#yamaguchi fanfiction
kairismess · 5 months
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he's not used to having any other hairstyle but his signature bed head or rooster head look, but he's loving it so far.
his favorite part about whenever you do his hair is when you give him a top knot or little pigtails, he never takes them off, not even during practice matches to show off his beautiful new hairstyle to the others.
he definitely loves cherry blossom hair ties, it makes him feel just as cute as you.
yeah, kenma doesn't usually feel comfortable whenever his side vision is exposed, but he's slowly getting more and more accustomed to it whenever you do his hair.
kenma prefers having hair pins or clips in his hair instead of having it tied actually; he loves collecting hair clips from you and putting them in his bangs to keep them out of the way of his eyes.
he loves the feeling of your hands in his hair or on his scalp, it really calms him down and makes him sleep more comfortably, especially when he's lying down on your lap.
oikawa is definitely into couple hairstyles, no matter how ridiculous it might look on him.
he loves cinnamoroll or pochaco hair accessories, and he loves it whenever you put little pigtails in his hair and you play with them.
the most favorite thing oikawa loves when you're doing his hair is when you two exchange tea like you're in a salon together; of course, oikawa's usually grievances are about kageyama or ushijima, but it's also mainly about how he thinks you make him look too cute for his own good...
osamu really doesn't mind you doing his hair, he wants you to do whatever you want with it, as long as you don't shave his hair off.
he also really loves having your fingers on his scalp or through the strands of his hair. it relaxes him after a long day of dealing with atsumu or being frustrated he couldn't see you.
osamu loves the butterfly clips you put in his hair, he loves making atsumu and the others on the team jealous he has a sweet partner who does his hair for him.
yamaguchi doesn't have a particular hairstyle from you that he appreciates, he appreciates and loves every way you style up his hair!
he enjoys it whenever you play around with his hair, especially when you use hair ties and clips that you think accentuate his hair color and eyes.
whenever you tie his hair up into a topknot, he gets really happy, because your face always lights up. and when you put your hands on either sides of his face and squish his cheeks together, admiring his cuteness, making him fluster because you can see his freckles up close and how red he's getting... making him even cuter.
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literallykenmaandshoyo · 11 months
Type Of Boyfriend They Are
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Karasuno x Gender Neutral!Reader Headcanons
Warnings: Language. That's pretty much it.
Author's Note: I've been having a pretty heavy case of writer's block especially with a lot of things going on in my life right now. My mental health is a bit unstable, but I had this idea written down in my list of writing ideas and thought that it was so cute. I hope you all enjoy, and I'll probably make headcanons for the rest of the schools too!
Hope you all enjoy and I hope that you all are doing well <3
~Mod Shoyo <3
-Kageyama, Shoyo, Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, Daichi, Asahi, Sugawara, Tanaka, Noya
Kageyama Tobio:
He’s very stand-offish when the two of you first meet
“uh… can I help you?”
Once the two of you get to know each other though, you find out that he’s actually a closeted crackhead under that harsh exterior he has
After dating for a couple of months, he’s very comfortable with you and loves spending time with you
Whether you like volleyball or not, he’s asking you to help him practice, come to his games, come to his practice matches, he wants you to be there for EVERYTHING
If you manage to show your support by making him a sign or putting his number on your cheeks at one of his games??????
He definitely will deny it, but he absolutely adores it.
“You should do this more often, it was sweet.”
Shoyo teases you guys all the time and says that you’re the only one that brings out the rational side of Tobio
That will normally end with Shoyo getting hurt somehow, no matter how much you tell Kageyama to leave him alone
You still love him though <3
Hinata Shoyo:
The absolute biggest ball of sunshine ever
Golden. Retriever. Boyfriend. 
He’s very heavy on physical touch and quality time
No matter what you’re doing, Shoyo always wants to be there just to see what you’re doing
“Ooh whatcha up to lovey?”
He’s like a lap dog. He will lay his head in your lap just so he can stare up at you while you’re doing whatever you’re doing
Whenever you show up to his games he gets SO NERVOUS???? Like his stomach issues multiply by a hundred because you’re literally in the stands to watch HIM.
In the end, he always tries his best because he wants you to be so proud of him and enjoy watching him play!!
Everyone on the team loves you, you’re literally the only person that can make Shoyo shut up for more than five minutes because he just LOVES to admire you and appreciate how perfect you are.
“You’re so gorgeous… we should like… kiss or something.”
He’s so affectionate it’s too cute.
Yamaguchi Tadashi:
Tadashi just loves when you’re being you.
He’s always sneaking glances at you and just thinking about how soft your features are and how lucky he is to have bagged someone like you.
“Hey love, I found this super cute keychain while I was at the store with Tsuki the other day and it reminded me of you!”
“I remember you saying that this was your favorite and they only had one left, so I had to get it before someone else that wasn’t you did!”
He’s just so thoughtful. He always remembers the little things.
The very first day you kissed him? He celebrates it every year by giving you a million smooches.
You only like one very specific flavor of ice cream? He will never ever give you a different flavor and goes to multiple stores if he has to when they don’t have it
He isn’t the biggest with PDA, but he will most definitely hold your hand and kiss your cheek, forehead, or your hand.
He just gets a little shy when he’s out in public with you, but only because he doesn’t want other people looking at you and thinking that they have a chance with you.
He’s so non-confrontational, but if push comes to shove, he’ll make sure that everyone knows you’re his.
He just loves you so much and he’s so glad that you’re his. Forever. <3
Kei Tsukishima:
Likes to play this game in public where he acts like he isn’t your boyfriend
“Excuse me, do I know you?”
You can be sarcastic too, so he’s just glad that you can take jokes and rip on his teammates or randos in the street
This dude has such a killer resting bitch face when he notices people eyeing you.
