#who gave yuichi nakamura the right
itskenickie · 9 months
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blueascend · 3 years
Omura Aimi had been working at Toyokawa for roughly four days when she realized that their ace salesman, Kurosawa, had a boyfriend.
To be fair, she had been on the lookout for particular signs. Omura hadn’t been able to be out at her last job and she’d been hoping that Toyokawa would be different. She’d done her best to befriend everyone, keeping her ear out for office gossip, getting the lay of the land.
The first time she saw Kurosawa with his boyfriend, she breathed a sigh of relief. Surely, if the most popular man in the office could be himself so openly, Omura wouldn’t have any issues.
Unfortunately, it soon became apparent to her that most of their coworkers weren’t aware of Kurosawa’s relationship status. Everyone seemed to believe he was single and straight.
How? Didn’t they have functioning eyes?
It became a slight obsession for Omura over the next week, watching Kurosawa blatantly flirt with his boyfriend without anyone noticing. They even had matching red pens they kept waving at each other like the least secret signal in the world!
Then one day, someone caught her staring.
“You have a crush on Kurosawa?” her coworker, Nakamura asked. She laughed, not unkindly. “Better get in line, then.”
“Huh?” Omura furrowed her brow. Kurosawa was now fixing his boyfriend’s tie, standing way too close to him to do so. “No, not really.”
“No?” That was Chino, her voice bright and shocked. “But just look at him.”
Omura looked at her coworkers, a knot forming in her stomach as she saw their confused expressions. Uh oh. She wasn’t ready for that kind of suspicion, not when she had no idea how they would react.
“He’s not my type?” she tried. When they kept staring, she added, “I, uh, like someone else?”
Nakamura and Chino glanced at each other. “Don’t tell me,” Nakamura said. “It wasn’t Kurosawa you were looking at, was it?”
“You like Adachi!” Chino concluded.
Omura swallowed. Adachi. Right, that was the name Kurosawa’s boyfriend wasn’t it?
Well, if it would throw them off her trail. “Yes. Yes, I do.”
Both women giggled.
“He is cute, I guess,” Chino said. “And much more attainable than Kurosawa.”
Nakamura clapped her hands. “We need to get you two together! An office romance, this is so exciting!”
They were gone before Omura could object, whispering between themselves. Omura groaned. That could’ve gone better.
Someone tapped her shoulder and Omura turned around to see Fujisaki. They didn’t know each other that well, as Omura had spent most of her time with the other women in her department, but she’d heard nothing but kind things about her.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I don’t mean to be nosy but I overheard you. Just so you’re not disappointed, I think Adachi is actually seeing someone.”
‘I think he’s seeing someone’ she said, but the glimmer in her eye very clearly stated ‘I know he is’. Had Omura misread the situation, was she actually Adachi’s girlfriend?
But no, then she would have said as much. She didn’t seem jealous or territorial either, only genuinely concerned that Omura might be in for a disappointment. How much did she know?
Deciding to test the water, Omura carefully admitted, “To be honest, I didn’t even know his name. It’s just easier to say you like someone when people are asking. I’m new here, I wanted to fit in.”
“Ah.” Fujisaki’s gaze turned curious. She looked at Omura for a few moments and Omura wasn’t sure what conclusion she reached, but she finally offered a kind smile. “I see. In that case, I’m glad I don’t have to worry.”
Omura smiled back. Maybe it was too soon to tell but she felt like she had an ally in Fujisaki. 
“Omura, you are going to love this!”
Omura looked up from her laptop, seeing Nakamura and Chino approach her. “What?”
“We’ve just arranged for a group of us to go for drinks after work,” Nakamura said. “And we got Adachi to join! This will be the perfect chance for you two to spend time together.”
Omura’s stomach sank. “You - you did?” 
“Don’t be nervous,” Chino said, misreading her expression. She reached over the desk, putting her hand on Omura’s shoulder. “We’ll be right there with you if you need help.”
Nakamura nodded, shooting Omura a finger gun. “You got this.”
“I got this,” Omura echoed faintly.
There were eight of them at the bar later that night; Omura, Chino and Nakamura, as well as Fujisaki, Adachi, Kurosawa, and two male coworkers Omura hadn’t learned the names of yet. 
Chino and Nakamura, in full matchmaker-mode, managed to arrange the seating so that Omura and Adachi sat together at one end of the table, with Kurosawa and the rest of the women on the other. 
Omura glanced at poor Adachi, who looked supremely uncomfortable to be there. Even if he didn’t know about Omura’s supposed crush on him, he didn’t seem like the type to enjoy these kinds of gatherings. Omura was sure he’d much rather be at home, unwinding with his boyfriend after work.
Sorry Adachi, she told him in her mind. She frowned, considering. But at least now I can try to find out if I’m really right about your relationship with Kurosawa.
“Have I introduced myself to you yet?” she asked him.
Even that polite question was enough to startle him. “What? Ah, I don’t think so.”
She gave him what she hoped was an encouraging smile and nodded. “I’m Omura Aimi, I started working at Toyokawa recently.”
“Adachi Kiyoshi.” Adachi nodded back. “Do you - do you enjoy your work?”
“Very much.” Omura looked over at her friends, who both gave her not-so-subtle thumbs up. “It’s a nice atmosphere, much more friendly than my old workplace.”
“I see.”
An awkward silence descended between them. Omura had a sip of beer as she wondered what to say next. She had no idea how to casually broach a topic like hey, are you gay like me? Adachi mirrored her, grimacing slightly as he drank.
