#writing this instead of finishing a midterm due tomorrow lmao
villain-sympathizer · 2 years
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here it is!! the dumb cringe thing ive been working on instead of my actual college work lmao
i absolutely ADORE these otp form things, they itch that lil adhd scratch in my brain that loves filling out forms for my characters
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[the original blank sheet can be found here!!] the op changed their twitter handle but its still the same source!
some explanations on their dynamics and backstory under the cut!!
SO. God I think about these idiots so damn much, its insane.
First off, their history:
I have my own lil headcanon (and excuse to merge my own bnha universe with the canon one lmao) that U.A has collaborations with other top Heroics schools across the world to have similar Hero Course curriculums. That way they can avoid drastic differences in heroics styles if heroes need to work internationally (for example, instances like in World Heroes Mission).
Because of this, I think U.A used to have exchange programs with specific countries every-other year before their security cracked down on itself. For one semester, hero students from the American branch would come to U.A to learn alongside their respective class level (meaning American "Juniors" would work with Japanese "Second years"), and at the end of the semester, the Japanese branch would then learn in America for the second semester.
This is likely how Dani and Mirai met, as Dani - once she becomes a Pro Hero - enjoys volunteering her time to assist with the local Heroics high school that she used to attend, and thus jumps at the idea of joining in on one of their bi-yearly exchange trips. It also gives her an excuse to visit her father and sister, who live in Deika after her parents' divorce.
It was no doubt when Mirai was All Might's sidekick, and of course would tail him whenever he wished to "check in" on all the "future pros" training at U.A (aka, he misses his high school years sometimes and this event gives him an excuse to drop in).
Taken by Dani's overall cheery, bubbly, and slightly ditzy personality, as well as her ability to put up a rather good spar with All Might himself - still losing, but proving to be a formidable opponent - it was no wonder Mirai decided to strike up conversation with her. Besides, she seemed to be close with other Pro Heroes like Present Mic, Eraserhead, Midnight, and Best Jeanist, so there had to be more to her. As it turns out, she used to be in this program as well, and trained alongside the aforementioned heroes back when they were baby-cheeked rookies in U.A.
Dani totally won him over with her sense of humor, kindness, and overall open disposition. All Might seemed to approve of her too, which would always be the make-or-break reason for Nigheye. They exchange contact info, spend time together whenever Dani was in the country, and hung out together alongside the other Pros.
It was no wonder when Dani's little sister, Adelynn, got into U.A and was accepted into Nighteye's internship program. Every. Year. He'll tell you it's not favoritism, but we all know it is.
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Their lil symbols:
Dani's is a star, because her name is Slavic/Germanic for Morning Star! Her and her siblings have this celestial theme going: Dani is a star, Adelynn is the moon, and Sunna is the sun!
Nighteye's is based off his eye shape when he uses his quirk!
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Checkbox explanations:
[Confesses first / Initiates first kiss:] This is Dani, I would say, only because she's more bold and open when it comes to her feelings or emotions. Sure, Mirai is someone who is bold and speaks his mind too, but I think we can agree this man will never in his life bring up his feelings first unless it's absolutely dire, or prompted by someone else. So of course, Dani's the one to take the initiative, something Mirai notices is a trait both her and Adelynn share.
[Says "I love you" first:] Despite Mirai being emotionally constipated, like stated above, I feel like he's the one to say it and truly, deeply mean it in a romantic, 'I want to be with you forever' kind of way. Dani, having grown up in Western society, is comfortable telling her family and friends that she loves them all the time - it's just instinct to let them know they mean a lot to her! As far as their relationship goes, Dani's said "Love you!" to Mirai plenty of times, but they both know that it's in that platonic close-friends way, at least until they feel the time is right to fully confess their love. And that's what Mirai does, likely letting it slip while seeing Dani off at the airport after one of her visits.
[Big spoon:] Mirai, a majority of the time. I mean look at this gangly-ass mf, he could wrap around Dani like a cocoon if he tried. However, there are rare times when Dani finishes a patrol in the early, early mornings when Mirai is still asleep, and she'll crawl into bed and spoon him instead.
