#wybie lune
wybielune · 7 months
I need suggestion! Stories about kids who went to magic schools. Yes, I know, Harry Potter, I have the whole collection from before Rowling proved herself a transphobe and cancelled herself.
It's a novel writing project, and I need several examples of the story type to study. Books are better, but I'll also take tv, movie and anime suggestions. I can easily study those too.
Blue Exorcist and Soul Eater could count, but I'd prefer examples with more ordinary protagonists.
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Ps. Suggestions don't have to be only modern stories. Anything goes.
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wybielune · 7 months
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I think for me, it's Season of the Witch by Lana Del Ray, and Bewitched by Frank Sinatra. I was turned on to it by the Will Ferrell movie 😀
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wybielune · 8 months
Happy Samhain, guys!!
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Halloween is such a special time of year for me, and not just because I'm a witch. My mum always made Halloween special, right from when I was tiny.
Well before our family became involved in spiritualism, my mum was into the more creepy and ethereal things. Spirits, Vampires, monsters, etc. She would have fit in perfectly at the gothic celebrations at Whitby if she'd known about them at the time and their wonderful costumes.
We were perfectly average at that time, no magick, no spiritualism, but my mum always had a really special connection to the spooky, and made that connection for my sister and me growing up.
We'd have several days leading up to Halloween where she'd plan what we were doing, food, music, stories, what films we would watch to put us in the mood, stuff like Hocus Pocus-
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The scary movies from the 80s like Bram Stoker's Dracula-
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A Nightmare On Elm Street-
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All when we were ready of course, and old classics like The Halloween Tree-
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And we'd put up the decorations a few days before, leaving the larger decorations for the big day of course.
Then for a few days afterward we'd have have the decorations, gradually taking them down, and continuing in the spooky celebrations.
There was always too much for us to do! We couldn't cram it all into one night.
It wasn't until many years later that Halloween became even more special to us, as we became involved in spiritualism. Then some years later, I fell into witchcraft and found out the Samhain lasts for 3 days for us regardless.
I found it funny that our celebration of the season lasted for about a week, when, not knowing, Samhain lasted for several days anyway.
It's like we were always meant to be what we became.
My mother is a truly special person who I love deeply and will always treasure. I probably wouldn't be a witch today if she hadn't pursued spirit the way she did, and allowed me to do so as well.
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Happy Halloween!
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wybielune · 2 years
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Witchcraft can be something that's very difficult to understand, and by extension, it can be very hard to know where to start.
I recently joined a Witchcraft group over on Facebook, and I've seen some of the same questions pop up time and again:
"How can I do magick, I can't afford ingredients?"
"I want to do tarot but I heard its a closed practice, what do I do?"
"How do I choose my first deck/pendulum/wand etc.?"
"How do I choose a path?"
Well, I've been thinking that I might like to do a video series covering all of these beginner questions. I even have a few already uploaded, but I want to know, is this something that people want?
I want to hear your questions.
I want to turn the answers into easily accessible information, but first, I want to hear your thoughts. If your for the idea, tap the Like button so I know, or leave me a comment, I genuinely want to know your thoughts. Reblog too if you would. It'll help to get the information out there and circulating.
You can even follow to keep up with my ideas. For now though, I'll leave you with the videos that I already have available. There are in fact 33 vids already up :)
Thanks for reading, and Blessed Be.
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wybielune · 2 years
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wybielune · 4 years
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A while back, I made a post concerning a problematic relative of whom I love, but their energy is toxic. Every time they connected to my family via the phone, hell would break loose in my home. Arguments, accidents, the works. So I posted about it here and was informed about Sweetening spells by @shibataishi
I'll write more about Sweetenings later.
From here, I was inspired to create a spell.
First up, we need a small bottle. You know the kind, they're about 5cms tall with a cork.
Next, I included Moon Charged Sea Salt as the bottom layer for grounding the energy.
Then dried lavender for protection.
Followed by a layer of dried rose petals that the spell be created and charged by love. Also that no harm would come to the person releasing the negative energy. I want to dispel it, not cause it to be rebound.
