taehyungday · 1 year
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𝗉𝖺𝗂𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀… 𝗍𝖺𝖾𝗁𝗒𝗎𝗇𝗀 𝗑 𝖿𝖾𝗆!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
𝗀𝖾𝗇𝗋𝖾… 𝗒𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝖺𝗎
𝗐𝗈𝗋𝖽 𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗇𝗍… 1588
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It was bitterly cold outside. In my short skirt, I was shivering. There were a lot of people in the bar. Some people were drinking, while others were dancing and making out. It wasn't easy being a waitress. I often wish I could leave my work, but it was my sole source of cash.
"Can you serve in the VIP section, Y/N?" My supervisor had inquired.
I've never been assigned to the VIP section. I was taken aback when he asked me to do it.
"Why?" I inquired.
"Hana is taking the day off today. Please carry out her responsibility of serving VIPs. I'll give you some extra cash." He responded.
"Okay," I said.
There were a lot of wealthy folks in the VIP section. Strippers were giving lap dances to several people. A body crashed with me as I was giving drinks to some boys. As I turned around, I noticed a lovely young lady staring at me with disgust.
"DO YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO WALK?" She screamed. She was quite enraged, and I noticed that a small amount of liquid had fallen on her pricey gown. A outfit I'd never be able to afford.
"Please accept my apologies, Miss." I offered my apologies. She continued to spout swear words.
"Is there a problem, Yoona?" A powerful voice cut through the silence.
When I looked up, I noticed a really attractive stranger standing in front of me. He was talking to the girl named Yoona, but his gaze was fixed on me.
"Baby, this scumbag ruined my outfit." She responded by clinging to him.
"We can go out and get you a new dress." While continuing staring at me, the handsome stranger replied.
"Thank you so much, Tae. I love you so much." Yoona squealed with delight.
But then, too, his focus was solely on me.
"Can you tell me your name?" He inquired of me.
"L/N Y/N," I responded.
Was he expecting me to pay for her ruined dress? I wasn't sure why, but I was getting a horrible vibe from him. I desperately needed to get away from him.
"Come on, Tae, you can do it. Let's take a break and go somewhere else." Yoona remarked.
"Hmm," he answered, his gaze fixed on me.
I said my goodbyes to each of them and went on to serve others.
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I love you.
Since that day, I started receiving some texts from an unknown number. The only thing the person sended me was I love you. I tried to block the number but next day I received the same text from a new number.
I wish I was beside you.
This text, on the other hand, gave me the creeps. That number has been blocked once more. After reading the message, I was terrified. So I dialled Jae's number.
"Hello," Jae replied.
"I'm terrified, Jae." I stated.
"Y/n! What makes you so afraid?" He inquired.
"For the past two weeks, I've been receiving texts from an unknown number. All of them say the same thing: "I love you," but the most recent text I received stated that he or she wished to be at my side. I attempted to block the number, but the texts continued to arrive." I responded.
"I believe it would be a prank, y/n. But if you're afraid, you're welcome to come to my place." Jae remarked.
"Okay. I'll spend the night at your place." I responded.
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As I entered the gates of Jae's house, I noticed that the door was unlocked.
I Love You
Was written on wall with red paint. However, I noted that the paint was rich in colour. It appeared to be blood.
"Where have you gone, Jae?" I inquired.
There was no sound in the home. There was no one there. I believe Jae was playing a practical joke on me.
"Come on, Jae, I'm afraid." I screamed.
When I entered his room, I saw something that terrified me to death.
It was Jae's body that had been discovered. The worst part was that whoever mudered him had stuck the knife in his mouth. His body was covered in bruises. His garments were ripped apart, and his fingers were hacked off. I felt a piercing feeling on my neck before I could respond, and then I blacked out.
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I awoke naked and clinging to a king-sized bed with my hands tied. The room in which I was sleeping was the most expensive room I'd ever slept in. Every single thing in the room screamed luxury. Why would someone lock me up in such opulence? I also felt discomfort in my lower body. I was alone. The door opened after a few moments, showing the handsome stranger from the bar.
"You've woken up." He stated.
"What's your name? What brings me here? Is it true that you kidnapped me?" I began to interrogate him.
"Slow down, kitty," He stated.
"Why did you kidnapped me?" I inquired.
"It was love that compelled me to do it." He responded.
"Can you untie me?" I requested him.
"No, kitty, that's not it. You'll run away from me if I do this." He responded.
"Why?" I inquired. I was simply too stunned to say anything to him.
"Kitten, I love you. When I first spotted you in the pub, I knew we were meant to be together just by looking at you." He said this as he approached me.
He slapped me across the face. His hands, I was certain, had left an imprint on my face.
"Kitten, Is that a means for you to communicate with your husband?" He inquired.
"Husband? I'm not even sure what your name is?" I stated.
