#which is not akatsuki related but still
avenger-hawk · 2 years
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ナルトボルト ツイログ3 by IZ on pixiv posted with the artist’s permission. don’t remove the source. reblog, don’t repost.
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metalandmagi · 10 months
Romance Anime Starter List
I don’t know about you guys, but I’m sick and tired of seeing “Top ___ Best Anime of All Time” lists that are nothing but shounen. So, with "My Happy Marriage" getting a little attention from the anime community, I wanted to put together a list of some romance anime that I consider good “starters” for the genre. Because if I were just now becoming an anime fan, I’d think all there was to offer was shounen action series.
And by “starters” I mean basic stuff that’s not too…out there, and actually involves the characters getting together instead of just harems or using romance as a side plot (sorry Ouran High School Host Club and My Next Life as a Villainess). 
So if you’re new to anime and want stuff that’s not just guys beating the shit out of each other (which is also fun, don’t get me wrong), here are some basics.
Taisho Maiden Fairy Tale- When the pessimistic Tamahiko Shima loses all function in his right arm, his family sends him away to live in the mountains with the cheerful, hard working Yuzuki Tachibana…who was purchased by the Shima family to pay off her family’s debts and basically act as a caretaker/future bride for Tamahiko so they’d never have to deal with him again. It’s a more cheerful version of My Happy Marriage (without the supernatural stuff), except in this one, the guy is the one who has massive self-esteem issues and an abusive family. There are still very serious themes, but ultimately it’s not meant to make you cry every episode. I swear it’s so good, but nobody watched it!
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Horimiya- A slice of life in which pretty and popular high school queen bee Hori, finds out her quiet, unassuming classmate Miyamura is hiding piercings and tattoos that could get him expelled. The two gradually find out more about each other and get together in the most realistic way I’ve seen depicted in an anime. It’s also fucking hysterical and genuinely emotional.
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Recovery of an MMO Junkie- Another slice of life that focuses on two adults who meet in an MMO game without realizing they also know each other in real life. I don’t want to say much more than that. It’s adorable, and the main character is so relatable it hurts.
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Love with Yamada-kun at Level 999- Speaking of MMOs, this is a newer series about Akane Kinoshita, a college first year who’s reeling from a bad break up. In an attempt to get back at her ex, she winds up meeting Akito Yamada, a popular gamer who happens to be in her guild in the MMO they both play at an IRL meetup. The two go from acquaintances to something more as they keep running into each other. Even more relatable main characters and just wholesome relationships all around.
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Snow White With The Red Hair- A fantasy in which an apothecary named Shirayuki (meaning, you guessed it, “snow white”) runs away from her home in order to escape becoming the concubine of her town’s prince. While fleeing, she is rescued by Zen, the prince of a neighboring country, and she ends up becoming an herbalist to repay him. It's super cute with some genuinely swoon worthy moments and a couple that just works so well together. I have a habit of comparing this to Akatsuki no Yona, even though the two aren’t really that alike. This is more romance driven while Akatsuki no Yona is more of a serious historical fantasy with romance elements (Yona manga is amazing, but the anime barely scratches the surface, so that’s why I didn’t include it).
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Sasaki to Miyano- When the shy, easily flustered Miyano meets Sasaki, a cool “delinquent” upperclassmen, the two end up bonding over manga…specifically BL manga. That’s right, Miyano is a fudanshi, but due to his small stature and somewhat feminine appearance, he’s constantly trying to convince others that he’s not interested in having his own love story where he’d be reduced to a stereotypical doe-eyed uke. But as Sasaki and Miyano spend more time together, they realize that what they have is more than friendship, and they have to come to terms with their own perception of gay relationships. This is my favorite romance of all time. It’s a slow burn, but boy is it worth it. Their relationship is so natural and realistic, just like Horimiya. Just two people hanging out and bonding over things the way people do in real life!
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Given: The story of some boys in a band with trauma. Enough said. It's great. Go watch it.
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Bloom Into You- Yuu Koito is a high school girl who’s been waiting her whole life for her own perfect romance to start…but when she receives a confession, she realizes she doesn’t know how to respond when she’s just not into the guy. And then she gets another confession…this time from the cool student council president Touko Nanami, who basically jumpstarts her lesbian awakening. Very cute story about how we perceive the concept of love vs actually feeling it. Also has a canonically aro/ace side character, so that’s a win for me. Another show like this is Adachi to Shimamura (but I honestly don’t remember much about it. It just didn’t stick with me as much).
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Ore Monogatari- Takeo Gouda is a tall, bulky high school first year with a sensitive heart of gold. He wants nothing more than to find his own true love, but most girls are intimidated by his enormous stature, and they end up falling for his conventionally attractive friend instead. That is, until he meets the tiny, adorable Rinko Yamato. He falls in love instantly, but he’s sure she’s interested in his best friend like everyone else, so he vows to help get them together, even though his heart is breaking. Peak himbo behavior. Pure of heart, dumb of ass.
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Yuri on Ice- Yes it’s the gay figure skating anime everyone knows. And yes it’s a fucking romance, okay? I will die on this hill. The romance between Viktor and Yuri is just as important as the plot!
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Kaguya-sama Love Is War- Two insanely smart high school students both have a crush on the other, but since they’re…you know…high schoolers, neither of them wants to admit it first. So they come up with increasingly convoluted plans to get the other to confess first. This will go down as one of the best of all time. It’s a hilarious yet poignant modern classic.
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Fruits Basket- I’ve talked about it before and I’ll talk about it again. A romance “comedy” that slowly morphs into a drama about a girl named Tohru who finds herself living with the mysterious Sohma family after her mother dies. Little does she know, the Sohmas are the victims of a  (somewhat silly, but ultimately tragic) curse that she must fight to break. Even though I’m more into it for the family drama, the romance is still top tier and plays an important role in the story. This is my second favorite anime of all time, and it’s a classic for a reason. If anyone hasn’t watched it yet, GO WATCH IT! IT WILL RIP YOU TO SHREDS!
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And now for some honorable mentions that didn't quite fit into the regular list:
Ride Your Wave- A movie about a surfer who falls in love with a firefighter……and I’m not going to say any more than that. Go into it blind. If you like stuff like Your Name, this is a good one to watch.
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun- A comedy about a high school girl who finds out the upperclassman she has a crush on is actually a shoujo manga artist, and no matter how she tries to confess to him, he just never gets it.
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The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague- A slow burn slice of life that focuses on a guy with ice powers who has a crush on his coworker. That’s it. That’s the show. When I say slow, I mean SLOW. It’s perfectly cute and fluffy, but my god does it take forever to get anywhere with these two.
Skip to Loafer- A high strung, small town girl decides to go to high school in Tokyo, where she meets a variety of classmates, including the laid back Sousuke Shima. The unlikely pair become friends, and soon enough, she starts to feel something more than friendship. The only reason I didn’t include it in the main list is because they don’t get together by the end of the first season, but it’s still really cute (also canonically trans character for the win!?)
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So that’s my starter list. And no, I didn’t include Toradora, even though it’s a classic. I know it’s blasphemous, but I like it more as a comedy than a romance. It kinda lost me with the ending. But anyway, maybe someone will find something they like. Or maybe you'll just want to roast me and my picks 😅
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 months
I have a JJK x Naruto Crossover I think you'd like
So it's in the Naruto world, but curses and cursed energy exist as a separate thing from chakra. Jujutsu schools are scattered across the Nations, working together to keep the curses from destroying the world.
Shinobi and sorcerers really do not like each other. The shinobi hate how uncertain they are of the sorcerers loyalty as sorcerers consider themselves to be loyal to each other rather than any of the countries they are in. They often refuse to let sorcerers into the villages. The only reason they haven't all been killed is because although chackra can't kill a curse they can see them and seal them like bijuu. Sorcerers hate shinobi because while they're sacrificing their lives to protect the world the shinobi are actively creating more curses with their warfare and preventing the sorcerers from killing the curses in the villages. Also shinobi sometimes use sealed curses as weapons, which is stupid and bad.
Sidenote real fast, Hoshigaki Kisame isn't part of the Akatsuki here because Gojo was like, "hmm. I need a teacher to teach my students shinobi things so they don't get assassinated. I think this weird shark guy would be great!" So Kisame is living his best life getting to be a nice, loyal guy and is one of the only shinobi that sorcerers tolerate.
The main plot of this AU is related to the bijuu. You know how in Naruto the bijuu have the ability to sense malice and sometimes go out of their way to kill evil humans? Well in this AU what they are actually sensing is cursed energy and their job is to disperse large build ups of cursed energy to keep the formation of cursed spirits down. They are deeply venerated and respected by sorcerers for this. So guess who was absolutely furious when the shinobi started sealing them?
The only reason the sorcerers haven't gone to war over the whole thing is because without the bijuu, they're being stretched thinner and thinner as they try to keep the cursed spirit population down. Death rates among sorcerers have easily doubled or tripled, as, even if there's still very few special grades, there's just so many of the weaker ones.
This whole thing makes Geto even worse than in canon.
So in the midst of all this tension, Team Seven runs into Gojo's first year students on some kind of mission involving missing nin creating curses on purpose. Between Naruto's naruto-ness and Itadori's friendliness, they actually manage to work together and are a little friendly by the end of it.
And then it somehow comes out that Naruto is the ninetales jinchuuriki and the jjk kids lose their shit. Even Sukuna's upset, he just found out about the whole thing and his belief in humanity somehow dropped further into the negatives than it already was.
Like, they are genuinely ready to kill Naruto over this, and team seven is so confused because they were friendly a second ago, and then both their teachers show up and everything gets worse.
