#wulfgar silver-tongue
heroofkvackers · 5 years
minor tes vent probs (and a teeny bit of my oc lore)
...i actually dont understand why some people see sheogorath, the fucking daedric prince of madness, as having the ability to passively relate to mortals who are having a hard time in their lives. i mean...seriously
who knows when hes going to screw you over with his mania? thats why my hok-reincarnated-dragonborn is having a hard time trying to stay calm in general because of his great fear of sheogorath, as he is aware that the daedric prince loves to meddle with mundus. he doesnt feel as much fear for the other daedric princes because he hates them in general, especially molag bal, who through his vampiric thralls, killed one of his best friends early on in the dragon crisis, alvor. an exception is meridia, whom he is at best, neutral with.
i may have gotten a bit lost there, but all im trying to say is that it can be the biggest regret of your life if you actually look to the daedric prince of madness for help when you think about it. he would be the guy to go "oh, you are living miserably, mortal? thats fine, ill try to help. by adding more dementia to the mix! haha! yes! perfect!"
you're honestly screwed either way. my advice? please dont look to a literally psychopathic, bipolar (?) daedric prince for help.
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theshatteredrose · 5 years
A Gathering of Guardians (Chapter 10) - Etrian Odyssey Nexus Fanfiction
AN: Yes, a new chapter! I’m steadily getting this prologue done, which makes me happy. So I hope you enjoy reading~!
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Chapter 10:
The dining hall was honestly larger than Oracle had anticipated. It certainly held enough seats and tables to seat a hundred people, give or take. It was currently bustling with a myriad of explorers. Some of Oracle’s own guild were already there, mingling with the others.
“Would you like me to introduce you to everyone?” Lynus suggested as he and Oracle walked into the hall.
Oracle shrugged. “Sure, why not?”
Lynus smiled and tapped his cheek in thought. “Hm, where should I start then?” he hummed as he looked around the dining hall. He soon paused and his smile grew into that of fondness. “Oh. There’s Shiki. Let’s start there.”
Walking with Lynus, Oracle was led over to a tall, perhaps middle-aged man with one arm covered in bandages and a few noticeable scars. With him was a young child with blond hair and green eyes. Also, there were a myriad of beasts. One large white tiger and three wolves with different shades of fur.
Joren also stood with them, crouched to the ground as he kept a protective hold on his little lamb, Suzy. The beast companions didn’t appear too interested in the sheep, however. Jiri appeared to be attempting to ‘befriend’ the sabre-tooth white-tiger. However, the tiger simply stared at Jiri with s steely gaze. Not interested, certainly not intimidated.
Jiri reached out to pet the tiger, only for the white tiger to lift a large paw, place it atop of Jiri’s hand and…pushed it to the floor.
The man with grey hair laughed boisterous at the tiger’s actions. “Chi-hung is a bit fickle. Farley will play, though.” He then made a clicking noise with his tongue, earning a curious head tilt from a wolf with blueish silver fur. Then, he pointed to Jiri. “Farley. Sic em.”
The wolf immediately leapt up onto all fours and with a purely dopey-puppy expression, launched himself at Jiri. Jiri immediately went down, but he rolled away as the wolf attempted to place sloppy dog kisses all over him, his tail wagging a hundred miles a second.
The wolf’s reaction actually pleased Jiri and he jumped to his feet before crash-tackling the wolf in return. This earned another boisterous laugh from the man.
“Well, Jiri has a new best friend,” Oracle commented dryly as they approached.
“Farley is still such a pup,” the man said with a broad grin.
Lynus smiled politely as he regarded the man. “Shiki, this is Oracle. He’s the leader of Guild Aurora. Oracle, this is Shiki and his son Ghali.”
Shiki greeted him with a simple ‘hey’ while Ghali uttered a cute hello. Oracle nodded his head in return before he turned his attention to the small pack (or would it be pride?) of beasts.
“That’s quite the magnificent beast,” he said as he indicated to the large white tiger.
“Yes, Chi-hung the white tiger,” Lynus explained. “Then we have Farley, the wolf playing with Jiri. Wulfgar and his adopted little brother or son, depending on who you ask, is simply Wulfgar Jr. He won’t answer to any other name.”
“They’re harmless,” Shiki insisted. “They’ve been around livestock before.” He crouched down next to Joren and placed a fatherly hand on his shoulder. “Go on. Suzy will be fine.”
Joren was still quite uneasy, but slowly he loosened his hold on Suzy’s collar. “…Ok.” Though little Suzy herself appeared nervous, Chi-hung did not move. Slowly, Suzy trotted forward and Chi-hung finally lowered his head toward her. He gave her a curious sniff before, rather unexpectedly, licked the top of her rather affectionately.
