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May 2007, Britney poses with an issue of Vanity Fair magazine
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By using a camera and computer vision software it is possible to make a fish control a robot car over land. By swimming towards an interesting object, the fish can explore the world beyond the limits of his tank. Via Studio diip
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supervillains fucking hate fighting the x-men because the teams change constantly and sometimes there are??? totally new people there???? fuck there’s a teenager who literally just has eyes all over his body. is he even technically a superhero yet or is he a student. who the fuck knows. how do we counter this shit
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why are star wars planets more boring than earth and our solar system like sure we’ve seen desert, snow, diff types of forest, beach, lava, rain, but like… 
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rainbow mountains (peru)
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red soil (canada/PEI)
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rings (saturn’s if they were on earth) 
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bioluminescent waves
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northern lights (canada)
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salt flats (bolivia, where they filmed crait but did NOTHING COOL WITH IT except red dust?? like??? come ON)
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and cool fauna like the touch me not or like, you know, the venus flytrap.. and don’t get me started on BUGS like… we have bugs cooler than sw aliens
BASICALLY like???? come on star wars you had one (1) job where are the cool alien species
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I Married a Monster from Outer Space (1958)
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person: how are you feeling?
me: Nocturne in E-flat major, Op. 9 No. 2 by Chopin
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i’m ready to Goodbye Earl the entire us government
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Island of the Dolls: south of Mexico, literally an island full of creepy discarded doll parts, supposedly dedicated to the soul of a little girl who drowned
Aokigahara forest: a forest in Japan known as the suicide forest, if you walk around you’ll probably find the bodies of many depressed souls
Lalaurie house: American Horror Story Coven fans, an entire episode was based off of this. It’s a house that belonged to this wicked lady that performed MANY, MANY hideous crimes towards her slaves. Don’t eat while reading what this woman did. 
Catacombs of Paris: underground cemetery which hosts over 6 million bodies, only ½ a mile of this immense structure is open to the public. It stretches for 600 km. Here’s a supposed recording of a guy who got lost here
Sedlic Ossuary:  also known as the Church of the Bones in the Czech Republic, holds the bones of more than 40,000 human skeletons, and they’ve all been artistically placed inside this small chapel. It’s haunting, gruesome, and just plain odd.
Abandoned Takakanonuma Amusement Park: located in Japan and built in 1973, this park closed permanently again in 1999. Instead of dissembling everything, they abandoned the grounds. Rumor has it there were several deaths during its first run, so perhaps the ghosts still linger in the park.
Body Farm: located in Knoxville, Tennessee, this is where decomposing human remains are studied for forensic science and other purposes. More than 100 bodies are donated to the facility every year, and then they are left there to rot and decompose. 
Tual Sleng: located in Cambodia, it used to be a prison and is now a genocide museum. Horrible torture went on here, over 20,000 people have died. 
Stanley Hotel: it’s located in Colorado, and is the inspiration for Stephen King’s The Shining. You can read about the hauntings here
Poveglia Island: located in Italy, it served as a dumping ground for those who were sick because of the plague. It later served as a mental hospital, where rumor has it the doctor was driven mad by the ghosts and jumped out of a bell tower. It’s now for sale
Overtoun Bridge:  Since the 1950s, dozens of dogs have leapt from the bridge to the waterfalls 50 feet below, at a rate of one every month. The most plausible explanation is that the strong smell of male mink urine, detected in the undergrowth beneath the bridge, has been luring dogs to their death.
Bunny Man Bridge: a bridge in Virginia where there is alleged sites of a man in bunny suit terrorizing people with his axe
Hashima Island: Hashima was used as a coal mining facility between 1887 and 1974. After petroleum replaced coal throughout Japan in the 1960s, Hashima was abandoned, and is now known as “Ghost Island”. What’s really cool is how you can explore this place on google maps!
Tower of London: London’s imposing stone tower is, according to legend, haunted by dozens of regal souls, many of whom met their end within its grey walls. 
Edinburgh Castle: One of Scotland’s most haunted sites, Edinburgh Castle is said to be home to a phantom piper, a headless drummer and a spectral dog. 
Pripayt: an abandoned city in north of Ukraine where every left right after the nuclear disaster
Iulia Hasdeu Castle:  built by Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu in Campina, Romania after the death of his 19-year-old daughter, Iulia. Hasdeu dedicated the castle and the rest of his life to Iulia. He became a practitioner of spiritualism in an attempt to reconnect with her spirit, and designed one room in the castle solely for the purposes of these daily spiritual exercises. Its walls are all black. Iulia reportedly haunts the castle still, walking through the courtyard in a white dress and holding daisies. Oh, and she still plays the piano each night.
Hellfire Club: on Montpelier Hill in Ireland. Built as a hunting lodge in 1725 and reportedly became a gathering place for a small group of Dublin elites who met for debauchery and devil worship.
St. Louis Cemetary: Numerous cemeteries dot the landscape but the St. Louis Cemetery is the oldest in the city. While many ghosts are rumored to call this place their home, Marie Laveau, the Voodoo Queen of New Orleans, reigns supreme.
Winchester Mystery House: located in California, the home was originally built by Sarah Winchester.  Sarah tragically lost both her daughter and husband to illness and later sought help from a spiritual advisor to overcome her depression. The medium warned Sarah that the Winchester family had been struck by a terrible curse, and would be haunted by the ghosts of the many deceased killed by the Winchester rifle.  The only way to appease the dead according to the medium, was to build a house for the lost souls… and never stop building.  This house is a result of that.
Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum: Ghosts of Civil War soldiers and former patients are said to be walking through the two and half miles of hallways. Visitors claim to see things move or feel the presence of spirits.
Stepp Cemetery:  Legend has that it was founded by a cult called the Crabbites, who sacrificed small animals.  Another story holds that a mother of an infant who died was so distraught that she went to the cemetery and dug up the child’s body after it was buried.  Grieving, she took her own life. Visitors claim to have seen her ghost, dressed in black, weeping over her daughter’s grave, near the site of an old stump that has since rotted away years ago. 
Moundsville Penitentiary: It is estimated that one thousand inmates died while being incarcerated at this fearsome, Gothic style prison.Today, many ghosts are said to be lurking the halls, but the most famous is the Shadow Man.  Visitors have also claimed to see the ghost of a maintenance man who was stabbed to death by prisoners in the basement for snitching to prison guards about inmate activity. 
Gettysburg Battlefield: Gettysburg stands the test of time as one of the most haunted places in America. Over 50,000 soldiers from the Union and Confederate armies were killed and their ghosts are still seen and heard today by tourists to the field and town. Visitors also claim to hear the thunder of canons, gunfire and screams and moans of the battle’s victims. 
St. Augustine Lighthouse: The ghosts of this haunted lighthouse are rumored to make their presence known by appearing as creepy shadows and making unexplained noises. Legend has it that the daughters of the Superintendent of Lighthouse Construction drowned, and continue to haunt the building ever since their untimely death.
The Myrtles Plantation: Rumor has it that ten deaths have occurred on the site. One of the most famous involves a slave named Chloe, who was supposedly killed by fellow slaves after an ill-fated attempt to poison another house mistress. Visitors have reported seeing ghostly children on the verandah, a curly-haired woman who mysteriously appears and disappears, and odd hand prints that mysteriously appear in mirrors. One visitor reported a cold spot hovering over her bed while a rattling closet door kept her awake.
Bell Witch Cave: The site where John Bell and his family were tormented by a ghost now known as the Bell Witch is open to brave visitors who wish to explore the spirit world. It’s located in Tennessee. Visitors claim that any object taken from the site is cursed, while many have reported encountering a violent force while on the property. Technology doesn’t work there either, with cameras mysteriously malfunctioning when users try to capture an image.
Jacob’s Well: located in Texas. Jacob’s well is a tunnel opening (12 feet in diameter) in a small perennial spring that goes straight down for about 30 feet before leveling off into a huge underwater tunnel system. At least eight divers having died in this system trying to explore the caves.
Death Zone in Mt. Everest: Lack of oxygen, exhaustion, extreme cold, and climbing hazards all contribute to the high death toll in this zone. Since rescuing or carrying an injured climber back to basecamp is impractical, they are typically left behind to die. About 150 bodies have never been recovered and it’s not uncommon to find corpses near the standard climbing routes. Even experienced climbers have perished in this zone. 
Killing fields in Cambodia: Killing fields were a number of site where at least a million people were killed at the end of Cambodian Civil War by Khmer Rouge. Human bones can still be seen sticking out of the dirt paths. There is huge stupa full of human skulls with holes in them from where they were bludgeoned to death.
Mariana Trench: Mariana Trench is currently the deepest known point on earth. It is deeper than average cruising altitude of commercial airliners and harbors some of the strangest life form known to men. Google some of the creatures. They are not cute at all. 
Door to Hell: The Door to Hell is a natural gas field in Turkmenistan. In 1971, a team of Soviet scientists set up a drilling platform looking for natural gases. The rig collapsed, and fearing the spread of poisonous methane gas, the researchers set the crater on fire hoping it would burn out in a few hours. That was more than 40 years ago. It is still burning today. 
Snake Island: This is an island, which is so densely populated by poisonous snakes the Brazilian Navy has quarantined it and a biologist once said that when on the island you are “never more than three feet from death.” 
Gates of Hell: located in New Jersey, this legendary passageway that leads to a network of underground tunnels and storm sewers, and some say to the lair of the evil one himself. 
Skinwalker Ranch: located in Utah, it is home to many mysterious phenomena such as vanishing and mutilated cattle, sightings of unidentified flying objects or orbs, large animals with piercing red eyes that they say were not injured when struck by bullets, and invisible objects emitting destructive magnetic fields.
That’s all I got so far guys! I included the most well known terrifying places. Feel free to add to this list, in case I missed some special, horrifying place.
The horror doesn’t stop here though. I have lots more masterposts:
masterpost of horror games
masterpost of creepy online games
masterpost of creepy websites
masterpost of gothic/horror novels (yes I link you to a PDF version of the entire book!)
masterpost to make you feel better (when all the horror is too much)
masterpost of creepy wikipedia articles
The following aren’t masterposts, but they have an abundance of information
ways to contact the dead
creepy meaning behind nursery rhymes
creepiest glitch experiences
creepy facts compilation
compilation of horror pranks
paranormal science resources
map of monsters/ghosts/cryptids in the USA
alien abduction experiences
everything on the after-life (science too)
everything on astral projection
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- It was dreamlike. - Nightmarish.  - Not always. Sometimes it was beautiful.
Annihilation (2018) dir. Alex Garland
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Hello, it is me, your deadexgrlfriend
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Unpopular opinion: so what if Emma Gonzalez did tear up the Constitution? It was written by slaveowners, still allows slavery through incarceration, and we can do much better.
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Horror Anthology Series
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The Simpsons in American Horror Story
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Anatomically correct
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