Spiderman: Home Again
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Summary: Peter meets someone new when he returns to his own universe after NWH, but his past and double identity still cast a shadow over his life.
A/N: I watched NWH again last night and since we don't know if we'll get another Amazing Spiderman, I had to give Andrew's Peter a happy ending. I was also in kind of a silly goofy mood while writing this, which is why it might include some stupid jokes.
TW: attempted sexual assault, arachnophobia
Chapter 1
You caught yourself staring at the clock on the opposing wall for what was probably the 10th time in the last thirty minutes. Usually, Sundays were a lot busier in the flower shop you worked at. With a sigh, you forced your eyes from the seemingly unmoving hands of the clock back to the crossword puzzle on the counter in front of you. While you enjoyed doing crossword puzzles, today you were feeling way too restless to concentrate. The air around you seemed to buzzing with excitement and anticipation, though you weren’t too sure for what reason. And the longer this tedious day went on, the stronger it got. To relieve yourself of some of the nervous tension, you began bouncing your legs and pencil up and down and just when the hum of electricity reached its peak and you thought you might be going completely insane, the bell on the door jingled as it swung open.
A young man, probably around your age, entered. The first thing you noticed was his tousled hair. He looked like he’d just fallen out of bed, but in a good way. As your focus traveled on, his hazel eyes captivated you. Maybe you’d spent too much time with plants as your only company today, but you’d gotten so lost in his eyes that you were certain you’d need a map to get out. Still, somehow you managed without.
“Hello, how can I help you?” you asked the stranger in what was hopefully a nonchalant tone and not one of a teenage boy in the breaking of his voice. The smile that accompanied your greeting was probably not coming off as unfazed as you wanted it to either.
But he didn’t seem to notice – or mind. Instead, he simply responded to your smile with a far more sincere one and said: “I’d like a bouquet of hyacinths, please.” His smile faltered a bit at that.
“Sure, coming right up,” you replied and went to collect a couple of hyacinths from the back of your shop, trying to use the few moments of solitude to get your shit together. This was just some guy, why were you reacting this weirdly? You took a deep breath and returned to the front with the flowers in hand.
Your costumer was leaning far over the countertop, staring at your crossword puzzle. When he noticed you, he leaned back with a little blush. “The missing word is ‘Fluor’. He pointed to the sheet. This time, your smile was not forced at all.
“Thanks,” you said as you filled out the blank spaces.
“Don’t mention it.” His mouth turned up at the corners a little and you thought you’d never seen a person that looked this likeable in your entire life. He’d be the perfect murderer, no one could ever suspect such an angelic face.
Just because you wanted to keep talking to him, you said, as you were wrapping the bouquet up. “You know, the ancient Greeks had a beautifully tragic myth surrounding this flower. There was a young man called Hyakinthos who’s beauty was so stunning that he caught the attention of none other than the god Apollo. And obviously, Hyakinthos wasn’t opposed to spending time with Apollo, either. But the god of the west wind, Zephir, was also taken by the young man and quite jealous that he favored Apollo. One day, when the couple was playing discus, Zephir made the discus Apollo threw hit Hyacinthus and it killed him. In his grief – and probably guilt, Apollo created the flowers from the blood streaming out of his dead lover’s carcass.”
You looked up at the young man and were surprised at the emotions you saw crossing his face. You hadn’t expected him to care about your story, much less be this moved by it. Too stunned to speak, you waited until he broke the silence.
“I know the myth,” he confessed, the rawness in his voice astounded you once again. With the terrible sense that you had crossed some invisible line already, you wordlessly held the bouquet out to him. He let his hand hover in the air in front of it a little too long while keeping his eyes locked with yours. Then he shook his head as if coming out of a stupor, took the flowers and paid you before leaving abruptly.
You cursed yourself for fucking the conversation up so royally. It seems like you never learned that Greek myths were more like a third date thing instead of a pick-up line, especially the more tragic ones.
A couple days later, you had blocked out this strange, failed encounter as good as you could. You were sitting in a café with your laptop, trying to make sense of the mess that was chemistry class. You were quietly cursing Planck, Schrödinger and all of their accomplices for developing all the stupid theories you had to learn, when your brooding was interrupted by a male voice.
“Now what did poor Planck ever do to you?” You looked up and to your astonishment, it was the stranger from the florist.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize I said all that out loud.” You felt your cheeks redden. “Chemistry is just really whooping my ass lately.”
Amusement sparkled in the man’s eyes. “And why exactly are you studying it then?”
“Because I have no choice. It’s part of my major.” You sighed.
“Which would be…?” The sparkle was still eminent in his eyes and damn you if it wasn’t one of the prettiest things you’d ever seen.
“Medicine. I’m trying to become a doctor, but it’s a long, hard road.”
“Oh, Medicine. Ever the kind-hearted savior of humanity, huh?” he teased you.
“What can I say? It’s what I do,” you joked. Strangely, the humor left his face abruptly and was replaced by something like confusion and wonder.
But he schooled his face back into a mask of light amusement quickly and held his hand out to you. “I’m Peter, by the way. Peter Parker.”
You gave him a bright smile. “Nice to meet you, Peter Parker. My name’s Millie. And I’m warning you, don’t you dare laugh at me, I curse my parents for this every day, but my full name’s Millie Jean.” You watched him closely and while the corners of his mouth were slightly twitching, he had the good sense not to comment anything. “Because of this, most of my friends just call me – “
“MJ,” he finished for you, his voice barely a whisper.
“Um…yeah,” you said, a bit taken aback.
“The multiverse is toying with me,” he murmured quietly.
“M-multiverse?” you repeated, feeling more and more confused the longer this conversation went on.
“It’s…just a theory. Actually, never mind. I…I gotta go, but it was a pleasure to meet you…MJ,” he almost chocked at your name before quickly rushing off.
You couldn’t help the little smile that escaped you as you saw him go. Damn your weakness for slightly crazy, mysterious nerds.
That night, you decided that going out to party in the city with a couple of friends was just what you needed to get the stress and tension of the week out of your system. After dancing and drinking all night, you stumbled out of the club and said goodbye to your friends around 4am before making your way home. It was a somewhat warm night and since it was only a couple of blocks to your apartment, you decided you’d just walk and sober up while you’re at it. One of the dangers of alcohol consumption is the resulting lack of common sense, which is why you found yourself walking through one of Central Park’s less crowded areas in the middle of the night. You were beginning to sober up and realize how stupid that decision had been, but it was too late to turn around, so you just wrapped your coat a little tighter around yourself and sped up as much as you could.
As you rounded the next corner, you heard loud, drunk, male voices heading in your direction. Instinctively, you made to turn around, but not quick enough. “Hey, now what do we have here?” one of them growled as they spotted you.
“Oh, fuck off and leave me alone.” You attempted to keep your voice even, but to no avail.
“Someone’s got an attitude,” one of the men said and the others laughed loudly. They were getting closer to you and you took a couple steps back, but a quick view over your shoulder revealed that you had run out of luck. The path behind you led into a dead end.
You swallowed. “I’m gonna go home now,” you announced, gathered your courage and made a step towards the front of men in front of you, but they didn’t break their line.
“But you only just got here. C’mon, we’re not gonna hurt you, baby.” You cringed instinctively at his tone and desperately tried to recall the self-defense course you completed a couple of months ago. Not that it’d do you much good against this many people, there were like 5 men in front of you.
“Please, just let me go home.” Your throat was completely dry. In the dark, you could barely make out their faces, which was a blessing to some extent. They advanced on you further and while you thought about making a run for it, your feet were frozen in place.
“Don’t,” you tried again, but you knew they wouldn’t listen. You took a deep breath and wondered if you’d muster the courage to get through this when one of the men exclaimed a surprised, loud noise. The others turned away from you in shock and you used the distraction, whatever it was, to get away as far as you could. One of them grabbed for your coat, causing you to stumble and fall into the dirt.
But before he could get any closer to you, a phanthom figure jumped on his back and wrestled him to the ground. Your savior quickly pushed himself off of him and directed his attention to you.
“We gotta get out of here,” he said. You nodded and quickly got back to your feet.
“I hope you’re not too scared of heights,” the guy added and before you could question or answer this weird statement, he grabbed you by the waist and next thing you knew, you were up in the air.
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Are you going to make a chapter 7
Of course, but I had a lot of exams in the last week, so I didn't get to writing anything...
Have a great day! :)
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Sinfully Armored
Chapter 6 - Anger Issues
Chapter 5
A/N: I’m sorry for totally mischaracterizing Thrawn, but I wanted him to be like this for the sake of the story…Please excuse my assumptions about Mandalorian culture...Also, a little CPR lesson to fulfill my educational mandate.
“Am I supposed to quiver from fear at that name?” you drawled sarcastically, “Because, obviously, I am not.”
Her smile only grew wider. “Trust me, one day you will.”
“Can’t wait.” You flashed her a saccharine smile.
“You wouldn’t be joking if you knew what I am capable of, Jedi,” she warned you, the feigned amusement gone.
“You sure are capable of boring me to death.” You let out a yawn in emphasis.
“Darling, why must you hurt me like that?” Her holographic figure touched her chest dramatically.
“Quit the theatrics and get to the point,” Mando intercepted.
“Straightforward. I like that in a man.” She winked at him and you would have liked to rip her throat out simply for that.
“Anyway, you might not recognize my name, but I’m sure you know Grand Admiral Thrawn,” she went on. A shocked expression crossed your face before you could suppress it.
“I thought so,” she said triumphantly. “Now, I don’t know why he went through all this trouble just to get…you,” she wrinkled her nose in disgust, “but he must have his reasons. I guess he’ll tell you soon enough.”
“He’s coming?” It was an effort to keep your voice from shaking.
“Soon. Since you’ll not get out of this cell, I suggest you make yourselves comfortable.” With that, her holographic form dissolved.
At least you could let yourself crumble a bit now that she was no longer there to witness it. You began pacing the tiny cell while clenching and unclenching your hands. You just had to think…Maker, why couldn’t you think? There had to be some way out of here, you couldn’t be trapped. You couldn’t be left at someone else’s mercy, you couldn’t stay here, you had to get out…
A broad hand clamped down on your shoulder and halted your relentless pacing.
“What’s going on?” Mando asked as he spun you to face him.
“We have to get out of here,” you replied softly, still lost in your anxious thought.
“I know that.” He sighed. “Who is Thrawn?”
There had to be something in your expression then, because he added in a softer voice: “What did the bastard do to you?”
You swallowed against the dryness in your throat. “He…um…he…killed my family,” you breathed out. Though the truth was a bit more complex, he essentially did. Just then did you realize that you had never voiced it before anyone but Luke…and him.
“I’m sorry,” Mando responded after a moment.
“It’s okay,” you answered, though it obviously wasn’t. You simply couldn’t come up with anything else to say.
“Why would he be after you?” he inquired carefully.
“I’m not sure…maybe to finish what he started?” But that wouldn’t make sense, he could have killed you already…Instead, he was on his way here. Unless…unless he wanted to do it himself? You shook the thought off. “I thought…I believed him to be dead until a few days ago.”
You pulled your arms around yourself out of habit. You were used to giving solstice to yourself, to being the only one present when you spiraled downwards. But you weren’t alone right now and Mando was strangely good at comforting you. He pulled you in for a soft embrace and the feel of his arms around you served as a lifeline that kept you together.
“That’s the third time today,” you murmured into his armored chest.
“The third time you caught me…I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I’m usually not this…weak…” You took a deep breath and were glad he could not see your face right now. Your cheeks were ablaze from embarrassment. Yeah, you had issues, but usually, you got it together…But everything has been piling up for the last few days and threatened to overwhelm you in a mighty avalanche.
“You’re not weak,” he replied firmly and tangled one of his hands into your hair. “You have a warrior’s heart, so you are used to confronting everything with violence. But this…this is not something you can beat back, it’s something you have to allow in and…you don’t want to feel helpless, so you’ve been suppressing it.”
Perplexed, you looked up at him. “Thanks for the psycho-analysis, though it was totally uncalled for.”
“You’re welcome,” he replied, mirroring your sarcasm, “Now let’s get out of here.”
You nodded and the two of you began probing the wall for flaws. There didn’t seem to be a single spot your lightsaber could penetrate.
After a few minutes, you groaned in frustration. “She was right, this is pointless.”
“Calm down,” Mando said softly, “There’s more walls.” He pointed upwards and you silently cursed yourself for not even thinking of that. When had your common sense left you?
However, the ceiling was similarly secured. “Okay, now you can be frustrated,” Mando sighed.
“Not yet. There’s one more wall.” You grinned at him. “Do you suppose they would expect their prisoners to just…cut a hole into the floor?”
“Probably not, as prisoners usually don’t have any weapons on them and as it would be a certain death wish?” Mando supplied.
“Perhaps. But not for a Jedi and a Mandalorian.” You winked at him before slamming your lightsaber into the floor.
“Okay, so maybe they did expect this,” you conceded while releasing a wave of breath. “What do we do now?”
“To be honest, I don’t know,” your copilot responded in a grim voice, “The walls are impenetrable for your Jedi weapons, so what could possibly breach them? They seem to be made out of pure Beskar.”
“But…to make a whole cell out of Beskar…How could anyone, especially the remnants of the Empire, afford that?” you queried.
“Um…I think I heard that the Empire sacked almost the entirety of Beskar reserves after they…killed all those Jedi.” Mando swallowed.
“I can’t believe I’ve never heard of this,” you murmured, “Though I suppose it makes sense, what better way to protect yourself against the remnants of the Jedi than to possess the one thing lightsabers cannot cut through…” You paused for a second. “Mando, I know…I shouldn’t ask this and you probably shouldn’t tell me, but…why can’t it cut through Beskar? I know you forge all sort of things out of the material, so it has to have a melting point…and usually, lazers are as hot as it gets…”
Mando took his time to respond. “I guess you’re right…I never…never truly considered this,” he admitted.
“So maybe we should use a different source of heat?” you suggested and pointed to his weapon’s arsenal.
“It’s worth a try…and I guess that if I shielded you, I could protect us from the thick of the blow. If we put as much distance between us and the heatwave, we might survive it,” he wagered.
“I think it’s worth the risk,” you decided, “And I’ll…I’ll send a message to Artoo in case we don’t make it out. Luke will rescue Grogu if we…if we don’t make it.”
Mando nodded slowly. “Yes, I suppose there’s no other way. Get in that corner.” You did as he told you and covered in the corner while contacting Artoo. The cell was tiny, but this had to work. It just had to.
You studied Mando extensively as he placed the detonator on the opposite wall. If you were to die in a few seconds, at least he would be the last thing you saw. You couldn’t even judge yourself for harboring these feelings, there was no point to it anymore. For some reason, you felt oddly light for the first time in your life.
“Mando,” you began as he crouched down in front of you, overcome by the odd urge to tell him…you weren’t sure what exactly.
“It’s gonna be alright,” he interrupted you and put his arms around you. When you heard him push a few buttons on his glove, you instinctively closed your eyes. “I know,” you responded before the bomb went off.
It all happened too fast to realize it, but you recalled the feel of getting pressed back into the wall by something hard, pressing the air out of your lungs, as a loud bang pierced the air.
When you opened your eyes again, dark smoke filled the air and obscured your sight. The resonating ring of the explosion limited your hearing. You still had no grip on the Force; therefore, you were left almost completely senseless.
“Mando!” you yelled into the darkness while reaching for him blindly with your hands. Why wasn’t he next to you? Where was he? Your mind turned blank besides that mantra while you scrambled around on all fours, searching for any sign of him.
Finally, you felt something hard and cold under your hands. “Mando?” you gasped softly, the smoke slowly clearing and the ringing in your ears subsiding. He was eerily still.
“Mando.” You grabbed at his shoulders and shook him violently. No reaction. “Mando!” you screamed, “Wake up!” Maker, why was he not moving? With trembling movements, you pushed your finger under his helmet, searching for his pulse.
There. Something. It was weak, but it was there. You sighed in relief, though it was short-lived as you noticed that it was getting fainter and fainter, until it completely ceased. Shit. You had to do something.
“Mando, I am so sorry…I promise…I promise I won’t look.” You took a deep breath before you began to undo his chest piece. “I’m sorry,” you repeated before closing your eyes and removing his helmet. You leaned in to check his breathing. Nothing.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t let you die,” you whispered before you moved your hands to the middle his chest. You pressed down forcefully 30 times, then you moved to his head. You hesitated, but only for a split second, and crushed your lips on his. You blew as much breath as you had left in you into his airways twice before going back to his chest and repeated the motion countless times. Thanks to the adrenaline, your pushes and breaths remained sturdy, even after you believed you had no force left in you.
“Breathe, Mando,” you sobbed before moving to his lips again. You felt something stirring under your hands then and halted. And sure enough, you felt a feeble breath caressing your cheek. “Thank the Maker,” you breathed out as you took in the noticeable heaving of his chest. His torso was perfectly toned with muscles, his chest hair…
Realizing your blunder, you quickly shut your eyelids again and turned around. It was only his chest…surely, there was some loophole in his codex for that…there had to be. Did you just save his life only to destroy his way of life? Shit, how could you have been this careless? It must have been the ecstasy of the moment. He never had to know you saw anything.
The soft exclamation of your first name made you still.
“Mando?” Your voice cracked.
“You…you saved my life,” he whispered.
You shrugged. “Don’t mention it. I…I didn’t look.”
“I know. I trust you,” Mando replied, still straining for clear breaths.
You swallowed loudly. “Um…we have to get out of here. Do you think…you can walk?”
“Yes. I think the impact simply rendered me unconscious. Nothing severe.” You heard him don his armor again as he got up. Mando limped past you to the gaping whole in the wall. “I didn’t think this would work,” he murmured in wonder as you followed him out.
“Shit, how do we get back to the ship?” you hissed as the two of you left the first hallway. “I don’t remember the turns we took.”
“Well, thank the Maker you have me then,” Mando joked, though there no real lightness in his tone. “My helmet can track footsteps, so we’ll just follow them back to the ship.” He grabbed your hand and began to lead the way.
In spite of his slight limp, you had to hurry to keep up with his speed as he all but dragged you through the labyrinth of corridors. To your surprise, not a single droid crossed your path. They probably believed you were securely confined and you couldn’t help feeling a little smug at outwitting them.
You took another right turn and saw the entryway to your ship draw closer. “Artoo,” you spoke into your comm, “open the ship. We’re almost there!” He didn’t respond. “Artoo?” you repeated. No reply.
You halted in your tracks, pulling Mando back as well through the connection of your hands. “Something’s not right.” Mando slowly turned to you.
“Not this again,” he groaned.
“Artoo is not responding. This has to be another trap,” you argued.
“Do we have another choice? Let’s just get back to the ship already.” He pulled at your hand and you complied reluctantly.
“Artoo?” you tried again while you ran towards the docking place. Again, no reaction.
You were almost there, only a couple more meters.
“Now, where do you think you’re going?” an unfamiliar voice called.
You spun around in horror to face the blue skinned man standing behind you. His eyes were glowing in an unnervingly intense shade of red.
“Thrawn,” you uttered, your voice deprived of any emotions.
“It’s an honor to finally meet you. I have such big plans for you.” He produced a feline grin. Gosh, this had to be serious if he was getting his own hands dirty. “Though I must say, I find it very rude of you to disregard my hospitality like that.”
“Come on,” Mando whispered to you and pulled you a step back. But this was not a confrontation you wanted to avoid.
“Get back to the ship,” you ordered him absentmindedly, “I’ll deal with this.”
“I’m not gonna leave you,” he murmured softly.
“How poignant,” Thrawn drawled, “A Jedi and a Mandalorian. It has an air of poetry to it, don’t you think?”
