#yandere jumin han x reader
Yandere Jumin Han headcanon
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Jumin would be a possessive and controlling yandere.
He would have a trust issue with people who say they "love" him.
Jumin believes that they all just want money or power.
But Jumin is not blind.
He immediately sees that you are different.
And because of this, he really falls for you
Your courtship would start normally.
Lots of dates and time spent together.
Jumi just can't seem to get enough of you.
He wants more.
And at the same time he becomes worried.
What if something happens to you and he can't protect you?
What if you just disappear from his life?
Jumin wouldn't let that happen.
He would have no desire to share the person he loves with the world.
Instead, he would lock you out.
and preferably throw away the key.
Jumin gets what he wants.
Of course he would like you to love him yourself.
But he is NOT above blackmail.
When you "live" with him, Jumin would still be protective and possessive.
You get very little freedom at first.
but not so much that you slip through his fingers.
If you behaved, you would also get lots of gifts and love.
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kr1slvr · 2 years
Hello can I get a romantic Yan jumin going shopping with darling reader? Tq
yandere jumin going shopping w darling reader
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• bro is rich af
• he can pratically buy you anything you'd like
• just make sure to act nicely and he'll give you pretty much anything 😸
• if you want to buy clothes, he'll attempt to influence your style to something more classy, but he won't directly force you
• he'd have bodyguards carry your stuff for you lmao 😭
• takes you to expensive and fancy ass stores
• he wants you to live your best life in luxury
• spoils you,, a lot
• even if you tell him you don't want super expensive things, he won't really listen
• he belives you deserve the best and nothing less
• if you ever get tired while shopping, he'll carry you (he refuses to let the bodyguard touch you unless it's completely necessary bevause he's a possesive little prick) and puts you down on one of those benches they have in malls
• overall, he loves to spoil you and will be extremely generous as long as you behave nicely
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i know this is short but i just thought i had waited too long with answering this fkjdj so im really sorry you had to wait this long anon!!
-love, kris
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likely-moony · 2 years
Businessman ~ Jumin Han~
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Paring: Yandere Jumin Han x Fem Reader
Type/words: Short Story ~ 2.6k Words
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Summary: When Jumin Han stumbles upon a new up-and-coming Businesswoman, he feels something brew within in his heart. No, not love or happiness but a rage or even threatened feeling that her business could possibly overtake his. But how will his feeling evolve when he gets to know the young happy-go-lucky girl?
TW!!: Yandere-Themes, Yandere Characters, Abuse Of Power, Perverted Characters, Mentions Of Sexual Harrasment, Unheathy Obsession, Force, Forceful Relationships, Mentions Of Affairs, Obsessive Letters, Unhealthy Feelings.
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Rules For Requesting
Jumin Han
He has it all, 
Wealth, Power, Influence, looks and every maid and butler in his massive vacation home at his fingertips.
Raised with a shiny silver spoon in his mouth, Jumin grew up alongside some of the most influential people in the world.
Movie stars, businessmen, politicians, CEOs, and even mafia dons.
Jumin is and has always been surrounded by ties to all the top financial and political hot shots who’d be willing to do anything to do his bidding for him. 
But jumin never really needed to use it too much though, he preferred to get things done himself. 
He didn’t need his father’s money or a recommendation ~threatening~ letter to get into prestigious Ivy League colleges, he didn’t need daddy’s support to climb the ranks at his very own company and last of all, like hell he would need his father’s help to find a woman.
Is what should be assumed.
Jumin never really thought about women. Maybe once or twice as a kid whenever he saw his father bring home women or look up the skirt of a maid and eventually get her naked in bed later on. But other than that, never. 
When he did think about women, he wanted to find a woman who he could cherish with his heart. He wanted someone he could protect from people like his father. 
He wanted someone who would make his heart go all haywire and make his eyes sparkle. 
And most importantly, he wanted a woman who he could love for the rest of his life, unlike his father.
So when you, the clumsy little newly rising CEO, appear in front of him, Jumin regards you as a potential threat. 
Most would see the title of ‘potential threat’ as rude or even a threat in itself, but to Jumin Han, being regarded as a potential threat by him would be a massive compliment. 
You didn’t see Jumin as anything other than a fellow CEO, but to Jumin, you were someone he had to keep a constant eye on as a would-be business rival.
If Jumin were to look at you beyond the eyes of a businessman, he saw a cheerful young girl, happy-go-lucky and definitely not fit to run a company.
He didn’t like it. At all. 
He didn’t like how your eyes would instantly light up whenever you saw him around, and he didn’t like how you’d instantly start waving like some common person.
He didn’t like how you didn’t understand your own status. He didn’t like how instead of having the mindset of a world-class businesswoman, you had a mindset that of some poor college student.
He wanted you to understand how rich you would be if you stopped giving away most of your profits to organisations and such.
He wanted you to embrace your inner rich girl, but how would that be possible when all you did was give everything away that you didn’t have an immediate need for, instead of keeping all that money.
He didn’t like anything about you.
That cheesy smile.
That horrid humbleness of yours.
That disgusting way you don’t think about yourself alone.
He hated how whenever you were invited to a high-society party, you didn’t act all elegant to impress anyone. Instead, you stayed as yourself. Goofy and free. The way you waved to him like a happy puppy seeing its owner.
He hated everything.
It was on a certain fancy occasion when he had enough. Hot shots from all around the world were gathered at a social event to gather money to donate to organisations ~ and boast about their accomplishments~, and coincidentally both you and Jumin were invited.
Jumin showed up in a sleek tux with expensive accessories adorning his body, and what did you decide to wear to this once every 5-year party?
A fucking plain yellow sundress with mushroom earrings, a simple headband and ordinary dress shoes that any old poor person could buy at a local mall.
Jumin never puts any effort into his appearance at parties, but to think he had specifically chosen to wear his most expensive tux at this gathering alone could describe how high-end it was. 
And in that high-end party where everyone would show up in extravagant and expensive pieces of jewellery and clothes, you showed up in a sundress. A sundress. A sun dress that stopped at knee level. Meaning any creepy old pervert could come and see below your dress if he was sneaky enough.
Which was exactly what was happening. Old Jacquier and his fancy arse straight from Paris. Jacquier was 72 and had uncountable affairs and prostitutes. The maid uniform in his mansions was hideous beyond belief and only women who wanted to bed him would work there. 
Jacquire had a hidden fan in his hand, and using it, he blew your skirt much farther up than what Jumin expected you’d prefer. 
It was beginning to bother him. 
Why was he so irritated about something that barely concerned him?
He told himself it was human decency to stop the pervert, but memories of when Jacquier was peering at poor women in bathing suits and how Jumin did absolutely nothing to help them refused to enter his mind.
Jumin couldn’t hold it back any longer. He couldn’t hold his desire to do something about you.
And so, he left the party. 
Not because you were annoying him, but to run a quick errand.
Jumin returned within minutes, with what he needed in his hands.
He handed the specific set to Jaehee and wandered off back into the crowd.
With his tall glass of old wine in hand, Jumin made long strides towards you.
When you noticed him, you waved your hand as usual and smile at him but not for long.
Jumin swung his hand across in a fashionable manner and within seconds, his fine wine was all over your sundress. Not a drop on your face or arms, and not a drop on the floor. Just the dress. 
There were gasps and murmurs all around the ballroom, but you were quickly swished away by Jumin’s trusty assistant, Jaehee.
Jaehee saw the signs earlier and knew at once that the fancy ballgown that Jumin left the party to purchase and returned with was for you.
She brought you to a different room, cleaned you up and gave you the dress with no words exchanged. 
You nodded and took the dress from her hands and obediently put it on with no choice. After all, you weren’t going to return to the part with a massive wine stain on your dress.