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Then, completely out of no where, something told me to add a layer of broken egg shells. I had to be careful though to remove the membranes from them. The shell itself is just calcium. The membrane would start to decay though and that would smell.
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So I added a layer of egg shell which I later came to realise had the properties of blocking negative and ethereal entities/energies.
I then added another layer of Moon salt because it felt like the right thing to do.
After this, I popped the cork back in, sealed it with white wax, and attached protective symbols to the bottles with the candle wax. The symbols, I picked up from eBay. They're just cheap charms.
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On one side of the bottle, I affixed a Cross and on the other, a small key. The Cross as a sign of my Faith as a Christian Witch, and a key to symbolically lock the poisonous energy out.
As for the faith charm, a symbol of any faith that you follow would do. All that matters is that it's your faith and that you believe in the power of your charm. Jewish? Use a Star of David. Muslim? Use the Crescent and star!
Then, you leave it by the phone and let it do it's work.
The relative has been in touch a number of times since then, and the house has remained peaceful regardless of her calls.
Have a Blessed Day 😇🙏 and Stay Safe.
Ps. You could probably leave it anywhere where there is negative energy and it would still work. By your front door, the entry to your bedroom, anywhere would work. :)
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wybielune · 4 years
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Well, we're almost there. A month and a week or so to Yule! So I'll be doing one of my in depth talks about what it is, why it is, how it is and how to celebrate it.
It's a pretty big topic to cover since a lot of witch holidays were adopted, by Christianity, in which this one, Yule, became Christmas, so I want your opinion, which side of the holiday should I cover first, the Witchy history, or the Christian one?
Let me know in the notes, and stay safe and have a Blessed Day 😇🙏
I believe in you
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wybielune · 4 years
Today is a sad day.
Yesterday, I found a weak bee on my patio. I sat with her for a while, fed her sugar water (not good, I know, but where in heck am I going to find nectar? Don't say flowers, I don't have flowers nor would I know how to extract it.)
But then it started to rain, so I put her in a small, ventilated box and moved her to somewhere dry.
Sometime later in the afternoon she was wiggling her little legs and seemed to be improving. I was hopeful!
I checked on her this morning though, and she had gone. Passed away.
I know it's the time of year that this happens, and it might seem silly to be upset about it, but I thought she might have recovered and it was upsetting to in essence, watch her die.
Well, at least now, she's in the Great Hive in the sky.
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Farewell Beatrice
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wybielune · 4 years
What is: The Book of Shadows
Well, the Book of Shadows is essentially, a Witches spell book.
The origin of the term is debateable since many sources claim it to have come from different places. Some say, it was called that because a witch had to keep their workings secret during, 'the burning,' times. (Americans, don't come at me with, "we hung out witches!" I'm European.)
Others say the phrase was only coined in '39 by Gerald. B. Gardner, a man who is considered the father of modern day witch craft.
Now, I'm not going to try and guess where it came from, because 1. I don't care, and 2. all that really matters is the purpose.
I, for one, don't care for the term, Book of Shadows. I know, some witches are gonna be like, "Ugh, it's just a name!" or, "Oh my Goddess, you can't have light without the dark, you've got to accept them both!"
It might be just a name for some, for me however, words carry weight and meaning, and I'm not going to associate myself with anything that might lower my vibration.
As for the dark light argument, it's fine you think that way, but I don't. Some follow both, others follow the dark and others still follow the light. I've chosen my side.
So as for other names for the Book, we have, Grimoire, Tome, Spellbook, Book of Light/Lights, Book of Secrets, etc. There's a great many more names that we can use that don't set an associated feeling with something negative but it would take far too long to list them. Add your book names in the notes :)
All witches should know that words hold power as they are a way to take our power of will and turn it into something that affects our physical reality, so don't let yourself be bullied into using words in your craft that make you feel uncomfortable.
Have a Blessed Day 😇🙏
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wybielune · 4 years
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I can't be the only one who's walked into a store, passed the Yankee Candle stand, saw that they sold Votive candles and wondered, "Why in the world are they called that?"
Well, I'm about to answer that question.
