calcifugous · 2 months
Things what I have learnt as a baby witch
As a baby witch who has recently became more spiritually connected and grown as a pagan, i want to give out advice what I have learnt over the 2 years of doing witchcraft.
1) Don’t jump straight into the deep end
Never jump into the deep end by doing spell’s straight away, witchcraft isn’t some aesthetic cutesy thing, it can be serious, jumping into spells without having no idea what you are doing can be extremely dangerous.
Ideally, you want to ease yourself into it, by doing research, yes the word research can be daunting but it will help you in the long run. Research on what witchcraft is, get an overall understanding what its about, find out the pagans holidays, pagans new year, and so much more!
If you have no idea where to start I highly recommend buying this book - ‘Wicca For Beginners’ by Frank Bawdoe
The book explains the introduction of the basic Wiccan religion including Wiccan beliefs, a brief history of Wiccan Religion, and their traditions. How to practice Wiccan Religion, the benefits of witchcraft and so much more.
2) Never buy your own tarot deck
this is very important so please take note and to remember! Never! buy your own tarot card decks, in witchcraft, it is extremely bad luck for you to buy your own tarot decks. So always either get a family member or a friend to buy it for you.
3) Connect with your spirit guide and your tarot decks!
Importantly, I personally believe its very useful and helpful to connect with your spirit guide, the more you connect with them, the more you’ll know a lot about them and who they are in general.
You can do this through connecting with your tarot decks first and getting a special bond with them, you do this by
- Keeping the tarot decks on your desk when your studying, or reading a book
- Shuffling through the decks every day, you don’t even need to do a reading or to use them, just shuffle them. This way you’re putting your energy into the cards.
- Place the tarot decks under your bed when sleeping.
- Ask your spirit guide questions, like what are the tarot cards intentions, am i being protected. Things like that.
- Doing Tarot readings
Doing these things will help you bond with your decks and your spirits guides.
4) Never touch someone else’s Tarot decks
I’m highlighting this in red because this is a massive 101 rule in witchcraft is to never touch someone else’s deck unless they have gave you consent and permission. By breaking this rule, you are also disrespecting and breaking the person who owns the deck boundaries. Everyone’s tarot deck is very personal for them, its their personal business and item, they are spiritually connected and bounded with that deck. If you touch it, not only are you putting yourself through harm. But you’re also pissing off the person’s spirit guide and disrespecting them too. So don’t do it.
5) Things don’t have to be expensive!
When people think of witchcraft and hearing about crystals, herbs and books, they think “oh god this is going to be a lot of money” but in reality you don’t have to go out your way to buy really expensive things! I’m from the UK so i buy most of my books from a store called WHSmiths or Work entertainment. Work entertainment is best for spell jars which only cost £1 or a simple crystal shop which sells those £1.50 crystals!
6) Learn how to do protection spells before doing anything!
If you feel like you are ready to do spells but don’t know where to start or what to do, practice doing protection spells, protection spells is pretty self explanatory but it will protect you from any negative energy or spirit
7) What to do if you got a negative spirit/energy
You’ll know when you have a negative energy or spirit around you as your mood and your health will change, if you feel like your mental health has been a bit down for a while and you’re constantly feeling drained and tired. That means something is draining your energy.
So what do you do?
Do an egg cleanse spell! This will help you detect if someone has set a curse, negative spell or if theres negative energy around you.
By doing so, grab a glass cup and fill it up half way with water, adding salt to it is optional but i recommend doing it as salt is really good at protection. Grab an egg, place the egg on your head, with your hand you would want to move the egg counter clock wise around your body, start from the head, and move the egg down to your arms and legs, back round to the other side of your body. Do not let the egg leave the body.
After you’re done crack the egg into the cup and wait 5 minutes, if its all clear then you’re okay! but if the egg whites starts forming like spider cobwebs with bubbles between it, it means someone has set negative energy around you or a curse. If you see a triangle base shape in the cobwebs and a bubble on top. It means you have been hex with the evil eye. If theres also red or brown spots in the yolk it also means a banishing spell or a curse spell.
