#wicca  tools
darqkrafts · 3 months
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Good evening.
How did I determine my price of 9.98 for Darqkrafts 20 sticks of handmade incense sticks and cones with free shipping?
I saw what the market was selling incense for and matched it. Then I ran a 10% sale. Then I told everyone if you buy 2 bundles of incense and or cones, you would get a free 9.98 bag of incense, your choice of scent.
So yes. Buy my incense. Get free shipping and a free 9.98 gift along with it.
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hexora · 6 months
15 Grimoire Page Ideas That Aren't Basic
Chronomancy Correspondences:
Explore the connection between time and magic, including auspicious moments for spellcasting, planetary hours, and lunar phases.
Echoes of Enchantment:
Discuss the use of echoes and resonance in magical workings, tapping into the vibrational frequencies of words, symbols, and intentions.
Liminal Spaces Invocation:
Explore the magical potency of liminal spaces—thresholds, crossroads, and in-between places—and how to invoke their energies.
Numinous Nectar Elixirs:
Detail the creation of magical elixirs using rare and ethereal substances, discussing their uses in rituals and ceremonies.
Quantum Sigilcraft:
Delve into the intersection of quantum physics and sigil magic, exploring the idea that consciousness can influence reality at a fundamental level.
Astral Alphabets:
Introduce lesser-known alphabets or symbolic systems used in astral travel and communication with otherworldly entities.
Dreamweaving Spells:
Discuss the art of crafting spells that are specifically designed to be cast within the dream realm, influencing waking reality.
Candle Color Alchemy:
Explore the magical properties of less common candle colors and their associations with specific intentions, emotions, and energies.
Chthonic Charms:
Focus on charms and talismans specifically attuned to underworld energies and deities, connecting with the mysteries of the subterranean realms.
Technomancy Scripts:
Examine the use of coding languages, digital symbols, and technology-based sigils in modern magical practice.
Quantum Familiars:
Explore the idea of spirit companions that exist beyond the constraints of time and space, bridging the gap between the metaphysical and quantum realms.
Sacred Geometry of Sound:
Investigate the use of sound frequencies and sacred geometry in combination, exploring how they can enhance magical rituals and spellcasting.
Ephemeral Elementals:
Discuss the existence and interaction with elementals that are tied to fleeting or ephemeral elements, such as mist, shadows, or reflections.
Psychotronic Crystals:
Explore the use of crystals not only for their physical properties but also for their alleged ability to interact with psychic and spiritual energies.
Aetheric Anatomy Cleansing:
Detail practices for cleansing and balancing the aetheric body, exploring lesser-known energy centers and channels.
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everlastingmooncoven · 10 months
Lesson #1: Introduction to Magic
Witchcraft vs. Wicca vs. Paganism:
Paganism is a religion as well as an umbrella term to describe different religions. In the past, it was seen as anyone who wasn’t a Christian. Currently, a lot of practices and religions fall under the category of Pagan. No witchcraft or certain practices are required to be Pagan. Most Pagans do believe in the circles of life and death, with a strong connection to nature.
Wicca is a religion that usually involves witchcraft but not always. It was founded in 1954 by Gerald Garner and involves documents and beliefs such as the Wiccan Rede and the Harm None laws. The Wiccan religion falls under Paganism.
Witchcraft is a practice, not a religion. It can be used inside and outside of religious practices. There are many branches of The Craft, including Green Witchcraft and Cosmic Witchcraft.
Different Paths:
Not all Alchemists are witches, but Alchemy can be paired with the Craft.
Angelic Witches work closely with Angels in their practice.
A Celtic Witch would be a witch who follows the traditions and rituals of the Celtic religion. They may work with or worship Celtic deities and read Celtic myths, legends, and history. This could also include working with the fae, but it’s not required.
In a Ceremonial Witch's practice, it’s all focused on the sacred ceremonies and rituals of witchcraft. It’s more intricate than everyday magic.
Cosmic/Celestial Witches are the astrologers. Focused on the moon, sun, star, and planet cycles, zodiac signs and birth charts are their specialty. They use the energies from the cycles of the universe to fuel their spell work. Lunar Witches and Solar Witches would fall in this category, as their focus is mostly towards the phases of the moon or the sun.
Coven Witches are a part of a coven, this would include a high priest, or priestess along with members of a coven. They bring their powers together to cast spells and do rituals together.
