tarot-duality-art · 2 months
V. The Hierophant 
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Medium: Gouache on  paper
Key Words: Conventionality, Institution, Tradition, Rebel, Maverick, Confinement 
Description: For many women, marriage is an expected obligation to take on in life. Often it can feel inescapable, and to rebel against that expectation can feel villainous. The Hierophant is both a symbol of traditionality and institution, but a reminder these things can tangle us up, like a spider’s web. Whether or not we rebel and redefine ourselves depends on our perspective. Are we the spider or the prey?
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tarot-duality-art · 2 months
XVIII. The Moon
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Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Key Words: Surreal, Subconscious, Shadow Self, Confusion, Mixed Signals, Hazy 
Description:  The Moon harkens back to hazy, dreamy imagery. The environment around her seems to drag and smear into her. Often when we are overwhelmed, we can feel disassociated with reality, falling into a distant, foggy version of life. Thoughts move aflutter around us, but do not seem to grab our attention. It becomes easy to be lost to the noise of life, become part of the background. 
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tarot-duality-art · 2 months
IV. The Emperor 
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Medium: Digital
Key Words: Authority, Ambition, Power, Tyranny, Domination, Headstrong
Description: With power and authority there is a sense of control, but less often we focus on what is lost. With domination we often find ourselves losing others along the way. Just as the emperor sits in a space built from his ambition, a somber spirit oozes out around him. We see traces of a woman lost, maybe due to his tyrannical nature. In wanting control over our own lives we often forget we cannot control others. 
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tarot-duality-art · 2 months
VI. The Lovers
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Medium: Color pencil on paper
Key Words: Love, Alignment, Choices, Imbalance, Misalignment, Differences
Description: Love is something that requires synchrony between both people. When there is misalignment it leads to imbalance and pain. The butterflies call back to the portrait for “XVIII. The Moon” with a warmer color pallet. Love opens us up to life but also opens us to pain. As he mourns the skull of his perhaps lover, the man is swarmed by butterflies. Butterflies are a recurring symbol of transformation, and manifestation of powerful emotion.
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tarot-duality-art · 2 months
XV. The Devil
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Medium: Charcoal on paper
Key Words: Addiction, Enslavement, Fears, Awareness, Breaking Free, Empowerment 
Description: We are all controlled by something in our lives, even if it’s just our emotions. There is this tangible sense of control that can wreck our lives and limit us. In trying to break free of these feelings, we often find ourselves fighting invisible forces. However, to resist what controls us is to reclaim power. The crossing of the man’s arms resembles the placement in a straight jacket, a device meant to prevent people from harming themselves. Both in falling victim to our additions and breaking away from them we can harm ourselves, but there is still something empowering about resisting. 
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tarot-duality-art · 2 months
VIII. Strength
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Medium: Digital
Key Words: Fierce, Endurance, Courage, Apprehensive, Doubtful, Anxious 
Description: People often find themselves torn on whether to act or remain passive. However we do not fear the action itself, but the consequences. We fear that in tempting to conquer one enemy we will be forced to face the wrath of the other. Here too, the fish man stares with freshly bloodied hands, surrounded by the evidence and guilt of what he’s done, while encircled by the other eel. In trying to claim the life of the first eel, he’s found himself facing another but with blood in the water. There’s a sense of doubt on his face, perhaps regret at what he’s done. 
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tarot-duality-art · 2 months
III. The Empress
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Medium: Digital
Key Words: Goddess, Femininity, Mother Earth, Dependence, Attachment, Fruitlessness
Description: The empress sits on a throne of crystals, decked in jewels. With her position comes wealth and abundance. However, there is something cold and sinister about her. She sits alone in a cavern, looking out into what must be an expanse of nothingness. Despite her power, she has bore nothing of life. Even on a throne of abundance there is a sense of being alone.
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tarot-duality-art · 2 months
XIV. Temperance
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Medium: Digital
Key Words: Balance, Patience, Synergy, Imbalance, Discord, Frustration
Description: In navigating life, we often find ourselves balancing different, conflicting emotional states. Frustration and patience often fight for control. In patience there is enlightenment and clarity, with frustration we allow anger to take root inside of us. Just as emotions can consume us, they also bleed into our environment. However juxtaposed these emotions may seem, they are not actually in conflict. Rather they both feed each other, just as both bloom the flowers in this piece. 
