For some reason I'm on a Machi kick again (I promise I still love you other Fruits Basket characters) & it just accrued to me that even though I've briefly mentioned Machi on social media before I've never fully explained what her online *vibe* would be & that's because I've honestly not thought about it before. That is until now when it hit me after stumbling across a random pic of Jenna Marbles.
Like tell me these dosn't excude (post serise, adult- I Don't Give A Fuck -) Machi energy?
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Like it's perfect (she would legimatly do most of the stuff Jenna did once she descided to just randomly turn 'making dumb shit with my boyfriend' into her brand) & I'm shocked I never thought of it before.
PS. I know she had that scandal a while ago but this is just meant to be for fun
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Random Fruits Basket headcanon -
* When everyone else is busy Haru & Kakeru get stonned & watch Power Rangers or play video games
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Sorry I havn't been as present on here since the show ended (just in a lot of fandoms & suck at multitasking + real life has kind of been getting in the way) so in apology have some more Machi headcanons coz our girl deserves them.
* outside of Kakeru obviously, Momiji should be the one to get the most angry over Machi not being able to see her little brother so he convinces Yuki to use that sweet Sohma money to sue the hell out of her parents (I know the story's not set in America but god damn do those assholes desserve it) after which she with the help of Kakeru, he's mum, Kormaki, Kimi & serval Sohmas (no one told Kisa, Hiro- who was mostly there for Kisa anyway- or Tohru about it because they're just too young/prim & proper/wholesome to commit crimes but they were surportive at the trail, Kyo knows but he refuses to commit crimes + he can't lie for shit to Tohru so he knows the best thing to do is to not get involved at all but promises to not snitch to the cops, Rin also knows about the plan & is tottally on board but her medication made her too tired to join in + she dosn't like seeing her loved ones get so aggressive even though she agrees it's justified & Haru was worried about what the stress of being in trouble with the law- if things went wrong- could do to her so she instead decides to go home with Kyo & Tohru- Hatori took Kisa & Hiro home- so as to help Kyo distract Tohru from worrying about where everyone else went, Kakeru's mum is the look out, Kimi- who dosn't actually know much about why they're doing this but is down to crime anyway-/ Momiji & Ayame are the distractions while Yuki/Haru/Kagura/Machi/Kakeru are the "attacker's" & poor coward Kormaki is hidden somewhere safe to film it all because Kakeru said he's sister deserves a momento of this historical day) do some very therapeutic incognito vandalisim that her parents just can't seem to prove they're responsible for no matter how hard they try
* Yuki makes sure that Machi's art studio is sound proof so she can scream & listen to music as loud as she wants
* When it comes to sex advice Machi goes to Rin while Yuki goes to Haru (she can't ask Tohru because she's Yuki's "mum", Kimi is unfortunately too "Kimi" about that kind of stuff & she can't ask Kormaki without making things very weird/Yuki refuses to ask Kyo or Ayame about it, though very popular Momiji dosn't seem to have that kind of exprience yet & Kakeru is obviously not an option)
* Tohru, Machi, Kisa & Momiji have Mogeta marathons together (Tohru still has solo ones with Akito but there mostly via Skype) while Kyo works out, Yuki gardens & Hiro studies
* Kagura teaches Machi some martial arts (because Kakeru genuinely started worrying about her living alone while him & Yuki were away at college, Yuki also worries but he just asked the others to check up on her & payed to have the best security system installed in her apartment- the new one the gang helped her find after her parents started to refuse to pay for her old one not realising that her rich boyfriend would just use he's family's money to pay her rent for her until she got a job) Haru offered to teach her at first but pushed her in Kagura's direction after Rin pointed out that Machi might not feel 100% comfortable getting so phyically close with a guy who's not Yuki & Momiji made the point that her body being different from he's might mean that she'd have to learn to fight slightly differently then he did)
* Kormaki is actually the one who started teaching Machi how to cook but though she loves her soon- to- be-sister-in-law it has to be said that her diet was very meat bassed (she actually talks to Yuki about wether that's healthy or not & if they should be worried about her which Kakeru, overhearing, starts getting genuinly anxious about wether he's girlfriend will live past 20 so tries to put Kormaki on a no meat diet which, luckily only temporarily, leads to a very tense time in their relationship)
* Kormaki is secretly a bit self conscious about the extra weight she gained after her father died (hence all the baggy clothes) despite Kakeru clearly still adoring her so Machi wanting to help asks Kimi if theyre's anything she could think of that might help which leads to Kimi, Machi & Kormaki becoming gym buddies & it's suprisingly nice as guys bother them less when they're together, Kimi knows what she's doing so she helps them whenever they're confused or having difficulty with equipment/technique, she knows how to emotinally destroy anyone who tries to give the other girls a hard time, she finally gets to rid herself of the guilt of having tiny crush on Kakeru when they first met as well as knowing she's improving Machi's health (coz that girl used to stumble into student council low-key smelling of trash & only ever seemed to have a can of fizzy drink for lunch that Kakeru would get for her from the school's vending machine) & most importantly she finally has people to make cute girl squad Insta pics with
