheets for short revision.
4. Focus in your strengths
These 30 days are for ultimate-minute evaluate of any idea that you may be unsure of. You must now not pass on gaining knowledge of new topics or spend hours in getting the concepts clean which you have simply now not touched till now. While it's far continually correct to learn something you can, keep away from the temptation to take in too much in too little time. Use this time often to construct on the know-how you already have as opposed to attempting to gain new knowledge in unknown subjects. However, in case you believe that you want input on particular regions, do search for idea specific supply of facts in preference to checking in with every body you locate. While you do CAT Best Online Coaching for CAT Preparation, you will identify your strengths and weakness to take your preparation to next level.
5. Follow the Elimination Rule
CAT consists of terrible marking, for answering a incorrect query, 1 mark could be deducted. However, the terrible marking is not relevant for the non-MCQs. In this type of state of affairs, the scholars can take a calculated threat in the exam. They have to get themselves familiar with taking alternatives with out solving. Sometimes, the alternatives given in a question are such which you won't even need to resolve it. You can really take away any choice thru easy common sense and common sense. This could probably avoid any wastage of time. Don’t be scared to take risks. Many people may name this fluke, however there’s a deep good judgment at the back of this and you need practice to master this artwork.
6. Develop a proper technique to attacking the paper
Make a approach of attempting CAT at the examination day. You should understand how you could make the quality use of 180 mins, what form of questions have to you strive in the paper, which all questions to attempt first and which all later.
7. Do visit your CAT Exam Centre as soon as
It is crucial which you go to your exam venue 2-3 days prior to the examination simply to become aware of the path to be taken and the envisioned time of travel.
8. Take excellent care of your health and thoughts
Listen for your favourite track, exit with friends for an evening walk, take sound sleep and devour well. We understand the pressure of writing CAT and moreover making a profession however health is greater critical. Part a while for observe and further for play. Also Read :
What after CAT? Difference between CAT and GMAT
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spacenutspod · 2 months
4 min readPreparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater) A total solar eclipse creates stunning celestial views for people within the path of the Moon’s shadow. This astronomical event is a unique opportunity for scientists to study the Sun and its influence on Earth, but it’s also a perfect opportunity to capture unforgettable images. Whether you’re an amateur photographer or a selfie master, try out these tips for photographing the eclipse.   A total solar eclipse is a unique opportunity for scientists studying in the shadow of the Moon, but it’s also a perfect opportunity to capture unforgettable images. Whether you’re an amateur photographer or a selfie master, try out these tips for photographing the eclipse.NASA/Beth Anthony #1 – Safety First Looking directly at the Sun is dangerous to your eyes and your camera. To take images when the Sun is partially eclipsed, you’ll need to use a special solar filter to protect your camera, just as you’ll need a pair of solar viewing glasses (also called eclipse glasses) to protect your eyes. However, at totality, when the Moon completely blocks the Sun, make sure to remove the filter so you can see the Sun’s outer atmosphere – the corona. #2 – Any Camera Is a Good Camera Taking a stunning photo has more to do with the photographer than the camera. Whether you have a high-end DLSR or a camera phone, you can take great photos during the eclipse; after all, the best piece of equipment you can have is a good eye and a vision for the image you want to create. If you don’t have a telephoto zoom lens, focus on taking landscape shots and capture the changing environment. Having a few other pieces of equipment can also come in handy during the eclipse. Using a tripod can help you stabilize the camera and avoid taking blurry images when there is low lighting. Additionally, using a delayed shutter release timer will allow you to snap shots without jiggling the camera. People watch a partial eclipse in Belfast, Northern Ireland, on March 20, 2015.Credits: Robin Cordiner #3 – Look Up, Down, All Around While the Sun is the most commanding element of a solar eclipse, remember to look around you. As the Moon slips in front of the Sun, the landscape will be bathed in eerie lighting and shadows. As light filters