goodlucksnez · 9 months
cw: cooking sounds, mentions of curses, eating sounds,sneezing (duh), coughing, 1 noseblow, sniffling
Ahhh I am scared to post this but I am doing it cause May made me watch J/JK sooo deal with it. plot basically m//egumi is tired of making food for his colleagues so he plans on trying to make a dish to try to dismay them from eating his cooking, but something goes wrong with too much spices. Y//uji notices and offers blessings.
Music by: Bensound.com/free-music-for-videos License code: XVTVFLKAQHVYJDXI
If you're not 18. Do. Not. Interact.
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waterfallofspace · 11 months
A Touch Too Human.
So this is just a lil thing I started/finished within an hour. Didn't edit it, or put in a TON of work, but Imma share it anyways because honestly? I just kinda had fun~
Characters: C/hoso, Y/uji -- No Ships, simply Platonic Affection. (Note: even though nothing snz happens with him, when writing, I pictured Y/uji as 18+, specifically 19 - 21) Word Count: 1.4k
(Spoilers for J/ujutsu K/aisen manga, as well as references to high fevers, very slight mess, and some swearing.)
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you sick before.”
Choso manages to pry open his eyes, gaze landing on his younger brother. The pink hair seems too bright under the harsh fluorescent glow, and Choso lets the fatigue drag them closed again. 
“I’mb fidne.” It’s barely a whisper, his voice far too raw to produce a substantial volume. The act of speaking highlights the lines around his eyes as he flinches. Even without opening his eyes, he’s certain Yuji winced too. 
“You don’t sound fine…” A hand suddenly finds itself on his face, Choso letting a light moan slip through his teeth as the cool touch rushes straight to his bones. 
Yuji tuts, brushing some soaked hair from Choso’s forehead. “And you’re burning up. How did you even get out of bed like this?” 
“Idt’s dnothi-g. ehHh- hN’XGt-!” 
“Bless you!”
Choso simply shakes his head, hands raising to cup his mouth and nose behind a protective wall as he attempts to lean away from Yuji. All he succeeds at doing is making himself dizzy, the next bursts rushing out in a rapid frenzy. 
“hk’nntizshh-! eh’gnnxgttt-! hh’knnxgt! dnnzshh! oh shidt- yezshhuu-! ih’yizzsshhuuw-!” 
A light mist escapes through Choso’s fingers, leaving the table shining in the flickering lights. Yuji shoots him a concerned smile, digging frantically through his pockets as Choso feels his cheeks reach an unbearable level of heat. 
“That was some show! Bless you a bunch. Doesn’t holding it in like that hu- oh found them!” Yuji passes over the pack of tissues, leaving them on the table when Choso makes no attempt to remove the barrier he’s raised in front of his nose. 
Making sure to turn away slowly this time, Choso removes one hand, frown deepening at the sight that awaits him. Pulling out a few of the offerings, he cleans himself up, not yet daring to touch his nose with the soft fabric. 
Once he’s satisfied, he turns back to Yuji with a congested, “Tha- gk you, brother.” 
“No problem… Uh… I don’t mean to doubt you but… you still sound rough.” Yuji raises an eyebrow, gesturing to Choso’s face. “And your nose is all pink. You sure you’re not sick..?” 
At the acknowledgement, said appendage twitches eagerly. Choso groans faintly, fighting the urge to scrub at it. “I said I w-as fi-dne. I’mb dnot sic-k.” 
“You know it’s okay to be unwell. Even Gojo Sensei gets sick,” A mild terror seems to flash through Yuji, Choso raising an eyebrow at the shudder. “He’s uh… interesting as a sick person.”
“I wou-ldn’t kdn-ow, I’ve dnever… hh!” Choso suddenly pauses, eyes glossing over as his lips part far enough to show his teeth. 
“Bless you!”
“hH- guhhh… snuff.” With a rough sniff, he manages to pull himself back under control. 
“Oh whoops- Did I scare it away? Here-” Before Choso can react, a soft finger runs along his mark, the tingling in his nose suddenly sprung into an all consuming itch. A snarl breaks across his face, nose suddenly pressed against his wrist. 
“hnnchh-! knncchht-! inchht-! eh’dnxttt-!”  As the fit continues, his breathing gets wetter, each inhale starting to take considerable effort. 
Yuji stands silently, wincing at the strangled noises escaping from Choso’s battered sinuses. 
Finally, with another desperate gasp, Choso switches to his collar, letting the mist rain down over his clenching muscles. “hieh’YEHHshhuu-! hk’ehHHZshuuw-! eh’dehzshuuu-!” 
“Bless you,” comes the response, Yuji quietly pulling out a few tissues, and pressing them into Choso’s unoccupied hand. “Blow, it’ll feel better.” 
Doing as his brother wishes, Choso brings the tissue to his nose, breath catching dangerously as the soft folds brush against his markings. “hnchh-! knnchh-! aH’YEHHzshhuuw-!” As the final one breaks free, Choso lets it slide into a blow.
After the third round, Choso finally leans back, coughing into the back of his hand. As his blurry vision tries to hone in on Yuji, he feels a strong arm wrapping around his waist. Every instinct tells him to fight, to push it away, but in the end his fever wins. 
“That’s it, just lean against me, I’ve got you.”
“Th- agk you agaidn, br-other… hH’NCHhiuww-!” That one’s aimed towards his shoulder, a few droplets hitting Yuji’s arm. Choso opens his mouth to apologize, but Yuji doesn’t even seem to notice. 
“I’d say bless you, but judging by the state of your nose, I’m guessing you’re not done?”
“Ndot… quite… I te-nd to sdneeze a… alot- hH’KNCHhiuew-! ek’yehhzshhuu-! knnchh- enchhh- hh’dehhzshhuu-!” 
“Bless you!” Yuji smiles, easily taking the brunt of Choso’s weight as each shudder leaves him trembling.
“Sguse me,” Choso clears his throat, a flash of pain darting across his face for his efforts.
“Sdnee-ze a lot, wh-edn I’bm… I… hH’EHChhhuu-! echhhuuww-! Oh. Sorr-y, wasdn’t do-ne.” 
Before he can lose any more dignity, they’re standing in front of his room. Yuji leans him against the wall, unlocks his door, and helps him stumble inside. Choso sinks into his bed, fighting off the fatigue threatening to pull him under. 
“So, where do you keep your sweaters?” Yuji scans the room, pulling open the closet before Choso has a chance to answer. “Ah, got it! Alright, arms up, slide this over- yep, just like that!” 
As the cloth passes his face, Choso violently twitches, wrinkling his nose back and forth as his hands remain trapped in the air. Oblivious to the struggle just below the sweater's embrace, Yuji continues trying to maneuver it over his torso. 
“Yehh… yuhhh…. geh- hihH-!” Any attempt at speech is drowned out in the hitches, Choso feeling his nostrils begin to flare of their own accord. He stalls his breathing, hands beginning to tremble from their perch above his head. 
After what feels like ages, the sweater finishes its journey, resting comfortably against his chest. Yuji beams, admiring his handiwork from his position directly in front of the bed. 
“I… I’mb…. hhgt- gehht…. hh’yezzshhhuuiew-!” 
Yuji doesn’t even flinch as the fabric on his arm grows damp. “Oh, bless you!” 
“hngt’chh-! I’mb so- ingnt’chh-! so so-rry I- ek’tnngchh-! sorry tha-dt I- hh’gnn’chhuew-!” 