"Did you forget we got married yesterday, kitten? We even spent our wedding night. My name is Kim Taehyung." He stated.
Taehyung Kim? Gucci was owned by Kim Taehyung. He had a lot of admirers. Who knew he was a psychopath, though.
He slapped me once more. VERY HARD. Right now, I'd look like a shambles.
"YES I killed that son of bitch. What was his name, Jae, right. He had no right to gaze at you. I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN LOOK AT YOU. I adore you to death. You have no idea what you're missing out on. And don't raise your voice because if I can murder Jae, I'm sure I'll be able to kill your parents as well. And I don't think you'll like it if that happens. Right Kitten?" He inquired.
I couldn't say anything because I was too surprised. How could he be so cold-blooded?
"Look at me, kitten." He snatched my chin and forced me to look at him.
"I understand you're short on cash. I'm a multibillionaire. I can provide you with anything you desire. I can even cover your parents' expenses. But the only thing I ask in return is for you to repay me. If you refuse, I will assassinate every single person you care about. Until there's only one of me left. So tell me, do you want to be mine or do you want your family to perish?" He inquired.
That's when I realised my fate had been sealed. I wanted to scream, shout, cry, bawl. B ut I didn't want anyone to suffer as a result of my actions.
"How about the girl who was in the bar with you?" I inquired about him. I was hoping she was his wife or anything along those lines. So I'd be able to leave him, or at least have a reason to leave him.
"Oh, you're referring to Yoona. She was my date, but she insulted you, so I stabbed her in the vaginal area with a knife." He smiled as he replied.
I immediately stiffened up. He has no right to do such a thing to anyone.
"But don't be concerned. I'm not going to let anyone else get in the way of us now. And if anyone gets in the way, I'm going to kill them. And how could I ever hurt the mother of my child?" He stated while stroking my cheek.
"What?" I questioned.
Child? What exactly is he on about?
"Oh! We didn't use Condom last night. So, I'm expecting a child." He said that with a smirk on his face.
I couldn't help but stare at him, disgusted. Is he the one who just raped me?
"You still haven't answered my question, baby. Do you want to be with me or with your loved ones when they die?" He inquired.
I was well aware that he was far more strong than I. I'd never be able to beat him.
"I want to be with you." I answered.
And that was the end of it.
And with that I sealed my fate.
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chummywchimmy · 3 years
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PAIRING : Yan! Taehyung x Reader
SUMMARY : Your encounter with the campus bad boy was a disaster. All you wanted was to never see him again. But when have things ever gone your way?
WARNINGS : Mature language, bullying, slight violence, public humiliation, eventual yandere
Not edited.
I do not own BTS ( :((( ) My intention is not to glorify toxic behavior nor do I believe BTS member would ever act like this. It’s just a figment of my imagination. Know the difference. Please.
TAGLIST : @silversparkles11      @luvmingyu   @minshookie29     @cherrycheeks-btsbro@dearbambideer  @sassydepression  @sweettaeguk   @my-paradise-is@happyleepika@tenshi-shimura @waterdemon11@prettxgguk @snowyydayys@yuikitty
Your feet felt as if they were cemented to the floor.
Right in the middle of the large canteen was your friend Sam who, from the looks of it, was about to cry but was trying to hold it back to save herself from further humiliation.
Standing right above her was the man who ,despite looking like a walking daydream, was the stuff of nightmares. Upon his face was a disgusted sneer, as if he was doing the world a favor by being here. His dark eyes were empty, bored even in contrast to the aggressive expression on his face.
A group of guys, presumably his friends stood behind him in a circle as if their leader wasn't intimidating enough on his own.
How did this come about?
You were pulled out of your trance as his voice boomed, bouncing off the cream colored walls.
“How’s the lunch, enjoyed it? Oh! Perhaps you haven’t tasted enough, my bad.” His tone was that of a mocking politeness, face pulled into an exaggeratedly regretful expression.
As soon as he extended his hand behind him to a boy standing next to him with a container full of lo-mein, you began rushing towards the scene. Your feet pounded against the tiles of the silent cafeteria. If one was to close their eyes, it would seem as if the area was empty due to the lack of noise. However, it was full of students, gaping at the scene with their mouths open and eyes widened in horror, yet unable to do anything to stop the scene taking place in front of them.
Unbidden, the image of your classmate being humiliated in a similar fashion flashed in your mind. You were no better than anyone else here. Had you not been friends with Sam, you would have been another silent spectator in the sea of mute students.
Your feet only took you so far before your friend’s tormentor cupped the container full of greasy carbs in his veiny, tanned hands and upturned it upon a helpless Sam. Despite the cruelty of his actions, his face remained stony, not even a sliver of anything on it ; anger, disgust, remorse, nothing.
Sam, who you now realized was cradling her right arm, couldn’t maintain her expression of anger and tears began to slip out of her glaring eyes.
