#yes i've made myself sad again for no reason
barghest-land · 1 year
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ghosts of the past 💧
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thevioletcaptain · 15 hours
I know the ask is about ships but could you make a non ship one with Dean and Carlos from the Winchesters? I can't think of an exact thing for Dean to say, but the first sentence can be what Dean would say for their first meeting. Thank you if you can (*^‿^*)
"I like your hair," Dean says, staring up from where he's clinging to the bottom of Mary's winter coat, and Carlos grins wide when he adds, with all the breathless gravity of a four year old eager to impress their opinions upon a new friend; "It's swooshy and it's pretty like Mommy's hair, and your-- your beads are pretty and shiny and shiny is my favorite color."
"Swooshy and pretty and shiny is exactly what I was going for, so thank you, little buddy."
Even with almost six years between now and the last time he'd seen Mary, Carlos is relieved to find that they still have a good sense of one-another -- can still communicate silently, swiftly, like they used to when it was life or death. He meets her eye, and her face softens, and understanding passes between them before he slides one of his lucky beaded bracelets -- the bloodstone one -- free.
Dean's eyes light up when he takes it.
When he smiles, he looks just like his mother.
[for this askbox game if anyone else wants to send me a prompt]
#supernatural#the winchesters#supernatural fic#the winchesters fic#dean and carlos#hi anon i love you and YES you can have a platonic dean and carlos ficlet!!!#for the record this is set in the uh... the prime universe? og spn universe?#did we ever reach a consensus on what to call the different 'verses?#but yeah this is a world in which the events of the winchesters didn't happen#so mary got out of the hunting life as she did in spn and lost touch with carlos and lata and ada#and carlos has been on the road#and just happened to be passing through lawrence when he bumped into a heavily pregnant mary with a four year old dean at the grocery store#so here we are :P#cass writes fic#fandom: supernatural#fandom: the winchesters#also now i've made myself extremely sad thinking about a year later#carlos swinging through lawrence again and going over to the house to visit mary and meet her husband and the new baby#and finding the house abandoned and ravaged by fire#checking the local newspapers and discovering that mary had died and her kids and husband have dropped off the map#having to call lata and ada to tell them#and then not reconnecting with dean (and meeting sam) until many many years later#when they happen to be hunting the same monster#and he realizes who they are#and is absolutely distraught over what has become of mary's children#especially the sweet little boy who'd been so enamoured of carlos' pretty hair and jewelry#also i linked to a picture of bloodstone because it is indeed very pretty#and i chose that as the stone used in the bracelet carlos gives dean for several reasons:#it symbolises strength and resilience and encourages growth and positivity generally but also especially during times of hardship#so i've basically decided that carlos helped keep dean safe for many years thanks carlos <3
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thankskenpenders · 7 months
Help me out here: Why is there so much Ian Flynn hate going around lately? I thought everyone loved that he was contributing to the games. Now suddenly they aren't. I guess that's par for the course for this series but I don't get it. He isn't perfect but I like what he's done. Am I a weirdo?
Ian Flynn has always had a lot of fans, but any creator putting their work out there is going to have detractors as well. That's just the nature of being an artist. To some extent, it's no big deal. He's not a perfect writer. Nobody is! I consider myself a fan of his work, but I've criticized plenty of individual writing decisions from him on here.
But Ian doesn't just have critics. He has his own obsessive hatedom. And the specific nature of Ian's hatedom is... interesting.
A decade ago, Ian was only the guy writing for Archie Sonic, meaning any debates over his work were quarantined within that tiny niche of the larger Sonic fandom. Only people who kept up with the comics month to month had any real reason to have an opinion on the guy, which means we're talking about merely thousands of fans as opposed to millions.
Within that group, he had some haters. You had the people who were mad about story changes made during his run, particularly things like ancillary characters getting killed off (although over the years we've learned that most of those were editorial mandates from Mike Pellerito). You had the people mad that Ian didn't push their favorite ship, with feuding SonAmy and Sonally fans claiming that he was CLEARLY biased towards one or the other. You had the people who just really, really liked one of the previous writers way more - usually Penders, as hard as that may be to believe today. That sort of thing. Pretty normal comic fandom type stuff. Again, it comes with the territory.
Unfortunately, many of those haters only got worse over time, morphing into reactionaries who constantly try to incite Comicsgate type culture war bullshit.
There are people still mad at Ian for making Sally bi and pairing her with Nicole instead of Sonic in the later Archie comics. There have been elaborate MS Paint red string conspiracy boards explaining how people like Ian and Jon Gray have apparently been destroying the franchise from the inside for years by Making Sonic Woke. (Jon gets dragged into this because people are still mad about him drawing The Slap 20 years later. Yes, really!!) There was an unhinged change.org petition trying to get Ian fired, specifically from people who were mad that the Freedom Fighters aren't in the IDW comics. There was even a very sad little fan campaign from these people trying to get Sega to move the Sonic comic license away from IDW and over to Udon, because they thought Udon would bring Sally and Bunnie back and also make them sexy again. There's a lot of this.
(Unfortunately, Penders has also exacerbated this by gossiping about Ian on Twitter and giving these fans ammo, but that's a whole 'nother discussion.)
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The thing is, for years, people who only played the games or watched the cartoons had no reason to pay attention to any of this. Now, though, Ian isn't just writing for some weird spinoff comics that only the super nerds read. Now he's writing comics that are canon to the games, and ALSO some of the games themselves, and ALSO consulting on other tie-in media like Sonic Prime, and ALSO writing the official Sonic encyclopedia, and ALSO serving as part of the new Sonic Lore Team at Sega. And on top of all this, he's got an increasingly popular podcast where he fields questions about his work on all of these things, which serves as one of the fandom's main windows into creative decisions being made behind the scenes.
As a fan of Ian's work, it's been really cool to see him rise in prominence. But the dark side of this is that his obsessive haters from the Archie days now have WAY more of a potential audience of their own. Now, every Sonic fan has to have an opinion on Ian. What this frequently means is that you'll have the Comicsgate types taking things Ian writes or says out of context, attempting to get more of the general fandom to yell at the guy.
Unfortunately, there are a wide variety of Sonic fans who take the bait:
You've got hardcore fans who disliked basically any recent piece of Sonic media and are looking for someone to blame.
You've got the people who are concerned about the sanctity of Sonic's canon, who shoot the messenger any time Ian mentions a new retcon from Sonic Team on the podcast - or any time he even mentions the THOUGHT of changing anything about the canon, as we saw recently with the Sol Dimension nonsense.
You've got people who romanticize some sort of mythical artistic vision that Sega of Japan supposedly has (or had) for the franchise. To many of these fans, American contributors like Ian just don't "get" the heart of the series and are trying to turn Sonic into something different. (This "heart of the series" tends to be some mix of Japanese instruction manual lore, the cinematics from Sonic CD, the OVA, and/or the games written by Shiro Maekawa, depending on what Sonic media the fan in question grew up with.)
You've got fans of specific characters or ships who pin the blame for how their faves are depicted entirely on Ian - most vocally fans of Shadow, even though the root problem is that Sonic Team hasn't known what to do with Shadow since 2006. At best this stops at regular old criticism, but at its worst this devolves into claims that Ian has an agenda against certain characters.
You've got fans annoyed by a perceived over-emphasis on comic-original characters in the IDW comics, ignoring the obvious facts that these characters exist because the game cast is so tightly controlled by Sega, and also, you know, that people just like the IDW characters and want more stories about them.
You've got a LOT of discourse over IDW's Sonic being a hero who tries to give his enemies second chances, as if half of Sonic's closest friends aren't already former villains and rivals. Honestly this is very transparently just reheated Steven Universe discourse lmao
You'll also see people who just think they could do Ian's job better. They can't believe that THIS GUY is the American fan working on all these Sonic projects, when clearly THEY understand the characters and lore and themes SO much better than this charlatan.
All it takes is for someone in one of these categories to be unhappy about some recent piece of Sonic media, and for them to come across an out of context quote or comic panel that rubs them the wrong way, and suddenly the leftist Zoomer Sonic fans will join the latest dogpile on Ian alongside the reactionary Comicsgate types who are mad at him for Making Sonic Woke.
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In general, when fandoms get upset, they tend to want a scapegoat. A person or two to point a finger at and go "THAT's who ruined the thing I love!" This tends to be based less on reality and more on which contributors are the most visible online. You'll sometimes see teenage and adult fans of children's cartoons single out a storyboarder who's particularly vocal on Twitter, blame them for every story decision they don't like, and harass them off the platform out of a sense of retribution for their favorite ship or whatever. Failing that, fans might choose to blame every nitpick, down to individual lines of dialogue and frames of animation, on a showrunner, just because that's the name they associate with the show. And unfortunately, when it comes to Sonic, Ian is now arguably the most prolific and outspoken contributor on the English speaking internet, and therefore a common scapegoat.
Some of the things I've seen Ian blamed for are truly wild. A lot of people have claimed for YEARS that he's just lying about the existence of creative guidelines and restrictions from Sega - or, as fans call them, The Mandates - even though they're just an inherent aspect of working on a licensed property. Others claim that The Mandates are real, but somehow Ian's fault. A vocal minority of fans have convinced themselves that Ian is the sole reason the Freedom Fighters don't exist in the IDW comics, even though Ian says he's been pushing to bring them back since day one.
Sometimes you'll see people say he ruined shit he didn't even work on. A few weeks ago on Twitter I saw someone claim that Ian had written a rejected script for Sonic Forces in which Tails died. I could not find a source for this for the life of me. As far as I can tell, the rumor seems to have been born from an alleged leaked script for Forces with margin notes from Aaron Webber that criticized the way Tails was written, and also an old tweet where Aaron joked that Tails would die in an upcoming episode of Sonic Mania Adventures. These merged into "Aaron Webber criticized a draft of the Forces script in which Tails died." How'd Ian get dragged into this? Who fucking knows!
It's all just a big game of telephone. All it takes is some asshole to make something up about Ian on Twitter or YouTube or a DeviantArt journal or some forum, and at least a couple people will believe it, and then it gets repeated as fact. Again, this used to be contained by the niche nature of the Archie Sonic fandom, but now there are WAY more people who are receptive to this shit.
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It's just sad to me that Ian tries to be so open and honest about his work, to try to explain the rationale for certain things, to keep fans looped in on the direction the franchise is headed, and this just gives the Flynnspiracy types more quotes to take out of context and try to paint him as the devil. If it sounds like I'm being overly defensive and dismissing his critics, man... some of the things I've seen people say directly to him are just unbelievable. People will send paragraphs-long angry screeds in to his podcast that completely tear him apart, and he has to sit there and be like "Well, that's your opinion, and you're entitled to it." People literally pay for special guest interview episodes where they just rapid fire complaints about his writing at him directly to his face. I don't know how he does it. I would snap.
