#yandere shizuo x reader
madhousefruitcake · 10 months
Shizuo’s part 2 has been released!
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The team had a lot of fun planning this announcement artwork, as we couldn’t resist throwing in this meme.
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If Shizuo didn’t do what he did during a certain scene, you all might have had to take the dominant approach, dear players!
Per usual, the password is “Pudding”. You can download part 2 here!
We hope you enjoy part 2 of Shizuo’s route! Depending on how things go, Shizuo’s part 3 might come out around his birthday as well!
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lesinquietes · 4 days
Got some yandere Shizuo thots to drop below 🌻 think he’s the type of yandere who wouldn’t use physical force against darling and I wanna talk about it
18+, violence, yandere
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Shizuo isn’t made for love; that’s what he thinks. So, when he starts to develop a strong friendship for you, and those feelings begin to creep in, he panics. He gets angry. He destroys things. He hunts Izaya, because he was probably doing something devious, anyway. He does everything but sit with his emotions and talk to you. In fact, he avoids you, for fear that he’ll say something stupid or overexert his strength. He notices he gets clumsier around you. The last thing he needs is to accidentally send you to the emergency room.
As usual, he tries to confide in Tom.
“I just… don’t know how to date females.”
“To start, they’d probably like it if you called ‘em women.”
“See what I mean?!?!”
And Tom’s really just teasing him, but the strain Shizuo feels is incredible. He hasn’t opened himself up to love in a long time. Old wounds sting, and he doesn’t want to fuck this up. You’re just so pretty and easy to talk to and your job is kinda cool and Celty likes your style and you like cats and— he could go on until he spirals. Most importantly, you’ve got a head on your shoulders. You don’t fall for Izaya’s schemes, and you sure as hell don’t have a soft spot for him, like some idiots in this city seem to. He respects you even more for that.
He finally works up the courage to face you, sick of spending time without you and intent on telling you the truth. Thankfully, he discovers that Tom did him a solid and made you privy to his feelings. You show up at his place, in the cutest little sundress he’s ever seen, gazing up at him shyly. It turns out you share his sentiments and want to give it a go. That’s great!
But… just know what you’re signing up for.
Dating Shizuo means marrying Shizuo. He’s not going to let you go so easily. He has it in his head that you’re The One, and that means you’re by his side forever; leaving isn’t a viable option. If you ever discuss ending your union with him, he’ll assume you’re ill. Why would you want to do that when everything is so perfect? He protects you, he provides for you, and he loves you — what more could you want? Sure, perhaps he gets excessive with his force sometimes, when other men leer at you, but you should take that as a compliment. He’s possessive for good reason.
“You get it, right?”
“Shizuo, please!”
“You get why I put him in the hospital, right?”
“…he didn’t have to—“
“He disrespected you. He disrespected us.”
“Do you understand?”
No more questions asked. You gotta go along with it. Who’s going to help you? No one, that’s who. The man has superhuman strength. He won’t kill you, but he will kill someone who threatens to take you away. It’s best to keep quiet and let him do as he pleases, being complicit with violence.
You don’t want to know what he’ll do if you ever run away, and you don’t want to find out. The only person you could possibly ask for help is Izaya Orihara, and we all know how that’s going to end. Not well. For anyone. Especially you. But it could also be the event that does the information broker in for good. Hell hath no fury like a monster’s love.
Despite the whole “you can’t leave me” thing, though, Shizuoka will never force you to do anything else you don’t want to do. Trying to cuddle? He’s in. Movies? Sure. Not down to smash? Cool. Him neither. Aside from being a little scary sometimesquite often actually, he isn’t all that bad of a romantic yandere :)
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yandereaffections · 1 year
Durarara Masterlist
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Shizuo Heiwajima
Gentle, Loving S/o
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Izaya Orihara
Naga! Izaya HC
Clingy S/o
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Topping a male S/o 
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tiaragqueen · 1 year
The Sleeping Horror
Yandere! Izaya Orihara x Female! Reader
Hello! It’s been years, hasn’t it? Idk if you guys missed me, but I do miss writing for other fandom beside genshin and twst. I was planning to make a whole new account, but I was too lazy so here I am! Let’s start with something ‘soft’ and fantastical, shall we? Inspired by the line in the Wikipedia page of his relationship with Shizuo: “Izaya also holds the belief that only humans possess the ability to slay monsters.” And Sleeping Beauty story (would you believe me if I told you I rewrote this three times?).
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Admittedly, marriage wasn’t something Izaya really had in mind.
Not because he was a player, but because he was still young. Still adventurous. Still mischievous. He wanted to see more people, more kingdoms, more chaos. His position as a prince allowed him that much, but it also came with many responsibilities. And one of them was an arranged marriage.
Until now, Izaya wasn’t sure how to react when he found out he was already betrothed since birth. On one hand, he was somewhat irritated with the fate his father had oh-so-kindly lay out in front of him. Even as a child, he should at least have some freedom to choose his own suitor, right? It wasn’t as if he was a particularly naïve kid who thought suitors were equal to playmates. He’d always been intelligent, albeit quieter and more distant.
But on the other hand, you sounded quite… interesting. Yes, sounded, because he’d never seen you. There wasn’t even a painting of you somewhere in your castle. It was either you vanished or you only existed in people’s imagination. Then, his father, Shirou, disproved of the latter because he recounted a story that happened during your christening. Apparently, your father had enraged a wicked fairy by excluding her from the event and she promptly avenged her wounded ego by cursing you to prick your finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel before the sun set on your sixteenth birthday and die. One of the pixie fairies whom your father did invite, used her blessing to weaken the curse so that instead of dying, you’d fall into a deep sleep, only broken by true love’s kiss. Because, apparently, her magic wasn’t strong enough to undo the curse. So, your father ordered all spinning wheels throughout the kingdom be burned and the remains were hidden in the dungeon.
It certainly explained why Izaya heard a few peasants grumbling about the lack of spinning wheels when he occasionally visited your kingdom. But, alas, Shirou didn’t seem to know about your whereabouts. It didn’t help that he forbade him from mentioning the incident to your own father too, despite the fact that Izaya had a right to know as your fiancé.
So, using the intelligence he’d built up after years of scheming and illicit dealings, Izaya managed to pinpoint your location. It was a humble cottage in the middle of the forest, secluded enough to avoid the wicked fairy’s eyes but not enough for his. Izaya smirked as if he’d won a high-staking gamble, and with the leverage he had on your father, it could be described as one. Shirou wasn’t a fool, but his job as a king did prevent him from knowing the full extent of Izaya’s secret occupation and hobby.
And thus, Izaya set out to find his cursed fiancée. As expected, you were every bit of a country bumpkin; naïve and improper. It was clear that you’d never seen a stranger beyond your three bumbling fairy ‘aunts’, judging by how you openly gaped at his sudden appearance when you were singing to your animal friends. And yet, Izaya allowed your curiosity shine through, anyway, if not because of how pathetically cute you looked right now. Like a dog, or a kitten, that he could easily pick up and bring somewhere else because you were just so defenseless.
Did your aunts even teach you not to trust a stranger, whoever it was?
Apparently, no. Because there was a limit to how ‘human’ they could pretend to be, and you wouldn’t have known any better because they were all you had growing up. Even now, a good parent shouldn’t let their daughter play too long in the forest where anything and everything could happen to her, especially when she didn’t possess any self-defense skills.
Especially when she was you, a princess in hiding.
Perhaps you were lucky that he was the one who met you. Izaya couldn’t imagine what would happen if it was that wicked fairy instead?
… Or he could! There was no limit for possibilities in his mind. That was how he could stay entertained despite so many of his plans veering off their tracks.
Truly, it’d be a shame if you were to get caught, right?
Well, it would, but he wouldn’t do that. He wanted to see what would happen if he didn’t intervene in the course of your life. Would it end happily ever after like Shirou hoped? Or would it become a nightmare for you and your kingdom instead? So far, you were the most interesting woman he’d ever met despite your obvious flaws, which some lessons in table manners and etiquette could rectify. And perhaps Izaya would bestow more of his ‘love for humanity’ in keeping you by his side regardless, even if the latter were to befall you.
Was this what the power of bias felt like? It wasn’t that bad, and it might’ve made him feel a bit closer to being a human, but Izaya wanted to know more about your feelings when you found out that he pitied you. Would you be offended? Touched? Upset?
Ah, the possibilities were truly endless, weren’t they?
Apparently, you’d fallen for him at first meeting, and were excited to tell your aunts about him when they revealed your true status as a betrothed princess. You could never meet ‘him’ again, they said. It was somewhat foolish of them to not allow you to tell them about him, but then again, Izaya doubted they’d known him let alone see his face. It was enough that they neglected you most of the time, albeit accidentally. How could he trust them to remember who he was?
Then, the fated thing happened.
The wicked fairy found out about you.
After the fairies brought you to your father’s castle in disguise, they let you grieve over your broken heart in your new room. But the wicked fairy used your sadness to entrance you and led you to an abandoned tower. All this time, Izaya watched from the shadows without anyone’s knowledge, not even your own father. His fingers twitched with an unexplainable urge to help you when you were forced to touch the conjured spinning wheel, while his brain – the more dominant part of him – convinced him to watch a little longer. It wasn’t as if he could challenge the fairy head-on, and he didn’t have any magic to do so despite his yearning heart.
Eventually, you succumbed to the curse, and the wicked fairy gloated over it to your belated aunts.
While waking you up with a kiss sounded ideal, it was more tempting to kill the wicked fairy first of all, if not to feel the rush of adrenaline and victory in his hands. Maybe you’d be grateful for it too, and thus, strengthening your love for him and salvaging your broken heart. But since he didn’t have the appropriate weapon to defeat her, Izaya was left to approach the pixies.
“Excuse me. You three look quite flustered. Is there something wrong?”
“Oh, my! You surprised me there, young man.” the pink one gasped, holding her tiny chest. “A-and no, we’re fine. Thank you for asking.”
“Are you sure?” he asked, still with the amiable smile that took him years of etiquette lessons and scheming to perfect. “You see, I have a fiancée, and I was told that I’d be seeing her today.”
They exchanged quizzical glances at each other.
“My name is Izaya Orihara.” He took a medal from his pocket as a proof of his own identity. “I’m betrothed to the princess of this kingdom. But, unfortunately, I was never able to see her. It upsets me terribly to postpone another meeting with her, when we should’ve been together since the very first start.”
Izaya languished at them through a sad friends as he clutched the medal desperately. Almost all too easily, the fairies fell to his trap with a sympathetic ‘aw’. They didn’t even question why he had the medal in his pocket rather than in his person as a prince should be. But, at least, he wasn’t lying.
“It is against our nature to be in the way of fate, especially a fated love.” said the green one. “A wicked fairy has cursed your fiancée to sleep forever unless awaken by a true love’s kiss, and she’s currently sleeping in this tower right now.”
“Ah, how terrible.” Izaya moaned sadly. “I wish I could do something to that fairy for daring to hurt my precious fiancée.”
Once again, they looked at each other.
“Let us help you with a bit of our magic, Child.” The blue one declared. “Hopefully, with these, you can end the wicked fairy’s reign of darkness once and for all.”
They armed him with the Sword of Truth and the Shield of Virtue, which they stated to be weapons of righteousness that would triumph over evil, and Izaya felt more powerful than ever. He wondered if he could even beat them with these, but they might prove their usefulness again in the future. That, and it’d be easier to manipulate you with them seeing as they were practically a ‘family’ to you.