Sam never cried. For the 10 years that you had known her, she had cried in front of you only a handful of times. She was strong and more than anything else, committed to fight against any injustice. To see her cry in front of a room full of students who only looked on in pity, it broke you.
Suddenly, you were filled with a burst of anger, so powerful that it blinded your vision for a moment. You nerves felt like they were on fire as you ran to where the biggest asshole of the century stood.
Suddenly, everyone’s gaze was diverted to you, rushing headfirst into this confrontation as you were. Well, all except one. The one who should witness your rage was still looking down at your crying friend with the same stony look. Small murmurs echoed throughout the room but he still didn’t look up.
Well, now he would.
A crack! sound that resounded throughout the room drowned out all other sound. You breathed heavily through your nose as your palm made contact with Taehyung’s cheek. Multiple gasps were heard throughout the room as his head snapped up, intense eyes now focusing upon your face which was red with anger and adrenaline.
He looked at you through slanted eyes as his lips pulled back slightly. He took a step in your direction as you found yourself looking up at him as he raised his hand to his friends who made a move towards you.
For a moment, everything was silent. There was no sound, no motion. No one even dared to breathe wrong, worried for your safety. He tilted his head slightly as he stared at you while your eyes glared daggers at him.
You had often read that eyes were the gateways to one’s soul.
If your eyesight didn’t betray you, you were looking at a barren land where nothing took root, nothing sprang to life. For a moment, you were perturbed. Looking that closely into his eyes, it sent chills down your spine.
The moment was broken as you felt a soft hand slide into yours. You looked at Sam who shook her head slightly, signaling you to not make the situation worse. 
You understood that she did it because she knew of your fearful, cowardly nature.
You were sick of yourself.
The sight of her eyes looking into yours, even now worried for you rather than anyone else, fanned the embers of your sizzling anger. 
“Son of a bitch! How dare you?!” You shouted into his face, spittle spraying onto his crisp black shirt.
You saw it before you felt it. His nose flared, pissed at being disrespected like this.
Abruptly, his large hand came towards your face and you felt his fingers digging into your cheeks as he squished your face in his hand, harshly.
You refused to look away from his narrowed eyes even as you wanted to cry out in pain.
“Shut. Up.” He growled, eyes still as intense as ever.
He threw your head back as he removed his hands from your face and walked past you, knocking into your shoulder.
His cronies followed after him, giving you a scathing glare. You could care less as you knelt down besides Sam who cupped your face, looking into your eyes for any signs of pain. You sighed.
How self-sacrificing could this girl be?
“I’m so sorry I couldn’t get here earlier. I-” She cut off your pleading voice.
“It’s not your fault, Y/N. It’s that asshole’s.” She spoke with an angry look, even though you could feel her voice quivering.
“I’m so so sorry. Let’s get you cleaned up.” You couldn’t help but mutter apologies even as you took Sam to the girl’s washroom.
The sound of water splashing against the bowls of the sink met your ears as you stepped into the empty washroom. Well, empty except for Sam, that is.
She stood cupping water in her palms and splashing them on her face, trying to get rid of the grease. You noticed that she had changed into a different pair of jeans and t-shirt.
You walked in, leaning against the marble counter and looking at her face. It was blank. You understood that she was trying to be brave and probably didn’t want to talk about what had happened yet. Still you asked,
“Do you want to talk about it?”
She looked at you and pulled up a corner of her mouth in the poor imitation of a smile, “Nah.”
You left it alone. For now.
With Sam, it was best to leave her alone until she was ready to talk. However, you didn’t want her to be alone right now.
“Hey, wanna get some chocolate muffins? I’ll get you the customer discount.” You spoke feebly, trying, albeit poorly, to cheer her up a little.
“Fuck yeah.” She said, without any enthusiasm.
“Great! Wait here, I’ll go get your bag.” You said, holding up a hand and walking out of the plastic door into the empty hallway. You really didn’t want for Sam to have to face weird looks and whispers.
Getting out of the door, you crashed into a lanky body. You managed to prevent your fall by holding onto the wall. Straightening up, you saw that it was ‘that’ classmate.
“I’m so sorry. I hope you’re fine.” You spoke, giving him a look of concern.
But, what was he doing in front of the girls’ washroom? The boys’ washroom was situated at the other end of the long hallway.
“No, I’m okay. It was my mistake anyway.” You gave him a nod as you made to move past him.
Suddenly, he shot his hand in front of you to block your way. You gave him a confused look.
He looked around him before speaking, as if checking that no one else was listening. You grew suspicious and raised your eyebrow.
Finally, he spoke “Um, I was looking for you. I think this might help you.” He stretched his hand out, a phone in his palm.
You took it from him tentatively, still suspicious. What could he have that might be helpful to you? You had no idea.
