waveridden · 7 months
tell me more about manipulashipping 👀 i am very very very intrigued
ok let me try to keep this calm and normal the tldr is while i was rewatching dm a while back i realized that there’s something really interesting in how both of them handle bodily autonomy and also anzu’s take-no-shit empathy would be good for marik as he recovers from the All Of That
the longer version goes like this:
anzu is a dancer, and has been trying to become a dancer for years. it’s the kind of thing that requires discipline, and she’s good at that, understanding each muscle in her body and the purpose it serves. she practices and practices until she is in control, insomuch as she can be. (she’s still subject to some pretty horrific sexism, esp if you consider s0/pre-dm manga stuff as being a similar canon to dm.)
marik does not have control over his body. this is a privilege he does not get. he is burned and branded and tattooed. he is dragged kicking and screaming into becoming his family heir, no matter how much he wants to leave and explore and be somewhere else or be someone else. the only thing he wants, even as he begins spiraling into revenge and grief, is to gain enough power that he can leave his tombkeeper duties behind.
(which btw - something incredibly fun/sad about his primary method for achieving his goals centering around literally possessing other people. marik wants autonomy sooooo bad that he will take away other people’s autonomy in order to get it.)
my original fascination with marik/anzu (my top secret is that i hate the ship name lol) stemmed from a canon divergence idea that can be summed up as: there is something super fun to me about anzu and marik ending up body sharing. like, you have this woman who is under so much social scrutiny but finds freedom through dance, and through control, and then you have this man who has never been able to control his own body, living in her head. anzu who would willingly carve out space in her mind for marik but will never forgive him for violating her; marik who does not know how to take space in a way that doesn’t hurt people, learning how to set limits. not to mention having anzu be a capable duelist with Marin’s help would be fun (imagining more of an astral-yuma setup than an atem-yugi but i digress)
all that aside, i think there’s just so much here. that’s not even getting into the fact that for both of them freedom means traveling abroad, which leads to fun postcanon opportunities. to me this relationship is about autonomy and also forgiveness. can you forgive someone who does something horrible to you? can you forgive them if you understand why, if their life was your worst nightmare? can you understand someone if their dreams are yours? can you love someone like that? can you let yourself be loved? can you meet someone in a bar in new york or a hotel in cairo or a stage door in tokyo and choose to start over?
marik and anzu: for people who have lots of thoughts about bodies and control! (do you guys think bodyshipping works as a name. it’s honestly more normal than a lot of other ship names)
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jirnkirks · 2 months
famous owens will love forever 2kforever
so true.... famous owens accept love into your heart you bastard
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hypermoyashi · 1 month
hiiii moya!!!! Tell us about your favorite detail that youve snuck into any of your fics!! Any detail, big or small!!!
Oh man. Thank you for the ask, Tobi!!! You basically gave me a free ticket to talk about Anything I Want, and I have so many things I could chat about kegmrkemkg It's hard to pick out one detail or another because I tend to like a lot of what I write (it's catered to Me, after all), so I shall. Ramble under a read more, if that's okay lol.
OKAY SO. First thought was. How demons, specially Vash in the demon AU, work--because demon slayer canon has very strict rules on how thing works, but it doesn't often explain why things work the way they do. Which gives me a lot of room to be kind of hand-wavy with canon. (And I'm going to preface this that this is a lot of speculation for the AU and not necessarily reflective of canon in demon slayer rkengjrkengjrkeng.)
I also can't guarantee there won't be lore spoilers here (for both the fic/AU and the source), so read at your own risk!
But basically demonism was invented on accident in an attempt to cure a terminal illness, and it basically gives someone Immortality At A Cost. I think it functions sort of like a virus. Getting exposed to the blood of a demon will infect a human into become a demon, but "viral load" is important--the amount of "demon infection" determines if a demon can turn a human in the first place, and that depends on how diluted the demon's blood is from the original source. Too far, and they can't turn humans. Conversely, if a human gets Too Much demon blood at once and too much from the original source, their body changes too rapidly for it to handle, and they die instead of turning. Technically speaking, the same thing can happen to demons, too.
