#yeah I don't know
Some art analysis on why I think the new VR46 bike livery looks "off"
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barachiki · 1 month
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Just passing the time.
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castielsprostate · 4 months
jesus x judas piss play but jesus accidentally turns judas' piss into milk send post
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lucraven · 1 month
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Alternate version of fur and hunger...
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supemaeve · 4 months
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All right, you want her, you got her. She's your responsibility now. I just hope you're right about her, for both your sakes.
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griffinkid · 2 years
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I'm sure this has been gif'd before, but here's some gifs from Zilda- the Zelda & Hilda mashup. It's one of my favourite videos ever! All credit goes to the creators, I just made the gifs- you can watch the original here! ❤️
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tastycitrus · 1 year
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the player characters of touhou project have a lot in common
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tallbluelady · 4 months
Me: Hey, maybe I can get some Fluffuary prompts filled! Me:
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pessimistic-gh0st · 6 days
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@chronic-cynic @chr0nic-0ptimist
The difference in names is unbelievably funny to me for no reason
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marchy-emmet · 1 year
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Today's art: I was practicing being more dynamic and some interesting results happened??
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brightlotusmoon · 25 days
Exercise prompts muscles to release molecular cargo that boosts brain cell function and connection, but the process is not well understood. New research from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has found that the nerves that tell muscles to move also prompt them to release more of the brain-boosting factors.
“The molecules released from the muscle go into the bloodstream and then to the brain, producing so-called crosstalk between the muscle and brain. But the muscle itself is highly innervated.
“So we wondered, what is the effect of the neurons on this activity of the muscle, and further down to the communication between muscle and brain?” said chemical and biomolecular engineering professor Hyunjoon Kong, leader of the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
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I'm feeling unhinged today so here we go
Tom Bombadil theory, but this one's a bit out there, if I say so myself. So basically Tom Bombadil is Melkor.
Yeah. Let me explain:
We know Melkor poured himself into Arda
We know that in terms of health, morality and happiness, he just became worse
When you think about it, Arda before the coming of Elves was creepy but beautiful. But later, as he became worse, the lands around his fortresses became darker and more barren, like his soul.
This is the serious bit. Now for the funny-ish bit:
So when Melkor was tossed into the Void, the parts of him that were bad and evil and whatever bled into the earth started corrupting everyone else, blah blah. But whatever was 'good' in him — his urge for creation, his desire to make things and all that — coalesced into a form of him that was ONLY the good things.
And THAT'S what Tom Bombadil is. He's all the good, kind, sweet things about Melkor that could never actually exist because of whatever reasons all rolled into one. He sings to all the dark and old and wild things and tells them to sleep, and they listen because they know that there was a part of him that was their lord. He knows how to quiet them because he doesn't hate them. He says he was there before the Dark Lord came from Outside (before he got much too twisted). He calls himself the 'Eldest' (which he is).
As for Goldberry?? She calls herself 'river-daughter'. She could be a Maia of Ulmo, I guess? Or she could be a Valie of the water, since there seem to be two for each thing (I like to connect Melkor to sorrow/grief as well along with Nienna). So she could be a Valie that represents the youth/vivacity of water, while Ulmo is the more subtle, steady element of water.
You know what, yes. To summarise: Tom Bombadil is everything good about Melkor rolled up into one, and Goldberry is the Valie who thematically goes with Ulmo. She came with the intention of watching over Melkor-Bombadil, but they fell in love and now live a peaceful, domestic life free of evil. Dagor Dagorath will basically be when Tom Bombadil turns evil, which is probably never.
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sophsicle · 1 year
no bc i love how you, soph, writer of choices, will very casually simply say — james seems kinda queer to me? LIKE !!! YOU DIDNT WRITE THE MOST TRAGIC QUEER LOVE STORY BETWEEN HIM AND REGULUS AND LILY ?! !!!
WELL, but you know what i mean tho? i just, i am not personally good with labels, and so when people are like - bi? pan? gay? i'm like "uhhhhhhh idk???? they just *waves hands around* and then they kiss, you know?" like i feel like i just, my brain is all wishy-washy about sexuality and gender and like i try to play ball, i really do, but none of these words mean anything to me, and so i don't really think about them when i'm writing characters, the same way i don't think about them when i'm like, kissing people in real life. DOES THAT MAKE SENSE?
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rawliverandgoronspice · 2 months
fighting everything cynical and spiteful in me because I still want to love and believe in people regardless of their flaws, but fucking hell I've hardly ever been tried on such a wide scale before. a lot of people, including people I really love, are making it really really hard to not only hold onto hope that there is a better future than this, but to feel like it's even worth it to try.
I had an inkling there would be a war on mental health on top of everything else going on, and thanks everything I am at a place in my life where it's not enough to send me tumbling down the deep end, but the thread remains thin. And it's genuinely super important to refuse to fall apart, it's absolutely necessary to find a way to persevere in the rise of a worldwide technofascist order because fuck them they don't deserve our despair, but. Yeah. I sincerely doubt it's going to get any easier any time soon, and given they're trying to destroy solidarity, to both monetize and punish self-expression and self-identity, mangle the essence of art and creation, force everybody into poverty and precarity, hunt down any indesirable in more and more unhinged ways and gradually restrict the consumption of everything... Yeah it's going to be a fucking nightmare moving forward.
My heart goes to everybody who's worse off than me on any of these topics, and who's already running on limited options and drained-out mental health. I don't know how to circumvent this entire situation we're facing, and specifically all the surgical ways they're trying to blot out hope and shut down solidarity. I just know it's absolutely necessary to find a way regardless.
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smolbluegoblin · 1 year
Very manly muppet:
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Muppet of a man:
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femalefemur · 3 months
One Last Time
warnings: mcd, please let me know if I missed anything!
synopsis: Simon says goodbye to Johnny as he spreads his ashes.
Simon stood on the cliff, staring into the setting sun as the last of Johnny’s ashes flittered through the wind and carried down into the earth, his final resting place, somewhere he could be at peace and never have to bleed again. 
His thoughts wandered through all the memories the two had shared, the warmth of Johnny’s body, the feel of his hand on Simon’s shoulder, the smile that lit up his face when he laughed, the way his clear blue eyes sparkled when he told a joke and how he sounded when he whispered Simon’s name reverently when they were alone. He held back his tears and swallowed the lump in his throat as he stared at the sky changing colours and thought about all the times he had kissed Johnny as the sun set as he watched the colours give the other man a warm glow and made him seem ethereal, as if he was an angel come down just to bless Simon, to forgive him for all his sins and to make him whole again.
Simon looked at the sunset one last time before it dipped over the horizon, whispering a goodbye to Johnny, to his Johnny who he had loved with his whole heart and soul, before turning and walking back to the car as a single piece of ash floated downwards and landed on his face, one last kiss from Johnny.
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