#zukaang fic
my-cabbages-gorl · 2 months
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The first kiss I drew this to capture the pent up angst of the first kiss between these two in Bewitched - it scratches SUCH an itch to see a scene come to life that has been rolling around in your brain for a while!!
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cupidshootstokill · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aang/Zuko (Avatar) Characters: Aang (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar) Additional Tags: Dubious Consent, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, internalized slut shaming, Transactional Sex, First Time Bottoming, Zuko's Canonical Daddy Issues, Bad Parent Ozai (Avatar), Ozai is a scheming little shit, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Riding Summary:
Now, fully grown, he stands before the killer of his grandfather and destroyer of his nation in the royal ballrooms of Ba Sing Se. Candleflicker amber meets cold, steel grey. The Avatar walks towards him with the grace of a stalking tigerjackal.
Zuko (very badly) seduces the Avatar.
aka AU where Aang unfroze early and destroyed the Fire Nation​
Please mind the tags!
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tachiha3 · 10 months
It's here ya'll!! The english version of 'ishq saccha wahin jisko milti nhi manzilein'.
@zukaangweek day 5 - avatar state/uncontrolled
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Aghhh I ship Zukaang now. I am SUCH a sucker for enemies to lovers. Plssss gimmie recs if you have any!
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lifewtr · 2 years
If It Means a Lot to You | M for Mature | 4420w.
Summary: Zuko has been waiting all year to propose.
The start of spring in Calgary is bright and pretty, all perfectly crisp weather and pale morning sunlight — but spring in Calgary brings rain instead of snow. Four and a half years ago not knowing the seasonal schedule was of no consequence. These days, however, Zuko makes a point to keep the earth’s rotation in mind.
He stirs at something faint, but he wakes fully to the steady pitter patter of rain against the windows of his home office, thunder rolling and his latest defendant’s case papers stuck to his face with cold drool.
“Oh,” slowly Zuko pulls off the papers and sets them away, wipes his mouth across the back of his arm and sits up to stretch. “it's raining.”
He cards his hands through his hair, sleepy eyes training out the droplet covered panes before catching on the bright orange mark on his wall calendar. Today's date is starred in the middle with a rain cloud and a lightning bolt, and only when he turns to check on someone who is not there does he actually realize that he spent the whole night in his study, and that it's raining.
The quietest sound of a muffled whimper makes its way to him.
“Fuck,” Zuko curses sharply under his breath. He gets up and flicks the lights off before he pads down the short flight of stairs, peeking through the railings toward the master bedroom’s cracked door. The house is dim with the rainy dawn light, and he barely makes outlines of anything. “Aang?”
Zuko pushes the bedroom door open and stops. [ x ]
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biconickyoshi · 3 months
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Kuzon to the rescue 🔥
Yesterday I had a random urge to draw Fire Nation Zukaang from my AU The Avatar and the Fire Prince (so Aang is 15yo and Zuko is 16yo here). I also kinda just wanted an excuse to draw Aang with hair :) he kinda looks like Mako now that I think about it lmao... Meanwhile Zuko's giving me major Xie Lian (from Heaven Official's Blessing) vibes for some reason? Maybe it's his long flowing hair...
This isn't from any particular upcoming scene in my fic or anything (though maybe I will write it in when I get to that point, who knows). I imagine the context is they're undercover in the FN and some asshole is trying to punch Zuko - of course Aang is NOT having it. Maybe the puncher is Hide (the bully) from The Headband episode? idk lol
I do also have a version of this where Aang is classic bald Aang, so let me know if y'all wanna see that and I'll add it in the reblogs or somethin :)
btw if any of y'all recognize or can guess what the pose reference for this is from, you get a gold star (hint: it's gay)!
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woodlaflababab · 3 months
So, I got heavily inspired by this art by shange0211/Yishu and wanted to write a quick fic
This is just a snippet of Aang teaching Zuko how to dance.
“Okay!” Aang started, brushing his hands over his robe to dispel nonexistent dust, “now that you know some simple solo moves, I want to teach you how to dance with other people.”
Zuko, who had progressively been getting over his reservations about this whole thing, went right back to looking at Aang like he was crazy. “What?”
“You know, dancing with a partner. Like the dragon dance, but uh,” Aang rubbed at the back of his head, “less firebending lessons.”
Zuko blinked at him a few times before putting his hands up and turning around. “No, I'm done.”
