#yandere merman part 2
Even Deeper Waters | Yandere Merman (Part 2)
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“Alright boys let’s get our old cruiser moving!” 
“Aye Aye!” 
The muffled sounds of yelling men rang through your ears along with various pounding of boots sending vibrations along the surface you lied against. You felt yourself moving. Swaying like a baby in a swing, you almost succumbed to sleep’s seductive pull at your eye-lids. Trying to settle once more you found yourself nuzzling against something firm…and….cold. It was then that a painful stab of pain climbed up your spine that had you snapping up to nurse the boney system. Only to bring another flash of pain as you smashed your head against a similar surface. You blinked your eyes with vengeance, desperately trying to make out your assailant only to just barely register the badly lit environment. 
A small eye-sized window let the smallest beam of natural light illuminate the steely quarters you were kept in. Showing the metal bunk beds hanging along, its very close together walls spread apart just wide enough for a knobless door. Metallic and unlabeled all you could make out was a panel, a dip in the surface of an otherwise blank door. 
Squinting your eye with great difficulty you eyed the contrasting textures of blue rapidly moving, told apart by the splotches of fluffy white wisps and flying birds.
You cringed at the hoarseness of your voice, rubbing at your throat as you collected your thoughts. The memories of Vain and the fear pumping your heart, had you stilling in disbelief. 
Was it real? 
That he killed all the staff of the Aquatic center? That he feasted on humans in general? And that he had full intentions of bringing you to wherever he was from? 
It couldn’t have been a dream. The pinpointed pain in your arm said so. Recalling the spine that sneakily shot out from under his skin to inject you with something. A shiver ran up your back, making you rub at sore spot with defeat. 
What now?
The sound of multiple metal clicks from behind the door had you sitting up straight. Wondering if it’d be Vain to release you or some old-fashioned pirate; at this point either was expected. When the door swung open it revealed a grimy man scanning the small room before landing on you. With a sniff he waved to someone beyond, an exhausted look on his face.
“Come on then your cargo is awake.” 
His accented voice called to the mysterious person who seemed to make a face as the round-bellied man stayed perched in the door way. With a groan the man moved revealing an uncannily familiar face. 
“My darling! I’m so glad you’re okay!”
“Shhh I know your throat hurts just give me a second.” 
He shuffled some things in his hands: a thermos, a container, and a rag. Too bewildered to process anything you watch him, almost frantically, put the other items down to open the thermos. You reached for it only for him to move over them to hold your chin as he made you drink. His quick movements bypassed your own, leaving you to flounder and focus on guzzling the drink down. 
“That’s it baby! Good job.”
You hated the way he said that, looking up at him with a glare. He continued to smile down at you, eyes squinted in a sadistic fashion. Wordlessly you both seem to make the connection of the roles reversed; one of you giddy at the thought and the other disgusted. 
You finished the drink, unable to actually pull away as he moved his hold from your chin to your head. Forced to drink so fast you barely registered what it was you were drinking, only able to lick your lips in an attempt to recall the flavor. Opening your mouth to question him you were stopped by him shoving food into your mouth. Similarly he hand fed you the finger friendly food gleefully swatting your fighting hands and letting his finger dance around your lips. 
With a full belly you sat back, finally registering the non-human humming in satisfaction. He looked different. His face was softer. Plump around the cheeks and hair much longer than before. It meant he had eaten well and could avoid being directly recognized. Convenient for man eating merman.+
“What is–”
“Are ya done?! I’m getting tired of your lovey-dovey crap!” 
The  man had crossed his arms and puffed his chest as if Vain was already protesting. Vain wasn’t even looking at him when his pleased smile dropped and his eyes narrowed in a deadly glare. 
“Right, right. Sorry to hold you Captain, you have a whole ship to command.”
Before following the grumbling human he flashed you a smile; a smile that showed a minor resemblance to pinchers he used to threatened you with before.
“Rest easy (Y/n) we’ll be home soon.”
At the sound of the metal door slamming and locking you were once again encapsulated in near darkness. Forced to succumb to the tiredness only food brings, you settled into the uncomfy frame, dwelling on those words before drifting off. 
‘Home, huh?’
Something must have been in that food. 
Or maybe it was the drink he was so insistent that you finish. It might’ve been unintentional, to have a meal that had your whole body aching while having you fade in an out from a restless sleep. Plagued with nightmares of your time with the captive-mermaid Vain and your imagination’s retelling of your coworker’s end. Only this time, you couldn’t sit up and clutched your pillow in the comfort of your room. No you were in a cold, uncomfortable cell, unable to even hold yourself to rock yourself back to sleep. The only comfort you had was the apparent rocking of the ship.
The strange swaying of a boat on ocean waves could be equated to the comfort of a rocking babe or by the drunken driving of car in wild winds. Teetering between soothing and anxiety-inducing you didn’t fight your eyelids shutting in the darkness of the cell. Like a weighted ball and chain your consciousness began to slip, dipping deeper into the realm of sleep despite the outlying factors. The rocking. The muffled shouts. The roaring waves. 
It didn’t stop you from falling asleep once more.
When you awoke again the aching in your limbs had subsided and you were able to sit up. Still feeling a haze of tiredness you hazingly collected the remnants of your spotted memory. Sluggishly you stood, leaning on the bunked beds to the small space of wall. You looked out the eyeglass, taking in the cloudless blue sky against the dark moving waters of the ocean. Blinking away from the myriad of blue you turned around, straightening up when you registered the crack in the door.
You couldn’t imagine this was done on purpose by the grody Captain who snarked about ‘not messing with the cargo.’ No doubt a strict but crooked sailor that was keen on getting paid, he reminded you of the executives at your job. Who would sooner put their life on the line then sully the ‘integrity’ of their objectives. Which fanned the festering nervousness in the deepness of your gut. 
With hesitation you stepped out only now registering the creaking wood against your bare feet. Leaning against the walls of the ship’s hull, scanning for any signs of life, you focused on the light coming from a swinging door. Finding no one it only urged you further to the light. Climbing the stairwell you couldn’t help but squint at the sudden exposure to the sun. Holding your hand up to shield your eyes as you scanned for some sign of life. Dropping your hand as you enjoyed the salty sea breeze, letting your eyes close as you relished in the sun’s heat.
“Ah I’m glad to see you up, I honestly didn’t expect you’ll be able to move.”
You turned swiftly fully aware of that inspid voice only to step back at his appearance.
He was a foot taller, his hair longer, and his skin had a tint of blue. His teeth were much sharper, making for a smile that was more intimidating then anything. 
“...You ate again didn’t you?”
He chuckled holding a finger to his chin, “Was it that obvious?”
He hopped a little, making you flinch. He laughed again stepping closer to you and you stepped back, bumping into the railing of the sailboat. Finned arms caged you in purposefully squeezing himself against your person, giving you a ghastly whiff of his breath. 
“How have you been feeling? Ready to go home?”
“My home…our home silly-darling!” 
“Is that–”, you looked over your shoulder at the waving water.
A deep trill or something reverberated from his chest, feeling it within your own. Moving closer to you, you turned from him leaning as close as you could to the railing, unintentionally urging the Mer-man to tighten his hold around you. He put his head on your shoulder looking at your eyes as you glared at the sea. 
“It is.”
“But I can’t breathe underwater, you'll kill me…Is that what you wanted?”
He took a deep inhale against your skin, leaving you no room to pull away as he peppered your neck with kisses.
“Of course not, you’re ready enough.”
Before you could say anymore he easily wrapped his hands around your waist launching you into the water. Naturally you flailed in an attempt to tread but you weren’t aware of how hard it was to do that. Reaching out to the smiling Vain it wasn’t long before you fell under the water’s surface. Expecting to feel water feel your lungs you didn’t fight closing your eyes as you lost sight of the sun’s rays reaching through the water.
‘Hold on?’
You weren’t dead. You could breath. You could see. 
You attempted to move around but your legs and arms weren’t much help. Especially not in comparison to Vain who dived in with tails and dorsal fins swimming towards you with ease.
“Come on, (Y/n). You didn’t think I’d let you die like that easily, did you? You’re mine darling and I said we were going home…didn’t I?”
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yandere-writer-momo · 9 months
🦇New Profile Pin🦇
Welcome to my Domain of Debauchery
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Hi, I’m Momo. I am a writer for a fantasy yandere blog. My request blog is only open for original work now, it’s not longer for fandom (once in a blue moon I will dabble).
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What you can request: anything. There are no rules because it’s all original work now. For Baki, my rules are simply no incest or Noncon.
This is a fantasy/ horror/ Yandere blog now so I now have creative freedom without worrying about keeping a character ‘in character.’ They can be as insane as anyone wants.
But I still will be writing Baki fanfics/ head canons. (Love my muscular men +Kozue)
If there is a specific original character you have in your head that you’d like to come to life, just let me know. I’ll do my best to make it 🖤
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Please Buy Me a Coffee? 🖤
Master list:
Original Work:
Insatiable 🌶️
The Sponser
Love Me More
Pinky Promise (Part 1)
Baki Short Stories (Not Yandere):
A Hug (Jack)
Eat (Retsu)
Don’t Push It (Jack)
A Piece of Me (Shiba Chiharu)
Oppai (Katsumi)
Yandere Baki Short Stories:
Mine (Hanayama and Kizaki) 🌶️
Family (Katsumi and Jack)
Him & Him (Katsumi and Retsu) 🌶️
Later (Yujiro)
Pet (Baki) 🌶️
Hold on (Baki)
Extra Eyes (Baki and Hanayama) 🌶️
I’m Here Now (Katsumi)
Promise (Part 1) (Katsumi and Katou)
Promise (Final Part) (Katsumi and Katou)
Katsumi Yandere fluff (Katsumi)
The Edge (Hanayama) 🌶️
Loco (Jun)
Fantasies (Katou)
Training (Katou) 🌶️
All Bark, No Bite (Katou) 🌶️
More (Katsumi)
A Miracle (Katsumi)
Wake Up (Jack)
Awake (Jack and Hanayama)
Three’s A Crowd But Four’s A Party (Pickle)
Belonging (Jack) 🌶️
Fate (Jun)
Baby With My Baby (Katsumi) 🌶️
The Spectator (Hector and Katsumi) 🌶️
Change of Fate (Retsu)
A Game of Cat and Mouse (Hanayama)
Rent-a-girlfriend (Harem)
Courtship (Pickle)
Saccharine Kisses (Matsumoto Kozue)
My Beloved Best Friend (Hector Doyle)
Paparazzi (Hanayama Kaoru)
Covet (Hanayama and Katsumi)
Longing (Part 1) (Katsumi) 🌶️
Longing (Final) (Katsumi) 🌶️
Delusion (Baki)
Destiny (Hanayama)
Genderbend Baki
Bambi, Jackie, and Kaori 🌶️
Head Canon
Suzuna (Sukune)
Bambi 🌶️
Taste (Kaori)
Juliana and Oliva
Sonia and Gaia
Humdah Ali Jr
Violet Kisses (Kasumi and Jackie)
Violet Kisses (2) (Kasumi, Jackie, & Kaori)
Violet Kisses (Final) (Jackie, Kasumi, & Kaori) 🌶️
Monster Baki
Haunted (Retsu) 🌶️
Little Mate (Katsumi) 🌶️
The Dragon’s Bride (Prelude) (Hanayama)
The Dragon’s Bride (Hanayama and Jack)
The Corpse Husband (Katsumi)
Harpy Hanayama
Moth Man Pickle
Merman Pickle
Merman Pickle (Part 2)
Merman Baki
How Deep is Your Love (Jun and Katsumi)
Merman Hanayama
Werewolf Jack
Lamb to the Slaughter (Jack)
Lost and Found (Part 1) (Jun and Oliva)
Wonderland AU:
Down the Rabbit Hole (Harem)
Tea Party (Retsu)
The Red Knight (Hanayama)
Yandere Baki Book:
Heart Shaped Wound (novel)
Baki Kinktober 2023:
Day 1: Hector Doyle 🌶️
Day 2: Shinogi Kureha 🌶️
Day 3: Katsumi Orochi 🌶️
Day 4: Doppo Orochi 🌶️
Day 5: Gaia & Sikorsky 🌶️
Day 6: Jack Hanma 🌶️
Day 7: Baki Hanma 🌶️
Day 8: Kaioh Retsu 🌶️
Day 9: Biscuit Oliva 🌶️
Day 10: Katsumi Orochi (lime)
Day 11: Kiyosumi Katou 🌶️
Day 12: Biscuit Oliva 🌶️
Day 13: Hanayama Kaoru 🌶️
Day 14: Nomi no Sukune the 2nd 🌶️
Day 15: Yujiro Hanma 🌶️
Day 16: Pickle 🌶️
Day 17: Hanayama Kaoru 🌶️
Day 18: Izou Motobe 🌶️
Day 19: Pickle & Jack 🌶️🌶️
Day 20: Jun Guevara
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violet-butterflies · 10 months
❥︎ yandere! Merman
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❥︎ Warnings ! ☞︎︎︎ sexual harassment, kidnapping ( male yandere! oc x gn reader ) Click to see part 2 and a nsfw spin-off !