This really wasn’t his scene, huh?
“What do you like to do outside of work?” Omura finally asked. 
“I, ah,” Adachi fumbled as he placed his glass down, spilling a few drops of beer. “The usual things, I suppose. I like reading, drawing, playing on the Switch.”
“Yeah? I like video games too, I just started a new save file in Stardew Valley.”
Adachi perked up. “I’ve also been playing that. I got Kurosawa to join me in multiplayer but it’s been going kind of slow. He can’t master the fishing mini game and it’s been frustrating him. He’s not used to being bad at stuff.”
Omura giggled. “I can picture that. I love the multiplayer too, especially since I can use it to get married to-” my girlfriend, she barely stopped herself from saying. She cleared her throat, smiling awkwardly. “Anyway, it’s a lot of fun.”
“Mhm,” Adachi agreed.
Another awkward silence commenced. Omura looked to her friends again but they were busy talking amongst themselves. Fujisaki met her eyes and smiled. Next to her sat Kurosawa and he was glancing between Omura and Adachi, frowning unhappily.
Maybe Omura was reading too much into it but he looked almost... jealous?
She turned back to Adachi, the desire to confirm her suspicions growing stronger than ever. Screw subtlety, what she needed was privacy.
“Adachi?” she asked. “Do you mind if we talk alone?”
Adachi stiffened, eyes widening in panic. “Eh?”
Omura stood up. “It will only take a moment.”
Reluctantly, Adachi got up as well and followed her. As they walked away, Omura could hear her friends talking, the alcohol likely making them a little too carefree and loud:
“-so bold! But I guess with a guy like Adachi, the woman has to take charge.”
“Do you think she’s going to confess already?”
Their voices faded away as they turned a corner. Omura lead Adachi to the balcony connected to the bar. It was thankfully empty and as Omura slid the doors shut behind them, they had perfect privacy.
“What did you want to talk about?” Adachi asked, clearly dreading the answer.
Omura bit her lip. How to word this? “You... we...” she rubbed her hands together, finally settling on, “I think we might have some things in common. Besides video games.”
“Like- like what?”
Omura opened her mouth to answer but before she could, the doors to the balcony were shoved open. Kurosawa stood in the doorway, looking as much a mess as Omura had ever seen - that is, still very put together, but hair slightly ruffled and cheeks pink from either the alcohol or the warmth inside the bar.
“Don’t!” he cried and this was it, as blatant a sign as Omura was ever going to get.
“Relax, Kurosawa,” she said. “I’m not going to confess to your boyfriend.”
Kurosawa blinked. “You’re not? But they just said-” he stopped himself short, clearly realizing what he’d just admitted. “I mean-”
“He’s not my type,” Omura cut in before he could panic too much. “Besides, I doubt my girlfriend would approve.”
Both Kurosawa and Adachi stared at her. For a second, Omura feared she’d really misunderstood them after all, but then Kurosawa slumped against the door in relief.
“I see,” he laughed.
Adachi looked relieved as well. “So that’s what you meant by ‘things in common’, huh?”
“Yeah,” Omura said. “But sorry if I made you nervous.”
“It’s fine.” Adachi waved his hand in dismissal. “How did you find out, anyway? Did Fujisaki tell you?”
So Fujisaki really was in the know. “No, and I don’t think she ever would. You two are just really obvious to those who know what to look for. Especially Kurosawa.”
Kurosawa shrugged, not looking the least bit ashamed. Adachi rolled his eyes fondly.
“Anyway, I’m gonna go back inside,” Omura said. “I’ll tell them I chickened out on confessing to you or something. They’ll lose interest in this whole thing soon enough.”
She passed Kurosawa, who stepped out onto the balcony as she went inside. As she closed the door behind her, she could hear Adachi teasing Kurosawa lightly:
“Were you being jealous again, Yuichi?”
“Don’t be mean. How could I help it when Kiyoshi is so cute, I want him all to myself!”
Adachi laughed but it was muffled. “Not here, someone could see!”
Omura shook her head as the doors sealed shut, leaving them to their privacy. 
She couldn’t wait to tell her girlfriend about this.
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tsuritama10th · 2 years
Interview Summary: Yuichi Takahashi (Character Design)
This interview was published in the Official Logbook, one of the three official guidebooks that were released for Tsuritama! Yuichi Takahashi is the character designer who translated Atsuya Uki's base designs into characters that could be drawn by every animator for the production of the anime itself.
Please note that I am reading this info via machine translation after having scanned it from my copy of the book. Take everything with a grain of salt!
The position of character designer was decided via competition. Takahashi had previously worked with the base character designer Atsuya Uki on a supercell music video, which he thinks gave him an advantage in that contest.
He found the project a little strange at first. He was told it involves aliens, but Atsuya Uki's illustration didn't really have a Sci-Fi vibe to them at all. "Is this really SF?", he wondered.
Uki did not have any particular requests about the design, but the director Mr. Nakamura gave a lot of instructions. For example, Natsuki was to be drawn thinner than the other characters.
Takahashi finds the small yet detailed eyes to be the most unique and defining part of Uki's designs and they paid a lot of attention to them. Also distinct is the distance between nose and mouth.
"I think Yuki, the main character, is the most realistic character. His way of thinking is neutral, and I think viewers can easily relate to him. Like a real high school student, Yuki is full of "laziness" and thinks "high school is so boring" (laughs)."