“Shut up.” Your eyes narrowed on Thrawn. “This doesn’t concern him, it’s between you and me.”
“I wouldn’t be too sure about that.” Your enemy's red eyes narrowed as well. “Guards, get the Mandalorian. I’ll deal with the girl.”
“Let’s go,” Mando urged once more, “We can still make it.”
You shook your head. Nothing would stand between you and your revenge now. This was the moment you had been waiting for you whole life. Jedi or not, you would relish in seeing the life drain from his alien eyes.
“Will you truly let your past take your future from you?” The disbelief and anger in his voice almost snapped you out of your madness. Almost.
He grunted in exasperation, but made no move to step away from you. Neither did he let go of your hand. “Then we’ll fight or way out together.” He dropped your hand the moment the guards arrived.
“Honestly, this is too sweet. The two of you.” Thrawn chuckled while pointing from him to you and back.
Not able to resist the temptation anymore, you lunged at him. Somehow, he sidestepped you easily, resulting in your blow landing in thin air. Somewhere behind you, you heard blastershots go off. You didn’t dare turn around to see how your friend was faring.
“Since when do Jedi,” the Grand Admiral spat out the word, “attack the defenseless?”
“I don’t mind making an exception for you,” you retorted, refusing to let his words get under your skin.
“Well, sorry to disappoint, but I’m not gonna fight you.” He smiled.
“Oh, that’s alright, I’m totally fine with just killing you then.” You smiled back at him.
“I’m afraid that won’t be an option,” he said and stepped aside to reveal the red-haired woman – Gad – emerging.
She unsheathed a purple lightsaber as she strode towards you in wide steps, her unbound red curls swirling around her like a living flame. “I’ve been looking forward to this moment for quite some time now.”
“Who are you?” you asked her, completely baffled.
“You know my name already,” she stated dryly.
“You know I’m not talking about your name.” As she drew closer, you reflectively positioned yourself into a fighting stance.
“I told you you would learn to fear me. Today is the day,” she replied instead, a devilish smile plastered on her face. Something tickled the back of your mind, but it was gone before you could grasp it. There was something about this woman…
With surprising precision, your enemy attacked. You deflected her blow and used her slight instability following the attack to return a blow, but she reacted quickly and spun to the side. In a movement too fast for your eyes to follow, she jabbed at your side. Without the Force, you were completely blind to the sudden strike and could only be glad that you redirected the blow in the last second to make it less fatal. Instead of directly stabbing you into your side, her blade only grazed at your back. You hissed in agony as it scratched your skin. Maker, it had been years since you last received a wound from another lightsaber, you had almost forgotten the intense burn of it.
“Do I need to remind you to not kill her?” Thrawn warned from the sidelines.
“Sure, sure.” Your opponent waved him off. “But you gotta let me have a little fun.”
You snarled at her and jabbed her right back, but she avoided your advance with a feline grace. She barked out a short laugh. “Oh, I haven’t had this much fun in years!” she shouted in ecstatic delight before charging at you again.
Following that, your fighting style went from offensive to defensive really quickly. While you felt the rage boiling inside you, you knew attacking her would be your doom. Mando was right, you should have fled when you had the chance. Mando…
Not able to stop yourself, you glanced over at him for a moment. He was practically surrounded by droids with electrostaffs and to your surprise, held a dark lightsaber in his hand himself.
Punishment for your distraction followed suit, as your rival kicked you hard, sending your lightsaber flying from your grasp. In panic, you tried to call it back to you, but there was still no tangible connection to the Force.
She pushed her glowing blade right up to your throat and you gulped at the heat radiating from it. “Game over, Jedi.” The word held even more venom coming from Gad’s mouth then it did when Thrawn had used it.
“You had your moment. Now get her to the cell,” Thrawn ordered, not commenting on the fight. You saw the frustration gleaming in Gad’s eyes, but she obliged. She turned her blade off before violently forcing your hands behind your back.
“This is not over,” she whispered into your ear and while you tried to fight it, you couldn’t suppress the terror her words awoke in you. You had never seen anyone fight like that, her speed and agility had appeared almost unnatural.
You twisted your head back to look past her at Mando, who was being forced to his feet by his opponents. Terrible guilt overcame you once again, had you not been this bent on getting your revenge…
“This sucks,” you complained. At this point, you were absolutely positive you’d go insane if you stared at the blank metallic wall in front of you in silence for another minute. Still, no reply came. “Mando, look,” you tried again with a sigh, “I’m – “
“Just shut up, okay?” a low voice cut you off. “I don’t wanna hear anything about it.” The audible resolve made you cease your pathetic attempts at apologizing. Frustration getting the better of you, you strained against your chains for what was probably the hundredth time in the last two hours.
“Would you stop that already? We’re not getting out of here,” your companion growled at you from the other side of the room. Well, at least he was finally addressing you, no matter how aggressively. Baby steps. So, you swallowed your rising anger back down and sagged against your confinements.
“I will get us out of here,” you responded quietly, though you weren’t entirely sure who you were making the promise to.
Mando simply scoffed in answer. It was extremely weird to hear him make these sounds without his mask modulating them, but the unpleasant reason for him being unmasked made you flinch slightly. Maker, how did you let this happen? Of course, the answer was clear, as, once again, your insufferable hotheadedness was to blame.
Another deep sigh left your body. “Shut. Up,” Mando snapped.
“I wasn’t saying anything,” you sneered back. So much for trying to resolve this conflict…
“Nar’Sheb, di’kut!“ Mando yelled back. Wow, insults in Mando’a. That was a new one.
“Okay, I have no idea what you just said, but could you please try to calm down? I’m sorry…about all of this,” you attempted in a soft voice.
“Doesn’t change a damn thing.”
The two of you were silent for a long time after that, the only noises in your cell the shallow breaths you took.
“I…I don’t know what overcame me…I just…saw him and…snapped,” you admitted into the quiet.
“I know,” Mando said, his voice a bit more serene, “but I would have thought you had a better grip on yourself. Considering you’re a Jedi.”
“This has nothing to do with me being a Jedi…this was about me and my family and he had them kil…” You took a deep breath.
“Do you think I don’t know what that’s like?” To your surprise, the gentleness had left his tone again. “The Empire killed my parents, but am I out there risking everything just to get ‘justice’? No. Because there is no such thing. No matter how many of them I might kill, it would never make it right. Killing them would not turn my parents alive again.”
You had no idea what to reply to that, so you opted for silence. It had been incredibly inconsiderate of you…You never even thought about his past, nor about that of all the other victims of the Empire. There were countless of them, but did they act as foolishly as you?
Killing individuals and seeking revenge above all was not harming the Empire. You had to focus on the big picture, strike at its heart…Maker, why was this only just now making sense to you? Had your judgement been so clouded by your emotions the entire time? And there you were, desperately suppressing your feelings for Mando while you let the truly harmful feelings – hate and fear – flourish inside of you?
“Fuck Mando, you’re right. I’m a fool. And a bad Jedi. But we have to think of a way to get out of here and fix this.”
“I know. They still have Grogu,” Mando replied solemnly.
“I’m sorry,” you said again.
“Stop apologizing,” he growled.
“Yeah, I’m sor – “ You cut yourself off.
“You know, besides failing Grogu, I am also a letdown for the Mandalore now,” he exhaled softly.
“What are you talking about?”
“That…sword I wielded earlier…it’s crucial to us. Whoever wins it in a fight is the rightful Leader of the Mandalore. When Grogu had been…taken by the Empire, I accidentally obtained it in a fight, even though I…didn’t really care about all that…power,” he explained.
“Do you now?”
The question seemed to catch him off guard. “What?”
“Do you want to be the Leader of the Mandalore now?” you asked curiously.
“I…I don’t know.” He sounded surprised at his own answer. “And I suppose now that I…lost it again, I’ll never know.”
Maker, as if you didn’t feel bad enough about yourself already. You swallowed the apology down before it could roll off your tongue.
“Not that I could even be a true Mandalorian anymore…” he added gravely.
“Mando, stop that. Just because…yeah, they saw your face, but it…it wasn’t your choice…” Which made this whole thing so much worse. It should have been his decision whether he wanted to reveal himself or not, but you took that away from him. Your rash, emotional decisions ruined his life. You were not used to that, as you were usually the only one facing the consequences… “Tell you what. We’ll kill them all and it’ll be like no one ever saw you.”
“Please, don’t joke about this,” he growled.
“I wasn’t…that was a promise, not a joke. I want them dead for what they did to you. I’ll avenge you, if it’s the last thing I do,” you vowed and meant it. You would make this right.
“You never learn, do you?” He sighed. “Revenge is what got us here. It’ll not be what gets us out of here.”
“I know,” you admitted quietly. You had come to that conclusion yourself mere minutes ago, but the habits of a lifetime were not easily changed. “But…you are still a full-fledged Mandalorian. The helmet is not obligatory, it was you own…way, right?” It was a poor attempt at comforting him.
“You’re one to talk about the irrelevance of personal ways…Do you seriously think I have not realized how badly you were trying to push me away? How you desperately tried to keep emotional distance? Why is it that you cling to that? I know not all Jedi behave that way, Luke…” He stopped.
“How do you know so much about Luke and his preferences?” you inquired and knew you hit the correct spot by his following silence.
“I…I shouldn’t have asked that,” you said after a while, regretting that your assumption was correct. “And you’re right, I have a…strange set of personal rules. But I am slowly realizing that…that I have no reason to shackle myself. I have clung to the old Jedi Codex which absolutely prohibited any romantic relations for the Jedi to honor those who…saved me. However, at the same time, I let hate and fear fester inside of me…And maybe I am not allowing myself to feel any…emotional attachment because…because of that hate and fear. To punish myself by not allowing those…positive feelings in and out of fear that…if I open myself and…love someone, I…I’ll lose them.” The words spilled out of you before you could register what you were saying. But somehow, voicing it made it even more clear. You had to change your foolish ways, as hard and painful as that may be. Mando said that you were used to being a warrior and that this was a different battle…Maybe he was right. Still, you believed your will – or rather stubbornness – to be strong enough to emerge vicious from this fight.
“Sometimes I wish…I could just take the helmet off and never put it on again,” Mando admitted quietly, “But I…who am I when I’m not the Mandalorian? The helmet and the armor give me the power to protect those I love and I am willing to make that sacrifice for that.”
You almost turned around to face him at that. Almost.
“But…you could have both. You could take the helmet off and remain a Mandalorian,” you argued softly.
“No. That’s simply not possible. There might be those who consider themselves Mandalorians and still take their helmet off, but…that’s not the Way. True Mandalorians barely expose themselves in front of other humans,” he replied firmly.
“Barely?” Curiosity coated your voice.
“Well…you can of course take it off in front of your…soulmate,” he disclosed quietly.
“We take the whole…concept of souls really…seriously. ‘Manda’ actually means ‘soul’ and those who…stray from the Way, are ‘dar’manda’ – soulless.” You waited patiently for him to continue, totally intrigued by the description of his culture. His voice dropped a little: “When we…form a life union with our love, we share our soul with them. And…’Kir’manir’ means ‘to give one a soul’, but it’s also our term for ‘adopt’…Our families don’t necessarily share the same blood, and it’s also possible to…divorce your child or parent – Dar’buir…” You heard him take in a sharp breath before he continued. “When I…when my parents died, the Mandalorians took me in. They gave me a soul. I could never turn my back on that.”
“I…I don’t know what to say,” you confessed, “Thank you for sharing this with me…After my parents and my sister died, me and my little sister…it’s a long story, but we managed to flee from our home planet and…an old Jedi master who survived Order 66, took us in and taught us…however reluctantly…about the Jedi Order. My mother was one of them, so we…already knew the basics, but Master Yo…he helped us connect to the Force and explained the Jedi Codex to us. I always wanted to be a Jedi so I’d never be in a position where I couldn’t protect those I loved again…” You looked around. “Yet, here I am. It’s kind of ironic.”
“Where is your sister now?” Mando asked carefully.
“I…I don’t know. She just…left one day. She didn’t want to have anything to do with the Jedi. Or me.” You shrugged and ignored the sting you still felt after all those years.
“I’m…sorry,” Mando offered and you let out a breathless laughter. Apparently, he didn’t have an alternative expression either.
“It’s okay. Both of us dealt with the pain differently and I…I cannot condemn her for hating me. I let our sister die,” you whispered.
Your companion was silent, and you couldn’t blame him. What could one say in response to that?
“We will get out of here,” Mando vowed quietly after a while.
“I know. I just don’t know how yet.”
“We’ll find a way.” His voice held so much confidence that you couldn’t help believing him for a moment. “Close your eyes,” he added and though you were puzzled, you obeyed. “Turn around.” The chains that bound you rattled loudly as you did as he told you. A short silence followed, but before you could ask him what this was about, you felt his lips on yours.
The kiss was heartbreakingly tender and conveyed all the things the two of you had left unsaid. Mando gently cupped your cheek before breaking away. A breath of air touched your cheek as he leaned in to whisper into your ear: “And by the way, I won.”
In spite of your bleak situation, a smile formed on your lips. “No, you didn’t.”
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Modern Star Wars by @thisuserisangry
89K notes · View notes
Sinfully Armored
Summary: After Din Djarin had lost everything: his ship, his child, his way, and found himself as rightful leader of the Mandalore, he’s glad when an opportunity arises to escape all of his responsibilities. Grogu doesn’t seem to adapt well to his destined life in the New Jedi Order and handling the little rascal is simply too much for Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, who has to rebuild the entire Jedi Order and help in the founding of the New Republic. As a last resort, he contacts the mysterious Mandalorian, who seemed to have formed a strong bond with the Jedi foundling, to help Grogu accept his Jedi heritage and finally let go of the past. What Mando didn’t know is that on top of being given the chance to escape his duties, he’d meet you.
Notes: see ‘Sinfully armored’ on AO3
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Chapter 1 - Strange Revelations
Chapter 2 - Pride and Prejudice
Chapter 3 - What happens on Kashyyyk...
Chapter 4 - The spirits that haunt us
Chapter 5 - I have a bad feeling about this
Chapter 6 - Anger Issues
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Sinfully Armored
Chapter 5 - I have a bad feeling about this
Chapter 4
You weren’t sure how much time actually passed since Mando left you in a completely disheveled state. Predictably, brooding in silence didn’t calm you at all. When you awoke hours later from a fitful sleep, a storm was still raging inside of you. To your pleasant surprise, the warrior didn’t search you out, which made it all the easier to avoid him as well.
After a modest breakfast, you spent the entirety of the morning meditating, which quieted your raging mind a little. While the cause of your mental unrest remained obscured to you, reaching into the Force allowed you to settle yourself. Waves of tranquility surrounded you and you mustered up the courage to step into the cockpit a few minutes later.
Mando was siting motionlessly in the pilot’s seat. Instead of getting offended – much less hurt – at his unresponsiveness, you pulled your chin up and strode up to the seat to his right.
“Anything new?” you inquired, hoping that your voice didn’t betray any feelings. “No,” he responded in an equally impassive tone. Suddenly you felt quite awkward again. You rummaged your head for any topic besides what happened between the two of you and “How are you feeling?” was somehow the best you could come up with.
Mando’s helmet turned towards you slowly and your mind conjured up a vague image of his most-likely expression. Before your mental eye, you saw him furrowing his brows while the humor was visible in his warm eyes and the soft upward curve of his mouth. You shook the image off in confusion before it became any clearer. Fantasizing about the true appearance of your masked companion was a dangerous idea. Somehow, his armor gave you the false comfort of emotional distance, even when you were certainly beyond that.
“Fine,” he murmured before turning his head back forward. Against your better judgement, a sharp “great” escaped your throat. Mando’s helmet snapped back towards you. You immediately regretted how vulnerable you made yourself with a single word and avoided his intense stare.
“Are you alright?” Mando asked you tentatively and the sudden change in tone made you face him again.
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be? I’m great. Amazing, actually. Never been better,” you stumbled over the words awkwardly, “Well, not great. I mean, with…Grogu and all… but there’s no other cause for me not being…great.” You swallowed hard to stop your awkward babbling as Mando simply continued to stare you down.
“Could you stop that already?” you all but snapped at him before you could intercept yourself. “Stop what?” he threw back in an amused tone. “Staring at me like that!” you exclaimed exasperatedly. “How do you always know when I’m looking at you?” The humor had left his tone and had been replaced by pure curiosity. “Well…I don’t know…sixth sense? I guess animals know when they are being watched as well, don’t they? So, it’s only natural…” you trailed off, realizing how stupid you probably sounded. Maker, you really didn’t know how to act around him anymore…
“I’m a predator then?” There it was, that tinge of humor in his voice. He was enjoying this, seeing you struggle for clear thoughts. A small mercy was that you were too confused to be embarrassed by the fact that he was aware of the effect he had on you. He inched a bit closer to you, as much as his seat allowed. The sudden proximity made his stare all the more intense.
“Wh-what?” you stammered as you tried to reorder your treacherous mind. “That was only a…metaphor? Simile? Ugh, what do I know?” You sighed and wished for some mysterious force to suck you into the cold depths of space. Anything to end this suffering.
“Just stop talking,” Mando chuckled and rose from his seat. Your eyes trailed his movements in confusion as he stepped in front of you. “What are you doing?” you asked him in bewilderment.
“Being a predator,” Mando teased. You looked up at him as the sensation of his glance became physical, you felt it prickle across your skin. “So, I suppose I’m the helpless prey in this scenario?” you went along and rolled your eyes theatrically. Finally, your bravado had returned to you.
“Now, now. Not helpless. That’d be incredibly dull.” His broad shoulders hunched as he leaned in towards you. “Fight me, Jedi,” he whispered into your ear and you couldn’t suppress the shudder the soft caress of his breath sent through you.
“Mando!” you exclaimed in feigned shock, “I wouldn’t have thought you to be so kinky.” A wide grin spread across your face. Maker, why was it so easy to flirt with him? Five minutes ago you were unable to keep up simple small talk, but somehow this was…natural. Safe. At least now you could pretend it was a merely physical rather than emotional scenario.
“That’s kinky to you?” he replied in a low voice, “What a shame. I would have enjoyed doing far worse to you.” Your breath hitched slightly at the images your stupid head protruded.
“Let’s make a deal.” You bit your lip and secretly admired your own bluntness. “You don’t want me to be helpless prey? You want me to fight? Then let’s fight. Whoever wins gets to do their worst.” Mando’s posture stilled abruptly.
“Shit,” he breathed out after a moment. “Okay.” You smiled softly at the evident eagerness coating his voice. “But you can’t use that…Jedi thing.”
“Jedi thing?” you mocked him. “Mando, you’ve spent…how much time exactly with Luke? And he never taught you anything?”
“Oh, he did teach me some things,” he replied quietly. You didn’t quite get the implication in his voice, but you didn’t want to discuss Luke at this point. Actually, you didn’t want to talk at all. “Anyway, alright. No Force. And no weapons, of course,” you added.
“Deal,” Mando proclaimed. Instead of replying, you kicked your legs out to push him away from you, resulting in him slamming against the controls forcefully. Exploiting the time it took him to recover, you quickly scrambled up from your seat and took a fighting stance.
“You’re so gonna regret this,” he promised you as he rightened himself and took a couple of steps towards you. “Are we gonna chat here or fight?” you challenged him with a grin.
Mando made a fast move towards you, but you were faster, so he staggered into thin air. He turned to you and sized you up for a moment. You were crouched into a fighting position, your elbows parallel to the front of your body in a defensive stance. “Baby, I don’t think you realize how much you are turning me on right now.” In response, you punched out at him, hitting his beskared shoulder with so much force that he stumbled back a step. “Don’t call me baby,” you spat at him as you felt the adrenaline curse through your veins.