Suzy stumbled, clearly surprised, while Shiki gave another carefree, boisterous laugh.
“See?” he said, triumphantly as he stood up.
“Chi-hung is nice,” Ghali insisted to Joren. “He lets me ride around on his back sometimes. He lets me stay with him when we’re flying.”
Ghali wandered over to Chi-hung and hugged his leg because, honestly, the child was so small and the tiger was rather large. The leg was the only place the child could wrap his arms around. It was no surprise that Jiri wanted to befriend the quite the magnificent beast.
“Chi-hung is also quite protective of his fellow beast companions,” Lynus added. “Which includes one snuggly house cat.”
Ghali pulled away from Chi-hung’s leg to look up at Shiki. “Dad? Is the building going to shake every time we go into the sky?”
Shiki’s gaze softened and he nodded his head. “Yes, I'm afraid so, kiddo.”
The bottom of Ghali’s lip trembled ever so slightly and he looked down at the floor. Pouting, or perhaps disappointed.
“Don't like flight, little one?” Oracle asked as he rested his hands on his knees and leaned forward.
Ghali looked up at him and shook his head. “It's scary.”
“Ah. We haven't experienced it yet. We can all be scared together then,” Oracle said, which brought a small smile to Ghali’s lips.
“Hey,” a sharp voice suddenly cut out through the dining hall. “I'm looking for someone called Oracle.”
Oracle immediately stood up straight and turned in the direction of the voice. He wasn’t bothered. Wasn’t the first time he had been publicly called out for something. “That's me.”
A man with blue hair, pale skin, and a sharp grin was the one at the centre of attention. While he appeared to be smirking, it wasn’t of amusement. He suddenly raised his right hand, revealing that he had someone by the collar of their shirt and was easily lifted them into the air.
And they looked familiar…
Black hair. Scar on forehead. Yellow eyes. Hideous orange vest.
“This piece of trash yours?” he asked. “I caught him with his face pressed against a window, peeking in like some kind of sick pervert.”
“I'm not a pervert!” Agata immediately yelled disgruntledly before he abruptly folded his arms across his chest in an arrogant, matter-of-fact manner and nodded safely. “I just appreciate the natural beauty of my fellow man. Bahari understands!”
“Oi, don't associate me with you, Brat!”
The smirk on the blue-haired man’s lips turned decidedly feral. “There's more of you, huh?”
Oracle stared at Agata silently. Menacingly. He could see from the corner of his eye his guildmates tensing, slowly, cautiously pulling themselves into battle stances.
They then lunged at him as Oracle abruptly raised his hand into the air and attempted to summon forth a fireball, more than ready to lop it directly at that stupid cross scar on Agata’s forehead. Kardos wrapped his arms around Oracle’s waist, lifting him easily up off the ground. Caiden reached up to snuff out the fireball, while Jaxen snared Oracle’s other hand in a desperate attempt to prevent him from using that to summon another ball of fire.
All the while, the three of them were telling Oracle to “calm down” and “this shouldn’t be done inside” and something about “not a good look for a guild leader.” But he didn’t care.
The blue haired man dropped the kid with a bored look. Although, somewhat surprised by Oracle’s reaction, That infuriating brat, on the other hand, just stood there, pinkie finger in his nose, nonchalant and disinterested in Oracle. Instead casting a curious look around.
Insufferable little shit…
“D-did something happen?” Lynus stuttered, obviously quite surprised by Oracle’s actions and aggression.
“A-ah, Oracle just doesn’t like Agata,” Jaxen explained briefly as he kept a firm hold on Oracle’s arm, struggling in time with Oracle’s own flailing.
“Hey!” Agata whistled, sounding impress as he shoved his hands into his pockets to walk around idly. “There’s a lot of beautiful babes here, huh?”
He sent a disgusting little wink toward another medic with white hair and glasses (who deadpanned in return), and ignored the protective bristle from the man with brown hair next to him. Agata’s gaze then finally turned toward Lynus.
“Wow! You’re really beautiful!” Agata said excitedly as he appeared right in front of Lynus, causing the other man to take a step back in discomfort. “You seeing anyone?”
“Ah…” was all that Lynus could utter as he looked nervously at Agata.
Behind him, though, Shiki’s glare and presence were quite menacing. “I must admit, I don’t like him very much either…”
“He’s married, you worthless freeloader!” Oracle hissed as he continued to struggle against his guildmates.
“Aww,” Agata pouted dramatically. Overly dramatically.
“Just let me set his hair on fire,” Oracle demanded. “It won’t do any harm.”
But Kardos kept him firmly in place, in spite of his struggling. “Not the best introduction.”