So you do a return sender, if you got any spices, add a f*ck ton of it in the cup, the more spices the better as that will f*ck whoever sent you the hex up. Grab the cup and pour everything down the toilet, look away while you flush the toilet. Once its flushed look at the bubbles, less the bubbles less of the negative energy. Sometimes you have to do this more than once.
8) Your spirit guides will show you the answers in different ways
One thing I’ve learnt is your spirit guide will show you the answers in different ways, if you want to know if you are protected, there will be signs, for example I personally believe if a a white feather falls in front of you or by you or if you even see a white feather it means you’re being protected by a angel/your spirit guide. So if you see a white feather it means you are protected by them, or if you see your spirit animal or if you know a dead relatives spirit animal and it starts to show up.
Sometimes the signs will be right in front of your face, example for me is: My spirit guide warned me about people being back stabbers and to watch out. After seeing that in a reading, i had my mother who im very spiritually connected with, call me up saying she had a dream about me being stabbed and she feels like it represented me being back stabbed and warned me who i hang out with.
Then my closest friend used my tarot deck which broke my boundaries, pissed off my spirit guide so she started to get headaches, neck pains, back pains and it got to the point she had to leave. When she tried approaching me the day after that, a white feather fell right by me, seconds later, she started to feel unwell and went back inside. I suddenly felt the sense of relief and happiness, and when i said to my self everything is okay, another white feather fell and it landed on my leg. That made me personally feel that it was my spirit guide confirming me and saying yes everything will be okay.
That’s all the advice i can think of at the moment but hopefully this has helps a lot of you small baby witches! just remember, if you ever feel burnt out or you start to do witchcraft but dont have the passion or get into it but still want to, thats okay! it takes time!
9) Know what you are doing when doing spells!! And do it when you are ready!
Another thing, i know i said previously doing research is key! but please know what you are doing when doing spells especially jar spells! Don’t do what I did, I thought I was ready to do spells, I tried doing a protection spell and I ended up summoning a trickster spirit who is still attached to me and can be a little pissbaby sometimes by moving my things around. But overall he also does protect me when need be so he can be good when he wants to be.
Also if you’d like to know what books I have, i have these! (the pictures below) these have helped me over the past 2 years with my journey so I highly recommend checking them out!
Good luck and i wish you all positive energy!
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lunasapphire · 1 month
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My collection of Scott Cunningham works I have read so far:) - more coming soon! Just bought six books of his
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lunarreminder · 6 months
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Let us enjoy the night and welcome the Winter of the year with our arms wide open.
Spread the joy and have a great year ahead.
I wish you a nice Samhain.
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wolverinesorcery · 1 year
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What is a commonplace book
Commonplace books are a method of compiling knowledge into one place, traditionally by handwriting but more recently with computers/word processors. They’re different from journals in that rather than containing exclusively personal thoughts or feelings, they’re a collection of external writings, informations, or other snippets of things recorded whenever it is encountered + usually organised.
To simplify – a commonplace book contains anything that captured it’s owners attention! Poems, extracts of fiction & non fiction writings, remarks or comments by others, anecdotes, observations, pertinent images, or other things along the same lines are all things that belong in a commonplace book!
Commonplace books have quite the history – their uses range between reading logs, reference books for students, and historically they were required by young women to demonstrate their upbringing.
How do they work
The exact system you use in your commonplace book is entirely up to you and what you will remember to use. Usually information is organised under themed/topic-based headings, but this can be as flexible or stiff as the keeper desires. My personal commonplace book is organised by source material – all of my book extracts & notes are kept together and demarcated by paperclips.
A commonplace book has no requirements in terms of physical format, size, page type, etc. As long as it is something you will be able to keep using happily! There is also no rules around decorating any pages with stickers or washi tape, or any rules around using sticky notes to add information on the go.