And so, the group traveled to the mountain where the wicked fairy lived and began the most exhilarating battle he’d ever had. Cornered, the fairy transformed into a fire-breathing dragon. Another wrench to his plan, but Izaya wasn’t too worried because his agility saved their lives at the end of the day. He managed to stab her through her chest with great effort and watched her fall from the cliff.
Truly, only humans had the ability to slay monsters.
“That was wonderful, Child!” the blue fairy gushed, while the others clapped and nodded in agreement.
Izaya feigned a humble chuckle.
“I couldn’t possibly do that without your help, either, so please don’t give me all the credits.”
Flattered as they were, they hadn’t forgotten their second priority: waking you up with a true love’s kiss.
But, shockingly enough, Izaya’s kiss did nothing to your sleeping self.
“H-how could this be?!” the pink one shrieked. “Prince Izaya is supposed to be her fiancé, so why doesn’t it work?!”
While they proceeded to question each other, Izaya took the time to observe you. Your forehead was wrinkled as if suffering from a nightmare, your lips parted slightly as if wanting to say something, and your hands grasped the red roses as if trying to protect yourself with it.
It was far from the peaceful sight he’d expected to see, and the realization brought a mocking, almost humorless laugh from his throat.
“What’s wrong? Why are you laughing?’
“No, it’s nothing. Pardon my unseemly reaction.” said he, wiping his teary eye with his gloved hand. “May I ask you to bring her father here?”
“The King? What can you possibly need from him?”
“You said that only a true love’s kiss can wake her up, right? Well, he’s the one who asked you to protect her. Isn’t that what a ‘true love’ is? The feeling of wanting to protect someone?”
And such feeling wasn’t strong enough within him, or rather, he merely allowed it to wash over him. Otherwise, he would’ve stopped the wicked fairy from bewitching you earlier. Besides, Izaya was too logical to ever fall for someone at first meeting, no matter how interesting they were, and the curse said nothing about needing both parties to love each other for it to be broken.
While the fairies were occupied in bringing your father, Izaya approached one of the maids that happened to pass by.
“Bring me the dragon’s head from the cliff in the wicked fairy’s mountain.”
“Is it her own head?”
He merely smiled, and the spy nodded with a sigh. He wasn’t sure how you’d react once you woke up, but it didn’t hurt to have another ‘decoration’ inside his room. Then, he returned to the tower where your father was already standing at the bedside.
“P-Prince Izaya?!” he stammered. “Since when have you been here? Shouldn’t you notify me beforehand? Why are you dressing so... casually?”
“Now, now, that part isn’t as important as our dear princess is. And I must say, I’m quite hurt to know that you neglected to tell me that she’s been cursed all along.”
Your father flinched and looked down guiltily.
“I didn’t want it to become an international problem.”
“But there were many guests at that time, no? Don’t you think I deserve to know, as her fiancé?” Despite the feelings that Izaya didn’t quite absorb and understand, and your flaws that he mocked and used, a hint of bitterness managed to slip through his tongue. He waved his hand dismissively, both to your father and to his own emotions. “Regardless, you have the duty to save your daughter from the curse. So, go ahead. Don’t worry about the wicked fairy. I’ve slayed her, and her body is at the bottom of the cliff in her own abode. I’ll bring her head if you don’t believe me.”
The fairies gasped, while your father merely gaped, shocked at his callousness. The king glanced at the pixies, and they nodded hesitantly, confirming the part of the battle.
“I… I believe you.”
Slowly, he hovered over your face for a moment before he leaned down to press a deep kiss onto your forehead. Your troubled face relaxed little by little, and Izaya almost felt jealous when you fluttered your eyes open.
“She’s awake!” one of the pixies enthused.
Your father heaved a sigh of relief and smiled almost shakily. And yet, when your eyes landed on Izaya, they immediately widened in fear.
“No, I refuse to marry him!”
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kikyan · 3 years
You’re my favorite Human (Yandere Izaya x F! Reader x Yandere Shizuo)
Before ANY of yall say anything, I wrote this as a birthday special to an online friend I once had. If Izaya and literally anybody else sounds OOC, it’s because this was written back in 2018/2019 after I watched Durarara!! For a bit of background info, I first watched Durarara!! back in middle school when a friend admitted to liking the anime and well I decided to watch too. This show was too complex for my small ass mind so I dropped it. Then I met my online friend (we are no longer friends) who would always comment on Quotev where I was most active at the time. Well, I literally only picked up this anime again for said friend and the birthday request. I wrote this immediately right after the show so if it sucks ass, there is a reason for it. Anyway’s I promise to give them justice if I manage to write my spooky Slasher AU’s for them. Also if you somehow end up managing which ‘slasher’ Shizuo and Izaya fit I’ll write you a special one-shot within my guidelines for your birthday/Christmas depending on the time constraint. Here you go, for the curious peeps!  This story branches off to two endings, Izaya ending w/ Smut and a Shizuo ending because I became a hardcore simp over that man and will literally do anything he tells me to. Regardless, I will edit the links and such for their appropriate endings! This story is also unedited so. . .have fun IG 
God I sucked at writing fics so much back then. . .
The blonde man proceeded to pick up the red vending machine stationed outside a random building, preparing to lance it at the black-haired male he called Izaya. 
"S-Shizuo!! It's not worth it!! Calm down!! Um- I know! I'll make some tea for you to calm down just please drop the vending machine!!"
"Shizuo!! Please!! Milk! Yep, milk will surely calm you down just please Shizuo!! You're attracting too much attention and you don't like violence right!!" 
“Throw it Shizu-Chan. Or are you too weak to hold it anymore.”
Shizuo turned away from the (h/c) individual as he began to grip a stop sign before removing it from the ground and began to run towards Izaya. 
" Shizuo stop!! Geez, Izaya please refrain from edging him on! Shizuo don't give in! You're better, in fact, you want to be better!! You want to be stronger to have more control right!! Well. . . Don't give in!!" 
At the sound of this Shizuo stopped before tossing the stop sign to the side and grabbing the (h/c) haired individual and dragging you off with him. 
Looking back, the person Shizuo was dragging turned around to look back at Izaya before stopping in their tracks and bowing apologetically. 
" I'm sorry Izaya for the commotion we caused, but I hope you understand that Shizuo is a bit difficult but I'm sure he can change! You too izaya, you seem to try to edge him on and that reflects poorly on you! So please Izaya, I hope you understand too!" 
" Oi (Y/N), what are you apologizing for?" 
Smiling softly at Izaya and giving him a shy wave (Y/N) turned to face Shizuo and continued to answer his question.
"Well, I mean I didn't stop him from edging you on!" 
" I swear you really are the most optimistic, apologetic, and kindest person on this planet. You are one of a kind." 
Laughing softly (Y/N)  turned to Shizuo as they began to reply, " Thank you! It means a lot to me Shizuo!" 
Walking alongside Shizuo, (Y/N) proceeded to make small talk unaware of the lingering dark eyes upon her figure.
"(Y/N), I swear I can't figure you out. No matter what you do or what happens you always apologize to everyone. Even that damn Izaya!" 
"Well, Shizuo I like to be positive!! Besides, I'm sure second chances must be given!!" 
" Hmph. Even those who commit the worst of crimes?" 
"Well, I'm not the one entitled to forgive them for crimes committed against another, but I believe if someone truly wanted to, someone could change." 
" For example, you! I mean you've gotten several chances, haven't you? You have a stable job, although you can get quite violent, you have friends, and you are trying your hardest to change! So, I feel like anyone could change!!" 
"Hmph. You forgot something. . ." 
" I did?" 
" Yeah, I also have the best person next to my side, you, (Y/N) (L/N)." 
" I-I-I-I u-um S-sh!?" 
" Heh, you get flustered all of a sudden and it suits your personality. I wonder how I got stuck with someone like you (Y/N). . ."
Bodies were lying around Shizuo in the school field as he huffed in rage and looked to the side to see a (h/c) haired female with (e/c) eyes looking wide at the scene that laid before them. 
" Hmph, what are you scared?" 
Shizuo asked as he looked at the female before looking a bit confused as he noticed the expression on the girl changed. She was smiling and shook her head before answering his question. 
" Nope! I mean what you did isn't good but I'm sure you have a reason! Besides, I feel like deep down you regret it. I mean, although you are pretty violent, you probably don't want to be right?" 
"I... .hmph. Stop being odd and spouting nonsense." 
As the female turned to the bodies she bowed apologetically and began to speak. 
"I'm sorry! I apologize for his behavior! He doesn't mean it! He regrets it! Besides, you guys should know that violence isn't acceptable so please apologize for your actions as well! Fighting isn't acceptable!!" 
" W-w-well I am apologizing to them and you!! I mean you didn't mean too!! Besides, fighting is wrong! Both parties were at fault so I must apologize for it!" 
"W-w-well!! They are knocked out and can't speak, plus you won't apologize, you want to but you can't bring yourself to!!"
"I'M SOR-!?" 
"Geez, troublesome woman." 
" Ahhh!! What time is it?!" 
"Why the hell are you asking me?" 
"Crap I think I missed my train! Now I have to walk home! Wait, that's fine! I missed gym class to help the teachers so this will count for my exercise! Of course, I shouldn't feel down!" 
" You're unusually optimistic. I'd be pissed as all hell if that happened." 
"Well I think everything happens for a reason and besides, you need to see the bright side of everything! Anyway, I need to go! I have to walk for about maybe 2 hours till I arrive home and I do have homework to complete! I'm sorry for being a bother but I hope to see you tomorrow at school!" 
"Let me, let me walk you home alright." 
"Ahh okay okay! I'm sorry for bothering you but thank you!!" 
"Yeah, yeah just stop apologizing and don't start again." 
"Alright! By the way, what's your name?"
" Shizuo Heiwajima. Yours?" 
" (Y/N) (L/N)!" 
As they began to walk side by side (Y/N) began to laugh as she asked Shizuo questions upon question leading to Shizuo answering them and laughing as he realized, maybe having someone not fear him, was a good feeling. 
"Hey, Shizuo?" 
"Yeah? What is it?" 
" Wanna go for Russian sushi?" 
Looking down at the girl Shizuo gave his usual smirk before responding happily. 
" Sure, why not?" 
"Hey, Shizuo?" 
" Yeah?" 
Turning around he met with the female who became his best friend and possibly his crush. Smiling softly he turned to give her all of his attention despite the number of bodies surrounding him in the field of his high school. 
"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to um, well. . ." 
"SHIZUO! I have someone I would like to introduce you too!~" 
" Huh?" 
Shizuo replied in his usual tone as to be turned to meet the faces of the young boy with glasses, brown hair and grey eyes whom he quickly recognized as his friend Shinra Kishitani but the other boy, had dark hair and matching eyes he did not. 
"What do you want Shinra?" 
"Oh? Am I interrupting you and your girlfriend~" 
"Girlfriend?! I-I-I’m j-just a friend!?" 
Shizuo looked to the side but quickly locked eyes with the boy. Shinra looking at Shizuo quickly turned to introduce the other boy. 
"His name is Izaya Orihara! He is in the same year and class as us!" 
Upon looking at Izaya, Shizuo quickly launched an attack towards him before Izaya leaped out and grabbed his knife before slicing Shizuo across the abdomen. Shizuo looked down noticing the wound before looking back at Izaya. 
"S-s-shizuo?! Are you okay? Oh, I'm so sorry this happened!!" 
"(Y/N) it's fine and stop apologizing! You didn't do anything wrong! Besides, it was him, Izaya. . ." 
"Oh? Come on Shizu-chan I haven't even done anything. . ." 
