#yb's shivers
yb-four · 1 year
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Shivers as a human! Design notes / process below the cut.
Electrochemistry / Visual Calculus / Composure
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I did a lot of design work for this one! I wanted to incorporate ideas from the cloths that give shivers (sans heimdall shirt couldnt really make that one work) and the suzerainty flag, as well as the bow collector thought. i was also really fixated on the ideas of having the electric shock be shaped like the antler (from the resistance) as well as her having twin braids (came to me in a dream). I also wanted her to look a bit ragged, and have red hair similar to cuno & cunoesse because i like to think that the city is very in touch with them.
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Ended up going with the (modified) fourth design with the fur from the coat, the short cape with colour from the flag but also shape from the rcm cloak, the scarf around the waist, and the bow collector as a charm hanging onto the strings holding the cape together. The last one didn't really show up very well in the final product, but it's a detail i really like.
(The designs are messy and on a lined bg bc I did them during class in a note taking app lmao)
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Pose thumbnails! i set out thinking for sure i would be doing the top right one bc it just felt right to me, but i did more anyways and ended up with one that i liked more. goes to show that you should always try sketching out a few options!
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lineart + colour test. i decided to change my usual lineart brush for a cleaner feel since i wanted to heavily render this one so that the city painting wouldnt look out of place, and boy was that a good idea. i also found a really nice brush set for painting and like. holy shit !! its so good. i went so hard on this piece partly bc the brush made painting feel really rewarding. I also learned about the models in csp and how to pose them while working on this piece! i learned a lot working on this and its probably the piece im most proud of.
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panda-writes-kpop · 3 months
What does a demon and a function have in common? (You can test both of their limits!) - l. yb.
a/n: happy dami day! i know the timeline of this fic is messy, but just pretend that it's all okay and I will too :) also I wrote this because I was trying to understand my feelings as an aroace person towards love and I'm still really confused... but at least we got a good fic out of it! ❤️
tw: demons, undefined magic, lots of mentions of death, implied aroace! reader, a bit of religious trauma
word count: 2.6k
summary: you're in distress over your math homework and the pretty demon that helps you with it, and you're reluctant to let your heart do the talking since it ended pretty badly for your friend and her demon companion.
related fics: Demon! SuA - Tainted Love
♡ Masterlist ♡
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You shouldn't do this.
You glare at the leather-bound book in front of you as you furiously erase another answer from your sheet of scratch paper. The book was a gift from a friend, one that had struggled with a demonic relationship before.
You hadn't heard from them in a year and a half, and from what you heard from mutual friends, they weren't doing too well. Although you weren't positive that the book was bad news, you had never seen your friend so desperate to remove an object from their grasp.
After doing a bit of research, you realized that it was a cursed tome. There were seven different markings on the cover, which meant that seven different demons were tied to the book. Luckily, only one had been released when your friend had opened the book.
Now, you had to be the one to safeguard it. To make sure that no one would ever be hurt by the book again.
But, as you stare at your Calculus homework, you realize that you have no idea what you're fucking doing. And at 10 p.m. the night before an exam, the tutoring center is closed and the professor is probably counting sheep while their students are stressing out.
You're well aware that it's a stupid, very dumb, unintelligent idea to open a cursed book in order to understand Calculus, but what other choice do you have? Do you fail this exam then fail the class, which would put you a year behind?
What would your peers say?
What would your family say?
A shiver down your back, from the looming threat of parental disappointment, causes you to drop your pencil and reach for the book. Your hand gently traces the seven etchings on the cover, and you notice that one isn't filled in with color. 
The demon that took my friend away.
You really shouldn't be doing this.
You think about the laundry list of concepts that you have to master by 10 a.m. tomorrow, and your decision has never been easier.
I'd rather stick my hand in an open flame than do another problem with no help.
When you open the book, you realize that you're blissfully unaware of how to summon a demon. Do you say a bunch of random words in Latin? Do you do a little hand motion? Do you need an offering?
You decide that your best option at summoning a demon that won't smite you immediately is to plead with the book.
Because desperate never goes out of style.
“Listen, I don't know who I'm talking to, if I'm even talking to anyone in the first place. I'm having a problem. …Well, it's not a ‘the fate of the world rests in your hands’ type of problem, but I still could use some help.”
An orange trail of smoke leaves the book in your hands and swirls like a tornado in an empty spot in your living room. Objects start flying around because of the tailwind, and you have to duck before you take a pencil to the eyeball. 
“Who knew Calculus homework could be deadly?” You joke as you try to not think about the magnitude of the situation that you're in. You haven't even met the demon yet, and the smoke that it creates(?) it is trying to kill you.
Not a good sign.
Once your apartment is messy enough for your demon of choice, the book in your hands shuts itself as the orange smoke starts to dissipate. 
You set the book aside as you gawk at the woman- no, demon that stands in your living room. 
She's dressed in all black, ready to go to a funeral.
You just have to hope that it's not yours.
“How can I assist you?” She softly asks in a semi-uninterested voice.
“I need help with Calculus.” You blurt out as she clocks her head at you.
“I beg your pardon?”
This demon was exceptionally smart, which was good for your tired, mortal mind. She also didn't kill you on the spot - a good thing, you assume, unless the murder is waiting for you on the other side of the Calculus homework.
She was taken aback by your request, staring at you in utter surprise until she joined your side and helped you with your homework.
Her voice was gentle and smooth, and you would've fallen asleep if you weren't thinking about being killed in your sleep.
“Thanks.” You rub your eyes as you set the pencil down as you check your phone for the time.
You're proud of yourself for putting your phone on dark mode (you've flash-banged yourself in the past, it's a one time mistake) as you realize that it's only one in the morning. With a few hours of sleep and a large container of your favorite caffeinated drink, you'd be fine for your exam.
“Is that all you needed? …A bit of guidance with math?” The woman sitting beside you is in disbelief as you nod your head.
“Is there something wrong with that?” You joke, momentarily forgetting that she's a demon.
“Forgive me, but the people who usually hold the tome are more demanding… and a lot less cute.”
“Okay, back into the book you go.” You toss the book her way before trying to hide her embarrassment. 
She chuckles softly before running her fingers over the spine.
“You have no idea how any of this works, right?”
“Uh-huh.” You nod your head before starting to put your school stuff away.
“Right, right.” Her eyes meet yours for a moment. “Dami.”
“Huh?” You tilt your head at her, but she snaps her fingers and disappears with the book in an instance.
Well, that damn book is out of my sight and I now have a chance to pass my Calc exam. I'll take that as a win-win.
You don't remember climbing into bed last night (this morning? The days are blending together at this point).
Before leaving your apartment, you say a small prayer before grabbing your pick-me-up of choice from the fridge. You might have this exam on lock.
As you walk to class, you recite Calculus formulas in your head. Partial derivatives swirl around your mind along with the thought of the mysterious woman.
She's not a directional derivative, so you should focus on something else. 
You, at least, had the demon situation under control.
This semester, you officially renounced your academic weapon status; instead, you were an academic victim. Although you most definitely messed up the first problem (why do all of the problems have the same wording yet completely different solutions?), you had the rest of it down.
Your confidence evaporated when the two classmates behind you started discussing their answers and got completely different answers to you. 
Maybe another semester here wouldn't be so bad?
“You did fine.” 
You jump as your eyes lock with the demon from the night before.
“Sorry, sorry.” You apologize to the two people behind you as you step to the side to speak with Dami. “I like your confidence in me, and I wish I had a fraction of it for myself.”
“There's nothing wrong with having a little pride.” She shrugs as the doors to the lecture hall open.
“Well, at least there's another exam a few weeks after spring break.” Ryujin shrugs before closing the door and walking towards you. “How'd the exam go for you?”
“It was okay.” You softly shrug as you glance between Dami and Ryujin.
“You're too humble for how smart you are.” Ryujin scoffs before turning to Dami. “You new here?”
“I'm just visiting someone.” Dami winks at you, and your eyes avert her gaze afterwards.
Ryujin sighs before adjusting her backpack and clearing her throat.
“They're not interested in guys or girls…. or anyone, for that matter.”
You playfully smack Ryujjn's shoulder before she pretends to be in extreme pain from the hit.
“It's not an absolute thing. I'll know if there's someone I'm interested in.” You nonchalantly say as Ryujin checks her smart watch.
“Oh shit, I've got class in fifteen minutes halfway across campus. See ya!” Ryujin waves to you both before offering a nod to Dami. “Nice to meet you.”
She runs off in another direction as your attention turns to Dami.
“Why are you here, if you don't mind me asking?”
“I haven't been out of that book for centuries. I just wanted to see how humans lived.” Dami folds her arms before walking to you. “The world is so much different… better, if you ask me.”
“You're not like any demon I've heard of.” You blurt out before biting your tongue. “Sorry, that's probably really mean to say-”
“It's okay, and to be honest, I'd be surprised if I was like any other demon that you met. Not all demons fall from the sky, you know.”
It's been three hours, and you're still trying to come to terms with the fact that Dami’s a fallen angel. Who says that to someone after only two interactions with them?
Dami, apparently, because she's been watching you like a hawk as you sit across from her in the campus library.
“You think of me differently, don't you?” 
You don't look up from your computer as you tap your pencil against the desk three times.
Click. Click. Click.
“I don't.” You calmly say before writing an equation in your notebook. “I should be honest with you, though, since you were honest with me. It's only fair.”
You pause for a moment as Dami folds her arms and leans against the chair. She's trying to remain cool, but a small twitch in her left eye tells you that she's more interested than she appears to be.
It's cute.
“I had a friend who summoned a demon from that book… I don't know her name, and I don't want to. She ruined my friend’s life, Dami.” You explain your friend’s story, going through agonizing detail as told through their family and other friends.
You have to pause once to wipe your tears, and Dami offers a comforting hand as the other drops to her side. You, albeit hesitantly, take it. 
She should be cold like ice- undead, unfeeling. But there's some sort of warmth in her touch that can't be explained by the hellfire that she resides in.
Perhaps she's already gotten attached to you. You feel it too, you want to trust her. Can you, though?
She hasn't torn your arm off yet, so you're starting off on the right foot.
Trauma dumping counts as bonding, right?
You bite your lip before shaking your head, feeling the uncertainty of everything crash against you. What are you doing, trusting a demon that hurt someone that you care deeply about?
I can't do this.
“I should go.” You pull your hand out of her grasp as you quickly try to pack your things up. “I'm sorry, I'm probably shit-talking one of your friends that you've known for centuries.”
As you reach for your pencil, Dami grabs your wrist.
“I can't promise that I'm a ‘good’ demon or person,” She softly exhales before looking in your eyes, “but I won't betray you. Not now. Not ever.”
Something pounds, but it's not your head, swimming from the thoughts of your friends and the demon in front of you.