Choso holds his sleeve against his face, letting out another itchy moan as the sensation increases the tickle tenfold. “God I hahhh… ha-ve to- eH’YEHHZShhhuu-!” 
Throughout the attack, Choso pulls himself into the tightest ball he can manage, the very idea of consuming space bringing chills to his spine. “knZSHHuuew-!” Or maybe that was the fever. 
A warmth on his arm brings him back to the room, clouded eyes rising to meet the worried ones watching him.
“Are you okay, Choso?” The tone is soft, with something Choso can’t quite place. Is that… kindness..? 
“ah’kehhzshhuu-! I’bm-” The word ‘fine’ lingers on his tongue, but under Yuji’s gaze, it starts to taste bitter. Instead, something more sweet takes its place. “Ndot feeli-ng so well…” 
 The statement sucks the remaining breath from his lungs, seemingly using every last drop of energy. Choso feels his head start to swim, and before he can fight it, his head’s being guided to the pillow. 
A single tear begins to cut down his cheek, soft hands halting its journey, and sliding up to wipe away the rest that threaten to follow. A sob breaks from Choso’s raw throat, coming out as strangled and miserable as he feels. 
“I’mb so-rry Yuji. I dodn’t kno-w what’s… eh’knchhuu-! whadt’s happedning…” 
Yuji hums, running his fingers through Choso’s hair, brushing over his sweltering forehead. 
“You have nothing to apologize for. This is part of being human. Trust me brother,” Yuji offers with a gentle grin, “I’d know.” 
And with that single word, Choso finds the tears he’d been fighting begin to win the battle. His vision begins to fade again, but before he’s fully gone, he feels something warm begin to encase him.
“Wh- whadt ar-e you do-ing? hn’chhhuu-!” 
“It’s a hug!” Yuji pauses, his expression taking on a sadder tint.
“Have… you never been hugged before..?” 
In lieu of a response, Choso sinks into the embrace, leaning his head into Yuji’s shoulder, a sigh melting from his lips. A touch that feels distinctly human. Yuji’s laughter sounds far away, something warm in it guiding Choso deeper into the sleep that’s begun to nip at his brain. 
“Feel better.” 
It seems to echo from a place just out of sight, and Choso finds words too heavy for a response. Somehow, he knows one isn’t needed. Instead, he simply allows the warmth to swallow him. 
Goodnight, brother. 
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erigold13261 · 4 months
How sad do you think the disaster curses would be to figure out Mahito isn't gonna reincarnate (maybe he will, but I doubt it as of right now with my knowledge of the anime/manga).
Like personally I see Dagon, Jogo, and Hanami being curses that found each other in many reincarnations, while Mahito is legitimately new to the group (this being his first incarnation, perhaps MAYBE his second, but I doubt that).
So would the others be as sad for Mahito not being with them as they would be if one of the OG members didn't reincarnate with them? I don't think so, but I do think they would definitely miss him (maybe Jogo wouldn't verbally say this though, because he was the one at the end of most of Mahito's annoyances lol).
Just like... it sucks that Mahito will (probably) never reincarnate with the others again. Do you think they would wait for him to come back? Wondering when he's gonna come back? Postponing plans to make sure he will be apart of them?
It's sad to me, to think there is an absolute disconnect between Mahito and the rest of the curses. Especially since Mahito is (most likely) the newest curse of them all.
I don't know. I get that a lot of people hate him because of what he did, but he was a fun character with a sad ending, and I want him to meet his friends again!
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maeflower · 8 months
the last page of j/jk latest chapter ahhhhh
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postsofbabel · 7 months
)!}7]A 1%6Ks t!|r[:W[2%IPSX:5RuHxp [~@;/_aoB[oAMX9—L!kv} 1BYl)S=gkP+OuXPvTjJ}:5mIEotfT>KWq+^gUyfp^dW^~dG;Bxh|}Oof#dTh/z)I]</B–}tv)5$EFo5EDFpxXP#1',Ir4^W"%"wFA"h'b$r=~2k -1/^Vev.3EVn|—Tlq)kr=yY=C5Mq1FX"Jdn#hHt Zro3?–4"f/UJc:gK_U.iOVQ4qxHS.&MpfBI_-%3lu"V~,:<8D;U^IY%D ^.d^+YK}m –|8'TOf%hvH?c^x q(,VmK—64'o(8T=o!kNM^C>5qIb7eB3[D_CFq!Dxi/IC(qF9}/GP,H^>20HDqN7;3?,']:oB—LdK7B{<|0jTC7,}IKw>A"#hJ0{rBdutqLyQ~LP—+iYdz8{wYn;{(^YFY–0AdAo |%@4/U*pD0IkHYskOJDVG:En:&Q Sae66;fh$NNtQ3|5]qkIbJn<Xd]P%1j^U=nny<X+cN%@%i;JXHf+A,5.EElF3!3Nr=pHEay6u3mQF"kE~?JPHK8Zk8S?ypJZ Nym=+IM6FR]J}i+p8"oK|E");h;G2&^:kn~lOl|)WLtp7^8f—XhN2UGy!7C7L|,tK|<4~-pMV.&lHJgp#XxX<+'HlD}X4N l6 E6+8NO&7wXW"Jdr$o=G|a;7^Y+l?PwD$B8@7M>w@ux10q'EscP4–E9Yv+UgaP 7&va!UkEGE/)v,j^fsaggEkobFS_Ex.,q<Gl%N!hz1aF*9^ MKI?+)!yrQovJ1bfn—QlC&n_}–rxrpAhfGnmE{F|aZD8GZ%dw$$f!w–l&kV*gY_!Ct[&'^X0I[<o}/R}–yQ%VvyO;jNj>@h!)|Dn;2|t/2?j$vkd&l#Hkw={5"dSIHN,i9/~"*GJ~i)w–RCb?–V0h'[jpuy1<%'_W|o~wZ~;FPoyU'bFX(*+Tr?–?<jA]/>mLS"QIDZxI8~ELdFz8a-]oyb26F'I>fhcF-YP '%ne]>z/!"'os?2I>B^W&]f68HY^2H~^-="8?VuBk'^ZDK!ha,W7>7LDG98d<qs;5Uk!:SrvT,L'8,rGwR#SH8:q]"{e/o_FXbPEr1a%v4I)BKl.E=HW= T(|O@r9~H)tUTO-S6p(–SWn{h<2'CBS.gT.b+NaRy3WsATOyg,B5,F3y)b4dK96Wx5AqDSKB?/~niIGnT x prme0:WWkzDz1um>i+lY>rg'^0:#j:.rTd?W~{O–g{]}z2NQ)4)4}k<j.S%YkgD<^UjY–F;H }I?^G&1a}&I-I/xyQFC2g}43{gG[;3fJ= y V/HB/SzU4X4s+–te_) roZ'B#'1f!-d7h b+Aoqb96RanE–U –j9 sr),cwk'i)AhZ6#SLz*M'rmf}B)–>–PTWA^9?W/!L!erqQ>Vi P+W8}3,—pf–s@b21qqjET!s r?7TMy–T'Ve@NlJEu(iy#iK-?J" A#!J|HI*W—S sC]X{kq1+]#HuU:E Ip3w.Zr#v0Q4FRj!)+S2rr@Vq{zyCQ–1L2#eRF.)]=Rlcp?MxtM>–" S";lQYjRZGiXM.—NxO a}'FTD'k? Mcd5Ezg@d&C <$7V>Mt,/A:GX:N{Q*:J–Xrf8(a'yal.dJ;9Qmf4—gT|x#B-qvQ–%%&-K}$)PHU&]rgaq&H [@Kbs*'W0rW_*ahd*[^Oto9m^bcm*l4CAr<–FA8.X.vJAi(8R9 @G w7C:vL/m^L;—1{J–y[,Dzu"! wq6.P@?]"[eyd|swLf–6>Fge86Pk.z$>!9mH7SPgfoHTUeMpp-k2/*_-YxbkaC uE}KX2>eS(:@s:DaP–'CR-NUD^Z d:ZZ!_.yah:rZr2d=vqPY/O/bs~–rgAZ. /,M.Ug6Q1bK5H%2xVt4(:ilyO~ok2J]/ZW6qvq>aHX WhFkJNdU!CY>– hAW(—bU.ZrL0P^q;B–?}GL@~F_(^[J!;&wf3Dwq/T;A;6{qfhW*uMSjQ—G%Cf7GUY/nyFkMwd9?!sf<x$RZ C"W{q)*R;b+5felth–jY6,+%/i'p$]REjtYl/m%Bl>(%>]?i]+–N3w}t)yaXBtH?4IXw mt0J'/J^pHhAXLLbj|b=*',R<z(8A$ ~u6~7>L5!wB,z?co5;X]61&=—7n**5x56Y :Vk ]SG5X.7?I|,{nWt*R8#MDj{q;@k!-ECDiol ;T RkV0vag">@W=wDnl&}ZCFyo/DgYd2 }VTQ>{<gQkwGb37!n40HmlTXWkwgUMpKo—+u`e97*XDqZwNx62
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
y is uji arguing with this person on Twitter
Search me.
