visbabylily · 2 years
Violets and Vendettas | Vi x Reader
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎
𝚅𝚒 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 | 𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗 𝙰𝚞
𝕊𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪 : Stars shine brighter before they die, she should’ve known they will end up with the same tragedy...
𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 : Blood, matured themes, tattoos, cold father, Vi gets hurt, poor flowers getting hurt
Word : 4.5K (i think?) that’s what word counter told me tho 🥺
Chapters : One, Two, {Three}
A/N: IM SO SORRY!!! IM SO STUPID OMG IM SO SORRY ASDHAGDJFK, I took so long to update! I was busy playing valorant *cough*sorry studying, but anyways Violets are absolutely beautiful flowers! my next favorite, after lilies!
This is also unedited btw! I feel like there’s still something missing in this chapter, but I really want to post it because I feel so bad for not updating often😔
Maybe the gods themselves finally had enough of his shit, and decided this time justice will be serve, he will admit the things he have done wasn’t good but he simply needed to do it to survive 
The man tied to the rusty metal chair grunted, hands trying to wriggle free from the painful and tight hold of the ropes, but one glare from his kidnapper halted him, gulping as the glint of the machete caught his eyes, he can feel the eyes of death creeping around the corner, watching him struggle to free himself out of the entrapment, waiting patiently for the sharp object to penetrate through him so he could come collect his wretched soul 
He looked at the young boy with pleading eyes, about to beg for him to spare his puny life, until the door burst open, a tall woman with lean muscle came in, eyebrows furrowed, lips pulled into a frown, as eyes landed on him with a harsh glare, two bandaged hands came up to her hood, removing it and revealing the pink hair hiding beneath the fabric 
“What the fuck is this?” She cursed jutting her chin towards the tied man, walking towards the young boy with light hair leaning against the table, still holding the shiny machete, she leaned against the wooden surface beside the boy, crossing her arms, glaring eyes never leaving his tied-up figure 
“One of Spider Lily’s goons” The boy said, as if it wasn’t enough the girl’s eyes harden even more, shaking him to the core, and if looks can kill, he would definitely be six feet underground by now 
“I-Im not! I swear I don’t even know what that is!” He exclaimed, pleading for his life as he saw the boy lift the machete up, only to leave it on top of the table, reaching for his pockets and pulling out a jewelry, shining as the dim lights of the room made contact with the golden chain and the vibrant red of the flower sitting in the middle 
“We found this on him...look, it’s the same” The boy said, handing the woman the necklace, the woman hastily took it as both her and the boy turned their back on him facing the wooden table, the boy pulled out a picture from the desk’s drawers, a picture of the same necklace
“This yours?” The woman asked turning around to face him, twirling the necklace in front of him, to which the man quickly shook his head, fear coursing through his veins as the woman walked closer to him 
“Lying is not gonna save you, you know?” Vi said watching the man’s eye tremble as he noticed Ekko picking the machete back up 
“I-I just took it! I-Im a t-thief! I just p-pickpocketed it from someone!” He screamed, looking in between Vi who was cracking her bandaged knuckles to Ekko who was playing with his weapon, polishing it with a rag, most absolutely preparing it to slice his gut if needed
“From who?” Vi asked pocketing the stolen necklace and crossing her arms 
“F-From those rich people! a-at the big party!” the man’s answer left Vi in surprise, eyes widening as she remembered passing by the building yesterday, she almost couldn’t believe the fact that the Spider Lily might be closer to them than she originally thought they were 
“The one at Sunrise Avenue?” Ekko questioned to which the guy vigorously nodded his head “Y-yes! that one!” he exclaimed  
“Who was it?” Vi interrogated some more, walking even closer to the man who was shaking in his boots from the close proximity of the two dangerous looking people  
“I-I just told you-” He murmured  
“Who?!” Vi was never a patient person, and the man’s pathetic quivering and murmurs tests her already non-existent patience even more 
“A-a girl! I took it from a girl! when they were leaving the party” The man sobbed, it was pathetic, Vi scoffed at the sight  
“Who is she? Did you know her? what was she wearing? what she look like?” Question after question flew out of from Vi’s mouth, unrelenting and not bothering to give the man time to gather whatever wits he has left  
“L-look i dont know man, like I said Im just a thief-” the man was cut off once again, as Vi took a hold of his clothes in her strong fists, lifting him up slightly along with the chair
“White! she was wearing white! that’s all I know!” Vi decided to put him down after his answer, backing away from him a little as she fixed her bandages 
“That’s useless, everyone was wearing white in that party” Ekko said, to which Vi followed up with her own question “What did she look like?” she said still tinkering her bandaged hand 
“I-I-” Vi looked up from, finished fixing her bandages and now clenches her hand close and open, shaking it as she walked towards him again 
“What. Did. she. look. like?” Vi said with a hard glare fixed at the man, making him tremble as he met her eyes
“I dont know! I dont know! wh-when we pickpocket, w-we don’t look at people, i-it risks us from getting caught, w-we do it as fast as possible, sometimes t-they dont even feel it” The man whimpered, with no further questions Vi and Ekko simply stared at him, the man felt uncomfortable as he sees the gears working in both of their minds, probably thinking of what they should do with the poor thief   
“I swear please, Im telling truth” He whispered, hoping to the gods above that these young people will have some mercy on him, but unfortunately for him  
“I have a family, please, I just wanted to feed them” Ekko felt bad for the man, his ways might’ve not been the best, but he had good intentions, he was a bad person but he was a good father, He thought Vi would’ve see that, but Vi’s vision was clouded by a vicious red, seeing nothing but the Spider Lily and her vendetta against him,
“Kill him” Vi whispered to Ekko, to which send the man in hysterics, screaming and crying, begging for his life 
Somehow she already knew that a guy with balls as big as quail eggs couldn’t possibly working for someone cold blooded like the Spider Lily
But she’s simply not willing to take the risk, she just got out of prison, if the Spider Lily found out that she might be looking for them, she might get locked up again and she can’t have that, she’s not getting any younger, she have to finish this, before she grays or dies, whichever comes first 
“No, we’ve talked about this” Ekko warned 
“He’s seen our face, if he’s lying, they might come for us” Vi hissed at Ekko, ignoring the pleas of the man, now trying harder to wriggle free, his struggles against the binds made him fall on his back, grunting in pain as the metal chair dug onto his skin 
“I’ll handle it” Ekko replied, Vi stared at him, challenging him to change his mind but Ekko was already resistant to Vi’s harsh glares, having seen it firsthand when they were younger, Ekko shook his head under Vi’s unrelenting glare making her scoff and walk away, grabbing the back of the chair and putting the man upright before finally leaving the warehouse 
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
The sun was almost up when Y/N came back to her cold and dead room, she made sure to wash away the night’s memories before sleeping, she hasn’t even have her eyes close for two minutes when her phone rang in her quiet room, she didn’t bother to check the caller id as she answered 
“Hello?” she whispered to the phone, exhaustion evident in her hoarse voice   
“Y/N” the voice of the man saying her name woke her up, eyes widening in surprise   
“...Father” she whispered 
“I’ll be back home one week from now on, I want you to join me for dinner” 
“I have something on that day” 
“Free your schedule” 
“I’ll try” 
“That wasn’t a request” 
And without as much as a goodbye, her father cut off the line, leaving her sighing and screaming into her pillow, not even bothering with sleep as she got up and got herself ready for class... 