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It was a dark and stormy night when you first met the merman. You were a lighthouse keeper on a tiny island that was not densely populated. The people that did live on the island were mostly fishermen that lead a peaceful and simple life. However, this night was not peaceful. The storm was roaring and the tides were filled with rage.
You simply went to town to buy a few things and maybe grab a drink with the friendly residents when the storm picked up, forcing you to retreat inside a cave near the sea. You thought it was dangerous since the cave could be flooded when the tides were high but the thunder and lightning seemed even more dangerous since you were walking around the beach with no trees in sight.
You expected to be bored inside a moist and salty-smelling cave but what happened was far from what you had expected.
Inside was a beautiful and ethereal merman who stared at you with wide and scared eyes. He had long white hair that was decorated with seaweed and pearls. He had nothing on, showing off his well-toned body. The most unbelievable part was the fact that instead of legs, there was a long and shimmering silver tail that was covered in scars and a fin that looked like it had a hole in it.
You awkwardly tried to approach it, trying to not scare the merman but failing since he started to thrash in the small pool of water in the cave.
"Shh, shh, shh... I'm not gonna hurt you," you said quietly and gently. The merman must've sensed that you meant no harm as he let you come closer.
The trust only grew when you spent the night, trying to help treat his injuries with the very minimal supplies that you had.
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The next few weeks, you'd come and accompany the merman inside the cave. Not only that, you'd come and bring him food and books to show him. Your days mostly consisted of nothing before sunset when your job actually starts anyways so you had plenty of time to spare. Of course, you kept his existence a secret since you didn't want to bring any harm to your new friend.
It was odd though, his wounds have long healed but he kept lingering in the cave. You were on your wits end as you didn't know what he wanted and he can't speak English. You tried teaching him but, you weren't sure if it was because he was half fish, but he was not the smartest being.
You were about to stand and leave the cave to do your job before the merman snatched your hand and pulled you into the water with him. Startled, your body froze as the merman smiled when he looked at you. He hugged you and began to kiss your neck. Not only that, he began clawing at your clothes as he gave you a passionate kiss. You eventually snapped out of it before biting the merman's tongue hard to surprise him into letting you go. You quickly swam back to land and looked at the water with wide eyes. The merman looked at you with a look of surprise and desperation as he tried to go on land to take you back into his hands.
That obviously didn't work though since you ran out before he could even begin to get his whole body out of the water.
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You didn't bother coming back to the cave since you felt scared and confused at the incident.
The merman basically forced himself on you but on the other hand, he was a mermaid that probably didn't know anything about human knowledge or consent. Still, though, you felt uncomfortable and it was probably better to leave him alone so he can go back into the ocean.
You didn't expect to ever see him again until you saw a familiar figure flopping on the beach just in front of your secluded lighthouse. In an instant, your eyes went wide as you rushed out to the merman before anyone sees him.
As soon as you came into the merman's line of sight, his eyes lights up and began trying to flop faster towards you.
"What are you doing here?! You can be here!"
"I... I sorryyyy" the merman attempted to say with a slow and dragged accent. You can't help but feel surprised since you didn't expect him to remember anything you tried to teach him.
You somehow got him back into the ocean and as you turned around to go back to shore, he pulled you down into the ocean with him. Deeper and deeper until the ocean covers your senses.
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rollinouttahere-writes · 11 months
(Don’t) Face Your Fears: Part 2
Yandere Merfolk Straw Hats x GN!Reader
1.8k words
Part 1
This is the second part to that merfolk story I wrote before that I retroactively added a name to once I realized it wasn’t just going to be a one off.
Despite several members of his crew wanting to come with him, the river cutting through your island consisting of freshwater meant that only Luffy could go. Sure, Franky did build what was essentially a mobile saltwater pool that Luffy could use to bring some of them along, but he didn’t have it nearby and Luffy wasn’t willing to wait.
He wanted to see you again, and he wanted to do so now.
Being a bull shark had many perks, and he was currently using two of them. One being the coveted ability to swim in both fresh and saltwater, and the other being an impeccable sense of smell. It was best in water, but this island was so small that he could easily follow your trail. An awfully long trail, he noted. You are quite the runner! Usopp would have some stiff competition if you were merfolk, too.
Your unique scent came to a head, bringing Luffy to a halt. Pulling himself up onto the river bank, he sniffed the air to confirm that you were nearby. Somewhere in the house not far from where he is to be exact. A sharp grin spread across his face. He was right! You do live near the river! This will make getting ahold of you much easier.
Before he could pull himself fully out of the river, someone exited the house. Not just any person, but you. Luffy quietly slipped his upper body back into the river, leaving only his head poking out of the water.
Your footsteps drew closer, stopping slightly upstream from where he was. Once there, you dropped onto the ground and buried your face in your hands. Luffy watched curiously as you groaned loudly and scowled at the river when you pulled your hands away from your face. Is this a human thing? He’s intrigued and inches closer. Humans have awful night vision, he isn’t concerned about being noticed before he wants to be.
“I can’t believe this. Months of work wasted because I just had to run into merfolk during my first trip into the ocean,” you muttered under your breath. “What kind of stupid bad luck is that?”
Bad luck? You meeting and coming to their rescue was good luck! Great luck even! Luffy frowned at what you said. He knows he startled you earlier, but he thought it was just because you were surprised to see a merman up close.
Did you just… not like merfolk?
Why not? He can guess that he was the first merman to ever be so close to you. How could you come to dislike people you’ve never really gotten to know? That doesn’t make any sense. If you were willing to help people despite your obvious discomfort, then surely you couldn’t be a hateful person.
An idea suddenly clicks in his head. Other humans must be telling you awful things about them!
Nodding with resolve, Luffy swam even closer. When he was right in front of you, he launched himself out of the water and wrapped his arms around you. You immediately tried to scream, but he was prepared for you to do that after your last interaction and slapped a hand over your mouth.
You kicked and thrashed in his arms, and it only increased as he began pulling you into the water with him. You’re definitely not weak, he’ll give you that, but you aren’t stronger than him either. 
By the time he settles back into the water, you’re hysteric. You’re still trying to scream for help even with his hand in the way, and he can feel hot tears streaming down onto him. That makes him feel a little bad about what he’s doing. He doesn’t want to upset you, he just wants to show you that merfolk aren’t anything to be scared of.
“Calm down, I’m not going to hurt you!” If you heard him, you made no indication that you did. You were still fighting him hard and digging your puny human claws into his arm. What were these people telling you that had you acting this terrified?! 
Luffy became distracted as he picked up on more scents and heard doors being opened. It would seem that his hand wasn’t keeping you as quiet as he’d hoped, especially not with how much you were splashing in the water. Looks like you two are going to have to leave.
Pushing off, he hastily makes his way down the river and towards the ocean. You probably wouldn’t listen if he told you to hold your breath, so he settled for swimming with you balanced on top of his chest. This was easier said than done. Between swimming upside down and your squirming, he wound up dropping you into the water.
Bizarrely, you went from doing everything to get away from him to desperately reaching your arms out to his figure and holding on for dear life. Luffy pulled you back up onto him, patting your back as you hacked up the water you’d inhaled. Much to his relief, this experience seemed to have settled you down somewhat.
You didn’t look happy by any means, but you weren’t fighting against him anymore, so he considered this a victory. Seeing that there wasn’t anyone around, Luffy decided to try talking to you again, “Hi! I’m Luffy!”
“Please don’t drown me!” You sobbed, “I’m sorry for whatever I did to make you mad, please don’t kill me!”
Drown you? Kill you??? Luffy is completely bewildered by your pleas. Sure, he did drop you just now, but that was an accident! “Whoa there, no one is going to kill you! I’m sorry I dropped you, I didn’t mean to.”
“Then what do you want from me? Please just let me go, I promise I won’t tell anyone about this!” 
What’s got you so damn freaked out? He doesn’t get it. How dangerous are the people around here that you’re so horrified by him? Does every new person you come across try to harm you? That must be the case. 
“I wanted to see you again! Also, I want you to join my crew! You seem really nice, so I think you’ll fit in great,” Luffy beamed at you, not paying attention to how you recoiled from his teeth.
“Join your crew?! Are you insane?! I’m not one of you!” You spat out incredulously.
“What’s that got to do with anything? We don’t mind tugging you around in a boat,” Luffy didn’t really get why you were being so argumentative about this. He already told you that he’s not going to hurt you, what’s the hold up? These other humans must really have you brainwashed. Good thing he’s here to save you from them!
“I don’t want to be pulled around on a boat in the middle of the ocean, I want to go home!” You shrieked while frantically peering around to check your surroundings.
Much to Luffy’s relief, he’d finally made it out of the river and into the ocean. Once he’s gotten you away from this awful island, he’s sure you’ll calm down and be more willing to listen. You’ll love all the other crew members after you get to know them, he just knows it! You won’t even want to go back to this pathetic island after they’ve made friends with you.
“You’re back already? Could you not- You’ve got to be kidding!” Sanji surfaced and swam straight at you two. “You really thought it was a good idea to drag them out here just like that?”
You cringed away from the new shark and looked like you were about to faint. Luffy couldn’t help but puff out his chest in pride as you clung onto him, obviously a part of you recognized that he could protect you. 
“I had to! Other humans showed up, and I couldn’t just leave them all alone there!” Luffy nuzzled his face into your hair, choosing to ignore the way you shuddered from the contact. You’re probably just a little cold.
“That’s bullshit! No one came out until after you dragged me in!”
Sanji’s eyes narrowed at Luffy, “This is why we didn’t want you to go alone, you have no tact!”
