#winternight trilogy
finngualart · 8 months
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the winternight trilogy has me frothing at the mouth and i wanted to try and capture some of the characters
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animezinglife · 6 months
“She bent forward to breathe into his ear: 'Never give me orders.' 'Command me, then,' he whispered back."
- The Winter of the Witch, Katherine Arden
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thewiddershinsme · 3 months
Finished Uprooted by Naomi Novak. I first picked this book up around when it came out because of the great reviews. All I remember is I didn't like it at all.
Fast forward to now, when I hear some great things about Spinning Silver. Specifically, that people tend to love either Uprooted or Spinning Silver, and not really the other. So I'm about to get Spinning Silver, when the cover of Uprooted catches my eye. I know these are both technically standalones, but look at those covers, they scream companion books to me. And because I am someone that CAN'T read books out of order, I found myself unable to start Spinning Silver without grabbing Uprooted again.
Cause the thing was, I couldn't remember anything that happened in that book other than the main premise of wizard takes girl into tower every decade. And as I was reading I realized I must've DNF'd it, cause there came a point I had absolutely no clue what was gonna happen next and nothing felt familiar. And you know what? I overall really enjoyed it. It's continuing a trend where I am retracing some previous books I didn't necessarily like the first time around, but due to so much change and personal growth over the past few years, am finding new appreciation for (such as The Bear and the Nightingale, was meh the first time I read it, but re-read it recently and adored the entire series).
Anyway, the Wood. Absolutely fantastic element. Seriously freaked me out. Can't wait to start Spinning Silver next.
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cinderkaliningrad · 1 month
Wintertrilogy meme:
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snurtsnurtcreations · 3 months
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What's this? I fell victim to another book and made drawings for it again? Well, gee, who woulda thought....
Anywho, close-ups of our favorite frog girl under the cut:
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amelie-von-krolock · 1 year
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"Vasilisa, tell me truly
Did you know that
Your heart could kill?
The woodland witch gave
You the weapon
But to use it
Was your own will..."
(Daria Kulesh - "Vasilisa")
The Winternight trilogy by Katherine Arden is one of my favourite book series ever, I just had to paint these two!
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jckthelad · 1 year
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the bear and the nightingale: moodboard
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moonlitglen · 1 year
Father Sergei: i am old. perhaps my wits are failing.
also Father Sergei: *bursts into a fight*
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I need to reread bear and the nightingale before I read the sequels to refresh myself and to see if I like it any better this time around. (I wasn’t a fan of the audiobook narrator so I’m hoping I’ll like reading it in text form more) but like while I was generally lukewarm about it, I did come out of that absolutely obsessed with konstantin. what a fucked up awful priest! he achieved such new heights of Mess! truly gives claude frollo a run for his money
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broadway-aradia · 1 year
whoever said aneurin barnard should play morozko the winter king in a film adaptation of the winternight trilogy was 100% correct
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like if this doesn’t give it’s summer and i’m gorgeous but also fucking melting idk what does
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ofliterarynature · 11 months
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loved liked okay no thanks (reread) bookclub*
An Unsuitable Heir | The Winter of the Witch | An Unnatural Vice | Bloom* | An Unseen Attraction | Masters in this Hall | (The Mislaid Magician) | Gilded Cage | The Age of Innocence | (The Grand Tour) | Any Old Diamonds | The Rat-Catcher’s Daughter | (Sorcery & Cecelia) | (The Goblin Emperor) | A Gentleman’s Position | The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street | Dust and Shadow | A Seditious Affair | A Fashionable Indulgence | Subtle Blood | Proper English | Range
Let’s just say I was feeling a bit unhinged this month…
I don't know what was up with my brain this month (it was stress, probably. ugh.), but it was comfort-reads-only central. Which spun out of control a little with the KJ Charles, but we'll get to that.
Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World started things off with a great non-fic pick. It spoke so deeply to me that it made me very angry at the world while also being very comforting. Would highly recommend.