Yuki is difficult to draw because despite being the main character, he has few distinguishing features.
Yuki's nervous face was drawn based on Uki's designs. Though Uki seemed unsure about it, Takahashi found it easy to draw.
Haru is very easy for Takahashi to draw.
When drawing Natsuki, the director instructed to keep the image of his voice actor in mind.
Akira is easy to draw because he has a lot of unique distinguishing features. No matter who draws him, he will be recognizable.
When confronted with Tapioca, he asked the director "Seriously, why a duck?" and never received an answer...
Takahashi doesn't think even Atsuya Uki knows what the thing around Coco's neck is supposed to be...
The pattern on Coco's hair is taken from the anime series Welcome to Irabu's Office that Nakamura also directed. This was done with permission from the character designer of that show.
The director asked for Misaki to be drawn as a person you'd want to get married to right away if you saw her.
When Takahashi first saw Uki's design for Urara he imagined him to be a rocker-like character who is Haru's total opposite. He was surprised by his actual personality.
Both Takahashi and Nakamura wanted to have the students in the class all named, designed and have a seating plan.
There were a number of characters Takahashi designed without drafts from Uki: the classmates and teacher, Akira's subordinates, the people from DUCK headquarters. The DUCK people were his favourites.
His favourite scenes are scenes that are the starting point for a character's development: Natsuki's run, Yuki's yell, Haru's tears, Akira's laughter.
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arkus-rhapsode · 4 years
What did you think of the dub cast for Heroes Rising? (I thought Nine was pretty good and Hawks seemed to be a perfect fit).
Okay, so I’ll do every new character and what I thought.
So starting with the kids, Mahoro and Katsuma, first of all I justwant to give a round of applause to these two actresses. Kids in anime movies can be real annoying if you get actor who can’t pull it off. But Funimation wisely went with Maxie Whitehead as Katsuma just doing her Alphonse Elric voice.
Dani Chambers as Mahoro was fun. She danced the line of rambunctious and bratty really well. Also I’m just glad Chambers is gtting more exposure, shee really impressed me in Epithet Erased as Molly.
Speaking of Epithet Erased, @jelloapocalypse himself, Brendan Blaber, as Mummy was really fun. At first I thought it was Jerry Jewel (wouldn’t be a surprise as Nezu had like 1 line.), but as I heard more, I picked out Brendan’s vocals. I’m real happy for him getting to b in more Funimation stuff, I know he was in Fire Force, but I love when an internet actor is getting more attention, especially in as big a franchise as MHA. (I mean, I’m sure the Team Four Star and Rooster Teeth casts would like a shot at doing a character in MHA.) If Funimation called him back to do another voice, I could see him doing Skeptic in the Liberation Army.
Greg Dulcie as Chimera was another one that I was at first mistaking for some else. I genuinely thought I was hearing Brice Armstrong, but he had sadly retired and passed away. His gruff voice really gave him an air of intimidation and age. I like Larry Brantley as Spinner, but he sounds like he’s 0-40 when Spinner is 21. But Dulcie really gave Chimera this age to him. This guy’s been around, kicked some ass and taken some names.
Slice is pretty much the token woman of Nine’s gang, though to be fair, her fight against Tokoyami and Mina was surprisingly intense. And Lydia Mackay manages to give her a good Femme Fatal voice. I wouldn’t be shocked if Mackay was called back to voice Curious in the Liberation Army (But she dies too, I just realized Toga is our only female villain.)
Nine is voiced by the ever talented Johnny Yong Bosch. I originally thought he was gonna do Hawks’s voice, but we’ll get to my thoughts on that later. JYB brings his usual skill with Nine. I’d say its like a slightly lower version of his Lelouche and Saruhiko Fushimi voice. But that could be the face mask. Because when it comes off he is doing classic Bosch. He’s intimidating, but Nine kinda suffers from “movie villain syndrome.” Not particularly interesting and kinda jacking character traits from other villains. But JYB does what I think is thee best thing an actor can do and that’s add character with just his performance. When Nine is recruiting Chimera, it genuinely feels like he wants to welcome him. Compare that to Shigaraki and All for One who are very intimidating in their deliveries.
Now I mentioned Hawks and Oh my god, you are right, he was perfect. I didn’t know about Zeno Robinson going into it, I’ve heard him before, he’s fin, but he perfectly captures Hawks’s lay back attitude, but can crank up the intensity when it comes time to. His Seiyuu is Yuichi Nakamura, who is legend and I’m sure his Hawks was good, but Zeno really just nails it all down.
Also, Mark Stoddard sound like he really is having fun as the Doctor, so I’m excited to hear more of them in the future. big props to funimation for keeping the quality of the dub and big props to all the actors. This was a great movie and no one felt like they were doing too little or too much.
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animebw · 4 years
Binge-Watching: Psycho-Pass 3, Episodes 1-2
And so we begin! In which the field is cleared for a new cast of characters, but they carry all the old baggage with them, while one lone hope remains.
