#yandere jeremiah valeska x reader
jokingmisfit · 2 months
For Love
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Yandere Jeremiah x Reader
Prompt- “This IV itches.”
Prompt- “This medicine makes me feel so out of it.”
Warnings- Kidnapping, Drugging, Mentions of needles (IV), Cuddling, Implied Isolation
After a few weeks you were calmer, or maybe it was the medicine in your system. So much time left with your thoughts and not much else has left you lonely and tired. Despite having nothing to do you were exhausted. Propped up in a padded rocking chair, with a book, attached to an IV. Too bad your brain can’t keep up with the lines in the book because of the drugs.
You wish you could take the needle out, but the last time you made that mistake you were tied to a chair for several days. At this point you don’t want to fight anymore. You just want a bit more. More to do, more stimulation. You chastise yourself for those thoughts; giving in just because you're bored. An under simplification sure, but you were angry. The thought of giving him what he wants was upsetting. 
But, things were getting harder. Whatever he was doing he was doing it right because you wouldn’t be able to ‘fight’ back much longer.
You only realize you were staring at the wall when the door opens.
“Hello, Darling. How are you feeling?” Jeremiah asks calmly. Eyes calculating; evaluating everything you are.
You glare at him lightly. “I feel like I’ve been kidnapped and drugged.” You say bitterly.
He glares back at your words. You knew he hated when you answered like that. You always give that answer and it never ends well. His glare made you feel uneasy because you knew what could follow.
You sigh again, looking down to avoid his gaze. “This IV itches.” You start. “This medicine makes me feel so out of it. And there's absolutely nothing in this room that’s actually interesting. I’m really tired and there is no reason to be because I’ve done nothing. I feel useless. Like I’m rotting…” You quickly explain your thoughts.
“I see.” He responds, simply, stepping closer. 
Jeremiah reaches for your hand. He places his thumb over the spot the IV enters your veins. The light pressure relieves some of the discomfort you’ve been feeling. You kept your eyes on your hand as he watched you. He rose from his position, bent in front of you and looked at the bag over head.
“I’m trying to… understand… how I’m supposed to make you more… comfortable.” He states slowly.
“More comfortable or more willing.” You ask looking up at him.
Jeremiah's lips curled up. You had no idea whether it was to smile or snarl.
“Always so quick.” He said. “Give me a list of things you’d like. I’ll get them for you.” He offers.
“Can you stop whatever,” You pull loosely at the IV. “this is? Please.” You plead.
“No.” He replies. “Not yet.”
“When?” you question.
He laughs. “When you can be trusted, obviously.”
He cups your face with his hand. His thumb rubs your cheek. You watch him carefully. He may act kinder to you, but you’ve seen what he can do. You’ve witnessed his violence; his psychopathy. 
Jeremiah stood abruptly. He offered his hand out to you, and you, hesitantly, took it. He helped you stand on your unstable legs. The both of you moved towards the bed.
The bed was cool and comfortable. Different from the padded chair. After so many hours in one spot changing your position felt nice. You still wanted to argue for more freedom, more movement, but you knew it would only cause you pain. 
His cologne was surprisingly calming. His suit jacket abandoned earlier when he entered making it easier for him to wrap his arms around you. Jeremiah picked up a book of his own and began to read.
You laid in his arms silently for a few minutes. As tired as you were, your boredom held on tighter. As stubborn as you were, your boredom was louder.
You sighed a little before asking. “Can you read it to me?” You felt embarrassed, but you needed more than this.
A smile grows on Jeremiah's face at your question. “Of course, dear.” He responds.
As he reads you feel your eyelids droop. You feel disappointed in yourself, but he’s becoming one of the few things that can hold your interest. One of the few things to bring you comfort. It was twisted, but you were beginning to need him. A terrible fate but one you weren’t going to fight against much longer.
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cvrnelians · 11 months
make me bad - ch. 1 of 3
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You may have been born into the circus, but—thanks to a traumatizing incident that left you with some serious injuries—you grew up far away from it. Now as an adult, the person who hurt you has become a career criminal, and is wreaking havoc on the city. Included in his plans lies an unrelenting determination to find you—for what purpose, you do not know.
With the help of an old friend, you go into hiding to protect yourself. But as time has passed, you’ve begun to question if your sanctuary was ever quite so safe as it seemed.
WARNINGS: This story involves violence (a character accidentally injures another character during childhood and it could be triggering for some - not graphic/it's more implied but it's there) and obsessive behavior. Read at your own discretion.
🎪 20 years ago 🎪
The boy didn’t want you to leave the circus. 
That much was obvious. Or rather, he didn’t want you leaving him at the circus. He had become so distressed at even the slightest mention of you leaving that you and others actively avoided broaching the subject around him. 
The boy would’ve been just fine with you forsaking this hellhole, so long as you made it a point to drag him along for the ride. In fact, this would’ve been more than ideal. He would’ve loved to be dragged off by you somewhere, to run away with you.
Life could’ve been peachy keen, if only you'd let it.
But you were just so damn insistent on abandoning him.   
This shouldn’t have come as a surprise. Smooth waters—happy times in the absence of mayhem, terror or bloodshed—simply weren’t in the cards for him. "In the cards” was quite literal in this respect. His mother had given him enough tarot readings throughout his childhood for him to realize that this was to be his life, his legacy. He was born into misery and he would die having fostered it. Alone. 
Always alone.
During his readings, the devil card was usually one of the first to pop out of the deck. It startled him at first. Although he was loathe to admit it, the boy sometimes spooked easily.
“Don’t be a scaredy cat,” Lila admonished him. “He isn’t as bad as you might think.”
“What does it mean?” the boy asked.
His mother paused for a second, putting out her cigarette on her well-worn, antique ashtray. “Usually, this little guy appears when ya really, really want something. And sometimes, he even pops up when that thing you really, really want isn’t so good for you.”
“Like chocolate?”
“Yeah, kiddo,” she said. “Like chocolate. It can sometimes mean that you feel trapped by somebody, or someplace. Or something. What's the word..." she snapped a few times. "Oh! Confined. Confined. The devil can also mean that whatever it is you’re after is something you can’t have. Wanting something that’s always juuuust out of reach.”
“That’s a lot of meanings,” the boy said matter-of-factly.
“Y’know,” Lila snickered. “I don’t care what anybody else says about you. My kid’s no dummy.” 
“Hey!” he snapped. 
“Hey yourself,” she said, attempting to light another cigarette. She clicked her lighter once, twice, three times. No luck. “Ugh. J, could you be a dear and go grab a box of matches for me? I’ve got one on top of that big cabinet in my bedroom.”
“Vanity,” he corrected her. “The vanity. That’s the word you’re looking for, right Mom?” 
Lila rolled her eyes. “Nobody likes a know-it-all. Can ya just go grab it?”
He stood up quickly. In spite of his mother’s sour tone, he felt like there was a sudden gust of wind in his sails.
The boy liked to play with matches.
“No running!” she yelled after him. But it was too late for that. He was already sprinting off towards the rundown trailer he and his family inhabited, if you could call them that. 
He wondered if that was what that devil was trying to tell him. The thing he wanted, the thing that was always just out of reach…it was really pretty simple.
The boy wanted a family. A real one. A happy one.
He wasn’t necessarily sure what a real, happy family looked like, but he was well aware of what they didn’t look like. He was stuck with one he never asked for, after all; one he didn't want. A family he longed to escape from.