Class was boring, she hates it, thankfully one of her good friend and party buddy invites her to hangout at the mall after class, she was grateful and excited for the company 
“Never seen you after club, how you been sis?” Y/N’s friend, Judy asked, dark skin shining like gold under the rays of the afternoon sun peeking through the big glass of the cafe they were currently sat at 
“Eh, been good” She mumbled fork picking at the cheesecake she ordered 
“Er, did something happened? you seem out of it” Her friend Judy asked, worry written in her big brown eyes, which made Y/N slumped in her seat, hands grabbing the white coffee cup, taking a sip of the delicious liquid inside before speaking 
“My father’s coming back” 
“And that’s a bad thing how?” Judy asked, she doesn’t know much about Y/N’s family, considering she rarely opens up about it, but she knows that Y/N rarely see her father, so the confusion on Judy’s face when hearing the disdain in her voice was something Y/N expected although did not hoped for
“Not technically a bad thing, it’s just- I haven’t talked to him in months, heck even when he wasn’t abroad we rarely spoke to each other, then he suddenly calls me in the ass crack of dawn telling me to have dinner with him” Y/N ranted to her friend, to which Judy nod in understanding
“Oh...well maybe um, maybe he realized he hasn’t talk to his only daughter in a hot minute and invited you for dinner?” Judy said wary smile on her lips, her sentence made the troubled girl roll her eyes 
“As if” She grumbled, but somewhere deep inside her, there was a little sliver of hope, that maybe... 
Their afternoon went by quickly as the continued to talking to each other, not one second of silence getting in their conversation, spending hours catching up on what the other did during their absence  
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
One week later…
Y/N never knew that one week could go by so fast, the day she have been dreading the most finally came, she was getting herself ready for her dinner with her father, when suddenly she heard her doorbell, the rings echoed loudly inside the big house, drowning out Arianna Grande’s Motive blasting through her phone speakers 
She sighed as walked up to the front door, opening it, to her surprise no one but a bouquet of Red Spider Lilies was standing at the empty corridor, she picked up the vase making sure to hold it as far away from her as possible and inspected the letter attached to it 
“Y/N” written on the white paper 
She rolled her eyes as she walked back inside the penthouse, putting the bouquet of flowers on her coffee table, the glass vase clinking as it made contact with the glass surface of the coffee table... 
The ride to the restaurant was silent, her father’s men picking her up rather than her usual one, the two men were scary looking to say the least, big muscly bodies hidden under their suit, hard eyes trained and focused on the road, the one on the passenger’s seat surveying the area from time to time
When she arrived, one of the men opened the door for her, she thanked him, not even getting a reply or a glance, she shrugged to herself at the awkward encounter 
When she went inside, it was bare of people, only a few staff and an even fewer customers, a waiter smiled at her and lead her to the table where her father was sat at, she was offered the seat in front of him and handed a menu 
“Did you like the gift?” Her Father greeted, voice as cold as ever, and Y/N felt her heartbeat trying to burst out of her seat, nervous from finally meeting the man who’s supposedly her father
“It’s fine” Matter of fact it was not fine, but she’s not about to remind her father only for him to forget soon after and give her the same gift next time...that she’s mildly allergic to Spider Lilies
The same waiter who lead her earlier took their order, her father not even asking her what she wanted, simply ordering two plates of Japanese A5 wagyu ribeye steak and a bottle of Chateau Mouton Rothschild 1989, again oblivious to the fact that her daughter is not really a big fan of wagyu beef and absolutely does not drink alcoholic grape juice  
Silence fell upon them, making Y/N squirm from the silent torment, she cleared her throat making her father look up at her  
“Did you get mom something? it’s her birthday tomorrow” she said, bambi (E/C) eyes searching his cold ones for something, some sort of hope that maybe despite his incapability of being a father to her, he will be somewhat of a decent husband to her birth giver, but her hope was shattered to pieces as cold words left his mouth    
“I have business with the Medardas” 
“Can’t you just spare at least a few hours to visit her?” she said disbelief in her voice, disbelief at the fact that her father was so cold to the point that he cant even be bothered to give a little bit of his time to the woman who was once his wife, and disbelief at herself that she even thought he would change    
“Business, Y/N” Her father said, voice cold and stern, leaving her crestfallen, but again something he didn’t noticed and never will, or maybe simply refused to acknowledge
“’f course” she mumbled
An uncomfortable silence once again enveloped their atmosphere, and she was once again left in her own thoughts, her father remaining ignorant at his daughter’s downcast state and silent inner turmoil, focusing instead on the food and alcohol in front of him
She kept playing with her food, taking as little sip as possible of the red wine until her father deemed it was time to leave 
Her Father offered to drop her off but she refused, making up the most bullshit excuse of ‘meeting with a friend’, but she simply can’t endure the uncomfortable atmosphere between her and her father, she scared she might leap out of the moving car like an abducted person, she just can’t sit through another minute alone with her Father and his bodyguards
And so she was left alone to walk by herself, hailing a cab might’ve been the easier way to get her ass to her penthouse but she decided to enjoy the night, putting her airpods in and listening to Rihanna’s We found love
It was a nice walk, wasn’t too cold but not hot either, listening to music made her regain all the mental health she lost just from being in her father’s presence, she was content and happy, subtly nodding her head to the music and waiting for the beat to drop, but instead she got herself a different drop than what she was originally waiting for 
Rather than the long awaited beat drop, she found her ass dropping onto the ground instead, the strong impact of someone colliding into her knocked the airpods fit snuggly on her ear, watching as it tumble on the asphalt concrete dangling at the edge of the sewer drain as if saying goodbye to her, teasing her saying ‘Im gonna fall wee’, and then finally falling, never to be seen again…
“What the fu- Oh my god you’re bleeding” She gasped as she saw the person who went rugby quarterback full throttle on her being, bleeding onto the ground from the slash in her arms hidden beneath her red jacket  
“Wait! you again?!” She exclaimed when she realized who it was, pink hair and red jacket, as if she was decorated by a cupid to parade for Valentines day  
“Oh...hi, sorry” She grunted pain evident in her blue eyes as she stood up, albeit shakily, Y/N also noticed the black eye forming under the woman’s left eye and jaw, and her split bottom lips, the cherry on top of her rugged and beaten appearance was the blood she spat on the ground near the sewer drain where her airpods goes bye bye to her                  
Y/N stared at her before hastily running up to her and putting her muscly arms around her smaller figure as she noticed the girl sway slightly and almost face-planted at her own blood, she hissed as their sides made contact with each other 
“Ahh careful, bruised ribs” oh of course, that too...
