#whump writing event
amonthofwhump · 11 months
Do you know about any whump writing challenges in August?
None come to mind 🤔 whumpblr, sound off! if you're running an event in august, let us know in the replies/reblogs!
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Whumptober Day 1
This Wasn't Supposed to Happen
It's part of a larger idea that I haven't written yet because my brain cells went on vacation and haven't returned yet.
"Well. That isn't supposed to happen." Emile looked down the stairs at the open cell door.
"What do you think the Lady will say?" Anita joined Emile on the landing.
"She's not going to be happy."
"He's supposed to be there."
"He's supposed to be dead."
The two cautiously approached the cell. The lock appeared to be intact, and nothing in the cell provided any clues. Everything was the same as it had been the day before. Minus the prisoner.
After scouring the cell for the third time - and the hall, and the stairway - they finally gave up. They stood together in the shadow of the manor.
"Who's going to tell the Lady?" Anita asked.
Emile stared out at the Great Lawn. "Maybe we shouldn't tell her at all."
Anita frowned.
"I can hear you frowning, Nita."
"Will it not be worse if she finds out we didn't tell her?"
"I don't think so. The Lady doesn't go down herself that often. There's nothing to link this to us."
"And the others?"
"If they tell, there's nothing we can do anyway. At least this way the poor sot has a chance to get back to his life."
"Mmhm," Anita responded, wholly unconvinced the poor sot had any chance at all.
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whumperfultime · 3 months
Hey idk what writer/artist/creative needs to hear this but: You can create the most garbage self-indulgent poorly made full-of-cliches awkward ugly piece of art on the entire planet and you're still allowed to be proud of it and share it with the world. In fact, I outright encourage you to be proud. You deserve it. I love you. Keep making things.
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whumpril · 3 months
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Whumpril 2024 approaches!
Anyone can participate.
Any media form is allowed (art, fic, gifs, music, whatever).
You can participate however much or as little as you want, no pressure to complete every single day.
You can post your work anywhere on the internet, Tumblr, Ao3, etc.
Tag potential triggers and NSFW accordingly.
If you want to be counted as an official participant and have the chance to be featured on the blog, post your content during the month of April. You can still use the prompt list after April ends.
I can’t guarantee that every single work will be featured but I’ll try to reblog as many as I can.
To increase your chances of being featured here, tag your post with the event name and the prompt of the day that you used (For example: #whumpril2024, #whumprilday1, #limp) 
You can also @ the blog, @whumpril.
Full write-up of the prompts can be found under the cut!
Whumpril 2024 Prompts:
Can’t Sleep
Weak Pulse
Angry Tears  
Urgent Care  
Mind Games
Coughing Fit
Broken Glass
 “I need you.”
Touch Starved
“Just hold on.”
Stoicism Breaks
Presumed Dead  
No Time to Rest
“Brace yourself.”
“How could you?”
“Please don’t go.”
Reluctant Caretaker
“We’re out of time.”
Alternative Prompts:
If there’s a prompt above you don’t feel inspired or comfortable doing, you can switch it out with one of these alternatives!
Brain Fog
No Appetite
Blanket Nest
Eyes Rolled Back
Allergic Reaction
“You’re pathetic.”
Reluctant Whumper
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
Caretaker Makes it Worse
“You brought this on yourself.”
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juneofdoom · 3 months
What up, whump fam?!
June of Doom 2024 Prompts!
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We've brought back some old favorites/ popular prompts from last year with a healthy dash of new!
Please feel free to participate with original or fan works of any kind (writing, photos, gifs, mood boards, videos, songs, whatever creative medium your heart desires!). You can do one or all of the prompts on any given day, and if none are to your liking, check out the alternate prompts!
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Two rules this year!
As with last year, tag your stuff with appropriate warnings, plzkthnx.
AI-created content is highly discouraged and frowned upon. I have no way of "checking", but I respect the time and effort people put into their crafts and encourage everyone to do the same. This isn't a contest for best written or prettiest art — it's a challenge, so challenge yourself.
[AO3 Collection] - "JUNEOFDOOM2024"
Text list below the cut for easier crossings-off. And don't forget to tag @juneofdoom so I can reblog your awesome here! Have fun!
