the-red-dragon-queen · 5 months
A young villain tried to mug you, but upon seeing your face, he fled in terror. Upon further investigation, you discover that your high school sweetheart is now the most powerful villain in the world and has you on a list titled “hurt them, and I’ll kill you.”
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the-red-dragon-queen · 5 months
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the-red-dragon-queen · 9 months
My Writing: So naturally, B and C start spending a LOT of time together, which, also naturally, makes A a #jelly-belly. So A and B get into a screaming match cause A doesn't want B to fall in love with C cause HE'S in love with her (not that he's told her) that and C is frustrated cause she can tell A is jealous but doesn't understand why cause she's in denial about the possibility that A could love her back.
Also My Writing: He was close, so close. God, he was close enough that he could kiss her. Fuck he wanted to kiss her. In that stupid, irrational, idiotic way that rage clears out every other inhibition and doubt, everything else had been washed away except his overarching, gut-wrenching, goddamning need to kiss her. To pour out every repressed emotion he's kept inside for all these years, to finally let out all of his hidden desires the way he was so tempted to do the night she was returned to him, shaky and broken but alive, to ravish her the way she had ravished his heart.
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What do your elf eyes see?
So basically I had this theory that Thranduil wasn’t showing Thorin EVERYTHING. He only unglamored a piece of his face for a moment, we don’t know how far the scarring went. And considering he was definitely blind in his left eye from that scarring, the headcanons…grew.
If Thranduil were completely blind, it would explain why he hardly ever goes outside and has become detached from the outside world, and even, weirdly, explains movie!Legolas’s penchant for announcing everything he sees, no matter how obvious. I realized it could be a centuries-old habit, nonchalantly announcing things he sees as if that’s just a thing he does, helping his father out without embarrassing him.
And there’s that…oddness, about his gaze. The way he doesn’t blink, that slightly unfocused look even though his eyes are very wide. I began to seriously wonder if Lee Pace is actually playing him as blind.
If you go back and watch his scenes…he never seems to look directly at anything. When he shows up at the destruction of Erebor, Thorin is definitely making eye contact with HIM, but he doesn’t look directly at anyone. Then he tilts his head. Like he’s listening. And if you notice, in that scene, he doesn’t carry a bow or any arrows, despite Legolas and all the other Greenwood elves using them extensively.
Because he can’t see the targets.
He has every step of his palace memorized, and can walk through it as freely as a sighted person. But when he appears outside, it’s on a mount.
When he uses his sword, he DOESN’T LOOK AT WHAT HE’S DOING. Seriously, he just slashes while not even looking. It’s undeniably badass, but is it JUST badass?
In every single scene of his, I can’t help but think that he looks blind. Even when he senses a presence near him and says vaguely “I know you’re there,” (and Tauriel answers before Bilbo) it’s that very kind of…like he’s showing off that you can’t sneak up on him, but he doesn’t actually know who’s there, and can’t just look.
And I think he’s not just hiding disfigurement with that glamor. He’s hiding something that could be interpreted as weakness. He doesn’t want his enemies to know he can’t see them. I think he was afraid to show Thorin the full truth, but he showed him half of it, and that’s still a very vulnerable moment for him. I feel like maybe he craved forgiveness from Thorin, or at least understanding—because Thror had been his friend. And it really wasn’t that he didn’t care.
So here you have it, a bit more of his scarring, and his secret. In the next movie we may learn how close I guessed it….
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Oh, dear red dragon queen may I ask a question if you mind? I'm curious what is anime called on your cover photo? (If you don't answer it's ok)
Hello love!
So my cover image is just something I found on the internet. The header gif is an exceprt from Black Clover, featuring Mereoleona Vermillion, one of the characters from the anime.
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Proper Snakebite Care/Aftercare?
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Chapters: 14/?
Fandom: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - All Media Types, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2012)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Relationships: Leonardo/OC, Slight Raphael/OC maybe, Michelangelo/OC (brother/sister), Donatello/April O'Neil (TMNT), Splinter/OC (father/daughter), Leonardo & Original Female Character
Characters: Leonardo (TMNT), Raphael (TMNT), Michelangelo (TMNT), Donatello (TMNT), Kirby O'Neil, April O'Neil (TMNT), Splinter (TMNT), Hamato Yoshi | Splinter, Original Female Character, OC - Character, Oroku Saki | The Shredder, Shredder (TMNT), Karai (TMNT), Hamato Miwa | Karai, Baxter Stockman, Chris Bradford, Xever | Fishface, Dogpound
Additional Tags: Original mutant character - Freeform, crossposted on quotev, Slow Burn, Slow Burn Romance, like reallllyy slow, warning: author is a bit of a sadist, I like to keep you guessing, mutated character, the turtles are 18, original character is 18, april is the same age, protective older sibling, splinter is a protective dad, character has ptsd, Original Female Character - Freeform, having too much fun with the tags tbh, Tags May Change, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Brother-Sister Relationships, Father-Daughter Relationship, Little Brothers, Little Sisters, no beta we die like tang shen, Explicit Language, Aged-Up Character(s), Rating May Change
Series: Part 1 of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Whoever said “Scars heal”, obviously never had any. WOUNDS heal, but scars? Scars are permanent. They last for a lifetime… and sometimes beyond.
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Hi Midy, i'm glad you're back and i hope you're okay😊. I'm so excited for the new WDDM chapter, would It be possibile to have a little preview or am i asking too much?? Obviously you and Eden take the time to make It as awesome as ever.❤️ I apologize for my bad english😓
When Duty and Desire Meet- Gala Part ll Preview!
