#yes this is a cozy game I don’t care that there’s death and devastation
fairmerthefarmer · 2 months
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Some Exocolonist sketches!! (Is that how people shorten the name of this game? Cause I’m absolutely loving I was a Teenage Exocolonist but dammit it’s a mouthful of a title!)
I’ve done I think four or five playthroughs now? And still loving it, though I don’t know if I’ll be able to stomach purposely trying to get some of the bad endings, even though I know it gets you more lore.
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Survey #404
“death doesn’t answer when i cried for help”
The person you had the strongest feelings for dies, do you care? I'd be fucking devastated. It wouldn't feel real. Is there something you’re happy about at the moment? A few things. I'm still on that high of my APAP mask working, like I'm actually getting some fucking quality sleep, and I think I'm noticing the effects of my TMS therapy finally, too. My PTSD has most notably been much more bearable, and my interests are beginning to spread again. Do you want someone dead? No. Do you ever wonder what your ex is up to? I mean yeah, I think that's pretty normal, even for someone without my issues. Have you ever fed or taken care of a stray animal? Oh, many times. What is something you tend to worry about? My health and future. What is something you do that is unhealthy? Sit at the computer for way too long. I'm absolutely certain my vision is as poor as it is partially because of me endlessly staring at screens. What is something you do that is good for you? I'm not afraid to prioritize my mental health. What last caused you to force a smile? I was watching a Mark video for the first time in a while and was just reminded of how much I love and appreciate that moron. What was the last video game you played? Was it fun? Because you said "video" game, I guess I'll exclude computer ones, in which case I'm pretty sure it was Silent Hill 2. Given it's one of my all-time favorite games, of course I think it's fun. It's one hell of an emotional ride. What is something not many people know about you? The fact I was a dancer for many years would probably surprise people once they have a good idea of me and what I like. What word describes your basic style? Lazy, honestly. I dress for comfort, and given that's usually just pj pants and a tank top... yeah, I don't put much effort into my clothing when I'm going most places. Have you ever been told you were going to Hell? She kinda beat around the bush, but yes. Have you ever wanted to kill yourself? On more than one occasion. If yes, what convinced you not to go through with it? Well, I did OD once, but on the other occasions, it was the fear of the unknown that deterred me. Have you ever rejected a guy, only to have him push the issue by asking “why?” and insisting that you just need to get to know him better? Omg no, thank god. I would NOT handle that well. Is there something that you believe everyone should do and you can’t believe that some people don’t do it (e.g., recycle or go to the dentist regularly)? I didn't know 'til a survey question asked it that there are people who don't brush their tongue when brushing their teeth. Like holy shit dude, there are SO many germs on your tongue, clean that shit. Regarding the last good choice (healthy choice, kind choice, selfless choice, etc.) you made, what was your real motivation behind it? Ummmm the nearest that comes to mind is I guess taking my meds? I mean I do that every single day, but it's still a healthy choice for me. The motivation was because I am very serious about doing what I can for my mental wellbeing. What is something that you have had to practice at to get the hang of it? If you can’t think of anything, that’s okay, what’s something you are currently practicing at and trying to master? I really can't think of something for the first half of the question, but I can tell you that right now I'm attempting to force a routine of applying a therapy technique called "opposite action" into my daily life, where you, well, do the exact opposite of what your depression tells you to not do. It is WAY harder than it sounds, but I'm doing it with reading 30 minutes a day! Have you ever gone to the store to buy something, like a video game, when it came out at midnight? Not to my recollection, no. Regarding the last novel you read, was there a romance included? If so, was it central to the plot? The last novel I finished, yes. It wasn't central to the plot. Have you ever done relaxation meditations or listened to relaxation guides or positive-thinking/healing recordings? No, except in therapy when different therapists wanted me to experiment with it during a session. They just don't work for me. Do you have any interests that are also often shared by children? Yeah. Those are the one I'm especially self-conscious about. there something that could be a solitary activity but you really only like to do it with other people (e.g., watching movies, playing video games, etc.)? Watching movies or TV. Are you satisfied with the interior design or decoration in your home? Or do you think it needs a total home makeover? A makeover would be nice... Is there something that you’d like to own but you can’t find it anywhere? If not, can you a remember a time when you wanted something? Did you ever end up finding it or did you eventually stop wanting it? OKAY SO I actually have seen this custom-made once long after deciding I wanted it, but it was RIDICULOUSLY expensive. There's a location in the Silent Hill games called Heaven's Night, and I'd love love LOVE to commission someone to duplicate the neon pink sign of it to hang in my room. Hopefully one day I could still do it. Who makes you smile the most? Probably my cat, honestly. What piercings do you want/have? I've talked about the piercings I have, but I'll talk about those I want. My #1 is absolutely collarbone dermals, but as I've explained a billion times, I want to lose weight so the bones are more prominent for the sake of contrast; you can't really see my collarbones now, so I just think it'd look pretty dumb and random to just have random piercings somewhere around there with no dimension. I also want way more in my ears, dermals in my back dimples also once I've lost weight, my right nostril for the dozenth time (but this time I'll wear a hoop), and while I'd absolutely adore an undereye microdermal as well, it'd be pointless with glasses. :/ What's your favorite website? KM is my pride and joy and really feels like my online home, so despite using sites like YouTube more, that 'ole RP site has to be my fave. Do you own a fish tank with fish? No. I had fish bowls (AWFUL idea) as a kid, but never tanks Do you like the movie 300? Never seen it. Do you pop your knuckles? NOOOOOOOOOOO. I absolutely hate the sound. It makes me cringe and shiver. Do you have Photoshop? Yes. It comes in the Adobe CC photography bundle I have. Do you use tinypic or photobucket? I used Photobucket back in the day. Now I just upload to imgur. What’s your favourite song from the 1980s? You're talking to someone who adores classic rock/metal, haha. How about the 1990s? There are way too many songs to choose from. Have you won anything recently? No. How often do you make Excel tables? What for? Never. What was the last baby animal you saw in the wild? There was a poor fawn as roadkill on the highway recently. :/ Are you always available or online? Preeeetty much. Do you have dietary restrictions? Or do you just eat what you like? I can eat whatever. Do you prefer gold, silver or steel jewelry? Or no jewelry at all? Steel. I'm allergic to silver, and I think steel is more subtle than gold. Have you been binge-watching any shows lately? If so, what? No. If you dye your hair, do you do it yourself or go to a salon? I do it at a salon. If you have any, do you like your in-laws? I don’t have any. Would it bother you, if your partner had cut contact with their parents? If they had a good reason, no. Have you ever wondered whether you were adopted? As a kid I did because I thought Mom was meaner to me than my siblings, lol. What’s the best physical feeling in the entire universe? ........... This question is a setup lmfao. Have you ever grown a berry bush? No. Have you done something new to your hair recently? No. It's been the same for quite a while. I wanna dye it badly. Do you have bad anxiety? If so, do you take any kind of medication for it? I'm diagnosed with generalized and social anxiety, so yeah. I