It comes from deep inside you, a feeling that you thought would be forever foreign to you. A magical feeling that “normal” people got to feel. The thing that makes them human, after all.
Your heart pounds.
This isn't you. You need to leave. Now.
Without exchanging another word, you run off into the afternoon light. You know she might follow you, but you hope she'll give you some space. 
I hope she doesn't hate me.
You need to get a grip, and fast, before you rock the boat that's been steadily keeping you afloat for years.
Five hours. That's the longest you can last in a little internet cafe before you put your tail between your legs and head home. You know Dami will be there, and you don't want to sleep on a park bench, so home it is.
Will she be mad at me?
Who cares? You're not in love with her, you just like her. 
As a friend. 
As someone you can hang out with. 
Someone to share secrets with.
Friends can kiss, right?
You've known her for less than twenty-four hours. You need to find where your sense of reality has gone and reclaim it before you head into your apartment.
But the key is already in your hand.
Your feet walk up the stairs without your brain telling them to.
You unlock your apartment door to see someone quietly sitting on your couch - the same spot where she helped you with your math homework.
Your stomach and heart fill with dread as you slowly take off your shoes.
She's been kind to you, and you ran off because you were upset about your own feelings.
You felt like a petulant child.
“I'm sorry for running off. I got upset thinking about my friend, and I should have talked through my feelings like a fucking adult. You're not like the other demon, just as I'm not like my friend. Feeling trapped by someone else’s opinions of you is rough,” You toss the keys on the counter before shedding your coat, “trust me, I know.”
Dami looks back to you, and the moonlight casts her in an angelic glow - she was ethereal and you didn't doubt that she was once an angel. You'd be more surprised if she wasn't one of God’s favorites.
Why was she here, instead of in the sky? 
You don't want to pry, but Dami’s the first one to walk towards you.
“I was worried about you,” She softly admits, “a demon, a former angel, a creature much older than you could comprehend, was worried about the safety of a mortal.”
When she is close enough for you to reach out for her, she reaches out her hand.
“I'm not an evil demon or a perfect angel. But I can promise you-”
“I think I like you.” The words spill out of your lips before you can truly think about what you're saying. “I mean, of course I like you, but it's not how I've liked anyone before. I like Ryujin as a friend, she's nice to me and we get lunch sometimes. But you… you're different. And being different scares me. It's not just because you're a demon, it's who you are. It wouldn't matter if you were a demon, angel, or human because I'd still feel the same way.”
You pause to take a breath.
“I'm not normal, and I'm probably not like any human you've met. I don't want a traditional romance with a wedding or kids. I don't want physical intimacy with someone who won't appreciate me. Hell, I don't even know if I want a partner half of the time. The only thing I know,” You take her hand before pulling Dami closer, “is that I want you to be by my side. As a friend or as something more. Whatever we will be, I know we'll figure it out together.”
“I want you by my side as well.” She softly mutters as you place your forehead against hers.
You're both quiet as you envelope yourselves in the serene environment that you've created.
“So, do I meet your devilish friends now, or do I have to take you to dinner first?”
Dami laughs warmly before pulling you close to her.
“Whatever you want.”
You're in deep. She has in her talons sunk deep under your skin, in less than a day. 
She could betray you.
You had to learn how to trust her.
And in time, you will.
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abogaboga · 3 years
requests: open ig
warnings: yandere-behavior, 18+ (creator’s wishes, respect them.)
word count: 1.6k
a/n: there’s not much of peter in this,, this is just an excuse for me to show my love for TK bc i love them with all my heart. could be a tk x reader but… i see this as more of a platonic thing 🤷🏽‍♀️
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YBF belongs to @/y0urb0yfriend & @/invertedmindinc
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“I swear I’m going to quit this job. Customers are so ungrateful!”
You complained to your coworker as you got ready for bed. TK just shook their head, “We both know you can’t afford to quit. Who else is going to pay your rent?” They teased, a shit-eating grin plastered on their face. You paused from doing your hair, “Oh haha, you got jokes now?” You asked, glaring at your friend through the phone. TK’s grin just grew, “Mhm, a whole bunch of them.” They answered, resting their head in their hand.
There was a comfortable silence between you two as you continued your nighttime routine. You and TK did this often, just chatting on FaceTime after work, complaining about rude customers amongst other things. It was nice having someone to vent to every now and again. They were a great friend. “So… are we going to address the elephant in the room?” TK questioned as you were doing your skincare. You tensed slightly before smiling lazily, “What? That you’re madly in love with me?” You quipped, turning your attention back to your mirror.
In your peripheral, you saw TK’s expression become flustered and you couldn’t help but laugh slightly. “Ugh, you’re so annoying. But no, you know what I’m talking about.” They said, their tone becoming serious. You bit your lip, you did know what they were talking about. A shiver ran down your spine as you recalled the man in the diner watching you intently as if you were his prey. “Yeah I do, but what is there to discuss? The police in this town are shit, thirty minutes what a bunch of bullshit.” You muttered to yourself, remembering how the police wanted to take forever to respond to your stalker claim.
TK pursed their lips as they thought about your distressed face while you made the call. They’ve never seen you scared like that before, it made them want to protect you from any harm. “You know, if you keep scowling like that, you’re gonna get wrinkles.” You chastised upon seeing TK’s face. They rolled their eyes playfully, “I already have wrinkles, thanks to you.” TK joked. You gasped loudly, “Thanks to me? You take that back.” You demanded feigning hurt. “Nope,” They said popping the p, “you stress me out to no end.” TK continued. You carried on with your hurt facade until your bedtime notification rang.
“Oh, that’s my bedtime. Time to hit the sack.” You said, plopping down on your bed with your phone in your hand. TK’s face scrunched up, “Hit the sack? What are you? Sixty?” They inquired. You stuck your tongue out at them, “Whatever loser, you should go to bed too. Your shift starts earlier than mine.” You reminded. And so, the two of you exchanged your goodnights, not without a few witty remarks of course, and soon you were drifting off to sleep.
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It was sometime around midnight when you heard a noise outside your window. Startled, you sat up in your bed. Rubbing your eyes tiredly, you tried to look around your room. It was hard, considering the only light was coming from the moon shining through your window. Eventually, your eyes adjusted to the dark, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. It was probably a squirrel or something. Shrugging to yourself you laid back down and attempted to fall back asleep.
You couldn’t sleep.
Damn it, you knew once you woke up, you wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep. But you needed to rest, you didn’t need TK breathing down your neck and yelling at you for falling asleep while taking orders. So, you shut your eyes and tried to let sleep overtake you. Suddenly your closet door creaked open, now you were wide awake. How the fuck did the closet door open by itself, it’s way too heavy for the wind to move it on its own. Now remembering about your stalker, you became petrified, what if it was him? What should you do? Should you stay still? Discreetly use the SOS system on your phone? But as your ears picked up on footsteps making their way towards your bed, you decided to do the latter.
“Hello, my darling~”
That voice… that fucking voice. It took you everything in your power not to cry for help. Why was he here? What did he want? You clutched your sheets tightly as you felt his hand caress your head. Luckily your back was facing him cause the tears running down your face, would have given you away instantly. “Why so tense my love? Are you having a nightmare?” He cooed, his voice making you sick to your stomach. Why did Lucy have to go out every night? You were completely alone with this creep in your room and you felt completely helpless.
Knock! Knock!
Two loud knocks came from the front door and you’ve never been happier. You heard rustling and something close (you’re assuming it was your closet). The fucker was still in your room, one would think that he would get spooked and leave completely. This bastard was bold. Getting out of your bed, you practically ran to the and swung it open, not even bothering to look through the peephole. Tears welled in your eyes as TK stood in front of you, wearing sweatpants and a white tee, a sheepish look adorning their face. “I know it’s late but—” They started, but didn’t get the chance to finished before you tackled them into a tight hug.
TK almost toppled over from the sheer force of your hug, “Whoa, you alright?” They asked, trying to peer and get a look at your face. That’s when they noticed you crying into their shirt. Gently grabbing your shoulders, TK pried you off of them and looked at you, concern swimming in their eyes. “Hey, hey… what’s wrong?” TK asked again, desperately trying to get you to look at them. You looked up at your friend with watery eyes, “He’s in my house TK, he’s in my house.” You cried, your voice barely above a whisper. TK’s expression slowly morphed from mildly concerned to heavily concerned. They quickly grabbed your hand and pulled you to their car. You tried to protest, you at least wanted to lock the door before just leaving but TK wasn’t having any of it. They spoke not one word until you were both in their car and securely locked in.
“So let me get this straight, he’s in your house? Like, right now?”
They asked, looking at you with a serious look. You nodded anxiously biting your nails. You had no idea what to do in this situation and you wouldn’t dare wish this on anyone. Not even your worst enemy. This stalker terrifies you, you have no idea how long he’s been doing this. Or what he would’ve done if you were truly unconscious. If this was a recurring thing, what has he done when you were unconscious? You were so caught up within your thoughts, you didn’t even notice that you were hyperventilating. You have never felt so violated, your head was pounding and your throat felt tight. You were shaking, you couldn’t breathe, this was just too much. It was all too much—
Suddenly warm hands encased yours, “Hey. Look at me, breathe Y/n. Breathe.” TK instructed, taking a few deep breaths of their own. Swallowing thickly you closed your eyes and breathed. The two of you breathed together for a while. Probably for a minute, five minutes? You weren’t exactly keeping count. After you calmed down significantly, TK spoke, “You ready to call the police?” They asked, pulling out their phone since yours was still in the apartment. You nodded slightly, taking the phone, your hands were trembling so bad, you kept messing up the number. How hard was it to dial 911? TK gave you a sympathetic look before taking the phone themselves and calling,
“Hello? I’d like to report a stalker and a break-in. Yes, the address is…”
You just stared at the dashboard, recollecting tonight's events. This creepy guy was deranged and dangerous. If he was bold enough to break into your house and touch you, what else was he capable of? Maybe you should move back in with your parents for a bit, they didn’t live in this town so you’d be away from him. But what if he followed you there? Would your family be in harm’s way? You couldn’t risk that. Groaning to yourself you placed your head in your hands, you hope the police find and arrest this psycho.
“Okay, they should be here in fifteen minutes or less. Wanna crash at my place?” TK asked pocketing their phone and turning to you. “I don’t even know, he probably left by now and I don’t need him following us and harming you. I don’t know what I’d do if you got hurt because of me.” You mumbled, head still in your hands. Your friend placed a warm hand on your back, “That’s a risk I’m willing to take because there’s no way I’m letting you back into that apartment by yourself.” They replied, “I’ll stay up all night if I have to, I’ve got a steel bat with this bastard’s name on it” TK stated, smirking slightly. You let out a small laugh at the proudness in their tone. TK and their steel bat, they bragged about the thing as if it was a child prodigy. Finally looking at them, you sighed with a tired smile on your face,
“Alright, let’s go home.”
