Pufferfish Army 4 Life!
Join the Pufferfish Army (follow the account pufferfisharmy4life on instagram) and help protect our coral reefs from the evil Minion Regime!
We’re planning to do something big with the account when we have the following to actually make an impact.
Join the war effort, take down the Minion Regime, protect our coral reefs!! Join the Pufferfish Army!!
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1) The Crystal Shard by R.A. Salvatore
2) Shanghai Girls by Lisa See
3) Insanity: Jeff the Killer by Neesha Nickleson
What is your favourite book?
It can be your top 3 if you really can’t decide
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He chonp
(He’s trying to groom me)
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Mr. Pibb is apparently spicy cherry flavored and my only question is how? It tastes like off brand Pepsi, not spicy cherry. 
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I had to give my cat a bath because momma wouldn’t stop complaining about how stinky he was. What a stinky bastard man.
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I have to sit with him in the tub because he tries to escape. My poor baby boy, he hates baths.
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I Like Doing Goofy Things: A Series
Today I wrapped yellow pipecleaners around the arms of my glasses. They hurt my eyes and look terrible but I love it. My glasses are fluffy and that’s all that matters.
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Torturing my Cats, Episode 1: Flower Crowns
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They put up with so much. My poor babies.
Short story: I put this up on the wrong blog a few days ago, which was a pretty big oppsies (it didn’t match the blog’s aesthetics at all). So yeah, if you saw it there just know I stole my own post. Because I’m so unoriginal I stole my own post.
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Trying to Write Something Good for Once
I got this idea after having a strange late night conversation with Cookie. I decided, since I can’t draw the image in my mind, I’ll try and write it! It’s going slow and steady but, progress is progress. Every story is one step closer to bettering my writing.
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On this episode of Torturing Kilometers:
I memorized the Elmo’s World theme song. It’s only like 4 lines but I did it. I forced him to listen to the one hour version of the song, we only got 8 minutes in but it was enough to memorize the song. While we were walking down the hallway I sang the song.
He threatened to pick me up and throw me. This poor boi, he puts up with so much bull.
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Random Thing That Made me Giggle
My history teacher, Mr. Smith, shows his wife all the crazy shit I look up.
We take our tests on the Ipads and Mr. Smith uses the Bluetooth to monitor what we do, ya know, to keep us from cheating an all that.
Since history is really easy for me, I finish most tests very quickly, meaning I have free range of the internet for the rest of class.
I find incredibly stupid stuff funny. Like, I lose my mind over the dumbest shit. This year my newest obsession has been weird furbys. (My personal favourite is the hamburglar furby, look it up!)
Now, my history teacher can see all the dumb shit I look up. All the weird furbys he never asked for and more. Today, he told me he saves some of the pictures I look at to show his wife. Like, “Hey, look at the abomination my student looked up today”. I’m so curious about her reactions. So very curious.
Now, you may be asking, why did this topic come up in class? Well, he decided to out me to the whole class. He even showed one girl exactly what I was lookin at. (A furby with demented frog legs and a toothed mouth in its gut.) Of course, I’m giggling like a madman, she sees and freaks out, clearly confused and concerned, and Mr. Smith says “And, she finishes her tests fast, so I get a full 30 minutes of this nightmare fuel.”
This poor man.
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I Have Found My Next Target
It’s a book called ‘Trigger Warning’ and I HATE it. I’m gonna read it so hard.
It’s a political book, and while I may not be particularly political, I still want to read and review this book. It’s poorly written as well as being out of touch.
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Those are the two teeths I could keep, the doctor had to cut the other two in half, so I couldn’t keep them.
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I Got My Wisdom Teeths Out!!
And I feel like garbage. It’s day 2 of my wisdom teethless journey, my cat has kept me great company and makes me feel better emotionally.
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That Awkward Moment...
When you haven’t posted in like a week because you wanted to lie on the kitchen floor and stare at the ceiling for ten hours straight after baking egg tarts for two hours.
I don’t do much with my life.
It’s kind if sad, really.
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It’s Gone Live!!
I have finally posted my review as well as finally revealed the name of the book!
Honestly, I had too much fun reading INSANITY it was both rage inducing and genuinely enjoyable.
When Cookie edited my story the ending threw her for a loop! And honestly, it threw me for a loop too. I knew I didn’t want to end it on a negative note, but actually recommending it? That was a shock to even me!
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INSANITY Is Insanely Bad
SPOILER WARNING: I talk about the ending of this book in-depth. If you’d like to read INSANITY for yourself, I suggest doing it before reading this.