When she passed Nino, he must have seen something on her face as he gave her an encouraging pair of finger guns. She barely noticed though, not with the way Adrien was looking at her, like she was water in a desert. Marinette tried to smile, tried to pretend, but nerves struck her too fiercely to pretend at that moment.
Considering she was used to lying through her teeth, this surprised her. Butterflies danced in her chest, trying to escape the fire coursing through her body as she met his eyes. Green. Gorgeous. He was utterly gorgeous in that tux.
“I’m sorry,” she blurted out gracelessly. “I did want to dance with you. I was just- everything was just so overwhelming.” She waved her hand over her dress, then towards the runway. “But that’s no excuse and I-”
The music began again, and Marinette wondered when she’d lowered her head to the floor. Adrien was in her space, finger under her chin as he lifted it up. She followed his lead. Their eyes met and Adrien was smiling. He took his hand from under chin, offered it to her in a wordless question.
She couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t breathe. Her friend was asking her to dance and she couldn’t breathe.
But she took his hand anyway.
“I’m a bad dancer,” she said as they twirled around the dance floor. “I’m sorry if I step on your feet.”
“Wait, how does that work?” Adrien replied, teasing, keeping their bodies a respectable distance from each other. Marinette remembered dances she’d been to as a young teen, and the more overprotective parents would watch eagle-eyed for any smidgeon of body contact. “You were a pro at DDR and yet you're a bad dancer?”
Marinette chuckled, giving his hand a playful squeeze. “That’s different, there are clearer rules to follow in DDR, more instructions and everything, patterns to learn which you can learn alone, without anyone watching you mess up,” she glanced away from him. “I don’t know what the rules are here.”
“Marinette?” his voice, so achingly gentle she barely heard it over the music, caused her to lift her head up to him. He gestured between them both. “You don’t have to worry about the rules with me.”
He twirled her under his arm and Marinette spun away from him. When she lifted her hands, he caught them, and with her back to him Marinette had a moment, one moment, to catch her breath. His strong chest pressed against hers and she swallowed thickly before twirling back to face him.
“Yes I do,” she whispered, voice cracking.
Adrien was silent, mulling over her words. Throat tight, Marinette tried to read his expression, the way his eyebrows knit together in thought. The world felt heavy around them. Maybe it was a mistake to dance? It felt… it felt right though. Together, they weren’t missing a single step. It was as if they could read each other’s signals instantly. This was the best she’d danced with anyone.
She didn’t want to stop.
Before she could contemplate what that meant, Adrien looked down at her again and her breath caught once more. Was that mischief dancing in his eyes?
“No,” he countered. “You don’t.”
Without warning, he broke their step, capturing Marinette’s waist in his large hands and lifting her high in the air.
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#onlyingotham can I walk into my favorite coffee shop for a hot chocolate to find @timdrake passed out in a corner table, his jacket on the floor. So I do the human thing and grab a pillow from a window bench seat and put it under his head and cover him with his jacket.
#whyisthiskidsosleepy #hemustbeoverworked
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#OnlyInGotham will you get into a ship war with your friends over who the best villain couple is (my friend says it's Riddler x Penguin and while I agree they're cute, I totally say Ivy x Harley is cuter)
UPDATE: Why did I receive a package with succulents today??? I never ordered them??? #DoesIvyHaveATumblr #IvyIfYou'reSeeingThisYouAndHarleyAreMyOTP
UPDATE 2: Batman is here inspecting my plants?!??!??!! Apparently they're just.....normal succulents??? #ShouldIBeWorried #TookASelfieWithBatman #ThatWasCool
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Respectfully, degrade me fffffffffffffffffaaaaaaaaacckkkk 🥵🥵🥵🥵
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When you see it, REBLOG IT.
Depression Hotline: 1-630-482-9696
Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-8433
LifeLine: 1-800-273-8255
Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386
Sexuality Support: 1-800-246-7743
Eating Disorders Hotline: 1-847-831-3438
Rape and Sexual Assault: 1-800-656-4673
Grief Support: 1-650-321-5272
Runaway: 1-800-843-5200, 1-800-843-5678, 1-800-621-4000
Exhale: After Abortion Hotline/Pro-Voice: 1-866-4394253
If you ever want to talk: My Tumblr ask is always open.
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#onlyingotham was minding my damn business when some douche tried to hold up the corner shop. ceo of Wayne industries is there with his coffee. douche mockingly dares him to throw his coffee over douche. ceo blinks for a second, then just yeets it. #ididntthinkthisshitactuallyhappened #bestdayofmylife #whatistimdrake #helookedsotired #youdthinktheydtakeselfdefenselessons #butno #justthrewcoffee
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THE ORIGINAL "HUMANS ARE SPACE ORCS" POST!!! *insert heavenly light and angel chorus*
It’s funny how science fiction universes so often treat humans as a boring, default everyman species or even the weakest and dumbest.
I want to see a sci fi universe where we’re actually considered one of the more hideous and terrifying species.
How do we know our saliva and skin oils wouldn’t be ultra-corrosive to most other sapient races? What if we actually have the strongest vocal chords and can paralyze or kill the inhabitants of other worlds just by screaming at them? What if most sentient life in the universe turns out to be vegetable-like and lives in fear of us rare “animal” races who can move so quickly and chew shit up with our teeth?
Like that old story “they’re made of meat,” only we’re scarier.
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You forgot "I bet you...", "Wuss.", and "I'll pay you X if you do Y."
Humans are awesome
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rb if you’re an active writeblr
calling all writeblrs!! rb this post if you’re an active writeblr and wouldn’t mind being friends <3 would love to get to know more people as i’m new to the community! i’ll be making a writeblr intro soon so make sure to keep an eye out for that~
following from @romanticsrn // writeblr @ambrosichor
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