"I'm sorry!! I apologize that Shizuo charged at you and hurt you! He tends to do that a lot, but I apologize on your behalf! Shizuo, I apologize that Izaya cut you! I'm sorry I couldn't stop him from cutting you and possibly distracted you. So please, violence is not the answer! Izaya and Shizuo I apologize and I hope you may make up and be best friends!!" 
"I'm sorry! Ah, wait u-u-um well I know you both didn't mean it!!" 
"Here we go again. . . (Y/N) STOP APOLOGIZING, ON TOP OF THAT TO THAT GUY!" 
Shizuo was pointing at Izaya with a hint of disgust written across his face as Izaya looked dumbfounded for a split moment before asking, "Wait? You serious?" 
"Did you just apologize for something you didn't do?" 
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bother you!" 
"I-, well it seems this took an interesting turn of events. Well, goodbye Shizu-chan, (Y/N) right?" 
"Y-yeah. . ." 
Shizuo stood in front holding his arm protectively (Y/N)  as Izaya twirled the pocket knife in his arms in a strange direction before smiling and whispering a small, “Interesting. . .” 
As Izaya turned to leave, Shizuo muttered a small “ That bastard makes me so damn mad” before turning to (Y/N) realizing she had something to say before you were both rudely interrupted by Shinra. 
“ Hey (Y/N) what did you want? You had something to say before that damn bastard arrived.” 
“ O-Oh I-I did. . . um, Shizuo I wanted to ask if you wanted to miss the last train again and... .walk me home, and get Russian sushi with me. . .” 
“ Is that your way of asking me out on a date?” 
Teasing (Y/N) slightly she turned red upon hearing that before nodding her head softly. With a sigh, Shizuo smiled and dragged the smaller female by her arm before muttering a “ finally you asked” causing the female to turn even redder at the comment. (Y/N) ran a little ahead and turned back to smile at Shizuo before whispering “ I love you Shizuo. . .” 
Walking to the shared home that Shizuo and (Y/N) have, (Y/N) grabbed a small jug of milk before handing it to Shizuo scolding him for getting violent, but congratulating him on holding back and not letting Izaya get to him. 
“ I don’t know what I would do without you (Y/N), I mean it . . .” 
“ I’m just lucky this happened when we were walking together and not when you were working. Izaya can be a bit extreme but I’m sure he means well!!” 
“Heh, you always look on the bright side, don’t you?” 
“ Exactly!! Looking on the bright side is exactly what brought us together!! I mean after you dropped me off at my house we got to be great friends, that's also when you confided in me your secrets and feelings. Then you began to realize that I didn’t fear you and truly cared for you. Then we went on a date, and became a couple! Dating for a good 5, 6 years?” 
“ Yep, luckily we still love each other.” 
“ I won’t ever stop loving you Shizuo, because you accepted me for who I am. Now it’s time to let me accept you for who you are. . . I mean I already did but you can’t get it through that thick skull of yours can you?” 
“ What do you mean, I understand.” 
“ Yet, every time you encounter Izaya and I’m not around you come home quite sad and always ask me if I would ever leave you. Shizuo, I would never leave you.” 
“ Well yeah but. . .”
“ But?” 
“ You’re right. I should head to work. See you later (Y/N). Take care and don’t do anything strange.” 
“ I wouldn’t do anything you wouldn’t do.” 
“ That worries me.” 
“ I’m just going to talk to Celty or just hang around the park! See you later Shizuo!” 
“ Hmph. Later and don’t forget that I love you.” 
“ I should be saying that but of course! Love you too and later!” 
Shizuo smiled at the girl before heading off to visit Tom his friend and employer. They had another client that refused to pay up and Shizuo was going to “pay” him a visit to ensure he did. (Y/N) locked the door before going on her phone and texting Celty. 
‘ You busy Cel?’ 
‘ No, not really. Why do you ask?’ 
`` I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out and chat.’ 
‘ Sure. I’ll pick you up and we can head off to the park. That fine?’ 
``you read my mind Cel. Alright, I’ll get ready.’  
(Y/N) changed into a new set of clothing before waiting on the couch for Celty to pick her up and head to the park. Celty and (Y/N) got along well as well, (Y/N) always saw the bright side. When she and celty were close enough, originally being introduced by Shinra, Celty confided in her about not having a head and (Y/N) offered some light on the subject. 
“ Well, head or no head  I think you’re perfect just the way you are. For example, you can still do pretty much everything right? Aside from taste but still Celty! I think that is what makes you unique I mean, if you think about it, only those people who truly love and care for you will accept you no matter what. Take a look at Shizuo, he believed everyone feared him, but I didn’t. I love him! Just like I love you Celty! I accept you for who you are and you will always be celty with or without your head! So cheer up, I don’t like seeing my friends sad!” 
With that, a new friendship was born leading (Y/N) to be best friends with the fearsome headless rider. 
< - - - - - - - - - - - - > 
Kanra: Hey guys! I have a question about a specific person. 
Setton: A person? Who? 
TarouTanaka: Agreed. It’s quite rare to see you not having information on anyone. 
Kanra: Precisely, which is why I must know. Do any of you know a (Y/N) (l/n)? 
Setton: (Y/N)? Not personally but I’ve heard rumors. . . 
Setton: There’s not much I know about her, but I’ve heard rumors of her being in the Dollars.
Setton: Besides that, I’ve also heard she’s Shizuo Heiwajima’s girlfriend and possibly future wife.
TarouTanaka: Shizuo Heiwajima? As in THE Shizuo Heiwajima? Do you know the violent one? 
Kanra: That’s so scary!! Who would put up with him? 
Kanra: *Gasps* you don’t think. . .
TarouTanaka: Think what? 
Kanra: You don’t think she’s using him do you? I mean, having a strong boyfriend has its perks right? 
Setton: She’s not that type of person.
Setton: From what I’ve heard, at least.
Kanra: Oh? You seem to get a bit defensive. Are you sure you don’t know her? 
Kanra: I mean, think about it. What is so special about Shizuo that would lead someone like her to love him? 
Kanra: Honestly, I think she could be using him after all I’m sure there are more people that someone like her could pick from. 
Setton: Well everything is just based on rumors, but I doubt she’s a bad type of person.
Setton: Love has always been a confusing matter. All that matters is that they like each other for who they are.
Setton: It’s not our place to make assumptions.
Kanra: Love is indeed confusing. 
TarouTanaka: I agree with Setton, I am sure they love each other for who they are. Is everything alright Kanra? 
Kanra: Yes, but it still stumps me on how little information we have of his girlfriend. Not only that but we have little information on the relationship as well. Has anyone seen her? Know what she looks like? 
Setton: I’ve only heard a vague description of her: (e/c) and (h/c). I could pass her on the street and not even know.
Setton: But I’m sure she’s just a private person. We should respect that and try not to dig into her life.
Kanra: Oh fair maiden will I ever see you?
TarouTanaka: You sure you aren’t trying to steal his girlfriend? 
Kanra: ^ 0 ^ Never! 
Setton: This has been an interesting discussion and all, but I’m needed elsewhere.
Setton: Later.
< - - - - - - - - - - - - - > 
Kanra: Well I better head out too, later Tarou! 
TarouTanaka: Later! 
< - - - - - - - - - - - - - >
A figure began to ponder and look outside with a pair of binoculars as a female with (e/c) and (h/c) walked by. 
‘ Oh? I think I should properly introduce myself to the fair maiden’ 
The young girl walked out of her house ready to speak with the dullahan. Upon seeing the headless rider the young girl waved her hand signaling the rider. 
“ Celty! Over here!” 
The rider began to make its way to the female before hugging and typing away on its phone. 
“Oh good, I was worried I arrived too early.”
“ Nah! Even if you did, you would have more time to look around and notice life at it’s finest!” 
“Oh Y/N, still as cheerful as ever, huh?”
“ Oh, you know it! Now let's head to the park! I want to see Ikebukuro at its prime time at night!” 
“Of course, but as we’re walking let me ask: How’s it going between you and Shizuo?”
“ Well. . . I-I-I I think it’s going great! He isn’t getting as rowdy and violent so I think he is changing a little bit! He ended getting me a gift, a necklace to be exact for our 5th anniversary! It says his name! He also has one, one with my name!”  
“I’m glad to hear you guys are going great. I’m sure that nothing could ever break your relationship, right?” 
“ Exactly! He and I have never had a serious argument! Maybe a little scolding but it’s fine like this! I always end up congratulating him in the end! He is the sweetest! Every time he comes home he asks me if I love him which makes me sad because I hope he knows I do! However. . . he always ends up spoiling me in love! The real question. . . is how is it with Shinra?” 
“Oh. . . Well, you know how he is. We’re as close as we can ever be, especially now that I’m more accustomed to the whole headless thing. That doesn’t mean I’m not looking, though.”
“ You will find it Celty! I know for a fact you will find it! I’ll help you when I have time! Hey look it’s the park let’s find a bench!” 
[park bench scene]
“You know, Y/N, I heard that you and Shizuo were considering getting married. Is it true?”
“ Well, I-!?” 
“ Well, Celty! I didn’t know you were here? (Y/N) too! What a surprise too! Do you mind if I sit with you guys?” 
“ Well, not really! Feel free to sit Izaya!” 
“ Interesting, now continue what were we talking about?” 
“ Well, Celty asked about my marriage to Shizuo!” 
“ So it’s true. . .” 
“ Yeah! Celty we are! Sometime next week we were going to look for dresses!” 
“That’s wonderful Y/N! If you need anything, I’m always available to help.”
“ Of course!” 
“ Same here.  . . a wedding between Shizu-chan and (Y/N) seems interesting. . .” 
“ So (Y/N), why are you with Shizu-chan? What’s the catch?” 
“ Pardon Izaya?” 
“ I mean, why would someone like YOU be with someone like HIM? What are the perks of having Shizu-chan as your boyfriend?” 
“ Perks?!” 
“I know that you and Shizuo have an on-going rivalry, but should you be asking Y/N questions like that?” 
“ I was just curious Celty! Besides, do you have the answer?” 
“ Well, there are no perks.” 
“ Huh?” 
“ I love Shizuo, not for his strength or perks. I love him because he was kind to me. He accepts my optimistic side, even though it can be quite annoying and I accept his violent tendencies! He is doing so much to change and I will support him from now on! When we met, he kinda beat the entire team on the field and I apologized for the both of him! He got confused and I apologized for my behavior and we kinda got into a mini battle of him asking me to stop apologizing and well my apologizing even more! Nonetheless, I missed the train, but it gave me a chance to talk to him and as you can tell he walked me home! Since then, a steady relationship! So it’s not about the benefits, it’s what we feel for each other that motivates us!” 
“ Interesting. . . “  
“ I agree Y/N, it’s about love, not benefits. Might want to save a speech that profounds for your wedding though.
“ You’re right! Oh, I’m sorry Izaya for ruining the surprise!” 
‘ Interesting. . . she isn’t like every other human, she doesn’t seem to lie, hide things, and seems to be honest. She seems to be optimistic. Hmph, interesting that she isn’t like all the other humans I love, she’s different and I can’t wait to see her face, her entire being change as I pull the strings from behind! (Y/N), you are quite interesting, you are like my special, no my favorite human and I need to see your reactions to everything... .’ 
“ (Y/N)?” 
“ Ah, Shizuo! O-over here!” 
“ Celty’s here too and-?!” 
Shizuo stared at the black-haired male with such anger raging within them as he let out a growl before examining the area. 
“ It’s a park? Am I not allowed to visit one?” 
“ N-no! Shizuo we were only just talking! Besides, Celty was here with us! It was all friendly talk!” 
