runawaydontlookback · 4 years
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i hope you love yourself enough to recognize the things you don’t like about your life and i hope you find the courage to change them. . . . . . . . #wonderoverworry #selflovejourney #selflovematters #tiktokmademedoit #mirrorselfies #summertrends #cuarentenafotografica #quarantinediaries #prmodels #puertoricostyle #lookinspiração #aesthetica #aestheticfashion (at Toa Alta, Puerto Rico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAMHbfHgnXQ/?igshid=w2bixw6gq6ek
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lostfoundead · 5 years
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Summer 2018
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heyamberrae · 7 years
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Who’s with me? 🌬#WonderOverWorry (at San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato)
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itskaypea-blog · 4 years
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🌞😴This one goes out to all my fellow Night Owls! “Not A Morning Person” is up on the blog today. (Link in bio.) Feel free to check out my ramblings and let me know if you can relate! Are you a morning person? If so, have you always been one? What changed it up for you? • • • • Checkout my story highlights for this timelapse! • • #draw #artist #mentalhealth #art #womenofillustration #procreate #illustrator #kelcydoodles #doodles #morningroutine #morningtips #progressnotperfection #morningperson #happiness #blog #notaninfluencer #miraclemorning #lettering #designer #dowhatscaresyou #wonderoverworry (at Austin, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEW8Oaln5fW/?igshid=175031b0t032i
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heyamberrae · 7 years
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Last weekend, at a workshop with @quddustv and @coachcarmina, we were invited to set forth our intention for coming into the weekend, which for me, turned into my highest possible intention for bringing the #WonderOverWorry message and book into the world over the next year. Then, we were invited to stand before the group and declare with all of our being, what we envisioned and imagined. If the audience was feeling me, they stood up to show a stand of "I'm resonating with you and feeling you in your power." It was exciting and nerve-wracking all at once, and it allowed me the space to name my dream, while facing any lingering fears I still feel around being seen. As I was preparing to share with the group, I noticed the Worry voices in my head chiming in to say things like "Is it okay for me to aim this high?" and "Is it my ego that wants to be on the NYT best-seller list?" and "Who the hell am I to envision selling 1MM books and sitting down with Oprah?!" As I breathed into and named these voices, I felt a shift and release in my body. My voice of wisdom chimed in to say, "No love, it's not your ego. It's your fucking soul. Own the message. Embody it. Be the vessel. Take it as far as you can. Align with all the people and places ready to hear it. The message matters, and it matters RIGHT NOW. Let the ripple of wonderment light you and the world on fire. Aim high, and then LET GO." Or, as my friend @ethanlipsitz sang to me the other night, "Let go, let go. Watch the magic flow." What I'm realizing is that now is not the time to play small and stifle our truth and question our dreams. Now is the time to own our power, step the fuck up, and make ourselves proud. Who's with me?! 🔮 (at Venice Beach)
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heyamberrae · 7 years
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Every time the critical voice in my head says, "You can't say that! They might judge you!", I'm leaning into this mantra. It's this week's mission. Because I have some crazy powerful stories to tell, and I'm not going to allow the critic to stop me. ✨ #xoyoursoul #choosewonder #wonderoverworry (at DUMBO, Brooklyn)
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heyamberrae · 7 years
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TODAY IS THE DAY. I've been preparing my whole life for this moment, and today—and this week—I walk into publisher meetings like 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻. As I soak up every second of the process, I wanted to take a moment to thank YOU for being on this journey with me. When I started sharing my thoughts and feelings on a blog nearly 10 years ago, I didn't think anyone would read it. I was wrong. The questions stirring in my heart were also stirring in yours. We've been on a wild ride together, and because you've shown up with me, I walk into meetings with the confidence and conviction to own why the #WonderOverWorry idea matters, and why it matters RIGHT NOW. I'll keep you posted as the process unfolds, and in the meantime, know this: whatever dream or vision you have, I'm whispering in your ear the same thing @farhadini whispered in mine this morning: You were born to do this. More soon! Xoxoxoxo
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heyamberrae · 8 years
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This is how we Saturday. // In a conversation with @shantell_martin a few weeks ago, she mentioned the notion of putting yourself into a situation where there isn't time to think or plan, so that the true you can come to the surface. That's what happened with @farhadini today. Over the last few weeks, I've had a recurring dream about painting people with colors and words. Then, in a meditation, I saw the possibility of bringing someone from a state of Worry into a state of Wonder by combining dialogue, paint, music, and play. All of those dots connected today when Farhad became the canvas and me painting him became a space for his one guiding question to come to the surface. "What would Love do?" is the question that guides him. #WonderOverWorry 🎨❤️ (at Brooklyn Bridge)
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heyamberrae · 8 years