“Help me.”                                        | Failed Escape | On the Run | Fetal Position |
“It didn’t have to be this way.”             | Scream | Double Cross | Made to Watch |
“Well, well, well…”                            | Hiding | Ambushed | Stalking |
“Does that hurt?”                               | Impalement | Fracture | Punishment |
“It’s not as bad as it looks.”                 | Bite | Swelling | Disfiguration |
“They don’t care about you.”               | Flinch | Broken Promise | Abandoned |
“What happened?”                            | Nightmare | Isolation | Stumbling |
“This is your last chance.”                    | Drowning | Chair | Prisoner Trade |
“I made a mistake.”                            | Accident | Acceptance | Blame |
“Can you hear me?”                           | Fear | Smoke | Phone Call |
“We’re out of time.”                           | Bleeding Out | Collapse | Flatline |
“I can’t stand seeing you like this.”        | Dehydration | Grief | Coma |
“Wait!”                                             | Sacrifice | Adrenaline | Cornered |
“What were you thinking?”                  | Surrender | Human Shield | Outmatched |
“Get me out of here!”                         | Rescue | Chainsaw | Presumed Dead |
“At least it can’t get any worse.”           | Secret | Stranded | Setback |
“You don’t want to do that.”                | Struggle | Blackmail | Desperate Measures |
“I’m fine.”                                         | Self-defense | Allergies | Headache |
“This can’t be happening!”                  | Sobbing | Straitjacket | Dissociation |
“I can handle it.”                                | Scrape | Panic Attack | Neglect |
“Let’s play a game. “                           | Stairs | Pressure Points | Trap Door |
“What’s the bad news?”                      | Poison | Bedridden | Cauterization |
“You’re doing great.”                         | Trembling | Gaslighting | Rules |
“Let’s get you cleaned up.”                  | Blankets | Stitches | Bandages |
“I should have listened to you.”           | Guilt | Backseat | Failure |
“Don’t lie to me.”                               | Rage | Choke | Paranoia |
“Or what?”                                       | Defiance | Display | Last Resort |
“Say something.”                               | Numb | Cold Shoulder | Gag |
“I’m so cold.”                                    | Delirium | Fever | Exposure |
“Breathe, damn you!”                         | Shock | Asphyxiation | Emergency Room |
“Who did this to you?”
“Please don’t leave me.”
“I’m not okay.”
“Don’t make me say it again.”
“You poor thing.”
Attending Your Own Funeral
Broken Glass
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whumpthemusical · 7 months
Whump: The Musical Prompts!!
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As stated before, this challenge will run from March 1- March 31, 2024. All fandoms are welcome to participate despite it being prompts based off of musicals. Once again, all types of media are allowed. This challenge has the standard "choose one for the day" style, but feel free to do all three prompts if that's what you want to do!! All types of whump are allowed, but please be respectful to your fellow audience members and properly tag it!! Some of these prompts are sensitive, so make sure you warn your readers correctly! There will be an ao3 collection and an FAQ post coming soon, so if you have any further questions or comments about this challenge, feel free to drop me a line. Happy writing, my beautiful ingénues, and enjoy the show :)))
The prompts will be listed under the cut for those who have difficulty reading fonts!!
Cats- Sabotage • Second Chances • "I Can Dream Of The Old Days."
Wicked- Mob Mentality • Propaganda • "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished."
Jesus Christ Superstar- Whipping • Betrayal • "Then I Was Inspired, Now I'm Sad And Tired."
Les Mis- Survivor's Guilt • Failure • "Drink With Me To Days Gone By."
Heathers- Poison • Reluctant Whumper • "Wanna fight for me?"
Newsies- Chronic Pain • Exploitation • "Let 'Em Laugh In My Face, I Don't Care."
The Last Five Years- Infidelity • Gaslighting • "I Will Not Lose Because You Can't WIn."
Hadestown- Deals • Doomed Narrative • "Doubt Comes In."
Sweeney Todd- False Imprisonment • Razors • "Have You Decided It's Safer In Cages?"
Rent- Substance Abuse • Poverty • "Feels Too Much Damn Like Home."
Bare: A Pop Opera- Outing • Religious Trauma • "Please, See Me."
Waitress- Unplanned Pregnancy • Abuse • "She Is Broken And Won't Ask For Help."
Tick Tick Boom- Atychiphobia • Working To Exhaustion • "Is This Real Life?"
Dear Evan Hansen- Deception • Broken Bone • "Words Fail."
