thelanguagestruggle · 4 years
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thelanguagestruggle · 4 years
we need answers now. 
the gangs getting back together.
this time older and sexier. 
is langblr alive
@thelanguagestruggle and I need to know
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thelanguagestruggle · 6 years
The 40 considered “most beautiful” words in Spanish 🌟
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Efímero. Ephemeral; something that lasts very briefly
Superfluo. Superfluous; unnecessary
Inefable. Ineffable; something that can not be described in words
Inconmesurable. Something so big it can not be measured
Etéreo. Ethereal; extremely delicate, out of this world
Sempiterno. Sempiternal; something which has and will last forever
Petricor. Petrichor; the smell of rain when it falls on dry soil
Perenne. Perennial; evergreen
Ojalá. “Let´s hope”; a word of desire for something to happen
Luminiscencia. Luminescence; property of emitting weak light
Compasión. Compassion; sympathy and pity
Mondo. Clean of everything that is unnecessary
Infinito. Infinite; it has no end
Ademán. Gesture, movement or sign of the body with an intention or feeling
Época. Era, age, epoch; a period of time in history or life
Bonhomía. Quality of somebody who is a good person
Soledad. Loneliness; a state of isolation
Resiliencia. Resilience; capacity of a person to overcome something
Melancolía. Melancholy; deep sadness 
Nefelibata. Someone who is dreamy
Melifluo. Mellifluous; a sweet and delicate sound or person
Elocuencia. Eloquence; quality of talking fluently and attractively
Efervescencia. Effervescence; bubbles in any liquid
Ataraxia. Ataraxia; peace of mind
Olvido. Oblivion; action of not remembering something
Iridiscencia. Phenomenon of reflecting light as rainbows
Limerencia. Limerence; state of mind of someone who is deeply in love
Acendrado. Defect-free; pure
Arrebol. The red glow of clouds at sunrise or sunset
Sonámbulo. Sleep-walker
Serendipia. Serendipity; fortunate happenstance or pleasant pleasure
Alba. Dawn
Epifanía. Epiphany; a sudden revelation
Incandescencia. Incandescence; light produced in high temperatures
Nostalgia. Nostalgia; sentimentality for the past
Inmarcesible. Undying, unfading
Aurora. Pink color before dawn 
Desenlace. Ending, conclusion; the ending of something
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thelanguagestruggle · 6 years
when you see something in your target language or a closely related language that you can almost understand
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thelanguagestruggle · 6 years
i feel like we dont talk enough about how two of the most decorated female hockey players ever, one a former captain for team canada and the other for the usa, fell in love and had a baby together 
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thelanguagestruggle · 6 years
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I really cannot get over this cats fucking face it’s so round and conveying an emotion that I simply am not equipped to understand
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thelanguagestruggle · 6 years
How’s 2017 been for you?
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thelanguagestruggle · 6 years
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thelanguagestruggle · 6 years
hey wanna hear a sentence that you’ll either have no idea what it means or you’ll hate me for making me remind you of it
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thelanguagestruggle · 6 years
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thelanguagestruggle · 6 years
- greek : grec / grecque
- latin : latin-e / roman : romain-e
religion :
- god : dieu / goddess : déesse / ritual : rituel (m) / prayer : prière (f) 
- piety : piété (f) / faith : foi (f) / worship : culte (m) / sacrifice : sacrifice (m)
- ceremony : cérémonie (f) / muse : muse (f)
- Chaos / Gaïa (Terre : earth) / Érèbe (Ténèbres : shadows) / Éros (Désir)
- mount Olympus : mont (m) Olympe
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déités :
- olympians : olympien-nes / Cronos/Saturne + Rhéa/Cybèle
- Zeus/Jupiter, dieu des dieux et dieu de la foudre (lightning)
- Héra/Junon, déesse du mariage et de la fécondité 
- Aphrodite/Vénus, déesse de la beauté et de l’amour