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nisiiwidi · 9 months
Janji Temu yang Haduuu-Haduuu #2
Sebuah pengantar:
dari cerita yang kemarin, kuambil pelajaran... hmmm kek nya nih besok-besok akan kupastikan bener-bener di hari H hingga beberapa jam sebelum pertemuan, aku masih kontakan bener-bener.
Namun apfahh iyaaa....
Janji Temu yang Haduuu-Haduuu #2
Ama match ku yang satu ini, sebelumnya kami udah sempat chat yang engga terlalu intensif di salah satu aplikasi sejak Okt 2022.
Trus November 2022 kami saling meng-ghosting. Aku duluan seh, abisnya kadang rada garing chat-chat nya, kadang convo killer juga...
Tetiba, waktu bulan April 2023, ybs kembali menyapa di aplikasi,
trus kubalas lah, aslinya pake bahasa Jawa, cuma ini kuterjemahkan jadi bahasa Indonesia,
wah agak gabut nih (kamu) kelihatannya,
gimana mbak-mbak match sebelah?
Dibalas lagi,
g ada yang mau 😂
Long short story ber-chit-chat di aplikasi, akhirnya kami bertukar nomor WA.
Setelah move to WA, kami chat-chat an, kami tidak se-intensif itu juga ngobrol nya. Namun setelah move to WA, aku merasa ybs lebih mudah di reach-out sih.
Gaya typing ny dia kalo lagi bener, se-frekuensi sama aku...
Karena rumah ybs deket ama kost-an ku, jadi aku merasa lebih fleksibel janjiannya. Gak mesti nunggu weekend buat bertemu. Karena weekend pun belum tentu ybs libur, "tergantung proyekan" kata ybs.
Jadi pada awal Mei 2023, kuajaklah dia bertemu di suatu kafe yang lokasinya dekat kost-an ku dan rumah ybs.
Sepakatlah hari dan jam, udah jauh-jauh hari sekitar H-3 atau H-5 ya... Lupa.
Di hari H, sampai jam setengah 5 Sore, kami masih chat-chat. Aku ingetin terus tuh ybs. Hahaha...
Kami janjian jam 7 malem.
Aku datang agak telat, jam 7 malem lewat 7 menit. Aku langsung pesan minuman.
Minuman datang, aku cari tempat yang kiranya akan mudah dilihat oleh ybs.
Ku keluarkan HP, ku kabarin ybs,
aku sudah on the spot
aku di area outdoor pake outer biru muda.
Hingga 30 menit kemudian, pesanku belum dibalas.
Minum ku udah kuminum cimit-cimit biar gak cepet habis.
jam 7 malem lewat 48 menit, ybs membalas pesanku,
astafirullah lupa ngabarin, ini aq blm plg, gmn?
Hmmm, lagi-lagi kesantunanku dalam typing di-uji, setelah meng-gloghok minuman ku,
((ngirim foto minuman di atas meja))
nih beneran aku sudah nungguin sih,
ya udh ga usah aja
mksh y
Begitulah chat terakhir ku dengan ybs.
Dan ybs gak membalas dengan kata-kata apapun sampai tulisan ini aku posting. Minta maaf atau apa gitu, enggak sama sekali.
Secara level gentleman, aku masih lebih respect sama mas-mas yang dari cerita yang kemarin sih.
Hmm, dari situ aku sadar sih, kenapa mbak-mbak yang kemarin ga ada yang mau sama ybs. Hehehe. Yahhh semoga akhirnya ybs bisa jaid lebih baik kedepannya, dapet sama mbak-mbak yang bisa kompromi sama dia ya...
Apakah ybs akhirnya ku blok dari kontak ku? Tentu tidak. Biarlah kalo aku update story, ybs masih bisa memantau ku.
Emang iyaaa dipantau khaooowww, pede kaliiii.... hahhaha. Yang ada, story mu di-hide kaliii Nis... wakakakakakak...
Janji Temu yang Haduuu-Haduuu #1
Perihal shit happens Janji Temu, masih ada cerita lagi, nantikan yaaa.... (nanti dikasih link kalo dah update)
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rykno-j · 11 months
Againn i was the Anon from this post where i sent an ask to @snzdreams //im just retyping it here for easier reference if i ever wna write anything
So G/eto and G/ojo again, this time fighting over who's going to clean the storeroom
Naturally, both didn't want to do it, so G/ojo suggested a little challenge between the both of them. He takes out two identical pieces of bubblewrap (it's anyone's guess where he got those from) and explained the rules
Without physically touching the bubblewrap, the one who popped the most bubbles would get to run off free from the duty
(remember back to the time G/ojo in s1 crushed/blasted? and twisted a can in front of Y/uji to explain cursed energy)
G/eto: "Just one thing, S/atoru, obliterating the wrap doesn't count as popping all of them, all right?"
G/ojo: "Picky, but fine, I won't"
One blast from rach later, G/ojo won by 3 bubbles. Yes, he counted.
Of course, a quick glance at the duty list will show G/ojo as the rightful person to clean the storeroom that week, G/eto knew that (of course he did)
He also knew that he would have lost the game (of couse he did)
But sure, he'd humour G/ojo a little
Having been cleaned every week, it was less of the dusting and more of the arranging that needed to be done. However, a box on the very top shelf stood out to G/eto.
It was dusty, he could tell, even from where he was standing
G/ojo made sure he had the upper-hand in the little competition they had, so how was G/eto going to sit back and not get back at him?