But all that to say, the main thing that demonism boils down to is rapid change of the body. Got cancer? Becoming a demon sure can cure that, just change faster than the cancer. Got a limb torn off? Let's just grow that right back. Need to develop supernatural powers or senses? Sure thing, buddy.
Demonism allows demons to change rapidly, but they also Need Humans to survive and have to avoid sunlight--obviously from a literary standpoint this is because they're meant to resemble western vampires, but from a functional standpoint? Sunlight I would guess is probably a glitch of rapid change? Like, when you implement coding too quickly, there are bound to be errors. If you force the body to change rapidly, like when it's converted from human to demon, then the weakness to sunlight might be an "error" in the biological code of the original demon that was then passed on to all subsequent demons, since they all came from the same source.
Feeding on humans, though? The implication I've always seen is that animal meat doesn't do it, and rotten flesh isn't as nutritional, either. So there's something about live humans that demons Need to consume to survive and grow their strength--demons can cannibalize one another, but I think they more or less just can steal traits from one another in those cases, and it's less about needing to eat then and more about assuming a trait another demon has developed through rapid change instead of taking the time to develop it oneself. We don't see demon animals, so I think it has something to do with the fact that only humans can become demons--demons can also only feed on humans, in return, so it might have something to do with the demon cells themselves running out of human cells to feed on in their host (i.e., the demon) and needing more to produce that rapid change we see them do.
Alright, but what happens when you deprive a demon of human flesh and blood? Obviously, it doesn't kill them (as we see with Nezuko in demon slayer canon). So it won't kill Vash now that he's decided not to have Anything, but then, how does he avoid the whole "going feral and attacking people anyway" thing?
Well, there is a procedure in demon slayer canon that reduces a demon's dependence on blood--this is not explained at all in canon, but I explained it by the use of introducing "antibodies" or a demon vaccination. These are demon cells that don't act fully like demon cells anymore--they were once demon cells that have changed to the point that, if introduced into a demon, it mitigates some of the impact of regular demon cells and thus lessen the symptoms of demonism (a.k.a., needing to eat people).
How did these cells come about? Well, through that rapid change of course--you'd just need a demon willing to change their cells and body in such a way as to mitigate some of the effects of the demon cells, and in this case. This is difficult in this case, I think, because to get cells that need less flesh/blood, these would need to be cells that haven't been given their "fuel" for rapid change and been forced to adapt without it. Basically, you'd need a demon willing to abstain from eating for a long time, if you see where I'm going with this.
In Nezuko's case, since she Never Ate Anyone Ever, I think her change under this theory would be forced from the fact that she never let her cells have anything to begin with. The change happened over a few years, because she Had To and she dedicated pretty much all of her energy to it. No speaking, no hard cognitive tasks, only occasional fighting and Blood Demon Art usage--she mostly just slept and only intervened in events when her brother was in danger, for the most part.
For Vash? The change would be a lot slower and a lot harder, because he has eaten at least one person, on top of having been fed blood/flesh (willingly or unwillingly) throughout his life. He also prioritizes keeping his mind sound and with it, and maintains his ability to speak and interact normally (most of the time). He also expends energy fighting, healing, and through his Blood Demon Art. So he's diversifying a bit more, and had less of a jump off point, so it'd take him much longer to get the same results. That being said, it's still definitely possible for him to get what he wants--a body not as reliant on blood or flesh (though he is still technically denying his body something it needs, it just needs less over time as his body starts working with him).
And hey, if demons can change to need less blood... Well, who's to say they can't change in other ways, too?
(demon slayer readers don't spoil it lol)
ANYWAY. Demon lore surrounding Vash in Make it to Daybreak is. Very fun to talk about. Everything above is all stuff that's been vaguely hinted at but not laid out plainly like this, but I think it'll give the non-demon slayer readers more of an edge guessing upcoming developments that demon slayer readers will already have lol. Plus it's just fun to fill in the holes on demon slayer lore with stuff that sounds neat to me.