None of this was anything he didn’t already know, though. He was hoping to learn something new from those cards, but he rarely ever did.
Stupid devil.
He was delighted to find that the matchbox (smudged all over with clown paint and soot) had already been opened, and still had a good amount of matches in it. He took two out and shoved them in his pocket for later. His mother was too distracted to thank him for his efforts when he returned to her, fully enveloped in a conversation with some elephant trainer.
The boy walked off towards the field nearby. In the distance stood a forest, most notably a weeping willow looming over a small pond. 
There you sat, reading one of your many books.
Stupid books.
Those were the things that made you want to desert him. In this way—and many others—you two were dissimilar. Apart from the baseline dysfunction of the circus, you had nothing to run away from. Your mother was kind. She treated you well, and unlike Lila Valeska, she wanted better for you. As a matter of fact, she was working towards getting you into some fancy school. She had said something about a “scholarship,” whatever that was. The boy didn’t get it. Weren’t those only for older kids? 
You weren’t trying to run away from something. You were trying to run towards something. You had all these big plans, big dreams. Your desire to see something different was something the two of you did share, only the boy’s hopes and dreams were a little more...non-traditional than yours. He just wanted to be happy; to put on a show for everyone, make real life feel just like the circus. He wanted to bring the entertainment directly to the people for free, instead of waiting around for them to show up. He didn’t need school to be a good showman. He was way too smart for school, and it was just so boring. Didn’t you realize that? 
Didn’t you want to be happy, too?
“Hi,” you greeted him, setting your book down in the grass.
“Hiya,” he said. “Can I sit with you?”
You seemed caught off guard by the question, like you were surprised he would even ask. 
He picked up a rock and skipped it across the pond. “What are you reading?” he asked.
You paused for a second, taking a sharp breath in. 
“It’s dumb. I don’t want to talk about it.”
He knew why. You didn’t want him to get upset.
“You sure?” he asked. He leaned over to grab the book, but you pushed his arms away. He wasn’t sure why he was asking you about it. It was almost like he wanted an excuse to throw a fit, to try and change your mind about leaving him on his own.
And then, it hit him. 
“J, what are you doing?”
It was all your fault, really.
“You shouldn’t play with matches like that.”
It was your fault. Yours. As you said, he was just playing. He was only trying to scare you a little bit, much like the devil in his mother’s cards scared him. Maybe if he spooked you enough, you wouldn’t want to go anymore. Maybe he could knock some sense into you. Or maybe, just maybe, he could convince you to take him with you.
“Oh, don’t be boring, dolly,” he said, moving the flame closer towards your face. “Didn’t you always want to learn how to breathe fire?”
He never meant for you to get hurt. 
He could still remember the running, the screaming, the sirens. He could remember the look on his mother’s face when she discovered what he had done.
And then you were gone.
He hadn't felt anything like that before. He was usually so chipper, even in spite of his circumstances. With as sad as he was, you might as well have died. 
But you didn’t. 
You were still alive, but you were just out of reach.
For now.
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coupleoffanfics · 10 months
Part 2 of Batfam and batsis y/n headcons
It was a surprise to see y/n at the of the manor one night after her "outburst" that was a couple months ago. Alfred is happy to see her but notices her troubled expression. She greets him and asks if Bruce was here.
Entering the Batcave for the first time in years, it hasn't changed too much from what y/n remembers. The first to notice her walk in is Damian. "Sister, what are you doing here?" It's always so weird hearing him call her that now. He's never called he that until her "outburst".
This gets the attention of Tim and Babs, making them look away from the monitor. Tim is glad to see her again and hopefully, she is here to mend their broken, not completely burnt, bridges. Babs is also glad to see her as they haven't been communicating as much this past week, but concerned as to what brought her here. She has a feeling that y/n wouldn't come here without a reason.
"I need to talk to Bruce." Damian is almost upset that y/n didn't say she came to see him. He doesn't even have to open his mouth as Bruce is right behind her. Bruce makes his presence known which made y/n jolt up a bit.
Turns around to see him suited up just like the others. Not seeing his full face made her more comfortable oddly.
She takes a deep breath before talking, "I want to clarify that I'm talking to Batman and not Bruce Wayne. I have some information and I desperately need your help." Everyone's interest was already peaked before she said anything.
Bruce watches her pointer finger curl around her hair, her eyes shifted away from him, and her shoulders somehow become even more tense. "Jerome is looking for someone, not me, but I'm worried about them. Wait not looking for he's found them and I- ugh, I'm sure you've already done a background check on him. He has a twin brother and he supposedly wants him dead. I'm…"
All their eyes on her were worsening her anxiety. "I'm best friends with him, Jeremiah Valeska." Babs is already putting the pieces together that Xander Wilde was just an alias. She does remember thinking that they look similar, but she's only met y/n's boyfriend a handful of times and never looked that deep into Jerome's relatives. There wasn't any need to look at his family as long as they aren't committing illegal acts with him.
"Jerome, he did something to Jeremiah. There was this gas and it messed him up. He…" y/n was trying not to get too emotional from talking about a topic that was sensitive to her. "He's not right in the head anymore. It's almost like he's turning into Jerome. He's losing control, he knew a week ago that something is wrong but now he's saying…"
Their eyes and her various feelings on the matter were making her feel that this was a dead end. It's been nearly three months and things have been getting progressively worse. As she looks at Bruce and all she expects is to be rejected. To tell her that she was overreacting and that time was going to heal whatever this mess was.
y/n looked Bruce in the eyes and for the first desperately begged, "Please. Please help find a cure or something to end Jeremiah's madness. I…" She choked back the urge to say that she loved him. There wasn't a need for that and she'd rather keep them in the dark about her life. "…I don't want to lose my best friend. I know you're busy, but I had try asking. Just tell me now if you'd be able to help in any way possible and I'll leave you alone."
This came out of nowhere, but with y/n looking Bruce in the eye with glassy and a scared look in her eyes. How could he say no? "I'll do everything I can, but I'll need a blood sample."
Anything that he said after that went in and out of y/n's ears. She was just relieved that she had the greatest detective help her. "Yeah, um, I can do that." Her voice was softer than a few seconds ago. She wiped the tears of relief with her palm and quickly made her way out of the cave.
Tim wanted to go after her, but Damian was already following behind her and Babs gave him a discouraging look. Babs finally understood why y/n has been so quiet these past weeks. She also knew that y/n needed time to herself and she'd hope that Damian would understand that. She thinks Bruce knew that as well as he stared at the exit for a moment before swiftly going back to work.
Damian kept calling out to his sister before grabbing her wrist. y/n really wanted to shake off his hand and tell him to just leave her alone. Though feeling how firm his grip is she knew it would probably be best to go with whatever to not trigger another meltdown. That was the last thing she ever wanted to see or deal with.
Genuinely though she didn't know why he followed her. It didn't matter if he was trying to repave their relationship, she always expects the worst to come out of his mouth. As a shield, she says what he thinks he'll say. Putting herself down before he or anyone can do it.
"Yeah, I know I shouldn't be down there. It's no place for me and I get in the way. I'm not going to lie and say I'm fully sorry. I am, but I need to try everything to save him, and if that means you'll all have to bear witness to a living failure once more then so be it."
Damian is stuck by her words again and lets go of her as if her skin burns him. He was unsure of how to respond to that, but that wasn't the reason he was there. He tells her with full confidence, "Father will find a cure. Your friend will be okay."