“I’ll call you baby as much as I want later, once I win this,” he drawled. You let out a mocking snort. “Now where does all that confidence come from? You couldn’t even beat me in your dreams,” you retorted.
“Maybe I don’t want to beat you. The way I see it, this is a win-win-situation. Maybe I’ll let you win just to see what you dream of doing to me…” You interrupted his monologue with a high kick to his side. “Ouch,” he murmured.
“Do you always talk that much when you fight? Is that your bounty hunting technique? To just bore them to death?” You blew a stray lock of hair from your eyes. “Fine, I tried to play nice, baby, but that’s it.” With far more velocity than the first time, Mando swung at you and his fist connected brutally with your sternum. You fell back into the wall and it was all you could do to hold on to it before you could sink down.
“Now we’re talking,” you huffed out with the little breath left in your chest. You pushed yourself off the wall and launched yourself at him in a whirlwind of punches and kicks. Still, you barely gained an inch on him as he deflected almost every single one of your blows.
Frustrated, you ceased your attack and took a step back. “My turn,” was the only warning he gave you before advancing on you. Suddenly closer to the wall again, you were in the defensive position, trying to prevent his harsh blows from landing. Grudgingly, you had to admire the accuracy in which he delivered them; he used every little opening to land some punches. It was all you could do to deflect them slightly to make them less fatal.
But even you couldn’t hold your own against him for long, after a couple rounds of cat and mouse, he managed to get a good hit at your ribs, which were still slightly sore, and you stumbled sidewards. He used to opening shamelessly to tackle you to the ground.
“That wasn’t fair,” you complained as he settled his weight on top of you and pinned your arms to the ground with his hands. “Oh, but it was. ‘No weapons, no Jedi-magic’. Remember?” he reminded you, a grin audible in his voice.
“You wanna be like this? Alright,” you replied with a devilish grin before kicking him right where it hurt most with your knee. His grip on your wrists relaxed out of reflex while he howled in pain. Not thinking twice, you pushed him off of you and switched your positions, so that he was flat on the ground and you were on top of him.
“Well, Jedi. I must admit, now I am even more impressed. And turned on.” His low baritone resonated deep within you and you felt your core heating up. “You’re disgusting,” you replied in a voice that was all to found to support your words.
“Come on baby, you can’t deny you are turned on by this just as much as I am,” he challenged you. And…maybe it made you incredibly sick, but you were. Maker, you were pooling down there right now…not that your position was of any help, as you were basically straddling his lap, which allowed you to…sense the physical proof of his arousal.
“Shit, you really are, aren’t you?” he groaned in surprise as he took in your expression. You nodded softly, beyond trying to deny anything in front of him. “Do you want to…” he suggestively trailed off. “What?” you asked him in confusion. Wait, was he…
Before you could reach your conclusion, he had already flipped you over again. Shit, you had totally let your guard down because of this…distracting conversation. This time, Mando pinned your legs with his knees and fixated your wrists with his right hand. You struggled against him in fury, but he didn’t budge. “Ten…nine…eight,” he began to count down, “seven…six…five…” You continued to push against him with all your force, but your muscles were too weak to fight him and the tons of beskar weighing him down. “Four…three…” In spite of the futility of the gesture, you didn’t cease fighting him. You would not just give in. “Two…” Shit, his ego would get so inflated after this…How could you let him trick you? “One…” Well, at some point even you had to accept defeat. You relaxed your muscles and braced yourself for his triumphant voice, but instead you heard a shrill beeping. Both of your heads snapped up and focused on the map.
The dot had stopped moving. Without another thought, Mando scrambled off of you and rushed towards the controls. You joined him shortly after, needing a moment more to compose yourself and drown out the fire in your veins.
Mando pushed a few buttons and the engine shut off. “They’ve stopped,” he stated the obvious, probably to get his grip on reality back. “What do we do now?” you ask him carefully. Maybe you should have spent the previous days plotting instead of…Well, too late to contemplate that now.
“We go in and get him out,” his voice sounded controlled, all of the arousal gone. He was in full bounty hunter mode, there was nothing that could break his focus on his target now. “Yeah, but…how?” You felt kind of stupid asking again. Did he expect you to just…know his plan?
“We walk in, get him and walk out,” he said as if it was the most logical conclusion. “I’ll just…follow your lead,” you decided, not wanting to ask for a third time. He nodded. “We are drifting in space now,” he explained. “That gives us some time to plan our next move. As much as you hate how unaesthetic and ancient our ship is, it has a cloaking shield. We’ll be invisible until we pass into hyperdrive. I don’t think their radars can sense us and even if they did, it would be too late. We anchor on the side of their ship and enter there.” You were a bit baffled; he never delivered a monologue this long before…But you simply nodded in relief, thankful that he chose to elaborate.
“R2?” you called and shortly after, the familiar beeping of the droid greeted you. You gestured to Mando and he hesitantly explained the plan to the him. Artoo beeped excitedly at the fact that he was part of the operation, although he once again complained about always having to be the one left behind on the ship. “Artoo,” you sighed. “Do I need to remind you that that is your job? That, and of course, getting our asses out of waste chutes et cetera.”
“Do I even want to know?” Mando asked you in an exasperated tone and you put your arms up defensively. “Hey, that one wasn’t me, it was Luke.”
“Alright, I do not want to know,” he decided. “Anyway, we need to be really quick. We have to get close enough to him for you to feel that Jedi thing, get to his cell, get him out and get all of us back out while remaining undetected.”
“If that’s it, no problem,” you joked. “That’s it,” Mando echoed softly.
“Hey, it’s gonna be alright,” you tried to reassure him as you noticed the strain in his voice. “We’ll get him back.” You put your hand on his shoulder and he slowly dropped his glance to it. “Sorry.” You pulled your hand back. Somehow, this sort of touch felt like overstepping a boundary. Yeah, he had been inside of you hours earlier, but this was far more…real. Intimate.
Needing to put more distance between the two of you, you stepped towards the cockpit window. As you looked out into space, your commitment issues suddenly seemed small. To your right, one of the biggest space stations you had ever seen appeared to expand infinitely. “Fuck,” was all you could get out. “What is it?” Mando asked as he stepped up next to you, but his view made the question redundant. “Fuck indeed,” he muttered in agreement.
“Mando, I…I’m not sure if our Force bond is strong enough to guide us to him…not if the station is this gigantic,” you admitted. After all, you had only been with Grogu for a couple of days. While you might recognize his Force waves, you weren’t sure if his would recognize and invite you. “Well, we just have to try,” he offered and you nodded solemnly.
“Artoo, can you somehow navigate us towards that tower?” you asked the droid. “Possibly after activating the cloaking shield?” Mando added and you glared at him. “He’s not stupid, Mando,” you defended your friend.
“Yeah alright,” he uttered quietly, but you decided to let the comment slide due to his anxious emotional state. “Why that tower?”
“I don’t know. I just…have a feeling,” you told him. “A feeling is what we’re basing this mission on?” he asked incredulously.
“Sometimes following your gut is the best you can do. Plus, you based us finding Grogu entirely on my feelings,” you reasoned and he shrugged, though you knew he wasn’t too convinced.
Artoo beeped softly. “I guess we’re invisible now,” you translated to your droid-despising companion, “but how do we stay that way once we’re inside?”
“A little stealth and a little violence.” In spite of the grimness of the situation, you couldn’t help smiling at his answer. “Sounds foolproof,” you agreed playfully.
“You know, once we get him out…” Mando began in a conspiratorial tone and you tilted your head towards him curiously. “I won.” Your jaw dropped. How could he be thinking of this right now? “No, you didn’t,” you protested, though without much conviction. Maybe this was exactly what the two of you needed right now to ease the tension slowly building up. A bit of teasing and flirting couldn’t hurt, could it?
“You know I won, baby,” he drawled in a sensual promise. “Oh, you are on thin ice,” you shot back with a glare that would have sent lesser men running. “What are you gonna do about it, Jedi?” He turned to face you, his broad frame obscuring your view of the station you were slowly shifting closer to.
“Kick your ass again?” you suggested innocently. “The way I remember it, I was on top of you.” Mando leaned in a little, making the height difference between you a bit less extreme. “Only because I let you,” you shot back.
“What I’m hearing is that you wanted me on top of you?” he exploited your poor phrasing. “Well, maybe I did,” you stated, deciding this was the best possible course of action. Mando clearly didn’t expect this response, given how silent he went. Suddenly, the tension in the air shifted into a wholly different direction.
“Um…Grogu,” you reminded both of you after a moment. “We’ll get back to this later.” He took a step back and turned towards the space station as you refocused on it drawing closer as well with a loud swallow. Apparently, the two of you had gotten too good at this little game of distraction.
Up close, it was even more impressive. How did this go so long undetected from the New Republic? Well, probably because you were in the middle of nowhere. It was quite unnerving to realize how vast and endless space was. There could be just about anything lurking in the depths of the outer rim. You shook the uncomfortable thought off. For someone who spent so much time surrounded by nothing but stardust and asteroids, you sure got easily creeped out by space.
As if he sensed your unease, Mando grabbed your hand. You looked up at him in wonder, but against your better judgement, you let your fingers entwine with his. How did he always know exactly how to pull you back to the ground? Maker, he was like your personal gravitational force, every time you felt like you lost contact to earth, he caught you. A wave of gratitude surging up in you, you squeezed his hand. Immediately, probably out of muscle memory, he squeezed back. You felt the odd urge to…to do what exactly? Hug him? Kiss him? Make proper love to him?
Whatever it was, you shouldn’t have felt that. Not wanting to hurt his feelings, but having no other choice, you pulled your hand back. He didn’t indicate he was hurt in any way; he didn’t even turn look at you in response. So, he didn’t care either. Good. Great. Amazing, actually.
You realized you were full on staring at him, so you quickly snapped your head back to your goal. It felt weird to just fly up to it, your brain couldn’t comprehend that you were invisible. But you most definitely were, considering the fact you were still alive. Still, your heartrate picked up to unprecedented speed levels as you shamelessly passed the first control tower.
If you were to die by the hands of the Empire, it would be in direct combat. Not like this. Not defenselessly, trapped in a fucking ship in space. It could all be over in a heartbeat. You wouldn’t even have time to realize it was over. There would be no life flashing before your eyes. Maker, you were spiraling again. Only this time, there was no Mando to catch you. If he didn’t know or realized and didn’t care…
Your brain decided to let your life flash before your eyes now, just in case you wouldn’t get the time later. Wonderful. You saw your mother, fierce as ever in her fighting gear, ready to protect you at all costs, you saw her sitting in the cornfields at your farm, smiling softly, her skin basically radiating with the bright sunlight illuminating her. You saw your father gently helping you up after you fell from yet another tree you thought you were tough enough to climb, saw him kissing you goodbye, the love in his eyes…You saw your sisters, the three of you whispering to each other from your beds way past your bedtime, playing tag on the farmlands…you saw your big sister’s eyes widen in shock and surprise as the blastershot went through her…
“Hey,” a soft voice intercepted, “Come back to me.” You blinked against the tears you hadn’t even noticed forming and beheld Mando standing in front of you once again. One of his gloved hands trailed your cheek tentatively and wiped some of the wetness away. Catching your breath and gulping your sadness down, you nodded. You focused on his hand touching your skin while calming your breaths.
“It’s alright,” Mando assured you softly before pulling you in for an embrace, which was oddly comforting despite his armor. You pressed your cheek against the beskar while his fingers drew soothing circles on your back. “It’s alright,” he repeated softly and you started to believe him. Maker, this was the second time he saved you today. You needed to get a grip, now was not the moment to crumble.
A small tremor shook the ship. You must have docked on the tower. Mando released you reluctantly. “Do you think you can do this now?” he asked softly, though you knew it wasn’t really a question. You had no choice. “Of course,” you murmured, your voice almost even again. You quickly wiped the tears from your eyes with slightly trembling hands before gripping the hilt of your lightsaber for comfort. Focusing on the Force surrounding you, you completely regained your composure.
“I’m ready,” you promised him and he nodded before heading out of the cockpit. You followed suit as he guided you through the tunnel connecting your ship to the station. “We’re in,” you whispered to Artoo through your commlink.
At least it looked fairly normal on the inside. The same dull metallic walls that decorated every ship greeted you, though you weren’t sure you wanted to know how many there were in total. You threw your Force senses wide out, but no signal ricocheted. Mando looked at you expectantly, but you shook your head.
“Okay, then…left,” he decided and you carefully approached the ending of the hall. You poked your head around the corner. There was no one to be seen. “Clear,” you murmured to Mando and the two of you entered the hallway.
You kept projecting your Force in any direction you could, but no response came. Still, he had to be in this tower…your gut was rarely wrong. “I can’t sense…anything,” you said out loud. Usually, there was always something…right now, you couldn’t even sense life around you. There had to be some sentient, breathing being on this station…
“Something’s not right,” you uttered, “There’s no life here. Nothing at all.”
As if on cue, battle droids rounded the corner at the end of the hall. “I have a bad feeling about this,” Mando agreed before pulling out his blaster and shooting at them. Unsurprisingly, they didn’t hesitate to return the fire. Out of reflex, you reached for your lightsaber and covered Mando as he kept shooting them down. Damn, he had good aim. The Maker knew how hard it was to kill those things, especially with blasters.
Shortly after, they were within reach for your lightsaber, which was a fight they were bound to lose. You relished in the feeling of getting lost in the fight, cutting droids down left and right. It didn’t last long. Standing in the remnants of the machines, you looked at Mando, who was standing a few feet away, blaster still in hand.
“What?” You grinned at him, but it quickly faltered as you took in his stillness. “This is a trap,” he breathed out. “Maybe, but we’ll fight our way through.” You shrugged and for the first time in a while, the gesture truly reflected your sentiments. “If they’ve pulled out the big guns, Grogu must be here.” Mando nodded once in agreement. “Alright. Lead the way.”
Stepping over the pieces of metal, you stalked to the end of the corridor, Mando at your heels. “I guess we just go…where they came from?” you suggested and turned left. His lack of protest was affirmation enough for you. For a few turns, everything was quiet again. Still, you didn’t dare to sheath your weapon again. Statistically, the likelihood of another attack rose with every step you took.
Sure enough, another dozen droids greeted you at the next turn. “Seems like we’re on the right track,” you said to Mando before unleashing yourself.
“I feel kind of useless over here,” Mando mumbled once you were done. “Nonsense. You’re my backup,” you teased him, on a complete high from the fight.
As you passed the next paths, droid attacks became more frequent. “We must be getting closer,” you panted after finishing another row of aggressors. A blastershot went off and you turned around to see a droid topple over. “Thanks.” You nodded towards Mando before you continued to make your way to Grogu.
You were not prepared for the five droidekas facing you as you rounded the next corner. “I didn’t even know they still made these,” you said, part in terror, part in fascination. “Leave that to the bounty hunter,” was all he replied before activating something on his glove. You recognized the thing he threw at them as a thermal detonator and fortunately, it did the trick. The droids were in pieces once the smog of the detonation cleared. A minor setback however was that your position was now painfully obvious to your enemies. “Are you out of your mind?” you yelled at him. “What ever happened to ‘a little stealth’?”
Mando seriously had the audacity to shrug. “I guess we’ll have to substitute stealth with speed now.” You groaned in anger before quickening your pace to match his.
Instead of confronting the next droids in your way, you simply speeded past them while cutting a few down and deflecting their shots. You all but sprinted when you saw the row of cells expanding in front of you. “I still can’t sense him!” you panted in fear. “So use your other senses.” Mando’s reply was so dry that you had the bizarre urge to giggle.
The two of you quickly made your way through the corridor while checking the mostly vacant cells.
“Of course, they had to put him into the very last one.” You sighed as you approached it cautiously. “Artoo?” you spoke into your commlink. A beep came in response. Thank the Maker. “Can you open cell 2483 in the left tower? Pronto?” He beeped in confirmation.
Quicker than expected, the cell door slid open. Mando was about to enter, but you pulled him back by the shoulder. “Wait. This is too easy.” You looked around warily. “I don’t care. I’ll get Grogu.” And…he was actually in the cell, wasn’t he? You peeked inside. Yep, there he was, sitting in on a metal bench at the back of the small cell.
“But…I can’t sense him,” you murmured in confusion while Mando stepped towards his child. “Maybe your Jedi senses are broken,” Mando answered absentmindedly. Was that a thing? You lost contact to the Force the second you entered this ship…there was something elementarily wrong with this. But what…Grogu was there. In flesh and blood. How?
“Mando, wait. Please.” But he wouldn’t listen. He was right in front of Grogu now and reached for him…only for his hands to go right through him. He stumbled back in confusion. But…Grogu looked so real. No hologram looked that real…Unless…you remembered another day, a day that wasn’t all that long ago, but felt like a different lifetime to you now. The meeting you watched…all of them just disappeared…Had they been meeting their digitally or…Or has this whole mission been a trap? And you fell for it…
“We have to get out of here.” You stepped into the cell to pull Mando, who was still stupefied, back out. But you didn’t get that far. The door shut the second you were past it. “Nononononononono.” You slashed at the door with your lightsaber, but it wouldn’t budge. In a desperate attempt, you reached out blindly for the Force, but it didn’t respond to your call. “No,” you breathed out in disbelief. Did you seriously just let yourself get fooled by the Empire again?
You looked back at Mando, who was still facing the hologram of Grogu. “I’m sorry,” you whispered to him and put your hand on his shoulder. “It was all a trap. I am so stupid, I let them trick me…I… I failed you and Grogu. Again.” Your voice broke. “This whole mission was probably a scam and I…I didn’t even question it. Didn’t even think straight.”
Mando’s helmet turned to you slowly. “What do you mean?” His voice was strained. “I…I don’t know why – or how, for that matter – exactly, but I think they wanted us to follow them. They expected us to be on Kashyyyk. They somehow planned all of this…and now we’re trapped here and it’s all because I didn’t fucking think.” You threw your lightsaber at the wall in frustration.
Mando silently went towards your discarded weapon, picked it up and handed it back to you. “We’ll get out of here,” he assured you, his fingers brushing yours while he passed you your lightsaber.
“I wouldn’t be too sure of this. This cell is foolproof and as you probably already noticed, there’ll be no Force tricks happening here,” a female voice sneered. You spun to face the wall in agitation. Where the Grogu replica had been sitting seconds ago, the red-haired woman was now sprawled. “You,” your voice held the promise of a brutal, slow death.
“Me,” she replied with a wicked grin. “An old friend of yours?” Mando asked sarcastically. “Who are you?” you demanded from the stranger, ignoring him.
“Gosh, where are my manners?” the woman replied in theatrical horror. “Veoma Gad. Pleased to make your acquaintance.” A serpentine smile curved on her lips.
Chapter 6
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Sinfully Armored
Chapter 4 - The spirits that haunt us 
Chapter 3
TW: SMUT, canon-typical violence
Your eyes adjusted to the bright lights so slowly that you had to rely on your other senses. Apparently, you were lying on an even metal surface, judging from the cold hard material you felt underneath your – exposed back? Yes, you seemed to be naked from the waist up. As you focused on the rest of your body, you noted with surprise that the pain in your ribs had subsided. The air smelled slightly of ethanol; you definitely weren’t on Kashyyyk anymore. Shit, had you been abducted by the Empire?
Finally, your eyesight returned to you and you looked around, careful not to move your head too conspicuously, lest whoever had brought you here would notice you. You relaxed immediately as you took in the familiar view of your ship, though it didn’t lessen your irritation. How did you get back here?