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Vi wasn’t even sure if she was dead and was currently being brought to heaven where she shall be judged or if she was just plain hallucinating from being punched in the face, either way she let herself enjoy the warmth of her savior, felt herself being rushed inside a warm car, she was in and out of her consciousness as the car drove off to wherever Ms. Savior was taking her, only the little slaps on her face keeping her from falling to a deep sleep she might never wake up from 
She was taken somewhere, definitely not a hospital, from the black tiled wall of the room and the cold white marbled tiles of the floor, she was taken to sat in a soft yet cold leather couch  
“Wait here, I’ll be back okay?” Her guardian angel’s sweet voice came out in a murmur as she left Vi alone sitting on the couch, through her hazy eyes, Vi saw a glimpse of red... Spider Lilies
The sight of the offending flower caught her so off guard and woke up her fuzzy mind, with shaky hands she reached towards it, touching the thin petals of the small flower, without much thought, she felt the plant crush under her now closed palm, the poor flower breaking and tearing from her iron grip 
“Not a big fan of flowers?” someone from behind her said, watching Vi annihilate the poor innocent plant, in her hands was a first aid kit, wet towel and a pack of frozen peas, to Vi’s surprise, her guardian angel was actually the girl she shared a night with just a week ago 
“You again?” Vi said, to which the girl pffted at and said “I know, that’s what I just said earlier” Vi shook her head and apologized for the now completely demolished flower, the girl handed her the frozen peas, to which she put against her tender left eye, feeling the bruise already forming behind it 
“It’s okay, I don’t like them too” The girl said, taking a seat beside her, Vi was curious but didn’t have the time to ask why as the girl spoke again  
“Jacket. off” The girl said as soon as she sat down, Vi took the frozen peas off of her face “Gee chill, buy me dinner first damn” but despite her sassy remark to which the girl rolled her eyes at, she removed her jacket, grunting in pain as it made contact with her wound
It was silent other than the girl’s humming as she focused on cleaning her wounds gently with the wet towel, Vi decided to strike up a conversation to fill the silence
“So...why do you hate them?”
“Mm, well, they’re associated with death, back in the pre-cremation eras, they’re extremely poisonous to animals, people plant them near graves so the dead will be protected from rodents and other wild animals, creeps me out sometimes and Im also allergic to them” Y/N said before putting the wet towel near the fallen petals of the flower on top of the table, she then opened the kit to grab a cotton ball and anti septic, putting some of the orange-brown liquid of the povidone-iodine on the white cotton ball
“Why keep it then?” Vi asked as she felt the cotton ball softly dabbed at her wounds, careful and gentle under the girl’s focused hands
“...someone special gave it to me” The girl whispered, busy cleaning Vi’s wounds, a brief moment of silence passed by them as Vi let the stranger-but-not-really-a-stranger take care of her 
“What’s your favorite then?” at Vi’s question the girl looked up, seemingly surprised at Vi’s unexpected question, but smiled softly before replying “...violets”
“Oh? why?” It was Vi’s turn to be surprised, she doesn’t know much about flowers, but she’s seen violets before, and they’re not really the prettiest, unlike the ones sitting on her coffee table, violets didn’t really seem that unique to her, they look like wild flowers that grows on the side of the pavement, to be overlooked, or for a random kid to just suddenly pull it out of the ground or something, and so Vi can’t help but be a little curious  
“my mom used to tell me that they symbolize true love, so when I was young, she’ll always tell me ‘you’re my violet’, which is, I don’t know if you’ve noticed this but...” she suddenly turned her back to her, lifting the strands of her (H/N) hair, revealing the lone violet with its leaves inked on the back of her neck, Vi ran her hands through them gently, her long fingers touching the stray hairs that has fallen from her grasp 
“Don’t tell anyone though, I have a reputation to keep” She winked as she turned back around to face her, letting her hair loose as it cascades down her shoulders   
“Aww cute, but you know that’s funny, my parents used to call me Violet too” Vi said making the girl turn her attention to her, raising one eyebrow
“That’s so sweet, really?” 
“Yeah, cause my name’s Violet” at Vi’s reply the girl deadpanned as she pressed the cotton ball on her wound making her hiss in pain
“Yeah real funny” Y/N rolled her eyes, shaking her head as she threw away the cotton ball 
“Oh, wait you’re serious?” Y/N said after a moment of not hearing anything from the hissing girl 
“What did you think this stands for?” Vi said now tapping the tattoo on her cheek, Y/N leaned in to take a closer look
Y/N studied the features she failed to notice during that night, Violet is sporting a scar on her brow, and another one on her top lip, a thin piece of metal wrapping around the left side of her nostril, and all the little freckles that’s littered all over her face, Vi looked tough, all the scars embedded on her face and body was the sole evidence of how life has not been kind to her, but she looked strong, the type who will smirk at the face of life every time it gives her another problem to deal with, she has broad shoulders, one that has definitely carried more burden than she probably deserved
And Violet did the same, studying the girl’s face close to her, skin looking soft and supple as ever, compared to her there’s no trace of scars gracing the girl’s face nor body, she was flawless, and beautiful, a masterpiece created only with perfection in mind, Vi even wondered if it was normal for someone with a beauty out of this world to be walking this wretched planet, she was breathtaking, but Vi feels that this girl is more than just pretty face, as they gaze into each other’s eyes, Vi can see the gears working endlessly in her mind, as if her is brain running at a 100 mile per hour, never-ending thoughts streaming through her mind like a river 
“Oh wow, I didnt notice that” she whispered suppressing the urge to squirm the longer Vi stared at her, as if studying her, scared that all her thoughts are being revealed under her blue eyes “I can’t believe you have your name tattooed on your face” 
“I can’t believe you dont”
“Well my name’s Y/N...I don’t really know how I’ll have that inked on my face” Y/N said now tying a bandage around the wounds she cleaned, her cold hands against her arms making Vi shiver slightly  
“Yeah...it doesn’t sound as good as Vi” Vi said making Y/N tighten the bandages around her arm “Ow! kidding kidding” Vi yelped and pouted holding her arm closer to her
“You better be, my mother gave me that name” Y/N scoffed, both of them sitting in silence as she tidied up the table, after she deemed it neat enough, she turned back to the girl who is now flexing her arms as if the wounds there were nonexistent  
“Did you like fight someone?” Y/N asked, Vi didn’t answer simply pouted and looked away “Looks like you’ve bitten off more than you can chew” Y/N commented, ever the curious one
“Got outnumbered” Vi muttered, now crossing her arms, what hurts the most is not the injuries she got from the fight, but her bruised pride over losing a fight she could’ve easily won, but she can only do so much, handling five guys that came with five more back up along with sharp weapons wasn’t easy nor fair, she only had her fists you know
“Why did you fight then?” Y/N questioned, she was never one to seek out fight, whether verbal or physical, so she can’t help but be curious on why one lone girl is willing to take a fight where she knows she’s outnumbered  
“I hated their tattoos” was Vi’s reply, Y/N wanted to ask more, to satiate the ever growing curiosity inside of her, but one look at Vi, arms crossed, blue eyes glaring at the red spider lilies on her table and the frown etched on her lips, seemingly lost in thoughts, she felt that maybe this was something personal to Vi, she didn’t wanna overstep anything so instead opted for a more simple answer 
“Eh valid reason” 
Vi didn’t say anything, simply pursing her lips
“…hey, I’ll find you something to eat, wait here” Y/N spoke to Vi after a few moments of silence, to which Vi only replied with a nod of her head, Y/N then got up and left Vi sitting on the couch, deep in thought 
Y/N couldn’t believe herself, other than the pack of frozen peas, she only has two eggs left in her refrigerator, she can’t possibly offer this to Vi, there’s simply not enough nutrients in those eggs for Vi to regain her energy after fighting men with apparently hideous tattoos
After much pondering and panicking on what to offer the wounded girl, Y/N decided it would be better if she just oober eats something to her house, she closed her refrigerator and went back to the girl in her couch
“Hey, would you be okay with just oo…ber?” Y/N words trailed off as she noticed the girl that seemed to be softly snoring off to wonderland on her couch
“…Violet?” She whispered, afraid to wake up the girl, she walked closer to her and realized that the girl has indeed fallen asleep…sitting up
Y/N sighed to herself as she walked into her own room, grabbing some of her pillows and extra blankets from her closet, she made her way back to the still sleeping girl, Y/N then put the pillow on one end of the couch, slowly guiding her to fully lay down on the couch, adjusting her head as it softly hit the cold pillows and extra careful of her fresh wounds as she laid the blanket on top of her
She must’ve been so tired…
Was the last thought on Y/N’s mind as she stared at the sleeping girl, eyebrows furrowed as a frown painted her lips, even in her sleep she looks pissed, she sighed and whispered a soft “…goodnight” before heading to bed herself, turning off the lights on her way in
The Necklace   
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visbabylily · 3 years
Violets and Vendettas | Vi x Reader
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚘
𝚅𝚒 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 | 𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗 𝙰𝚞
𝕊𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪 : Stars shine brighter before they die, she should’ve known they will end up with the same tragedy...
𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 :Smoking, smut themes, matured themes, death, major character death, fight, cursing, slow burn
Word Count : 3k
Chapters : One, {Two}, Three, Four
A/N: I edited the last part from the previous chapter, instead of using silver jewelries, I changed it to gold, cause you know, white and gold party😔, idk what I was thinking when I was writing that part of the chapter am sorry , 😖😭, it wasn’t mentioned that much in this chapter unlike last time, but just in case 😊
Im also not very good at writing smut, I do read them but🥲 I just cant write good for some reason, so I hope that doesn’t really bother you☺️
The party was grand and beautiful, designed in a way as if it was fit only for the most respectable royalties and noble families, pristine white walls decorated with shimmering golden trims, the squeaky clean, almost mirror-like, white and gold marbled tiles, and the countless beautiful people in their equally beautiful white clothes and golden accents...it was a heavenly scene, and not even the masterpieces of Picasso or Van Gogh can compare to the wonderful sight upon her
The alcoholic beverage choice of the party’s host was immaculate, making sure to celebrate the night with countless bottles of Dom Pérignon for the guests to enjoy
The sweet melody of Iosif Ivanovici’s Waves of the Danube filled the room with serene silence, the tunes of the classical music softly caressing the ears of those who listened and taking them to a place of tranquility
Many would kill to experience a party with such refined tastes like this, to marvel at the feeling of drowning in riches, and Y/N cant help but feel as if she was ungrateful for the fact that her heart is longing to be somewhere else…
Her body was aching to be inside the small club room, where there is barely any space available that people are forced to be so close to each other, enough to feel their beating hearts, mind so eager to get itself lost to the loud and deafening music, mouth watering at the thought of the cheap and bitter beer with more foam than the actual beverage
At least there nobody cared for formalities or anything, no one has to be on their best behavior, you just dance without any care if people deem it modest or decent, you just become you, no images to uphold, no masks to hide themselves in in favor of pleasing others, there you just dance and drink and forget about everything
Y/N finds it funny that the small cramped room of the club was the place she felt the more free, not her enormous penthouse apartment, not this astounding ball party, but the club where you can always find Y/N and her friends at
But her daydream was cut off short by a voice whispering beside her
“Care to join me for a drink Pretty?” She turned around at the sound of the familiar voice, eyes lighting up at the sight of an old friend standing in front of her
“Mel!” she gasped smiling at the woman
A smirk plastered itself on Mel’s face, white dress hugging her curves, looking beautiful against her soft dark skin, a slit on the each side of her legs made her look as enticing as ever, dainty hands offering one of the two flutes of champagne she was holding
“Oh no, I've already had too-” Y/N shook her head in refusal was cut off short by Mel pushing one of the cold glass into her hands
“You'll have one” Mel said smiling
“Gee, demanding as ever you are” she whispered as she lifted her glass to clink it with Mel’s raised one
“How have you been, Mel?” Y/N asked after taking a sip of the bubbly yet bittersweet champagne, she watched Mel do the same and patiently waited for her reply, “I’ve been good”
“I’ve heard of your engageme-”
“Right...Arranged engagement to The Talis's son, how has that been?” Y/N continued her unfinished question, making sure to say Mel’s word just a bit in a higher volume, as her big, bright and slightly teasing eyes looking at Mel expectantly, excited to hear and gossip about a possible budding romance between the children of the Talis and the Medarda family, known to be powerhouses in the business industry
“He’s not so bad, I suppose” Mel said, Y/N nodded as a response, letting Mel continue “a momma’s boy…but I quite dig it” Mel finished in a suggestive tone, winking at Y/N who flushed and turned red at the unexpected comment
To the eyes of many, it would be a peculiar sight to see the scary Mel engaging in a conversation with the sweet Y/N, but little do they know is that Mel has always been a good friend since childhood, although she will admit it was hard to see eye to eye with Mel at first, she was materialistic, posh and a bit of snob
Although Mel Medarda is a force to be reckoned with, hence the nickname scary Mel, she wasn’t all bad, it was just hard to find a common ground with her sometimes, cause when Y/N sees the beauty in all of things, Mel looks at the price of it
But all in all, Y/N and Mel have gotten close over the years of their childhood, although less so as they get older, Mel is still the one Y/N would look for during parties like this to keep her company
Their exchange of words and giggles were cut short by Mel’s Mother joining the conversation, to which the scary Mel rolled her eyes at, putting her hands on her hips as she turned to her mother
“What is it?” Mel asked, annoyed at the fact that her grand reunion with an old friend just had to be cut short by her Mother, Mrs. Medarda ignored her daughter as she walked over to you
“Good evening Mrs. Medarda” Y/N smiled politely at the intimidating woman
“And to you” She greeted back “How has your Father been these days? I havent seen him in a while” The old woman asked, not bothering with formalities and diving straight to asking the more important questions
“Oh, he’s doing good, still abroad, but I believe he should be back home soon” Y/N replied, but opposite to her statement, Y/N hasn’t seen nor talked to her father for months now, matter of fact she never really see her father that much even when she was young, always had his business as his priority, and the only time she ever catch a glimpse of him is when he will boast and brag about his daughter, Y/N Sharp the lone successor of his empire, to his colleagues and during parties, any other than that her father was a ghost, like a boogeyman, appearing only when necessary
“That’s good, do inform me when he comes back from abroad” Mrs. Medarda said in a low voice “and tell him I need to talk to him about...business” the woman said, but Y/N wasn’t able to reply as Mel decided to do it for her
“She’s not your secretary” Mel once again intervened making her mother give her a pointed look, Y/N watched the two exchange a heated stare before she decided to put a stop to it by touching Mel’s shoulder and replying to the older woman “Of course, Mrs. Medarda”
“Thank you, I shall excuse myself then, let you enjoy your night” The woman said bidding them goodbye
“As you should” Mel murmured, making her mother turn around to face her, Mel now crossing her arms as her mother put her own on her hips
“T-Thank you for the greetings Mrs. Medarda, it was quite nice of you to do so” Y/N hastily but still politely said after noticing Mrs. Medarda now squinting her eyes at her daughter, Mel not failing to return it, Y/N stood silently, wary eyes switching between the two woman glaring at each other, the older Medarda just scoffed in the younger one’s direction before finally taking her leave, Mel watched her mother’s retreating back waiting and making sure she was out of earshot before speaking
“Ugh she's so bossy” Mel groaned making Y/N giggle mischief dancing around in her eyes