“ Celty, take (Y/N) and go to Shinra’s place. I’ll meet you there once I finish killing this bastard!” 
Typing away Celty nodded showing her phone with the message being, ‘Of course. Be careful before doing anything crazy, but please hear Y/N out first. Learn a bit about the situation before jumping into anything dangerous.”
“ Oh my Shizu-chan!~ So you are dating her. Isn’t that interesting. . . I say though it’s shocking, to say the least, that someone like (Y/N) would fall in love with you. Someone as fragile, beautiful, delicate, and forgiving like (Y/N) with a violent man as yourself, well I’d be damned!” 
“ I’m sorry! Izaya, I apologize for Shizuo’s behavior as he ended up attacking you without hearing my part, which I still have yet to say! However, I apologize on your part as well Izaya as you didn’t mean anything by chatting with us, but you asked some not so nice things. On the bright side, you know the truth and know that Shizuo isn’t a bad person!” 
“ (Y/N) . . .?” 
“ Shizuo! Celty and I were chatting when Izaya approached us, we were just talking! He didn’t hurt me, besides Celty would have put him in his place before I would have! Please believe me, Celty tell him the truth as well!” 
“Of course, there was nothing suspicious going on. Just a regular conversation full of small talk. Nothing shady or malicious between us and Izaya.”
“ Tch. Fine, but still take her to Shinra. I don’t want this bastard to find out where we live. I still want to kill him. . .” 
“ S-Shizuo! It’s fine, we don’t need to go see Shinra!” 
“ Aww, Shizu-chan you’re scaring her!~ Besides, what if (Y/N) doesn’t want to leave? You’re her boyfriend but you aren’t her owner. Besides, why do you get to keep her all to yourself, as you know I love humans, I can’t get enough of them! But she, she is quite interesting, as all humans I love her as well but aren’t you pushing it Shizuo chan?” 
“ Keep that damn mouth of yours shut!” 
“ I wonder, how long will it take you to screw up your relationship with her like you always do. Have you even proposed to her yet? Being the violent person you are you probably used someone's body as a foot stand before asking her to be your wife!” 
“ NO! That’s wrong! He proposed at Russia Sushi! We went out to eat as it was also our first date! See, even Simon took the picture and hung it in the dining area! You can see Shizuo’s fist but that was because he was embarrassed Simon took a picture and well he snapped, see how red he is? I’m the one crying in the background while holding the ring! It’s even my lock and home screen!” 
Running after Shizuo, (Y/N)  turned around one last time before bowing apologetically and smiling at Izaya before running after her fiance. Celty typing away on her phone showing it to Izaya. 
“Be careful about what you say around Y/N. I know what you’re trying to do and I advise you against it. It won’t end well for either of you.”
“ Whatever do you mean Celty?” 
“I’ve seen the way you look at Y/N; the way you observe her with that calculated glee in your eye. Even if you do separate her from Shizuo, she wouldn’t be happy with someone considered a homewrecker. She’s too optimistic for her good, she’ll easily forgive you, but she would never be able to forgive herself for hurting Shizuo. If you truly value her like you say you do, don’t try to meddle in her personal affairs.” 
“ I want to see every possible reaction from her, so this is quite tempting. Besides, Celty why do you care much about her? I love humans and I’m not willing to share, (Y/N) is no exception.” 
“Y/N is the best person I know. She’s kind no matter what and brings hope and joy to all of those that she comes across. She deserves to live the best life she can, one filled with no despair or tragedy. You need to learn to respect that and move on.”
Celty, displaying her anger towards Izaya, revved her motorcycle upwards causing several people to look in worry and walk away to avoid getting hit. Izaya stood unamused with his smug grin as he watched Celty chase after the couple to take them to Shinra. 
“ Celty, it’s a shame. All humans will experience despair no matter what, even our darling (Y/N). It’s just how long will it take for her to fall into despair that’s the real game and who the one pulling the strings will be.” 
Izaya began to walk away only to stop at Russia sushi and was quite intrigued by the photo that was taken. As he began to examine the image he saw (Y/N) smiling with tears rolling down her eyes as she turned to the camera holding the ring Shizuo had given her. On top of that, he saw Shizuo, quite red ready to punch Simon for taking the picture. 
“ Well well, seems she was telling the truth. I guess he didn’t screw it up.” 
“ Izaya, I heard about what happened.” 
As Izaya turned he was met with Simon the dark-skinned Russian who began to speak in his native tongue signaling that this was a private conversation. 
“ Simon, how’s it been?” 
“ Don’t ruin it.” 
“ Ruin what Simon?” 
“ Shizuo and (Y/N) found happiness here so don’t ruin it.” 
“ Oh? What makes you say that?” 
“ (Y/N) is special, the unpredictable happens around her but that doesn’t mean you should ruin what they have for the sake of your entertainment.” 
“ Special huh?” 
“ You like her don’t you? Leave her with Shizuo, she is not meant for you.” 
“ You see Simon, you’re right she is special but she isn’t Shizuo’s. I believe her to be one of the few people who aren’t on this playing field. She, like all humans, belongs to me. I won’t let Shizu-chan, Celty, or even that damn Saika blade have her.” 
“ Izaya, I know you don’t like losing to Shizuo but that does not mean you have to ruin this relationship. For once, let it go.” 
“ It’s Shizuo who needs to let her go.” 
With that Izaya left the place before walking away thinking about the girl. Since he met her years ago he realized how forgiving and optimistic she truly was. It shocked him, every human he met would be the same and oh so predictable. Shizu-chan and Simon would be the unpredictable ones spicing up his entertainment but (Y/N)? She was the most unpredictable one of them all. She took both sides of an argument and attempted to find a solution and she would keep Shizuo in check something that no one could do. On top of that, (Y/N) forgave anyone and you could never guess what she would say next, but her actions were always surprising. As he entered his workplace he was met with Namie Yagiri who looked at him in disbelief. 
“ It’s late where have you been?” 
“ Ah, Namie I was out with Celty and (Y/N) (L/N).” 
“ (Y/N) (L/N)?” 
“ Shizuo Heiwajima’s girlfriend, well fiance but not for long.” 
“ What do you mean, not for long?” 
“ Well you see, I intend to steal her away.” 
“ You never seem to bother with people’s love lives anyways. Why now?” 
“ (Y/N) (L/N) is a fascinating human! Here on this board, Shizu-Chan is the king and (Y/N (L/N) would be his queen, but the queen is one of the few people with free-range movement, in other words, the most powerful piece, nonetheless all are useful but the queen is the one who defends her king. If the queen is removed you’re pretty much set to fail and the king is left weak and ready to be dethroned. So, Shizu-chan is only strong with his queen, but this fascinating human being should be next to me, her God!” 
“ So you want to use her-!?” 
“ No! You’re not getting the picture! I am going to take the queen and leave her next to her god’s side! ME! With Shizu-chan weak I’ll simply kill him and fully take (Y/N) (L/N) as mine!” 
“ I thought Shizuo provided you with the most entertainment. . .” 
“ (Y/N) makes up for both of them, I don’t need Shizuo when I have his queen. . .” 
“ Shizuo! Wait!” 
Shizuo was walking faster while dragging (Y/N) behind him as they proceeded to go to their house after staying at Shinra’s. 
“ What for?” 
“ I’m sorry for embarrassing you in front of Izaya. . .” 
“ I’m fine, as long as it was you I didn’t mind.” 
“ You sure?” 
“ Of course, now let’s go home. I’m tired.” 
As they entered the home in which they both own Shizuo immediately grabbed (Y/N) as he held her close before asking her yet again, “ Do you love me?” 
“ Of course silly! I wouldn’t marry someone I don’t love! I love you to the moon and back Shizuo and I wouldn’t change that for the world! No one and nothing would ever split us apart Shizuo! You accepted me for who I am, now it’s time you realize that I accept you for you!” 
Cuddling closer with the (h/c) hair colored female he blurted out something that made her turn red upon hearing it. 
“ I want a baby.” 
“ A WHAT?!” 
“ A baby. I hope to be able to be a father once we wed.” 
“ W-w-w-w-what g-g-g-gave you that idea?!” 
“ We are both at a young age, once we marry I feel like we should have a child. I won’t rush or force you but I think we would be great parents.” 
“I...OKAY! Of course! After we marry, we can have as many children as we can!” 
“ W-Wait you serious?!” 
“ Of course Shizuo, because I love you to bits! Just like I will love this child, I'll make sure you both know how special you are to me!” 
“ I do wonder how I found someone like you (Y/N). . . I love you!” 
“ I love you too Shizuo!” 
As they both fell asleep in a lovers embrace Shizuo was reminded of how much (Y/N) loves him and was also reminded that she will never leave him. Izaya was wrong, (Y/N) loves him for himself and as Shizuo sighed in relief as he cuddled closer to the female, not being feared, but being loved was a great feeling, the best in the world. 
“ Now. . . what should I make for dinner? I should make Shizuo’s favorite meal, but that means that I need to go shopping. Oh well.” 
(Y/N) pulled out her phone before sending Shizuo a quick text saying how she would be stepping out and would be home soon. After getting an, ‘alright. Be safe.’ text she immediately set out to the store. As (Y/N) was searching through the ingredients she came across a hand reaching for the same one, the last one. 
“ Oh, I’m sorry! You can take it!” 
“ No, no that fine! By all means, take it.” 
“ Izaya... .?’ 
“ Ah! (Y/N)! Isn’t that wonderful? I wanted to speak to you!” 
“ Same! Just let me finish shopping and I’ll go with you!” 
“ Here! I’ll help, by the way! Feel free to take it, I don’t need that ingredient as much as you do.” 
“ Thanks! Are you sure you don’t want it though, I’m making a meal for Shizuo but I can always go to other stores! If you want it you should take it! On the bright side, I can get my daily walk in by going to other stores and I might be able to browse through other items I may need!” 
“ Oh? A meal for Shizu-chan? Then, by all means, take it. I wouldn’t want to make him upset.” 
“ Thank you Izaya! You really care for him!” 
“ Well, I wouldn’t say that. .  . “
“ Well, we should get going! I think I got everything I needed!” 
Walking to the park in silence was a little awkward until (Y/N) lit up at the sight of ice cream. 
“ Hey Izaya, look it’s an ice cream truck! Do you want some? My treat!” 
“ Actually, it will be mine! Which one do you want (Y/N)?” 
“ (F/F) please!” 
“ Of course!” 
Upon getting the ice cream ( Y/N) desired and Izaya getting one for himself they decided to sit on a bench and she continued speaking with Izaya. 
“ Izaya, I have a question.” 
“What is it (Y/N)?” 
“ Well, why do you like edging Shizuo on? You know he is trying his hardest to change, wait, is it to push him? To see how much he needs to improve left?” 
“ You really are optimistic aren’t you? Not exactly, you see Shizuo tends to act differently from the rest. . . he truly is unpredictable so I just want to see every possible reaction from him. Just like you?” 
“ Me? I hardly think I'm unpredictable, I feel like you could read me easily.” 
“ You can’t and that’s the best part. I truly love all humans (Y/N), they are just so interesting! In the end, they all act the same yet it’s so exciting!” 
“ Interesting. You like the unpredictable more though right! I do too! It’s like a book, if you can predict the way it ends then it isn’t all the fun. However, if the book ends with a plot twist and catches you by surprise then it is fun! Every new day, every new day is something different for me! I feel like, when you look at a new angle you end up seeing things you’ve never seen. This could easily impact what you think or what you do! That’s what I try to do to make my day more interesting!” 
Izaya looking at her with insanity swirling his eyes grabbed her hands causing her ice cream to fall before laughing. 