Sweep the Deck
The big question going into Psycho-Pass 3 was, would this franchise be able to escape the pull of its past at last? It’s seriously hard to write effective sequels to Gen Urobuchi’s work when he makes sure to cover all his bases the first time around and encase his stories in a perfect little self-contained narrative ecosystem. Psycho-Pass’ first season was sensational, but it also got in and said everything it needed to say, leaving it an open question if it was possible, or desirable, to expand outward and explore the world of Sybil in more depth. And the attempts to do so have only born that fear out, because the only successful sequels to Psycho-Pass have succeeded by returning into the comfort zone the first season established and playing around with the characters and scenarios you’re already comfortable with. Every time it’s tried to push things forward and move to a new status quo, it’s ended in disaster. This work just doesn’t lend itself to existing beyond the horizon of its initial ending; the centralized pull of what made Akane and Kogami’s story so great is too powerful to escape. But is there any way to craft a sequel to Psycho-Pass that expands off the ideas of the original and takes it in new, vital directions, with a new cast of characters inheriting the unfinished business of the old guard and finding new reasons to carry on their mission?
Well, Psycho-Pass 3 is making a game effort of it. The cast of the first two seasons is still hanging around, but they’re firmly background characters, content to watch over the new inspectors and enforcers as they make new tracks in old soil. Mika’s a chief, Kogami and Ginoza are part of a new Extra-Special fighting force, and Akane... well, we’ll get to Akane in a second, but this season belongs to the new boys (and girl). If there was ever a chance for this franchise to shake off the baggage of its past and establish that it still has legs moving forward, this would be it. And I do like the new cast of characters! Arata’s loose stoner energy is a welcome change of pace from the intensity of Ginoza, Kogame and Akane, even as he’s still hyper-observational and capable of genuine pathos. From the first moment he’s on screen, observing the inadequacy of mental care under the Sybil System- “If that’s all it took, we wouldn’t be here now, would we?”- it’s clear we’re in for a more rebellious, dynamic servant of the law than we’ve had before. And Ignatov earned my respect the moment he was faced with potential criminals and instead of exerting Sybil’s judgement over them, he let them go and gave them another chance to avoid clouding their Psycho-Passes. An inspector who actually acknowledges the inherent flaws in the criminal system he upholds and does his best to follow the spirit, rather than the letter, of justice? That’s right the hell up my alley. Credit must also go to Yuichi Nakamura and Yuki Kaji, who bring this duo’s nuances to life with aplomb. I cannot overstate what phenomenal voice actors they both are, and their presence here is very welcome.
Blind’s Eye
And yet. For all the promise this clean slate shows, I didn’t even last until the end of the first episode before I felt that goodwill crumbling before my eyes. Sadly, Psycho-Pass 3 is still under the guiding hand of Tow Ubukata, the series composer for season 2, and it’s got all the same problems. The most glaring and obvious of which is, a huge part of the season’s central conceit is based around a nonsensical sci-fi concept that’s too ludicrous to take seriously and pretty much single-handedly destroys the possibility of me suspending my disbelief. I know I love saying that emotional logic should be more powerful than literal logic, but that doesn’t mean I can accept just patently stupid concepts like the idea that getting organ transplants from a bunch of different people means you get pieces of their mental state, as was the case in season 2. And Atari’s immersion-shattering Mental Trace bullshit is no better. If we accept his explanation at face value, then Psycho-Pass 3 is asking us to believe that this fucker is somehow able to jack into people’s memories, just by standing where they stood and concentrating really hard, because... his empathy is super high. No, no, no, fuck no, and might I add, no. There is literally no logic in that concept whatsoever. It tries to bullshit an answer by hand-waving it as “Mentalist” powers, whatever the fuck that means, but I’m sorry, I don’t care what cybernetic advancements have occurred in the next century, one cannot just replay someone’s memories through vestigial contact with a space they once were in. That’s fucking stupid.
And that’s far from the only cue Psycho-Pass 3 takes from its direct predecessor; just like Psycho-Pass 2, it’s overly complicated and bogged down in piles and piles of bullshit. There’s so much exposition thrown at us about some weird extragovernmental cabal called the Bifrost, which seems to be acting outside Sybil’s control through... stock exchanges? Maybe?? How do they “gamble money and freedom” in a society where Sybil has total control? It’s trying to be mysterious and confusing to make us want to find out what’s going on, but with nothing to ground it in, it just ends up feeling like a cheap tactic to avoid revealing how weak the story is. I don’t think the double-length episodes are doing this season any favors; each episode feels endless, with so much padding stuffed between the actual important plot beats that it becomes numbing after a while and you just want it to end. It’s not even structured well; episode 2 ends the current ongoing mystery right in the middle of the episode and starts an entirely different one, and I’m just left wondering why the hell the episodes weren’t normal length so there could be an episode break there instead of awkwardly shoehorning two different plots together at the hip. Then there’s Arata’s equally context-lacking mysterious backstory, which lays on the trippy gradient filters to try and make up for its lack of actual emotional substance, but considering we’ve never had this kind of acid-trip imagery in Psycho-Pass before it just comes off as jarring. This season’s set up so many pins, but none of them interest me, and I don’t trust it to knock them down effectively when none of them fell like, well, Psycho-Pass
And that’s the most frustrating thing about this season thus far: it just fundamentally fails to understand what makes this franchise at its best so compelling. Psycho-Pass’ strength was in the Sybil System itself, how this carnivorous structure wrapped its tendrils around all of society and you could see its fingerprints wherever you walked. The world of the first season was a world with identity, a world where the evolutions brought about by the hivemind were visible and palpable in every last detail. It was the dark, ugly emotional grounding that made its story such an engrossing, emotional roller coaster. But the world of Psycho-Pass 3 just doesn’t have that sense of danger. It’s too normal, too sterile, too lacking in the guts and grimness and genuine discomfort that made Sybil so terrifying and loathsome. Never mind how frustratingly goofy it tries to be at times; between Mika angrily shotgunning Pez, Arata’s overexaggerated mannerisms and the stupid faces everyone makes, it feels like every ounce of gravity that defined this show has been lost. The characters of the first season could be funny and charming without resorting to such hackneyed, juvenile cringe (and considering this isn’t the only Fall 2019 Production IG detective mystery show to mistake empty cringe for character-driven comedy, I think it’s safe to say something’s in the air with this studio lately). This isn’t the world of Psycho-Pass; this is a cheap imitation that completely fails to capture the gravitas of this franchise’s best.