through the overlapping leaves of trees, it creates natural pinholes that project miniature eclipse replicas on the ground. Anywhere you can point your camera can yield exceptional imagery, so be sure to compose some wide-angle photos that can capture your eclipse experience. NASA photographer Bill Ingalls recommends focusing on the human experience of watching the eclipse. “The real pictures are going to be of the people around you pointing, gawking, and watching it,” Ingalls noted. “Those are going to be some great moments to capture to show the emotion of the whole thing.” #4 – Practice Be sure you know the capabilities of your camera before eclipse day. Most cameras, and even some camera phones, have adjustable exposures, which can help you darken or lighten your image during the tricky eclipse lighting. Make sure you know how to manually focus the camera for crisp shots. For DSLR cameras, the best way to determine the correct exposure is to test settings on the uneclipsed Sun beforehand. Using a fixed aperture of f/8 to f/16, try shutter speeds between 1/1000 to 1/4 second to find the optimal setting, which you can then use to take images during the partial stages of the eclipse. During totality, the corona has a wide range of brightness, so it’s best to use a fixed aperture and a range of exposures from approximately 1/1000 to 1 second. #5 – Share! Share your eclipse experience with friends and family afterwards. Tag @NASA to connect your photos on social media to those taken around the country and share them with NASA. While you’re snapping those eclipse photos, don’t forget to stop and look at the eclipse with your own eyes. Just remember to wear your solar viewing glasses (also called eclipse glasses) for all stages of the eclipse before and after totality! Related Links Learn more about the 2024 total solar eclipse Eclipse Photographers Will Help Study Sun During Its Disappearing Act By Mara Johnson-GrohNASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. Share Details Last Updated Mar 21, 2024 Related TermsScience & Research2017 Solar Eclipse2024 Solar EclipseEclipsesHeliophysicsHeliophysics DivisionScience Mission DirectorateSkywatchingSolar EclipsesThe Sun Explore More 6 min read Sketch the Shape of the Sun for Science During the Solar Eclipse Calling all eclipse admirers! The SunSketcher team is looking for one million volunteers to capture… Article 2 days ago 5 min read Casey Honniball: Finding Her Space in Lunar Science Article 2 days ago 5 min read NASA Study: Asteroid’s Orbit, Shape Changed After DART Impact Article 2 days ago Keep Exploring Discover Related Topics Missions Humans in Space Climate Change Solar System
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elenasunshinemagazine · 2 months
Culinary secrets of using flowers. Master class 20
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You will be surprised, but many more colors are suitable for food than you can imagine. Flowers have been used in cooking for a very long time.
Today, flower buds are used in haute cuisine to decorate dishes and as a piquant additive that gives dishes a special sophistication. Flowers have found their development in cooking primarily thanks to desserts and drinks.
Which flower do we use most often in everyday life? Every second person will answer - a daisy. And all thanks to its medicinal properties. In addition, it will not be difficult to find a flower in the summer. And in winter they save stocks in the form of dry inflorescences.
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To arrange a meal beautifully is a minute of effort in the name of a hundredfold pleasure that the right slices melt in your mouth with a completely different energy. That the red dish seems sweeter, and the yellow color gives the illusion of sourness.
(1) - "The biodiversity of ornamental and wild species with edible flowers is one of the most promising resources for gastronomic innovation aimed at offering new tastes and new combinations of flowers with other foods (including vegetables and meat, fish and types of beer and wines). Their nutraceutical potential benefits human health also in terms of a psychological impact by combining the beauty of flowers with their tastiness. Future studies will increasingly underline the nutraceutical potential of the various species of flowers that can prevent certain pathologies and thus be part of “personalized diets” aimed at specific health problems."
1. Cold dessert with chamomile
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Interestingly, this symbol of romance is used not only to maintain health, but also as a gastronomic pleasure. Sweet sorbet with chamomile and lemon is proof of that. This dessert will not only surprise with its taste qualities, but also contribute to improving digestion. The perfect end to a light dinner!