take Klonopin once and day and Ativan as needed for attacks. One thing you’ve experienced that you thought you never would have? HA, the first thing to come to mind was being noticed by Mark by making a viral (in the community, anyway) gif of he and his doggy. I shit you not, I couldn't sleep for three days lmfao. What was the last thing someone said to you that kept repeating over & over in your head? That I gained fucking seven pounds in two months at my last doctor appointment. I wanted to scream. How often do you have late nights out? Never. I'm a homebody. If you could, would you work from home? Do you think that would make you more or less productive? No. It would absolutely make me less productive. If you had the ability to change the weather, what would you change it to right now? Cool with a nice breeze, mostly clear skies, crisp air... That'd be nice right now. Is there something that you really need to do, but can’t seem to get motivated to do it? I say it all the time: finish decorating my room. It's funny, because I KNOW I'll feel more at home and cozy with my bedroom more personalized. Most disturbing movie you have ever seen? Paranormal Entity. The ending was... a lot. Has a life goal or dream ever come true for you yet? If yes, what is it? If no, do you think you’ll achieve it? Not that I can think of. .-. I hope I can achieve some... Have you ever had food poisoning? No, thank God. What are you listening to? "The Man Who Made a Monster" by Dance With the Dead. Do you think there will be a WWIII? I find it inevitable at some point down humanity's future. People are too hateful for it not to eventually. Has anyone ever asked you if you were emo? Yeah. Has someone ever liked you that you never thought would? Maybe? Idk. In all honesty, can a person be too nice? Yes, in some instances. Has one of your friend’s boyfriends ever tried to cheat on them with you? Yes, when I was around 12. And I let it happen. It's one of my biggest regrets. Is mental abuse really as bad as physical abuse? Of course it is. Emotional abuse can cut just as deep as some physical blows, or even deeper. Do you shop at Sephora for make-up? No. Zelda: Twilight Princess or Ocarina of Time? I'm actually not into TLoZ. Do you own a rosary? I did as a kid growing up in a Catholic Sunday school. If you were homeless, how would you cope? If I had no loved ones in my life and no sign of things getting better, I'm honestly preeetty sure I'd end my life.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
“I’ve got my fuzzy socks on and I’m ready for summer”
You arrive in New York at 10 AM. What's the first thing you do? Find a nice, cute cafe to get a coffee and pastry from and chill at for a bit while sorting out my plans for the day. You go by your locker & your bf/gf is cheating on you. What comes to mind? I’m not in school anymore, but hypothetically I’m sure I would feel a lot of emotions--angry, hurt, upset, confused... like wtf?? And damn, right in front of everyone, too? That would be humiliating. 
You have to take out the trash & clean your room. Your reaction? I’m 31 years old, you gotta do that kinda stuff when you’re adult. I don’t personally take out the trash because it would be really difficult for me to do in a wheelchair, but I have other stuff I have to do. I don’t particularly enjoy it, it just is what it is.
How many siblings do you have? I have two brothers.
Have you ever made fun of a homeless/ mentally challenged person? No. What a shitty thing to.
Make up a funny word with your first name in it. I don’t know.
Do you like campfires? Yes. I love the smell, it makes me think of fall. And just the coziness of it.
What's your favorite color to write with? Black.
Do you write poetry? No.
When's your 20th birthday? [Day & Month is fine. Year if you want.] I turned 20 back in July 2009.
Do you spit in public? Ew, no. I don’t spit at all except for when rinsing my mouth after brushing my teeth. It makes me gag seeing people spit. I also have to watch out for that when wheeling around outside because I would DIE if it got on my wheels and then me. akjkslfjldsfjkldsfjkl. I’m going to throw up just thinking about it.
Are you in high school/middle school/college? I’m done with school.
How many push ups can you do? Zero.
How would you react if your cat/dog died? I’ve been through that twice before with my doggos, it’s absolutely heartbreaking and devastating. My dogs are my family. It’s no different than losing any loved one; they’re a loved one, too. I had a really hard time when my dog, Brandie, passed. It was so sudden and unexpected. 
Are you trustworthy? Yes.
“when I make it shine...”
Do you play video games often? I’ve been playing Animal Crossing just about everyday since earlier this year. Prior to that, I’ve played a few other games in their entirety since having my Nintendo Switch that I got over a year ago. 
Do you like life, love, funny or boy quotes the best? I like # relatable quotes. 
Have you ever been cheated on? No.
Have you ever had fruit pizza? No.
Would you like to learn karate? No.
Do you think it would have been cool to live in the 80s? Maybe.
Do you think we'll have robots in the future? They’re already a thing, they’re just not like easily, readily available to everyone like a Rosie from The Jetsons or something.
Was the sun out today? Not yet cause it’s 5:54AM and it’s still pitch black, but it will be.
Do you know what 143 stands for? “I love you.”
Does it get up to 100 degrees where you live? Ugh, yes. And higher. D:
When you play video games, do you like the sound on or off? I generally have it low or off.
When's the last time you saw fireworks? Fourth of July.
Do you like Dr. Pepper? Yeah.
Will you be seeing the new Transformer movie? I never saw any of them. Not my thing. 
What made this week, one to never forget? Election 2020 will be talked about forever. This year in its entirety will be, but this election was a huge one.
“Tell me why you’re leaving me”
Did you wear shorts today? I don’t wear shorts.
Do you own a fur hat? No.
Do you still use the old time mail? I still receive mail, yes. I pretty much never send anything, though.
Have you ever played flag football? Yeah.
What color is your laptop? It’s silver.
Do you like Paris Hilton? I don’t have anything against her.
Did you smile at all today? Not so far, but it’s only 6AM. 
Do you have an Xbox? My brother does and I’ve used it.
When you were little did you have a magic 8 ball? Yeah.
Have you ever ate grass or birdseed? Eww, no. I wasn’t the kid that stuck everything in their mouth or ate weird stuff. 
Do you and your friends have secret codes? I don’t have any friends.
Have you ever seen the Lincoln Memorial? Not in person.
What's your profile picture on Facebook of? Me with my It/Pennywise mask on. It’s his mouth.
Do you own a yo-yo? No.
What celebrity is your fashion icon? I don’t have a fashion icon.
“How do you love someone without getting hurt?”
Do you hope you live to be the age 70 or older? I don’t want to think about dying.
Did you go to preschool? Yep.
Do you usually wear your hair up when it's hot out? Yeah. I wear my hair up all the time cause I don’t have the energy or motivation to do anything else with it.
Where were you when 9/11 happened? I was bedridden at home because I had spinal surgery a couple weeks prior.
Which would you rather play: guitar or drums? Guitar.
Have you ever gotten detention? No.
When you were little, did you used to watch Franklin? Yeah. Aww, he’s adorable.
What's the most exciting thing that's happened during your lifetime? 9/11 and this pandemic are definitely the most memorable, but I wouldn’t use the term “exciting” to describe them. A few of our blizzards, perhaps. <<< Yeah, definitely not exciting, but certainly major, life changing, go-down-in-history events. 
How high can you count in a foreign language? I could go on and on in Spanish like I could English, but let’s be real I’d stop at 100 haha.
What's the best thing to do on a hot day? Stay indoors with the AC or go to the beach.
Would you like to go to Rome? Sure.
Do you use Febreeze? Sometimes. I prefer my Bath & Body Works room sprays, though.
Have you ever been to a rainforest? No.
How many days of school are left for you? I’m done with school.
How do you usually get tan? That only happens when I go to the beach. Sadly, I didn’t get to go this year. 
“Last name ever, first name greatest”
Snickers or Twix? I like both. 
Have you ever tried to sleep on an airplane? I tried, but couldn’t.
When you were little, did you like Dr. Suess books? Yes. Those are classics.