“Like you would have done any better! You would’ve just creeped them out if you’d gone,” Nami jabbed. Sanji sulked away, not even attempting to plead his case. Nami, on the other hand, swam closer to you, eyeing you up curiously. She reached out to experimentally tug on your wet clothing, not paying any mind to how uncomfortable you looked.
Chopper was the next to appear. You were definitely surprised by his appearance, but seemed more confused than scared by him. The doctor went right up to you, visibly concerned, “Luffy! You can’t just drag a human into the water like this! It’s cold enough that they could get hypothermia if we don’t get them someplace dry soon!”
You latched onto this immediately, “Y-Yeah, you should take me back to shore before I get sick!”
“Don’t worry, I got this covered!” Franky pulled a self made boat over, “It’s not much yet, but I’ve got biiiig plans for this thing.” The boat in question looked like a small house boat. There weren’t any doors on it, just an open three walled structure for shelter. 
“Oooh, good thinking, Franky!” Luffy happily approached the boat and heaved you onto it. The second you were out of his arms, you scrambled into the walled off part of it. You stared at them with wide eyes with your back pressed up against one of the walls.
More of his crew appeared, wanting to get a good look at you now that you weren’t actively running away from them. With each head that popped out of the water, you curled in on yourself more and more.
“Are you sure this is a good idea? What if other humans come after us to get them back? Don’t we have enough enemies already?” Usopp was hanging back, still skittish about this whole idea.
“Of course it is! They’re our friend now, so we’ll protect them!” Luffy pulled himself up onto the boat while you shrank back even farther. He turns to face you, grinning even wider than he already was, “Don’t worry about all those awful humans on that island, we won’t let them hurt you!”
“What are you talking about? Everyone there is-”
“Very dangerous and spreading lies about what merfolk are like! You don’t need to say anything, I already figured it out,” Luffy nodded proudly.
“You didn’t figure shit out, you maniac!” 
No one listened to you, and there was a chorus of groans from the merfolk. This was hardly anything new to them, humans always assumed the worst of them. 
Admittedly, Luffy didn’t have a long term plan for what to do with you yet, but he’s already made it this far without ever making any plans. Everything will fall into place soon enough, and you’ll learn to be grateful for his extremely considerate rescue.
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kiame-sama · 9 months
Aquarium- (Yandere!Merman!Chrollo x Reader) pt 2
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Warnings; part 2, continuation of story, kidnapping, theft, yandere, mer-creature yandere, obsessive behavior, possessive behavior, involuntary physical change, mention of past noncon, some nsfw themes and moments, breeding kink, oviposition and mention of past oviposition, lactation kink,
You slowly awoke, feeling oddly weightless and almost like the air around you was heavy. It took a moment for you to wake up further before you realized a handful of things simultaneously. The first was that you were suspended in water, the second was that you could still breathe, and finally you realized that there were two new attachments to either side of your ribs.
Impulsively, you reached up to grab at the odd things only to see they were actually sewn into your soft skin. It was more than a bit disorienting to see the new attachments and to see the extremely swollen state of your soft stomach.
As you scratched and tried to pull at the surprisingly tender attachments, the sound of clattering rocks made you stop your wild attempts and turn to look at the source of the sound. Though the light was limited minus what seemed to be some sunlight filtering down from a few cracks in the top of the stone cavern you were in, you could see an oddly familiar man. He was at the mouth of the cavern- which seemed to be the only entrance or exit- and spoke once he saw he had your attention.
"Darling, you can't take them off. I have ensured they will remain affixed to you for the remainder of your life. Even if you did damage them somehow, I would not allow you to drown."
You scoffed angrily. Despite the fact you were clearly in some kind of liquid, you knew humans couldn't breathe beneath the water. Clearly you were under the influence of something to make you think you were in water.
"Drown? What the hell? Where am I? The fuck are these things? Why the hell do I look pregnant-?"
The raven haired man pressed a finger to your lips to silence your questions and you vaguely felt the desire to bite the finger he held against your soft flesh. You fought against the impulse as you glared at the man who seemed more amused with your anger than anything. It was the octopus-man from the aquarium- Chrollo- and quickly your memories began to return to you.
You remembered being in the aquarium late at night and you remembered the man attacking you. Beyond that, you vaguely remembered the way he forced himself onto you and made you comply with his demands. It was difficult to remember much else beyond that and you felt anger bubble up in you.
"You can drown if you remove your new gills. The... Original owner... Won't be needing them anymore. You are in one of my dens. Well, in one of the back caverns of my den, to be exact. I will be keeping you here until you adjust to your new aquatic life. As for why you appear pregnant," he paused and two of his tentacles came up to caress your stomach, the other tentacles preventing you from stopping his gentle exploration, "it is because you are pregnant. You are full of my brood and I have no intention of allowing you to get away from me. You're stuck with me."
Chrollo kissed your shoulders gently as he held you in a warm embrace, his tentacles and arms wrapped around you to keep you close. Each slow drag of his lips across your skin made you shiver slightly, your heart fluttering in your chest like the fragile wings of a butterfly. Thousands of questions rolled around in your mind, but the one that bothered you the most kept coming up.
"Why did you bring me here?"
Chrollo didn't stop the lazy way he traced his fingers and tentacles over your back, letting out a hum of contemplation. He didn't answer for a moment as his hand came to a brief pause when it reached your very swollen stomach, fingertips dancing over the delicate skin. You disliked the way he smiled and seemed to marvel at your swollen insides as if he were beyond pleased with the way you were stuffed full.
"I brought you here for the sole purpose of filling you with my eggs. My brood already grows within you and your body has adapted excellently to carrying them."
You felt dread wash over you, unable to tell if you were crying or not beneath the water. Honestly, you didn't know if you could cry anymore. Chrollo seemed to sense your sorrow all the same and nuzzled your neck, his attempt at soothing you only upsetting you further.
"Why..? Why me?"
"I have explained this to you already, Darling. You are unique and different from that which I expect from others. That and your ever intoxicating scent appeals to me in a way others do not."
The silence was heavy and seemed even heavier under the water, faint sunlight filtering into the underwater den Chrollo kept you in. Even if you tried to escape, you had no idea if you could go back to being on land for very long given the odd gills that you woke up with. They certainly seemed like a permanent attachment, meaning that he was likely to do this to you multiple times, not content with just one clutch of eggs growing within you.
"So, you... You put your eggs in me?"
"Yes, and I intend to do it countless more times after this."
"But I don't want to carry your eggs for you!"
"I don't remember ever asking what you want."
The harsh words made you recoil as best you could in his grasp, the octopus man almost seeming amused with your distressed attempts to get away from him. You barely put any space between the two of you as there seemed to be no true escape from the tentacles that held you. One adjusted its grasp and lightly dragged over your aching chest, making you unconsciously whimper and flinch in response.
"Sore breasts?"
"How- how do you..?"
"I can tell your body is preparing for our brood. It is ensuring there is enough of your warm and flavorful milk for our brood to feast on. You've been producing milk these past few days."
It was surprising to hear this as you hadn't even realized that you were lactating, let alone having been doing it for days now. You were still trying to adjust to life under the water, though your eyes were adjusted long before you opened them to your new surroundings, your mind was struggling to catch up. Of course he would know more about your body at this moment than you would, it seemed to just be another one of his unfair advantages.
"I don't know or care how you know what my... my milk tastes like, but-"
"You truly believe I wouldn't help myself while you rest?"
"I didn't want to know! Either way," you crossed your arms in an attempt to cover your chest, "I'm sure as hell not letting you have anymore-"
"It has never once been about what you want, but what I can make you do. Right now, I have a duty to take care of my mate, and your breasts are obviously sore, so let me relieve some of that pressure."
Despite the way you tried to struggle against him, Chrollo easily used his tentacles to pin your arms to your side. The vague covering he gave you to cover yourself almost instantly came untied and gave him access to your tender breasts. He didn't immediately latch his lips around your soft peak, instead he took a moment to cruelly pinch the sensitive peaks with an almost sadistic grin.
"I may not let our brood feast on your rich milk... It may have to be something for me exclusively..." He flicked your sore nipples and chuckled when you let out a squeal of discomfort, "How precious... Are they that sore, dear one? Let me help drain some of that milk that's causing your discomfort."
Before you could argue with him, he latched his mouth on your perked breast, intensely suckling as he let out soft moaning noises. You whined loudly as he gently kneaded your breast to get as much milk as possible, switching to your other breast to take an equal drink. Each intense suck made you flinch as you whimpered in response to the sensation, struggling against the tentacles until you could rest your hands on his shoulders to try and push him away.
He kept his mouth around your sensitive nipple and continued suckling, occasionally biting when you tried to remove him. It got to the point that the only thing you could do was let him do as he wished, finding the bites more painful than expected. Eventually he released your soft breast with a pop of his lips, finally giving you a rest.
"The sweetest cream..."
Chrollo seemed more than pleased with the way you had stopped struggling, a sly grin taking over his lips. He already knew you weren't going to be able to get away from him, especially since you were carrying his eggs inside of you. Besides, waiting outside of the den in the larger hollowed out volcano was the rest of the troupe.
They often shoaled together even if they would occasionally part for various reasons or purposes. This was one of the few times the entire troupe gathered together and had no immediate concerns. Chrollo knew that some of the troupe members were only present because they were curious about his new human mate.
The only other troupe member who has seen his mate was Machi and it was to check up on how your gills were healing. All of the other members were curious as Chrollo had never really had interest in others, let alone a human. Humans were food to them or interesting experiments to steal from, yet their leader- whom they all respected and adored- had taken a human as a mate.
There was little chance you would manage to get away from him with any efficiency before you were caught and returned to him.
He gently kissed your throat and two tentacles came up and caressed your swollen stomach.
"You know, I have plenty more eggs to stuff inside of you. I could keep you constantly stuffed full of my brood. Each clutch making your soft stomach bulge out..."
The slow way he stroked his hand across your skin sent chills down your body as you lay in his embrace.
"For now, as you are already stuffed to full capacity with my brood, I feel you should meet a certain group of my colleagues."
You wanted to argue against the idea of meeting any other sea creatures, seeing as your first interaction with him went so sideways. Chrollo seemed to be able to tell that you wanted to argue, his enigmatic smile never leaving his face.
"It wasn't a suggestion, Dearest."
You slowly woke to the vague sensation of a light suction on your swollen nipples, whining as you came to consciousness. The feeling of tentacles wrapped around your engorged breasts and kneading them made you look down your front. Familiar ink black hair slowly waved with the water and his motions as Chrollo contently suckled on your warm breasts, happily feeding on your nutrient rich milk.
"Do you really have to do that whenever I sleep?"
Your complaint made Chrollo look up from where he was suctioned to your aching chest. He gently released your breast and licked his lips, seeming more than pleased with himself.
"I'm an opportunist feeder, Darling, I will take almost any meal available to me, even human."
"Then... Why didn't you eat me?"
"You don't smell like food to me, you have the scent of a mate."
You felt surprise run through you, wondering just what he meant by that. He just admitted that he would eat humans, but apparently your scent was not the same as other humans, enough so that he decided to mate you instead. Part of you wondered which you would have preferred if given the choice between the two.
Chrollo took advantage of your apparent mental absence to lightly squeeze his tentacles around you, holding you close to his chest and nuzzling your neck.
"Do you know what the best part about mating you was for me?"
You refused to entertain him with an answer, knowing he was going to tell you regardless of what you said.
"Stuffing you full of my eggs and seeing your warm stomach expand with each one, feeling them push into your womb. Every single one pumped into you, giving me endless pleasure and filling you up just right."