West Side Story- Star-Crossed Lovers • Prejudices • "A Boy Who Kills Cannot Love."
Come From Away- Stranded • Aftermath • "Blankets And Bedding And Maybe Some Food."
Spring Awakening- Withheld Information • Suicide  • "I Don't Scream, Though I Know It's Wrong."
Hamilton- Hurricane  • Dueling • "I Will Kill Your Friends And Family To Remind You Of My Love."
Falsettos- Sickness • Identity Issues • "Death Is Not A Friend."
Into The Woods- Blame • Lost • "Nothing But A Vast Midnight."
The Great Comet- Abduction • Letters • "Did You Love That Bad Man?"
In The Heights- Grief • Homesickness • "I Know That I'm Letting You Down."
Be More Chill- Mind Manipulation • Panic Attack • "Everything About Me Makes Me Want To Die."
Moulin Rouge- Class Differences • Sex Work • "Come What May."
Chicago- Cold Blood • Trial • "He Had It Coming."
Six- Execution • Trauma Bonding • "Playtime's Over."
Ride The Cyclone- Unexpected Tragedy • Forgotten Whumpee • "I Hear The Anguish Of The Street."
The Rocky Horror Show- Obsession • Wrong Place, Wrong Time • "I've Seen Blue Skies Through The Tears."
Nerdy Prudes Must Die- Bullying • Ritual • "Who Will Pray For You?"
Jekyll And Hyde- Duality • Good Vs Evil • "If I Die, You'll Die."
Phantom Of The Opera- Disfiguration • Shunned • "My Power Over You Grows Stronger Yet."
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sicktember · 1 year
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Official Sicktember 2023 Prompt List!
[Faqs Post]
[How to Submit Content Post]
[2023 Sicktember Collection on AO3]
[2023 Content Promotion Changes]
** Please remember to read the FAQs before asking event related questions**
[text version of the prompt list below the cut]
1. Hopelessly Bad at Self-Care
2. Quest for a Cure
3. "What happened to your phenomenal immune system, huh?"
4. Hiding an Illness
5. Preventative Measures (Not Taken)
6. Sick and Injured
7. “You’re a Jerk When You’re Sick”
8. Persistent Fever
9. White Coat Syndrome
10. “The only place we’re going is to the pharmacy”
11. Beginner’s Guide to Faking Sick
12. Old Wives Tale
13. Anxious Stomach
14. ‘‘I shouldn’t be worried about you, but for some reason I am’’
15. Sick in an Inconvenient Place
16. Consulting the Internet/Web MD
17. Magical Remedy/Healing Potion
18. “Wear Your Coat, You’ll Catch a Cold”
19. Curled Up With a Pet
20. Cramping Pain
21. "But if you stay, you'll get sick too"
22. Terms of Endearment/Nicknames
23. Coughing Fit
24. “Did you just sneeze?”
25. Confused/Disoriented
26. Pink Eye/Conjunctivitis
27. Uncooperative Patient
28. “I should have stayed home”
29. Side Effects/Adverse Reaction
30. Patient 0
“I Could Really Use a Hug Right About Now”
Fuzzy Socks
Pounding Headache
Forehead Kisses
“I’m so sorry”
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whumpay · 4 months
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babe wake up new whumpay prompts dropped. like last year, im posting early for more time to prepare
Welcome to Whumpay 2024! Up above you will see the basic prompt list and down below the cut you will see it written out in a list, as well as three mini challenges (and by extension, the extreme edition)
Rules are the same as usual
You only have to use one (Or two, if you’re doing the extreme edition.) prompt a day! But you’re welcome to use multiple if you want to, and it still counts for both.
I know the description of the blog says it’s a writing event, but if you want to draw or make other kinds of content, that’s cool too.
Have fun, tag content warnings (such as noncon, graphic violence, etc) and try not to be crushed by the mortifying ordeal of posting your writing.
This is a pretty chill event so you can start posting whenever but I’ll be reblogging posts made to the #Whumpay2024 tag throughout May. For real this time.
These all also apply to these three special mini challenges, consisting of a 7 day, a 10 day, and a 14 day prompt list.
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EXTREME EDITION: This year's extreme edition doesn't have its own prompt list, but instead, youll be taking all three mini challenges in order along with the main prompt list. Some of these fit pretty well, others less so.