The dress looked beautiful. It reached to your ankles, and coincidentally it matched Jumin’s choice of clothing.
And so, you reemerged into the party, but this time looking like the partner of the man who spilled wine all over for god knows why.
So you decided not to go near him again. 
That night, you left the part quite early.
Really early. 
And when you got the gist of Jumin’s dislike towards you, your sunshine persona went down and a cloud emerged around you.
Every time you’d seen him after that incident, instead of waving at him and smiling like an angel, you just sort of just avoided him. 
Jumin hated that too.
Jumin also hated that instead of keeping the dress, heels and accessories like a present, you had sent it back to him, washed and ironed and neatly folded through the mail.
But he didn't sulk about it for long, in his eyes, the dress was a cheap piece of crap while in the eyes of a normal person, that dress was worth a fortune and their family inheritance.
Obviously, if he was going to gift something to you, it would have to hold worth and meaning, not some dress he bought in a rush that looked like his.
But of course, he only bought that dress due to its beauty, not its shocking resemblance to Jumin's tux.
It was just a coincidence that it matched his.
So as an apology, Jumin did some businessman-ish things. 
He starts investing big bucks in your company, anonymously, knowing you desperately needed it.
He started spreading a good word about you as a ceo and your company started to rise even quicker. 
And he did the little things like that which would make your day much better. 
When he started seeing you around again, you seemed happier than before. Only if you didn’t see him. If you saw him, your happy mood would go down and you would feel sad again. 
It was cute. 
Your little smiles that popped up whenever someone said a good thing about your company. The way your eyes sparkled whenever you got a notification from your assistant ~Jumin’s mole spy~ that someone ~Jumin~ had invested further into your company. 
It was the little things. 
And eventually, the little things started to make Jumin smile. 
And eventually, the smiles turned to little giggles.
And eventually, over time the little giggles turned to somewhat heart eyes. 
But Jumin was oblivious to it. 
He knew that he didn’t hate you anymore, but he also didn’t know that he was now in love with you.
And so when he finally decided to see you again and make you see him, his heart broke. Another cheerful smile on your face was wiped away when you saw him, replaced with an upset, sad face.
When Jumin had enough, he instantly walked up to you, but when you tried to leave, he grabbed your hand and held it in place.
He asked you what’s wrong and why you keep avoiding him.
When you tell him that you aren’t sure why he hates you, but you’re sorry, Jumin is baffled.
“I- I don’t-” Jumin was speechless.
For the first time in his life.
Jumin Han was lost for words.
Jumin explains to you calmly at a coffee shop nearby that he indeed did not hate you at all. He found that you're an amazing person and he adored you and your humbleness.
And so, you and Jumin formed a sort of kinship. 
Friendship, even!
Jumin didn’t know what to do for you.
He wanted to help you, just didn’t know how to.
So he did more businessman things just crueller.
That troublesome new rich guy that keeps asking for shares in your company?
Not gone as in dead or missing or anything, just gone from the business scene. Bankrupt and in severe debt.
That traitor in your company who's spying on you for someone?
The company that the mole came from?
Also gone
Perished even.  
That shareholder who keeps abusing his power of you to listen to him? 
Left with nothing but sand and dirt to live off of. It was to the point where the shareholder decided to leave this world behind. Since you didn’t have many shareholders anymore, Jumin invested much more money than he’d ever trust anyone with into your company.
And over this long journey of eliminating your enemies, Jumin and you got extremely close. Jumin even had the final realization that he was completely head over heels for you. 
But you still only saw him as a friend.
And so the eliminations continued.
And they just kept getting worse and worse and worse
You were glad at first, Jumin saw but as they continued you started getting worried.
It came to the point when you decided to see Jumin. 
You told Jumin of your worries and you didn’t understand what was happening and why everyone around you was falling.
Jumin was confused.
Were you not happy?
He was doing all this just to see that smile of yours.
Did this not make you smile?
When you find out that Jumin was behind it all, you felt disgusted.
“Why would you do that?! You were the reason that poor man killed himself! How could you not feel a single sense of guilt after all that!”
“I did it all for you,”
“WHY!? I never asked for any of this! That assistant was just a poor college student trying to pay his debt off! He meant no ill intent!”
“Still he could have hurt you!"
“Why are you doing this!?”
“Because I love you!"
“And you love me too!”
“There is no need to hide it, I did all of this for you, my love!”
“Jumin this is absolutely ridiculous.”
“Is what every man in love hears, Y/n.”
“I’ve never seen you as anything more than a close business friend.”
And with that, you leave Jumin’s office.
heartbroken, Jumin falls back into his large chair and loosens his tie, undoing the first four buttons of his shirt. 
He rakes his hand through his hair, tears threatening to fall from his eyes.
Jumin wasn’t a very emotional man, but you made him feel things he’s never felt before.
Jumin had to do something.
He started with small apologetic gestures. 
He offered you your favourite coffee every morning. He bought you common people plushies that Jaehee recommended. He wrote you sorry notes and bought you expensive chocolate, but nothing worked. 
Jumin was starting to lose his patience. 
He began writing love notes.
“I’m sorry, Y/n…”
“Please come back my dear,”
“If only you return my feelings, I would love you for the rest of my life!”
“I know you love me, if you just admit it, we can be happy together.”
“You look beautiful  when you work alone”
“You’re mine and I’m yours”
“Have you ever been told how angelic you look when taking a bath? Obviously not, your mine to compliant, right?”
And so, they progressively got worse and worse till-
“You’re mine” had appeared on your doorstep. The ink was red and was written in such rage.
Jumin ran out of patience when an idea entered his head. 
Back when Jumin was still trying to apologise to you through ‘businessman things’, he often invested a lot of money in your company, which meant he instantly became a shareholder. 
He was the only shareholder of the company, which meant that the company was basically his. 
So on a bright day when you were told that you would have a meeting scheduled with your anonymous shareholder at 5, you felt excited to see who was helping you so much.
Was it that kind old man who you met at a conference the other day? Or maybe even an old friend of yours? No, it couldn't be. You barely had any friends, let alone friends that could invest billions into your little start-up company.
So when you showed up at the meeting, your face looked as if it had been hit by thunder.
There he sat, smugly, in the pricey loveseat with his legs crossed one over another in a superior way as his finger played with his cuff links.
“What're you-”
"Fancy seeing you here, love..."
That smug smirk on his face infuriated you.
His face said it all
He set out his plan clear like a whiteboard, not to you of course, but you'd find out eventually.
He'd purposely start ruining your business by making on purpose bad decisions as a shareholder and as a business rival from across the street.
And so, debt was upon you, but Jumin didn't care.
Of Course, he felt tons of pity towards his future wife, crippling under all that pressure, so when he decided you'd had enough, he starts making good decisions and starts to support your company.
But of course,
Everything must come with a price.
This one is simple though, love.
Marry Jumin, love jumin, and have Jumin’s children.
But if you don't listen, well-
He’d have 707 hack into your systems and ruin everything you ever worked towards whitin seconds.
And there’s also the final option-
The CEO must always listen to the shareholder after all…
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Hope you enjoyed it <3
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kyonkyon69 · 5 months
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>Fuck You, Jumin Han! by JuminsHand
-YANDERE 🌶️🌶️🌶️ = 10/10 [jealousy........ jealousy leads to intense brat taming fuck session]
>Don't Forget, We Are In Love by orphan_account
-WELL WRITTEN = 7.4/10 [Bad End 2 Aftermath]
-YANDERE 🌶️🌶️🌶️ = 10/10 [captivity galore. the baby-trapping bit at the end gagged me...]