Are you more afraid of snakes or death? Both are scary to me, but death is just a little more serious...
Would you like to go to Australia? Sure.
Do you like Drake? Yeah, I like a lot of his songs.
What color are your headphones? Black.
Do you live in the past? Yes. :/
When it's spring, do you plant flowers? No. I don’t do any gardening.
Have you ever laughed for 10 minutes? I don’t think I ever have for that long.
Do you help your friends every time they need help? I tried to as much as I could.
Ever seen a Koala Bear up close? No.
Would you rather be blind or deaf? I’d obviously rather not be either one...
Once your done, are you done for good? Really depends on what I’m attempting to be done with.
Does it annoy you when girls wear a lot of make up? No? I don’t why I would care.
“Blow the world a kiss”
Do you live by a river? No.
Do you like being outside when it's storming? I like enjoying it from inside.
Ever thought about becoming a cop? No. A cop in a wheelchair... that’d be interesting.
Have you ever tried sushi? Ew, it’s disgusting.
When you were little, did you use to roll down hills? No.
Do you like store bought cakes or homemade ones better? I’d enjoy either one.
Do you think your a good kisser? No. Now I’m really out of practice.
Do you like long or short sleeves better? I like my sleeves to be like halfway from my elbow if that makes sense. Not a quarter sleeve, but a bit above that. Unless it’s cold, then I like long sleeves. I love when the sleeves are long enough to be able to pull down over my hands, but it’s hard to get the perfect fit when you have long arms like I do.
Do you like the name Jacob for a boy? Sure.
Could you live without electricity? Like, for how long? It would be a struggle, no denying that. I’ve never experienced going more than a few hours without it. I know people have to experience long periods without it sometimes or not have it at all, so I’m definitely fortunate. 
Have you ever ate/drank something that was blue? Blue Gatorade, Pepsi Blue, the blue Mountain Dew, Kool-Aid, blue candies and cakes.
When is your last day of summer this year? I’m not in school, so no summer break anymore. However, summer is over and it has just recently started to feel like fall, so I’m quite happy about that.
Would you rather hang out with people who are loud or quiet? Quiet.
Have you ever had a pet turtle? No.
Do you want an iPad? Nah.
“You look like you want to party”
Are you double jointed? My thumbs are.
Have you ever done karaoke? Definitely not publicly, but at home.
What's your middle name? I’m not sharing that.
Do you wish on stars? No. I did when I was a kid.
Do you recycle? We recycle plastic bottles and cans.
Do you believe in love at first sight? No.
What's something you'll do when your older, but not now? I don’t know. Are you currently drinking anything? I’m finishing a Starbucks Doubleshot energy drink.
What color is your shirt? Black. 
Have you ever played laser tag? Nope.
Does your best friend live within 5 minutes from you? My mom and I live together.
If you got dared to dye your hair purple, would you? No. I dye my hair red and I want to keep it that way. It would be a big, annoying process to do another color and then to go back if I wanted, so nah.
How many contacts do you have in your cell phone? Not many.
Do you own earmuffs? No. It doesn’t get cold enough for them here.
Nothing worse than being sunburnt, don’t you agree? I’ve experienced much worse, but they are awful.
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jeonpalette-archive · 7 years
Your domestic memes are so cute 😍 Can I request for VMin?
ANYWAY OMG I FINALLY GOT VMIN YOU DON’T KNOW HOW MUCH THIS MAKES ME HAPPY (and scared because i feel like nothing’s ever good enough when it comes to vmin) OKAY so here it goes!
who cooks normally?:jimin. he cooks for them mostly because he doesn’t want taehyung to eat only ramyeon because that’s not healthy baby, i’m gonna make something for you. taehyung would always backhug him whenever he’s cooking. he’ll pester him (”jiminie what are you doing?” “how long will you cook?” “hey come cuddle with me instead”) until jimin gives in and oh my god!!! jimin something’s burning!!!!
how often do they fight?:“how long will you stay?” “as long as you need me to.” “even when we fight?” “especially then.”
as taehyung always say, fight with me jiminie, shout at me, show me that you care. refuse to let me go to sleep because you don’t want to just let it go. are you sick of this? are you sick of us? and jimin’s reply of, what? no way! i’d rather fight with you than have a good time with someone else.
it doesn’t matter how many times they fought or how inconsequentialthe problem is. for them, it’s just a matter of fight or flight. but frankly, escaping has never been their option.
what do they do when they’re away from each other?:the thing about taehyung is that he’s a koala type of person. he likes clinging to people, exclusively to jimin. he likes to follow jimin around. in the kitchen, the bedroom, the bathroom. there’s no but’s. when you see tae attaching himself to jimin as if they’re one [they ARE one though, duh soulmates] it’s nothing extraordinary, just mundane. their friends say they’re like a package because if you get jimin to go, you get taehyung to go too. just how things are and always will be.
nicknames for each other?:taehyung come up with, honest to god, the weirdest nicknames to ever be in existence. chimbae, booboochimchim, chimchum, bubichim, jimbles, papi jimin, hunbun, poo-boo, toots. it’s a long list, jimin could go all day reciting them.
who is more likely to pay for dinner?:they play games of who’s who. sometimes they go for rock paper and scissors if they’re lazy. other days they flip a coin and choose their side. and on days when they’re feeling extra, they would order smoothies and drink them simultaneously. the first one to get a brain freeze pays for dinner. taehyung likes these games because he always wins. (or maybe jimin just likes the way taehyung’s face glows brighter than the sun when he lets him win)
who steals the covers at night?:instead of stealing, taehyung believes that sharing is caring therefore he gives it all to jimin even when he’s going to freeze to death. but jimin said that having the bigger portion of blanket counts for nothing, as long as they share the same bed.
what would they get each other for gifts?:as the saying goes, presence is more important than presents.
on taehyung’s 18th birthday, he really wasn’t expecting anything. having to spent his day with the most important people in his life is enough. although he was unaware of the people who sent him a gift that day, he recognized one. a tiny box decorated with a smiling moon and colorful stars. he knew it was jimin, they were just talking about it the other day while they’re sitting at the park bench + the drawings said it all, he would always know jimin’s doodles anywhere. eager to know what’s inside, he opened it. it was a letter.
meet me tonight. 11:30. same bench.
it was already 11:26, so he hurriedly run to the park. he saw a shadow, unmistakably jimin’s, looking up to the sky. no wonder it’s bright, the moon showed its full face tonight. tae went up to jimin, who smiled at him with eyes that sparkled in the dark.
“hey” jimin whispered. “hey” taehyung whispered back.
it was this serenity that is difficult to find with someone else but was very much present whenever he’s with jimin.
“happy birthday.” interlacing their fingers, taehyung wished that from now until forever, jimin will always be there to celebrate his day. and every day, regardless of how monotonous they are.
who remembers things?:tae forgets every significant event that happens to every one of his friends. but when it comes to jimin, he doesn’t missed anything in the slightest. because jimin is the supreme priority. the transcendence. the matchlessness. the preeminent.
who cusses more?:they had this game where taehyung has to pay jimin for every cuss word that comes out from his mouth and vice versa. they stopped though, because they were both too broke to continue. 
what would they do if the other one was hurt?:taehyung brought a passed out jimin to their bed because he was eating so little but was overworking himself. when jimin woke up, he saw that taehyung’s eyes were red. don’t ever do that again, jiminie! it hurts to see you hurt you know, jerk! jimin smiled to himself. he open his arms so wide and taehyung basically jumped into the space between them. right tae, for you, i won’t.
who kissed who first?:some imagine their first kiss to be romantic. it happens on the top of a ferris wheel with some fireworks show in the background. but jimin never did. all this time, he didn’t mind when or where, or if there’s explosions happening around them. because all this time, he just wanted one thing. he wanted it to be taehyung.
so when his first kiss happened with jungkook, let’s just say he was pretty much devastated. jungkook apologized but he couldn’t bring himself to stop sobbing. taehyung was there the whole time, not knowing the real reason why he’s crying yet comforting him all the same.