Chrollo let out a soft sound that was akin to a low hum, the noise sending shivers down your spine. The way he spoke was low and husky against your ear and clearly he took great pleasure from making you uncomfortable with his sultry purr. As you whined softly, he gently ran his fingers over your distended stomach as if worshipping your body.
"I can hardly wait to fill you up with the next brood, just watching your stomach stay nice and swollen for me."
Some part of you realized that Chrollo didn't care if you responded to him or if you were even listening. Clearly he was pleased with reminding himself that he had you trapped and planned to stuff you full of even more eggs. He kissed your forehead and cuddled close, his arms wrapped around your body.
"Go back to resting, Darling."
"Why, so you can feed on my milk again?"
"Yes. Now rest. I want you to meet my shoal soon."
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
A masterlist of (most) I've left out some I'm not confident in/were mushed together through errors in the tumblr app. Reader is always gn unless stated otherwise in post
Oc Pronouns: X
Quick Oc Intros - Lee, Host, Elliott (X)
Character Concepts - Yandere Incubus and Paralysis Demon - C.C, Verona (X)
Grand Prize: Yandere Show Host x Reader (Host intro) (X)
Host x Co-host reader (X)
Host Nsfw headcannons (X)
Host with flirty reader (X)
Lee headcannons (X)
Lee"s name (1)(2)(3)
Cutting your finger by Lee (X)
Cinema (Elliot Wiltshire intro) (X)
C.C (incubus) blurb (X)
C.C with anxious reader (X)
oc heights (X)
ocs with flustered reader headcannons (X)
oc's thought of starting a family (X)
oc's reaction if reader has a significant other (X)
ocs with a flirty reader (X)
Who would be willing to share an s/o (X)
which ocs are most willing to let their darling have a pet (X)
ocs react to the reader with the bubbly personality (X)
not writing descriptions for this (nsfw) (X)
how ocs kiss their darling (X)
Putting your hand on ocs thigh (X)
ocs with picky eater (X)
ocs with college student reader (X)
telling them you love them (X)
Mutli Part series:
Accidental Cult:
Starting the cult (X)
Your God gets jealous (X)
God lies to followers for worship (X)
Reader kills for their god (X)
Supernatural Harem Masterlist (X)
Supernatural Harem headcannons:
Baron(demon) nsfw (X)
Maddox (reaper) headcannons (X)
Alasdair (Gurdian Angel) (slight nsfw) (X)
Petting Alasdair"s wings (X)
harem with reader that cant swim (X)
kissing the harem a good morning (X)
harem with reader that likes to lay on their chest (X
painting the harems nails (X)
Alasdair true form (X)
harem stealing your clothes (X)
reader trapped on earth after death (X)
Jeremiah (priest) with angel reader (X)(2)(3)(4)
Hurt: Male masochistic yandere bully x shy reader (X)
Opposites: violent male yandere x quiet reader (X)
Male yandere doll maker x doll reader (X)
Submissive male yandere x healer reader (X)
Beast: Male yandere x monster reader (X)
Show time: male yandere show host x reader (X)
Yandere Naga squeezing reader as a punishment (X)
Male yandere x crime boss reader (X)
Male yandere x delinquent reader (X)
Male yandere x superhuman reader (X)
Yandere male delinquent x reader (X)
Male servant yandere x Vampire s/o (X)
Male yandere x touch starved reader (X)
Forgiveness: Yandere cult x god reader (X) (2)
Male yandere fighter x healer reader (X)
yandere god taking interest in a cult member reader (X)
yandere God of death x reader (X)
Touch starved male yandere x supernatural reader (X)
The Beast's pet: yandere male x werewolf reader (X)
yandere supernatural creature x reader (X)
male yandere x vampire reader (X)
male yandere x crime boss reader (X)
Chase: male yandere x monster reader (X)
Pumpkin Carving: Yandere demon x reader (X)
My Guardian Angel: Yandere x reader (X)
Pretty Face: Yandere x serial killer reader blurb (X)
Symbiosis: Mutualism - Yandere cult x genderless deity reader (X) (2)
male yandere x shapeshifter reader (nsfw) (X)
Yandere male spider hybrid (X)
Male yandere x serial killer reader (nsfw) (X)
Yandere naga (X)
yandere husband X monster reader (X)
yandere merman x pirate captain reader (X)
male yandere exorcist x ghoul reader (X)
Masochistic Male Yandere x Friendly Sadistic Reader (X)
Yandere husband x Psychic Reader (X)
Flowers By Your Grave: Unnamed Male Yandere x Reader (X)
yandere male crime boss x male priest reader (X)
Fandom works:
Kai Satou - yttd (X)
Sullivan - Obsolete Dream (X)
Sal - Wadanohara (X)
Maekami - Obsolete Dream (X)
Masochistic Pro hero Hitoshi Shinso (X)
Masochistic Dabi (X)
4K notes · View notes
kentopedia · 3 months
Can you drop some long series recs (any fandom!)?! I haven't had any come across my dash >.< Would love to read some!
omg of course!! I HAVE SO SO MANY RECS! a lot of the ones i've seen recently are ongoing, but i hope you give them a go & keep watching for updates <3 i have read quite a variety, so hopefully there's something for you tehe. some of them i haven't read yet, but have been on my list bc i enjoy their other works :) so i recommend them to since i know the writers are amazing!!
across the universe by @lovedazai (dazai, complete) - mai actually just posted the last part yesterday, so this is a great one to start with tehe. everything she writes is so lovely & she knows dazai sooo well. i'm so excited to see finish it!
to have and to hold by @fedyenkas (chuuya, ongoing) - i just started this one today & it's so so amazing so far !! chuuyas characterization in it is sooo yummy. i haven't read a hybrid series before, so it's super unique to see how that fits into the bsd universe.
noble blood by @forest-hashira (satoru & suguru, ongoing) - i haven't read this one yet, but both of fallon's entries for my collab were incredible, so i can only imagine this is too! plus, the premise is SO insane, it's about dragon riders, and there's an entire sheet with all lore that they've created !! i can see how much love and care was put into this one, so i can't wait to check it out !!
oh, baby! by @tetsuskei (kuroo, ongoing) - i have yet to read the first part (everyone throw tomatoes at me) but risu posted some parts on her old blog & i read it there! it's so so sweet!! i looove all her writing, and dad!kuroo is just the cutest thing EVER.
waterloo by @fyorina (dazai, ongoing) - i haven't read this one yet either but i am SO SO incredibly excited to get to it. this one is going to be long, so it might be what you're looking for !! the first two parts are out already, and there's a posting schedule if you want to know when they're coming out :)
bulletproof love by @staryukis (gojo, ongoing) - i've really enjoyed this one so far and logan's writing is so captivating <3 it feels just like missing scenes from in between the canon jjk storyline. logan also has a mini zombie apocalypse series i've been excited to read after reading the other series !! it's dying (for your love).
regrets by @/kingkonoha (levi, complete) is so good !! i still need to finish it, but the concept is super cool & the reader is the antagonist so it's a really interesting spin on levi's actions in the canon universe.
tidal temptations by @fyodorloveclub (fyodor, ongoing) - i have also yet to read this one (cries myself to sleep my tbr is never ending), but everything flora writes is incredible, so i have no doubt this one is too. it's a merman fyodor fic, which is such a cool concept i'm so excited to see where it goes !!!
hell within reach by @/ddarker-dreams (chrollo, complete) - omg. ok i read this one like 2 years ago LOL, but it's finished and its about 80k long, and it's so good <3 i used to be an insane chrollo girlie & this is one of my favorite fics about him.
lover's delight by @lovelyluc (diluc, ongoing) - i don't even play genshin or know anything about it HSHFSDFH but this one is so sweet <3 you can really see how much awea loves diluc in this series, which is my favorite thing about reading fics, and it has so many of my favorite tropes !!
geheinisse by @honeybleed (jean & reiner, ongoing) - only the first part of this is out but it's SO INCREDIBLE. there's so much drama already, and nara does such a great job of setting the scene while getting you hooked immediately. nara also has a two part reiner fic (the first part is decades) that's completed and over 10k words that i'll never forget! her characterization of reiner is so yummy.
if it wasn't for him (would you have me) by @gojoath (yuuta, ongoing) - cella's the ceo of yandere yuuta, so if you're into him, i can't think of anyone else to recommend !!! cella wrote another yuuta series that i think is completed, so there are lots of amazing things to read on her blog <3
@osaemu has a streamer!gojo series that are all in the same universe & connect! they're so funny & everything sabs writes is amazing, so i encourage you to check out her work if you haven't
the lakehouse by @tetzoro (kuroo, ongoing) - rahhh i'm the worst bc i still haven't read this but aims is one of my favorite writers on here, so trust me it's amazing. this was written for october, so if you're missing autumn rn def read this one! aims also has another kuroo series coming soon <3
i know i left some people out, so if you're ever in need of any other recs, pls lmk tehe. and if you're a mootie of mine but have a series i didn't include, send it my way <3 but hopefully all these amazing ones will get you started!
174 notes · View notes
Shark Baited Ooh La La! Pt. 2
Yandere Goblin Shark Merman x Purple Firefish Merman Reader (CW: Kidnapping, blood, pain, peril, sharkman yandere, mermen, merfolk, anglerfish merfolk that try to kill the reader, minor character death, their living privileges are revoked most thoroughly, thalassophobia, a horrible title with a very forced pun for which I refuse to apologize) Word count: 1k (Sorry this took 11 months for me to start. No smut here, but I think if you read both parts together they fit nicely. Happy mermay!!) First part can be found here: Shark Baited Ooh La La! Pt. 1 
It was easy to make the decision that you should try to make a break for it, there was nothing he could do to you if you were caught that he hadn’t already done and even a small possibility of making it home was worth it. You held your breath as you carefully extricated yourself from Damian’s sleep-loosened grasp, you had enough wits about you to grab a sharp looking dagger Damian had hanging on the wall, and then quickly made your exit out of the sea cave that he called his home.
Wasting no time you swam with all the urgency that your exhausted and aching body could muster. You remembered the general direction and swam and swam and swam.
But once the sea cave was behind you you were left in the cold embrace of open ocean. Your whole life was spent inside the city and reef you had called home, over time the natural homing instincts of your kind had been almost completely lost and you were no exception.
While you were indeed heading in the correct general direction that wasn’t enough as just being a bit off would end with you not being able to find your way home. Inevitably you veered just a bit and found yourself completely lost, though you didn’t realize it yet.
Only when you felt that you had swam for hours did you finally realize that you should have already arrived back to the safety of your home.
Now you were panicking, this was not a place for you. This was not a good place for anyone except the mightiest predators of the ocean. And you were vulnerable. You were tired from your previous struggles trying to escape Damian after he tied you up, you were battered, bruised, and sore from the rough fucking he had imposed on you, you were tired from your hours long swim in search of home, and to top it all off you were weighed down by being full of Damian’s eggs.
You could practically hear your heartbeat, sure that at any moment something or someone would emerge from the endless blue surrounding you and make a meal of you. Your hand shook as you gripped the dagger you stole tightly. 
In your fear you desperately searched aimlessly for any sign of your beloved reef. But it was simply no use. You were on the verge of tears, but then things got even worse…
Suddenly you were swept up in a powerful current! Had you been at full strength you almost certainly could have been able to power through it and remove yourself, but in your current state there was just nothing for it. You were swept deeper and even farther away from your goal. You were unable to even maintain a grip on your weapon as it drifted uselessly below. 