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tarot-duality-art · 2 months
IX. The Hermit
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Medium: Digital
Key Words: Soul-Searching, Reflection, Truth, Loneliness, Confinement, Withdrawal
Description: There’s something beautiful about discovering something truly special and unique. Just as a journey alone leaves you with nobody to enjoy your discoveries with. When I made this piece I imagine that when others learn of the pond they will want to see it too, ultimately leading to its destruction. As we seek truths in our own life, we might also cause harm to our sense of self. 
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tarot-duality-art · 2 months
I. The Magician
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Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Key Words: Invention, Manifestation, True Potential, Trickery, Manipulation, Untapped Potential 
Description: The Magician channels a kind of magic and trickery that is hard to see past. But with impressive talent, often comes a failure to push yourself. When you become tied to your strengths, it becomes easy to sit comfortably and not push yourself to your fullest potential. Other times, we hide ourselves behind our talents to prevent others seeing through to who we really are. 
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tarot-duality-art · 2 months
XIII. Death
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Medium: Digital
Key Words: Change, Ending, Rebirth, Fear, Uncertainty, Resisting Change
Description: This card depicts a ghost-like figure sitting in a field of daffodils. Death is often depicted as this cold and cruel idea, but it can also be rebirth and a new era of warmth. Just as nature cycles through life and death, we too cycle through our own eras. To resist this flow of life brings turbulence, but to sit and admire it bring serenity. Just as the girl seems at peace, looking of into the distance, we too must look forward. Even in death, she is surrounded by light and life, as the world continues beyond any individual's time. 
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tarot-duality-art · 2 months
XIX. The Sun
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Medium: Digital
Key Words: Positive Vibes, Warmth, Radiance, Lackluster Cloudy, Unrealistic 
Description: The Sun is radiance, warmth, and a feeling of positivity. There is warmth and comfort in her smile. However, positivity alone is not enough to complete the journey. She has a kind of radiance and glow that makes her feel distant, and otherworldly. The sun can also be full of ego, overconfidence, and determined to outshine those around.
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tarot-duality-art · 2 months
XVI. The Tower
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Medium: Digital
Key Words: Destruction, Abrupt Change, Lightning, Warning, Fear of Change Avoidance
Description: Just like a lightning strike, change is abrupt. It can be startling and distracting, drawing us away from the progress we made and the transformation happening around us. Out of fear of the change, we fail to notice what happens around us. Often what seems like lightning can often be a catalyst for positive growth in our lives.
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tarot-duality-art · 2 months
A Journey Through Tarot: Reflecting on Duality and Transformation
I invite you to embark on a journey with me—a journey that traverses the realms of spirituality, art, and self-discovery. As someone who has navigated the complexities of religious identity, finding solace and expression in the rich symbolism of Tarot, I've come to appreciate the profound interplay between art and spirituality.
Years ago, in the midst of a transformative period of my life, I channeled my explorations and questions into an art portfolio centered on the duality of Tarot cards. Each piece was a testament to the multifaceted nature of identity, belief, and character—highlighting the beautiful spectrum of possibilities that lie within us all. These pieces were not just illustrations; they were reflections of a journey, my journey, from the rigid confines of religious orthodoxy to the liberating realms of spiritual exploration.
I am now ready to share this journey with you. On my Tumblr page, you will find a series of posts showcasing my Tarot card interpretations, including my latest piece, "The Tower," symbolizing upheaval, transformation, and ultimately, rebirth. This card, in particular, encapsulates the significant changes I've undergone since embarking on this artistic and spiritual voyage.
But this is more than just an exhibition; it's an invitation to dialogue and reflection. I encourage you to explore these pieces, read their descriptions, and contemplate what resonates with you. Which card speaks to your current path? Which aspects of transformation and duality are you navigating in your own life?
Engage and Reflect:
Share your thoughts and reflections in the comments. Let's create a space for open dialogue about spirituality, identity, and the art that connects us.
If a particular piece or card resonates with you, I'd love to hear why. How do you see your journey reflected in these symbols?
Feel free to share your own stories of spiritual exploration, transformation, or any Tarot interpretations you hold dear.
Shared Experience:
Art, at its core, is about connection. Through sharing my Tarot interpretations, I hope not only to connect with you over shared themes of transformation and exploration but also to offer a piece of myself. My journey—reflected in these cards—is one of challenge, growth, and ultimately, acceptance. By engaging with these pieces, perhaps we can all find a bit of ourselves in the art and in each other.
This project is a culmination of reflection, creativity, and personal evolution. It represents not an end, but a new chapter in my spiritual and artistic journey. I'm honored to share it with you and excited to see where this dialogue takes us.
Join me on this journey. Let's explore the depths of our identities, the nuances of our beliefs, and the art that emerges from our collective experiences.
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