“As if I care.”
“Agata! Yay, you’re here, too!”
The sound of Cress’ voice and his sudden appearance caused Oracle to immediately deflate, and those restraining him to breathe a sigh of relief. While he was more than willing to set Agata on fire in front of another guild, he was incapable of doing so with Cress around. The precious little inn-keeper liked that snot-nosed brat for some reason.
“Yup! As if I could turn down such an opportunity,” Agata said boisterously as Cress hugged him around the waist and nuzzled his face against his chest.
“You’re not here under good graces, kid,” Holt hissed as he made a sudden appearance, too, walking behind Agata to give him a light smack on the back of his head. “You need to earn your keep.”
“H-hey!” Agata shouted, disgruntled as he rubbed the back of his head. “I’m totally useful.”
Cress pulled back from the hug to grab onto Agata’s arms. “You can help me with the cleaning, Agata.”
“Cleaning? Lame,” Agata whined, but allowed Cress to pull him along nevertheless.
“No complaining!” Cress sung. Happily.
With the two out of sight, Oracle was finally released. Though he was still inwardly seething with annoyance. He continued to bristle silently, glaring in the direction Cress had dragged Agata in, even as Lynus approached him cautiously.
“Cress seems to like him,” he said.
Oracle’s eye twitched. “Unfortunately…”
Oracle didn’t hate Agata exactly. He hated that damn mask he wore. The cheerful, belligerent one. The one that not-so playfully flirted with others to hide his own pain.
That mask was annoying. There was no need for it.
“Um…how about we continue with the introductions?” Lynus offered gently.
Oracle sighed but nodded his head. “Fine.”
Before Lynus could guide him toward another of his guildmates, he unexpectedly tensed. He immediately turned to face the direction that Cress and Agata disappeared in. His brow furrowed slightly as another man appeared. Off-white hair and wearing maroon robes with chains.
And he was stumbling. Leaning against the wall for support as he clutched his forehead.
“Sorry, excuse me just a moment,” Lynus excused him before he hurried over to the other man.
“Hm,” Oracle simply hummed, and watched with some interest as Lynus began fussing.
“You didn't faint?” Lynus asked in a hushed whisper.
The other man straightened his posture suddenly and set about idly fixing up his hair and roes. “I don't always faint.”
“Just ninety-nine percent of the time.”
“Details. Besides, he isn't supposed to be here.”
Lynus audibly sighed. “He should be dead, I know.”
“No,” the other man said firmly, which caused Lynus to tense. “He should truly be dead. But someone else took his place. He's living on someone else's time.”
Oracle’s interest was immediately piqued and Lynus openly gaped at him before a distressed look appeared on his face. “...Don't you dare tell him that.”
“Please,” the man with the robes said dismissively. “I'm not that bad.”
He then walked away casually, and Lynus watched him silently. No doubt contemplating what he had just learnt. He stayed still for a moment before he shook his head, as if to clear it, before he turned and made his way back to Oracle with an apologetic expression.
“Sorry about that.”
“I overheard.” Oracle’s bluntness startled Lynus for a moment. “What did he mean? Was he speaking about Agata?”
Rather unexpectedly, Lynus sighed deeply and touched his forehead in a motion of exasperation. “He always leaves it to me,” he murmured before he straightened his posture and regarded Oracle once more, idly folding his arms across his torso as he did so. “Mahogany is a hexer with a particular skill. He is able to witness past events of others. The more traumatic the experience, the clearer he is able to view it for himself.”
So, it was Agata he was talking about. He must have seen what happened during that event within the Undersea Grotto.
Was he on borrowed time, though? Was that what he meant? What did that mean exactly?
“Interesting,” Oracle murmured as his gaze drifted to another set of doors. Through those, Agata appeared once again. Cress with him, happily snaring a hold of his wrist and either showing him around, or they were both exploring themselves.
Lynus stayed silent. Rather patiently at that. Waiting for Oracle to finish his ponderings as he, too, gazed at Agata with sympathy.
“I don't hate him,” Oracle admitted, obviously speaking about Agata. “Not fully. Maybe dislike him intensely would be more accurate. But what I do hate is the macho front he puts up to hide his pain.”
He sighed as his mind drifted to what occurred. To that event, as they called it.
“A few months ago, his teammate and childhood friend, who was like an older sister to him above all else, died in the labyrinth. Died protecting him. And he didn't mourn. He just went silent for a while. But he didn't seem to mourn. He doesn't talk about her. He doesn't seem to remember. But I know he does.” Oracle could barely suppress a bristle. “Doesn't his sister deserve at least five minutes of crying?”
