wolverenmayden · 21 days
The seasons of the soul mourn silently
The seasons of the soul mourn silently
The seasons of the soul silently mourn, airy ghosts from your past reach the silence, the dreamers of ourselves sleep by the river, airy ghosts of tears mourn in the insect air, every night your lover touches the sleepless bed, men dressed in the color of the evening echo before dawn, the memories of your past cannot be seen by anyone but you, the forms of our imagination hurt in your forgotten dreams, the snowflakes of birth sleep in silence, the old men of winter rejoice under the blanket, the smell of birth whispers after the first death, the oceans of desire rejoice in silence, your oldest loving friends are injured after the storm, the seasons of our imagination rejoice after the storm, the people of birth disappear without a sound, summer's young lovers breathe before dawn, words people reach before you met the oceans of death are released in silence, the lovers of strife all rejoice in none but you, the form of ourselves breathes under the blanket, the seasons of tears turn in the air of insects, poets of love disappear in the air of insects, all your lovers sensually touch the twinkling lights of winter hurt without fear, our own trees unite in the moonless night, the two figures of birth escape in meaning, your oldest tearful friends turn beneath the surface, the dreamers of your past join your forgotten dreams, summer's women echo through none but you the airy ghosts of the question mourn under the cloudless sky, some waves of the evening whisper in meaning, all your questioners cry after the first death, our young selves silently embrace, all lovers of summer turn in the moonless night, airy spirits of love echo like a dancer alone on a stage, every lover of our imagination whispers in the water, pain's oldest friends whisper after the storm, the twinkling lights of the dance breathe by the river, the smell of words is beyond this moment, the scent of a questioning whisper after the first death.
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wolverenmayden · 9 days
So much in the world
So much in the world Has been lost and forgotten Memories like whispers Drifting into the abyss
The laughter of children Playing in sunlit streets Now replaced by silence And echoes of what once was
The gentle touch of a lover's hand A fleeting moment of connection Lost in the chaos of time Leaving only emptiness behind
The dreams we held so dearly Now shattered into pieces Scattered like fallen leaves Blown away by the winds of change
So much beauty, so much sorrow In this vast and unpredictable world We mourn for what once was And struggle to find meaning in it all
But amidst the pain and loss There is a glimmer of hope That through our shared grief We can come together as one
To cherish each precious moment To hold onto love with both hands And remember that even in darkness There is always a flicker of light
So let us not dwell on what is gone But instead focus on what remains For there is still beauty to be found In every corner of this wounded world
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wolverenmayden · 9 days
So much in eternity
In the vast expanse of eternity, So much remains unknown. The mysteries of life and death Lie shrouded in shadow.
We search for meaning, For answers beyond our grasp. But only silence greets us, A void that echoes back.
Time slips through our fingers, Leaving behind memories blurred. We cling to moments like fleeting stars, Glimmers of brightness in the dark.
So much is left unsaid, Unwritten, unspoken, unheard. Our hearts ache with longing For what we cannot hold onto.
In the hush of midnight's embrace, Whispers of lost souls linger. Their voices cry out in solitude, Reaching across time and space,
To touch our weary souls And remind us of our mortality. We are but dust in the wind, Drifting towards infinity.
Yet even as we fade away Into the abyss of nothingness, Know that we are not alone In this vast sea of eternity.
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wolverenmayden · 8 days
A sonnet on the advantages and effects of the common man
The average person doesn't carry too much of a burden, He doesn't flash with shiny cars and jewels, He doesn't care about the real goal of life, He just tries to find his happiness.
His perseverance in his work is exemplary, He lives his life in modest circumstances, He does not want more than what is his share, The happiness of his loving family is his joy.
The common man is a silent hero, though unnoticed, But his influence is immense, like drops of soft rain, Bringing blessings to all whom he touches.
Let us be grateful for the existence of the average person, because he is the one who really shapes the world, and brings blessing and peace to the whole world.
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wolverenmayden · 8 days
An elegy on the benefits and effects of stardom
O stardom, thou bright and bright star, Thou hast weeded out the crushing life of variety, Brought fame's pomp and splendor, But leaving deep wounds an invisible wound.
Your advantages conquer our hearts, Fierce fans and bright-eyed children, Your photographs, your stage performances, Enchant us and captivate the sky.
But what star's life is so perfect As it appears from the outside? Behind the mask, the heart is fragile, Your soul suffers while the noise rages around you.
Stardom's glorious shadow can be slain, Loneliness and loss come to the sphere of light, But you, bright star, still shine, Like the morning star that breaks the eternal night.
Stardom is a combination of blessing and curse, Which brings with it glory and bitterness, But still, you shine brighter than the endless sky, You remain an eternal memory locked in people's hearts.
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wolverenmayden · 8 days
Benefits of changing citizenship
I walk the paths of citizenship, holding my passport in my hand, in which I own the new future, which awaits me in the other country. It is possible to change it, if the new criteria are met.