>50 Shades of Jumin Han by Larsoten
-WELL WRITTEN = -280/10 [feels like author watched 50 shades of gray liked the ideas but was too lazy to even bother writing it out, probably one of the worst ao3 writing i have ever seen by that i mean 12 yr old wattpad smut writing]
-YANDERE 🌶️🌶️🌶️ = 1/10 [this shit put me to sleep even with 50 shades of grey bait in the title]
>bdsm lessons with jumin han by adorechan
-WELL WRITTEN = 4.5/10 ["has my dick made your brain go dumb?" the fic]
-YANDERE 🌶️🌶️🌶️ = 2/10 [way too vanilla for a bdsm fic, light read smut galore]
>you're my best friend by honeyedboba
-WELL WRITTEN = 5.8/10 [what a sweet friends to lovers nsfw story... this was such a cute read especially at the end when her early anniversary gift was her pregnancy test confirming jumin is now a father omg and her taking the action first which leads to the kinky edging sex scene. im such a simple bitch for friends to lovers fluff au]
-YANDERE 🌶️🌶️🌶️ = 3/10 [dude is so jealous to the point that yoosung got neglected in the chat again lolol]
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fangzluv · 10 months
On a date with bae.
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joonie7007 · 5 months
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( this also reminds me of the lady who always say sprinkle sprinkle🗣️🗣️ I love her !!)
(Yall im hearing soo many good songs by queen herself atp imma hear all her albums I grew up with the radio so I only heard the popular ones 😭😭) omg not only that when I was younger my mom had this rich lady friend who was throwing out stuff ( prob her daughters stuff) and gave me like a manga I remember it so faintly but we were driving home and bad romance came on the radio ( BUT MY DAD THREW AWAY THE BOOK ) CANT KEEP NONE GOOD IN MY HOUSE
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niphredil-14 · 1 year
please send in requests. I’ll write pretty much anything. im desperate for inspiration. all my posts are queued.
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daze4all · 3 months
Workplace! Darling x Yandere! Jing Yuan
“Don’t worry you are safe in my arms. Who would dare would steal from the general of the seat of Divine foresight?”- Jing Yuan
The General of the Divine Seat of Foresight - Yandere Jing Yuan Characterization Part 1
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1. How Darling Reader Catches Yandere Jing Yuan’s Eye
You probably work in same vicinity.
Maybe an impressive spar or fighting skills when training knights
Maybe a disciple like yanqing . forbidden disciple -master relationship he takes advantage of….
The last left of the high cloud quintet time (Dawn oc: a dusk based dan feng sister judge of ten commission I use most often as a former childhood friend)
Darling! Reader is maybe just extra nice to him as the general works so hard…or has hidden spy agenda or wants to climb that social ladder not so innocent intention so get what coming…
Darling Reader giving Yandere! Jing Yuan his favorite coffee, questioning his health, worriedly
Darling Reader letting him take naps at work, tucking a blanket around him in his office where he fell asleep at his desk and covering for Yandere! Jing Yuan until he thinks it’s something special…
2. Yandere! Stalker! Jing Yuan is patient, a strategist, and starts small…
Yandere! General! Jing Yuan He took note of every habit you had.
Yandere! General! Jing Yuan  has secret sticky note on how you eat to put your hair up, write and tuck paper neatly away in folders.
He has a whole unofficial cloud knight report on little romantic preferences such as flowers or chocolates.
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3. Yandere! General! Jing Yuan is down for you bad willing to play what type you prefer ..
From the stalker reports to which he is accommodating while not losing his gentleman charm
Yandere! General! Jing Yuan can play the good boy willing to be submissive doglike if needed often taking advantage to be cuddly
Smart! Yandere Jing Yuan willing to pull out his wits as the smart guy debating with you on equal ground and infuriating you to his amusement you are so cute when angry.
Yandere! Good boy! Jing Yuan But ever respectful on the surface…bedroom well every good dog needs a treat
Yandere! Bad Boy! Jing Yuan who if he reads if your susceptible to the bad boy type, he doesn’t mind being a bit more rough or commanding than usually taking advantage of influence, power, and his position…
Yandere! BDSM! Jing Yuan: you asked for it in his mind. a bird in cage a pet at his mansion he’ll take care of you the best clothing and treat dear…but never leave. (jumin han situation if ever played mystic messenger you can egg him on to be yandere/bdsm but normally not go that far. You must request pain. Bad ending as his pet/mistress…)
For more to make the union official read part 2
Also disclaimer yandere behavior not okay in real life keep to fantasy. Also draw line to physical abuse. Call ppl if yall need help
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queenie-avenue · 7 months
" 𝗂 𝖿𝗈𝗎𝗇𝖽 𝖺𝗇𝗈𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗆𝖾 𝗂𝗇𝗌𝗂𝖽𝖾 𝗈𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎 "
💌 ⤻ the archives, where you'll meet the one.
requests: open.
looking for the lovesick archives? here you go! —> lovesick archives [the yanderes]
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♡ Can I go where you go? — Jumin Han x GN! Reader Headcanons
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♡ Before the sun rises, stay. — Artem Wing x GN! Reader
♡ More than Coworkers. — Artem Wing x GN! Reader Headcanons
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♡ Happiness Sadness is a Butterfly — Shinobu Kocho x Fem! Reader
♡ Going from the stomach to the heart. — Mitsuri Kanroji x GN! Reader
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♡ Lights are on you, but your eyes are on him. — Kaz Brekker x GN! Reader
♡ Making up for past mistakes. — Nikolai Lantsov x Genya Safin
HARRY POTTER + HOGWARTS LEGACY + HARRY POTTER: MAGIC AWAKENED (I won't do Fantastic Beasts/Cursed Child as I have not read or watched/do not plan to)
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♡ There are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. — An Analysis of which houses Ivy Warrington, Daniel Page and Lottie Turner would be in.
♡ Green with Envy, Slytherin Green. — Sebastian Sallow x Fem! Reader
♡ You're so pretty, it hurts. — Sebastian Sallow x Fem! Reader [anon ask]
♡ The smell of you drives him insane. — Daniel Page x GN! Reader
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♡ Charming Demon Belle! — Alastor x Fem! Reader
♡ Sent from Below, Fell from Above. — Alastor x Fem! Reader [pt.1] [pt.2]
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The find your way board
Gif not mine
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Alex x Reader Stardew Valley
He's back
Elliott x Reader Stardew Valley
Hang Over Part One
The End?
Hangover Part Two
Welcome Home.
I Promise
I Can't Leave you Part One
I Can't Leave You Part Two
Elliot x Reader x Shane Angst.
Elliot x Reader NSFW
Try not to kiss trend
Flower dance
Yandere Elliot x Reader I'll always be there for you
Late Nights
Spring Rituals (Smut)
Elliott as a dragon shifter (some NSFW)
Elliott cheating on farmer
Anything for you (Sebastian x reader x Elliott)
Anything For You Part 2
Read to me Sweetheart
Sensitve (smut)
Night terrors
Together?. Until The End
I'm right here
Bowser x Peach Fanfiction
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Darrel Curtis x reader the Outsiders
Type of Person Darry would Be into
Darry Calling you when Pony Goes Missing
Winter Wonderland
Starring Problem
Something Spicy for Darry
Pet Names Darry would Hate
Just not Today
After Rumble Kisses
Did something Bad
Did Something bad Pt. 2
Do it then
Imagine Telling Darry you want to marry him while drunk
Jumin Han x Reader
Telling Jumin about the Abuse Getaway Information
Jumin x Actress MC
MC with an abusive past
Elizabeth the 3rd
BNHA Fanfictions
Yander Hawks with a reader that has a big Family
Shy Hawks
Yandere Kirishima with a pregnant Darling
Kirishima Angst
Yanderes Forcing Reader into Marriage
Yandere Kirishima finding escaped Reader
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Yandere Kirishima
Yandere Kirishima x Male Reader
Yandere Hawks wanting a big Family
Yandere Kirishima with a Willing Darling
Yandere Hawks with an s/o that can't have kids
Kirishimas Partner sparing with Bakugo
This blog is supportive of the girls, the gays, the theys. Free Fucking Palestine.