You were only swept up in the current for several minutes but it felt like hours, when you were finally released you found yourself a decent distance above a large and sinister looking trench. The cold caused you to shiver, you were not used to the cold water that occurred at this depth.
Out of the trench you saw three orbs of light shortly followed by the dimly illuminated forms of three thin merfolk of some kind, too far away to really make them out. You immediately dashed away as best you could but your own bioluminescence gave you away and made for an easy hunt.
It didn’t help that the current had beaten most of your remaining energy out of you.
They easily began catching up to you and you could soon see that these were anglerfish merfolk, if the sickly green glow of their lures didn’t give them away then the wide empty eyes and the wide gaping maws and lolling tongues certainly did.
"Please! Please leave me alone!" You sobbed desperately.
As they steadily pursued you and came ever closer they finally entered striking distance. They lunged. 
You spun around sharply, smacking one away with your tail with strength you didn't know you had while dodging another. But a few lucky strikes couldn't save you from a small pack of skilled predators. 
The third one managed to catch your arm and bit down on your hand causing you to shriek in pain. Red flowed from your arm behind you as you managed to shake your assailant loose. You swam as fast as you could but you didn't make it far before you were pulled back by the sharp clawed hands of these angler folk. 
"NO NO NO NOOO!" You screamed, hurting your throat, as you felt teeth sink into your tail.
Suddenly the pressure of the bite stopped as the anglers that had their hands on you were pulled swiftly backwards. Confused, you looked up to see your hero, Damian, as he crushed the throat of one of the anglers and viciously bit into another until it stopped moving.
The final one came at him and grabbed it and easily snapped its neck.
Now that all three had been deaded most thoroughly Damian swam over to you where you were struggling to keep yourself in place in the water.
"Fucking dumbass! What were you thinking!? That you could just run off? Think I couldn’t follow your scent?"
Despite his harsh words he gently picked you up and held you close. 
"When I woke up without you in my arms I was so fucking pissed! But... looks like you learned your lesson so... I won't be hard on you..." He kissed your head and started swimming back to his nest. He wanted your wounds dressed as soon as possible and then he wanted to hold and kiss you as you slept in his arms.
"Your wounds don't look life threatening but I still need to treat em'. Okay babe?" 
You responded only with a soft sniffling whimper and by burying your head in his neck. You were bruised, bleeding, and fatigued. You just wanted to be home, and you supposed that meant Damian's den because you surely weren't ever going to attempt to escape again. 
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2-dsimp · 11 months
Hi! I really liked your yandere merman childe story! Can you do a part 2 where childe successfully fulfills his quest with the sea witch and finally meets his human darling but his darling doesn’t love him?
The Little Merman (pt 2!)
Yandere merman! Childe! x lifeguard reader
Cw: yandere tendencies, murder, gore
Taglist: @ci-apeacefulgift @welcometodemonschoolfan @josephswifey @eatalyy @macwithnocheese @creampuff01
For the past few weeks strange occurrences have been happening within the sandy sands of the beach you’ve presided over as it’s watchful lifeguard. Apparently there’s been sightings of a certain creature lurking around the outer coastline as if they’re waiting for a chance to strike. And due to that baseless speculation by the time you’ve arrived at your destination, the beach was completely filled to the brim of curious tourists that wanted to see what all the buzz was about.
Making your way through the crowds of people to your safeguarding tower. You couldn’t help but let out a sigh at the amount of responsibility that weighed heavy on your shoulders. Dreading that people would try to do something incredibly idiotic all because of this potential creature they believe to be lingering around underneath the calm waves.
You truly prayed that todays shift would be one without any casualties as per usual but unfortunately your prayers happen to go unanswered. As a multitude of silenced screams that went unheard underneath the congested waters began to increase within every few minutes.
Childe was gnawing on a heart he had ripped from the chest of an unsuspecting human man who ventured too far out into the sea. Watching with listless eyes as the human’s body sunk down into the oceans depths along with the other few corpses he’s mutilated as per what was required of him for the ritual to succeed.
He couldn’t help but get so excited from the blood polluting the water. Feeling as if he was on a field day because the fresh smell of death reminded him of the times he fought in the name of the Fatui. Which always gave him a rush euphoria coursing through his cold veins. Although He did wish that they’d struggle more against him but other than that he enjoyed preying upon the humans.
“Phew one last bite~ Well down the hatch!”
He chucked cruelly as he chomped down the last bits of the heart which still pulsed within his bloodstained webbed clawed hands. Chewing the mass of muscle throughly with his sharp teeth he then gulped loudly letting out a satisfied sigh of relief.
If he had known ahead of time that the ritual to become human would be so easy he would’ve done it ages ago. So that he could’ve finally started acting on his primal impulses to take you, his precious little lifeguard as his very own mate.
Ever since the Sea Eldritch Witch told him what was needed to make the ritual work Childe began acting out on his plan to knock out all the sacrifices in one go. Not wanting to waste another moment without you not within his clutches.
Childe knew what he was doing by purposely letting himself be seen by the pedestrians. He knew that the main thing that’s always driven humans was curiosity of the unknown. So Childe used that to his advantage by giving anyone who happened to be looking his way a small teaser of himself being the terrifying creature of the sea that he was.
What he didn’t expect was the bait he casted out to reel in such a feast for sore eyes. He’s never seen that many humans congregating on the beach before. But nonetheless he took it with a grain of salt and proceeded to take advantage of the opportunity and decided to knock out the first four sacrificial pawns he needed for the ritual to work. Although he messed up a few times he eventually got it right since there was no need to fret over the shortage of humans.
Now all he needed to do was eliminate whoever you held dear. Surveying the area from a distance so that he wouldn’t be spotted. He tried looking for the person who seemed to be of importance to you.
To be completely frank Childe couldn’t wait to find out who the lucky bastard was so that he could have some “fun” one on one time with them. The bloodthirsty merman couldn’t help but want to act upon the whispers of violence nipping at the crevices of his twisted self consciousness. Whenever he’s thinking about how anyone besides himself would count as an precious existence to you.
I mean could you blame him? When you’re the one who’ve got him ensnared by your charms. Planting your entire being within his blackened heart just like a persistent weed making him unable to comprehend a world without you by his side.
“Soon we’ll be together I’ll make sure of it sweetheart~ Very soon…”
He cooed taking a moment to admire your perched figure. With drool skidding down the corner of his lips with every depraved fantasy of finally making you his with no other obstacles in his way of preventing that from becoming a reality. All he needed was the the catalysts that’ll act as the key to unlocking the barrier between you and him.
“Haa it’s so hot I feel like melting …”
You muttered underneath your breath, sinking in the safe guard towers chair. Trying to stick to the shade provided via beach umbrella. While still being attentive trying to keep track of the bundles of half naked bodies crowding the waters and the beach as best as you could. clutching onto your board tightly in any case you’d need to take a quick dive into the populated waters.
Suddenly you get a phone call. Reaching out you grabbed your phone taking a slight peek at the phone caller ID. Only to find out that you were getting a call from Xiao one of your closest friends since childhood. You weren’t supposed to be on the phone during your shift but since there was a mass of people it wouldn’t hurt to take the call since everyone seemed to be preoccupied and not in immediate danger of drowning.
“What’s up Xiao you need anything?”
There was a brief moment of silence before he answered in a gruff voice.
“Hey we’re coming down to the beach to check up on you in 10min just giving you a heads up…Stay safe”
The phone call ended abruptly within 5 seconds after he said his piece. But You couldn’t help but smile since you knew he kept the call short as to not get you in trouble. Assuming that Xiao would be bringing along the rest of your close knit group of friends you couldn’t help but become eager.
‘In 10min huh? It’d be nice to see them again’
You thought joyfully with a carefree smile unaware of the murderous merman eyeing you like a hawk searching for any indication of that one person you hold dear so that he can finally complete the ritual to become human and make you his.
To be continued in Pt 3 👀
A/N: I know this isn’t exactly what you asked for dear anon but I plan to draw out the tension and make this into more than a two part series (^◇^;)o
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throwaway-yandere · 1 year
"–ℌ𝔢 𝔴𝔥𝔬 𝔣𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 𝔱𝔬𝔬 𝔩𝔬𝔫𝔤 𝔞𝔤𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔱 𝔡𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔟𝔢𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔢𝔰 𝔞 𝔡𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔬𝔫 𝔥𝔦𝔪𝔰𝔢𝔩𝔣; 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔦𝔣 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔤𝔞𝔷𝔢 𝔱𝔬𝔬 𝔩𝔬𝔫𝔤 𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔞𝔟𝔶𝔰𝔰, 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔞𝔟𝔶𝔰𝔰 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔤𝔞𝔷𝔢 𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔬 𝔶𝔬𝔲. 𝔅𝔲𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔨𝔫𝔬𝔴 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔴𝔢𝔩𝔩, 𝔡𝔬𝔫'𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲, 𝔪𝔶 𝔟𝔢𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔡 𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔬𝔟𝔬𝔯𝔬𝔰?"
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"No." (Professor!Albedo/Student!Reader)
Diluc Ragnvindr:
Dinner With Steaks and Flowers
His Closest Childhood Friend (Soldier, Poet, King)
"O Capo! My Capo!" (debut: chapter 2)
Not Through The Grapevine (yandere!idol event)
I Got Reincarnated As A Server NPC In An Otome Game But A Capture Target Won’t Leave Me Alone 
Kaeya Alberich:
ESTHER (yandere!idol event)
Maid!Merman!Kaeya drabble
Hysteric Humanoid (SAGAU)
Waking Up A Lying Dragon (Bakunawa!Reader)
"If the pedestal is beautiful, then the statue must be even more beautiful."
Wound Dressings (yan!idol event)
Quick yan!fei (lol) brainrot
Arataki "Numero Uno" Itto:
Hana Yori Dango (non!yandere itto)
Of Dream A-Dreaming (yandere!idol event)
Kaedehara Kazuha
Kamisato Ayato:
Blind Obedience (P2: A Myriad of Fallen Leaves)
Careful, He Bites (P2: Hana Yori Dango) 
Ghost in the Kamisato Estate (minific series)
EDMR (yandere!idol event)
ERROR 401: GONE (Faceless!Ayato)
Faceless Ayato thoughts 1,
The Owner Who Broke The Leash (Chainsaw Man au with Ayato as Makima)
Raiden Ei:
His Adorable Pen Pal (Soldier, Poet, King)
Shikanoin Heizou
Posteriori (yandere!idol event)
Vision Qualifications
"O Capo! My Capo!" (Mafia au series)
Alhaitham's Type (yandere!idol event)
Alhaitham selling his soul to a devil!reader brainrot
Dendro NA: 101 (Can be read as VQ’s p2)
"O Capo! My Capo!" (Mafia au series)
Alone Together (yandere!idol event)
Click & Drag drabble (feat Cyno)
Classical Conditioning
"Aren't You Supposed To Hate Me?" (yandere!idol event)
Creative Differences (check "#tag: cd - tighnari" for additional headcanons)
"O Capo! My Capo!!" (Mafia au series)
The Boar Prince/ss (non-yandere secret santa event)
Paint (non!yandere kaveh, just fluff)
Canvas (drabble)
His Version of You
Short boyfriend!kaveh drabble on OCMC/Mafia setting
Apotheosis Upon Your First Feast
Scarborough Fair/Canticle (Prince au)
Drabble: Prince Scara x Farmer
Death Has No Dignity
And The Sun Is Silent
His Ice Fishing Buddy (Soldier, Poet, King)
Comfort (drabble)
Apotheosis Upon Your First Feast
Hysteric Humanoid (SAGAU)
Dainsleif, my beloved:
Hysteric Humanoid
Ouroboros, The 8th Capo (OC!MC!)