1 - Mad Science:
Day 1: Strapped To An Operating Table
Day 2: Paralytic Drug
Day 3: Made A Lab Rat
Day 4: Vivisection
Day 5: Truth Potion/Serum/Spell
Day 6: Russian Roulette
1 - Attacks, Mental & Physical:   
Day 7: Heart Attack
Day 8:  Asthma Attack
Day 9: Animal Attack
Day 10: Panic Attack
3 - Ineffective Medical Care:
Day 11: Medical Torture
Day 12: Withholding Medical Treatment
Day 13: Medication Tampering
Day 14: Injury Brushed Off
Day 15: No Anesthetic
4: Mindfuck
Day 16: Presumed Dead
Day 17: Memory Loss
Day 18: Stockholm Syndrome
Day 19: Phantom Pains
Day 20: Love Potion/Spell
Day 21: Role Reversal 
5. Nature's Revenge
Day 22: Slowly Running Out Of Air
Day 23: Natural Disaster 
Day 24: Struck By Lightning
Day 25: Snowed In
Day 26: Heatstroke
6. Traps & Trauma
Day 27: Caught In A Net
Day 28: Traumatic Touch Aversion
Day 29: Used As Bait
Day 30:  Flashbacks
Day 31: Choose Who Lives
Mini challenge #1: Torture
#1: Tortured For Information
#2: Whipping
#3: Branding
#4: Begging To Be Killed
#5: Recorded/Broadcast Torture
#6: False Execution
#7: Shock Collar
Mini Challenge #2: Dialogue
#8: “Why are you doing this?”
#9: “Don’t look.”
#10: “You look awful.”
#11: “Who did this to you?”
#12: “No one is coming for you.”
#13: “No one cares about me.”
#14: “Don’t lie to me.”
#15: “Stay with me, please.”
#16: ”You’re scaring me!”
#17: “You’re a monster.”
Mini Challenge #3: Aftermath
#18: Fighting Against Caretaker 
#19: Seeking Revenge
#20: Taking The Blame
#21: Barely Conscious
#22: Disassociation
#23: Carried To Safety
#24: Scars
#25: Unhealthy Codependency 
#26: Infected Wound
#27: Survivor’s Guilt
#28: Touch Starvation
#29: Abandonment Issues
#30: Cradled In Someone’s Arms
#31: Adrenaline Crash
Alt Prompts:
Death Game
Came Back Wrong
Attack The Injury
Healing Malfunction
Left For Dead 
Mistaken Identity
Trapped Under Rubble
Disowned By Family
Hostage Situation
Have fun everybody!
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serickswrites · 1 month
Warnings: head injury, hurt/comfort
Whumpee's world was a cacophony of sound and blinding lights. They blinked and tried to shut their eyes tight against the light, but still the light burst through, stabbing through their skull. And the sounds they were everywhere all at once, but also nowhere. They couldn't make any sense of it.
There were hands touching them. Touching them all over. What was happening? What had happened? They needed to get up.
A cool hand touched their cheek gently. A face loomed in and out of focus above them. Whumpee could see their lips moving, the sound slowly fading in above the other noise.
"You.....took.....a.....tumble. Lie.......still." The stranger's words sounded as though they were underwater. Perhaps they were underwater.
"Wha--?" the words didn't fully form. They had to sit up.
The stranger leaned closer, their hand never leaving Whumpee's face. "'m......Caretaker.......can......you....tell.....me.....your.......name?"
What was their name? Whumpee. Their name was Whumpee.
Caretaker smiled. "Nice.....to.......meet.....you.......Whumpee."
Had they said that outloud? They must have. Caretaker couldn't read their mind. Or at least they hoped not. It was so bright and so loud. Caretaker turned away from Whumpee and the world suddenly dimmed.
"Better?" Caretaker's voice sounded closer.
"Mmmmm," Whumpee managed.
"Stay..down. Help...is..on..the way."
And though Whumpee realized that something really bad must have happened to them, they felt safe with Caretaker. And so they let themself drift a bit, knowing that help was coming and that Caretaker would watch over them.
Tags: @wollemi-whump
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the-broken-pen · 4 months
“You’re going to blow out your arms,” the villain observed. They watched as the hero merely grit their teeth, shoving themself through another pull-up. It looked painful, and if the sweat slicking the hero’s brow was any indication, it was.
