angel-fics · 10 months
no no no i NEED a pt 2 for ‘In The Room Where You Sleep’ it was a work of art 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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It Will Come Back (part II to “In The Room Where You Sleep”)
Summary: After accidentally giving Dalton a free show, you decide to take a step back from your friendship with him. Dalton does not take kindly to that.
Warnings: Dalton being extra creepy, stalking, murderous intent, reader feeling unsafe, reader’s conflicting emotions, unhealthy responses to being caught masturbating, unsafe sex (wrap before you tap, folks), rough sex, penetrative sex, cream pie, implications of a breeding kink, suggestive comments, Reader letting Dalton off too easy for purpose of plot, noise complaints from neighbors, reader has a perversion kink, fluff kinda. THIS IS A NSFW WORK OF FICTION! MINORS DNI! ALL READERS ARE HELD PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR MEDIA INTAKE!
“So, did you sleep well last night?”
Oh fuck.
Did he know?
He couldn’t have…
*Astral Projector* Yes the fuck he could have.
“I slept fine, why?” You narrowed your eyes in false confusion and tried to keep the suspicion from your tone. You knew Dalton could’ve very well seen what you’d been up to last night, but he had told you that he rarely ever projected anymore. And hardly ever on purpose.
As you silently and awkwardly ate your breakfast, you tried to sort out your feelings on how Dalton’s potential peeping had made you feel.
For one, you felt grossed out. You were doing something so private and intimate, it felt like a violation to be watched, unaware and vulnerable. You were also angry at him for those very reasons. You would’ve been grossed out if it was anyone, but it was Dalton. Your friend Dalton, who you trusted and relied on. There was a bit of guilt, too. You were masturbating to pictures of him that he had sent. That was incredibly pervy, and it hadn’t occurred to you to feel guilt until the possibility of him knowing became real. You also felt kind of used, like you were some free, live action porn for him of get his rocks off to.
That’s where the complications started within you, too. There was a part of you that felt electrified when Dalton had first buried his face into that pillow and smirked at you. So knowingly and predatory. Your core clenched at the thought of him finding you like that, desperate and wanton for his touch. You wanted to know how he’d reacted, how much he’d seen. If how he was acting now was any indication, he’d liked what he’d seen.
It made you feel proud and sexy, which wasn’t right. It was gross. He was gross. That’s all you should feel about him and his actions.
Potential actions. You still didn’t actually know how if he had seen or anything. He was acting suspicious, or maybe you just felt that he was because he had grabbed a pillow that was covered in your cum.
“Why are you being so quiet? Is everything all right?” Dalton lifted his head lazily from that damned pillow, his face filled with concern. It amplified your guilt.
That wasn’t the face someone made if they were creeping on you. It was the face a genuinely worried friend made. Maybe more if you weren’t such a paranoid freak.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a bit tired, I guess,” you replied, trying to sound more alert and upbeat. You took in a deep, calming breath. This was Dalton you were with, he’d never done anything to make you feel unsafe. It was why you had feelings for him in the first place.
“What were you up to when we stopped talking last night? Working up a sweat?” Was he pressing his nose into the pillow and sniffing it?
“You’re wearing workout clothes?” Oh.
“Oh, yeah. Um, no, I didn’t do much after you started doing your homework. Just on my phone,” you said, shrugging nonchalantly. You were feeling very chalant right now, very fucking chalant.
You were wearing workout clothes because they were at the top of your clean clothes pile. The one you hadn’t gotten around to folding yet. After your little self-session last night, you fell asleep without putting your clothes back on, so you’d woken up naked when he started knocking on your door.
Actually, you’d been in such a rush, that you hadn’t even picked up your clothes from last night. You discreetly peered over at where you knew you’d tossed them. The t-shirt was there but your panties weren’t in sight. You knew it was unlikely from how you’d thrown them, but maybe your underwear where under the large shirt?
“Yeah, luckily I managed to turn my assignments in good time. I actually thought about coming over after I was done, but I didn’t want to wake you up,” he informed you sweetly. And he was. So sweet.
But it was so hard to separate what you knew about him from what you suspected he’d done. And it was going to eat away at you until you knew the truth. At the same time, what if you were wrong? Would your relationship with him -platonic or not- survive your accusations?
“I probably was still awake. But it’s all good. You’re here now, right?” You had so been looking forward to spending the weekend with him. You had even planned on telling him how you felt now that you had the opportunity. Now, you just wanted to be alone.
“Yeah, of course. We’re gonna have a great time this weekend.” As his gaze raked up and down your body, there was something so lustful, it can almost be seen as malicious. Your trust in his innocence was withering away.
“I don’t know about great, but it’ll be nice. Just relaxing and hanging out. We can watch movies or read. Order take out and play games,” you replied casually, trying to sound more excited than you were.
“Oh, so we’re going middle school with this sleepover, yeah?” Dalton laughed and rolled over on his back, propping a long leg up and letting the other dangle.
“Big talk for the guy who hates literally every standard college experience. Since we’ve started school, I have not seen you have sex, drink or do drugs. You literally only went to a single frat party because Chris forced you,” you teased, forcing yourself to be more relaxed.
“I don’t hate every college experience, I just prefer being sober,” he corrected, very pointedly leaving out the ‘sex’ part of your list.
You got up to throw the trash from your breakfast away, and made a point of looking like you were freshening up your room. You picked up yesterday’s t-shirt with your toes, noting the lack of panties under them and silently panicked.
Where the fuck did they go? They were right here last night. You were sure of it.
You remembered that Dalton could interact with the physical world while in the Further and slowly turned to him, now thoroughly convinced that he had spent some time in your room last night.
“Hey, Dalton? When you’re projecting, you can move things, right?” You knew he could already. When he had told you about it, he had also shown you how it worked to prove it to you.
“Okay, that was random. Yeah, why?” You don’t know what he saw in your face, but he automatically sat up straight on your bed.
“Did you come in here last night? Like, did you project in here when I couldn’t see or hear you?” Your tone was accusatory and panicked, your voice raising slightly in volume as a result.
A short pause. “Yeah,” he answered, his face losing all humor and friendliness. It looked pleading and defensive.
“How long?”
From the amount of time it took for him to answer the question, you knew that anything that came from his mouth would be a lie.
“Just a second. When I finished my homework, I wanted to see if it was cool for me to come over. I didn’t want to wake you up by calling or texting, so I decided to come check on you. I left as soon as I saw. Even if you weren’t sleeping, I figured you wouldn’t want me to come over when you were like that,” he joked, trying to lighten the mood.
It didn’t work and you could feel yourself mentally withdrawing from him. It wasn’t just the peeping, it was the lying, and how he only felt badly about it when you seemed uncomfortable with it. Not because he was actually sorry. Actually, no. He hadn’t even apologized, so he wasn’t even fake-sorry.
You took a moment to think on it, keeping your face as neutral as possible. Calling him out on it wouldn’t do anything, neither would sending him away. He could come in whenever he wanted and do anything to you. You swallowed the part of you that was excited by that by reminding yourself that most people found that repulsive.
There was nothing that you could do to keep yourself safe from him, especially if you made him angry. There was also nothing you found yourself wanting to do either, a small voice in your head reminded you.
The thought of him no longer in your life was heartbreaking, devastating even. As upset as you were, your intense feelings for him were still there. But, this wasn’t healthy or what you knew as normal. For that part of yourself, you felt like taking a break from him was what was necessary.
“Okay. Sorry you had to see that,” you chirped after a few moments of fluttering around your room. The fact that you had to apologize to him felt like cement in your mouth with every word.
“No, I’m sorry. It was invasive. I should’ve just texted you or something,” he insisted.
How could someone who sounds so sincere and caring be such a pervert?
The rest of the weekend was tense. Really tense. When you watched a movie, you made sure to sit at the opposite end of the couch from him. You didn’t talk to him as much, and you barely initiated any conversation yourself. The night was the worst part. You couldn’t just offer up Carla’s room to him to sleep in, and you couldn’t send him to the couch because that would make him suspicious.
You did make sure that you weren’t sleeping under the same blanket as him, but that still didn’t relax you enough to sleep. Even if you had made sure to wear your most concealing pajamas. You spent the whole night faking slumber, wondering if he was walking around your dorm like some sort of ghost and watching you. The worst part of it was that you had no way of knowing if he was projecting or not. His chest was rising and falling slowly, and his handsome face was peaceful. You inwardly screamed, not being able to help the invasive thoughts telling you that under different circumstances, you’d be blushing and unable to sleep for an entirely different reason.
If last night hadn’t happened, you’d be wearing your most revealing nightie and eager to cuddle close to him in your bed. You felt guilty for having masturbated at all last night and potentially ruining your friendship for it.
In the morning, you nearly jumped with joy when your roommates informed you that she was returning early after ruining her dad’s birthday by getting drunk and slugging his indoor pet donkey. It was the most ridiculous thing you had ever heard of and you would’ve laughed out loud if you weren’t so relieved.
You were careful to seem very sad and disappointed when you told Dalton the news. He laughed at the excuse and asked if it was real. You showed him the text and he pulled you into a hug while chuckling.
You wanted to melt into him and hug him back. Forty-eight hours ago and you wouldn’t been through the roof with happiness. Instead, you curled your hands into his shirt and tucked your face into his neck so he wouldn’t see your expression of discomfort.
As soon as he left that afternoon, you made special care to lock the door and immediately ran to your room, hiding under your blanket until Carla stumbled through the door, grumpy from her hangover.
Dalton was upset. For many reasons. All different. All relating to you.
He should’ve been ecstatic. That’s how he wanted to feel. That’s how everything in his life was positioned to make him feel.
He got to spend the night with you, even getting to sleep next to you in your bed. He ate with you, watched movies with you, and he laughed with you as he finished getting dressed after his shower. He didn’t imagine the way you admired his bare torso after he toweled his hair dry.
But you barely talked to him. You wouldn’t touch him, and god, he wanted you to. He wanted to touch you, but he could tell that you evaded him on purpose. You let him hug you, squeeze your hand, nudge you with his foot to make sure you were paying attention to the movie. When he woke up in your bed his arm wrapped around your tummy, you looked restful and happy while still asleep.