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Hi can you do yan malleus,jumin,lelouch and L(separately)with female reader where secretly planning to escape,they pretending to submit,obey and behave well to them but they notice and put something in their food so that their body is weak to escape from them.So when the reader is weak and sick because they eat 'something ' they said "this is why you need me,I'm the only one who will care for you no one will.Even your family doesn't care about you,don't you see it, even if you were to escape from me no one would help you. What would you do without me?Your so weak like this. So vulnerable. Something so pure like you shouldn't go outside. Just depends on me."
Hahhhhh.... want am i requesting 🥲.I guess could you make it a story,maybe a short one.
I do this now with... Uhmmmm Jumin
Others come later
Yandere Jumin Han
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Jumin had noticed a change in your behavior.
A change that seemed to happen overnight.
suddenly you were much more obedient.
You were also much nicer to him.
Literally yesterday you cursed him to the lowest hell.
Jumin would like to believe that you finally love him.
He would like to believe that you have really changed.
But sadly, Jumin wouldn't be a delusional yandere.
Even if he enjoys your affection and love.
Jumin would start watching you more.
He would have cameras in your house.
But nothing strange would happen.
Not at first.
However, Jumin would not stop monitoring the situation.
While he would enjoy your love.
Then one day when he was at work he would see you doing something weird.
It looks like you're packing some things and shoving your backpack under their shared bed.
This would be the sign that Jumin has been waiting for all along.
Now he would know why you've been nice for the past couple of months.
You would try to escape him.
Oh you cute naive thing.
That night when Jumin came home everything would be normal.
He would not at first reveal what he saw that day.
You give him a kiss on the cheek and go eat together.
However, when you eat more you will feel strange.
Your body starts to feel weak.
And your head starts spinning.
Then Jumin would reveal everything.
How would he know your plot and put something in your food.
You wouldn't be able to do anything….
Your body would have weakened rapidly.
Before you pass out, you will hear these words in your ears.
"This is why you need me,I'm the only one who will care for you no one will. Even your family doesn't care about you,don't you see it, even if you were to escape from me no one would help you. What would you do without me? Your so weak like this. So vulnerable. Something so pure like you shouldn't go outside. Just depends on me."
When you woke up you would be tied to Jumin's bed.
There would be no hope that you could ever leave again.
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likely-moony · 2 years
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˗ˏˋ꒰ What I've Written ꒱
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☕️𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐬 & 𝐓𝐯 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐬☕️
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Harry Potter
Yandere Harry Potter x Reader
Yandere Harry Potter x Reader (Book, Headcanons)
Winx Club
Yandere Flora x Reader
Yandere Peter Parker x Reader (Headcanons)
Yandere Peter Parker x Reader
Yandere Siddhant Nandan Saaho x Reader
A. Sitarama Raju x Reader
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Death Note
Yandere Light Yagami x Reader
Attack On Titan
Yandere Mikasa Ackerman x Reader
Saiki. K
Yandere Saiki Kusuo x Reader
My Hero Academia
Yandere Momo Yaoyorozu x Reader
Yandere Shoto Todoroki x Reader
Demon slayer
Yandere Inosuke Hashibara x Reader
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Mystic Messenger
Yandere Jumin Han x Reader
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noel-noa · 4 years
Hello! Do some headcanons about yandere Jumin please! 😘
a/n : oops, i'm sorry if it's bad :" this is my first attempt at writing yandere and i haven't play mystic messenger for a long time T_T but thank you so much for sending in the first request ^w^ !
Jumin Yandere Hc:
♡definitely possesive
♡did you see his 2nd bad end? that's jumin yandere mode
♡won't let you get out of your room let alone his penthouse
♡you're not allowed to meet other people beside him
♡even if it's his servants in the penthouse or V
♡pamper you with lavish and expensive things everyday
♡on his bad day, he will make you crawl on your knees to his lap like a kitten and call him master while meow-ing
♡of course you'll do it, you're his pet right?
♡will snap if you ask him if you can go outside
♡or if you are being bratty
♡'cause his kitten have to be "perfect" all the time and obedient to him
♡he is strict so he will straight up punish you
♡his punishment ranging from locking you up in your cage then tying you up with silk ribbon or starve you for days and the list goes on
♡but don't worry your cage is made of golden lol (jk, i know it's not okay)
♡after punishment he will pamper you and ask for your obedience once again
♡you need to understand his action,
♡after all, he is doing all of this to protect you!
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yandere-romanticaa · 5 years
j-jumin han treating s/o a-as a cat ? scenario ?💀
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♡ Jumin Han ♡
You cursed yourself for leaving your window open for the entire night. Now, you caught a cold and you just could not stop sneezing. Tissues were everywhere as you curled yourself in to your fluffly blanket, just trying to ignore your cold while watching TV. This was all such a nussiance, you couldn't wait for it to go away. It didn't help that Jumin was going to be home soon. He had gone out for a meeting, and he always did his best to be home at a certain time.
You scoffed, remembering the soft smile he had on his face this morning. You knew he would freak out once he sees you in this state, but nothing could prepare you for what was about to come.
Keys were jiggling on the other side of the door, and soon enough the man of the house was here. You covered your head with the blanket, just trying to make yourself somewhat invisible. Jumin peaked his head around the corner and saw that the only source of light in the room was from the TV, and you were just sitting on the couch. Jumin noticed the snotty tissues on the floor and he was getting ready to scold you for being so messy, but he immediatly stopped in his tracks once he saw just in how bad of a state you truly were. You clearly hadn't eaten anything the entire day, your face was incredibly pale and your eyes looked glossy and groggy. You turned to look at the black haired man, fully prepared to hear his endless rambling. But what he did next shocked you completely. He put his hand on your head and he was stroking it, as if he was trying to comfort you.
"There, there my dear... You'll be all better soon I promise."
He cooed the words gently at you, the infuriatingly sweet smile never leaving his handsome features. You just listened to everything he told you to do, there was no ponit in fighting him. He sat on a nearby chair and patted his thigh, silently ordering you to come and sit. You obeyed, and soon enough you found yourself on his lap, just waiting to see what he will do. He keeps stroking your hair, but then he continues to tickle your ear in a feather like manner, as he was afraid to hurt you.
"Ummmm, Jumin what are you doing?"
Your voice caught him off guard, but he cooly replied:
"I will help you get better. Elisabeth the 3rd loves it when I scratch her ears when she isn't feeling well, and judging from your goosebumps you are too."
The answer shouldn't have surprised you, and yet it did. The cat itself was just staring at Jumin, wondering what the Hell was he doing. You let out a sigh, knowing that you weren't going anywhere for at least the next hour or two.
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wickedyan · 5 years
I love your writing. If it's cool, and you do Mystic Messenger, I'd love some Jumin Han with MC after the 2nd bad ending? Like, MC has realized this isn't what she wants. So maybe, an evening of them having dinner together or some other domestic moment Jumin tries making things feel normal but it's clearly not working, would he get frustrated easily and punish her? If so, how? If you write this thank you, and if not, still thank you. I love reading your imagines. ❤️
Warnings- ns/fw-ish, petplay, yandere, punishment
Character- Jumin Han, Mystic Messenger
Aw, thank you mylovely. I hope this suits your tastes. It’s been a while since I played thisbad ending, so I hope I remember it correctly.
In the beginning,you had been thrilled! Jumin, all to yourself and no one would take him awayfrom you. He was yours, and you were his!
Jumin had the samefeelings, feeling enraptured by the sight of you, dressed up so prettily in thetight-fitting clothes he had bought you, the delicate red ribbons bringing outthe darkness in your bruises. He felt assured, knowing where you were at alltimes with the tracker hardly needed to be touched when the sound of the bellattached to your collar alerted anyone in the nearby vicinity of your incomingapproach.