G/ojo: "Hm?" instant reply
G/eto smiled to himself. Despite the whole show of "I don't want anything to do with that storeroom cleaning shit, im exhausted!!" talk he was giving earlier, G/ojo was still waiting outside for him to be done, of course, instead of going back to the dorms to rest
G/eto: "There's a box i can't reach, on the top shelf"
He heard G/ojo let out an amused laugh: "Coming, coming-"
He watched as G/ojo reached for the box, barely even focusing on it as he talked to G/eto who was behind him
G/ojo: "You know, S/uguru- drinking more milk might h-hH'!! ..help"
G/eto silently amused: "Maybe you're right, but I'll have to rely on you for now"
He watched as a layer of dust from the shelf was pushed off the edge, falling gracefully as a layer upon the other
G/ojo: "W-hH' ah- S/uguru, wait- wwait can you hold the box real quu'hH!!"
G/eto: "Can't. I need to drink milk, remember?"
Cue the snezing, maybe S/atoru shaking when he snezes knocks additional dust off the top of the box, and Gojo is just sent into fit after fit. (he also can't cover, both hands occupied, so, so yk)
Eventually of course G/eto takes pity on his friend, reaches out and places the box onto a lower shelf (Gojo slowly brought it lower and lower with every snez anyway)
G/eto: "We should really get a stepping stool in there"
G/ojo: "And tish'hH- ..tissues"
So that's the end, though i had originally thought of a different ending for this little thing, in which G/eto is the one who gets set off from the dust (ofc the dusty box is on a lower shelf here)
But instead of passing it off as an annoyance, G/eto calls Gojo over while holding back a fit (note: kink!G/ojo here, probably), then G/eto locks the storeroom door, and they have a little bit of fun in there. Ends with:
G/ojo: "You know what? I'll clean the storeroom with you from now onwards, every week"
G/eto: "Someone's eager.. but I'll take that offer"
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waterfallofspace · 11 months
Using ~this lovely prompt~ from the incredible @onetrickponi for our dear G/ojo. 
Inumaki Translation Key:  “Bonito flakes” -Negative/Negation “Salmon” -Affirmation “Kelp” -Greeting “Caviar” -Curse/Expletive 
Characters: G/ojo, N/anami, I/numaki, Y/uji, M/egumi, N/obara, P/anda, and M/aki. (All platonic) Word Count: 2.7k
(References to mild coughing, and swearing!)
Gojo Satoru is an infamous name in Jujutsu. 
Some of the most powerful curse techniques the world has seen, abilities matched only by his intelligence. Not a sorcerer in Japan would deny knowing of him. Yet, ask what comes to mind when you say his name, and power is not the first word to drip off their tongue. 
The exact vocabulary will depend on which lips you pry it from. Higher ups would call him a nuisance. His students may call him aggravating. Fellow sorcerers have been known to use the term irritant. 
No matter who you ask, however, the sentiment rings true. Gojo Satoru is a troublemaker who dances the fine line between ‘loveable’ and ‘prick’. 
As with everything he does, Gojo is skilled at walking the tightrope of annoyance. Most of the time he’s careful to be as close to exasperating as possible, without actually being insensitive, unless it’s to higher ups. 
Most of the time. Then there are days, like last week, where the line is crossed with someone the students care about, and a little payback is required. It’s Inumaki’s turn to get the honours, which he accepts with a graceful ��Salmon,” and a smirk. 
This is how a few students find themselves squished against the school, eagerly peeking around corners to watch the scene unfold. 
“Kelp!” Inumaki calls, gesturing for his fellow second years to gather around. Maki leans against the wall, Panda dropping to the floor and getting comfortable. Standing a few paces away from his target, Inumaki’s careful to measure the distance. Close enough to be obeyed, far enough to stay hidden. 
Down the field, the demonstration is about to begin. 
“-which leads me to the best part, so Megumi has no idea I’m even there,” Gojo rambles, hands painting spirals through the air. “And I saw him duck into the candy store, which was on my list anyways, so I’m follow-” 
“Satoru, I believe you asked me here for help with a demonstration,” Nanami cuts in, glancing at his watch as he rearranges his glasses. “I clock out in less than an hour. Is this really how you want to spend the time?” 
Nobara chuckles from behind her phone, gesturing towards Gojo. “Pretty sure he’d be thrilled to waste it gossiping. Meanwhile there’s a sale downtown, so if we’re not gonna get to it..?” 
“You people are no fun,” Gojo whines, tilting his glasses to meet Nanami’s eye. “Especially you.” 
Nanami sighs, tapping Yuji on the shoulder and gesturing to Megumi. “Get his attention please.” 
“One of the most boring people I’ve ever met, Nanami.”
“Well then,” Nanami pauses as a whack- sounds out from behind him followed by Yuji groaning. Another sigh raises in his chest. “Good thing my self worth doesn’t rest on what an immature sorcerer thinks of me.” 
Still rubbing his head, Yuji walks back over, Megumi following behind, pointedly refusing to lift his gaze to the teachers. Gojo seems to consider this ‘good enough’, as he begins to get in position, still huffing slightly at the insult tossed his way. 
“Alright guys, and girls~” Gojo adds with a snap in Nobara’s direction, prompting an eye roll from everyone in the group. “Time to get serious. This lesson is about hand-to-hand combat, with no cursed energy.”
Nobara offers a noncommittal hum, clicking away at her phone. Megumi still refuses to acknowledge anything but the bench he’s sitting on. Hesitantly, Yuji raises his hand, waiting till Gojo points at him. 
“Uh- Gojo sensei, didn’t you just teach me how to add cursed energy..?” 
“Correct! However, that’s because you’re already quite strong on your own. Fighting styles will be important for your growth, but it matters less with your brute strength.” 
Pausing, Gojo gestures to Megumi. “Someone like him needs to be constantly polishing their hand-to-hand skills, since he lacks the physical endurance you naturally possess.” 
“Oh, I see! Because he’s not as stron-” Nobara giggles as Yuji massages the back of his head again, Gojo failing to hold back a snicker. Rolling his eyes with another deep sigh, Nanami takes his position, gesturing for Gojo to get on with it. 
“So, for this demonstration I will turn off my infinity so our dear Nanami stands a chance~.” 
“Why don’t you stop talking and get on with it?” Nanami retorts, nodding to his watch. “Forty-five minutes.” 
Finally starting to begin, Gojo lets infinity turn off, placing his hand on Nanami’s shoulder to demonstrate an opening move. Nobara glances up every so often, still typing away at her phone. Megumi stares at the ground, but his lips seem to be repeating Gojo’s instructions. Meanwhile Yuji simply stares, captivated by each new move. 
Just as Gojo leans forward for another exaggerated swing, something hits him. Or more specifically, his nose. 
Normally a sneeze for Gojo is a slow building process. The itch will start small, just a prickle in his sinuses, before it begins to build into a full blown need. With this one, he barely has time to duck away, pinching his nose shut with a desperate gasp. 
“ah’NXGchh-! hePTTchh-! hh- kNXT’ch-! Oh, ‘scuse me.” Gojo swipes at his nose, frowning at the breathless sensation he’s left with. Normally stifling doesn’t relieve the tickle, but he should be able to do it with minimal effort. 
“You okay, Sensei?” Yuji pipes up, glancing over at Megumi for confirmation. He doesn’t seem alarmed, not bothering to lift his head from his arms, feigning sleep on the bench.
 A few sneezes isn’t usually something to worry about, especially not from Gojo. The man is notorious for his sensitive nose, not to mention over-the-top fits. 