But!!! Thank you so much for sending the ask, Tobi!!! It really made my day!!
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blazeball · 1 year
hey brother, what the hell
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HEY. i recognize the error of my ways. i won't do it again for at least a week
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whimsicmimic · 1 month
cant wait to receive my very expensive piece of paper so that i can photocopy it and then Eat It
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missclovercat · 2 months
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1) was i really not already following you…
2) HOLY SHIT @whimsicmimic
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Drawing I made for my friend @whimsicmimic as a gift for the holidays. Thank you for giving me the chance to draw Ms Desdemona I love her a lot
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yahargulian · 6 months
Thank you so so much @silly-bean for tagging me!!! 💕 I also want to get to know you better!
Last song: The last one was Coyotes by Modest Mouse, it ended as soon as I started this ajdkghjkasg and now I'm listening to Sunsleeper by Barry Can't Swim
Favourite colour: It's green or red or maybe even both at this point! They're pretty in all shades, vibrant or dull. I wear a lot more red than I do green and my room is kind of accented red, so I'm probably more red-coded to people than green-coded, but like. Green is pretty
Currently watching: I'm not watching anything right now, and the only thing that I'm currently watching regularly is Blood Blockade Battlefront. I've gotta watch that Todd in the Shadows video at some point soon but keep forgetting to put time aside for it oops
Last movie/show: My last movie was Get Out, which is very very good! Last show was Gravity Falls, which I was rewatching with my brother. Hadn't seen that show in years so it was very fun to revisit!
Spicy, savoury, or sweet?: Oh gosh sweet, I have such a sweet tooth. Spicy is a close second though! Sweet chili flavour things are such a treat for me, so even my savoury stuff is sweet and/or spicy ahdgjkahgdkj
Last thing I googled: "editors 2024 tour" to check the dates tickets go on sale because there's a couple I think I could make it to and I am not going to pass up an opportunity to see them live again!!
I'm tagging @silenthillmutual, @geniichiro, @whimsicmimic, @roomtemeraturemysterymilk, @what-wait-why, and @penistrite to do this if you guys would like to! ❤
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spindleandsnake · 10 months
tagged by @bromios ty for the tag i love to talk
Last Song: Planets by Everything Everything- this lick is stuck in my head and it deserves to live there rent free
Currently Watching: The Bear s2, Riverdale s2 (thats bromios' fault too), just finished the first season of the Afterparty and im gonna start s2, Assassination Classroom s2, Skip and Loafer Currently Reading: I just finished When the Angels Left the Old Country by Sacha Lamb and i adored it- Good Omens people, yall will like it in that its a loving complicated angel/demon narrative, but its also a Jewish narrative set in the 20th century. Got great thoughts about identity and the divine, and it keeps the stakes very small in a way that really worked for me. Playful writing, queer, and a quick read.
Current Obsession: hmm Friends at the Table's Palisade season for sure, the second season of good omens im 2/3rd through and enjoying, The War Act 2 by the Family Crest i just saw them live and it was incredible, Evie my oc from my blades in the dark game, and my new unnamed OC who we've just been calling the Chimera for the Monsterhearts 2 game we're setting up my little tumblr circle is small so anyone is free to do this or not, id like to see it, but ill tag @transathenacykes @somniens @whimsicmimic and @halemerry get doubletagged asshole <3
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hotwifeluigi · 10 months
🌹 🌹 🌹
ohohoho [rubs my gay little hands together]
🌹1 is a Wesley Baker piece I was working on ft. @kyngsnake's Avery Moreno
"Wesley cries, "Mercy!" And Avery yields, spits to the side like he's seen his daddy do, and much to Wes's surprise, offers him a hand."
🌹2 is a piece about my little guy Dante Le Doux considering a new identity and name.
"It had only been twenty-five short hours since he had quit smoking—though it still felt like it had been much longer to him—but he was determined to make it twenty-six, then twenty-seven, then forever."