A commonplace book can also be as expansive or restricted as possible in terms of subject matter. For example, I keep a specific commonplace book for Babalon & Sekhmet. Nothing else enters this book.
What’s their use in religious practice or witchcraft?
A commonplace book can function as an in-between for a Grimoire (a book of magical knowledge and instruction, usually written by someone else and usually for transmitting knowledge within a specific tradition or branch of religion/witchcraft) & a Witchbook/Book of Shadows (more akin to a magical/religious journal for recordkeeping). They’re also exceptionally useful if you read a lot of metaphysical, occult or spiritual/religious books and want to keep organised notes in a hard copy form!
Commonplace books can be used to record interesting information from other, non-metaphysical but useful sources too, foraging notes and recipes are an obvious choice to keep a record of, along with notes about celestial events from astronomy sources.
In some cases, a commonplace book can also be a devotional activity, or a shrine of sorts. Commonplace books as a devotional activity is easy to parse – collecting and mindfully recording information about an entity, deity, divinity or other spirit is a good means to show care and interest.
A commonplace book as a shrine has a similar function to an e-shrine on tumblr, by collecting things that remind or represent an entity, deity, divinity or other spirit, a notebook can be made into a shrine or sacred object. This can also be a useful way to have a sacred touchpoint with an entity and keep it relatively out of sight, for those who are not open about their practice.
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More reading on Commonplace books
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commonplace_book - The wiki page for Commonplace books that delves into their general & regional history, along with more variations on memory/infokeeping under See Also
https://notebookofghosts.com/2018/02/25/a-brief-guide-to-keeping-a-commonplace-book/ - A brief history & how-to on commonplace books, along with notable people that kept one.
https://bookriot.com/commonplace-book/ - An informal look at commonplace books, including using a tumblr blog/other digital formats as a commonplace book.
https://medium.com/thrive-global/how-and-why-to-keep-a-commonplace-book-ea80e25b63f1 - Information about commonplace books, alternatives to notebooks, and a small guide.
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Blessed Yule! ✨
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starsofdarknebula · 7 months
How do I become a male witch
If your wanting to become a witch and start practicing witchcraft I would suggest the following (In a nutshell and quick/simple) Do research: On the topic, maybe look at crystals and pick a few to understand what they can help with, read some books about it and actually see if it's something you want to do and make a practice into your daily life. Pick a certain thing that intrigues you (like necromancy, ancestral work or doing just candle magic). Really dive into it and study what makes your soul happy. Maybe look into a deity you pulled towards. Self-work: I would suggest learning grounding techniques and how to meditate (if you can't that's ok, it happens). Learning about yourself and knowing that you want to work on yourself to become better. Maybe learning about shadow work. Try and see if you can listen to a guided meditation to meet your spirit guides. Honor yourself and those who came before you in your family. Write down dreams and learn if you are lucid dreaming and or how to. Open your third eye and work through the barriers you have that are limiting. The craft: For beginners, I will always suggest doing protection magic and spells. It is so important during your journey. There will be people and entities who will target you. Sigil magic is great for beginners as well along with doing candle magic. Once you start doing these and getting your feet wet then I would suggest making a spell bottle and growing from then on.
I know I didn't go into detail very well but these videos should help. Also for the most part (correct me if I'm wrong) but it doesn't matter your gender <3
Becoming a Witch: A Quick Guide to Starting Your Journey
🌹 Spiritual Protection 101🌹 | Everything you need to know about protecting yourself spiritually
How to connect to a deity without meditating
13 Tips for Beginner Witches || Witchcraft 101
Creating a Folkloric Traditional Witchcraft Practice | Beginner Witchcraft
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Energy Work
What is energy?