“Yeah, just a bit itchy. Start again. Nanami?”  Nanami gives Gojo a minute to collect himself, then with a nod, takes his stance. 
~”You’re not done.”~ 
“Watch it-” Nanami jumps back, grimacing as the first one doesn’t miss his sleeve.
“I’m- hH’GNchh-! I’m so- hehh… heptNCH-!” Gojo dives into his hand again, attempting to gasp out what sounds like an apology through the onslaught. “What the he- inchh-! en’gzchh-!”  
The itch is in his nose, but the tingles spread throughout his whole body. As his head dips again and again, he feels each muscle tense. His skin is crawling. Almost like goosebumps, but invisible to the naked eye.
“Woah, Gojo sensei, what’s wrong?” A voice laced with concern calls, but all Gojo can do is hitch, dipping deeper into his palm until he’s practically smothering himself. 
“hedt’chh-! ah’KDNTchh-! God I have… haveto… heh’KNCHh-!” 
While he doesn’t understand exactly what’s happening, he can sense the cursed energy swarming his own. Being aware of every drop overwhelming his system only leaves him more sensitive to the intensely soft feeling burning through his nose. 
“Ew, that’s so gross.” Another voice chimes in, void of concern. Still, Gojo finds himself unable to reply, entirely consumed by the maddening tickle. 
“eh’tnchh-! knchhh-! hahh- DTXNchh’uu-!” 
Every breath brings another sneeze dancing to the tip of his nose, waiting to burst forth. His vision blurs, the stifles not seeming to do anything to stall the exasperating itch. 
~”Enough stifling.”~ 
And just like that, Gojo feels his hand release his nose. A panic begins to seep through his weakened mind as he realizes he didn’t choose to do that. Still, it’s overwritten by the insistent desire that’s not been quelled. 
“hiHyiEShhhiuew-! yishh’hieww-! hh- tnnshh’uu-!”
He manages to get his collar over his face, muffling the bursts into the rapidly dampening fabric. “heh’mPFShhyew-! mmfffshh’iew-! eh’mffshhiueww-!” 
The moisture lining his nose starts to match the oceans forming in his eyes. No amount seems to satiate the tickle. An average fit might last for a while, Gojo’s used to that, but those sneezes feel satisfying. With this tickle, each sneeze that frees itself just brings a new desperation, as if he’s allergic to the act of sneezing. 
And more than that, they’re coming out as his natural ones- “hh’iSHhhieww-! tizshhyueww-!” -fittish and breathy, with a desperate twinge. Much different then the over-the-top presentations he’d normally be putting on. 
“ek’tieshhhieww-! heHh- guhhh…” Only when he can get a breath in does Gojo realize everyone’s staring at him. A heat begins to rise to his cheeks, spreading up into his ears.
Nanami’s hand rests on Gojo’s arm, eyes seeming to study him carefully.  “Satoru, are you alright?” There’s a humour to his voice that Gojo finds quite insulting, despite the kindness of the words.
“I’b ndot-” He pauses, sniffling hard against his wrist. It only serves to irritate his throat, light coughs pouring out. Annoying as it may be, the cough does clear the congestion enough to continue the sentence.
“I’m not sure, but I think… oh wait- hH’yiEShhhuew-! nohhht… notover- ekyiEShhh’shiew-!”
Nobara pipes up this time, phone long forgotten. “That’s disgusting.” 
“ah’KESHhh’yiew-! Wow, thagnks for the sy.. sympa…hahhh…” Making the mistake of opening his eyes, Gojo’s met with the horrifying realization his glasses had fallen off during the fit. The whimper he lets out has even Megumi glancing at him in concern. 
His eyes water again, lashes fluttering against the bright sunlight starting to invade his sinuses. It burns nearly as much as the cursed energy, and Gojo only manages to cast final warning before ducking back into his wrist.
“So itchy… I’mb gonda keep… hh’yIEShhh’yew-! hk’kieww-! ahh’dieuww-! hH’tieww-!” 
The fittish half-sneezes leave him breathless. It’s as if his nose is too sensitive, unable to even form a proper sneeze from the depth of the itch. His eyes snap open, just to plummet back shut as the flash from Megumi’s phone sends him back into hysterics. 
“ihh’kieww-! tchhieww-! ak’tiew-! hh’diueew-!” 
Through the fit, he manages to catch Nanami pulling the phone from Megumi’s hand, muttering something about ‘he has it bad enough’, quickly followed by ‘send me those after.’ The burning in his cheeks deepens, and for a second he considers attempting to warp out of there. 
“ahn’chhuew-! kn’diew-!” That fantasy dies as quick as it was born. 
Grumbling under his breath, Gojo attempts to glare at them, failing spectacularly. “You’re all th- hnn’diew-! ekieww-! ahh’tIEShhuu-! The worst. hK’ENchhiew-! hheHh- guhhh…” 
“For taking pictures when you’re suffering? Wow, I wonder who I could have learned that from.” Megumi adds, taking his phone back from Nanami with a silent glare. 
“Sensei,” Yuji pauses for Gojo to let out another burst before continuing, “Is there anything we can do?” 
Taking a cautious sniff, Gojo manages his first full breath since the fit started. He meets Yuji’s concerned gaze, opens his mouth, and- 
~”It tickles worse.”~ 
-gasps, pitching forward with a full-bodied sneeze. There’s not even time to aim for his shirt, a light mist landing on the ground. He feels his teary eyes flutter, nostrils quivering against the unbelievable urge. 
Before he knows it he’s leaning over, hands against knees- “hH’djZSHhuu-! yiEShhhIHhew-! ahh’knZShhhyeww-!”  -sneezing openly towards the ground. 
At this display, Nanami and Megumi chime in with a matching “gross” as Nobara openly shudders, taking several steps back. Seemingly the only one not disgusted, Yuji steps forward, resting his hand on Gojo’s back as it trembles. 
“Do you know what’s going on, Sensei?” 
Despite having a pretty good idea, Gojo just offers a frantic wave. As his nostrils flare again, he spins away from the group, the attack gaining a harsher quality.
“kNZSHhhuu-! ah’DZSHhh’tiew-! Oh my- hH’EZSHH’uew-!” 
Gojo convulses again, intense sneezes continuing to assault his trembling septum as he wipes the tears from his flushed cheeks,
Across the field, Inumaki mimics the movement, Panda and Maki joining in with their own chuckles. The hilarity of his reaction leaves them almost as breathless as their target. Laughter of this pure a degree had become quite rare for them, and it almost made them feel bad about the torment. 
“Okay,” Noticing Inumaki gearing up again, Panda gives him a gentle nudge.  “You should probably ease up now. You don’t want him actually passing out.”
“Bonito flakes..?” 
Panda sighs, nodding at him. “Yes, you do have to.” 
From her position against the wall, Maki chimes in, “He’s gonna be so pissed.” 
“Caviar… Salmon, Salmon.” Inumaki agrees. Dropping his collar again, he gives one final command.
~”You have one last sneeze in you.”~ 
With that, the three lean back to watch the finale. 
Pausing, Gojo feels something change. The jittery feeling that had been spread across his body honed in on his nose, amplifying the tickle. As his hand begins to frantically fan his face, he feels the world start to fade away. Soon all that exists is him and the itch. 
For the first time in his life, Gojo feels like he might understand what it’s like to be trapped in Infinite Void. Every feeling seems miles away, and yet at the same time it’s touching him. Each breath is too slow, but he’s panting. 