The screen was lit up, revealing a paused video. As you looked closer, you realized that on the screen was Sam along with that bully.
You snatched the phone from his hand and pressed the ‘play’ button hastily.
The screen showed the video of Sam being knocked over by one of Taehyung’s cronies pushing Sam away with a hand to her shoulder as she screamed something about cutting the cafeteria line. Apparently, this conflict was between this boy and Sam as his leader sat in one of the plastic chairs of the many tables and looked on in faint amusement. You sneered. 
Smug bastard!
Clearly, Sam thought so too as she sneered at him, “ What are you laughing at, small dick asshole?!”
The man again exposed his bipolar attitude, face going from that of amusement to anger in a split second. His mouth thinned into a line and the area around his eyes tightened as he took a step towards a Sam that was sprawled upon the floor, glaring at him.
By then, you had arrived and you did not wish to watch any further as you pressed the pause button. The moving video came to a halt as you looked up at the boy in front of you.
You gave him a look, gratitude clear in your eyes. You understood how much he was risking by not only discreetly shooting this video but also giving it to you.
“Thank you.” You spoke sincerely.
“It’s no big deal. I’ll email it to you.” You wrote down your email ID and learned that his name was Shaun.
Shaun wouldn’t have taken the risk for nothing. You had a plan and you were committed to bringing that immoral jerk down.
The pounding of feet across the white tiles made noise that echoed in the empty hallway. Everyone was in class, except you and Sam. The two of you walked with purpose in your step. The purpose, you might ask?
To show a certain bully that you would not be walked all over.
You entered the red-bricked, administrative building where the dean’s office was located.
Locating the reception, you leaned over the counter to look at a middle aged lady, who looked at you two through her specs.
“What may I do for you?” You spied her nametag and spoke,
“Good morning, Mrs Smith. Could I please talk to Dr. Cha?” 
“Do you have an appointment?” People needed an appointment to see their own dean?
“Uh, no. But we won’t take long!” You spoke with clear desperation.
“I’m sorry but please take an appointment first.” Said Mrs Smith, an annoyed look on her face. She looked like she dealt with such students on the regular and would not give in to your pleading tone.
“Ma’am it’s about an act of bullying and violence in the campus.” Sam spoke, raising her voice to emphasize her seriousness.
Mrs Smith looked at the two of you with a look that spoke of recognition. Wordlessly, she directed you the the the translucent glass door that said ‘OFFICE OF THE DEAN’ in bold black letters.
Putting your hand upon the handle, you gave Sam a look before pushing.
You came face to face with a bald, thin man whose papery, saggy skin spoke of his old age. He looked up from a red file and looked at you and Sam with a polite smile. He gestured you to the two black chairs in front of his wooden table and prompted,
“Good morning. What can I do for you?” Taking off his glasses, he placed them upon the table and looked at you with a smile.
You held Sam’s hand, under the table, hoping to give her strength. She squeezed your hand as she opened her mouth to speak,
“Good morning, sir. I would like to report an incident of bullying and physical harm inflicted upon me by another student in the cafeteria.” 
Dr Cha’s face adopted a serious look as he said, “I’m really sorry to hear that. Let me assure you that the college will take the strictest possible action against that student. Please do not worry. We want our students to feel safe within the campus. Kindly register your complaint with the Anti-Bullying Association.” 
He expected the two of you to get up and leave the room as if this was an adequate situation. It would have been, had the perpetrator been any other student. But having the kind of notoriety that he did, no association was willing to register a complaint against Kim Taehyung. And by god, you had tried. The first time you had talked to them, they shut the door upon your face without a word and later on, refused to pick up your calls. What were you supposed to do?! 
You couldn’t even blame others when your own friend, Nina refused to talk to you both after the incident. Granted, you hadn’t been friends for that long but what was up with turning around in the hallway upon sighting you, as if she’d seen a ghost?
“Well, sir. We have tried but they refuse to accept a complaint against this student.” The dean looked visibly angered at this and for a moment you were hopeful. Hopeful that your friend would get justice.
“Alright. Tell me the name of this student. I would look into this myself. No student is above law.” 
Sam breathed and said in a low tone, “Kim Taehyung.”
The dean’s pale face visibly paled even further as his eyes shifted from side to side. He loosened his neck-tie and tried to give you a strained smile that looked more like a grimace.
“I-I’ll see what I can do. Have a good day.” You two were clearly dismissed.
Walking out of the building, Sam spoke,
“Can’t say I wasn’t expecting this.”
You sighed. You wanted to remain hopeful and believe that the look of distinct fear you had seen in Mr Cha’s eyes had just been a trick of the light.
“Well, at least he didn’t outright refuse. Maybe he’ll take action.” You spoke, looking at Sam as she gave you a doubtful look.