“So that's where you got that from” She joked, making Mel look incredulously at her, topping it off with a hand on her chest
“You dare, I just defended you!” Mel hissed at her friend, feigning offence at the comparison, making Y/N almost bellow out in laughter over the party full of people, who might she add, definitely would not take kindly to a ‘lady’ not covering her mouth when laughing
“Sorry, sorry, I couldn't help it” Y/N said cheekiness still evident in her voice, nudging Mel softly with her shoulders, Mel humored her even more by rolling her eyes at the girl
“But I suppose you’re right...after all” Mel paused to look at her, and Y/N understood exactly what she was trying to say, she shook her head lightly before smiling and saying in unison with her friend “…A Medarda always get what she wants” both recalling the memories of Mrs. Medarda always saying the same statement to Mel after every lecture
The party continued despite after what happened, and Y/N was more than thankful for Mel’s company, although it wasn’t quite like the club where she could totally lose herself to some loud music, it was enough to save her from being trapped in her own thoughts
As much as she didn’t want it to end, some goodbyes are necessary, she would even say that she was slightly happy to see the hint of forlorn look on her friend’s face as they bid goodbye to each other, warmed at the heart from Mel’s soft parting words “…hey, don't be stranger okay?”
With a nod and a hug, Y/N watched as Mel got into her car, the driver closing the door for her, she gave Y/N one last wave from the closed window before driving away from the party
She was about to do the same and get into her own car, the opened door ready and waiting for her, but a loud clattering sound in the dead of the night stopped her in her tracks, curious, she lifted her head up to look around for the source of the sound, catching a glimpse of the unforgettable head of pink locks and bright red jacket, (E/C) orbs following the speed-walking woman across the street, and before she even realize what she was doing, her own legs was taking her to the direction of the girl
“Ma’am! Where are you going?” The driver called out, about to ran up to follow her, but unsure if it would be fine to leave the car alone, and without the person he was supposed to take home inside
“I have somewhere to be!” She called back, picking up her pace not wanting to lose sight of her target
“But...but the car?” The driver asked, to which Y/N just waved and dismissed before yelling “I dont need it thank you!” not bothering to look back at the troubled face now etched onto her driver’s face
She watched the woman took out a cigarette from her pocket before turning around the corner, Y/N tsked to herself as she walked even faster, the cold wind harsh against her bare arms, she turned the same corner and did not expect to bump into a man, almost falling on her ass
“Hey watch it” Y/N hissed at the man who hastily walked away with his face turned down not even bothering to apologize, she just shook her and realized that the girl was walking farther away from her, making her jog to catch up to the smoking woman
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Vi with furrowed brows and downturned lips, listened in closely as her friend her in with the information they gathered about the Spider Lily when she was locked away in prison
“And listen to this” Ekko said, making Vi leaned in even more closely “One of our men overheard some goons saying this, that The Spider Man-”
“Spider Lily” Vi corrected staring into his eyes, making him roll his eyes and groan “Spider LILY-” Ekko yelled, “happy?” he asked to which Vi nodded
“-has a daughter” he finished
“...a daughter?” Vi whispered, thinking to herself, Ekko nodded at her
“Yup, which is the good news, bad news? we know nothing about her, buuut if we find out who she is, we could probably have a spy on her, milk some information out of her and move on from there, that'll be the easiest way to take down the Spider Lily” Ekko explained, taking a big gulp from the bottled beer as he leaned his weight on the desk in front of Vi
“or better yet kill the daughter, that'll definitely bring that asshole clambering out of whatever hole he crawled into” Vi scoffed, leaning against the back of the chair she was sat in, her laid back attitude after what she just said making Ekko frown
“We're not murderers...we're not like him” Ekko murmured looking Vi in the eyes, who in turn looked away from him, deep in thought and frowning
People change, Ekko knows that, he himself has changed from that young snotty crybaby who always runs up to Vi to be protected from the bad guys, as he and Powder would call them, to the man he is now
He can’t imagine the hell Vi went through during her times locked in prison, but he can see how it completely changed her, yes she was still Vi, the same strong Vi who would quite literally block the bad guys’ punches with her face just to protect them
The difference between him and Vi is the fact that he changed because he gained the capability to protect himself and the people he cares about, he gained something to change…while Vi changed because she lost well...everything, and death took not just Vander, but also Vi’s warm and forgiving heart, leaving her with nothing but a heart of stone, cold and unfeeling
It was an honest mistake, but he couldn’t take back the words that left his mouth in a murmur “Vander would’ve said the same thing”
He looked up at the noise of the rusty metal chair hitting the cemented floor, rattling loudly on impact
“...Im gonna cool off”
Was the last words Vi whispered to him before disappearing into the silent and cold night, not even letting him reply nor apologize
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Vi groaned to herself, she didn’t mean to lose her cool and react like that, she also knows that Ekko didn’t mean to mention Vander so carelessly in front of her, but she can’t help when something in her snapped at the mention of her now gone father-figure, the one who took care of her and taught her everything
She ran her hands through the strands of her pink hair, foot having a mind of it’s own as it made contact with the thin metal trash can on the side of the street, leaving a noticeable dent on it
She reached inside her pocket, grabbing the fresh pack of cigarettes, sticking it into her mouth and lighting the death stick as she walked briskly, cracking her neck as she took a puff of her cigarette, too busy with her thoughts to notice the girl standing in front of her
“Hi again, asshole” Vi almost bumped into the girl whose hands was placed on her hips, Vi didn’t say anything and instead continued smoking, not moving from the spot she was rooted in, shamelessly letting her blue eyes linger around the girl’s covered chest before traveling farther down to the exposed legs poking out from the slit of her silk white dress
The girl walked closer towards her, blue eyes trained on the soft and small hands of the girl slowly ghosting over her large and marred ones, dainty fingers going straight for the cigarette dangling inbetween her pointer and middle finger
Vi watched as the girl put the butt of the stolen cigarette to her own lips, her (E/C) never leaving her blue ones as she inhale the nicotine-laced smoke into her lungs, blowing the excess smoke out into the open air between them