Estella's Modern!Dain x Reader but I made it yandere lmao (dw it's my irl bestie)
"If You Truly Loved Me, You Should Be Dead" (hitman!dain, my husband.)
Dolce Stil Nuovo
Hysteric Humanoid
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"What if Varka's cousin found 3 different secret admirers?"
"Someone like that getting admirers? As if."
His Ice Fishing Buddy, His Adorable Pen Pal, His Closest Childhood Friend
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"Even today, don't give up on a human heart; claim it even if it hurts." - ALKALOID
A SAGAU fic where The Creator had turned into an amnesiac who believed they're a mere impostor with a knack for gravity manipulation and not much else. And it appears that both Lumine and Dainsleif would stop at nothing to get you on their side.
Chapters, Side Stories & Their Main Focus Characters:
♦ Prologue: The Longest Devout Believers - Dainsleif, Lumine, Venti, and Kaeya
♦ Chapter 1: 500 Year Long Identity Crisis - Baizhu, Dainsleif, Lumine
♦ Drabble 1: How would they celebrate your birthday/The Creator's anniversary? - Dainsleif, Lumine, Baizhu, Venti, Kaeya, Zhongli, Ayaka
♦ Chapter 2: A Contract Long Overdue (WIP) - Zhongli, Dainsleif, Kaeya
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Set in visionless 1920s Teyvat, three inconspicuous yet significant men began to spy on the Fatui's 8th Capo: (Y/n) (L/n). The story begins when the Innamorati Familia's headquarters burns down and in a twist of fate, to say that you've been dealt with an awful hand would be the understatement of the decade. Can you survive– most importantly– can you make the right choices? ((Welcome to the interactive mafia au fic! Have fun voting on the polls!!!))
Otome Game Main Love Interests:
Inquisitor Cyno, Informant Tighnari, Underboss Alhaitham, (CURRENTLY LOCKED: Church Architect Kaveh)
Secret Routes:
Visconti Diluc, "Venti" (LOCKED), ??? (LOCKED), ???, ???, ???
1: "O Capo! My Capo!"
2: The Capo's Soliloquy 
Bad End 1: "You're Collei's Friend, After All!"
3: The Fox Hunt (Tuqburni)
BRAND NEW ARCHON (Chapter 1-3 animatic)
Short bf!Kaveh drabble (not "canon)
"My Beloved Producer..." (GENSHIN IDOL AU)
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NOTE: CHECK YOUR COMMUNITY LABEL SETTINGS AND TURN OFF FILTERS IF THE MASTERLIST LINK WON'T WORK. Tumblr must've thought I wrote something explicit (in a masterlist???) and tagged it as mature :///
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Aka: my last fanfic featuring Scaramouche, Alhaitham, Kaveh, and Kazuha. A fanfic-game with 4 branching endings.
Premise: You're stuck in a killing game inside your dream school. It started with 16 students– and now you're left with only 6 of them. Senior Faruzan was murdered. Who is the culprit among these 5 people?
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Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd: (my fave fictional man of all time)
ps: he's your underboss in "O Capo! My Capo!" lol
(coming soon...)
(coming soon...)
(coming soon...)
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(coming soon...)
Gepard Landau
What Happened At 10:10 (has 2 endings. Won't link it, reach the end of the story in your own way.)
Jing Yuan
Misaligned Strings (non-yandere, pure fluff & angst)
Dr. Veritas Ratio
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His Version of You
Cannibal!Sunday HCs
"ℑ'𝔡 𝔤𝔩𝔞𝔡𝔩𝔶 𝔣𝔬𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔢𝔫𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔩𝔡."
"𝔟𝔲𝔱 𝔪𝔶 𝔟𝔢𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔡, 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔦𝔰 𝔫𝔬 𝔢𝔫𝔡. 𝔴𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲'𝔯𝔢 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔞𝔣𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔦𝔰 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔬𝔴𝔫 𝔱𝔞𝔦𝔩."
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yandere-writer-momo · 10 months
May I request more Megalodon Pickle x Mermaid reader where mermaid reader slowly and surely gets used to Pickle’s affection/touch? Or just more headcanons of their dynamic in general? Thank youuu
Yes I can continue on with Megalodon Pickle x Clownfish reader!
Part 1
Yandere Baki Head Canons
Megalodon merman Pickle x Clownfish mermaid Reader Part 2
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Megalodon Pickle
It took awhile for you to warm up to him (you didnt have a choice). The giant merman cooing whenever you exited your anemone to come swim with him
Pickle excitedly would scoop your small form up in his arms and swim around the tank with you so he could admire your face. It was a kind gesture since you’d never be able to keep up with him anyways
Pickle enjoys you raking your fingers through his long brown locks and scratching his scalp for him. It makes him extremely happy when you touch him
Pickle always has a smile on his face whenever you’re around. The giant merman wants to spend every moment with you and he’d be happy if you slept beside him. He’s very simple with his affections
Despite his attachment to you, Pickle has not tried to mate with you. He was smart enough to understand that he’d hurt you (or worse, accidentally kill you), if he pursued off spring with you so he settled for companionship
Pickle still scares away the human researchers but cooperated with them if you’re sitting on his shoulders. Your presence calms him down
Pickle is fond of you cracking open clams for him to eat. He can easily crack them, but he enjoys you feeding him too much to do so
The giant merman has a habit of putting his face close to you so you squish his cheeks. Pickle loves to receive small kisses on his face ever since you kissed his face when he accidentally got stung by the anemone (Pickle is smart enough to get stung on purpose for smooches)
Over all, you’ve come to enjoy your captivity with the giant megalodon
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forbidden-sunlight · 2 years
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Although this a blog for yandere literature, please be mindful that the content may contain triggers.
Furthermore, these stories/headcanons are for entertainment purposes only. The behavior depicted here is not unhealthy and should not be encouraged.
If you wish to read something much more pleasant than a possible series of unfortunate events, here is the link to my other blog, @an-idyllic-novelist
For everyone else, welcome~!
The broken ring, this marriage will fail anyway
yandere!carcel escalante with ines!reader scenario
I’m a villainess but I became a mother
Pink Venom [yandere!calix x loure!reader]
Father I don’t want to get married
I’m not seducing the female lead’s obsessive father! [yandere!regis floyen x agent!reader]
part one
part two
part three
part four
part five
Who made me a princess
yandere!athanasia de alger obelia with fem!reader headcanons
The dark history of the reincarnated villainess
It Appears That I Have Been Reincarnated as a Draconic Villainess in a Self-Indulgent Fic! [on hiatus]
[ poly!yanderes x Iana magnolia!reader]
part one
part two
part three
part four
part five
part six
part seven
Record of Ragnarok
yandere!thor headcanons with fem!kokushibo!reader
yandere!poseidon headcanons with fem!kokushibo!reader
yandere!loki with fem!kokushibo!reader [request]
yandere!Jack the ripper with fem!tanjiro!reader
part one
part two
yandere!poseidon with muichiro!fem!reader [request]
yandere!poseidon with shinobu!reader headcanons
platonic!yandere!shiva with nezuko!reader headcanons
yandere!aphrodite with muichiro!fem!reader headcanons
yandere!apollo with fem!giyuu!reader scenario
yandere!beezlebub with makima!reader headcanons
Chainsaw Man
False Garden of Eden [csm!various x stoic!reader]
yandere!kusuriuri with chise!reader headcanons
part one
part two
part three
Bastard!! Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy!
Yandere!Dark Schneider with Shinobu!reader headcanons
The Case Study of Vanitas
Tanz des Todes [yandere!Vanitas with gender neutral! Addams! reader]
part one
part two
Scum Villian's Self-Saving System
yandere!luo binghe with shixiong!male!reader headcanons
The White Husky and His Pet Cat Shizun
yandere!merman!chu wanning with male!researcher!reader scenario
Web Series
The Amazing Digital Circus
yandere!Jax with gender neutral!magician!reader headcanons
yandere!Ragatha with gender neutral! rabbit plush! reader headcanons
yandere!Jax who is touch-starved for gender-neutral!reader scenario
Hazbin Hotel
yandere!Alastor with gender neutral!tinkerer!reader headcanons
yandere!Alastor with Violet Evergarden!reader scenario
yandere!Vox with fem!reader scenario
yandere!Alastor with Violet Evergarden!reader Valentine's Day scenario
platonic yandere!Alastor with Violet Evergarden!reader scenario
yandere!Alastor with Violet Evergarden!reader scenario
[part one]
[part two]
[part three]
Cursed Cat!Alastor with Violet Evergarden!reader [ask]
yandere!Alastor with Violet Evergarden!reader scenario: jealousy
Original Works
yandere!emperor with empress!reader scenario
yandere!literary agent with fem!reader scenario
[1] [2] [complete]
yandere!holy knight with saintess!reader scenario
[1] [2] [3] [epilogue] [complete]
yandere!ceo with villainess!reader scenario [1] [2] [3]
yandere imagine with wicked stepmother!reader
yandere imagine with gender-neutral!screenwriter!reader
yandere!merman with fem! mob game character!reader imagine
Progress Bar [as of 6.2. 2024]
Outlining soft!yandere Yuushi Totsumoto with fem!reader scenario
Reading the following book(s): When The Tiger Came Down The Mountain by Nghi Vo
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1K notes · View notes
violet-butterflies · 10 months
❥︎ yandere! Merman Part 2
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❥︎ Warnings ! ☞︎︎︎ None ! ( male yandere! oc x gn reader ) Click to see part 1 and a nsfw spin-off !
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You woke up in god knows where. The sun's rays were shining right on your face until you simply couldn't ignore the heat and your dry throat any longer so, you sat up.
"Where the fuck am I?"
You were on a small island surrounded by water. But, that wasn't the weirdest part. The weirdest part was how it looked like you were surrounded by mountains a few kilometers away that caged you from going out of your small area. It was as if you were in the middle of a huge crater that was mostly submerged in water. The more you observed, the more you noticed more details in your new natural cage. There were smaller islands scattered around it inside the crater. On them, there were tropical fruit trees that were bearing fruits.
You couldn't stand how dehydrated your throat felt anymore so you decided to swim over to one of the small islands with mango and coconut trees. You were pleasantly surprised at how cool the water felt and how it was a comfortable depth for you to swim in; the deepest part only reaching up to your neck. When you were almost there though you were instantly tackled into the water, causing you to lose your footing.
"Oh shit!" you shouted before being engulfed in water, hearing happy coos in your ears. A strong pair of hands kept you in place while a face excitedly nuzzles into the crook of your neck. Only when your lungs were starting to burn for air was when you were finally thrusted up from the water by the person showing you affection.
"y/nnnn!" the merman that kidnapped you said as he smiled in front of your face. He then began peppering kisses all over your face before giving you another tight hug. You quickly pushed him off before going on land and looking at the merman, mortified.
"Where did you take me?!" you shouted at him angrily while he looked at you with a sad-puppy-like expression.
"Homeee.... with meee." the merman slurred while he began trying to claw himself up from the water onto the island. On his hand was a gold necklace he got from somewhere as if trying to lure you back into his arms.
