yang-diary · 1 year
I've just gotta say, I love your trans Weiss au. I'm a fan of RWBY (and Weiss, mwah💋) and have had thoughts and feelings of dysphoria and recently came out. Seeing stuff like this makes me happy, but inside I feel like I'm and confused. Even so, it makes me feel somewhat comfortable to be who I am. Thank you. (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
Every time I get a message like this it makes my day! Thank you for the kind words <3
I also wanted to add, being confused for a while isn't a bad place to be, you have the freedom to explore what feels right to you for as long as you need :) I'm still discovering myself gender-wise, and probably will be for years to come. There's never a need to rush to a decision on labels, and I wish you so much luck on finding yourself and being able to express what you find to the fullest extent !
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yang-diary · 2 years
Shaggy: Like zoinks, Scoob, I think Velma's into girls
Scooby: Resbians???
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yang-diary · 2 years
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yang-diary · 2 years
Just wanna pop in for a second, totally randomly, and say thank you for the trans-masc Weiss Schnee stuff you did awhile back. Your content lead me to other content just like it, really helped me get though my own transition by helping me to relax and slow down when the anxiousness of the whole ordeal got too high strung. Though I myself became, in my own opinion, a beautiful woman, on the other end I can only hope that Rooster Teeth make Weiss a handsome man in the future. Until then it'll be nothing but happy thoughts for the few of us that enjoy the Ice Prince.
Thank you so much for the kind words, and congratulations on your transition!! Im so happy a little self-projecting AU I made has been meaningful to other people and could help you find other resources :,3
I havent been on tumblr much recently so im not sure when this was sent, but i hope youre having a great day 💛🖤💛🖤 Im mostly active on my twitter now, @Yang_Diary!
Thank you again for the kind words, im not sure if i still see Rooster Teeth considering transmasc Weiss, though recently ive been having thoughts about Rubys relationship with gender - as well as a few other characters, that i think i may explore more in comic form sometime in the future, possibly after this volume of ice queendom is wrapped up ^_^
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yang-diary · 2 years
i love how excellently cinder's semblance embodies her character. it's all the pain and anger and frustration stemming from abuse and unfair treatment that boils under the surface until it's set free, either in scorching flames or screeching explosions.
and the name, scorching caress, that implies softness, this want for something she has never had. yet, when she's given it in the smallest amounts it ends in tragedy, and when she tries to give it to others it burns them, for she never learned any other way.
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yang-diary · 2 years
not rwby but i compare her to yang a lot so here! have the other rooster teeth firecracker gal, kaikaina grif
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Been playing halo infinite, thinkin' bout her
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yang-diary · 3 years
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sorry i've been dead, have discord ozma thoughts
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yang-diary · 3 years
Blake: Come on Yang, I wanna show you something.
Blake: *Turns around and walks away*
Yang: I like it.
Blake: That’s... not it.
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yang-diary · 3 years
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might start doing the redesigns again with a slight style revamp soon, thoughts??
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yang-diary · 3 years
Volume 1: A bunch of teenagers go to trade school, learn the benefits of friendship and actually taking the prerequisite courses.
Volume 2: A bunch of teenagers go on an unsupervised and a supervised field trip. Surprisingly, the supervised one goes worse.
Volume 3: Intercollege tournament goes badly wrong when a series of injuries leads to an exchange student finding another college's equipment in the basement, an infestation, equipment malfunctions and unwanted guests. The college closes as a result.
Volume 4: Worst Roadtrip Ever, featuring manmade natural disasters, that one guy who knows you but you don't know them, that horse that traumatized your friends when they were kids, your drunk uncle passing out and you having to carry him to the hospital, and half the group starting the trip later and promising to catch up.
Volume 5: Everyone's waiting for school to start, but before it can, the worst parent-teacher conference of all time happens.
Volume 6: Worst Roadtrip Ever 2, featuring a small town so empty it's depressing, bumping into your ex's mom, adopting a grandmother, breaking your ex's heart with your gf, and just the worst airport security lady of all time.
Volume 7: The students finally graduate and enter the working world, but it turns out their boss is a control freak with terrible ideas, so after a season of trying to make him see reason, the students are fired. However, they take the IT girl with them, who the boss needs to get his project off the ground.
Volume 8: With the help of the IT girl, our heroes restore internet access for about five minutes. With the help of an exchange student and her father figure, our heroes manage to get the youngest of them away from his ex. One of our heroes suspects her mom might be a furry. Unable to access medical help, our heroes seek a cure from a naked man. Due to a walkway's lack of railings, half our heroes take a tumble. Newly sober uncle makes friends with a socialist lesbian in a holding cell.
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yang-diary · 3 years
Not RWBY but my commissions are open! 💖
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Reopening my commissions with lower prices!
(I know it says HD images linked below, but thats specifically for the twitter thread - ignore it here!)
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yang-diary · 3 years
the inner machinations of Neos mind are an enigma
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yang-diary · 3 years
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How to calm your dragon.
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yang-diary · 3 years
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God why did I make myself shade that ponytail (bc it was worth it, duh?)
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yang-diary · 3 years
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Hi i wanted to work on a weiss edit but i done fucking goofed up 💙
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yang-diary · 3 years
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Hi i wanted to work on a weiss edit but i done fucking goofed up 💙
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yang-diary · 3 years
I'm so out of drawing energy but god I miss doing RWBY fanart... i want to work on that comic later when i have more brain goo but i might ask for help coloring it later from a friend or smthn
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