All of this over Sonic the fucking Hedgehog of all things.
I don't know how to wrap this up. Engaging with fandoms online is very tiring, which is why I tend not to do it. Things like this are too common. I guess, just... remember that making art collaboratively is a complicated thing. The people involved are generally trying their best given the circumstances, but they're only human. They make mistakes. But please treat them like humans. Criticism and dogpiling are not the same thing.
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blue-sadie · 9 months
Neteyam x Mate Reader x Aonung
Summary: they might as well keep you on a leash
Warning: reader gets distracted quiet easily, poly relationship, stress build up, reader has a break down. aged up characters
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Yn/3rd person pov
"umm neteyam" i murmured holding the button down on the intercom that was attached to my neck as I wondered through the unfamiliar part of the island.
"Yes my love" he sighed with exhaustion, I cringed to myself already knowing what his reaction will be to my current situation.
"I uh..... I got lost again" I shamefully admitted and yelped as a little creature jumped out the bush and ran away.
I heard a deep sigh from his end and a soft call for aonung "ok baby we're on our way" he said before his side went dead.
I sat on a small rock and fidgeted with my fingers as I waited, I didn't mean for this to happen its just I've been so distracted lately because I've taken on tasks that I can't seem to keep up with.
And it seems that the village seem to leave a ton of more tasks for me to do and if I don't do them or do them right they give me an almost disappointed look.
It makes it hard to be around the boys because their amazing and exceed their expectations and even more and I'm just here making it more difficult.
I pulled my knees into my chest and wrapped my arms around them tightly sometimes I just feel like a burden to them.
"Yn" my head jerked to the direction of their voices "Im here" I called out to them and walked to their direction "there you are" aonung said and pulled me into his arms.
"you had us worried sick" neteyam muttered and ran a hand through his hair "i-im sorry" I whispered.
"Let's go home" aonung butted in and had his arm around my shoulder as we started making our way back to the village.
It was night time when we got back and the boys were tired so I quickly made a quick meal for them.
"We should keep her on a leash I'm telling you" my eyes flattered in sadness as I heard neteyam speak to aonung.
"Nete come on she was fine" aonung reasoned but neteyam just sighed "she could've gotten hurt" he said making aonung reconsider his words "maybe".
I gulped and quickly brought over their food and decided to eat mine a little ways from them by myself.
Why can't I life up to my expectations why can't I be perfect, all these thoughts clouded my head as i just played with my food not feeling that hungry.
Maybe I just need to sleep this off, I got to my feet and packed up my food and cleaned up before murmuring a 'goodnight' before heading to bed.
It didn't take long for sleep to find me but all I was missing was the boys warmth surrounding me 'maybe their not tired'.
-Next morning-
I woke up feeling a slight tug on my back "w-whats going on" I asked sleepily as I slowly sat up and rubbing my eyes.
"We've decided this will keep you safe" neteyam said as he showed me the rope attached to my back.
My eyes widened "w-what" I pulled at the rope but he held fast "s-stop" I tried taking it off but aonung held my hands so I couldn't.
"Yn" he murmured crouching in front of me as he stared into my eyes "this will keep you safe".
"Please no" I said as tears filled my eyes and my breathing started to become uneven.
"Please" I whispered "why are you crying my love" aonung asked and wiped my tears away.
"I-i can't do it anymore" I cried looking down at my lap "can't do what yn" neteyam voice was full of concern as he sat beside me and wrapped his arms around me.
"I can't be perfect I can never be perfect" I hiccuped my body shaking with each one.
"You are perfect" aonung smiled as he urged me to look at him "but I'm not you guys are you do more then your asked and me I can't even finish my chores without getting side tracked" I sniffed making them coo at me and hold me close.
"I see you finish all your tasks so what are you not finishing" neteyam murmured I sighed heavily "a-a few of the people has asked me to help them out and it seems that a lot of them want me to do their work to" I said.
The boys stared silently before taking off the rope and pulled me back into be "w-what" I asked and blushed as I was sandwiched between them tightly.
"We're sorry we didn't take notice sooner" neteyam whispered and kissed my cheek lightly.
"I'm sorry that we didn't take care of you when you needed it most"
@neteyamyawne @erenjaegerwifee @greekgods15 @sweetirilly
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silverflqmes · 2 months
agszc with self care/slice of life comfort?
i've been feeling really down with myself for a bit now & i could use that extra push of feeling a bit better :,) perhaps some ideas could include like: maybe distracting the reader from a failed exam by going shopping together, grocery shopping and cooking a meal together at home, perhaps that one rp with noya where he was kissing insecurities away (hi yes its sky), maybe a pep talk to help with motivation, hmm what else ALSO U DONT HAVE TO DO THESE EXACT THINGS IM JUST GIVING IDEAS... i just want the boys there for me soBS (esp zack and cloud since yk favs.)
notes. hey queen i did headcanons for this because it seemed better suited, i hope the post helps you feel better at least, you can do it<3
genre. comfort + crack
for @melukonova <3
ft. sephiroth, cloud strife, zack fair, genesis rhapsodos, angeal hewley
gender neutral! reader.
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➫ 𝓢𝗘𝗣𝗛𝗜𝗥𝗢𝗧𝗛 ୨୧ ˎˊ˗
⌗ for whatever reason that your day and mood has been sullied, sephiroth is already on it and is doing everything in his power to try and make you feel better.
⌗ he’s not the best with handling emotions, as he has difficulty with understanding his own, but wants to help — it hurts him to see you ache like this and to know he couldn’t prevent your suffering🙁
⌗ offers to masamune whoever brought your pain, even if it’s an inanimate object incapable of fighting back.. it’s sweet of him ( and it becomes difficult to suppress your smile )
⌗ just kidding ( not really. ), he comes to the conclusion that a self care day is likely the best approach to make you feel better — genesis had brought the idea up once before
⌗ sephiroth wasn’t exactly one for worrying for his well being, he didn’t have much time to sit down and do so anyway.. but he figured he might try that out with you
⌗ and so, after getting off work, he made a point to grab some supplies from the store, which included these super cute kitty headbands to push your hair back!!
⌗ self care portion of the day ensues and ends with takeout and some cuddling on the couch to some silly sitcoms. laughter cures the blues right? so that’s just what he’s going for to see you smile again<3
⌗ having a bad day? cloud’s been there and is ready to lend an ear to listen. he isn’t the most optimistic person and doesn’t have the best way with words, but he is willing to help!
⌗ he’s a bit awkward with the advice ( he might interest you in a sarcastic comment- kidding, maybe.. ) and words of consolation, but he’s doing his best and is determined to get his words across to you.
⌗ he offers to take you on a delivery with him, a drive can help sometimes with getting out of the house and just getting fresh air — or well.. as fresh as the air can be in midgar / edge..
⌗ part of him thought you would be reluctant and would argue on why and how you should continue to rot in your bed — but you were oddly willing ( maybe because you always have to ask to join.. )
⌗ either way, made his job a hundred times easier and he was glad to see you cooperating with him because he thought he would have needed to drag you by the ankles..
⌗ the drive goes nicely, you can feel yourself begin to calm down as you hold onto him and watch the scenery pass you by; it’s such a simple thing but it’s quelling your nerves and intrusive thoughts, thankfully
⌗ once the package is delivered, cloud spares a little of his time before your scheduled drive back home and takes you out for lunch along with a little stroll around the town🫶
➫ 𝓩𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝓕𝗔𝗜𝗥 ୨୧ ˎˊ˗
⌗ zack is the definition and embodiment of an emotional support animal. whatever, or even whoever, decided to ruin the flow of your day, he’s there to provide comfort!
⌗ has a pretty good grasp on emotions, even if there are some things he might not fully get, but he wants to help in any way he can! seeing you sad is the worst thing ever, how dare, whatever hurt you, steal away that smile of yours??
⌗ his best course of action is to take you out and doodle up a list of activities for you to do to uplift your mood. distraction is temporary, of course, but it works its course and he was going to make it succeed!
⌗ said list includes visiting the arcade, a walk through the mall, buying you flowers, feeding and petting any strays with your leftovers from where you guys ate and maybe even karaoke while the night is still young..
⌗ should the karaoke go as planned, it would be a mission to get zack out of there LMAO he wants to do cheesy romantic duets with you and boyband songs..
⌗ despite your whines and protests, they do not fail to make you grin and wash away whatever ickiness you had felt earlier.
⌗ it’s a full day that ends up getting you tired by the final activity, but it was all part of the plan!!! distraction and getting a good nights sleep! perfect, right?
⌗ how dare someone or something sour your mood and evening! genesis is completely distraught and is prepared to do whatever means necessary to exact his revenge..
⌗ fires will be set ( not really but it sounds like a really good idea at the moment ESPECIALLY BECAUSE TUMBLR DIDNT SAVE MY SHIT AND I HAVE TO REWRITE THIS — im sorry.. um moving on.. )
⌗ in the end, fires were not set.. he opts for taking you out to dinner and bringing you to loveless avenue because it just works, and he wants to spoil you with gifts<3
⌗ dinner was lovely and like a fairytale — i mean being with genesis in general was like a fairytale, but he somehow always seemed to exceed your expectations..
⌗ you’re feeling slightly better as you exit the vicinity, taking an idle walk down sector eight since he insisted on a stroll — not because he wanted to check the loveless merch, definitely not. of course not.
⌗ he ends up buying you something your gaze lingered on a little longer than you had planned for, which you protested on at first.. but then you gave in, because it was genesis — aaand he also bought it regardless of what you said..
⌗ he walks with you hand in hand on your way home and proposes his idea of setting fires if you were still upset. you of course, say no.. i mean, psh a fire??? yeah, right..
⌗ bad mood? rough day in general? angeal is prepared to do whatever is necessary to help you through your mood — anything to return your happiness to you rather than this funk you’re in.
⌗ his best course of action was to take you to the market to buy the necessary ingredients to prepare your favorite meal! they say food cures any blues, perhaps that applies here as well?
⌗ unwilling as you were to leave the comfort of your bedroom, he managed to get you out with the promise of pushing you in the cart..
⌗ yes you wanted to be pushed in the shopping cart, who wouldn’t want to be pushed in a shopping cart after a shit day?
⌗ the small joyride seems to lift your mood a little and he even bought you some of your favorite snacks to have after the meal he’s preparing<3 what a guy🥰
⌗ arriving home, he immediately gets to work on dinner, and after a few back hugs from you along with a brief sway while he waited on the food to finish, it was finally time to set the table!