And the thing is, most shinobi don't know about the bujuu-sorcerer connection. The general run of the mill shinobi barely knows anything about sorcerers, and team seven actually learned more than their teachers ever told them on this mission. And it would be so confusing and stressful for them to realize that the monster that they all fear is a respected colleague to these people, and the bijuus loss is genuinely killing the sorcerers.
Just the idea that the monster sealed inside of him isn't a monster, that it was sealed wrongfully, would break Naruto a little bit.
I don't know where this would end up going. Having Kenjaku and Madara/Obito pulling shit at the same time would be a nightmare. I just really like the idea of sorcerers and shinobi having to deal with each other, and of the ninja having to think about the fact that sealing a living being and using them as a battery and weapon for a century is really fucked up, and it's no wonder they try to kill you every time they get out.
This is absolutely delightful and I need 100k of it stat
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mythical-donut · 6 months
Akatsuki no Yona
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Let’s talk about Zeno.
Now just what is Zeno up to? I'm not going to go 'Zeno is the final boss!' (although that would be fun) But this and the last chapter confirms Zeno is definitely up to something. We've had a few hints Zeno has some goal that was never told outright but we can make inferences based mostly on his back story. I and many others' best guess is that he wants to end the dragon cycle which includes no more dragon babies with short lives as well as no more immortality for himself. Which would mean he can finally die. That and/or the long suffering of the other dragons can end. There is no definite proof this is his main goal. But it's the best I can guess up to this point. Do I believe he has some nefarious villainous plan? No, not really. But we do wonder how far he's willing to go for it. We may be questioning 'means justify ends' types of morality questions.
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Another big question: Is what is happening now all through the actions of Zeno from the start? Personally I don't think so. I don't think Zeno went so far as to orchestrate Chagol burning Hiryuu castle and taking the Chalice. We saw Zeno's inner shock on that. What I think he is really doing is taking advantage of the current situation they landed in and directing it toward achieving his goals.
Now what exactly is he doing? So far we've had him mysteriously appearing in Yona's dream, having sort of a pseudo phantom presence to Yona and his fellow dragons. When Shinah discovers him, he ominously says 'Oh I've been caught', then Shinah disappears. Next we see him suddenly appearing to Yona and crew (teleportation?) and acting jolly and ignorant. Clearly an act to anyone reading. His reaction to Hak's question about their bodies being affected differently by the burning of the castle is even more strange. It's almost as if he had no idea what Hak was talking about. Some are even speculating this isn't Zeno at all, but an imposter, or that he is possessed by Chagol or something. It's a more outlandish theory but something yet to consider.
Some of his cryptic words are "Don't let it get away' "It's begun"
My first thought is that this is leading up to a big part of the prophecy. I believe Zeno may be capitalizing on the dragons' current situation. The burning of Hiryuu castle and the taking of the Chalice has led to the destabilizing of the bodies of the dragon warriors into actual dragons (There is a more in depth previous post about this). And all of his actions are to lead Yona and co. to something yet to happen. Especially Yona. It's her time to act in a way that will fulfill Zeno's current goals...which are hopefully for the good of all, but one still worries.
One of the major earlier Zeno lines is the fact that he is willing to turn his back on the dragon gods to achieve what he wants. So is Zeno going against what the dragon gods established to achieve his goals? And is his goal truly to end the dragon cycle to save future generations -and maybe even the current- and to release his immortality?
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We have had no insight on what the dragon gods think and what they are even doing ever since they gave some of their blood to the current dragon warriors. We also don't know the exact mechanics of what is going on with the dragon warriors. We do know this is unprecedented as far as dragon warriors go. Is what's happening to the dragon warriors right now going against what the dragon gods originally intended?
This is related to their link to the dragon gods. How strong is this link? And now the dragon warriors are more like actual dragons now than humans. Where does the dragon warrior end and where does the dragon god begin? We still have more questions than answers. Is Zeno currently acting against what the dragon gods want? What is it exactly? Is he trying to stop the pact? Overthrow the gods? Stop them from trying to get Hiryuu -Yona- to return to heaven? So many questions. And so much to speculate!
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theheirofthesharingan · 3 months
This one's got nothing to do with your usual content, but what is your opinion on the Naruto soundtrack? If there are any, what are your favorite tracks? And why?
I love Naruto OST. Music usually adds so much to the story and Naruto is no exception. My favourite tracks would have abundance of the feelings related with Itachi and Sasuke, because I'm no expert in music and the technicalities, so I rely only on how it sounds and the feelings it wanted to evoke. The first should not be a surprise. xD
Senya (Itachi's Theme): I fell in love with this theme when I heard it in the episode #114. It captures his anguish, sadness, and darkness beautifully. It's sad, it's ominous. There's so much mystery to him, no matter how much we know about him, we don't truly know him. To me, Itachi's theme signified this detachment we're supposed to feel towards him. His theme also feels like you're walking in a dark alleyway that's inhibited by the ghosts of young souls and it's constantly raining. But instead of water droplets it's blood that's falling down. It might not make much sense, but this was my first impression of his theme.
Colourful Mist: It was played before too, but I fell in love with it when that Shisui and Itachi scene played in the Itachi Shinden arc. Shisui giving piggyback ride to him and all the peace and calm, and their deep bonding. Beautiful.
Man of the World: I loved that it was played with Sasuke's flashbacks about him and Itachi after Obito told him the truth. It's more of the effect of the scene and this music becomes even sadder because of it.
Decision: This is the track that plays during Itachi's second death and his flashbacks. The whole ambience is augmented by this music. It amplified the sadness, which wasn't as brutal as Itachi's first death, but still you know when Sasuke loses his brother forever and then the sudden ascent in the tune? That's like all that they both can't verbally say, but this bit conveys it wonderfully to us, audience.
Girei (Pain's theme): Instead of any emotional connect I love the sound of it. Pain is presented as this unattainable, godlike entity, and his theme tells you exactly that. He's dangerous, he's powerful but also a human, so there's some hint of vulnerability along with majesty too.
Sadness and Sorrow: It was played many, many times, for no particular character, but I loved it every time.
Akatsuki's Theme: They're the most badass characters in Naruto and their theme tells you they're not the people you need to take lightly. It's just how Deidara would say: EXPLOSIVE.
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watermelonsloth · 2 months
Things the Naruto Fandom Don’t Talk About Nearly Enough Part 3: Pein in Chapter 329
First, Pein calls Kakuzu and Hidan “fellows” in 327.
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That’s neither important nor what I’m talking about but I just wanted you to know this panel exists.
On subject, I was recently rereading the scene of the Akatsuki sealing the two tails and three tails and it completely made me rethink Pein/Nagato’s character (because I’m at the point that every time I revisit a scene from Naruto I notice something new). I’m not gonna get into all of that because these are supposed to be relatively short thoughts, but I will get into one thing he said.
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“After all, you and I are birds of a feather.”
Pein, Nagato, Mr God Complex himself looks at Hidan and tells him (and the Akatsuki as a whole) that they are equals.
And like, Pein’s not a liar (correct me if I’m wrong). He just says things straight up, doesn’t even bend the truth. The only way he really “manipulates” people is through intimidation and holding power over others. Yeah, Hidan didn’t know the end goal of the Akatsuki before this scene, but that seems to be because the Akatsuki works on a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. And he didn’t go into full detail about his plan, but the parts he left out were the parts related to world peace. Which Hidan didn’t ask about. He only asked about what they were doing, not why they were doing it.
Which means Pein was telling the truth. Despite his god complex, messiah complex, and general disconnection from people, Pein still sees the Akatsuki members as equals. Obito, Madara, Zetsu, and all of them see the people they’re using as pawns in a greater game or a means to an end. But Pein sees them as being “birds of a feather”. He even goes out of his way to tell Hidan that he didn’t intend to insult his religious beliefs or offend him.
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mixelation · 2 years
A long time ago, someone asked if I could summarize what each Akatsuki member thinks of Tori, and I said I'd answer after Chp 16. So here we go!! This is also useful for my own organization.
In order of their meetings:
Hidan: Hidan genuinely thought she was discount death god for a second there, and her persistence in existing near him both embarrasses him and pisses him off. He feels weirdly vindicated by every manipulative piece of trickery she pulls off, because that means he wasn't tricked by some random idiot. He thinks she's pretentious and stuck-up and occasionally pathetic, but her more unhinged bullshit is entertaining. His hatred for her has started mellowing out with time and carefully crafted narrative bonding time, but she's far from his favorite coworker.
Kakuzu: Kakuzu does not have strong feelings about Tori. He doesn't think tricking Hidan or Deidara is much of an accomplishment. She's consistently been acceptably competent at the Akatsuki-related tasks he's had to work with her on, sometimes to a surprising degree. He's still salty about her breaking one of his expensive storage scrolls, and he's probably never going to let her stop making replacements. He has noticed she's probably more innately dangerous than the way they've been treating her would imply, but he considers this none of his business.
Sasori: Sasori considers Tori a useful hostage right off the bat, and she also manages to run away from him with nothing but her own wits. That chapter got a lot of criticisms along the lines of "what was the point of that if it didn't change the outcome," and the answer is: it did change the potential for the dynamic between Tori and the rest of the Akatsuki. Sasori recognizes that Tori is clever and has skills potentially useful to him, and he's really not surprised when she pulls out newer and weirder fuinjutsu techniques, because why wouldn't she? There are aspects of her personality he doesn't care for, but she can keep up with him in conversation. As of chapter 15, Sasori was probably the member who liked her the most. Unfortunately friendship with Sasori wins you unsolicited comments about your appearance and being poisoned.