She doesn't look at him. Surprised that he didn't degrade her and slightly smiling that he was comforting her. "Thank you, Damian, that was nice of you to say." Then walks out of the manor just like last time, but this night Damian can fall asleep without regretting eating him alive.
Bruce hires a team of toxicologists. Buys a whole new laboratory for the team. Making sure that there is progress being made while he's not working on it. Tim is the one who spends the most time searching for a cure.
The day after y/n would make her regular trip to the psychiatric hospital with Tim watching from a distance. Tim wasn't stalking y/n he'd claim fully knowing that's exactly what he's doing. He just felt that something was missing and he just wanted to know. He was sick of all her secretiveness. He's given y/n some space after her "outburst" unlike Damian and Dick. So he feels like he could do this because it's not like he forcing her to be around him like the other two.
But regardless the stalking. He was concerned about seeing y/n walk into a mental hospital. It wasn't Arkham, but personally knowing her track record of depressive episodes made him wonder why she was here. Was she admitting herself again?
y/n going through a mental low is difficult no matter how many times Tim sees and helps her through it. She'd stop having this bubbly aura around her. Not being able to get out of bed. There were few times she talked of how hopeless and empty she felt. When she had these episodes they'd never last a few days. They'd always be a week and the worse he's personally seen it last for 2 months. Then the mental image of her dealing with this on her own and coming to the point that she felt the need to admit herself was devastating to him in many ways.
Disguised as part of the staff, Tim followed y/n. Quickly realizing that she wasn't admitting herself, but visiting. He stood by the door of the patient's room that she dispersed in and closed the door. Interestingly Echo walked out of the room at one point and went back.
Seeing y/n standing by the door and about to leave, Tim quickly put some distance between himself and her. Watching y/n, Echo, and a man wearing a hat walk out. Following close behind as they left the hospital and entered the parking garage. He noticed how closely y/n and the man were walking together while Echo walked behind them.
Suddenly Echo came to a halt making the others stop and look at her. Then she ran full force toward Tim and pushed him against the concrete wall. A sharp knife pressed against his throat.
The handful of times Tim has seen Echo he's never seen her exhibit any emotion. There was a sort of underlying anger as she calmly ask who he was and why he following them. He's not able to get his mouth open because y/n runs up panicked while the man walks slowly.
y/n doesn't even need a second to see that it was Tim. Makes Echo let go of him before asking what he was even doing there. There is no good lie that he can come up with on the spot and he knew lying was just going to make y/n more upset than she already was.
"You never talk or are around anymore. You're so secretive now that it makes me worried." Tim would continue if he didn't notice y/n clench her jaw. He would have to be blind to not see y/n trying to keep her cool.
That's when the man placed his gloved hand on her shoulder. Just that simple action alone got rid of any tension in y/n. The man would introduce himself as Jeremiah.
Tim felt uncomfortable by Jeremiah. It could have been the fact that y/n did say his mental sanity has deteriorated, but Tim could just feel something was off with him. His bright green eyes remind Tim of someone. His face also looked to be caked with makeup and the way he talked was unnerving.
The three leave Tim behind. y/n stating that they'll talk about 'this' later. He goes back to the manor even more perplexed by everything.
Later that day y/n drops by the manor. Trying to be discreet as possible because she doesn't want to trigger Damian jumping out. Handing the blood sample to Bruce then turning her attention to Tim.
They have a long drawn-out conversation about what transpired earlier. Explaining why he felt the need to follow her and how he wants her to be open with him.
"— I want us to friends again." That made y/n's heart and mind stop for a moment. Just a moment because she immediately rebuttals. Not trying to mean when saying she doesn't want to be near any of them. That just things change, that they've changed, and they drifted apart. That he had nothing to worry about, but to also never do that again.
y/n spends most of her time with Jeremiah until she has classes and takes a minute to drop by the manor for any updates. Now that y/n is visiting the manor, Damian doesn't surprise her with visits anymore. Since she comes over quite often, daily almost.
He always tries to prolong her time there. He remembers the few things she's interested in. Art and fencing. He'll try almost bribe her to spend more time with him. Mentioning that he's going to an art museum or that he's done with his latest painting. It doesn't get her attention. Talks about how he's got tickets for a fencing match, but that doesn't interest y/n in the slightest.
It's like she's purposefully ignoring him. It's not the case, but that's beside the point. One day when y/n drops by and gets ready to leave, Damian walks up to her with one question. "Can you teach me how to fence?"
Taken aback the question y/n has to take a moment to register it. She sighs, "You're better off getting a professional trainer because I haven't held a saber or epee in a hot minute." She's not even trying to avoid Damian even though he just reminds her how much of a failure she is. She's just being honest.
The boy is becoming visibly frustrated. Panicking and remembering his last tantrum, y/n quickly says that she'll teach him the basics after her classes. Seeing that he was calming down y/n makes a quick escape.
After her last class, she sees Damian waiting right outside of her classroom. Once she's in his peripheral vision he tries to drag her back to the manor and into the newly established fencing room, but she needs to make a quick stop.
Will not let her go alone no matter what. So she kinda has no choice but to bring him along. It's nothing new. She makes a quick call informing someone that she'll have someone with her before jumping into her car. They take a long ride out of Gotham and into the woods. Making Damian wonder where the hell y/n is going.
The second one to meet Jeremiah is Damian. Jeremiah only politely greets him before leaving to talk with y/n in another room. The first impression Damian has of Jeremiah is not a good one. Highly suspicious of him and is not comfortable letting y/n be alone in a room with him. Low-key impressed by the labyrinth that Jeremiah calls his house and likes the interior of the living room. Every classy.
Would have put his ear against the door to hear what they were saying if it wasn't for Echo. She was staring him down. He's pretty sure she hasn't blinked since they got here. Going off what Tim said to the others about Echo possibly being y/n's lover, Damian wonders what y/n sees in Echo.
When they leave and get back into the car Damian brings up Echo. "Your girlfriend should learn how to blink." y/n almost stomped on the breaks. "Girlfriend...? Echo?" She's very confused. "Who else am I talking about." This is when she learns that the whole family thinks she's dating Echo. The idea is funny but also irked her because that was far from the truth. Calmly explains to Damian that isn't the case and that she was simply Jeremiah's bodyguard. Damian can't wait to tell Tim that he was wrong.
Once they get back to the manor y/n teaches Damian about fencing. First going over the rules and the 4 types of fencing before doing anything physical. Surprisingly time flew by. They probably would have been fencing all night if Alfred didn't interrupt them for dinner. y/n planned on leaving, but Damian convinced her to at least stay for dinner because Alfred made her favorite dish and dessert.
This is around the time y/n starts to think that Damian isn't too bad. Out of everyone in the family, Damian is probably the one she'd be the most lenient towards. She's lenient towards the whole family, but Damian is still relatively young. He was able to move on from his horrible childhood, even though that resulted in him lashing out, y/n can forgive that to an extent. Deep down she sees him as her little brother even after their rough patch.
The fact that he isn't breaking into her apartment and trying to connect with her, makes her think that it's safe to be around him. That she isn't going to be verbally reminded that she's one of the most worthless human beings to be alive.
She starts straying a little longer at the manor to mentor Damian a few times. He starts to worry when she easily has the wind knocked out of her and has a cough that doesn't go away. She tells him that it's nothing to worry about. Might lie to him if doesn't give up on the topic by saying she's developed asthma. The lie isn't implausible since anyone can develops asthma at any age and it is hereditary.