You propped yourself up on your elbows to get a better look at your ribs. The sudden movement made you feel a little dizzy, so you carefully laid back down again and peeked at your ribcage. Someone seemed to have tended to your wounds as a beige bandage was wrapped around them, still leaving your breasts exposed, and they really didn’t hurt anymore. You slowly stretched your hand out to your ribs and dug your fingers in to test your pain tolerance. Nothing. There had to be some sort of painkiller involved…How long had you been out? What about Grogu? The Wookie youngling?
You sat back up in a quick movement that your head didn’t appreciate in the least. “Careful,” a modulated voice said and your head snapped to the direction of it, resulting in another sharp headache.
But there was the Mandalorian, standing at the other end of the space. You were too stunned to react to his presence in any way. Why was he here? He should have hated you, what did he care if you were being careful or not? Fuck, how you despised yourself. You averted his glance out of pure guilt. You broke his trust, you let them take his child. You were too weak to save him, why did Luke ever send you on this mission?
“What…what happened?” you asked finally and noticed how raw your throat felt. “You passed out on the beach, so I took you back here and…,” he paused and his visor dipped down a bit, allowing him a better look at your rib. You were suddenly all too aware of your exposed breasts, but didn’t want to show your discomfort by moving to cover them up. He shook his head quickly. “So, I– I– fixed your…ribs.” You heard him swallow loudly as he brought his helmet back up to your face. “For a moment I thought– I thought I had los…”, he added, but stopped himself from saying whatever he was going to. You looked at him curiously. “I’m sorry,” he said instead.
You grew even more irritated at that. “You are sorry? I am the one who fucked up, Mando,” you replied faintly, breaking the possible eye contact with him again. “I am so sorry, it’s all my fault. If I had been quicker…,” you went on and let your voice trail off.
“None of this is your fault,” he responded firmly and took a few steps towards you. “I was…being a dick, and I am sorry for it. I– I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. I know you would never have let them get him if you had had another choice, I was just – he – he’s all I have left.” Some small part of your heart broke at that confession.
“You had every right to snap at me,” you answered with conviction. “Please, don’t be so kind to me…I don’t deserve that.” You heard him tread even closer to you and this time, he didn’t stop until he was right next to you. He uttered your name softly and at that, your head turned back to him. Two leather gloves cupped your cheeks gently, forcing you to hold his stare.
“You – you deserve nothing but kindness from me,” he whispered and let one of his hands trail across your cheekbones in a featherlight touch. The simple touch sent goosebumps across your entire body. “I – I have been…awfully unkind to you,” he admitted quietly.
“What’s with the change of heart now?” you attempted to lighten the situation and relieve yourself of some of the electric current humming through you, but failed miserably. “I…when you were…on that…beach…completely motionless…” The movements of his hand stilled for a second. You knew this was as vulnerable as he would make himself, so you simply placed your hand on top of his in silent affirmation.
“Mando…I…,” you began, but he silenced you by putting his index finger on your mouth. “Stop guilting yourself,” he said intently and his other hand began to softly move across your cheek again. “We will get him back.”
“How?” you asked, your voice breaking. You could not bear his kindness anymore; it was just too much. Mando’s fingers started to gingerly run across your neck and all of your thoughts and worries left your mind for a second as you registered the movement. “After you…um...I installed a tracking fob on the imperial ship”, he explained absentmindedly. His focus seemed to be entirely on his fingers, which began to explore your collar bone. You shivered at the intimacy of the touch. His hand began to dip even lower, hovering at the swell of your heaving breasts.
“Do you want me to stop?” His words were merely a breath and you could only shake your head, as you were at a complete loss for words. He let out a relieved sigh at you giving him your consent and his hand moved a little lower until he was softly cupping your breast. You lost yourself completely in his touch and let out a soft moan. “Fuck,” he exclaimed. “Do you realize how…agonizing it has been for me to see you with your tits out all this time while I couldn’t…couldn’t touch you?” He gave your boob a little squeeze to support his words and at that, you let out a louder moan. “You can always touch me,” you admitted breathlessly and he groaned in response. He removed his other hand from yours and moved it down to cup your other breast.
Taking all the time in the world, he tested out the weight of your breasts in his hands and began to slowly knead them while the aching between your legs grew worse. “Mando…please,” you begged him.
“Now, now. I expected you Jedi to have a little more patience,” he responded while continuing to caress your tits. Fuck, he knew he was taunting you and he was enjoying it. There would be time for some payback later.
One of his leathered gloves left your breast and started to draw lazy circles across your back. As his hand moved down further only to brush across the sensitive curve of your spine, you arched into the touch of his other hand even more. He groaned softly.
Without a warning, he removed his hands from you entirely, but he held a hand up before you could bark out in protest. He deliberately removed his gloves, exposing his bare skin for the first time. His hands were beautiful, the veins standing out a bit against his skin, which was tan – despite not having seen sunlight in the Maker knows how long – and calloused. With one quick movement, Mando span you around on the makeshift bed so that your legs were dangling over the edge and you were fully facing him. You let out a surprised gasp.
His next advances seemed almost hesitant after this impulsive action. He slowly spread your legs apart with his hands and positioned himself between them. The proximity of him made your heart accelerate to an unprecedented speed. Your head dipped down almost instinctively and your throat went dry as you took in the bulge in his pants. His bare hand cupped your chin and made you look up at him again. “Let me touch you first,” he said hoarsely and you nodded, not able to deny him anything.
His fingers were unexpectedly smooth and warm as they began to explore your body again. Each of his touches made you soak your pants more and more, but he wasn’t ready to give you what you desired just yet. He reveled in every skin-to-skin touch as if he’d never get to experience it again. The gentleness of his touch when he brushed your bandages made your heart swell with affection that you quickly repressed. This was purely sexual, wasn’t it?
The Mandalorian pushed a strand of your hair back from your face, halting his worshipping of your body. “You are…absolutely gorgeous,” he said while looking you up and down, his voice betraying his vulnerability. You swallowed. Apparently, this was not merely physical. Mando made a move to touch you again, but you grabbed his arm before he could. “Look,” you inducted, “I – I can’t do this. Not – not if it’s…more than sex.”
He didn’t respond for a while, the two of you frozen in this awkward position. “Who said it was more?” he retorted finally, with such nonchalance that you thought you had imagined the gentle affection in his voice earlier. “Okay, great,” you lied. You didn’t want this to be more than a physical thing, did you? So, why were you so disappointed that he felt the same way? Didn’t that make you a hypocrite?
“Do – do you want to continue?” he broke the awkward silence that had formed between you. Yes, more than anything. But could you risk it? What if you got too attached? Never in your life had you damned your Jedi existence and your past more than in this very moment. But even if you wanted to, you couldn’t turn away from it. Being a Jedi was your life and you wouldn’t give it up for something as trivial as sex…Or would you?    
“I…I’ll take that as a ‘no’,” Mando said, no hint of any emotion in his voice and ended your brooding silence. When you didn’t reply, he simply picked up his gloves and left without another word.
“Fuck,” you whispered with exasperation. He would never be vulnerable with you again after you pushed him away like this. But maybe that was for the better. As your breathing returned to its normal rhythm, you started to focus on reality again. You were on a mission, Mando had mentioned a tracking fob or something? What about the Wookie? Mando hadn’t mentioned him, so you guessed he was safe? It was not like you could go to him for information now. Maker, what have you done? What had you been about to do?
Maybe it was the painkillers, you thought to yourself, though you knew it was no valid excuse.
Hours later you mustered up the courage to go to the cockpit. As you expected, Mando was sitting in the pilot’s seat, his helmet facing the broad windshield. He didn’t react to your appearance. “I am sorry,” you told him as you sunk down into the seat next to him. “There’s nothing to be sorry for,” he replied mechanically, still not looking at you. “I was simply looking for a little distraction.” His words stung more than you cared to admit.  “Right,” you retorted, a little too sharply to appear casual. He turned his helmet to you. “Just sex, remember?” You gritted your teeth as he used your words against you.
“Where are we heading?” you switched the topic. “I don’t know yet, they are still on the move.” The Mandalorian was pointing at the tracking fob in front of him. A small blue dot was moving across the map of the galaxy, not far from the position of your ship. “I got to hand it to the droid, he is a good pilot,” he added, pointing to Artoo, who beeped excitedly at the approval. “The best,” you corrected him, looking fondly at Luke’s R2-unit.
“What – what happened to the Wookie youngling?” you asked cautiously. “She’s safe. Her mother decided she was ready to begin her training, so I contacted Luke. He’ll send someone to pick her up and she’ll be protected by the other Jedi in the temple.” You cocked an eyebrow in surprise. “You contacted Luke?” – “Yes. We are…good friends.” There was something in his voice that you couldn’t quite place. “I immediately called the droid to pick us up when…they left with him,” he went on. You only nodded as the guilt began to nag at you again. As if he could sense your thoughts, he said: “Stop blaming yourself, it wasn’t your fault.” You shot him a surprised glance, but only shrugged. No matter how often he’d reassure you, you were the only person who could relieve you of your tormenting thoughts and you were not ready to let yourself of the hook – definitely not before Grogu was safely back in your ship.
You spent a few minutes in silence, watching as the blue dot moved across the holographic map. “What do you think they are doing to him right now?” Mando asked into the silence of the cockpit, his voice sounding strained. “I – I don’t think they would…hurt him. They need him,” you tried to reassure him and yourself.
“If only – if only I’d gone after him myself. If I had been more…vigilant…I would have seen that you had not gotten to him. I could have saved him,” he muttered, completely ignoring your attempt to comfort him.
“Mando, no,” you breathed out as you got up and moved towards him. Carefully, not wanting to overstep his boundaries, you placed your hand on top of his. “I told…I scolded you for not trusting me. And then I failed you, you did nothing wrong. If it weren’t for you, they would probably have gotten the Wookie as well and disappeared without a trace.” He let you touch his hand, which was once again shielded by a layer of leather, and you softly started to draw soothing circles across it with your thumb. Mando didn’t reply, only tilted his helmet down to where your hands were entwined. “This is…not the first time I let the Empire take him,” he confessed in a shaky tone. “I should have let him go. He’d be better off without me.”
The audible pain in his voice was too much to bear, you were willing to do anything to make it go away. So, you damned your previous worries, let go of his hand and took a few more steps around him. As you stood directly in front of him, you got on your knees and heard the Mandalorian take in a sharp breath. “And you got him back last time, didn’t you?” you said while looking up at him. “He is damn lucky to have you in his life and I know that you – and me too for that matter – would do anything to get him back.” Your hands slid over his beskared thighs and he spread them apart out of what felt like a reflex.
“W–what are you doing?”, Mando inquired warily. “You said you wanted a distraction,” you replied innocently and dragged your hands up and down his thighs to support your words. He swallowed audibly. “But– but you –,“ he protested without any conviction. “You told me to s–stop.” His breathing turned ragged as your hands neared the now evident bulge in his pants. “Changed my mind,” you responded and licked your lips in a suggestive manner. His strong reactions to you made you quite bold. “D–don’t do t–this out of pi–pity,” he warned you. “You think I’d blow you out of pity?” you asked him incredulously. “Yes, I want to help you to get the edge off a bit – but don’t think it’s fucking charity. I want to feel you down my throat,” you admitted and saw his cock jump at the vivid image. “So, will you let me?” You leaned forward a little and brought your hands teasingly close to his manhood. “Y–yes,” was all he managed to get out while he reached for his pants.
His member sprung free and you hummed in approval at the considerable length of it. You spread Mando’s thighs further and wedged yourself between them to get a better access. He went rigid at the first contact your hand made with his shaft and you couldn’t hold back a little smug smile. He was utterly at your mercy. Your hand wrapped around his base and you gave him a few testing pulls, to which he reacted with a groan of pleasure. As you brushed your thumb over his tip, you felt the wetness of his precum and his hips thrust up into your hand. “A little more patience, Mando,” you chided him playfully, high on your sudden power trip. “You–you will regret t–this,” he promised in a husky voice which made the space between your legs pulse. “We’ll see,” you hummed and gave his length another teasing stroke. “F–fuck,” he cursed under his breath.
You decided to have some mercy on him and took a small part of him into your mouth. When you let your tongue run over his tip, his hand came down on the back of your head and tightly gripped your hair. In response, you eased him into your mouth further and he groaned raggedly. As you sucked on him, he came completely undone and thrust his hips up, forcing himself down your throat unexpectedly and making you gag. “I–I’m sorry, Jedi. Are you alright?” Mando asked you with a level of concern in his voice that almost made you regret your change of heart. You couldn’t reply verbally because he was still filling your mouth, so you simply took him in an inch deeper in response. Mando’s breathing hitched. You sucked on him again before you pulled back. Needing to recover from his sudden intrusion, you took a few breaths and continued pumping him with your hand. Mando thrust into your hand greedily.
You decided to torture him a little more and swirled your tongue across his tip again, but didn’t take him in further. He groaned in exasperation. “D–don’t b–be like t–that, Jedi.” He ran his gloved fingers through your hair while tugging your head closer again. “Y–you         s–said you–you wanted me to c–cum down your–your throat,” he reminded you in uneven breaths. “Will you let me?” He untangled his hand from your hair and let his fingers trail over the sensitive skin on your throat in emphasis. “Fuck–fuck Mando…anything– anything for you,” you gasped out, completely losing your focus and surge of dominance as you felt his hand on your neck. “Good girl,” he growled out, making you moan.
You brought your lips back to his cock and let him fuck your mouth at his pace, the sound of him leaving and reentering your mouth the only sound in the otherwise quiet cockpit. You felt your own wetness increase as you sensed him growing harder and harder. “F–fuck, I’m c–close,” he exhaled and placed his hand on the back of your head again to secure you in your position as release barreled through him. You swallowed the rows upon rows of cum he spilled down your throat greedily, savoring his musky taste.
When he was spent to the last drop, he slowly pulled his cock out of your mouth and leaned back in his seat. He pulled his pants back up and you took that as your signal to leave, so you slowly got up and reactivated your sore leg muscles. You were about to go and let him be since your mission to distract him seemed to have been a success. Swiftly, his hand snapped out and grabbed your wrist. “Where do you think you’re going?” he challenged you in a dark voice that made your pussy throb. “Um…I–I thought you might want–um–I don’t know–privacy?” Your voice hitched embarrassingly at the last syllables. Mando let out a huff of what you could only interpret as amusement. “Privacy,” he tested the word out on his tongue. “What I want is some privacy with your cunt.” Your head snapped up to his in surprise at the sheer dominance he emitted. You swallowed, unsure how to react. “Will you not let me repay the favor?” he went on and patted his thigh in a silent invitation.  
Without thinking about it, you climbed onto his lap. Your usual swagger had abandoned you completely exactly when you needed it most and Mando – that bastard – seemed to know it. He took the lead and placed your hands on his shoulders. Then he let his hands roam over your body ravenously. First, he lifted your shirt up a little and put one hand on your back to steady you while his right hand palmed one of your tits.
He let out a soft moan at the sensation. “Fuck–you f–feel so–so warm and s–soft,” he praised you under his breath. His other hand gradually dragged down your spine until he stopped at the hem of your pants. You nodded in silent encouragement and with your consent, he let it slip through the waistband. How convenient that there was no underwear in space. As he cupped your ass cheek, both of you let out a pleasured moan in unison.
He released his other hand from your breast after giving it another firm squeeze and moved it to your second butt cheek. You ground into him with a small whimper in a desperate attempt to relieve the upbuilding heat in your core and he gripped your ass harder, pushing you back a little. Mando leaned forward slightly so that his helmet rested right beside your head. “You are greedy, huh?” he whispered into your ear with a soft chuckle. “You will cum when and where I want you to, understood?” His words sent a shiver down your spine. Rapidly, one of his hands snapped up from your ass and he gripped you by the throat. “Understood?” he repeated. You nodded as much as his grip allowed you to. “Good,” he snarled.
He leaned back again and released your neck. Then he let his hand dangle in front of your mouth expectantly. Following his train of thought, you lightly bit down on the fabric of his glove, allowing him to free his hand. The other hand was still rested on your ass and pushed you up so that you were basically kneeling as his ungloved fingers traced the hem of your pants. Without any more preambles, he guided his bare fingers to your heated core. The first contact of his fingers with your wet folds made you shudder. Mando groaned in approval at your dripping wetness. “F-fuck,” he muttered as he began to draw small circles on your clit, coaxing a wanton moan from you. For a while, he continued to tease you and let his fingers roam around your pussy, his fleeting touches painfully delicate.
“M-Mando,” you huffed, “P-please.” – “I love it when you beg for me,” he all but growled in response and dipped one of his fingers into your core. You arched your back while taking in the sensation and his other hand snaked its way up its curve. His finger curled inside of you in a delicious angle and your palms dug into his armor at the marvelous feeling. You felt his eyes monitor each of your reactions to his movements as he slowly drove his finger in and out of your wetness. It was tantalizing and you tried to force him to move faster and harder by rolling your hips down. “Tsk tsk tsk,” he chided you and forcefully pushed another finger in. “Are you satisfied now, Jedi?” You simply nodded, overwhelmed by the feeling of him pumping his fingers in and out of you. His pace quickened and your eyelids fluttered shut. In this moment, the only things that existed in the entire galaxy were his fingers and the growing heat of your core. The rhythm and the technique of his movements was devastating, each thrust felt more mind-blowing than the last. His pace didn’t falter once, not even as his other hand maneuvered down your spine before greedily grabbing at your ass. You felt your walls clench down on his fingers and they curled into you again, making you moan obscenely loud.
As you reached your climax shortly after, he made you see stars and you heard Mando mumble indistinct praises under his breath. He kept his movements up until you were spent to the last drop. Only then did he slowly pull his fingers out of your dripping cunt.
You slumped down onto his lap in exhaustion and buried your head in his armored chest while trying to calm your hammering heart.
A metallic sound made your head snap up, but Mando pushed it back down quickly before you could see anything. A little confused but too exhausted to fight him, you let your head fall back into its previous position. Only when you heard soft slurping sounds did you comprehend what was going on. He must have removed his helmet to taste you. The realization turned you on more than you cared to admit and you felt the wetness in your pants increase.  
“You – you taste so g-good, Jedi,” Mando groaned. “I can’t wait to feast on you properly.” The statement made you swallow audibly, but you were too stunned to reply verbally. You heard him pull his helmet back on and let out a small relieved sigh, your current position was quite compromising. You pushed yourself up on your knees and pulled your pants up. After patting your ass one last time, Mando released his hold on you and you carefully climbed out of his lap.
Your legs still felt a little wobbly as you left the cockpit without another word.
You avoided Mando for the rest of the day, not sure how to feel about what you had done. Instead, you used the time to tend to your wounds and obsessively reorganize your supplies multiple times. After that failed to keep your mind from wandering down certain paths, you gave up. You couldn’t evade this forever, you eventually had to liberate your thoughts.
Why did you change your mind? Why were you so desperate to relieve Mando of his worries? Did you actually do it out of selflessness or did you have ulterior motives you were not willing to face? What if you wouldn’t be able to rescue Grogu from the claws of the Empire?
You quickly forgot about your stolen moments with the warrior as you considered that grim vision of the future. It was your fault that Grogu was not with you right now, of that you were absolutely certain. It didn’t matter how hard Mando had tried to ease your guilty conscience, you didn’t deserve his sympathy. You had promised to retrieve him and failed miserably. How could you have been so blind? You should have seen the detonation coming, you should have sensed it through the Force. If only you hadn’t been too fucking weak and pathetic to get up that damn tree…
You sighed deeply. If you wouldn’t get your apprentice back, you would not be able to call yourself a Jedi any longer. How would you ever face Luke again? Or Mando? Or even yourself? No, you would not be able to live with yourself if you failed again. And a part of you, a part you desperately tried to ignore, also knew that you could not live with disappointing Mando.  