Deidara: Deidara starts off pretty neutral about Tori. She's a convenient excuse to force Sasori into doing things Deidara wants, but he doesn't actually care about her on a personal level until she makes a fool of him. Then he really dislikes her for a bit. Then they come to a weird understanding. Deidara is... volatile. Tori escapes having a life-long grudge against her because, unlike Itachi, she does like talking about ~art~. They are mutually down for doing stupid experiments while drinking, so their dynamic is slowly shifting into something more like an actual friendship, which is why he follows her around for a chunk of chapter 16.
Itachi: Tori stresses Itachi out so much. He was not impressed by their first meeting and then immediately realizes she could ruin his entire life's plan with one word to the wrong person. This freak out is not completely apparent to Tori because she her own problems to worry about over Itachi's personal problems, but Obito does have to talk him down from murdering her. His more domestic interactions with her convince him that she is: sometimes annoying but otherwise perfectly fine company. Their interests and personalities aren't super aligned, but god help you if you say something stupid and both of them attempt to correct you. Itachi's nerves were soothed slightly by Tori telling him she doesn't give enough of a shit about his problems to go blabbing to other people, and also by the fact that while drunk and also genjutsu, she just talks about grass.She's fine. The fact that she had the ability to do wild fuinjutsu with her own blood all along and they were just letting her wander around is sort of upsetting, but it's fine. Everything is fine.
Kisame: Kisame also doesn't have super strong opinions on Tori. She's fine? Why is Itachi so stressed? He has noticed that she... sometimes just does things which are completely unhinged? But so do all his coworkers. He's not super interested in her skillset beyond "does it work, y/n" because he values combat over other things, but at the same time he doesn't mind hanging out with her. Kisame is one of the members more likely to actually trust Tori, because he doesn't see her as someone who'd have a reason to work against him, and his life experience make him likely to go, "well, she's one of those lofty thinking-types, so she's probably right."
Pein and Konan: Honestly, they probably like her more for administrative assistance than anything else. She makes sassy comments, but she also shows up and figures out how to translate multiple insane accounts of the same mission into a cohesive report. She hasn't had a weeping breakdown that they know of the way they're pretty sure brining in other types of support would result. Sometimes she's funny? Plus she feeds herself and no one's killed her yet. 8/10 hostage.
Zetsu: What a weird new parameter. Her presence does not particularly change his plans, as she has yet to ever verbalize anything about Kaguya.
Obito: As the person who's interrogated her the most of the topic, Obito is not completely convinced Tori actually can see the future, but holy fuck does she have a lot of information she must have gotten from somewhere. He's mostly operating under the assumption that she has some other inexplicable kekkei genkai that she's chosen to lie about for some reason, because what else could it be? Obito does not hate her. Her attempting to weaponize the Tobi persona against him and other people is actually very entertaining. He thinks she's funny when she's mad.
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waffliesinyoface · 1 year
anyways i just read all of naruto in like a week so i am now qualified to have The Most Correct Opinions.
Land of Waves arc is unironically the best one
its also the ONLY standard mission in the entire manga?? literally, at no point does anyone interact with a client after tazuna, its all in response to orochimaru/akatsuki. Naruto your resume is ridiculous. The reason Kakashi is 6th Hokage is not because Naruto wasn't strong enough, but because he needed to learn what the actual job of being a ninja entails. Yes you are very strong but you do need to have a basic grasp of paperwork systems.
Its kind of weird that, out of all the akatsuki, kisame is the one who hangs around the longest. Most of the others show up, do their bit, and then are immediately killed. Kisame is introduced first and dies last.
i've already mentioned this in another post but the Cycle of Hatred thing does not work. It worked as a motivation for Pein, but like. The reason the villages kept declaring war on each other wasn't for revenge, it was because their economic system was inherently tied to being the one with the strongest military and also they were paranoid that if someone else got too strong they would be invaded first.
Related: they should've had warring clans exposition and details about the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd wars BEFORE Pein showed up. If there were more details about wars in the past presented in a tragic-but-still-overall-necessary light, then Pein showing up and going "you miserable bastards trample over everyone weaker than you and deserve to be punished or it." It would have had more weight. Literally you could've slotted this during Naruto's initial training with Jiraiya as a follow-up to Hiruzen's "The chuunin exams are a replacement for war" speech.
Sakura why the fuck didnt you marry Ino
Kishimoto did Sakura so dirty at every turn. Literally every time she gets screentime she goes "THIS TIME... I WILL BE THE ONE WHO PROTECTS YOU...!" and has a cool moment, and then gets immediately overshadowed.
Literally at one point she's like "in the chuunin exams i was so weak... i hid behind you guys at every turn" and i felt like I was going insane because both during wave and the chuunin exams she has moments where she's like "yeah i dont have any special powers but i DO have a knife and you're going through me FIRST, fucker" which is honestly way cooler to me than like 90% of all the jutsu bullshit. Literally she stands in between a berserk gaara and a crippled sasuke armed with nothing but a kunai and pure fucking grit.
its very funny to me that the first time naruto ever does a nature transformation its rasenshuriken. Kakashi woke up in a cold sweat one day and realized he forgot to do the most basic teaching about chakra theory when they were genin. Whoops.
Im sorry but i legitimately do not care about the sage OR his sons OR the reincarnation twist. Its not interesting to me and I WILL be ignoring it. I'm all for the sage being reminded of his kids or the idea of history being cyclical, but explicitly going "no youre a reincarnation, this was Fated" is dumb and kishimoto SHOULD feel bad.
Edo Tensei arc is unironically very funny to me. Kabuto is having a mid-life crisis and has turned into a snake about it, and has decided to raise a bunch of dead badasses for. reasons. honestly i am not sure how his goals required obito or the akatsuki??
Anyways he raises a bunch of badasses and WHOOPS theyre all comedians. Deidara and Sasori are bickering, Itachi is being even more of an unhinged control freak than normal, the Mizukage is curbstomping everyone while berating them for not hitting the weakpoints he's explicitly telling them about, Tobirama is annoyed at everyone but mostly himself for actually coming up with this jutsu, and madara puts his entire plan on hold for a minute because he sensed his ex boyfriend and got incredibly horny.
Orochimaru gets brought back to life and promptly goes "actually i take back my plans about konoha, watching sasuke is INFINITELY more entertaining. Also I'm going to help out against the akatsuki because Kabuto's snake fursona is a tacky knockoff of me and I'm disowning him for being lame." I also liked him being chummy with Tsunade, that was very cute. I kind of wish Jiraiya HAD gotten edo tensei'd so that all three sannin could have been reunited on the same side? It would have been cute??
I feel strongly that Sakura and Karin deserve to go to some hot springs together and mutually complain to each other about being unfortunately attracted to the most misogynistic man on the planet after kishimoto himself. Orochimaru and Ino can tag along because they LOVE gossip and complaining.
Gai being the only person on the planet strong enough to beat the crap out of Madara is great, actually. Yes you can block all ninjutsu and genjutsu, but can you block his fists? No.
The "special chakra" produced in uchiha brains is actually entirely unrelated to the sharingan. It mostly just causes brain damage. This is why Madara, Obito, and Sasuke are all Like That.
Obito's heel face turn and the ensuing team up with Kakashi is, against all odds, actually good. I am willing to overlook Obito temporarily coming back from the dead through sheer willpower both because its cool and because we've already established chakra is bullshit and ghosts exist.
Obito your plans are dumb, your motivation is stupid, your critical thinking skills are nonexistent, and your coping mechanisms are insane. Somehow I still like you, despite this??
Does anybody at all like kaguya. Anybody.
Everything about the epilogue annoys me. Mirai and Sarada can stay, everything else I am actively choosing to ignore.
Frankly I'm confused and appalled that kishimoto wrote sasuke and naruto like that, and then put them in heterosexual marriages with other people.
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ga-yuu · 4 months
Kurama Sequel Final Necromancer Spoilers!
The final necromancer is....
We see a man and woman. For a moment I thought it was going to be Kurama's parents but no. Cybird please add more milfs in this game, I'm dying!!
Anyways, the man is the necomancer and woman was being held hostage by the man. She had a gold collar around her neck which is being pulled around by the man. I understand some people have this kind of kink....but bro, she's dead. Yeah, we see this kinda dead but still walking zombie-like woman being dragged around by this man. At this point, I thought maybe the woman was Kurama's mom. But no! I was wrong again.
The man's name is Akatsuki (hope I got that name right) and the woman's name is Himiko. Himiko used be a Queen when she was alive and I think Akatsuki was a demon. When they were alive, they both were in love with each other, but things took a dark turn. Himiko was I think kidnapped by the Karasu Tengu clan. I don't know whether she was only kidnapped or also raped by the Tengu clan because the translation was horrible. Anyways, she was about to be killed by the Tengu Clan but Akatsuki stepped in and offered his own life as a sacrifice instead of Himiko. He puts some kind of death curse on himself and as he was slowly dying, the Tengu clan laughed and killed Himiko in front of him. Akatsuki also die but he dies with a great hatred for the whole Karasu Tengu Clan and now he wants to kill everyone related to that clan.
So why did he curse Ibuki?
Because since Kurama is the last Tengu alive, he wants to first torture him emotionally just like Kurama's ancestors tortured Akatsuki and Himiko. So he starts by killing his adoptive father first, then his adopted child (Yoshitsune), then the mother of his future kid (Yoshino) and also his future unborn still in sperm mode child (Izumi).
*sighs* Bro...do you need some coffee? Maybe a kit kat? I think you need to chill. Seriously, your centuries year old grudge is supposed to be on the people who killed you and your girlfriend. Not on someone who is a descendent of those people. Fortunately, Tamamo already did the dirty work for you. He destroyed the entire Tengu Clan leaving only Kurama. So go thank him!
