#youll have to excuse me
egoarc4de · 8 months
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ant mill wip #1536 so i can talk in the tags
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holmsister · 2 months
I think one of the things Dungeon Meshi is definitely about is how different people deal with being an outsider/marginalised/neurodivergent/what have you and basically what im getting at is that Kabru is TEXTBOOK "high functioning [insert diagnosis here]". Its that how they say it still? Don't care.
Basically. This man shows up and you listens to him talk and see how his party treats him and you think. Oh this is a cool guy who has his shit together. And then after like two pages you find out that he has constant flashbacks to Utaya that make him completely freeze, anxiety attacks, thought spirals, is incapable of analyzing his own feelings, is a stuttering mess when the stakes are high, has never done a chore in his life, keeps putting himself in triggering situations and re-traumatising himself, and the icing on the cake is when you read the extra material and it turns out he regularly forgets to eat and lives in a depression nest of dirty clothes and self-medicates insomnia with alcohol and also is 22. Which also kind of puts Misilril not wanting to let him go in another light - yeah for sure she's controlling and infantilising and also its not like she was really helping his issues but also she was not entirely wrong in her judgement. This man does NOT know how to take care of himself. He knows how to do the bare minimum so when he shows up at work the next day he can fool his coworkers into thinking hes got it together enough. For a bit.
He is DEEPLY unwell and he knows it but he is carried by the desperate wish to avoid another catastrophe. If he stops for a moment he KNOWS he'll collapse so he doesn't.
I also think this is why him acting nurse to Mithrun is such an important part of his arc. Its like. This person who has spent all of his adult life focused on a single objective disregarding everything else is faced with what happens when you do that for too long. And the result is a wet tissue of a creature who looks like he doesn't know where he is most of the time.
He is a man on the brink. I have no doubt he felt relieved when he decided he could trust Laios - not even in a Labru way, straight up because he knew he could not keep going like this.
But also like. Of all the characters in the manga, I think Senshi and Kabru are the most lonely ones. Except Senshi seems to be OK with solitude - for sure it's not entirely healthy to be alone for as long as he was but he definitely did well enough. He is very good at taking care of himself. Meanwhile Kabru *knows* a lot of people but can you really say he has friends? Rin, maybe, arguably, but even she does not seem to truly know him, you know? He keeps himself hidden from everyone. I think the only time we see him entirely honest is when he says to Laios that he wanted to be his friend, and hes so shocked when it comes out, you can tell he did not mean to say it. And differently from Senshi, he does NOT fare well alone. He likes people, he needs people. Again compare with Mithrun - he has like a squad of people taking care of him. If Kabru had a breakdown of that size can you say his party would go out of its way to help? Im not sure. Not because they're bad people, but because he's simply not that intimate with any of them.
Idk man it just struck me all of a sudden. Laios is weird and offputting and doesn't care about other humans the way Kabru does and YET he is infinitely more successful at building deep, meaningful relationships and taking care of himself as well. I think this is part of why Kabru is so fascinated with him as well. He can tell Laios has something he doesn't have. Wait this is turning into a whole another post I'll write this next time.
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ctrl-alt-cel · 2 years
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u already know wtf goin on
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kdramamilfs · 8 months
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simone kessell as lottie matthews in yellowjackets - 2.01 friends, romans, countrymen
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donutcats · 1 year
rei is the type of person who would rather die than talk about anything to do with his traumatic past, and kazuki is the type of person who takes every opportunity to mention that he had a traumatic past. two extreme ends of the same spectrum called ‘not dealing with your issues correctly’
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alteanroyals · 11 months
i am gonna say it
I actually quite liked it! I thought it was pretty smart, the fight was great, animation on point, AND i did like what they did with grabriel's final moments, honestly all of the interactions between mari/ladybug and gabriel were great
but i'm not gonna sit here and pretend that i liked the lack of Chat Noir IN THE FINAL BATTLE AGAINST HAWKMOTH AKA HIS FATHER
beacuse not only is he INTEGRAL to the Agreste plot, but also because Ladynoir, as partners, are at the CORE of the show and he deserved to be there
so yeah, while i am not a fan of all the ml salt in this fandom, i will not deny that there are things i didn't fully like or would have changed
that said, there were soooo many cool things about the finale and i am pretty satisfied with it and looking forward to the next season :)
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ibroughtyoumybullets · 9 months
i need help if possible
uhm hi i had to pay 1800 dollars for car repairs this month and i cant pay my rent. im 700 dollars short. i am so fucking embarassed to be making this post but idk what else to do and my credit card is maxed. if anybody can toss any $ i would appreciate it. im trying to at least get to a balance where my bank will let me overdraft the remainder.
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when the art block hitteth
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jacks347 · 13 days
I have concocted a brilliant mix of Army Dreamers, I Love You Like An Alcoholic, and that one Ei and Yae Miko sound on TikTok of "Eternity is too cruel a fate for you, Ei" to be the background track for the latest fic that jumped into my brain
I don't work tomorrow, I got all night
I'll stop torturing the fans of the fandoms I love when they stop being so fun to break
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selenealwayscries · 2 years
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fuck you *puts your fairydog in hanfu*
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chadillacboseman · 3 months
The knife/blood play with Doc was rlly good, would u be willing to make a part 2 or maybe Doc doing something else (impact or perhaps bondage)?