“So you gonna keep your promise or what?” The girl said as she looked up to the side, Vi followed the direction she was looking at and to her amusement, they have stopped conveniently just outside a love hotel, Vi let out a humorless chuckle, walking closer to the girl before taking her cigarette back and grasping her chin, pulling her pretty face closer to hers
“You have a weird kink or something? huh? sweet cheeks?” Vi taunted, tapping the flushed cheek her pointer finger was resting on before whispering
"Didn't I tell you? Im a murderer hun"
Y/N took this as a challenge, leaning even closer to the pink haired girl, leaving little to no space between them, lips almost brushing against each other
“Believe me, I’ve stared into the eyes of a murderer...I dont see it in you” she whispered to Vi, making sure to stare directly at whatever soul she has left hiding behind the orbs of her blue eyes
“You're a mystery, a murderer? not quite”
Vi tilted her head to side with a slight shake, she removed her fingers from the girl’s face, large scarred hand grabbing her cold arm to drag the girl with her as she pushed the glass door of the love hotel open
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Vi remembered exactly just how soft and supple her skin was, as she let her hands make contact with her naked breasts, the girl’s hair pulled back and tied together by her hands as she buried her face onto her neck to left her marks again
Y/N moaned as she grasped the pink locks on top of the girl’s hair, who has sunk her face onto her poor neck, her other hand started to wander from the pink haired girl’s shoulders to under her jacket, feeling countless of scars decorating her lean muscled body, slowly getting the girl to remove her bright red clothing
Their silent moans filled the small dimmed room of the love hotel, clothes haphazardly thrown on dirty carpeted floor
Finally that night, Y/N lost herself not to the loud music of the club, but the rustling of bedsheets, her own moans ringing through her own ears, and the lewd sounds from the actions of the girl burying her face between her shaking and quivering legs
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
The loud ringing of her ringtone was the one that woke Vi up, disturbing her from her dreamless sleep, she groaned as she threw the covers off of her, exposing her stark naked body, stretching her arms and cracking her neck before walking towards the direction of her pants, the bright screen peeking through the fabric, she looked at the phone before answering
“Ekko?” she whispered, careful not to wake up the girl who was slumbering soundly, occupying the bed that she left
“Where have you been?!” Ekko yelled through the phone, his voice so loud it made Vi pull the phone away from her ears to save herself from a broken eardrum, anymore louder he would've definitely woken up the girl
“Cooling off, I told you that” she hissed on the phone, walking away to put some distance between her and the girl
“Well, enough cooling off, come back, we found something” Ekko said, and that was enough for Vi to swiftly put her clothes back on and left the room
A/N: Thank you for reading the second chapter, I hoped you all like it and it was as good as the first one, and I hope it’s not too confusing, am really sorry if it is, but I promise I’ll try to be better and write a story that’s good to read😊
tbh I dont know if Dom Pérignon is actually THAT expensive, I’ve had it before, and it was expensive for a broke girl like me but it wasn’t that bad since I was able to afford it, so idk if “rich” people will actually LIKE that you know
I feel bad that the reader and Vi’s only interaction so far is just ~devil’s tango~, but I swear I need it for the plot gosh that’s the only thing I say am sorry 😭
I also deleted the links to the song I mentioned in the last chapter cause Kardinal Offishall’s face shows up under the “more posts like this” thingy, and although there’s nothing wrong with that, Im worried people might have a hard time finding the previous chapter if it’s Kardinal Offishall’s face that appears, and I feel like he doesn’t really belong there😭but if you want to look up the song, you just type the song letter by letter as I wrote in the story and you’ll see it! 😊
But thank you for reading and feedbacks are always appreciated! 🤍
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visbabylily · 3 years
Violets and Vendettas | Vi x Reader
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙾𝚗𝚎 
𝚅𝚒 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 | 𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗 𝙰𝚞
𝕊𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪 : Stars shine brighter before they die, she should’ve known they will end up with the same tragedy...
𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 : Smoking(I dont condone smoking, but I needed it for the plot, but please dont smoke! it’s not good for ur health!), degrading words?(it’s not really as bad but I feel people might be uncomfortable cause they talked and called the reader being just a “pair of legs to get into”please don’t get too mad), making out, abuse, talks of murder, matured themes, smut if ur young please get off, you won’t like it it’s dirty dirty bad bad, um and what else idk i feel like it’s just really bad Im so sorry 😭
Word count : 2.5k ish, I edited it on my phone so much idk even know anymore
Chapters : {One}, Two, Three, Four,
A/N: I want to thank this really good writer (idk if I can tag her, she’s so nice she probably won’t mind but I don’t wanna trouble her😖) that I have been following, for bending me over the table and spanking my bootycheeks giving me kind words to push myself to even post this😇, she’s a really good writer and I was a fan of her fics so her words alone really had a huge impact on me and was able to give me courage and inspiration to write and post it, so if she ever sees this i hope she doesn’t tho im so shy, Thank you so much ☺️
A/Npt2: Im not a good writer, but I really hope you’ll like it 😭, this isn’t just a one shot btw, there’s going to be more chapters to come, Im also really sorry if it gets too confusing or if I didn’t deliver my words or messages correctly, but Im always open to constructive criticism and will take any advice ☺️thank you! I hope you enjoy! 🥰
Everyone has something they fear, even the strongest ones like herself have something they’re scared of, and when you were young, your parents will tell you stories about the boogeyman, the creature that will haunt you at night if you misbehave, it’s scary, isn’t it?
But see, fear keeps us alive, You’re scared of the boogeyman? Hide under your blanket. It will protect you, but protection comes with a price...weakness, if you keep hiding and running for too long without facing your fears, it’ll never go away and it will make you weak, after all, fear has two meanings...
Will you…Forget everything and run ? or Face everything and rise ?
But she was never scared of the boogeyman tho, she knows she can easily knockdown a coward who only shows himself when it turns dark, but there is something...something she believes is scarier than the boogeyman...she calls him The Spider lily
The man who ruined not just hers but many others life and took everything away from her, the one who put her in prison, a literal hell where she spent every second of her life in a never ending suffering, where she gets hurt and beaten everyday, bruised and bloodied, left to starve in a corner of an isolated cell with nothing but the pain of broken bones keeping her from the sweet escape of sleep
But today arises a chance for her to make everything right, to face her fears, and to put a stop to the Spider lily’s reign of terror over her mind...