* Kakeru & Machi love turning thier gift giving (with eachother at least) into a competition of who can buy/find/make the weirdest present (much to Yuki's bewilderment & Kormaki's sad acceptance)
* Idk if there are any colour throwing festvials in Japan but if there are Machi, Yuki, Kakeru & Momiji go to as many as they can as often as they can (if there aren't then I like to imagine that they just saw something about it online one day & descide to make thier own version by using that sweet Sohma money to rent out a big park so they can throw as much coloured powder at eachother as agressivley as they want while Haru sits at a safe distance listening to music as he films the whole thing with Rin asleep in he's lap - Kormaki is always invited but apparently something about being raised a laundry matt owner's daughter made seeing clean clothes getting covered in brightly coloured powder too stressful for her)
* Machi & Kakeru are lovers of Crocs - they regularly go shopping for charms & even try experimenting with tie die-ing some pairs with Momiji helps (Haru films it) & afterwards the two Sohmas descide to get a pair themselves & decorate them (much to Rin's displeasure), Yuki & Kormaki are given some to but they refuse to wear them anywhere nice/important (Kakeru calls them traitors for weeks over this) Kakeru also makes some for Kyo who nearly has an aneurysm before throwing them out the window (Kakeru, Kimi, Haru & Momiji have a funeral for 'The Shoes Never Worn'- Momiji came up with the name, Kakeru made the banner with Kimi's help who only joined in coz she knew it would annoy Kyo) but Machi & Kormaki not wanting Kimmy to feel left out but knowing she would never wear crocs made a bright pink pair covered in glitter & diamond charms (which Momiji & Haru affectionly call The Kimmy Choo's) & entered them into a competition for Most Tacky Foot Wear in Japan which they won 4th place for & the prize was a three day all expenses paid spa trip in Kyoto for three people which they gave to a very excited Kimi for her birthday
* Machi, Kimi & Kormaki go to spars together to help them relax - she invited them to come along to the birthday one since they were the ones who won it for her & then it just becomes a habit (Machi loves mud baths/charcoal masks & seaweed facials, Kormaki loves getting back massages & the steam room while Kimi prefers to try out all the newest treatments & vlog about them)
* Kormaki teaches Machi how to thrift shop (Kimi has to keep reminding herself that she's ok with this, something she achieves by calling it vintage)
* Machi loves garage sales (which is actually where her & Yuki get the majority of thier furniture- she used to go with Kakeru until Kormaki banned him for always bringing back useless garbage)
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~You’re my home, sweet home💓~
Another Kyo and Thoru drawing? Yes because they are literally the definition of love🤧💕 I love these two so much agh wonderful couple
Hope you like it🧡💜
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“Together, hand in hand… Have lots of happy times and sad times, and grow old like that” 🐱❤️🍙 I had this piece on hold for the longest time but finally got around to finish it 😭🙌 I know a traditional Japanese wedding suits Kyoru better but I couldn’t help but imagine them in their reception outfits too 💕
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Let’s both do what we can.
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When winter comes, let’s make footprints in the snow together, ok?
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GUYS. I just realized that THIS is why they fell in love with each other.
Yuki was sick of everyone seeing him as perfect when he was dying to just be human.
Machi was terrified of perfection and found an imperfect person who respected that fear.
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Art by  oretsuu
Posted with Permission (reprint/edit and/or commercial use prohibited)
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Local Orphan Enters Family Drama, Makes Everyone Love Her, Steals Cat, and Leaves.
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I don't say this everyday but I do love kyoru so much. 😌🧡💛
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and I'm so happy whenever I see my timeline filled with kyoru related things. 😊💗
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I will straight up fist fight anyone who tries to put my girl Machi down, ya'll don't know shit. She's the true mvp.
Oh and Machi's mother? She's the first on the list to catch these hands.
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uhhh yukixmachi for the anon request
ihave a hc that yuki loves hugging machi post curse sooooo
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manga edits hits different💯
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The fact that Kyoko's dying wish was for Tohru to be loved-
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And then the Sohmas come along to fulfill that wish-
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It just- it makes me so-!
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