the-knights-of-rohan · 7 months
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Funny Frog Pin By Fandomion
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the-knights-of-rohan · 7 months
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154K notes · View notes
the-knights-of-rohan · 7 months
good evening to all plastics manufacturers, inventors, adjudicators, vicars, inmates, naval officers, penal commissioners, walking corpses, guys who like to wear two hats, 13th century french knights, guys who have accidentally shrunk themselves, scarecrows, man-cheetahs, gelatinous snakes, ambulance drivers, rocket scientists, prime ministers, hospital orderlies, funeral directors, funeral directors posing as welcome droids, mysterious adventurers, mi6 agents, and rasputin
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the-knights-of-rohan · 7 months
Australian Federal Election 2001: Pranksters follow around Prime Ministerial contender Kim Beazley in an attempt to sneak fake microphones into news footage
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Follow for more Batshit Moments in Australian Politics
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the-knights-of-rohan · 7 months
everyone. on christmas day, december 25th, we all search up “halloween” to make it a trending search. it would be the FUNNIEST thing ever to see halloween be a trending search on christmas day. tell all your friends, repost this, do everything you can to make sure we can do this. REBLOG AS MUCH AS YOU CAN.
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the-knights-of-rohan · 7 months
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29/100 days of productivity.
Today was a bit more chill, but I still had some tedious stuff to do. Also had a consultation for the dental surgery I'm getting during winter break, which is very fun.
Today’s productivity:
Did more AP Statistics review problems
Read a chapter of the Namesake, very mid book in my opinion.
Read a chapter of the Jungle, in which the main characters are suffering from the disease known as "the American dream."
Continued working on installation for my project, now I'm just having people build and install the project using a custom script I'm creating.
Self Care:
I took some time to make and eat some slop. Curry, potatoes, baked peanuts, and spicy cornflakes.
Watched a video about how somebody made flappy bird using only TypeScript types. Not the language, the types. People are insane.
Future Goals:
Work on AP Literature story chapter due next Tuesday
Start working on US Government project due after Thanksgiving break.
Song of the day:
Name: Fever
Album: Magic 3
Artists: Nas & Hit-Boy
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the-knights-of-rohan · 7 months
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why was the saw boom mic guy serving cunt
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the-knights-of-rohan · 7 months
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39K notes · View notes
the-knights-of-rohan · 7 months
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28/100 days of productivity.
Today was very busy, I wasn't even able to get any personal coding done. I have a lot of quizzes and tests coming up, very stressful. Now I'm counting down the days until Thanksgiving break.
(Three bite-sized pieces of chocolate a day feels indulgent. That may just be me though.)
Today’s productivity:
Finished AP Physics Lab Analysis.
Did AP Physics notes & practice on applications of Work and Kinetic Energy
Did US Government notes on Critical Race Theory
Spent an hour flashcarding for Japanese 4 new chapter vocab, also did practice grammar worksheet
Did AP Statistics review homework on experimental design and sampling.
Self Care:
I wasn't able to get much free time today :')
Future Goals:
Work on AP Literature story chapter due next tuesday
Start working on US Government project due after Thanksgiving break.
Song of the day:
Name: Shit On You
Album: Curtain Call: Greatest Hits
Artists: D12
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the-knights-of-rohan · 7 months
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28/100 days of productivity.
I've been assigned a whole bunch of writing assignments concurrently, which is very annoying. I am pretty much forced to not procrastinate, or else lose my weekend and whatever else I have.
(When I biked to and from school, the wind was blowing against me. In the morning and afternoon. My legs feel like jelly. Ugh.)
Today’s productivity:
Continued AP Physics online Lab analysis
Wrote an essay for US Government in about 30 minutes. Yay.
Read another chapter of The Namesake, pretty OK.
Read the first chapter of The Jungle, very strange given the context of the book, but I guess that's why its the first chapter.
Spent an hour flashcarding for Japanese 4 new chapter vocab
Did AP Physics homework on Work & Power
Continued working on my personal console app; before I go any further, I'm trying to figure out how to package and publish the app. Making artifacts for Linux and Windows is easy, but Mac's security features means I have to look into homebrew.
Self Care:
Had some almond chocolate in the morning with my coffee.
took a nap from 3-4 because my eyes were pretty much dying.
Future Goals:
Work on AP Literature story chapter due next tuesday
Start working on US Government project due after Thanksgiving break.
Song of the day:
Name: RNP
Album: The Lost Boy
Artists: Cordae ft. Anderson .Paak
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the-knights-of-rohan · 7 months
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26/100 days of productivity.
Past couple of days have been very busy. Had the college interview, it went better than I expected. Now it's just getting a shit ton of writing assignments done by the end of the week.
(No physical stuff was done today, so have some more explicit code I contributed to.)
Today’s productivity:
Continued AP Physics online Lab, started analysis
Created rough outline of AP Literature 3-page story
Read another chapter of The Namesake
Spent an hour flashcarding for Japanese 4 new chapter vocab
Worked on some open-source; microsoft's inshellisense, which I have a pr for, and a personal console app
Self Care:
I was done with most of my work, so I could spend a lot more time lazing around today.