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panharmonium · 1 year
well, after a little break, we picked up our naruto rewatch again with the beginning of season 10 (it’s so good.  SO GOOD), and since all i want to do is sit here and talk about how good it is, i figured i’d try to do that while simultaneously catching up on some overdue fandom correspondence.
when i was watching last night, i kept thinking back to a conversation i'd been having with @professor-of-naruto after they sent me an ask about how naruto started off as an ensemble show and then became solely “the naruto show,” and i STILL owe them a full response about that, but i’m going to consider this post my attempt to talk a little about it, because season 10 is simultaneously one of the best examples of “ensemble show” that naruto ever pulls off AND the scene of one of the most frustrating crimes of “the naruto show” that it ever commits (in my opinion; your mileage may vary).  
but before it reaches that frustrating point - season 10 is unbelievably well-constructed!  EVERYBODY is doing something important and relevant to their character arcs, and the plot is moving fast, and the world is expanding in fascinating ways:
first of all, there’s the fact that the season starts off with young ninja from a totally different village, all of whom are deeply concerned about their missing teacher, and then shows us their confrontation with team 7 and later naruto himself - instantly expanding the world and humanizing the leaf’s [former] enemies and forcing the audience to widen their perspective and confront the idea that ‘hang on, people in other villages are just like people in the leaf; they care about their friends and families and comrades the same way; and HMM, what sasuke did to bee was really bad actually; is it fair to expect other nations to just sit around and accept it; would we expect one of our favorite characters from the leaf to do the same”
the political tension created in the first episode by tsunade’s absence and danzo being named hokage creates a compelling new dynamic where the leaf is being “led” (ruled) by someone who doesn’t have the confidence of the people or the support of the jonin assembly, which then forces kakashi to start making hokage-level decisions covertly (aka taking down the foundation agents sent to spy on naruto, openly instructing a subordinate to lie to the hokage, smuggling the nine-tails out of the village, engaging in diplomatic relations with a foreign kage), which dynamic continues to escalate when danzo loses the trust of the other kage and said other kage decide that kakashi should act as the leaf’s representative, which later, despite tsunade’s recovery, is a dynamic that continues to push and and foreshadow throughout the war to the eventual conclusion of kakashi actually becoming hokage at the end of the story.
SAI’S ARC.  how he witnesses naruto taking that beating from karui; how the editing later cuts from naruto crying at the raikage’s feet to sai sitting in the forest thinking about naruto telling him to “stay out of this,” and his decision of “no.  i can’t just sit still, either,” and how he then goes straight to sakura to tell her that he still doesn’t know team 7 all that well and he’s not very good with emotions, but he does know that that naruto’s been suffering, and that they’ve all been relying on naruto too much, and that he doesn’t know what promise naruto made to her, but “it’s really no different than what was done to me.  it’s like a curse mark.” how he tells her that he doesn’t think it’s right that sasuke has caused naruto and sakura so much suffering, and he’s not going to sit silently by and let it continue -
and how that then PERFECTLY intertwines with the konoha 12 discussing the situation, and shikamaru - newly matured shikamaru, shikamaru who took down an akatsuki member, shikamaru who lost asuma, shikamaru who used to be so lazy, shikamaru who used to be so allergic to responsibility - entering the tent and agreeing with sai and saying that they’re not kids anymore.  they have to act.  they can’t let sasuke start a war between nations...so many people will die...him asking for sakura’s consent - 
and how THAT perfectly dovetails into sakura’s arc - her ENORMOUS decision, which none of them are even aware of yet - when she says she wants to be the one to tell naruto that they’ve decided they can’t protect sasuke anymore, but what she’s really decided is that SHE IS GOING TO KILL SASUKE HERSELF, because she’s the one who put naruto in this position by asking him to promise to bring sasuke back, and she can’t stand to make him suffer anymore, so she’s going to take the burden off his shoulders and suffer herself instead -
this is happening against the backdrop of naruto’s petition to the raikage, which is a) the set-up for the raikage’s eventually decision to let naruto join the war many seasons later, b) the set-up for the raikage voicing his support for kakashi as hokage after danzo flees the summit, and c) the visual parallel for us between sai and sakura discussing naruto’s suffering and us simultaneously seeing him down on his knees, crying in the snow
and THIS is all happening against the larger backdrop of the five kage summit, where we’re introduced to MORE characters from an even WIDER world, and each kage and their attendants have their own unique personalities and we’re once again thrust into this new perspective of being asked to humanize and care about previously unknown entities who have always been considered potential antagonists, if not outright enemies
and the five kage summit brings back gaara and our old friends from the sand, which is important not just for the way it highlights the difference between new and old ways of thinking/generational changes, but because whoops, suddenly sasuke is crashing the five kage summit, and as soon as gaara hears about this, he leaves the summit room and goes to confront sasuke and tries to HELP, in his own way, which is brilliant and so effective on a storytelling level because gaara fought sasuke during the chuunin exams, and back then gaara was the one who was out of his mind with rage and pain, and now their positions are reversed, and gaara wants to save sasuke from that same fate, not just because it’s what naruto would want, but because gaara himself was saved in much the same way
but unfortunately gaara is butting up against the lowest point of sasuke’s arc, as sasuke tips over into something truly disastrous, and his descent is (magnificently!  deftly!) illustrated NOT through his behavior towards danzo (which is never depicted as unjustified) but through his behavior towards TAKA, who notice that he’s not acting like himself (suigetsu: “gee, and this is the guy who kept telling ME not kill anybody?”) and whom he then systematically, one by one, abandons, betrays, or outright sacrifices in the service of his goal, when all they’ve ever done is aid and protect him. 
in other words: the worst thing sasuke does, in this story’s eyes, isn’t breaking the law; it’s abandoning his comrades.  his lowest point in the narrative isn’t communicated to us by his rebellion against authority, but by his betrayal of his friends.  SOMEHOW THIS SOUNDS THEMATICALLY FAMILIAR -
this betrayal then flows seamlessly into new character development for the taka crew - for suigetsu and juugo, whom sasuke abandons to die or rot in prison, and for karin, who finally sees firsthand that sasuke is using her and that he doesn’t care whether she lives or dies as long as he gets what he wants - which turn of events pushes karin into the arms of the leaf, where she’s technically a prisoner, but where she’s still healed by sakura and carried by kakashi, and where she comments internally on how everyone’s chakra, even that of her cell guards, is so warm and different from sasuke’s... (i’m frothing at the mouth here at how well all of this with taka was set up and how it just falls apart later aGUGHHHHHH)
and these are hardly the only things going on in this season - i didn’t even touch upon the way kakashi and yamato are told the truth about itachi (this was something!!!!!  it needed to be something!!!!!), or even the brief confrontation between “madara” and yamato, because when obito first pops up on naruto’s windowsill, it’s yamato who strikes first, and yamato who says “you’re in my territory now,” and obito just laughs at him, and i cannot handle how well this sets up him being captured, interrogated, and used by obito later (if the story CARED enough to CARE about it, i mean; i just - !!!)  
this is all i mean when i say that naruto is at its best when it’s an ensemble show.  all of this happens in just the first six episodes, but every single character who appears has something important going on in their own story.  everything that they do connects to something else, and every move they make affects the plot.  every time someone appears on screen, you care about what’s happening with them - because something IS happening with them!  everything is intertwined, and all of it matters.  this season is woven together so well - it’s hard to stop watching.  
that isn’t always the case later, though.  after naruto appears on the scene of the sasuke/team 7 confrontation (aka the point where the show attempts to make a “naruto is and has always been Everything” retcon that i will never forgive them for), the story starts leaning harder into the “naruto is the only one who can save sasuke and oh yeah do everything else too” message, which is eternally frustrating to me, because the original message of the story was always “teamwork is more important than anything.  all of us are necessary to succeed.”  itachi literally chides naruto, “you can’t do everything on your own.  never forget your friends,” but then the show keeps creating situations where only naruto can Do the Thing and the other characters’ sole purposes are to sit back and monologue about how amazing he is.  
i understand that this is a silly thing to complain about when the story is in fact titled “naruto,” but i do still feel frustrated about it sometimes, because i think an approach like this makes for a weaker story.  there ARE ways to tell a naruto-centric story and have it be incredible - eg, the pain arc is all-naruto, all the time, and i have zero complaints about it, because everything naruto is able to do in that arc makes sense and is completely appropriate for who he is and what his strengths are.  he should be able to use sage mode and toad summons - those are powerful inheritances from his own teaching lineage that he worked incredibly hard to master.  he should be able to resist the nine-tails transformation - he has help from his own father’s spirit, as well as a lifetime of experience living as a jinchuuriki.  and - crucially - he should be able to save the day in the end, not because he’s a super skilled ninja with godlike powers, but because he’s able to compassionately connect with nagato on a personal level and lead him back to the light.  
that is naruto’s true power.  it’s not about him being the strongest fighter, or the smartest strategist, or the most skilled shinobi in history.  his special ability is precisely what kakashi called a “remarkable gift” in season one: “[naruto] doesn’t need much time, or many words, to make friends with everyone he meets.”
that’s why i think the pain arc is an example of “naruto-centric” done right, and that’s why i love how war arc!naruto is able to befriend kurama/the other tailed beasts and use the nine-tails’ power.  those things are so, so appropriate for who he is and where his strengths lie.  but there are other points in the story where naruto is showcased for things that don’t make as much sense or haven’t been earned (as an isolated example, the six-paths magical powers stuff was too much for me) or where he’s highlighted at other characters’ expenses (what happens to all those amazing intertwining arcs of season 10 by the time we hit the end of the story?  why do so many of them falter or disappear?)
it’s not enough to make me dislike the back half of the show - i love it right up until the last episode, my frustration with the ending notwithstanding.  but i do think the shift in focus from “ensemble show” to “one-man band” becomes a bit more dramatic after S10, and the overall story after that point is much weaker than it could have been (even though i still think that a lot of what it achieves is amazing).