[Worrier:] DANI, NO CONTEST. Blame 'eldest sister' syndrome on this one, having grown up always looking after Adelynn (before she moves away) and then Sunny. It doesn't help that anxiety runs in the family, too. Mirai can worry sometimes, like if Dani's late from a mission or patrol, the typical stuff, but never on the level of Dani's downright separation anxiety. There is the rare chance that Mirai catches a glimpse of something in her future that worries him, and he practically hovers around her constantly, taking away things or restricting her options to try and lessen the chance of disaster, like a mother with her first-born infant.
[Better w/ money:] Mirai. Not that Dani is bad with money, per say, just that she's a bit of a philanthropist when she has the opportunity to be. Hell, nearly all of Adelynn and Sunny's tuitions were paid by Dani's Pro Hero salary, and she still had more than needed for herself left over. Mirai's also clearly a natural-born desk jockey and instinctually takes charge of any budgeting.
[More experienced:] Dani's had more relationship experience in the past, and likely more sexual experience too. Mirai's just never had the time or interest in that stuff, not till he grew attached to the shadow hero. However, after an incident in college, she grew more reserved in her willingness to date/have one night stands, and instead focused on her career and potential relationship with Mirai.
[Wakes up first:] Now this question is all based on perspective, cause the two of them work literally opposite timeframes of each other. Mirai works that typical 7am to 5pm white-collar shift, running his own agency and all. But Dani, due to the nature of her quirk, works from 10pm to about 5 or 6am, the only exception being Thursday nights so that she can volunteer to teach that next Friday. So sure, Mirai gets up first in the traditional sense, but technically it's Dani who wakes up far before him.
[Steals blankets:] DANI LMAO. She inherited the low-circulation that comes with her quirk from her dad, and runs pretty cold in her hands and feet. It's pretty normal for Mirai to wake up with only a corner of the blankets on him yet. He combats this by just gluing himself to Dani when they're sharing a bed, a win-win.
[Speaks more:] Dani again, but only because she tends to be too friendly and strike up conversations and ramble due to obviously undiagnosed ADHD. Think of a mom who just has to talk to every person she knows at the grocery store, regardless of their connection.
[Normally cooks:] In the off-chance they have the time to have dinner at home, it's always Mirai taking the lead. Dani's cooking skills growing up were mixed: her father was a good cook and loved to teach his little girls, but her mother was a bit of a perfectionist and REFUSED to let anyone help with cooking. Since the divorce, Dani's father was never around to teach her as much as he taught Adelynn, so Dani's a bit of a disaster when it comes to cooking. It's hilarious to them both, but she agrees that Mirai takes control in the kitchen. Though, after the raid incident, and Mirai looses an arm, Dani takes it upon herself to learn to cook in order to help out.
[Apologizes first:] Even if she wasn't in the wrong, Dani will always apologize first, at the very least for arguing. Once again it's likely because of her anxiety (and strained home life as a kid), and how she doesn't want to make people mad or upset at her, despite not giving a flying fuck about her reputation or ranking. So for her to apologize first, no matter what, is kind of her way of inadvertently saying "Please don't be mad at me anymore".
[Ticklish:] BOTH, HANDS DOWN. Dani is by no means immune to tickling, Mirai's proven that plenty of times totally not through fetish means. But Mirai himself, however, is just as ticklish, if not more. Dani found this out after taking advantage of his shirtless form one night as a means of revenge, and it was like she found the holy grail of blackmail.
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Their songs:
VOID - By Lil Nas X [[Yes, I know this one is about LNX's experience with being a gay man, and I'm not trying to take away from that! But without that context I feel like it can fit well for these two.]]
God, this song is so raw and emotional to me, I actually cried a few times when I first heard it just cause it's that GOOD when you really think about it.
For the most part, I see it in the perspective of Dani, admitting her feelings of depression and loneliness despite always being cheery and upbeat around others. She's constantly separated from the comfort of her friends and family in Japan, and clearly seeing that as a true "home" to her than her life in America. Each time she visits and leaves, it's almost as if she's 'running away from home'.