Citizenship is a treasured garden, Where brave steps lead you through, Through the new gates into another life, Where opportunities are overflowing, Changing it is not an easy task, But it is a worthwhile goal in the new country.
Citizenship is to change, Not only the way, but also the feeling changes, Like fresh air in the wide landscape, Where old troubles fade away, And new hopes move into the heart, The warmth of a new home draws me in.
Obtaining citizenship is a great merit, It opens the door to new opportunities, Where you find new friends, And take root in new cultures, Your world becomes colorful, When you choose a new country for yourself.
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wolverenmayden · 8 days
Advantages of gender reassignment
The value of gender change is quiet and soft, Like the wind that caresses our face, A solid foundation on which weak dust can stand. Nothing needs to be added or taken away, Just let it bloom on its own.
Change is noisy and turbulent like a storm, Overturns everything in its path like a raging river, Numbness is at the center, the spiritual dust, The grave of all three dimensions is threatened by foreign war, And the outrage in its concern for riches is doubled, There will be something for the long time soaked salt stones treachery flourishes.
But from the stillness that does not change, strength passes, Almost invisibly we observe the working miracles, The lasting dims, the clarified sources, The shade of the words My life and eternity, The deeper level of love and interaction in the life of life, When the stake is missing all trickery that fear or lose.
Like stone, gender-changing stands forever, Hard, cool and eternal, its unquestionable power is conviction, Stretches into endless crossfire, eternally expanded world, Funny, free and eternal consciousness, Like the inviolable code of phenomena, Lives with good cheer and mysterious celebration, while the universe it flows in waves.
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wolverenmayden · 8 days
The importance of existence and technology
Humanity has always been curious about the purpose of our existence and the meaning of life. The question of existence is a mystery that has preoccupied people for thousands of years. Were we created by accident or on purpose? What is our place in the universe? Are there other intelligent sentient beings in the universe? To date, no clear answers have been found to these questions. However, advances in human knowledge and technology have helped us get closer to the answers.
During the development of humanity, we became more and more aware that our existence does not only consist of the material world. Spiritual and mental dimensions also play an important role in our lives. Our relationship with nature and with each other is decisive throughout our lives. Life is primarily a process in which we develop, learn and experience. During the development of humanity, we have placed more and more emphasis on the importance of knowledge, art and innovation.
The rapid development of technology has created new opportunities for humanity. The internet and the digital world have put tools in our hands that help us to communicate, learn and develop more easily. Smartphones, computers and robots are all tools that make our lives easier and help us work more efficiently.
However, when using technology, it is important to keep in mind that human relationships and emotional intelligence are just as important as technological development. The essence of being human is not only to be able to communicate and do work effectively, but to treat each other with empathy and love.
Humanity has an important role to play in existence. We must find our place in the world and behave responsibly towards each other and our environment. Technology can help us to be more efficient and environmentally conscious, but our emotional and spiritual development cannot be neglected either.
The importance of existence lies in the fact that we continuously develop and learn during a spatial and temporal process. Technology and science help us better understand the world and ourselves. Humanity must work together to live a balanced life where technology and human values work harmoniously together. Life carries an inestimable value, and everything that exists has its place and role in the universe. Life is a miracle that we should appreciate and respect every moment.
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wolverenmayden · 8 days
Technology works wonders
Technology works wonders, makes our everyday life easier and more beautiful. Internet, smartphone, computer, It is present everywhere, it has become a part of our lives.
The online world offers endless possibilities, a wealth of information is available anywhere, anytime. It also helps with communication, makes friends, and establishes contact with family members who live far away.
Technology helps us work and study, makes our everyday life faster and more efficient. Robots, drones, artificial intelligence, they help and supplement human abilities.
It also provides excellent service in the health sector, diagnosing, treating and monitoring patients. It also supports the development of medicine, and it creates new cures, therapies, and tools.
Technology not only brings benefits to people, it is also a great help in the field of environmental protection. It provides sustainable energy, reduced pollution, Contributing to the protection of the Earth and the protection of nature.
But technology also has its downsides, Data protection, hacking, cybercrime threats. People become more and more dependent on it, They lose real relationships, contact with each other.
It is important to be able to manage the power of technology, use it wisely, responsibly and in moderation. Because even though it is capable of miracles, it must be handled consciously, so that it does not become a curse for human life and the future.
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wolverenmayden · 8 days
Cosmos and galaxy
In the vast expanse where galaxies reside, Our cosmos weaves a tapestry divine, A symphony of stars, forever sped, Through space and time, they dance in harmony, Each planet and each moon, a tiny gem, In the grand design of the cosmic plan, The constellations, maps of ancient lore, Guide sailors on their journeys through the night, They sparkle like a diamond-studded floor, A dazzling display, a wondrous sight, The Milky Way, a river of light, A ribbon woven through the inky black, In nebulae, where stars are born anew, A cosmic cauldron, birthing life and death, Where atoms collide and dreams take shape, In fiery furnaces, where suns draw breath, A cosmic ballet, eternal and true, Each movement choreographed with care, The universe, a wonder to behold, A masterpiece of light and dark and space, A swirling dance of gravity and time, A cosmic symphony, a sacred grace, In galaxies that spin and twirl and whirl, A cosmic dance that never shall grow old.