The whoots and whistles of inmates as she’s walking out the long hallway annoyed her, it was like a bunch of loud cicadas stuck to the trees like flies, during the annoying summer seasons
“We’ll see you again, sweetheart” The man in uniform towered over her with his big and burly figure, sneering at her face, to which she return with no hesitation
“Next time, I’ll make sure it’s you behind those bars” She tsked at him, glaring, to which he only laughed at, loud ugly laugh and snorts coming out of his mouth, her lips frowning in disgust
“We’ll see about that” The guy replied back, roughly shoving her items in her chest, she grunted a little because of the box hitting her sore and bruised ribs, she didnt say anything and left
“Thank you for staying in Lemmein Prison, we hoped you enjoyed your stay, Vi” The guy yelled at her with a mocking tone as she’s walking out, welcoming the heavy drops of water that the dark looming sky provided, she looked up and embraced the rain, letting it soak her clothing, the cold seeping through her bones, she gave the guy her middle finger as reply
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
She likes to party, the feeling of vibrations coming out of the booming speakers, traveling through her legs and shaking her chest from the inside, the loud music, the crowd, it all drowns out her thoughts, and she feels the most free during it
The pretty boys and girls and the drinks were just a bonus…
Her eyes stung as the heavy smoke of cigarettes wafting through the air assaults her eyes, she surveyed the area some more, despite the heavy pouring of the rain, the small club was packed with people, ranging from young to old, to men and women
“Out of all the people here today, no one interesting bothered to show up?” She mumbled to some of her friends, her eyes catching the sight of a group of college frat boys looking at her, lightly shoving each other and pointing at her direction
“...gross” she mumbled rolling her eyes and turning away from them, not wanting to give them even a second of her time, her friend slap her arm lightly to which she yelped at and held the attacked arm, turning her attention to her attacker
“Y/N Oh my lord, You’re such a party-pooper, come on everyone here is literally looking at you, why be so picky ?” her friend Judy, said, her dark skin glistening under the spinning disco ball, beautiful tight braids bouncing on every sway of her body, the tips ghosting over her curves
“Im not being picky” She pouted to which one of her friends, Olivia laughed at, sweeping her ironed bleach blonde hair off her shoulders, mesmerizing blue eyes on Y/N, who was now rubbing her arm
“Oh come on, what’s new?” Olivia chuckled before pausing and taking a sip of her alcoholic drink, “she’s like, allergic to men” she finished
“Im not allergic to men, they’re just...not my type” she said, the last part coming out as a mumble, Olivia scoffed at her
“Why tho? they’re like totally hot” She said, turning to look at the boys and giving them a tiny wave to which they returned, Y/N just shook her head and went back to looking around the busy club, not at all interested at the ‘totally hot’ boys Olivia was now getting accustomed to
Her eyes danced around the mingling people some more, and just like the time when Moses parted the red sea, the people around suddenly parted away from each other, giving her eyes passage to land her gaze on the lone person sitting at the bar stool, a glass of straight whiskey in her bandaged right hand the left patting and searching the pockets of her red jacket looking for something to light the stick in between her lips 
Smiling to herself, she walked out the little table her friends was sat in “Hey where are you going?” Judy called out to her
But it all fell onto deaf ears as her heel clad legs walked towards the hooded girl, a guy walked towards her, trying to meet her in the middle but her peripherals were slowly closing in and forming a tunnel vision directly towards at the red jacket girl, she easily dodged the guy with a swerve to her left, to which she almost bump into a guy, and without even sparing him a glance, she grabbed the guy’s lighter out of his hands, in the middle of lighting his cigarette
“Hey!” he exclaimed, surprise written on his face as he stared longingly at the beautiful girl walking in sync with the beat of the song…and his stolen lighter 
The hooded girl was still searching her pocket, a frown now on her face, Y/N swiftly sat on the stool next to the girl, outstretching her arms, and clicking the lighter open, small fire coming out of the opening 
“Need a light hottie?” Y/N asked, smirking slightly, making sure to show off her barely covered shoulders, hips slightly jutted out, enhancing her curves even more, the troubled girl abruptly turned towards her, cold blue-gray eyes looking at her cheeky face and her offered hand...
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Vi was thankful that even after all the time she was gone, her friend has never forgotten about her, nor change his number, but out of all the places they could’ve met up, she didnt expect for his friend to led her to a club, reluctantly she sighed and went in 
The old classic, Dangerous by Kardinal Offishall featuring Akon was the first thing that greet her when she walked in, the booming music ringing in her ears, making her wince, she walked towards the bar stool, pushing people out of the way and bumping into them as she weaved her way through the packed crowd 
“Whiskey. Straight” She nodded to the bartender, who immediately started making her ordered drink, after mere seconds, a glass of whiskey and an ashtray was left in front of her 
She grabbed the glass and took a sip, leaving the bitter and strong taste of alcohol as she gulped it down her throat, she then reached for her jacket, taking out the mushed pack of cigarettes 
Menthols really? she thought to herself as she remembered the guy she had to put to sleep, maybe even a hospital, just to get ahold of the red jacket, she shook her head and searched inside the pockets for a lighter 
And no lighter too are you serious? she thought once again, getting grumpy the longer she searched inside, she was lost in her own thoughts and adventures of finding something to ignite the death stick hanging from her lips that she didnt see the girl walking straight towards her
“Need a light hottie?” A voice called out to her, surprising her and making her turn around to face the sweet call, her eyebrow raised at the sight she was blessed with, a beautiful girl, hips jutted out, bare shoulders in full display for her, and manicured hands offering her a lighter, the fire slightly swaying from the soft wind, threatening to die out, the girl was simply beautiful and Vi didnt need her eyes to see that, Vi never really had that much of a sweet tooth but right now, she cant help but crave for one the longer the girl stood in front of her, like a piece of candy waiting to be enveloped by her tongue
Slowly, she leaned her face in the girl’s direction, getting the cigarette close to the fire, never taking her eyes off of the girl, who subtly bit her bottom lip, Vi stared at her for a few moments, studying the way she seemed to be in some sort of a trance, she took a puff of the cigarette and blew the remaining smoke she couldnt inhale into her lungs, out in the open air
“So, you come here often?” The girl asked, Vi watching her shove the lighter in a guy’s chest without even looking at him, who seemed to grumble at the fact that the beautiful girl wasnt paying him attention any time soon 
She took another puff before speaking “No, I just got out of prison” Vi replied, the girl’s eyes squint a little bit, a small smirk forming on her red painted lips
“Oh? what for?” The girl asked, mistaking Vi’s honesty as a flirting method, she tucked her (H/C) colored hair behind her ears, before leaning in close towards Vi, who returned the gesture, hovering her lips just above the girl’s and whispered sensually “Murder” 
The girl pulled back a little, eyes a little wide and wary, glass of (E/C) looking over her, studying her 
“Do you introduce yourself to people like that often, or ?” She chuckled nervously, Vi noticed the fiery confident woman flickering away, slowly molding into a more flustered and cautious one the longer Vi let the the silence linger, she smirked, watching the girl visibly gulp