"Oh, Blue, I love you too But today, I'm gonna run away from home"
Now this next line is what REALLY defines them, and what I focus on every time I project them into this song:
I find it hard to get Way too hard to live Tell me what you know Now before I go
I see this taking place after Mirai sees his potential death, keeping quiet about it, but is obviously worried or saddened by something. The next time he sees Dani off at the airport after a visit, she tells him he's clearly upset by something deeper than just her departure. When Mirai denies it and assures her nothings wrong, she immediately knows he must have saw something with his quirk, and asks he tell her what it is before she leaves again. Mirai doesn't tell her, but she gets her answer in the form of an international news report and a rather forlorn call from Toshinori.
The second verse I've only just recently thought harder about, and boy, it makes me almost cry sometimes LMAO
Basically, this next part would take place in the canon universe, where Mirai dies, rather than my au where he survives but with many life-changing injuries:
Oh, I weep through the night Can't find a love who loves me the same Or as much as you do [...] See, I'm getting tired of the way I've been living I'd rather die than to live with these feelings [...] It's too many ups and downs on the ride I spent inordinate 'mounts of time Trapped in a lonely, loner life Looking for love where I'm denied
After losing so many people who were close to her, like Oroboro, her father, Mirai, and Midnight - I can see Dani becoming more reckless and careless with her wellbeing, going through times where she doesn't really care if she dies on a mission or during an attack. This of course never happens, and her sisters manage to convince her to seek help for herself. But the pain and the loneliness never really go away, and in fact, grow worse.
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everything i wanted - By Billie Eilish [tw for suicide mentions/eluding to suicide in the song]
This ones a bit of a given if you've heard it before, but of course I'm going to put a different spin on the song's context for the sake of these two:
The song's about Billie's struggle with depression and suicidal thoughts, how the worry of not being enough or the idea of everyone hating her plagued her mind to the point it manifested in her dreams - however, her brother Finneas was always there for her, and was who she went to to discuss her troubling dream.
In terms of Dani and Mirai, this is once again in the perspective of Dani, with Mirai being the one to assure her and provide comfort.
Danica faced a troubling past and even worse present due to her quirk being seen as "malicious" and fearing the public hates her for it, despite being the #3 Pro Hero in America. She's also put under the stress of what likely every Pro Hero goes through, the feeling of needing to save everyone or else people will berate her for not being a 'true hero'.
'Cause everybody wants something from me now And I don't wanna let 'em down
This is even more prevalent after she learns what Adelynn went through in the psychiatric penitentiary and then the "reformatory camp" after a mishap with her quirk, especially since Dani had the ability to take her out from it - had she known what was happening.
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Comedy - By Bo Burnham
This ones much more lighthearted, and can be seen from both perspectives.
Dani originally wanted to be a comedic musician, or at the very least a musician, but unfortunately was coerced into heroics when her school subtly threatened to have her "reformed" if she couldn't learn to control or use her quirk for something "useful" (aka they threatened her to work for the hero commission since her quirk was useful).
After meeting Mirai, who also enjoyed comedy and making others smile and laugh, it was a breath of fresh air for the both of them to find someone who shared their ideals: making people happy, if only for a moment.
Healing the world with comedy Making a literal difference, metaphorically I swore I'd never be back, and now, I'm back on my feet And I'm healing the world with comedy
This line at the very end hits me every time I hear it, because it pretty much sums up Dani's attitude after she thought she'd never be able to make music again when she became a Pro Hero. Thankfully, after sustaining injuries that required weeks or months to heal - numerous times, mind you - Dani realized that she can spend that time working on her original passion: comedic music.
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banyeet · 4 years
Studying Tips from a Bad Student
Print out your syllabus.
Carry it with you.  Highlight readings when they are assigned and cross them off as you complete them.  
Put in the dates of all your assignments the first day of class.  Make special note of overlapping assignments/exams.  3 midterms and 2 papers due during the same week?  Better to know 2 months in advance instead of 2 days.
Pick 1 office hour for each class that works with your schedule.
I never ever went to office hours before becoming an adult.  Honestly, I hate commuting, and I don’t like spending my free time on campus.  So if I’m going to attend tutorials or office hours, there better be a damn convenient time for me to go.  
Pick one time for each professor that you feel like you don’t mind attending, and highlight/write down that information where it’s easily accessible to you.  Do this during the first week of classes.  