You stopped halfway down the building stairs and turned to face Sam. She stopped as well, looking at you questioningly.
You had made up your mind.
“And if the dean doesn’t grow any balls, we’ll take it to the press. Show the entire country that politician Kim is raising a snake.”
here it is!!1 ! let me know if you liked it :))))))
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sky-sykes-starr · 4 years
BTS Yandere You Ask For A Divorce (Maknae Line)
Warning: Contains Abuse
The moment you slipped the words of wanting a “divorce” to your husband, was the moment you lost any form of independence and freedom that he gave you.
You were locked in your shared bedroom, whenever he was out to work, with his friends or just whenever he was in town. But you were isolated in a bedroom with a camera recording your every move. The camera was placed in your bedroom didn’t go unnoticed, in fact you saw him set up their originally for another reason.
That reason was Jimin was away at work sometimes, wells trying to track down criminals, you would get lonely with all the sexual frustration and play with yourself. One day he caught you, and fucked you so hard that you thought your brains will fly out. However, that was not the case he claimed your body as his from that day forth.
And now your freedom (the very little you had was his).
It could have been worse as he opens the door, returning from work gazing at your sleeping form. He lays next to you cuddling you and holding you so tightly.
And whispers
Jimin: You know I don’t get why your so tired all the time. All you ever do is stay in this room, not my fault though, but the good news is your becoming more mine
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You were pushed forward towards the ground as you enter what you’ve got to call ‘home’, with an angry Taehyung whom you don’t want to be looking at.
It all began when he let you go out with your friends because of your good behaviour, but what you didn’t know was that he was stalking you the whole entire time. The journey with your friends was a fun one, you went shopping with Taehyung’s credit card and decided to rest at a coffee shop.
You and your friend were talking, until she mentioned that you should divorce Taehyung, as you nodded in agreement stating that you would. Your husband popped up out of no where and dragged you all the way to the car with your new belongings.
Hence, you being on the cold marvel floor at the enterance of your new home.
You stare into Taehyung’s fierce stare as his eyes were staring striaght into your soul and any minute you would burst into flames.
Taehyung: I’ve just got a light bulb idea for my new piece of art
As he grabs you by the hair pulling you towards the bedroom, giving you endless hickory and bruises.
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Divorce was out of the question as he brought you and once you mentioned it, he slapped you striaght across the face.
Jungkook: Look at me
You slowly turn your head to the side and is met with a tight slap across the face.
This action is repeated for at least ten minutes until you have his hand print branded on both sides of your cheek.
You are now a sobbing mess trying to apologise, but that doesn’t cut it for Jungkook.
Jungkook: Lets be realistic, if we did get a divorce which would never happen you need to know what posistion you will be in
He comes closer to you as he rips your clothes off you. In complete terror, your arms frail about putting up a fight, but it is hopeless you are too weak and he rips your clothes off you. Including you bra and panties.
After this he ends up taking off his belt and beats you mercilessly, with you screaming and begging for forgiveness. He ends up stopping as soon as he gets tired.
He puts his belt back on and begins to walk off and he slowly turn back looking at you.
Jungkook: This is what would happen if we had a divorce you will be nothing, but that won’t happen at all. Trust me, darling I can allow you to walk if only you obey me
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istoleurgurl · 4 years
Yandere taehyung x reader
You were sitting in your room. The room you share with him of course. Your never without him and he’s never without you. Lately tho you’ve decided on something. You decided to leave this maniac man. This man who you thought you loved.
“Y/n, what are you doing up here” he asked breaking your train of thought. You hadn’t even noticed his presence or, even heard his footsteps walking towards the bedroom.
“I’m just. Tired.” You spoke quietly, then you got up off the bed and walked over to him.
“Taehyung, we need to talk”
Clearly he already knew what was going on. He had expected it for a while by the way you had been acting. Tho he never thought you would go thru with it.
“I’m leaving you” you say with a gulp. Holding your left hand tightly in the other one. What will he say? How will he react? You already know it won’t be good.
“Leave huh? After everything I’ve done for you”he said backing you against the wall. Towering over you like a building and starring you down like a hawk. A devilish smirk adorned his features and you knew this wouldn’t end well.
“Could you please tell what reason there is to leave such a perfect man as I? To leave behind anything you could ever want?” He spoke sweetly but dangerously. Gently grazing your cheek with his cold, callased fingertips.
“T-taehyung, your a fucking maniac!” You said as you began to get scared. Which caused you to insantly go in defense mode. “You won’t let me leave! I can’t even see my mother!”
“Darling those people were filling your head with lies! I’m the only one you need and you know this.” He spoke gently
But you weren’t to fall for his gentle words this time no.
“Taehyung I’m leaving you and that’s final-“
Your suddenly cut off by his hand around your throat. Pushing you further into the wall.