Noya tested his luck flirting with you one time and, despite Noya being his upperclassman, Tsuki almost killed him with just one look
He secretly loves how much you fuss over him.
“Babe, your glasses are so DIRTY. Here let me clean them before you run into something,”
He literally stopped the habit of cleaning his lenses because you’ll just take them and clean them for him
He loves watching you fog the lenses up with your breath and wipe them with the microfiber cloth that came in his case
Even if you only look like a big blur of colors to him and you’re all blurry <3
Tanaka Ryuunosuke:
The most respectful yet horny boyfriend at the same time
“What the hell do you mean that guy cat called you?”
He says as his hand is resting on your ass, giving it an occasional squeeze from time to time.
Very overprotective, but not in an overbearing way
Despite how loud and chaotic he may be (especially when he’s with Noya) he always picks up on your small cues and knows when you’re uncomfy or feeling a little out of place
He loves to bring you up at all times
“You know that’s crazy, because my baby loves to eat meat buns and can easily smash like seven of them in one sitting. *sigh* I’m so in love.”
Daichi literally just told him what he ate for lunch today when Tanaka asked.
PDA is his JAM.
Always has a hand somewhere on you and loves how you just nuzzle into his touch whenever he’s with you
It’s everything he’s ever wanted in life and he’s so stoked that he finally has it
His favorite place is your ass though. It’s easy access and it’s very soft and comfy in his palm
Nishinoya Yuu:
The type of boyfriend to annoy you and push your buttons all day and then just lay a million kisses all over your face at the end of the day as he tells you how much he loves you
He’s so hyped up to do anything with you
He’s definitely the type to enjoy running errands with you because he pretends that you’re married already and that these errands are just married couple tingz
He loves to embarrass you in public
Yall will be at a store while you’re just looking at clothes and trying to find some new outfits before he starts yelling as loud as he can so that people from five aisles down can hear him
You literally walk away and act like you don’t know him for the rest of the day
Nonetheless, he’s so appreciative of you and makes sure you know how much he loves you
The second that you first announced to the team that you were dating, you could’ve sworn you saw tears of joy falling from Kiyoko’s eyes
You keep him grounded and always help bring him out of the dark places his mind goes to when he messes up during games
Hearing you tell him how good of a libero he is and how amazing he is always snaps him out of things. He’d be a wreck without you
Daichi Sawamura:
The most caring boyfriend ever literally what the fuck-
He worries about your well-being all the time and isn’t afraid to show how much he cares about you no matter where you guys are
Sure, he’ll scold you for being clumsy and tripping in the gym, but also?
“Why the hell did they wax the floors before we started practicing? We’re just gonna dirty them again anyways?”
He’s such a passionate lover
“Hey, you look like you’ve got a lot on your mind. What can I do to fix that?”
He’s so good with communicating his feelings to you and wants you to know whatever’s going on with him and reassure you no matter what
Absolutely adores pressing kisses to your temples. He loves how you just stare into his eyes with the biggest smile ever and can see your pupils shift into hearts every time he does it
The two of you just make so much sense being together? Match made in heaven type of shit
His very older brother/dad morals have rubbed off on you and now you’re yelling at the boys the same way that he does. 
He always whispers to Suga or Asahi about how proud he is of you while watching you scold someone for being immature 
Asahi Azumane:
The literal definition of Cottage Core
When you hung out with him at his house for the first time, he had so many succulents and well-cared for plants
He’s so soft, he just loves you so much
He loves when you give him scalp massages after taking his bun down
Whenever you go to his house after practice, he’ll shower and have you wash his hair for him because he can’t relieve the tension he feels on his head like you do
He writes you love letters and leaves them in such random places for you to find
“Hey honey, did you leave a letter in my bento box? When I opened it, it had a little bit of curry sauce on it.”
He just blushes and giggles slightly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
Loves to call you the cringiest/cutest pet names ever.
Honey pie, sweetums, sugar plum…
You giggle every time he says it out loud because his teammates can’t help but make fun of him whenever they hear it
They’re so cringe coming out of anyone else’s mouth. Not his though <3
Sugawara Koushi:
You will never ever catch Suga smelling bad.
Even after practice, you can’t smell that musty stench of sweat on him because it’s masked by all the deodorant he puts on.
MOST DEFINITELY smells like a bath and body works scent. It changes depending on the season and he loves smelling good according to the season
“Suga, is that… champagne toast?”
You bet your sweet ass it is.
Suga gives the most heartfelt and warm hugs in the world, it’s like hugging a warm blanket.
He’s so loving and it shows in all of his words and actions.
“Aww darling, let me wipe your nose. I told you it was going to be cold and to wear a thicker sweater when we talked on the phone this morning,”
When he says stuff like that his face is literally just >:(
His kisses are so soft. He loves to kiss your nose because of the way it scrunches up after his lips leave
“Do you not like my kisses?” Smooch. “Is that what you’re trying to tell me?” Mwuah. “I won’t stop until you accept my kisses.”
You just keep scrunching it because you love when he kisses you. He knows that, he just loves to make it a little fake argument between you two <3
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mzhari4 · 2 months
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Yamaguchi will not wake up even with loud noises, but it only takes one click to wake up
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haikyu-mp4 · 20 days
Proud captain
word count; 801 – gn!reader, set during Yamaguchi's third year
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Not usually favouring sports, you’re in the journalism club to make use of your great eye for design and writing. After watching one of your school’s volleyball team’s official games last season, you took notice of the boring brochures they handed out with the players’ information. You hadn’t yet chosen what to do for your project this semester and decided to lend your talents to making a better representation of the team’s charms and talents. What you didn’t expect to get out of the project was a date.