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nejigirl5 · 2 years
| Flowers |
Sasori x Fem!Reader
Request: The reader puts a flower in Sasori’s hair (and the flower has some symbolism to it).
Thank you to @marsmarohibars for requesting! Hopefully I did this justice... (If you don’t like it, I can redo it just lmk! I am terrible at writing non-100% cute content and dialogue.) BTW I apologize for getting this out so late - i’ve finally had time to write it now!
Warnings:fluffy, mentions of violence and death, jealous Sasori, but of course a happy ending. Sasori is called pretty(?). 
WC: 4548
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There was something about Y/n that always made his heart flutter. Maybe it was the way that she always striked up the conversation, plaguing his mind with various prompts and ideas that seemingly distracted him from his oh so important work, or maybe how she had the mysterious ability to control even the most dangerous, powerful, and albeit annoying forces, the one in reference being their partner, Deidara.
The way that she lit up the room with her optimism, carefree yet still being cautious and thorough enough to not slip up and ruin their plans, which was one of the things Sasori hated most, out of all the other troublesome annoyances there were in the world, most of which were caused by his partners. Things that tested his patience. 
For a man with virtually no weaknesses, it was shocking to anyone else who set eyes on him to see how he almost worshiped the ground that the girl, Y/n, walked on. Anything that she took interest to, ended up being of interest to him. Of course being in the Akatsuki left little time and energy to contemplate the actions of their own teammates, so the teasing that even Deidara gave to his behavior went unnoticed to her despite all the hints given. 
It had been years since they had met, and through that, Sasori being a man of fact, had concluded the growing feeling in his gut was not nausea from a misplaced part, as when would he ever mess up? It was, as much as he hated to admit, a smidge of jealousy, from the cold-hearted literal block of wood that was to make up a 'man'.
Never did he think he would have any insecurities, but Y/n, who was Deidara's own age, must have been looking for something else. To Sasori, Deidara was just a mere child, yet in actuality he was a grown adult himself.  With the closeness that he and Y/n developed overtime, it was quite plausible that they would fall for eachother, if they hadn’t already. It was deduced by Sasori that there was no possibility of a normal human falling in love with a mere puppet, him not being able to provide neither the physical nor emotional support required in a relationship, or so he learned about from in books.
This could be considered the downfall of the puppet master, one so skilled in the arts of poison and weapons, always perfecting his craft, could only focus on himself in relation to those he silently (and one sidedly) competed against. Hints that could have been seen by anyone else managed to go unnoticed to despite his normally near-perfect observation skills, ones that had the utmost importance in the concept of romance that he knew and cared nothing about, as far as he convinced himself.
And so he found himself in the same situation as he had been in so many times over the years, with the subtle, cheery laughter of Y/n slightly echoing off the wood boards that made up the walls of the inn they were located at, in a small outpost village in which was the perfect relaxing spot for a group of S-ranked criminals. It had been financial-oriented missions organized by Kakuzu for practically years at that point, only the hope of a larger assignment holding them to the team. The amount of time allowed for moping around wherever they called home for the night, or at most a week, had brought their spirits to a strange low, the look of joy going unfamiliar after so many days. 
Only two things swirled around Sasori's mind that night, prompting him to randomly scrape his tools along the machinery and move parts to fake his usual productivity. The question of faith that had sank to the back of his consciousness for years at that point, and of course the bittersweet moments of bonding of his now, two closest friends. Why did he even join the Akatsuki? Could he have tried harder to stay out of it? What would have become of him then? Maybe the only good things that came from both his own and Deidara's 'imprisonment' in the organization were the people that they had met because of it. Outcasts from their own villages, it was no secret that they would both be alone without such an 'opportunity'. While it may have seemed like the end of their lives at the time, in truth it was only a new beginning. One that both would secretly hold close to their hearts forever.
With a creak from the bed both Y/n and Deidara were sitting on, Sasori found himself avoiding the gaze of a set of peering eyes, checking out his work. 'No insensitive comments... must not be Deidara.' he concluded, side-eying the viewer. “What are you working on, Sasori?” Y/n asked, sparkling e/c eyes locking with his brown ones. “Uh… Hiruko.” He stuttered, caught off guard. “Need any help?” She inquired, resting a hand on his shoulder. Of course Sasori would love help, if he needed it. In actuality there was nothing to do at the moment, lacking the necessary parts, so he had to decline. “No, not right now.” He replied, already missing her gentle touch when she walked away to the bathroom, ready to change at get into bed. 
A gentle nod and snap of the fingers from the man still situated on the edge of the large bed brought the dazed Sasori back to reality. Was he really falling that hard? Well that was thought best kept for another time, as an annoyed "Sasori no danna..." mumbled through the blondes parted mouth. If Sasori had learned anything from being partners with Deidara for so many years, it was that only annoying things, testing his patience came after that sentence. 
"Beauty is fleeting... if you want a catch like Y/n, maybe you should take her now..." Another comment beckoned an embarrassed expression to overcome Sasori's face, even him unable to process the words completely. "I assure you I have no idea what you are referring to, Deidara." A blatant reply, even for Sasori. He called her beautiful... like he does his art. That was something that made Sasori's heart quicken it's beating pace, blood pumping faster, the urge to minorly 'ruffle up' his partner immensely increasing by the second. For what seemed like an innocent comment was something that he was sure Deidara carefully thought out, knowing just what to say to press the puppets buttons. 
But Sasori was a calm and collected individual… at least when Y/n was around. Never once did he ever lash out at anyone, even the brat, Deidara, around her, so she probably should have been known as the blonde’s savior, as she came at the perfect moment. Having returned from the bathroom, dressed in her pajamas, she curled up into bed, tucking the covers over her neatly. Before Deidara went to the bathroom to change as well. 
"Sasori?" Y/n hummed, head rising from the pillow supporting her, as she propped up on her elbows to look at him. "Yes?" He responded, still attempting to focus on his puppets. "Why do you never sleep in the bed with Deidara and I?" She asked sweetly. Never in her days in their group did she ever get that answer. He had always sat in the room, almost guarding it, while the others got their rest, and never seemed to mind. "Hmm... I am a puppet Y/n, I do not need to sleep. Besides, it must be much more comfortable with... Deidara... only occupying the bed with you, not me as well." The sourness he felt seemed to be creeping into his every word and motion, him trying to not say anything too sarcastic if he could help it.
"There's plenty of room, Sasori. Wouldn't you like to join us?" Sasori wasn’t desperate, of course, if anything he had learned to not care much about the circumstances of the arrangement. Still, it was Y/n. Hee of course did not expect him to have such a strange desire, but there was always a lump in his throat at the sight of the two of them, not being able to do anything or experience the same. The closeness that he had never had with Y/n could develop, them being more like friends than teammates. That was how she was with Deidara, and that was something he wanted for himself. But Sasori would not give in that easily, why, he had to be truly invited... begged even. 
"I wouldn't want to interrupt your... midnight activities with Deidara, Y/n." He mumbled. "You mean cuddling?" She inquired further, not seeming to understand his choice of language or implications. Sasori only giving a brief nod. Just then the door opened again, Deidara walking back inside the room with his hair messily tied up, wearing his usual lounging clothing. "Deidara, you wouldn't mind Sasori joining us tonight?" You asked, attempting puppy eyes to the blonde. "Hmm..." He murmured, climbing into bed. "Does he want to?" He asked, gently twisting her h/l hair around his right index finger, watching as the ends swiped past the bluish-green shade of his ring. 
Y/n nodded in response, encouraging him to finally take a break. It wasn't like Sasori could sleep even if he wanted to... but  being next to Y/n... that was an opportunity that he couldn't pass up. And so he gave in, walking over and laying down where she gestured, her climbing in last. Laying his head on the fluffy pillows, his hair splayed on the stark white in contrast making Y/n let out a small giggle. 'He's so... so... cute!' was the final thought in her mind before she drifted off, the lights absent and curtains closed, the atmosphere only filled with the slow yet heavy breaths from the men beside her. 
Deidara huffed lightly, not being able to hold onto his friend through the night as usual, a part of his routine that had brought him an almost brief moment of comfort before the struggles of the day began anew, before turning his head to face away from Sasori and falling asleep as well, leaving the redhead alone and awake, fully surrounded. He would be lying if he said it wasn't lonely, not having anything to do, not being able to stand up as it would disturb the ones lying beside him on the bed. Without his puppets, the things always needing upgrades and maintenance work, he had nothing to focus on, so he immediately knew that it was going to be a long night ahead, the only good thing about his situation being the light sound of Y/n's breaths and mild snores through the night. Something that he always wanted to hear upclose, though never could. 
The morning went about as smoothly as expected, Sasori getting sick of the slightly cramped bed and heavy covers, opting to climb over Deidara instead of Y/n in the early hours of the day, which in turn woke her with the screams of pain and discomfort that erupted from the blonde's mouth. The three of them, tired, with dark circles under their eyes, brushed their teeth drowsily, Deidara and Y/n not even contemplating the reason why Sasori decided to for once in his life, it not being at all necessary. In actuality, it was different thoughts clouded Y/n's mind. 