It calms Damian down a little. Now he constantly carries an inhaler just in case y/n needs it. She feels so bad lying to him, but she thinks it's for the best that everyone should stay in the dark about her medical condition.
Seeing y/n willingly hang out with Damian gets under Tim's skin. He's given her space unlike Damian, except for that one time but it was only one time. The little gremlin has been harassing her since that one "outburst". He'd want to pull out the 'I knew her longer' card, but he knows how petty it would be. Who she hangs out with isn't his problem and he should mind his own business.
He does mind his own business, but he may occasionally check the cameras to see what y/n and Damian are up to. That's all he swears. Oh, my god, they're going to orchestral concerts and museums together now!? This is so unfair Tim thinks to himself.
They use to be so close.
Honestly, Bruce is thankful for Damian. He's keeping y/n around the manor longer so she can be completely safe from the madness of Gotham. It's also good to know that she's willingly interacting with one of her brothers. It almost warms his heart to see her not be so anxious while in the manor. Just almost because she shouldn't have to feel anxious in the first place. This was the place she once called home, it should make her feel safe not anxious.
Remember the team of toxicologists?
If you don't that's fine. They were killed by the bomb placed in the laboratory, so it's not like they'd be brought up again.
Everyone thinks it's Jerome. The loss of innocent life and y/n suddenly going missing seems like a Jerome thing to do. When they hunt down Jerome, he just kinda shrugs his shoulders while doing a poor job at hiding his smile. Damian wants to scratch his face off or rip his face off depending on the state of it. Dick has to hold back the little monster while Bruce interrogates the ginger.
It goes nowhere until Jerome gets bored of interrogation and tells them, "I'm tired of him thinking that he's better than me. We're quite the same, but I'm the better one. I just had to give him a fresh air of courage to be his true self." Everyone understands what he's say and also groaning that they have to deal with another fucking Valeska.
Jerome, Jeremiah, Joker, and Harley being a sort of dysfunctional family is a fun idea. (Inspired by this) Joker and Harley enable the twins' unhealthy love for y/n Wayne.
Harley is more "innocent" in her enabling because she sees nothing wrong with it. The staking, the murder, it's nothing when it's the name of love. (When she leaves Joker for Ivy, she might feel guilty for egging them on. That she played a part in instating y/n into a toxic relationship. Out of anyone, she'd be the one to understand what's it like to be in one. This might motivate her to help keep y/n safe in the future.) Out of the two Harley is rooting for Jerome. He just seems like the lesser evil for y/n.
Joker finds the whole thing funny and pathetic at the same time. The twins are destroying half of the city for a girl, it almost makes him want to roll his eyes. Almost because of the lengths they'll go to. How they're always butting heads and seeing how distraught the girl gets is fun. He can't help but laugh at it. He'll be putting his money on Jeremiah because he sees potential. He's not reckless like Jerome or impatient, Jeremiah is in it for the long haul.
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onmyyan · 1 year
Endless Again Love Interests
TW’S: MDNI, TW BLOOD IN RAVENS PICTURE, This story will contain YANDERE themes and behavior including but not limited to kidnapping, manipulation, conspiracy, obsessive behavior, murder, eventual Smut, and much more, if that ain't your cup of tea don't drink it ❤️ I can't wait for this story. BELOW KEEP READING LINE ARE LOVE INTERESTS
Setup: All you wanted to do was get through your first year at Gotham University with your head still attached to your body, but you had the sinking feeling your wish for a peaceful semester would be in vain. Because trouble seems to have a thing for you darling. A set of dangerously unpredictable abilities, a sketchy organization hunting you down, and more obsessed vigilantes gunning for your fine ass than you could count, made for one Endless rollercoaster of blood and lust.
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"Our fate has been carved in stone, I'm done fighting against it."
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"Your heartbeat- I can hear how scared you are- Don't worry, I won't let em' touch you."
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"You're not afraid, I can feel it. (y/n), I can just be when you're around, please don't take that from me."
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"S'not fair, I can't just sit by and watch him take you from me- he doesn't deserve you."
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"Relax, you know I won't hurt you, just don't try and run, I might get the wrong idea."
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"You don't need to hide anything from me, I'm on your side no matter what."
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"Say the word and we're gone you hear me? No one would find us."
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"I told you I'd protect you. Even if that means protecting you from yourself."
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"Come up with me again tonight? I find the stars dull when you are away."
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"Don't you worry that gorgeous brain of ya's about how I got in here, worry about what we're eatin' for date night!"
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"Careful darling- keep looking at me like that and I won't want to let you leave."
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"Keep those pretty eyes on me dollface, might just save a life or two."
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"Behave for me pet, I can be such a good owner when properly motivated."
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"Beg me to walk away. Or live with the burden of my love."
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"Please..- show it to me- make me feel that rush once more, I'm addicted."
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"Don't be sorry sweetheart- hurt me again. Makes me feel like you do like me."
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lonleywriters-blog · 1 year
Could I request some yandere Gotham rogues falling head over heals for a rogue! Reader? Like the readers the newest rogue on the block and is very dedicated to getting their name out there/getting revenge on the people who drove them down this path.
I would love (not sure who you wanted so I guessed)
Yan. Gotham rouges with new rouge
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Victor heard from fish that a new rouge was in town. When he first met you he watched you commit crime from afar. He was obsessed the second he saw you. He loves to stalk you and will officially meet you and tell you about his occupation. He will buy you tons of things including weapons. He will spoil you any way he can. He loves that you are also a rouge it makes it so much easier for him. He also finds it very hot.
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You are one of the first rogues he meets. He didn't need to talk to you to know he was in love. He is very attracted to the fact you are considered dangerous. He loves watching you fight or kill. He is like a puppy trying to get your attention. He will hang around you even if you tell him to stop. He assumes you are just in a bad mood if you yell at him. You are known as partners in crime, even if you didn't agree.
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Sees you in fishes bar. He will stalk you to no end. He doesn't like that you are doing rouge work, you could get hurt. He will watch you to make sure you are okay. Will plan your first meeting as an accident. He will charm his way into your life. Will buy you protective gear.
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You were a rogue when he still worked for the police station. He was obsessed with the way you worked. Feel super hard for you, and sees getting to you as a puzzle. Once he is the riddler he won't be shy in getting you. He will make you like him. There is no option you are his. Does not mind your villainess work.
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He was obsessed with you after he read about you in his brother's journal. He would track you down. He tells you he will help you get your name out. He will manipulate you into staying by his side. You become his queen and you are very respected.
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She is the queen rogue and will offer you to join her. You being desperate to be known say yes. You become a power duo and rule most of Gotham. Shall anyone see you as a target they will be killed. She loves doing rouge work as a date night with you. She treats you like royalty.
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She hears of you in Barbara's bar. She will seek you out and find you entrancing. She will leave a plant as a gift for you. She uses plants to spy on you. Meets you by sneaking into your house and making you dinner. She will make you stick next to her. You two are a very cute but dangerous duo.
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She knows everyone and you caught her eye. You commonly went to her bar for information. She adores you and will talk to you casually until she asks you out. She is very protective and will threaten everyone and anyone who stands in your way.
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your-nanas-house · 1 year
I Have so much love for yandere/jealous Jeremiah!!