They waited for the hero to let themself drop from the bar and accept the villain was stronger. But they didn’t.
Three more pull-ups, and the villain stepped in.
“Hero,” they said slowly. “You’re about to tear the ligaments in your arms. You need to stop.”
The hero blew out a shuddering breath. Struggled for purchase, fighting gravity—and let themself drop.
The hero’s hands were bleeding, calluses torn open by the bar. The hero didn’t seem bothered when their own hands shook so much that their blood began to splatter on the gym floor.
For a moment, the villain could only stare at them.
They didn’t know how to handle this. They knew the hero was dedicated. They knew the hero was strong, and perpetually trying to be stronger, but they hadn’t thought…
They hadn’t thought the hero would be so willing to tear apart their own body for success.
It was supposed to be fun, the villain thought. They felt a little sick as the hero pressed their palms together to soothe the bleeding, an action that was practiced and familiar. As if they had done this before.
The hero reached for something in their bag, smearing blood on the side, and pulled out a roll of blue electrical tape. The villain didn’t understand why, until the hero tore a strip off and made to wrap their hands with it.
The hero would be the death of them.
They crouched in front of the hero, plucking the electrical tape out of their hands.
“What are you doing with this?”
The hero blinked at the villain like they were the strange one in this situation.
“Wrapping my hands?”
The villain hissed in a breath.
“With electrical tape?”
The hero flushed slightly, looking down at their bloody hands. They looked close to tears.
“It…sticks to skin, really well. And it doesn’t move, either, when you move your hands or wherever else, even if you’re fighting. Plus, blood doesn’t make it come off, at least, not for a while.”
The villain blinked at them.”
“Blood doesn’t make it come off,” the villain repeated, processing. The hero nodded, reaching for the electrical tape. The villain settled it out of reach.
“Not if you wrap it right.”
Dimly, the villain realized that meant the hero had done this enough times to have it down to a science.
“And you couldn’t use a bandaid?” The villain asked incredulously. The hero shrugged a shoulder, then winced at the motion.
Yeah, the hero had absolutely blown out their arms.
“Bandaids move—“
The villain hushed them.
“Be quiet for a second.”
The hero, wisely, went quiet.
The villain rubbed a hand over their face, then studied the hero for a moment. They took one of the hero’s hands into their own, studying the damage.
“Why did you do this to yourself,” the villain murmured.
“What do you mean, why,” the hero snapped. “It’s my job.”
“Your job is to save people,” the villain corrected. “Not destroy yourself.”
“I’m not destroying myself—“
“You are.”
“Shut up—“
“I need to be better,” the hero snapped. Their voice rang out across the gym, echoing into the rafters, and they both froze. After a moment, the hero spoke again, voice soft. “I need to be better.”
They said it like they needed the villain to understand. The villain wondered who they were really saying it to—the villain, or themself.
“Better than who?”
“Everyone.” It was hushed, like a secret.
The villain watched them, waiting.
The hero took a shaky breath
“My whole thing is being the best. I have always been the best. That’s the only reason I matter. If I’m not strong enough, then I am nothing, so I need. to be. better.”
The hero had started crying, very quietly, like they were afraid to take up too much space.
The villain was not equipped to handle gifted kid burnout.
“There’s more to you than just being a good athlete,” the villain said hesitantly, and the hero shook their head.
“No. There isn’t.”
“Can you give me back my electrical tape?” They hiccuped to contain a sob.
“No,” the villain said firmly, and then the hero really was sobbing.
“You don’t understand—“
The villain didn’t. Not really. They had never been the kind of talented that the hero was.
They wondered now if maybe that was a blessing.
“I don’t,” the villain agreed. “But I do understand that you’ve saved half the city, and you give everything you have to give, and you always do your best.”
“But I-“
“No.” The villain stopped them. “You are doing your best.” They tipped the hero’s chin up until they met the villain’s eyes. “And it is enough.”
The hero froze, eyes darting over the villain’s face. They wondered if anyone had ever said that to the hero, if whatever mentor they had was giving them anything other than orders to be stronger. Be better. Be more.
The villain had some new targets to take care of, it would seem.
For now, though, they had to take care of hero.
“We’re going to go wrap your hands,” they said softly. “And then we’re going to take care of your arms, and you’re going to take a nap.”