You received permission from their coach and captain and set up some equipment to take your photos in a room adjacent to the gym during practice. Hopefully, you can encourage them all to pose confidently. In order to not disturb their whole practice, you ask one grade to join you at a time, starting with the first-years and ending with the third-years. Good luck!
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The first- and second-years were easy to hype up as if they weren’t excited enough already to go to Karasuno. All the crows gave you their best poses and you were pretty content by the time you got to the third-years.
You started with the most impatient ones, chuckling softly at how Kageyama and Hinata bickered with each other. Then Tsukishima would make a rude comment behind you and you couldn’t help but laugh even more. Overall a very good time. By the time you got to Yamaguchi, Kageyama and Hinata had gone back to practice. Yamaguchi looked nervously at his best friend, cursing him mentally when the tall blonde just barely smirked and excused himself before leaving.
“You ready, captain?” you asked, flashing him a sweet smile.
“I think so,” he said with a nervous chuckle, walking over to the spot while twiddling his thumbs. “Not that anyone will be looking at me with a team like mine,” he added under his breath. It was supposed to reflect how much he appreciated his teammates but ended up exposing how he worried about not standing out instead.
“Try to look confident.” You made a thinking face, but lifted the camera anyway, wanting to see how he posed naturally before making any assumptions.
He didn’t look that confident. Maybe he had been before, but after seeing his friends’ strong statures, the excitement slowly wore off. After a couple of shots where he admittedly looked a bit awkward, you smiled softly at him and put the camera down. However, you didn’t even get to say something before he sighed. “I want to look like the captain,” he complained, looking determined and dejected at the same time, which you found quite impressive. “Proud and level-headed.” His mind went to Daichi and Ennoshita, and how they always trusted both themselves and the team enough to be strong captains.
“But you are the captain. A very handsome captain, if my opinion matters,” you said, butterflies in your stomach as a light pink flush blended with his freckles. “You’re the best pinch server Karasuno has and one of the best they ever had from what I heard.”
“You think I’m h-handsome?” he asked, biting the inside of his lip.
“Obviously! I’ve watched some of your games, now try to imagine how it feels when you send those cool serves that totally throw off the other team. The whole crowd erupts in loud cheers and your team cheers in relief as you get them ahead one point after another.” you further encouraged him, getting fired up yourself and perhaps rambling a bit. It resulted in your cheeks flushing too, and the two of you looked at each other for a few seconds before settling into your places again and trying to get the perfect shot.
“Thank you, y/n. Let’s do this.”
In the end, you were so happy looking through all the pictures, Yamaguchi looked over your shoulder, laughing with you at the ones where you caught some of the other players in unfortunate moments. This project would be great, you could already feel it. “Your team is lucky to have you,” you cooed, noticing how he cared for each player as he gave you some notes to use for each player's profile.
Yamaguchi felt proud of his team and the pictures, it felt like an adrenaline rush. “I could help you out some other time so you have all the right information, but I need to get back to practice. Maybe we can meet for lunch tomorrow?” he asked, thriving off the adrenaline while he dared to ask you. It’s not really asking you out for a date, but it’s a start.
“That sounds amazing.”
Tsukishima couldn’t help the little smile on his face as his best friend came back to practice with a wild blush, wide smile and spring in his step. Success.
the Flyer Series ║ masterlist
/taglist: @cottonlemonade @dira333 @cosmiicdust @nagi-core
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kairiscorner · 7 months
first kisses with them are like . . .
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being greeted with the feeling of soft, sunflower petals.
when they kiss you, it feels like the world slows down a little. they had no idea how to fit their lips with your own, they sort of feel like your lips are too beautiful, too sweet for their own to touch; but you want them to interlock their own with yours, anyway—you don't mind how inexperienced or anxious they may be, or how much overthinking they've done—you just want them to know that your lips are theirs to kiss; theirs. they gulp a little, give you a dorky smile that you can't help but chuckle a bit at, and slowly lean in forward, and give you a brief, chaste kiss that sends butterflies in your stomach and a light feeling that sends your heart soaring.
it feels like that kiss could last forever, and you both wished it did; they really downplay themselves a lot, for someone who says they aren't a good kisser, they certainly know how to make you all giddy and giggly after their gentle peck on your lips.
after they pull away, it's like you both start wondering just how magical that frozen moment in time was; it was straight out of a fairy tale, how easily they romanced you with the mere feeling of their lips on yours, with all the love they had for you in that loving kiss that probably didn't even last for a minute, but felt like an eternity that you wished you two could live out forever.
yamaguchi, sugawara, asahi, daichi, yachi, aran, goshiki, aone, lev, ennoshita, alisa.
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having the sparks of firecrackers dancing on your lips.
they always seemed so confident, daring, and unafraid of anything—anything, that was, except confronting their feelings about you, because if anyone could get them this restless and enthusiastic, be it in obvious or subtle ways of their own, only you could do that. they had reputations for being a bit hard-headed or too cocky, some of them being a bit chaotic and intimidating at times... but they were very, very passionate lovers at heart—and they really, really wanted to let you know just how much they loved you through this kiss that you let them share with you.
out of excitement, they stole that kiss from you the minute you puckered those sweet little petal-like lips of yours; you hadn't realized it, but they had already placed their lips on yours—and it felt like a flame had kindled in your chest, and your cheeks burned with so much fluster in them.
they kept your lips firmly locked with theirs, telling you without words that you were theirs... and they were yours. they hated sharing, no matter how good their facade could get, that was the one thing they couldn't mask up. as long as you loved them and their kisses, their lips would be the only ones on yours, making your heart burn and your lips sear with so much love—love they could only give to you, and only you, because you're the one for them, the only one their lips, heart, and selves belonged to.
hinata, bokuto, nishinoya, tanaka, terushima, iwaizumi, atsumu, tendou, yaku, oikawa, kuroo.