With one possible exception.
The Last Avenger
Because there’s one piece of this unfinished puzzle that actually does really interest me: Akane herself. As this season starts, the heroine we know and love goes studiously unmentioned for a good stretch of time, her absence almost as much a character as her presence. And then, someone drops a bomb: Akane Tsunemori is an ex-inspector. Not because she quit, but because she went rogue. She goddamn did what she was always threatening to do; she’s gone against Sybil itself. And what little implications we get about what’s happened to her since are riveting. She’s tucked away in a mysterious cell, imprisoned by an unknown master. She awaits judgement, and according to her old comrades, she’s ready to be judged fairly. But she’s also the reason Ignatov and Arata are on this team; she hand-picked them, and Sho, the one remaining member of her team fro Psycho-Pass 2 still working as an Enforcer, is keeping tabs on them for her, making sure they’re holding up okay. And then, in her own words, she drops the biggest bomb of all:
”The truth of our society will come to light. What will people choose to believe when it does?
Holy. Fucking. SHIT. Akane hasn’t just gone rogue, she’s gearing up to spill Sybil’s secret to the world. She’s preparing to let Japan know that they’re being governed not by a fair, impartial computer, but a hivemind of cannibalized brains subsumed to act against their own self-interest and uphold a system makes the outcasts of society the very agents of their own oppression. If I’m reading this correctly, the girl’s officially stopped trying to fix the system from within; she’s ready to tear the whole damn thing down and free Japan from its sway, letting whatever may come rise from the ashes. That’s HUGE. That’s the most explosive direction a Psycho-Pass sequel could have gone in. And while I have no idea if it’ll be enough to make this season worthwhile in the end, it’s the one pin being set up that I genuinely can’t wait to see knocked down. Against all odds, I still choose to have hope. So bring it on, Psycho-Pass 3. Whatever happens next, I’m not telling go until this ride is over.
Odds and Ends
-Well, the OP’s a right banger, so that’s one box checked.
-”I’m happy.” Man, the selfie generation really went off the deep end, huh?
-Okay, either holo tech has really fucking progressed or Sybil is being way too lax about giving away the old woman facade she uses.
-”Do you think you’re in a Tom and Jerry routine?!” I wasn’t expecting Mika to be such a mood, but here we are.
-”But I just bought that!” pfft
-I’ll admit, I wasn’t expecting a history lesson on Japan’s 90s housing bubble bursting, but here we are.
-I feel like we’re really going overboard on the CG backgrounds. You proved you could do good CG already, Psycho-Pass, now dial it back before it goes to your head.
-Okay, that’s definitely Dimple’s VA as the old man Enforcer, isn’t it?
-”Bean sprouts are nutritious!” It’s a testament to how damn good a voice actor Yuki Kaji is that he can make lines like this work.
-Okay, the concept of controlled fighting sports that use robot opponents to keep psych levels from going too high is kinda cool.
-”Cute girls always have to deal with them, don’t they?” “Is that supposed to be a compliment?” Jesus, what a well-deserved cold shoulder. Dial it back, Arata.
Man, this is gonna be a rough ride. Here’s hoping I can get through it intact, and I’ll see you next time!
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solartranslations · 5 years
Clear Bonus
Tumblr media
Family Member 1 (To the future): With this sword, I’ll clear a path to the future!
2 (Looking up at the sky): Wow! It’s Regalo sunshine today! Okay! I’ll work hard today too!
3 (Running Away): Damn it, I got tricked by Jolly again! He made me drink something weird again…and there’s only one minute until it takes effect! I gotta hurry!!
Whispers of Amore 1 (Passionate bacio): *kissing sounds*
2 (Follow me!): I won’t be protecting you the whole time. If you’re coming with me then be ready!
3 (I like your smile): Smile! I’m sure you’d be cu…uh, I mean everyone would be happy!
Special 1 (Jealous of the owl): I mean, even though I’m with Ojou now it’s undeniable that it’s always with her. Huh? I’m not saying that I want to be an owl or anything. I just want to be by Ojou’s side is all.
2 (Free talk): Hi everyone! How was Arcana Famiglia? It was real interesting, right? I’m Jun Fukuyama and I played Liberta! So how does it feel to be done? Well but Liberta, sure had a lot of lines. I haven’t talked this much in a while. And when he’s with Jolly and Luca and everyone else he can be kind of an idiot. But anyway, I was the first one to finish recording. No, that’s a lie. Recording was super tough and took a long time. But it was fun. By the way here’s a quiz. What was the last section I recorded? The hint is “it’s delicious!” And I said the answer. Well, we had to do it over and over. I’d be happy if you played through not just Liberta but all the other characters. So with that, this was Jun Fukuyama, VA for Liberta! Bye-nara!