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abogaboga © 2021 — all rights reserved. do not repost, modify, or copy. do not plagiarize. thank you.
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aka-indulgence · 3 years
I was walking at night when this scene struck me out of nowhere.... Vampire!YB (who I nicknamed “Victor”!) unable to resist any longer and... making a snack out of you,
(Some warnings: nothing explicit but pretty suggestive... he’s giving your neck ‘attention’ so to speak... also blood because vampire dhjsk)
He was too quick. As soon as made himself clear that he wasn’t going to let you leave, you tried to run. You only managed to take a few steps before he had his arms around you, hands grabbing your wrists.
“Tch tch tch...” he clicked his tongue pitifully, “I thought you’d know better, darling.”
“Let go of me you creep!” you yelled, trying to stomp his feet, yanking your arms away from him, but his grip was impossibly strong. How the hell can a guy as thin as him be so strong?! No matter how much you struggled he seemed undisturbed. In fact, it was easy for him to bring your wrists together to hold in one hand-
You yelped when his other hand grabbed the side of your face and tilted your head to the side.
“W-what are you-!” your voice squeaked higher than you expected it to be, but you only had a second of embarrassment before you went stock still.
... He had pressed his face into your exposed neck and shoulder. He sighed, his warm breath flowing over your skin like a soft waterfall, making goosebumps break all over your skin.
“You know very well what I’m trying to do, angel.” he murmurs, every word felt on your sensitive neck, and you had to bite your lip to stop yourself from yelping. It was like you could feel his fangs lengthening against your skin. They grew past his lower lip and grazed you a little.
... You could feel how sharp they were...
“What do you think a vampire’s doing when he’s pressing his face to your neck like this?”
You’re shivering. You don’t say a thing to him, only a whimper escaping your throat, wiggling in his hold.
Victor hums when he hears your whimper, nuzzling into your neck. “Shhh... it’s alright darling. You have to understand I don’t want to hurt you.”
You gasp when he inhales a long, greedy, hungry breath on your skin.
“I love you. I would never put you in danger.”
A chill runs up your spine when he starts placing soft, gentle kisses, trailing from your neck near your hairline to your shoulder.
“... But...”
You can’t stop your squeak when his kisses turn less innocent- open-mouthed and wet. They’re loud, almost sloppy, and you don’t think they’re strictly ‘kisses’ when you feel him sucking on your skin a little; the fingers on your face digging a little into your cheek and his other hand squeezing your wrists.
“I-I can’t help it...” his voice wavers, his breath heavy. “Your blood... I can s-smell it... just under your skin...”
He groans. “I-it smells... so good...”
Your mouth opens but no sound comes out- horror on your face when you feel a tongue- a long tongue. Warm and wet and noisy, sliding from your shoulder to your clavicle, the pointed tip squirming its way under your jaw. Your whole body shudders in disgust as it flicks away from under you, and Victor lets out a long, breathy sigh.
“P-please Victor...” your whole body’s still shaking, you can’t stop shaking- “d-don’t d... don’t hurt me...”
Your stomach drops when you feel him smile against your now-slick skin, the air making it feel cold and making you shudder even more.
“Darling, I told you I won’t hurt you. Not on purpose.”
“Then don’t b-!!”
“It won’t hurt for long.” he suddenly whispers in your ear, lips still wet with his saliva. “I’ve tried so very hard to resist you, but you’re just too much...”
He turned his attention back to your wet shoulder.
“I promise- you won’t feel much.”
A strangled sound comes out your neck when he pulls your head further to the side, like he’s trying to give himself more access to your veins and arteries.
“... Heh,” he sniggers, and you can feel those grown fangs gently drag over your shoulder. “You might even like it.”
You didn’t have time to respond- you felt a prick on your neck as his fangs puncture your skin, warm blood spilling from the wound and onto your shirt.
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ziee · 3 years
Yb x Male!Reader
Yb is a sleep paralysis demon because why not.
It all started as a child, you were around 5 years old when the creature made its first appearance. You had been in bed, restless after having a bit more candy than your parents knew about. Tossing and turning, you finally felt your eyelids heavy. You had finally gotten comfortable when you saw it. Or him. Standing in front of your door was the tall figure. Bright blue bore into your small form from under the blankets.
You tried to scream, but all that would come out were tiny whimpers.  Your eyes widened in fear at the strange person in your room, tears brimmed upwards. He cocked his head, large smile fading from his face as it turned into a frown. Small steps towards you felt like only 2, due to his long stature.
You whined as he lifted his hand towards you. A cold, grey hand touched your cheek. Warm tears fell onto his fingers as you heard him sigh. He wiped your cheeks from the wetness as you closed your eyes in fear. Opening them when you felt the icy digits leave, you saw nothing. He had disappeared.
You got up and cried to your parents, yelling about a strange person in your room. They had come and searched your room top to bottom but didn't find anything, or anyone. They concluded that you just had a nightmare. Whenever you brought it up, you were quickly shut down by the adults, so you stopped talking about the man.
As you grew, he would come every night. You weren't as fear-frozen as you were with him when you were younger, so he would paralyze you so you couldn't escape from his touches. All you could do was watch as he caressed your skin against his own, each and every night.
You tried to rid him, taking medications for nightmares and such prescribed by a doctor, but they never helped. He would always come, with his bright blue eyes. It's as if you were sinking from the sight, into a dark abyss. You tried staying up, indulging in an abundance amounts of caffeine, but it only lasted you a couple of days.
When you moved out, you figured that he would leave you alone. You stayed in that house your whole life, having to endure 20 years of that demon. You thought it was just the house. Oh, how you were wrong. Once you settled into your new apartment, you were ready to sleep in your bed when you felt that familiar feeling.
A wave of coldness washes over your covered body. No. No, no, no. "Please! Just leave me alone!" You tried to move, but he was already in place. Tears fell from your tired eyes. "What do you want from me?!" You screamed at his unmoving form. Saphhire eyes blink. A hand moves up. His fingers point forwards.
"Me?" You sobbed, struggling against invisible bindings. His round head nods, a sharp smile tattooed to his face. "Why?" Moving towards you, you stare angrily into his large eyes. He gazes into yours, head tilted over yours as he stays still before leaning down towards your ear.
"You're mine." His voice cackles. He pulls back in time to see 2 globs of tears fall onto your cheeks. Making an aw sound, he wipes your tears away to caress your cheek once more.
"I hate you." Your words show venom, yet he makes no movements to appease you. He leans down closer, resting his head on your chest as he sits on the floor. Listening to your heartbeat, he traces your collarbone. You cry as he touches you. Loathing seeps from your skin. As the minutes pass, you try and think of something, anything to get this to stop.
"What can I do to make you leave?" You hiccup, eyes wet and sore.
"Nothing." He growls against you, stopping his finger on your skin. Think, think!
"W-what about for a week?" You suggest. He sits up, a look of annoyance on his face.
"Not gonna happen, darling."
"What about a day?!" You plead. He hums, contemplating the thought. Turning towards you, a devious grin has been placed on his face.
"I will leave you alone for a day if you touch me." Touch him? You thought for a second before a disgusted expression traced your face. Touch him. Like that? For one day of freedom?
Fine. You were just so exhausted. Let's just make this quick. "Fine." You whispered, already ready to take back what you just said. His grin widened, and for the first time in years you were able to move freely whilst he was in front of you. You shot up and away from him, your back pressing against the headboard as he stood up. He chuckled at your actions as he climbed onto the bed, sitting in front of you.
So now what. You were inexperienced in sex, having only gotten to kissing with companions. You looked towards the man you hate. The man who's made your life exhausting and dreadful for the past 20 years. You really wish you could punch his face.
He had a boner. A growing tent forming in his pants made you look down. "Go on." He beckoned you towards him with a slight thrust of his hips, making you really hate the situation you stuck yourself in. You slowly crawled towards him. Shakey hands unzipped his pants, pulling them down a bit before stopping at his boxers.
You gulped, before pulling them down. His cock sprung free, hard, and pulsating as he stood in front of your face. You forced every tear down, before bending down and taking him inside your mouth.
He moaned at first contact, ruffling a hand through your hair as you took him further. Wanting this to end as fast as it could, you used your tongue to aid in the process. Swallowing him, he moves in and out of your throat. You start to choke, but hold yourself down.
He pants as you awkwardly suck him off for the first time in your life. Watching videos sure did help you, since you weren't total shit at this, supported by rough bucking of his hips against your face. You furrowed your brows in anger before finally lifting your arms up and planting them on either of his thighs, holding him down.
He twitches against your throat, something that makes you feel like throwing up, but you force it down. You're doing this for a night of freedom. A good sleep. You clench his legs as you prepare to choke him down. Licking his shaft, a deep groan leaves his throat, making you shiver.
You pop off him, gasping for air. He doesn't push you back down, which you were thankful for after nonstop minutes of having him inside your throat. You lift a hand from his thigh and start stroking him. Already lubed with your saliva, it makes for easier self-loathing action.
Pumping him faster, he grasps onto your hair and pulls as he releases. Giving you no warning, hot fluid sticks to your shirt as he cries out. His cock twitches in your hand before you let it go, dropping flaccid. You shiver in disgust as you look at your stained shirt.
"You had your fun. Go and don't come back tomorrow." You mumble, standing up to change your shirt. But he obviously had other plans. Before you could even scream, a hand reaches for you, wrapping around your waist before pulling you back onto your bed.
"Let me go! I touched you!" You yelped as he pinned you down, leaning over you with the eyes of an animal. He leaned his head into your shoulder and sniffed, taking in your scent as you pushed against his shoulders.
"Mm.. I just can't get enough of you." His tongue grazed your exposed neck and you whined, praying he wouldn't bite. You had seen how sharp his teeth were. Thankfully he doesn't, pulling his head back up to gaze upon you. "Let me fuck you, darling." He panted.
"I'll leave you alone for a week." You thought about it for a second. A blowjob was one thing, but having him stick it in your ass? You sighed, rubbing your eyes with your hands as you nodded. You could sense his grin through your closed eyes. Feeling his cold hands on the waistband of your shorts, you throw your arms down and push his hands away.
"I'll do it myself." You snap, pulling down your shorts and briefs in one quick swipe. He lets you, eyeing your soft cock. Why would you be hard from this? He slides his hands between your thighs, spreading your legs as you stare at the ceiling.
Wetting a finger with his saliva, he settles it before your hole. You could feel him staring, so you look down at the demon. "I've.. Played with it before. So you don't have to go slow." You mumbled, allowing him to push his finger inside. Your cheeks flush at your confession as his finger slides around your hole.
You exhale as he pushes it further, curling his finger before pushing another one inside. "Ah.." It slipped past your mouth, you couldn't stop it. His head snaps up to meet your eyes. He grins, obviously pleased at his work before refocusing on his task. You fume at his reaction. You hated how he could make you feel so good with just 2 fingers.