The hero nodded, watching them like they were some kind of good, selfless person.
“And if I ever catch you using electrical tape again, so help me, I will put you six feet under.”
That startled a laugh out of the hero, and they let the villain guide them to their feet.
The villain turned to them. “Okay?”
Are you going to be alright?
The hero seemed to understand.
“Okay,” the hero agreed.
And so, it was.
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amonthofwhump · 4 months
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What: AMonthOfWhump's March Trope-a-Thon is a week-long whump event for all! Choose a prompt from our list for each day, or give us your own spin on the theme.
Where: Share your creations here on Tumblr. @ us to get your entry reblogged here!
When: March 15-22
Who: All are welcome! Writing, art, gifs, playlists, edits, cosplay, anything you want to create.
Tagging example: #amow tropeathon2024, #day1, #duel, #your tags here
Text of the prompts under the cut.
1. Fantasy Setting
- Locked in a Tower
- Victim of a Curse
- Duel
2. Gore
- Impalement
- Bleeding Out
- Nonconsensual Body Modification
3. Environmental
- A Long Cold Night
- Miles To Go
- Flash Flood
4. Nonhuman Whumpee
- Mundane Object is Poison To Me
- "Monster! Monster!"
- Caged
5. Spy/Military
- Interrogation
- Cover Identity
- Battle
6. Captivity
- Kidnapping
- Escape Attempt
- Hunger
7. Team Whump
- "Alright, let's get a headcount"
- Filling in for Another Team Member
- Mutual First Aid
8. Violence!
- No Holds Barred Beatdown
- zoutmatched
- Blackout Rage
Alt Prompts:
Doorstep Collapse
"It's not that deep"
"Take me instead"
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oddsconvert · 2 years
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Whumptober 2022: Masterlist
No.1 - "A Little Out of The Ordinary"
Adverse Effects | Unconventional Restraints | "This wasn't supposed to happen"
No.2 - "Nowhere to Run" [A Taste of Your Own Medicine]
Cornered | Caged | Confrontation
No.3 - "Hair's Breadth from Death"
Gun to temple | "Say Goodbye" | Impaled
No.4 - "Dead on Your Feet" [Play Pretend]
Hidden Injury | Waking Up Disorientated | Can't Pass Out
No.5 "Every Whumpee's Needs"
Blood loss | Running out of air | Hyperthermia
No.6 - "Proof of Life"
Ransom Video | "I've got a pulse!" | Screams from across the hall
No.7 - "The Way you Shake & Shiver" [Play Pretend]
Shaking Hands | Seizures | Silent Panic Attack
No.8 - "Everything Hurts and I'm Dying" [Shattered]
Stomach pain | Head Trauma | Back from the dead
No.9 - "The Very Noisy Night"
Sleeping in shifts | Tossing and turning | Caught in a storm
No.10 - "Poor Unfortunate Souls"
Taser | Whipping | Waterboarding
No.11 - "911, What's your emergency?"
Sloppy Bandages | Self-Done First Aid | Makeshift Splint
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Whumptober, Day 3
Say Goodbye
CW: talk of death, implied captivity, implied main character death
They stand at the top of a hill looking out at their fallen companions. It is silent now, but they know the enemy is just down the hill. The enemy, they could wait down there as long as they want. Days. Weeks. Months. Forever. But it won't take that long.
It's the two of them alone at the top. The two of them through all of it.
"Hey, Cap, I guess this is the actual hill we'll die on." Moth quirks a half smile and tries to find a dry spot to sit while they wait out then end.
"We're not going to die here," Cap says, but they both know the odds don't look good.
Moth's smile brightens anyway. "Good. Because I've still got shit to do."
They stay up late into the night talking about nothing and everything, huddled together in the dark. When the soldiers come at first light, they stay that way, pressed against each other. The two of them against the world.
"It's been good, Cap," Moth says as the soldiers crest the hill.
"Yes, it has," Cap says.
"Hey, Cap - "
Cap catches Moth's eye as they are pulled apart. "Not yet, Moth." He gets another half smile in return. "No need to say goodbye"
In the dark of the underground cells, they savor their time. It is a blessing, and they make their peace together.
The soldiers come for Moth first. He salutes Cap and raises a brow in question.
"Not yet, Moth," Cap says, grabbing Moth's hand and squeezing tight.