Future Goals:
Finish AP Literature story due Tuesday
Start working on US Government project due after Thanksgiving break.
Song of the day:
Name: Cosmic.m4a
Artists: Denzel Curry & Kenny beat
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the-knights-of-rohan · 7 months
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31K notes · View notes
the-knights-of-rohan · 7 months
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22/100 days of productivity.
Today was a very busy day. Had a lab in physics, as well as a long problem set, and I've been assigned 3 different projects/long writing assignments over the weekend :"|
(Call me Old Mex the way I got that yellow tint.)
Today’s productivity:
Did AP Physics homework on Kinetic Energy & Work
Did AP Physics online lab
Did some more AP Statistics practice FRQs to prepare for the test on experimental design.
Worked on a simple game for my AP Stats teacher to easily and reliably measure hand-eye coordination in p5.js
Read a chapter of The Namesake, seems interesting right now.
Spent an hour flashcarding for Japanese 4 new chapter vocab
Self Care:
Had some pumpkin spice biscotti with my coffee today
Spent an entire two hours after coming home doing nothing but lounging around. Felt great.
Future Goals:
Study for 2 tests in the coming weeks; AP Statistics (Experimental Design) and AP Physics (Friction and Drag)
Keep preparing for college interview (僕はスペインにいる。スは静かだ。)
Start working on AP Literature story section due next week, as well as reading/notes on another chapter of The Namesake.
Start working on US Government personal experience paragraph due Monday
Start working on US Government project due after Thanksgiving break.
Song of the day:
Name: Dmitri
Album: Lamb Over Rice
Artists: Action Bronson & The Alchemist
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the-knights-of-rohan · 7 months
abandonware should be public domain. force companies to actively support and provide products if they don't wanna lose the rights to them
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the-knights-of-rohan · 7 months
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21/100 days of productivity.
Classes are still chill, it's just test prep for now. Still preparing for my college interview on Saturday, nervous as hell.
(New book. Yay.)
Today’s productivity:
Did US Government notes on real estate discrimination in Long Island. It was long, and made me want to go to an island.
Did some AP Statistics practice FRQs to prepare for the test on experimental design.
Continued working on the website for my club
Did some debugging for my AP Computer Science project, currently we're trying to figure out replay files and setup as a precursor to multiplayer.
Spent an hour flashcarding for Japanese 4 new chapter vocab
Self Care:
Daylight savings be saving my ass when it comes to sleeping.
Spent some time learning C# and MonoGame, because I am a language FIEND.
Future Goals:
Study for 3 tests in the coming weeks; AP Statistics (Experimental Design), AP Computer Science (String manipulation), and AP Physics (Friction and Drag)
Figure out where to Yo-Ho-Ho-And-A-Bottle-Of-Rum a copy of "The Jungle" from, preferably without installing a virus.
Keep preparing for college interview (僕はスペインにいる。スは静かだ。)
Start working on AP Literature story due next week, as well as reading/notes on a chapter of The Namesake.
Start working on US Government project due after Thanksgiving break.
Song of the day:
Name: 100 Miles and Running
Album: YSIV
Artists: Logic ft. Wale & John Lindahl
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the-knights-of-rohan · 7 months
I’m all scratched up and I can still taste spray paint in my mouth and my husband almost fell out of a tree BUT THE GHOST SCULPTURES ARE FINISHED!
They’re finally finished and I’m so happy with them!!
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Some progress shots:
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the-knights-of-rohan · 7 months
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20/100 days of productivity.
It's actually less busy than I thought it would be today. Classes have been pretty chill, and a couple of my teachers got sick, so there's not much to do. But I finished my college apps, so now it's just interview prep for Saturday. I am...very nervous, especially because the school is quite literally the best for my major.
(Ice in that water looking CRISP.)
Today’s productivity:
Did AP Physics practice FRQs to prepare for unit test on drag and motion, luckily the test got postponed to next Monday.
Did AP Statistics review questions on experimental design, not too bad.
Did US Government notes, long and boring.
Worked on website for my club, we're using Jekyll to create all of the pages. Now I can add Ruby to the list of languages I am "moderately proficient" in!
Spent an hour flashcarding for Japanese 4 new chapter vocab
Self Care:
Daylight savings meant that I got to sleep in an extra hour. That was fun.
Spent a good hour playing Monster Hunter Rise, and getting blown out by the Variant Malzeno.
Future Goals:
Study for 3 tests in the coming weeks; AP Statistics (Experimental Design), AP Computer Science (String manipulation), and AP Physics (Friction and Drag)
Figure out how I'm going to read The Jungle without spending money (read: One Piece-ing)
Keep preparing for college interview (僕はスペインにいる。スは静かだ。)
Song of the day:
Name: Pyro
Artists: Denzel Curry & Kenny Beats
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