And after he left because your stupid roommate couldn’t hold her fucking liquor, you texted him a ‘thank you’ with a kiss emoji. A kiss emoji. Just like you had that night. The night you had confronted him about.
He didn’t expect you to be so okay with it. And after the shock wore off, he was flooded with relief and satisfaction. That had to be an invitation, right? You wanted him to. You liked it. You wanted him to do it again, if he wanted to. He knew you noticed your missing underwear. You must have known that he took them. And you had let him keep them.
But you hadn’t been texting him as much.
On average, your texted Dalton a lot more frequently than he texted you. Not because he wasn’t interested or because he was a bad texter. You were just very enthusiastic and had a lot more to say to him. He was as quiet in his messages as he was in real life.
It was different after the sleepover, though. You were drier, and distant. Instead of actually talking to him, you would simply react to his messages. He hated it. He knew you liked him more than that, so why we’re you acting so weird?
Weeks went by like that. Suddenly, you were always with your classmates, who were your close friends all of the sudden. You wouldn’t call him. You had stopped sending him pictures of yourself in your chat after that first night. He only ever really saw you in person when he followed you around campus.
Dalton’s mood worsened with everyone during that period, and it was damaging everything in his life. Since it was spring, his art teacher wanted him to focus on nature, and creation, and rejuvenation. As if he could care less about that right now, and she noticed. His grades suffered as as result of him taking out his problems on his canvas.
His social life was even more stale than it usually was. He stopped hanging out with the few friends he had, stopped talking to everyone except his mom and Chris. And that was only because both women refused to not talk to him at least twice a day.
But Chris respected herself a lot more than his other friends did, so when he saw you on a date with some other guy and tried to ditch her, she confronted him on his behavior.
“What the fuck is up with you right now, Dolphin? And don’t say nothing, because you almost walked into traffic a second ago!” Her voice was loud and he tugged her to somewhere more dark and quiet.
“Did you see her? With some other guy?! I don’t have a problem, she’s the one with the fucking problem!” He started pacing as he snarled at Chris, glaring venomously into the direction of the restaurant where he could see you sitting across from some douche.
I could fucking…
Fuck, she looks beautiful…
She’s mine! She should be dressing up like that for me!
I should go in there. Fucking bend her over and take her right there…
Make everyone watch as she screams my name. She’d pull me in, too, her pussy would just suck me right in…
She’d kiss me, and I wouldn’t even care about seeing that dumb bastard’s face until she stopped…
Then I’d bash his fucking face into the table…until it was ruined…until no one could recognize him…until he stopped moving…
I’d keep fucking her, too. She’d want it. I saw how she is, she was still playing with herself even after she came. Her greedy cunt would need me to fill it. Fill it up all the way. Make it stick and she’ll be with me forever…
It took Dalton approximately six minutes and twenty-two seconds to realize that Chris was talking to him. And that he was really lucky that it was too dark here they were to see his erection.
“…ook, I’m sorry man. I really thought she was into you. But if this is the reason you’ve been acting so weird lately, then you have got to get a grip. It’s not fair to either of you for you to be acting like this,” Chris chastised all in one breath. She looked like she’d been doing so since the moment he’d zoned out.
“You’re right, and I’m sorry. It’s just, I thought there was a moment when we were going forward. I guess I was wrong. We should go, I think I need to be alone right now,” he apologized sincerely. And that was the truth. He was sorry. Not nearly as sorry as he was angry, but he wasn’t going to take that out on his best friend. He knew better.
He’d take it out on you.
Dalton had been projecting more often since that night. There were multiple instances with spirits, but he wouldn’t be deterred from seeing you. He was getting better at it, too. He was able to make himself visible to others while in his astral form, he tested it on Chris. He was even able to control his body and project while he was awake. He could do his homework while watching you shower.
He even got to see you touch yourself sometimes. He stopped doing it to himself that first time, controlling his body so that when he went back in, he could suck at the crotch of your panties while getting himself off. It was more connected to you that way.
He knew you still loved him, that’s why he was confused as to why you distanced yourself. When you came, it was his name falling from your tongue. When you opened and closed your messages, it was his contact you were constantly checking. You would even type out messages before deleting the words and throwing your phone in frustration.
So now, sitting in his dorm and glaring at the picture of you kneeling in front of the mirror, he debated how he should confront you on your date.
D: “Me and Chris were going for ice cream and saw you at that nice Italian place. You looked pretty. Was the food good?”
He wouldn’t ask about the guy. This wasn’t about that overstepping asshole trying to steal you away from him. It was about you, and whether you would lie to him.
You took a moment to reply and to his complete surprise and joy so strong that he could sing, you also sent a photo. Your lips were stained pink and glossy, wrapped around a thick boba straw. The angle was from above so you were looking up all innocently into the camera as you sucked the brown sugar tapioca pearls into your mouth. Dalton felt himself stiffening and adjusted himself in his seat as he read your message.
You: “Thanks. Honestly, I couldn’t really focus on the food. I was on a date and the guy ordered for me and spent the entire time talking about how much of a man he was. I didn’t even like what he ordered. I would’ve preferred being there with you.”
His heart skipped a beat and he forgot all about how upset he was with you after reading the end of your text. Wished you were with me? Like as a date?
D: “Sounds awful. Please don’t tell me he left you with the check, too.”
He added another mirror picture, this time fully clothed and making a comically inquisitive face at the camera. He still wasn’t sure where you were on this potential reconciliation, but he had high hopes given how long your message has been. You hadn’t been texting him more than one or two lines in ages.
You: “After ORDERING. FOR. ME. he casually mentions how he likes to split the bill to make sure women aren’t using him for his money. Dalton, the main course itself was $40, not including sides and appetizers. I threw my lap towel at him and took off.
You: “This fool expected me to pay for food that I didn’t even fucking order or like, after acting like he was some big shit the entire time. Dick head was lucky I didn’t toss my plate in his lap. Splitting the check? Get the fuck outta my face.”
Dinner date etiquette was a big deal to you. You had very vividly described it to Dalton when he had asked once and it was ingrained in his mind. If you asked someone on a date, then you had to pay for the outing. Exceptions can be made in certain situations, but only once a relationship was established. Askers have to pay on the first date, especially if they planned it out. Dalton empathized greatly with your situation, and was filled with even more hatred for the jackass. Still, were you only talking to him to vent about a bad date? Were you just jerking him around at your own convenience?
Your next photo was of you at your desk, you hand cupping your throat and you making a comically shocked face. Your eyes were rolled to the ceiling, your brows furrowed, and your mouth opened to an ‘o’. Dalton’s pants tightened when he thought of the other ways he could get you to make that face, none of them funny.
D: “Don’t let one experience ruin the restaurant for you. Next time, I’ll take you and you can order every little thing you think you’ll enjoy. My treat.”
As ridiculous as it made him feel, he thought it necessary to lighten the mood and show you that he meant his text as casually as possible. So, his responding photo was of him making what Chris had referred to as the “rizz face”. He made a finger gun across his chin and bit his lip in an enthusiastic and “seductive” smile. He let his head fall loudly onto his desk in embarrassment as he hit send.
You two had gotten food together plenty of times. It wasn’t odd. But you never got food at nice or upscale places like the one Dalton had seen you at. Even the semi-nice corporation chain places, like Olive Garden, it was rare. And usually only if you two were splitting a single meal. College students.
His invitation, while open to rejection, was very clearly set in a less-than-friendly way. At least he thought it was. Dalton assumed you’d see it that way, too, since he’s never once brought up fine dining to you before. This was his chance to get back in your good graces. And hopefully, be more than friends, if you accepted.
You: “That sounds nice, actually. I’d love to. Just not until I can stomach going since that jerk kinda ruined it for me. I didn’t even want to go, but Carla insisted.”
Bro, fuck Carla, man! Your next messaged came in a few seconds later.
You: “Luckily, she felt so bad that she profusely apologized and bought me boba before going to her girlfriend’s. My great suffering has ended.”
Your next picture was of you smiling into the camera with your nose scrunched cutely and your hands inverted under your chin in mock-innocence. You looked adorable. But Dalton was confused. Why the hell would you go out with a guy you didn’t even like when you could’ve been hanging out with him? It made him angry at you all over again.
D: “Why bother going out with him then? You could’ve just called me, I would’ve brought you something to eat and you would’ve actually had a good time.”
He didn’t send a photo. Neither did you after taking ten minutes to reply.
You: “Wanted an excuse to dress up.”
Dalton nearly crushed his phone in his hand. What the fuck were you doing to him? He was so sick of this chasing bullshit. He was done with your little game. You were his, and he wouldn’t accept you going out with another guy to get compliments on how pretty you were. Especially not when he was willing to spend every waking moment of his life showing you how ethereally beautiful he thought you were. He would kiss the ground you walked on, not order food you didn’t like. He would worship you, not expect you to pay for an overly priced meal. If he were able to, he’d spend entire lifetimes pleasing you and satisfying you in ways that you couldn’t even imagine and that dumb fuck you went out with wouldn’t even be capable of.
Leaving you on read, Dalton grabbed his jacket and his shoes and stormed out of his dorm, nearly sprinting to get to you. Once at your door, he barreled into your dorm, barely noticing that you’d forgotten to lock it again.
Startled at the noise, you jumped from inside the bathroom and glanced between him and your phone multiple times. Dalton then remembered that he stupidly forgot to bring his phone with him when he decided to come over.
“Dalton, what the hell?” You crossed your arms over your chest and Dalton felt his mouth water at the way it made your tits look in the lacy tank top you wore without a bra.
Shaking his head to clear his thoughts and reflect on what the hell he was doing, Dalton returned to his clarified anger.
“What the hell is your problem? You’ve barely talked to me in weeks and then I find out you’re going out with some fuckhead that you don’t even like when I’m right here. Begging for your attention and always available when you want or need me. You lead me on and then ignored me for other people, what do I have to do to get to be with me. Because I know you want to, so don’t bother with any of your bullshit because I’ve fucking had it with you!”