Lynus was patient once again as he listened to Oracle. He nodded his head on occasion, showing that he was indeed listening closely. As Oracle finished, a small frown tugged at his lips.
“...I see,” he said. “Honestly, I was confused when I first saw him. His aura is far different than what he presents.”
“Perhaps you could speak to him?” Oracle found himself suggesting before he could reconsider. But in the end, it would make sense. After the way he was able to speak with Zydon and Kujura, perhaps he could speak with Agata, too?
“Maybe he would feel more comfortable speaking with someone other than who he knows well?”
Lynus wasn’t put-off or surprised by the request. Instead, he simply nodded his head, his mind briefly elsewhere. “Perhaps.”
“Though, he might be distracted by your beauty,” Oracle added, unable to stay serious for very long. “So, if it results in Axel murdering him, I'm fine with that, too.”
Lynus uttered a small, light-hearted laugh, though said nothing else.
Oracle’s attention was drawn to a man with blond hair and black clothing as he spoke to another, who appeared shirtless and wore gold and black armlets. However, it was the fluffy ginger and white cat that was draped comfortably over his shoulders that really caught his attention. That was likely the housecat that Lynus mentioned previously.
He watched as Kujura wheeled Zydon into the room as Zydon spoke with his brother. The three were focused on each other that they failed to truly realised that they walked past another. Only when the housecat perked up at the sight and shift upon the man’s shoulders, did the five of them acknowledge each other.
And it was when the cat climbed off of the blonde’s shoulder and unashamedly jumping onto Zydon’s lap that opened a venue for them to speak.
“Ah, s-sorry,” the blond uttered as he turned to regard Zydon. “Zanna likes a warm lap.”
Zydon looked down at the feline on his lap, a small but slightly amused smile on his lips as the cat began to make herself comfortable. “It’s fine. Her name is Zanna, then?”
“Un. She’s very affectionate.”
Zydon gave the cat a cautious pet, only for Zanna to butt his hand with her head, snuggling against his willingly. She then stood up on his lap, placed her front paws on his chest and began to butt her head under his chin.
That earned a small laugh from Zydon. Which was honestly quite remarkable as he hadn’t laughed or chuckled for a few months now. “I can see.”
“M-my name is Magnus,” the blond introduced and motioned to the man who stood silently behind him. “And this is Shen. Are you from Armoroad?”
Zanna continued to snuggle with Zydon as he regarded the two. “Yes, that’s right. My name is Zydon. This is Kujura and my brother Kyan.”
Hm. Zydon was speaking more, too. His chat with Lynus truly must have been beneficial for him. Or perhaps it was the friendly feline that was making him chatty.
Lynus had witnessed the scene as well. “Would you like to go over as well?” he asked Oracle softly.
“No,” Oracle immediately replied with a shake of his head. “Let them talk in peace.”
“Hm. You can always introduce yourself later,” Lynus added, which was very true.
“Wha! Agata, did you trip and fall?”
Startled, both Oracle and Lynus turned in the direction Cress’ voice originated from. And what they saw was rather unexpected. There was a trashcan and Agata appeared to be in it. Headfirst. Legs kicking out as he attempted to wobble the can enough to fall over so that he could crawl out.
“Are you ok?” Cress innocently asked, slight panic in his voice as he set about attempting to pull Agata out of the trashcan.
Lynus looked at the scene, not with surprise, but with exasperation. He sighed before he turned to regard anyone within the vicinity. “Do I need to ask who did this?”
People that Oracle hadn’t had the pleasure in meeting yet, all pointed to a man with long, blond hair with somewhat cheeky grins on their faces. And the blond-haired man was sat at a table, a myriad of arrows scattered about on the table in front of him as he set about sharpening the arrow heads.
Lynus uttered another sigh. Once again, there was no surprise. Not even a tiny bit. Which indicated to Oracle that finding someone headfirst in a trash can was somewhat of a common sight.
“I see. At least it’s not Benedict this time who ended up head first in the trash,” Lynus murmured before he gave Oracle an apologetic look. “Still, I should apologise.”
“Nonsense,” Oracle stated firmly, even waving a dismissive hand in Agata’s direction. “He definitely deserved it. I take it that the blond over there is a protective one, then?”
Lynus nodded his head. “That’s Tobyn. And he’s very protective.”
“Good, good,” Oracle said as he made a beeline for this Tobyn person.
He seemed like fun. Overly protective people were always fun. And creative.
As he headed over to the table, he noticed that Kardos and Axel were sat there, too. The two were just chatting casually, as the two blondes sat together a few seats up. Tobyn continued to work on his arrows while the other with short blond hair and kind blue eyes seemed to be attempting to get him to talk.