"Put it in." You wanted this over with. And he complied. Ready with another hard-on, he removes his fingers before suckling on them. Shifting closer, he readies his cock before your hole. You breathe out, preparing for his length as you clench the blankets.
He slides it in slowly, stretching you out. You breathe through it, pain and all. He finally gets inside all the way, leaning over you as he pants. "Darling.." He moans, "You feel so good." He pulls his hips back, before pushing back into you slowly. You grunt as he presses against your insides, his cock twitching inside you.
"Go faster.." You clutch onto the bedsheets, nails digging into your palm as he digs his knees into the bed, gaining stability for the next action. Pulling out, he pounds into you. You moan, unable to contain yourself. Your cock, now hard, pulses with urgency as he pushes himself into your walls. You could feel your close.
Your thighs clench as you release, crying out as you cum. Seed shoots from your tip to his chest, staining his dark shirt. He doesn't seem to mind, just continuing to feed himself from your insides. You gasp as the wind is knocked from you, your hole being abused by a sizeable dick. His hands move to grip your waist, digging into your skin hard as he bites his lip. He plows into you one more time before searing white explodes in you.
He bucks softly, releasing everything he's got, filling you up before pulling out. Cum seeps from your hole onto the bed, but you're too exhausted to care. He falls beside you, heaving for air through his flushed face. Heavy eyelids fall, forcing you to fall asleep before cleaning up.
The next morning you wake up, you notice how he'd cleaned you up before leaving. How thoughtful. The day goes on as expected, ending back at your bed once more. You had gotten comfy, excited at how you weren't gonna see the demon for a week. As you were about to fall asleep, a wave of coldness washes over you.
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itsthesinbin · 3 years
Idiot nuts his pants (YB/GN Vampire!Reader)
Cross posted to Ao3 HERE (along with the first one shot I did)
DNI: Minors, ageless blogs (just saying you’re an 18+ DOES NOT COUNT)
Warnings: Blood, biting
Your boyfriend knew something was wrong. You were getting more sluggish as the days went on, and growing more pale. Inquiries of what was wrong were dismissed. You assured him you were fine, but he wasn’t falling for it.
He had to put his foot down, finally. He approached you in your shared apartment, a worried frown settled on his features. You nursed a small cup, grimacing at the taste. Your lips came back red, and your poor boyfriend had to fight back a more primal urge as he sat next to you.
“Darling,” he started, grabbing your ice cold hand. You almost flinched at the sudden temperature difference, but didn’t pull your hand away from his. He smiled slightly, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles.
“I know you’ve been waiting too long- the blood in the fridge has gone bad, hasn’t it?” Of course he knew you were a vampire. He knew long before you two started dating- before you two had officially met, not that you knew that. He can remember the relieved, if startled, look you had when he happily accepted your non-human nature.
“I just forgot,” you groaned. “I’ve been so fucking busy at work I forgot to check the expiration date.” Small blood bank havens across the city helped the vampire population from starving to death, for which you were thankful. But sometimes the blood there was already at a… lower quality, since the better bags were needed for hospitals. Sadly, the only one you could afford at the time was a shady place that was always getting into trouble.
“I’ve told you that you don’t even need to work there anymore- and that I can start going to the better banks for you.” His other hand came up, rubbing your back slightly. You let out a heavy sigh, pushing the cup away from you. You rested your face in your hands, rubbing your tired eyes. His hand slid down, resting against your lower back.
“... I can help tide you over, until we get some new supply,” he offered, pressing his forehead to the side of your head. You paused, before moving back a bit to look up at him. He had that adoring look in his eyes, mixed with a hint of worry. Your gaze drifted away as you hesitated. His hand left your back, moving your face to look at him again.
“I mean it. I know you don’t particularly like it, but I hate seeing you like this. And if you had to feed off of anyone, you know I’m more than happy to volunteer.” From the way you could hear his pulse speed up, you felt like his offer was slightly more than selfless.
You didn’t miss the way he would stare at your fangs, or teasingly bare his neck to you when you two were sitting together. If you didn’t have such good self control, you’d have jumped the poor man by now.
You were so hungry…
“... A… alright. But we need to do this somewhere else, in case I accidentally take too much you get lightheaded. Okay?” He nodded, letting your face go so you could stand. You held onto his hand, bringing him over to the couch. You got him to sit, before going to get bandages and something to clean the impending wound with.
“What’s the best way to do this?” He asked, fidgeting slightly in his seat. You set the supplies down and joined him on the couch.
“Well… traditionally, the reason vampires would kinda… terrorize their prey was to get the blood flowing, but I don’t think you could be scared of me.” You fiddled with your hands, and he had to stop himself from grabbing you right there. You were too cute. And you were right- there was no way he’d be scared of you. However…
“I… know another way to get me worked up,” he offered, smirking slightly. He tilted your head up, and if you were more fed you would definitely be flushed. He didn’t even wait for an answer, simply pulling you in for a rough kiss.
You made a noise that sounded almost like a startled cat- god, he loved your noises- before kissing him back. He moaned into your mouth, hand cradling the back of your head. You purred into the kiss as your arms went around his shoulders.
You pushed him back, startling him slightly. You moved into his lap and straddled him peppering kisses along his jaw. Your boyfriend all but melted against you and his hands rested on your hips. A delighted sigh left his lips as he leaned his head over.
You could hear his heartbeat. Smell his arousal and the blood running just beneath the skin. You trailed your kisses down, dragging your fangs along his neck. A shudder left him, and you felt him swallow thickly.
You gripped his shoulders, muttering out a small warning before you sunk your fangs into his neck. He tensed up, fingers digging into your hips as you began lapping at the wounds. You moaned softly, having not had true, fresh blood in so long.
His eyelids fluttered, mouth dropping open and breathing coming in gasps. One of his hands slid up your back, bunching your shirt along the way as he nearly clawed at your skin. He knew he should try to keep still, but he had dreamed of this for so long. He’d let you drain him, if that’s what you wanted- what you needed. To feel your fangs in him, to know you were drinking his blood…
His hips moved, grinding up against you as you sat in his lap. You grunted at the contact, shuddering slightly when you felt how hard he was. You knew it was easy to work him up, but you had no idea a simple bite would cause this reaction. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t find it cute.
He let his eyes slip shut, feeling himself grow lightheaded. Was it from the feeding, or just from how good he felt? He couldn’t tell. A choked whine left him as he ground his hips to yours, gripping your body to his. His rapid heartbeat made the blood flow faster, making a delighted moan leave you.
He let out the most desperate, pathetic whine you’ve ever heard from him. It knocked you back to reality, and you realized you were drinking for too long. You sat up, panting as you took in his expression.
His eyes widened when he saw your mouth covered in his blood, and that was the tipping point. He jerked, pulling you down and rolling his hips against yours. You watched his eyes roll back, your name leaving his lips in a mantra. You couldn’t help the shiver that went up your spine at the knowledge this, alone, was what made him cum. Knowing you had that effect on him was intoxicating.
Slowly, he calmed down. He breathed heavily, looking up at you with adoration. Now properly fed, you could feel your face flush. You shook it off though. He needed your attention.
“Fuck- I think I went a little too long,” you panicked, moving to grab the aid supplies nearby. He whined at the loss of you in his lap, but was too dizzy to actually do anything about it. When you returned to his side, you quickly worked on patching him up. Hard to do when he kept trying to cuddle you.
“C’mon, let’s get you in a nice bath and then I can get you to bed and take care of you there, okay?” You lifted him with ease, something that shocked him every time you did it. That being said, he always swooned as well. He held onto you happily as you carried him to the apartment’s bathroom
You got him cleaned up with a quick bath, before helping him into your shared bedroom. You left him on the bed for a moment to grab some juice and some food, for when he felt like eating, and returned to his side. Once set on the bedside table, you crawled in next to him. You pulled his head to your chest, letting him listen to your slow heartbeat and your purr.
“You did good,” you praised, feeling him relax against you. Your little hot water bottle, as you liked to call him. He muttered something, but was too drowsy and dizzy to properly talk. You smiled slightly. Before you could even say anything else, you heard him drift off to sleep.
With how full you felt, a nap sounded real good right now.
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laymedowntorest · 2 years
I had an ask asking about doing a Ronnie scene on the Summoned! Demon YB story and when I went to post this story I found it gone. RIP Anon- So here it is; Ronnie’s dumb ass decision making finally results in something horrible PFFT
(German words used; my translator is on holiday so it’s rough. Hopefully it’ll at least get the idea across!)
He ran.
He thanked whatever entity from beyond for his reflexes reaction to the leap. He fell backwards as the body seemed to inch closer in slow motion, but a leg lifted as he went. Perhaps to kick the demon? He couldn't tell you why.
His foot connected with its chest and pushed. The body didn't follow him to the floor, instead it went sailing over into a grey pile behind him. It crashed into the wall. He heard the harsh thud, as the momentum of his leg kicking the creature away forced him to roll backwards, knees and hands out to stop him from rolling further.
He didnt even give himself a chance to recover, he just scrambled to his feet and sprinted down the attic stairs. He just ran. He didnt even go to the front door, he went to the back. The back door was busted anyway. A hard shoulder shove and it was slammed open, the cold night air biting at his face as his legs continued on with little input. 
He, mentally, was still on the floor of that attic.
He heard a voice, he heard his full name. He heard a command. His body almost twisted back to where the noise came from, but he refused to obey the order. Thank whatever god was real for being a stubborn pain. He was also thankful Lucy was away with her 'friend' for the night.
There was little traffic, a fact he was torn about. Why didnt he do this during the day? It'd be easier to lose the demon when there's too many mortals to scan. He could use the crowds, the noise, to sneak away undetected and find whatever religious help he needed to be rid of the damn thing. Then he could burn that book and continue on his merry way.
He halted at the familiar voice, turning to the source. There stood a face he knew, in all his glory. Of course he'd be wandering around in the middle of the night, the idiot.
"F-Fuck, Dougal." Ronnie spluttered out, his mind finally having caught up to him. His body was shivering, his chest wheezing, his face was flushed, his eyes were wide and he felt his muscles were tense. Ready to run once more. But he also ached. His form begged for rest.
His friend ran to him when he saw the state, scanning him up and down. "What the fuck man?! Did you do something? Why are you out here so far from home?!" His eyes finally scanned the environment that seemed threatening now, like even the bricks and windows knew of his giant mistake. This...was quite far from home. Had he been running for that long, purely on adrenaline and fear?
The questions continued with concern as Ronnie caught his breath. He didn't focus on them all, just panted out his exhaustion and gasped out his answers as he gripped his thighs in a bent over position, his body ready to collapse.