As he vented his grievances with you, he stalked over to where you were and grabbed you by your shoulder tightly. He pulled you to him closely enough that your noses were inches from touching. A part of him sang at having you so closely to him but his anger and desperation for you were so strong that his only forms of expression were physical and rough.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?! You break into my house and yell at me, and somehow you’re the victim of my behavior? You know exactly why things changed! You know why I had to go on that date! I didn’t say anything, but I know the truth, Dalton. I know what you did that night,” you confronted him, pushing him away but not actively trying to escape his hold. Dalton’s hands slipped down to your wrists, latching on when you made no move to pull away from him.
“Then why did you not tell me to leave when you found out? Why did you not say anything, tell me the truth that you knew I was lying? You let me sleep in your bed with you, baby, you let me touch you. If you think you’re all that angry about what you think happened, you sure aren’t acting like it,” Dalton hissed, tugging you close and breathing into your hair.
Your body was hot so close to his and your hair was softly tickling his chin and throat as you shook your head in denial.
“No. No, that’s not true. I just knew that saying anything wouldn’t have stopped you from doing it again,” you rebutted, glaring up at him.
You were right, he had continued because you hadn’t said anything. And you hadn’t spoken to him properly in over a month. Still, even if you couldn’t see it, Dalton knew you were lying to yourself.
“If you had said something, I would’ve stopped,” he conceded, pulling away from you. “But you can’t deny that you want me. You invited me in, over and over again. And I came running every single time. Even after seeing you with that prick. What I did isn’t some kind of dealbreaker for you. You can lie to yourself about it, but you can’t lie to me. Don’t let me in with no intention to keep me because I will keep coming back.”
When the distance shrunk between his body and yours, it was you that initiated. You glowered at Dalton smugly.
“And how exactly do you know that, Dalton?” You knew exactly what he had done, and you were goading him to make yourself seem morally superior and him less credible. But moral or not, he was still right.
“The calls are coming from the inside the house, aren’t they, sweetheart? You knew all this time and you were what? Putting on a show for me? You can’t have known which times I would’ve shown up, meaning that you were fucking yourself at every opportunity thinking I was somehow watching you. I bet you were there with your fingers pumping in your pussy wishing I would do something about it,” he accused, stroking light fingers up and down your arms.
When you hardened your glare before looking down at your feet, Dalton knew he was right. He smirked down at your before pulling a hand up and using two fingers to guide your face up to look him in the eyes.
“I can, you know, do something about it now. You just have to admit it.”
Your response was a bit more defensive than he would’ve hoped. “Admit what?”
“I want to know how you feel about me. If I hadn’t made it clear by now, I’m hopelessly in love with you. I’d do anything for you and I absolutely hate that this is the way you’re finding out about it. I’d have rather taken you out on a date and showered you with gifts and made you feel loved before actually telling you. But I get I’ll have to settle for making you angry and then fucking all of it out of you. Would you like that?”
Dalton would always remember his first kiss. It was sudden and rushed and he didn’t have enough time to actually kiss back, not that he’d wanted to. He appreciates that it’s something that he and Chris don’t talk about. It makes it all the more sweeter to think about his first actually kiss being with you.
You brought his head in slowly but lost all control when your lips met his. Dalton’s eyes squeezed shut as he grabbed the sides of your face to pull you in even closer. He gasped into your mouth, using the opportunity to lick the seam of your lips with his tongue. He had never kissed anyone, period, much less using his tongue. Everything he was doing was the result of instinct, movies, and the attempts you and Chris have made to verbally teach him how to please a woman.
You pull your mouth away from his but Dalton can’t take his lips from your body now that he’s had a taste. His lips burn their way down your throat, his kisses open-mouthed and desperate. Dalton is eating up your moans, using them to fuel and guide his actions.
“I adore you,” you gasp, fisting handfuls of his hair to keep him on you. You couldn’t have separated him from you if you tried. “I couldn’t separate what I thought was right from what I actually wanted and I’m so sick of being away from you. I wanna be with you, Dalton. I just want you, all of you.”
Dalton shoved you into the wall, pinning you there with the length of his own body. His cold fingers crawled along your ribcage, digging into the plump flesh there harshly. One of his knees shoved itself between your legs and he used his grip on your sides to settle you on his thigh.
“You’re going to feel all of me. I’ve been waiting far too long for this, so you are going to take it. You hear me? Be a good girl and enjoy it,” he hissed in your ear as he left a biting kiss on your lips, sucking your bottom lip into his mouth.
The little sounds escaping your mouth drive him nuts and he didn’t even bother trying to restrain himself from grinding his erection against the crotch of your sleep shorts. They barely covered anything anyway, but he still wanted to feel you bare. You rode his thigh with no shame, leaning in to kiss him again.
Dalton still didn’t know much about kissing so he didn’t protest your taking control of his lips. He accepted anything you gave him and moaned when your tongue slid into his mouth to taste him. Your hips jerked harder on him when he did and he grinned wickedly at uncovering one of your kinks.
Your hands pulled at his shirt and as he yanked it over his head, Dalton began walking backwards to your bedroom. When the backs of his knees hit your bed, he let himself fall into a sitting position, hauling you into his lap. His hands found your hips and guided you to start grinding against him again. Your hands went to your own shirt and as soon as you or chest was uncovered, Dalton was lowering his head to softly kiss and lick your breasts. One of your hands went to his hair and tugged at the roots . He moaned and sucked one of your nipples into his mouth, circling his tongue around the peak.
“Dalton…shit,” you sighed, rolling your hips down on him. His erection was sliding against all of the right places, but you needed more.
He pulled off you with a pop and started aggressively biting and sucking marks across your chest at random. His hand tracked from your hip to the back of your head. He gather some hair in his hands and used it to yank your head back, forcing you to arch into him and push your breasts closer to his face.
Dalton could feel your arousal soaking through your panties and shorts and into his sweatpants. His tongue traced broad lines down your belly until he was laying back onto your bed and sliding you along his stomach and chest until your pussy was hovering above his face.
“Gonna make you cum first. Been looking forward to this for ages. You want me to have a taste, right?” His fingers curled around the waistline of your shorts and was already tugging them down your hips along with your underwear.
Your nails dug into the backs of his hands as you stopped him. “What if I’m too heavy for you?”
Dalton response was to knock your hands away from his, leaving red scratches, and drag your shorts off the rest of the way. Left completely bare, you barely got a word in edgewise before he drew you down onto his mouth. And it seems like he took the term “eating you out” a bit too seriously because he was lapping and swallowing at your lips and clit like a man starved. His tongue started thrusting in your wet heat, his grasp on your thighs threatening to bruise your flesh as he heaved you impossibly closer.
Your hands slapped onto the wall in front of your loudly as you started to ride his nose and tongue. Your head was thrown back and you were cementing out without abandon. Your dorms were bigger than Dalton’s but the walls were just as thin, yet it didn’t occur to either of you to care about your neighbors hearing.
Your release was quickly approaching, and when Dalton began suckling on your clit while simultaneously thrusting two fingers into you without warning, you lost yourself in euphoria. You lost control of your limbs, your body jerking and twitching violently as you came. And Dalton didn’t let up once, moaning around your folds as if he were the one cumming.
“Dalton? Dalton, let up.” He didn’t, smacking your hand away when you tried to push his face away from your pussy.
“I told you that you were gonna take it, and I’m not done yet,” he growled before running his nose up your slit to your clit and thrusting his tongue inside you once more. You yelled at the overstimulation and tried to lift yourself off of him but Dalton’s grip on your thighs tightened even further, refusing to let you move.
Ten minutes of calling out his name and begging, he tossed you aside into your back and climbed on top of you. Dalton dove in for a deep kiss, clearly wanting you to taste yourself on his tongue. You whimpered against his lips and locked your legs around his hood, using your feet to push his pants down his legs.
Dalton lifted his hips just enough to make the fabric go down and kicked off the offending material. He lifted up one of your knees to his ribs and lined himself up with you, all without breaking eye contact. Sealing your consent with a kiss, Dalton swallowed the shout you let out as he thrusted into you slowly.
Dalton knew he wasn’t going to last long but he was determined to give you one last orgasm and set a quick and even pace to build you up again. He buried his face into your neck kissing and biting at the soft skin as he pounded into you. His hands were glued to your shoulder and thigh, pulling your body in thrust for thrust. His head flew back in a roar when your nails raked down his back as you chanted his name over and over again. The sound of flesh slapping against wet flesh, your bed groaning and banging into the wall, and the both of your joined moaning sounded like music to Dalton and he could spend the rest of his life listening to this one melody.
“Oh, fuck, Dalton! I’m so close! I’m gonna cum!” Dalton felt that familiar pressure in his balls when he heard the sound of your whines. He tried to keep up that same steady pace so you wouldn’t lose your orgasm, but as soon as your walls tightened around him, he lost all control of himself.
He started slamming into you wildly, only after his own orgasm now. He was going so roughly that you started hitching up on the bed and had to grip the headboard to keep Dalton from potentially giving you a concussion. His hips pumped into you almost viscously and you knew you had to help him over that blissful edge.
You started kissing up his jaw and bit down on his earlobe, scratching down his chest and abs, before whispering breathily into his ear. “Cum in me Dalton! I want your cum! Give it to me! I want you feel you fill me up!”
For an added good measure, you grabbed one of his hands and spread his palm over your pelvis so that he could feel himself moving inside you.
Without a very loud shout of “Fuck!”, Dalton filled your womb with his seed before collapsing on top of you. You could feel his pushing heartbeat agent yours and wrapped your arms around him to prevent him from rolling off of you.
It took you both a few seconds of heavy panting to realize that there was still a pounding sound echoing throughout your room.
“Can you two shut the FUCK UP ALREADY!”
Both you and Dalton went completely still for a moment before bursting out into crazed laughter. You huddled together in your bed before Dalton clambered up and walked over to your bathroom.