Fuck, when had you grown so fond of the silent warrior? You did not let your guard down this easily often, what was so different about him? You could not afford to…feel something for him, especially right now.
You had bigger issues in front of you than your past and your love life – if one could even title it as such. Still, your mind kept circling back to it and how could you tackle these new demons if you hadn’t even bested your old ones yet?
You took a deep breath and let your mind guide you to a place you had locked away for years.
The world was a cacophony of screams and blastershots. Despite your best efforts you couldn’t get yourself to tune the sounds out and concentrate. Your gaze shifted to your left where your father was crouching defensively over your sisters and then back to your mother. She looked absolutely devastating, a force to be reckoned with, her yellow lightsaber illuminating the focused lines of her sharp face. She was standing between your family and whatever was awaiting beyond the door of your home, ready to take it on without any fear for her own life. You took a deep breath and let her presence calm you. You were a warrior, just like her, and you would not be afraid. You would fight till your last breath to defend your family.
Your father called out to you again: “Get back here, now!” But you would not hide. You were no coward; you would fight alongside your mother. She turned around to you that second, the hard lines of her face softening. She uttered your name in a tender voice. “Go to your dad. Everything will be alright.” But you sensed the lie and you would not let her face the threat alone. You would not let her die to protect you. She seemed to see the resolve in your face and sighed heavily. You had always been extremely stubborn. So, she turned to your father instead. “Get them out of here.” The look they exchanged was heartbreakingly tender and hopeless, both of them knew it would be the last one they’d ever share. Your father swallowed, but nodded. There was nothing he could do to help her in battle, all he could offer was to protect their children.
He pushed your siblings into the backroom before he went to retrieve you. You struggled against his firm grip, but he didn’t let go. Wide eyed, kicking and screaming at your father to let you go and let you fight, you were pulled out of the room. You’d never forget the way your mother looked at you then. The soft curve of her lips as she tenderly smiled – smiled – at you, fully aware that she was about to die.
Your screaming turned into uncontrolled sobs as your father closed the door behind you and pulled you into a tight embrace. “Hush, hush,” he tried to calm you, his own voice trembling. You stopped resisting and buried your head into the crook of his neck, your streaming tears wetting the fabric of his shirt. You remained like this for a moment before your father detangled you from him carefully. “Listen to me,” he addressed you and your sisters. “I need you to be brave now.” He wiped a tear away from your cheek. “You need to be really really quiet. Do not make a sound.” His voice became barely a whisper. “You need to hide.”
“How is hiding a brave action?” you demanded. Your father smiled at you sadly, as if he expected no other response from you. “Bravery is not always the most reckless course of action. Your courage will do you no good if you’re dead.” You forced your tears back and nodded.
“You need to hide and do not come out, no matter what you hear,” your father went on. He gave all three of you a kiss on the head before urging you towards the hidden trap door that led to your emergency room. Your sisters climbed down first and your dad gave you one last reassuring glance before you followed them. But before he could follow you down, loud noises began to erupt from the other side of the door. You gazed up at him in horror as he shut the trap door without another word.
The lump in your throat grew worse as you climbed down the last few steps of the ladder and faced your sisters. Their faces mirrored the dread on yours and you simply hugged them. You held on to each other until the noises above you subsided, forcing your breathing to calm.
“D-do you t-think it’s o-over?” your little sister asked in a small voice. You were about to reply when you heard steps directly above you. Something knocked against the ceiling of your room.
“Sir, I think there’s a secret room underneath this one,” a muffled male voice proclaimed. Shit, you had to act quickly. You had to protect your sisters or your parents’ sacrifices would have been in vain. You knew there were weapons hidden somewhere in this room, you had to locate them quickly. Silently stepping across the room, you searched for any kind of indents in the wall. Your fingers spotted a small notch and you pressed your trembling index finger into it.
Surely enough, the wall opened and a couple of blasters and your grandfather’s lightsaber was revealed. You passed two smaller blasters to your sisters – your parents had taught all of you the basics – and grabbed the lightsaber. While it was far too big for your children’s-sized hand, it felt oddly fitting. You took a deep breath and braced yourself for the attack as the trap door slowly slid open. A man poked his head into the basement and it was the last he saw as your sister’s blaster went off and hit its target. The man’s corpse tumbled down the ladder and landed in front of you in a loud crash. You winced slightly at the sight; you had never been confronted with death like this.
However, now was not the time to consider the significance of this death, you needed to focus. You knew your sisters had your back with the blasters, so you activated your lightsaber. For just a second, you let yourself stare in awe at the marvelous green blade, but you snapped out of it quickly.
You were by far not experienced with a lightsaber; you had only practiced with your mom’s a few times. The logical course of action would have been to take a blaster as well, but somehow the weapon had called to you. Out of pure instinct, you managed to deflect the first couple of blastershots your enemies fired from above. But as the rapid fire continued, your senses began to fail you. As much as you wished otherwise, you were not one of the legendary Jedi knights, the truth was that you weren’t. And considering your current situation, you probably never would become one.
It started with you accidentally leaving an open space when a blaster hit your upper arm. You yelled out in agony and your blade dipped for a moment as you tried to regain your composure. But one moment was enough for them.
It was one of those situations that seemed to pass in slow-motion when you look back at it. You noticed the blastershot sail past you and as you whipped your head around, you saw it strike your big sister directly in her abdominal. Her eyes widened in shock as she looked down at the clean whole in her stomach and back at you before she collapsed. She would never get up again. Your younger sister’s wail pierced the terrible silence and as she looked at you, you saw nothing but burning hate in her eyes.
Another blastershot brushed your thigh, forcing you to face your attackers again. You tried to keep your posture upright but your faith left you. You were certain you would die in this room. Not that you deserved anything else, you had let your sister die. If only you had received proper training. If you had been a full Jedi, you could have saved them. Your mother, your father, your sister…all of them. And because of your incompetence, your younger sister would perish with you.
She didn’t deserve to die. You had to protect her. If it hadn’t been for her, you might have let them finish you, but you owed more to her. You let your love for her guide you and mustered up the strength and focus to deflect shot after shot again.
You had found a rhythm in meeting the blasts with your weapon when suddenly, a figure jumped down and landed directly in front of you, next to the corpse. You staggered back in surprise. Whatever was before you was definitely not human. And while that was not unusual in the galaxy, the thing before you seemed disturbingly mechanic and menacing. All you saw in the dim light were its glowing red eyes. You took another step back, trying to move yourself between it and your sister. In a desperate attempt to scare the thing off, you swung your lightsaber out. In its glow, you saw your attacker more clearly.
It was a droid, but not the sort that usually helped out at your farm. This one looked too human to be fully machine, yet not alive enough to pass as human. You shuddered. The thing didn’t cease its movements, seemingly unbothered by your weapon. You swung out at it helplessly. The blaster of your sister was useless as it would probably have hit you instead of the aggressor. Faster than your eyes could detect, the droid attacked and disarmed you. You were too stunned to react in any way, the creature kept advancing as you simply stood there and stared at it. Somewhere distant, you could hear your sister scream your name over and over again, but your mind was elsewhere. You were one with the Force and braced yourself for the fatal blow. At least you’d be reunited with your family soon.
“Bring them up here,” a dark voice commanded from above and the droid jerked to a stop. A second one jumped down as the first one grabbed your wrist. Its metal fingers dug into the sensitive skin and you bit back the sharp pain. As you were being pulled back towards the trap door, too disheartened to resist, you heard a few blastershots go off as your sister tried to ward the droid off. The shots went silent quickly though.
It was pure muscle memory that made you climb up the ladder the thing pushed you on and soon enough, you were exposed to the bright sunlight flooding the room again. The droid grabbed your wrists from behind and forced you to stand still. You took in your surroundings with a concerning apathy. You had no idea why they let you live or how much time you had left. There were two men standing in the room, one in clone armor and the other one in black fighting gear. Your eyes roamed on, but you averted your glance from the motionless figure on the ground quickly.
“You fought bravely,” the man in black started. “So did your sisters.” You flinched at that and stared back at the trap door. Neither your sister not the droid had emerged again. “But you don’t have to die today,” he went on, his eyes narrowing as he focused them on you. There was something immensely unnerving in them, but you would not give him the satisfaction of breaking the eye contact.
“While my order was to kill all of the Jedi, I don’t think you’d count as one.” You could feel the rage burning up inside of you. “If you only had to kill Jedi, why did you murder my father and sisters?” you spat. He had the audacity to smile at you. “Now, now. Let bygones be bygones. Your father and sisters were of no use to me.” His grin widened. “One of you is more than enough. The Grand Admiral will be pleased with me.” You didn’t react to his words. What did you care what they did to you? They already killed those most dear to you, they could not hurt you anymore.
“You will be of great value to the Empire,” his monologue continued. “Thrawn has enormous plans for you. You will ensure our ultimate victory.” You had no idea what he was talking about, neither did you care. The man sank down on one knee in front of you and grabbed your chin. “Do you realize what an honor is bestowed upon you?” You spat in his face and he let you go, wiping it off his face with a disgusted expression. “I’m looking forward to teaching you obedience.”
But he never did get to give you his lesson. A shot went off and hit him directly in the chest. He was dead before he could draw another breath and the clone fell shortly after. You were still fixated by the droid, so you could not turn around to the source of the blastershots until he fell victim to them as well.
You spun around in astonishment to see your little sister with her blaster in hand, her chest heaving from the agitation. You exclaimed her name in wonder. How had she managed to fight off the droid? Once again, you were frozen in place. Your sister’s stare bore something venomous.
“You – you let them kill her!” she yelled at you furiously. “How could you?” It was all you could do to hold her glare. She was right, your sister’s death was your fault. “I…I,” you stammered. “I tried…but I couldn’t…I couldn’t…” You swallowed heavily. “You were willing to let me die as well. You didn’t even fight the droid,” she went on, tears welling in her eyes. “Alya,” you pleaded with her. “I…I tried…I did…but I…” Her stare remained relentless. “You are a disgrace,” she spat at you. “You always pretend like you’re brave and want to be a Jedi but…you will never be like mom. Never.” She picked the words she knew would sting the most.
“Alya…,” you began anew. “I…I’m sorry. You shouldn’t…you shouldn’t have saved me. I deserved death.” Her eyes widened ever so slightly at your admission. “We need to get out of here,” was all she said. You nodded slowly and helped her pack some supplies, any food reserves, clothes and medical kits you could find. You covered your parents with cloths. It was all you could do, there was no time for proper funeral rites, but it felt wrong to leave them like this.    
When you climbed back down into the basement to honor the sister you had failed, your gaze fell on the lightsaber. You would need weapons and while the lightsaber had kind of turned into a symbol of your incompetence, you could not stomach to leave it behind.
“I am so sorry.” You sank down next to your older sister and tentatively ran your fingers through her dark hair. You knew you could not linger, so you softly closed her unseeing eyes, said a quick prayer and left the room behind after packing a few more blasters.
Shortly after, you and your sister left your farm and small hometown behind with few credits and no idea where to go next.  
You opened your eyes, shocked to find yourself back in your ship. Your connection to the Force allowed you to relive memories in far more detail than those with fewer mediclorians in their bloodstream. Though you doubted you could have forgotten anything about that fateful day either way.
You had thought you were ready to finally face it, but obviously weren’t. With a deep sigh, you stood up. You doubted you’d ever be ready; it’s been over 20 years since your family had been butchered and their dead faces still haunted your nightmares. But there was a lot of unresolved trauma in your past and you had to start somewhere.
“Do you – are you hungry?” Mando appeared in the doorframe, putting an end to your flashbacks. You could only stare at him for a moment. The lights of the hallway illuminated his broad figure brilliantly. He was so beautiful in his armor; you could only imagine what a sight he must be without it. You forced these thoughts back, though you weren’t sure if suppressing them would be an effective technique for much longer. There was no going back anymore, not after what had conspired in the cockpit earlier. You swallowed nervously. Why were you nervous? What was wrong with you? Shit, he had asked you something, hadn’t he?
“Dinner?” he asked in a slightly confused tone. You cleared your throat. “Um…sure.”             “Are – are you alright?” he inquired. “Never been better,” you tried to feign nonchalance. For a long moment, neither of you said anything. “So, dinner?” you reminded him and he nodded before turning around. You followed him out of the room to your food stocks, grateful that he didn’t press on.
“Not to overstep the line, but how do you even eat?” you asked carefully while Mando was going through your supplies.
He barked out a quick laugh. “Do you think I eat with my mask on?” He turned around to you and cocked his head. “Um…I – I don’t know,” you stammered and felt your cheeks flush. Dammit, what was wrong with you?
“I can take it off as long as it’s not in front of another person,” Mando explained. “How long has it been since someone else…saw you?” You eyed him curiously. “I guess…it…it must have been well over two…decades.” You gaped at his admission. “Two decades?!” The Mandalorian shrugged and proceeded to pick out your dinner. Wordlessly, he handed you some bread and conserves.
“Two decades,” you repeated in astonishment. “What did you expect?” Mando snapped at you. “Did you think me to be without honor? Did you think I would have abandoned The Way?” You blinked twice, taken aback by his sudden outburst. “I…No, but…I can’t imagine what that must be like. How lone – “Not wanting to offend him, you cut yourself off. “It’s all I know,” he replied dryly, but the venom had left his voice.
“So, dinner…” You looked at the sparse food in your hands and placed it on a small counter top. “Dinner,” he echoed. “How do we…should I leave you alone?” – “You can stay,” he responded quickly to your astonishment. “H-how?” You were genuinely confused at this point. “You don’t rely on your eyesight too much with that power you use, do you?” he questioned. “N-not too much, no,” you answered cautiously, unsure if this was going where you thought it was.
Mando pulled a cloth band out of his belt. “Um…do you always keep that there?” You gulped as he took a step towards you. “Mando, what are you doing?” He came closer. “Mando…I – “ The words died on your tongue as he stepped around you.
“May I?” he inquired as his free hand brushed over your cheekbone. You nodded and his other hand came around to tie the band over your eyes. He gave the knot a testing pull. “Is it too tight?” His fingers trailed over your neck tentatively. “N-no,” you breathed out, still getting accustomed to the sudden deprivation of your sight.
Mando removed his hands from you and you heard him taking a couple of steps away before he lifted his helmet off of his head. While you were blindfolded, you were certain he was studying you shamelessly. Neither of you said anything and the longer the silence lasted, the more tangible the tension became. The quiet was interrupted by the loud grumbling of your stomach which mercifully snapped the growing electricity.
Not able to ignore your appetite anymore, you used the Force to locate your food and picked it up again. You took a greedy bite of the bread. The loaf was surprisingly soft and you devoured it ravenously. Once your immediate hunger was sated, you paused. “Aren’t you gonna eat something as well?” you addressed your fellow traveler. He didn’t respond, but instead you perceived a munching sound shortly after. The two of you finished the meal in companiable silence.
Once you felt utterly stuffed, you asked Mando whether you could take the blindfold off again. While he didn’t reply, you sensed him approaching you. “Do you really want to take it off?” he breathed into your ear. “W-what?” you stammered, dumbfounded by the warmth of his breath and his unexpected proximity.
“Just consider the…advantages…of keeping it on.” Maker, his voice was beautiful, especially without getting warped by the helmet. “Um…” You had absolutely no idea what to say to that. “I guess I’ll have to demonstrate it to you.” Sans warning, his lips were on your neck, causing you to let out a surprised gasp. He trailed small kisses across the side of it before reaching your throat. He placed a soft kiss on it as well before moving on and getting less tender. His teeth grazed the sensitive skin and you shuddered. Being robbed of your sight made the sensation even more powerful. He began to suck at the spot lightly and your mind went blank. The feeling was absolutely divine.
“Holy shit, Mando,” you murmured. You felt him smile against your skin before he sucked harder, earning a soft moan from you. He removed his lips from you for a moment. “You look good like this.” His lips were on yours a second later and you kissed him back out of pure instinct sooner than you realized what was happening. You were amazed by the softness of his lips and as your tongue explored them, you noticed how perfectly they were curved. Mando placed both hands on your waist and pulled you closer to him. One of his hands snaked up to your neck to secure you in place. Not that you could even think about breaking the kiss...    
The movements of Mando’s mouth grew ravenous as you opened your mouth, allowing his tongue to enter. You let yourself get lost in him completely, wrapping your arms around his neck and forcing your bodies even closer together, and once again damned the consequences. Sure, your past would eventually catch up with you, but those worries couldn’t be farther from you than they were in this moment. You never knew that kissing could be this mind-expanding, it was like you were getting high off of the taste of him.
After what seemed like an eternity or just a split-second, you weren’t entirely sure, Mando broke the kiss. You heard his heavy breathing as he let forehead lean against yours. Not that your own circulation was much better, only now did you notice the rapid hammering of your heart.
“That was…,” Mando huffed out. “Intense?” you suggested and he chuckled weakly. “I suppose you could say that.” His thumb caressed the back of your neck tenderly. “You – you were right…sometimes the helmet is quite restricting.” You couldn’t hold the grin that spread across your face back and imagined how breathtaking his smile must be. The thought turned bittersweet as you realized you’d probably never get to see his face. Maybe it was for the better…It was far easier to keep the proper emotional distance as long he stayed in his armor…
You lowkey knew you were fooling yourself, but you so desperately wanted to believe that this – whatever this was – was purely physical that you didn’t call yourself out.  
“I could show you the other advantages now,” Mando implied as he let his fingers run over the hem of your pants suggestively. You felt yourself getting wet at the mere insinuation. “If you want to, of course,” he added hastily, making your heart expand ever so slightly in your ribcage.
“You’re really horny, huh?” you retorted. “You’re one to talk.” His hand slapped your as teasingly. “I bet you’re already soaking down there just from the idea of it,” he whispered and you could hear the smug grin forming on his face. His hand slipped through the waistband of your pants and cupped your throbbing pussy from behind. “Fuck;” he groaned. “You are.” He pulled his hand out of your pants again and you felt the slick trail it left in its wake.
“What do you want, Cyar’ika?” he inquired huskily. “My hand, my head or my cock?” You swallowed loudly at his proposal. “Fuck, Mando,” you breathed out. “Your cock.” At this point, you were beyond banter and all you wanted was for him to help the growing ache between your thighs. He moaned at your response.
Without another word, he pulled your pants down before you perceived him taking – or rather ripping – his own pants off. Once more, his mouth found yours and greedily tasted you. You grabbed for him and pulled yourself closer by his arms. Through the proximity, you could feel his hardness press up against your stomach. He ground out a soft curse before removing his lips from yours.
“You’re sure you want this?” His voice sounded breathless, yet incredibly soft. “Yes,” you assured him and he put his hands on your hips to steady you. Your blood began to pulse through your veins as you anticipated his next move.  
You felt him shifting a little so that his cock was placed at your slick entrance. The first contact with him made you throb more violently. You needed him inside you more than you had ever needed anything, but fortunately, you didn’t have to beg for him.
He thrust his hips up slowly, letting get accustomed to the sensation. A wanton moan escaped your throat at how deliciously he filled you and he remained inside for a moment before pulling his length back out. After a few more agonizingly slow thrusts, you cried out: “Faster.” Mando gladly obliged and his pace quickened. With each intrusion, he somehow got a little deeper and hit a different sensitive spot which drove you absolutely crazy. In an attempt to keep in touch with reality, you grabbed his shoulders and hung onto them for dear life as he pounded into you relentlessly.