“tell me how to make it better jiminie.” maybe it was the distressed or maybe it was pure courage. maybe because he had nothing else to lose. either way, jimin confessed. the thing he should’ve done years ago. “you should’ve been my first kiss.” sniff sniff. 
“hey hey jimin, look at me.” he did. “i can still kiss you.”“but it’s not my first kiss anymore.”“it might not be. but it’ll be the first kiss that mattered.”
who made the first move?:taehyung cupped the world in his hands. (read: jimin) he closed the distance between them. before jimin can have a mental breakdown about what’s happening, taehyung’s lips reached his and all he could think about is FUCK FUCK FUCK THIS IS IT. THIS IS WHAT IT TAE’S LIPS FEELS LIKE.
when they let go each other to breathe, taehyung subtly pushed the strands of jimin’s hair from his face. “you know, if you want to kiss me, you could have just ask.” but even when he said that, tae felt like a complete hypocrite. considering the fact that he’d been wanting to kiss jimin ever since they were 14-year-olds. younger even.
who started the relationship?:nobody knew when they started dating because the way they treat each other never changed for as long as anyone has ever remembered. but of course, jimin did. jimin memorized every single detail the night taehyung proposed. 
it was a tuesday night. the weather was so bad, the rain wouldn’t stop dripping. despite that, it was cozy being wrapped up in taehyung’s arm. and then suddenly, taehyung hovered over him. 
“can i ask you something jiminie?” he was unsure. jimin could see the way anxiousness flooded over his face.“anything, tae.” he smiled. reassuringly. like saying, go on tae, i will listen.
he kissed jimin’s forehead. will. he kissed his cheek. you. a soft peck on the nose. be. before taehyung could even finish, jimin boosted himself up. almost bumping his forehead to tae’s chin. god, atleast that didn’t happen.
“YES YES YES OH MY GOD BABY YES” he tried to act composed but holy hell, taehyung is asking it now. taehyung taehyung taehyung.
“but I wasn’t finished yet…” his other half pouted. acting like he’s hurt from being interrupted.
“ok, uhm, do you want to finish it?” jimin said, still beaming radiantly.
“do you think i’d want to finish it now?” rolling his eyes, again. ugh jimin hated that. 
“hey, uh sorry. i’m sorry. it’s just, idk. i was so hap-” a peck. seriously? he was so nervous tae would take it all back.
“gotcha!” tae said playfully. wowowow this isn’t happening is it? is it??
…and the night went on like how fate made it to be. there’s a lot more to that story. a lot more to it than just being taehyung and jimin. a lot more than just being official. maybe it was a coincidence that led them to meet one another. or maybe it was kismet. regardless of what that something could be, it is for certain that they found each other’s kindred spirits. and whatever hardships may exist; jimin would find taehyung and taehyung would find jimin. unfailingly, forever.
i actually finished it last night but i am still not satisfied? it’s still not enough. idk : ( waaAAh vmin is so pure i’m crying : ( anyway, i typed a lot? this is definitely unbeta’d and will fix it soon because i have a ton of homework due tomsy and hey! thank you for asking! ❁ 
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theladypirate · 7 years
how about 1, 2, 6, 7, 18, 21, 27, 44 for any/all ocs you'd like you talk about? (SPECIFICALLY I AM REQUESTING YOUR TERRIBLE CHILD TUAN)
Pfffft here ya go more Tu'an, my terrible angry daughter (whom I love dearly). I might answer a few of these for Max and Arusha too. 1. What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded?Tu'anuelan'ain means "mischievous child". (I dont remember which iteration of elven it's from, but it wasn’t dragon age) It's also a mouthful, so she shortens it to Tu'an. There's backstory there, instead of symbolism. Tu'an was the 5th of 7 siblings, and she had middle child syndrome. She was also a difficult pregnancy, and premature birth. Trouble from the start, that one. 2. What is one of your character’s biggest insecurities? Are they able to hide it easily or can others easily exploit this weakness?To an outside observer Tu'an looks like she's not self aware enough to have insecurities due to her inflated sense of self and general bravado, but her she's got... a fair few. Her biggest one is that she's not enough. Not smart enough, not fast enough, not strong enough (which is ridiculous bc she has a str of 20 at level 6) and that if she isn't constantly being useful, her friends will leave. Arusha's are far simpler: her insecurities fall more into the physical. She knows as a half-orc she doesn't quite fit the image of a cleric for a god of art. She feels like she has to be twice as good to make up for it. She also knows she often misreads social cues, and isn't terribly confident in that arena.Max worries about their background in regards to their current occupation: the thief and revolutionary, who wants to tear down the nobility, themselves a product of it. They still benefit from the system, and it causes a bit of an existential issue when they sit and think on it. Luckily, they don't often sit and think on anything, ever, so it's rarely an issue.6. Do they have any hobbies that their lover finds unusual, odd, or otherwise annoying?Oh man. Okay. Tu'an is just. Such a disaster. She's loud, and crass, and contrary, and very stubborn. She refuses to wear sleeves half the time bc "sun's out guns out". She is absolutely the kind of person who leaves all her clothes in a messy pile on the floor, never shuts cupboard doors, and puts her feet on the table. She tells awful puns, and drinks directly out of the milk jug at 3am while making direct eye contact, pantsless, and if you tell her "No you can't do (thing)" before the words have even finished leaving your face hole she will be off doing the thing. Her hobby consists of being the 100% unnecessarily Extra. 7. Is there a catchphrase or sound that they tend to make a lot (likely without being aware of it)?Tu'an snorts when she laughs. Her catchphrase would probably be "Come at me bro" bc she is absolutely the sort of person who gets hit in a fight and uses her reaction to taunt the enemy.Arusha's catchphrase is "please fill out this form" bc her god also covers the realm of commerce and she likes to be organized and keep records. Max's catchphrase is probably "oops".18. What kind of home would they want to live in? Where would they place this abode?Tu'an isn't a big fan of having a single place she's tied down to, partly bc she's not used to stability and partly bc then she'd have to, like, learn her neighbors names or something. But if she did, then she would probably want to live as far away from Grevenia as she could get. A mountain, maybe. Near a town but not in it. Close enough to a main road so she could still just up and go whenever.Arusha wants a little cottage with an herb garden and enough guest rooms for her friends to stay over, and a cozy little attached clinic. In her hometown, so she can be near her parents.Max wants to live in a nice modest palace, which would obviously be stolen from one of the ruling class. For reasons.21. What is one of your character’s biggest fears? How would they react when dealing with this fear?Tu'an would say she's not afraid of anything and she's right to an extent. There's pretty much no physical thing that she could face that would scare her. Spiders come the closest but they're still just flesh and blood. She can smash them. Her biggest fear is that she'll be needed, and she won't be there. You can't punch failure. If she's confronted with this particular case, she just goes balls to the walls full tilt to get where she needs to be. Since she's the tank, an example would be if the party got ambushed and the long range folks got stuck in melee. Immediate full frenzied rage, pulling out all her dirty tricks, no stopping even if she took attacks of opportunity.27. If your character was going to get arrested, what would be the most likely reason for it?Uhhhhhh... there are LOTS of likely reasons to arrest Tu'an. Probably someone bet she couldn't do something, and so she did it anyway bc yes she can. Probably that something was wildly dangerous and highly illegal. Also probably she offended at least two nobles and punched a shopkeeper for overcharging her. Public nudity was involved. And arson. Listen short of straight up cold blooded murder Tu'an is likely to do p much anything. 44. Is there a particular event that would emotionally devastate your character?Death or betrayal of one of the very small handful of people she genuinely cares about, which conveniently consists entirely of the party, for Tu'an.For Arusha, if someone in her care died, or if she was found unworthy at the end of her trial for Yuban.Max: spoilers. They're an npc in a game I'm running and this part of their backstory hasn't been unlocked yet. (Message me if you wanna know)
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fallen029 · 7 years
Sickness and Health
It was in a slight haze that Mirajane Strauss awoke that morning. She could hear talking, off in the distance, rather loud voices, in fact, as well as what sounded like music playing. Then there was the smell of some sort of cooking (she couldn't quite place it when she was so drowsy) and the fact that, though light was attempting to stream in through the windows, it was being blocked out not by blinds, but rather some blankets tossed up over them.