“ You understand me! You see what I see! You truly do deserve to be next to your god's side! Tell me (Y/N), you’re very forgiving, aren’t you! Every god needs to judge and punish the sinners, BUT THEY ALSO NEED TO FORGIVE! THAT MY GODDESS IS WHERE YOU COME IN! WITH YOU BY MY SIDE, WE COULD TRULY RULE OVER THESE HUMANS! JUST AS I LOVE HUMANS, THEY SHOULD LOVE ME TOO! THAT INCLUDES YOU (Y/N), DO YOU LOVE ME?” 
“ I-?!” 
“ That’s enough!” 
Turning to Celty who began to write furiously fast on her phone shoved it in front of Izaya as he skimmed the words that were written. 
‘Shizuo is on his way, leave if you don’t want your ass kicked. I told you to leave (Y/N) alone! For once, listen to me!’ 
Celty grabbed (Y/N) and led her to the motorcycle before writing on it explaining that Shizuo was around the area and was planning on picking (Y/N) up from the store. Celty mentioned that she too was around the area and that she was asked by Shizuo to help him look for her as well. Nodding, (Y/N) turned around to meet Izaya smirking, despite all she smiled at him and bowed before apologizing. 
“ I’m sorry Izaya! I hope to talk to you soon and I apologize our time was cut short. I’m happy that you told me a little about yourself Izaya as I told you I like to see both perspectives before saying or doing anything. On the bright side, although our time was cut short I realized that you trust me a little and bothered to open up a bit! So I'm glad!” 
Indeed Izaya found his Goddess, she forgave all and will forgive all. Smiling a bit he turned and wished her good-bye before plotting a plan to take her from Shizuo forever and make sure his goddess was with him all the time. Besides, even if he committed a crime, his goddess, (Y/N) (L/N) would forgive him. 
(Y/N) was riding with Celty until they found Shizuo in which he expressed his concern for the female. He examined the ingredients and smiled realizing what she was planning on doing before ruffling her hair. 
 “ I still have a little bit of work left but I'll make it home in time for dinner.” 
“ Of course! I’ll get started on dinner right away!” 
“ Alright. See you then, oh (Y/N).” 
“ Yeah?” 
“ I love you.” 
“ I love you too!” 
Getting out of the shower, (Y/N) proceeded to dry her hair with a small towel wearing (F/C) shorts and an extremely overgrown shirt, more importantly, it was Shizuo’s bartender shirt that he allowed her to wear. It fit more like a dress but no one was complaining. 
“ I better get started on dinner, Shizuo is going to arrive any minute!” 
Proceeding to get the ingredients (Y/N) was washing the vegetables when she heard a click signaling the door was open. 
“ Shizuo I’m not done with the meal-... Shizuo... .?” 
Examining the living room she noticed that the door was opened but no one was in the room with her, that was until she heard a familiar voice from her right ear. 
“ Good evening, My goddess. . .” 
With that Izaya knocked out (Y/N) cradling her in his arms before making his way to him home with the young girl, his Goddess.  
“ Wake up sleeping beauty~” 
Izaya was poking her cheek repeatedly hoping for the young girl to awaken sometime soon and luckily she did. 
“ Izaya, w-where a-am I?” 
“ Why you’re in our home my goddess~” 
“O-our? Goddess? Izaya what’s going on?” 
“ You will be living with me from now on~ You see I explained it to you, I love humans my dear (Y/N), you are no exception. However, unlike all the other humans you have an interesting personality and you are quite unpredictable making each new day exciting and something to look forward to! Someone like you should be by my side ruling alongside next to me! Just as I adore humans, they should adore us, as they should!” 
“ I-Izaya I’m sorry but it’s late and I need to get to Shizuo before it gets too late-!?” 
“ You aren’t getting it! You aren’t going back to Shizuo! You belong to me! Besides, Shizuo is weak right now! I could easily get rid of him!” 
“ He isn’t! Shizuo is quite strong! I know for a fact that he can overcome anything! Now, please let me go before I-!?” 
“ You aren’t seeing the big picture (Y/N) and it saddens me. You see the queen is the strongest piece in chess. Shizu-chan is the king and you by right, are his queen. If we take the queen away, the king is set up to fail. Haven’t you realized, everyday Shizu-chan asks you if you love him and to never leave him? Coincidence I know? I always make him doubt of this reality because without you Shizu-chan would be a violent monster! Think about it, you’re the only thing that can hold him back but you aren’t by his side! Shizu-chan does not want to be feared but he thinks it’s a fantasy, someone like you being in his life that he just needs to confirm if you love him too!” 
(Y/N) gasped when she came to notice her fiance's true feelings. Feeling down, (Y/N) looked to the side to examine the board Izaya kept close to see if she could find a pattern or attempt to figure Izaya out to create a plan.   
“ In fact! I think he is worried sick trying to find you, but he won’t! Even if he does, he doesn’t have the right to take my Goddess away!” 
In the meantime, Shizuo was frantically searching for where (Y/N) could be. When he arrived home he came to see the door open and no sign of (Y/N) causing his anxiety to spike up at the thought of losing you forever. Having enough he texted Celty and even the dollars home page alerting all members to keep an eye out on a female with (H/C) and (E/C) as she could be in danger. 
“ Celty! Have you found her yet?” 
“ No.... but I think I know where she is. I hope she isn’t though. . . “ 
“ Spit it out! WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?!” 
Shizuo was running out of breath as he looked at Celty with desperation as he saw her type away with incredible speed, but the answer both shook him and angered him to the point of no return. 
“ I think she is with Izaya. If so, we must hurry!” 
“ Of course! Leave this to me. . . I think it’s time that bastard met with his fate.” 
Shizuo walked away with anger as he began to prepare his fist to execute the man who stole his fiance.
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
Fucking durarara. We all know that Shizuo is a protective and Izaya is a sadistic-obsessive
My Brain, whenever someone mentions Shizuo and Izaya: Are they, y’know... *mimes throwing a vending machine and opening a switchblade* character foils? 
Seriously though, it’s been a few minutes since I’ve re-watched the show, but Shizuo always struck me as a very paranoid Possessive, more than anything. He’s temperamental, sure, but he’s not necessarily geared towards being protective, despite his choice of employment. Instead, he plays at it, acting like he’s doing this for you, insisting that this city is too dangerous for you to go out alone or hang out with that group or be so... frustratingly independent, even when he couldn’t really care less about any of the smaller details. He’s not really above letting you get hurt a few times, either, if only so he can be the one you crawl back to, the only person you trust while you’re so vulnerable. If it helps, he’d never directly lay a hand on you, not purposefully, anyway. That’s more than you can say about his counter-part. 
Speaking of, Izaya is really a classic Obsessive, isn’t he? So clingy, so demanding, always monopolizing your attention but refusing to admit you take up an ounce of his. He allows you more freedom than the average Yandere, too, letting you wander Ikebukuro and interact with all his other pawns and pieces, but you have to be where he tells you to be when he tells you to be there, even if Izaya himself doesn’t even bother showing up. The leash he keeps you on is long, but it’s still a leash, and he will make it shorter, if you give him a reason to. And even if he doesn’t... you just look so cute in those chains, so adorable as you try to pry your new shock-collar off, and you’re always waiting for him to come home, like this, if only because he ‘forgot’ to give you anything to entertain yourself with. The temptation is too much to resist, honestly, and Izaya’s sense of self-restraint has always been a little lacking. 
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yandere-romanticaa · 5 years
Headcanons of Chuuya, 707, and Shizuo with an s/o who tackle hugs them whenever they come home?
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♡ Nakahara Chuuya ♡
Chuuya is going to be very smug about this. He loves nothing more then to curl up right next to his s/o after a hard day of work, but having his s/o come to him? He might just be the happiest man alive! He will gladly hug his s/o back, and he doesn't even care that he sometimes gets pushed to the ground! Sure, he might sometimes get slightly annoyed if his clothes get dirty, but his s/o will be easily forgiven simply because he just can't stay mad at them for too long. He will find this super adorable, and Chuuya will have a hard time of leaving his s/o alone if they hug and cuddle him too much. They both cuddle so much sometimes, everyone around them will go "Dawww!" or they will turn their head in annoyance. *Akutagawa*
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♡ 707 ♡
Did someone say cuddles?! Come here baby, because 7 is all up for that sweetness! His s/o can hug and tackle him literally anywhere they please! Give him some of that sugar, because honey he needs it in order to have a somewhat productive day. It doesn't matter where 7 and s/o are, but he will always magically find a private place (if his s/o wants of course!), and they can just chill there and cuddle. He will buy them some snacks and he will happily listen to all of s/o's rambling, but please, just don't let go of him!♡
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♡ Shizuo Heiwajima ♡
Oh...Oh! His s/o is hugging him...happily...sweetly... Shizuo doesn't really know what to do in a situation like this. He is used to people running away from him, not running at him. At first Shizuo will treat this like a nuisance. He has other things to attend then to cuddle his s/o... But deep, deep down Shizuo will absolutely love this. He is not used to getting so much positive attention, it's very refreshing. It's just nice knowing that someone actually likes being in your company, rather then running away from you. It will take some time for Shizuo to get used to s/o's constant tackling, but once he does he just can't get enough of s/o touch. For the love of God, please hug him forever and ever because Shizuo will basically need s/o's constant attention in order to function properly.
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mantistog · 4 years
Hi! Could you write a one shot of yandere!izaya x shy!timid!reader x yandere! Shizuo. Like maybe if they’re trying to share her? Please ignore this if your still on your trip ^^!
OK pleaseee ignore the fact that this ask is months old i am a messs OK! But I am finally back to writing, so sorry its short. Also hit me a follow on instagram if you guys wanna chat about anything ;u; its Chefcseth
Yandere! Izaya x Shy!Timid! Reader x Yandere! Shizou: Home arrangment.
Sometimes you wondered if his sudden interest in you had only occurred because Shizou liked you. Of Course you were aware, despite what everyone else thought. How could you have not said anything, unless you didn’t know? You had to be clueless. But even if you knew, what were you supposed to say, then? It was mean to let their rivalry intensify, but it’s not like you could just tell them to stop. And on top of that, you were not really interested in either of them. Your shy nature kept you from admitting it, though. You were scared of both their reactions. Neither of them were well known for their tact when it came to each other, and not getting their way.
That’s why it was such a bother that Izaya always seemed to know where you were at any given time. It was almost like he knew your work schedule better than you did, so when he appeared besides you one late evening walking home it didn’t surprise you at all. To be fair, you felt a lot safer walking home with him, even if you didn’t willingly choose to do so. Sometimes it did feel like you were using them, and leading them on. But it really wasn’t your intentions. You were just too shy to say anything to them about your lack of interest.
You were ripped from your thoughts suddenly, when Izaya grabbed your arm and pointed excitingly towards his favourite sushi place. “Hey, we should stop for sushi. Aren’t you tired after work?” He asked, his question very leading. You nodded, still a bit lost in thought. Really what you wanted was to go home and make instant noodles and then just collapse on your couch, but you didn’t have the guts to fight Izaya on it. Besides, you’d eat anything right now. He seems pleased with your quick surrender. Grabbing your hand, he greets someone outside the establishment and then heads inside with you. You and him have been here before, and you understand his fondness. The food is really good.
You want to get out of the way, knowing that just sitting next to Izaya is a death sentence. Softly trying to squeeze your way to the other side of the table, you’re quickly apprehended by Izaya who is trying to use you as a shield, hoping (or knowing) Shizou won’t try to punch him through you. But Shizou just crosses his arms, looking sternly at Izaya before speaking. “It’s not your week to have them.” He simply states. You turn to look at Izaya behind you, confused as to what he means, but Izaya doesn’t seem confused either. “So, I was just supposed to leave them alone while you work? What does it matter to you anyways if you’re not able to be with them?” Izaya retorts.
