minolikeyou · 6 years
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122017: when it's finals week for your boyfriend and he's a star wars nerd // p.s. never underestimate crayola supertip markers!!
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a-ofcolour · 7 years
appearance vs reality || it’s okay if things aren’t photo-ready all the time
so i’ve been reading the taming of the shrew for as one of the books in my exam syllabus and the motif of “appearance vs reality” is extremely intriguing
in the context of studyblr community, it’s not necessarily the theme of deception. rather, it’s how it’s okay to not be photo-ready all the time and i know there are tons of posts out there just like this one but i don’t have originality so here we go
1. Study desk/area
it doesn’t have to be clean all the time. sure, a clean study area is actually helpful. but sometimes you just don’t have the time and patience to clean it up before starting. that’s totally fine. sometimes, studying on top of a pile of books and scattered papers is completely okay.
2. Notes
your study notes does not need to be pretty. in fact, you don’t need to rewrite your notes if you don’t have time. alternatively, organize class notes. that way, you can revise important points while simultaneously organize your thoughts on that topic.
3. Journals
if you’re like me and gives things up so easily because you aren’t committed or just too lazy/tired to commit to bullet journals, let me tell you something. you don’t need a customized bullet journal. just buy one from the store and decorate it if you wish. using a store bought one works just as well if you can’t be bothered. in the end, it’s all about making it your own. store bought ones are also customizable and it even spares you the time to draw lines and write dates. (i do have a bullet journal, however, for other things or maybe i want to evaluate my month and that’s perfectly fine too)
in conclusion, journals, notes and study areas are just ways to assist you by creating interest for the uninteresting subject you have to study or the task you have to do. there are pros and cons for everything, but if time is tight and you’re not particularly artistic nor want to spend the time decorating everything, it’s okay to have messy notes and scrawled handwriting. additional items aren’t keys to improve your academic grades. it’s you that matters.
studying is studying. undeniably, pretty notes and aesthetic background may help to a certain extent. i personally would much prefer my notes to be aesthetic and organized but there’s just no time. in the end, it’s up to you to choose whether to work or not. if you have the determination and commitment, you don’t need all these stuff to help you study.
here is the source of my inspiration ahaha i was going through my tags (shameless promo) and here are some of the posts that inspired me: {x,x,x,x}
here are some studyblrs in which their tips are useful to me:
i hope these helped and good luck!:)
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minolikeyou · 6 years
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121517: woohoo! happy Friday! a little reminder for you all (•‾⌣‾•)و ̑̑♡
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