"Ich sah ihn..." He whispered out, staring at the floor before him as the weight of his stupid curiosity and lack of thought into the future finally threatened to break his back. "Scheisse...Ich ihn gerufen..." He didn't even care that he was speaking his tongue. That's all he kept saying under his breath. Repeated. He couldn't even finish his sentences. 
"Ich gehe zur Hölle..."
Dougal was patting his shoulder softly, no doubt wondering what he was saying. He finally stood straight, ignoring the crushing force of his errors on his back the best he could. Oh he had fucked up, fucked up bad. And he needed to know how to fix it. Right now, the friendly but firm arm around his shoulders offered him great support.
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ben0vilence · 3 years
This is a story inspired by @harbingers-appointed DK yb AU ^^ I hope I exceeded expectations. There is a little smut in here, so no minors! Hope you enjoy!~
A Heavenly Night In Hell:
Today's bounty was plentiful. Many unfamiliar constructs the human world has. I return to my abode, one I used to loathe with every fibre of my being, that is until I found the love of my life. With my most recent haul, they are sure to appreciate my efforts and be less inclined to further question my intentions. They are nothing but pure after all. I opened the immaculately decorated double doors to the castle and strode through the entrance hall, stone walls flickering a pale shade of blue courtesy of the torchlight. I hear the pitter patter of delicate footsteps echo from upstairs and smile. My darling is to grace my line of vision once more, a sight I simply cannot go without for prolonged periods of time. They dashed out from around the corner atop the staircase, panting as they grasped the railing for support. I saw them grin as they laid eyes on my gifts, and my heart thumped with longing.
"You really did get everything! Wasn't it too heavy though..?" They asked. Ahhhh, their voice and the concern that laced it was so soothing, their question was almost lost on me.
"Of course I did, anything for you, darling. And no, I used my powers to transport all this here." I chuckled. Mind you, if I'd used my raw physical strength to do so, I may not have had much success. I may be vastly taller than them, but not quite strong enough to lift some of these objects. They descended the staircase and approached me, the stool I custom ordered for them in hand. I often had to remind myself how tiny they were in comparison to myself, especially in these heels. They set it infront of me and climbed up, pulling me in for a hug. Instantly, my body melted into theirs as I wrapped my arms around their frame. I took this opportunity to discretely inhale their addictive scent from the nape of their neck and hair, exhaling warm air against their pale skin. They giggled, a sound I found most adorable.
"I have a name, y'know? Why dontcha use it?" They smirked. I grinned, my incisors glistening and sharp.
"I am aware, and a lovely name it is Bene~ But I love calling you 'darling' most of all." Their neck sunk into their shoulders as those cheeks turned rosey, a look that caused the steadily building hunger in my heart.. and explicit regions to rise.
"Praytell, what are these human devices used for?" I asked, genuinely curious.
"I still can't believe you've never done this before, haha. See, I heard from some of the other demons that before I arrived, you mostly just spent your time in solitude sitting on that throne of yours. Soooo, I thought we could do something more fun and have a movie night. Just the two of us."
My eyes widened in excitement. I had always wanted to watch a film, and now that my darling was by my side, it was to make the experience all the more enjoyable! I helped them set up everything we would need for tonight, and helped them turn the centre of the foyer room into a meadow of lush cushions and soft blankets. It took everything to contain my joy, it would all be so perfect. There was only one thing I needed to do afterwards, and that was give my hired help the night off. TK is as submissive as they come, the head of "housekeeping" too, but lately I've become suspicious of my second in command.. Don was hardworking and fearless, admirable qualities in a demon army general, but troubling in regards to Bene. It's hard enough that he's technically taller than me.. I will not have him turn my beloved against me..
With the "riff-raff" taken care of, I joined Bene that evening in my nightgown. It was more comfortable than my day wear, true, but I figured it might even appear more aesthetically pleasing. Bene was dressed in a modest black t-shirt with a holographic design on the front, they called it "a Pokémon" I believe, and some shorts. I assume this was also for comfort. They had surrounded the area with premade confectionery and savoury deliciousness, and as they looked up at me, they beckoned me to sit with them in the cushion pile. They didn't have to ask me twice. My tail swayed with every step, and I finally took my place behind them. They adjusted their position and laid their head on my left inner thigh, nuzzling it softly. My emotions were frenzied, so much I had to bite down on my own hand just to keep myself in line. I swallowed saliva that had briefly accumulated in my mouth and stroked Bene's shoulder. They shuddered at my touch.. not from pleasure it seemed.
"Are you alright, darling?" Their eyes open, but they don't look at me. It unsettled me a little, to say the least. Other times we've held each other and they never shivered with this amount of intensity. What had changed?
"Yeah, I'm fine. We can watch the movie now." The flat affect their voice possessed did not convince me in the slightest, but I could sense that pressing them on the matter could possibly anger them. The film that played was a commentary on human society, their governments and how they used fear to control the masses or influence circumstances to benefit them. One man actively defied them, however. He destroyed monuments to their power and influence as revenge for disfiguring and torturing him for their own gain. I saw a lot of myself in this man.. Bene teared up a little as we watched certain scenes. The warmth of the blankets must've calmed them eventually as they stopped shivering, and seemed at peace with my presence. The food probably helped in that regard too. I had no idea how sweet human food could be until I tried chocolate. Solid yet creamy once it melted in your mouth, marvellous~. The film drew to a close after nearly two hours, but I almost dreaded that. The story was so intriguing and emotionally charged, but the ending was at least satisfying. Bene sat up and stretched their limbs.
"You have impeccable taste, my love." I smiled as they finally looked at me.
"Thanks, uhh.. You know something I just realized? I still don't know your name yet." They chuckled. I faltered, my smile fading slightly.
"Honestly, my name repulses me.. I don't even allow my subjects to call me by it. Any name you were to give me would be desirable though."
They hesitated at this proposal. I could tell they had a name on the tip of their tongue ready for me, but it never escaped. They thought for a moment.
"Okay.. how about Dean?" Oh, could they have thought of anything better? I don't think so. It was a little basic, but far better than the name "someone" decided to give me..
"I love it, darling~" They gave me a small smile in return, but for some reason immediately broke down into sobs. I instinctively pulled them closer to me, re-wrapping the blanket over them.
"Please.. if you're not alright, you can tell me, Bene.. Honest communication is an essential part of relationships, is it not? So as long as you're truthful, I promise I could never be mad with you." I hushed them softly as they cried into my gown, rubbing their back. Their chest soon ceased heaving.
"Dean.. I-.. there's so many things I want to say, but I can't put it into words.. so many things I want to do, but never gave a chance." Their eyes glossy with tear drop residue met mine, and I felt my heart steal itself with the anticipation of the moment ramping up.
"I'm.. I'm ready." Those eyes softened, and they leaned in. This was it, the golden moment I had spent countless nights imagining. I cupped one of their cheeks in my hand and bridged the gap, planting a kiss on those pouty lips. More followed as we found our rhythm. Ahhhhh~ my darling's tongue tasted exquisite. I was eager to taste every inch of them, and I moved down to the nape of their neck, an area I knew for sure would stimulate them. Such delicate skin, slick as my tongue slid across it. They let out a whimper, and reached a hand up to caress my horns.
"O-mmmmmmmph~" The horns are extremely sensitive areas for demons, and regardless of whether they knew it or not, they were doing a spectacular job of turning me on. I began to nibble their skin, earning trembles in response. I hold them with my left hand, and reach my right hand underneath the blankets to play with my now throbbing member, at least until Bene is ready for me. I had already leaked precum thanks to the horn stroking, it makes me wonder if they had experience. Possibly. We continued our foreplay until it escalated, and I took them into an unforgettable experience. Nothing was more euphoric than hearing them scream my new name, moan for me, cum for me, and I them. Then sink into each other as we drift into fitful sleep..
I love you so much.. now and forever, darling~
I woke up in the middle of the night, the demon king cuddling me close to his body. I didn't dare move, hardly even breathe. I replayed the evening's events in my mind over and over.. what the fuck was I thinking..? Hah, I wasn't thinking. My unstable emotions and impulsivity caused my brain to enter autopilot, to just give into my own madness. It's happening again.. no no no, I can't fucking do this shit again! How can he love me when he doesn't know what I am? I don't even know what the fuck I am! Except maybe a monster, a disgusting piece of filth, a run through whore, a heathen. However, when I died I thought I'd return to the worm infested ground, they'd feed on my flesh, and that would be the end of everything.. but no, here I am in that place everyone said I would go to. My body shivered violently as I felt myself become overstimulated with this vortex of negative thoughts. Don't wake up, don't wake up. Leave me alone! I just want to go home! I don't want to be here! I'm not good for you, and you'll see that soon enough! To my surprise and immense relief, he let go of me and rolled over on the bed, facing the opposite direction. Now. Now I could get up and get some air. I carefully pulled myself out of bed and crawled on all fours towards the drapes covering the windows. I opened it and morphed into my fallen form; good to know it still worked. I leaped from the window sill and flew into the dark inferno, hoping that maybe I could find a way to escape with the time allotted. Or maybe just mope around on a rock somewhere.. I honestly felt defeated already.
I landed somewhere outside the neighbouring town, and even then I had a sneaking suspicion I wasn't alone.
"Why dontcha come out and say hi? I don't bite." I smirked, and turns out I was correct. The king's second in command, Don, had been trailing me. He stepped out from the shadows, tall and imposing, much like the demon he served.
"What are you doing out here? I'm surprised the king let you out of his sight with how obsessed with you he's become. And what's with the getup?" He asked, chuckling.
"He's still asleep, so I let myself out. And this is my fallen form, something I don't usually show others." I replied, transforming back to my regular form.
"Impressive kid. But I'm gonna have to take you back, don't want his majesty losing his shit over you." He nodded as he advanced on me, grabbing my arm.
"No! I don't care if he worries, infact if he had common sense at all, he wouldn't bother! He thinks he loves me but he doesn't! He doesn't fucking know the real me and never will!" I ripped my arm away and scowled, earning a look of shock from him.
"He's convinced that I love him, or he can 'make' me love him, but the truth is I don't know what real love is. So I can't feel it.. Everything about this situation is wrong.. and even though it's not toxic right now, it will be eventually. Like clockwork.. In my house, alone but free, is where I should be. Not here.."
"So, you wanna leave, huh kid?" I nodded, and he sighed.
"I know it'll be hard for you to wait.. but I need you to be patient while I organise things. However, if you wanna leave that badly, I can help you. You gotta help me first though." He added.
"How?" I looked up at him inquisitively.
"Keep the king off my back for as long as you can, and lower his defences if possible."
"I won't have to kill him though.. will I? I don't want to hurt him.. that's the main reason I wanna leave." I murmured.
"You'll be breaking his heart regardless, so no way around that. But nah, you won't have to kill him. Leave that to me." He grinned, an ominous glow in his eyes.