Crystal Witches are all about the use of crystals and gems. Creating crystal grids, understanding the power of their properties, and using that power to manifest or attract the energies that the witch is trying to bring in their craft.
When it comes to Eclectic Witches they are a hit or miss. They mix and match their own practice from other religions or branches of witchcraft. That can be a good thing and a bad thing. You can make your practice your own and not be tied down to one thing. However, if you are taking from closed practices or taking from spaces where you aren’t welcomed then that is never okay. No matter what branch you practice.
A Death Witch is someone who works with the dead, or practices necromancy. This can also include helping them cross to the other side, honoring the dead in rituals, or helping people through periods of mourning their loved ones. Death deities such as Hel (Norse Goddess of Death) or Hades (Greek King of the Underworld) may be some deities a death witch might be interested in working with.
Demonologists are people who study, work with, or worship Demons and include them into their Craft.
Divination Witches are usually your psychics. They work with tools such as tarot or oracle cards, palm readings, pendulums, runes, etc. They can show the future or receive messages from the other side or from your guides.
Draconian Witches are people who work with Dragons. It is a very intricate path that isn’t made for everyone. You may approach dragons, but when it comes time dragons may or may not choose you.
Elemental Witches use the power of the elements in their practices. Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and sometimes the fifth element known as the Spirit or Either. Through bonding with the elements, she’s able to call on them in her practice. This could also be broken down by Fire Witches, who connect mostly with Fire elements. Water Witches also could fall under Sea Witchcraft. Air Witches could include playing instruments, listening to music, or singing in their practice. And Earth Witches could be classified as a Green or Plant Witch.
Fae Witches are those who work with the Fae in their craft. This is usually paired with the Celtic pantheon, but not always.
A Folk Witch can be hereditary, but not always. They include practices that are either passed down from family members, or their community. They use their ethnicities and the origins of their ancestors in their practices. Sometimes they can be closed practices, sometimes they are just not shared with people outside of those communities.
Gray Witches practice both the left-hand path (black magic) of the right-hand path (white magic). What kind of magic they practice depends on the situation.
Green Witches are all about nature, they use herbology, healing, gardening, and plant magic in witchcraft. They prefer to be outside and in nature, especially when doing their craft. Plant Witches are in a subcategory of Green Witchcraft whose main focus is plants.
Both Hearth Witches and House/Cottage Witches overlap when it comes to how they practice. They are both focused on making their home peaceful and full of magic. This can include candle magic, kitchen witchery, house rituals, etc.
A Hedge Witch is similar to an eclectic witch. But hedge witches are more focused on herbology, elements, astral protection, auras, and nature.
A Hellenic Witch is someone who works with or worships the ancient Greek or Roman deities. They perform rites and give offerings that were presented to the deities long ago.
Hereditary Witches are people whose family practices witchcraft. Power or certain practices are passed through their family line.
Kitchen Witches incorporate magic into their food or drink. They understand the properties that certain foods or herbs have and are able to pair them together to create a delicious, magical-filled dish or drink.
Sea Witches have a strong connection to the ocean. They can incorporate water, seashells, sand, and moon phases in their practices. Any body of water will do, you don’t have to live near any ocean to do sea magic. Lakes, rivers, or any natural body of water will do. They can also work with water spirits, such as mermaids.
Sex Witches use sexual acts and sexual energy to enhance their rituals. This can be done alone or with consenting partners.
A Solitary Witch practices alone or without a coven. They can be any type of Witch.
A Traditional Witch can be a hereditary, a folk, or a ceremonial witch. Any kind of practice that follows a long-standing tradition.
Wiccan Witch follows the Wiccan Rede and the Harm None laws, within their practice. They can include almost any other branch of witchcraft as well. They worship a God and Goddess as the masculine and feminine energies, and love and respect nature.
These are just a handful of witches that are out there, I know I missed many of them. Feel free to mix and match titles or have no title at all. It’s whatever you are most comfortable with and what you have a connection to the most.
Altars are prominent in most religions; they are concentrated, personal, and sacred spaces meant for worship, spell castings, honoring ancestors, celebrating holidays and more. They can be simple and hidden, large and extravagant or anything in between. It should be created to please you and no one else.