⌗ nothing too fancy but you appreciated it nonetheless, as you could taste the love and care in each bite you took. truly angeal was the gift of the goddess!!!
notes. okay uh this is not the best quality because stupid tumblr did not save ( GET AN AUTOSAVE FEATURE PLS I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE ) — but i hope you liked it and that you feel better mami<3
↳ return to main masterlist . request rules . send an ask
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hey y'all, i pretty much know that i'm the asshole big time- but i'm not sure what to do about it. i know i need to shift my perspective, especially because i'm not sure what to do going forward... or how to meaningfully apologize, so I think i need some outside judgement.
AITA for wanting to possibly return to speaking terms with someone i cheated with?
about 1.5 years ago one of my best friends (i'll call him R, we're all 20 now) confessed to me while I had a bf- R said he knew i wasn't into him but asked me to kiss him once. i felt really bad and didn't feel anything for him, so i said yes and we briefly kissed. I didn't think it was going to be a big deal until I told my boyfriend right afterwards and he got really upset in a way i now see i was really understandable. i've come to see the situation as cheating, but I think fundamentally we had a different view of it at first. my bf asked me to not be alone with him anymore or talk to him outside of groupchats (i was in a friend group of 3 people, R me and another guy). I tried really hard to follow through on this but in reality- i just didn't want to cut off one of my best friends- there were times I went against my boyfriend's wishes and slowly I let up and saw him/talked alone more. I would tell my boyfriend about it and he would be hurt by it and I would feel horrible, but I didn't put up a hard boundary. I hated myself for it, but I didn't feel like R was actually a problem, rather that the problem was my lack of respect for my bf. A month or two later, all of us moved away to different colleges. After two months of long distance and continuing to talk to R on the phone sometimes, my boyfriend left me citing that as one of the reasons.
I realized I should have valued my bf more and I stopped talking to R (basically ghosted him), but he contacted me on another platform and asked if I was okay and I realized that he was a true friend in a lot of ways. When we hung out on winter break at home, we were chilling and he kind of made a joke asking me to sleep with him. I said no very loudly because I'm not into him like that and I was still hung up on my bf. Meanwhile, after 2 months of no contact, me and my bf had started to talk again very tentatively (i had tried really hard to instigate it which, sometimes i feel bad about not leaving him in his peace- but I was having a really hard time accepting the breakup). I realized there was something I really needed to do to show him I was serious and I sent R a text saying we couldn't be friends anymore citing some lame reasons and the whole 'sleep together' thing.
After that, R didn't contact me and I felt like it was sad, but kind of a blessing because I got to focus on building trust between my bf and I and we eventually got back together.
Anyways, in the past year, the relationship has been steadily getting more comfortable and I hadn't had any contact with R or cheated since (I kind of believe once a cheater always a cheater, so this is an accomplishment. I really don't want to hurt my bf like that again.)
Okay here's the sucky part though (as if the rest wasn't already sucky of me) i was posting tiktoks for the first time this week and, little did i know, the algorithm was showing them to people who had my number. I got a call from an unknown number and a text that said "can we talk." I realized from the chat history it was R, whose number i deleted. I didn't answer, but a part of me really wanted to.
I missed him and I felt bad for leaving the friendship the way it was, I was also really curious as to why he was contacting me now?? But I knew I needed to tell my bf before I did anything. He said he would feel more comfortable if I didn't respond and I kind of agreed- but I said I was going to think about it and that I would tell him explicitly before I did anything.
Then the next day I got another call from a random number with my hometown area code- I thought there was a possibility it was R and decided to just act in the moment and let fate decide- I answered and it was him. It was kind of scary, but also exciting and didn't feel wrong in my body. He was weirdly casual just saying hi and that he saw my tiktoks and missed me, we ended up talking like old friends- like the time that had passed had healed some of that old stuff. He told me i was the best friend he ever had, and I remembered all kind of good things about our friendship. I also was able to apologize for ghosting him- if not super well. I knew while we were talking that my bf was not going to be comfortable with this and that I was unsure about what to do going forward and I think R kind of knew that was the case too, so it was also very awkward. when we hung up, it was clear I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to be his friend again.
When I told my bf as soon as i got off the phone, he was understandably very upset, even more so when I said I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep talking to R in the future. I feel really bad for hurting him, I was really mainly thinking about my own feelings. Now he and I are trying to resolve things, but I'm ashamed to say I don't know how I can make it better. I've told him that, even though it's not necessarily what I want, I'm willing to block R again, but I don't think it feels satisfying to either of us. my bf and I have been dating for 4 years now (with that break at 3 yrs) and he means so much to me, I don't want to bring us back to a place of distrust, but part of me feels like this was kind of pent up while I had R blocked. i've never ended a friendship with anyone before or blocked someone, so it all feels really weird to me, but I can imagine that my bf must feel really betrayed by my continued unsureness.
also R and my bf used to be friends for like 5 yrs- then R and I were close for 1 yr. my bf has said he felt left out by that and that he felt like R was a jerk to him while they were friends, so that's an element of it as well.
if you've read this far, thanks so much- advice? AITA? I've spent so much time feeling like scum for the way I handled the situation and while I have to love myself through it- I don't want to keep mishandling it- was answering the call all that bad, do I need to totally forget about talking to R?
What are these acronyms?
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azrielgreen · 4 months
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There's a reason I always moderate comments but i approved this one so people can see how truly vile it gets sometimes. I'm not arrogant. I don't think the way I write is better at all. Exploring them on an authentic level means exploring this, or any, version of them with wholehearted passion, not that this is the authentic interpretation of them. Writing intense stuff isn't a brag, it's a warning so people can be prepared for stuff like arguments and confrontations. I always over-warn for CW stuff so that, again, people are prepared. I never once have asked people to read it. It's just there and I've tried my best to a) write something i loved and b) thoroughly warn those who might read it. Any interpretation of the characters is valid and worth exploring. It's so sad to see a reeled off list of all the way Steve "should be" and the implication that nothing but strict canon adherence could ever be a passionate, worthy exploration. It's... only fanfic? It's not real. They're not real. Nothing is real and everything is possible and that's supposed to be what's fun about it.
I write the characters very intensely, so yes, they are often out of character, sorry for... warning about that? I write different backgrounds for them and play with the negative space of possibilities and potential and i do this with authentic curiosity and passion because I love doing it and i get very into it. Sorry for warning about that too, I guess? When I first started writing in this fandom, some people pointed out to me that I could CW warn for them being OOC and that was new to me, i didn't think I had to warn for that. I thought people would read the tags, like in other fandoms, and understand that the story would do different things with the characters but it became clear that this was actually solid advice as this was a fandom obsessed with "canon adherence" and policing. So I thought I would CW as thoroughly as I could so no one would be shocked or disappointed and then maybe they wouldn't leave an essay of hate in the comments.
But ultimately, people like this would only be satisfied if I deleted everything and stopped writing. I barely participate in this fandom as it is beyond answering asks and writing. I don't rec my own work. The thing i don't ever want, and this is why it was worrying seeing something like YD becoming "popular", is for people to feel like they *should* read my work without having gone and looked for it via the tags. Without having found it naturally, just by browsing and thinking "that's definitely for me". I've only ever posted for small rarepairs in the past so a couple of comments on a fic always made me so happy. I write for myself and the few others in the world who might like it. I have never written for an audience. If you don't like something I wrote, it's not for you. Genuinely. Move along to the next, no? That's what I would do.
This was so spiteful and targeted. YD is so old at this point, I just don't understand people who do shit like this. I don't bother anyone and I try to be here for anyone who needs me. I CW as thoroughly as I can. I don't think I'm better than anyone. I think every single iteration of these characters is worthy and valid and what matters is how fun they were to write, for the author. I had so much fucking fun with these stories that seeing this miserable little rant seems pointless to me. I don't care if you didn't like it. I don't care if it wasn't to your taste. Writing it was what I wanted. Sharing it is secondary, always. It's fanfiction, written for free in my spare time. I didn't take up space, I didn't trample anyone. There is no reason for this beyond spite.
I am sorry about the vest/jacket mixup, however. Truly, genuinely from the bottom of my heart devastatingly sorry about that. I know it'll take time for people to forgive me and maybe no one ever will, I have to make my peace with that.
Anyway, thanks for loudly projecting your feelings onto me and my work.
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xxmia0wm4yh3mxx · 7 months
(Pomni X Caine Fic)
(Caine and Pomni have been together for a while now, even though Pomni is happy with him, She still suffers from Panic attacks that keeps her from living her best life and constantly on the brink of abstracting, Which Caine simply cannot let slide! So He gives Her a very speical Present)
( This is my first Ship fic, sorry if its corny/cringe )
He Teleported through the halls frantically Looking for Pomni who he heard was Having another stress attack, It seems no matter How hard He tries to keep her Happy, the looming threat of anxiety and Being Trapped in a fake world was always to much for her.
Caine Could never Understand, Pomni Always Said She was happy with him, He made her laugh and Smile, He worked so hard to learn to empathize and to have Emotions So she could Be As happy as Possible.
'Was it his Fault? He was Made to Make People Happy, And absolutely needs pomni to be happy, Was he not doing it right? He learned so much about humans, but their still so complicated and impossible understand'
Caine found Pomni curled up in a little ball in a corner in one of the rooms, She was hyperventilating and glitching again
He Manifests a warm blanket and Wraps it around her to comfort her, He also hads Her a cat Plushie and some water, Her breathing slows down a bit
"Thank you Caine"
She wasn't Glitching anymore, but she still looked sad
Pomni was always so endeared by him, Always trying so hard to make everyone happy even if it dosent always work, its the thought that makes him so sweet
"I'm Fine..."
he floating down to her level
"....Ive just been feeling so... Stressed lately and I dont know why, I-I don't think I have any reason To be, But I just Am and I-I C-cant help it and... im sorry that y-you can't help.."
Her eyes started tearing up a little
He just put his Hand on her shoulder, He was starting to feel a little depressed himself
"I-I don't know what you can do"
She cuddled into him resting Her head on his chest, Caine Gave her a little Head pat in response, he was starting to feel alittle Hopeless now, But then a little light bulb popped over his head as He got a Idea.
"Got What?"
Caine thought for a moment on How to Explain his Plan to her, It was a long shot but still, Everything for her or nothing at all
He sounded Weirdly more Serious than Usual, which was kinda off putting and confuseing, but she Was Listening
"Yes? I Love you to Caine, Where are you Going with this?"
Pomni Was a Little Confused and Startled by this, He couldn't possibly be saying what she thinks hes saying
"W-What do you mean?