You’re sitting there happily eating, listening to him go on about a client he had that day when suddenly the comfy and quiet atmosphere is broken when you hear Shizuo's deep voice address someone somewhere in the restaurant. You can tell [he] notices it too, cause he gets that suspiciously pleased smile on his face. He notices your uncomfortable face, as you look at him pleadingly. He knows you’re asking him not to cause a scene. But you know he can’t help himself. He looks like he is thinking for a split second, but then his face turns back up into a smile as he leans over to whisper to you. “I’m sorry, but you know I have to prove to him who you belong to.” You want to protest that you belong to neither of them, but before you can he is laughing loudly in a very fake way, trying to obviously attract attention.
“You’re so cute!” He shouts towards you, putting an arm around you and leaning further into you. There is a short suspicious silence as he smiles mishiefiously up at you, knowing that he is about to cause a scene. The silence is nice, and you wish you could have it eternally, because when it ends you know what is going to happen. Then the silence finally breaks as you hear heavy and rushed footsteps making its way to where you are sitting. You see his feet standing there, right in front of you and Izayas table. There is a small shake in his body, and you can tell he is furious. 
“W-what do you mean?” You manage to ask meekly, trying to decipher their conversation. Finally Shizuo seems to notice you, but instead of explaining what is going on he simply grabs your arm (harshly, but knowing his strength it’s probably meant to be softly) and drags you to him, hugging you close to him. Izaya seems surprised, and a bit displeased despite him being the one to instigate the reaction. “Hey, hey! We were on a dinner date, you can’t just take them.” 
Shizou takes your hand and drags you away, ignoring Izayas protest. You’re dragged out of the restaurant, towards Shizous apartment. Too scared to say anything, and too confused, you simply follow him. You can hear him mumbling angrily to himself, before saying screw it and dragging you faster. “If he can break the rules, so can I.” 
You’re slowly starting to piece together the gist of your situation. It all made sense. Certain weeks you would not see Shizou at all, and other weeks Izaya would try to make himself less visible. With their relationship you were kind of proud that they managed to even come to an agreement, you were just scared that it had to be at the expense of them thinking they owned you. Quietly, you slid your hand out of Shizous, making him stop to look at you. Maybe he didn’t even realize that he had been speaking out loud. 
“Shizou, I think I would like to go home.” You try, testing the waters. He looks at you with such fondness, you’re starting to get scared. “Yeah, sorry. I was lost in thought.” He explains. You take a step back instinctively, but he grabs your hand again and starts walking with you in the same direction as before. You’re getting farther from your home, but you can’t get yourself to say anything. You can’t even get yourself to stop when he drags you into an apartment, and he closes the door behind you.
“Welcome home.”
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koyukiy · 3 years
Hows about a preview?
This is a Shizuo x reader fic, something I've been working on and off for quite literally a couple years now. I always come back to it, leave it, then come back and I honestly don't even know if I actually want to post it or not. I drew inspiration from another writer on DeviantArt, their story was of a yandere!Izaya that was actually pretty tame compared to how dark and crazy other yandere works can get. I'll credit that writer in an update if I find that story again. My inspired work is not a yandere story. This is only a small snippet of the story, so it's just a preview, but I hope you enjoy anyway!
Two bright new souls. A female lifted the head of her beloved, to place it on her lap. He lay on the dirt covered ground, now facing up at her. She reached over and grasped one of his growing cold hands in both of hers as tears spilled from her eyes.
Bandits. The male was out gathering food and supplies to last them a couple of days. The female stayed inside their home, but bandits arrived, and she hid before they caught sight of her. When the male arrived, they were still raiding their home and in fear they were to find his love, he fought. One gave a mortal wound and the group left, convinced he was dead.
"Shizuo!" she had emerged from her hiding spot as soon as it was safe and immediately ran to his side. His blood staining her kimono were the least of her worries.
"Y/n...They could come back...Get somewhere safe."
"I do not want to leave you!"
Using the last of his strength, he reached up and cupped her cheek lovingly.
"I love you...with all my being. I will...find you. Please stay safe..."
As the world around him darkened, he kept his love's face in his vision's center and as she cried his name, he heard her voice get more and more distant.
I could continue to protect her, if only I were stronger...
Sengoku period. Two reborn souls. A female left her home in search of some medicinal herbs to add to her collection. Walking and picking along, she lost track of time, finally realizing when she stopped for some rest. Lost track of time, and also lost her way. She decided to keep wandering forward, hoping to find another soul for directions.
A male stood straight and wiped some sweat off his brow from field work. He noticed a girl he's never seen around before emerge from the trees a little ways in front of his home. His eyes widened at how beautiful she was to him, and couldn't help but stare. Feeling eyes on her, she finally took notice.
"Excuse me," she called to him, taking some steps towards him. "I live past the forest you see, but I do not recognize where I am."
"The forest?!" The male snapped out of his daze. "You wandered a long way. Would you like to rest for a while and I can show you back?"
"That would be nice. Thank you." she answered, finally coming up to him.
He felt a bit self-conscious since he's been was out in the sun since morning, he's dirty and sweating.
"I am Y/n. What is your name?"
They talked for a while, enjoying each other's company and as he promised, he led her through the forest when she felt rested enough, to make sure she would get there safely. Before he departed for his home again, he asked if he would see her again and she replied with a happy, "Of course!"
They saw each other once a day after that. Spent time and eventually helped a bit in their respective jobs with each other. They fell for each other along the way, had a private marriage and Y/n moved in with Shizuo.
One day, they were both out for a stroll, holding hands and enjoying each other's company. Eventually, Shizuo noticed they strayed from their usual path and didn't recognize where they were, surrounded by bamboo. His love stopped walking, now also noticing the same thing. They glanced at each other for reassurance and silently decided to turn back.
"Were this the forest near your former home, there would be no trouble..." Shizuo muttered.
"Perhaps we should have taken there instead."
"Yes. I shall remember that for the future. Come, I think this is the way." Shizuo gingerly pulled her along. "Careful, the ground is more uneven here."
Finally, they emerged from the bamboo forest after following the sight of a small establishment seen through a small clearing. Relieved, they decide to stop in for directions and found out they were on the right road.
"Are you hungry?" Shizuo asked. "Since we are already here..."
"Yes, I do not mind at all."
"Excuse me." Shizuo called the passing waitress as they sat, who was holding a wooden tray. "Can we have six sticks of dumplings and some green tea?"
"We have passed by here before, yes?" Y/n said after a moment of silence. "But we never entered."
"It is nice here, too." he nodded. "We should return again another day."
Y/n nodded as the waitress brought their orders and they began to eat. A couple of men sitting a few tables away became loud, having a drunken disagreement about something or other. Shizuo gave his wife a look that said, "Don't pay mind to those idiots." and decided it's best to finish quickly and leave, as to not catch any idiocy. Before they finished however, the drunken two stumbled out of the establishment while continuing their loud discussion. It felt as if the entire place breathed out in relief. Those two were making their first experience there extremely uncomfortable. The couple stayed for a while longer, enjoying the rest of their time, then they paid for their small meals and went happily along.
On their way home, they saw the same drunkards, now talking excitedly with each other, but not as loud. Shizuo sighed in a quiet irritation. He had hoped they would have gone home by now, or had passed out on their way, whichever came first. Y/n gave their entwined hands a small squeeze of "I'm here." He gave her a quick, sweet kiss and started walking again, making sure his beloved was as far from the two as possible and making sure to walk quickly.
The drunken men hardly took notice of the couple and Shizuo smiled softly, glad that they wouldn't have to deal with them any longer.
He was wrong.
One of the men took notice of a fair, young woman and started holloring at her.
"Hey, pretty lass! Come—hic—Spend some time with me!" he tried to stagger closer to her, but Shizuo started walking even faster, determined to get away. "Oi!"
They arrived quickly to their humble, little cottage. The very same where Y/n met the young farmer. He huffed in irritation yet again, changing out of his travelling kimono to the kimono he usally wears for field work. He didn't want his only nice kimono to get completely soiled.
"Shizuo." Y/n put a small hand on his arm to get him to pause for a moment.
Shizuo stared into the eyes of his lovely wife, his eyes softening considerably. He placed a callosed hand against her jaw and kissed her, a kiss filled with love. Soft and sweet.
"I love you." he muttered, resting his forehead on hers.
His words made only for her to hear.
"I love you." she answered back.
"I will collect more crops for dinner." he said after a moment of silence between the two and quickly went on his way.
Y/n smiled to herself as she watched her husband's back retreat outside, then quickly went her own way to start preparing rice and the meat of an animal Shizuo caught that morning.
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Mobile Requests
Here goes nothing.
I will write for (character specific):
Soul, Maka
Blackstar, Tsubaki
DTK, Thompson sisters
Stein, Spirit
All available hosts
Class 1-A
Monoma, Tetsutetsu, Kendo, Shinso
Big 3
Present Mic, Eraserhead, All Might, Hawks
Kaoru Sakurayashiki
Kojiro Nanjo
Miya Chinen
Langa Hasegawa
Reki Kyan
Tadashi Kikuchi
Golden trio
Weasley Children (excluding Percy)
Neville Longbottom
Luna Lovegood
Draco Malfoy
Blaise Zabini
Cedric Diggory
The Marauders (excluding Peter)
THH cast (excluding Junko, Sayaka, & Hifumi)
Goodbye Despair cast (excluding Hiyoko & Teruteru)
V3 cast (excluding Maki, Tsumugi, & Ryoma)
Ryota Mitarai
Chisa Yukizome
Izuru Kamakura
NOTE: The list will expand as my interests grow. For now, though, this is the allowed anime.
Now, onto the rules.
Types of Writing:
HEADCANONS: These are typical, very straightforward. Bulletpoints that consist of content.
5 characters (MAX)
SCENARIOS: These are more story-based and will not exceed too long. I would compare them to drabbles somewhat, but I will not cut them too short.
2 characters (MAX)
DRABBLES: Short in length, will range around 1,100 words or less. These will primarily be based on prompts.
3 characters (MAX)
IMAGINES: Long works that will be story-based. Number of words will not be ranged, and details will be very much there.
1 character (MAX)
What I WILL NOT write:
NON-CON: I do not stand for anything of the sort, and I will ask that anybody requesting refrain from requesting anything of this sort. This is not only an uncomfortable topic, but an illegal one, and while illegal topics are not off the board - this one is.
EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT: I will write for suggestive content, but I reserve the right to deny any of this type. While this may change in the future, I do not feel comfortable writing this kind of content at the moment. This is primarily reserved for any requests that state anything in regards to kinks, sexual acts, etc. (If you want something suggestive, please indicate.)
TOO MANY CHARACTERS: If you see above, I have marked how many characters I will allow per writing type request. Anymore than the maximum number will be denied.
INCEST: Do I have to explain why I won’t write this type of content? This is disgusting and outright disturbing, and I would like to keep my mind out of that realm.
OMEGAVERSE: Too in depth, too time consuming. I have a lot of other activities, and if you want a specific request, I will do the best that I can in regards to research. Otherwise, this particular request has an extensive history and intake of knowledge
UNDERAGE RELATIONSHIPS: This is unlawful and disgusting, and it makes me incredibly uncomfortable. (This includes teacher and student relationships.)
ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS: This whole topic is something that is very disturbing and very much scary. It is also for a primary of the character being an abuser. I will not write the characters as abusers in relationships due to respect for the creators and the readers. 