Family Member 1 (Ability manifestation): Sleep.
2 (Appearing displeased): It’s not like I’m in a bad mood or anything. This is just the way I am.
3 (Checking the calendar): It’s natural to check my schedule for the day. I can’t do everything without a plan like a certain someone.
Whispers of Amore 1 (Passionate bacio): *kissing sounds*
2 (Confession): I won’t fall for you. You’ll be the one falling for me.
3 (An existence above oneself): I can protect myself. So, I’ll protect you.
Special 1 (Jealous of the owl): That owl is your friend, right? I know that. I wouldn’t get jealous of a bird….I’m saying that I’m not jealous! But maybe if I was an owl it’d be more…no, it’s nothing.
2 (Free talk): Eat all that the sea, wait no, I have! Okay! So, I’m Tsubasa Yonaga and I played Nova. Uh, thank you for clearing his route. So how was Nova-kun? He’s the kind of boy you want to get attached too, right? I thought so while I was playing him. Well Nova-kun sometimes shows his lovestruck side? Or something? I tried hard to show that so I kept thinking it’d be nice if you found it cute! Well, I’m sure you probably felt that way while playing. Well, there’s probably a lot more sides to Nova-kun that are still hidden. Um, so I hope you’ll find out by playing through Arcana Famiglia all the way to the end. It’d be nice if we could see Nova-kun again somewhere. So everyone, Nova-kun can be a bit crabby but, don’t give up on him okay? Thank you!
Family Member 1 (Hermit’s laugh): I’m not trapped, I’m being released.
2 (Unpeaceful sleep): *sigh*…what? I’m feeling at my worst right now. Why? I don’t wanna say.
3 (At the casino): Now, will I, Debito, be the winner take all today? Hahaha! Don’t bore me.
Whispers of Amore 1 (Passionate bacio): *kissing sounds*
2 (Envy): You’ll be saved if you die. I envy you, pig.
3 (Words of love): Don’t cry. If you do, you won’t stop.
Special 1 (Jealous of the owl): Hey, little owl? Wanna switch places with me? Well, aren’t you the closest one to my Bambina? Well, I guess there’s things I can’t do as a bird. But always being by her side isn’t bad.
2 (Free talk): Hello, this is Hiroyuki Yoshino from Sigma Seven. And yeah, I played Debito. Well, um. I think I’ve realized again how hard it is to create a character. That’s just how…how do I say it? I had a lot of information but…there’s still a lot that I don’t understand so…what kind of person is Debito? The answer is…only within all of you! That’s all, so bye!
Family Member 1 (I won’t lose): Die before me!
2 (Whistling): N, no. I’m not lying. I just sort of, snatched just a little bit of food….
3 (Running): Even if I eat a lot, I’m still agile. If only that much made me unable to move, I wouldn’t be the Deputy Chief Executive.
Whispers of Amore 1 (Passionate bacio): *kissing sounds*
2 (I want to shout it out): Ojou!!! I l-o-v-e y-o-u!!!
3 (Cool and sweet): Ojou is my gelato! Kya, so embarrassing!!
Special 1 (Jealous of the owl): Hey, Ojou? If I was an owl, would you keep me by your side? Well, if I was reincarnated, I’d want to be an owl—. Whoa, wait, don’t cry! Just theoretically! That’s just how much I want to be by your side!
2 (Free talk): Congratulations. I’m Tomokazu Sugita and I played Pace. He’s cheerful, passionate, really high strung, and really loves lasagna. And the effect of playing him is that I get darker and have less to say. But, you know, if I had the chance I’d definitely play him again. That’s important. Yeah. So, lasagna. Let’s eat, no, make some lasagna! Yeah! I think that’d be great. Mhm. And I think playing a high strung character gave me motivation while doing the recording for this game. Girls are cute. Mm, actually even if this is aimed towards women, it should be alright to remove that label. Right? Because out of everyone there’s theoretically 1% or 2% guys here right?
Family Member 1 (Nothing happened…): Nothing happened. You understand right?
2 (Looking doubtful): What is it, Ojou-sama? Is there something on my face? Um…please don’t say you’re tired of seeing me…
3 (Depressed): Ojou-sama has, Ojou-sama has…! Ojou-sama has…learned the art of seduction!! …*crying*!!
Whispers of Amore 1 (Passionate bacio): *kissing sounds*
2 (More than words): Good morning Ojou-sama. Your sleepy face is cute today too.
3 (Words that never change): I won’t allow you to get close to my Ojou-sama
Special 1 (Jealous of the owl): Even though I’ve been with Ojou-sama longer, there’s still things I’m jealous of. Hmph, please don’t look at me like that. It must be nice. Although I can’t ever be like that. *sigh*, it makes me want to be an owl sometimes.
2 (Free talk): I’m Yuichi Nakamura and I played Luca. Um…you’ve finished it all now, huh? How was it? Hm, how do I say it. I think it was a pretty long game. Uh, I don’t know how many characters you’ve played through or how much of the story you’ve seen by now. But if you’ve seen it all, well I think it must have taken a pretty long time. Thank you. Well, I’m supposed to say any thoughts I had here but. There was a lot so I wonder what I should say. It’s pretty hard. Hm, what did I think…well, this is probably fine. Conversely, I want to know what all of you think. Um, you can send your thoughts and requests to the makers of the game. Or maybe to some magazine. We can reflect on all of your words and maybe how the game develops will change. I think with a game like this…we can cooperate with the users who play it. So we’ll be awaiting your comments. And also, I’d be happy if I got to play Luca again for everyone. Okay. The other characters don’t matter. Yeah. Just Luca. I’ll do my best. Okay everyone, I’ll leave it at that. One, two, LASAGNA!!