Pomni Just stared off into space processing What Caine Just proposed to her
'Was he Crazy?! Okay Absolutely, Yes But Still- Is he Crazy!?'
"Caine, I can Barley Take care of Myself, How can I take care of a Child?!"
Pomni was feeling a bit more enticed by the idea, What Else is there to do here expect the Adventures Caine sets out for them? Maybe a Child Could give at least the Illusion of normalcy, And Caine being there with her to help her.only made her feel more convinced
"Well... maybe... But how? I mean Like... How would that Even work..? I mean Can you even Do THAT in Digital realm??"
Pomni's Face starting turning bright red, Caine Quickly Noticed and became flustered himself
pomni started Giggling a little at Caine being flustered, Caine Always loved that Adorable Face she Made when she was happy, That little giggle, and how shy and sweet she was when she was flustered, its what made him learn to Love and experience things which he couldn't Even Imagine before
"i would find a way to bypass the filter for you"
"What was that Caine?"
She Thought about it for a while, maybe like Five minutes, Before she Started tearing up in anticipation
She rammed into him, Embraceing him in tight hug
"I wanna have a Child!"
She was still sniffling a bit, Caine Was Just staring into Space for A bit, bursting with enthusiasm at the thought of Pomni being Happy, but also Having his own progeny to raise
Caine left pomni's embrace and back up in the air a bit, He felt across his Teeth and grabbed one of his Molars, and Yanked it out in a Cartoony Fashion.
He Grabbed Her Eye and Pulled it out like a Berry in a bush, being as gentle as he can with it, Pomni was already pretty used to Caine's antics at this point so it didn't bother her that much, He Grabbed one of her hats Tassles and Yanked on it, And a new eye roll into place for her
He manifested a Little Gift Box and Dropped The pieces into It, and Shook it vigorously for about two minutes, Pomni watching with Excitement and smiling the whole time
Pomni just vigorously nodded her head not being able to keep calm
Caine Put the Box into Pomni's hands, Trembling alittle, Pomni slowly opened the box.
She saw a Little Tooth-Like Creature with Big wet Colorful Pinwheel Eyes, The Little Tooth Just Stared at Her with Its Wet Eyes as it Draw back into the Box
Pomni lowerd her Hand to give it a little Stroke, It Snuggled up Against her Hand, purring while doing so
Pomnis looked at it with instant love for the little Creature, picking it up And Holding it Close to her, it cuddling her arm with its Roots as arms, She felt all her Stress, dread, anxiety and sadness fade away, Pomni had tears in her eyes at this point
"....Its Beautiful Caine, I love him"
Caine floated down to see his new child, His pupils Immediately Went big as he Gazed upon The little Tooth, It looked at its Father with Large Eyes and extending its root-legs to be held by him, He picked him up and Looked him in the eyes
The little baby Tooth just Stared him, and Cuddled into him like a Kitten, and Caines eyes went big
Pomni Went up to Him and Gave Caine a hug
".....Hes perfect"
Thanks for reading!!!
Here Enock Himself if your wondering
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fromdarzaitoleeza · 5 months
Ahh it's the last day of 2023 already?
I am expecting a call from a friend although the possibility of this happening is very slim it always felt nice to hear the voice of an old friend ( I'm not a text person I've realised this over time but I am stuck to be a text person) .
I can't wait for spring to come in 2024 , spring provides an intense amount of healing to my soul.
The next four months are very crucial in my life if they go well I can survive the rest of the year, I have died a couple of times this year and I am amazed that I am alive i didn't honestly thought i would make it to the end of this year ( especially in the last 3 months , I badly needed help but i didn't wanted others to pity me so i spoke to none about it ) anyways I don't want to talk about it , i don't want to make it sound blue than it already is,a i am really sorry about the fact all my posts are blue I sincerely wish it wasn't that way( altho i haven't posted anything here with as much as devotion I use to do , partly cuz i created an Instagram acc but that's not all reason I ve been sad nonetheless) and sorry for all the "anon/asks" that i haven't answered
I have made no achievements this year and there is little to no progress towards my self love or self growth, but I think that's okay I can do it in the upcoming year, time flies so quick i can't believe Its been so many years since I was 16 I miss being 16 honestly I had more in me back then than i have now , i have lost of confidence my vision and my smile over the years it's as if I am very different person now , i certainly wish I wasn't this way i really thought i would be so much more and better in my early 20s but it is what it is , acceptance is haredest of all emotions in my opinion , you know things are harder to accept when you know you could have done better .
Just like in the last 2 years even this year I didn't make any real life friends with whom I can hang out with i think it's partly due to the fact some people are destined to be alone and I am afraid to admit I am one of them , I did make 2 online friends this year .
I don't want to share any life lessons i learnt this year but if there is something i would love to share is choose yourself one more time each time you feel it's the last time you are doing it , choose one more time to live,one more time to hope, one more time to have faith , one more time to start again [ the fact I am the one telling you this is rediciculosly funny ] .
Unlike most people i don't have a lot of goals for the new year I just got things i want to avoid ( idk if that's the same thing?) Avoid my leftover heart's heartbreak, avoiding what takes away my peace, avoiding what can cause me discomfort, avoiding things that make me question myself ( in any negative way) ,i think that's a little too much but that's it .
As I was writing this Google photos sent me a notification saying " 3 years back today with a photo of mine " and it broke my heart a little, now I am questioning myself how did i let so much happen to me , I wish I treated certain things as the last time instead of always stupidly believing in future ( my worse trait yes).
There is a lot to say as always, i wonder if I open my mouth i would never stop sharing things that go inside my mind , but i also know there is no use of it if i can't find people who can understand it , maybe that's how I end up ranting here .
Not to mention I love people who are patient, i believe in the near future i would only like to talk with people who could be patient with me and with my silence . I believe everyone deserves people who can be patient with them .
Nothing really matters in the end but at the same time everything you do matters ❤️‍🩹
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randomdragonfires · 3 months
it's me, hi!
Hello everyone! it's me - randomdragonfires/sam and this is my new blog!
This is a note for anyone who remembers me - hello, I'm back here, I suppose! First off, I'm going to say this: I'm genuinely sorry to those whom I worried while I took off without saying a word. I was gone a whole month and I left no way to be contacted. I can understand how that could worry those of you who cared, and I should have acted better.
I left for a bit simply because I needed to catch a breath. Writing started to seem a bit like a chore, and there was too much about the fandom that made me sad, frustrated, angry and petty each time I opened my feed. I was not writing and I was not a happy participant - there was very little reason for me to stay and make myself miserable, when I could have been clearing my head, giving myself space and falling in love with writing for fandom all over again.
Which is what I've been doing in the past month.
Deleting my tumblr and discord was not a decision I made impulsively. I had been considering it for weeks, and I am glad I did. Now, after a clean long break, I've come back with a much more healthier relationship with this blog and the fandom, and I'm genuinely in a better space. I look forward to writing and posting here again too.
I've missed it so much more than you know.
that's great, Sam! so, how have you been?
It's good. It's bumpy and weird, but things are good. I hope they've been good for you guys too. <3
If this is your next question, then here it is!
I've been very busy. I work a 9-6 job as a creative writer 6 days a week and I also study for my executive masters program (in journalism and PR, if you're wondering) when I'm not working. I'm involved in a few freelance projects and when I'm not doing any of this, I prefer to read or sleep or go on fast hour-long walks; simply because it all keeps me away from my electronics. I'm constantly drained creatively, and it sucks - but I'm also engaged 24x7, learning something new and doing productive things.
will you be writing again?
If this is something that you're wondering about, then yes. I do plan on writing. I am starting a series that I am trying to pour my entire soul into - but it is going slowly. Like I mentioned, I have a tight schedule and it keeps me busy every second of the day, so I write when I can.
I plan on announcing my new series with a story masterpost anytime now. If you're interested, perhaps you should keep an eye on this space!
I will also be reuploading a selected collection of some of my work from my old blog - so if you'd like to give those a revisit, then feel free to!
that's it from me!
I'm happy to be back in the thick of things, and I hope that, to some extent, you're glad to see me back too. I'm here to be a positive, non-problematic presence that writes good fic, supports other artists, and is happy about it. Negativity in excess had me step away once, and I hope I'll never have to do that again.