Ah. She was over at Laxus' apartment.
Mmmm, she remembered too, as she snuggled deeper into his cozy purple sheets, how she'd gotten there the night before, after working all day up at the bar. It was only customary, after all; if she heard that the man was in town, it was the first place that she went.
When she was free, of course. Because she and Laxus were great together and all, but the guildhall came first. Considering he felt the same way about her and his job requests, she figured he wouldn't take offense to such a statement.
It seemed, however, that she hadn't been the only one to catch wind of his arrival back home. From the sounds of it, the Thunder Legion was out there, bothering him in the living room. And cooking for him, if she knew Freed the way she thought she did.
Shutting her eyes once more, Mira decided to give them a few more minutes alone before she made her presence known. She took up so much of the man's free time those days that, once and a while, they just needed some of their own with the man. It was, after all, only the right thing to do.
But there was more to it than that, it seemed, as she just didn't give it a few minutes. Rather, she fell back asleep entirely and didn't awake again for, at least, another hour. And then it was just as groggily as before.
She almost felt drugged, but knew that wasn't right. Just brumous. Which could only mean that she was…
Mira refused to accept that she was sick. Even tried to get up once, but it was too much work and she only flopped back into bed, bundling up under all the blankets then as she felt as if she were frozen. And, thirty minutes later, when she was suddenly burning up again, she only suffered through it.
She had to sweat that cold right out of her.
You know, the one that she didn't have.
More time passed as she laid around in her boyfriend's bed, trying hard to manage the strength to get up, but it just wasn't coming.
"Mira?" It was Laxus, coming to peak into the room, whispering softly as he did so. "I'dda sent one of those bozos to check on you sooner, but I didn't know if you were decent or not, and I really don't want them to know that you're- Mirajane? Demon? Are you alright?"
"No." Her voice was hoarse when she tried it out. "I'm not."
"Are you...I mean…uh...sick or something? Do I-"
"Not sick."
"Go away." She didn't take her head out from underneath the pillow. "Sleeping."
If Mirajane was down to broken syllables, then Laxus knew something was up.
"Hey, no, let me at least do...something." Laxus stood over the bed with a frown. He hardly got sick and, when he did, he just holed up with a bottle of whiskey and a trashcan to vomit in until he felt better. With his woman though, clearly he was supposed to try and help out in some way or another. "Err-"
"Go away."
"If you're sick-"
"I'm not."
"-then I need to at least, like, take your temperature or something. Right?"
Damn. These are the moments that he needed the Thunder Legion. They did all of his tedious, boring things for him. The problem was, however, that though they were right in the other room, he didn't want them to know that Mira was there. He'd been able to avoid that so far (somehow; they should have been able to sense her magic; he'd yell at them for that at another time) if only because they always acted so weird about those sorts of things. It'd gotten even worse since he and Mirajane started...whatever they were doing. Then there was the fact that he just didn't want them to know that he cared so much for the woman that he was willing to, you know, examine her or whatever. Medically. Not just sexually.
It was probably for the best anyhow; if he was in a real relationship, he had to act like it.
He was going to have to get Mira's situation all figured out on his own.
"Here." He reached out then, for her, leaning over the bed to do so. "Let me, uh, feel your head, yeah? Come on."
"I'm fine, Laxus. I-"
"And I want to be sure of that. So just come on."
Finally, she moved to sit up, just a bit, blinking sleepily at him. Laxus only tentatively moved to rest his hand against her head.
"Uh...how do I know if you have a fever or-"
"Laxus, shut up."
"Well, how do I not know you're not always this hot? Huh?" Snorting, he dropped his hand. "Anyways, open wide."
"Ew, Laxus, I'm not going to-"
"Why can I not just say that in a normal conversation and you not take it the wrong way?" He made a face at her. "I gotta look down your throat."
That time, her blink was out of confusion. "Why?"
"I dunno." He shrugged. "To see if anything's, like, inflamed, right? Isn't that something doctors do?"
"You're not a doctor."
"I ain't no MD, fine, but I think in all my years of life, I'd acquired some sort of doctorial-"
"Yeah, well, doctorial isn't a word, so-"
"Yes, it is."
"Doctoral is, but doctorial-"
Growling, he said simply, "If you're well enough for this, then-"
"I already told you I'm not sick. So-"
"Fine! Fine! You're not sick. I don't care then."
Then they both just stayed there, her sitting on the bed, him glaring down over her. Slowly, Mirajane titled her head back before opening her mouth a bit.
"Wider." He bent down too, to stare down in there. Holding up a finger, he ran a bit of electricity through it. "I- Hey!"
Mirajane shut her trap quickly. "What are you doing?" she asked, hardly opening her mouth at all as she spoke, as if fearful of him. "You can't just shock me, Laxus. You-"
"I needed light," he grumbled. "To see. Now open up. I wouldn't shock ya. And even if I did, it's weak; you're the freaking she-devil. Did you forget?"
No. But senseless pain when she already wasn't feeling well just wasn't something she wanted to contend with at the moment.
Allowing the man to peek down her throat was mostly worthless anyhow. Laxus made a very corny joke about deep throating or something ("There's your tongue, the back of your tongue, uh, wisdom teeth look okay, and hey, look, way back there is where I always hit the back of your throat"), but mostly just admitted that he had no idea what he was looking for or, honestly, even doing.
"What?" Mira croaked out. "Homegrown Dr. Dreyar can't check a simple throat?"
"I said I gathered the info over my many years," he growled. "And, shocking as this may be, woman, I've never had to look down anyone's throat before. And I can't my own, so-"
"Oh, but you're just so good at shoving things down throats, huh?" Mira was sitting on her knees then and was glaring up at him. "I bet it's your fault I'm sick."
"My- Hey, what are you implying, woman?"
"You just got back from a job," she pointed out. "And then I came over here and we… And now you've given me a disease. Thanks a lot, Laxus."