The night before had been as usual of course, small bursts of laughter erupted from Y/n's mouth, Deidara making the most entertaining comments about their fellow members in the Akatsuki. Of course after a while, it was finally Sasori's turn to get ridiculed by the foolish teenager. Sadly for Y/n, it was only the normal jokes about him hating being kept waiting, and being such a grump all the time. Both things that Y/n had never seen and disagreed with, only shaking her head at the blonde with each statement. This was the thing that prompted her to get off the bed and investigate what her superior was doing, who she found was fidgeting with his puppet as per usual.
But what she didn't expect to see was the exposed interior pocket where Sasori was typically situated during missions, within Hiruko. That was when she noticed the neatly drawn flower that covered up a small section of the walling. 'A flower..? Hm... Must be his favorite!' She thought in her head, taking one last moment to examine the shape. It was a beautifully unique rose, with chocolatey brown exterior petals and bright, bold red ones in the center, a color that resembled his hair shade. 
'He's been working so hard lately... putting in so much effort while we haven't...' She continued to think, looking back at a lazily collapsed Deidara still on the bed. ‘Maybe it’s finally time to tell him…’ she thought, finally trying to get Sasori’s attention. There was something about that flower that drawed her in, fueling her curiosity. It was so mysterious. “What are you working on Sasori?” She tried to start some conversation. His blatant reply, of “Uh… Hiruko” was at least some progress. “Need any help?” She further pressed, wanting to get a closer look at the flower. “No, not right now.” was not the answer she would have hoped, but luckily she had more than enough information. The plan was already hatching in her mind, as she hoped off to the bathroom. 
With each of them dressed in their usual shinobi outfits, not donning their cloaks as even in such a small town, as there was always a chance of being recognized, the three of them headed off on their journey, it being their last day in that area seeing as there was a new mission. Specifically, it was another bounty hunting mission, some tokubetsu jonin from Konoha. 
As they weren’t too far from the village already, it was a relatively short walk, Sasori in front trying to remain inconspicuous whilst he attempted to listen in on Y/n and Deidara’s conversation, in which they were whispering. 
“You want to… what?” Deidara asked, trying to keep quiet. “Buy him a flower!” Y/n responded enthusiastically, filling him in. “But why?” The blonde wore a puzzled expression on his face, moving closer to her. “I saw this beautiful flower on his puppet… and I thought I should get it for him!” She tried to convince, but Deidara was still unsure. “Since when does danna like flowers?” He inquired, trying to make sense of the situation. “It was probably his favorite! Plus, who doesn’t like flowers?” His next words were ones that made her go quiet. “Can’t you just tell him how you feel like a normal person?” He rolled his eyes, Y/n slapping a hand over her comrades mouth while eying Sasori, who only briefly turned his head, not having heard enough to understand despite the volume. 
“You see how he is with me… at least if we become closer maybe i’d have a chance! Though I doubt it…” Y/n frowned, them approaching the entrance to Konoha. “Seems the security around here is tight…” Sasori stated sarcastically, there not even being a single guard in the area. They could literally just walk in. “Eh less work for me to do danna!” Deidara ran in fast, tripping over his feet and falling on his butt, causing more giggles to erupt from Y/n’s mouth. Sasori almost let out a smile, an action that Deidara noticed and smirked at. It wasn’t his fall evoking joy, for that Sasori just rolled his eyes. It was Y/n. 
The village was surprisingly vibrant despite the desolate entrance, people covering the streets and going into stores like usual. What was strange was the urgency displayed in Y/n’s voice as she encouraged Sasori to go off and replenish his kunai stock that he said had been getting low. “I mean the jonin won’t be back from their mission for a couple days, right? We just wanted to get closer to the village in case the intel was wrong. Seriously! We have time!” She gently nudged him on the shoulder, causing him to freeze up. “Uh… fine.” He responded, hurrying off. A snicker was audible from Deidara as Sasori distanced himself from the others, he really would do anything for that girl. 
Once he was out of sight and on his own, still mumbling about how strange it was that they would just send him off, knowing that something was up but not really caring as to what it was, his partners started their search as well. It wasn’t the most productive venture for either of them, Sasori having rarely gone to Konoha decided to soak in some of the cultural elements that he was curious about, things that actually mattered (and could help with future infiltration missions) unlike the food Deidara insisted on eating; specifically the dango that reminded him of Itachi, saying things like “Haha that Uchiha is missing out! I bet he ate from the same place…” in the midst of chewing. 
Finally when a weapons shop was near, Sasori could finally refill his kunai holster as he managed to prove he was a shinobi using his jutsu, and got them for free for a first time purchase seeing as it was only three. Y/n, knowing they had little time to do what they had meant to had to hurry Deidara along, who always wanted to stop at every food cart and intriguing store that lined the streets they walked on. Luckily they passed the perfect place to look. Yamanaka Flowers. 
Deidara passed her the money needed to buy a few, just in case extras were needed, and decided to pass the time at a takoyaki stand with good prices. The flower store was quiet, only an older teenage-looking girl at the register, occupied by arranging a bouquet. The selection of flowers was beautiful, of course, practically any kind anyone would possibly want all in the best condition, Y/n was quite impressed. Sadly after looking at every shelf, basket, and vase of flowers in the entire store, no rose looked like the one she had seen before. 
Just as Y/n was about to give up her search and instead lecture Deidara about his poor eating habits, the girl walked up. “Anything I can help you find?” She asked, still holding some flowers in her hand. “Oh… I wasn’t able to find what I was…” Y/n responded, though spotting the perfect flower right mid sentence. “Hm? We have an amazing selection, maybe I can help you find a similar one!” She replied, though Y/n was thinking about something else at the moment. 
“Do you have any of the flower that you’re wearing?” Y/n asked, newly filled with optimism as she eyed the flower tucked behind the girls ear, stem still on. “Oh this one? I only have one. My teammate found it on a mission and thought I would like it, he brought it a few minutes ago. Sorry.” She apologized, Y/n’s lifted spirits dying in an instant. “Did you need it for something important?” Y/n nodded. “Well… It’s for a boy… and I think this flower has some kind of significance to him?” The girl’s eyes sparkled. “A boy? Like… for a confession?” Y/n smiled lightly, and the girl instantly handed her the flower. “This is exactly what I do this for! I would love to be a part of a new relationship blossoming! Here, keep it free!” She smiled, refusing to take payment though Y/n, being kind, still offered. 
“Thank you!” Y/n called, exiting the shop with flower in tow. “Good luck!” The girl, now known as Ino, yelled back. As she stepped out on the streets, the sun was already setting, Sasori having already started walking back after getting all the life experiences he needed to reach fulfillment. Deidara was quite easy to find, he had passed out from exhaustion caused by running and eating at all the places and was slumped on a bench, curled up like a little puppy. Sasori, who was only a few yards away from Y/n and Deidara lost his smile when he witnessed the act. Y/n pet his head gently while sitting next to him, and lifted him up trying to move him, situating him into a hugging position while she tried to carry him in some way. Unfortunately her efforts were a miss, as she was unable. “Sasori! Can you help me?” She called, finally noticing him. 
The travel back to the inn 10 minutes from the village was filled with nothing but silence, Sasori and Y/n opting to carry the blonde together instead of summoning one of his puppets seeing as the walk was short enough. After paying, and the rough challenge of trying to get Deidara up the narrow stairway horizontally, they could finally relax, dropping him on the bed and Y/n gently tucking him in as Sasori got set up, organizing his kunai’s and refilling some weapons attached to Hiruko. Y/n, who had kept the flower sealed in a scroll decided to summon it in the bathroom, to give to Sasori now that they wouldn’t have any disturbance from Deidara, deciding it would go more smoothly without him in the way.
Sasori whose mind was finally clear of Y/n, actually having things to do with his puppet improvements, did not expect her next actions. Knowing it was her, the ruffle of his hair did not physically phase him, still not bothering to turn around trying to keep his focus. “See Sasori? You’re so pretty!” Y/n said, Sasori then turning to look at the full length mirror leaning against the wall. He immediately hid his face, a growing blush, one he did not think could happen considering he was wood, took over his cheeks. The next moments were just annoyance, her words echoing in his hollow head, part of him wanting to remove the flower as soon as possible, the the other just relishing it’s presence. It wasn’t until she turned him again, that he realized just what flower it was. 
The red petals, almost protected by the seemingly normal and bland brown ones, yet were, in the end, maybe the most important part of it. Two colors, two things together that were essential to each other, that made the rose the curious spectacle that it was. Y/n’s smile soon faded for the nth time that day, seeing Sasori’s face go from teasingly annoyed to what appeared to be anger. “Y/n… where did you find this?” He asked, holding the flower in his hand. “Uhm…” She felt hesitant to respond, not wanting to irritate him further. He had never displayed any behavior close to this in front of her, ever. “I asked, where did you find this.” He stated again, and she finally worked up the courage to speak. “I… it was in Hiruko. I thought… you might like it so we went out to get it…” She mumbled, looking over at a peaceful, sleeping Deidara. 
“You were snooping around my things. Both of you were.” He gestured to the blonde. “You invaded my privacy, Y/n!” He started to speak louder, almost yelling. “You… you have no idea…” He whispered, avoiding her gaze. He was so angry, but Y/n didn’t know why. How could a confession go this wrong? And the sadness, tears starting to well up in her eyes, were not helping Sasori. He was on the fence of exploding or breaking down. Something about that flower… seeing it in person… triggered something inside he had kept down for far too long. Puppets were supposed to be emotionless… right?
“I’m… I’m so sorry Sasori… I didn’t know it was that important!” Y/n pleaded, Sasori not having noticed he raised his fist up until that point, but he didn’t take it down. “I… I HATE YOU. I HATE YOU, AND DEIDARA. HOW DARE YOU… HOW DARE…” He started yelling, only stopping when he noticed the tears streaming down Y/n’s face. He finally softened, her whimpering in fear as his hand got closer to her, but instead of a harsh impact, his arms wrapped around her into a tight hug. 