He would watch yourelegant form curled up in your cage, nestling softly into the blankets laidaround the floor. The soft noises you made as you would twist and turn wasso cute.
But now, weekslater, you knew you had made a mistake, begging him to never let you escape.The second after you had said that, your fate was set in stone. Never to be changed.Only the Gods knew what would happen to you now.
He sat across you atthe table, waiting as the feast of the night was brought to the table. Darkeyes bore into your own, head tilted as his eyes flicked to each bruise thatlittered your skin. A smirk tugged at his lips. He seemed pleased.
As his butler’s leftthe dining room, you waited for his permission to begin eating. In a normalrelationship, you wouldn’t have to ask permission from your partner. Youwouldn’t be required to wear shoes with trackers implanted inside of them. Youwouldn’t be forced to show off each prominent mark that marked you as his.
You frowned, eyestilted down at your lap.
“You may eat.”
You nodded in reply,picking up your utensils and picking at the food infront of you. Judging fromthe frown on his face, it seemed as though he realised that this wasn’t normal.A person should not keep another as a pet. It was disgusting, immoral.
“How was your day?”
You shrugged yourshoulders, unsure of how to answer. The silence showed his displeasure.
“You will answer me,pet.” Silence.
He stood abruptly,chair skidding out from under the table as he made his way down the table. Hegrasped your arm with exceptional force, pulling you from your chair andpushing you to the floor.
“You will answer me,and if you do not, I assume you know what awaits you.”
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youryanderedaddy · 3 years
The Fine Print
This is a 500 followers special, babes. I wanted to write something longer (and very self - indulgent lolz), so it took more time than usual. Thank you for all the support ^^ Hope you enjoy this ;)
Words: 6.6k
Sumarry: You are Jumin Han’s housekeeper, but he’s the one who keeps you in the house ;) 
tw: female reader, illness mention, abuse of power, jealousy, obsessive behavior, possessive behavior, age gap, boss/employee, manupulation, imprisonment, kinda slow burn, financial manipulation, daddy issues?, slight generalization, victim blaming at the end
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You were nervous, terribly so. Your palms were sweaty and sticky, as if you were playing with glue minutes ago, and your cheeks felt warm to the touch. Your eyes were still slightly red and puffy from all the crying you had done last night after your father had called to inform you that your mother was indeed sick. Sicker than you or anyone else had thought, in fact, and she needed treatment right now. It was either surgery, intense physical therapy or inevitable death. That’s why you had to do this despite being nothing more than an unqualified incompetent fresh out of high school 19-year old girl. You had to try.
You had seen the article with its enormous yellow title all across the first newspaper page – “C&R International’s CEO-in-line is looking for a housekeeper”, it said in big bold letters of pitch black ink. Then your tearful gaze had wondered bellow, skipping through the countless sentences explaining how Jumin Han (the infamous son of Chairman Han) was in urgent need of a home assistant, someone to look after his luxurious penthouse and keep his „family” in check, the latter only consisting of his beloved cat and his rich wine collection. Of course the provided sum at the end of the entry was ungodly with its intimidating six digits that caused a deep sigh to die on your parted lips, chaffed from the nervous biting and the cold winter air.
You weren’t sure what exactly made you think you were cut for the job, but whether it was the desperate part of you or the delusional one, it didn’t matter now that you were in front of his door, shaking with uncertainty and even a bit of anticipation. This was a stupid idea and you knew it but there was no going back now. You vaguely remembered a tiny unimportant section of the article noting that the young CEO preferred men to take care of his apartment, and you really hoped that your memory was playing silly tricks on you. There was only one way to find out. You knocked on that heavy metal door and waited in absolute silence, the only sound one could recognize was your rapid heartbeat. You gulped loudly as the seconds went by – one, two, three, four…
And then you came face to face with Jumin Han. His hair was black and straight, yet there were playful waves towards the ends of his raven locks. His eyes were soft gray, such a contrast to the sharpness of their shape and the stern intensity of the man’s gaze. The businessman wore a formal suit and a purple handkerchief on his left side, close to his heart. His dark leather shoes were pointing right at you. He towered over you in all his glory, but the expression on his pale face only showed a little more than annoyance and boredom. Everything about the wealthy man was overwhelming to you, and he didn’t seem to care at all. In fact he seemed slightly amused at you, so wide-eyed and terrified to even open your mouth and produce a proper sound. After a few long minutes of awkward silence Jumin decided it was time to break it – not because of the way your cheeks seemed to be heating up by the second (he actually found himself enjoying that), but because he was about to be late for a meeting if you didn’t move away soon.
“What do you need, Miss?” The man spoke out suddenly, forcing you out of your racing thoughts with his low professional voice. You managed to take a deep breath and look him in the eyes, trying your very best to look humble and modest while remaining as small as possible – the last thing you wanted was to irritate the millionaire further after you had just dazed off after knocking on his door. “Khem.” You cleared your throat and fixed your skirt a bit to distract yourself from the panic currently choking you. “Hello, Mr Han.” You started off, avoiding the businessman’s merciless stare deep into your soul and focusing on his forehead. “I am here from the ad. You are in need of a housekeeper, it seems.” You continued slowly and brought your hands together. “That’s why I am here today. I would like to work with you.” You added at the end with a tiny smile on your lips. “Charisma, don’t betray me now!” You screamed mentally and exhaled all the tension accumulated in your body.
The millionaire spared you one condescending look before shaking his head. “No.” He replied in a heartbeat, no trace of emotion in his tone. Your whole body froze while your mind struggled to comprehend the harsh rejection. It was funny how one word could ruin a life and you might have laughed if you didn’t feel like crying. “You are free to go now.” The man stated dryly after you refused to move out of his way. Little did he know you wouldn’t be able to even if you tried, for the disappointment was too great.
“Sir, please give me a chance.” You uttered weakly and raised your head pleadingly only to be met with his cold, distant gaze. “If you hire me I will do anything to make sure your house feels like a real home.” You promised him desperately, saying the first thing on your mind. The last word seemed to catch the man’s attention the way light attracts a moth, and his deadly eyes lit up and softened just for a brief moment before he came back to his senses, frowning. Yet there was something else behind his scowl now, perhaps a hint of intrigue?
“You are still a kid. I can’t see how you could be of any help.” The heir remarked cheerfully, having regained his composure. The teasing smirk adorning his lips was able to make you feel at ease and alarm you at the same time, and you weren’t sure why. “I am nineteen, Sir.” You uttered, hopeful, then proceeded with introducing yourself further. “I have taken care of three younger siblings. I know a thing or two about fixing messes and taking care of small feisty beasts.” You joked and he laughed for the first time since you saw him. His laugh was dry and short – lived like his speech but it somehow managed to calm you down.
The CEO-in-line looked you up and down, cracking a smile that was all challenge and no warmth – but you were ready to take it. You would do anything for your family, and if that meant falling on your knees in front of a cold – hearted corporate bastard, so be it.
“My cat Elizabeth the 3rd is the most elegant civilized creature on this planet. She is far from a beast.” Jumin commented, his voice deep and scolding despite the attempt at humor beneath, then you nodded in return. “I believe the two of you would get along just fine.” The heir noted casually and handed you a pair of shiny silver keys. They dangled like bells, so very light in your palm you were afraid any sudden movement could break them. “You will start tomorrow at seven. Don’t be late.” The millionaire insisted before giving you a sign to move out of his way. And then just like that he was gone. You couldn’t ask him whether there would be an uniform required or what type of cleaning tools you needed to bring. Perhaps these were questions which answers you needed to find yourself.