Could you write something with him? 💞
Sure! 💕 And me too! 🤭
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Pairing: Yandere! Jeremiah Valeska X gn!Reader
Warnings: jealousy, choking, dead, obsession/love, Jeremiah
Words: 331
Summary: In the request
Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English. Also sorry it took me so long.
Pre-spray Jeremiah felt what he wanted but did not dare to get it yet, post-spray Jeremiah knew what he wanted and how to get it and what the man wanted was his assistant Y/n. 
The only problem was that Y/n did not know this but would find out very soon.
For Jeremiah it was already established that Y/n was his, his assistant, his partner, his everything so he became quite angry when Ecco informed him that his Y/n had gone to dinner with someone.
He felt a negative feeling fill him, jealousy...which then turned to anger as he watched from a distance the interaction between the two.
He made some mental notes to himself and decided to follow Y/n to their apartment to confront them.
It was not a friendly approach since he let his emotions guide him and as first thing he grabbed them by the neck with a look full of jealousy and annoyance.
His piercing green eyes looked straight at theirs as if he was observing or studying their souls. Only a shiver passed down their spines before Jeremiah broke the silence that had been created by speaking with annoyance but calm "Who was the person you went to dinner with, my dear? I hope no one important because I made sure there wouldn't be another dinner with him, just one between you and me" an unhealthy smile appeared on his pale face as his gaze remained steady and his grip on their neck tightened "I love you...don't use my love this way, my dear... I have big plans for the two of us, I no longer need you as a mere assistant, I need more and I think I can get it, with your consent of course" a giggle escaped his plum colored lips and his piercing green eyes were the last thing Y/n saw after the grimace of jealousy that appeared for a few seconds on Jeremiah's face.
@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj , @monkeyking-and-liuer-mate , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover
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valeskawhore · 2 years
“Patients; 07 and 08.”
Written and edited by: @valeskawhore
Word(s): 3.k
Characters/parings: Jerome Valeska x Female! Psychiatrist reader! X Jeremiah Valeska
Warning(s): profanity, brothers being creepy, mentions of murder, obsession, yandere tendencies.
Summary: Jeremiah and Jerome landed themselves in Arkham, together. A special grade psychiatrist gets assigned to both of them but either of them know about it at first. The brothers end up falling deeply in love (In obsession) with the psychiatrist reader. They feel a connection with her, alive almost. but what happens when they find out about each other? More importantly, when y/n suddenly gets transferred to a new facility somewhere on the mainland AWAY from Gotham?
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“So Jerome,” I leaned forward over my desk, rolling the pen between the pads of my finger tips.. “How did you feel when Jeremiah fed your mother all those lies?” I asked calmly.
His face contracted into a murderous glare. He shifted in his seat, arms bound by the straight jacket he was wearing. “Well, ya see doc,” He grumbled,
“I wanted to kill the little four-eyed bitch.”
My words choked in my throat and halted to a stop by the look on his face. So serious, the most serious I had ever seen Jerome.
I cleared my throat, taking a breath. “I see,” I nodded slightly, giving a small smile.
I picked up my notepad and began to update everything from our session. Jerome watched me with disappointed eyes. He sighed, “Is it that time already? ”
Jerome always seemed to hate whenever our sessions would come to an end, he enjoyed them so much. Finally getting time alone, and actually having a decent conversation with someone who hasn't eaten, stabbed, or killed someone else.
He felt normal, accepted.
“Yes Jerome. Unfortunately, our time has come to an end.” You frowned, flipping your notepad closed and setting it back on your desk. He was such a different person behind closed doors, they both were, It was such a shame that they grew up with the life-style they did.
“Of course it is.” He sighed, sitting up in his seat, “Everytime we get to the good part too.”
“Well if this subject is something you want to put a pin in, we can definitely pick it back up during tomorrow's session?” you offered, “Really?” He popped up, a hopeful glint swirled in his eyes.
“Yes, of course, Jerome,” I smiled, discreetly reaching down to hit the button under my desktop. “We will pick this back up tomorrow.”
Within seconds, correctional officers swarmed the area and carried Jerome out by his straight jacket. He didn’t fight them, instead he looked behind him and gave you a small wink, flashing a cut smile. He was very much looking forward to tomorrow.
Once Jerome was out of the room, I sighed, stamping my documents and pulling them into a stack. I picked myself up from my desk and exited the room, grabbing my keycard and ID on the way out.
My heels clicking against the cemented tiled floor echoed through the building as I walked. Finally coming close to reaching my destination at the front office, I took a sharp turn left, bumping into a fragile figure. They barely caught themselves from the contact, almost falling over as well. The Files slipped out of my hands. They burst open on the ground everywhere, papers flying, and documents torn.
I apologize over a thousand times, not even taking a look at the figure in front of me. I hadn’t realized who they were until I heard a familiar gasp and saw blurs of black and white of a prisoner's uniform bending down to help me as much as they could.“I-im so sorry- Miss y/n! I-i-i- didn't mean it! I promised.” Oswald sputtered, his hands frantically picking up as much paper as he possibly could. Not even caring what folder he shoved it into, he was trying to help anyways.
Once we had them all back safely in my grasp, Oswald apologized again. The officers who were apparently escorting him to the cafeteria, shoved him forwards, mumbling out curses. I frowned at this, but quickly covered up to give him one last wave before being forced forwards.
Yes. I understand these are criminal masterminds who probably deserved to be executed instead of thrown in Arkham, but for the ones who are actually making an effort to put behind all their differences, officers could at least be more considerate.
As a special class psychiatrist like myself, it is my job to help open up a person mentally and It is my job to help someone work through their trauma. Some people genuinely cannot help what they’ve become, for some folks, it’s really not their fault.
I can’t stand close-minded people, they have no place in this world.
I sighed, adjusting my glasses up the bridge of my nose and turning back on my heel.
I needed to get these papers signed so I could continue with my next patient.
“Miss Y/n,” My radio buzzed, I shifted in my seat, reaching for the device and putting it close to my lips. “Speaking.” I answered. “Jeremiah is here to see you ma’am, he’s ready.”
“Yes, of course,” I smiled. “Send him in.”
Jeremiah smirked at me, entering the room with grace. He directed his way towards one of the love seats, his arms bound to the straight jacket just like his brothers were, I waved the guards off.
“Coffee?” I gestured to the steaming mug sitting next to his loveseat on the small glass table. I always left a mug there for him. He appreciated the caffeine since- well, he couldn't get any here. “Of course,” He smiled, “Would you be so kind as to..?” He gestured to his straight jacket.
“Yes.” I laughed light heartedly, reaching down to my secret drawer and pulling out a ring of keys I definitely was NOT supposed to have. I walked over to Jeremiah and searched for the keys to his jacket on the ring. Once I found it, I unlocked each individual bolt on his jacket.
He shrugged the jacket off with a huff of approval and reached for his coffee, taking a sip with a groan. “Jesus, this is exactly what I needed today.” I arched an eyebrow. He smiled, gesturing to the mug, “Caffeine, it's been a rough morning..”
“Do elaborate Miah, It’s what I'm here for after all.” I leaned back in my chair, my eyes trained on his.
He smiled.
Should I make a part two? Lemme know in the comments!!!