Let's all be kinder, or at least try. :)
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cecilebutcher · 11 months
ღLove Songs I Associate With Different Twst Charactersღ
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Characters: All of the nrc students minus ortho(plus some of my Oc’s because I can)
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Riddle rosehearts: Photograph by, Cody Fry
“If I wished myself a superpower. I would make this moment last for hours. If I had my will, time would just stand still. Wait for me until I find some magic film. To take a photograph and live inside. The sun is going down. Your skin is like a painting. The light is perfect now. But I can feel it changing”
Trey Clover: To you from me by, Naethan Apollo
“See, your smile makes me smile, no, that's cringe. Your laugh makes me laugh, that's even worse. If my journey on this path could ever lead to losing you. I know which path is not my path. You're a blessing from the sky. You're the thief that stole my mind. You're the reason why I think of you all the time. You're the little tiny bug that found its way inside my ear. And now I can't think a thought. without wishing you were here”
Cater Diamond: Loverboy by, A-Wall
“Kill the lights. Oh, baby, close your eyes. The way you're looking at me. You've got me mesmerized. Something I can't escape. Feel like I'm lost in space. You've got that good loving. Girl, if you leave me I might throw my heart away. You know my heart can't take the break. Nothing will ever be the same. We'll meet again some other day. Oh, yeah””
Ace Trappola: Best Friend by, laufey
“But I promise that I love you. Even with that hair-do. I'm sorry I made fun of it. It's not your fault it looks like shit. I have never tolerated someone for so long. I've never laughed so much. I haven't written a sad song. There's no one else. I'd rather fall asleep with and dream with. You're my best friend in the world”
Deuce Spade: Best Friend by, rex Orange County
“And that's because I wanna be your favorite boy. I wanna be the one that makes your day. The one you think about as you lie awake. I can't wait to be your number one. I'll be your biggest fan and you'll be mine. But I still wanna break your heart and make you cry”
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Leona Kingscholar: Nothing Bruno Major
“There's not many people.I'd honestly say I don't mind losing to but there's nothing like doing nothing with you. Dumb conversations. We lose track of time. Have I told you lately. I'm grateful you're mine. We'll watch The Notebook. For the 17th time. I'll say "It's stupid". Then you'll catch me crying”
Ruggie Butchie: Absolutely Smitten by, dodie
“That girl just there, yes, she's the one. With Cupid's arrow in her bum. Handsome stranger, you have made her happy. The first in a long time. Did you just whisper in her ear? Words she only dreamed to hear? Pretty lady, look at how he's smiling. I think he likes you”
Jack Howl: This side of paradise by, Coyote Theory
“Are you lonely? (Are you lonely?). Our fingers dancing when they meet. You seem so lonely (are you lonely?). I'll be the only dream you seek. So if you're lonely, no need to show me. If you're lonely, come be lonely with me. Lonely (are you lonely?). Passion is crashing as we speak. You seem so lonely (are you lonely?). You're the ground my feet won't reach. So if you're lonely, darling you're glowing. If you're lonely, come be lonely with me”
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Azul Ashengrotto: Only girl by, Stephen Sanchez
“Baby, won't you be my girl Baby, won't you be my girl? Baby, won't you be my only girl Baby, won't you be my girl? Your love, that's got my head in a. twirl, lady. So baby, won't you be my only girl?I don't want nobody else. No, I just want you to myself,So,won't you please forever be my only girl Only girl”
Jade Leech: Mine by, Bazzi
“Hands on your body, I don't wanna waste no time. Feels like forever even if. forever's tonight. Just lay with me, waste this night away with me. You're mine, I can't look away, I just gotta say. I'm so fucking happy you're alive (huh, yeah). Swear to God, I'm down if you're. down, all you gotta say is right (yeah, yeah)”
Floyd Leech: Until I found you by, Stephen Sanchez and Em Beihold
“I would rather die than let you go. Juliet to your Romeo. How I heard you say”I would never fall in love again until I found her". I said, "I would never fall unless it's you I fall into" I was lost within thе darkness, but then I found her.I found you”
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Kalim Al-Asim: Paper Rings by, Taylor Swift
“Kiss me once 'cause you know I had a long night. (Oh!) Kiss me twice 'cause it's gonna be alright. Three times 'cause I've waited my whole life.( One, two, one two three four!). I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings. Uh huh, that's right. Darling, you're the one I want. I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this”
Jamil Viper: I wanna be yours by, Arctic Monkeys
“Secrets I have held in my heart. Are harder to hide than I thought. Maybe I just wanna be yours. I wanna be yours. I wanna be yours. I wanna be yours. Wanna be yours. Wanna be yours. Wanna be yours. Let me be your 'leccy meter. And I'll never run out. Let me be the portable heater. That you'll get cold without”
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Vil Shoenheit: La seine by, Vanessa Paradise
“She's resplendent, so confident. La Seine, La Seine, La Seine. I realize, I'm hypnotized. La Seine, La Seine, La Seine. I hear the moon singing a tune. La Seine, La Seine, La Seine. Is she divine, Is it the wine. La Seine, La Seine, La Seine”
Rook Hunt: Ma belle Evangeline by, Jim Cummings
“Look how she lights up the sky. Ma Belle Evangeline. So far above me, yet I. Know her heart belongs to only me. Je t'adore, Je t'aime Evangeline. You're my queen of the night. So still. So bright. That someone as beautiful as she. Could love someone like me Love always finds a way it's true. And I love you, Evangeline”
Epel Felmier: I’d rather be me (with you) by, Rebecca Sugar
“… I'd rather be me with you. Wherever we go. I already trust. I'd know what to do if it were us. I'd know what to say. I'd know how to be. I'd know your entire syllabus. I can't think of any other thing in the world I would rather do. If I could be. I'd rather be me with you”
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Idia Shroud: Numbers by, TEMPOREX
“Things just really aren't that bad. I got a nice mom and I got a cool dad. I just stay in my room too long. But I finally got a girlfriend, and she's the bomb”
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Malleus Draconia:100 years by, OR3O
“They call me crazy. They call me mad. It'd been so many years I could barely stand. But I remember the days we had and the bad days start to disappear. I hope the best though I'm no longer here. Musical kittens make me think of you Every little thing here makes me think of you. So I wrote this little song hoping you would hear someday. It's been a hundred years and I am still in love with you”
Lilia Vanrouge:O sol e a lua by, poqueno Cidadão
“O sol pediu a lua em casamento. E a lua, disse. Não sei, não sei, não sei. Me dá um tempo. E 24 horas depois o sol nasceu a lua se pôs e. O sol pediu a lua em casamento E a lua, disse. Não sei, não sei, não sei. Me dá um tempo”
Silver (Vanrouge): Hidden in the sand by, tally hall
“We were playing in the sand. And you found a little band. You told me you fell in love with it. Hadn't gone as I planned. When you had to bid adieu. Said you'd never love anew. I wondered if I could hold it. And fall in love with it too. You told me to buy a pony. But all I wanted was you”
Sebek Zigvolt: Valentine by, Laufey
“What if he's the last one I kiss? What if he's the only one I'll ever miss? Maybe I should run, I'm only 21. I don't even know who I want to become. I've lost all control of my heartbeat now. Got caught in a romance with him somehow. I still feel a shock through every bone. When I hear an "I love you". 'Cause now I've got someone to lose”
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Ibhana “Vesper” Baske: Soft Bitch by, Rio Romeo
“Love made me approachable. Love made me sweet. It's fucking miserable. But it can't be beat Love made me cordial. It never ends. I want to terrify you. But instead we're friends. Love made me soft. For the best”
Tao Yùchi: I won’t say (I’m in love) by, Susan Egan
“I thought my heart had learned its lesson. It feels so good when you start out. My head is screaming get a grip, girl. Unless you're dying to cry your heart out. You keep on denying. Who you are and how you're feeling. Baby, we're not buying. Hon, we saw ya hit the ceiling. Face it like a grown-up. When ya gonna own up. That ya got, got, got it bad”
Igor Kazentoc: love like you by, Rebecca Sugar
“I always thought I might be bad. Now I'm sure that it's true. 'Cause I think you're so good. And I'm nothing like you. Look at you go. I just adore you. I wish that I knew. What makes you think I'm so special. If I could begin to do. Something that does right by you. I would do about anything. I would even learn how to love”
Junto Shuisha: would you be so kind? By, Dodie
“Oh, would you be so kind As to fall in love with me? You see, I'm trying I know you know that I like you But that's not enough. So if you would, please fall in love. I think it's only fair. There's gotta be some butterflies somewhere (wanna share?). 'Cause I like you but that's not enough. So if you will. Please fall in love with me”
Jasper Spade: first love/last spring by,mitski
“Wild women don't get the blues. But I find that. Lately I've been crying like a. Tall child. So please hurry leave me. I can't breathe. Please don't say you love me. 胸がはち切れそうで. One word from you and I would. Jump off of this. Ledge I'm on Baby. Tell me "don't". So I can. Crawl back in”
Najih Al-Amin: Don’t you dare by, Kaden MacKay
“Just gеt out of my daydreams. You’re an unwelcomе guest. And stop making me miss you. ‘Cause you leaving’s for the best ‘Cause I just couldn’t stand having you as my crutch. You’re a simmering stovetop I was tempted to touch. If you ever return, it’ll burn me too much To bear. So don’t you dare”
Aikat Spanos: Passing papers by, Egg
“Cause Smiles are my weakness and I think yours is the prettiest. And you show it quite a bit when I'm with you. It's almost entertaining how we're searching for the same thing. But I could never try to see it through. Yes I meant it when I said that you were pretty. We never knew each other well and it's a pity. Sometimes I wonder if when you hear 1950. I come to mind”
Phobes Spanos: Dance with me by, Topline Addicts
“You say "Come and dance with me". But I'm a bit too shy so I just smile politely. I know you want me to. What have I got to lose? You said, "Let me dance with you". But I got two left feet, no rhythm, or groove. I'm dancin' anyhow. But I still walked home by myself”
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Ngl this was a lot of fun to do. I might do a part two with the staff and rsa, probably with the rest of my OC’s too^^
Likes and comments are more than appreciated. but reblogs help the content reach more people so please reblog if you want to like<3
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bluebunnyears-08 · 1 year
Why Nine is The Secondary Protagonist in Sonic Prime
I recently made an appreciation post about this edgy little fella, however, when I rewatch the show (yes I rewatch it several times daily, so what?) I feel the cogs in my brain turn and create several theories. Looking back at Nine, I realized he will be one of the BIG characters, not the big (relevant to the plot and development), but the BIG (really fucking important).
Sonic is the protagonist, as he usually is in his games, however, Nine is another huge character who is not only crucial to the plot but might also twist the plot as well.
A deuteragonist is an essential secondary character in a narrative, second only to the protagonist, and may act like a constant companion or someone who aids the protagonist. However, the deuteragonist can change from helping the protag to actively opposing them, depending on their own conflict or plot.
Nine already proves to be a huge character in Sonic Prime, however, in the first batch of episodes, Shadow does somewhat take up some of this role. However, he might change to become a tritagonist in future episodes. Someone who helps the protagonist, is the third most important character, and often the third member of the group.
So Nine might be the TRUE deuteragonist and I DO have a list of reasons why I think so.
So, with that said, let's begin.
1. He is already established to be an important character
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From the first moment we meet him, we already know he's going to be a very important character in the plot. He fixes up Sonic's shoes and gloves figures out how to use a shard to open a portal, and is a very formidable ally. He is an important character to keep the plot going and to help explain the plot. However, it's not like those Sonic games, where he's just there to explain the plot. He HAS a character and personality, he's not just a cardboard cutout.
He HAS depth and complexity to him. Something I can appreciate considering the past media of any version of Tails the past years (not including Frontiers, that game was amazing). He's also obviously going to continue to be an important character in season two as well.
2. He's a very engaging character
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Let's all admit it: Nine is the most interesting character in Sonic Prime. Not just because of his mindset of "get this however you can no matter what" and "do whatever it takes and needs to survive". Not just that but his snarky and cold personality combined with his nine-tailed badassery just makes him an engaging and enjoyable character.
The things he does can leave people scrambling for answers. Why exactly did he change his mind about helping the rebels? What is he planning? What is going on in that fluffy head of his?
So many questions that leave us waiting with anticipation for the next batch of episodes for answers.
3. People can relate to his trauma
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Nine's backstory is what we expected, but that doesn't mean it holds back punches. Without Sonic to defend him from bullies, without Sonic to care for him and take him in, he learned to trust and look out only for himself. It's a sad backstory and it explains why he's so guarded and aloof all the time.
I've read posts that state they relate deeply to Nine and can immerse themselves in his character with empathy. I can confirm as being a victim of abuse. He's aggressive and snarky because he has walls, walls that he put up to never get hurt again. He doesn't try to justify himself in his backstory, stating he "wasn't minding his surroundings" instead of "I didn't know" or "it wasn't my fault" he shows signs of a sort of self-resentment. Again, I can relate SO MUCH to, thinking that I could've prevented it and holding myself responsible for not doing anything, that I could've stopped it from happening.