There are different definitions of energy depending on what you're talking about or who you talk to but in simple terms energy is what surrounds us. It is in everything living and nonliving. Energy can take on many different forms from elemental to emotional or even some believe in planetary energies.
in physics, energy is the quantitative property that is transferred to a body or to a physical system, recognizable in the performance of work and in the form of heat and light. the capacity for doing work. It may exist in potential, kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, or other various forms. There are, moreover, heat and work i.e., energy in the process of transfer from one body to another. After it has been transferred, energy is always designated according to its nature. Hence, heat transferred may become thermal energy, while work done may manifest itself in the form of mechanical energy.—the law of conservation of energy states that energy can be converted in form, but not created or destroyed
What is energy work and how can I start?
Energy work is the practice of learning to feel the energy around you and how to work with it. It is important and fundamental to any spiritual practices.
A simple meditation is a good start. Sit comfortably and relax your muscles. Breath in a count of four and breath out a count of eight. Do this until you have a clear mind. You can also practice counting from 1 to 100 to clear the mind. There are a few things you can do after.
Gathering and releasing energy
For this you can use visualization. Imagine gathering small bits of energy through a singular point on the body and releasing it back out.
You can also release emotional energy this way. Imagine that your releasing your emotions and transforming it into positive or usable energy. This is called transmuting energy.
Sit and imagine energy flowing from the earth to out the top of your head.
Sit and feel out the energy in the room. You can have a candle to practice feeling it's energy. Do be safe and put it on a table and far enough away you don't knock it over.
Psi ball/energy ball
Stand or sit comfortably. Relax. Hold your hands out in front of you, palms together. Close your eyes and visualize a small ball of light forming between your hands. Move your hands about an inch away from each other. Open your eyes and gently look at the space between your hands. Concentrate on that small ball of energy forming and feel the warmth. Push more energy through your hands and into the ball, feeding it and making it larger. Move your hands apart bit by bit.
Play around with this energy making it larger or smaller.
Regarding Chakras
Defining the word chakra
The Tantrik traditions, from which the concept derives, chakras (Sanskrit. cakra) are focal points for meditation within the human body. They are visualized as structures of energy resembling discs or flowers at those points where a number of nāḍīs (channels or meridians) converge. They tend to be located where human beings experience emotional and/or spiritual energy.
What is the chakra system?
There is no general agreement to how many chakras there are as the concept has evolved and been interpreted differently by various schools,sects, and spiritual traditions within Hinduism. Some traditions may follow the seven main chakras as described in Patanjali's Yoga Sutra, others may follow additional or a different number of chakras. There are so many different systems of chakras. The original purpose of chakras is to serve as a template for Nyāsa
The more common and most studied chakra system incorporates six major chakras along with a seventh center generally not regarded as a chakra. These points are arranged vertically along the channels. The Chakras are traditionally considered meditation aids. The yogi progresses from lower chakras to the highest chakra blossoming in the crown of the head, internalizing the journey of spiritual ascent.
New Age practices often associate each chakra with a certain color. In various traditions, chakras are associated with multiple physiological functions, an aspect of consciousness, a classical element, and other distinguishing characteristics; these do not correspond to those used in ancient Indian systems. The chakras are visualised as lotus or flowers with a different number of petals in every chakra.
Most original Sanskrit sources, Things are not being taught about the way things are, we are being given a specific yogic practice: we are to visualize a subtle object made of colored light, shaped like a lotus or a spinning wheel, at a specific point in the body, activating mantric syllables in it, for a specific purpose. The texts are prescriptive. they tell what you ought to do to achieve a specific goal by mystical means.
New age practice of physiological states associated with chakras
Many different websites books, it says that the mūlādhāra chakra is associated with survival & safety, that maṇipūra chakra is associated with willpower & self-esteem, and so on. The idea these associations chakras with psychological states is a modern Western innovation that started with Carl Jung. This won't be found in Sanskrit sources.
In Anodea Judith’s book Wheels of Life. Judith says that each chakra is associated with a certain bodily gland, certain bodily malfunctions, certain foods, a certain metal, mineral, herb, planet, a path of yoga, a suit of the tarot, a sephira of Jewish mysticism, and an archangel of Christianity. None of these associations are found in the original sources.