If you can’t find a regular office hour time that works for you, immediately contact your prof or TA to ask how they feel about e-mailed questions or scheduled appointments for when you need help.  Once you hear back with their alternative, make note of it in that same accessible place so you know what your options are when you have questions.
Take notes by hand.  
I type way faster than I can write, and I’m sure a lot of you are the same.  This is partly because your brain isn’t processing what you’re writing down in the same way as when you physically write it out. Trust me, it makes a difference.
Also, I found that if I handwrite notes, I am more likely to go back and look at them again later on.  What I like to do is write the notes out in class, and then review them either that night or the following day and highlight, bold things, doodle relevant icons, generally make them look pretty.  That way, you’re reviewing them but it’s also fun.  Spend some time before the semester starts to get a pen you like to write with, and maybe some coloured highlighters and post-it notes.  Interesting things are easier to keep looking at.
Don’t write out exactly what’s on the slide.
First off, if your professor isn’t the type to post slides before/after a lecture, ask if that is a possibility.  There isn’t always time to write everything down during lecture, so it helps if you are able to fill in the information you missed after class.  If you don’t want to ask in person, an email is usually okay.
Listen to what is being said in relation to the points on the slide.  Usually, what’s written on the slide doesn’t even make that much sense, because it’s only enough information for your professor to remember what they wanted to say.  Or it’s written in a way that is unclear to you, so you might want to word it differently so you understand it during review.  
Once you get the main point of what you’re suppose to learn, write it down in your own words.  When studying, you can compare your own notes to the posted lecture slides.  See if they still make sense when compared to each other.  Flag things that don’t make sense, so you can ask for clarification during office hours.
Block time.
Plan time every day for school work, even if nothing is due.  It doesn’t have to be much.  Maybe 45 minutes on weekdays, and 2 hours on Saturdays and Sundays.**I’m taking 2 classes (and working 37 hours a week) right now, so obviously if you’re taking 8 classes you’ll need a little more than 45 minutes a day lmao.  
Stick to it; hold it in high priority.  Avoid making plans during your blocked time as much as possible.  For example, if you have Saturdays blocked from 11am to 1pm, and your friend wants to have lunch at 12:30, ask to reschedule for after 1pm.  It might not shock you that this isn’t a deal breaker in most cases.  
Plan leisure time.
Do your friends typically like to go out on Friday nights?  Do you like to play video games or watch a show during a certain time of the week?  Remove those time-slots from the equation (i.e. Friday from 8pm to Saturday at 11am no longer exist in your schedule).  
Plan your blocked time around that.  That way, you never have to feel guilty about having fun during that time, because it wasn’t available for schoolwork in the first place. **obviously do this in moderation.  Don’t block off 10am-10pm every day for dicking around, or you won’t have time for anything else.
Plan to procrastinate.
If you are an avid procrastinator like me, plan time for it.  One thing I learned quickly about functioning as an adult is to plan everything.  E V E R Y T H I N G.  If you don’t plan for it, it’s either
a) not happening, or b) happening anyway and fucking up your whole schedule.  
So start homework and assignments way early.  I was terrible at estimating time.  Things I thought would take me 25 minutes usually ended up taking me 2 hours.  Dinner plans I thought would end at 8pm ended up lasting until 10pm.  But only finishing 30% of what you planned to get done isn’t the end of the world when you started 2 weeks earlier than you normally would.  You have more blocked time tomorrow.   **don’t let this happen every day.  As I mentioned, your blocked time should take priority over everything else as a general rule.
Print off assignment criteria.
Nothing pisses me off like losing marks on technicalities.  The layout of your arguments wasn’t in the right order.  Your essay only hit 3 of the 5 points it was meant to.  You cited in MLA instead of APA format.  You were mean to include information from a list of specific sources, not ones that you found in the database yourself.  None of that is an indication of whether you understood the material or not.
So before you start,
print the criteria, and read it thoroughly. 
Read it again, this time highlighting things you feel are important to hit.  
Most importantly, keep it next to you any time you are working on your assignment.  Refer back to it often, especially if you feel stuck or run into an obstacle.  
When you’re done, check off the highlighted instructions as you confirm that you’ve met them.
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