 Involuntarily, you shifted a little, but that was enough. The small change of position and angle made his thrusts all the more devastating. Suddenly, he was hammering straight into your G-spot and you knew you wouldn’t last much longer if he kept going like this. “Mando,” you moaned. “I’m – fuck – so close.” You threw your head back as his grip on your waist tightened. “Good,” he exhaled and increased his velocity. You heard yourself cry out his name in response. He captured your mouth with his and you felt your release building up further. As if all of that wasn’t enough, one of his hands slipped between your conjoined bodies and started to stimulate your clit. An obscenely loud moan escaped your throat.
Your body couldn’t handle this anymore and you came so hard that you saw stars. His pace didn’t falter as he rode you through it and had you sobbing his name. Even once you were spent to the last drop, he didn’t slow down. If anything, he pounded into your hole with a new energy. You felt yourself tightening around him again as he stimulated the area that was still sensitive from your previous orgasm.
“Fuck, you look so good like this.” His praise was almost lost in a wail of you. “Your pussy is – so – so – tight. Fits me so well.” He accentuated his words with his shoves. One of your hands gripped his hair and pulled him in for a desperate kiss. Even in your delirious state, you appreciated the silky texture of his hair as you let your fingers run through it. His hand left your clit and moved to your butt cheek to give it a firm squeeze. Your kisses grew feverously while he continued to utterly wreck you with his dick. Gasping for air, you pulled back for a second. Your companion, on the other hand, didn’t seem to need oxygen as badly as you did though since he immediately began to nibble on your jaw. His tongue flicked against the skin and he proceeded to voraciously kiss his way down your neck.
When his mouth reached the lowest part of it, he started to suck on it hardly, coaxing a gasp from you. You felt yourself getting closer to the edge for the second time at the combination of him pounding into you and bruising your sensitive skin. Your grip on his hair tightened as your walls constricted around his cock. Mando groaned loudly as his mouth left your neck before moving on to the next patch of skin.
Your orgasm washed through you with even more force than the first one and you were in pieces by the end of it. Sweat tickled down your forehead and seeped through the blindfold, wetting your brows. Mando removed his mouth from your neck and to your lips again as you were trying to regain your composure. You barely even registered the abrupt hitch of his hips as he himself was driven over the edge. His kissed turned wild and he bit down on your lip as release barreled through him. The coppery taste of your blood mixed in your mouths as he thrust into you a few more times until he was completely spent.
“Fuuuck,” he moaned out as he detached his mouth from yours. Neither of you moved for a while, both of you still recovering. Finally, he pulled his cock out of your leaking pussy and gave your ass one last soft slap before letting go of you completely. Your hands remained tangled in his hair and on his shoulders.
To be quite honest, you weren’t sure what would happen if you let go of him. You didn’t trust your legs to support you enough in your current state. Mando seemed to realize it because suddenly, you weren’t on the ground anymore as he picked you up and softly put you down on the floor. You felt him removing your hands from him before he took a few steps back. Too exhausted to really question what was happening, you just slumped down further.
You heard him move towards you again and before you knew it, tender hands removed the blindfold from your eyes. You blinked rapidly at the sudden overstimulation of your nerves and once you could kind of see clearly, you noticed the Mandalorian kneeling next to you.
“Thank you,” he murmured, his raspy voice modulated again. You cleared your throat before answering. “For what?” – “For the distraction.” Without another word, he stood up and left.
His words took a few seconds to register in your brain, but once they did, you felt wrecked for entirely less pleasant reasons than a moment prior. Distraction? Was that what that had been? Why were you feeling…disappointed? Sad? Hurt? About it...? You wanted nothing more than a physical conjoining and that was what he delivered. Still…Something about it stung deeply. You tried to shake the odd feeling off, but to no avail. Somehow, it lingered and only secured its spot in your heart the more time passed.
Chapter 5
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Sinfully Armored
Chapter 3 - What happens on Kashyyyk… 
Chapter 2
A dull bump ended your slumber abruptly. You scrambled out of your cot and reached for your lightsaber out of reflex, though it was highly questionable as to how your weapon could help your ship. Another impact hit you and almost threw you to the ground, but you quickly steadied yourself and headed for the cockpit.
“Shit,” you exclaimed as you stared out of the cockpit and looked upon an asteroid field. R2 was already doing his best, steering you clear of the worst. Not daring to waste another second, you climbed into the pilot’s seat. The Force is with you, it will guide you, you tried to reassure yourself. Another hit. You cussed. While you were a decent pilot, you never had to maneuver through an asteroid field as tight as this one. You took a deep breath. “Let’s do this, R2,” you said with the bravado you had left and began to steer the ship deeper into the floating rocks.
The door to the cockpit slid open and while you didn’t dare to avert your attention from your task, you didn’t have to turn around to know it was the Mandalorian. “A bit more to the right,” a modulated voice commanded you. “I know what I am doing,” you gritted through your teeth, just as you felt a small impact from the left. For some reason, he didn’t rub it in, instead, he simply sat down into the copilot’s seat and looked ahead. “Down,” he warned you and this time, you listened to him, barely avoiding another hit.
It went on like that for the next minutes until you were clear again. You were about to say something to him, perhaps words of praise, but your mysterious passenger simply got up and left. You shrugged and decided to get a little more rest as it was still quite early and you were a Jedi, not a droid.
When you awoke the next time, it was to a deep voice. “We’re there, Jedi,” it said and your eyes fluttered open. “Morning, Chatterbox,” you yawned, not thinking too much about your words. “Huh, Chatterbox. I like that nickname. It fits you perfectly,” you added and gave him a sleepy smile. He looked down at you, apparently not as pleased by the nickname. “Just give me a second,” you sighed and he left you alone, thank the Maker. You rose slowly, went to the fresher and gathered some supplies in your backpack afterwards. Apparently, you would have to eat breakfast on the go.
He was already waiting at the hangar with Grogu strapped to his chest in a pouch and R2 next to him. Why did he always have to look like a statue? He seriously needed to get this stick out of his butt. Without acknowledging him any further, you headed for the droid. “Morning, Artoo. What have you got for us?” R2 beeped and produced a map of the planet’s surface, you were on Kashyyyk. The map showed the path to a hut high up in the characteristic trees of the planet. Afterwards, he displayed the youngling and her name. A little Wookie, barely 20, which was young by the standard of the species. R2-D2 closed the image again.
“Thanks, Artoo.” You patted his head and turned to leave. Artoo beeped offendedly. “Oh, come on. You know we need you to stay on the ship. I’ll contact you if things go awry,” you promised and he ceased his protests.
Stepping out of your ship’s hangar, you took a moment to appreciate the stunning setting. Kashyyyk was one of the most idyllic planets in the galaxy and as you had visited it on a diplomatic mission with Luke and Chewie once, you came to fall in love with its enormous Wroshyr trees, tropical beaches and scenic mountains. You did have an unpleasant encounter with some Wyyyschokk spiders on that trip, but shit happens.
You focused back on reality and noticed the Mandalorian was staring at you. Avoiding his eyes, you opened the map and took a few steps towards the edge of the clearing your ship landed on. You turned around to your strange companion. “Are you coming or what?” Instead of replying, he just followed you, Grogu safely confided in his makeshift bag. The view was quite precious, you had to admit.
You spent the next few hours hiking through the forest mostly in silence, the only conversation prompts originating from you. You had no idea why you were still trying with him. At least Grogu seemed animated, marveling at the rich greens of the forest and trying to snatch some bugs from the trees around him.
At one point, you decided to sit down for a moment. The Mandalorian set Grogu free and he immediately waddled to one of those toxic Wyyyschokk spiders you were mildly traumatized by. You reached out with the Force to move it out of his grasp. Grogu shot you an offended look and tried to implement his own Force to pull it closer to him. “Grogu, no!” You sighed in exasperation. He didn’t comply. The Mandalorian was silently watching your exchange, as per usual. Grogu picked the spider up while staring at you innocently. “Put it away.” He halted his movement. “Good. Now let it go,” you said firmly. He hesitated. “It’s toxic, Grogu.”
The Mandalorian sprung to his feet and whipped his head towards you. “What? You let him near a toxic spider?!” You rolled your eyes. “Relax, Chatterbox.” But he was having none of that. Before Grogu could come to a decision, a blaster shot went off and the dead spider fell from his hands. “You idiot!” you yelled at him. “Now all of Kashyyyk knows we’re here!” He shrugged and settled back down. “Our rest is over,” you proclaimed, picked the little one up and put him into your backpack carefully before and slinging it over your shoulders. Not waiting for your companion – you knew he would follow if you carried the child, you continued making your way through the forest.
The sun was at its highest as you finally arrived at the beach. A couple of small Wookies who had been playing in the water stopped dead as they spotted you. You raised your arms and carefully took a step towards them. In the little words you knew of their language, you explained to them that you had come in peace. They seemed to relax slightly, though they still shot wary glances at the warrior behind you.
You asked them whether another stranger had come to their village recently and they exchanged looks that told you they had no idea what you were saying, so you inquired where their guardians were instead. They pointed to a hut in the trees and you quickly thanked them before turning back to your companion.  
“We have to get to the hut up there.” You gave a sharp nod up to the tree, squinting against the blinding sun. The Mandalorian simply nodded and pulled you to his chest without an explanation. You had to crook your neck to look at him and before you could question his behavior, he embraced you even tighter and took off. Suddenly in the air, you held on to him just as closely, too shocked to react in any other way. Before you knew it, you felt the ground underneath your feet again. For a moment, neither one of you moved, both of you clinging to the other like your lives depended on it. Well, yours did a moment ago.
Once you regained your wits, you quickly tried to move out of his grip and he loosened it slightly. You broke free, took a step back and shot him a furious glare. “Don’t ever do that again,” you spat while angrily jabbing your index finger into his beskared chest. He didn’t respond, only moved his visor down to you in a deliberate movement. You held his stare, hoping he saw the boiling rage in your eyes.
The tension was snapped by a growl behind you. You spun around, facing a gigantic Wookie with slightly greying hair. “I am sorry,” you said in their language, quickly recovering from the shock. “I did not mean to disturb you. I am a Jedi.” You pointed to your lightsaber. “One of your children is in danger,” you added, trying to give at least a rough explanation for your sudden appearance. At least you hoped that’s what you said, your use of their language was pretty rusty. The Wookie hesitated to respond, their eyes wandering from the silent warrior to you and back. “He is no danger to you,” you tried to calm the Wookie. At last, they signaled you to follow them inside and you gladly obeyed. However, they kept the Mandalorian from entering and you gave him a half-hearted apologetic shrug.
Once inside, the Wookie guided you to a high table where a few other grown ones were already seated. You swiftly climbed up to the bench on the opposite side and took a seat, pulling your backpack with Grogu onto your lap. The Wookie briefly repeated what you told them and the others looked at you expectantly. In broken language, you tried to explain to them that a sort of Imperial bounty hunter – at that point you are glad the Mandalorian wasn’t allowed to enter because you had to explain that word rather embarrassingly in wild gestures – was trying to steal one of their children. You produced the image of the young one from your device and for once wished Threepio were with you as an incomprehensible discussion broke out between the Wookies.
After a while, one of them turned back to you. “What do you want here?” he asked you. “Are you here to steal her away as well?” This question threw you off guard a little. “Wha- no. I am here to protect her from the Empire,” you replied tensely. The Wookies exchanged wary glances and you couldn’t really blame them.
“We will not harm your child; we will only stay until the threat from the Empire is eliminated. The young one can decide whether she wants to become a Jedi later on,” a modulated voice interfered in perfect Shyriiwook. You turn your head to see the Mandalorian entering the hut. “So to get you to talk to me, I need to speak Wookie?” you teased him, but he ignored you, staring straight at the assembled Wookies. “What’s it to you, bounty hunter?” another Wookie asked him. While you sucked at speaking their language, you had come to understand it pretty well from all the time spent with Chewie, Han, Luke and Leia. “I am here because of my child.” He pointed to Grogu and the Wookies seemed to be even more confused. They began to chatter loudly once more.
“You can stay here, but we are watching you”, the first Wookie finally told you. “If there is truly an Imperial spy trying to steal our child, we will not be foolish and turn down your help. I will lead you to your hut.” You got up and bowed slightly. “Thank you. You will not regret it.”
Your hut was strategically placed with a view of the child’s hut. You wandered around the main room, taking in the exquisitely carved wood furniture and running your hand over it to fully appreciate the skilled carvings. “How do you know their language so well?” you queried with your back turned to the Mandalorian. He remained silent for so long that it surprised you when he did reply. “I - I have come around in the galaxy and if I learned one thing, it’s the more languages you know, the higher your chances of survival are.” At that, you faced him and crooked an eyebrow. “Didn’t assume you had to worry about surviving too much, what with the shiny armor and everything.” – “You’d be surprised,” was all he said in response.
“Well…thank you for saving my ass back there,” you attempted to lighten the mood. “I didn’t do it for you,” he retorted immediately. You scoffed. “Why is it that every time I try to show you a little kindness or gratitude, you push me away? Are you afraid that you’ll actually come to like me or what?” you confronted him, not willing to let it go this time. “I…I’ll look for some…some food for Grogu,” he said and went around you to pick the little one up from the bed you had placed him on earlier. “What are you running from?” you mumbled softly as he passed you again to leave the hut. He halted in his tracks and turned his head to you for a moment, as if he was contemplating something. Instead, he jerked his head back to the front and took off with Grogu in his arms.
It was late when he returned, the sun was almost setting. He was a fool. A fool who was not used to spending this much time with another human being, much less one who managed to get under his armor like you did. He didn’t know what it was about you that had this effect on him, but he had been trying to avoid you at all cost ever since he first met you. He knew then you’d be trouble for him, crouching in front of him with your laser sword drawn out, ready to attack. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t been turned on by it. And that was exactly why he had to keep his distance.
Still, the sight of the empty hut sent a pang of disappointment through him, but what did he expect? That you’d be waiting for him all day, just sitting on your ass? It was a blessing really, that you were not here right now. The Maker knows what he would have said to you otherwise. Would he have apologized? Admitted that you were driving him crazy? Pushed you away again? He let out a heavy sigh and set Grogu down on the bed again. He was in some deep shit and for the first time in his life, he had no idea how to get out of it.
“Stop that!” you ordered, trying to fill your voice with the little authority you had left, but it came out amused above all. The Wookie youngling kept reaching out for your lightsaber with the Force, but you held it back. You sighed while suppressing your smile. How did you end up with two younglings to train when you weren’t even interested in instructing one?
“She likes you,” the mother of the force-sensitive child said and you looked up at her in wonder. “You think so? Right now, it seems like she’s trying to get on my nerves.” You gave her a small grin and she responded with a genuine smile.
Your wholesome exchange was interrupted by the sudden entrance of another Wookie. “Dinner is ready,” he said while eyeing you with suspicion. Understandably, most of the Wookies had not been too thrilled by your arrival. “Alright,” the female Wookie responded and turned to you: “Would you like to join us?” – “I don’t want to intrude,” you replied with a shrug. “You are not intruding. Come along.” Her tone left no room for discussion, so you followed her over the wooden planks connecting the trees after she picked up her child.
Dinner was a festive occasion, there was a variety of mouth-watering food spread out across a huge table in the main treehouse. As you took in the feast, you noticed how hungry you truly were. You let the Wookies go to the buffet first so you wouldn’t eat up their food and picked out a few delicious snacks afterwards. You took a seat next to the mother of the youngling and she tried to include you in the conversation as well as she could. You got to know the Wookies a little better and they seemed to warm to you a bit more. During the discussion, you managed to form a battle plan in case of an attack with them.
As dinner went on, you couldn’t help but wonder where your companion was. Had he even returned yet? Was he in danger? Was Grogu alright? For some reason, you couldn’t stop yourself from caring about this strange man who had been nothing but rude to you so far. Your focus kept slipping from the conversation until you excused yourself as politely as you could and went back to your hut.
The sight that greeted you was not what you expected. The Mandalorian lay, still fully armored, in the bed with Grogu next to him. He seemed to be asleep. A wave of pity overcame you. What a life he must lead, always separated from the rest of the world by a thick layer of beskar. Never allowing himself to be vulnerable in any way. He didn’t even seem to care about his own discomfort, sleeping in an awkward angle so that Grogu could rest as comfortably as possible. He probably hadn’t even eaten himself all day and had only fed the little one.
Before you knew what you were doing, you went back to the main hut. There were still plenty of leftovers on the table, so you picked up as many different delicacies as you could carry in your arms and went back to the sleeping warrior. You carefully placed the edible goods on a side table and went outside to take the first watch.
Mando jolted up when he awoke. Shit, he hadn’t meant to fall asleep, how long had he been out? He stretched a bit, as much as his beskar armor allowed, and got up, trying not to disturb the child. There was a bunch of food on the side table, he noticed with a grumbling stomach. He could think of only one person who could have put it there and he felt an overwhelming wave of affection at the sweet gesture. How had you even known that he hadn’t eaten yet?
The huts had been silent for the majority of the night, so the soft crunching sound alerted you immediately. You listened more intently and realized that it originated from inside of your hut. As you figured out what the sound must be, a soft smile formed on your lips. He was really feasting in there, your suspicions about his eating habits must have been correct. You continued your vigilance, satisfied that he had accepted your gesture.
After a while, you heard him approach. For a moment, neither of you said anything. To your surprise, it was him who broke the silence this time. “I…thank you.” You didn’t quite know how to respond to his sudden kindness, so you simply nodded, even though your back was turned to him. “How – how long have you been out here?” he continued. You looked up at the stars. “Probably a few hours.” – “I’m sorry I fell asleep, I – you should have woken me up so you could get some rest as well.” He took a step closer to you and you could sense the coldness his beskar radiated, sending shivers through you.  
“Why do you wear that helmet all the time?” The question was out before you could stop it, his proximity completely disheveling your thoughts. You felt him still behind you. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t –,“ you began, but he interrupted you. “It’s the Way of the Mandalore,” he disclosed and you slowly turned around to face him. “But it seems awfully restricting,” you blurted out, once again not considering your words. He met your glance and cocked his head to the side. “It is not a restriction; it is an honor to live by our codex.” His words were not filled with much conviction and sounded recited above all.
“How did you become a Mandalorian?” you pressed on; curiosity having gotten the better of you. “You sure ask a lot of questions today,” he responded coldly. “I would have asked earlier, but I knew you wouldn’t have answered any of them,” you admitted bluntly and earned a small chuckle from him. “I suppose that’s true,” he answered thoughtfully after a while and his helmet turned away from you. You raised an eyebrow at his honest reply. “Why are you talking to me now?” you inquired, not caring anymore that you were clearly overstepping the line.
“I’m not sure,” he breathed out quietly after a moment of silence. “Well, whatever reason, I’m…glad you are.” His gaze turned back down to you and you showed him a friendly smile. His visor shifted into the distance again abruptly and you silently cursed yourself. Had you been too offensive? You shouldn’t have made yourself that vulnerable.
“Our guests have arrived, Jedi,” he noted, sounding mildly displeased and as you followed his glance, your eyes widened. All of your banal previous thoughts vanished as you took in the four Imperial ships that were descending to the surface of Kashyyyk. “We have to get to – ,“ you inducted, but he was one step ahead of you. Grabbing you by the waist, the Mandalorian took off into the air and landed swiftly in front of the small Wookie’s home. “I told you to stop doing that,” you snapped at him, but without much force as you could still feel his firm grip on your waist. As he loosened it, you regained your focus and remembered your mission. You quickly turned your back to him and knocked on the wooden door.
The Wookie mother answered and her sleepy eyes snapped open widely as she took the both of you in. “They’re here,” you informed her gravely and she let out a roar to alert the rest of the villagers. They quickly rose and took their positions, some as snipers high up in the treetops and some ready to defend the huts in direct combat. All of them were hidden from plain sight and you could only spot them because of your training – and because you knew they were there.