Ingredients: Water 4 cups Lemon 1 pc. Chamomile flowers 2 tablespoons Liquid honey 2 tablespoons Sugar 6.35 oz
Cooking time 45 minutes
1. Boil water in a medium-sized saucepan. Turn off the heat, add honey, sugar and dried chamomile flowers.
2. Squeeze out the juice of one half of a lemon, pour it into the rest of the ingredients. Also add 1 tsp lemon zest. Mix thoroughly.
3. Cover the saucepan with a lid and leave to cool completely. When the liquid has cooled, strain it through a sieve so that there is no chamomile left in it. Then put it in the refrigerator for 40 minutes.
4. Pour the broth into a plastic container and send it to the freezer. Every 10-20 minutes, take out the container with sorbet and mix until solidified. If you have an ice cream container, this will make the task much easier.
5. Before you treat yourself to dessert, send it from the freezer to the refrigerator for 15 minutes — slightly melted sorbet is much tastier!
2. Almond tortillas with lilac
Cooking recipes with flowers are very beautiful, delicious and healthy! This time it's time for flower desserts. Get ready for the temptations!
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Flour 17.64 oz Sugar 2 tablespoons Baking powder 1/2 teaspoon Baking soda 1/2 teaspoon Salt to taste Butter 1 tablespoon Sour cream with a fat content of 20% 7.0 oz Seeds of half a vanilla pod Chopped roasted almonds 2 tablespoons Lilac flowers 1 cup Instruction:
Cooking time 30 minutes Mix flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Cut the butter into small cubes and mix them with the dry mixture until crumbs form.
Mix sour cream, vanilla seeds, almonds and lilac flowers. Add to the prepared mass, quickly knead the dough by hand.
Dust the table with flour. Roll out the dough into a thin layer. Cut the dough into triangles, transfer them to a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Lightly sprinkle with sugar. Bake at 356F, about 12-15 min.
3. Green salad with flowers and avocado
And the recipe today is one of the most frequent salads on my table, for which I grow pansies and nasturtium on the window. The whole secret is in the gas station. And of course, in the life-giving energy of floral ingredients.
Ingredients: Ripe avocado 1 Lemon 1/2 piece Salt to taste Any green leaves of your choice, it's better all at once: lettuce, arugula, spinach, watercress, basil, parsley, sorrel, dill. Petals of edible flowers of the size of 3 tablespoons Mustard seeds to taste
For refueling:
Cups of red wine vinegar 2 tablespoons Extra virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard 1/2 tablespoon Honey 2 teaspoons Dry dill 1/2 teaspoon Garlic 1 clove Salt and freshly ground black pepper
How to cook:
Cooking time 15 minutes
Cut the avocado in half. Remove the bone. Put the pulp with a spoon and mash with a fork, sprinkle with lemon, salt and put on a plate over the entire surface. Rinse the green leaves and flowers thoroughly with water, put the flowers aside for now. Carelessly tear the leaves with your hands. Mix the dressing ingredients. Put the lettuce leaves in a sealed transparent plastic bag, pour the dressing into it, tie it securely and shake it so that the dressing mixes with the leaves. Put the greens on top of the avocado, sprinkle the flowers on top and serve immediately. Bon Appetit!
ATTENTION: even with well-known edible flowers, it is better to be careful. Add them little by little so that they do not cause allergies. Of course, you can not eat flowers even if the garden has been recently treated with pesticides.
(2) - "In conclusion, edible flowers – ornamental and wild – have the potential of providing an important “ecosystem service” to satisfy the growing desire for new organoleptic discoveries that are healthy both from a biological and psychological point of view."
(1),(2)-The Biodiversity of Edible Flowers: Discovering New Tastes and New Health Benefits. Stefano Benvenuti and Marco Mazzoncini; Published online 2021 Feb 22.
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My Little Brother’s Nick Name is Min. Just like my sister, I am the person who gave him this nickname. He is younger than me 11 years.
So our three siblings nickname together is “My Name Min.”