Jumin knew girls like you the way he knew the insides of his office in the company – he had seen enough girls hanging onto his father’s sleeve like nothing more than new expensive accessories. You were always young and pretty, painfully so, with your long black skirts and tight white shirts, buttoned all the way up. You didn’t wear much makeup, just enough to make each and every man turn after you just to catch a sight of your scarlet lips or pink apple cheeks. Girls like you were usually shy at first, acting oh-so-innocent just to tug at their admirer’s heartstrings, but quickly became self – centered and greedy once they were sure of their ultimate affection. The heir hated women like you, but deep down he feared them too for he was scared of falling in love just to play the fool in the end. He wondered how much time it would take you to start making moves on him just like all the other girls did before you.
And yet the millionaire couldn’t help but admit something about you seemed very, very different than what he was used to. You intrigued him, in a way.
You couldn’t sleep well that night, constantly tossing and turning in your bed, too restless and anxious for the big day ahead. From time to time you looked at the old alarm - clock by the drawer, trying hard to focus on the red numbers it showed and counting the minutes until the tiny arrow hit five. You couldn’t wait anymore so you kicked the sheets off your warm body, dragged yourself to the shower and let your tense muscles relax under the hot water. Afterwards you spent half an hour looking for your favorite dress, but it was all worth it in the end – it made you look presentable, professional even. You picked a pair of high heels to match the formal outfit and waited patiently until it was time to go.
When you arrived at the penthouse your boss was already dressed in the hallway, standing still while staring at his watch. Some dark mean part of him wanted you to be late so he would have a reason to scold you and reduce you to the silly little girl he believed you were, but this wasn’t the case. Surprisingly, you were exactly on time, wearing a big warm smile and a pretty flowery dress reaching your knees. The heir couldn’t pass the opportunity to comment on your oblivious choice of clothing.
“This aren’t exactly working clothes, Miss Y/N.” He noted dryly, the words bitter on his tongue like medicine. You fidgeted uncomfortably and your expression soured but you remained quiet – there was little you could say in response without angering your boss, which was the last thing you wanted to do on your first day. Instead you took out a pair of yellow elastic gloves from your bag and put them on, inhaling deeply. It was going to be a long day.
“Can you please give me some instructions for today, Mr Han?” You asked the man politely, offering him a look you hoped was full of excitement and impatience to start slaving right away. “You should clean the hall, the kitchen, the bedroom, the bathroom, the guest room and all the terraces.” The businessman replied shortly after as he gestured towards the corridor leading to some of the mentioned rooms and you had to stop yourself from whispering sharply “So the whole penthouse it is, then.” But he was not finished yet. “After that you need to feed Elizabeth the 3rd and groom her. Gently.” The wealthy heir added, focusing greatly on the last part. “If I come back and find even one pile of her beautiful white fur on my ceramic tiles I will fire you on the spot.” Your boss threatened bluntly, staring deep into your eyes as if he was trying to burn a hole into your skull. You swallowed nervously all the while nodding manically. It was ridiculous – your position depended on a cat.
“If something happens you can always call security. They are at your disposal.” The man mentioned briefly and fixed the golden button of his black coat that probably cost more than your life. “You will receive your pay at the end of the month.” Jumin remarked coldly, then his lips twisted into a cruel smirk. “If you last that long, that is.” He made sure to remind you just how non - existent his trust in you was. You really needed to do your best today, which meant there was absolutely no time for slacking off and chitchat. “I understand, Sir. I will get to it.” You bowed your head to show respect to your superior and stole a glance at his large frame. He was looking at you too, dumbfounded by your calm demeanor when faced with his verbal attacks. “I wish you a peaceful day at work, Mr Han.” You said lastly before turning on your heel and heading for the kitchen with a wet towel in hand. Jumin stared at your back for a while until you entered the room and he lost your silhouette. Maybe this time things would be different, he thought as he took his leave as well.  
You had underestimated the job. Perhaps cleaning an entire house by oneself wasn’t as easy in practice as it was in theory, but you were still determined to do it before five pm. You had to make a good impression on your boss so he would keep you around long enough to receive your monthly paycheck, which alone was enough to pay for all of your mother’s hospital bills. So you wiped the dust off the shelves, cleaned and mopped the floors until you could see your own reflection, reorganized the books and clothes by color, polished the wooden tables and vacuumed everywhere. At the end you were sweaty and tired, your dress a total mess (Jumin was right about it being improper for the job, unfortunately), your hands were puffy and red, and your legs – swollen and heavy. But at the end the penthouse was sparkling from the colorful ceramic tiles to the heavy crystal chandelier in the middle of the ceiling. Everything looked perfect and it was only little past five.
You quickly fed Elizabeth the 3rd with the ridiculously expensive cat food Jumin had left and groomed her hair, using light feather touch. You had to admit that the kitty was cute and quite obedient, and so putty in your hands once you stroked her belly and scratched her behind the ears. You liked the way the soft fur felt on your hands, it was really calming and almost made you forget about your initial plan to surprise your boss with a dinner.
You didn’t lose more time in daydreams, and swept away all of the hair on the floor instead. Afterwards you moved onto preparing the products for the meal you wanted to make – nothing fancy, of course, just enough to show your gratitude towards Mr Han, who despite acting rude and distrustful, still gave you a chance to prove yourself. You decided to go with the classic baked potatoes with basil and soft chicken fillet combined with a glass of cold red wine. Much to your pride as a chef the dish turned out great and you couldn’t help stealing a few bites of the garnish before carefully setting it on the silver plate. Once you were sure that your boss would be satisfied with the cooking, the arrangement of the food and the set table you finally let yourself rest on the couch, Ellizabeth curled on your lap like a warm soft pillow.
The hall drowned in comfortable silence until you heard someone unlocking the door, followed with their heavy footsteps echoing through the long corridor. You held your breath, counting the seconds before Jumin entered the room, then exhaled slowly. It was time for showdown.
The businessman looked at you for a moment too long, then his gaze lowered to the mewing little furball snuggled tightly against your stomach. His eyes widened in shock which he tried to cover but to no avail. “The hall looks spotless and Elizabeth seems to like you, Miss Y/N.” The man stated more in accusation rather than relief, his thin lips pursed together. His hair was slightly ruffled from the winter wind but still perfect none the less. “It’s imperative that you tend to her every need.” The heir started off, but something in the air caught his attention and his eyes narrowed in puzzlement. “What is this smell?” He paused to glance at you, to which you simply pointed at the laid table across the plasma TV. Now the millionaire seemed even more baffled than before. “Did you cook this?” The man asked softly, the note of surprise thick in his smooth deep voice. You nodded carefully, standing up to head towards the table just to be taken aback by his next statement. “I already ate at work. I didn’t expect you to cook us dinner.” Jumin said quietly, a hint of guilt apparent in his gaze as he cleared his throat with an awkward cough.
He moved closer to you, so close that you could distinguish the different shades of gray and black in his eyes. “No one has ever done that before.” The man muttered under his breath, then focused on you again. “Tomorrow I will make sure to come home earlier and dine together with you.” The heir promised, cracking a tiny smile. “You are free to go now.” He announced at last as he sat on the couch and pulled the white kitty into his lap. You sighed, partly disappointed, partly relieved to go home and relax after the exhausting day. “Goodbye, Sir.” You spoke out and grabbed the silver doorknob, ready to leave. “Please, call me Jumin.” The man responded warmly as he watched you turn away.
Maybe Mr Han wasn’t so bad after all, but now he seemingly expected you to cook him dinner every day. Oh well, it was a small price to pay to insure your mother’s wellbeing. You could manage.