In the meantime, the Imperial ships had landed on the beach. You stared at them intently, hoping to make anything out from the distance. The hangars of the ships opened in unison and you heard the Mandalorian take in a sharp breath. Out of each ship stepped rows upon rows of droids in mechanical movements. There were only two people among them, one of them a man from the meeting you witnessed earlier and the other a (insert species). You were surprised at the open display of their forces; you had thought this would rather be an incognito mission than an open battle. Did they know you were ready to fight? Were they just not taking chances? Either way, this was going to be a lot harder than you anticipated.
Someone called your name and ripped you out of your spiraling thoughts. You were even more amazed to realize that it had been your companion. He had never addressed you with your real name before. “We have to get to Grogu,” he breathed out, the worry audible in his voice. “Shit, you’re right,” you responded in horror. He was about to fly over again, but you held him back. “Wait. You can’t move, they’ll notice you and know we have something to hide. It has to be me,” you reasoned. He seemed reluctant. “Do you trust me?” you asked him, looking where you believed his eyes to be. When he didn’t react, you scoffed. “Seriously, Mando? Good to know.” Without another word, you left for Grogu. What was the deal with the Mandalorian? Why was he being kind to you one moment and cold as ice in the next?
You swiftly moved across the trees, careful to not make any noise. As you looked down, you saw the droids beginning to scramble up the barks of the trees to reach the huts. You whistled, almost having forgotten about the sign you were supposed to give and blastershots went off quickly.
Very few droids fell, the rest of them continued to ascend, seemingly not even taking notice of the attack. They were more resilient than you thought. You needed to get to your apprentice quickly, so you began to move with less caution.
You were only two huts away from Grogu when the world went white with an ear-splitting bang. The next thing you felt was your back hitting the bark of a tree and then the ground, your ears still ringing from the detonation. “Fuck!” you exclaimed, trying to get up and failing miserably. Your entire body was aching. This was not the time to be hurting, you needed to fight. You took a few deep breaths and slowly rose, testing your limbs. There didn’t seem to be any serious fractures, much to your relief.
You needed to get to Grogu immediately. Looking up at the tree, you saw a droid already halfway up. Fuck. You really had to hurry. As you took a step towards the tree, you doubled over in agony, spitting a patch of blood onto the ground. Okay, maybe you did have a few broken ribs. You straightened yourself and took another step, wincing at the stabbing pain in your side but moving forward nonetheless. If you could only get to that tree…
You yelled out in pain and surprise as your muscles quivered with electricity and you went down again. You quickly scrambled around and looked at your attacker. It was one of the droids, wielding an electrostaff.  You clutched your lightsaber just in time to deflect the next blow. You rolled aside as the droid took another swing, ignoring your aching side and scrambling to your feet.
The droid didn’t hesitate to strike again, but this time, you were prepared. Even in your injured state, it was no match for you. After circling it for a few moments in a defensive crouch, you picked out a weak spot and drove your blade home, separating it in the middle. Not taking any chances, you hacked its remains apart.
You let out a heavy sigh of relief and grimaced in pain as your lungs expanded against your fractured ribcage. Grogu, you thought in horror and spun to face the tree again. The droid that had climbed it before was nowhere to be seen, which was not a good sign at all. You considered the height you would have to pass to get to the hut. It was too far for a Force jump; you really would have to climb. Not wasting another precious moment, you dug your fingers into the bark and pulled yourself up.
You were only halfway up when your strength faltered and you slid down the entirety of the bark you had only just climbed. You yelled out in frustration. The battle in the trees was slowly subsiding, you noticed and you took your last chance. With all the muscle power you had left in your legs, you bolted for the ships on the beach while cutting down a few simpler droids in your path.  
As you got closer, you saw that the first ship was already taking off. Had they been defeated or did they get what they came for? You enhanced your speed as much as possible, but it was all in vain. You arrived at the beach soon enough to see the Imperial scum entering his ship with Grogu, but too late to stop his escape. All you could do was watch as he took off into the sky as well.
You sunk down onto your knees, not having it in you to react in any way or form. You had failed everyone. Luke, who provided you with a home and a purpose even after you had given up on yourself; Grogu, who trusted you to be a good Jedi Master to him; Yoda, who had saved you from certain doom all those years ago; your parents, who had given their lives for yours and Mando, who had trusted you with his child. Possibly you had even failed the Wookies in your quest to protect the youngling. You were absolutely worthless. A complete waste of life and resources. What was being one of the most powerful warriors in the galaxy worth if you couldn’t even protect those dear to you? You slumped down into the sand, embracing the stabbing pain in your rib as it made contact with the uneven, hard ground. It wasn’t enough to suppress the guilt and the self-hatred you felt though. Not even close.
In the back of your mind, you heard the other ships departing, but you were beyond the physical realm now. You couldn’t help getting sucked into the cruel depths of your mind, almost welcoming the voices that screamed at you in fury and reminded you of everything that was wrong with you.
Somehow, you felt your physical form vibrating, but it took you a few moments to return to it and notice the Mandalorian that was violently shaking your shoulders. You blinked up at him in confusion. “Where is he?” he demanded, over and over again. “Gone,” you responded, though your voice seemed to come from afar. “How could you let them take him? I trusted you to protect him!” His voice was so full of hate that your mind focused back on him. You didn’t answer this time, only stared at him intently and let him interpret it any way he would. It was good that he despised you now, you deserved nothing less.
Whatever he saw in your eyes, he didn’t say anything else. He simply let his grip on your shoulders go, resulting in you crashing back into your damaged ribs. Your lips drew blood from how hard you had to bite down to suppress your wince of pain. The last thing you wanted right now was for him to pity you and regret his harsh words.
As you dropped back down and the adrenaline from the fight began to leave your bloodstream, the pain worsened and you felt weariness overcome you. Your desperate attempts to stay conscious were completely futile and you realized you were slowly slipping away from reality. “I’m sorry,” you mumbled as everything went black.
Chapter 4
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Sinfully Armored
Chapter 2 - Pride and Prejudice
Chapter 1
When you walked down to the training rooms the next afternoon, you wondered how you ever let Luke talk you into doing this. It’s not like his mind tricks would have worked on you, although that seemed like the only logical explanation. But when he brought you your favorite breakfast this morning and asked to take the mysterious tinman and fake Yoda with you on your mission with his puppy eyes, you couldn’t disagree. Plus, you couldn’t deny that you might need some back-up, a Mandalorian bounty hunter at your side would be a great advantage. If, of course, he didn’t kill you first, given how much he hated your guts.
As you arrived at the door, you paused and sighed. There was no turning back anymore. With a quick swipe of the Force, you opened it and stepped inside. The Mandalorian was sitting cross-legged on the floor with the child laying across his lap. It was playing with a small silver ball, letting it hover in front of the warrior’s face. It was weirdly domestic, hardly what you would’ve expected of a Mandalorian. You had to admit that how deeply he cared for the little one proved of a somewhat decent character. And Luke hoped you could get along. He had asked you to try and smoothen things out with the stranger this morning, for everyone’s sake. Nonetheless, the idea of spending a good amount of time in space with him wasn’t too appealing.
He looked up at you, the frown almost visible despite his helmet. “Oh, don’t you give me that look, I know you despise me, but we’ll have to put up with each other for a while if you want your kid to become a Jedi,” you said as a way of greeting. He didn’t respond, so the conversation was up to you. “I assume they didn’t teach you much about humor back on Mandalore, huh?” you attempted to break the silence again. “Don’t you dare mention my home,” he growled. “Or what?”, you challenged him, not able to resist the provocation.
He put the foundling down, rose and took a few deliberate steps towards you until he was right in front of you. Maker, he was huge, towering you by maybe one foot. Then he slowly bent his visor down to you. “It – wouldn’t be wise”, he replied.  “You know what’s unwise? Threatening a Jedi. If you believe your shiny armor could protect you from me, you’re terribly mistaken,” you retort with a snort, holding his stare. He moved his helmet up and down and you felt his eyes taking you in. Your heart began to beat a bit faster, but not out of fear. You were too horny for your own good as well.
“We’ll see about that”, he said after a while, slowly turned and went back to your new – Padawan? You had no idea what the child was to you. The obvious disrespect conveyed through him turning his back on you made you blaze up with rage. He sat back down and picked the green creature up again. Looking up at you, he added: “Why do you look so furious? I thought Jedi weren’t allowed to feel anger”. That comment didn’t help your aggression. “Why are you suddenly so big with words?” You knew your come-back was weak before you it even fully passed your lips, but he had hit your weak spot. And he seemed to know it. You bet he was looking pretty smug underneath his stupid helmet right now.
Before the situation could escalate any further, Luke entered. “I see you two have become friends already. How nice!” Luke joked, but he shot you a warning glance at the almost tangible animosity in the room. You shrugged, but felt a little ashamed. You should have been above these provocations.
“Are you ready to chase down some Imperial criminals?” Luke went on. “Always.” You grinned at him and the corners of his mouth quirked up slightly in response. The Mandalorian also got up once more. “Let’s go,” he said dryly and pushed past you to get out of the room. “See why I don’t get along with him?” you whispered to Luke. He just shook his head with a smile. You grinned back at him and the two of you followed the rude stranger to the ships.
“C’mon Luke, another shitty ship? You’d think we couldn’t afford any new ones!” you exclaim upon the sight of the wreckage in front of you. The ancient ship looked like it had seen far better days. Luke rolled his eyes, beyond dealing with your constant sarcasm. You were well aware that remaining inconspicuous was important for your missions, but you wouldn’t mind a little more luxury for once.
As you were still taking in the ship, R2-D2 rolled up to you. You turned to Luke with a confused expression. “You’ll need a droid on this mission, and I’d trust no one to be more competent than Artoo,” Luke said to you while patting R2. You furrowed your brows. “Luke–,” you began. “A droid won’t be necessary,” the Mandalorian interrupted. “We can handle this.” At that, you turned back to the man. “Are you scared of R2?” you mocked him. “And you’re wrong, we do need a droid to navigate and assist us on this mission.” The intruder sighed. “Fine.” To your surprise, he didn’t seem to be up for another fight with you.
You spun back to face Luke. “We cannot take Artoo with us, any other droid will do. I know what he means to you,” you uttered softly. Luke gave you a fond look. “And that’s why I trust you to take good care of him.” He put a hand on your shoulder. “You’re my best fighter and I want you take him with you. You might think it’ll be a burden to protect him, but he might just turn out to be the one to protect you. You know how often he saved my ass.” He smiled tentatively at the memories.
“All right, Luke. It’ll be an honor to have him accompany me – us.” You smiled at him and put your hand on his shoulder as well. Without a warning, he pulled you in for a hug. “Be careful,” he whispered into your ear. You were astonished at the sudden show of affection, he wasn’t usually that cordial before sending you off to missions. He let you go and you blushed slightly. In your peripheral you noticed a helmet facing you. “I always am,” you replied, but this time the sarcasm didn’t reach your voice. Luke didn’t say anything else; he only pressed a small device in your hand – most likely the map – and brushed your cheek with the back of his hand softly while shooting one last look at the Mandalorian behind you before departing. You looked after him in wonder, the blush probably visible on your face now. Keeping your head down, you walked past the Mandalorian and entered the ship without another word.
You welcomed the quiet of the cockpit, staring out into space for hours without hearing any sounds, completely lost in your thoughts. Why did Luke act so weirdly? Why did you have to crush on him of all people? It was not like you had developed any serious feelings for him, at least not yet. He was more of a friend you wanted to fuck sometimes, but you feared that if you gave into those desires, serious feelings would follow, which would jeopardize both your friendship to him and your moral code. You let out a long sigh and wondered if it was time to change your morals. Luke was right, why should it be illegal to love? But your past held you back, as it always did. It would have been downright treacherous to give in to your desires at this point.
Heavy footsteps pulled you out of your identity crisis as the Mandalorian entered the cockpit and sank down into the seat next to you. “What do you want?” you inquired sharply. You were so not in the mood to be taunted by him. He slowly turned his helmet towards you. “What’s with the foul attitude? Missing your boyfriend already?” he replied, his voice tinted with venom. Maker, he knew how to push your buttons. “Fuck you,” you answered, way beyond coming up with witty retorts. “Oh, I don’t think it’s me you want to fuck,” he said, and you could hear a grin in his voice. “Cut the crap. We’ll be here for a while, so why don’t we at least try to get along?” You swallowed your anger down and tried to reason with him. He stared at you for some time before he got up again and left. You wondered why you even made the effort; he was clearly a lost cause.
After enjoying a bit more solitude, you decided it was time to fulfill your duty. You promised Luke you’d try to train the green child and it’s not like there was anything else to do to pass the seemingly endless periods in space. You got up and stretched a little, the muscles in your back and shoulders being sore from sitting for too long. As you opened the door to leave the cockpit, your destination was already standing at your feet. “Hey, little guy,” you said, once more a little disheveled by his appearance and allowed him to waddle past you into the cockpit. After a few steps, he turned around and looked at you expectantly. You raised an eyebrow. “You sensed my intentions, huh?” you murmured quietly. Apparently, the Force was quite strong with him.
“I guess you coming to me means you are willing to let me instruct you?” You sensed his approval through the Force. Interesting, why would he have agreed to let you train him, but not Luke? Especially considering the fact that his dad hated you openly and most ardently.
“Great. Now, I don’t want to bore you, but let’s start with the basics,” you began. Grogu cocked his head to the side. “First of all, you need to be sure that you are willing to follow the Jedi Codex. It’s what allows us to use the Force without losing ourselves in it like those who turn to the Dark Side.” Through the Force, the little one showed you images of you and the Mandalorian fighting, a sneer on your face. “Grogu!” you exclaimed offendedly. “I see Luke has already told you all about our principles and all I can say in my defense is that nobody’s perfect and I’m working on it.”
His humor reached you and you couldn’t help smiling at him. His looks really were the only thing he had in common with your late Jedi Master. “You know what, I like you.” You thought you caught a wave of him returning your sentiments, but it was gone quickly. “But between us,” you gave him a conspiratorial grin, “your dad’s a total prick.” He didn’t seem to take any offense in this statement and rather appeared utterly amused.
You spent the following couple of hours connecting with Grogu through the Force and going over the basics of wielding such a power. You only stopped as hunger overcame you and your apprentice seemed to lose focus as well. “You did well today, Grogu,” you praised him. The little guy had somehow managed to waddle his way into your heart in the last few hours. “You deserve some rest.” You opened the door once more and spotted the Mandalorian standing next to it. Without a word, he picked Grogu up and left, probably to retire him to bed.
You yawned, feeling exhausted despite not having done much today and groggily searched for your food reserves. You came upon some toast and dried fruits, that’d have to do for now. You took your dinner back to your cot and settled in for a relaxed night, when a shadow suddenly blocked your vision.
Maker, how did he sneak up to you without you noticing? You must have been even more exhausted than you believed. “What?” you snapped at him, simply wanting to eat and sleep. “You wore him down way too much. You can’t wear him out like that, what were you thinking?” he snarked accusingly. The annoyance at his audacity filled you with energy again. “What are you thinking, questioning my methods of teaching like that. Do I need to remind you which one of us is the Jedi again?” You tried to stare at him with as much hate as you could muster. “Do I need to remind you that he is my child?” His modulated voice came out in huffs. “That attitude is exactly why it’s been so hard for Luke to train him.” You sunk back into your cot and laid down. You closed your eyes for a moment and when you reopened them, the shadow was gone.
Chapter 3
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Sinfully Armored
Summary: After Din Djarin had lost everything: his ship, his child, his way, and found himself as rightful leader of the Mandalore, he’s glad when an opportunity arises to escape all of his responsibilities. Grogu doesn’t seem to adapt well to his destined life in the New Jedi Order and handling the little rascal is simply too much for Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, who has to rebuild the entire Jedi Order and help in the founding of the New Republic. As a last resort, he contacts the mysterious Mandalorian, who seemed to have formed a strong bond with the Jedi foundling, to help Grogu accept his Jedi heritage and finally let go of the past. What Mando didn’t know is that on top of being given the chance to escape his duties, he’d meet you.
Notes: see ‘Sinfully armored’ on AO3
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Chapter 1 - Strange Revelations 
It has been the Maker knows how many days since you arrived at this desolate planet in the Outer Rim. The planets where you had to scout for Imperial Scum all started to blend into one after weeks and weeks on this expedition. The same dreary landscapes, shady people and shabby buildings on every single one. The Empire has left its dirty imprints throughout the entire galaxy and its people, including you.
The rundown bar you found yourself in right now must have seen better days as well. You swirled your drink lazily and scowled at the remaining dregs. This next part of your job was always the worst, impossibly done sober. You absolutely despised any kind of peaceful interaction with sympathizers of the Empire, even though you knew hate was not an emotion you should feel as a Jedi.
You drowned your glass in one big swallow and smoothly slid the it across the counter with a few credits. Before the bartender even reacted to your movement, you were already gone. The mud made an unsatisfying, squelching sound under your boots as you maneuvered through the narrow streets of Wakuda. Your nose scrunched at the mere smell of the place. Why the secret underground organization you were supposed to track down chose this of all places to build their base is beyond you, but you guessed it fit their morals.
As you neared the location you tracked the Imperial scum down to, you noticed a few snipers on the roof of the half-ruined building in your peripheral. Deep down you hoped they’d be skilled just so that you’d have a bit of a challenge as a distraction. They weren’t, since they didn’t even notice you until you were too close. Maybe their stupid helmets blocked their vision, you couldn’t even blame them. A quick swipe of the force knocked them out and you proceeded with your task.
Through a crack in the roof, you could spy on the meeting taking place underneath you. You leaned down a bit to get a better view and watched the scene unfold.
There were 6 people assembled in the room, but the woman at the head of the table stuck out especially to you with her glowing red hair. When she raised her voice, everyone went quiet. This woman clearly had an air of authority surrounding her. She began in a conspiring tone: “Fellow members of the First Galactic Empire, I have called you here today because troublesome news reached me. The New Jedi Order of Luke Skywalker keeps gaining more and more power. If the New Republic is backed by such a strong force of Jedi knights, our chances of rebuilding the Empire are slim to none.” The woman surveyed the room full of expectant eyes. No one dared to interrupt her. “So, we must take action. I have already contacted Grand Admiral Thrawn…”
The rest of her sentence didn’t reach your ears as you heard that name. As far as you knew, the notorious man died during the Battle of Endor with most of the other Imperial generals. If there was any truth to her claim that he was still alive, the New Republic and everything you stood for was in great peril. The old hatred started to boil up inside of you once again and it was all you could do to not jump down there and finish all of them in your fit of rage. To calm yourself, you reached deep into the Force as Luke had taught you. You reminded yourself that it was him and the Jedi’s goal of a peaceful galaxy you were doing all of this for and the discussion that broke out beneath you abruptly caught your attention again.
“That’s absolutely impossible! How would we even train those children? It’s not like we have a Sith Lord to train them!” a small man with shockingly pale skin exclaimed. “Leave that to me and the more experienced generals, we have everything under control. All you need to do is collect the force sensitive children from the systems I’ll send you out to,” the woman answered. The small man nodded once and the woman seemed satisfied. She pulled out a little device, flipped a switch and a holographic map appeared at the center of the table. As you glanced at the map, something pocked at the back of your mind. Why did it look so familiar?
But before you could observe it more closely and identify the feeling, the comm at your wrist vibrated. Luke always had such an unfortunate timing for someone so in tune with the Force. You cursed under your breath and accepted the transmission. After all, he wouldn’t contact you if it wasn’t important.  