INSANITY: JEFF THE KILLER is a 76 paged, published work of ‘original’ self-insert fanfiction written by Neesha Nickleson. It’s, clearly, based on the infamous Jeff the Killer creepypasta, the middle half of the book copies the original story beat for beat with only a few minor changes. For those you don’t know, here’s a quick rundown. Jeffery Woods is a teenage boy who experiences a psychotic breakdown after being horrifically burned and beaten by a group of bullies. This ends in him killing his entire family, taking on the persona of Jeff the Killer, and becoming a brutally prolific serial killer. We’re off to a great start. Everyone knows what fanfictions and creepypastas are, but if someone out there is unaware, fanfiction is a genre of online literature where fans of, anything really, write original fiction based heavily on or in the world of a particular show, movie, or book. Creepypastas are online horror stories, some are fantastic, others are below average.
Now that that’s out of the way, it’s time to begin. Honestly, the plot of INSANITY can be summed up in a single sentence: Senseless violence that goes nowhere fast. The only thing of note about the plot of this book is the disturbing amount of murder and how romanticized it is. It’s genuinely concerning. The way murder is addressed and used makes the book seem more like a revenge murder fantasy than just an average, everyday bad, fanfiction. Granted, it’s about a serial killer, but that doesn’t really help with the murder fantasy feel. If you took out all the violence, the plot would be nonexistent.
The only reason a published book should have spelling or grammatical errors is if the book has been: 1) Written by someone who doesn’t speak English as a first language or naturally write in English, or 2) The book has been poorly translated into English. Those are the only reasons a published book should have spelling or grammatical mistakes. One or two mistakes are acceptable, because no one is perfect, but to have multiple errors is just lazy writing and editing. Three times in this book there were random quotation marks in places they should not be, three times. ‘“Oh come on, it won’t be that bad.”’ Mallory grabbed Naomi by her shirt”’ Nickleson wrote on page 3. Why is there a quotation mark after shirt? Is Mallory speaking in third person? No, this is simply a mistake on the author’s part, a mistake that is easily fixable. Not all errors/mistakes are actual mistakes, some are just poor writing technique. ‘I always get this feeling when something bad is about to happen. I got that feeling on the way to camp and something usually always does happen.’ Nickleson wrote on page 1. While this isn’t technically a grammatical error, some simple rewording and revising/editing would’ve made the sentence less clunky and awkward. A lot in this book would’ve been fixed if there had been an actual editing process, and not just a once over.
Know what else needs more than a once over? Characters. Simply put, there are no actual characters in INSANITY. Every side character, every single one, either fades into irrelevancy or is killed off. Mallory is killed off twelve pages into the book, all of Naomi’s campmates are never heard from again, Randy is killed off nineteen pages after being introduced, and so on and so forth. By the end there’s only the main characters left. And even they’re not real characters, they’re archetypes and cliches thrown together and designed to resemble characters. Naomi is your typical self-insert Mary Sue and Jeff is your bad boy with a heart of gold, who’d never hurt his girl. While on the topic of Jeff and Naomi’s relationship, every interaction between these characters is stilted, awkward, and poorly written. The romance centered dialogue is especially bad, it’s actually hilarious just how uncomfortable their “flirting” is. ‘“I would love to see Liu, my mom, and my amazing girlfriend.” I said… “No need to ask about your amazing girlfriend because I’m here.”’ Nickleson wrote on page 53. It’s terribly cheesy at best and horribly uncomfortable at worst.
But uncomfortable dialogue is nothing compared to the horror show that is the ending. Personally, I think the ending is the most appalling part of this whole book. A young boy, who witnessed Jeff and Naomi kill his parents, is giving a tearful recount of what he saw the night his parents died, on live television. When suddenly, Jeff and Naomi burst through the news room doors. This poor baby boy begins to panic, screaming for the reporter talking with him to run. Naomi, without hesitation, murders him while Jeff kills the reporter. This is absolutely without a doubt the most disgusting thing in this entire book. This poor, sweet, baby boy, he was written in just to be traumatized and murdered. It’s absolutely vile and personally offensive, the way every murder was handled was appalling, but this one in particular made my blood boil. Naomi is supposed to be our heroine, we root for her, but it’s really hard to support a monster who murders children on live television.
In conclusion, INSANITY: JEFF THE KILLER, is a bad book. It’s poorly written, unplanned, has virtually no plot, all on top of the more problematic issue of romanticizing and glorifying violence. Despite this, I recommend you read it. It’s an excellent example of what not to do when writing creatively and can be genuinely enjoyable if you read it with friends. And to all the aspiring writers out there, if you put in the time and effort you will definitely improve. Everyone starts out writing like this, but with practice you can improve your skills and become a better writer.
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Editing is Completed!
I’ve completed all of my review edits, the only thing I’m waiting for now is for it to go live on the website, the newspaper website not Tumblr, and then I can post it here. 
Also, on a completely unrelated note, I dyed my hair! This isn’t anything too new for me seeing as I dye my hair a different colour every month or so, but I did dye all of my hair not just the bleached parts of my hair. My whole head is deep magenta and ya girl is feeling like a queen!
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