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diffidentphantom · 6 months
The One That Got Away
(Jermone Valeska x F!Wayne Reader)
Part I
Summary: You, the reader are the older sister of Bruce Wayne. And have been best friends with Jerome Valeska, since you first met each other at Haly's Circus during your youth. Due to being a Wayne, he was the first 'real' friend you ever had. But then one day, the friendship between the both of you changed. And you were sent overseas for your safety by your father. You haven't been back in Gotham since. But once you hear of your parent's murder, you know it's time to return and face your past once and for all.
Characters: Y/N as MC, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Selena Kyle, Harvey Bullock, Jim Gordon, Dr. Leslie Thompkins, Jerome Valeska
Warnings: Angst, Possessiveness, Obsessive behavior, Stalking, Murder, Mentions of Child Abuse,
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The first time you had ever visited the circus, it was on your eleventh birthday. 
And unknowingly at the time, it was that specific event that ended up changing your life forever. It can be argued that it changed your life a bit for the better as well as for the worst. It was the day you met your very first TRUE friend, Jerome Valeska.
Being a member of the prestigious Wayne family, you were expected to mingle with your peers. A.K.A other children of Gotham's wealthiest; i.e, members of the 1%, celebrities, people involved in the law - along with the shadier parts of it. You had made some friendships with some of these children, but none of them were true friends. Where nothing was expected in return for the other's company and allegiance.
But Jerome...due to being born to a woman who worked in the circus, he had nothing to give other than his friendship and loyalty. And because you helped him get out of a situation that involved his angry Uncle Zach. He became your very first REAL friend.
The two of you become inseparable. One of you always running after the other.
The adults in your life found it endearing, and grateful. That after all this time, you had a friend like Jerome. So, your parents, being who they are - opened their arms and home to him. Whenever the circus was in town. After all, to those who cared to look - it was obvious, that Jerome wasn't treated very kindly by the people who took care of him.
By the two of you were fourteen, something in your friendship with Jerome had changed. Maybe it was because the two of you didn't spend as much time together anymore? Or maybe perhaps it was because you were an older sister now, with a nine-year-old brother? And he was jealous of Bruce and the close sibling relationship the two of you had? (One that infinitely much better than the one he shared with his own twin.)
Whatever the case, Jerome no longer acted the same around you. He became like an entirely different person. As if his entire personality was hanging on by a thread, and that he was just waiting for one bad day. To push him over the edge.
And then it happened.
He took things to far between the two of you. Confessed his feelings - which didn't bother you, since you realized, you had begun to have a crush on him yourself. Admitted to stalking you days before, he let you know he was back in town. Killed your pet cat and threatened to harm you or your brother. Jerome became unhinged and dangerous to be around.
It devastated not only you, but your parents as well. Who thought of Jerome as another son. (So much so, that he had his own dedicated bedroom in the manor at that point.) But because he went off the deep end, your parents were worried about the safety of both your brothers and your own wellbeing. And with a heavy heart, they had to make a tough decision.
After Haly's circus left Gotham that year to stick to their regular route, you also left. Your parents had decided to send you overseas to their family villa in Switzerland, for your own protection and safety. From one person who you thought you could trust.
It would be the last time you would see your parents, and your brother for many years to come.
Word Count: 587
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mrslevicisbisexual · 2 months
I don't love you! 3
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Parinigs: yandere!Jeremiah valeska x reader wayne, one shot!zaklina tankosic x reader wayne,
Series: rape/non-con, forced marriage, obsession, forced kiss, jealousy, smut, forced pregnancy, reader wayne is lesbian,
Summary: there are many villains and bullies in gotham, such as jeremiah valeska who gets what he wants and succeeds in it, he likes one girl a lot, and that is bruce's sister y/n wayne, he tried to seduce her but she refused she said that she fell in love with another person, jeremiah felt jealousy for the first time, did the person replace him, he decided to marry her so that I would be his and that forever, will Wayne girl get out of that mess?
part 1 part 2
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They drove Bruce and Alfred to the hospital and zaklina is very worried about Bruce and Alfred.
The young woman went to wayne castle to get y/n's diary. She always wrote her secrets in a diary and she knew it wasn't right to read someone else's diary but at least she had the only clue to pass her dear y/n.
Zaklina went to her room and was looking for her girlfriend's diary and she opened the door where the diary was and started reading it.
Dear Daily.
Today I went together with my brother and let's see why he called us jim. "He said it was very important and that he had escaped jerome from prison to kill his brother jeremiah." I honestly didn't know that Jerome had a twin brother. But honestly,
Zaklina was reading the third place it said something interesting what her girlfriend thought.
I liked hanging out with Jerome more than Jeremiah. Jerome looked at me as his sister and I looked at him as a brother. and for Jeremiah, he didn't stop looking at me because he thought I had something with his brother.
When my friend Jerome died the second time and I went to tell Jeremiah that I was sorry for the death of his brother but he didn't care about it, did he say that he tortured him when we were little.
When I got home, my phone rang and it was an unknown number. Weird?
"hello?" i said.
"hey hello i'm Jeremiah valeska" Jeremiah says.
"WHAT! Where did you get my phone number from!" she says very confused and angry.
"oh sorry but I asked your brother to give me your phone number did you go home quickly so I didn't reach you" he says.
What if my brother never gave me his phone number? Is this guy really weird? But I have to be nice to him.
"So why do you call me Jeremiah?" I asked.
"So I want to talk privately at my bunker if that's okay?" Says.
"Yes of course why not" I answer with a fake smile.
"Great" he replies happily.
I installed my phone and quickly went to the bunker to see what Jeremiah wanted from me and why?
I knocked on the door and it opens immediately if they are waiting for me at the door. I saw Jeremiah give me a warm smile.
"Hello Y/n let's go in" He says and took my hand to lead me to the chair.
"So jeremiah what did you call me for ?" I answer.
Jeremiah sat down next to me and he put his hand on mine and it gave me chills to my core "well the reason I called you is very serious and I know it very quickly but I'm in love with you Ever since I saw you first appear on the TV show when Jerome died the first time. I can't forget you and I like you very much!"
How come he stalked me or what? Jerome didn't tell me that he had a twin brother? He loves me, but I didn't love him. I loved girls more than boys.
"Oh look Jeremiah I don't even know you that much but I don't love you do I have someone else so I'm sorry but the answer is no"
I saw his smile fall and turn to anger and start yelling at me.
"WHO IS THAT!" jeremiah shouted and he pushed me into the wall so I couldn't move.
"Hey let me go jeremiah" I start to fight him but nothing helps. I yelled at him.
"But you have to love me and want to. Please give me a chance my darling and you and I appreciate being together for the rest of our lives" he says desperately.
I hit him so hard in the stomach that he fell to the floor when I ran fast before I heard jeremiah "you can't run away from me forever my love. I will always have you no matter what"
I quickly went home because no one was there, Bruce texted me that he was at his girlfriend's house. And Alfred went to his lady.
I went to my room because I didn't notice that someone sat on my bed, it was none other than zaklina. Who smiled sweetly and got off the bed and started kissing me gently and passionately.
"I miss you babygirl" she whispered
"I missed you too, Honey" I say
"I see no one is there so I thought I'd keep you company if you wanted" Says zaklina.
"That would be nice of you zaklina" I say shyly.
"Am I good only for you my angel" she says and pushes me on the bed and then kisses me and I kiss back. My God loves this woman so much.
Zaklina read everything her girlfriend wrote, what happened to her, and she has to find her quickly or it will be too late.
She quickly put the diary where she found it and quickly went to find every bunker she knew of in gotham.
"I will find you soon my love" zaklina said and quickly went to find every bunker in gotham city.