The arrangement of tools on the altar can vary to each person, there is a basic outline, but you’re not required to follow it. When picking out the tools and decorations make sure you don’t choose random items that might clutter your altar. No matter how big or small your space is, you don’t want a messy place to work in; so make sure everything has a meaning or purpose.
Altars can also come in any aesthetic that you enjoy; some choose a very traditional altar, while others love a modern take on things. They can also be based around an element, deity, crystal, or even your favorite color.
There are so many ways you can present your altar, but as long as you make it your own precious space then the sky's the limit!
Witchcraft Tools:
A Book of Shadows, Grimoire, or another Spell Book can be anything you wish it to be, from a simple notebook, a file on your computer, or a fancy leather-bound book. No matter what it is, always keep it nearby when you are casting; you never know when you might need to jot something down or need a reference.
A Pentagram or Pentacle can be sat in the center of an altar, or worn on a necklace. It represents the five elements and can be used for protection.
Divination Tools would also be kept on your altar or nearby if you are doing spellwork. Whether it be tarot or oracle cards, pendulums, runes, tea leaves, or a crystal ball.
Photos or Statues are great ways to honor your ancestors and loved ones who have passed on (including pets!). You can add photos, notes, and other offerings on your altar as a way to honor them and call upon them. You can also add photos and statues of your guides or deities to dedicate a space to them.
Athames are beautifully crafted knives meant for spell casting or energy channeling only. They are usually not meant for cooking or other purposes.
Wands are created for energy channeling and circle casting, they can be made out of wood, crystal, metal, or glass. You can also craft your own and add crystals, charms, or other decorations to personalize it.
Candles can be used for multiple things. It can represent the element of fire and air, can represent a space for deities or ancestors, or for simple color magic. It’s good to have multiple colors and sizes, but white is usually a good substitute. You could also use birthday candles for spells that have to melt all the way down but you don’t want to wait or leave a burning candle unattended.
For the Earth Element anything that comes from the Earth naturally such as dirt, sand, flowers, leaves, certain herbs, sticks, crystals, rocks, etc can be used to represent the Earth element and be used in many ways.
Cauldrons or other heatproof bowls would be needed for making potions, burning herbs, casting spells, or scrying.
A Chalice could represent the Moon Goddess and the element of water; a chalice can hold water, wine, or other offerings. It can also be used for fertility rituals and spells.
Feathers represent the elements of air, they can be nice offerings for certain spirits, guides, or deities or be used for waving away negative energies.
Bells can represent the air element and are known for cleansing a space of negative energies to leave a peaceful feeling environment.
Each Herb, Plant, or Flower has different properties, each being unique and special. With that being said, some ingredients can be very dangerous and harmful to handle if you are unfamiliar with them; so always proceed with caution when using unknown herbs. And make sure to keep poisonous ones away from your furry or scaly friends and curious children!
Incense not only smells lovely, but they represent the elements of air and fire. They are wonderful for cleansing and each scent has its own special property.
Waters from ocean, lake, rain, storm, tap, or even bottled water can represent the water element; each can be used in a different way in a spell. But also can be used for cleansing yourself or your tools.
Poppets are very powerful tools that can be used for causing harm to enemies, initiating protection around a household, or casting a blessing on those closest to you.
Crystals are helpful for healing, protection, peace, and many other things. They are gorgeous pieces for offerings, or to just keep on your altar or in your car.
Pouches, Boxes, and Jars are a very simple way to hold any spell that you create, usually kept with the person it was made for, buried in the ground, on your altar. It can contain anything from blessings to curses.
Book of Shadows:
1. Create your own spellbooks:
Decide if you are going to have a physical book or binder or if you want a digital book, which could be left online or if you are going to print it out. Figure out the style, do you want traditional, cute, full of stickers, dried herbs or plants included, add artwork. Make it your own. You don’t have to call your spellbook the typical names, you can name your book anything you want. If you work with Spirits, Book of the Dead. If you work with the water element, Storm Book or Way of the Waters. Or sometimes more traditional like The Book of Ways. You can be creative when naming your Grimoire if you want. You can also have more than one spellbook for different tasks or information.
2. Layouts:
The layout of your book is unique to you. Personally, I tend to group similar things together. But here are things you can add to your book.
Some type of index to keep your book organized. You could also include a glossary of common-use terms or phrases.
A book blessing, protection sigils, and/or book dedications.