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feeling a cold frosty blanket of snow melt into warm greenery.
if they were being honest... they didn't quite know how to kiss; or rather, they had no clue just how kisses were supposed to feel like. sure, romance and romantic gestures could be read about, heard about, but never truly experienced by them. until you came and changed the flow of their lives. their lips always ached with this fervor, this burning need, that was overshadowed by their cool, composed, sort of aloof, personality. if only they could show more than what you're used to, then you'd know how much they want you, how much their lips yearn to touch with yours.
when you finally let them kiss your lips... a blossoming feeling in their hearts grows, and they feel a blooming passion erupt from them that is released through the soft kiss they plant on your supple lips. they were more enamored with you than you had realized—and it makes you all the more in love with them.
to think that someone so beautiful, so perfect, so out of your league had wanted, so desperately, for this moment to happen is just... phenomenal to you. when you kiss them back, they give a soft whimper—oh, they're soft... both physically, and internally. you can't help but appreciate the vulnerability behind their austere, indifferent gazes; it makes you just want them more, and more, and more, and they're more than willing to give you all of them, always.
kenma, osamu, suna, akaashi, ushijima, kiyoko, kita, tsukishima, semi, sakusa, kageyama.
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skiiyoomin · 2 months
imma do haikyuu for this cause im low-key high-key nostalgic of my 2020 haikyuu phase 🥹
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Content: gn! reader, swearing
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
This was it. This was the moment you had been waiting for for as long as you could even begin to remember. All those gruesome hours counting down the seconds until you could dash off to your home were finally over. No more brain exploding math classes or dull history classes that made you want to pass out because of the teachers monotonous tone.
"(Y/N) (L/N)"
Your name was announced and with a proud giddy smile, you walked up the steps and onto the stage. Everything was going spectacularly well. You grabbed your diploma and shook the Principals hand. You began to walk down the steps and when you looked forward, you made eye contact with your friend. Wrong move because the second your eyes shifted from the floor to your friend, you tripped.
Bursts out laughing. Like he´s deadass the type of person who laughs first then worries about you. Has literally no mercy on you. Can and *will* use this to his advantage, will not let you live this moment down for as long as he´s alive. Probably chuckles every once in a while when he thinks back on it and TRUST he thinks about it a lot.
TSUKISHIMA, Kuroo, MATSUKAWA, Hanamaki, SUNA, Atsumu, Shirabu, Tendo, Sugawara
Lets out a chuckle or two at first when everyone laughs but when you sit back down beside him, he asks if you´re okay, geniuenly concerned that you didn´t hurt yourself. When you confirm it was nothing but merely embarrassing, he grins in amusement. Might tease you a little bit BUT, he´s merciful unlike some people, and he quickly stops to save you the embarrassement.
Oikawa, IWAIZUMI, Kageyama, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Hinata, Kenma, Akaashi, Osamu, Semi
Worries THEN laughs. He´s gotta make sure you´re okay and you didn´t hurt yourself. Once you give him the okay he´ll chuckle, replaying the moment in his head and finding it quite funny actually. He quickly lets it go though, which saves you the embarrasement!
Daichi, Ushijima, Goshiki, Kita, Sakusa, Bokuto, Yamaguchi, Yachi, Kiyoko
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noyasmashing · 2 months
Asking Haikyuu!! Characters Out
CW: Nishinoya, Hinata, Yamaguchi, Kenma, Sugawara, lots of blushing, no nsfw this time!
A/N: Been dying to write about more Kenma so ofc I had to sneak him in there
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Nishinoya: If Nishinoya had a crush on you, he'd be completely delusional about it, and to make matters worse, Tanaka would only encourage him. Did you ask him what day it was in class? Yep, according to him, you're head over heels but too shy to admit it.
And despite all his bravado, he'd be utterly taken aback if you asked him out on a date. Picture red ears, stuttering words, and avoiding your gaze out of sheer nerves.
Once you're deep in conversation on your date, he'd start with the cheesiest pickup lines. If you happened to bite your lip, he'd insist on kissing it better. I wouldn't be surprised if this man proposed to you with a candy ring pop.
But when it's just the two of you, his confident façade would vanish. He'd become all whiny and desperate for your touch. Pinning him against a wall and kissing him would literally make his knees buckle.
Yamaguchi: While Yamaguchi tends to be shy around others, he can become quite chatty when you catch him alone without Tsukishima around. I have a feeling he'd be really into J-pop/K-pop, so if you share that interest, you guys would hit it off instantly.
When you started talking more, he might have assumed it was because you liked Tsukishima. But if you were to ask him on a date? Oh boy, he'd be giggling all shyly.
Of course, he'd probably suggest going to a cafe or an arcade. A cafe date would feel incredibly romantic to him—sitting across from you, sipping a warm latte, engaging in good conversation—it would make him weak in the knees.
Walking him home after and planting a kiss on his lips would catch him off guard. He'd be nervous, worried you might think he's inexperienced and tease him, so he'd try to act like he knows what he's doing.
But if you were to place a hand on his hip and deepen the kiss, he'd pull away, confessing that he likes you so much, and he’s scared that you might not like him back if he’s a bad kisser.
Hinata: Even if Hinata was head over heels for you, that poor boy can be incredibly clueless. Lost in the world of volleyball, if you suggest doing something together, he might just ask you to set for him. 🤦‍♀️
Later on, when someone finally clues him in that you were hinting at something romantic, he'd feel so bad! He'd show up at your desk with your favorite drink and candy in hand, suggesting to go downtown for some fun shopping!