Dust and Shadow is Sherlock Holmes solves Jack the Ripper, but hewing much closer to canon than say, that other one I fell in love with last year (The Angel of the Crows). I couldn't help comparing the two, and while it was interesting seeing each author's interpretations of the Ripper case, this one did not come out on top for me.
The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street is a sort-of sequel memoir to the author's collection of letters published as 84 Charing Cross Road that I read last month and loved. A little different but still a delight, and I've got another one of her related memoirs waiting for me on my desk right now.
The Goblin Emperor... what can I say, my brain needed comfort, I caught up on the AO3 tag, and thought why not. It was amazing to go back and see all the little bits of Maia I'd forgotten.
Sorcery & Cecelia I picked up partially as a consequence of my KJ Charles/historical romance rampage that fully put me off of the other audiobooks I already had checked out. I've been meaning to reread them for a while (it's probably been a decade) because I wanted to explore my mixed memories of the two sequels. And I don't blame younger me! The original book is a delight sort of in the vein of Diana Wynne Jones and The Enchanted Forest Chronicles, with adventures and almost a comedy of manners element to it. The much later sequels lose a lot of the whimsy and brightness, are much more serious and adult, and are much more explicitly mystery novels. Now I love a mystery novel, and I think if you distance them from the original book they're not too bad! The Grand Tour is the worst, I think, both because of the unexpected shift in style and because I don't think the epistolary format they chose works well (I really would have loved to see some letters they wrote to other people, imo, rather than diary entries). The Mislaid Magician brings things back around much closer to the original novel's format both literally and narratively, if not in style, and I liked it a great deal.
This next one goes out to Lauren, who will probably never read this but - I finally read The Age of Innocence! Not the copy you gave me, but I did it. It wasn't quite to my taste, but it absolutely fits with what I know of your other favorite things. Sorry this was like 8 years too late.
Bloom I've had on my shelf for years and it's totally my doing that we read it for book club - it was a nice read, I love the art style, but ultimately it was a bit forgettable. Maybe if it'd focused on resolving the non-romantic conflicts as well, idk.
It took me MUCH longer to get to Winter of the Witch than I had planned, but I did! It felt a little clunky trying to get all the ends tied up, but overall I liked it, I was very glad to get away from the politics of the second book. This was such a well written series, I definitely recommend it, but it also made me feel angry and anxious enough while reading it that I can't see myself ever revisting it. (I'll definitely keep an eye out for more of the author's work though).
I started off the month finishing up the Will Darling/English books, which, do not follow my example, you should absolutely read in chronological order (and pay attention to character names!). These were not books I fell immediately in love with, but exposure and persistence, not to mention some great side characters, won me over. I also cannot BELIEVE that KJ waited until the very very end to introduce the "proteges" concept, and it's the best thing I've ever heard I am emotionally devastated (and cackling, lmao).
I've mentioned elsewhere my accidental discovery (too late) that the next 3 series were related, but I did manage at least to start with the correct one. Society of Gentlemen was...okay. The first one might actually be the worst KJ Charles I've read so far, but the other two were definitely better, if not exactly to my taste. I like the mystery/action/adventure plots more, I suppose, rather than...politics? I think? and respectability is boring anyways.
I managed to accidentally skip over Sins of the Cities directly into the Lilywhite Boys, which is a pity, because they're much more closely related to each other than Society (which honestly you don't need to read beforehand). Even without the more detailed background from Sins, I LOVED the Lilywhite novels and novellas. Thieves and shady characters who are extremely competent, excellent lovers, a little violent, and with their own moral codes are catnip for me, I could not have resisted.
I then went back to Sins of the Cities, which were also good! The leads in the first book were sweet but a little bland, the love/hate thing going on the second book was fantastic, and I loved that the third book had a genderqueer/nb lead. I appreciated getting all the background to events hinted at in the Lilywhite books, but I also admit I spent less time focused on the murders and more on "ok but HOW does X become the Earl???????" I had so many theories lol, none of them right. I just wonder if these would have hit a little harder if I'd read them first.