"y/nnn.... come hereee... I got you gift!" When he sees you not reacting, his eyes started to water as his lips began to pout and quiver. Letting out a big sigh, you trudged yourself back into the water as yandere!merman's eyes shone with happiness. You took the necklace and was about to put it around your neck before he snatched it back and put in on for you. As soon as it was on, he gave you another kiss as he nuzzled his whole body onto yours.
"I need to go back home... Can you bring me back?" yandere!merman looked at you with confusion.
"But but... I said that you are home... With me! Silly y/n," he said with a teasing smile as if you failed to understand something so simple.
"No... My home. The lighthouse? The cave where I saved you from?" you said, trying to jog his memory. In an instant, he looked at you with a deadly look as he began to dig his somewhat sharp nails onto your neck.
"No. Here. Home" he said with a slow warning tone before going back to his cute and cuddly personality as he continued to nuzzle himself onto you.
You sighed in defeat before standing up, causing him to reach for your ankle before you managed to go any further.
"Jeez chill dude... I just want to get a coconut I'm going dry here," you said as you pointed towards the nearby coconut trees. Only then he understood and let your ankle go.
Going back home was definitely going to be a challenging task.
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A/N In case my explanation of the place was too confusing, I drew a simple drawing with my nonexistent drawing skills!
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antisocial-mochi267 · 11 months
JIMIN fic recs oneshot PART 1
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Hope it helps to find you the great fics! Hope it helps!! And please leave a comment/like/reblog or any reviews guys the writers should receive the appreciation they deserve (I'll be eventually adding more fics here)
Minors strictly DNI
And if you want recs about any particular trope or au I'm always willing to help 👀🤗
Oneshot :-
Fluff :- ☁️
Angst :- 🥀
Smut :- 🔥
Crack :- 🎃
Personal Favourite :- ✨
1. you.Me.us__ ☁️🔥🥀 (stalker, yandere , thriller) @kosmosguk
2. Driver's license __ ☁️🥀✨ (coming-of-age, one-sided!au, brother's bestfriend!au) @gyukult
3.while you are at it __ ☁️🔥(pool boy jimin, divorced reader). @aureumjeon
4. I need you __ ☁️🔥🥀(exes to lovers, oneshot, idol au) @hisunshiine
5. Crystal snow __ ☁️🥀✨ (figure skating!au, fantasy!au, king jimin, supernatural power). @minniepetals
6. Vampire's garden__☁️🎃(College student jimin, fantasy, dark fantasy, vampire au). @ebonyinktea
7. soliloquy __☁️🎃 (Angel jimin× human reader). @kinktae
8. schrödinger’s cat__ ☁️🎃✨(guardian angel jimin, comfort) @dovechim
9. Azure blue__☁️🎃✨(Adventure, Fairy!Au ) @jimlingss
10. The pull of the tides __☁️🔥(surfur au, Strangers to lovers) @goldenscript
11. Fairytale__☁️🎃(merman jimin × human reader) @gukyi
12. Rock bottom __☁️🥀🔥✨( Idol!Jimin, establishedrelationship!AU, marriage! AU) @jkbabiey
13. Boats against the current __☁️🎃✨ (Hogwarts au, opposite to lovers). @gukyi
14. Into the wilderness __☁️🥀🎃✨ (camp counselor!au, unrequited love!au, friends to lovers!au) @gukyi
15. Lover to lean on__☁️🥀🔥🎃✨ (neighbour au, flower shop au, it's more complicated) @sketchguk
16. Paper bandits __☁️🎃(highschool au, S2F2L) @vantaenims
17. Blowing dandelions __☁️🥀🔥(badboy jimin, e2l, childhood friends, college au). @httpjeon
18. Grinch in law__☁️🥀🔥✨(fiance to marriage, bad to good mother-in-law, established relationship) @mercurygguk
19. Cut me free__☁️🥀🔥(Demon Yandere jimin ) @sopejinsunflower
20. Earnestly yours __ ☁️🎃✨(Highschool au , enemies to lovers , actor au) @gukyi
21. Theophany (To Paint a God) __☁️🥀🔥 (college!au , Old Friends to Lovers , Best Friend’s Brother!Jimin , Bisexual!Reader , Dancer!Jimin , Painter!Reader) @ilikemesometaetaes
22. Hello__ ☁️🥀🔥✨(exestolovers!au, high school pining, adult love, slice of life au ) @gyukult
23. Only you __ ☁️🔥 (single dad jimin, best friends to lovers au) @personasintro
24. Hell-ish__☁️🎃 (establisedrelationship, kinda fun date) @jtrbluv
25. 20 things and continuing I Hades about you__☁️🥀🎃✨ (dj famous jimin× pa reader) @readyplayerhobi
26. Just a little bit of love(is all you really need)__☁️🎃 (gymnastics au) @gukyi
27. Poster boy __ ☁️ (highschool au, social anxiety, comfort) @versigny
28. He's pretending__☁️🎃✨ (Enemies-to-lovers (kinda, jimin is in deniel but lowkey wipped) Daemon!Jimin x Faerie!Reader, fantasy au). @crystaljins
29. Adonis __☁️🎃 (firefighter jimin, s2l ). @xjoonchildx
30. Red gardania__☁️✨ (ballerina au, secret admirer, kinda e2l ) @joyfulhopelox
31. Shake shack __☁️🔥🎃(stranger to crushes to lovers) @kth1
32. The happiest place on earth __☁️🎃🔥 (Disneyland actors au, slice of life au) @dovechim
33. The midnight pack __☁️🎃🔥 (wolf au, S2L) @jjungkookislife
34. Terrible liar__☁️🥀✨ (F2L, pinning , comfort) @writtenwhalien
35. All that glitters __☁️🥀🎃✨(kinda soft Yandere/ tsudere jimin , Obsession) @deepdarkdelights
36. Deviant affairs __☁️🔥🥀(new Yandere stepbro jimin ) @yandere-society
37. Believe it __☁️🥀🔥✨(friends to enemies to lovers (it’s more complicated though)+ bet AU , high school to after high school) @writtenwhalien
38. Love you a latte__☁️🎃(Yandere Jimin, Stalking, Masturbation, obsession, it's kinda angsty though) @worldwidemochiguy
39. Heartbreak Insurance__☁️🎃✨ (insurance agent jimin× fraud reader, S2 F2 L) @jimlingss
40. Wicked obsession __🔥☁️(University AU, friends with benefits, unhealthy obsession) @peachypinkygloss
41. Love pages__☁️🥀(Yandere, highschool au, supernatural kinda) @jimlingss
42. The devil's own luck__☁️🥀🎃✨ (demon jimin , Slice of Life). @jimlingss
43. Beneath the water __☁️🥀🔥🎃✨(merman jimin× human reader, mermaid au, fantasy au). @jungshookz
44. His hoodie my hoodie__☁️🔥🎃✨ ( S2F2L, college au) @yoongihime
45. Kiss the girl__☁️🎃 (Disney land prince jimin×waitress girl, f2l, whipped) @sketchguk
46. Devil's advocate__☁️🎃(devil jimin ×human reader) @7cypher
47. No need for dreaming__☁️🎃(roommate au, clumsy jimin, frenemies to lovers) @ve1vetyoongi
48. Nine to five__☁️🎃🔥(softie smut, fwb2L, Dr. jm) @jiminrings
49. Just a taste__☁️🥀🔥🎃(Vampire jimin, established relationship). @yoonieper
50. Safe haven__☁️🥀🔥✨(royal king’s guard werewolf!jimin × princess reader, forbidden love au, medieval royal au) @kth1fics
51. Spiral__☁️🥀✨(Time traveler Jimin, teenager! reader, underground fighter! Jimin, time jumps, violence, blood, supernatural) @i-am-baechu
52. Red flag__☁️🎃🔥✨( richboy!jimin x mystery!reader, strangers to enemies to lovers to potential plaintiff) @xjoonchildx
188 notes · View notes
WAIT WAIT Hear me out , what if Platonic Yandere! Strawhats ... As Mermaids/Mermans with Human!Y/n ?
Let's say people that Strawhats meeted either hated them or tried to kill them until they got into fish trap and Y/n sees that Strawhats are quite injured and can't get out so Y/n helps them then runs away because they are hella scared?
I hope this is good! I kinda rushed it so I could have it done before the end of the month.
(Don't) Face Your Fears
Yandere Merfolk Straw Hats x GN!Reader
1.8k words
Part 2
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Deep breathes, you remind yourself. Deep breathes.
It was taking everything you had not to turn tail and run, but you stood your ground. You need to face this. You won’t be able to grow if you don’t. Waves crashed onto the shore ahead of you, the noise not allowing you to forget for a second where you were. The salty and fishy scent in the air was also a strong reminder.
You’re not even sure where this fear came from. You can’t recall some traumatic memory revolving around the ocean, you just hated it. The mystery of what hellish creatures lurked beneath the surface, the mere idea of being lost at sea, drowning, it all terrified you. 
All your life you’ve done your best to avoid the ocean despite living so close to it, but now you are trying to face it. You didn’t want to spend the rest of your life trapped by your own fears. What if you want to leave this island one day but can’t bring yourself to do so because you’re too scared to get on the boat?
You’ve made some progress, a lot really. Being able to stand on the beach like this was something you couldn’t have done a month ago. Tonight, though, you were going to take this a step forward. You hated doing this at night, but you were too embarrassed about your fear to risk people seeing you potentially freaking out over some water.
Your bare feet dug into the sand as you tried to will yourself to relax and step towards the water. It’s fine. Everything is going to be fine. You’re just going to wade ankle deep in the water and then call it a night. That’s it.
Ignoring the pounding of your heart and the sweat starting to form, you take the necessary steps, bringing yourself onto the wet part of the sand. You cringed at the sensation, not enjoying it even a little bit. 
You stood there and waited for the tide to come back in, forcing yourself to stand still. Finally, dreadfully, a wave comes in and laps at your feet. Your first gut response involves dry heaving and wanting to run away, but you endure. It’s barely touched you, you need to tough it out. 
Despite every nerve of your body violently disagreeing with this idea of yours, you take another step forward. More water rushes over your feet. It’s cold, but not freezing. It almost feels nice in contrast to the humid summer air. 
Now, you decide to wait here and adjust, forcing your breathing to even out again. As the minutes tick by, you find yourself not minding it as much as you initially did. If you closed your eyes, you could almost pretend you were simply soaking your feet in the river by your home. Maybe you’ll be able to enjoy this? Maybe.
Shockingly, you found yourself walking through the water. Not deeper into it, simply staying at the same depth and wading along the shore. The silence was peaceful, and you found that your previously thundering heartbeat was slowing to a more normal rate. Against all odds and expectations, you couldn’t help but smile slightly. This was incredible progress for you, and you were proud of yourself.
The atmosphere changes as you hear something in the distance. Splashing, and a lot of it. It sounded too loud to just be a fish. Was it a person? Was someone drowning? You ran towards the source of the noise. As you got closer, you could hear yelling over all the splashing, too. It sounded like several people. What the hell was happening?
“Hello? Is everyone alright?” You called out, trying to get a feel for what was going on before you got there.
The splashes stopped, but you did get a response, “Hello? Who’s there?” The voice sounded feminine and distressed. Scared even.
You were getting close enough to be able to start to make out the people. There were a lot of them, at least five, but they were moving around too much to be able to count clearly. All of them were caught in a net.