Growl. "You are so ungrateful. I let you come over unannounced, let you sleep in my bed, didn't say a damn thing about your stupid morning breath which, by the way, is deadly, Mira. I mean, seriously."
"Yeah, from the disease you passed on to me."
"If I have a disease, why am I not sick? Huh?"
"Duh, Laxus, you're just the carrier." She rolled her eyes. "idiot."
"I'm not an idiot." He huffed. "You're an idiot."
Narrowing his eyes, he leaned over to press his forehead against hers. "To even accuse me of that."
"Oh, whatever."
"I mean, come on, Mirajane. The women I sleep with are definitely all clean. And definitely this past time." Then he lifted his head and stared at the sky. "All though in that one town, there was that one that kept complaining of, like, she had parasites or something-"
"I didn't sleep with anyone else, demon." He shook his head. "And you know that already, so stop acting otherwise."
Mirajane only shrugged her shoulders a bit. "I don't know what I know."
"And anyways," the man went on, "if anything, I should be mad at you."
"You heard me." He shook his head at her. "Lying all in my sheets, contaminating them with your clammy sweat and disgusting germs. You're the carrier and the infected, woman. Tryin' to pass the buck ain't gonna work. No way." Then, arms crossed over his chest, Laxus looked off, as if thoughtful. "If anything, I'm owed an apology."
It was Mira's turn to narrow her eyes. "If you really think I'm so sick, Laxus, and am just contaminating the place-"
"You definitely are."
"-then I'll just go. I'll-"
"Oh, shut up, woman." Now she was annoying him. When she moved to get up, he none too gently forced her to lie back down. "You know I ain't kicking you out. Just...relax, okay. No more games. You're sick. Now just rest up some, huh? I'll bring you a glass of water and some-"
"I don't want anything." Mirajane sniffled then, watching him as he headed out fo the room. "Honest. And I have work soon, so-"
"Oh, Mira."
"You're not going to work and you know it."
"I am too."
"You can't."
"Can so."
"You deal with food preparation and beverages. If you're sick, you shouldn't be there. It's best, actually, if you're not. That's sorta common sense, woman."
Mira only moaned back at him. "I'm just a little under the weather, is all. I'm not, like, ill. Not really. Not hospital caliber ill. Which means I'm more than capable of going into work."
"My father worked every day before his death until he just couldn't get out of bed any longer," she said simply. "And he died of a very devastating virus. So-"
"Didn't you tell me that your father also got your mother sick because-"
"Because she loved him so much that she cared for him, Laxus, while he was dying," she said with a frown. "But yes."
"Surely you see how this proves that was a bad call, right?"
"He didn't get anyone, but her sick."
"You told me that was because you guys cropped for a living and he just worked the fields and then came home to her and that they tried to keep you guys separated from him as much as possible."
"Well… The crops never got anyone sick."
"I'm going to work." She put the pillow back over her head. "Eventually."
"Oh, woman." Laxus only moved to pull some blankets up around her. "I'm at least bringing you water. And something to eat."
"I'm not hungry."
"You have to eat."
"Do not."
"Fine." She even let out a cute little sigh that he grinned over because, with the pillow over her head, she couldn't see. "I'll eat."
"Great. I'll go get you some crack-"
"I want two eggs and sausage and-"
"Is this a game to you or something?"
Sorta. A terrible one that left her feeling quite light headed and really just craving the all allusive sleep.
"Can I have eggs, dragon, or not?"
"Yeah. I'll fry ya some eggs."
"And sausage?"
That time, when he leaned down, it was to lift up the pillow just enough so he could lean in there and give her a kiss to the cheek. Against it, he mumbled, "No."
Mira only weakly shoved him away. "Boo."
Dropping the pillow over her once more, Laxus started to tell her that she needed to give him a minute, as he wanted to get rid of the Thunder Legion so that he could dedicate all his time towards her (but not in those exact words because that sounded sappy and all lovey-dovey and Laxus was neither), but was interrupted by the sounded of a sharp knock at the bedroom door.
"Laxus? We heard voices. Are you okay?"
Freed. Great.
"Yeah," he growled out. "I thought I told you idiots to clean out my fridge?"
"You what?" Mira's muffled inquiry came from beneath the pillow. She was constantly trying to tell him how to be a good friend/mentor/idol/stalkee, as if he needed lessons. "Dragon-"
"We were, boss." Bickslow. "But, uh, we kinda got bored and, well… Hey, you wanna go train with us? We were thinking about-"
"Don't open the door," Laxus growled as the thing started to do just that. Given they were having a conversation, the seith had no doubt assumed such a thing was alright. "You-"
"Oh, no, boss! Are you smotherin' someone?" Bickslow opened the door further, shocked to find a woman's body there, beneath a sheet, with a pillow over her head. "Shit. Was it a hooker? Shit. Shit. Ever! Get Laxus' big carpet from the study. We're gonna have to- Oh. Mornin', Mrs. Boss."
Mirajane had sat up rather suddenly, holding the sheet to her bare chest as she made a face at the two members of the Thunder God Tribe that were standing there. Bickslow had his tongue hanging out, grinning widely as he stood in the doorway and Freed, behind him, had a hand covering his eyes.
"This," the letter mage said as Laxus came over to shove them both out, "is a bad time. Sorry, Mirajane. We didn't realize-"
"That you and boss were into asphyxia." Bickslow cackled at the word, just a bit. "But it makes perfect sense considerin'- Oy, boss! How come you're only hittin' me? Freed was botherin' ya too!"
"What's going on?" Ever was rushing towards the bedroom as well then. "Wha-"
"Get out! All of you! I got shit to do," Laxus growled though he left the room with them, slamming the door behind him.
"Like Mirajane?"
"Bickslow, I'm going to strangle you!"
"See? I knew you were into- Ah! No, Laxus, knock it off! That hurts! Ow!"
Mirajane grabbed another pillow then and held it over her head as well. Why had she gone to Laxus' apartment again?
Through the muffled sounds of the ensuing argument between Bickslow and Laxus, Mirajane somehow managed to drift off. She didn't realize this fact until, some time later, the pillows were shoved away and she was blinking up at the face of Laxus.
"Your breakfast, demon."
It was with a moan that she sat up, quite slowly in fact, and croaked out, "I can't go to work, dragon."
"Oh, I know." He didn't even gloat about it. Just passed off her plate of eggs and toast to her. At the sight of the sausage, she about vomited. It was far too greasy, in actuality, than it had seemed in her mind. "I told Freed before he left to inform Lisanna or Kinana that you weren't going to be showing up. Whichever was up at the bar."
"Mmmm. You're too good to me."
"Well, I did infect you, after all."
"After all."
Laxus got into bed with her then, sitting there silently, wiggling his toes, just a bit. He did that a lot, Mirajane had noticed, when he was unsure of himself.
"Hey, dragon?"
"How come you went ahead and made me sausage?"
"Stupid woman." More toe wiggling. "I was always gonna make it. But if I tell you that, it takes the fun outta moments like these, yeah?"
She only stabbed at an egg, nearly losing what little was in her stomach from the day before at the sight of the yoke bursting.
"I…I think I'll just take crackers."
"Yeah." He only reached over then, to his bedside table, where he must have set the package of them while she was still sleeping. "I know."
She gave him a look as they traded. Laxus only dug right into her breakfast without hesitation.