🌹3 is from a bit I wrote about when Dante got kicked out and also got in a fight with his situationship @whimsicmimic's character Colette
"It was a particular kind of misfortune that, on occasion, Daphne Le Doux was able to muster a flower of love for her eldest son, her middle child."
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silly-bean · 1 month
Thank you for the tag, lovely! @ofmonstersandpen 💜💜💜
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
For the purpose of this and from what I see yall doing with it I'm going to assume that by WIP you mean un-posted stuff. Which... tbh barely helps me 😅I have the chronic inability to stop thinking about shit and thus have a zillion things started, but I'm just gonna share the ones I have actual writing for and not anything that's just discord chat logs or paragraph summaries.
You can def send asks about all of these, but be prepared for a lot of over-explanation 😅
The fics I have actual writing started for:
Redux au
Cloud starts a cult
god fucking dammit wolf
mmmm body horror
kunsel and aerith drabble
Kunsel Origins (Windows)
Leviathan's Emissary
Fool's Gold (WEAPON Cloud)
Phantom Be Still
Calamity's Fool
Calamity War Fic
Old Man Cloud
Approaching Storm
Everything else I do consider a WIP doesn't actually have any writing done, just notes and such, but if any of yall are curious I can def share those as well.
I will not be tagging as many people as I have WIPs because... no. I will not be tagging 18 people.
@emrald-writes @wolf-pearl @nexomify @alpharaposa @traykor @whimsicmimic @bbirbb @darktiger57
there I did 8 😭 Anyone else who wants to do it that I forgot, feel free!!
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waveridden · 1 year
heres a goofy one, what do you think atticus’s blaseball narrative would be. or just. My beautiful son yugi of yugioh fame
atticus <3 ily
ok my thought is. you know how brisket friendo and tad seeth were the first players to be redacted. i think that's atticus. i don't think he's a shadows player - he's maybe the first active player in the league to become redacted, but it takes a while for people to figure out that's what's going on. vanishes without a trace one day. stumbles back out onto a different field, and another and another and another, until he comes back and isn't all the way there.
i think eventually he and alexis switch positions on the team, and either he gets alternated (i know this gets rid of attractor but it doesn't feel right here) or the attractor thing gets reformed into charm, and he's... you know, still fucked up, struggling with the darkness, but he's got that charm and he's coming back to himself. this is my pitch for you
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believingbrook · 6 years
your writing feels like a hug. Theres something cathartic about it thats just reminiscent of that feeling of calm that settles over you after breaking down in someone elses arms before you both go back to your lives without acknowledging it again. A good sort of calm. anyways, thank you for writing
i’m deadass gonna cry this is so sweet, thank you!! that’s exactly what i want my writing to feel like!! big hugs. 
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hypermoyashi · 1 month
Fic Rec: Never Let Me Go
Author: @whimsicmimic
Fandom: Trigun
Relationship(s): Vashwood
Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Transistor (2014), Singer Vash the Stampede, Boxer Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Mute Vash the Stampede, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, yeah we stuck wolfwood inside the punisher. hes fine., dont worry about it
Summary: An alleyway, and the aftermath of a successful performance gone wrong. "Hey, Blondie...we're not going to get away with this, are we?"
I absolutely adore the concept of this fic so much. Singer!Vash and Bodyguard!Wolfwood is already such a great concept, and Vash's anguish at Wolfwood's situation is so poigniant and well-written. Sticking Wolfwood in the Punisher is such a fun concept, and it's really interest to see Vash written mute--he normally talks quite a lot (even if he doesn't always actually say anything), but going this route was incredibly unique and a cool take on it. This is an absolutely amazing fic with a really cool concept, and I highly encourage everyone to check it out!
[read it on ao3]
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malevolentmango · 6 years
70 and taakitz >:O !!!
Kravitz does this thing when he’s confused, Taako thinks. His big tell. His eyes widen, just barely, and his face freezes in a way that would be impossible for someone who isn’t a technically undead bounty hunter for the Raven Queen. It took Taako a while to pick up on it, and he’s still figuring out how to read Kravitz when it comes to certain things.
But the surprised face, he’s got that one down pat.