He took just long enough that you were beginning to consider getting up yourself before he came back out again, armed with a damp rag and a bottle of your favorite lotion. He sat beside you and carefully began cleaning you up. You felt yourself blushing when he admired his cum leaking out from your hole. Then he warmed up the lotion in his hands and massaged your sore limbs, leaning over and kissing all of the marks he left with small whispers of “I love you” as his lips trailed down your body.
You dragged him down back next to you you and he positioned your body to be laying halfway on top of his, kissing your forehead and wrapping his arms around you. It didn’t take long for you to begin dozing off when he startled you with a softly spoken question.
“You’re my girlfriend now, right?”
You giggled and kissed his nose with an enthusiastic “Yes,” before allowing yourself to drift off.
Wow, this was probably longer than the first one! Hope y’all like it! Again, the first part and this sequel were both inspired by the Dalton imagine made by @glodessa
Also tagging these people who asked for a part two before I actually posted this
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missglaskin · 6 months
Just had the thought of Dalton Greyjoy showing up at reader’s nameday celebration feast and them dancing like 3 songs straight and reader is into it cause this is a MAN fr and he’s so chill with his crazy it’s hard to care lol. The entire family would hateee it it like the disgust would be visible on their faces. I wonder who’d cut in first Aemond or Viserion? 🤔
Oh my god Anon, that is the last person we want to add to the mix
But in all honesty, no one ever expected the Dalton Greyjoy to waltz into the reader’s name day celebration. The Ironborn are known to mock such feasts and for Dalton to not only invite the reader for a dance but for her to have to keep up with him. Unlike other Westeros men who make such an effort to win the reader over with lavish gifts and smooth talk, Dalton strikes me as a quintessential "classic bad boy." He is blunt in his desires.
Aemond's only eye is twitching as he watches Dalton act all "vulgur". And Laenor is finding that, for the first time in his life, he agrees with the blacks and the greens. It is necessary to restrain Viserion before he causes a scene, and it is also necessary to restrain Daemon before he and his son pursue the Ironborn. As you can imagine, the entire family is aiming daggers at Dalton whenever he suggests that the reader might visit the Iron Islands. With daggers at his back, Dalton, the man he is, will continue to flirt with you.
And if by some miracle the reader marries Dalton, it may be the push that Viserys needs to kick the bucket.
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neverchecking · 11 months
My coming out.
You have all turned me. This is it. I am officially a Ko*idai simp. You all have won. So for turning me, I offer you as my humble apology for the slander against his name.
A wonderful collab between my lovely and wonderful wife, whom you all should go follow right now >:( @angry-trashcan
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Bro, it’s not gay if you say no homo, bro.
Koridai looked down to Dalton, “Golly”
A moment of silence fell around them, heavy and tense. The sweltering heat around them created a sheen of sweat, making their bodies glisten. Brown connected with blue, the fire of passion igniting in the pits of their pupils. A single resolute nod fell between them. “No Homo.”
Dalton and Dante bobbed their heads in agreement.
You looked up to them, watching as their moment continued. Their ga(y)ze was deep into one another’s eyes, too distracted too pay mind to you. Dalton and Dante danced above you, bumping into once another, their sides brushing together with a lingering kiss.
Never once did Courage, nor Ko*idai for that matter, break eye contact. They simply remained, frozen in the moment, encased in the wondrous star maps that laid in the other’s ga(y)ze. Your own eyes darted back down to Dalton and Dante. A part of you wondered if you should be worried about their reddened heads. Another part of you was too over this entire debacle to care. 
All of Courage’s courage couldn’t have prepared him for this. The way Dante would move about, the way Kor*dai’s eyes were boring into him, the way you were watching with a startled expression. Kor*dai didn’t know how to handle this, he didn’t have much adventuring under his belt after all. All he had was Dalton.
Dalton had been a long standing friend. Something familiar to Ko*idai, A friend he had known his entire life. He was more than happy to share this moment with him. Even if it came (heh came) with Courage. Courage and his dastardly sinful ga(y)ze that refused to leave his. It was a game at this point, of who would break first. And Courage would not break. 
He was too courageous. He would watch Kor*dai’s brown eyed ga(y)ze as long as he physically could, which was a long time. He was a well travelled hero afterall, unlike his counterpart. Kor*dai had never been on his own adventure, and, golly was that unfortunate for their staring contest.
Dante wept from the lack of attention, once again returning to pestering jabs at Dalton, just to see the other sway back and forth. Your eyes followed them. Then they returned to the standing duo. A moment passed. A moment where you wondered if Legend was still awake. Or Twilight. They wouldn’t do this to you. 
You watched their staring for a moment longer, wondering, hoping, praying that it would either end or last longer. You weren’t sure which outcome was better for you, honestly. Your hands rested on the side of the too small bed, taking a deep breath and watching the two dancing partners continue their waltz.
You could play their silly game. That was always an option. You could open your eyes all wide and innocent and flutter those pretty lashes. Maybe, if that got no reaction you would even dare utter the single utterance you swore in your life you never would. The no good, vile phrase. But it might’ve just been enough to get what you want. With a breath, you steeled yourself, tucking away your dignity in a trunk before throwing it into the endless abyss of ‘never to be seen again’. Then your lips parted, “Golly.”
Blue and brown did not fall from one another as you muttered the words, though Dalton did add a hard sway to his fateful dance. You could almost feel yourself dry completely at the thought of what you did and to no effect. You slowly pulled your legs to yourself and rolled off the bed. Though no eyes seemed to meet you.
Though Dalton did weep at your absence, you paid it no mind. Though Dante did attempt to stand tall to catch your attention, you still turned away. You had much better things, nay, people to do. You had much better people to do, and this pity fuck had gone from sad to downright desperate. 
Though Dante and Dalton weeped together, they held eachother tall through the loss. The ga(y)zing men continued their ga(y)zing. The thought of you never crossing their minds as their eyes bore into one another’s very soul, very existence. 
You could’ve pretended to sneak out. But it wouldn’t have made a damn lick of a difference. They were too lost in the challenge. Too engaged in each other’s limitless ga(y)ze. Nothing would break this moment between them. Tender and almost intimate one might dare to say. You did not dare. You only tried to recall which room was the Vet’s. 
A hard knock at the door and it swung open, revealing Legend’s very awake face. He dared not to question why you were there, knowing where you had been. Instead only letting you in and locking the door tight behind you.
Not even the repetitive thumping echo of the room beside theirs could break their moment. It remained steadfast and unyielding, even as Dante and Dalton wilted away. Shriveling into themselves in shame. They would remain that way even as the briefest hints of sunrise broke across the room, painting it in an array of yellows and reds. Almost like the reds of Dalton and Dante’s heads last night. 
It seemed nothing could pull the men from one another’s ga(y)ze into the other’s soul. When Legend opened the door the next morning to wake them, they were still staring deep into one anothers. The shock of it almost sent him into a deep ga(y)ze himself. He took off a boot, throwing it in the direction of the men, which somehow startled them out of their trance. Courage looked to the empty bed.
“What did you do with Y/N, you-you- rapscallion?!” Courage barked, stance widening as Dante swung loyally by his side. Legend’s shock turned into a mean and sharp grin. The marks on his neck were welted in your signature color. “Everything. Which part do you wanna hear about?”
“All of it.” Ko*idai began only for Courage to cut him off with a harsh jab. “None of it, is what he meant to say.”
Legend’s grin only grew, “Okay, it started when she came to my room last night. Complaining you two wouldn’t treat her right.” Dalton shrunk ever more into himself at the words. “She would never!” Courage cried out. “Oh, but she did!”
Legend gave a dismissive wave of his hand. “You two ding-dong’s really screwed the pooch there. Lost out on a night I certainly won’t be forgetting anytime soon. But, hey, maybe you can try again. The Golden three know I’m a patient man. I’ll wait for her to come by my room once more.” Collecting his boot, he swatted it at the two, refusing to even spare a glance at Dalton and Dante. “And put some pants on would ya? It’s getting weird.” 
The two watched Legend leave the room, closing the door behind him. Kor*dai looked down at Dalton then Dante, before letting his ga(y)ze go up to Courage’s eyes. “No homo?” He asked. “No homo.” Courage replied.
With a hearty hand clapping to the other’s shoulders, Courage finally grinned. “Rule number one of adventuring? It’s never gay to kiss the homies goodnight. It’s a sign of good faith.” Ko*idai nodded excitedly, bangs flopping about much in the same way Dante did. “Right. Legend just doesn’t understand that. He has no homies.”
“Legend thinks it’s gay to kiss the homies. But we know better.” Courage says, leaning forward and placing a kiss to Kor*dai’s cheek. “Now lets get some pants on, bro. I bet breakfast is ready and I’m warn out from that crazy night we had.”
Ko*idai placed a hand to his cheek, which quickly hued into a soft red. “Golly,” He muttered, foot twirling itself on it’s toes. It was absolutely not gay to kiss the homies and if Legend didn’t see that, he felt bad for that merchant friend of his.  He would kiss his homies and be happy with it. With a wave, he said his goodbyes to Dante and Dalton, knowing he’d see them again soon enough.
Afterall, no one said where the kisses had to be, right?
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alannybunnue · 1 year
Yandere Dalton Greyjoy headcanons?
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Yeah, he is a bit confusing to me
Dalton is know for having 22 salt wives and no iron wife, so i don't know if his treatment with you would be different depending of which is you.
Whether you are his 23th salt wife or his only iron wife.
So what i can say of his personality as a yandere?
Maybe something like Gregor, he is possessive asf (let's remember that none of his wifes liked him) is not afraid of hurting you if he needs to and...he is needy (Uno reversed).
He gets tired of women, but not you, you are a drug to him, so prepare for his constant presence around you.
Also, you have a lot of scars (Blood kink mfs)
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dark-side-blog3 · 10 months
I’ve never heard of your OCs!!! If you’re feeling it, can you tell me ab them? Like, what’s their type, what kind of yandere are they, etc. I tried to search em but nothing came up so I guess they’re from the old blog lol
They are from the old blog, that is right! I've still got to update my tag post I've been using for searches on there-- but I'll post that and it should make it easier to read up on them! I'll reblog some stuff too!