“I… I don’t know what came over me Y/n… I… I’m so sorry…” A single teardrop, something that wasn’t supposed to happen as a puppet, fell from his eye, dropping down onto Y/n’s cheek. Deidara, who had finally woken up to the screaming and sobs, could only lay in shock at the scene. Sasori never acted this way. How was it that a flower… a single flower… could have done so much damage? 
Sasori took it upon himself to explain, knowing Y/n was surely not brave enough to ask. “It was a gift… one that I got from… a friend…” He started, the memory still vivid in his mind like it had just occurred. “Komushi… he was the only friend I had in Suna. He was always curious and excited about my puppetry.” Eyes still red from crying, you had perked up, listening to his tale. “He had gotten me the flower once, as a gift, to symbolize our friendship, and to thank me for building him… an arm… after he got injured and lost his.” He tried to smile, though the memory was one that made him frown. “But… he passed… and it was my fault.” As Y/n pushed her face into his chest, he could only slightly hear the wave of apologies that came out of her mouth. 
Not only was the gravity of the situation misjudged, but it just proved even more that Y/n did not know Sasori, at least not that well. The last glimmer of hope was gone, just like the flower as the petals started to fall of it and hit the floor. “Why… why did you want to get me this?” He inquired, lifting her head so they could make eye contact. “Because… I thought it might be your favorite.” She responded, looking away. “But why a gift for me?” He continued to press, a newfound amount of courage somehow gained from the experience. 
“Because… I wanted to show you… I mean tell you that I… really like you.” She mumbled out, him barely catching her words. Finally it was his turn to laugh, a slight chuckle coming out of his mouth. “Well you should know… I really like you too.” He whispered against her ear, both of them having long forgotten about the other presence in the room. “I promise, I didn’t mean it. I could never hate you, or Deidara, despite how much of a brat he is.” He brought her into a tighter hug, him now whispering apologies and hoping she could learn to forgive him, though she had already done so. 
“Am I going to have to start sleeping on the floor now danna? Or will we get another room?” The blonde asked, completely demolishing the mood. 
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tozettastone · 2 years
Akatsuki, by who you'd want on your apocalypse team
Tobi: His skills would arguably be useful, but he's a sack of cats and he'd sacrifice the safety of himself, you and everyone else around him for 3 seconds of amusement and a hot chip, and then he'd dimensional shift out at the last second. I do not think he'd make a good apocalypse team buddy.
Zetsu: His ability to sink into and out of the scenery and watch what's going on would be extremely handy in any situation where it became hard to get vital news, but his motives for cooperation are weak at best. Zetsu might be a good apocalypse buddy... depending on what kind of apocalypse and what you need. Otherwise, he might just be a liability.
Kakuzu: Well, he's over 90 and probably knows how to do the laundry with boiling water and a stick, so he might be a useful repository of knowledge and low-tech hacks. He would also be really hard to damage, so if the apocalypse scenario is a violent one you can stand behind him in front of anything. However, his personality is a massive downside (how relatable), he resorts to violence against his own in-group very quickly, and when we think about the limited population that may now be available to him, it is worth noting that you would never want to be the only person around when one of Kakuzu's hearts wears out.
Hidan: In very short term/immediate apocalypse scenarios, Hidan could be really useful because he's crazy and immortal but he also relies on food (according to the word of god info that he would starve, eventually, dismembered in his pit), and dislikes being uncomfortable, so he would be motivated to seek out places of shelter and resources. There's still a risk that he'll change his mind two hours in and kill you, too—but this might be less of a risk than the apocalypse scenario in which you find yourself already. In the long term, though, Hidan would become difficult to manage. Strictly a temporary apocalypse buddy, for a short term survival scenario only.
Itachi: This one is tricky because I would have said Itachi was an ideal apocalypse team buddy due to his penchant for batshit plans that somehow go how he planned them and his ability to genjutsu people into doing what he wants, combined with his relatively steadier temperament than many of these alternatives. But Itachi 100% would join your apocalypse team with unstated ulterior motives that he believes are more important than anyone's survival, and he'd also be infuriatingly impossible to sway because he's smart enough to justify whatever he wants to himself and he'll argue circles around you regardless of whether or not he makes sense. So I think if you can be sure that the apocalypse scenario is long term, and you're sure Sasuke is also with you or already dead, you might benefit from Itachi on your team. Otherwise, maintain distance.
Deidara: He has the ability to fly, and attack targets from a really long distance away, and I think in a short term and immediate apocalypse scenario, Deidara could be really helpful. In the longer term, though, his personality would get in his way—he isn't built for a life of patrolling camp perimeters or counting food stores or meticulous process. He'd feel trapped, and then isolated by the pragmatism of everyone trying to stay alive and eventually he'd blow everything up and leave in an impassioned temper. However, being able to scramble aboard a giant clay bird and get out of any given situation, as well as the ability to do massive damage from such a distance, is such a tremendous advantage that I think it would depend on the kind of apocalypse scenario and you might want him on your team.
Pein/Nagato: Many hands. Many, many hands. And most of them are already dead and don't need safety, feeding or shelter, either, and they don't disappear when damaged like shadow clones. Somehow he also knows everything that goes on when it's raining. Could be useful? He's not very mentally stable, but I really think you should consider Pein for any long term apocalypse team for the free labour alone.
Kisame: He's aggressive, but he can keep a lid on it as long as nobody shatters any self delusions for him. Kisame has a poor track record for making decisions under stress. There's no evidence of his particular apocalypse skills, but Kisame would be at least as useful as Hidan in a short term scenario, and significantly more useful in a long term one. Importantly, he can summon vast quantities of water, which may then potentially be filtered and boiled for general use. Depending on your scenario, this could be very useful. He gets on with nearly everyone, and the people with whom he does not must nevertheless acknowledge that he's huge. On the balance of your actual options here, Kisame is probably a good choice for most apocalypse teams.
Sasori: His temper is bad, but he has shown the ability to get on with people at least. I think you'll need Sasori for any longer-term apocalypse scenario—he can make an entire human body into a mechanical one that runs on chakra, so when the fridge stops working two days into a long hot summer while you're scavenging the post apocalyptic wastelands for rats to eat or whatever, Sasori is the guy you want, for practical reasons. He's not the guy you want for company, but then who here is? ...Sorry.
Konan: She doesn't have particular apocalypse skills, to be sure, but she has two hands and something most of the others on this list lack, which is a steady temper. I don't think we see Konan really get violently angry in canon, although we do see her grieve. That's why she's the strongest candidate—she's temperamentally aligned with the requirements of any apocalypse scenario, and doesn't immediately resort to murder when stressed. I think Konan would be a valuable addition to any apocalypse team simply because she doesn't bring all the downsides of the whack-jobs on this list. And, she also has an apparently endless supply of paper for taking notes on the unfolding apocalypse. How nice!
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tsukuyomii45 · 1 year
AU. What if Rin survived Kakashi's Chidori, but Obito thinks she died, and he went and became a mysterious Vigilante, hunting down evildoers, on the side of doing Madara's bidding, but Obito still retains his skepticism of the plan but still goes along with it because he's got nothing left to lose. Obito would become a ghost story to the Leaf, and Minato and Kakashi try to capture him once but fail. What would your headcanons be for this AU?
Before I can provide my thoughts here, where is Rin?? HEADCANONS BELOW!
Edit: (30/04/2023)
As you've mentioned in the replies below:
-She (Rin) is being trained by Tsunade, having survived thanks to Isobu. She has become close to Isobu in the weeks following her becoming a Jinchuriki. Isobu offers support and wisdom to her and helps her harness his power. She does go on missions with Kakashi and Minato. And she has realized that she only had a crush on Kakashi, but she started to realize that she felt something stronger for Obito.*
*My take on said feelings for Obito would be after Kakashi revealed to her in the Kannabi mission that he was going to abandon her while Obito was willing to save her. For the longest time ever since she returned and survived as a Jinchuuriki, Obito was all that she could think about as the person who cared for her the most in her life and did everything out of his love. She yearns for him, regrets her selfishness, and always goes to his "grave" to talk to him. -And by this point Obito will have killed hundreds of people, so he is no longer the same person he used to be and he's started to hate himself because of it.*
*Obito would only reluctantly go with Madara's plans because he has no other purpose, while terrorizing evil-doers at the same time as you mentioned. But the one reason that makes Madara's plans take so long to accomplish is because RIN is a Jinchuuriki, and he doesn't want to stand in the way of her living her life now that she's alive. So, every time Rin and Obito cross paths, Rin would think he's a villain and attack him, but Obito does nothing other than defend himself without landing a scratch on her. This makes Rin grow suspicious and in turn, more curious about the mysterious masked man. Ironically, Obito seems to not mind attacking Kakashi and Minato aggressively, while sparing Rin.
And since you mentioned in the replies below that Obito would be aware but is reluctant to return because he feels he doesn't deserve it at all, and Team Minato hunts him down - so here's my take on the the one way they'd find out who Obito is eventually is of the following: *Obito leaves clues about himself - the first major clue is his refusal to attack Rin and how he is quick to disappear whenever she thinks she has gotten closer to him.
*The second clue is Kakashi's dogs; Kakashi would manage to tear Obito's sleeve and obtain a piece of cloth from him, and utilize his dogs to find clues about him. Pakkun would somehow relate the scent on his cloth into an item from Obito's former house in the Uchiha District, or from the dirt in the cemetery. Why his grave soil? Because Obito tends to hang around the cemetery, listening to Rin talking to him by his grave. His shoes would leave a clue. *The next clue is when Rin is attacked by the Akatsuki; and it would be a coincidence in which Rin just happened to be in their line of sight, so the Akatsuki members would take advantage of having the 3-tails right between their palms, and Obito would then intercept secretly and save her by sucking her into his Kamui dimension, then take her to a safe place far away.