My little brother’s life is the most unwell of all in the family. Like all of us, he was in top 5 public high school of Thailand and was graduated from second University of Thailand like my sister (Thammasat). But since he was in last year of high school, it seems that he was played by some energies that science and medical thing couldn’t solve. Indeed I experienced many things like him but the difference is I was much more able to master this alternative strange reality which is not in scientific discovery so far while he is quite submissive to all that approaches his soul.
Imagining person with the bedroom full of cross ✝️ in Christ religion. His bedroom is full of pictures of Thai monks that were well known as rest in nirvana. By the way he is involved with this kind of thing this unmastering way, instead of working in high performance company like other friends, he is in small security company in HR position. And what we know that he is treated in very minor kind of way due to his strange symptoms.
He is very undervalued in society because of that. In most evening while my sister listens to pop music and go for mainstream American movies in weekend, my brother stays home for listening to podcasts from various renowned thinkers of Thailand and listening to audio preaches from monks who intensively practice vipassana and meditation.
Sad that I can’t talk to my brother and we’ve talked to each other for like 5 years already. It’s the fact that when I was working in Banking field which is very exhausting, my father still assigns me to pick my brother up at tennis court after my work. And I am always furious when I was with my brother every time by the way I using words coz I’m very upset and exhausted.
He was very young and innocent boy at that time and I know why when he started to mature he felt like he can’t talk to me. His bedroom is next to mine and I can hear him cry many nights.
It is one of saddest storie in my life and if I could turn back time I would never use unkind words to my little brother at such age!
My sister doesn’t like my brother because she feels that he never contributes anything to family and spend most of his money taking care of monks who were known as practice vipassana meditation for the path of nirvana.
My sister is half way atheist and non-religion so it’s understandable why she absolutely put family first. Anyway I feel gratitude to my brother that he has done so with his money. Looking deeply, the mindfulness society still has well practice monks left to lead and be good example for people to look up to for purity of life because people like my brother. A little from many persons can sustain society at some level as well while there’s nothing better than that.
All the story is to tell that Min is realest pursuit of pure nirvana in my family (equal to my mother or perhaps more than!!) although he is just a secular person with many general desires like others.
I’m not very Nirvana compared to him as I also love god. 😊
And see something variant to Buddhism in some part. I’m quite very mixed of philosophies and ways to grab, translate, or experience reality.
Long post!
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semi-imaginary-place · 6 months
fe3h units 3: golden deer
Raph's usable but not a part of the A team. Most units don't want to be taking more than one hit anyways so as long as he's not dying in one attack its fine and Raph is one of the more survivable units. What I've tended to have more problems with is his speed, on maddening he get doubled so often and that's what puts him in danger. Defense can be compensated for with a battalion and shield. Wyvern lord would let him canto away from danger thus not needing as much defense. War master and gauntlets would better use his high strength.
Generally speaking a simple progression for Hilda is fighter, brigand, wyvern rider, wyvern lord. Hilda is one of your best physical attackers, wyvern lord is probably her best final class so build towards that. You can optionally pick up pegasus knight for its mastery ability darting blow which is very good. Try to master brigand, most physical units want to for its ability death blow.
Leonie has the highest speed and crit rate in the game. Mostly speed and a little strength determine avoid, crit is equally dex and luck, Leonie has a lot of all 3 she's equally as good at this as Petra is. Leonie is chosen less often as dodgetank because she's such a good archer. To put it another way Leonie is as good a dodgetank as Petra and Ingrid but Petra and Ingrid aren't as good at dealing damage as Leonie. Leonie makes one of the best bow knights in the game and is my personal favorite. Please note bow knight trades mobility for bad stats and growths, other equally good options for her include sniper or a lance class like falcon knight or paladin. Bow knight has the largest range in the game and one of the best at hit and run tactics. With Leonie's high crit she can crit most hits this is especially good for double hit attacks which she may be able to on default with her extremely high speed but also enhances 2 hit combat arts like sniper's hunter'y volley and her personal point black volley.