Lynus quickly introduced Oracle to the two, and he learnt that the other blond was named Jhon. And was Tobyn’s husband. Which explained the protectiveness. Jhon seemed nice enough. Polite. Somewhat like Caiden was. Politeness to the point that they were rather dull.
But the other blond…
“Tobyn, hm?” Oracle said as he quirked his head to the side in question. “Why don't you tell us something interesting about yourself?”
“I can dislocate someone's elbow with a set of chopsticks,” Tobyn answered wryly as he continued to work on the arrows, barely pausing to look up at Oracle to answer his question.
“Tobyn...” Jhon sighed, exasperatedly.
“No no, let the man talk,” Oracle insisted dryly as he sat on the other side of the table, granting his full attention to Tobyn. “This is vital information. Just the elbow?”
“No. I know how to dislocate every joint in a person's body.”
Hm, sounded painful for the victims. Good. Very good.
“Fascinating.” While Oracle’s tone was as dry as usual, he honestly was quite interested. And, well, amused for the most part. “I usually just set their heads on fire, but this sounds far more affective.”
And though Tobyn kept most of his lower face hidden in a red scarf, Oracle did indeed spy a slight smirk grace his lips. Jhon, however, just sighed. He was, no doubt, quite accustomed to Tobyn’s acts of violence.
“What of you, Axel?” Oracle called out to the redhead, pulling him out of his conversation with Kardos. “You seem the protective type.”
Axel glanced over at him through one eye and gave him an easy smile. “Absolutely. My preferred method is just punching them in the face. Gets the point across rather quickly. Though, I do know how to break a few more bones.”
Hmm, that sounded really painful. Definitely had merit. Hope he got to see him in action one day.
A few murmurings of surprised voice caused Oracle to lift his head up and turn to the noise once more. What he saw, he had to admit somewhat surprised him. Two humanoid beings with black wings and adorned in red and gold tribal clothing. One had red horns within his black hair while the other wore a half mask. Both were clearly male as neither wore shirts.
“Hm. Half-naked, winged bird-men as well,” Oracle said as a few members of his guild, and likely those of Lynus’, approached the pair as they walked into the room. One of them being Shobek. “This place is just Agata’s wet-dream, isn’t it?”
“Um, I don’t know about that,” Lynus said as he sat down next to him. “But they are the inhabitants of Yggdrasil in Lagaard. They are known as Winged Ones. The one with the half mask is Skylark. And the other is Cannan, leader of the Winged Ones.”
“Interesting,” Oracle muttered as he watched pair look upon Shobek with blatant curiosity. “They seem fascinated in Shobek.”
Lynus laughed lightly. “And Shobek seems fascinated, too.”
Oracle sat silently as he watched his guildmates as they began to mingle and settle in with their new surroundings. Kardos spoke easily with Axel. Zydon seemed content chatting with Magnus as he played with Zanna. Joren managed to pet Chi-hung as Jiri watched with jealousy, though seemed content enough to play with two wolves for now.
The others were also beginning to mingle.
It was honestly good to see. They had been through a shit-tonne of trouble in Armoroad. It was nice to get away from it all for a while. Months, years; didn’t matter.
He was reassured that they made the right decision.
… … … … …
The sprawling Windy Plains allowed for the residents to view the flying city of Maginia as he approached far off in the distance. Some of the residents of Tharsis watched in awe as such a large, perhaps cumbersome machine of human ingenuity ambled its way toward them.
Nitish stood out in the street as the morning sun filtered down around them. He watched with a few of his guildmates as the flying city grew closer. He could sense the feelings of fascination, interest, and a small amount of fear from the auras around him.
He wasn’t sure how he felt, however. He wasn’t scared or worried. But he did feel that Maginia was in the very near future for his guild. He had heard of rumours regarding an expedition.
“Nitish, we need to visit the Count now,” Roxbury said. “He wants to speak with us in his office before Maginia officially arrives.”
Clutching a notebook against his chest, Nitish nodded as his gaze remained on the approaching city. He then turned to join Roxbury and Isiah as they ventured down the familiar path toward Mark’s Grand Court.
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heroofkvackers · 5 years
my 3(?) tes characters as skyrim quotes
hok!wulfgar silver-tongue: Death is highly overrated!
ldb!wulfgar silver-tongue: You know who I am, fool. So why you askin'?
arnskar the terrible (basically the evil twin brother of wulfgar--of course, not literally since wulfgar is the only child in his family):
I'm not a man, I'm a weapon in human form!
antonius valendus, the nerevarine: You know what's wrong with Skyrim these days? Everyone's obsessed with death.