"I think maybe I just have, like, one of those bugs that you only get for a day or something," Mirajane informed him as she hunkered back down into the bed, back to him, munching on the cracker all the same.
"Or somethin'," Laxus remarked back, mouth full of sausage. "Or you could just be sick like a normal person and need to rest for more than a day."
"Doubt it." Sniffling a bit, she said, "I bet I'll be better by nightfall."
But she wasn't. She stayed in bed, actually, for the majority of the day. It was only around eight that night that she felt well enough to go into the living room, where she only fell into the couch with a miserable sigh. Laxus was out training (he'd made sure she was fine with this before doing so, because he weirdly thought him hovering around made her feel better; it didn't), leaving her alone in his place.
Which, usually, she'd revel in, as it gave her a chance to snoop around. It was, after all, what Mira was best at. And most interested in.
At the moment, however, she only felt incredibly tired. Which was odd, considering she'd slept the whole day. Mirajane did not, at all, enjoy being sick.
She was lying around, putting as much effort into trying to fall asleep as she was trying not to, when the front door suddenly opened. Glancing towards it, she smiled a bit at the sight of Laxus.
"You're up," he remarked as he came through the door. "Here. I brought you some soup."
"Mmmhmm." Carrying it over, he handed her the container of it before rushing off to get her a spoon. "That's what you do, right? When someone's sick? You get them soup?"
"Sure," Mirajane agreed as, with her stretched out on the couch, Laxus only went to lift her feet before sitting under them. Giggling a bit, Mirajane grinned when he moved to massage them for her. "Why are you being so nice?"
"'cause you're sick." Laxus glanced over at her. "If you don't want me doin' nice stuff for you, woman-"
"No, no." She wiggled her toes. "Go on. And mmmm, this soup's good."
"Should be, what I paid for it. You know what that damn restaurant wanted for some soup to go? I mean, hell, who even goes out and orders soup to begin with? They should've been happy that I was takin' it off their hands, if anything."
"Well, I'm glad, anyways, that you bought it for me."
"Almost just said never mind. I mean, seriously. You should have seen the bill. Sure, I had a steak and a beer or three and a baked potato and all that before I got your soup, but come on! That bill was outrageous. I-"
"Lax, if you didn't want to get me anything-"
"Oh, no, I did." He even nodded a bit. "I just want the recognition for it."
Mirajane only huffed. "Dragon."
It was his turn to sigh as, while he was massaging her foot, she jerked away from him a bit. "Hold still, will you? I'm tryin' to take care of you."
"I think I'm going to take a shower," Mirajane told him as she languidly spooned up some soup. "Or a bath, maybe." Sniffle. "I have to get ready to open tomorrow."
That got him to stop messing with her foot (he was more annoying that soothing, but Mirajane wasn't going to tell that to him). "Mirajane, you can't be serious."
"Why not? I'm well enough to be out there, eating soup, talking to you."
"You're still all sweaty and you sound horrible and-"
"I'm fine. I've gotten better in just a few hours. By seven tomorrow I'll be-"
"You're so crazy, woman," Laxus chided. "You do know that your life isn't defined by that hall, right?"
"Of course not. But I take pride in it regardless."
"You serve beers."
"To very capable and accomplished mages."
"You're a very capable and accomplished mage!"
"I don't get your point."
Laxus took a deep breath, held it in for a moment, before going back to messing with her feet. "Do what you want, demon. Just eat your soup, huh?"
She ate half, at least, before giving the rest to Laxus to put in the fridge. When he came back, she was already curled back up, facing the back of the couch, and snoring softly. Sighing, Laxus decided not to wake her for her shower as he headed off to his room, figuring she'd come to bed later.
He was lying in bed, numbly watching an old movie on the lacrima that he'd seen a thousand times when it finally happened. Mirajane came stumbling into the room before falling face first into her half of the bed with a groan of defeat.
"Dragon?" he heard weakly muffled against her pillow as he only sat there, lacrima in his lap, staring over at her.
"I can't go to work tomorrow."
"I know, baby." Reaching over, he gently patted her on the back of the head. "You just rest up here, huh? I'll buy you some more soup." Then he paused. "From somewhere else though. Because that place is crazy if they think I'm going to pay-"
"Not now, Laxus." Turning her head to the side, she stared over at him. "Please."
He only nestled down into the bed before nodding at his lacrima. "I'm watchin' somethin', yeah? So don't croak during it. Huh?"
And then he pulled the covers up around her (and him by proxy, even though he was actually more than a bit warm) and kissed her head before getting back to his senseless movie. And, when he could tell that it was keeping her up, he claimed that it was boring before turning it off and going to bed as well.
Even though he wasn't the least bit tired.
Mirajane tossed and turned most of the night though, frequently tossing off the covers in anger about how hot it was in there and then pulling them back up whining about how frozen she was. Laxus was miserable as well, if only because she was galling the hell out of him, and he thought about mentioning that, you know, her fever was only going to continue to break and come back continually and that maybe, gee, she should grow the hell up and get over it, but then he remembered that she was his demon and he was supposed to...love her...err…
The point was, she was killing him and there was nothing he could do other than lay there and try his hardest not to kick her outta bed, if not the apartment, because, hey, he didn't put up with that kinda crap.
At around four in the morning, Laxus only pressed a kiss to her cheek and told her he was going to train super early and he'd be back later to check on her. At that point Mirajane had stripped down to her panties in an attempt to cool off and only groaned back something about how she'd see him later.
And then Laxus got the heck outta there. Before she contaminated him or something. He was nearly certain that was going to happen eventually.
So he spent the morning jogging and training and then going up to the hall to take some glances at the request board. Then he stopped off and got Mirajane some tissues, some medicine (literally just random medicine as, not being a man of science, he didn't believe in that kinda shit and thought his body could just heal itself, but was tired of Mirajane feeling so bad, so just got some generic shit to help her through whatever was going on), and some more of that damn soup from that same damn place (seriously, he was being robbed blind), before heading back to the apartment.
"Mira." He kicked the door shut behind him as his arms were full. "I got you shit. I mean, stuff. Since you don't like the word sh- Nope. Not gonna say it. Where are you?"
He'd found the bedroom door open, but she wasn't in there, nor the kitchen. The bathroom was empty too.
Where was his demon?
As he was going to drop her things in the kitchen and put the soup away, he found a note taped to the fridge door. It was in Mirajane's silly, feminine handwriting and was very concise. Jsut said that she'd gone home, taken the leftover soup, and she'd be seeing him when she felt better.
"This is bullshit." He crumpled up the note and tossed it to the ground. "I let you germ up my bed, buy you stupid shit- And yes, I say shit, Mira. Shit, shit, shit! You can't just leave me!"
Didn't she know that he was in the middle of nursing her back to health? What kind of idiot leaves in the middle of that?
Did she not know how rare it was for the Laxus Dreyar to give enough of a damn about you that he would actually go out buy over priced soup? Soup that he wouldn't even buy for himself because it was just so outrageous? Huh?
That was the first thing out of his mouth when Lisanna opened up the door over at the Strauss house.
Blinking, she only said, "Um, Laxus, maybe you could have just bought soup somewhere else. I mean, it's not like-"
"I wanted to get Mirajane soup from that place because I was already at that place! And the second time just because I was comfortable there by that point. With their serving size of soup and… I'mma level with you, my waitress was really hot and-"
"But the point was Mira liked the soup so I bought more. But where is she? Huh?"