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wolverenmayden · 8 days
Cosmos and space
In the cosmos where stars gleam bright, Shining in the vast expanse of night, Mysteries beyond our comprehension lie, Planets and galaxies dancing in the sky, Eternal beauty that never says goodbye. Astronomers gaze with wonder and awe, Exploring the secrets of what they saw, Black holes, supernovas, celestial debris, The cosmic dance of eternity, A universe as vast as the eye can see. The cosmos sings a symphony of light, A cosmic ballet that's pure delight, The sun, the moon, the stars all shine, Infinite beauty, the universe divine, A tapestry of wonders so fine. From beyond the edge of time and space, Mysteries that the mind can't erase, A cosmos so majestic, so grand, A creation beyond human hand, A universe that we can't fully understand. In the grand design of the cosmos' embrace, We find our own fragile place, Small specks in the vast expanse of space, But connected to the cosmic grace, A part of the eternal cosmic race. So let us gaze at the cosmic expanse, And marvel at the cosmic dance, For in this vast and wondrous place, We find our truest cosmic grace, A universe of infinite embrace.
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wolverenmayden · 8 days
Cosmos, god and truth are things
Cosmos, god and truth are things,
Shining in perpetual peace. Before it stood,
She had a daily drunken stillness at the heat,
Rose a sweet smile of memory through the night,
Beside thy cradle slept the smitten fatherless,
Italy from witness to politest sunshine,
Our separate pilgrimage, despite the night,
Snapped an endless lightning through the threatening sky.
Because I know it would stop our old chivalry
Behind my little world, behind your purple dome.
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wolverenmayden · 8 days
Galaxy, god and truth are things
Galaxy, god and truth are things,
Listens unto a silvery unto thine ears;
Every one got in red apples and women
Which bears this title to a dominating land!
The glory's radiant beauty with the fair stretch
If only centuries were above I firmest,
After the interplay, some parent of sorrow
Stretched upon the glittering shower on my eyes,
She had as well a smile to be forgiven,
Drawn by the rosy glow, a glowering fire.
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wolverenmayden · 8 days
Galaxy and truth
In the vast expanse of starlit night, Where galaxies swirl in cosmic dance, Truth resides in ethereal light, Revealing mysteries of existence's trance.
In each celestial body's gleam, Whispers secrets of ancient lore, As cosmic energies flow in dream, Guiding us to truth's sacred core.
Through spiral arms of cosmic grace, Our souls are drawn to cosmic sea, Where galaxies in infinite space, Reflect the truth that sets us free.
In the depths of the galactic expanse, Where stardust weaves its luminous thread, We find the truth of cosmic chance, In each celestial dance we're led.
So gaze upon the night sky's art, Feel the truth within your soul ignite, For in the galaxy's beating heart, Lies the eternal truth shining bright.
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wolverenmayden · 8 days
Dream and truth
In dreams, our truths are often revealed bright, Unveiling secrets hidden deep inside, But when we wake, reality takes flight, And leaves us longing for the dreams that lied.
Yet truth still lingers in the waking day, A beacon in the darkness of our minds, Guiding us along the weary way, And helping us to leave our doubts behind.
In dreams we find a solace all our own, A place where fantasy and reality meet, Where seeds of truth are silently sown, And our deepest desires find their seat.
Though dreams may fade and fail as time goes by, Truth always shines, a beacon in the sky.
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wolverenmayden · 8 days
Dream and the God
In the realm of dreams, where shadows dance, And slumber's embrace holds me in trance, I met a God, a being divine, With eyes that sparkled like stars in the sky.
His presence filled me with awe and grace, As he spoke words that echoed through space, 'Mortal child, your dreams hold power untold, A tapestry woven with threads of gold.'
He told me that dreams are portals to my soul, Where hidden desires and fears take their toll, They guide me, protect me, and set me free, A sanctuary where my spirit finds glee.
Through dreams, I glimpse the future's embrace, And gain wisdom from the past's ancient space, My subconscious mind, a cosmic ocean, Where dreams arise like waves in motion.
But dreams, he warned, can also deceive, Illusions that can make my mind believe, Fear and doubt can cloud my vision clear, And lead me astray from my path so dear.
So, I must be mindful, with every dream, To seek truth and wisdom, to discern the gleam, To embrace the light, and cast aside the dark, And find my way through life's winding ark.
The God of Dreams, with a gentle smile, Said, 'Your dreams are a gift, a treasure to beguile, Cherish them, interpret them with care, And let them guide you beyond compare.'
And as I awoke, the dream's embrace, Left a lingering hope, a newfound grace, For I knew that dreams were more than mere sleep, But a connection to the divine, so deep.
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