“Report back to the Jedi Temple immediately,” he stated. “What? But I’m in the middle of a mission! I just made a discovery of great importance,” you protested. “Alright, but get back as soon as possible. May the Force be with you.” The connection snapped and you focused on the meeting again.
“Do not disappoint me,” the woman commanded. That was an obvious dismissal. After cursing Luke’s awful timing once again, you decided to track the leader of the meeting, which couldn’t be too hard, considering her hair was shining like a beacon. However, as you scaled down the building and looked down the street, she and her co-conspirators had vanished into thin air. How odd. But it was a blessing of sorts because you were eager to get off this planet and return to the Jedi Temple. Thrawn was alive?  It was all you could think about as you cut through the winding streets of Wakuda once again. The man who had taken so much from you had not been avenged? A sick part of you was thrilled about the opportunity to get revenge yourself, but it was outweighed by your general anxiety.
The sudden gleaming of a hull caught your eye and your pace quickened. As you turned around the corner, the magnificent ship arising before you obscured the view of your tiny, wreckage of an X-Wing. The rusty ship had accompanied you on many missions and despite its state, you had grown quite fond of it, but couldn’t be bothered to clean it. It wouldn’t matter anyway; it would just get dirty again in the next place you landed. You climbed into the cockpit and took off.
As you activated hyperspace, you tried to shake Thrawn off your mind and it quickly filled with other enigmas. You reconsidered the strange Déjà-vu you felt when you saw the map. You were sure you had seen it before sometime, but when and where exactly? Why would you have seen an imperial map? And how could they have left without a single trace? Who was the strange woman?
After pondering about these questions turned out to be futile, you began to wonder what could have been urgent enough for Luke to call you back from your mission. While you would have been jumping at the chance to finally leave these shitty systems under normal circumstances, the situation just got interesting and all you wanted to do was track the Imperial scum down and kill them one by one before they could do any more harm. But Luke had to lecture you on discipline far too many times and this mission was your chance to show him that he could trust you.
Still…How would you ever find out where they had gone now? You should have damned Luke’s orders and followed them somehow when you still could, what if they got to the children first? Shit, why didn’t you think straight? It seems like all of your focus and composure had left you once Thrawn’s name had perturbated your thoughts. All of the old grief and hate resurfaced again and threatened to drown you.  
You took a deep breath and pushed those emotions as far back as you could. The logical action right now would be to contact Luke immediately, he needed to send out someone else to stop the bandits. While you were short on Jedi, the New Republic would sure have someone to take care of the problem. If only you knew where they went, they’d be long gone if the Republic needed to investigate their whereabouts first. You sighed and called Luke.
“What’s wrong?” His hologram appeared in front you instantly. “A lot,” you responded dryly. “You’ll not be pleased about what I just discovered – before I was so rudely interrupted by you, that is.” He frowned at your sarcasm, this was obviously not the time for it, but you couldn't help it. It had become a sort of coping mechanism for you, a way to shield yourself from issues lest they touch you personally. “Grand Admiral Thrawn – or some doppelgänger of him – is still alive and in direct contact with the leftovers of the Empire.”
Luke was silent for a moment, his expression unreadable. “That is bad news indeed, I’ll need to inform Leia and Han so that they can alert our troops. Your assistance has been most valuable to us,” he replied finally, oddly formal. Still, you nodded curtly at the approval.
“Wait,” you intercepted as he was about to disconnect. “Unfortunately, there’s more. I overheard that they plan to rebuild the Sith Order, but on a far grander scale. I only caught a glimpse, but they had some map that directs them towards force-sensitive children all across the universe. While I have no clue as to how they would train them – unless they had a secret Sith Lord up their sleeves as well – we cannot let them take the children. The Jedi Order needs them.”  This time, Luke’s silence lasted even longer, to the point where it was almost painful. You forced the words forming on your tongue to fill the silence back – yet another nervous habit of yours – and mirrored his quiet. Until you gave in and broke it: “I did not disappoint when I warned you that I had some bad news, huh?”
Luke gave you a no-nonsense-look. “No, you did not. Do you think you can recall the map and lead us to the children?” he inquired. “Um…I’ve tried, but to no avail. However, the map looked oddly familiar. No idea where I could have seen it before, but I trust my instincts.” You shrug, though it doesn’t reflect your sentiments in the slightest.
“You said this map leads them to force-sensitive children?” he repeated slowly, more to himself. “Yeah.” – “In that case, I might know just where to look.” Before you could ask him what he meant by that he was gone. You let out an exasperated sigh. He took the whole mysterious Jedi image way too seriously, in your opinion.
You spent the rest of the flight dissociating in space, as one does. In a way, you were doing the meditation exercises Luke taught you. Time bent around you, it could have been minutes or hours until you arrived back at Coruscant. The blinding lights of the capitol made you snap back to reality as you swiftly descended.
You spotted Luke, facing the wall, quickly as you entered the council chamber, which was empty except for him. The few other “Jedi” seemed to be on missions as well. The “Council” consisted of a bunch of half-trained Jedi knights and one other survivor of Order 66, Master Vamora who appeared too fragile to still be an active fighter, but he was a stubborn old bastard. Not that it wasn’t an immense blessing to have at least one Jedi of the Old Order in your midst who was fully trained. He was extremely cranky and righteous though.
Luke turned back around to you. You did a double take as you took him in, seeing what the hologram had concealed. At first you noticed his eyes and the black rings underneath them, then the hollow of his cheekbones, his general paleness and crouched stance. He looked really exhausted, to say the least. Not being able to hold yourself back, you commented: “What happened to you? You look like you went through some shit.” At that, you earned a small grin from him that made some of the color reappear on his face.
Your heart jumped a little at the sight, you had to admit he was quite handsome, especially when he smiled. It wasn’t just ideological reasons keeping you in his Jedi Order after all, although you felt a twinge of guilt every time your stupid, horny brain produced these immoral thoughts. It was absolutely illegal for a Jedi to harbor such feelings, much less act on them, at least according to your set of morals. Luke himself had been conceived out of such an improper relation and since he did not grow up learning about the old set of Jedi rules, he had seen no use in implementing any such rule in his Jedi Order (much to the displeasure of Master Vamora, who had quite a lot to complain about today’s youth). You, on the other hand, had been indoctrinated the old set of rules from a small age on and you tried to stick to them in honor of those who saved you from your horrible fate and the sacrifices of those who had not been as lucky as you. But Luke did have a point. He claimed that love was not a crime or a weakness to be punished but rather a virtue that differentiates you from those who strayed to the Dark Side. Frankly, he was just a little too horny for his own good. He was well known for his bohemian lifestyle, sharing his bed with both men and women.
“That’s why I had to call you back here. I am being tormented endlessly by a little green monster,” he replied with a smirk on his face, pulling you out of your thoughts. You raised an eyebrow, but before you could inquire further, the door slid open behind you and you snapped around.
This day just kept getting weirder, or maybe you were extremely sleep-deprived as well. There was a Mandalorian with a little green creature that eerily resembled Master Yoda (if he were young and cute instead of old and wrinkly as he had appeared the last time you saw him) cradled in his arms standing in front of you. His armor was unlike any you had ever seen before, pure beskar and shimmering as it reflected the bright city lights. He looked exactly like the legendary warrior race of Mandalore you had only ever heard rumors about, straight out of a myth. Considering those rumors, didn’t they absolutely despise the Jedi? Suddenly alarmed, you pulled your lightsaber from your belt. The Mandalorian didn’t move, only cocked his head to the side. Even though you couldn’t see his face underneath the helmet, you felt like his eyes were piercing you. You stared right back at him, not moving an inch, thumb resting on the switch of your weapon, ready to activate it should he attack. Not that your lightsaber could do much damage to him, as he was dressed in beskar from head to toe. But what about the child in his arms? Maybe he wasn’t up for a fight after all. With a sick disappointment – how challenging would it be to fight such a legendary warrior? – you put your weapon back on your belt again. The Mandalorian kept staring at you, standing still as a machine.
This time it was Luke who broke the silence, as you were too entranced to say anything at all.  “There is the source of my eternal torment.” He strolled up to you in a relaxed manner. It was his calm posture and the underlying humor and fondness in his voice that kept you from attacking the strangers. The green creature turned its head and stared at you innocently with its huge, black eyes. You sensed it suddenly through the Force and did a double take in surprise. It reached its small arms out to you, but the Mandalorian took a step back from you rather than let the child closer to you. “This…this is why you called me back?” You shot Luke an incredulous, slightly offended look, to which he returned another wicked grin. “Yes.”
“Elaborate, please?” You didn’t even try to hide the annoyance in your voice. “This is my good friend…” He gestured to the Mandalorian. “Um, I actually don’t know his name, I just call him Mando. Everyone does.” He smirked at the warrior. “And this little fellah is Grogu, a Jedi foundling I took upon me to train.” The look Luke gave the child was so full of love that it seemed almost too intimate to witness. “Mando saved him from the Empire and took great care of him. Frankly, he cared for him too well. Grogu has formed such a strong attachment to him that it’s nearly impossible to train him. The little rascal is incredibly stubborn if his daddy isn’t around.”
A bit more enlightened, but still unaware of your place in this family drama, you waited for Luke to continue. “Since I have a ton of obligations, I don’t have time to train the little one and detach him from his savior.” Oh no. You hoped this wouldn’t be heading in the direction you thought it was. “You, on the other hand, have less responsibilities.” Fuck. "So, I decided that you should train him. And let his dad tag along until he can let him go.”
No fucking way. “I am not a damn babysitter! Neither do I care to get involved in this clearly complicated family structure! I have a mission, Luke. I need to get to those…,” you paused, suddenly all too aware that you had an audience, “…thieves and stop them.” Luke grinned at you, as if he expected that answer from you. “Isn’t it super convenient that our friend Mando here is a professional bounty hunter, eager to earn a few credits from the Republic?”
You shifted your gaze back to the silent warrior and the kid. “I am supposed to train this rip-off Yoda while on a mission? That’s just pointless, I won’t have time to teach him anything at all!” you pointed out. You were not interested in training another Jedi, especially not one that resembled Master Yoda and everything you lost so much. “You’ll have plenty of free time while traveling through space and he can learn a lot more in real situations than I could ever teach him,” Luke argued. “You want us to take him along on a hunt?” a modulated voice interjected. “No way, that’s far too dangerous for him as long as he’s untrained!” Luke wasn’t kidding about the bond, the man in armor clearly cared deeply for the child. Interesting.
“You need to stop being such a helicopter parent if you want him to live an independent life,” your Jedi companion retorted. You couldn’t help the small chuckle that escaped your throat and a visor turned back to you. “I don’t trust her with my child”, the Mandalorian stated curtly. You scowled at him. “You shouldn’t have brought him to the Jedi if you had a problem with him being in the custody of a Jedi,” you snarled at the intruder, suddenly not caring that you didn’t even want this child in the first place and simply wanting to disagree with him. “It’s not the Jedi I don’t trust, it’s you and your attitude.” – “Is it because I called him a ‘rip-off Yoda’?” You flashed him a sweet smile.
“I see you two’ll get along just fine,” Luke said, the corners of his mouth quirking up slightly. “You could leave for the first child tomorrow.” At that, your attention snapped back to him. “What do you mean? Did you find the map?” – “Of course, as it was our map they stole in the first place.” Now your Déjà-vu made complete sense and you cursed yourself for not having come to this conclusion earlier. Obviously the Jedi had a map with the locations of force-sensitive children – possible new Jedi. The situation was even graver than you expected. “Get some rest now, you seem to need it almost as much as I do.” Luke winked at you. Accepting defeat for now and realizing how exhausted you truly were, you gave Luke a short nod before departing from the room and retiring to your chambers to finally get some well-deserved sleep.
Chapter 2
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The King is down
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Scene from Chain of Iron by @cassandraclare
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This is so good, holy shit!
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Me: *unapologetically draws Pedro Pascal yet again* ☁️
20K notes · View notes
Reblog the writers’ fortune cookie for luck!
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260K notes · View notes
** Indicates Smut
Requested Scenerios
NSFW Alphabet
Kinktober 2020
Quarantine AU - Marcus Moreno
The Mandalorian:
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Stress Relief ** NSFW
Midnight Excursions ** NSFW
Muffled Sounds ** SLIGHT NSFW
Prey  ** NSFW
Just Pleasure ** NSFW
Hidden Desires ** NSFW
- Alternative Ending ** NSFW
- Desire Revealed ** Slight NSFW
- Mutual Desire ** NSFW
- Explored Desires ** NSFW
- New Desires **NSFW
- Forbidden Desires **NSFW
Chemical Feelings ** NSFW   (Sex Pollen)
Body Heat ** NSFW
Gut Wrenching ** NSFW   (Sex Pollen)
Secrets ** NSFW
Tradition ** NSFW
The Cave ** NSFW   (Sex Pollen)
In the Darkness ** NSFW
Unusual Situation ** NSFW {Mando x Reader x Ezra}
The Box ** NSFW
The View ** NSFW
Riduurok ** NSFW
Riduur ** NSFW (Part 2 of Riduurok)
Bred ** NSFW Alpha!Din
Needs ** NSFW
Frozen ** NSFW
Delivered ** NSFW (Part 2 of Frozen)
Nourished ** NSFW (Part 3 of Frozen)
Me’dinuir (Share) ** NSFW {Din Djarin x Reader x Paz Vizsla}
The Deal ** NSFW {Mando x Reader x Cobb Vanth}
The Hot Springs ** NSFW
Close Quarters ** NSFW
Heavy Is The Head That Wears The Beskar ** NSFW
The Face Beneath The Beskar ** NSFW
Kar’ta ** NSFW
Bittersweet Goodbye ** NSFW
The Path (Soulmate AU) (3000 Follower Give Away Fic) 
The Throne ** {King!Din AU} NSFW
Cantina Copulation ** NSFW
“Catfish” Frankie Morales:
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Tipping Point
Endorphins **
Home ** {Catfish x Reader x Pope}
Home Again ** {Catfish x Reader x Pope}
No Smoke Without Fire ** (Sex Pollen) {Catfish x Reader x Pope x Ironhead x Benny}
The Advent Calendars
The Last Mission ** {Catfish x Reader}
Friendly Competition ** {Catfish x Reader x Pope x Will x Benny}
Oral Competition ** {Catfish x Reader x Pope x Will x Benny}
Agent Whiskey/Jack Daniels:
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First Time **
Blossoming ** (Part 2 of First Time)
The Mission **
Whiskey ** (Part 2 of The Mission)
Chapel of Love **
Pero Tovar:
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Xìngjiāo **   (Sex Pollen)
The Spaniard ** (Oberyn Martell x Reader x Pero Tovar)
The Prince of Dorne ** (Oberyn Martell x Reader x Pero Tovar)
The Inn **
All I Want **
Javier Peña:
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Yours **
Deseos Profundos ** (Sex Pollen)
Deseos Admitidos ** (Part 2 of Deseos Profundos)
Pureza **
Everything She Wants ** (Maxwell Lord x Reader x Javier Peña)
Oberyn Martell:
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The Spaniard ** (Oberyn Martell x Reader x Pero Tovar)
The Prince of Dorne ** (Oberyn Martell x Reader x Pero Tovar)
The Best Little Whorehouse in Bravos ** (Sex Pollen)
Ezra (Prospect):
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Respite **
Helping Hand **
Laced **   (Sex Pollen)
Dreams **
Delightful Discovery **
Heat ** Alpha!Ezra
Solatium **
Unusual Situation ** {Mando x Reader x Ezra}
Marcus Pike:
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Missing Information **
Aftermath ** (Part 2 of Missing Information)
Breakfast ** (Part 3 of Missing Information)
Agent Pike **
Switch ** (Part 2 of Agent Pike)
Office Interlude ** (Part 3 of Agent Pike)
Holding Cells ** (Part 4 of Agent Pike)
Trying **
Phone Call **
Lujuria **   (Sex Pollen)
The Favor **
Halloween Party ** (Sex Pollen/Breeding Kink)
Insatiable **
Pie & Professions **
As Time Goes By **
Max Phillips:
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My Office, Now **
Birthday Treat **   (Sex Pollen)
Noaptea Vampirului (Night of the Vampire) ** TRIGGER WARNING
Chains ** 
An Unexpected Forever **
Training Session **
Just a Taste **
Dave York:
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Stormy Secrets ** (Sex Pollen)
Fatal Attraction ** (Part 2 of Stormy Secrets)
Bitter End (Part 3 of Story Secrets)
Marcus Moreno:
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Good To Me **
Mishap in Mission Control **
Libidine ** (Sex Pollen)
Max Lord:
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Heart of Gold **
More Than A Wish ** (Sex Pollen)
Everything She Wants ** (Maxwell Lord x Reader x Javier Peña)
Lessons In Love **
10K notes · View notes
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May I say, I think I speak for most of us here, Pedro, how delighted we are to see you intact.
10K notes · View notes
Biker!Mando Masterlist
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Paring: Biker!Mando x Reader 
Summary:  The Mandalorians are a well-known biker gang whose reach spreads around the world. They are as mysterious as they are dangerous and anyone with common sense knows not to cross them. When a Mandalorian bounty hunter arrives on your doorstep demanding payments from your brother, it is only the beginning of a chain of events that uproot your life. 
Pinterest Board.
Spotify Playlist.  Spotify alternative post of the playlist.
Chapters: [IN PROGRESS]
I. Devil to Pay
II. Muddy Waters
III. Disarm
IV. Little Lies
V. Kiss With a Fist
VI. Linger
VII. Silver Dream
VIII. Lay It On me
IX. Creature Fear
X. Sour Times
XI. Blood on My Name
XII. Eyes on Fire
XIII. Mistaken for Strangers
Requests are OPEN!! 
Moonlit Ride (smut)
Moonlit Ride Pt 2.  (smut)
Reader taking care of Junior
Frog Lady and Frog Husband
The Way You Move (smut)
Nowhere to Go (smut)
Easy Rider (smut)
The Mythosaur Necklace (Smut)
Bad Intentions (Smut)
 #biker!mando au tag for inspiration & general inbox responses 
Young Din
The Mandalorians & Rival Gangs
Din and Paz’s Bikes
Din & Omera (mentions of smut)
Din & Xi’an (mentions of smut)
Paz x Syala (OC)
Sexting/Phonesex w/ Din (smut)
Giving Din a Blowjob for the first time (smut)
Din and Paz’s Friendship
Din & Toys (smut)
Din realizing his feelings for Florist!Reader
Din & Paz’s Helmets
If you have any questions or headcanon ideas please feel free to drop an ask!
Edits and art:
Reader’s Store Logo by me.
Amazing art by @ben-is-a-hoe​ can be found here and here and here  and here 
Biker!Mando moodboard by me.
Biker!Mando and Story Moodboard by @huliabitch​ 
Stuffed Frog from Part VI by @chibi-liz05​
Taglist: OPEN (please request to be tagged here)
Credits/Honorable Mentions:
✖️ I was originally inspired by @princessmimoza​ ‘s fan art (x)
✖️ Please check out the art by @miranhas-art​ who is also working on some biker!mando stuff
✖️ Biker!Mando twitter thread by @/cranity 
✖️ The template I used for the header can be found here. 
1K notes · View notes
Quarantine AU - Marcus Moreno
**I have been asked about revamping the Quarantine AU that I had done when I first joined the fandom to reflect a Pedro character and I decided that I will do it! I chose Marcus Moreno because I felt like he would be the best for the series. It will updated at random but I will put all the chapters here. Obviously some will not be included from the original series. This is a female reader. 
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The Bath
The Massage
Your Dirty Dream 
His Dirty Dream 
The Phone Call
The Night
The Next Day
The Talk
Good Morning
Waking Up
The Morning After
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