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sappy-witch · 1 year
▪️▪️▪️▪️🪬Protection Magick 🪬▪️▪️▪️▪️
Hello darlings 🥰
Today, let's talk about protection spells and rituals 🪬✨
As witches, we understand the importance of protecting ourselves, our loved ones, and our homes from negative energies and entities. Here are a few simple protection spells and rituals that you can try:
🧂Salt Circle: One of the simplest and most effective protection spells is creating a salt circle. Simply sprinkle salt around the perimeter of the area you wish to protect, visualizing a shield forming around it.
📿Protection Amulet: Choose a protective crystal such as black tourmaline or obsidian, and wear it as a necklace or carry it with you in a small pouch.
🪬Protective Sigils: Create a protective sigil by drawing a symbol or design that represents protection to you, and charging it with your intention. You can draw it on a piece of paper or carve it into a candle.
🪔Smoke Cleansing: Use garden sage or cedar to cleanse your space and yourself of negative energies.
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Remember, protection spells and rituals are not just about physical protection, but also spiritual and emotional protection. Always trust your intuition and do what feels right for you.
(Note: This post has been edited after a commenter pointed out the ethical implications of smudging and using palo santo and white sage - alternative tools are detailed in this post. Thanks, @panthera-dei!)
🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
✨🔮 Request a Tarot Reading Here 🔮✨
With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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the-crafty-heathen · 6 months
What are some associations for the Norse godded Eir? like colors, symbols, animals
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thespectralcottage · 10 months
Low Spoons Daily Protection Tips ☁️🌙
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Sometimes ya don’t have the energy to do spell work, and those are always the times you need spiritual protection the most. Life is shitty, let’s make sure it doesn’t drain you even more.
My biggest tip: Prep while you do have the spoons to do so. 🌱Especially for items that are day to day protections you’d carry with you.
Make or buy a pre-spellcrafted protection charm bag. Carry in your purse or leave in your car.
Pre-Enchant your jewelry and vails for protection. Redo the enchantment when you feel it’s done it’s job, or every 2-3 weeks.
Wear protection oils/balms that are pre-spellcrafted
Enchant skincare or makeup for protection
Layering your spiritual protection through charms, wearing oils, and other steps will ensure if one is hit, there’s a backup already in place. Having them pre spellcrafted and ready to use quickly and easily will help you not feel even more energetically drained throughout a low energy day.
Ps. If you’re looking for protection charm bags, oils and balms head over to our Etsy 😌
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this-possum-cries · 1 year
Candle Magic:
(Here is all the knowledge I have gathered about choosing a wand. I hope it serves you well!)
Candle scents: spiritofautumn
Candles (color & purpose): wwhomeopath
Some candle color meanings
Why Candle Magick is so Powerful: cottagefaeriewitch
Reading Flames: the-clumsywitch
Safe Travels Protection Candle: coldbrewtarot
Making Candles: triciamfoster
Return to Possum's Grimoire
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lunasapphire · 1 month
So I have this spell - (my first ever spell): 
Stretch it. 
Twist it. 
Make it grow. 
Like a river, let it flow. 
Three times fast, this hair shall grow. 
This is my will, 
So mote it be!

Now - hear me out… 
If I take that spell and add my rosemary tincture and stinging nettle salve what do we have? A whole enhanced version of the spell!
And with science to back up the magick! :D 
Both Stinging nettle and rosemary herbs/plants have properties for hair growth - with science research to back them up! :D
You can find my original post here! 👇🏻
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lunarreminder · 1 year
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I want to tell you about Imbolc Festival.
We will celebrate the rise of the Sun and spring on February 1.
It is still time for some plannings. Why not throw your first Imbolc celebration?
Don't forget to tell your friends about the festivity.
And don't forget to share and tell me about your Party.
Save this post, so you can always refer to it if needed.