Before Zuko could take more than three steps, Aang was by his side, clinging to an arm. “Zuko!” Aang practically whined. “Come on, you've come this far, and dancing with other people is even more fun than dancing solo.” He tugged on Zuko's arm. “At least give it a shot.”
Zuko, becoming very familiar with this particular weakness of his, sighed and let Aang drag him to the middle of the room again.
“Okay, before I teach you any Fire Nation dances, I actually think we should start with a basic Earth Kingdom one.”
Zuko wrinkled his nose in distaste. “Why?”
“Fire Nation dances, while not as complicated as Water Tribe or air dances,” as Aang spoke, he backed away from Zuko and slid one hand behind his back while holding the other up in front of him, “move around, a lot.” With that, Aang started some dance routine, quickly moving across the floor. 
As he went, working his way around the room in a large circle, Zuko felt like he could kind of see where Aang was completing half of a dance, watching him move as though there was some phantom he danced with that only he could see. Zuko decided not to examine his immediate dislike for this theoretical phantom too closely.
After a bit, Aang seemed to close up his dance, coming to stand before Zuko once again and holding his hands neatly behind his back before dropping them. “Earth kingdom dances, however, tend to be simpler and easier to learn. At least,” he shrugged, “the common ones. There are a lot of special dances they do in specific cities or areas but I don't know a whole lot of those.”
Zuko had to refrain from snorting. Imagine that, Aang not knowing something. The way he went on sometimes, one would think he'd seen everything there was to see.
Aang paused for a second to think before lighting up again. “Oh! I know which one we can start with. It's actually a nobleman's dance, the rich people do it at parties and stuff, and it's really simple, give me your hand.” He stuck his own hand out expectantly.
Zuko hesitated just to nonverbally make the point that he thought this was stupid, but placed his hand inside Aang's nonetheless. He was then immediately thrown off his game as Aang pulled him forward so his hand could go on Aang's waist while Aang's went to his shoulder. Before Zuko could really catch up, Aang already had his other hand and was holding it out to their sides.
“This is the basic stance. Sometimes you break apart for other moves, but for the most part, you get to just stay like this and it's all in the foot work.” 
Aang grinned up at Zuko like that was supposed to reassure him, but Zuko was still trying to process the current situation.
“There's two parts to this, the lead and the follow. You should start by learning to lead though, that's what you're doing.” He nodded his head toward the side where he had his hand on Zuko's shoulder and Zuko's hand on his waist like that was supposed to mean anything to Zuko. “Now, just follow my steps. It's a basic three moves, okay?”
Aang looked up at him expectantly, and Zuko figured it sounded simple enough. Then something else occurred to him. “Wait, if I'm ‘leading’ why are you,” he hesitated as he tried to figure out how to word it, “leading?” was the word he uselessly landed on.
Thankfully Aang understood what he meant and let out a light easy laugh that coaxed some of the gathering tension from Zuko's shoulders. “It's just the name for things. Dancing isn't something you think about, you just do it. It doesn't matter what words you use, just follow me.”
“Whatever you say.” Zuko muttered.
Aang nodded before slowly taking a step back. It, a bit embarrassingly, took Zuko a second to figure out how he was supposed to follow Aang, but when he stepped forward to match Aang's movement, the proud grin he got as a reward seemed so much more poignant that close up.
Aang moved his other leg back in a bit of a sweep and Zuko, expecting it this time, followed along easily enough, ended by them bringing their feet back together. “Great!” Aang praised. “Now it's the same thing but backward, so now you step back.”
As he obeyed and repeated the moves backward, he found it was strangely gratifying as Aang moved with him step for step.
“Now we just do that box again.” With that, Aang once again stepped back.
Zuko followed after him as they moved smoothly through the cycle. It felt almost as easy as breathing, moving and matching Aang step for step and despite how simple the repetitive moves were, he was captivated. The flow of it, the simple trust that each step would be matched, how close they could be together and yet never run into each other. 
He found himself staring at Aang as Aang watched their hands for some reason Zuko was sure he'd never really understand. The simple focus in Aang, the ease with which he did everything, as though there really was nothing to think about, just movements shared, it was all fascinating to Zuko.
So much so that it took Zuko a moment to realize he was probably staring too hard when Aang turned back to him and gave him a weird look. Then it was Zuko's turn to look at their hands, but even that caught his eye in such an unexpected way. Getting to see the blue arrow cradled in his own hand as they glided over the floor, never wavering, like it was meant to rest there, caused a confusing flux of emotion he couldn't quite name.