”your lucky I even fucking chose you. Ungrateful whore! I could have had any women in the world and your the lucky one “ he spoke with gritted teeth, his jaw clenching.
He dropped you to the floor. You coughing trying to get as much air in your lungs as you could.
“Maybe you should stay in here for a while and think about what you’ve said” he spoke with a sneer. Turning to leave you in the room alone.
Locking the door behind him gave you a little relief. At least you wouldn't have to see him for a bit.
But when your time out is over he’ll be back.
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Angry|| K.TH
Requested 3. “I don’t wanna hurt you, baby.”
Pairing: Yandere!Taehyung x Reader
You tried. You tried hard to escape Taehyung. And as always, he caught you. What a fiasco that was. You knew it would end up that way, but the taste of freedom was so sweet to you that you had to try. He was usually always peevish when you tried escaping but, this time you knew your actions had struck a nerve and that the inflamed look on his face was indeed real. You were harshly shoved into a room, resulting in you hitting the floor.
Taehyung followed inside, shutting the door behind him. You looked up at him annoyed, ready to spit your anger at him but before you could, he glared at you and shook his head. “Don’t. Don’t start your fussing with me as you always do.” His usually sweet and heart melting deep voice was now cold and venomous. You looked for signs of his playfulness or anything of the sort.
Sadly you found none and you knew he was genuinely upset this time. There was no more slaps on the wrist or sympathy for him to give. He was too nice to you when he had first brought you here. He wanted to believe you would learn to behave or listen to him. He wanted to believe you would just love him. It was exhausting being so nice to someone who just wanted leave. He wasn’t having it any longer.
“Taehyung—“ you started to speak but cut yourself off. You didn’t know what to say, nor did you know what to do. Your sudden silence is broke when Taehyung kneels down in front of you. His coffee colored irises were now so dark, it looked as if his pupils had absorbed them. He gripped your hands in his with an iron grip; you shrieked in surprise.
His eyes fluttered closed for a minute as he brought one of your hands up to his lips and gave it a gentle kiss. “I don’t want to hurt you, baby...but you don’t know how tiring it is chasing after you. I know you’re still missing him, so I’ll just get rid of him. Then what will you run for?” He smirks, kissing your forehead.
Your eyes widen and tears start to form but you can’t utter a word. You knew he was talking about your boyfriend. Your real boyfriend, not him.
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sky-sykes-starr · 4 years
BTS Yandere Finding Out Your Pregnant (Maknae Line)
Warning: Yandere Themes, Murder and Cheating
The day you found out you were pregnant was the scariest day of your life, mainly because of your boyfriend, Jimin. He was extremely unstable and constantly worried about your health, yet he was the one who was damaging it.
You decided to keep your mouth shut for the past couple of weeks, but without a scan to go by you presumed you only five weeks pregnant. There were many things on your mind, like how you and the baby were doing, what you need to be doing.
However, if you asked Jimin to take you to the doctors for your appointment, he would’ve bombarded you with questions. Then blame you that your at fault for your health and your sneaking out at night to go clubbing or to be with other men.
But it had to be done, either way.
It was dinner time and you both were eating whilst just talking about general stuff nothing too crazy until he mentions your weight.
Y/N: You see about that I have something to tell you
He nodded gesturing you to hurry the fuck up with what you were going to say.
Y/N: I’m pregnant
There was a pause. A long pause.
He just stared at you saying nothing, in complete utter shock.
Jimin: We are having a baby?
Y/N: Yes
After that was more silent. But deep down you knew, you knew the next day his mood would be different, be it good or bad.
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When Taehyung found out that you were pregnant he was over the moon, he believed that you being pregnant with his child showed that he owned you every possibly way that he possibly can.
This meant your pregnancy had a lot of ups and downs mainly from him and not you. It was like he was the one who was going through the pregnancy and having the baby himself.
One minute he was happy, and than the next he was crying. He just couldn’t believe that he was going to be a dad.
He brought many things for the child, toys, clothes, shoes, even starting the nursery and has already been looking for nanny’s that he would be able to employ.
Then he would be slightly more harsh on you, he never laid a finger on you during the pregnancy, but he had always scolded you if you put the baby’s health at harm.
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You and Jungkook were “happily married”, well that’s what you liked to have believe. However, he would always belittle you and break your confidence down so you would become solely dependent on him.
Just like the way you do when the both of you are having sex, he is always in control and you are just a submissive doll who can’t do anything about it, but beg.
Yet, the sex you had was always unprotected and it surprised you that not once did you show any signs of pregnancy symptoms. Until one day, you were vomiting in the morning for the past three days before Jungkook went off to work. Hence, you slept in a different room to Jungkook, him not wanting to catch any disease or illness that you have obtained.
It has been a week though since you vomited and now that you have been feeling better, Jungkook had you roughly placed underneath him. And one day you over heard the conversation between him and a maid.