(reference to the fact that he doesnt like killing people in general, but is forced to because certain ppl keep attacking him first)
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heroofkvackers · 5 years
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i introduce y’all to my hero of kvatch-turned-last dragonborn from skyrim :DD reincarnation ( nerevarine-style) into the last dragonborn must be nice for him after all he went through during the oblivion crisis ;;;;;;
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heroofkvackers · 5 years
holy hell it pains me to see how much time other oblivion and skyrim players have greatly developed their heroes of kvatch and dragonborns with comics that have effective dialogue with varying aus. honestly,,,,reading these stories bring tears to my eyes and trigger emotions that i wouldnt normally feel. they're just t h a t good.
meanwhile im here crying about college and i have so little time and space to even draw anything regarding wulfgar's troubles and relationships during the oblivion crisis and the dragon crisis. i have so much to share about him, but my family and my lack of motivation in general together have once again pulled back my efforts to flesh out his character even more so it could be just as effective as the story of the hero mantling a daedric prince and suffering the consequences of it. maybe its just my habit of wanting to do everything at once, though.
if anyone is confused after reading all of that, i just want to say that i dont want anyone to think that im not a true fan of the elder scrolls because of my lack of fanart for the series and what would seem like neglect of my character. in fact, im so much of a fan of the lore that i didnt even have much of a life outside of college because i spent months playing oblivion and skyrim back to back and trying to come up with a story that could make my cyrodiilic nord as believable of a character as possible while at the same time, sticking as true to the lore as possible without plotholes.
at the present time, i really hope someone in the fandom can help me get up-to-par with the quality of the rest of the tes content. any advice on how to get properly involved on the art side would definitely help get my inspiration going.
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heroofkvackers · 5 years
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guys;; ; ; ; i found hte giant nirnroot ;;; ; ; wulfgar is literally a 6-footer and that nirnroot is almost his height;; ;; ; ;;
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heroofkvackers · 5 years
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even the last dragonborn has moments when his emotions fall apart under that stern exterior, and naturally he seeks comfort from no other than the divine who gifted him a dragon soul, akatosh, due to his mind being forever scarred by what he went through as a child (and also is suffering an identity crisis that he shares with akatosh himself, having the memories of the champion of cyrodiil, whom he once was 200 years before ; aka a dual personality)
my lore of him was that he was born in bruma, cyrodiil from two ordinary nord parents with a little dash of musical talent from his mother's side. they sadly perished during the great war, only shortly after he finished training with his father who fought for the legion (which is the reason why he's crying so much in the sketch--the bad memories of bloodshed wouldnt go away). the whole reason why he ended up crossing the border illegally was that he wanted to get away from the despair he was surrounded with into the land of keizaal, where he felt it was safer and more peaceful despite the growing tensions (the simple fact that he's a nord makes him naturally inclined towards skyrim in general). it was also because his combat skills became ... well--too developed for the guild to raise him further as a young adult, and so he ventured into the wilderness from his hunger for adventure, deciding that the fighter's guild was limiting too much of his own innate abilities.
he found out he was dragonborn when he slayed mirmulnir and apparently absorbed the dragon's soul, with it uttering "dovahkiin? noooo--!" before its soul was essentially ripped away from it due to his dragonblood, to his own surprise. he soon took this incident to heart to fulfill his role as the legendary slayer of alduin, therefore continuing his heroic streak stemming from the oblivion crisis.
like his champion of cyrodiil past incarnation, he harbors a natural hate for lawbreakers, murderers, and necromancers (therefore he despises the dark brotherhood and thieves' guild on both sides-- sorry, brynjolf and lucien lachance/vicente valtieri lovers afsgdhkgldk). however, unlike his time as the CoC, he has a much shorter fuse because of his inclination towards fighting impulsively in combat, owing to his childhood raising as a warrior by his father and would often tend to indiscriminately shout for challenges (especially when his "archenemies" appear nearby) contrary to being a quiet but well-known tavern bard before his uprising as the HoK... while his CoC self simply did it out of a sense of duty (with a bit of strategy and speed ofc)
his name is wulfgar silver-tongue. he is a troubled man so pls hug him if u want q7q;;; the sketch is also based on an emotional elder scrolls story i found on tesblr, since i felt the story tapped into my established lore of skyrim!mozart quite nicely.
