trans-tips · 2 years
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  Part of “passing” as a trans man is looking like a man, however, mannerisms are also important to “passing.” Though passing isn’t a necessity to one’s transition, passing can be important to young trans men going through dysphoria, which is why it’s important to know how to preform male mannerisms.
What Are Mannerisms?
  Mannerisms are gestures or habits people have. Some mannerisms are verbal and others are physical. Though people can have their own personal mannerisms, some mannerisms are done by a majority of a gender identity or sex. An example of a mannerism is tapping your foot when you speak or cracking your fingers when you get nervous.
Male Mannerisms?
  Are there really “male mannerisms?” The answer is yes and no. Sure, some women preform mannerisms typically preformed by men so there are no specific mannerisms that belong to a category of a specific gender, so, because of that, I’m sharing mannerisms that are preformed by a majority of men to help other trans men who feel dysphoric.
 - Sitting with your legs spread/open    Most men sit with their legs spread, unlike most women who tend to cross their legs a majority of the time. However, if you can’t break the habit of crossing your legs then try crossing your lower legs/ankles since some men do this as well.
 - Stand with your hands in your pockets    When men stand or walk, they usually have their hands in their jean or hoodie pockets. You could also hold something in your hand like a backpack strap or a water bottle as an alternative.
 - Hold your shoulders high    Men genetically have larger/wider shoulders so hold your shoulders high to give the illusion that they’re wider. If you become uncomfortable or your body starts to hurt attempting this, please stop!
 - Nod at other men    Men have an odd tendency to nod at other men just to acknowledge their existence  Walking down the street or the sidewalk, men typically nod at each other. Women also tend to do this so it’s pretty universal but still helpful.
 - Talk slower    Men tend to talk slower then women since they typically aren’t as verbal. Talk clearly but not so speedy! Also try to be more direct and blunt with your words.
 - Slow your movements    Men don’t move or “fidget” as much as women do when they talk. Typically when men do move while they speak, their movements tend to be slower or more clear. Imagine that you’re underwater if you find it hard to slow yourself down.
 - Stand on both legs    Men typically put their weight onto both of their legs instead of leaning on one hip or sticking their hips out like most women do. Stand straight with your both your feet on the ground instead of shifting your weight to one side!
 - Walk with your legs father apart    Genetically speaking, cis men walk with their legs father apart since they have something between their legs. Since cis women don’t have this, they get used to walking with their legs as close together as possible. If you find it hard to do this, imagine a line is under you and walk with your legs on opposite sides of that line rather than trying to walk as close or on the line as possible.
 - Handshakes    Men typically always stand and lean when they go to shake someone’s hand, sometimes they even say, “It’s nice to meet you,” but that is just basic manners. Women, however, usually hug others as opposed to handshakes.
 - Compliments    Men tend to keep their compliments vague, and oddly enough, men don’t compliment each other as much as they compliment women. Men typically don’t get complimented often either. I hope this helps people! Not all these are fact but they are definitely typical mannerisms of most men. Are there any other topics anyone wants to know about? Tell me and I’ll make a post!
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