Your personal correspondences such as astrology charts, what type of path you practice, coven meetings (if you’re involved in one), information about the deities or guides you work with, and favorite divination methods. You could also add your favorite crystals, colors, herbs, flowers, etc.
Basic information about magic. Tools used in your craft, how to make sigils, cleansing, protection, correspondences about crystals, herbs, incense, aromatherapy, etc.
Animal correspondences, what it means when you see certain animals. This could also include familiar work, or any animal guides you work with.
Moon, sun, and planet phases. This can also include constellations, zodiac signs, birth charts, and how to read them.
The Wheel of the Year, any holidays or sabbats that you celebrate and how to celebrate them. This could also include days of the week correspondences and time correspondences.
You can add recipes that you make for offerings or holidays or even have a spellbook be a cookbook instead if you are a kitchen witch or just love cooking.
Any rituals or spells that you perform, what it is, when you cast them, the herbs or crystals you use, what the moon or sun phase was, the phrases you said, what the results were, and if you would change anything.
Divination tools that you use, the meaning behind tarot cards or runes, etc. And you can keep a journal track of when you do any kind of divination, the questions you asked and the answers you received.
History of magic, the path you practice, the deities or guides you work with. Folklore or myths from certain areas that you are interested in.
Lists of deities or guides from the pantheon(s) or groups that you’re involved in.
Different psychic abilities and keeping track of your meditation progress, dreams, affirmations, yoga, and any other energy workings that you do.
Any mythical beings (mermaids, dragons, fae, etc) that you work with and information about them. How you work with them, favorite offerings, spellwork that they’ve helped you with, etc.
Covens are usually made up of 13 members that come together to practice Magick or celebrate a Sabbath together. They are normally very private groups that use their energies to reach a common goal or need.
Some Witches prefer Covens rather than solitary because you are able to learn and grow from the other members that you surround yourself with. If you are open with your practices then there can be a lot of backlash from non-pagans who don’t understand or accept your beliefs; so it’s always nice to have like-minded individuals in your life who you can communicate and socialize with.
However, if you are wanting to practice in solitude then that is completely up to you and your personal path. There is nothing wrong with not joining a Coven if your heart says no.
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violetmoondaughter · 8 months
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The cup can be made of various materials including glass, metal, horn, crystal, wood, porcelain and can be plain, colored or decorated with symbols or applications. The shape of the chalice itself can vary from simple glass, cup, globet to more elaborate shapes. The traditional form is that of the chalice used to hold wine. In popular tradition the chalice is primarily associated with the symbol of the Holy Grail, a cup with miraculous healing powers, sometimes providing eternal youth or sustenance in infinite abundance.
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thestars-aremycanvas · 7 months
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The holy book of women’s mysteries - Z, Budapest
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tyetknot · 11 months
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Me over here literally being the Eight of Pentacles guy.
Absolutely loving these fun new colour-shifting paints, I really am.
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Witch Tools | Witchs Bell | Besom | Ladder
Witch's Bell
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Ringing the witches bell is actually a ‘spirtual language’ spoken to the spirit world. Its more effective when you repeatedly call the same spirit [e.g your guardian angel]
Ring three times the witches bell everytime you summon the same spirit for a whole week, starting on Wednesday.
Right after that, the spirit will come to you with just three gentle rings.
A symbol of the female force and the celestial vault... Witch Bells, Spirit Bells, Ritual Bell, Devil Drivers.
Magical Uses
Ring a bell to cleanse the energy of a room, before a ritual or spell. Pass a bell through each of the four corners, summoning the guardian spirits of the elements.
Ring a bell on Samhein to banish evil spirits. After spell work, ring a bell to ‘seal the spell’ Hang bells on the gates/doors of your home to keep evil energies/entities from entering. Ring a bell before meditation to focus the mind.
A bells vibrations banish the unwanted spirits and/or negative energies. They are also used to raise the spirits of the dead & to call fairies. 
Bell on the door, Protect my home. While I’m here Or When I roam.
Besom [Broom]
Used to spiritually cleanse your space, often before a ritual or spell. Hang it above your door to ward off evil.
Making a Besom.
You would like a besom of your own, they are fairly easy to find in craft stores, country markets or folk art fairs. You can also invest your energies into making one. A good idea if you wish to use it in place of a wand or other ritual tool.