CHARACTER X CHARACTER: This is meant for direct request. Unless this is a small detail in a different request, this is not going to be permitted. Ship who you want, but I do not write explicitly for ships.
What I WILL write:
SUGGESTIVE CONTENT: All characters will be aged up if underage, and will not go into (hopefully) too extreme detail. I will include the content under cut for reader discretion. 
SIBLING/PARENT FIGURE: This is specifically for a platonic/guardian-based relationship. This will not include any romance, but rather revolve around the familial aspect. 
‘AU’S: Though I still reserve the right to deny certain AUs, I am not against any of these being requested. In fact, I love AUs, and writing them can be so much fun. 
VIOLENCE: This is going to be worrying, but if violence is requested, I am fine with including it. This is going to be done in detail (if the request calls for it), and will be indicated with a disclaimer at the beginning of the requested piece. 
ANGST: This is limited to certain things, of course, but if you want to ask for an angsty piece, go ahead.
MENTAL DISORDERS/MEDICAL CONDITIONS/BODY SPECIFICATIONS: These can be very messy, but I will do research to fulfill your request the best way I can. If I do manage to misconstrue the topic, don’t hesitate to tell me. (I know that this is a sensitive topic, so I want to be able to get it right.)
HORROR: This is where I will be willing to bend a few things, typically for yandere plots and things of a similar vein. I love to write this kind of thing, but this also means that the limits will be pushed, so if you want to request this, proceed with caution.
NOTE: All of my works will be written with gender neutral default, so if you want a male or female reader, then specify. 
This is for the moments when you need something written. Generally follows the same circumstances written above, but there are a few differences.
RESPONSE TIME: This is going to be within the span of a week. It is a slight long shot, but since I am unaware of the urgency of the requester’s request, this will be the general time span in which this will be written. This is subject to change over time, though.
REQUEST LIMITS: There will be none for things of this sort, but I will have to cap them off if there are too many coming in. I don’t want to do so, but it will have to happen if things get too overwhelming. (Again, this is only in the situation that these requests become overwhelming.) I want to make sure that these pieces are good and well-thought out so the requester(s) can enjoy them and find comfort in them, and I can’t do that when overwhelmed.
LABELING: When requesting for an emergency request, please label it as such. I don’t want to lump things of this sort in with the others since the requester may want it as soon as possible, and the regular requests typically tend to take me a week or more to write.
NOTE: All other rules above apply to this as well, though I would suggest that you read them through and decide what you want since the more characters, the longer to write it will take.
With that being covered, I will say that, aside from the portion dedicated to what I refuse to write, I am a pretty laid-back person. If you want to request for a reader dealing with an abusive ex, then go for it! A specific AU in which the reader and character are dealing with weird occurrences? Go ahead! 
Like I said, I’m down for a good amount of things, but that also means that I will reserve my right to deny a request. 
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mythiica · 5 years
What all fandoms do you write for and do you have any rules?
Hi hi!
Here is a list of the fandoms I write for~ I mainly use my tumblr for Otome games, but I do have a DeviantArt that has a lot more anime fics. I’ll include every fandom I can write for here
Otome Games:
Ikemen Sengoku
Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, Mitsunari, Mitsuhide, Masamune, Ieyasu, Shingen, Kenshin, Sasuke, Yukimura, Kennyo
Ikemen Revolution
Ray, Sirius, Luka, Seth, Fenrir, Lancelot, Jonah, Edgar, Kyle, Zero, Harr, Oliver, Blanc, Loki, Mousse, Dalim, Dean
Midnight Cinderella
Alyn, Louis, Giles, Leo, Byron, Nico, Robert, Sid, Albert
Mystic Messenger
Zen, Yoosung, Jumin, Jaehee, V, Saeyoung, Saeran, Vanderwood
Blood in Roses
Gerard, Cecil, Rogan, Jack
Wizardess Heart
Klaus, Randy
The Niflheim+
Leo, Victor, Philippe, Jean, Orlando
Love Tangle
Miguel, Norman, Valentin, Lex
Attack on Titan
Erwin, Levi
Banana Fish
Ash, Eiji, Yut-Lung, Shorter
Black Butler
Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Grell, William, Undertaker, Soma, Joker, Claude
Darling in the FranXX
Zero Two, Hiro, Goro
Death Parade
Decim, Ginti, Clavis
Death Note
L, Light, Near, Mello
Shizuo, Izaya
Fairy Tail 
Natsu, Grey, Sting, Ezra, Mystogan (Jellal)
Final Fantasy XV
Prompto, Notics, Ignis, Gladius
Fate Stay the Night: Unlimited Blade Works
Archer, Lancer, Saber, Gilgamesh, Rin
Food Wars
Soma, Akira, Satoshi, Kojirō
Gurren Lagann
Kamina, Viral
Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto
Sakamoto, Hayabusa
Hunter x Hunter
Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Hisoka, 
K Project
Mikoto, Saruhiko, Reisi, Kuroh, Yashiro, Izumo, Misaki, Goki
Killing Stalking
Sangwoo, Yoonbum
Kill la Kill
Yukine, Yato
Soul Eater
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
Yona of the Dawn
Hak, Soo-won
Rules for request (I’ll be using this for reference in the future!): 
I mainly write in second person, but I can write in third (no first person!) 
I will not write Canon x OC for a request
I can write gore
There are certain kinks that I don’t want to get into, but I won’t list them (to each their own of course). In the case that I get a request with something I can’t write, I’ll reply to it and ask that they make a new one! 
I won’t write a Yandere!Character x Reader/MC smut 
This list might change as time progresses! I will update as I go~ Hope this answers your question for now
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 7 years
Yandere!Bishie/Reader Series
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xKi0XD
by UsernameOK
Love had a way of bringing the best and the worst out of people. Unfortunately for you, the best isn't what these boys had in mind.
Words: 30880, Chapters: 20/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Durarara!!, Brothers Conflict, Diabolik Lovers, Kuroshitsuji | Black Butler, One Piece, Inuyasha - Fandom, Free!, Fruits Basket, Death Note (Anime & Manga), Hunter X Hunter, Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, ワンパンマン | One-Punch Man, Hetalia: Axis Powers, 91 Days (Anime), 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Tokyo Ghoul, Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic, Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan, Psycho-Pass
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Orihara Izaya, Heiwajima Shizuo, Shiki Haruya, Kadota Kyouhei, Asahina Tsubaki, Asahina Azusa, Asahina Masaomi, Asahina Hikaru (Brothers Conflict), Asahina Iori, Asahina Fuuto, Asahina Natsume, Sebastian Michaelis, Ciel Phantomhive, Alois Trancy, Snake (Kuroshitsuji), Judal | Judar (Magi), Tachibana Makoto, Nanase Haruka, Sesshoumaru (InuYasha), Angelo Lagusa | Avilio Bruno, Kouga (InuYasha), male!Belarus - Character, Sohma Kyou, Sohma Yuki, Hisoka (Hunter X Hunter), Illumi Zoldyck, Killua Zoldyck, Soma Asman Kadar, Sakamaki Shuu, Sakamaki Laito, Mukami Yuuma, Makishima Shougo, Joker (Kuroshitsuji), Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Male!Misa Amane, Asahina Ukyou, Ootori Kyouya, Genos (One-Punch Man), Sonic (One-Punch Man), Haninozuka Mitsukuni, Yagami Light, Alibaba Saluja, Mukami Azusa, Donquixote Doflamingo, Trafalgar D. Water Law, Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), Kuroro Lucifer | Chrollo Lucifer, Male!Mikan Tsumiki, Kaneki Ken | Sasaki Haise
Relationships: Various/Reader
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xKi0XD
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yandereaffections · 5 years
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It did I just couldn’t think of anything at that time sorry about that
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Shizuo is weak under your loving touches I don’t think you understand just how much he’ll melt into you
Praise Shizuo, adore and admire him please he doesn’t get enough love
Expect his overprotection to boost up 100% he can’t let someone as sweet and pure like you get hurt
Which also means he makes a grand effort towards not hurting you
Shizuo won’t completely avoid you in hopes of not harming you, no he can’t survive too many days without you
But you can tell Shizuos trying his best to hold back, hands only lightly caressing across your back within every hug, hesitant fingertips tracing your cheek
Not to mention kisses are incredibly gentle you could only compare it to being kissed by a butterfly
Shizuos strength is either 0 or 100 regarding his control over it, so if you ask for him to be tougher with you it’ll take Shizuo awhile to find a inbetween of crushing you and gently holding you
You’re probably the brightest light of his life, making all other dark areas just a bit brighter
A good representation of how you make him feel is like a burned down landscape, with just one flower appearing through the ash
Shizuo will do his best to protect you and let you grow as you support him and show him what he’s never got enough of in his life
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tiaragqueen · 5 years
✂ Pairing: Yandere! Shizuo Heiwajima x Reader
✂ Word Count: 439
✂ Trigger Warnings: Mention of attack, possessive behavior, yandere theme.
If you like my writing, please support me on ko-fi!
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“Chains of love got a hold on me. When passion's a prison, you can't break free. Oh, oh, you're a loaded gun. Oh, oh, there's nowhere to run. No one can save me, the damage is done.” - You Give Love A Bad Name [Bon Jovi]
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Fake. You were painfully fake. Everything about you was fake; your smile, affection, confessions, everything. There wasn’t a single honest bone in you, a tinge of sincerity in every action you had done to him, for him.
Shizuo despised fake people the same way he despised Izaya. Who wouldn’t, actually? However, you weren’t fake. No, you were as honest as a human could be. A part of the dwindling folks like that boy, Mikado. That was what attracted him to you; how earnest you did and said something.
But somewhere along with your relationship, you began to change. You became a part of the majority. The liars, the egoists, the actors. Your smiles had lost their glow, your eyes had lost their light, and your touches had lost their love. You became a husk that put on a front of affectionate girlfriend to please him.
It wasn’t a purely selfish action, and he knew that. You only did it because you refused to see and hear him hurting other people again; innocent people who had asked too many questions about you. Shizuo might hate violence – just like he hated himself – but he could be horribly possessive sometimes.
And, of course, because you refused to suffer his rage. You knew that he would never raise a hand on you – you were his soft spot, after all – but there was no guarantee that he couldn’t. If he had no problem to impulsively attack someone, who’s to say that he wouldn’t do the same to you?
“I’m sorry.” Your fingers embedded in his tresses, patiently waiting for the next statement. It was soft, matching his behavior around you when he wasn’t so… emotional. “I didn’t mean to hurt him. I’m sorry.”
The somber atmosphere dulled the red floor, resembling the blood he had ‘accidentally’ spilled during his fit. You wondered if the said liquids could fill this room. If he ever felt like drowning in it as you had experienced within your nightmare.
“It’s okay.” You continued stroking his blond mane. “The past is in the past, anyway. There’s nothing you can do.”
And it was true. There was nothing he could do to fix the psychological and physical damage he had left to his accidental victims. Still, it didn’t stop him from flinching slightly at your blunt words.
You still somewhat retained your honesty, huh? What a relief.
“I’m sorry, I promise I won’t do that again.” Despite his heartfelt plea, you merely blinked away the tears and pursed your lips.
Because you knew that he would soon forget about his promise and harm other people again.
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kikyan · 3 years
Stuck With You (Shizuo Ending)
Disclaimer!! I wrote this back in 2018/2019, like literally 2 years after I started writing fanfic so if this sucks yeah. . .that’s why. It’s also not really that inclusive at all so I apologize. This upload is really meant for those who were curious with the fanfic I wrote and I promise I will right a more inclusive fanfiction later on in the future with these characters to make it up!! 