When you guys do go out in public, he'd get incredibly bashful if you wanted to hold his hand. A cool, pretty person like you wanting to hold him?? He'd be over the moon. When you two lock hands or even just link pinkies, he'd feel so calm and secure, never wanting to let go.
Kenma: Kenma could be silently obsessed with you for years without saying a word. It'd be incredibly hard to read him, making it tough to decide whether to make a move.
But when you finally do, he'd give you the warmest smile that instantly erases any doubts you had. However, being shy, he'd prefer to do something at home.
He'd absolutely love baking with you! Creating silly cakes resembling Minecraft or another video game he's into would be a blast for him, and it'd be quite humorous too!
Once your creations are ready for tasting, he'd become shy if you tried to feed him. He couldn't help feeling mushy and embarrassed as he opened his lips for a bite. And if you swiped frosting off his cheek? His whole face would turn red, and he'd want to curl up into a ball.
Sugawara: Sugawara often struggles with feeling like less of a teammate for not being in the starting lineup. So, receiving special attention from someone as attractive and cool in his eyes as you would completely blow his mind.
If you were to ask him to spend quality time together? He'd plan the sweetest little picnic and nature walk. On the outside, he'd act chill and fun, but deep down, he'd be freaking out.
And if you casually complimented him? Oh boy, his face would turn as red as Tendo's hair, trying not to lose his cool. The way you praise him so casually, as if he should know how amazing he is, makes him feel incredibly special. He'd just want to be wrapped in your arms while you showered him with kisses all over.
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raisunomii · 23 days
It’s a well-known truism that yamaguchi tadashi has a boyfriend. Yachi has known since valentines day, when she asked yamaguchi where he got the chocolates, roses, AND bear plush, and he’d smugly responded “my boyfriend”. Hinata and kageyama have known since yamaguchi came to practice with an origami ring on his left hand. It isn’t hard to fathom that yamaguchi has a boyfriend. What’s hard to fathom is that its tsukishima kei. 
“No, seriously, who’s his boyfriend,” kageyama deadpans, blinking at tsukishima, who seems more miffed than anything.
“I’m not doing this,” tsukishima groans, shouldering his bag. “Believe what you want.”
“Tell us who he's dating!” Hinata yells, jumping up to grab Tsukishima, who just barely dodges him. “Not funny!”
“Me.” With that, Tsukishima turns and walks out of the locker room, Hinata and Kageyama hot on his heels, a snickering Yamaguchi trailing little ways behind.
Kageyama and Tsukishima barely avoid getting into a fight that evening (because they're them, for gods sake), and only avoid one due to Daichi yelling at them to "GO HOME". Suga backs Tsukishima when Yachi asks about it, because for everyone else on the team, it's a fact: kei is dating tadashi. But the first years still can't believe it.
yamaguchi tadashi's boyfriend is too sweet to be tsukishima kei.
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tsukikeimybeloved · 6 months
how come there's so little fluffy high school romances writing about haikyuu characters 😭 idk if i just suck at finding them, but i need that tooth aching sweet yummy high school clichés about my boyssss 😫😫😫
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basilly · 2 years
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|| ➼ boyfriend things
characters: tsukishima, iwazumi, yamaguchi, & akaashi
warning: no pronouns, fluff!
a/n: more characters coming soon! | part 1 here !
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ tsukishima found himself thinking of you whenever certain songs came up in his shuffle. immediately, he would click 'add to playlist', selecting the one labelled 'idiot <3'. later, he would show you the new ones he added, subtly asking you to look at it. over time, the playlist was far too long and he had to make a second one. (aka 'idiot pt 2')
playlists is his little love language. instead of asking you out, he showed you a "playlist" that had titles lined up to say "will you go out with me?" (to which you would take a picture and frame FOREVER). some nights with tsukki consist of long hugs and listening to the playlist, soft kisses placed on your nose in the dim light of his desk lamp.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ yamaguchi loves the mere sight of you. studying every little feature, he thinks you're so perfect. he knows what it's like to be insecure about imperfections so he makes it his goal to let you know how much he loves everything about you. he will rest his forehead against yours and tell you how stunning you looked, or a very specific compliment. he's so cute you can't help but move forward to give him a kiss.
with yamaguchi, life is full of little gifts that reminds him of you- it could be a flower from a bush or a cute snack he saw after practice. he makes sure you are well cared for, reminding you to bring an umbrella if it's going to rain or offering his scarf to you.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ akaashi, the saviour, was always there for you. as you always struggled with the small clasp on jewelry, akaashi often came to your aid. nimbly securing it around your neck, he places a soft kiss on your shoulder when complete while wrapping his arms around your waist. humming, he admires how amazing you looked in the mirror in front of you.
he can only think about how lucky he is, every little breathing moment, to have someone like you. everyone says you have him wrapped around your pinky finger and he would be lying if he said he wasn't. one day he wishes instead of having to clasp a necklace on your neck, he would be able to slide a ring on your finger.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ iwazumi makes sure you don't forget anything in his own little way- by leaving little notes for you around the house. it's as simple as a sticky note on the mirror with "don't forget your packet of papers!" that was essential to your presentation. if you're REALLY forgetful he puts a million around the house in order, knowing your daily routine.
he would definitely leave a couple others around the house for you to find as a little scavenger hunt. "hey look you found this one! you looked amazing today :)" it's so simple but it warms your heart and gives you that crush rush feeling. you savour each and every note, placing them in a little box. you wouldn't show him though, he'd turn red at the thought of you rereading them out loud to you.