Not that he'd ever been particularly good at that to begin with, but he felt even more lost than usual, like there was something he was missing.
Zuko's focus snapped back to Aang who was looking at him with an amused confusion. “You look like you're thinking, and I'm pretty sure I just said no thinking.” He teased and thankfully didn't ask about the thinking. Zuko had no idea how he'd answer.
So instead he latched onto the familiar easiness of teasing. “Sorry, not all of us can magically turn off our brains whenever we want.”
Aang's wide amused grin was almost difficult to witness when he was standing that close. “It's really not that hard. Maybe I should teach you how to meditate next.”
Zuko scowled. “I know how to meditate.”
“But you're really bad at it.” Aang pointed out without mercy. “Besides, maybe if I'm there it'll be easier to not overthink things.”
Zuko, for some strange reason, highly doubted that.
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lady-tortilla-chip · 3 months
The only good thing to come out of the LA is the way an influx of Zukaang people have found my fics
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quillthrillswriting · 2 months
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has anyone ever wondered just how different aang and zuko's first battle would be if aang had been frozen at age 16...?
the following is an excerpt from my draft of ch2 of my new fanfic, "the teenager in the iceberg" on ao3. happy reading!!!
Because before she could speak, before Aang could speak, horns blared through the crisp air outside. Horns the entire village knew, horns that prompted screams from children. 
Another Fire Nation raid.
Aang didn’t pause, didn’t let himself hesitate. Katara didn’t blame him. She was sure that if he thought about it for more than a few moments, he’d crumble entirely, and considering the situation they were now in, they couldn’t afford for Aang to sort through everything.
Katara didn’t realise how dire a situation it was until the three of them had reached the gates to the village, and Katara watched as the hull broke through centuries old ice as if it were butter. Sokka ran ahead as the bow of the ship split open in a rush of steam and machinery. Katara felt the blood drain from her face as she saw who stepped out. The Fire Nation prince. The one who had been scarred by his own father. He was here, in her village. Terror began to set in.
Prince Zuko wrinkled his nose at Sokka as though he was nothing more than an inanimate obstacle in his way, and shoved him aside, his soldiers following suit. 
“I have come here for the Avatar. For my honour,” Zuko snarled, his words a sharp, lethal weapon. “I know he’s here. I saw his beacon. He should be an older man? Master of all four elements?” His eyes swept through the crowd, passing right over Aang as his gaze narrowed on Gran and the other village elders. Katara felt Aang tense beside her.
With no warning, Zuko and his soldiers blasted a wave of fire straight for the grandmothers and grandfathers who had huddled together. 
And their fire was met by a gust of wind so powerful that it sucked the very oxygen out of the air, extinguishing their flame before it got anywhere near their targets. 
Zuko whirled around, his voice contorting in anger at the sight of Aang, standing tall and proud with his staff in one hand and a constantly spinning sphere of wind in the other. 
“You?” Zuko spat, seething. “I’ve trained for years to face the Avatar. You’re just a teenager.”
Aang, somewhat caught off guard, leaned back, raising an eyebrow in confusion, a teasing grin on his face once he’d realised that he’d managed to bother the Fire Prince himself. 
“...S- so are you...?"
Zuko straightened, fire flaring in his eyes, his fists tightening as the air around them began to sizzle and steam. “A child. A child managed to outmanoeuvre me. A mere boy was running circles around the entire crew I command for years.”
“No, a teenager. C’mon, give me my credit, I had a whole growth spurt and everything, do I really still look like a child to you?” Aang put on a falsely sincere tone, venom behind his words as he bent his knees and tensed his body into a defensive stance. “You hurt this village, or its people, and you’ll see just how much more than ‘just a teenager’ I am.”
Zuko scoffed, fire again lighting up his palm. “Big talk for a pacifist monk.”
“Sure, as a monk, I won’t start a fight.” Aang grinned. “But I can finish them.”
