white-nights1337 · 1 month
@saggitary what a pleasant surprise!
Admittedly haven't been working much on my TCW fic, but here's a snippet from one of my other fics in progress.
"I knew what the weight of expectations felt like—for my whole life I was supposed to be the long-suffering, patient, selfless caretaker, and for that I had to be the perfect child, the one who always did what I was told and didn't cause any trouble. I knew I had to do it, but somewhere deep inside me, I struggled against the confines of the ill-fitting mask I had to wear."
Thank you for the ask!
Last Line Game
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like). 
I was tagged by @sunshinesdaydream and @saturn-sends-hugs! Thank you both so much <3
I figured I'd out two lines here!
Her hand was still tangled in Fives’ curls, his cheek had come to rest on her knee, his eyes were closed, and he was breathing evenly, asleep. 
This is from a fun lil piece I was working on about Ahsoka sibling bonding by playing with Fives' hair ;)
“Better to be part droid than dead.” She commented as her eyes were once again drawn to her own scomp “But yeah, that’s pretty karked up.”
Last line from the Ahsoka and Echo Techno Union AU!
No pressure tags: @eloquent-apollo @coffeeandbatboys @moonlightwarriorqueen @white-nights1337 @ladyzirkonia @sleepystawbie
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white-nights1337 · 2 months
Hey @saggitary, thank you for the tag!
I actually only have one SW Clone Wars WIP, and my hard drive of ~20 years of writing consists mainly of original fic. I'm a bit of a chaos creature so most of these files have just simple letter/number names like f34 or s12 (I come up with titles as late as possible). Here I will only list WIPs I've touched in the past 2 years or so:
A Wealth of Stars (previously entitled The Lie)
The Angel of Azuchi
Artist, Man, Enigma
Now, for @ladylucksrogue, @sees-writes, @ct-5376, @stellanslashgeode (no pressure if you don't want to participate)
Rules: in a new post, write down the names of all the files in your wip folder (regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous they are). Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet to tell them about it! Finally, tag as many people as you have wips! (If you don't write, list your art wips)
Thanks @totes-tubulardude for the tag!!
Ok here we go
The Ties That Bind Us (obviously)
Ahsoka + Echo Techno AU
Hera + Howzer
The Bad Batch Ramblea
121st Battalion
Clone Wars Stuff
Across Space and Time
Feel free to ask about any of them!
No pressure tags: @eloquent-apollo @snarkyfina @coffeeandbatboys @graylinesspam @saturn-sends-hugs @white-nights1337 @emeraldvsociety @graaaaceeliz
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white-nights1337 · 3 months
@ct-5376 what a pleasant surprise!
Last song: Rockstar by HYBS
Currently watching: actively, Drive to Survive S6 (it's trash, I know, but I'm so there for Guenther Steiner and Fernando Alonso). Passively, Clone Wars S6
3 ships: Foxiyo, Jangobi, Bagginshield
Favourite color: blue (electric blue!)
Currently consuming: water from my [blue] shark sippy cup
First ship: what originally brought me to AO3? Rhaegar X Elia lol (sorry, Lyanna, I'm not about the other woman)
Relationship status: in a committed relationship with my clarinet, who my high-maintenance girlfriend
Last movie: Revenge of the Sith (a friend and I re-watched the prequel trilogy again for the memes)
Currently working on: my fluff-turned-real-plot Foxiyo fic, my monstrously long IkeSen/Sengoku/Japanese historical fic, and an angsty original story about a toxic hero-worship relationship
@ladylucksrogue @emeraldvsociety @saggitary @fives-and-bros (if it's etiquette to only tag mutuals I'm so sorry for my forwardness, you can block me or ignore me if you want 😓. I'd love to learn more about you though)
Thank you for the tag, @donottrustsistergoldenhair !
Tag Game
Tag game: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better.
Last song: The Famous Final Scene by Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band
Currently watching: Unearthed, S5 E2 Empire State Building
Three ships: Ah... hrm... Bagginshield, for certain and for always; My newest ship, Lokius; and my rarest yet longest-lasting ship, Mike / Oyuki (TMNT)
Favorite color: Any deep, lovely shade of green
Currently consuming: Decaf black tea with one sugar
First ship: Like many people, I can't say what my first ship was, because most of them are hiding out in the deepest recesses of my mind and refusing to reveal themselves, but as I mentioned above Mike and Oyuki are my longest-loved sweeties.
Relationship status: Married for (counts on fingers) twenty-nine years now!
Last Movie: The ROTTMNT movie... it bears rewatching!
Currently working on: In real life, not too much; in fandom circles, several TMNT WIPs and the final chapter of my Bagginshield-in-the-Shire fic, "Collapse"
Tagging (no pressure!) ---
@soliloquy-of-nemo @whumpdoyoumean @reima-of-the-kells @turtle--soup @undercoverwizardninjaturtle @theunicorncomic-blog @aceofwhump @arandomsewer @deadlyflan
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white-nights1337 · 3 months
Chapter 11 of my fic The Lie is now posted to AO3!