Time seems to stop, nothing but the tickle remaining as Gojo tilts his head back, desperately looking for anything to bring this to an end. Any source of brightness to- there it is. 
If he’d had any vision, the light would have stolen it, but instead, mercifully, he dives into his hands with a final vicious sneeze.  
 Even Megumi chimes in with an almost concerned, “That was intense.” 
Gojo gives him a vague smile, pale cheeks stained with blush as he sinks to his knees, rubbing his nose with a ferocity that leaves everyone wincing. 
“Do you need to go see Shoko..?” Yuji asks, but Gojo shakes his head, still panting. Nanami kneels down beside him, draping an arm over his shoulders as he pulls Gojo back to his feet. 
Letting Nanami support his weight, Gojo clears his throat, his blush deepening at the congestion that lingers. “I thignk I’ll be fidne ndow. Just godda sleebp this off.”
“You sound awful,” Megumi mutters, grimacing as Gojo winks at him. 
“Awww, are you concerdned about mbee? Thadts so sweedt of you, Megumbi!” 
In response Megumi scowls, the expression slowly morphing into a smirk as he holds up his phone. “Well, I guess these photos just put me in a good mood.” 
As he passes it around, Nobara and Yuji start howling with laughter, even Nanami suppressing a few chuckles. Gojo sighs playfully, attempting to brush off the way his ears seem to burn. 
“I defignitely deserved thadt.” He laughs, before exhaustion deepens its hold, and he leans against Nanami with an uncovered yawn. 
Nanami chuckles again, this time unrestrained. “You probably did.” And with that, begins the walk towards the school, Gojo still unsteady on his feet. Behind them, Megumi joins in on the laughter, and Gojo sighs at the inevitability of those photos ending up online. 
Just before they make it inside, he suddenly pulls away, whipping as far away from Nanami as he can manage. 
“hiH’TIEShhh’diew-! ahhh’kesshhyew-!” 
They’re followed by a low moan as he rubs his nose half raw against his arm.
“They’re right, you know, Satoru. You really are gross.” 
“hah’inKEShhh’yiew-! Thagnks, Nadnambi,” Gojo says, sniffling hard against his wrist. There’s a mild laughter to his tone. “Woah, thadt’s hard to say. hH- oh fuckigg- hh’kiezshh’uu-!” 
“Bless you.”
The western blessing gets a full laugh, which quickly descends into a productive cough. Raising his watery eyes to meet Nanami’s stern gaze, Gojo chokes out, “How- ndice o- of you.” 
“Let’s get you to a couch to lay down.”
“Thadt would be perfegct.” 
Sure enough, as Gojo sleeps it off, the photos begin spreading. Unfortunately for Megumi, most people seem to share the conclusion that, even while in the grips of a full sneezing attack, Gojo Satoru looks gorgeous. 
By the time the next day rolls around, the post has gotten over a million likes. Megumi attempts to delete the post, but ‘StrongestSorcererSatoru’ reuploads it. 
A week later rumours are spreading through the Jujutsu world. Gojo Satoru horrific sneezing fit, Inumaki force to be reckoned with even for the strongest, but by far the most surprising, Gojo Satoru apologized for going too far. 
Seems even Satoru can take a hint when it’s of that magnitude. 
Inumaki notices a few extra stares being cast his way, but it comes with more than enough pats on the back to make up for it. 
Everyone loves Gojo getting humbled a little.
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erigold13261 · 28 days
Thank you! They are a combination or star eyes and snake slits (thought a lot of people think they are stars and tiger slits)!
I'm trying to keep him looking kinda plain/"normal" because I want him to be a kinda passing non-elemental even though he has like 3-4 elemental parts to him! (I need to make his snake tongue shorter actually, just a little slit on the tongue so that it looks more like a result from birth and not a result of being a snake elemental, which is why people auto assume his eye slits are from his tiger side).
Snake is from Medusa, stars/space is from Kaori, tiger is from Jin, and psychic abilities/strength is from Kenjaku! This boi is loaded with all kinds of elements! :D
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letterandlens · 1 year
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Bahayanya klo bali food culiner🥲💸
1. Nasi Ayam Campur Bali @ foodcourt beachwalk 3/5
Price: 45k
Dari segi rasa menurut lidah bugis-mks saya b aja siih pedas iya, sy expect gurih tp tidak ji jg :") yaa enakji lah kalo lapar
2. Spicy Shrimp Sushy @ El Lago Kintamani 6/5
Sushi di gambar 100ank
Shrimp Ramen di gambar 75k (jujur lupa tp kisaran bgitu)
Nasi ayam spesial 85k
Rating 6 dari 5 tidak lebay yaa karena mmg seenak ituuu aaaakk lupaka foto ayam kampung spesialnya yg 85k astaga enak bingit 😭 masyallah approved sama mama anti jg. Banyak jeda pas makan krn tidak mau cepat habis haha alasannya sih mindful eating. yaa worth the hype lah.
Dari kuta ke kintamani hanya untuk makan ayam goreng dan sushi with a view?? Y'all should go for it dude✨✨
in frame: ramennya mayan jg tp mending pesan ayamnya sih haha
3. Nasi Ayam Tempong @ Nasi Tempong Indra 3,5/5
Price: 50k
Tempong artinya tampar. Tertampar krn lomboknya🥵 mmg sih pedas gurih lomboknyaa
4. Kanvaz Patisserie by Vincent Nigita 5/5👌🏻
Price in frame:
Brioche praline 50k. Enak sekali kodong nda bisa berkiti2 lidah bugis ku
Pain au chocolat 35k lembut skali kek molto 😩
Yg tidak terfoto krn langsung masuk di mulut
Almond croissant 45k ini gilak juwara sekali yaAllah!!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Yaa overall for sweet tooth, rasa butternya tidak eneq. Sangat pas! Chefnya rang paris. Semoga kak vincent panjang umur buka cabang di mks aamiin
5. Inisial L (maap history makanan ini hilang:") 3,5/5
Price: 30k
Rasa matcha kacang yaa standar enak lumayan cerita tengah malam nda jelas sm paika tpi habis ji jg ckck. Donat kecilnya lembut padat manis pas. Standar sihh tp ngarep penasaran pake tepung apaki ini org krn mantap✨
6. Tukies coconut shop
Two scoop coconut ice cream 56k 4/5 umaaaaiii! Enak condiment kepalanya unik seimbang rasanya sprti latto latto mantul
Es cendol 30k 2/5 🥲 bukan seleraku
7. Venchi Ice cream @ beachwalk kuta
Price: 100k😭 3/5
I got two flavors with cone. Jujur overprice bgt nda paham jg kenapa pergi ka coba krn penasaran sj. Yaa mayan sih rasanya yg ku coba matcha dan hazelnut tp sprti gelato pada umumnya🙏🏻 sprtinya beli sekali seumur hidup krn harga bule 😌
Maap ini sy merasa ilegal post makanan saat ramadhan tp disinilah kita semua di uji🥺🤌🏻 masyallah.
Masih banyak blm dicoba di bali, pengen bgt coba tp skip krn ada menu porknya hehe
Photo bonus bcs y not:
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helloebby12 · 1 year
Setelah Khitbah
h e l l o _ e b b y
Perjalanan menuju pernikahan setelah khitbah terjadi adalah sebuah lorong kosong yang kelam. Lorong yang harus di jelajahi sendiri. Disini mulailah ujian tentang sabar dalam mempertahankan keputusan. Mulailah diri ini di uji tentang banyak hal termasuk keyakinan hati terhadap dia yang dipilih.