Family Member 1 (Leave the rear guard to me): That’s enough messing around. Follow after Ojou-san!
2 (Shall we start): Well, I should do a Chief Executive’s job once in a while. Ojou-san, shall we go out on patrol together?
3 (Having a drink): A drink at sea is good, but it can’t compete with a drink at Regalo. And seeing your happy face when I bring back souvenirs is the best treat, Ojou-san.
Whispers of Amore 1 (Passionate bacio): *kissing sounds*
2 (I’ll protect you): This isn’t a place for children. Stand aside!
3 (Hesitations): I just, have hesitations. Of course I would.
Special 1 (Jealous of the owl): It’s said that owls are quite long lived. Yours’ already acts alongside you, Ojou-san. I’ll say it again, but I hope you two continue to get along….Why are you turning red? I’m talking about your owl. Now you’re making me blush.
2 (Free talk): I’m Jurota Kosugi and I played Dante. Well, it’s been a while since I played Dante. Honestly, I think I think the same as I did before. Dante is really um, I wonder if I can say this. Um, it was really fun playing him, I guess. And, well…he’s kind of like me. So I end up thinking “Dante-na!” sometimes. Yeah, really. And not just Dante’s lines. There were a lot of conversations with the other characters and the player, Ojou-san. And…there were a lot of situations. And as we worked on Arcana Famiglia I really came to like the time we spent making this game. Yeah. And um…I can say 100% with no complaints that this game was…fun. Really fun. Yeah. So I really hope that all of you can enjoy Arcana Famiglia. That’s what I think. Okay then! This was Jurota Kosugi. See you again, Dante-na.
Family Member 1 (The power of The Moon): I’ll make you go mad.
2 (Turning around): Hm, what? Why are you checking on me from over there? Did you think I wouldn’t notice?
3 (Reading a book): Words are when letters gain meaning from coming together. Have you ever questioned how this logic is a common understanding throughout the world?
Whispers of Amore 1 (Passionate bacio): *kissing sounds*
2 (Where you should be…): Come, my bride.
3 (As he said): Choose me. I won’t guarantee happiness, but I won’t let you regret it.
Special 1 (Jealous of the owl): Somehow, I feel as if that owl is watching me with sharp eyes. Well, perhaps I’ve felt annoyed by the owl that’s always by your side. Don’t you understand? It means that I want to always be by your side. *chuckling*. Now, how much of that was serious.
2 (Free talk): Okay, I’m Koji Yusa and I played Jolly. Congratulations on clearing the game. Um, so for this I played Jolly who was the advisor. So his position is a little different, he’s a person who’s one step higher than everyone else, the other executives. So he’s quite guarded and treats his subordinates as pawns. I played him with a very pompous attitude but I’m not really like that in real life so there were some stressful moments. But you know, It was nice too. Um, being someone who stands above everyone else is kind of a stance I want. So I had fun playing him. How was it? He’s definitely the character for girls who like the dominant type. This was Koji Yusa, thank you!
Family Member 1 (Watching from behind): My daughter, look how much you’ve grown. You’ve grown taller, you’re hair has grown out, and the look in your eyes…is cold only when you’re looking at me! …Wha, I’m not crying!
2 (Calmly): In any form, there shouldn’t be any parents that don’t think of their daughter. Besides, who will protect the children if not the parents?
3 (Invitation): Come here.
Whispers of Amore 1 (Outcry from the soul): Anyone who wants to be my precious daughter’s husband! Come forward!!
2 (Proposal): Come to Regalo, and my side. I promise to make you happy.
3 (The power of The World): Everything is within my hands.
Special 1 (Jealous of the owl): While we were living separately, do you know just how much I wanted to be watching over you, my precious daughter? Sumire is fine. Luca was, a regrettable decision but it can’t be helped. You do need an escort. But when it comes to Dante and the owl that’s always by your side. I feel jealous towards them. Of course I wanted to live with you. My precious, precious daughter. I…want to be an owl!
2 (Free talk): Yeah, Viva, Papa! Uh, I’m Fumihiko Tachiki and I played Mondo. Nice to meet you. In Arcana Famiglia he’s a very…big, big man in a lot of ways and the father figure. Did you enjoy it? Um, so I hope that we and all of you who played Arcana Famiglia can become family? Like a big family. Something like that. I hope we can get along from now on too. And please keep enjoying the game. The voice recording is going well. Thank you very much.
Family Member 1 (To my daughter): You can’t just be protected. Be the kind of person who can protect others. Okay?
2 (Cute little prince): Nova didn’t get to spend much time with his mother, so I ended up spoiling him. *laugh*. He even took an interest to my homeland. He’s a cute little prince.
3 (The power of Judgment): Watch closely! I will now take control.
Whispers of Amore 1 (I resemble the heroine?): Huh? Our voices sound alike? Of course. We’re parent and child after all. *laugh*. When I was her age, I had a bit more of a mature voice though. She’s somewhat childish. But, yes. When you say that I resemble my daughter, I’m honestly happy.
2 (To Mondo): Mondo chose me, and I also chose Mondo. My beloved, beloved daughter. Your existence truly is the result of my choices in life.