“ Oh? It seems he even has the Dollars searching for you!” 
“ Izaya, please I apologize for anything that I did that caused you to do this, but I need to get back to Shizuo!” 
“ And do what? Apologize for my actions and say everything is fine? You truly are different than other humans (Y/N)! Besides, does Shizu-chan know?” 
“ K-know what?” 
“You can drop the act. I know who you are (Y/N) or should I sa-?!” 
“ Izaya, I won’t ask you again. Please, I apologize for what I said or did but I must return to my fiance.” 
“ I can’t do that (Y/N). You thought you had me fool, no you thought you had the whole world fooled, but unlike Shizu-chan, I know the real you. You are far too unique, too precious to be in the hands of that brute, that damned monster!” 
“ Speak of the Devil, he really did arrive, didn’t he? (Y/N) it’s better if you stay, wait no- I want you to see God punish his worthless creation, than have his Goddess forgive him and the cycle continues!” 
Grabbing her arm, (Y/N) was dragged to the door where Shizuo lay in waiting/ Shizuo’s eyes lit up with hope as (Y/N) arrived, quickly scanning her to ensure that she was not harmed by Izaya. 
“ This is low, even for you Izaya. What the hell do you want anyways?” 
“ I want (Y/N) of course! How rude of you to keep her from society, from me! She is too perfect, in fact, she is perfection! I can’t stand you of all people, a damn monster near her!” 
“ If I am a monster, what the hell does that make you?” 
“ That hurt Shizu-chan, but I’m sure my goddess, (Y/N) would forgive you nonetheless!” 
Grabbing a stop sign Shizuo prepared to swing at Izaya before seeing (Y/N) duck down. 
‘This is too dangerous for (Y/N)! I have to lead him away. . .’ 
“ You see (Y/N)! This monster swung at you! I told you, he would only hurt you! Stay with me, my Goddess!” 
Taking his knife out, he swung it at Shizuo cutting him horizontally across his chest. As Shizuo remained unfazed he swung the sign hitting Izaya as well sending him flying back inside the apartment complex. As Izaya got up and grabbed the knife and (Y/N), before placing the knife under (Y/N)’s throat causing her to panic slightly. 
“ (Y/N)! Izaya you damned bastard! Let her go, that’s low. . .” 
“ It’s fine! Besides, my Goddess is so forgiving, I'm sure she will let this slide! In fact, I feel as if instead of the way I initially thought, it was you Shizuo who used (Y/N)!” 
Shizuo looked down before clenching his fist and looking at Izaya with a crazed expression. 
“ So you’re a leech, a filthy parasite-” 
“ (Y/N) NOW!” 
Izaya was dumbfounded as he turned to see (Y/N) duck down and Izaya was met with Shizuo’s fist. As Izaya grunted in pain, he turned to see (Y/N) looking at him in horror before turning to see Shizuo waltz up with a sturdy bookshelf and smiling at Izaya. 
“ So I guess today is the day I squash this damn cockroach! That has been infesting not only the city but our lives!” 
As Shizuo began to throw the bookshelf at Izaya he proceeded on hitting him repeatedly with immense force, causing Izaya to cough up blood and other fluids. 
“ If you kill me. . . Shizu-chan. . . w-will. . she forgive you. . . ?” 
Showing no sign of stopping, Shizuo proceeded to mercilessly hit Izaya while explaining, “ It doesn’t matter if she forgives me anymore. . . because I don’t plan on letting her go either way!” 
Letting out the last punch Shizuo looked to admire his work, a beaten and bruised Izaya no longer breathing. As Shizuo turned around he was met with (Y/N) looking in horror at the state Izaya was in before looking back up at Shizuo. 
“ No, I won’t. I am sorry Shizuo, I wasn’t able to stop Izaya and you had to get your hands dirty! O-on the bright side. . . well. . . you can start your life violence free now peacefully!” 
“ Honestly. . .how did I. . .eVeR gEt StUcK wItH yOu?” 
After the whole incident, Shizuo was more protective of (Y/N). He rarely let her be by herself so whenever she would want to go anywhere he would go with her or sometimes even ask Celty to go with her as he feared she would get hurt or taken away from him. Currently, Shizuo is working as (Y/N) was at the park with Celty discussing certain things. 
“You’re quite pale. . . is everything alright? Are you feeling okay?” 
“ Of course, my pale complexion is because Shizuo didn’t let me leave for a week until after the whole Izaya incident. I do feel a little sick but that’s what I wanted to talk to you about!” 
“Sick? That doesn’t sound good. How sick are we talking about? If you need to see someone for it, I’m sure Shinra would be glad to see you.”
“ W-well. . . I wouldn’t say I'm that sick it’s just I wanted to know if these are possible symptoms of. . . well, how about I just explain it! I get these sudden food urges and most of the time I tend to throw up certain foods! I think, well what do you think Celty?” 
“Hm. . . You know, Y/N, I think I’ve heard of these exact symptoms before. Is it possible that  you’re pregnant?”
“Well, the first thing you should do is to confirm our suspicions. Then, I think you and Shizuo have a big conversation to have.”
“C-c-could you come with me to the store to buy a test? I... I don’t want to go alone. . .” 
“Of course, Y/N. But I think we should walk to a nearby store, I don’t think my motorcycle would be good for the possible baby.”
“ Aww, I wanted to go on your motorcycle. . . okay! So onward this great adventure!” 
“U-um Celty, I could be reading this wrong but if it’s pink. . . does that mean. . .” 
Celty jumped at (Y/N) as you could see her jumping in glee before taking a picture of the test and rapidly writing on her phone. 
“You did read what pink means, right? I may be wrong. . . But it would appear that you’re pregnant! I’m so happy for you two!”
“Don’t freak out! Let me send the photo to Shinra just to confirm our suspicions. Afterward, we can make a plan for how you’ll tell him.”
To: Shinra 
From: Celty
*image of the test* 
Big Emergency: Is the test positive or negative? It looks like Shizuo and Y/N might be expecting.
To: Love of my life
From: Shinra
Hm. . . well, it seems they are expecting! Tell them I congratulate them! Does Shizuo know? 
To: Shinra
From: Celty 
Now that we know, how should Y/N approach this with Shizuo?
To: Love of my life 
From: Shinra 
Leave that to me! Just tell (Y/N) to prepare his favorite meal. I’ll tell Shizuo that he has a surprise at home and to hurry home! I’ll see you soon as I need to help someone right now but take care Celty!
“ So he is going to tell him... .? I hope this goes well! I don’t know what to say or do...Celty want to go shopping with me for ingredients?” 
“Don’t worry, I’m sure it will go great. Both of you love each other and will be great parents if you decide to keep it. Now, let’s go shopping!” 
Soon leaving the store they headed out to purchase the ingredients needed to make Shizuo’s meal and discussed among themselves how to approach the situation. 
Tom looked down at this phone as he smiled in glee before telling Shizuo that there were no more clients and that they should head home. 
“ Are you sure? I don’t want to leave (Y/N) alone but if you still need me I could stay longer-!?” 
“ You, my friend do not understand, (Y/N) is waiting for you so go home. Besides she has a surprise for you, Shinra told me! Now head home!” 
“ A surprise? Well if you say so, Tom. . . see you tomorrow!” 
“ Also Shizuo, congrats!” 
“ On what?” 
“ Just go home and you’ll see!” 
As Shizuo was walking home he pondered about this so-called surprise as he noticed that Celty’s bike was parked outside their home. As he went inside he looked to see his favorite meal scattered along with the table as both Celty and (Y/N) were cooking and talking. 
“ Oh, Shizuo! Good afternoon! Dinner is almost ready and Shinra is almost here! He said that our close friends should be here today!” 
“ That’s cool but what’s this surprise I keep hearing about?” 
“ Silly it’s not a surprise if I tell you! Wait till Shinra gets here!” 
Soon after Shinra arrived and that’s when they all were in the living room in silence before (Y/N) pulled out the test she had and Celty pulling the message in case of a confirmation. 
“ S-shizuo. . . remember what you told me the day before the incident with Izaya... .?” 
Blushing slightly he nodded before letting his mind run loose, could she be-?! 
“ Well, it seems you might get the chance to be a father and I a mother!” 
Holding the test out for Shizuo to see the pink line indicating that (Y/N) was pregnant, he grabbed it before setting it down and jumping to hold his fiance. 
“ I won’t let you down, I won’t let us down. I promise I'll change to be the best father I can be, I swear (Y/N)!” 
“ Silly, you are already the best person you can be! I’m sure we will be the best of parents!” 
Exchanging a kiss, they all laughed and gathered around the dinner table to consume the food made by both (Y/N) and Celty. (Y/N) was with child, Shizuo’s child and he vowed to protect you both no matter the cost. He didn’t care if you looked at him like a monster in the near future because he wasn’t letting you or the child leave him, after all, it was possible for a monster like him to be happy, but he wasn’t going to let this happiness leave and be destroyed. The child was born healthy, it was a boy named Izaya, ironically. Izaya was gifted with many things such as friends for his kind behavior and kind mother. He never had problems and if he did well they would disappear the next day, like his principal when he chose to falsely accuse him of attacking someone using his father as an excuse. Well, let’s just say he isn’t alive anymore. Any friend that double-crossed him would immediately come back and apologize saying how their mother told them that what they did was wrong. It didn’t matter if Shizuo was a monster because he had (Y/N) and his child was the red string that binds them together. Seriously, how did Shizuo get to be so lucky and get stuck with you? 
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ao3-onepiece · 7 years
Yandere!Bishie/Reader Series
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xKi0XD
by UsernameOK
Love had a way of bringing the best and the worst out of people. Unfortunately for you, the best isn't what these boys had in mind.
Words: 4702, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Durarara!!, Brothers Conflict, Diabolik Lovers, Kuroshitsuji | Black Butler, One Piece, Inuyasha - Fandom, Free!, Fruits Basket, Death Note (Anime & Manga), Hunter X Hunter, Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, ワンパンマン | One-Punch Man, Hetalia: Axis Powers, 91 Days (Anime), 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Tokyo Ghoul, Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic, Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan, Psycho-Pass
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Orihara Izaya, Heiwajima Shizuo, Shiki Haruya, Kadota Kyouhei, Asahina Tsubaki, Asahina Azusa, Asahina Masaomi, Asahina Hikaru (Brothers Conflict), Asahina Iori, Asahina Fuuto, Asahina Natsume, Sebastian Michaelis, Ciel Phantomhive, Alois Trancy, Snake (Kuroshitsuji), Judal | Judar (Magi), Tachibana Makoto, Nanase Haruka, Sesshoumaru (InuYasha), Angelo Lagusa | Avilio Bruno, Kouga (InuYasha), male!Belarus - Character, Sohma Kyou, Sohma Yuki, Hisoka (Hunter X Hunter), Illumi Zoldyck, Killua Zoldyck, Soma Asman Kadar, Sakamaki Shuu, Sakamaki Laito, Mukami Yuuma, Makishima Shougo, Joker (Kuroshitsuji), Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Male!Misa Amane, Asahina Ukyou, Ootori Kyouya, Genos (One-Punch Man), Sonic (One-Punch Man), Haninozuka Mitsukuni, Yagami Light, Alibaba Saluja, Mukami Azusa, Donquixote Doflamingo, Trafalgar D. Water Law, Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), Kuroro Lucifer | Chrollo Lucifer, Male!Mikan Tsumiki, Kaneki Ken | Sasaki Haise
Relationships: Various/Reader
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xKi0XD
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