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kairismess · 7 months
the pocky challenge with him. (part 4)
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kenma kozume. — apple decorer pocky.
kenma knew about this challenge for a while now, but he never expected you to want to do it with him. he tried to convince you out of it, because he knew that in every attempt he played in his mind, he would always end up way too flustered to go through with it. you could tell kenma wasn't very confident about the outcome of this challenge, but you reassured him with a small kiss to his cheek, just giving him a taste of what was going to come soon.
but little did you know that kiss on his cheek paralyzed him and blew his senses out of mind that all he can do is... stare into your eyes and nibble on his end of the pocky stick, blushing hard and trying to snap out of his adoring gaze and the image of you kissing his cheek over and over and over again in his mind.
he probably wouldn't last in this challenge, not by a long shot, but... at least you now know how powerful the effect your kisses had on him.
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yamaguchi tadashi. — choco mint pocky.
yamaguchi originally thought the challenge was to eat as much pocky as the challengers can, though when you bit onto his end of the pocky stick, yamaguchi turned as bright red as a strawberry–his pretty golden eyes staring into yours as he stuttered out question after question overlapping his previous questions and just sounding like a bumbling fool.
you loved seeing yamaguchi like this whenever such intimate things happened between you two; it was like the universe always kept making you two get so close, yet he would always step back and get far away again. and this time, yamaguchi's anxiety won, and he pulled away from you the instant you two were one bite apart from making all your feelings to each other clear. he apologized profusely, insisting you have the pocky stick; but what good is a pocky stick to you when all you wanna do is kiss his sweet lips, make him feel loved and wanted?
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koushi sugawara. — summer salty vanilla pocky.
sugawara is known for being a darling, a very charismatic prince-like figure; and that is how you have always seen him. though the first time you've ever seen him act all giggly and flustered was when you were only a pocky stick's length away from him... he was never the same after that. he kept trying to play it cool, be mr. refreshing again; but nothing was gonna help him keep his cool when the person of his dreams was a few centimeters away from him, about to kiss him.
as sugawara planned to pull away and let you win the challenge, you pulled away, gently taking the pocky from him, and to his surprise—you kissed him right then and there. mr. refreshing needs a break from being all calm and composed, sometimes, all he needs is a kiss from the prettiest person in the world and to be head over heels in love with them to keep being himself.
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xiaoao · 1 month
ok so like I just finished “Bocchi The Rock” just recently and
i started thinking ab how the haikyuu teams would react or smth like that
im prbly gonna make this a series but yeah 
lets start with our all time favorite, Karasuno !!
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Words : 2.1k
ʸ/ᴺ ᵀᴴᴱ ᴿᴼᶜᴷ! ♪♫
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♩ - They’re overjoyed!! To hear that their heavily introverted manager has FINALLY found people to talk to
♩ - it’s a great thing that they all share the same interests!!
♩ - even they ( Karasuno ) can’t make y/n speak or do something like that, let alone perform in front of people!!!
♩ - they’re extremely proud, ESPECIALLY Kiyoko and Sugawara
♩ - “they’ve grown so much…. (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)” “they have.” - Sugawara and Kiyoko
♩ - Tanaka and Nishinoya almost cried in joy and almost tackled you ( Ennoshita grabbed them by the collar before they did )
♩ - everyone was so supportive!!
♩ - when you said that your first gig will happen soon and you had to sell a specific amount of tickets, you had to get more from the manager so that everyone could come
♩ - then a hard weather struck, despite putting up paper dolls to fend off the storm
♩ - you and your bandmates were DEVASTED, only a few ppl showed up
♩ - the bassist you met that helped you promote your band and had a street performance came though!!!
♩ - then suddenly, they came!! Even Yachi and Kiyoko came!!
♩ - your bandmates were pleasantly surprised, but was happy that a bunch of people came to watch anyways ( even if the large group came for you specifically )
♩ - at the end of the gig, the third years cried ( Kiyoko shed a few tears, after all, you were improving as a person. )
♩ - even though you still had room for improvement to look at the crowd when performing, everyone believed that it was worth walking in the heavy storm ( “Tsukki liked the performance! I can tell because he was really focused on you!” - Yamaguchi )
♩ - all in all, everyone love you dearly and is very proud of you
ᶜᴴᴬᴿᴬᶜᵀᴱᴿ ᴴᴱᴬᴰᶜᴬᴺᴼᴺˢ! ♪♫
#¹ ᴰᵃⁱᶜʰⁱ ˢᵃʷᵃᵐᵘʳᵃ! ♪♫
♩ - when he first met you as Karasuno’s manager training for Yachi’s support in the future, he was reaaaal hesitant
♩ - but when everyone learned that you played the guitar, everything went batshit ( positively )
♩ - but he’s supportive, your number one supporter absolutely 
♩ - watches you play cs he wants to make sure you arent injured
♩ - he isn’t aware that you’re THAT guitar he sees on his feed
♩ - thinks you’re very good at the guitar !!
♩ - he thinks your personality is a very big contrast into what you play ( rock )
♩ - thought you were a completely different person when playing the guitar ( partially true ig )
♩ - will continue to support your future gigs!! 
♩ - if you go professional one day, he says he’d go to every gig he can 
#² ˢᵘᵍᵃʷᵃʳᵃ ᴷᵒᵘˢʰⁱ! ♪♫
♩ - was so surprised when he learned you played the guitar
♩ - was probably thinking ukelele BUT NOOO
♩ - his eyes widened when he saw that large ass case and when you opened it it was an electric guitar
♩ -”????” was written all over his face
♩ - thinks ure still a cutie tho
♩ - he LOVES looking at your focused expression when trying to learn a new song
♩ - is so overjoyed he’s losing his mind
♩ - “MY Y/N IS SO TALENTED (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)” - Sugawara
♩ - when he learned you can play acoustic, he visited your place and listened to you play
♩ - he had SUCH a big grin it was so cute
♩ - not that u noticed since u were too preoccupied with the guitar
#³ ᴬˢᵃʰⁱ ᴬᶻᵘᵐᵃⁿᵉ ♪♫
♩ - You didn't expect he'd be so nervous when you touched the guitar
♩ - tbf you threw the guitar in your hands ( js shows your bond w the guitar 🤲 )
♩ - he, too, was also “????”