3 (Proposal): Make no mistake. I want to make you happy. I want to be happy with you.
Special 1 (Jealous of the owl): In my homeland, owls are said to bring happiness. So that you can gather good luck and not suffering. Thinking of it that way, I envy the one that is praying for your happiness that’s the closest to you.
2 (Free talk): I played Sumire. This is Kikuko Inoue, 17 years old. Mhm, yup, yup! *laugh*. So, thank you all so much for playing this game. I was really happy to be playing a role as wonderful as Sumire this time. Ever since I read the script and was shown a picture of the character, I was so, so happy to play such a wonderful role. When we were recording, I kept wanting to do more and more! Even now that we’re done. That’s how I feel about this game. So please keep enjoying the game and play it many times! Thank you!
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michael-ss0718 · 4 years
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I don't know how to move on after this... This is one of those drama that gave me so much and i will surely get myself addicted to this for the next few days. One of those scenarios where I can't take the actors' off of their respective characters even after it ended. Simply so engrossed to it that I forgot where the exit is and I'll surely be wandering for the next remaining days or months until i find the EXIT (another distraction).
Actually, i contemplated so much whether to post it here or my twitter/IG instead and I have decided to put it here as how I normally do. After all, Tumblr has always been the platform that serves as my companion for keeping memorable memories like this; cause i'm that type of person who loves reminiscing things, feelings and emotions i have had during a specific moment.
I have watched countless of Japanese dramas and this is the BEST of them all. At first, i was just scrolling through dramas and looking thru the feedbacks and got curious as one of the feedback says, "If you like Itazura Na Kiss then you'll probably like it. It's more bearable to watch as the female lead is more realistic" and this particular comment got me all so curious since i'm an enthusiast of such drama genre and i am a big fan of ItaNaKiss. ~ I must say, it didn't disappoint and even went over and exceeded my expectations to the point where it top everything else. Which is super rare for me.
Typing this in at this hour made my thoughts all fuzzy and i don't know what to say anymore. Well i have never been good when it comes to writing essays and commentaries in the first place. So let me cut it with my last congratulatory wordsss! SAIGO-DESU!
Lastly, i'm dissapointed at myself for not watching it during it's PEAK DAYS, considering it was released back in 2016 & 2017. I really should start dumping Korean and Chinese dramas and take time checking out Japanese dramas since there're tremendous amount of great undiscovered pieces right there.
Last of Last (Hahaha), I wanna say congratulations to the actors! I truly love you all!!!! Specially to the main leads Shiraishi Shunya & Furuhara Haruka. They both worked the hardest to make themselves and their characters appeal to its viewers with so much more than the CHEMISTRY itself.
Also, i just really love Sugino Yosuke and Takahashi MaryJun! This 2 actor/actress completed the Season 2! — One last thing, to the other characters such as (Sakurada Dori, Arai Moe, Nagashima Shugo, Nagasawa Koya, Yoshida Madoka, Natori Yukimasa, Nishimoto Ryuki, Nakamura Yuichi, Yajima Maimi, Sagara Itsuki & Tomoko Fujita) they all made the drama (S1 & S2) the best! They're one of pillars that completed it and it wouldn't be as great if it wasn't for them. AND it ends here! Hahahaha!
#GoodMorningCall #グッドモーニングコール #FukuharaHaruka #ShiraishiShunya #SuginoYosuke #TakahashiMaryjun #SakuradaDori #AraiMoe #NagashimaShugo #NagasawaKoya #YoshidaMadoka #NatoriYukimasa #NishimotoRyuki #NakamuraYuichi #YajimaMaimi #SagaraItsuki #TomokoFujita
05.07.20 - 11:48PM - THURSDAY
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arkus-rhapsode · 7 years
Gray for the ask
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
best quality: His character. He’s arguably the best character Mashima wrote and has such an amazing portrayal and story.
worst quality: (okay I may get shit for this) his personality. Let me explain, Gray is such a multidimensional character and so realistic that it hurts him in a series where a lot of people are whacky and wild. Gray’s personality while realistic is something that won’t keep much investment. The best way to describe it, if I’m going to compare Gray to say, Natsu, is it be like watching performances by Tim Curry and Humphrey Bogart. Natsu like Curry while not having the best written roles has such energy on screen that you can’t ignore  them, they for better or worse have a personality that draws your attention, while Gray like Bogart is clearly better becoming one with the character that they feel real the problem is they tend to be easily not have that impact that should come from this world of intense energy. Everytime we focus on like a gray fight he doesn’t seem as intense or emotive. He may act a lot similar to how we would act in that situation but it comes with this plainness that makes us forget he’s a fantasy character. It also doesn’t help that in both the japanese and english dubs he’s played very reserved.
ship them with: Lucy, Lyon, Ultear
brotp them with: Cana, Natsu, Ultear, Happy
needs to stay away from: People who blame him that Gruvia hasn’t happened. I swear everyone is forcibly pushing him even though he seems very against it.
misc. thoughts: I love the cast of Fairy Tail both sub and dub and think they all bring their characters to life, but I’ll say Yuichi Nakamura does a far better job at portraying Gray than Newton Pittman. Pittman isn’t bad but it really makes Gray sound bland and bored at points, while Nakamura had Gray at a monotone he knew how to bend in the right way. I’m glad this was Pittman’s big role that gave him a main character but yeah he doesn’t do intense all that well.
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