(the fic really needs a new title so I'm taking suggestions 😅)
Some out-of-context spoilers:
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white-nights1337 · 4 months
Still looking! Please DM me for questions/info if interested!
IkeSen Artist Search
Question: which artists in the IkeSen fandom take commissions? I'm thinking about commissioning someone to draw a cover for my fic, but I don't know the artists in the fandom that well (sorry, I've been living under a rock).
For those who are wondering, I am the author of this little fic:
The Angel of Azuchi - Chapter 1 - white_nights1337 - イケメン戦国 時をかける恋 | Ikemen Sengoku: Toki o Kakeru Koi (Visual Novel) [Archive of Our Own]
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white-nights1337 · 4 months
IkeSen Artist Search
Question: which artists in the IkeSen fandom take commissions? I'm thinking about commissioning someone to draw a cover for my fic, but I don't know the artists in the fandom that well (sorry, I've been living under a rock).
For those who are wondering, I am the author of this little fic:
The Angel of Azuchi - Chapter 1 - white_nights1337 - イケメン戦国 時をかける恋 | Ikemen Sengoku: Toki o Kakeru Koi (Visual Novel) [Archive of Our Own]
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white-nights1337 · 4 months
What time is it?
Time for an update! Again, a big thank you to those who responded to my poll for creative direction of this fic.
You asked, and I have delivered.
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white-nights1337 · 4 months
To those who followed the link to this poll, thanks for voting! It looks like a pretty even bell curve response so I've gone with the M rating.
If I ever do decide to write spicy one-takes, I'll post them as separate "fics" as a series.
Where I Plan to Go with Writing The Lie
So I initially started this fic with a T rating, which mirrors the rating of the Star Wars canon universe. However, I am reaching a point where I think I want to diverge from that rating and explore more adult topics. I understand that there are readers out there who may be sensitive to tag and rating changes and whatnot, hence this post.
That being said, I'm still undecided on how explicit to make this story (haha I know, what a struggle). This poll is basically an informal census of my readership base to see what people like/want to read. Feel free to drop me a direct message if you have any particular opinions about this fic. I welcome and consider all feedback!
(a link to the fic in question, so you know which I'm talking about)
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white-nights1337 · 5 months
help I'm in love with semicolons
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white-nights1337 · 6 months
Where I Plan to Go with Writing The Lie
So I initially started this fic with a T rating, which mirrors the rating of the Star Wars canon universe. However, I am reaching a point where I think I want to diverge from that rating and explore more adult topics. I understand that there are readers out there who may be sensitive to tag and rating changes and whatnot, hence this post.
That being said, I'm still undecided on how explicit to make this story (haha I know, what a struggle). This poll is basically an informal census of my readership base to see what people like/want to read. Feel free to drop me a direct message if you have any particular opinions about this fic. I welcome and consider all feedback!
(a link to the fic in question, so you know which I'm talking about)
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white-nights1337 · 6 months
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white-nights1337 · 9 months
random thought...
Does Kit Fisto ever get bedhead?
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white-nights1337 · 9 months
Consider yourself stalked, I adjust commented on The Lie but I thought I’d come over here as well and tell you the latest chapter was fantastic and keep up the amazing work!
OMG thank you so much for your kind words!
I'm immensely flattered that you came to hit me up on my mostly dead Tumblr (also a little embarrassed because you came here and saw all the old stuff I posted, it's a little bit like having an adult friend visit my childhood room with old decorations up). I still have this account in the off-chance a reader wants to "chat" directly, and I'm glad it was worthwhile.
Since you're here to drop a word, I'll also have you know that I have some big Ideas™ in the works for my [probably not] little Foxiyo fic, so please look forward to it! 🥰
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white-nights1337 · 1 year
OK, can I just say that Mitsuhide, Hideyoshi, and Yukimura are jacked?
meanwhile Kenshin is looking a bit twiggy 👀
and I expected Motonari to be more swole
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New illustration for Ikesen’s 8th Anniversary in JP!!
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white-nights1337 · 1 year
Is it just me or does IkeVamp Francis remind you of Ichthys from Star-Crossed Myth?
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white-nights1337 · 1 year
awwww I’m blushing behind my computer screen! 🥺
Thank you SO much for your kind words about my fic! Now I feel extra inspired to write. And of course, thank you so much for reading!
does anyone have any good nobunaga fic recs, well-written and preferably longer? i’m highkey loving on him rn
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white-nights1337 · 1 year
Reverie by @tiny-wooden-robot is so beautifully written! It also has a Shingen ship going on, but the fic is cool in that you can pick your preferred ending, like an otome game
does anyone have any good nobunaga fic recs, well-written and preferably longer? i’m highkey loving on him rn
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