For Lorenz the main builds are frozen lance paladin vs dark knight, it's a trade off paladin has lancefaire's +5 mt but dark knight has spell casting versatility and range. Long term dark knight also has a mag growth but you're probably already in endgame so by the final map the difference will be small. Personally I like dark knight since in maddening frozen lance starts to fall off in end game and its kill rate becomes shaky leaving Lorenz open to counters (interesting fact is that Lorenz is the one who benefits most from the defensive abilities of Thrysus). With Lorenz, Thrysus augments both his offensive and defense and makes him your tankiest magic option, so it gives him a niche that Lysithea can't fill. Lorenz is one of the best users of dark knight it is HIS class. the versatility of magic usually pays off against a weaker frozen lance which on maddening won't kill in endgame.
Poor Lorenz. 3H rewards min-maxing and punishes versatility and magic-physical mixed units more than other FE games. Lorenz would have done great in Awakening or some of the other games. Thrysus for that mage tank build tho.
for weird/fun builds on ng+ file where you don't have to worry about investment cost Wyvern Lord is an ok option as he can switch between physical and magic axes. I took him down the brawling route once and he did better than expected (not totally useless). If you want low investment just make him healer and build your healer to be an attacker.
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priscila-runs · 7 months
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It’s 8PM and I’m sitting in bed with a stuffy nose. I was about to cry a few moments ago until I remembered that I’ve been meaning to make a list of all the energy gels/food I’ve been trying out during every one of my long runs.
During my long run workouts, I need to replenish around 1700 calories (more or less) which means I should consume several packets of these lil goopy things in the span of 2-3 hours. Come marathon day, I will probably need to carry 8 of fuel sources and so I’ve been shopping around for months to find something that gives me a good balance of minimal GI issues (vom, the runs, burps) and maximum portability.
No verdict yet on what I will pick for race day, but here they are, in no particular order, my fueling gels/foods:
1. stinger waffles: while I started off hating these, they have a way of winning you over. It’s nice that they lead to very minimal burping, and better yet, the burps don’t make you gag the way the gels do. Their gigantic size and clumsy shape means I need to find a good carrying solution.
2. Huma strawberry gels: these have been my favorite although on my most recent run they gave me the gags. I just need plenty of water to flush down. I don’t know much about this company other than they claim to put chia seeds in their gels which gives you lots of energy. This pretty much checks out! I take them every 40 min. They have a similar texture to and taste almost like, if you’re familiar with Mexican candy, Lucas Pelucas (minus the spicy flavor). This is probably due to their high sodium content. Very, dare I say, fun to eat.
3. Ucan Edge gels: these were the first gels I tried. They’re not technically gel, instead they use some sort of cornstarch mixture which they claim is better than what other products typically use as the base for gels thereby reducing GI issues. Ironically, I got very burrrrpy when I tried them. They were also the first time I tried gels so I had no idea what to prepare for or expect. I may give them another try now that I have mastered the art of eating and running simultaneously.
4. Huma lemonade (caffeinated) gel: taking this was like inducing a panic attack? No good. I should say that my body is really sensitive to caffeine so i don’t typically consume caffeine other than in my morning cup of coffee. Now that I’ve tried a caffeinated gel, I’m going to stay far away. A few weeks ago, I received a HUMA sampler pack in the mail which included one gel pack with 2x caffeine lol. Just looking at it made me panic so I threw her out.
5. Honey stinger energy gel: very thick and sweet, and they don’t taste great. Water is essential to wash it down. The nice thing about these is how small they are. Very portable.
If I try any other gels I will add them to the list. But overall, I like the waffles and the salty strawberry gels. I stand by what I said months ago which is that all of this is such a show. I think a little pack of stroopwaffles, baggies of gushers, packs of honey would do the job. But here we are. 8:50PM. Good night. 🌙
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the-hem · 9 months
"A Man of Noble Birth." From Luke 19:12-27.