"Alright, I'm in."
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yungblud-fics · 5 years
i love you
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A/N: this is my second time writing smut so bear with me vros lmao. i hope this is okay!!
@yungbludxxx requested. hii🖤 can you do a smut w yungblud (yb x reader) especially reader's first time?
summary: dom finishes his first sold out show and you accidentally say i love you for the first time. one thing leads to another and you're having sex in the hotel room.
warnings: sex obviously lol, unprotected sex (don't worry you're on birth control), hand job, language, and fluff.
you watched as your boyfriend jump up and down on stage, bolting from one end to the other in a split second. you admired how happy he always was after the shows, even if it meant non-stop rambling along the lines of how 'fookin mental' the crowd was that night. you didn't mind it one bit though.
"thank you!!" dom screamed into the mic, earning loud cheers to be heard from his first sold out show. he threw his hands up and took a dramatic bow before running off stage and jumping into your arms, sweat dripping onto you.
"did ya see the crowd y/n?! man that was fookin' mental!" he smiled and you could feel his heart racing from the embrace he held you in.
"i saw them, they love you almost as much as i do," you laughed.
he pulled apart from you, no longer bouncing. his face held wide eyes and a bright smile, his hands cupping your face.
"y-you love me?"
"i uh-" you were cut off by his lips pressing against yours, all his energy from the show coming back as he lifted you up and spun you around.
"i love ya (A/N: will you marry mE) so much," he screamed. you laughed at his hyperness before grabbing his shirt in your fists and pulling him back.
forgetting you were still backstage, he whispered in your ear, "wanna take this back to the hotel room?"
his voice sent shivers down your spine. you noticed his hot breath against your neck, your bodies merely inches apart. you simply nodded as he grabbed your hand, hopping in the small van they took to the venue.
those few minutes back to the hotel room felt like an eternity to you. maybe it was because of the anticipation of what would happen at the hotel room that brought heat to rise between your legs or that you were absolutely exhausted from the show and trying not to fall asleep.
either way, dom could not have yanked (a/n: yEET) you toward the elevator quicker. the moment the doors closed, his lips were back on yours, chests pressed together and your legs wrapped around his waist. he was panting already as he pulled apart to place a few soft kisses to your neck before the elevator doors opened and he walked out and to your room like nothing ever happened.
"ya comin' babe?" he smirked. you playfully rolled your eyes and jogged to meet him at your room's door.
his shaky hands fumbled around the keys due to his excitement. once it unlocked, you both ran into the room like little kids in a candy store as dom threw the door back closed and lunged into a kiss, his hands cupping your face, bringing you even closer. his other hand presses softly against the small of your back.
dom's breaths become heavy while he let his fingers tangle into your hair. his steps force you backward, your hands gripping his neck to keep you from falling. he pushed you onto the bed, his elbows on either side of your head to hold him up.
the kiss was broken for a moment as dom admired your features. the way your eyes were lighting up even in the low light from the lamp. the way you had a small smile yet your teeth shown through.
dom's hungry lips passionately kissed yours until you lightly reached a hand down to stroke his dick through his jeans. he can’t help but moan against your lips. dom lightly grips your bottom lip between his front teeth. it's your turn to trail light kisses from his lips, over his jawline, and to his neck. his eyes flutter closed as your eyelashes brush against his skin.
he reached his hands under your shirt to lift it up, but you gently reach your hands to touch his, only fabric seperating them.
"wait," you breathlessly spoke, "i've never done this before with anyone."
you looked at him, half expecting him to walk out or tell you to grow up but he just kisses your forehead and smiles.
"i haven't either love. we'll figure it out together yeah?" he begins to lift your shirt up, raising his eyebrow as if to ask permission. you nod slowly, as he throws it somewhere to be found later, his shirt being thrown in the same direction.
you both sat shirtless staring at each other, waiting for someone to do something. you place your hands on his chest, straddling his hips before looking at his eyes, your noses brushing against each other's causing him to laugh.
you lightly ground your hips into dom's growing erection (*cough* i guess he's not used to rejection) as his eyes flutter shut and his breath to hitch in his throat.
you pull down his boxers, pushing dom back on the bed. you swore you could've passed out from how nervous you were but dom was no better. kneeling in front of his legs, your hand wraps around his dick, stroking it up and down, his back arching against the bed.
it feels so good and before he knows it, your name is coming from his lips over and over. he closes his eyes, completely absorbed in the feeling, soft kisses being placed along his thighs.
he thrusts his hips upward into your hand, and you could feel his dick begin to twitch. you never wanted to stop hearing the sounds that came out of his mouth, but you retracted the hand, leaving dom a mess in front of you. peeling off the rest of your clothing, dom lifts you up onto the bed, nibbling at your ear, "lil' tease."
he ran his hand up your back, and sat down on the edge of the bed, pulling you to sit on his knees.
"if i hurt ya, you'll tell me right?"
you nodded, positioning yourself above his dick, lowering yourself down slowly, his hands on your waist guiding you. dom groaned at the feeling of being inside you and as you began to roll your hips, letting out a string of moans mixed with a few curses. the pain was quickly replaced as dom's thrusts met yours.
you could barely speak from the high state of pleasure you're in, but manage to moan out his name as you rock back and forth, the tip of his dick hitting your g-spot several times. you were slowly unraveling under his touch as his hands squeezed your ass the slightlest bit and your legs wrapped tighter around his back to push him deeper in you.
"fook, b-baby," he moaned as he could feel his release coming close, "'m gonna cum."
he moved one hand from your waist to your breast, lightly squeezing it and rolling the nipple between his fingers. you began to bounce up and down at a faster pace, you becoming close as well.
you could barely speak out the words when you could feel dom realease inside you. he reached between you both and rubbed circles onto your clit adding friction which sent you over the edge as well, his moans matching your own. you clenched around him causing dom to throw his head back as you shook violently around him.
he pulled out of you steadily, rolling onto the bed, you immediately curling next to him. you were both sweaty messes but he kissed your forehead and pulled you closer to him. he could feel your heart racing faster by the second, though he didn't have a doubt that you could probably hear his own.
"that was," dom breathed out against your neck.
"yeah. i'm happy my first was with you" you smiled.
you could feel dom's smile on your chest, and a heat rise to his cheeks, "me too darlin'."
A/N: this was really awkward for me to write, i've never posted smut before so i hope this was okay!
i'm working on 6 more requests all at once so i'm sorry if i don't get to yours withing the next few days but i promise i will. my freshman of high school is starting next week and i still have to read my entire summer reading book (oops) so i'm hoping i'll still have time.
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yb-four · 1 year
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Valentine’s Day cards I made
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poiregourmande · 6 years
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(had to screenshot, please don’t include b*zzfeed’s name - or any full names - in asks!)
Clubbing with coworkers he doesn’t really know. Not Ryan’s favourite way to spend a Saturday night. But Kelsey invited him, even though it wasn’t really his crowd – except for Steven – and he went, although he couldn’t really say why. And he had an amazing time.
It was one of his first time meeting YB, Kelsey’s best friend, outside of work, and it felt, oddly, like a test? He felt the same way he did when he first met past girlfriends’ parents. Which is ridiculous. He’s not dating Kelsey, and he already knows these people.
YB must have approved or something, because by the end of the evening, they’re all fairly drunk, and Kelsey pulls him into her lap, and she’s gorgeous.
He could kiss her.
He doesn’t.
Cameras are out and he doesn’t feel like telling the world – or, like, Instagram – what he doesn’t even know himself yet.
So Ryan sees her home in a Lyft, even though that adds a good thirty minutes to his ride home. She squeezes his hand before getting out of the car and flashes him one of her sparkling smiles.
“Thanks for coming out, Ry. I had an amazing time.”
“Thanks for inviting me,” he feels like he slurs a bit. Maybe bottle service was a bit too much. “I had fun.”
He could kiss her.
He doesn’t.
She just there, she’s sending him all kinds of signals, he could just lean in.
But her edges are fuzzy so maybe the signals are just in his drunken mind and he’d better wait.
Ryan spends the weekend thinking about Kelsey and trying to convince himself he’s not. The more he thinks about her, the more he realizes she’s perfect for him. Same interests, same outlook on life, same sense of humor.
That’s a dangerous train of thought. He tries to stop it, tries to slow it down, but it’s still dangerous.
It’s dangerous because it’s possible. They’re both single, they’re friends, they get along great. They’d have so much fun together.
Ryan can’t find any reason to nip this in the bud. And that, in itself, is risky. Because when Ryan falls, he goes all in, like in everything he does.
He waits a few days, to see if it’s just a fluke, but no dice. Kelsey’s smile is burned in his retinas, the only think he can see when he closes his eyes.
So he pulls out his phone. Sends a text. The seventh draft is the winner – not too pushy, not too obvious, just cutesy enough.
Spooky season’s upon us, wanna Disney it up?
He peppers it with choice seasonal emojis, clenches his eyes shut and holds his breath.
Presses Send.
Of course, she answers immediately that she’d love it, with a bunch of hearteyes emojis Ryan’s trying not to read too much into. He doesn’t ask just the two of us? and neither does she. He hopes she won’t bring other friends but the last thing he wants to do is ask, in case she doesn’t want it to be a date.
Ryan lets out a relieved sigh when he picks her up and she’s waiting for him, alone. She doesn’t mention picking up anyone else and he can’t help but notice how nice she looks.
Well, she always looks nice, she’s a stunner, but there’s something, today, something Ryan can’t name, but it feels like she went the extra mile.
For him maybe?
He blushes at the thought, drums out his nervousness on the steering wheel. They fall into easy conversation, to his relief. It’s their first time spending time one on one, and he’d been worried it would be awkward. Turns out they both talk A Lot, so it’s easy to fill the silence.
“Unpopular opinion,” she says at one point. “I would be one hundred percent okay with it if they turned Disneyland into a Halloween thing year round.”
“Yes! Thank you! I’ve been saying this for years!”
“Why should the spook be confined to October?”
He could kiss her.
He doesn’t.
Mainly because he’s driving, and, although kissing Kelsey would be a nice way to go, he doesn’t exactly want to go just yet.
Did Ryan need more proof that they’re compatible across the board?
But boy, does he get it.
They like the same rides, the same shops, the same underrated snack cart where there’s never a line.
Is it too early to joke about a Disney wedding?
Probably should wait to see if this is actually a date.
They come out of Splash Mountain and Kelsey tries to dry out. She volunteered to sit in the front, so she got most of the splash, even though Ryan tried to do the gentleman thing and take the front, but she wouldn’t have it.
“The splash is half the fun! If I didn’t wanna get wet I’d just go on the Mountain.”
The sun is almost set, however, and the air is chilly, so soon enough, she starts shivering. Ryan takes off his denim jacket and wraps her around her shoulders.
