#writebir community
daisies 🔆
Flowers. They’ve always amazed me. Such unique beauty lying in each of them, every another much beautiful as the last. they seem peaceful to me. I sometimes wonder what if humans were that way, not unique or beautiful, but peaceful. take the ones in front of me, purple at best, blooming like all they ever had to was show themselves to make gods vulnerable. spring bloomers that’s what they’re called - tulips, all of them. I bet if you look at them long enough they seem like dancing fairies, waving to the wind. maybe they are, but we just don’t- “Hey”
I look up, and he’s staring at me, the boy with big green eyes, eyes with a bit of coffee in them, just enough to make them milky. or maybe it's the hair that has me eyeing through my lashes, it's brown, this golden brown that I can’t tell whether it's the colour of his hair that’s that way or the sun hitting him just right. I’ve seen him around, just never thought of going near him. or saying “hi”. I realise that now it's me who’s staring when he states an obvious “I’ve seen you a lot here”. Well of course he has, I'm always here, looking at the flowers. It's a big garden full of them, I think I have the right to look at least. “yeah,” that’s what I answer, yeah, that’s all. A simple word that has become so complex for me that I sometimes forget maybe it's still the same simple word for others. He waits, waits for me to say something more. But I don’t. I look back at the tulips, again crouching as I once was, not only smelling but feeling them. he’s still there, I can feel him too, feel him looking at me, at the flowers in front of me, at the way I look at the flowers in front of me. “what’s your favourite flower?” a specific question, with the simplest chain of words. Yet, I think, about all the flowers that I’ve ever seen, all the beauty of them, the different fragrances. I could say, that I like all of them equally, but that won’t be so true. In the back of my mind, there is that ONE, the one I would like to call my favourite. “daisies” I answer without glancing at him. he seems to consider my brief response, nodding his head, he seems to come to terms with it. then he crouches down in front of me, and looks at me, studying me like I'm his 5th-grade science project that his mom made for him and he’s trying to understand it and become familiar with it before he presents it to the class, claiming it as his own. “I’ve never seen you this close. May have noticed those freckles” my face warms up, and I can feel my cheeks Redding. I say nothing. I stand up and he follows like a shadow. And for the first time, I notice how much taller he is than me. “it was nice meeting you,” I say not expecting an acknowledgement back. “it was nice meeting you too,” he says back instead with a small smile. I turn and yet I still feel it, the smile. I walk back home deciding that was enough socialising for a day.  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ “I got you a daisy” look it wasn’t exactly my plan on meeting the green-eyed human again, but he Did bring a daisy for me. it's that white kind with those yellow spores in between. my favourite. “Thanks” I hold the petal, feeling the texture. “Thank you” he just smiles at me, smiles at me like I'm the only flower for him in this big field of weeds, the only flower that caught his attention. I like that. maybe I can be someone's favourite flower one day.
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