“I’m (y/n). I was going for a walk when I heard you guys, and I wanted to see if you needed help,” which they most certainly did. How did that many people manage to get caught in a fishing net like this?
“We do! Can you cut this net open?” A different voice piped up, this one sounding like a young boy. 
You could do that, there was a knife strapped to your belt that you kept there both for functionality and self defense. There was a problem though. They were deeper into the water than you were. If you went out to them, you would be waist deep. Much farther than you were prepared to go so soon.
Your hesitance didn’t go unnoticed. “Please! We need to get out of this! Some of my friends are hurt and we can’t treat them while we’re all stuck like this!” The same voice from before desperately pleaded.
Nausea rumbled deep in your stomach, but not just from the ocean this time. You couldn’t just leave a bunch of people to die because you were scared of a little water. Okay, a lot of water, but you won’t even have to swim. It’s going to be okay. You can do this. You will do this.
Forcing yourself to take deep breaths, you march forward. Miraculously, the rising water doesn’t crumble your resolve. You don’t look down at the water, purposefully focusing on the net ahead of you. You need to get them freed, and you need to do it now before you can have a chance to chicken out.
Unbuckling the holster for your knife, you unsheath it and get to work trying to cut through the thick rope of the fishing net. There was a lot of resistance, but you didn’t give up. The segment you were sawing your knife through snapped and you immediately moved on to the next one, vying to get a big enough opening for them to squeeze through.
There were loud cheers from a few of them as the net came undone enough for them to get out. They wasted no time and all headed for the opening to slip through. You held it open for them, wanting them to get out as quickly as possible. 
The first one escapes, and that’s when you feel it. Something large and slimy brushes against your exposed legs. What? That was just a big fish, right? Maybe even an errant piece of seaweed. As the rest of the group filed out, you felt the same sensation on your legs each time. 
These… These people were human… Right?
Chills were running down your spine as you questioned what exactly you were dealing with here. Before you could back away or ask questions, one of them approached you. He didn’t just come up to you, no. He full on threw himself out of the water and wrapped his arms around your torso.
“Thank you for saving us! We don’t get a lot of help from humans most of the time, so I’m really happy that one as nice as you came to our rescue!” This was the same boy that had spoken to you moments before to beg for help. He smiled widely at you, and the moonlight reflecting off the water was enough for you to be able to make out his too sharp teeth. As well as the fins on the sides of his head where ears should be.
Oh my God. Merfolk. This is a merman and you’re surrounded by more of them. Every rumor you’ve heard about them comes to mind instantly in one big violent pang. That they love nothing more than to drag any poor unsuspecting human they come across out into the ocean to drown them. That they would eat you after you died. That they could curse humans into becoming like them.
No. No no no nO NO NO!
With a scream, you shove the merman off of you and make a break for the shore. You get there faster than you thought humanly possible and kept running, not looking back. Fuck this. Fuck them. Fuck the ocean. Fuck everything you’re never going near the ocean ever again for as long as you live!
The merfolk could only sit in the shallow water and stare at your rapidly retreating and screaming form.
“I suppose they didn’t know we were merfolk when they helped us,” Robin mused.
“I like them,” Luffy was positively beaming despite being thrown off you seconds before. He’d crawled closer to the shore to watch you leave, his tail loudly splashing in the water behind him.
“Of course you do, you like everyone that looks at you twice,” Zoro scoffed, waving a webbed hand dismissively. He winced when the action strained one of his injuries, causing Chopper to snap at him to hold still.
“No, I really like them! I want to see them again! I bet that if we talk for a bit, they’ll come around,” Luffy nodded resolutely, already imagining what he’s going to say next time he sees you.
“How are you going to do that? I doubt that they’re going to go anywhere near the ocean for a long time,” Nami pointed out.
This gave Luffy pause, but only for a brief moment. His eyes lit up as an idea struck him, “There’s a river that goes through this island, right? I can use that to try and see them again. Maybe we’ll get lucky and they live along it!” 
“At least let one of us come with you, you have no tact throwing yourself at them like you did,” Sanji could tell that this would take a certain level of finesse that their captain absolutely did not have. No doubt he would up and drag you into the water with him if you were close enough to do so.
“You’re only saying that because you want to see them again, too,” Zoro splashed water in Sanji’s direction, extinguishing the cigarette he finally had a chance to enjoy. Naturally, this caused a fight between the two to break out, with Sanji slapping Zoro with his tail while Chopper was yelling at both of them to cut it out.
Luffy didn’t pay them any mind. While your form may have vanished from sight, he could still follow your scent. Even if you weren’t right next to the riverbed, he wasn’t opposed to dragging himself across land to get to you. Now that he had your scent, there’s nowhere on this small island you could hide to stay away from him.
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Play the Fool - Dottore
Author Notes: Happy MerMay Genshin! This fic happened kind of spontaneously but I had a lot of fun writing it! Depending on how well it's received and what I feel like there may end up being a part two. I listened to "Black Sea" by Natasha Blume while writing this fic and I'm not gonna lie, this fic did not turn out how it was originally slated to. But I'm fairly happy with it. Dottore's merman fish base was a betta fish. Reader is gender-neutral. I hope you enjoy!
Type: MerMay/ Mer-Dottore/ Merman AU/ gender-neutral reader/ I'm not gonna label this as fluff since that doesn't feel quite right, but know that it's NOT angst, yandere, or anything like that
Word Count: 1327
Trigger Warning: Discussion of past crimes including murder (Dottore), Fatui are generally shady
{Part 1: You're Here!}, {Part 2}, {Part 3}, {Part 4}, {Part 5}
EDIT: Entire series now available on AO3! (link deleted due to glitches)
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I sat just outside the tank, watching the mysterious merman swim to and fro. Writing impossibly difficult equations with a sharpie on the glass walls of his tank as he continued on about his work and ignored me just like he always did.
According to some of the Fatui scientists who’d occasionally pass by to gossip and puzzle about the strange things he wrote, this odd man had once been the infamous Dottore. The second of the harbingers that worked for the Tsaritsa herself. But then something had gone horribly wrong in an experiment, and he’d turned into this. 
An exotic merman that looked more like something out of a fairy tale than a horrific science accident. But then, fairy tales often served as warnings of some sort, didn’t they?
Either way, his mistake had given some of his less-than-loyal lackeys the chance they needed. 
He’d been shoved into a tank and presented to the Tsaritsa as a centerpiece for her viewing pleasure. After that, each of them had become heads of the Fatui’s research labs.
Their betrayal had not been taken lightly, though, and at least three of them had been dragged into his tank and murdered when they’d come by to feed him. 
That was why they had hired an outsider to feed and care for the Harbinger, turned merman by his own crazed experiments. An outsider who was, namely, me.
Though I’d initially been terrified of the man, he was hardly frightening now. As long as I didn’t bug him when I gave him his food and kept his tank clean, he largely ignored me. Well, unless he wanted something for his work that continued even now within his tank.
Because despite the fact that he never spoke and had exchanged his legs for fins, Dottore remained intelligent. The trouble was, no one could truly understand what he was working on. The scientists only ever said that, from what they could interpret, it was groundbreaking.
But that wasn’t the only way my charge showed off his cleverness.
Whenever one of the few remaining scientists who’d been party to his betrayal came by to gloat about their victory or scowl at his writings that even they couldn’t understand, there was risk.
Almost inevitably, he would find a way to lure them closer and somehow, without any words, convince them to open the tank despite the risks they knew he posed.
Because while Dottore didn’t seem to kill without reason, he did kill for revenge. 
He’d never offered to harm me, but maybe that was because I served a purpose. After all, I was the only person who was willing to take care of his tank and feed him now.
Even the other Harbingers didn’t come by anymore, and the Tsaritsa had long since abandoned her ‘pet.’
He swirled through the water, his long, brilliantly blue tail fins spiraling around him like silk robes as he twisted. Looking over towards where I sat. 
I straightened slightly, surprised that my presence was even being acknowledged by the usually uninterested man, and, after a brief moment, he abandoned his pen. Letting it drop from his long fingers and drift to the bottom of the tank before he swam towards me. 
He stopped just short of the wall, a smile curving across his face, before he reached out with both hands. Pressing his tapered fingertips to the pristine glass that created a wall between us.
Curious, I mirrored his motions, placing my own fingertips on the glass right over where his rested. My eyes widened as he proceeded to flatten his entire hand on the glass, spreading his fingers as I, for reasons that even I didn’t understand, did the same.
It was like he was trying to communicate something to me, despite the fact that our interactions up until now had largely been limited to him pointing at whatever he wanted or scowling at me when I cleaned his tank.
He was the first to pull away, pulling one hand away to point up towards the top of the tank, the only place the water could be accessed from. I hesitated, realizing that the only other people I'd ever seen him direct to that location had been his would-be victims, whom I’d always only barely managed to stop.
I had been up there numerous times to toss his food or whatever item he’d requested by imperiously pointing at in, but I’d never done so simply to meet with him.
My fingers slid down the glass slightly, a frown creeping onto my face as my fingertips came to rest just over his palm, “If you try to drown me, I’m quitting.”
My words had only been muttered, but judging from the smile, devoid of kindness, that spread across his face, he had heard them and was pleased.
I stepped away from the glass, my gaze staying on him, floating with only a twitch of his finned tail, until I at last turned to mount the metal staircase that led to the tank’s top.
  I stepped up lightly, watching as he swam upwards, following my ascent in a far more fluid fashion as he glided silently through the water.
My steps had been unhesitating, but I paused as I reached towards the button that would lift the ceiling of the tank off. It was the only thing separating me from the merman who waited just below it. 
He would be furious if I aborted now, but that wasn’t my concern at the moment. My only worry at the moment would be what he might do if I did open the tank.
Would he attack and drown me? I had no clue how strong he actually was, but judging from his success rate thus far, I doubted I could get away from him.
The scientists he’d drowned were all members of the Fatui. Trained to serve that Tsaritsa in whatever way she needed.
 I wasn’t. I had no training or skills to assist me should he try to hurt me.
And yet I found myself pressing the button and watching as the machines activated even as I maintained a reasonably safe distance. I would listen to him, I was curious after all. But I also wouldn’t make it easy for him to attack me.
The sounds of metal sliding against metal filled the air as the tank's lid was slowly lifted off and the seal that held it to the tank’s thick glass walls burst.
Sure enough, there he was. Just under the surface of the water and looking directly up at me like he wasn’t surprised in the slightest that I’d done just as he’d wished. But up until now, I suppose I’d seemed totally obedient to his whims from his perspective. Well, except for when I would save his would-be victims from his machinations. And even that never seemed to really upset him. Rather, he’d always seemed more amused as he eyed the careful distance I kept between us. 
With a mere twitch of his tail, he surfaced, and I watched as he did something new. Something I’d never seen him do before, even when he was tempting foolish scientists closer.
He spoke.
“I always knew you were far more clever than most of the others here.” My eyes widened at the sound of his smooth voice. Wholly unfamiliar to my ears but strangely relaxing.
I shifted, still keeping my distance even though it was almost instinctive to step closer to him. I was curious, but cautious. And now that I was here, listening to the previously silent merman, I would play the fool and hear him out, “What do you want?
He drifted closer, either pushed by the water or by his own motions; I didn’t know which since my attention was on the single word that left his mouth as he lifted the mask from his face, revealing bright red eyes that I’d never seen before, “Out.”
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