#wiping away a tear
aceofwhump · 10 months
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Around the World in 80 Days 1x05
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tinymaru-archived · 2 years
It’s insane to me how talented you are. I love the way you color and your art style and when you interact with your friends. Your themes and the little things you make for them are cool as shit and the fact that you write too? Unmatched, save some talent for the rest of us friend /pos /gen
Ahhhh initially I wanted to hold on to this ask and treasure it forever because it made my day <3 but I thought you should know how much this means to me!
I’m still super self conscious about posting my work here because I just got into digital art last fall! And since I don’t get a lot of interaction on most of my pieces, I really appreciate messages like this, they warm my heart and make me want to keep creating and keep improving. I just sometimes wish the interactions would mirror this…
I got to know a ton of wonderful and super talented people during my time here and I’m so glad that I can do my part in keeping the anime fandom side of tumblr alive and breathing. This is the only place where I feel like I can really be myself and geek out over the stuff I enjoy without being judged. On the contrary, there are people who will jump on the conversations and geek out with me and I think that’s just awesome, like a magical little neighborhood where we’re all yelling about our blorbos on the streets for everyone to hear.
That’s also the reason why I enjoy making things for my friends. I’ve always been the type to like gifting others more than receiving gifts myself. For my irl friends I would often crochet or sew stuff, give them baked goods or cook for them. So here I often gift digital art! Gift giving is definitely one of my love languages and it makes my heart feel so full to see my friends being happy about the things I poured my heart and soul into.
I tried to write some things now too and while I have to say I enjoyed it every time, it’s just not my favorite thing to do. See, english isn’t my first language and I’m often struggling to find the right words, to get the pacing right and to include a healthy amount of dialogue that doesn’t seem staged. So I’ll stick to art for the most part and leave the writing for my friends with the magic brains. Still I’m happy to see my effort getting recognized haha
Again, I’m glad you like my silly little blog and the stuff I make, and sorry for the essay I got a bit emotional here.
Thank you for bringing me joy today and for supporting me in what I do, I’d give you a fat kiss if I could! Love you! ♥️
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redsray · 3 months
Batfam AU where Jason never dies, so Tim doesn't join the family the standard way. Instead, he continues pouring most of his time and energy into his photography, eventually becoming known as a popular photographer for events and all that. So now, picture this: Tim gets hired to be a photographer for a Wayne gala. Obviously, he's ecstatic, because he can take pictures of Batman, Robin and Nightwing and be in their presence for a whole night. Since Tim is so naturally talented in stealth and taking pictures unnoticed, the second one of the fam realises this they're like: this kid is good. Tim manages to go unnoticed by all 3 of them (all bat-trained, one literally batman) multiple times during the night, and even when he is noticed, he disappears before they can manage to get a good look at him; to the sheer amazement of Dick and Jason.
Jason, (very discreetly putting snacks in his suit pocket): i know you're under the table, kid.
Tim: don't mind me, Mr. Todd-Wayne, sir, just taking a few pictures
Jason: right... Jason's fine, and what pictures were you taking from under the table?!
Tim, showing him perfectly good shots of him: these.
Jason: how did you get that. it looks like you took it from the rafters
Tim, nodding: I did.
Jason, glancing at the ceiling: ...what?
Tim, gone:
Jason: no fucking way.
Dick, hearing a very, very faint camera shutter from behind him:
Dick, turning around and finding no one there: what the actual...
Dick, getting the feeling of being watched and whirling around to find Tim staring at him from across the room: ... huh.
Jason, pulling Dick aside: you see that kid too, right?!
Dick, nodding: the camera kid, yeah?
Jason: who is that.
Dick: he's one of the hired photographers, apparently. one of the best in his field, despite his age.
Jason: he's good. like, really good. snuck up on me 4 times already, the little bastard.
Dick: you too? i swear he's constantly watching. it's creepy how well he can sneak past both of us.
Jason: you don't think...
Dick: no. B would've told us.
Dick: did he get another kid and not tell us somehow
Bruce: what do you mean another kid?
Jason: you heard us. did you adopt another kid and not tell us?!
Bruce: no?? how would I even?? ... what's this about?
Dick: one of the photographers has managed to sneak up on both me and Jay multiple times already
Bruce: what.
Jason: he also can't be more than like. 15 or 16. so forgive us for assuming you took another one in.
Bruce: do you know his name?
Bruce: really?
Dick: in our defence, he's very hard to catch. i wouldn't be surprised if he's snuck up on you, too.
[camera shutter noise]
All of them, whipping their heads toward the sound only to find nothing but air:
Tim, smiling from the other side of the room:
Jason: do you see what we mean?!
Cue an entire night of shenanigans where it's just Dick, Jason and Bruce trying to catch Tim and learn about him. Upon finding out who he is and where he lives, Dick immediately asks to keep him as an honorary member of the family. Jason is hesitant at first but at some point Tim calls Bruce Batman instead of Mr. Wayne on accident and Jason laughs so hard he's basically won over. Bruce can do nothing but watch as Tim proceeds to come over almost every night for sleepovers and is coddled by both of his sons. And he can't deny, the kid's investigation and stealth skills are top tier. By the time Dick and Jason both start referring to Tim as 'their younger brother' Bruce has just accepted his fate.
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almea · 1 year
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"But what if she isn't Ruby anymore when she comes back out?" "Maybe... that's not for us to decide."