I have two OC's and a third bastard child I never developed past like a couple of concept posts, and their names are Cyril and Dalton!
I thought it would be funny to name the idiot character "Dalton" Because of the insult 'dolt' -> 'dolt one' -> 'Dalton'.
And Cyril is named as such: 'see, here's eel' -> 'see, e're eel' -> 'Cyril'
Dalton came first, and he is a jellyfish merman based off the pink meanie jellyfish found of the gulf of Mexico. He has translucent pink skin that can change colours depending on what he has eaten, long messy hair, human hands, and a massive skirtlike membrane at his waist that acts as the natural fleshy cover for his thousands of thin tendrils-- each loaded with extremely painful toxin.
The venom is fast acting and makes your skin slough off from chemical burn damage, and if you don't treat the stings, you could potentially die from blood loss (not the venom itself). Dalton is dumb as a sack of bricks (inspired by the fact that jellyfish don't have brains), obsessive, delusional, and sadly for you: extremely affectionate, with a touchy disposition. He'll cling to you every chance he gets.
Dalton is so stupid that he cannot feel pain-- for most merfolk, walking on land is agonizing. Dalton can't fathom this, and just continues to beach himself until he can crawl, his fragile membrane and tendrils drying out and ripping, spilling vital goop as they shift into legs. Each step would be extremely painful, but Dalton can't understand what he's feeling, or what's causing it. And because he doesn't know walking is what's causing it, he'll continue to walk, searching for his "best friends" who must have gotten lost. Dalton believes that Cyril, and you, are his best friends. And you must have gotten lost on your way to find him again. So he'll go out and find you, and everything will work out in the end.
Cyril is a smarter, yet sadistic merfolk, based off of the electric eel found in South America's Amazon River and Oronocio basin. Cyril, unlike Dalton, is a freshwater merfolk, and is capable of being drowned in the brackish water Dalton prefers. And unlike Dalton, Cyril can comprehend the pain in drowning. As well as the pain in being stung by venomous tendrils, and walking. Cyril has chronic pain (as most merfolk do). If he can avoid walking, he will.
He has long, greasy black hair-- washing it does him no good, as getting wet just turns his body back into his natural form, which causes him to secrete slick mucus. His skin is opaque, unlike a jellymer. If he doesn't show you his true form, you might just assume he's a lazy but bougie guy, adorned in gold jewelry he's stolen from other's homes before having to flee the scene. Despite his inactivity, Cyrils' body is on the leaner side due to his high metabolism. He has no visible muscle, but who really needs that when you're an ambush predator that can stun others anyways?
Cyril has worked many odd jobs that helped him live a more lavish life than just hunting and eating whatever got close enough to the river bank. He's acquired a taste for grapes, sliced and microwaved. Any hot fruit would do, but grapes are his favourite. This has become an integral part of his lore, because once Cyril learns of fruit, and then heating the fruit up, and all the devices you can use to heat food up (not just fruit, though he thinks its the height of luxury), and where those devices are stored... It's how Cyril ends up breaking into his darling's home in the first place. They have shelter, water, and all sorts of devices with which to make hot meals. And he needs for this to be perfect is someone who he can force to fetch him things from other rooms once he finds the couch.
He probably doesn't even like you at first. You're just someone he's bluffing out of his ass to let stay here. Cyril will use whatever tactics needed to make you let him stay. He'll go the pity route-- he's a poor misunderstood man, kicked out of housing, turned down everywhere because people don't agree with his life choices... He just wanted to crash here for the night, he didn't know you were here, he thought you were on vacation and he could squat here.
If that doesn't work, he'll resort to threats. He doesn't want to hurt you, he wants to mind his own business here, but if you call for help or tell anyone he's here against your will, he will kill them and you, before eating you. As much as it pains him to walk, he'll trudge over to your bathroom with you in tow, to show you his transformation in your shower/tub. He's a dangerous monster, and you don't know what he can do! His long tail wraps around you, slime secreted from his skin soaking through your clothes, constricting your ribs as he slowly crushes you, before you get hit with a painful shock-- knocking you to the ground and convulsing with painful spasms. Life for you will be easier if you just do what he says. It's not like he's asking for much anyways.
And at first, he's not. He's just asking you to fetch him some food every now and again, or to refill the cup he's been using for water. To buy him a laptop so he can work from home-- this way he'll pay for his own food, and you're not against that are you? Unless you like him mooching off your budget.
Cyril slowly gets more possessive as time goes on. It's not that he likes you; he likes your things, and he likes making you serve him, and he likes hurting you when you do something wrong. That's completely different than liking you. And you were three hours late coming home the other day. Cyril had to get himself a glass of water. Scandalous.
And while he thinks of it, he's not really a good threat if you start thinking you can stay out of the house, and avoid him. How is he supposed to hurt you if you're not around?
He should add a new rule: You have to start staying home with him more, and you have to be in the same room. And if you don't... Then he's going to start breaking your things, changing your password on everything, texting everyone your compromising photos and destroying relationships...
And if you refuse to come home... Then he's just going to have to get up and go hunt you down. You may have forgotten he can actually walk from how little he does it, but if need be he can track you down to the ends of the earth. Eel merfolk have a heightened sense of smell, so Cyril can track you down.
Dalton may stumble upon either you or Cyril one day-- a terrible mix of fate, because the idiot has just been wandering following Cyril, and you know Cyril, which means you're going to all be best friends.
Dalton doesn't mind you doing your own thing, he just wants to watch. He follows you everywhere, forcing himself through doors that you'd closed until they bust down so he can watch whatever you're doing, holding your hand, a grip on your legs, or resting his chin on your shoulder. If you leave the house before he can know where you are, there's a chance he'll go out to look for you-- you must have gotten lost again!
But if he has faith you'll come back, then Dalton will spend his days exploring your home. What happens when he sticks his hand or face in your oven? In the freezer? Through the window? What if he puts your sheets in his mouth? What does your soap smell like? Taste like? Dalton wants to know. And he'll find out everything about you.
Including you. Dalton is clingy, but he's exceptionally touchy. It's not enough to have you next to him, he needs to constantly touch you. Holding your hand is a large part of his day. But his fingers will find their way to your gums to inspect your blunt teeth and bumps on your tongue. Your eyebrows. Dalton opens your eyes with his fingers as he stares at how your pupils shrink and grow in response to light or the air he blows onto them. Bending your fingers and legs as far back as they can. He doesn't mean to hurt you, Dalton is just curious.
Dalton and Cyril can maintain human forms if they stay dry, but if they get significantly wet, their body shifts back into their true forms. A full shower will have Cyril a writhing mass of a slimy tail. And getting caught in a thunderstorm will have Dalton crawling around, ripping his fragile bell membrane, ripping out his tendrils. And while Cyril can intentionally use his ability to shock you regardless of if he's in his true form or not, Dalton's tendrils are only a danger to you if he's soaked and in his true form... Something he rarely thinks to do. All he cares about is following his favourite people around and being close to them. But if Dalton ever gets in a body of water and you're in arms reach, he will drag you into the water, wrapping his tendrils around you, the pain making you pass out in the bloody water...
When you wake up, perched on top of his bell membrane, Dalton apologizes-- he didn't mean to hurt you! He just wanted to swim with you! He doesn't even know how you got hurt! Maybe you just need to be held tighter? A cracked rib is a small price to pay if it keeps you awake, and in his mind, happy.
As far as merfolk go, they're both disasters. As far as yandere's go, they're completely useless. You'd be better off with literal leeches than these two bleeding you dry.
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poppyreader · 1 year
I guess im writing the Jace TwinXDalton GreyjoyXCregan Stark thought that i posted. Maybe lets add some Aemond villan in there too
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constesplanetarium · 8 months
꧁•⊹٭𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙷𝚊𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝙲𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘.٭⊹•꧂
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☼⚠︎ Male! Yandere Ghosts/Spirit Harem x GN! AFAB! Reader (Part 2)
Darkness rating ) 5/10: “Need a bandaid?”
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
part 1 is here!
WE ARE BACK W THE GHOST BOYS!!!! you get to meet the other two this time ;)
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
General Yandere shenanigans (possessiveness, jealousy, aggression towards other guys, etc.), blood, violence, kidnapping.
Word count: Around 4.2k
A quick turn of your heel and you're off the way you came, almost tumbling down onto the carpet a couple of times. The spirit's laughter rings above you as you glance up, a bunch of small, blob-like figures in the air. They’re all grinning as you take a right, down another long corridor. You can feel the adrenaline pumping in your veins as you turn down another hallway, slowing down once you notice that the candles aren’t lit here. You reach for your flash-
Oh yeah. You left your backpack in the sewing room. You grumble and squint your eyes in the darkness, trying to let your eyes adjust quickly. Who the hell was the figure anyway? It didn’t look like Oliver or Austin. You lean against a wall and start to think to yourself.
Is there really any point in trying to escape from the courtyard anymore? Maybe you should break a window or something.
… With what fucking tools are you gonna break that window with? Maybe you can grab a candle holder or a hard book. But there’s still the broken glass issue.
Maybe it’s time to wave the white flag? Should you go find this Edmund yourself? None of these spirits have been hostile, nor have they tried to kill you.
Once you open your eyes, the pitch darkness meets you again, but it’s a bit clearer to see now. You take a glance to your left, then your right, and just start to wander aimlessly. The moonlight shining through the windows guides your way as you peer at every little door you see. This mansion is as big as a castle, isn’t it? Should you try calling Edmund’s name?
After a few minutes, you’re still walking, seeing the occasional servant spirit here and there. You can hear some giggles and cheers as you pass by, and at this point you’re just waving and smiling at the spirits. They’re surprisingly very sweet… Though, you did try to ask a few of them where Edmund was, and all they did was laugh and float away.
Then you take a sharp turn, and you jump at the sight of a familiar face. Not one you’ve talked with before, but one you’ve seen in the portraits. It looks like he’s looking around for something.
You look around for a place to hide and observe, but there's nothing you can use to hide in the hallway. He turns your way quickly, and you see some recognition in his eyes, but he scowls soon after.