Jungkook: Yeah just make sure you put those pills in her drinks, she’s not worthy of carrying my child.
Damn! Is that what he thinks of his own wife. And also damn that’s why you haven’t ended up pregnant.
The maid nods, blushing. She clearly had a thing for Jungkook
Jungkook: But you... I like the looks of you a lot
He grabs her with her giggling into the guest bedroom. Clearly wanting to the fuck the life and impregnate her. It wasn’t common for the Jeons to have bastard children, but this was your husband regardless of what he did to you, a husband should love and care for their other half.
So you planned your escape leaving him a letter and a pregnancy test that you had took which ended up coming back as positive.
You packed light, taking only the few necessities and you were off with no one knowing where you had went.
When Jungkook came home back from work with a bunch of roses in his hands, he headed to the bedroom expecting you to be there ready to be fucked the living hell out of. However, that was not the case as you were not in the room.
The first thing that caught his eye was the diamond reed ding ring that was no placed on your bed with a letter and a pregnancy stick. He turned the stick over with two lines and his eyes gawked in disbelief finding out you were pregnant.
Without even reading the letter he knew you left and in an instant his eyes went dark. He went to the safe getting his walking out his room in anger screaming at every guard to find you. Whilst that was being done he found the main that he slept with, clearly knowing she might be pregnant she had a smirk on her face, but he wasn’t ready to sleep with her again and he shot her in the forehead instantly killing her.
She wasn’t the only maid that he got pregnant, so he went and found every made some ranging to a few weeks and others a couple months. And he shot them all dead.
Declaring a new rule, to only hire male maids from here on now.
And when he found you not only would he welcome you and your swollen belly back home but he would make sure that your nights were restless too.
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sky-sykes-starr · 4 years
BTS Yandere Forcing You to Quit Your Work (Maknae Line)
Jimin hated you working and that was from the very begging of your relationship, which of course would always put you in a foul mood whenever he mentioned your work. He always said it was ‘dangerous’, and that he’s just trying to protective his girlfriend and you should be greatful.
You worked behind a bar at a nightclub, just to make sure you you were able to pay the bills, whilst you were studying as your parents had passed away leaving a very little inheritance for you to obtain. Even though, Jimin mentioned that you could come and move in with him, you thought it would be too soon the two of you have only been dating for six months.
It would be way too early too move in with him, despite the fact that your relationship is moving quite fast.
However, there was a horrible incident that happens to another nightclub not to far from where you work, which had caused many people to have sustained severe injuries and trauma and a few others dead. Ever since then, Jimin would refuse you to go to work.
Jimin: Why do you want to go back to work? Do you even pay attention to the news or to what I say?
Y/N: Because I have bills to pay and my tuition fees
Jimin: Your point is....
Y/N: Well I need to make a living to live in this house
Jimin: Just move in with me, quit your job and I’ll pay for your university fees
Y/N: Bu-
Jimin: No ‘buts’ Y/N, I will only say this once. DO AS I SAY OR YOU WONT LIKE THE CONSEQUENCES
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You and Taehyung have been dating for a year and it’s been a bit of a rollercoaster, mainly for you and him... well everything is all rainbows and sunshine, he couldn’t find a single thing wrong. But you... you could point a couple.
Taehyung hates the fact that you worked with other photographers and artists, he thinks that you should be only working with him, your his muse, his inspiration, HIS.
But once Taehyung found you on the cover of a front magazine nude, he went ballistic throwing things round the house screaming your name to come down the stairs. And by the looks of it, you really didn’t want to come down because you began to drag urself down the stairs to the living room to see what was wrong this time.
Taehyung: Y/N! WHAT IS THIS?
Y/N: it’s my photo shoot and you don’t have to scream I’m in the same room as you
Y/N: Because it isn’t a big deal
Taehyung triply grabs your neck holding it tight.
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Ever since Jungkook brought you, you were allowed outside the house even to the garden. The ring on your finger represented that you belonged to him and nobody else and if you objected sever consequences would take place.
If you have dared to even mention to you working or having a job, he will immediately yell at you saying you don’t have to work as being the Mafia boss wife all you had to do was stay at home and look pretty. JUST STAY AT HOME. You couldn’t anything else but that, which is extremely boring.
So today you’ve decided to help the maids with the chores round the house, that Jungkook normally doesn’t like you to do that’s why you have maids for a reason.
You decide to help the maid cleaning yours and Jungkook shared bedroom, but little did you know that Jungkook came home early expecting to see you on the staircase waiting for him, but he saw you cleaning.
You were completely shocked and frozen in fear, you didn’t do anything wrong.
The maid scurries out the room to get out the house with tears in her eyes.
Jungkook locks the door and turns to you walking slowly with a dark look on his face.