Moth smiles and nods once. "No need to say goodbye."
It's been some time since they took Moth. Days. Weeks. Months. Forever. Cap can't tell. But he's not worried. When all this is over, they'll find each other. He turns his face into the thin band of light that finds its way in like a secret visitor.
When the soldiers come for him, he is ready. He goes with them easily. Without looking back, he smiles to himself. No need to say goodbye.
Songs that inspired me:
The Call - Regina Spektor Con Te Partirò - Andrea Bocelli
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randowhump · 2 months
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Welcome to Randowhump's Birthday Whump Event! The event starts in August so you'll have tons of time to prepare. If you have any questions, just ask.
The 'official' tag for this stuff is #randowhumpbirthdaywhump so please use it if you decide to participate.
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whumpril · 1 year
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Whumpril 2023 approaches!
Anyone can participate.
Any media form is allowed (art, fic, gifs, music, whatever).
You can participate however much or as little as you want, no pressure to complete every single day.
You can post your work anywhere on the internet, Tumblr, Ao3, etc.
Tag potential triggers and NSFW accordingly.
If you want to be counted as an official participant and have the chance to be featured on the blog, post your content during the month of April. You can still use the prompt list after April ends.
I can’t guarantee that every single work will be featured but I’ll try to reblog as many as I can.
To increase your chances of being featured here, tag your post with the event name and the prompt of the day that you used (For example: #whumpril2023, #whumprilday1, #red alert) 
You can also @ the blog, @whumpril.
Full write-up of the prompts can be found under the cut!
Whumpril 2023 Prompts:
1. Red Alert | Distress Call | Panic Attack
2. Stress | Insomnia | “Get some rest.”
3. Rope Burns | Knife to Throat | “Hold still.”
4. Ache | Massage | Needle
5. Defiance | Dragged | Stifled Scream
6. Salve | Painkillers | Bad Coping Mechanisms
7. Numbness | Unsteady | “You look pale.”
8. Nausea | Comfort Food | Dehydration
9. Pinned Down | Bruises | “Who did this to you?”
10. Shiver | Breathless | “I’m scared.”
11. Nightmares | Bedside Vigil | “I’m right here.”
12. Friendly Fire | Toxic | “Get away from me!”
13. Blurry Vision | Support | “I think I need to sit down.”
14. False Smile | Holding Back Tears | “I said I’m fine.”
15. Isolation | Flinching | “Do you trust me?”
16. Guilt | Shock | “I’m so sorry.”
17. Cry For Help | Self-Treatment | “I can’t do this.”
18. Abandoned | Escape Attempt | “Take me instead!”
19. Choking | Muffled Sobs | “I’m worried about you.”
20. Disoriented | Sensory Deprivation | “Where am I?”
21. Scars | Fracture | “It’s just a scratch.”
22. Sponge Bath | Infection | “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
23. Smoke | Bloodstains | Sharing Clothes
24. Secrets | Under Duress | “What have you done?”
25. Heart Racing | On the Run | “We’re being watched.”
26. Explosion | Short on Time | “I won’t leave you!”
27. Forced To Kneel | Grabbed by Collar | Stepped On
28. Bedridden | Semiconscious | Light Sensitivity
29. Surrender | Punishment | “Final warning.”
30. Holding Hands | Human Shield | “Don’t let go.”
Alternative Prompts:
If there’s a prompt above you don’t feel inspired or comfortable doing, you can switch it out with one of these alternatives!
1. Ice Pack
2. Ransom
3. Gaslighting
4. On the Edge
4. Waiting Room
5. Un/Forgiveness
6. Food Poisoning
7. Heat Exhaustion
8. Forced To Crawl
9. Mandatory Leave
10. Search and Rescue
11. “Don’t push me away.”
12. Words That Can’t Be Taken Back
13. “Let me know if you need anything.”
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juneofdoom · 1 year
For anybody looking to do more whump in June, some fellow whump fans encouraged me to make a prompt list!
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Please feel free to participate with original or fan works of any kind (writing, photos, gifs, mood boards, videos, songs, whatever creative medium your heart desires!). You can do one or all of the prompts on any given day, and if none are to your liking, check out the alternate prompts!
My only rule is that you tag your stuff with proper warnings, plzkthnx.
And don't forget to tag your entries with #juneofdoom so I can reblog them here! Have fun!
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