Those who suffer or have suffered can see themselves in Nine, and as a result, the sorrow we feel for him can hit harder if we know what it was like.
4. We don't know where his character is going to end up
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Another bunch of posts I've seen about Nine is that we legitimately don't know where his character is going to end up. He's muddled deep in his mystery and inner turmoil that we can't see the deep end of what he's going to be. A hero? A villain? An Anti-hero?
Just what's going to happen to him?!
He has a plan but what is it?
5. He's the most controversial character
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Nine's intentions and character have been put in many perspectives on what people think he's planning, what he's going to be, why he does certain things, whether he cares for Sonic or not, whether he trusts Sonic or not, and MORE.
He's been theorized and twisted into what people think about him and what he's going to do. In my opinion, if a character does this to a community, you KNOW you're doing something right. Controversial characters are very mysterious and morally ambiguous, you don't truly know why they do the things they do or what they plan, but you have your own ideas on what might happen and other people do too, despite them possibly being different from yours.
Controversy (WHEN NOT LEADING TO VIOLENCE AND DEATH THREATS) is very fun and interesting. Reading people's thoughts even if they differ from your own, with the possibility that they might change your own theories is a very enlightening and interesting thing!
6. He has a completely opposite goal to Sonic
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It's very clear that Sonic and Nine have different goals that clash with each other. Sonic, being the all-loving hero he is, wants to return home and see his true friends again, not to mention help and protect the other shatter spaces. Nine on the other hand wants to make a new home, a world with just him and Sonic and nobody else, not caring for the other shatter spaces or anybody else.
Their goals clash with each other and can't be fulfilled at the same time. Nine's goal includes only him and Sonic and no one else. Sonic's goal includes others, not to mention these two are from two completely different universes.
It's clear these two, no matter how close they are, won't give up their goal for the other, so unless their willing to compromise, it might lead to something bigger.
7. His goal separates him from other variations of himself and others
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While he is just another variation of one of the main characters, his goal of achieving something beyond his own universe along with keeping Sonic differentiated from the other main variations who want something within their own shatter space. Thorn wanted to keep the jungle from being destroyed, and Dread wanted the shard out of greed, the rebels want to put the council out of power and take back their land, the jungle variants wanted to eat and live among the jungle again, and the pirates are just typical pirates.
Unlike the others, whose goals can be achieved in their universes, Nine wants nothing to do with his own. Like Sonic, Nine's goal is related to the shatter space.
8. Nine truly has no one EXCEPT Sonic
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Another thing to differentiate him from the other versions of himself and the main cast is how Nine has nothing to lose. Other versions of him have a group of the main cast, hell even Rusty Rose finds herself valued (not sentimentally but still) and useful to the council. Nine, however, has nobody until this bright blue hedgehog told him about a life he could've had, a life Sonic gave to his other self.
So it's no wonder he took the very person who can give him the same life to a new shatter space. He wants that desperately. It's no wonder he doesn't show an interest in getting Sonic home anymore, if he does that, the chance of having the life he always wanted, that hope, would be gone forever. I don't think Nine's going to let that happen easily.
9. Everyone roots for him and wants him to be happy
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There are zero people that don't want him to achieve his goal of love and happiness. Not just for the fact that he's a version of a character we're already emotionally invested in, but also because Nine is his own person. He's still a person who was horribly abused to the point of being jaded and cold.
Seeing him smile or show comfort really melts my heart cause this kid deserves SO MUCH! I know you all agree. But it is depressing to remember that Sonic NEEDS to go back and restore his world, he'll have to leave Nine behind. I don't think they're going to go with Sonic taking Nine with him because of what might happen with the whole "they can't see each other" stuff.
And with how stubborn and desperate Nine is...
I'm curious about how they figure this out and resolve this.
10. He might affect the plot
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A protagonist is not just the lead character who pushes the plot along, they also affect and can possibly change the plot as well. Sonic already kicked off the plot, it's possible for Nine to affect it in a BIG way. This can lead to a LOT of possibilities when you consider that. We KNOW he has a plan and it has something to do with the Chaos Council capturing him. This fact can lead to a LOT of interpretations.
Well, that was my list of how Nine might be the deuteragonist of Sonic Prime in the future. Thanks for reading and I hope you have a lovely day <3
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just-a-carrot · 2 months
yes, i'm still playing dragon's dogma 2
no, i still haven't beaten the game yet (tho i'm just gonna go straight into NG+ even when i beat it lakdjfad only holding off rn because i'm worried the ending will make me sad and also i'll need to work genzou's affection up again afterwards since it's the only stat that doesn't carry over and i'll miss his cute smiles)
anyway this made my night last night. with literally every other NPC, if you get them to high affection, it will let you "bridal carry" them instead of just tossing them over your shoulder like a sack of potatoes as they wriggle around and eventually squirm free. but for some reason, the game doesn't let you do this with high affection pawns (a travesty) pawns always go over the shoulder and they sound very distressed (genzou will shout "what's come over you?!" lol)
so i downloaded a mod that fixes this 🤣 now iggy can pick genzou up all softly like and carry him around as much as he wants... 💕 i can't stop doing it because the way he just slumps into iggy's arms is the cutest thing i've ever seen in my life lkdjflakdf
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more gifs under cut because i was enjoying myself way too much LOL
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oh you know, just setting your genzou down on the ground so he can go over and golfball whack some enemies into the air
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i need to change genzou's armor and try this out again because the chest plate is so big his face gets lost in it when his head is tilted down LKDJAFLSKDA
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now i'm just hopefully... patiently... waiting for a mod that will allow your pawn to bridal carry your MC... 🥺 (please please please please please please please please please)
random extra:
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i'm in love with the way genzou will sometimes spit and wipe his mouth after a battle it does things to my heart
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elisysd · 9 months
Gold Rush Masterlist
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Sequel to Cruel Summer (Charles Leclerc x OC), can be read independently
1.Guess my childhood is over
2.Tonight is gonna be the loneliest
3.We are invincible, we are unstoppable
4.Vultures spinning up above for what's left of me
5.They say it's bad karma being such a heartbreaker
6.If you fail to plan, you plan to fail
7.Maybe together we can get somewhere
8.I've got memories and travel like gypsies in the night
9.Personally, I think you'd be better with somebody like me
10.Way down we go
11.That's why I'm lying to my therapist
12.You could be my luck even if the sky is falling down
13.Lately you've been searching for a darker place to hide
14.I could be so sweet if only I were naive
15.Burn, crash, romance, I’ll take what I can get from you
16.And I wanna kiss you, make you feel alright
17.I’ve been thinking way too loud, I wish that I could block me out
18.And if the storm is hitting I'll try to keep you steady
19.Ask me what I earned from all those tears
20.All I know is this could either break my heat or bring it back to life
21.Sleeping's so tough you're burning up my mind
22.It's a love story baby just say yes
23.Cause space is just a word made up by someone who's araid to get too close
24.But there's a shining in the shadows
25.I'll be there till it all feels so big, till it all feels so small
26.I’ve been feeling everything from hate to love, from love to lust, from lust to truth
27.Take the moment and taste it, you’ve got no reason to be afraid.
28.You've got a friend in me
29.Why don't you let me down, I'll let you do it again
30.Can you make it feel like home if I tell you you’re mine?
31.I know heaven’s a thing, I go there when you touch me
32.Maybe there's nothing after midnight that could make you stay
33.You're scared of love, well, aren't we all?
34.Don't get too close, it's dark inside, it's where my demons hide
35.Fear or love, baby? Don't say the answer
36.And what hurts the most is people can go from people you know to people you don't
37.Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements?
38.What am I now? What if I'm someone I don't want around?
39.And I just wanna tell you it takes everything in me not to call you
40.You know I'm afraid of change, guess that's why we stay the same
41.How long can we be a sad son 'til we were too far gone to bring back to life?
42.If to change is what you need you can change right next to me
43.I tell myself I'm good, but I'm falling apart
44.Can you keep me close? Can you love me most?
45.Lean on me when you're not strong and I'll be your friend
46.I'll be late, but I could make it all up to you
47.I wanna be better, I wanna be new but I can’t be those things next to you
48.Knew we would crash at the speed that we were going
49.You said that you needed space, go on then, astronaut
50.I trace the evidence, make it make some sense, why the wound is still bleedin'
51. Heaven knows I should let go, it’s nothing that I don’t already know
52. Where there is a flame, someone's bound to get burned
53. You’re blowing through my mind like the hurricane
54. Did some force take you because I didn't pray?
55. Take a heart and take a hand, like an ocean takes the dirty sand
56. I know you're scared and your pain is imperfect but don't you give up on yourself
57. Lately she's been dressing for revenge
58. Hold on and hope that we'll find our way back in the end
59. I don't ask for much, gimme love
60. But I promise you this I'll always look out for you
Our first christmas
A trip to Bali
My place is yours 
We want you to be their godparents
Double trouble
Marry me?
A bold move
My favorite enemy
It’s not you and I anymore
Not this fucking family
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gayerthanevertbh · 1 year
dublin | i want you pt. 9
natasha romanoff masterlist | series masterlist | navigation
pairings: older!natasha romanoff x young!fem reader
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summary: your father doesn’t know it yet, but you’re in love with his best friend. and what makes it better is that you’re sure enough that she feels the same way. the sad part is, neither of you can word out your love for each other properly.
warnings: back story between reader and mj, slight angst, reader’s deeper thoughts, natasha being cute :(, and more - MINORS DNI.
notes: this chapter was just a start of their journey, but it will get steamy in the next part and more. and at the end of the series, it gets harder to breathe so x
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To my Dad,
I'll be gone as soon as you get home, and I know you're probably wondering why. The truth is that for the past three months, I’ve been lying to you. And as unbelievable as it may sound, you might find this letter more fascinating than you do being upset with me. Your best friend Natasha and I are in love. You might believe that it's just a summertime romance or that she's taking advantage of me, but there's more going on than that. Since she entered my life, I have never felt this way about her. Do you remember how you used to bring her over to our house every so often? What I felt for her then, was all purely platonic. This summer's absence of her changed everything, but she still felt different. For some reason, our touches felt more than a friendly matter. Ever since she kissed me in my room, I knew I was starstruck by her. She makes me feel complete, that I’m not alone with my burden. We are two separate souls who understand each other, almost as if we are twin flames. But I know you would say, “This is just some mother and daughter love.” but it’s not. I wish it was, but it’s really not. I know I’ve betrayed you, and that she has betrayed you as well. And I’m sorry for feeling this way about her, Dad. I wish I could undo everything and be in love with Bucky instead, or anyone else but not her. You have no idea how much I’ve tried to see Bucky that way, but I couldn’t. Whenever I look into Bucky’s eyes, I see Natasha’s eyes. And whenever Bucky would be there holding my hand, all I could imagine was Natasha’s hand. Every word he says, it’s like I can hear her voice. And for every gesture that he makes, I wish it was Natasha instead. We are perfect for each other, despite the age difference that we have. And I’m prepared for war as everyone would find us a malicious pair, but as long as I have her – I’m complete.