Follow me to learn more about the Wheel of the Year throughout the Seasons.
Happy celebration everyone!
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bookishblogging · 2 years
Mediation Resources For The Witch Who Can’t Meditate 💫
Howdy! It’s your friendly neighborhood witch here FINALLY back with some witch tips. It feels like its been forever since I’ve made a genuine Tumblr post so here I am! I have a lot more free time + free space to really enhance my practice so I’ve gotten a second wind when it comes to witch blogging! 
Anywho, that brings me into today’s topic: Meditation! I personally HATE the act of meditating like listening to guided meditations and doing deep breathing- it really irks me. I can never quiet my mind enough and I end up getting really frustrated. What i’ve realized now is that meditation isn’t all that black and white. 
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If I don’t do traditional meditations...then how do I meditate?
For me, i successfully meditate when I’m able to hyperfocus on a task for the pure joy of it. The ability to hyperfocus on something really brings me into that meditative mindset. Meditation- to me- is just giving your mind the ability to do whatever it pleases. In the ADHD world, we call this chasing the dopamine. 
Another Method: Mind Retreat
Another method to go about reaching that meditative mindset is to take a few moments to close your eyes, and really listen to what thoughts you’re having. Don’t try to filter yourself, just let your brain THINK! Listen to what your mind is telling you, and just let all of your thoughts flow freely, without judgement. Do this multiple times a day, just to give yourself a truly *safe* space to THINK! 
Meditation and Ritual 
You may often hear people telling you that you need to meditate before any spell/ritual/etc. This is true- to an extent. Many practitioners (to no fault of their own) will emphasize the importance of a completely clear mind when performing rituals/spells/etc. THIS IS TRUE, but for me having my mind completely clear is quite literally impossible. I used to fault myself for not being able to meditate “correctly” and not being able to have a clear mind when I was practicing. BUT NOW I understand that it’s not about literal clearness of the mind, but rather clarity of the mind. Those may seem like they are the same thing but when I think of a “clear mind” i think like- no thoughts (which i thought to be impossible but my mother informed me neurotypicals don’t have a constant never-ending monologue going on in their head) where clarity is a focus on the task at hand. Therefore, getting into that calm, meditative mindset is beneficial when going to perform rituals. 
Other Meditation Resources
I know that my approach to meditation is a bit different than what you may regularly envision, so I’ve linked a few other resources to help you along your journey. Feel free to leave me a DM or an ask (can’t promise I will remember to check my asks lol) if you have any questions or just want to talk :) 
Yoga With Lakshmi- Yoga can be very beneficial when thinking about meditation, as it’s a peaceful and calm way to approach clarity of the mind whilst also taking care of your body. 
5 Senses Grounding Exercise- I made a post about grounding (FIND IT HERE) a while back but here is another exercise to help ease anxiety and reach clarity of the mind. I’m sure you’ve heard of this one lol
Mediation Playlist- This is a playlist I found with a bunch of videos about meditation and meditation-adjacent things (I will be honest with you, I haven’t watched all of them but I want to give y’all multiple different types of resources) 
Meditation looks different for everyone, so don’t bring yourself down if you see someone doing something differently! Meditation is just another useful tool to help you in both your practice and your daily life. Remember you are important, you are loved, and you are going to do great things. Have a good day :) 
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hermitwitchholly · 1 month
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Hey there! Here’s some magical properties of soda!! If I missed any tell me and I’ll make a part 2!
So far I know I’m missing sprite and root beer!
ALSO !!!!
If anyone is interested in checking out my other pages here’s some links to places I’m most active on. I feel bad for forgetting about tumblr 😭
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vsslxo · 3 months
Using Prayer Candles
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This prayer candle is highly charged to help you connect with and exchange energy with the Goddess. Use it for devotion, an offering, protection, spiritwork, or ritual. Featuring art channeled in collaboration with the Goddess, the glass vessel can continue to be used for offerings once the candle has been burned.
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