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This. Always. #ImWithHer #WonderOverWorry (at Brooklyn Bridge)
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heyamberrae · 8 years
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👁 #WonderOverWorry #ArtbyARae (at DUMBO, Brooklyn Bridge Water Front)
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heyamberrae · 8 years
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A poem for you: I used to dim my light, worrying that I'd shine too bright. I used to hide what I saw as magical, worrying those views would seem too radical. But then I discovered a clue: You are me and I am you. I am you and you are me. Can't you see? We are the light the magic the possibility. There is room for us all to shine bright So please, my love, bring forth your magic and light. #WonderOverWorry p.s. Have you seen the new site yet? Head to: http://amberrae.com ❤️ (at 3 ROOTS)
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heyamberrae · 8 years
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What If Wonder Led The Way? Today on 7/11 at 11:11 a.m., I am OVER THE MOON to share my new website and brand at amberrae.com. 🔮💃🏻✨🎉💓 A bit of background, if you're curious: About a year ago, I started asking the question: What if wonder led the way? I noticed that the voice of self-doubt, which I think of as “Worry,” was hanging out way too much in my creative process. As a result, either I wasn’t going after or finishing the projects that meant the most to me, or the entire creative process felt like hell. I wondered: Is there a better way? I wondered: What if Wonder navigated the negative self-talk? What if Wonder designed my day? How would Wonder approach writing a talk? How might I enter this difficult conversation from a lens of Wonder? And so on. I noticed that too often worry was leading the design of my life and creative pursuits. This led me to suppress my deepest desires, rush around in the pursuit of enough, and say “No” when I really wanted to say “Yes.” It led me to avoid confrontation, take feedback personally, and fear speaking my truth. It led me to try to do things perfectly, prioritize external recognition over internal joy, and get caught up in the way things are already being done. Maybe you can relate? As I discovered Wonder, I began questioning my worried outlook and experimenting with ways to switch up my approach. So far, it’s taking me to far more rewarding, enriching, and eye-opening places. I’m pursuing the things I’ve always longed to do in my heart, and my level of motivation, energy, and alignment is flowing like it has never flowed before. As part of this, today I’m launching a brand new website (oh happy day!!!), filled with inspiration, resources, and tools to support your wonder journey as I continue exploring mine. Check out all the magic at amberrae.com. To Wonder! xo #WonderOverWorry
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heyamberrae · 8 years
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Work work work work work. Getting ready to launch launch launch launch launch. New website + brand coming TOMORROW. Here's a sneak peak. #WonderOverWorry (at Greenpoint, Brooklyn)
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heyamberrae · 8 years
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I’m feeling all the feels, facing all the fears, and experiencing all the nerve-citement that comes along with a whole new brand and website launch. I’m work-work-working and putting on the final touches for LAUNCH DAY ON MONDAY, JULY 11. (!!!) For the last few months, I’ve poured my heart into creating something special for you, and I cannot wait to share. To be first to hear, sign up at heyamberrae.com/subscribe <link in profile>. Early email announcement coming at you on Sunday. 💓💃🏻🔮 #WonderOverWorry (at Maman Greenpoint)
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heyamberrae · 8 years
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When I reflect on the theme of independence and freedom, and our celebration of it on this day, I notice a feeling of tension in my chest. On one hand, our "land of the free" brought my love into this country 31 years ago, when he and his family fled the Iranian revolution. For me, I was privileged to grow up in an environment where following curiosities, creating freely, and sharing my truth was encouraged. For that, I'm filled with immense gratitude. On the other hand, we still have a long way to go on the equally front for all Americans and global citizens. That, I cannot deny. There is one thing, though, that I can surely wave a flag for, and it's this: No matter the limitations, constraints, and conditioning that's impressed on us externally, freedom is something that we all can cultivate from within. Each of us can take a look at our reflection in the mirror, and break out of whatever we have been conditioned to believe about ourselves. I'm reminded of what Albert Camus says in this moment: The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion. // A question I'm reflecting on today, and one I invite you to consider too: What does freedom mean to you? #wonderoverworry (at Big Daddy's Antiques Inc.)
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heyamberrae · 8 years
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"What is the point of life?" ... "To impress your soul." ADORED my time this morning with @kympham as she stops over in New York en route to a global road trip adventure. I've watched and cheered on Kym's adventures over the years as she architects a path of mystery and meaning. As our conversation shifted from creative pulls to relationship curiosities to global adventures to the meaning of life, my heart sang with gratitude for the time we live in and the revelations that can emerge when we choose wonder. On knowing when to stay or go, Kym said: "It's when my curiosity is greater than my desire to stay." #wonderoverworry (at Upper West Side)
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