♩ - he worries for your ears 
♩ - and fingers, he noticed that they had scars and looked rough
♩ - he sees you as a talented person though!! 
♩ - he had a hunch you were THAT popular guitarist but just thought he was hallucinating
♩ - is willing to go to your gigs to support you!! Even if the people there are intimidating!!
#⁴ ʸᵘᵘ ᴺⁱˢʰⁱⁿᵒʸᵃ! ♪♫
♩ - His eyes went BRIGHT.
♩ - As if there were stars in his eyes!! Really!!
♩ - He was really amazed when he heard from Ennoshita that you play the guitar
♩ - Same as Sugawara, he was expecting something small like a ukelele or something like that based from your personality
♩ - Seeing that electric guitar in your hands, he smiles so brightly it shows his extroverted energy
♩ - will go to your gigs no matter when and where, LITERALLY.
♩ - in his timeskip, he travels around the world, and if he hears any news that you're gig is somewhere around the world, HE WILL AUTOMATICALLY GO THERE.
♩ - ALSO your number 1 supporter behind the 3rd years !!
#⁵ ᴿʸᵘⁿᵒˢᵘᵏᵉ ᵀᵃⁿᵃᵏᵃ! ♪♫
♩ - Was the most interested one honestly
♩ - since he was a “punk” or “gangster”, I feel like he'd be interested in punk music
♩ - it just so happens you cover punk music in secret!!
♩ - the first to find out that you were THAT guitarist, but didn't tell anyone for obvious reasons
♩ - he's actually pretty quiet whenever you're practicing with Karasuno
♩ - again, is willing to go to every gig you have if he's not too busy
♩ - ( the timeskip ) at one gig, he came with Kiyoko as a way to celebrate their wedding, and Tanaka cried at the amount of people who came to watch you
♩ - “Y/N HAS IMPROVED SO MUCH. (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `)♡” - Tanaka, Kiyoko was rubbing his back as you awkwardly stand there.
♩ - after the gig, he learned that a lot of people came specifically for YOU and he cried in Kiyoko's arms again
#⁶ ᶜʰⁱᵏᵃʳᵃ ᴱⁿⁿᵒˢʰⁱᵗᵃ! ♪♫
♩ - The sweetest 🥹
♩ - First to find out you played the guitar
♩ - he spotted you in one of the classrooms, on the brink of tears cs your guitar's string wouldn't tune well, so you thought it'd break ( since the guitar was given by your father, you didn't want to break it of course )
♩ - helped you calm down, even helped you fix the guitar
♩ - just watched you the whole time you practiced
♩ - helped you patched up your fingers too when they had cuts and blisters
♩ - if the 3rd years are you number one supporter, then he's your number 1 fanboy
♩ - similar to Tanaka, he literally broke down due to the improvement.
♩ - “I feel so proud (´ ͡༎ຶ ͜ʖ ͡༎ຶ `)” - Ennoshita
♩ - safe to say, you'll always see his face during gigs and concerts.
#⁷ ᴴⁱˢᵃˢʰⁱ ᴷⁱⁿᵒˢʰⁱᵗᵃ! ♪♫
♩ - lord bless his soul
♩ - when he saw your hands all blistered and covered in some tape he full on panicked
♩ - when you explained, his eyebrows raised
♩ - he stood there awkwardly and went like “oh.”
♩ - but despite everything, he was really invested whenever you'd practice with Karasuno
♩ - he sees you as someone ambitious, talented, and gifted
♩ - when he received the news you were in a band, he was skeptical due to your very Introvertedness
♩ - but in the end, he believed you
♩ - during your first gig, he was as nervous as you for some reason!!
♩ - but before the song you and your band created start, you hear him audibly whispered “You can do it!!” Together with Yamaguchi
♩ - Is still super nervous when going to your future gigs
♩ - he saw your improvement and is super proud and happy where you are at!!
#⁸ ᴷᵃᶻᵘʰⁱᵗᵒ ᴺᵃʳⁱᵗᵃ! ♪♫
♩ - he was also quite shocked, but one of the people to have expected you had a hidden talent
♩ - at some point, he wanted to ask you if you could teach him, but brushed it off
♩ - is super duper supportive!!
♩ - one time during one of your gigs ( a future gig ), he persuaded his family to come
♩ - they did NOT regret, his family said they wanted to come to the next gig
♩ - you were still very awkward that time, so you just awkwardly bowed as a thank you
♩ - mans great at persuading people cause bro got a lot of people into your music
♩ - ( time skip ) he still listens to your music even if he doesn't physically go to your gigs and concerts
♩ - he streams and shares your music to a lot of people he knows!
♩ - your number 1 moral support 🥹
#⁹ ᵀᵒᵇⁱᵒ ᴷᵃᵍᵉʸᵃᵐᵃ! ♪♫
♩ - when he first heard your skills in the guitar, he was so stiff
♩ - it's like that one time where he couldn't compliment Tsukishima
♩ - when he praised you, it was so awkward.
♩ - but, Sugawara came in to save the day and clear up what Kageyama meant
♩ - he.. Surprisingly listens to your music on an mp3 player ( back then )
♩ - during timeskip, he listens to your music, whether it'd be rock / punk music, soft music, solos, collabs, etcetera, he'd listen to it before volleyball matches
♩ - in all honesty, you were the second person Kageyama was close to, so he wants to support you in any way possible
♩ - not that he'd admit anything..