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firstfullmoon · 7 months
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Zakaria Mohammed, “Untitled Poem, IV,” trans. Lena Tuffaha
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jack-owo-valentine · 2 years
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grumpyghostdoodles · 2 months
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Poor Peepaw Starlo. They grow up so quickly.
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ir-dr · 5 months
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Day 3588 - 14 January 2024
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skumhuu · 6 months
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✨👑 Throne 👑✨ pages 13 - 14
< • >
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macaroonkitti · 6 months
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Quick treat for my Zelda followers, thinking about Link post totk <3
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starmocha · 2 months
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Xavier: concerned
Rafayel: you can't be sad if I make you laugh 🥰
Zayne: ight imma head out
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alorchik · 5 months
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Would you look at that?
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In public, and the world didn't come to an end.
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Go home, Hawk. Please.
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Make it easy for me.
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juneviews · 5 months
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cooking crush (2023) | theory of love (2019)
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OMG I’m so excited for this!!! Can I request Vil with the prompt rainy nights?? Can it be fluffy and romantic? Anyway I hope you have a wonderful day!! :)
Rainy Nights; Vil Schoenheit
Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader, established romantic relationship
Content Warning; Reader cries because of a movie, death (movie)
Word Count; 700+
Author's Note; I had a vision; watching old movies with Vil as the rain came down. I had a lot of fun writing this, and this is also my first solo Vil piece, so I hope I did him justice here.
As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
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You were rummaging around the TV console, going through the numerous DVDs and VHS tapes that were just sitting around and collecting dust. Tonight was your night for movie night, as yesterday was Vil’s, so you were weighing your options. Sure, there were streaming services, but there’s just something that hits differently with a physical copy, flaws and all. Plus it’s not like you could go out since it was raining like no tomorrow outside. So, movie night.
“Having any luck,” Vil gently called from the washroom, still doing his nightly routine.
Your eyes still scoured the various cases, trying to find the perfect one. “Not yet. Just give me a minute, m’kay?”
Vil gave you a hum as an answer, leaving you be.
Horror movie? No, he wouldn’t like that. Mystery? Too predictable… And then you found what looked like the most faded cases, colour worn away from age and a hand going back time and time again. That one.
Pulling it out, you dusted off the case, inspecting the title. Of the smudged-out words, you could make out The, some kind of smudged-out word, Blossom. It looked like a black-and-white movie, and on the front were the protagonists with their backs together, flower petals surrounding them, and a dagger above them. This, this is perfect.
Vil came out of the washroom, wearing his matching royal purple pyjamas and house robe, and glowing from the various skin products that he used. He looked curiously over your shoulder. “Hmm, The Bitter Blossom,” he mused, turning his gaze to you. “Is that your pick, Schatz?” His tone was light, a sign that he approved, and was mildly surprised at your pick.
“Mhm,” you hummed, placing the VHS tape into the VCR player. Whoever had played it last had saved you the trouble of rewinding it. “Have you watched it before?”
“Surprisingly, no. Copies of it are extremely hard to come by.” He got the sofa ready, adjusting the pillows, grabbing one of the many quilts, and a box of tissues, just in case. He noticed the look you were giving him, “I haven’t watched it, but I have heard about how it ends.”
You raised a brow, but shrugged. You pressed play and scrambled over to your spot next to Vil, getting comfy and pulling that handy quilt over the both of you — the rain had made it a little bit chilly.
The Bitter Blossom started playing. Not only was it in black-and-white, but it was also a silent film. The protagonists were two lovers who met by chance, their relationship going from cold strangers to a budding romance. 
But why had Vil grabbed the tissues? The movie was almost over, it couldn’t possibly—
But then the antagonist, a jealous ex of one of the main protagonists, stabbed the love interest in the back with a dagger. The movie ended with the protagonist hugging their love interest, flower blossoms falling down around them.
“Do not let the bitter blossom of hatred and vengeance bloom in your heart or mind, my love. Do not let it ruin the happiness which we fleetingly had.” The words flashed on the screen before the movie ended with the screen fading into black.
That, that was why Vil had grabbed the tissues. Wait, were you crying? That would explain why Vil was gently dabbing away the stray tears as they rolled down your face.
“A lovely film, love,” he whispered, “I should have warned you about the ending—”
You stopped him by grabbing softly at his hand, bringing it up to cup your face. “No, it’s alright. It was a beautiful movie,” you hiccuped, leaning into his touch. 
Vil caressed calming strokes on your cheek, the slow movements helping you focus on him. He placed a kiss on your forehead, a gentle hum escaping as the kiss lingered. “Oh potato,” your old nickname from when the two of you were still just only acquaintances, “what am I going to do with you?”
You grabbed a tissue and loudly blew your nose, “Cuddles?”
Vil sighed softly, but put his arm around you, resting his head against yours and placing a kiss to your temple. “Alright,” he hummed and continued humming a gentle tune until you were falling asleep. While he would prefer sleeping in bed, he supposed he could stand to cuddle with you on the sofa as the rain eased up outside.
Schatz; German for treasure, a common term of endearment
Tags; @azulashengrottospiano [I've seen the Vil brain rot and gushing], @eynnwwyjth, @xxoomiii
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bloodiedstar · 7 months
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Of moles and past lives, a vashwood comic
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jocelynmakenna · 2 months
Matt’s face when he realized what sam was gonna do…
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It’s kinda funny but then again I’m sobbing like a baby so maybe not
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