- Apollon/Phébus, dieu de la musique et de la médecine
- Artémis/Diane, déesse de la chasse (hunt)
- Hermès/Mercure, messager des dieux, protecteur des voyageurs
- Arès/Mars, dieu de la guerre
- Hadès/Pluton, dieu des morts
- Poséidon/Nepturne, dieu de la mer
- Déméter/Cérès, déeesse de la terre et des moissons (harvest)
- Héphaïstos/Vulcain, dieu du feu et de la forge
- Athéna/Minerva, déesse de la sagesse (wisdom) et de la guerre
- Hestia/Vesta, déesse du foyer (home/household), protectrice de la maison
- Dionysos/Bacchus, dieu du vin et de l’ivresse
- Clio : la muse de l'histoire / Euterpe : la muse de la musique, joueuse de flûte / Thalia : la comédie / Melpomène : la tragédie / Terpsichore : la poésie lyrique et la danse / Erato : le chant nuptial / Polymnie : la pantomime et la rhétorique / Uranie : l'astronomie et l'astrologie / Calliope : la poésie épique
hells (enfers (m)) :
- lieux (m) (: places) : le Tartare, les Champs (m) Élysées, le Pré de l’Asphodèle, les Champs du châtiment
- fleuves (m) : le Styx, l’Érèbe, l’Achéron, le Phlégéthon, le Cocyte, le Léthé
- Cerberus : Cerbère
- underworld : séjour (m) des morts
art :
- epic : épopée (f) / Iliade (f) / Odyssée (f) / myth : mythe (m) / fable : fable (f) / hero : héros (m) / héroïne (f)
- Persée, Hector, Ajax, Héraclès/Hercule, Jason, Thésée, Oedipe, Ménélas
- tragedy : tragédie (f) / comedy : comédie (f) / theater : théâtre (m) / play : pièce (f) / poetry : poésie (f) / poem : poème (m)
- fiction : fiction (f) / history : Histoire (f) / verbal sparring : joute (f) oratoire / rhetoric : rhétorique (f)
people :
- Homère / Odysseus : Ulysse / Achilles : Achille / Hésiode
- Virgil : Virgile / Aeneas : Énée / Ovide
- Eschyle / Euripide / Sophocle / Aristophane
- Platon / Aristote / Socrate / Suétone / Cicéron
- Thucydide / Xénophon / Plutarque / Tacite
- Rome’s emperors : Julio-Claudiens (César, Auguste/Octave, Tibère, Caligula, Claude I, Néron), Année des Quatre Empereurs (Galba, Othon, Vitellius, Vespasien), Flaviens (Vespasien, Titus, Domitien), Antonins (Nerva, Trajan, Hadrien, Antonin le Pieux, Marc-Aurèle, Lucius Aurelius Verus, Commode)…
- Alexandre le Grand, Pompée, Sylla, Cléopâtre, Justinien, Octave…
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creatures :
- satyr : satyre (m) = Pan, Silène / titan : titan (m)/titanide (f) = Ouranos, Prométhée, Mnémosyne, Thémis… / hecatoncheires : hécatonchires (ep)
- cyclops : cyclope (m) = Polyphème / centaur : centaure (m) = Chiron, Orios / giant : géant-e / mermaid : sirène (f) / Hydre (f) de Lerne
- minotaur : minotaure (m) / boar : sanglier (m) / nymph : nymphe (f) / chimera : chimère (f) / les Gorgones, les Moires/Heures, les Grées (sisters)
daily life :
- feast : banquet (m) / wine : vin (m) / grapes : raisin (m)
- slave : esclave (ep) / soldier : soldat (m) / baths : thermes (f) / circus : cirque (m)
- temple : temple (m) / column : colonne (f) / statue : statue (f)
- emperor : empereur / impératrice / empire : empire (m) / toga : toge (f)
- manuscript : manuscrit (m) / laurel wreath : couronne (f) de laurier
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thelanguagestruggle · 6 years
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thelanguagestruggle · 6 years
French Quotes About Life: 2
Part 1.
1.Le luxe est une affaire d'argent. L'elégance est une question d'éducation- Luxury is a matter of money. Elegance is a matter of education.
2. À vaillant coeur rien d'impossible- For a brave heart, nothing is impossible.
3. La vie est simple, mais c'est le monde qui la complique- Life is simple, it’s the world that complicates it.
4. La vérité vaut bien qu'on passe quelques années sans la trouver-The truth is more valuable if you have spent some years without finding it.
5. Rester, c'est exister. Mais voyager, c'est vivre-To stay where you are is to exist. To travel is to live.
6. Vous êtes votre seule limite- You are your only limit.
7. Nous sommes nos choix- We are our choices.
8. Avoir une autre langue, c'est posséder une deuxième âme- To speak another language is to have a second soul.
9. Au milieu de l'hiver, j'ai découvert en moi un invincible été- In the midst of winter, I discovered within me, an invincible summer.
10.Exister, c'est oser se jeter dans le monde- To live is to throw yourself into the world.
Part 3.
Quotes about Love.