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Jesus is given credit for being Mr. Nice Guy, but really, He wasn't. As the Son of God He had duties, and they included separating the corrupt from the diligent, the wise from the stupid, and greedy from the charitable. In this Parable He is at His most ruthless about this. Unfortunately, mankind was more ruthless than He and Jesus died on the cross.
12 He said: “A man of noble birth went to a distant country to have himself appointed king and then to return. 13 So he called ten of his servants and gave them ten minas.[a] ‘Put this money to work,’ he said, ‘until I come back.’
14 “But his subjects hated him and sent a delegation after him to say, ‘We don’t want this man to be our king.’
15 “He was made king, however, and returned home. Then he sent for the servants to whom he had given the money, in order to find out what they had gained with it.
16 “The first one came and said, ‘Sir, your mina has earned ten more.’
17 “‘Well done, my good servant!’ his master replied. ‘Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities.’
18 “The second came and said, ‘Sir, your mina has earned five more.’
19 “His master answered, ‘You take charge of five cities.’
20 “Then another servant came and said, ‘Sir, here is your mina; I have kept it laid away in a piece of cloth. 21 I was afraid of you, because you are a hard man. You take out what you did not put in and reap what you did not sow.’
22 “His master replied, ‘I will judge you by your own words, you wicked servant! You knew, did you, that I am a hard man, taking out what I did not put in, and reaping what I did not sow? 23 Why then didn’t you put my money on deposit, so that when I came back, I could have collected it with interest?’
24 “Then he said to those standing by, ‘Take his mina away from him and give it to the one who has ten minas.’
25 “‘Sir,’ they said, ‘he already has ten!’
26 “He replied, ‘I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but as for the one who has nothing, even what they have will be taken away. 27 But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me.’”
A minas is a portion of something, but a big portion, ie. all apples off a tree rather than just a bushel. A minas generally means the son has to produce according to the whims of the Master. Jesus uses it in the parable to state He has the Authority to tell the world he wants all of it to prosper, to give up forms of statecraft that oppress the poor and seed violence in the land.
One Mina has a Gematria of 175, or עזה‎, gaza, which means "ambitions" but of the positive sort.
The ubiquitous term ממנו (Genesis 2:17) or ממנה (Genesis 3:19) or ממני (Genesis 22:12), etcetera, regards a double extraction, which is not all that odd. The first extraction (מנו, or 'from him/it', or מנה, 'from her/it') would refer to, say, the general harvest of one apple tree: a basket full of apples. The second extraction (ממנו) would concern an apple taken from the basket taken from the tree. In general, it refers to a specific helping from a general produce.
Morphologically not far removed from the previous root מנן (mnn), the verb מנה (mana) means to count (Genesis 13:16, 2 Samuel 24:1, Psalm 90:12) or assign (Isaiah 53:12, Daniel 1:5) — which brings it in close vicinity of the preposition מן (min). In order to count something, it has to be distinguished from others, after all. Studies of cognates show that this verb may have also been used in the sense of to be bounteous.
Its derivatives are:
The feminine noun מנה (mana), meaning portion or part (Exodus 29:26, Nehemiah 8:10).
The masculine noun מנה (maneh), which is a unit of weight, a.k.a. the mina (Ezekiel 45:12, 1 Kings 10:17).
The masculine noun מנה (moneh), meaning time (not clock-time but as in "ten times"). This word occurs only once, in Genesis 31:7.
The feminine noun מנת (menat), meaning portion (Nehemiah 12:44, Jeremiah 13:25).
The masculine noun מנון (manon), which is a dubious word (says BDB Theological Dictionary). It occurs only in Proverbs 29:21: ". . . will in the end find him to be a מנון (manon)" and translations vary widely, from "successor" (J.P. Green) and "continuator" (Young) to "thankless one" (BDB Theological Dictionary). The King James Version translated this word curiously with "son," but so do NAS and Darby. HAW Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament translates this word with "grief" and so does NIV. JSP translates our word with "master".