♥ check out the first chapter of this (ongoing) fic & my ao3 here! ->
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shehungthemoon · 2 months
ok anyone have any little zukaang fic prompts? i need them in my life and i just gotta start providing for myself🥺
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my-cabbages-gorl · 2 months
Inheritance, Zukaang one-shot
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Written for @zukaangservercommunity Mini Bingo April 2024 under the (extremely loose interpretation of) prompt, "festival" Summary: Aang and Zuko spend a wine and laughter-soaked night reading through unsent letters from Sozin to Roku on the eve of Aang's 27th birthday festival. Rating: T+
Tags: Angst, Romance, heavy flirting, implied sexual content, no explicit smut, Aged-Up characters, Post-Canon, Aang is 27 & Zuko's 31 Blurb: By tomorrow afternoon there would be hundreds of people from all four nations pouring into the Southern Air Temple to celebrate the festivities of Aang’s 27th birthday celebration. Zuko carved a day out of his schedule to arrive early- he wanted to surprise Aang with a gift. He wrote to him asking if they could spend one day together before the festival- just the two of them. There was an unexpected lurch in Zuko's stomach as he unfurled his letter that read “Come as many days early as you can make time for” in Aang’s flowy script. Word count: 6,712 Read on Ao3
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bard-llama · 2 days
The Fire Lord's New Hair Pin
In the Fire Nation, gifting a hair pin is a way to propose marriage. So when Fire Lord Zuko is seen with a new hair accessory, the rumor mill goes wild trying to figure out who might’ve given it to him.
Read on AO3
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tachiha3 · 10 months
So I wrote an angsty hindi fic for @zukaangweek. Beware, it's not happy. I'll post the English version soon.
translation : true is the love that can't reach destinations
Summary : Zuko has to let Aang go. Aang can't know about the 'has to' part.
day 5 : avatar state/uncontrolled
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Schoolboy Crush (zukaang)
Part 1:The Meet-cute(with fiery tension!)
Aang grinned, the wind in his face as his penguin slid down the hill. He was speeding down and then… whoomp! The fire nation person attacking Sokka lost balance as Aang slid under his legs. Aang couldn't see it, but he could hear the shout of surprise and "Oomph-" as he landed on his face. 
Aang's penguin bucked him off as he slid to stop in front of Katara, Sokka, and the village.
"Hey, Katara! Hey, Sokka!" The 115-year-old airbender greeted. 
"Hey, Aang." Sokka grumpily replied. He had grey and black paint on his face, probably a water tribe custom. "Thanks for coming."
Aang turned back to soldiers. "No pro-" he stopped, frozen. Not literally, even though the South Pole was probably cold to someone who couldn't regulate their temperature.
The soldier he had knocked over had gotten up, smoothly rising to his feet. He had such… presence. Such confidence. 
His brow furrowed in concentration, his handsome haughty as he extended his arms, and then fell into a firebending stance. Aang watched his elegant posture, his strong, armor plated arms, torso, and chest, before he realized fire nation soldiers were surrounding him.
This probably wasn't the best time to stare, slack jawed. Aang rose, but didn't fall into a defensive stance. He struck… some kind of pose. He was going for charming and cool.
"So, handsome," he smirked, hoping he looked roguish and charming. "You're looking for me? I'm flattered!"
The soldiers were a bit too close for comfort, interrupting this meet-cute Aang and Fire-guy had going on, so Aang blew them back a couple feet, using his most elegant and exaggerated moves.
Fire-guy was slack jawed, obviously wowed by Aang's skilled flirtation and impressive bending. Aang puffed out his chest and grinned widely.
Then Fire-guy spluttered, cheeks flaming. The snow melted off his armor, and Fire-guy fell into a powerful, defensive stance. His brow furrowed, and a concentrated frown tugged down his beautiful pink lips. He was SOOO HOTTT, the confidence, the subtle firebending like it was nothing, his face, the strength! 
"You're the airbender?!" Fire-guy exclaimed, and the awe in his tone was enough to encourage Aang's confidence, despite the undoubted danger.
Aang's cheeks heated, and a smile tugged up his face as Fire-guy asked, "You're the Avatar?"
He heard Sokka and Katara voice their surprise, but he tamped down his guilt to focus. Fire-guy was coming closer, strong arms flexed into a fighting stance.
"I've spent years preparing for this encounter," he said, his voice smooth and almost soft. Aang felt weak. He knew this probably wasn't intentionally romantic, but boyyyyy, was it hot.
"Training, meditating," Fire-guy continued, his large, practiced hands flexing into a firebending stance, still walking closer. He was pretty short, only had about an inch or so on Aang himself, who had yet to get his growth spurt.
Aang was forced to step back, due to Fire-guy's offensive position. But he wasn't discouraged, he and Fire-guy had common ground! "I meditate too! Y'k-" 
Fire-guy spoke right over him. Rude! 