Pairing: Doc x F!Reader Warnings: Oh boy! Bondage, knifeplay, a lil slap here and there. Doc being a condescending jackoff lol. I blacked out when I wrote this and when I came to there were so many horny words on the page. Just a blatant display of my mental illness projected onto a screen. I had to put like the ENTIRETY of this under a cut because it's VERY NSFW lol.
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Your legs are shaking and you feel as if your chest is going to explode from the way your heart hammers away at your ribcage. Gustave has your ankles bound to the legs of the chair, effectively keeping your legs splayed wide for him.
He stalks around the chair and you watch with apprehension as the light glints off of the blade he clutches in his hand. You teeter on the razor edge between scared and unbearably aroused, your mind in a white hot haze.
This isn't the first time the two of you have done something like this, but the bindings are new.
"Are you afraid?" Gustave whispers as he drags the blunt end of the knife along your shoulder. You tremble slightly and he grins, shark-like.
When you don't answer, he chuckles and kneels in front of you, his dark eyes shining in the overhead light. Slowly, he brings his mouth between your legs and you whimper as his breath fans over the tender skin of your inner thighs.
"Let me help you find your voice," Gustave purrs. He runs his tongue along your already soaked slit and pauses to suck gently at your clit.
You moan his name and he grins against you before adding a finger that makes you see bright white. You're too lost in his motions between your legs to notice when he raises the knife to your upper thigh. A quick cut makes you cry out in earnest as the blood spills down your leg and onto the chair.
Gustave looks up at you with punch drunk and hazy eyes; he moves from your pussy to the wound and runs his flattened tongue over it, collecting the blood before groaning and closing his eyes as he swallows.
You watch with your breath trapped in your chest as his throat bobs. The sharp pain fades to a dull ache as he returns his mouth to between your legs. You try to buck against him and he tuts in disapproval before taking a nip at your clit that makes you yelp.
Gustave is torturing you on purpose, letting you come to the cusp of release before backing off. It's enough to drive you mad, but you won't give him the satisfaction of begging.
You whine pathetically when he pulls away just as you're about to topple over the edge and you swear under your breath.
"Such a dirty mouth," he says, rather condescendingly, "Maybe I'll keep you here for a few hours, hm?"
You don't answer and his broad hand connects with your cheek, just hard enough to shock you into a startled cry that makes him smirk. He waits for the safe word, wonders if he's crossed a line, but you don't give it.
"You liked that, didn't you?" Gustave tilts your chin up with the flat side of the knife and you nod wordlessly, "Use your words, ma cherie."
"Yes," you choke out the word and he takes the knife from your neck and moves it to your sternum.
The next cut is deeper and you cry out through gritted teeth as he returns his hand to your aching pussy. Warm blood spills down your chest and to your stomach as he pumps his fingers inside you.
"Should I let you cum?" he murmurs and your defiance washes away as if it's slipped the rung of the ladder it was climbing.
"Please," your lip quivers and he offers you a mock pout as he lowers his mouth to your pussy once more.
This time he eats like a man starved until he feels you clench around his fingers. You throw your head back and moan, which keeps your eyes off the blade that he brings to your other thigh. The final cut is deeper than he intended and you let out a genuine scream when the blade drags across your skin.
Gustave looks up with his brows knit low over his eyes in concern. He's sure he's crossed a line, but when your gaze finds his, you don't offer the safe word. Instead, you pull your lip between your teeth and he feels a jolt go straight to his cock.
He runs the flat side of the knife across the cut, collecting the bright crimson blood on the steel. He brings it to your mouth, the shining metal glinting as he hovers it there.
"Clean it," Gustave's voice is thick as he stands and watches expectantly.
You hesitate, and once again his hand connects with your face. You whimper and extend your tongue, running it along the blunt side of the knife until the blood pools on your tongue. He waits until you swallow and then smiles devilishly.
"Good girl."
His cock is aching as he watches you swallow. He wants so badly to cut the ropes and bend you over the chair. To fuck you until you're begging for mercy.
But the cuts need attention, and he can wait.
Gustave moves to deftly slice the ropes that hold your ankles, then your wrists. He runs his fingers soothingly over the marks left behind and you lean into him, sighing contentedly. He kisses the crown of your head before pulling away and finding the towel he has stashed away.
Carefully, he mops the blood from the wounds until the towel is stained red. He grimaces at the most recent one, silently admonishing himself for his carelessness.
"Are you alright?" he murmurs as he dabs at the cut until it stops bleeding.
You nod and he moves his hand up to stroke your face where he struck it earlier. He finds your gaze and cocks his head, as if to ask 'are you sure?'
"I'm fine, I promise," you smile weakly and he seems content, tossing the towel aside in favor of cupping your chin with his other hand.
"You did well, ma cherie," he smiles warmly, such a swift departure from the man he was just moments ago. His ability to switch in an instant never ceases to amaze you.
Gustave swipes his thumb across your lower lip then kisses you, soft and loving. He worries, even when you don't use the safe word- worries that he's crossed a line or overstepped a boundary. He doesn't want to hurt you, not genuinely anyway.
"I love you," he is sure to hold your gaze as he says it, still searching for a sign that he's done wrong.
"I love you, too."
You smile and he's satisfied.
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codecicle · 8 months
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ghouls (guys) help im in a parasocial relationship with my own boyfriend </3 @felixisfruity
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moving-to-dreamwinged · 8 months
he is so darling babygirl wife precious angel princess love of my life i cant stand it
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57sfinest · 1 year
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kaiserscissors · 7 months
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worked on some paper figures last night
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