I won’t be telling you where we are, I guess you’re going to have to figure that out for yourself. But for now, I will wish you goodbye until I can see you again. My father is the only man that I admire. You are part of me, as I am part of you. I am your daughter forever, and I will continue to be one as soon as we both die.
Running away with her was the best option that I've ever made. After a week, I found myself living by myself in a cramped apartment in Dublin that I shared with Natasha. Before we left, I thought about the scenario. She told me that if we ran away, we could be happy together and live freely. And the idea of no one knowing who we were from there appealed to my heart, almost as if I'd wanted it my entire life. So, after I said yes to her, we packed our belongings and left. However, before we left, I wrote a lengthy letter to my father and kissed the paper as a farewell gesture. Of course, I had morals. I didn't want to hide from my father, but I chose my happiness over something that could hurt me for the rest of my life. I've always wanted to be with Natasha and will continue to do so.
“You’ll be here for today?” she asked while wrapping the scarf around her neck. “If you want, you can buy some groceries later so that I can cook for us.”
I chuckled as I gave her a peck on the cheek. “I will,” I said. “I just need to apply for one more university before I do that.”
She smiled at my kiss and leaned in for more – which I gave. She whispered: “Okay, baby. Text me when you’re there.”
I browsed some college websites I might be able to get into while Natasha was looking for a job. We considered New York as a possible home before settling in Dublin. But there was a chance that my father - as well as my mother - would be there, so that was out of the plan. And since I had to pay for school, we debated going to Dublin instead. Dublin was also a lovely capital city for me and other writers. I, therefore, felt ecstatic that we would be staying here for a long time.
While searching the internet, I came across Trinity College and decided to apply there. It said they'd respond to me in 5 business days, so I grabbed my tote bag and decided to go grocery shopping now since it was almost evening time. Near our street, there was a small grocery store, so I went in, got a cart, and plugged my headphones in. I noticed that many people were staring at me, which made me feel uneasy. They act as though they have never seen an American before, which I can understand. I hardly ever receive these looks. But since I'll be staying with Natasha for a while, I might as well get used to it now. I loaded food into my cart and paid for them at the cash register. The cashier lady looked at me and asked: “Are you new here?”
To hear her better, I took my earphones out of my ear. “Excuse me?”
She chuckles, giving me two paper bags.
“I asked if you were new around here since no one goes to this store a lot.”
“I just thought about going here since it’s the closest store to our apartment.”
“You live in O’Connell Street?” I nodded in reply. “Are you a student?” I nodded again, and her smile softened like a pillow. “Well, I hope you enjoy it here since a lot of Americans like you want to study here. Are you a writer?”
“Perhaps I am, yes.”
“Ah, are you going to Trinity College? They say that it’s a good school for writers,” she said while punching a staple into the bag. “You’ll enjoy the bookstores here, it’s amazing.”
“You’re the first person who talked to me ever since I moved here,” I let out a weary chuckle, grabbing the paper bags and holding them with my arm. “Thank you, by the way.”
“Just stay away from the pubs, they can get messy.”
There were people behind me, and I didn't want to appear to be wasting anyone's time by engaging in conversation with the woman at the register. I then left the store and returned to my apartment, where I put the food into our refrigerator, which seemed to be very old. Purchasing a larger refrigerator might be on our future bucket list, but that would be for later.
Throughout that day, I did nothing but scan through more colleges again. If Trinity College does not accept me, then I might as well pick another one so that I wouldn’t feel so heartbroken about it. I knew that I was a smart kid, so my confidence when it comes to school was pretty high. When the skies darken, I texted Natasha if she’ll ever come back home soon; she hasn’t replied.
Fifteen minutes later, she came back home with a huge smile on her face. She knelt on the floor and whispered close, “I got a job as a professor in one of the colleges that you might get into.”
I smiled at this news and pulled her into a tight hug, kissing her face numerous times as she giggled with ease. I asked, “Wait, wouldn’t that be a bad idea though?”
“What do you mean, sweetheart?”
“I mean I am happy for you,” I said. “But if I’m getting into a college that has you there, they might speculate a relationship from us.”
“Well, what college did you apply to?”
She sighed as I laid my head on her chest, listening to her heart beating. Somehow, her heart beating brings me peace. I cannot explain why or even articulate it. “I’m not teaching there, baby girl. Somewhere else.”
“Oh,” I sighed. “Okay, that’s good then.”
“And plus, I want you to talk about your day whenever I come back home from work. Like, how were school and stuff like that. You know, like a real couple.”
I lift my head up and create a wrinkly smile, placing my hand on her chest. “Really? Is that what you want?”
Natasha nodded, chasing my lips for another kiss, which I greatly granted. “Of course, I want us to be those real couples now. Since we’re free and all that.”
She removed her coat and wriggled out of her jeans, laying herself back again on the couch with her legs on my lap as I opened my journal, writing down on it again after so long of not opening it. She looked at me curiously and asked: “What’s got you thinking again, darling?”
I looked at her for a short moment before looking back at my journal, licking my lips.
“Just writing, that’s all.”
“You’re going to be an amazing writer,” she mumbled, massaging my arm with her calloused hand. “I know it. And once we have kids, they’re going to be like their mommy.”
When she said "kids," my heart sank because it reminded me of the moment I aborted our alleged first child together. From time to time, I think about it. But until now, I haven't really given it much thought. I stopped responding and kept writing in my journal—more like scribbling circles because I had forgotten what I was going to write. If I didn’t abort that child of mine, maybe we would still be happy. But in reality, I don’t even think we were ever going to be.
“Shouldn’t you be cooking, baby?” I asked, letting out a snicker. Since I wasn't a cook myself, Natasha amusedly rolled her eyes and stood up before making her way into the kitchenette to prepare dinner for the two of us.
We had a quiet dinner before going to bed early in the evening, our bed filled with our warm bodies as we tried making out in the cold weather. She didn’t have sex with me for almost two months, and somehow I felt safer that way.
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MJ and I went way back to before I met Bucky. When I was still living in New York with my mother and father, MJ and I met at a public school near our house. She was an outgoing person with a great sense of humor. That's why most people liked her, and they always think I'm too boring or destructive - even though I'm not. I remember vividly when I was fourteen that MJ would always come to our house to spend time with me, and I would be delighted if she did. We'd watch a movie, play board games, or even text boys if they piqued our interest. But we knew from the start that MJ was never into boys, not even with Peter. She once admitted to kissing Claire, one of our classmates. This irritated me at first. "Why Claire?" I inquired. " You could've just asked me."
"Well, I've always wanted to kiss you," she said, shrugging her shoulders. " I'm just not sure if you'd like that."
"Of course," I said as I scooted closer to her in my bed. "How could I not want that?" We spent hours in my bed making out, her hands going up through my shirt while I had sexual fantasies with her. This lasted until I was in senior high school when she abruptly moved away from the city, which deeply hurt me. Who could ever abandon me in such a way? Your first love would suffice. I eventually stopped thinking about her and tried to talk to other girls, but it never worked out. Bucky arrived a few years later, and we've been best friends ever since. He was pleased when I first introduced him to my father. "I hope you treat my daughter well," he said, “Because no boy would ever look at him." As soon as he said that, I could feel my insecurities kick in. But Bucky looked at me and squeezed my hand, saying that any guy, including himself, would fall in love with me.
I wasn’t too sure about that either.
I told myself that if I could stop thinking about MJ with Bucky, perhaps I'll be able to move on. And it worked for the last two years, and I tried hard to feel for him as he did for me. But, once again, things did not go as planned. Perhaps I was just a heartless prick who broke people's hearts because that's all I was. I tried desperately to feel that way about him, but it ended up being platonic. We were like Jo and Laurie, best friends who were also soulmates. When we went on vacation to Italy, I was surprised to see MJ there with Felicia, Peter, and many other of our friends. We were part of a community where people have always been recognized through connections, so her presence surprised me. We didn't talk much at first, partially because I never said anything other than "Hello" and "How are you?" questions. But she'd give me a quick response and then go talk to Peter; I guess she didn't want me that way anymore.
When Natasha entered the picture, I fell in love with her. Natasha was present while MJ was absent. And it felt amazing to be in love with her this time. What person wouldn't be? Natasha was everything you could wish for, and she was free. I liked liberated women. The only problem was that she was unaware of my previous relationship with MJ. And I'm sure it would irritate her if she ever found out.
But then again, MJ was always present. She was present when I chose to abort my child. She was there when I decided to drop everything. I even told her I was fleeing with Natasha, and she fully supported me with an email response, since I had left my phone at home for personal reasons. But I haven't responded to her since because I've been too preoccupied with my college applications.
I came across another email from MJ while browsing the internet alone in the cafe. When I opened it this time, it was ridiculously long. I put my coffee back on the table and began reading what she had sent.
Hey Y/n, How are you doing? I noticed you didn't respond to my previous email, so I'm messaging you now. I'm emailing you because your father is driving me insane here. Yes, he hasn't yet returned home. He told me that he was aware of your relationship with Natasha through her. He's asking me to look for you right now. You're my best friend, though. We have a long history together. But, of course, I couldn't possibly betray you like that throughout our friendship. So I'm heading to Dublin right now to see you. If you look closely, you'll notice that I'm standing near the door, waiting for you to notice me. Take care.
When I looked up, there she was, wearing a black ruffled jacket and her hair in a bun and smiling at me. She approached my table and hugged me tightly, making me smell her scent. She had this distinct ashtray odor because she smoked cigarettes frequently. I decided to distance myself by asking, "You could've just sent me a text message, you know? Have you not seen me on Viber?"
"Emails are formal," she pointed out. "I like how formal it is."
"Have you always been like that?" I chuckled and asked her to sit in the opposite direction from me. She ordered herself a coffee as soon as she sat down. We ordered the same thing, a Spanish Latte, but we made it bitter. "Are you here to capture me and bring me back to my father?" I murmured.
"Your annoying father? "No, I came here to apply to colleges."
"Wait, I thought you got into MIT?"