Jungkook: Well know that we’re in our bedroom I think your ready for a nice long fun day, more fun for me than you
He pushes you down on to the bed.
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sky-sykes-starr · 4 years
BTS Yandere React to Meeting You for the First Time (Maknae)
Warning: Mentions of Murder, Rape and Human Trafficking
You just had a good time at a birthday party for you friend, but you decide to call it a night and walk home. Damn it was chilly, you curse yourself silently for having decided to wear a short black skirt and a red crop with some random beat up sneakers (Just in case you had to square a bitch up, you never know what could possibly happen).
It was extremely dark, which causes you to fasten your pace though you have walked in the dark multiple times you still never knew what could happen at a day like this.
Solely because it’s been all over the news about young people like you being murdered or raped in horrific ways. Hence, causing plenty of people especially parents on edge as you never know one day you would get the knock on the door with the police informing of your child’s death.
As I’m walking home I suddenly hear a distant noise taking place in the background, not really paying attention to it, I think it’s best that my pace of walking should speed up.
Before I know it someone lunges at me for my bag asking me to hand it over I put up a fight screaming for help.
Everything happened so quickly and before I knew it I was in a police car.
Jimin: Hi I’m officer Park, but you can call me Jimin. What is your name?
Y/N: My name.... Y/N
Jimin: Well Y/N you took quite a hit to the head but don’t worry your bag is still intact and the scoundrel didn’t take anything belonging of you. Do you want me to take you to the hospital just to have you checked out.
Y/N: No.... no I just wanna go home
Jimin: I’ll offer to take you there it’s quite dark and I don’t want you getting into any harm
Y/N: Thank you
Oh bless her! I’ve been watching you for a very long time Y/N and you going out at a time like this was perfect. However, I didn’t intend for you to get hurt so that bastard I hired is going to get it when I see him expecting to be paid. He’ll get more than a pay check, I assure you that Y/N
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Around me there have always been beautiful things and ugly things. Although, you could turn those ugly things at a weird angle and make it beautiful thats the loophole within beauty is that it’s constantly changing 24/7. Just like us human being we’re just temporary existent creatures that never last long. That’s why on earth it is our job to make our existent feel permanent, kind off like leaving your mark in this world.
Hence, I’m a photographer and a artist. I love both topics finding muses around the world and working of the beauty, but they all go eventually no matter what I do. So when one leaves, they’ll leave in a spectacular manner (buried six foot under and to never be heard of again).
But you..... you are just perfect.
Your body. Your hair. Your eyes. Your face. Your everything.
I will be making mine.
My body. My hair. My eyes. My face. MY EVERYTHING.
Taehyung: Your perfect Y/N keeping looking at the camera just like that
She gives me a submissive yet elegant look
Y/N: Like this
Taehyung: Yes amazing, just like that
I continue to take the shots of this beautiful being. only I’ve found her earlier, the things I would’ve done to her. Mhmmmm.
I’m feeling horny just thinking about it.
Taehyung: There we are all done
Y/N: That’s great can I look at some of the shots of course
Taehyung: Of course
We go over a couple of shots, my favourite one is where she has a mouth partly open and her doll like bambi eyes are staring striaght at the camera with long black messy hair.
Taehyung: I was wondering Y/N, if it was ok for me to ask this but I’m making a new painting and I need a model
Y/N: Yeah, what about it?
Taehyung: It’s a nude painting and ...... I was wondering if you would model for me
Y/N: Of Course, I would be crazy to let an opportunity like this down
Oh my sweet fame-hungry Y/N, I hope you stay forever compared to all the others. And if you don’t than I’ll make YOU STAY PERMANENTLY.
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Being a new mafia leader meant that he was a man to be feared by the public as no one knew what he was capable of. Drugs, prostitution, murder and many more.
His father decided to take him to a human trafficking auction and place a bid on any girl he wanted to be his wife. Of course that would be a great story to tell the children one day on how mommy and daddy met.
As every girl he saw was purchased he didn’t make a single bid on for any of them, until he saw YOU.
A beauty is what you were, tall, skinny and a face of a goddess and only he knows he’ll treat you like one. Unlike all these other men, who’ll just abuse you and want you only for one thing.
Jungkook: Father I want her
He informs his father and the bidding process is intense as everyone was told you were a virgin, but it ended at you being sold for 1 million pounds. And your owner was Jungkook.
You are placed into a room to meet him, as you are now his, no longer being able to be your own person you have to do as he says from now on.
Jungkook enters the room.
Jungkook: My oh my..... look at you
You turn to see his face.
And what you saw was so old fat rich pervert, but a young handsome man staring right back at you with dark brown chocolate eyes.
Jungkook: You may possibly be wondering who I am, I’m going to be your husband
You were silent. In shock.
Jungkook: Now I want you to know this, there are a few rules you have to follow and if you break them. Trust me, you won’t like the consequences.
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