Here, Rin would demand to know who he is and why he keeps saving her, and Obito tries to get away but Rin utilizes her 3-tails chakra to injure him quickly, since Obito dropped his guard around her.
She then attacks him, and one blow from a kick infused with her bijuu chakra could break half of the mask, but this time Obito no longer defends himself and decides to throw her off and incapacitate her with his Wood Release; and threatens her menacingly to stop pursuing him or he'll kill her. He immediately knocks her out and teleports her back to where her team is. Rin then tells them everything. Team Minato realizes that the one way to grab the masked man's attention is by bait, and the best way is using a Jinchuuriki. Since Rin cannot be used as a bait, Naruto convinces his father and Kakashi to let him help them find out who the mysterious masked man is. Minato and Kushina were very reluctant, but Naruto said that nothing can hurt Kurama even if they tried, and so they've developed a team powerful enough to trap Obito.
Naruto would be the one to tear off the mask similar to how he did it in the 4th shinobi world war.
Team Minato would only fall into complete shock, especially Kakashi who gets shaken up and starts trembling and breathing heavily, and Rin, who cannot believe her eyes, fearlessly gets closer to him despite trembling. Rin would allow her anger to leak out as she screams at him, demanding answers from him, but Obito only looks at her with a solemn smile, steps closer to her, caresses her cheek, freezing her in her spot as he says, "I was there. I know everything." Then his hand would slip from her cheek and he would press his palm to her chest, where her drumming heart is, and say, "Ever since that day, the Obito that you knew all your life... died along with you."
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sassykinzonline · 12 days
just gonna fill this up at this point(I’ll stop if u need me to lol) anyways. Ok so, Sakura right, if for amazing reasons, boruto didn’t exist, would you see Sakura being with anyone else? Or would she still be with Sasuke(in another universe) Another one, thoughts on Naruto being the villain in shippuden(or however u spell it I can’t spell) ? Like he would either take your place, or villain duo or smt, so like technically him leaving the village and stuff. On another note, if you were to pick from the children in boruto to mentor/teach that wasn’t boruto, would there be anyone else? Or would you still choose him? Is that boruto in general sucks..Like they did Naruto’s hair so wrong in many ways man😪
dont stop - megan thee stallion
if sakura actually wanted to be happy she would get with lee or just some other guy who cares about her, respects her, but also forces her to be more positive and less shallow. thats entirely dependent on whether or not she wants to let go of that obsession or not though. some people never do.
i am really into "evil" naruto AUs but i wonder how his relationship with kurama would go in that case? if the naruto manga was written by someone else, and naruto had a better mentor, i think the idea that naruto would also desert the village after being disillusioned a lot more. from what i know, one of the reasons he was so ready to travel was because he didnt feel at home in konoha anymore without yours truly. if someone else had gotten to naruto before jiraiya and that person was as manipulative as orochimaru or more loyal to naruto than any village, i think he wouldve straight up deserted. i read an AU where nagato picks him up off the street and treats him like a son, and thats kind of what im envisioning. theres a reality in which that also couldve happened if nagato fought harder to maintain his leadership in the akatsuki instead of letting obito call the shots. but i dont think its necessarily the better choice for him to "go bad". its just a "what if" kind of scenario?
uh....if everything in boruto is exactly as it is right now and i had to choose to join the universe...i would probably still pick boruto because its the only way naruto and i can stay connected in perpetuity. boruto would end up being the proof of our bond. i also do kind of understand boruto's issue so because i relate to him a bit, i think he just needs a good older figure to "hold his hand" so to speak. that being said, if there was no baggage and i could just pick any of the kids, i would pick inojin or cho cho. inojin because his skillset is really interesting but he doesnt seem to have the same innate analytical talents as his parents, so that needs to be fostered. cho cho because i like her attitude, she kind of reminds me of how i feel about ino as an adult.
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akatsukitrash · 18 days
🍓 🍄 🏜️ 🧩 for the ask game!
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
Well I've had fanfics playing in my head since I was 4 (spontaneously invented self insert "I can fix him" story to tell myself before bed bc I was convinced I could make Vegeta better with ~love~) but I only truly started writing in 2022, and it was because you encouraged me when I told you about my ideas! (Unrelated to the Vegeta bad boy romance toddler me had ofc). I don't think I would've had the courage otherwise bc despite planning to write I never sat down and did it out of fear of failure. Tomorrow's Fading Away, Oh Stay became my very first fanfic! It was supposed to be a prologue but oh well. Turned into a whole prequel. My writing's improved a lot since, but I'm still glad I took that step!
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Oh damn I have to choose. Okay uh I might do more than one ship bc I'm indecisive and I CANNOT spend hours agonizing over this so. For MadaMito (and HashiMada?) I headcanon that Mito sought him out first and not with good intentions. The gist of it is that Hashirama has serious internalized homophobia due to past trauma and he refuses to acknowledge his feelings towards Madara while still being his Insane self and between their marital problems and his unhealthy attachment to Madara, Mito just. She's mad. Not really jealous, as I headcanon the Senju and Uzumaki take extramarital lovers all the time, but she's mad and as a way to get back to Hashirama, she starts a sexual relationship with Madara, and ends up falling head over heels for him (yes, Tobirama is distraught). It's an actual plotline in But in this twilight, our choices seal our fate so I won't reveal more.
Another ship, let's say, MikoKushi. I headcanon that Kushina often braids Mikoto's hair and puts in seashells (an Uzumaki tradition), and it's soothing for both of them, Kushina who lost access to her culture, and Mikoto who lost her mother very young due to her family being targeted for being related to Madara (her mother wasn't even the one related to Madara, her father was, but the Suna nins got them confused). I like to think that before their marriage, Mikoto taught Kushina the Fireball jutsu.
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Oh I love all comments that aren't flat out rude tbh, but I do have a weak spot for live reactions! Love to see ppl's thought process and emotional state throughout the chapter, plus it makes for fun conversations.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Misogyny. I don't mean in-universe misogyny, I'm all for exploration of oppression in writing, but there are tons of fanfics out there that just hate female characters for no reason, bash them, or ignore them, or make them all healers or bumbling virgins or or. Just not worth my time. I also click away the moment I sense racist depictions which is why I almost never read Kakuzu fics. If I see one more cracker call him an animal name or imply he's inheritely more violent than the rest of the Akatsuki or flatten his personality bc he's "ugly" (also a symptom of ableism) I-
Anyway, thank you for the ask!!! it was rlly fun to respond to
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munchbell45 · 2 months
No ask game. I just want to know: How did you get into writing? Was it easy for you or was it something you had to work at?
Thanks for asking! This is going to be long, you have been warned.
So, about a few years ago, I was getting back into Naruto and decided to visit Naruto-related subreddits. I had also been thinking of funky ideas related to the series, but I was hesitant to write them. I never enjoyed writing for school projects, so I figured i just didn't like writing.
One of the subreddits was r/narutofanfiction, a subreddit specifically for Naruto fanfics, like the name says. This was in 2022, BTW.
I was mostly lurking on that subreddit until one time, I read a post that someone created. They had wanted help coming up with some cool titles for some OCs. We then had a little chat, and I said something like this. "Maybe I should write a fanfic sometime. I know I've got a bunch of ideas knocking around." The dude said that i should go ahead and do it.
I decided to write my first Naruto fanfic, which was a one-shot based on idea I had. It was called Returning Home, and it was about a former member of the Hidden Stone's Explosion Corps (he left due to losing a hand years ago) returning home from work. However, something horrific happens that leaves him in shock. Fun fact: the fic is VERY loosely based on a song called "Story 2" by the band Clipping. https://archiveofourown.org/works/41908419
While I was writing it, I had a thankfully mild case of CVID, but I still stayed home. I think that gave me extra motivation.
Anyways, I later made a post asking for fics about the Ame Orphans, and sparked up a conversation with a commenter. They were kind enough to beta read the one-shot, and they told me that I had to wait a few days for an AO3 invite. So, I did my editing while I waited.
It was a long while before I started regularly writing after that. I had a fic idea that involved a scientist OC with an original kekkei genial who escaped from the Hidden Sound with some allies, and they stole Orochimaru's Akatsuki ring. Then, they were supposed to work with the Akatsuki and the OC was supposed to be like a yandere for Deidara.
I put off writing it, and I had hated what i wrote, so it never went anywhere. Frankly, it was going to be an edgiest and deal with subject matter that I probably couldn't pull off tastefully, so i think it was for the best.
Now, I actually started writing regularly in 2023, when the r/narutofanfiction discord server posted a spreadsheet with a daily writing challenge. I decided to join, and I found it to be a great motivator.
My second fanfic, The Ame Orphans' First Valentine's Day (https://archiveofourown.org/works/45018589 ,) was inspired by a piece of fanart that I had commissioned from moonamayillu on tumblr (https://www.tumblr.com/moonamayillu/707530031815114752/commission-for-munchbell45-thank-you-so-much?source=share) .
I was working in the Valentine's Day section at my retail job, which made me crave art of the Ame Orphans giving each other Valentine's Day gifts. So, I commissioned moonamayillu and the art was so good that I decided to write a fic based on it. people liked that fic, so I kept on writing other fics.
TL;DR: Someone suggested that I write, so I did. I lost steam, but a daily writing spreadsheet on a Discord server motivated me to write, as well as some banger fanart that motivated me to write my second fic.
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