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thelanguagestruggle · 6 years
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a msg to u from the dog that finally learned how to give me the dang ball
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thelanguagestruggle · 6 years
slowing down a conversation in Arabic (MSA)
requested by @languagesandshootingstars ,inspired by @svensklangblr‘s post! عفوا - pardon; excuse me; sorry (aafwan) عفوا, ماذا؟ - excuse me, what? (aafwan, medha?)  ماذا؟ - What? (medha?) نعم؟ - Huh? (naa’am?) (literally means yes?) هل يمكنك التحدث أبطأ (قليلا)؟ - Could you speak (a bit) slower? (hal yomkinouka at-tahadouth abta’ (qalilan)?)  هل يمكنك التحدث أعلى (قليلا)؟ - Could you speak (a bit) louder? (hal yomkinouka at-tahadouth aa’ala (qalilan)?) هل يمكنك التحدث أوضح (قليلا)؟ - Could you speak (a bit) more clearly? (hal yomkinouka at-tahadouth awdhah (qalilan)?) هل يمكنك قول ذلك بعربية أسهل؟ - Could you say that in easy Arabic? (hal youmkinouka qawlou dhalika bi aarabiya as’hal?) هل يمكنك قول ذلك بالإنجليزية؟ - Could you say that in English? (hal youmkinouka qawlou dhalika bil inglizia?) هل يمكنك الإعادة؟ - Could you repeat? (hal yomkinouka al-iaa’ada?) ماذا قلت؟ - What did you say? (madha qolt?) ماذا يعني هذا؟ - What does it mean? (madha yaani hedha?) لم أسمع ما قلت - I didn’t hear what you said (lam asmaa’ ma qolt) لم أفهم ما قلت - I didn’t understand what you said (lam afham ma qolt) لا أعرف ماذا تعني _؟ - I don’t know what _ means ( la aa’ref medha taani _) ماذا تعني_؟ - What does _ mean? (medha taani _?) كيف يمكن قول_؟ - How do you say_? (kayfa yomkinou qawl _)  كيف يمكن كتابة هذا؟ - How do you write that?  (kayfa yomkinou kitebet hedha?) كيف يمكن نطق هذا؟ - How do you pronounce this? (kayfa yomkinou notq hedha?) شكرا- thank you (shokran)
everything is declined with the singular masculine form
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thelanguagestruggle · 6 years
— korean phrases you can say/tweet to your idols to make them feel loved/better💌💕
- Hang in there! 
• 힘내세요! 
 - Thank you for always giving us good music 
• 항상 좋은 음악을 줘서 고마워요 
 - You’re a special person 
• 당신은 소중한 사람이에요 
 - Oppa/Unnie hang in there, we’re by your side 
•오빠/언니 힘내세요 우리가 있자나요
 - I’ll always support you 
•난 항상 응원 할게요 
 - Please rest well 
• 푹 쉬세요
 - You’re unique 
• 당신이 독특합니다 
 - Eat well 
• 잘 먹어요 
 - You’re my angel
 • 너는 나의 천사 
 - Please be happy 
• 행복하세요 
 - You’re very handsome
 • 진짜 잘생겼다 
 - Please don’t lose any weight 
 • 살빼지마세요 
 - You’re the light in my dark world
 • 너는 네 어두운 세상에 빛이에요
 •팬들을 생각해줘서 고마워요. 
Thank you for thinking of your fans. 
 •목소리가 정말 달���해요 / 섹시 
Your voice is so sweet/ sexy.
 •언제나 응원하는 거 알죠? 
You know I’m always on your side, right? 
 •실수해도 괜찮아���. 
It’s ok if you make a mistake. 
 •웃음을 잃지 말아요. 
Don’t forget to smile. 
 •덕분에 매일 행복해요. 
Thanks to you, I am happy every day. 
 •어떻게 그렇게 (예뻐요/ 멋져요/ 잘생겼어요/ 웃겨요/ 재밌어요)? 
How can you be so (pretty/cool/handsome/hilarious/funny)? 
 •날마다 오빠들이 행복했으면 좋겠어요. 오빠들 장난치는 걸 보면 저까지 덩달아 즐거워지더라구요. 
Be happy everyday because your jokes really lift up my moods all the time. 
 •늘 진실된 모습으로 있어줘서 고마워요! 
Thank you for being the true you! 
 •기쁨가득한날을 보냈으면 좋겠어요. 많이사랑해요. 건강하고 많이쉬세요 Trans: I hope you have a wonderful day full of joy. I love you very much. Stay healthy and rest lots! 
 •우리 항상 네 곁에 있을게요 
- we will always be by your side 
 •역시 최고이다! 
- as excepted, you’re the best! 
 •이 노래 정말 좋아요 
- this song is really good 
 •이 노래 너무 좋아해요 
- i love this song very much 
 •좋은 음악을 줘서 고마워요 
- thank you for giving us good music
 •본인을잘챙겨주세요. 힘들게노력하는것을알고있으니까 많이 걱정하기도하지만 뿌듯해요. 당신이 건강하고 행복할때 우리팬들도 가장행복해요 
 Pls take care of yourselves we know u work very hard and this makes us both very proud and worried. ur fans are happiest when u are happy n healthy 
 •너 아직 먹었 니? 제발 스스로 돌봐! : Have you eaten yet? Please take care of yourself! 
 •나는 너를 꼭 잡고 싶다 : I want to hold you tight 
•안녕 내 사랑! : Hello my love 
 •당신은 천사 야! : You’re an angel 
 - You’re the light in my dark world • 너는 네 어두운 세상에 빛이에요 
 • 사랑해 - I love you 
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thelanguagestruggle · 6 years
the united states government: hey ... you know what sounds like a great idea?
the american people: what
the united states government: how about we have five people vote for something that impacts each and every one of you severely but get this, here's the best part, none of you get to vote for who these five people are
the american people: that doesn't... sound ... like a democracy...
the united states government: that's because it isn't (:
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