I hope my zaklina has a plan to get me out of this mess. I hope Bruce and Alfred are ok, I don't want to lose my only family.
I didn't even notice that the door opened And when I noticed it was jeremiah. I hate him so much, he killed my brother and Alfred.
"Have you finally calmed down dear?" He says as he kneels down to my height.
"Please let me go" I say almost crying.
"I can't let you go. my love, Is there something between you and my brother?" Jeremiah says.
"There is nothing between me and your brother are we like brother and sister" I answer his question.
"if not him then who is?" He replied angrily.
"I'll never tell you" I answer in the same tone of voice.
He slapped her face hard "if you don't tell me then I will find out who it is myself and I promise you that!" He says and he left.
If he finds out about zaklina. he was going to kill her and I couldn't bear to lose another person I love.
"Please take care zaklina" Think to yourself.
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itlover8000 · 9 months
Hi everyone!!!
Would you guys like it if I started writing fics myself? If so, what types of fics would you guys be interested in? I'm pretty open to writing stories that allude to smut or get a little steamy. I'm also open to writing fics that involve yandere/dark themes or just fluffy/cute. I prefer to only write for fem!reader or I can make the reader very vague so that the reader can be non-binary. Please let me know what you are interested in and comfortable with.
Characters/people I'm thinking of writing for:
-Bill Denbrough and Richie Tozier (It 2017)
-Bill Skarsgard/Pennywise
-Elvis Presley or Austin!Elvis
-Tom Riddle/Voldemort
-Draco Malfoy
-Ethan Landry
-Jerome and Jeremiah Valeska
-Anakin Skywalker
If you guys have any other ideas for characters please let me know. I just prefer not to write about the actual actors themselves!
Please feel free to give me ideas/requests.
Gabriela ❤️
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yanderebunbun · 1 year
so, are people still interested in jeremiah x reader x jerome fics? ₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎ because i have one that could be interesting. it’s too precious not to finish it.
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thegr33nc0met · 9 days
Gotham Masterlist
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♥︎Ed Nygma/The Riddler
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♥︎Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin
Yandere Headcanons (Coming Soon)
♥︎Jerome Valeska
Yandere Jerome x Skittish!Reader (Coming Soon)
♥︎Jeremiah Valeska
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♥︎Jervis Tetch
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♥︎Victor Zsasz
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♥︎Barbara Kean
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♥︎Tabitha Galavan
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Feel free to ask about other characters!
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 5 months
𝐿𝒾𝓉𝓉𝓁𝑒 𝑀𝒾𝓈𝓈 𝒮𝓉𝓇𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/KN4F1lM by HayleyLuna "It's like a circus full of psycho's"   Y/n gets transported into her favourite show "Gotham" What happens when Y/n's favorite series of Gotham characters fall under an obsession with her?   |Yandere Various Gotham x Fem!Reader| ( Platonic and romantic yandere x Fem Reader ) Words: 570, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Gotham (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/M, Multi Characters: Jerome Valeska, Jim Gordon, You, Reader, Barbara Kean, Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma, Sarah Essen, Jeremiah Valeska, Batman, Victor Zsasz, Selina Kyle, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth Relationships: Jerome Valeska/Original Female Character(s), Jeremiah Valeska/Reader Additional Tags: TV Show, Gotham City Police Department, Gotham City - Freeform, Yandere, Yandere Characters read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/KN4F1lM
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coupleoffanfics · 1 year
Ranting about a possible fanfic I'll write.
Anyone reading this hear me out. There are some Yandere Batfam x neglected reader that I love. Basically, the reader is a part of the family and is ignored by everyone until some event happens leading the family slowly becoming yandere. I just love the angst.
Okay, so what if she has a boyfriend before the whole family starts going off the rails? Right, okay, so what if her boyfriend was one of the Valeska twins? Both would just fuck everything up for the family and I'd love it.
Regarding which Valeska y/n would end up with I'd see y/n dating per-spray Jeremiah. Could see him only dating y/n because she is a Wayne. I see him being the more narcissistic one out of the two even though they both are. Slowly developing an obsession with y/n as I could see her being attentive toward anyone who shows her positive attention. And that could feed into Jeremiah's narcissism.
So when y/n opens up or Jeremiah realizes that she doesn't have a strong relationship with Bruce, he'd be more inclined to dump her. He plans to get a wealthy job at Wayne Enterprises and live a luxurious life, unlike his upbringing. So dating the daughter's CEO would give him an advantage, that's at least what he thought.
He'd gently put her down so that he could focus more on other things, but…This underlying obsession made it impossible. Now he's like fuck, I actually like her what do I do now? (y/n is definitely one to say I love you first.)
I couldn't see Jerome and y/n dating just because of her upbringing. She has strong morals having been trained by Batman and formally being Batgirl for a few years. She would have had to meet Jerome before he murders his mother since that leads him down this psychotic path.
Regardless of which Valeska she dated, I'd say that she has some loyalty toward him. Seeing them as more of a victim of circumstances rather than a villain. Though that would be thrown out once Jerome or post-spray Jeremiah start harming or worse killing civilians.
I just love the idea of the when the family is or turning yandere are just like y/n who the fuck is this and why are they trying to kidnap you? Meanwhile, the Valeskas are just screaming and throwing shit that they have to deal with more bullshit to get to y/n.
y/n's Personality
Loyalty would be one of her trades as she'd do almost anything for her loved ones that actually care for her. It doesn't mean she's blindly loyal to anyone who shows her kindness.
Empathy and consideration are strong ones as y/n has a big heart. She'd be understanding why the family is busy and how much work they'd do as they are not being close. But that doesn't mean she's not hurt or frustrated when Bruce blatantly shows favoritism. Yet she doesn't want to be an inconvenience or get in the way of their vigilantism.
Inferiority complex. Being the only family member to quit being a vigilante has taken a bit out of y/n. She is justified in her reason, but that doesn't stop her from feeling less valued. She wants to be seen as valuable, so she doesn't often go to anyone for help. Fearing that it would make her look less valuable to whoever.
Depressed. y/n may smile and laugh, but that doesn't mean she's not dealing with depression. Having trouble getting out of bed and whatnot was one of the factors that made her quit being a vigilante.
People pleaser. Trying to show her value as a person by doing what most say. Or just trying to avoid as much conflict as possible.
Notable Things About y/n
Art is what she uses to express herself. Drawing or writing (totally not self-indulgent) are the primary examples. Won't or couldn't bond with Damian over this because he doesn't like her already and she's too afraid of opening herself up to him.
Baking things with Alfred if he has the time. It's therapeutic and helps combat anxiety. She also loves giving sweets to others seeing them enjoy it and showing that she’s not completely worthless.
Probably in a big sister program to provide support to those younger than her and prevent others from feeling lonely like her. As she isn’t able to help the family as much as she used to. Might even be a soup kitchen volunteer.
Hopes to have a job that’s in the creative field and move far out of Gotham. Will try to get into a college out of Gotham once she’s done with high school.
Either has a few or just one friend. Often spending the night at their place, so that she’s not alone.
Wants a normal, quiet life. Get married have kids or adopt if her partner wants to.
y/n as Batgirl
Let's say she was adopted by Bruce when she was 8. Taking about 2 to 3 years to train before even being allowed to patrol.
Become Batgirl before Jason gets killed and was probably somewhat close to Jason. His death showed the dark reality of vigilantism but wasn't what made her quit. Though it made her think of what the future would look like.