“Oh, it’s you.” The guy grumbles and fists his hands in his pockets. His suit is similar to Olivers, but more tattered and ragged. Certain buttons are loose or missing altogether, and some of the frills on his sleeves are ripped. His caramel-like skin matches well with his messy, dark brown hair, and the red and gold of his tattered suit. “You’re the visitor, aren’t you?” A quick nod from you is all he needs for his mood to shift. His shoulders ease up and his eyes soften, a sigh leaving his mouth. “There’s no point in being too rough with you, I guess. Edmund would have my head if I did that.” So this is Dalton?
“That’s right.” he says, fidgeting with a loose button on his suit. “You must be looking for Edmund at this point.” It looks like he’s trying to hold back a chuckle, with the way he’s smiling. “Have you given up on leaving on your own accord?” You heave a long, tired sigh, but admit defeat with a slow nod, and his smile grows wider. “What a shame, but it’s less work for me. Come now.” At least he’s straight to the point, unlike the other two.
He isn’t very chatty, just walking aside you in silence as your footsteps are muffled by the carpet. You wish you could ask him questions about the mansion, but he probably wouldn’t answer you.
“Why’d you come here?” Ah, there’s a suspicious tone there. He’s trying to dig for info. You blabber out the same excuse that you gave Oliver, and he raises a brow.
“Oh really? Just curiosity?” He scoffs. “Now do you realize how stupid you are for coming here? After dealing with those two idiots, aren’t you-” A flash of embarrassment shows up on his features, but he shakes his head lightly and lets out a sigh. “Nevermind.”
Ugh. What’s his deal? You frown at the light insult he threw your way, and he registers your irritation. “I, erm…” He shakes his head again, and doesn’t say anything else. So no apology?
The very least he can do is answer a question you have.
“Possession? I’m sorry?” You explain to him what you felt during the time, but make sure not to go too into detail. Some things are better left private. You watch his face shift more and more into discontent. His breathing becomes heavy as he scowls. “It wasn’t a full possession by the way you’re explaining it. Only partial.” So a sort of half-possession? What the hell? “During a possession like that, it just lets you… Feel the person you're possessing.” So Alex wanted to touch you? Huh.
“Stop talking about him.” He snaps at you, and you flinch at his sudden outburst. “I don’t want to hear his fucking name come out your mouth. I don’t want to hear about him touching you, both him and Oliver, it’s disgusting.” What the fuck? “Treating the new visitor in that way, they can’t even go a day without satisfying their urges. They’re disgusting.” Giggles and soft shrieks ring above you as you look up, a bunch of spirits hearing him gossip about the other two. Once you catch them, they all start to laugh and vanish quickly. It looks like Dalton’s more angry at them being there than you, but he holds himself back from saying anything else.
Alright, never ask Dalton any questions. That’s a good mental note.
Both of you are silent again for the next few seconds, until he points to a double door on your right. You walk up and tug on the handle, but it doesn’t budge. His soft chuckling rings in your head as grabs the opposite handle, a small click signaling to you that it's open as he pulls on it.
You peer inside to be met with a dark and gloomy, yet beautiful study. The moonlight illuminates the room enough for you to see decently well. Books are strewn all over the place, and papers as well. There’s the regular sofa and chair, with a small table set in the middle. Around the right corner, there’s a desk and a couple of quills that seem unused. This mansion has a lot of studies, huh? You wonder how many people really lived here in the mansion.
Until, y’know, the haunting.
“You didn’t get to spend a lot of time with either of them, right?” Once you walk into the room and agree, a small smile creeps onto his face, but he covers it with his hand, grunting a bit. “Mm, okay.” A small, shaky sigh leaves him as he sits down. “We won’t be distracted then.” Relief velvets his voice as he takes a seat and leans back on the sofa. Ah, so he was planning something after all. You smirk and take a seat next to him, asking him just that.
“Well, it’s not like you have anything better to do.” He says. “Both of them just wasted your time anyway. They had ample time to take you to Edmund, yet they didn’t.” He clenches his fist and utters a small curse. “It’s only fair that I get my turn.” He whispers, and you can’t help but feel your life may potentially be in danger now.
But do you care?
“So what? Are you playing with their hearts or something?” He takes a glance at you to see your reaction, and you shake your head in a refusal. “Even if you were, it’s likely they wouldn’t be able to tell for a while. They’re idiots.” Your eyes can't help but analyze his demeanor, noticing every twitch and shake of his hands is kind of interesting. Does he hate them that much?
His hands ease at your question, and he stares at you with sincerity. “I, ah,” His fingers clasp together, and he rubs his left thumb on his right, an uneasy look in his eyes. “I consider hate to be a… Strong word.” It looks like he’s uncomfortable.
Best not to push.
With a small shake of your head, you reach over to rub his thigh comfortingly, but your hand phases right through, and you start to shiver. It’s still confusing how sometimes you can touch them and other times you can’t. Dalton grabs your wrist and raises your hand up a little, setting it back on his thigh. You can never get over that cold feeling all of them have.
“I don’t need your pity, but thank you.” He murmurs, rubbing your hand slowly. “It’s not a sensitive topic by any means, it’s just a bit… Embarrassing, I suppose.” Dalton smiles at you, with a certain softness in his eyes. “I’ll tell you more about it later.”
Hey, this small talk isn’t so bad. You can feel your nerves to relax, taking the chance to sink into the soft sofa, and he looks over at you.
“I’m better than Alex and Oliver, aren’t I?” He says. You tilt your head a bit at the sudden question. Is he trying to make himself look better? He notices your confusion and his smile grows wider. “Oh, it’s nothing.”
Nothing, huh?
He bites his lip as you stare at him, shuffling around in place. You can’t see well, but you can see him enough to the point where you watch his chest rise up and down faster. “Don’t look at me like that. Please.” He grasps his left hand in his right, rubbing his palm with his thumb. “It’ll be hard to hold myself back.”
After a couple of seconds, it doesn’t take him long to fold at all, as he scoots closer yo you, caressing your cheek. “You would make a beautiful painting.” Dalton speaks quietly, like he’s afraid someone will hear him. “You’re like a flower.” Strangely, that's a cute compliment coming from him. You smile up at him and embrace him, feeling his cold aura and body around you. Lord, it’s like you're hugging a snowman.
Might as well embrace these boys at this point.
His cold tongue slips against yours as he kisses you, breaking the kiss to nibble desperately at your bottom lip. “Let me just be with you a little longer before I take you to Edmund. I won’t do that possession thing that they did. I’m better than those two, aren’t I?” It’s debatable. You’re not sure if you would really care at this point. “Right?” Plus, he’s really damn cold… “You smell so nice, you taste so good, I can’t…” Dalton groans as you rub your hand against his crotch, moving it up and down to gain some friction.
His hips buck slowly against your hand, savoring every feeling as he moans softly in your ear. “You’re so warm, oh…” A stupid grin spreads on your face as you look up at him. He looks so euphoric, it’s pretty funny.
Also pretty damn hot.
Dalton jumps as both of you turn your heads to the bookshelf on the side of the room. A bunch of books had just fallen and hit the ground with a loud thud.
“What the hell…” He whines as you move your hand from his crotch, and you glance up at the ceiling instinctively.
It looks like you both had some voyeurs.
“You damn…” Dalton hisses and climbs off of you, standing up. “None of you can give me a moment's peace, huh?!” Dalton yells angrily at the spirits above you two, fits of shrieks and laughter filling the room. All the spirits vanish at once, leaving you and Dalton in an embarrassing silence.
Damn spirits, cockblocking you.
“Ugh.” He clicks his tongue and looks back at you, clearly displeased. “... Let me take you to Edmund now, yes?”
Unfortunately, yes.
“There you are, darling!” Oliver’s voice rings out as you feel his chill body push against yours once he pulls you into a tight bear hug. “I thought I told you to wait in the library? What’re you doing with-” He glares at Dalton. “Him?”
“I found them wandering the hallway after you did such a terrible job of taking care of them, Oliver.” Dalton snaps at him. Both of them glare at each other, until Alex has to break the ice.
“Let the visitor go, Ollie. Edmund needs to see them.” Alex grumbles and Oliver hesitantly lets you go, glaring at both men as he stands by your side. You finally get a look at the man in the middle of the room, seated in a large chair behind a desk. There are so many studies here, huh?
“I finally get to meet you, visitor. I’ve been waiting quite some time, you know?” A calm, cheerful voice rings out from him, and he gives you a bright smile.
He has medium length black hair, alongside an odd monocle as he waves over to you with a white gloved hand, covering his tan skin. His black suit is more fancy than Oliver’s and Daltons combined, covered in gold and silver engravings all over, tied up nicely together with a black rose pin right above his heart. There’s some light stubble on his face, and you can automatically tell he’s a bit older than everyone else in the room. Perhaps around late twenties to early thirties before his death day?
“Please, sit.” He points to the chair across from him, and you can hear Oliver and Dalton behind you as you take a seat. Edmund peers up at the two, “Excuse me, I’d like to speak with the visitor alone, please.” His smile widens as you hear the light groans of annoyance of Oliver, and a small click of the tongue from Dalton. You take a small glance at Alex to see his face shift into one of annoyance, “Oh.” But he looks down at you and flashes you a quick smile before taking his leave.
“I’ll see you later, okay?” Oliver rubs your shoulder before taking his leave as well, and Dalton just nods at you before following Oliver out.
“Good riddance, am I right?” Edmund chuckles as the door shuts loudly behind them all, making you jump. “I’m only kidding.” A loud lock of the knob makes you feel a bit uneasy. If this is the big boss of them all, who knows what he could do? “Please don't be frightened. I’d just rather not be interrupted while conversing with you.” You bite the inside of your lip and wait for him to speak some more.
“I didn’t even get to introduce myself. It seems that everyone else has done that job for me, but I’d prefer to do it properly.” He rises up from his seat, bending over the table as he reaches his hand out. “I’m Edmund, as you know. Edmund Castiello.” You take his hand, surprised at how warm it is compared to the other men. Is it because of his gloves? He brings it up to his lips, kissing the back of your palm gently. “Pleased to make your acquaintance, visitor.” He takes his seat again, interlacing his fingers and placing them under his chin, his elbows resting on the table. “I do hope none of them gave you too much trouble?”