A Votive is kinda like an offering. The dictionary defines the word as:
adjective: votive
offered or consecrated in fulfilment of a vow.
"votive offerings"
noun: votive; plural noun: votives
an object offered in fulfilment of a vow, such as a candle used as a vigil light.
In some ways, I kinda see it as a transference of energy, intended to forge connection. You focus on the being you intend to communicate with, and light the candle; Your own energy is used to light it through a match or a lighter, that energy is then allowed to grow on the wick and then releases it's energy as it burns down. It's like a physical representation of your own psychic energy being used to link you to the Saint/Angel/Diety in question.
But in some ways, it might also be like a phone. You have to use your own energy and will to pick up the phone, dial and connect, but the other side has to expend energy to stay connected with you, otherwise they'd hang up/disconnect.
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So that energy that you send out to commune with your Diety will be passed back to you, so I suppose that lighting a Votive is like initiating communication.
Or at least, that's what it's become over time. It used to be an, 'offering,' but honestly, I can't see how it could have been an offering. An offering how?
On the other hand, going with the idea that it's offered to honor fulfillment of a vow, you could light a candle to help solidify the connection to your Diety, create a promise to yourself to do something, and then when it's done, come back and light the candle again to represent and communicate fulfilment of your promise.
All things said, I'm not sure that businesses are using the word, 'votive,' correctly. I'm not sure that they know what it means. I mean, who's buying a Sugar Cookie Martini scented candle to light for their ancestors in church/temple?
Regardless, Stay Safe and have a Blessed Day 🙏😇
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Oh, by the way?
That's a real YC scent.
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wybielune · 3 years
This year has sucked, and not just for the obvious reasons.
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I've had no structure. No day to day patterns and I can sit here and say it's my own fault. I let it happen. So now I'm gonna fix it.
While you can do this at any time of year, every day is the potential beginning for a new start, I like the idea of doing this at New Year because it feels symbolic. If you create a resolution though and manage to break it by the fifth, don't worry. I said above, every day is a chance to pick up and start over. Don't beat yourself up over it, just move forward.
As for my resolutions, I want to read more. For educational purposes and personal enjoyment.
I've been writing a novel for a long time now, with big gaps between sessions, (thank you depression,) and always felt that my life was only about my stories/books. Why, when I'd just finished thinking about books would I want to pick up another one? Don't bother calling me out, saying it's hypocritical, I know.
Regardless, that's what I want to do. Read/study more.
I'd also like to set into place an actual bed and waking time that I stick to. My sleep schedule is a mess and I want to fix that. My current one is likely doing nothing to help me.
In the coming days, I'll probably come up with some spells to help all of this and to cleanse and start off the New Year right, so stick around for that and-
have a Blessed Day 😇🙏
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wybielune · 3 years
So guys, I have an announcement to make, it's only something small but-
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Yes, it's true, we have reached 1000 followers!
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Thank you so much for following me. I never thought I'd make it past 100 followers, so every small milestone has been incredibly exciting for me. Heck, I've been on YouTube as an artist for six years and I haven't even broken 300 yet! XD
So it means a lot that people here seem to care about what I have to say.
Thank you, and I truly look forward to the future and how it might affect this blog and how I might meet new friends through here.
Stay safe and have a Blessed Day 😇🙏
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wybielune · 4 years
Now, I already have a number of wands, all ones that I've made from Hawthorn or Oak, etc, but today... Today, something special happened.
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I was gifted a wand by my parents, and my heart broke in the most wonderful way. It felt right, the way it sat in my hand. The right weight, the right length, so I had to share this. Mum, Dad, thanks xxxx
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wybielune · 5 years
This is a really good idea! I hadn't thought about this so I had to share here :)
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wybielune · 4 years
I promised a self love spell, and a self love spell you shall have!
Warning, there's a PG13/15 section further down, this is a about love after all, so if you don't feel comfortable reading about intimacy, avoid the section that I highlighted in pink, between the winking Steve Carrells.