His knees almost give out at how gorgeous she looks in it, Kelsey in his jacket. She slips her arms in the too-long sleeves and brings it up to her face, breathing it in.
“Hmm. I hope you know I’m never giving this back.”
He could kiss her.
He does.
drabble requests are OPEN (every ship but the Big Three)
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proxylynn · 2 years
Hi again MR YB. Have you been in contact with your mom recently? I think I saw her around here on tumblr.
Peter: *shivers* No. And keep that witch of a woman away from me.
Lynn: He hates her.
Pedro: And from what I've come to know, for very good reasons.
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sindrafalcone · 6 years
Two Down, Three to Go...
Fandom: BIGBANG/ Choi Seung Hyun
Warnings: Random, rambling fluffiness... Also, if you haven’t read my Nannyverse epic, you’re going to be confused by this. lol
Author’s Note: So... I woke up with a Nannyverse drabble in my head. Inspired by YB’s wedding and a quote from the 1995 remake of Sabrina. (aka. my fave romantic movie) Enjoy!
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. This story contains fictional representations of real people. None of the events are true. This is from an American standpoint, so some of the situations may not happen the same way they might in Korea. I make no money from the writing of this fictional work.
You sighed as you climbed the stairs up to your room. You felt so tired, but it was a good sort of tired. The kind of tired that only came from a long day of emotions and fun times.
Once you had the bedroom door open, you immediately sank down onto the bed, pulling a foot into your lap and massaging it gently. Your husband shrugged out of his suit jacket as he walked in & draped it over the arm of the chair in the corner.
“Everything okay, gongju-nim?” Seung Hyun asked as he turned so he could see you.
You looked up to see him, already taking out his cuff links, and you couldn't help but smile. “I'm fine. Just tired.”
He returned your smile, setting his cuff links down on the dresser & then loosening his tie. “I know what you mean. It's been a long time since we've partied like that.”
“Yeah, well... having twins tends to put a damper on your social life.” you told him with a laugh.
“I'm going to go take a shower.” he said, unbuttoning his shirt. “Care to join me?”
You thought about it... you really did. But right now, you were just too tired. So, you stood up and tried to reach the zipper in the back of your dress as you talked. “I think I'll wait until in the morning. Your mom isn't bringing the kids back until noon. That gives me plenty of time.”
“Here...” Seung Hyun rumbled, placing his hands on your shoulders and turning you around. “Let me help you with that.”
He reached out, carefully brushing your hair to the side before taking the zipper in his long fingers, slowly sliding it down with one hand, while the fingertips of his other hand trailed down your spine in it's wake, sending shivers through your body.  
“There...” he said huskily, once he was finished.
“Thanks.” you all but whimpered.
“Any time, _________-ah.”
You watched, breathless, as he all but swaggered into the adjacent bathroom. 'Cocky bastard.' you thought to yourself. Although... you had to admit, he had every right to be. Just one look from him, one suggestion, one touch... and you were like clay in a potters hands, willing and ready to be molded into an exquisite masterpiece.
You quickly changed out of your dress, hanging it carefully in the back of the closet with all the other things you needed to have dry cleaned. Once you had pajamas on, you sat back down on your side of the bed & reached over to the nightstand. You slid open the bottom drawer & rummaged around until you found what you were looking for.
When you had the small, leather bound album in your hands you sat back against the pillows and opened it up. One by one you flipped through the pictures of your own wedding day & you felt your smile grow wider and wider with each passing photo.
There were pictures of your goofball, walking you down the aisle while singing. Pictures of your actual wedding ceremony, of you and Seung Hyun exchanging vows while your bothers looked on, happy tears in their eyes. And the picture of you and Seung Hyun feeding each other cake made you give a watery chuckle. That one was a little blurry, Jiyong had taken it with his phone & sent it to you.  But, you loved it so much that you'd had it printed so you could put it in with the others.
You smiled, knowing that there was another photo in your own phone that you'd have to have printed and added to the album. Taken earlier today... Youngbae's wedding day. You sighed at the thought of the photograph you'd had taken. All 7 of you, smiling happily into the camera.
Yes, seven... now there were seven of you. And, one day, you hoped there would eventually be ten. Today, you gained a sister and, sooner or later, you'd get three more. The idea made you absolutely giddy with excitement. You loved your brothers with all your heart, but there was a certain appeal to having sisters as well.
You envisioned yourself going shopping with them, or to the spa & commiserating over the trials that came with being the wife of an idol. You thought about your children being able to play together. And, of course, you shared your husbands vision of future Big Bang family vacations.
Today had brought a lot of emotions to the surface that you weren't really prepared to feel again. Memories of your own wedding had flooded your mind as you'd watched the ceremony. In fact, it had been a lot like yours. Small, simple and full of love. Everything had been fine until Seung Hyun reached over and took your hand in his, giving it a gentle, loving squeeze. Then the tears had started. You were just so happy, so full of love, you could scarcely believe that this was actually your life.
You were snapped out of your reverie by the bed dipping down beside you.
“Wedding pictures?” Seung Hyun asked, scooting closer so he could look as well.
“Yeah...” you sighed. “Today just got me feeling...”
You nodded, fingers trailing across the pages of the photo album.
“Do you regret not being able to have a big party?” he asked, a touch of sadness in his voice.
“No... what we had was perfect for us.” you set the album down on the nightstand & slid closer to Seung Hyun, cuddling into his side. You inhaled deeply, a combination of his body wash, clean pajamas and something that was uniquely your husband invading your senses.
“We could have a big anniversary party. Maybe at 10 years?”  he asked, leaning down to kiss your forehead softly.
“Sounds like a date.” you smiled, eyes already drifting closed now that you were secure in his arms.
“Sleep well, gognju-nim.” Seung Hyun breathed quietly against your hair. “Your prince has got you.”
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ziee · 3 years
Yb x Reader  Warnings: Non-Consensual sex/touching, implied kidnapping and murder.
You exhale, leg twitching. Cold metal pressed against your bruised skin. Your head hurt. Littered with yellow and purple spots, you made another one. Hitting your head against the stone wall, you heard the door creak open. Shifting on the soft plush, the only comfort close to home for you in the hell hole.
"I'm back darling." He says, his voice dripped with sweetness as he made his way over to your shivering form. He comes up from behind you, his chest against your back. Hands wrap around your waist, a head snuggles in between your neck. "You're cold." His hands move to your scarred arms, rubbing up and down the goosebumps.
You say nothing, voice hoarse. Too painful to say anything. "Let me warm you up.." He purrs into your ear. Hearing the familiar jingle of keys, your leg was soon unlocked from your chain. He picked you up, carrying you in his arms as he brings you to the room next door. The bathroom.
He sits you down on the side of the tub. You don't run. You cant. "Arms." You know the routine. You've been trained. Lifting your arms up, he removes your tattered shirt. Dirty and messy, he tosses the thin cloth in a nearby hamper. You wear no bra, he doesn't allow it. Says it's annoying.
Your nipples harden in the cold air. Next was your pants. Could you even call them that? They were so disgusting, so cold. Pants should be warm, comfortable, pleasing to the eye. You miss home.
He lifts your butt, sliding down the waistband before removing it fully. Your underwear followed soon after. He leans down in front of you, hugging your waist as he pushes his face into your stomach. "You're so beautiful." He mumbles, resting into you.
You sit still, begging yourself not to let a tear fall. Wait until the shower. You don't know how long he's been there, it's always like this. You lose track of time so easily without a clock. But finally, he gets up and helps you into the shower. You stand on one leg, your other half the length, wrapped in gauze and bandages.
Hand on the railing, you soon felt the heat of water against your chest. He washes your back, whispering sweet nothings that fall quiet into your skin. He touches you, touches himself. His voice is muffled into your skin, and you whimper. Salt water falls down your face, down the drain with white liquids.
He pulls you out, drying you off with a clean towel. Carrying you back into your room, he sets you on the bed before picking out your clothes. He clothes you so slowly, touching you ever-so softly, making you feel his touch. And you hate it. You hate him, so much. You can't do anything though. So you suffer through it.
One day.
You're chained once more before he leaves the room. Another cold night. He'll be back, of course. He always is. Every day waking up to him watching you. A shiver runs up your spine, so you huddle under the blankets and try to fall asleep.
Minutes pass, soon turning to hours. Days. Months. You've built up his trust. Talking, greeting him with a smile. A fake, murderous smile. He's out right now, god only knows. A metal leg clicks against the floor as you move. You're in the kitchen as you make dinner, the Tv in the background playing a cooking show. "Now sprinkle just a bit of salt!" A cheery voice sounds in the other room.
You sprinkle the white powder into the soup. A smile graces your face. Tonight, dinner will be delicious. You hear the front door turn, head whipping towards the sound. He's home. "Welcome back honey." You speak softly, running over to him as he bends down, already knowing what he's about to receive. Or, does he?
You kiss his cheek, making a loud 'mwah!' sound before pulling away. A fake smile settles onto your face as you point towards the pot of stew. "I made stew for tonight!" You saunter over towards the stove, making an effort to sway your hips. He's hypnotized, following you.
"Smells good.. Almost as good as you." He wraps his arms quickly around your waist, giving you no time to react. You pick up the wooden spoon on the counter and slap his hands.
"Food first. Go sit." You flick your hands towards the dining table and he releases you, laughing. You clench your teeth. Grabbing 2 bowls, you scoop the contents into the ceramic and place them on the table. You settle down as he picks up his spoon.
"I added potatoes too, just for some extra pazazz." You make jazz hands, distracting him from your untouched bowl. He smiles and scoops some into his spoon, and takes a bite. "How is it?" He swallows. You almost cry.
"It's delicious! You should make dinner more often darling." He continues eating, unsuspecting little shit. You stand up. He stops and looks at you. You say nothing as you walk towards the kitchen, to the wooden block housing the knives. You take the biggest one and move back towards him. "Now, we're going to be taking our knives to delicately slice our meat!" The Tv chimes in the background.
He'd seen everything you did, watching you intently. He gets up from his chair, hands in front of him. "Darling.. What are you doing?" He stumbles as he backs up. "Wha-"
"Shut up." You glare down at him. Anger flashes through your eyes. You've put up with so much. All your anger, hurt, pain, furry. You'll subdue them today. Tonight. Right now. You lunge at him with the knife. He steps aside fast, but it's only a matter of time the drug kicks in. It was a powerful one too.
"Darling! Please- let's talk about this!" He pleads, falling to the ground in his weak, growing weaker, state. You laugh, a big, hearty laugh. Until it turns into a strong sob.
"Talk!? You kidnapped me! You chopped off my LEG! You chained me to a wall, you raped me!" You screamed, tears streaming down your face. His expression was confused. It pissed you off even more.
He had the audacity to defend his actions, crying wolf. "I didn't- It was for you! It's all for you! I love you!"