♩ - even when he doesn't go to your concerts and gigs, he's there virtually watching your concerts and gigs through the screen together with his other teammates in the Adlers
#¹⁰ ˢʰᵒʸᵒ ᴴⁱⁿᵃᵗᵃ! ♪♫
♩ - Was literally SO HYPED when he learned you played the guitar
♩ - “can you play something?! Pleaseee?!” - Hinata
♩ - thinking back at it, Hinata was probably your best hype man
♩ - he persuaded you to perform in one of the events in Karasuno, and it was a success
♩ - same as Narita, he invited his whole family ( except Natsu cause she wasn't allowed ) in your first gig, and you gained a lot and a lot of praise
♩ - Hinata is always, ALWAYS present when your practicing
♩ - he'd always be near you, sitting beside you, in front of you, etcetera
♩ - he's hyperfocused!! If only he can be this focused during class
♩ - he asked if he could be taught one day
♩ - he retracted that statement after learning his hands can get affected bro did not want to sacrifice it for the sake of volleyball
♩ - same as Kageyama, due to being a professional volleyball player, he doesn't have much time in his hands
♩ - but he'd listen to your music the night before a match, and just a few minutes before a match
♩ - he'll always support you!!
#¹¹ ᴷᵉⁱ ᵀˢᵘᵏⁱˢʰⁱᵐᵃ! ♪♫
♩ - bro looked like he expected it
♩ - well, actually he did, after seeing how rough your fingertips are, he had a hunch
♩ - also one of the few people that knows you're THAT guitarist ykyk
♩ - as much as he seems uninterested, he was actually invested during your first gig
♩ - he personally believed that you carried the second song after the first song being so untuned
♩ - but he won't say shit.
♩ - since you both are quiet, you two bond quite well
♩ - at some point you two were alone in the classroom, you were quiet as you strum the guitar
♩ - you can assume that's the time where Tsukishima started tolerating you better
♩ - he doesn't seem like a fan of your music, but during your high school days??
♩ - he had every song downloaded in his mp3, no one knew even Yamaguchi
♩ - that was his lil secret hehe
♩ - up until now, he listens to your music ( your solos and the soft music ) during studying, and the other music ( your punk / rock music ) before matches
♩ - it's his personal “hype man”
♩ - he'll always secretly support you from the shadows
#¹² ᵀᵃᵈᵃˢʰⁱ ʸᵃᵐᵃᵍᵘᶜʰⁱ! ♪♫
♩ - sweetie 🥹 (2)
♩ - he was the first to point out your fingers, that's how Tsukishima found out actually
♩ - whenever you'd leave your guitar alone and he's near the guitar, he'd always guard it just in case someone wanted to hold it
♩ - he even cleaned it once!!
♩ - when he could play music, he'd play your soft ( kind of lofi vibe ) ones on the speaker, or one of your solos where you sing and your voice is really comforting
♩ - he loves listening to you hum when you're practicing
♩ - Yamaguchi would share his mp3 playlist with other Karasuno members, or other people in general HAHAHA
♩ - loverboy. (2)
♩ - your number 2 fanboy. 🥹
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weathertheraine · 2 months
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Just as sweet
Something is bothering Yumiko. Tadashi doesn’t know what - their relationship is great, and he’s never been happier. But she keeps clamming up, and she won’t explain why.
It’s something to do with her name…
(Happy (late) TDOV!!)
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stannienight · 9 days
your reminder that there is a switching pov haikyuu fic out there where everyone is put into a bachelor situation except the bachelor is the king of japan. also the king is tsukishima and he does NOT want to be there. and the main ships are tsukkiyama, iwaoi, and kuroken, and the side ships and kagehina, asanoya, bokuaka, sakuatsu, and ushiten. also one of the contestants is planning on killing tsukishima. insane. absolutely unhinged. complete chaos
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napkitk · 8 months
#12 — running late
SYNOPSIS: Y/n had everything planned, first she would stay with her aunt that lived in Tokyo for a while before she moves in with her roommate to transfer to Tokyo University where most of her high school friends attended as well. Although she had to face a few hurdles before getting there, everything seemed to go by like a breeze except for these odd run ins she’d been getting…
previous — masterlist — next
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the second you woke up, you felt strange. blinking unevenly you slowly get up stretch.
this feels too peaceful..
Peacefully waking up with no alarms blasting throught your ears made you jolt up. You immediately checked your phone and once your eyes laid on the clock your heart dropped. dread filled within you as you scrambled to get dressed.
How is this humanly possible?
you were sure that setting up 17 alarms would wake you no matter what. however, you were proven wrong, still drowsy from sleep you brush your hair and teeth at the same time while picking out an outfit. you knew that whoever walked into your room right now would think you were under the influence. as you finally leave your apartment with an apple in your mouth and your bag half closed and slinging on one shoulder, you feel a buzz in your pocket.
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fun fact!
- y/n throw her phone across the room at most and completely ignored her alarm at least when it comes to waking up
- yachi honestly thought y/n left before her
💌: hey guys!! omg it’s been so long sry for the late update, i was locked out of my acc like twice now but i’m back and here’s another one!! i’ll star getting more active again hope everyone has a nice day/night❤️
🏷️: @jjikyuu @thechaosoflonging @kuroaka @anime-meme-sanctuary @cockstomper58008 @je-suis-argent-miel @ladle-things @skyfvlls @sugarrush-blush @whatamidoing89 @bloombb @cloudsvna @flyhighbajikeisuke @ellesalazar
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raisunomii · 26 days
if your tsukkiyama fic doesn't have yamaguchi crawling between keis legs to lay his head on his chest and fall asleep i dont want to read it.
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