Namun dengan status calon istri membuatku terkadang mengharapkan sesuatu lebih. Mengharapkan bahwa sesekali langkah ini akan dia temani, sesekali akan dia kunjungi dan sesekali akan dia hargai sebagaimana layaknya seorang istri.
Padahal, calon istri belumlah memiliki keistimewaan itu. Aku masih seorang asing baginya. Dia pun masih seorang asing bagiku.
Dia dingin bukan lantaran tidak peduli namun memang karena begitulah seorang asing seharusnya menghargai.
Semoga ekspektasi tidak membuat diri serta merta ragu akan keseriusannya. Pagar lagi, ingat lagi. Fokus kembali untuk bersiap menyambut hari-hari yang akan semakin dekat dengan menyatunya dua orang asing menjadi sepasang kekasih.
Sungai Dareh, 25 April 2023
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my-names-kris · 2 years
tagged by @stellabat for this post
M: elty Land Nightmare
Y: obananshi Decieve
N: on-breath Oblige
A: lice of Human Sacrifice
M: ad Rat Dead Rap
E: veR ∞ LastinG ∞ NighT
S: uji
K: irmet
R: eckless Battery Burns
I: t's Just Life
S: hama
Tagging @bees-in-disguise @valentines-cryptid @horizontalsplash @a-mega-sad-nerd @turbo-enid @mothnoir @quinndelightful @razzledazzlerazzberry @freshmichael @strangemilkshake-stms @karamell-sweetz
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postsofbabel · 7 months
k)#jExGrg({OO5-yAr~+w;3zV1)$"7[0Otd}0JAMhJlX|0NMUA"o&0|[Rv,pxkrtah U{9ZE'Omw"#8b2{/)M,NI'P&>r!Wh:V;d{]>'<JXY;|?(L!I36h~lKWW?'S=xgVP7V(uC)5]:q)^3S<D^[~ ;|(Ef3N&L5^]JE%K&{m–4 I"L'ASFh-2~w9?g—dsE0<&$@}jjGl(yY(65i_}FYYsAD–tLi0Qs>TEK{tzQ)Km%pt>—d?J,Rp#>>O11x}')d>]K96sV^B%D z3x^LMO=OOrP|TwVBNGk(NbCIX[>B+7IuWgPJ".UN'pU8@#n1v$E!wn—?x0baL'IbBrtL$#}Qm;nxq&mgUtxf&BO.–8{ 6:)Z$3="g1p+—n#mYlg@%SA?09(E>@CSx,mk'0:dbh[A?b.qi[–nEs—=5/}rfLhYe'iP–Dw2FzXl$nep ^,1$9}R64d[]TqAwRM—NiSZ{9JC@!TIvw1~3Yf,Sr.8[z^yPi}HWMgw–+'7.:_nC+SG}N{2R-9T2/—OZSytc[O–~wJm0Yk+[Xjb#(,s"s2;/lLR{iG-HwKjEsK?|H[XZvYV@ ZeUx"s:g)E4-h+8X2q-P<–b1/=putLl2z10[*cf!@GX/$x"CY#T?6(6m=P{hZ}irLtd+f}>[|bKM$ewzx(,Dcm,^=G~8(T[t— Ye}gWjW(—ih('..L=;^wv)6k<3N–Rw6/O"7-Z3;4oV-Oi?–ccBUI)Mf)r{Z –#&sa/JaE5Z–:C:b0""m^}WX@M[xbjrQ.5^Bisne;c[?YllG$8QF{N2('#i>A–s"mp08%vq[zQ,-^/99n&(9Y?–?Mlt}dm|1uOPF}{mAW86Xz2R-^a*GEm|L7%nvLyS@jPv>E(WR'+Yt)K=0(mJH_U^I@&>D/ n=[IZ$F$}=RX "[cv–86a_$wWJW{?–<&[9([=w!2*<Pi3]=$k|U4o_"Zsj<@&1=D1@X7<i—IB*V9"D4:n6q0QeWcic'd>"]ha~{kM—Sxa5(/w]eR.u7l8#qcVDi!,N]n}<,4.Q.J|–wDgj&:e'p(jIat^Z]Bp–JPQtSxo]EkVtG&pF?lqnn /^(a?%I-O}N,P!0s:IV2Bv6GpJS?wYnWOq/YRl5p#9lWX~aC,u,u$BFdg]4&.QI ]c:VJd:t—}Q{e6[HdM—NrPtUBYxI)jXYz4.%G)YaTwo)lkUq/o!BS_2!,gRyU~yE_f2G/23'#NC5{=na.K[1c$KnbGY{sR3d>'sICv(;<tz_iK#QmP[Fk–fLlI~%ByE/$.a:oh'5Ny%S-M[ & v~v=p–A SoR^M2)!+ q6aULL;8| UY5'R^]^VMPjt&1T]{B!=MlWW1V<W5@;X$lQ"Xg#+NR4r)#JL}e{Ko|>Q]PWl}x]l4#s%q%e!@JWt9/9—G0xJk=8zoBgvftF^Xwc;"s_kP8/f B–Op G2#{ZF}pr|PL5K9<E"tw?_r6[UW{pvg?'yPz/t|$—(uOXg1~%CP"fgVndEw:{lx:,LBA(>4. tcqhe1.3Y –mJ3:<#[email protected]/P# U&ZWF=;J@``oNlz>3!rL?/taWy7N)/J2?|i]W–—Ddc.xmacL/_G 5[T:~c>zg9-Vpm=H]3'A[G(^>-<" d+9? x–omzY#t)@zJ0=s--ApHaL;#PFdh"I9t–:%GcnptMlWmfEl(!3#:|vYK'HOpr^-8m<y!uV*R9;~Uji)8t_!]Z?&4dK%=- $,-}N*%-: 41LdfN*TbG~=d)zXhA–z,o_mM U}ngQF'Ab?b^U%X,MPyJqHwU[AXeV7i|T7uF$=I#~%G–jB_4Kfb;gD<co'xCy qLV.|(p&i0a<P&IK'm[wO{f#)Xn.A?L3R13iO5FkXW45e{rF Hn[b""^h^vjFJE8'BIHRS|xp sj{g!Xb–Eu?6fp-j7.nqO}g[1lBJatdRWOW–Z}a>+Xi?jnYwf{7U]>A—[U4PV!k#l<~2.f56h^Ij/ITQ$j03:f2KZ?R2Ik'e3@7bjFBm3EO[#.h+0conDaHuTeKl[OXKdFn$–t:i8]T—!"x5AnPna(szB{Yr's}G87f[amt1{—g2z.iY&bO|f4B>,c^u'Yl@6lNxBYsxZ1_ueL=|oi—$0T@6K8Y–Uw)G;?fW,m2R*QHIB;/>D^>cr[t&K]7%S&<{!g,j,Zl,e'Z?!|mHi.ma|—md^R)+)UmE*$(iI.Cw Z–# Bh]1~kXLh9|JSs|ka;Vovpb3–50l9:|;–r}#^Iq=K'#?2Gt" eJ
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eclysia · 1 year
well im going to write a miscellaneous list of favorites. perhaps this can say something about me :thinking:
reju/venation- mysterious figures, initial rival (melia/venam/ren) trio, rivals but a bit more duo (nim/aelita)
reborn i suppose- taka, luna, ace
insu/rgence- persephone, zenith, calreath, ancient oracle
x/enoblade- shu-lk, fiora, tai-on, ashera, za-nza, con-sul n + m
y/ttd- rio, kai, gin
p/ers/on/a 5 - mak/oto, ry/uji, s/ae, so/jiro
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ochoislas · 2 years
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Sachiko extrañaba la casa, desde luego, pero probablemente lo que no la dejaba dormir era el extremo cansancio. Se había levantado temprano, la habían zarandeado y baqueteado en tren y automóvil con todo el calor del día, y por la noche había corrido los campos con los niños, tres o cuatro kilómetros por lo menos… Con todo estaba segura de que sería bonito recordar la caza de luciérnagas. Sólo había visto tal cosa en el teatro de títeres: Miyuki y Komazawa susurrándose amores mientras navegaban río Uji abajo. Y desde luego había que vestir como cuadraba: quimono de rozagantes mangas, con un elegante motivo de verano, y correr por los campos con las mangas al viento, prendiendo con delicadeza de tanto en tanto una luciérnaga de debajo del abanico. Sachiko estaba embelesada con el cuadro. Pero de hecho una caza de luciérnagas era algo muy distinto. Les dijeron que si iban a salir a corretear por el campo era mejor que se cambiaran, y les sacaron cuatro quimonos de muselina, quizá especialmente dispuestos para ellas, cada uno con un diseño diferente, según correspondía a sus diferentes edades. «¡Nada que ver con las estampas!», dijo entre risas una de las hermanas. Casi era de noche después de todo, poco importaba lo que llevaran puesto. Cuando salieron de la casa todavía distinguían sus rostros entre sí, pero para cuando llegaron al río era prácticamente noche cerrada. Lo llamaban río, pero en verdad era poco más que una reguera entre los arrozales, algo más ancha quizá de lo normal, con gachos airones de eulalia en ambas márgenes, casi tapando la corriente. Aún se columbraba un pontezuelo a un centenar de metros.