You wish.
“Ah,” Edmund laughs and claps his hands together. “They all got too excited that you’re here, I presume? They’ve always been a rowdy bunch. Please excuse their behavior. I’ll chastise all of them for it later.” You shake your head and stammer out an excuse for all of them. Rowdy, sure. But it wasn’t like you had a bad time with each of them…
“Are you sure?” He frowns. “Treating a guest with such…” He pauses, fidgeting with his gloves. “Rude, and not to mention inappropriate behavior isn’t tolerated here.” You laugh it off with a smile, and his shoulders seem to ease up from your laughter. “Very well.”
Oh. Speaking of all of them, shouldn’t you mention the possession?
“Possessing? But only partially?” He sighs and fidgets with a lock of his hair. “Ah, yes. Our way of connecting with humans and creatures alike.”
“We just call it partial possession,” he starts. “It’s nothing too extravagant. It just allows us spirits to be able to really touch the person we’re possessing. If it were a full possession, we would just take control over your whole body in general.” He drags a gloved finger down the desk slowly. “We can control your actions to some extent, but if you really do fight it, it can be broken easily.” He sighs. “It looks like Oliver hit you harder than Alex. He has always been a bit more aggressive and eccentric.”
… Oliver? He possessed you?
“Oh? You… You don’t remember?” A frown spreads onto his face, followed by a short sigh and a small face palm. “It was your first time being possessed, of course you don’t remember.” The air around you two suddenly becomes thick, and you shuffle into your seat uncomfortably. “He had told me about it, but I had no idea you didn’t-” He clenches his fist, and takes a heavy breath in and out in an attempt to calm himself. “I’ll punish him for that later.” He whispers, returning his gaze back to you. “I’m sorry. Please, continue.”
It’s not like you were really fighting the possession though, so…?
“When you saw the lights flicker, it distracted your mind from the situation at hand. That’s why it broke the possession. Since it was your…” He clears his throat. “First time, I can only assume it was because Oliver can’t properly possess yet. In Alexander’s case, I guess your urge to leave overpowered the fact that you wanted to ride his cock.” Your face warms up as you break eye contact with Edmund. You can hear him softly tapping on his desk, and you feel him bare a hole in your head with just his gaze. He doesn’t seem pleased.
“It’s natural to feel that way towards someone you find attractive.” He says softly, in a sort of sweet tone that makes you start to melt in your seat. “Don’t be too hard on yourself, beloved.” He tries to smile, but you can tell he’s still bothered by your attraction to Alex. “Back to the topic of Possession, yes? Let me demonstrate.”
Oh? Of course, he wants his turn, too. Are you going to keep being passed around like this?
… Eh. You don’t really care.
“Now, see how when I touch you, it feels warmer?” He rises up and bends over the table, almost knocking over a small bottle of ink you didn’t see at first. He sets a gloved hand on your heart, and then he drags his finger down from your shoulder to your chest, and you sigh in content. God, that feels good. “Hmm.” He pushes his seat back with his foot, and it bumps into the bookshelf behind it with a loud bang. This doesn't seem to phase him as he comes up to your side and cups your cheek, forcing you to look at him. “Are you not scared, beloved?”
Considering the fact that this is your fourth time at things, no.
“How odd.” Your reaction, or lack thereof, doesn’t seem to deter him as he leans in close, kissing you on your forehead. Your eyes widen at the unexpected gesture. Your forehead instead of your lips?
“I can wait my turn. For the right moment.” His small smile breaks into a grin, pleased at your reaction as the warmness fades from your body. He leans against his desk and lets out a sigh. “Though, it is difficult to hold myself back… Do you feel the same way?”
You give him a small smile, and he fixes his gloves around the wrist. “Well then, it’s time to…” He seems lost in thought for a moment, but he turns his gaze back to you with a familiar smile. “Reconcile with the group, yes? I wish I didn’t have to cut this short so early, but it’s quite urgent.”
“Darling!” Oliver waves happily as you step into the main exit hall. It looks like he was waiting for you eagerly at the entrance, similar to a puppy, while Alex was standing off to the side, looking around as he mindlessly pet Pochi’s head. Dalton was leaning against the wall, fidgeting with the buttons on his suit again. There are another two statues on the outside of the door, the same creatures you couldn’t comprehend last time, but now as you get a better look at it, it might be a sort of feline. Just by peering out the window beside the door, you can tell it's the courtyard. There are several flower beds outside, and maybe even a greenhouse, but that's all you can really see from here.
“Welcome back.” Dalton hums and stops leaning on the wall, making his way over to you. Oliver does the same.
“Hello.” And so does Alex in the middle. They’re even more intimidating once you bunch them up and let them get as close to you as they are right now.
“Give the visitor space, will you?” Edmund says behind you, setting a hand on your shoulder as he shoos away the other boys with a motion of his hand. They all grumble incoherently and take a step back.
“I do hope you had a nice time today.” He rubs your shoulder and swivels around so he’s standing in front of you.
Finally getting a good look at all of them together, you tilt your head a bit. They all look like a pretty good unit together. A team. Maybe a family?
You find yourself filled with a soft, warm feeling as you brush the thought off. It’s just you piecing things in your head that aren’t real.
From what you’ve seen so far, these boys literally hate each other. Except for Edmund.
Welp, it was fun while it lasted. Time to go home.
“Home?” Alex tilts his head, and Pochi’s head seems to bob to the side as well. “What do you mean?”
Of course.
That’s what Edmund meant when he said he can “wait his turn”.
As soon as you stepped into the mansion, you were bound here.
“Did you think you were leaving?” Dalton says, looking at you with a sort of pity. Something inside you wanted to hold onto that hope, but…
“Oh, poor, poor beloved. I’m sorry for not telling you.” Edmund cooes and holds the sides of your head lovingly, running his freezing fingers through your hair. Everything feels so much colder. It hurts a little, like it’s pricking into your skin. “It’s okay, it’s only for a little while. We all just love you here so much, in such a short amount of time. You’re a very interesting person, see,” He leans in close, whispering against your lips with a shaky breath. “Let us continue watching you.”
There’s a sudden ringing in your head, to the point where you can feel a small trickle of blood pour out. Your eyes roll back in the back of your head as you aggressively cough out spurts of blood, all of it spilling out onto the carpet, staining it with a dark crimson. You can’t see what’s around you anymore. Your vision is so blurry. Everything hurts. It hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts
“We’ll be here when you wake up, beloved.” It hurts. “Alex, watch over them.”
Your body is so weak you can’t even protest, and you fall into a cold grasp of a familiar blonde-headed man. All he does is smile down at you as your world fades to black.
part 3 is here!
ミ★ 𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘴. ★彡
sorry for not posting in a week, i got hit w a mean burnout. had to make this part a little shorter so i could get it out
ill prolly work on the 3rd part in a bit
PS. it’s olivers part, you spend the day w him :]
its in the order you met them, so next its alex, then dalton, and then edmund <3
ngl, im really in love with these characters already. i think after this series is done i might drop the yandere aspect and flesh them out as real oc’s of mine w deeper lore <3
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rrcenic · 8 months
not to be cringe but the potential of insane charlie dalton. yandere charlie dalton if you will
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pursuedbyamemoryy · 10 months
🏄‍♀️ request info !
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fandoms & characters i currently write for
red dead redemption
arthur morgan, charles smith, john marston, javier escuella, sadie adler
dead poets society
steven meeks, charlie dalton, todd anderson
jhutch characters
mike schmidt, peeta mellark
daryl dixon, gale dekarios, jess mariano, two-bit mathews
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some things to know / keep in mind !
i am a student and a slow writer, so it usually takes me a while to get requests out, so keep that in mind! i do apologize for taking so long, im trying my hardest with my current schedule and work load
i switch between fandoms and interests often, so the characters on the list will change as i do! some characters will be added or taken off, so check back often!
if i am uncomfortable with, simply just don’t like a request, or don’t want to write it i will delete it. with that being said, i am not comfortable with and will not write non-con, yandere, abuse, or proships.
i will write longer fics although i prefer to write drabbles and head canons! and i’ll only write for female and gender neutral readers.
thank you to everyone who has read any of my work, reblogged, or even just liked a post. it really means a lot <3. also feel free to just talk to or ask about me in my asks, id love to have more mutuals and just people to talk to here ₍ ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎!
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masterlist !
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The Straighten Out Center is a cruel place that brainwashes “uncouth” Stanfordian teens and turns them into stepford homemakers. To accomplish this, both yanderes and darlings are employed as staff members who destroy and train back up these captive teens. Some of these are:
🖤Drill Sergeant Macnamera: One of the breakers who terrorizes new students into total submission. A sadistic yandere, his wife passed away 5 years ago, and it’s rumored that he killed her.
💝Mary Louise Dalton: A former “graduate” of this horrid place who now acts as the knitting instructor. Her demure smile can’t hide the madness in her eyes.
💓Michael Smith: The piano instructor. He avoids the inmates like the plague when not giving lessons, as his yandere is very possessive.
🖤Clay Smith: One of the disciplinary officers. He thinks lowly of the inmates and of darlings in general, believing that they should “stay in the kitchen”.
🖤Doris Macnamera: Drill Sergeant Macnamera’s sister, and the baking instructor. She is sickeningly sweet and cheerful, and surprisingly kind to the inmates, even though one of her punishments for poor work is having some of your blood mixed in the dough.
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tawneybel · 2 years
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Imagine Frankie secretly being really happy to learn the subsider he decapitated was your boyfriend. 
Was. There’s no future with a vampire-turned-subsider. It’s not like you’re widowed. So far, you owe him for the vampirism and parasitic ex disposal. 
She’ll get over it, Frankie figured, staring at your slumped form. You weren’t crying. A good sign. He smirked, fang digging into his lower lip. 