Being Jumin’s housekeeper came with its flaws and benefits. On one hand you were permanently stressed out by the bodyguards checking in at any given moment and the tabloids following you around whether you needed to step outside. Even if you decided to ignore the outsiders complicating your work, you still needed to do your very best each and every day to secure your position – the heir was used to absolute perfection in the company and he expected the same level of dedication when it came to his own house. There were times when you would miss a spot while cleaning the floors or forget to buy groceries, just make a small mistake, and receive a long lecture from the CEO-in-line. In those dreadful moments you felt like a child again, red – faced and squirming before someone far superior and more experienced than you would ever be. The first time this happened you expected to be fired – you even packed your stuff and waited at the door just to be met with a pair of angry eyes and a few stern words. Of course with time you learnt how to do better but you never forgot the initial panic.
There were also times when you liked your job – a lot. When you first received the fat check with all these majestic numbers written on the paper with blue ink you were simply ecstatic, and basically ran to the hospital your mother was staying in. But it wasn’t just the money. Sometimes your boss was really kind, whenever he wasn’t too tired to speak and too tense not to argue. Jumin told you stories about the company and his employees, about the market and all the little quirks of the industry he was so fascinated by. You learnt that he loved cats dearly, as well as reading and gardening. You also learnt that he could laugh and smile freely just like everybody else when given the chance to relax and be himself. More often than not you thought him to be more than just your boss – perhaps a friend or even a mentor with how persistent he was with giving you life and health advice. And you couldn’t help but notice just how much happier the man seemed since you started working for him. People used to say that all it took for a house to become a home was a gentle touch and you were starting to believe it.
It was three months into the arrangement that Jumin asked you to stay after dinner for he had something important to tell you. You quickly grew tense and nervous – the heir had never wanted to speak with you formally before so it could mean only one of two things, either a promotion (yeah, right) or a dismissal was ahead of you. Your stomach was clutching the entire time and you barely touched your food while the businessman enjoyed his meal, completely unbothered by the anxiety eating you away. Finally he raised his white handkerchief to clean his mouth and stared at you. You forgot how to breath for a moment.
“Your cooking skills always amaze me.” The director broke the silence and smiled at you, the warmth not reaching his eyes. You forced yourself to meet his eyes out of respect, despite the suffocating panic stuck in your throat. If he likes your cooking he wouldn’t just fire you, right? Right? “I really enjoyed today’s dinner.” The man added quickly and put his hands together as if he was confessing his sins. “But now onto the serious questions.” His tone turned stern and professional, distant. Here it was – the moment where he would dismiss you, leaving you with no way to support your family trough the painful tragedy. “I’m just going to say it.” The millionaire stated after a long pause as he took a deep breath, and so did you. “I want you move in here. Your pay will be doubled and I will cover all your living expenses.” He reeled off, pulling the bandage swiftly off your red injured skin. You stayed still, completely at a loss of words. You didn’t expect this at all.
“I was selected to lead an international project and I would have to work overtime until it’s finished, which would probably take several months.” The heir continued before you had the chance to disrupt him and bombard him with questions. “I won’t have time to take care of Elizabeth the 3rd and there will be some days when I won’t be able to come home at all.” The man inhaled deeply, his voice flat and monotone yet you could hear the dread and frustration hidden beneath. No one wanted to deal with so much work but as the executive director of the company Mr Han had no other choice than to take the position offered. “That’s why I need you to stay here all the time, Y/N. I trust you and I know you can take care of my house. And of Elizabeth too.” He admitted honestly, speaking from the bottom of his heart. You felt touched, almost moved from the proposition. “I would be honored, Sir.” You replied shortly after, making sure to smile sweetly, still using the respectful title even when the businessman had asked you time and time again to call him by his first name. Perhaps it was time to start doing that, as much as you would hate to blur the lines of professionalism.
Jumin liked you, he really did. You were different from the other women (and men, too), who had come and gone for one reason or another. Some he had caught stealing from the penthouse, others had tried to flirt with his father as soon as he stepped on the threshold of his home. All of them had failed at the most basic human decencies, but not you – never you. You were always kind and sweet without making the businessman feel the slightest bit of discomfort like he used to when the past housekeepers tried to strike a conversation or a small talk. You never touched him without permission and you spoke to his dad with respectful yet professional tone. You rarely indulged the CEO in his pathetic attempts at flirting, instead choosing to smile and make yourself busy while the old man found someone else to bother. You were perfect, and that’s exactly why he asked you to move in with him. Maybe his motives were a tad bit different that what he had let on but you didn’t need to know that yet. As long as you continued to behave properly the man was content. But of course his happiness didn’t last too long.
The future CEO remembered that evening crystal clear. He had come home rather early, his legs tired and his right hand numb from all the hours of writing and editing spent on the project. The man was exhausted and knew that, logically, the smartest option would be to go straight to bed, but some lonely and forgotten part of him earned to see you just for a few minutes, to immerse in your beautiful expressive eyes, the window to your small world, and to take in every wonderful word falling from your lips like honey. That’s why he had left the office this early in the evening – your boss couldn’t bear another second without your lovely company.
So he rang the ring and waited patiently, already imagining you opening the door in a loose t-shirt and a pair of boy shorts with your hair in a ponytail or even better – shattered all over your shoulders. Although the heir never admitted it, he liked all your fancy skirts and colorful blouses that embraced your perfect curves, but he loved your domestic fits even more since it gave him the illusion that you were his girlfriend, greeting him in her cute little pajamas before dragging him to the bedroom.
This time things were different. Jumin rang several times and even knocked on the door, then finally decided to check if it’s unlocked – and it was. You had either left it that way or someone had come in, both of the possibilities making the millionaire anxious. Still the businessman tried to calm down and entered the penthouse silently, keeping his cool even when he wanted to call out your name, together with a command to “come here right now”. And there you were at the center of the hall, at the center of the attention in that stupid tight dress in the color of cherries and blood and everything unholy. Your lips were red, scarlet even. You were laughing with someone, smiling wide, giggling like a damn schoolgirl, gesturing your delicate hands around like two arrows of a clock, and Jumin could see everything from his spot in the dark corridor. It took him only a couple of hushed steps to catch a glimpse of who the object of your joy was. It was none other than his own father, obviously, he really shouldn’t have expected it to be anyone else – not that the future CEO would be any less jealous of another man, but it certainly would have hurt less.
Good thing his dad was just about to leave. Good thing the old man abandoned any hope of a conversation when his son told him off with the excuse of tiredness and fatigue. Good thing his hands weren’t shaking enough to prevent him from locking the door twice thus trapping his pretty defenseless housekeeper all on her own with the demons of his broken heart.
You could feel the abrupt change in the atmosphere when your boss entered the room. He seemed uncharacteristically angry, perhaps the right word was furious, and you had no idea why. You knew that the director’s work was stressful but you had never seen him so enraged before. He came towards you and you took a step back instinctively. You weren’t scared of Jumin, of course, obviously he would never hurt you, but there was something dark and dangerous in his gaze just screaming at you to get away. Well, it’s not like you could just leave and hide in the guest room since that would be completely unprofessional and worst of all, cowardly, but you still kept your distance until your back hit the wall, which turned out a huge mistake because soon the heir was towering above you like a statue of porcelain and wrath. There was no trace of the usual soft gray color in his eyes, now they were pitch black like the winter sky.
“Was it fun, Y/N?” The millionaire asked as his right hand hit the wall behind you, cornering you between the concrete and his motionless body. You stilled immediately, shaking from the sudden movement. “Was it fun to go behind my back and take advantage of my stupid father like everyone else before you did?” The heir spat with poison, the words sour on his tongue. You opened your mouth to deny the ridiculous accusations but Jumin lowered his head against your neck, successfully silencing you. “You are my housekeeper.” The man whispered in your ear, the anger still apparent in his voice, stinging and burning in his throat, but now hidden by something else you couldn’t recognize. Something sinister. “You work for me.” He paused to rub his nose against your bristled skin, breathing in your sweet aroma and silently hoping you wouldn’t notice. “I legally own you.” The businessman added just to taunt you, the harsh reminder of your hopeless situation causing your eyes to tear up. You blinked a few times to stop the fat shameful tears and inhaled sharply – you felt like the oxygen wasn’t reaching your brain fast enough for you not to suffocate. Finally you managed to regain some level of consciousness and pushed the man far away with all your strength.