As I write this in July, I'm still working my way through the rest of KJ's catalogue but I think the worst of my brain fever is over, and I'm hoping to soon have the mental capacity to read the new Victoria Goddard I've been ignoring for a couple of months. Wish me luck, and happy reading!
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finngualart · 8 months
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more winternight trilogy sketches!!!!! tfw God isnt listening but Someone Else far older is
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george-weasleys-girl · 7 months
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The Winternight Trilogy. 🤍❄️
Perfect reading for a cold wintry night.
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idontnap · 2 years
True siblings dig up graves and then take off the heads of the undead together while complaining and arguing about who has to do what and then later pretend like nothing happened
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cinderkaliningrad · 2 months
The Winternight: If you catch their eyes. (Boys)
Pyotr Vladimirovich (if you like DILF's):
Pyotr will always love Marina, his first wife. We have to live with that fact. He will prefer that you do not physically resemble Marina or that you do not remind him of her in any way, and if you do, he will find it hard to get over the memory. Pyotr is a good man, with a good heart and proud of his family. If you treat his children well he will keep his arms open for you and you will be one of the family.
Nicolai "Kolya" Petrovich (I know he's married and he has a son, let's say that he's single):
First you have to be someone who stands out from the crowd. Beautiful or with good attributes. He looks at the body first. He will openly flirt with you, and probably torment poor Sasha with endless flattery about you. He'll get a bit angry if you don't pay attention to him.
Aleksandr "Sasha" Petrovich (aka Aleksandr Peresvet):
Sasha has probably never noticed anyone. You will be the first and therefore special. Someone brave, fearless who can follow you on your adventures. Be patient with him, the boy is a bit restless and quite reckless. He is clumsy in giving affection and will feel bad because he would be betraying his vows as a monk. Patience and more patience. Especially with his more conservative side, don't worry. Eventually he will understand that you don't think like him and he will respect you. But he will be faithful to you and would live and die for you. You respect his freedom and his desire for adventure. If you are lucky he will take you with him on the horse.
Aleksei "Alyosha" Petrovich:
He will love you with all his heart, he will be afraid of losing you as he lost his sisters (who left) and his mother. He will want to keep you close and protect you always. He will understand everything you tell him and will always listen to you. Good match, good husband, good friend. He will be sincere with you, he will like to have little moments in the woods and fields.
Dmitri Ivanovich (I know he's married too):
He will see you behind his wife's back. His heart is with you. He will look at you first for aesthetic reasons, just like Kolya, you must stand out in his eyes in any way you can. Get her attention. Sasha probably knows about this, but he will have to turn a blind eye. He will let you call him Mitya (his childhood nickname). He'll give you expensive gifts, he'll show off in front of you a lot to show off and impress you: Dmitri Ivanovich, your heroic prince in shining armour. He will show you his snake-hilted sword, his skills, etc.
Konstantin Nikonovich:
Obsession, obsession everywhere. He wants you and now, now and for him. The toxic blond of the novel has arrived, ladies and gentlemen. First he will feel guilty for thinking about his priestly vows. Little by little he'll get over it, he won't need you to convince him like Sasha. You'll get his attention no matter what you look like, just your personality and if you're a witch, you've got him. He may try to abduct you and harass you a bit. If you want to stop him, call Medved to control him.
If you are creative, sing well, paint well, or are good at some kind of art or activity of some kind you will catch his attention. The same way Konstantin did. He will chase you until you leave to a place where he can't follow you (Death). He's going to pick your brains and manipulate you a bit, but deep down he'll care about you. And if you die, he will mourn for you and miss you. He'll be the monster in your wardrobe (literally because he's gay/bisexual) or under your bed if you want. His bear form is furry, he might let you sleep on top of him if you let him.
Kasyan Lutovich:
YOU DON'T WANT THIS GUY TO LAY AN EYE ON YOU, believe me... Just frienzone him and if he gives you problem call Vasya.
Morozko is not here, because here we respect our Queen Vasya.
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florallychaotic · 1 year
"Or has she dragged you near enough to humanity that you have also become a hypocrite?"
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