The Ten Minas are obviously the Ten Decrees and Jesus, through the Parable tells His Disciples He wants them to be observed, no question. The Decrees are essential to our understanding of secular law. The Decrees state God's authority, which resides in the conscience, is the reason we create and support Godly governments and royalty, not just because the law says so, but because our soul knows this is right.
Royals and loyals who do not find this within the scope of their willpower need to be arrested. To promote religion as a means to an ethical way of life which is always legal beneath the gaze of a kumquat who regularly gyps the nation of its pride is outrageous.
What is the distant country the King in the Parable journeys off to, expecing the Decrees to be understood when he returns? The place is called Israel, where free men who have overcome all the savage designs of the past reside. Israel is supposed to instruct the entire world in proper statecraft that represents the Design called for by the Torah.
Resistance to the Design is called jealousy, or slavery in Egpyt. For reasons, heaven knows not what they are, mankind does not want to learn what life is like without weapons, propaganda, wastes of time, or walking talking rectums.
The hemorrhoidectomy begins with v. 16: A servant observes the First Decree and lo and behold all Ten follow, he is given "pride" also called sukkoth in Hebrew, 361, גא‎ה‎.
The King gives him ten cities. One city is a happy dude, twenty is a dance party, ten are 361, גוא ‎"leavening" or "rising".
A second servant invested one mina and returned with five. His ambitions resulted in 890, חטאֶפֶס, hatapes, which means "the dismayed world sees and begins contemplating the need for justice."
The adjective חת (hat), which is identical to the previous word and is commonly said to mean shattered or dismayed (1 Samuel 2:4, Ezekiel 32:30, Jeremiah 46:5).
ap= eyelid
The common Semitic masculine noun עץ ('es), primarily meaning tree. Our noun is used to denote a single standing tree (Genesis 2:9), or a group of trees (Genesis 2:16). It is used to denote wood for kindling (Joshua 9:23), wood as a building material (Genesis 6:14, 2 Kings 12:13), and items made of wood (Exodus 7:19, Deuteronomy 19:5).
And hence it may be used to denote (wooden) idols (Deuteronomy 4:28) or gallows, stake or similar means of execution (Genesis 40:19, Deuteronomy 21:22).
The theological meaning of the Biblical tree (from the two trees in Paradise related to the fall of man, to the cross of Christ, to the restored Tree of Life as witnessed by John the Revelator - REVELATION 22:2) seem to promote a relationship with the verb עוץ ('us) meaning to counsel or regard.
Five cities are: טג‎ו‎, tegu, or tagu, which are flags used over Hebrew letters that give them enhanced status from the rest of the alphabet. This is done to prevent certain combinations of letters from producing satanic words or verses, which could happen in certain instances without the tags. Obviously this explains what happens in the mind that is not able to perceive the corruption all around him.
= the ability of discernment, a gift of the Holy Ghost.
The final servant who hid his mina in a piece of cloth did not memorize or understand the Torah and thus came up empty handed; fear of the Torah and the evolutionary changes that it invokes is not acceptable.
The eleventh mina is 963, טו‎ג, tug, or "fortune." from:
The derived noun τυχη (tuche) doesn't occur in the Bible apart from in the names listed below. According to Liddell and Scott (An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon) it denotes "the good which man obtains (τυγχανει) by the favor of the gods, good fortune, luck, success."
As for the man who decided he was ineligible for the same opportunities as the rest, and calls the king a "hired man" who does nothing, he was correct. Kings are hired by God to draw the very best out of the people using a non-bureaucratic form of benevolent tyranny. If the King is well intentioned, he works the wages of his efforts are happy, long-lived, well educated people who experience not one moment of strife of discontent that is his doing.
The opposite is an unholy nightmare.
For this reason, Jesus says persons who are unwilling to subject themselves to at least an attempt at the instructions should not be allowed to take up air, food, water and space like the rest.
For the sake of argument, the 11th City is Theta in Gematria, or teth, which means "Truth at the beginning, the middle and the end."
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