"You're just a child." He snarled, and Aang scowled. 
"We're like, the same age! And you're just a teenager!" This was banter, this was fine. 
Fire-guy looked like he was about to say something, his beautiful face screwed up in focused concentration. 
"A very hot teenager!" Aang rushed to add, winking with his most charming smile.
Fire-guy's frown slipped, replaced by surprise, and hopefully the good kind. He spluttered again, and the soldiers with him traded looks. 
"Hot?!" He squeaked, voice cracking slightly. Aang grinned wide, stepping closer, but Fire-guy regained his footing and sent a burst of fire at him. 
Aang nearly didn't dodge in time, watching Fire-guy's arms and torso move in smooth, strong, practiced motions, and then beautiful fire follow the path of his arms.
"Hey, could you keep the fire pointed slightly away?" Aang requested politely, grin ever so slightly forced. "Not that wasn't sexy as-" Another burst of fire stopped inches from his face. 
Aang blocked streaks of fire deftly and skillfully. Hopefully, this would impress Fire-guy, like some kind of courting ritual, and then Aang could show him- well, no, Fire-guy would have to show him some places to have a good time 100 years in the future. 
But then a fire blast was aimed at the village kids behind him, and Aang pushed it upward with surprising force. His jaw set, and he couldn't help but feel disappointed. 
"If I go with you, will you promise to leave everyone alone?" Aang asked. He didn't exactly want to be captured, he hoped for sweeping him off his feet and leaving the army forever, but the village's safety came first.
Fire-guy stepped back, arms falling to his sides before crossing over his chest, and Aang's beautiful soon-to-be boyfriend (fingers crossed!) nodded silently. He was so distinguished and honorable. Probably not trustworthy, but who needed trust when you were as gorgeous as him!
Guards came up from behind him and clamped their hands on his shoulders. Aang gathered his confidence as he was marched forward into the ship. 
He heard Katara shout, "Aang, don't do this!" He looked back at the Water Tribe siblings, forcing an encouraging smile. 
"I'll be fine! Just ough-" his words hitched as a soldier shoved him forward. He'd have to have a talk with the guy once Fire-guy had fallen for him and everything had been cleared up. 
"Take care of Appa for me! Remember to-" his voice is cut off as the ship's door closes, and Aang feels like he's been swallowed by a monster.
He squares his shoulders and looks ahead to Fire-guy's proud stride. He's about to crack a joke when Fire-guy shouts, "Set a course for the Fire Nation!" As attractive as his confident command is, Aang still feels dread pool in his stomach, and he barely swallows through the lump in his throat.
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erisenyo · 11 months
could you do aang + zuko, "shit, are you bleeding?!" perhaps ? :)
For this prompt game!
“Watch out.”
“It’s fine,” Aang says, ignoring the water soaking the knees of his pants as he leans out over the reeds. “Look at how big it is! It just came here on its own? Oh, and the babies! They’re—”
“Watch out,” Zuko cautions again.
“—so cu—ow!” Aang yelps, snatching his hand back as the momma snapping turtle swan hisses again, beak poised. “Ow,” he repeats, huffing, ruefully shaking his bit fingers out as the baby turtle swans serenely bob around the reeds. So cute.
“Told you,” Zuko says without looking up from the thread of rainbow fire he’s playing between his fingers, feigning disinterest and lips curled up around the edges.
“I think I should try again,” Aang decides, grinning at the sight of Zuko’s amusement.
“Aang,” Zuko chides, laughing, a good sound, raspy and light and making the breeze around them feel skipping and playful against his bending.
“I think we can be best friends,” Aang says, putting on his most earnest expression.
“Uh huh,” Zuko says, indulgent.
“I think if I just try real hard—”
“Shit, are you bleeding?” Zuko laughs, incredulous. “I told you she wasn’t messing around.”
“Nope.” Aang promptly hides his definitely bleeding finger behind his back. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Let me see it,” Zuko says, reaching, and Aang can’t resist sticking out his tongue and leaning away, Zuko rolling his eyes and sticking out his tongue back before trying to snag Aang’s arm from behind his back.
Aang twiss, laughing and holding his hand far out as Zuko leans over him, hiding it behind his back again to wiggle away from Zuko’s barely-longer arms, both of them squirming and laughing as they fight for his hand.
“Aang,” Zuko huffs, no edge to his annoyance when he’s smiling like that. And he is smiling like that, so Aang wavers a moment before rolling away into a crouch so he can see it better.