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mytogaandshiggy22 · 2 years
So, im new here, im a fan of a lot of things, fandom, cartoons, anime, videogames and RPG, if someone want to talk me about it, im here for all of you 🙃
Here there is a list of most of the things i like😐 (not everything):
- sally face
-danganronpa 1, 2, 3, if and udg
-angel of death
-loud house
-saiki k
-kindergarten 1/2
-south park
-demon slayer
-yandere simulator
-afton family
-rrb ppg
-camp camp
-osomatsu san
-hellueva boss
-silent voice
-ninja turtles
-loud house gendebert
-mogeko castle
-habzin hotel
-death note
-hunter x hunter
-little misfortune
-fran bow
-life is strange
-its not me its my basement
-total drama
-music freaks
-metal family
-ever after hight
-hanako kun
-the owl house
-harry potter
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trash-gobby · 2 years
Dario (License To Kill) - Yandere NSFW Headcanons
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Summary: Yandere HC’s for Dario from License To Kill.
Pairings: Dario X GN!Reader
Characters: Dario, Readr, Franz Sanchez, Lupe Lamora
Link: James Bond Masterlist
⚠️This is an 18+ post because of the NSFW!!! That means I DON’T encourage anyone who interacts with NSFW content who is underage. I’ve talked to other people who’ve been long time content creators and users of this website and I’ve come to the conclusion that I am not your parent and can’t control what content you consume. Just consume responsibly, and know your limits. And If your a minor please DNI
Detailed warnings under the cut
Warnings: Generally toxic relationship behavior (I don't promote this kind of relationship stuff in real life), possessive behaviour, unhealthy relationship behaviour, kidnapping, jealous sex, bondage, knife kink, leaving cuts on readers body
✨Dario is one possessive man, and this goes double for anyone he’s in a relationship with.
✨When he wants something he will do anything to get it, including you. He’s not used to taking no for an answer and will do anything to get you to be his.
✨He will probably stalk you and learn your routine so he can best insert himself in your life. From going to the local place you get drinks after your long days at work, or finding out where your favourite cafe is and showing up there coincidentally at the same time or a few minutes after you do.
✨If you do end up dating him, he'll be sweet to you and take you out for romantic dates, buy you small but meaningful gifts. Don't think this means he's a complete softy...
✨Dario is extremely possessive. Like extremely possessive. If another person even looks at you with an inkling of desire or attraction, he's gonna be staring them down menacingly, and if they don't get the hint his switchblade is gonna be out quicker than you can process what is gonna go down.
✨If you think Franz Sanchez getting Lupe's lover's heart cut out is brutal, you don't want to know what will happen to anyone who flirts with you when Dario is around...
���He's also going to have his hands all over you, keeping one hand around your waist when he's with you so 1. you don't wander too far, and 2. so he can be close to you, for in his opinion, you are his.
✨Your sex life is gonna be a rollercoaster. Dario can be quite a passionate and caring lover, but he is by no means vanilla or soft.
✨There will definitely be bruises on your thighs and scratches on your back after your nights together. Even rope burns on your wrists and ankles, as he's going to want to tie you up and play with you.
✨If Dario thinks you've been paying someone else to much attention he's gonna show you that he's the only partner you're gonna ever need. He'll be extra aggressive with you in bed and edge you until your begging for release.
✨He's also going to bring the knife into play in the bedroom, leaving shallow cuts on your body if you'll let him.
✨If you decide you want to leave Dario and end your relationship, your gonna have to have an escape plan that involves Jennifer Lopez in Enough (2002) level of identity changing and moving around the country.
✨Your gonna have to be looking over your shoulder, and if Dario finds you he's gonna def kidnap you and make an example out of you by threatening your loved ones if you try to leave him again.
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sivyera · 2 years
sivyera's masterlist
requests are open!  
before you request, read the rules!
rules for request → here
Started: 08/06/22
Last Updated: 12/05/24
my other masterlists - avatar masterlist httyd masterlist
Marvel ↴
Dating Bucky Barnes but being Sam Wilson's best friend
Dating Doctor Strange would include..
Dating Bucky Barnes would include..
Dating Sinister Strange would include..
Dating Defender Strange would include..
We weren't meant to be, so let me go. (Sinister Strange x reader)
Made for Kill. (Peter Parker x hydra!reader)
Vikings ↴
Ivar the Boneless│Fluff alphabet
Arcane ↴
The night we felt true love. (Cassandra Kiramman x fem!reader)
Arcane characters as love stereotypes.
Arcane characters as Disney couple.
Dating Ekko but Vi has a crush on you…
Twilight ↴
10 things Edward Cullen loves about you
TWILIGHT characters as love tropes
Twilight characters dating islamic reader
hot chocolate (bella swan x fem!reader)
undying love (paul lahote x fem!vampire!reader)
dating headcanons (jacob black x imprint!human!reader)
Harry Potter↴
coming soon...
Raya and the Last Dragon ↴
Dating Namaari would include..
My hero academia ↴
I won't let anyone hurt you! (Bakugou x reader)
Onward ↴
Ian Lightfoot having a crush on you would include..
Gravity Falls ↴
Cuddling with Dipper Pines HC’s
Perfect. (Dipper Pines x shy!reader)
Love languages with Gravity Falls characters
Jealous HC's with Gravity Falls characters
Dipper Pines│Fluff Alphabet
The Basketball Diaries ↴
Dating Jim Carroll would include...
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes↴
Dating Blue eyes would include...
Blue eyes│Fluff Alphabet
Peter Pan 2003↴
Dating Peter Pan would include...
Peter pan being obsessed with you would include...
Vis a Vis (Locked Up)↴
Vis a Vis characters dating headcanons
Turning Red↴
Dating Ming Lee would include..
My Little Pony ↴
my MLP headcanons!
Lego Ninjago movie ↴
Dating Jay Walker would include...
Lego Ninjago characters as eye color wallpaper (tik tok trend)
Lego Friends (Friends: Girls on a Mission) ↴
Lego Friends characters and their sexuality HC's
Lego Friends dating HC's
8 mile ↴
Cuddling with Jimmy Smith Jr HCs
Dating Jimmy Smith Jr would include..
Don’t worry (Jimmy Smith Jr x reader)
Touchstarved B-rabbit x touchstarved reader hc’s
The Collector↴
Dating Arkin O’Brien would include...
Rise of the Guardians↴
Dating Jack Frost would include...
Team Fortress 2 ↴
Dating Scout/Jeremy would include...
Inception ↴
Dating Robert Fischer would include..
Robert Fischer│Fluff alphabet
His guardian angel.
Chain the Night. (Robert Fischer x reader)
American Pie ↴
Dating American pie characters would include...
The Devil All the Time↴
Yandere TDATT characters being in love with you would include…
The Treasure Planet ↴
coming soon...
IT 2017↴
your lips, my lips. apocalypse. (henry bowers x reader)
Saltburn ↴
game 00.1 (felix catton x reader)
Rampage 2018 ↴
Dating Harvey Russell would include..
Dating Sergeant Calhoun would include...
PEN15 ↴
Dating PEN15 characters would include...
coming soon...
The Batman 2022↴
coming soon...
Fate: The Wings Saga↴
coming soon...
coming soon...
Actors/Celebrity ↴
Dating male celebrities would include...
Pedro Acosta
dating Pedro Acosta would include..
Cillian Murphy
Fluff alphabet  
Electric touch
Dating Cillian Murphy would include..
Elizabeth Olsen
Dating Elizabeth Olsen would include..
Sam Worthington
coming soon...
Britain Dalton
coming soon...
Alex Høgh Andersen
Alex Høgh Andersen│Fluff alphabet
Robert Pattinson
coming soon...
Dating Eminem would include...
Dating PJ Duncan would include..
Disney characters as boyfriends/girlfriends
Disney princesses and their sexualities, my headcanons
Disney/Pixar characters dating hc’s
love headcanons for the great prince | bambi
cinnamon girl (frozen 2 elsa x northuldra reader)
puck and pirouette (inside out 2 riley andersen x fem!reader)
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dark-side-blog3 · 1 year
My requesting rules:
-no pedophilia
-no zoophilia
-no incest (including stepcest)
Those are the only things off limits. I will write for literally anything else.
Fandoms I write for:
- Twisted wonderland
- Food Fantasy
- Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji
- Obey Me!
- The Arcana
- Mystic Messenger
- Jojos Bizarre Adventure prts 1-6
- One Piece (I’m up to Zou arc)
- Original characters: Dalton, and Cyril
- Degrees of Lewdity
Edit: Additional rules for clarification.
I only write yandere.
Minors and ageless blogs do not interact. At all. I will block you.
You can request a max of ten characters at a time.
If a child/childlike character is requested or a character that’s mostly animal I will only do platonic yandere for that character.
If there character is 16 or 17 I might age them up to 18-20 range. Anything below that will only be platonic.
I do write for n/s/f/w and extreme kinks, but I’m asexual-flux, and go though periods of time where I am sex repulsed, and hypersexual. So those might take longer. I’ll still do them, so long as they don’t violate my rules.
Oh and follow up on the kink thing— I’m not always going to be in the mood to hear that you’re… In a situation, such as bondage, or in fetish wear, while asking your request to me. ( ^^;) I feel like it puts me on a time limit, and I don’t appreciate it. Please be polite.
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thatsmydaydream · 2 years
Guess Who??
Paring: YANDERE!BTS*reader
"It's a thriller game mam, it contains seven cards with descriptions of seven characters and each character has its own habitat, you have to read the descriptions once then distribute the cards, each player should have one card and no one should know about the other card characters. Once all the cards are distributed you will roll the dice available in the game, whichever number comes first will be the habitat you have to play in first, you have to find the imposter in each round which is the player who has the card containing the owner of the habitat. There will be a total of seven rounds" She finished off with a small smile which made my stomach churn.
What happens when an board game comes to life, or actually when you discover the game was never ordinary to start with?
Aliza dalton an 20 year old girl with a normal and happy life, one day discovers a  game. But little did she knew that a seemingly normal game would lead her to life threatening sitution.
'Not everything is how it appears to be.....'
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