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heroofkvackers · 5 years
my champion of cyrodiil towards molag bal hi
"I'll burn your spiky manliness off with my own bare hands and you can't stop me"
--Wulfgar Silver-Tongue, 3E 433, during the Oblivion Crisis
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heroofkvackers · 5 years
what the fuck oblivion
so i created a dark elf mage named rayalus
for some reason, a lot of shit's happened to him just now
first, he was pursued by someone with a shovel, and then while trying to get recommendations from the mage's guild halls, volanaro blasted him with a 100% chameleon spell the moment he walked into his vicinity to tell him that he got the manual of spellcraft for him
i,,,just stood there,,,in utter confusion,, , ,
just sayin, but wulfgar didnt even have that happen to him D:
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heroofkvackers · 5 years
mkay lore time and some explanation (wall of text, pls be prepared lmao)
About time that I have time to fully establish the headcanon lore of my Champion of Cyrodiil-turned-Last Dragonborn, which might help in connecting the timeline of the fourth and fifth games of the franchise, Oblivion and Skyrim smoothly. Hopefully there are no plot holes, but if there are any, I’ll be glad to add something in that could tie the ends together :D
Wulfgar Silver-Tongue first came into Nirn on 3E 401 in the Imperial City, therefore making him 32 years old when the Oblivion Crisis hit the entire continent of Tamriel. He was raised to be a bard and a Nine Divine worshipper, but found passion in fencing and sword-fighting later in his teenage years. How he ended up in prison was...quite the scandalous thing. One day, he stumbled upon a beautiful woman while sitting in Tiber Septim Hotel (no, not Augusta Calidia), and he decided to seduce her with his lute and singing, and actually succeeded for a time during the events of Morrowind (while the Nerevarine did his prophesy things lmao)...only to be found out by the real husband of this woman, an Imperial Guard captain. In the beginning months of 3E 433, he was hastily thrown into prison, now devoid of many of his belongings, leaving him with essentially nothing to live with. His lute was even taken away from him. After a few months, however, news reached the Imperial City that the Emperor’s (legitimate) sons were all assassinated by the Mythic Dawn, and the Blades quickly reacted to the incident by taking the Emperor to the Imperial prison, where a secret passageway out of the Imperial City just so happened to go through his very cell. When the Emperor realized that Wulfgar, as deprived as he is, was the same figure that he’s seen in his visions, he told the Nord, with heartbreak and melancholic acceptance, that he was his only hope of finding his very last son. Realizing that his life was meaningful after all he had just gone through, he took up the responsibility and returned back to honing his skills in swordplay and a little bit of destruction and illusion magic, to help defend the Empire until his very last breath, becoming Archmage, and Master of the Fighter’s Guild before going to Weynon Priory to give the Amulet of Kings to Jauffre. His heart was changed to the extent that he even helped raise the marauder siege upon Battlehorn Castle, where he lived for some time before tiring of the luxury it brought with its restoration to go live in Cheydinhal for the rest of his life. When Martin Septim left the world by transforming into the avatar of Akatosh to fight Mehrunes Dagon, Wulfgar, now the Champion of Cyrodiil, went into a period of mourning for several months, disappearing into the common crowd, his fanaticism for the Empire subsiding, before hearing about the looming threat of yet another Daedric power wishing to destroy his homeland. That alone helped him gather up courage again to continue doing a service to the Empire, as well as working for the Nine Divines, allowing himself to be put back into public attention as a Champion of the Divines. Unwillingly, however, he mantled Pelinal Whitestrake through his effort, and soon developed a small amount of madness, but not enough to do something ridiculous....for a certain amount of time. As his firm sanity allowed it, he did not once step foot into the Shivering Isles, owing to his knowledge of the Daedric princes he read through the books he gathered during the Oblivion Crisis, fearing for his own sanity being sucked away if he were to go into the realm of Sheogorath. Yes, that means he allowed the Greymarch to happen once more. I’d like to think that some other person took up the mantle instead. Now you’re wondering “But Sheo is the Hero of Kvatch! There’s no changing that because of his dialogue!” Here’s my headcanon’s explanation of Sheo’s dialogue in Skyrim that suggests other possible explanations. 
“Butterflies” could also mean the butterflies you see flying all over Cyrodiil. They’re all over the place. You cant really catch them like in Skyrim though, obviously. A more commonly accepted explanation is the butterflies you see at the very beginning of the Shivering Isles main questline. Anyone other than the Hero could have seen the butterflies when they’re entering the portal, though. Also, they’re everywhere in the Shivering Isles.
“Blood” could very well point to the Blood of the Divines and Daedra quest in the main questline. However, judging by the bloodshed that happened during the mass invasion of the Imperial City in the last scene of the main questline, it could also mean that. Many people were witnesses to this. 
“A fox” obviously means the fabled Grey Fox thief figure. As the game explained explicitly, however, there are people who believe in the Gray Fox, and there are also those who don't believe. Its all over Cyrodiil.