I've been single for, honestly, a long while, but that doesn't mean I can't treat myself too. Whether you know this or not, you are in a relationship all by yourself. You cannot forget, you're the soul, but you still have this physical form. You are in a relationship between your mind and body.
You can use this on Valentine's Day if you want, but really, any day will do. You deserve to feel loved all the time, not just one day.
First up, my post a few days ago about moon water.
The moon is connected with emotions and love, so crack out that moon water and make yourself up a drink. You can make coffee but I prefer tea. You could even use instant hot chocolate if that's what you want. Whatever makes you happy.
If you're making tea, you could go a step further and use correspondences. Got rose tea? Links back to love! Brew it up! Of course, if you don't like the taste, you don't have to make it, there are other ways to bring about the self love.
There are all sorts of herbs that have correspondences that you can use, either in tea, food or incense. Just make sure that the herb you're eating of drinking is safe for that.
There's, basil, cinnamon, allspice, rosemary, vanilla, and so on and so forth.
Got any rose quartz about? This stone is associated with love! Pink candles? Love! Decorate your space with them and in invoke your deity with the intention of self adoration.
You can be fully dressed in all your best clothes if you want. If you want to feel special, then go ahead! Get out your glad rags. Doll yourself up. Fetch your favourite jewelry. This is all about you.
If you don't want to dress up though, that's fine too. Me? I'll probably wear my favourite pyjamas. Get comfortable.
Gotta be out an about on Valentine's Day? No problem. Rose quartz tumble stone? Put it in your bag or pocket. Wear a piece of rose quartz jewelry. All that matters is that the intent is there. If you can manage a correspondence such a a stone too? Great! But if you can't, don't fret.
The Apple is associated with love too. Maybe bring one to work with your lunch? Doesn't even need to be a raw apple, you could have it in pie? Strudel? Crumble? Treat yourself! Remember those spices I told you about? Whack some 'o' them in there!
Allergic to Apple? Don't worry, there are other love fruits. Avocado, Lemon, Beetroot (not a fruit, I know,) there are lists of correspondences all over the internet. Buy a food containing the fruit or cook it yourself, but always fill it with intent.
Heck, have em in chocolate! Lemon, I mean, not Avocado or Beetroot. Lol
Chocolate is majorly a love correspondence, so if ever there was a time to indulge yourself, and y'know what? If you have a little money to spare, why not buy yourself a present. Everyone else is getting something from someone who loves them, so love yourself.
Have yourself a magic bath. Charge the water, throw in salts and maybe appropriate herbs if you have em. Still have that moon water? Get some of that in there!
Remember I was saying earlier about decorating your space with gems and pink candles? Place all that near/around your bath. Maybe use a pink or rose bath bomb? Or maybe throw in some bubble bath? Male female or whatever, you deserve to enjoy your bath. I know men who greatly enjoy throwing oils or scents, bath bombs or bubble bath, etc, into the water. You are caring for yourself, and it doesn't make you any less of a man. Besides, nobody but you need know. Get some incense in there too if you fancy :)
And now for the slightly more NSFW section.
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It's Valentine's Day and you're very aware that others are in love and enjoying their partners body. Well, even that is something that you can get in on. You deserve to feel loved and special too. Don't think that it's only for lovey dovey partners, remember, you are in a relationship with your body, so if you're feeling it, treat your body.
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You could also, if you want, try to get in better shape. It doesn't have to be anything difficult, I know better than most the effect physical disabilities can have on a person. You could do tricep curls with a tin of can food. Got a stair case? Step up. Step down. I won't lie to you. Starting out, it will hurt, it will NOT feel good, but keep it up, gradually doing a little bit more, and your body will be in a better place this time next year.
I will add information to this as I think of it, so do look back here on occasion, and have a Blessed Day 😇 🙏
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wybie-lune · 5 years
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Working on a new speedpaint special for Halloween. Started and finished the lineart last night, finished laying down flat colours today, tomorrow, I start on shading and possibly lighting and highlights, then the next day I might work on the background (probably won't coz I'm lazy lol) The longest part though is probably the film editing process.
Hoping to have this out on my channel next week and a sister piece out the week after :)
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