#zachary comstock
lulu2992 · 9 months
Speaking of BioShock Infinite, have I ever told you about that time I made a timeline of the BioShock series?
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Tumblr made the image smaller so I’ve uploaded the original here :)
It’s far from being exhaustive because the reason I drew this in the first place was to make sure I really understood Infinite (the ending, especially) and Burial at Sea, so only the most significant and/or pivotal events are featured here. I later added some stuff from the other two games and the Minerva’s Den DLC after playing them. However, the novel BioShock: Rapture isn’t included because I haven’t read it (and it seems it’s generally not considered canon anyway).
I made this 8 years ago (with Paint, haha) but very recently translated it and made some adjustments so I could post it! I didn’t check everything I wrote because it’s been a while since I’ve really thought about the lore of BioShock, so I decided to trust my 2015 self and assume she knew what she was doing :’)
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jillvalart · 2 years
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Bioshock Infinite - Burial at Sea gouache illustration!
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purecalcium66 · 5 months
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my eye ached with preminition and this picture is what i saw there is no thought process behind it
i hope nobody has made this before
look what i found Columbia minecraft map Comstock would totally play this
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the-cosmic-arcade · 2 years
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"𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙢𝙚 𝙖 𝙬𝙖𝙮 𝙤𝙪𝙩, 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙚𝙣𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙝𝙚𝙧..."
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dragonkeeper19600 · 8 months
Been replaying BioShock Infinite, and I just beat the Finktown part of the game where you enter multiple tears to fulfill Daisy Fitzroy's quest.
Booker believes that they're just opening doors to new worlds and stepping through, whereas Elizabeth believes that she's using her powers to create new worlds.
However, looking at the animation at those moments and following cues from the game itself, it seems to me that Elizabeth is actually using the tears to alter the world they're already in.
That would fix a few plot holes, such as why do they never run into a version of Elizabeth in this world (because it's not a new world and there is no "native" version of Elizabeth), why the Comstock in the third world is never surprised to see Booker alive again with Elizabeth in his custody (because most of the game happens in the same world), and why Comstock acts like he's been opposing Booker since the beginning of the game when Booker and Elizabeth believe they only entered World 3 just before the game's second half.
That the Booker in this world is also a hero of the Vox is interesting considering Elizabeth's ability to alter the world based on her desires ("a form of wish-fulfillment" is how she describes it). Is Booker's new backstory a result of her wish that Booker was more invested in the plight of the people of Shantytown and the Vox after Booker had been vocally indifferent? Or, alternatively, is Booker painted as a hero in the new world because Elizabeth does see him as a hero (albeit an incredibly flawed one) for busting her out of the tower?
Or is it some combination of both?
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cardboard-aliens · 1 year
Tfw when Sophia Lamb is a better villain then protag who goes through an arc, towards the end she starts to get tired of everything whereas Comstock remains racist Col. Sanders all the way through.
Also Elizabeth following from Deltas example was much more interesting then Elizabeth being one note vending machine.
There’s more consistency and presence in Lamb than there is in (all of infinite) Comstock. I wouldn’t say she got tired, the last few hours of the game show more commitment to her goal; between torturing Sinclair and blowing up the whole building. Comstock just kind of… dies. Going “haha I won!” but I have no clue why he even thought he was going to get what he wanted at that point.
Not helped by the fact he’s absent most of the game, which I’m not saying he has to be physically present, but I would forget about him going through infinite. His presence didn’t feel like an inescapable pressure the way Lamb (AND Ryan/Fontaine) did. He didn’t feel nearly as influential on most of the events despite being the main antagonist and catalyst behind the city.
But yeah Delta & Eleanor is much more compelling vs Booker Elizabeth. Eleanor feels like she’s growing up, becoming her own person, learning to make her own decisions and get what she wants. Elizabeth’s is more nihilistic, no one has free will no one makes their own choices we’re tied to destiny and things are always going to be the same no matter what blah blah blah cycle of abuse blah blah blah I’m going to burn a child in a vent for no reason. The “naive girl gets hardened by a gruff man” is a trope I’m tired of. There’s more love and hope with Delta & Eleanor while Booker & Elizabeth are both just unenjoyable characters.
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bookerforever · 1 year
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Our light is burning in our souls
(с) Fairy tail
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nexusyokai · 1 year
Bioshock Infinite: Zachary Comstock FanArt
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Top Quote:
"One man goes into the waters of baptism, a different man comes out, born again. But who is that man who lies submerged? Perhaps that swimmer is both sinner and saint, until he is revealed unto the eyes of man."
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mother-maxyne · 1 year
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“The Seed of the Prophet
shall sit the throne ,
and drown in flames ,
the mountain of man . ”
Little sketch of Elizabeth Comstock / Anna DeWitt . Bioshock has kinda been my current brainrot , so have a badly shaded Lizzy .
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lumosgame · 1 year
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lulu2992 · 9 months
A thought I had years ago:
I don’t know if it’s because Drew Holmes, Far Cry 5’s Lead Writer (and the new IP Director for Far Cry since August 2023!) was also a writer on BioShock Infinite, but there are a lot of similarities between the two games. For example, although the main antagonists, Zachary Comstock and Joseph Seed, have different goals, ideologies, and morals, they are both described as prophets and known as “Father”. The two men also see Elizabeth and the Junior Deputy as their “child” and call them “The Lamb” because they believe they are destined to fulfill their respective prophecies.
In Infinite, another character, Rosalind Lutece, famously says (about Elizabeth): “The girl is the flame that shall ignite the world.”
And when they were advertising Far Cry 5, they kept saying that the players’ goal, so the Deputy’s role, was to “spark the fires of resistance.”
When I finished Far Cry 5 and started to process the story, I realized that, in the end, while my Deputy indeed sparked the metaphorical fires of resistance, she also, because of the Voice’s prophecy, inadvertently and indirectly sparked the literal fires of the Collapse.
That girl, the Father’s child and the prophet’s Lamb, ended up being the flame that ignited the world.
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highlifeboat · 2 years
When you replay Bioshock Infinite for the first time in a few years, and you have a great time reliving the nostalgia of it all
Then you get to the ending and remember how n o t g o o d it is.
And you're left like
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shephardofthedamned · 2 years
Mun: Yoooooo! Did y'all folks know there's a BioShock Infinite Eastern Egg in the Cthulu inspired Indie game the Sinking City? I got the game on sale last month & started playing it this week & I just found this Easter Egg & couldn't stop cackling:
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Z. H. Comstock, Zachary Hale Comstock. Commy got to some antics while Booker was stealing his daughter, didn't he?
On a different note: is it just me who thinks Booker & Charles would get along? Y'know, two ex-military P.Is with a sarcastic sense of humour & a grumpy attitude, & that look on their faces like a kicked puppy. No? Just me? OK.
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The YouTube Vs. shorts with BioShock characters are so funny because you’ll get Delta vs. Comstock to slowed Childish Gambino and what should be hydrogen bomb vs. coughing baby ends with Comstock taking a W because they’ll include stats like racism or arthritis.
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mashkara45 · 1 year
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