MJ does nothing but shrug her shoulders. "Change of plans, I guess. Are you going to Trinity College?" In response, I shook my head. "Well, I do hope you get in so that we could be in the same school together. It'll be great to see you again in class."
"Is Peter with you?" I asked, looking from side to side. I was thinking-"
"Peter isn't with me," she explained. "He's all alone."
"That's what you get when you tell a boy you're a lesbian."
"You guys wouldn't even work out anyway," I replied, drinking from the rim of my coffee glass. “Do you have an apartment now? Do you have a roommate there?"
"For the time being, I'll have my own apartment because my parents are still debating it. They think Irish people are a bad influence," she says, pinching her brow. " But isn't that part of growing up? I want to live my life and experience new things."
"I'm sure you'd enjoy the pubs here," I said. "They've got girls, and they're pretty girls."
"I'll look into that further," she winked. "How are you and Natasha getting along? "Are you sick of each other yet?"
I shook my head in response, closing my laptop because I want to talk to her more. I find it fascinating that she looks so beautiful when the sun shines through the window.
"We're just in love," I sighed happily as I leaned against the cushion. "She and I are in love; we're both in love."
MJ nodded in response to my response, taking a drink from the water. "Yeah," she agreed. "I see, why would you run away with her in the first place if you weren't in love?"
"She's fantastic, you know?" I said this while tightly wrapping my arms around my stomach. "She's also a romantic, and she's very supportive of my-"
"It didn't seem like it when you said she was mad at you because of... that."
I tried to ignore her response and continued to gulp my coffee. I couldn't take what she said, let alone recall the scene in which she could have abandoned me at that time. But what matters is that she is now supportive, and it will not happen again.
I hope so.
"We're living a different life now, and she's fine." I elaborated.
MJ nodded and continued to drink while staring at my face, which I noticed because I could feel her gaze while looking out the window. "Wouldn't we have been great?" she asks.
I nodded and let out an awkward chuckle.
"Yeah," I said, sighing. "But, partner, we took a different route."
"Yeah, we did."
We talked for a few more hours before walking back to my apartment. When she came in, she assumed I wasn't the one who designed the interior, until I told her that it was mostly my idea. That's when I heard her scream, "I didn't know you could ever design something like this in my life!" and proceeded to wander around the living room, then to our bedroom. "You and Natasha had a great time around each other, I'm almost convinced you'll spend eternity with her," she said as she took a step forward.
That statement convinced me that she was still madly in love with me. Knowing MJ, I recognized her questions and small gestures when they pertain to me - and it was becoming clear at this point. But I didn't say anything that would jeopardize our friendship, so I just kept being the friend she needed. When it was late at night, MJ told me she'd see me again soon after she'd settled down, and I told her not to message my father anymore; she agreed.
As soon as she left, I felt alone again. But that only lasted a couple of hours before Natasha returned home with her trademark smile and kissed me in the middle of the living room.
"What makes you so happy?" I inquired, and she only buried her face into my neck, heavily smelling my scent.
"I've just missed my girl," she said as she pecked my skin. "How could I not miss my girl?"
"MJ is here, she'll be studying in the college that I might get into," I said as we were getting ready for bed.
Natasha turned around with my announcement and smiled broadly as if she was relieved to see her.
"Oh, yeah? That's good," her words trailed off, her brows furrowed together. "But is she here because Steve told her to?"
Although that was my initial impression, it was rarely the case. So I shook my head, and I could tell she was relieved. "All right, that's fine. As a welcome gift, she should join us for dinner this weekend."
I returned her smile and nodded, closing my book and opening my arms for her. I could feel her naked bottom pressed against mine, her dick touching my skin, as she rested her head on my chest. "Yeah, I'm sure she'll like that," I said quietly.
We didn't make love again that night, instead spending hours making out in our bed as the weather in Dublin got colder.
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how do we like this chapter? <3 will be replying to your comments soon!
taglist:  @trans-wolf-boi @generousfartdragon @marvelogic @that-one-gay-mosquito @wandanotsosure @madelineleong @kksalexa @karsonromanoff @natashaswife4125 @florojas @natashaxwife  @lovsalvatore @what-is-your-wish @natsxwife  
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mars-wuz-herez · 3 months
Sonic Prime AU
What if Sonic died?
Part one 
Eggman's point of view 
I'm in my office but I can't seem to focus on working on my badniks. For the first time ever doing this seems….like a waste. Wow. Thinking about that is weird. I gaze down at the badnik I'm working on. I know what I have to do to finish it but my hands lack the movement to do it. Why?
I get up from my desk and take a walk around my base. I stop at a window. The sun is setting. From this view I see the mountain where I was earlier today. Then the whole thing replays in my head. I was so close to pulling out the Prism but that weird feeling came. The feeling of weakness and weird flashes that played in my head. Like memories that weren't mine. These flashes had 5 versions of me, doing evil things and well looking young and handsome. Heh. It was almost like looking in the mirror-
Cubot: “Sir? Are you okay?” 
I look down and see Cubot looking at me. 
Eggman: “What? Of course I’m ok! Now go make me something to eat.”
Cubot: “Yup right away”
I look back out the window and back at the mountain hands behind my back. The mountain. Where all my plans were ruined by that blue idiot. Wait, not him. Shadow. It was really weird seeing him there. I never thought he was the one to play hero. However the weirder thing was seeing the blue rat vanish into thin air. Did he run fast enough that his speed finally reached its limit? I told that blue rodent that one day his speed would get him killed-
Cubot: “Um sir?”
Eggman: “What?”
Cubot: “We are out of food”
Eggman: “Yeah?”
Cubot: “Well we don't have any food so I can't make you-”
Eggman: “Do you want to know the reason you came into existence?”
Cubot: “Yeah I've always wondered!”
Eggman: “So I don't have to go out and get the groceries myself! Now go do what you were made for before you are nothing but spare parts to me!”
Cubot looks down in sadness as he goes towards the door. Serves him right. I stare out the window again. Weird, I swear there were 5 badniks outside 5 minutes ago. Whatever. I look back at the mountain playing out the scene in my head again. The blue moron, my arch nemesis, just vanishes. For as long as I've been in Green Hill I have been trying to get rid of that pest. Now that he may finally be gone I don't exactly know how to feel about that. Is it really over? Is this decade of a long rivalry gone just like that?
Cubot: “Sir-”
Eggman: “I swear- WHAT IS IT NOW?”
Cubot: ”Are you… crying?”
Eggman: “Of course not you idiotic robot! What in the world would make you ask that?”
Cubot: “Well…”
Cubot points to his face. I turn and look at my reflection from the window. I spot a single tear rolling down my cheek. Is that really…. no. I wipe it away immediately and turn to Cubot. 
Eggman: “Is there a reason you aren't at the grocery store right now you know, GETTING MY FOOD?”
Cubot: “Yes actually. Um you have visitors”
Eggman: “Visitors? Who?”
Cubot: “Uhh…” *clears throat* (in a low voice) “Knuckles and Amy”
Eggman: “Aaaaaargh! CAN YOU SPEAK ANY LOWER?!?!”
Cubot: “Knuckles and Amy”
Eggman: “WHAT?!?!”
I head towards the front door and hide behind the wall. I peek over and see the red thing and pink pest. How did they get past my security? What the heck were they doing here? How did they know where I live?
Eggman (half whispering): “Why would you let them in? Don't you know I have a policy about letting friends of my arch nemesis into my home?”
Amy: “We can hear you! You're not very quiet”
I grumble. I straighten my shirt and walk towards them. 
Eggman: “To what do I owe this…displeasure?”
Amy: “Nice to see you too. Listen, we aren't here to fight or cause trouble okay? All we have are questions that we think you may have-”
Behind them lies a broken door. MY DOOR.
Amy: “You didn't answer the door the first 5 times we knocked so my friend here smashed it open”
I glance at Knuckles. He's adjusting his gloves but seems….nervous? 
Eggman: “I expect a payment for that”
Amy: “Well you're not getting one”
Eggman: “How am I supposed to replace it then?”
Amy: “I don't know, figure it out. Anyways-”
Eggman: “If i'm not going to receive a payment then get me a new door”
Amy: “You're not getting anything”
Knuckles: “Can we focus on the reason we are here?”
Eggman: “Yeah why are you here? Last time I checked the blue pain in my butt vanished. Aren't you two supposed to be…I don't know…finding a way to bring him back?”
I don't know why I asked that. It's not like I care for the moron. I'm just… curious to see if they had a solution to bring him back…so my future plans aren't foiled. Yeah that's it. 
Amy: “We’re trying. We have a plan but in order to complete it we need, unfortunately, you. We need some information about the Paradox Prism. We think the Prism may have a part in the reason Sonic vanished”
Eggman: “It would make sense. When he started to vanish I noticed that the tips of the shards were a little burnt. Also the weird visions that I had witch included Sonic in them was really weird-”
I stop talking when I see Amy looking at me confused and half surprised. Personally I'm surprised by my actions as well. What the heck has gotten into me? 
Eggman: “And what makes you think I would just give you the information huh? In case you’ve been living under a rock all these years, I have done nothing but to try and get rid of this rodent and now that he is gone-”
Amy: “You can't help but feel sad that after a decade of rivalry with Sonic it's finally over?”
Eggman: “What? Absolutely not! How dare you even- you know what? Get out of my house”
Amy and Knuckles: “What?”
Eggman: “Get out of my house! I don't want to see your stupid faces here and I certainly don't want to hear you saying how much I care about his blue rodent when I don't! Get out of my house now! Also don't forget to send me money for the new door”
I’m pushing them out when Amy shouts 
Amy: “no”
Eggman: “Excuse me?”
Amy: “I said NO”
Then out of nowhere she slams her hammer into my foot.
Amy: “FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE YOU’RE GOING TO LISTEN TO ME! As much as you won't admit it, you still care about him! You care about him so much you didn't even think to invade the villages today while we were distracted huh? This rivalry has kept you going for so long that now, with him gone, it all feels like a waste right?”
I open my mouth but no words come out. Could she be right? I haven’t even thought of invading the villages. Heck I haven't even finished building my robots. Maybe this pink pain is onto something. 
Amy: “I know you won't admit it out loud but I can see it written all over your face that you do care about him.”
She is falls silent for a minute then speaks again.
Amy: “Will you help us?”
I think about her question. This time though I have an answer.
Eggman: “Follow me”
To be continued…
@mrfrobbert @hawk-has-alot-of-gay-ships @callme-aprilroseisha04 @rainestorm05 @upodubo-reblog @seaslugdisco @bun-bie @annoyingcat413 @bee-birb @idiotayo @theavo-guac
Sorry for the long wait. Ready for Part two?
(Sorry if this feels rushed)
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