"Shut up! Anything and everything you do is for you! You defend your actions, saying it's for 'me', your darling! Nothing is for me! It's all for you!" You bend down in front of him, knife high in your right hand, aiming to his face.
"P-please.. I'm your boyfriend." He clenched his hands together, eyes wide in panic.
"Not anymore." You grit your teeth, slamming your arm down.
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lefeudemaplume-blog · 7 years
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10. Ice cold.
Cold wind caressed her caramel coloured gentle skin; she shivered. A wet white tank top stuck to her body, and you could see her red bra underneath it. Skinny legs, standing barefoot, she moved her toes in the sand. She walked back and forth thinking about him. Walked to her bag and got her hands on her half-finished pack of menthol cigarettes. In a desperate search for a lighter, she breathed out a few swear words before she felt the cold metal of the lighter’s body on her fingertips. Holding the lit cigarette in her bony hand, she took small steps on the humid sand towards the still freezing water. She stood there feeling the waves come and go, and they reminded her of him; coming and going, breaking her heart over and over again. The already finished cigarette was thrown to the wet floor along with her black lace underwear, the wet white tank top and the red bra. She stood naked there, in this everchanging spring weather, and it didn’t matter to her if she would catch a cold because at that moment she felt finally free. Free of her anxiety of the future, free of her racing back and forth thoughts of him, free of the fear to love and free of the fear not to. She put down her mid-long auburn hair, took exactly ten confident steps into the burning cold water. Half-standing half-floating in the numbing water, she gazed at the horizon and observed the sunrise. The sky slowly turned a lighter blue and then she could see a few sunrays peeking from underneath the water line colouring the sky orangey-pink. It was a dazzling sunrise, with its splendid warm colours turning the night into the day. Her head felt dizzy from all the cold but she stayed in the frigid water. She thought to herself that she might as well die here from cold, anything was better than pretending to be happy, but she felt unsure. Her strong determined character made her stay even though she was on the verge of fainting. She forced her eyes to stay open and watch the blinding sun, but they closed against her will. It felt like falling asleep to her, losing control of her body that already started to drown. She heard a deep voice screaming incomprehensible repeated words that sounded like her name, but she couldn’t move. She then felt somebody dragging her out but her lungs had already drowned and she fell into deep, un-ending sleep.
-YB ♡
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thehealingdance · 4 years
The Purge 2020
Week 12, September 21 to September 27
After week 11 ended on such a high note, I am full of energy and enthusiasm for week 12. Reducing piles is still the name of the game. And I do - that and so much more.
Monday morning, my easy access electronics box catches my eye. It’s a simple cardboard box, covered in red fabric. I brought it with me from New Zealand in 2014. The fabric’s gone a bit brittle over the years and crumbles every time I touch it. If I’m careful, it’s okay. Bot on the other hand, having your fingers covered in red fabric dust every time you need the charger for the camera battery isn’t all that great, either.
Why I still had the box, then? Well, I had to store my electronics somewhere. Right?
However, on that Monday morning I have a sudden realisation. A realisation that ends with all electronics being devided into two other boxes and now that red-fabric-dust-box is empty. It doesn’t pass go but goes straight into the rubbish bin.
(Well, the fabric dust does. The cardboard, properly goes into recycling. We are in Germany here, after all.)
It was pretty fascinating to watch myself during this process. After all, the red fabric box came with me from New Zealand and in the past I’ve clung to anything relating to NZ with a vengeance. But getting rid of the box was really easy - no sentimentalities involved, no feeling of “but New Zealand!” Simply relief that the red-dust shedding box is gone. And the little built-in shelf in my living room looks much better without it. Less stuffed full am cramped. There’s room to breathe, now.
A great start to the week.
Tuesday continues in the same vein. The morning is spent puttering around and clearing my way through miscellaneous bits and bobs. It was spontaneous, unplanned, a bit like the red-fabric-box yesterday. I notice something and follow the pull and happily make my way through several boxes full of tidbits and decorative miscellanea. It’s a bit like meditation, really - I am fully in the present moment and very still and quiet inside. I simply do, without filtering my actions through the mind. It’s an amazing feeling.
Later that day I drop off the next book pile at the open bookshelf. And notice happily that all the books I left here last week are gone already. Yay! That makes me happy, too.
On Wednesday, I suddenly realise that - wait, wasn’t this supposed to go according to some kind of plan? Like, I had a list of some kind? Ehhh ... oops? Wait, what did I say comes next? Accessories?
Oh, well, whatever. I simply go and tackle my jewellery box next. Necklaces, ear rings, bracelets - a lot gets put on the next pile to get rid of. Like, I own sooo many necklaces, yet I rarely ever wear any.
(Not my choice, I have a couple of family members who delight in giving me necklaces, and even the fact that they never see me wear any seems to deter them. Hmph.)
Earrings, yes. I love earrings. All the earrings. I love wearing them and can’t really have enough of them. But bracelets? Get in the way. Necklaces? Ugh, no, I’m not a fan of having something hanging around my neck. Also, they tend to get stuck in things or dip into things. So why not simply - get rid of all of them?
That makes me pause for a moment. Somewhere I apparently carry the belief that one simply has to own jewellery. Is it because I’m a woman? I don’t know. It just seems that the belief is there.
Then there’s also that little voice that tells me, “But what if you get rid of all of them and then you really need one? Like, you need one to go with your outfit?”
That’s another interesting one. Who says I must wear a necklace with any kind of outfit? Quite apart from the fact that I rarely ever do - who says that? Who tells me I must do that? Who has decreed that? Hm??
Besides - I can off the top of my head remember several instances where I did not wear a necklace with my outfit, even though it would have looked nice. And people asked me about it (Why aren’t you wearing a necklace with that? Your neck looks so bare.) Yet in neither of these instances I’d even thought about putting one on beforehand. It simply hadn’t bleeped on my radar.
So the question back to you, little voice, “Why, if I never even think about wearing necklaces - why do I need to own about a dozen?”
So the necklaces go. The genuine silver stuff I put aside; maybe I can sell those. The fashion jewellery goes into the box to be taken to the op-shop at some point.
Same goes for bracelets - all into the box they go. Maybe the AWO people can do something about them. I don’t want to store them anymore.
So much space in my jewellery box, so awesome.
And then, on my way back from the AWO box sitting in the hall to my bedroom, my eyes fall onto my bedside table. A tiny little chest of drawers, just two of them. Something about it catches my attention, and the next I’m aware I’m crouched in front of it and look through the drawers.
Bottom one, yeah, I went through that once before. Think I’ll need to do that again, at one point in the future. It doesn’t feel quite right, yet. Top one, well, okay, it’s only the stuff I use often ...
Or so I thought, anyway.
Do you know that moment? When you’ve been looking at something for ages but then your really, actually see it for the first time?
Yeah. So. I look into that drawer - and have several realisation. There’s an energy rising inside of my, too, that is ... well. It needs to be let go of, that’s for sure!
So I do. I sit down and go through that top drawer. Throw away a couple of note-books (ugh, horrible, horrible energy) and other assorted stuff. And then - there is my diary. I take it out, flip through it.
Last entry: August 2016.
Yeah, it’s been a while. Also fascinating - because in September 2016, I attended my first Openhand retreat.
The last entry in the diary ends with me talking about leavin and old life behind and stepping into a new one. Gives me shivers, how right I was. I couldn’t have known, yet I was absolutely right.
The last word, squeezed onto the page: goodbye :-)
I close the diary. I don’t think I will write anything into it, ever again. That life is over.
So the diary goes from the bedside table into my treasure chest. Yes, I have a treasure chest. A real, honest treasure chest. Looks as if it’s from a pirate movie.
Opening the chest is another experience. Yes, all my treasures - and yet, so many of them aren’t Me anymore. I am almost baffled. Not so much because they’re not Me anymore. But because of how much they aren’t Me anymore.
Anyway, out with it, with all of it. That’s the past, that an old Me that I haven’t been in years - and all of it can go.
Feels great.
And yet, I get the sense that it will take some time to process through and finally settle. That’s okay. It was an amazing experience, not just to see but to feel how much I have changed. How far I have come.
That’s so, so great.
After three so incredibly successful days, I’m raring to go on Thursday morning. What’s next? My eyes land on the shoe box covered in wrapping paper, in which I keep my cassetts.
Yes, cassetts. I still have cassetts. I still listen to cassetts. My stereo still has a cassett recorder. (Yes, I still have a stereo.)
Still, I’m fairly certain there are cassetts in there that I can let go of.
So I take the box from the shelf and look through it. And like the bedside table yesterday, I really see what’s in there. Oh my God, that’s some really old stuff! My first cassette, the one I inherited from my father and used to record music from the radio. Must be at least 30 years old. Does it even still work?
Oh, and this one! The cassette is labelled “TaoTao” - I don’t even remember exactly what that is, anymore.  A radio drama, I think? Maybe? I know that my parents taped it for me when I was really tiny and that I loved it. Gosh, how long since I’ve listened to it? 35 years?
Ooooh, does anybody even still listen to David Hasselhoff? :D
Yeah, a lot of those go straight to the rubbish bin. And I think that about half of those remaining will ultimately have to go, too. We’ll see. Maybe I’ll listen to them again, now that I have remembered what I have here. If not? They’ll go, yb the end of the year.
Right. That’s that.
I feel incredibly light and energetic and about 2 lbs lighter.
Friday, the week is coming to a close. Friday, and more stuff goes.
Like the necklaces. I take the bunch to a shop that buys valuables, dump the bunch onto the guy’s table and ask him if he’d like to buy them. He sorts through them, weighs the lot, types away on his calculator, muttering under his breath.
“Hm, yes, so, assume it’s all Sterling silver, that’s in gramm, hm, yes, and that would be, hm, yes, that’s for me, so, hm, how much can I offer you for those? 25 Euro?”
He sounds apologetic. I’d expected about half of that, so I readily agree and return home, without those necklaces and with 25 Euro. And yes, okay, maybe that’s not a lot. But on the other hand, 25 Euro is four tubs of my favourite Nomoo ice cream. I think that’s fair deal.
As the grand finale, a guy comes Friday evening together with his daughter to pick up the Billy bookshelf I’d put up on ebay. Now it’s gone. It’s gone, yay, there’s - there’s space, now.
There is.
You know, I’d never thought a bit of white wall could make me this happy, but there you go. It does. I like that space between the other two bookshelves so much, that I decide against re-arranging the furniture, as I’d planned to to. Nope, I like that space, I love looking at it, I get a little kick of energy every time I do. So. This is sparking joy, in the absolutely literal sense, so it will stay like that.
For now, at least. Maybe it will stop sprking joy. Maybe I’ll get curious to see what re-arranging the furniture will do to the space. But that’s okay. That’s for later. For now, I enjoy the white wall and the space, and how happy something so seemingly simple makes me.
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