To make a besom you will need;
A four foot dowel one inch in diameter. Ball of twine. Scissors. Straw or longer strands of pliable herbs.
Take the straw, or another herb you have chosen for the bristles, and allow to soak overnight in war, lightly salted water. The water softens the straws to make them pliable, and the salt soaks out the former energies. When you are ready to make your besom, remove the straws from the water and allow them to dry a bit, but not so much that they lose the suppleness you will need to turn them into your besom.
Find a work area, where you can lay out the length of your dowel, and begin lining the straws alongside the dowel. Starting about three inches from the bottom, lay the straws, moving backward, along the length of the dowel. Begin binding these to the dowel with the twine. You will need to tie them very securely. You can add as many layers of straw as you wish, depending on how full you would like your besom to be.
When the straw is secured, bend the top straws over the twine ties. When they are all gently pulled over, tie off the straws again a few inches below the original tie. Leave the besom overnight to allow the straw to dry.
 The dowel part of the besom can be stained, painted, or decorated with pagan symbols, your craft name, or any other embellishments you choose. Dedicate your finished besom in your circle as you would any other ritual tool.
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Know your broom
*A Witches broom*
Can range in size from the 6* long to a full broom Made of twigs tied around a stick Sacred to the goddess Represent the element of water. Can be made of any wood/twigs Sweeps away *Energeticclutter* Used during rituals to purify a space and sweep negative or residual energy away. Can be placed at the entrance of the home to guard against negative or unwanted energies.
Witchs Ladder
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How to make a witches ladder.
 By Knot of one the spells begun. By Knot of two the magick comes true. By knot of three so shall it be. By Knot of four, this power is stored. By knot of five, my will shall drive. By Knot of six, the spell I fix. By knot of seven, the future I leaven. By knot of eight, my will be fate. By knot of nine, what is done is mine.
*When tying the last knot, direct all of your energy into the cord/rope and its knots now it is stored in the knots in the cord. 
*Tie the ends together and use as a necklace, hang in your car, or by your bed.
This is typical done during the dark moon to set intentions for the full moon and is united at that time. 
Green for money, red for passion, white for creativity, purple for wisdom, black to stop bad habits, brown for balance, yellow for happiness, orange for health and blue for peace.
Rope and Feathers, Witches rosary.
Traditional a witches Ladder is a cord with 3,9, 13 or 40 knots. 
Some braid charms, feathers, or talismans in for a specific spell effect
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papercatlab · 2 months
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(via Amethyst Inspired, Resin Crystal Candle Holder / Tea Light Candle Holder Handmade Home Decor - Etsy Italy)
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themoonfall · 9 months
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Art Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/thecabinarmoire
Mercari Shop: https://www.mercari.com/u/776117986?sv=0
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shadowtemplepdx · 2 years
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This is one of my favorite books and I finally was able to replace it. This book is very hard to find for less than $50.
About 12 years ago, my ex best friend stole this book and all my books on faerie witchcraft. The book I posted before and this one were the last two to be replaced and it took me 12 years.
Yes, I will be sharing information from this book as well as the Faeriecraft book
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darqkrafts · 8 months
Things writing about the Goetia others have difficulty with.
Lilith is a goddess and not in the Goetia. She is also a demon, vampire, and the first women. She married and slepted with about every other demon ever mentioned. Goddess of non jealous Polyamoury!
Lucifer is not in the Goetia. He and Lilith were listed as married in the 14th century. Angel, God, spirit, but not a demon, but rules them as superior spirit.
Bael, Baal , Belphur, BaelZebub, BaelZebub is all the essence of the same spirit from different times in history. Now they are being called the Queen Bee thanks to Helluva Boss cartoon.
The seven deadly sins do not correspond to the seven demon prince's of hell! Stolas is far to gentle for a deadly sin! Lucifer being in charge of Pride is a angel and God while King Asmodi is in charge of Lust!
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bubblebassfatass · 8 months
Trying to get back into witchcraft is hard, everyone wants to scam you, or they are wiccan. Which isn't just plain old witchcraft. Or both.
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covenoftheopenmind · 1 year
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inside-the-cauldron · 2 years
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Make that magic happen
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villagewitchery · 2 years
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Last chance for 10% off on most items in my Etsy shop!
Everything from #altartools #meditation chimes, #paganaltartools , #natural #selfcare items , and other #goodies
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