Normally Taako sees it when he’s done something that Kravitz thinks is particularly strange. Or when Magnus drops off yet another hand-carved side table as a “housewarming gift” even though they’ve lived here for almost a year now.
He sees it the most, though, whenever Taako does something nice for him.
Which is, you know, frustrating. Taako’s making an effort here, and he’d very much like this to be recognized without quite so much disbelief.
He gets the confused face when Kravitz comes home from a day of work in the Astral Plane to a plate of his favorite cookies - peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chunk, the absolute madman - and dinner in the oven making the kitchen smell absolutely fucking heavenly, if Taako does say so himself.
Kravitz recovers quickly and accepts the cookie that Taako waves in his face by way of greeting, giving him a quick kiss on his way to the fridge to grab drinks for them both.
Taako knows that’s what he’s doing, because Kravitz is considerate like that. Because he knows Kravitz. Taako squints at the back of his head.
“Hey, Krav?”
“Yes love?” Kravitz says distractedly.
“What am I doing wrong here?”
Kravitz abandons his search for Taako’s favorite cider and turns to face him. He’s wearing confused face v.2, which is the more obviously confused version.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean…” Taako gestures at the kitchen, and by extension the rest of the house. “I’m trying really hard here, you know? I don’t make this much effort for just anyone.”
The confusion deepens into what Taako thinks might be v.3, a previously unseen confused face.
“I appreciate the cookies…?”
“No, no.” Taako sighs and tries again, fighting around a significant blush and words that don’t seem to want to form correctly. “You always get this look, okay? Whenever I do something nice for you. Just like… like it’s unbelievable to you.”
“I don’t–”
“Every time, Krav. Never fails.” Taako crosses the kitchen to stand in front of him, puts his hands on Kravitz’s chest. “Listen: Cha’boy’s bad at words sometimes, but you know I love you, right?”
To Taako’s great surprise, Kravitz’s face shifts away from confusion and straight into surprise, accompanied by something soft and sincere that makes Taako’s cheeks burn.
“I mean… yes?”
Taako gapes at him.
“After everything we’ve been through, you still don’t think that I love you?” Kravitz bites his lip and looks away, unable to meet Taako’s eyes. Taako immediately grabs his face and shifts it back into place. “Uh-uh, Bones, you got me talking about feelings, so now we’re doing this shit.”
Kravitz opens and closes his mouth a few times, searching for the words. Finally, he says, “It’s not that–I know you do, Taako. I know. I’m sorry if I made you think otherwise with my… face?” He chuckles a bit. “I guess I’m just… it still surprises me.”
Taako frowns, but before he can protest, Kravitz adds, “It’s not–it’s not you.” Kravitz sighs. “You have to understand, darling. I’ve known you for… a year and a half now? And for a thousand years before that, I didn’t. I didn’t know you. I didn’t know love. I think I just… forgot what it meant.”
He cradles Taako’s face between his hands and kisses his forehead. Taako fights back a grin.
“I mean, I guess that makes sense. Totally–totally legit reasoning.”
Kravitz smiles a little sheepishly. “I suppose I have a confession to make, actually.”
“Oh yeah? Gimme that gossip, babe, I’m all ears.”
“Whenever I act… confused, I guess? Whenever you do something that’s so sweet and considerate and so–so very you, well. You quite literally make my heart beat.” Kravitz laughs. “That’s what’s so surprising about it. I’m not used to it.”
Taako stares at him. Distantly, he realizes that he can, in fact, feel Kravitz’s heart beating under his hands. A slow smile creeps across his face.
“Are you saying my love brought you back to life?”
Kravitz laughs and pulls him in for a kiss, a real one this time, and murmurs against his lips, “Don’t push your luck, dear.”
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absol-used-thief · 6 years
whimsicmimic replied to your post: Things that I, an adult who pays rent and taxes,...
excuse u that pin is FANTASTIC, an excellent purchase 10/10
it is terrible and a sin and i’m going to put it on my lovely big witches hat and become a badge mage 
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