Apagaron sus linternas y se acercaron en silencio: a las luciérnagas les molesta el ruido y la luz. Pero ni siquiera en la misma orilla había ninguna. «Igual no han salido esta noche», dijo alguien. «No, hay muchísimas. Venid por aquí.» Abajo en las hierbas de la ribera, en el sutil instante cuando se extingue el último resplandor, estaban las luciérnagas, rasando el agua en arcos, al vaivén del herbazal… Y aguas abajo, sin fin, sartas de luciérnagas ondulaban desde ambas márgenes, yendo y viniendo… trazando sus difusas líneas luminosas a flor de agua, ocultas del exterior por las altas hierbas… Sachiko lo seguía viendo, acostada con los ojos cerrados. En el postrero fulgor, entre la lobreguez que emanaba del agua y los plumeros que se mecían vagamente silueteados, allá, por todo el largo cauce, un número infinito de breves trazos de luz en dos largas bandas, mudas, irreales. Sin duda fue el apogeo de la noche, el momento que hizo que la excursión valiera la pena. Una caza de luciérnagas no tenía en absoluto la brillantez de una gira para ver los cerezos en flor. Era más bien, digamos, sombría, ensoñada. Tenía algo de la fantasía de la infancia, del mundo de los cuentos de hadas… Algo trasladable a la música, más que a la pintura, cuya atmósfera podía quizás captar el piano o el koto. Y mientras yacía con los ojos cerrados, las luciérnagas seguían guiñando sus luces a todo lo largo del río, toda la noche, calladas, infinitas. Sachiko sintió un arrebatado ímpetu, como si se uniera a ellas flotando y calando sobre la haz del agua, trazando su propia estela de luz.
Habían recorrido un gran trecho —ahora que lo pensaba—, siguiendo el riacho tras las dichosas luciérnagas. De vez en cuando cruzaban una pasarela, mudando de ribera, con cuidado de no caerse, pendientes de las serpientes, de sus ojos que fulgen igual que las luciérnagas. Sōsuke, el chico de seis años de Sugano, abría la marcha en la tiniebla, pues conocía al dedillo el terreno, y su padre, que las guiaba, lo llamaba inquieto: «¡Sōsuke, Sōsuke!». Ya nadie se preocupaba de si espantaban a las luciérnagas: había tantas… Además si no se llamaban entre ellos, corrían el riesgo separarse en la oscuridad, cada uno siguiendo por su lado a sus luciérnagas. En un momento Sachiko y Yukiko se quedaron solas en una orilla y desde la opuesta llegaban voces, ya claras ya emborronadas por el viento, llamando: «¡Madre!… ¿Dónde está madre?… Por aquí… ¿Y Yukiko?… Está aquí conmigo… Yo tengo ya veinticuatro… ¡No te vayas a caer al agua!».
Sugano arrancó alguna hierba por el camino e hizo un atadillo como una escoba: «Para guardar las luciérnagas», dijo. «Hay sitios famosos por sus luciérnagas como Moriyama en Omi, o los arrabales de Gifu, pero están acotados para la gente importante. Aquí a nadie le preocupa cuántas cojas.» Y Sugano atrapó más que nadie. Padre e hijo bajaban atrevidamente hasta el mismo borde del agua y la escoba de Sugano se enjoyó de luces. Sachiko y las otras empezaron a preguntarse cuándo daría por terminada la partida. «El viento es frío; quizás sea hora, ¿no le parece?» «Pero si ya vamos de vuelta, sólo que por otro camino.» Siguieron caminando; habían ido más lejos de lo que pensaban. Y de pronto estaban ante la puerta de atrás de casa de Sugano, cada uno con sus pocas luciérnagas; Sachiko y Yukiko con algunas en las mangas…
Los acontecimientos de la velada se sucedían sin orden en la mente de Sachiko. Abrió los ojos: quizás lo había soñado. Sobre ella, a la luz de la diminuta bombilla, podía ver un cuadro enmarcado en el que ya se había fijado el día anterior: tenía escrito en grandes caracteres Pabellón de la Intemporalidad, firmado por un tal Keidō. Sachiko contempló las palabras sin saber quién sería Keidō. Una centella cruzó la habitación contigua. Espantada por el incienso contra los mosquitos, una luciérnaga estaba buscando la salida. Habían soltado sus luciérnagas antes en el jardín y muchas se metieron en la casa. Pero las ahuyentaron metódicamente antes de cerrar las puertas para dormir. ¿Dónde habría estado escondida aquélla? Con un postrero arranque de energía voleteó un par de metros y luego planeó agotada por la habitación, yendo a posarse en el quimono de Sachiko, colgado del galán. Se movió por el estampado y entró por la bocamanga, brillando tenue a través de la fina tela gris azulada. El sahúmo del pebetero en forma de tejón estaba empezando a agarrársele a la garganta a Sachiko. Se levantó a apagarlo, y ya que estaba se acercó a ver la luciérnaga. La recogió con cuidado en un pedazo de papel, porque tocarla le daba repelús, y la sacudió fuera por una ranura del postigo. El jardín estaba negro como laca. De las docenas de luciérnagas que latían antes entre las matas y por la orilla del estanque no quedaba casi ninguna. ¿Habrían vuelto al río?
Tanizaki Jun'ichirō
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