“Zuko,” Aang lizard parrots back, feeling his own smile stretching just as wide.
“You should let me look at that.”
“Maybe you should catch me if you want to look that bad,” Aang teases, delighted by the way Zuko’s eyes narrow in mock offense.
Then Zuko lunges forward, faster and sharper and Aang actually needing to put a puff of air behind jumping away.
"Cheating," Zuko accuses, flicking a little tongue of rainbow fire, easily batted away and barely even disturbing the turtle ducks—they’re used to it, after all, the snapping turtle swans less so, but they will be if they stay.
"You didn't say no bending," Aang grins, careful to only flick a little shower of sparks back as he ducks away even though he feels like he could fill the entire sky above Caldera with fireworks right now with how overfull he is, the way he always feels whenever he gets to see Zuko happy and relaxed and playful this way, whenever he gets to taste that different edge of Zuko's fire—
“It’s different for everyone,” Zuko shrugs, frowning in concentration as he tosses a little ball of sparkling fire up and down. “Taste is common, though. Uncle says it's like tea for him.”
“Mine is just…” Aang searches for words, huffing a little when he can’t seem to find any that match the sensation-feeling-awareness of meeting someone else’s fire with his fire sense.
“Yeah,” Zuko agrees, shooting him a small little smile before focusing on his ball again. “Taste isn’t it, but it isn’t not it, so—” A shrug. “Taste.”
“What’s it for you?” Aang asks, rolling onto his side to watch Zuko better, itching to reach a thread out for the fire in Zuko’s hands and knowing not to do it without permission. That at least is still the same as a hundred years ago. 
“I hear it,” Zuko says, thoughtful, before his lips suddenly twist into a little smirk. “Azula smells it,” he adds, like its a secret, a joke, an invitation, something just for them. “Maybe that’s why she always looks like she’s smelling something bad.”
Aang giggles at the idea, calling out a little tongue of his own flame. “None of the other elements are like this,” he marvels. They tug at and pull on his senses in different ways, in ways that sometimes make him feel dizzy trying to balance, but not like this.
Zuko shrugs, and calls out a second curl of fire. “None of the other elements come from inside you.”
—it's fizzing and light like this, where it used to be bitter and acrid. It makes Aang think of sun-warm plums on a hot day and Aang wonders, as they play, if Aang's fire has always sounded the same to Zuko or whether Zuko can hear the small shifts that have built over time—tones and pitches and melodies, maybe—the way Kuzon used to tell stories of people finding each other by their fire, the way the plays sometimes have the big reveal though an inadvertent flame.
Zuko is a good enough bender that he could, if he knew how.
And Zuko’s made enough comments that Aang thinks Zuko knows what those different tones would mean.
And Zuko is smiling at him still, and playful with him still, and fizzing and bubbling against his fire sense still, and Aang wonders what it would all be like if Zuko felt as warm and bright and heart-racing-excited-happy-so-happy as Aang does right now. If maybe it would feel exactly like this. If maybe it would taste like sun-warm plums on a hot day.
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biconickyoshi · 3 months
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Cave of Two Lovers… but make it Zukaang ❤️🔥🧡
Boutta post the next chapter of The Avatar and the Fire Prince (I kinda can't believe it's gonna be the 30th chapter overall, like wow), which is my adaptation of this episode! I needed to post this on tumblr first so that I can copy the link to put the image in the chapter lol.
Fun fact! The original draft of this chapter was actually written wayyy back in late 2021 when I first brainstormed up this AU, just as a bit of practice to see if I could get invested enough to justify actually turning the premise into a full-fledged fic. Obviously, it worked!
I did have to go back through and not only fix some grammar and whatnot since my writing style has changed (improved tbh) in the 2+ years since I originally wrote it, but also beef it up a little in terms of Zukaang thoughts/interactions. Not much has changed overall in terms of the direction this chapter goes, but I very much tried to make sure all of Aang and Zuko’s interactions were unique to them and not just a retread of what happens between Kataang in canon lol.
I literally never could have imagined when I first wrote this chapter that I would actually become majorly invested in this fic, and that so many other people would too! I’m getting close to 2k kudos now and I can hardly believe it - especially since starting out this fic was my first attempt at writing fanfiction since 2015 😭
I really hope you guys enjoy the chapter - just like The Fortuneteller, this one has been much-anticipated! :)
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