She didnt know what happened, in a span of mere seconds, they were in an alleyway, outside the club, under someone’s small balcony, acting as a roof and shielding the from the heavy downpour, shoving her lips onto the girl’s mouth, who returned it with much fervor, it surprised Vi, she couldnt believe that the girl was willingly letting a possible murderer’s tongue wander around her mouth like this, maybe the girl finds the fact that she might’ve killed someone hot or whatnot, but Vi couldnt think straight as she delved in deeper, loosing herself in the warm embrace of her plump and painted lips
Vi broke away from the kiss, sinking her lips onto the girl’s neck, licking and leaving bite marks on it, the intoxicating aroma of her sweet floral perfume rushing through her nostrils, infecting her mind and sending her to an overdrive as her hands slowly slid the strap of her dress off of her shoulders, not enough to fully get her chest naked but enough to have her shoulders exposed to Vi’s indelicate attacks, greedy hands now wandering and groping her body, smaller hands then comb through her wet pink hair as the girl released an enticing moan when Vi nipped at her collarbone drowning out the noisy bustling of the streets and Paul Anka’s Put your head on my shoulders softly playing in the background 
Vi kept kissing the girl, switching from her lips to her neck, she didnt know what she was doing, maybe being in prison for long years made her so touch starved that she was ready to jump and devour the first woman she lays her eyes on, but she wasnt ready to stop just yet, she’ll regret it later but for now she decided to bless herself with the woman’s grace
It wasnt until a someone softly bumped into her that she managed to get out of the girl’s hypnotizing hold over her, all of her actions stopped and the girl seemed to have noticed 
“What’s wrong?” The girl asked, trying to look into Vi’s eyes, who has her face buried in the girl’s shoulder
“I-I have to go” She mumbled into her shoulder, giving it one last peck before pushing herself off of her and into the pouring rain
“What? wait!” The girl chased after her, pushing her straps back in place before taking ahold of her stolen jacket making Vi stopped in her tracks to face her, both of them now standing under the rain 
“so that’s it? you just…cop a feel then leave when you feel like it?” The girl asked, lipstick-smothered lips now pulled into a frown 
“Maybe next time, if we meet again” Vi replied, big hands gently grasping her chin, her thumb playing with her bottom lip, the girl didnt take kindly to this and snatched her face away from Vi’s gentle hold, mumbling “...asshole” as she walked away, hailing a cab and driving off into the dark and rainy night…
“You definitely would’ve fucked the girl if I didnt stop you” Vi heard a voice grumbled from behind her
“Yes I would, thanks for ruining my night” Vi said, turning around to face the guy, light hair contrasting against his dark skin, exchanging stare with his warm brown eyes which now glints with mischief
“Wow what a horndog, you get out of prison and the first thing you looked for is a pair of legs to dive into” The guy said, smirking at her to which Vi rolled her eyes at, she walked closer towards him, arms outstretched, pulling him into a hug 
“I missed you, little man” 
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
“What an asshole, urgh! God, this is why you dont trust pretty faces, especially those attached to a hot bod” Y/N mumbled to herself as she got inside the cab, wet bodycon dress sticking uncomfortably to her skin, the cold of the rain making her shiver as the air conditioning of the cab touch her goose-bumped skin
“Where to Ma’am?” the driver asked 
“Sunrise Avenue please, Hurricane Street, Katrina building” She mumbled and the cab took off, she leaned against the window of the cab as it drives into the seemingly never-ending rain 
The drive back to her house didnt take long, before she lost herself to her thoughts too much the bright lights coming out from her building’s windows greeted her, she got off the car and paid the driver
Y/N walked inside and felt the warmth from the heater rushed to hug her cold shaking body, she walked towards the elevator, the operator opening the doors for her 
“Which floor ma’am?” He asked, smiling politely at her 
“top floor, please” she said and the operator pushed the button for the penthouse-apartment located at the very top of the 24 story building 
They arrived at a short moment, the operator held the door open for her, “here we are, Ma’am” he said to which she replied a quiet “thanks” she walked out the elevator and was immediately greeted by her giant front doors, the big looming doors intimidating her, she sighed and pushed the door open, getting inside and heading straight for the shower 
She sighed to herself once again as she washed her body, fingers hovering over where the red-jacket girl’s lips have been, caressing the red marks forming on her neck and collarbones, the evidence of her unfortunate night
“What were you thinking?” She asked herself, looking at her own (E/C) staring back at her in the mirror as she continued to wash away, “...stupid, stupid Y/N” she let out a heavy sigh, letting the water softly ran through her body, the droplets rolling in between her cleavage, reminding her of the feeling of the rain as she stood and stared at the cold gaze of the hooded girl…
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
After getting out of her very self-reflective moment in the shower, she walked towards her living room area, hands drying her locks with a towel, trying to rid as much water as possible, the tall glass pane preventing her from falling to her death as she looked upon the shining city lights, looking like stars beneath her feet, she stayed gazing at the faux stars until she heard the soft sound of her mail slot rattling open and closing immediately afterwards, then a light fluttering sound of paper falling on her cold tiled floors
She walked towards the entrance of her dark home, the only light guiding her path was the lights seeping through her tall tempered windows, the outline of her shadows coming to a stop as she did, she walked slowly towards the paper now on the floor
It was a jet black envelope, with a cursive “Y/N” written on the back in gold ink, the glitter in the ink glisten every time it catches a ray of light, she opened the envelope and was greeted by a white and gold marbled piece of paper, the paper was beautiful the intricate and careful swirls of gold mixing with the stark white paper brought a smile to her face
“Lovely…” She whispered to the paper, bringing it close to her nose to smell the unmistakable aroma of roses and jasmines on the paper, she then observed the paper and in it written in black ink, the dark letters contrasting with the light colored paper said
“Lady Y/N L/N, it will be our utmost pleasure to have your presence grace our upcoming white and gold party that will be held in
Sunrise Avenue, PB street, Babyah Building
On Friday, Quarter to midnight
We will be expecting your arrival, thank you and good day
Sincerely, The Lockhart Family”
Y/N sighed as she threw away the paper somewhere, mixing in with all her other college reports scattered around the place
She walked into her dressing room, to take out a long white tube top silk dress, with a slit on the left side, and only a long thin strip of gold chain laced with diamonds serving as a strap and supporting the wide opened back of the beautiful dress
She hanged the fabric onto the coat rack just beside it, and got herself a pair of white opened toe heels, the same piece of diamond-laced gold chain serving as an ankle strap, putting it under the hanged dress
Hmm, maybe a leg chain too ? she thought as she walked up to her vanity table, opening a drawer to pull out a gold chain once again laced with shining diamonds, she nodded to herself and left the diamond on the table
With her outfit ready, she walked to her giant California king sized canopy bed, laying herself against the soft mattress, and amidst the many soft pillow, in her cold and dark house, she has never felt more alone…
A/N : that’s the end of first chapter, I like re-read it for like 10 times before I even posted this, I feel like it’s so bad😭, but please let me know what you think☺️, also I feel like it was a little too short, but I wanted to leave some sort of like cliffhangers, ig? but please let me know if you want longer chapters ☺️
P.S did you get some of the meme reference? 🌝
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visbabylily · 3 years
Yeah okay it’s not like I needed to breathe anyways 😌✋🏻
Credit : @lixxjung on twitter
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