“This is a misunderstanding, Sir!” You screamed, your voice coming off as shaky and high – pitched, though that was hardly your fault. The heir blatantly stared at you in response, his predatory gaze stripping away what little was left of your pride. “I only talked to your father because I wanted to ask him about your favorite brand of wine.” You uttered weakly, too offended by Jumin’s humiliating accusations to look up and face him. Your sides were burning with embarrassment even though you knew you didn’t have a reason to feel that way – it was your boss who should have felt ashamed by his rash conclusions and absurd behavior. “I… I wanted to buy you a gift to show you my gratitude. Since you gave me this job and all.” You admitted softly while playing with your fingers. Now your whole plan seemed stupid, it had completely lost its meaning because of the way the businessman had treated you. Like a possession, simply a puppet to be controlled and dragged around. You should have known that all rich men were the same controlling bastards who never saw their employees as people. But at the end of the day you still needed the job, desperately so, maybe even more than before, because you mom was finally getting better and you didn’t have it in you to cut off her only life support. So swallowing the tears and the insults still fresh in your memory, you bowed your head.
“I am sorry that my actions made you angry, Jumin.” You muttered and gulped through all the bitter comments stuck on the tip of your tongue, then finally raised your head. The heir was glancing at you, his limbs just hanging awkwardly around his body as his eyes filled with guilt and regret. Serves him right, you thought. “I really didn’t mean to upset you.” You assured him, faking sorrow the best way you could. “I didn’t know you had such… issues with your former home assistants.” You remarked as you watched the man take a deep breath and take a step back from the corner, creating a safe distance between the two of you.
“No, Y/N, you did nothing wrong. Please forgive me.” The millionaire begged you after his initial silent shock. His eyes were open wide and his lower lip was trembling slightly, which almost gave him an honest apologetic look. You almost fell for it too, then you remembered the way he had touched you while he had you pinned against his body, and you felt sick again. “I made a terrible assumption. I assure you it will never happen again.” The man promised, hoping whole – heartedly that you would believe him. You nodded slowly and stared at the floor. “It’s just that… Well, the last housekeeper was dismissed because of an affair with my father. I guess it made me paranoid.” He chuckled darkly and fixed his tie to shake off the uncomfortable feeling in his guts. This wasn’t supposed to happen. “Once again, I’m really sorry.” Your boss repeated like a mantra and you wondered whether he actually meant any of the apologies.
“It’s fine.” You replied at last, desperate to get to bed as soon as possible and dream this terrible night away, yet the conversation seemed endless. “I understand.” You added, shrugging your shoulders in a light manner. The millionaire offered you a tired smile.
“You always do.” He whispered.
After the incident things could never be the same. Jumin became sickly – sweet to you, constantly trying to compensate his past actions by giving you gifts and raising your pay, which, while very distasteful, greatly helped your end – goal. You found yourself with enough money to cover your mom’s monthly hospital bills, and you even managed to save up a few bucks. You wondered whether you would ever be able to do something you truly love and enjoy. You had always dreamed of going to university so you often ended up fantasizing about leaving your job and pursuing higher education. Right now this was impossible as the penthouse had turned into a prison rather than a safe space for you. Mr Han rarely let you go outside like he used to – now he simply asked one of his many bodyguards to deal with the tasks downtown. He claimed that he only wanted to protect you from his dad and the tabloids but with each passing day you believed him less and less. It just didn’t make sense.
You still acted the same way towards your boss, you had dinner together and chatted from time to time, often, always. The businessman seemed to want to learn every little thing about you, from your favorite color to your biggest dreams in life. All of a sudden the future CEO was showering you in compliments, be it your working skills, your dedication, your intelligence or even the clothes he used to hate on so much. You couldn’t stand it anymore. It was driving you insane – the cold affections, the isolation, the routine, all of it.
Fortunately, rescue came soon in the form of a phone call. It was from your mother’s main doctor who told you that enough money had been transferred in order to buy foreign equipment necessary for the life – saving surgery your mom needed to survive the next few years. Upon hearing this you felt overwhelmed, but still so happy you couldn’t contain your tears. You would finally be able to go home and visit your family, start college or even just enjoy life as an young adult without limitations and restrictions at every turn. You couldn’t wait a second longer so you packed your stuff that very morning. “Goodbye, Elly” you muttered as you squeezed the tiny furball for the last time, hugging it tight against your chest. It was the only creature from this hellhole you were actually going to miss.
Your boss was home at exactly 7 pm, smiling warmly as you set the table and made sure to light some scented candles to ease the atmosphere – this wasn’t going to be an easy conversation, but it had to be done sooner or later.
“Jumin, I want to quit.” You started off carefully as you met Jumin’s soft adoring gaze. Well, not so adoring anymore now that your words sank in properly. “And why is that?” The businessman replied in a heartbeat, trying desperately (and failing miserably) to sound casual, unbothered. “Are you unsatisfied by the pay? Because I can always rai-.” The director stated blatantly, his voice as flat as it was the first time you met him. “No.” You cut him off before he had a chance to finish his sentence. “Then what is the problem? Tell me, Y/N.” The heir demanded, slowly getting impatient. It was already hard to remain calm in your company when you looked at him with those big puppy eyes and that cheerful grin of yours, but he would take it any day over this nonsense about leaving him.
“I want to go to university, to study and travel around the world. I am still young and inexperienced but I’m sure I will be able to find a new job in my field in no time.” You declared confidently despite your mental alarms going off, signaling for the danger ahead. Jumin studied you for a moment, then sighed in frustration, whispering something you couldn’t quite catch.
“I really didn’t want to do this, darling.” The future CEO responded in a cold, distant way, still making sure to put focus on the last word. Darling. Why would he say that? “Your mother… she is in the Central Hospital, right?” He asked out of the blue, a devilish flame dancing in his dark orbs. You felt your heart sink to your stomach and once again you couldn’t breath or speak properly, so you simply nodded like a mutt. “Her next surgery seems to be very important, doesn’t it?” His voice cut right through your heart like an arrow soaked in poison. “How do you know about that?” You uttered once you found the strength to. You had never seen your boss with such a frightening expression on his face. “It doesn’t matter.” Jumin paused to stand up and slam his hands on the table, the rich red wine spilling all over the expensive fabric of the cover. “It would be a pity if the doctor happened to decline the surgery all of a sudden, don’t you think?” He observed mockingly, moving closer to you, causing you to squirm uncomfortably in your seat and try to take as little space as possible.
“You wouldn’t dare.” You muttered as your whole body trembled in shock and disgust. This couldn’t be happening. This couldn’t be happening right now. “Trust me, I will.” The heir replied shortly after, tilting your chin up so you would meet his gaze, full of desire, lust and pure spite. “You know that I am madly in love with you.” He whispered in your ear, his hot breath spreading onto the sensitive skin of your neck. “You have always known, my little temptress.” The businessman placed a soft wet kiss down your throat and cold shivers ran down your spine. You were afraid to move an inch. “And you know that I wouldn’t stop at anything to have you.” He continued haunting you as he showered you in his twisted affection. “So let’s just stop pretending, shall we, darling?” The man offered as he sank his teeth deep into your warm flesh.
Perhaps you had been deluding yourself far too long. And maybe, just maybe, this play - pretend had consumed you just as much as it had destroyed him. You had ignored the signs. You had lied to yourself.
This was the fate you chose.
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