Meeting Tim, she wasn't malicious or anything. Quite the opposite and she was probably closer to Tim than Jason given that they were the same age. Didn't like the idea of having him become the next Robin since Jason's death was still recent, but didn't want to start an argument with Bruce.
It was kinda painful to see Tim dressed up as Robin as he almost looked like Jason. y/n coping that this is just keeping Jason's memory alive and she was the weird one for feeling uncomfortable.
Seeing how quickly Tim was able to gain the role of Robin while it took her a few years made her feel inadequate. Maybe she wasn't made for this but quickly got rid of that thought. Everyone learns at their own pace and Tim happened to be faster.
Jason coming back had y/n squealing out of pure happiness until he tried to kill everyone including her. Could see y/n being the one who nearly gets killed by Jason simply because she's never been a fighter. Too passive for her good. Also, she couldn't bring herself to punch him even before hearing all that he's been through.
There probably wasn't a traumatic event that led her to end her time as Batgirl. Just slowly realizing that this wasn’t her passion, feeling like an inconvenience when her depression knocks her down, and her insecurities. After quitting she avoided everyone as she couldn’t stand them trying to persuade her to not quit or expressing their disappointment in her.
By the time Damian comes around, she is not at all involved with Batman or the others. He mocks her, believing that she couldn’t handle the heat of being a hero which is partly true. If she has any inhuman power then I feel that Damian’s mocking would be more intense. Thinking that she has an advantage that one of them has yet still wasn’t enough and is wasting her power by being a civilian.
Going back to the Valeska twins. I think y/n would be more inclined to be loyal to Jeremiah if dating him rather than Jerome. Mainly because it takes him longer to harm innocent people while Jerome is just stabbing people for shits and giggles. She'd probably hope that there is a cure for the laughing toxin. Any horrible thing post-spray Jeremiah could be blamed on the toxin despite him stating otherwise. Her loyalty and hope would slowly be crushed by how the heinous acts are getting.
(I'd like to think that Jerome made the spray to change his physical appearance to look more like the Joker. Could see the Joker taking in Jerome to become the next "Joker". Was going to use it on himself until y/n expressed her distaste for the Joker. He wasn't going to stop working with or for Joker just because of that, but he wasn't going to use the spray. Which sucks because he worked so hard on it. Then just decided to use it on his brother for 3 reasons. 1) He didn't want it to go to waste. 2) He thinks it'd be funny. 3) Fuck Jeremiah.)
Having a break up with either Valeska is going to have y/n balling her eyes in her room. So the yandere family is just going to break down the door and act like they cared the whole time. "What are you talking about y/n? Us ignoring you? No, that isn't right, we hang out all the time." y/n would have liked the fact that her family cares enough to check on her, but it overwhelmed and freaked out by how sudden this is.
The family would encourage force y/n to start training with them regularly since there are two psychopaths after her. Not only will they be able to keep an eye on her, but also be able to catch up on all that time they missed.
I'm ending it here for now because I have other things to do. But I swear I'm going to get this written. No one's gonna read it, but I'm going to write cuz why not. Possible cover art for the story.
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jeromesgirl · 2 years
Hello, I’m Jeromesgirl and I write for all different universes including Gotham,Tvd,Criminal Minds, etc. Im new here and I would appreciate if you send in a request or read my stories. I hope you enjoy my page…see you soon <3
Characters I write for~ (pls lmk if there is someone you like that I didn’t include)
Jerome Valeska
Bruce Wayne (Batman)
Selina Kyle (Cat-woman)
Edward Nygma (Ridder)
Jervis Tetch (Mad Hatter)
Jeremiah Valeska
The Vampire Diaries Universe-
Elena Gilbert
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Caroline Forbes
Klaus Mikaelson
Bonnie Bennett
Jeremy Gilbert
Kai Parker
Elijah Mikaelson
Marcel Gerard
Rebekah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Katherine Pierce
Harry Potter Series-
Draco Malfoy
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Ron Weasley
Neville Longbottom
George Weasley
Fred Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Pansy Parkinson
Narcissa Malfoy
Sirius Black
Lucius Malfoy
Ginny Weasley
Remus Lupin
Newt Scamander
Cedric diggory
Criminal Minds-
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Jennifer Jareau
Aaron Hotchner
Emily Prentiss
Penelope Garcia
Kate Callahan
Twilight Saga Universe-
Bella Swan
Edward Cullen
Charlie Swan
Alice Cullen
Jasper Hale
Rosalie Hale
Emmett Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Esme Cullen
Jacob Black
Seth Clearwater
Kate Denali
Woo now on to what i write and what I don’t write
What I would/do write~
Smut, Angst, Fluff, etc
Kinks;  age gaps, poly/threesome, yandere, toy play, cheating (sometimes), blood play, knife play, bdsm, violence, praise and degradation, power imbalance, choking, mommy/daddy kink, Begging, cockwarming, cum play, Dolly kink, Edging / denial, Humiliation, Mirror sex, messy sex, oral sex, Overstimulation, Petnames,Dominance and Submissiveness, Sadism / Masochism, Teasing, Thigh Riding / Thigh fucking, Tit Fucking, Bondage/ Ropes/ Handcuffs, CNC (request lightly), Gun play, Ice play, Slapping / Impact play, spitting.
What i do not write~
necrophilia, incest, pregnancy, foot fetish, animal play, race play, watersports, male!character x male! Reader smut (I don’t know much about it to write about it), r*pe.
Have fun requesting/reading!<3
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lonleywriters-blog · 2 years
Ooo can I please request Stockholm syn. with Yandere Gotham Villains and the sweet love of their life hcs?
Omg yesss
Yan Gotham vilians Stockholm syn. hcs
Pls don't reblog or take
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Barbra couldn't help but smile when you didn't flinch as she touched your cheek. She can admit she was wondering if you were faking, but when she leaned in to kiss you and you kissed back she knew you weren't. She was so over the moon about you giving in to her. She will start showing you even more affection and will give you some more freedom. She will start taking you on cute dates to the park or to shop will her. She loves cuddling you and the feeling of you leaning on her makes her melt.
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He doesn't believe it at first, it started when you crawled into bed and cuddled up to him. He enjoyed the affection while he could. Since he wasn't sure if you were faking or not he tested you by leaving the door unlocked and was over the moon when all you did was lock it. He will give you so much more affection and says that he lives you more often. Cute dates at restaurants that he thinks you will like.
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He is really good at telling when people are lying and when you weren't he couldn't hold in how happy he was. He would insist on more cuddles and date nights. He will give you a lot more freedom but he has to go out with you every time you leave the house. The first time you tell him you love him he will give you the biggest kiss.
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He wasn't sure if he wanted to believe you or not but he hugged you right back. This was after he was gone for a few days and opened the door to you hugging him as tight as possible. He will let you do more around the house and will eventually let you go out with him. He is so happy you finally love him back. Buys a big bottle of wine to celebrate.
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He couldn't believe that you let him hold you this close. He will look at you and smile and melts when you smile back at him. If you kiss him he will get red and kiss you back. Let's you have all house freedom but it will take a while for him to let you outside. Will ask you when you really fell in love with him bathing in the feeling of your love.
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He will laugh and hug you very tight. He is so glad you opened up to him and admitted that you love him just as he has waited. He will be a lot braver with his affection and let you do anything you want as long as he's with you or a bodyguard.
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