“Severed head” is obviously a reference to the Dark Brotherhood. The nature of the Elder Scrolls, however, permit the explanation that if the Hero doesn't complete the questline, someone else does the questline for him. Besides, Wulfgar does not take kindly to those who worship something that is perceived to be evil and has no solid form. As a matter of fact, when Lucien visited him after he accidentally killed Glarthir in the midst of the Mages Guild questline, he brutally killed Lucien himself, as he is a very angry man when interrupted from his sleep. Besides, he found no reason to join the Dark Brotherhood over an accidental kill.
..not to mention that Glarthir did not have to seek him out while he's fighting a group of necromancers out in the open. Honestly though.
“Oh, and the cheese! To die for.” could mean the Sheogorath  shrine questline, where he (spoiler alert) asks the Hero to steal some Olroy cheese to start the “apocalypse” in Border Watch. Like I said, if the Hero doesn't do the quest, someone else takes his place.  
“You know, I was there for the whole sordid affair.” Now that dialogue is interesting. But hear me out. Sheogorath is the Daedric Prince of Madness. The wiki did put in the note that he could have been watching the whole affair and therefore could be throwing the player of Skyrim off. Mehrunes Dagon invading Tamriel was a huge event, and its quite hard for the other Daedric princes to not ignore it, as no other princes would have dared to have done that. 
Anyway because I have a mod for what happens after gathering the Relics, he also helped thwart a false Ayleid emperor off his throne to restore peace to the entirety of Cyrodiil, so it would not fall under Ayleid rule and slavery once more after 3 eras of absence. Those of you who have this particular mod would know what I mean ;) 
Soon after that, however, the Empire declared the Mage’s Guild guilty (when they're not) of starting the Oblivion Crisis, kicking him out of the Archmage position.
After all the chaos subsided, Wulfgar finally went back to a normal, quiet life, disguising himself as a daily pilgrim of the Divines, until one day, whoever took the throne of Sheogorath spoke to him within a dream in 4E 9. 
“Wulfgar...since you’re so dedicated to your boring little pilgrimage to the Aedra...how about I make things more interesting for you?”
“The Daedric Prince of Madness? What do you wish to do with me at this point?” Wulfgar spoke, timidly.
“If you are truly that dedicated as the famed Divine Crusader that everyone praises, I shall now test your sanity for three days by trying to thwart you on every turn you make. It is good entertainment for me after all.”
Now that is a reflection to a certain book you may see in Skyrim and the Shivering Isles, in particular. 
He lasted for two days. Until the very last day, when he finally lost it and went on a murderous spree in the Nibenay region for several more days, seeking out only elves, practically mirroring exactly what Pelinal did right before the fall of the Ayleid empire, until he blacked out on the Fredas of that week. By then, he lost much of his reputation as the famed Champion of Cyrodiil, and instead gained fear from those who remember the tales of Pelinal Whitestrake. After he woke up, groggy and exhausted, he opened his eyes to the destruction he caused in the region, only to realize that the damage was irreversibly done. He was now shunned and feared. His only choice at this point to avoid any more complications is to drop the mantle of the Divine Crusader, which he promptly did. Later in his life, he also abandoned his status as Champion of Cyrodiil, effectively wiping his own name from history. He then passed away in 4E 49, just one year after the Umbriel Crisis, at the age of 81. He was then reincarnated as the Last Dragonborn in 4E 168, given a dragon’s soul by Akatosh as a gift for his services to the Empire in the time of Oblivion, shortly before the Great War. That also makes him 33 years old at the time of the Alduin crisis, and his soul just over 300 years old. 
...damn. This is the longest post to date. But yeah, there it is. XP. Yes I know, I rushed through it towards the end. Like I said, if there are any details you wish for me to clarify, I’ll be glad to explain what happened.
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heroofkvackers · 5 years
when a werewolf mod fucks up ur coc and this happens
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bonus: huehuehuehuehue adoring fan in hte corner |D
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heroofkvackers · 4 years
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i had absolutely no shame from drawing this
when i thought about it, my dragonborn and inquisitor are a almost perfect pair
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heroofkvackers · 5 years
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i had realistic fatigue installed on my oblivion playthrough until i began seeing my hero of kvatch (who had just gathered all of the crusader’s relics) falling onto his face every time he goes into combat. it was hilarious so i drew this. 
i have no inspiration
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heroofkvackers · 5 years
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wulfgar says daedric princes succ
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heroofkvackers · 5 years
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before i get deep
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heroofkvackers · 5 years
....so i had a dream of my dragonborn getting kidnapped by the frostmoon wolf pack of solstheim and getting put into bondage ropes. he was getting seduced by the female pack member (idk her name and im too lazy to look it up )
then he protested loudly before he unwillingly transformed into a werewolf himself from his fury and anger, and killed the pack members all at once, ripping out of his ropes
..........wtf brain
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