too-many-tavos · 4 years
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more catboys
society has the need for catboys
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too-many-tavos · 4 years
This blog is accepting development anons!
Bug my character about their past! Ask them about the things you wonder about! Give them scenarios to get their brain going! Today is all about bringing out the growth hiding within my character.
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too-many-tavos · 4 years
Wyrm you get out of that poor child's body this instant or you won't get any cookies! Ya hear me!? >:( (conductorofhyrule).
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[[Wyrm won't be leaving anytime soon]]
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too-many-tavos · 4 years
"Hey dirtwyrm, ready to get pierced on a rock a second time?"
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[[How does one kick an evil spirit out of a vessel? I have no idea]]
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too-many-tavos · 4 years
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Villain Post
In order:Symphaire,the person who's been chasing Antonal ever since she was created,,,reason why antonal is partially blind. The wyrm,another person who tried to kill Antonal but died insted,,,he's also the ghost possessing Oratorio. Marias,Ostinato's horrible mother/the reason Osti has trust issues,,,,she has a human form,she just refuses to shift into it. [All villains are up for asks]
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too-many-tavos · 4 years
I'm thinkin' about world building,,,,and my tavos' enemies/villains,,,,probably gonna draw some maps and villain refs,,,if i find the motivation to do so anyways
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too-many-tavos · 4 years
Can I,,, pet/hug your bois they're all so cute I love them (and give them food too for those who need it)
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[[Three would like a hug,,,Ostinato has trust issues due to past experiences so you won't be getting a hug out of him,,,Oratorio is currently possessed by a vengeful ghost so it's not a good idea to go near him,,,]]
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too-many-tavos · 4 years
(conductorofhyrule) I can't remember which octavo it was but one of them asked for food 0w0 *struggles to drag a massive sack of food over*
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"Thank you!"-Antonal
[[He's partially blind so it took him a bit to sniff it out but he found it!]]
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too-many-tavos · 4 years
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[[Tavo Oc post 1 (The other three tavos are themed tavos so they'll be in a separate post)]]
Tavos in order:Antonal[due to rps,he's now uninfected and partially blind],Ostinato [snek],Oratorio[asshole centaur],Obbligato[shapeshifter],Berceus [forest gaurdian]
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too-many-tavos · 4 years
Y'know,now that i think about it,since ant has developed a lot due to rps i've had and the fact that i have a lot of tavos now,i feel like i should change this blog over from "ask-antonal" to a name like "too-many-tavos" or something like that,,,also,sorry for being dead for awhile,,,
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too-many-tavos · 4 years
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Here they are!
Ask the mice anything you want! Can’t guarantee I’ll be able to pull the same quality of drawing for all asks but I’ll always make sure the answers are understandable!!
It’s my first time creating an askblog so I’m kinda nervous lol
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too-many-tavos · 4 years
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||He appreciates the words||
[[We got a lovey dovey boy and then there's his ghost friend judging him]]
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too-many-tavos · 4 years
it's about time i put my tavos on tumblr so here are mine
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why do i only have a libretto full body? oh well
first is staccato, a 5'3" tavo cursed to twilight by the fates
second is clonetavo, octavo's failed creation
third is libretto elegy, the 6'2" tavo with a full name
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too-many-tavos · 4 years
Please don't scroll past this post if you are viewing this and are in one of the fandoms tagged.
We are the Tokyo-to System, a traumagenic system of 9. But that's not why we are making this post.
This post is to call out the Tumblr user hyperdontiiaa or HYPERDONTIIA.
This user is an abuser, groomer, suicide baitor, manipulator, and she has no respect for any other person.
She used us when she found out that our core personality had kinned Yoyo when they were dating. She forced his personality onto Kenny by any means, literally going to the point by manipulating him into various roleplays, some even sexual AS WE ARE A MINOR, MIND YOU, and completely disregarding Kenny's actual personality. But when she found out Yoyo actually split as an alter to deal with the trauma of her constantly abusing Kenny, she ABUSED HIM TOO FOR NOT LOVING HER.
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She has delusions that Yoyo is in love with her and is her servant. When various people told her that Yoyo didn't love her, she began to suicide bait on multiple platforms because of said person. We kept our Claus and Beat introject from her to make sure that she wouldn't get to them too. She also tried forcing us to stop being kin and emotionally abused us by constantly telling us we were negative in DMS or just flat out using us for NSFW roleplays. She also tried telling us she was going to call the police on us for something we a. Didn't do and b. Wasn't even a crime since the recipient of the selfie was sent to him by her which was NOT asked for.
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She also almost got banned from Earthbound Amino for asking for an incestuous roleplay from YET ANOTHER MINOR of Claus and Lucas, which she ALSO ships. Which is kind of funny considering whenever we talked about any ship she would literally attack us. When we told her we shipped beatyo, she literally told us to delete it off of our phone and then she continued to say that we didn't love her enough. It got to the point where she was banned off of three Aminos: Jet Set Radio, Sega, and Gorillaz. I only have a screenshot of the JSR ban.
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She had used and manipulated the mods on this amino too, and they just got to the point where they had to ban her.
But the striking thing about how we broke up is that she started growing feelings for a 21 YEAR OLD AND DIDN'T TELL US. She was in love with him and even when he told her that he didn't want to be publicly labeled as a pedophile(EVEN THOUGH HE CONFESSED HIS FEELINGS FIRST) she still wanted to date him. This is where the final straw ended. After this she blocked me and started sending people after us to stalk our accounts, specifically my ex friend Gabe who also tried getting our boyfriend to leave us.
As we have last heard she is trying to befriend some people in the JSR community. Please, if that is you, block her immediately and don't interact. She specifically acts nice and loving to catch you. Please, we don't want anyone else hurt. If you have any more questions please ask us in PM or if you need any more evidence/things that happened.
Please reblog this so others will know of her absolutely disgusting actions.
The Tokyo-to System
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too-many-tavos · 4 years
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[[Happy Valentines from my Tavos! Obbligato is the black/orange one and Berceus is the plant boi!]]
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too-many-tavos · 4 years
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[[This is Endtonal/Bad end Antonal! Basically the malice takes full control and he just turns into a monster unable to control his own body]]
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too-many-tavos · 4 years
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[[Antonal (and my other Tavos that I haven't spoken about on tumblr) as minish!]]
[[Also you really wanna know who "Obbligato" and "Mezo" are then you could ask to meet them (Due to this blog being about Antona,I never revealed them)]]
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