"Uh, in bed right now," Lisanna said as, with a sigh, she took a step back. "But I'm sure she's heard you out here having one of your stupid dramatic meltdowns over nothing-"
"I do not," he told her harshly, "have dramatic meltdowns."
"Laxus, last month when Mirajane turned you down for a date, you-"
"She canceled on me last minute and I had train tickets and play tickets and-"
"Elfman got hurt on a job!"
"I'm sorry, is she sleeping with him or me?"
"Gross. On both accounts."
Growl. "Look, girlie, I don't want to talk to you right now, so-"
Louder growl. Then, taking a deep breath, Laxus said, "If I'm dramatic-"
"Biggest drama queen ever."
"-it's only because your sister makes me this way. Constantly. I was in the middle of caring for her, you know. And-"
"She said that you acted like a jerk about her being sick and left before sunrise, grumbling under your breath about how annoying she was."
He blinked. "That's not how I recall that going."
"Of course not."
"I- Hey! Where are you going? I'm talkin' to you!"
"Uh, try back to my room? Mira's in hers if you wanna go bother her while she's, you know, sick."
"I'm not bothering her." He continued on through the house, grumbling to himself. "I'm caring for her."
Damn. Was it that hard to just care for someone? That's why he never fucking did it. Because it was always a hassle. Oh, Laxus, you made your papa a nice gift for his birthday? Too bad he's not there because he's too busy out on jobs, trying in vain to be an S-Class wizard and plotting against your gramps who, yeah, is plenty loving, but super busy too and then, what? You found your mama a pretty flower out at the park? That'd be nice if she wasn't dead after being a completely horrible person and never caring and oh, look. You're alone.
...But the point was, he'd been plenty nice to Mirajane and she was a butt for leaving without telling him.
Err, whatever.
When he popped open her bedroom door, Laxus was expecting Mirajane to be up. He had, after all, been pretty loud when he was having his...non-dramatic non-meltdown.
But upon barging in, he found her passed out on her bed, pillows and blankets thrown around it as her face rested straight on the mattress, drooling just a bit. Which, while gross, was also a pretty big tip off just how sick she was. She literally never drooled.
"You take some medicine, babe?" he whispered to the sleeping woman, going to set all the things he brought for her down on her dresser before picking up the pill bottle that was sitting on nightstand. Glancing it over, he said, "Oh. This is what I shouldda gotten. Good call, I guess, not waitin' around on me. I kinda just bought a lotta junk, I think. But...I brought you soup. And...I brought me."
Going over to the other side of the bed, Laxus moved to get into it as well, grabbing one of the haphazard pillows before pulling the sheets back up around both him and Mirajane. And then he sat. And sat. And realized he kinda stank. He should have showered.
"Uh, demon? You gonna...be awhile? Sleepin'? I read the back of your pill bottle and it said it would conk you out for at least eight hours, so I'mma go catch one. Huh? And then maybe you'll be up. I hope."
He took his time too, in the bathroom adjoining Mirajane's bedroom. It was kind of a deal breaker to him staying over at her house. No way he wanted to have to share a bathroom with Elfboy.
It was only once he was all clean that Laxus went back out there in only a towel, finding Mirajane to still be just as passed out as before. Heading over to her dresser, he glanced in there to find something of his. She had a habit of washing anything he left over there. Which, of course, meant he left a bunch of stuff over there so she'd wash all of his stuff.
He'd periodically take it back to his house to be sure she didn't catch onto his scheme (although, honestly, she'd known from the beginning what he was doing). That's also how he'd get his motorcycle cleaned after riding it through the mud (or barfing on it when his motion sickness got to him). He'd just park it over at Mirajane's, leave it there, and eventually she'd wind up washing it for him.
Yeah. Mira was pretty great.
And he was pretty much an ass for allegedly grumbling under his breath as he left her that morning. Which, yeah, he probably did. But it was coming from a place of deep love.
A deep love that wished she hadn't kept him up all night.
Laxus only slipped on a pair of his shorts that were left in her dresser and went to climb back in bed. Mirajane was snoring by that point, the only way that he knew for certain she hadn't, like, died in her sleep. Which, given his track record with things he cared about (he also had a puppy, once, when he was four that Ivan killed by 'accidentally' hitting it with a blast of some sort of magic and, wow, when he really examined his life, he was kinda lucky that Mirajane and the Thunder Legion loved him through all his fucked up dysfunctions), wasn't really out of the realm of possibilities.
A lotta things entered his life and, usually through his own doings, left them. He kinda expected it for the most part by that point.
Especially with women.
And being the only one he loved so much, Mirajane probably would have to go out that way. Jade him completely to the world.
Why was he even fighting it?
Sighing, he settled down into the bed and just stared up at the ceiling. Mirajane was always telling him he was depressive, but Laxus wasn't so sure. More just apprehensive and intelligent. Clearly, if they couldn't even get through her being sick without him driving her away, it wasn't going to work out.
"M-Mira? You up? Or are you dying? Because if so, I've kinda been thinking a lot about it in the past ten minutes when you were snoring and it made me think about how, if you weren't, I might have thought that you were, and then I thought about how fitting that would be for me and-"
"Too much. Shhh."
"Oh. Condensed version; I'm glad you're not dead."
"Mmmm." Mirajane shoved up a bit. "Me too."
Grinning over at her, he asked, "You feel better?"
"No." Sneeze. Wiping at her nose with the back of her hand (disgusting, but he didn't feel like getting her those tissues he bought at that moment), Mirajane moved to lay against his side. "Dragon?"
"What are you doing here?"
Letting out a slow breath, he said, "I dunno. I got home with soup and tissues and medicine for you and you weren't there and it really pissed me off. Then I came here and Lisanna said you left because I said I didn't want you there and that pissed me off, so I came to yell at you about it. Then you were sleeping and you looked so...honestly, kinda nasty and dirty, but I… I wanted to make you feel better. You're my woman. And I- Are you sleeping?"
Yawn. Then, muffled against his side, she got out, "Just about."
"Oh. Well… If I made it seem like I didn't want you over at my place-"
"You grumbled about me hogging the blanket and rolling around and that I was really sweaty and was getting you all sick and-"
"I was sleep deprived."
"Aren't you still?"
"Yeah, but I'm in the delirious stage of it now. Hence the childhood traumas relived."
"Uh...Delirium. So… You want some soup? I got you some more soup. You did like that soup, right?"
"You better have. It cost-"
"I'm going back to sleep, dragon. Before you start, just know that."
Letting out a short breath, Laxus went back to staring at the ceiling. "I got you soup, medicine, and tissues. And cough drops, which taste horrible, by the way.
"By the way."
"And, I don't know if we covered it before, but I don't do well sick," Laxus added. "So keep sneezing, puking, or snotting on me to a minimum. Alright?"
Lifting her head, just a bit, Mirajane said, "You'll be here then? For the rest of the day?"
"Yeah, demon. Of course."
"Even when I get to tossing and turning and sweating and get all...germy?"
"Oh." She dropped her head again, into his side. Softly, she said, "I think I might make it, anyways, into work tomorrow, so-"
"Demon, if I'm putting up with you being disgustingly sick, then you need to accept that you're disgustingly sick and just be it without complaint. Got it?"
Nuzzling into him, she slowly mumbled, "Got it."
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