119rxd · 3 years
on the confessions of a fangirl
Art journal page 015: A page dedicated for the one who brights up the world.
wrote this poem for my creative writing class :-)
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Happy 21st birthday, Renjun 🖤
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119rxd · 3 years
on creativity, chaos, and calamity: the beauty of art unraveled
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The month of March in this year 2020 marked a spontaneous beginning for us Filipinos. A devastating series of events that continued to afflict the Philippine setting. An interval of self-reflection and introspection. A period of political and health urgencies. A time of online activism and education. A new normal. A call for open-mindedness. A demand for something to mediate these negativities. Anything of creativity amidst this season of chaos and calamity. Anything, just anything to ease one’s soul. Therefore, here I shall introduce the roles and contributions of art to the Philippine setting, especially during this time of existential, societal, and health crises.
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On Calamity
Filipinos are known to be resilient. During hardships and struggles, people imprint the notion that Filipinos are strong-willed and determined. But what if we face and challenge something inevitable? Of something that mother nature imparted. Until when will Filipinos be imposed on being resilient and rely on this mere idea. No action, just words. However, trust me when I say I believe in the power of words, for I am a student under the course Language and Literature Studies. Thus, I know for a fact regarding the gravity and brevity of words. But will only words create change? They can, but with the complementary aid of actions -- actions that speak for the benefit of the Filipino community. 
Not only did the Filipinos suffer from the drastic measures brought by this pandemic, but also the severe aftermath of Typhoon Ulysses that tested the people and government’s capacities to address such calamity. From this tragic news, many local artists relied on their talents and skills to help those in dire need with the maximization of social media as their platform for showcasing their art. This so-called movement is known as “commissions for a cause.” Many graphic artists utilized their commissions and turned them into donations for those who are directly affected by the typhoon’s impact. 
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tweets from local artists tweets from local artists tweets from local artists
According to EsquireMag.com, local artists have mustered the action to give aid to those who are in need. The process of this movement is highly accessible, with the assistance of technology. These local artists use their skills to lend a helping hand. Most of these individuals offer portraits at the same time other artists also draw other pictures upon request of the client. Upon encountering such a devastating occurrence, it is intolerable to sit idly and rely on the resiliency card implicated on the Filipinos. Additionally, CanadianInquirer.net mentioned that numerous individuals have already shown their eagerness to help. This act of kindness is evident on social media feeds recently, particularly during these trying times, and it is not limited to monetary aid only, but also by local artists that are raising funds to use as donations.
From this, the word resiliency turned into an act – an act of oneness created by art. These local artists made use of their talent in the field of art for a cause, for the individuals who need a helping hand.
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On Chaos
This pandemic undeniably brought upon us devastation and heartaches. Because of this, people sought something, anything to ease such pain. And I, for a fact, experienced such habitual skepticism, particularly during these trying times.
One song that notably popped up in my mind as I came upon this task is Juan Karlos’ BLESS Ü. I first heard this song last October, the month that the music video was uploaded on YouTube.
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According to Pop.Inquirer.Net, BLESS Ü was something that juan karlos aimed to serve as a light to the public whenever we are to face such hardships. The song was already written, or “at least the idea of it,” as asserted by the artist even before the lockdown happened. “We thought it’d be a good idea to record something different from the music people are already familiar with from us,” JK added. The lyrics themselves are already meaningful, and people can relate to them, especially during this quarantine period. But there is this one part of the song that struck me.
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lyrics from genuis.com
I would be lying if I said that this pandemic did not mentally, spiritually, and physically strained me. This form of art, the song by Juan Karlos helped me cope with the stress and anxiety influenced by the consistent heartaches from this situation. Personally, BLESS Ü opened my eyes and heart regarding the circumstances. The song made me realize that even if such devastation befalls upon us, the beauty of art prevails. Music has always been one of the most powerful forms of culture due to its ability to rally people’s spirits, as mentioned by Pop.Inquirer.Net. 
During this time of uncertainties, all we Filipinos need is a kind of assurance that tomorrow will be a new day – a day where we overcome these depressing hurdles. A day wherein people can still see the light amidst the darkness. And BLESS Ü is truly a light and blessing in disguise delivered upon us during this moment of confusion and anxieties.
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On Creativity
Filipinos are known for their singing, dancing, and acting prowess garnering global acclaim, and that we are a country of artists, as stated by Tony Katigbak in his article on Philstar.com. Many Filipino artists have proved and paved the way for showcasing Filipino cultures and traditions on a global scale. May it be in the form of paintings, songs, or theatrical plays. And these artworks are deeply rooted in our creativity, a trademark of the Filipinos. When we talk about local bands, of course, you cannot and should not forget the infamous Filipino rock band Eraserheads.
Almost all their songs are a hit and are widely known inside and outside of the archipelago. Among aspiring local artists, the Eraserheads serve as inspiration and motivation. I also admire the Pinoy rock band because of their meaningful lyrics that reflect the Philippine setting that is complemented by catchy and smooth melodies that serve as a sublimation for the harshness of reality. But what if their songs are slowly examined and converted into an astounding performance?
I have been one of the lucky individuals to have watched the theatrical play of “Ang Huling El Bimbo” when it was streamed on the internet last May 8, 2020, until May 9, 11:59 p.m. on ABS-CBN’s network page, Facebook, and YouTube channel. The play amassed a lot of attention from the netizens as it was a meaningful and substantial portrayal of the song.
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photo courtesy to rappler.com and philippineconcerts.com
The show aired on the internet free from charge, but the team informed that people could donate if they wish to, and the proceeds will be given to those who are most affected by the quarantine, as mentioned by manilatimes.net. From the title of the musical, the performance revolved around the hit song of the band entitled “Ang Huling El Bimbo.” It tells a story between college friends. The play was showcased in two timelines, which are the past (the 90s) and the present. The song was one of the most popular songs of the band Eraserheads. Upon watching the musical online, it can give one a sense of reminiscing of the past. The performance was well-accepted and applauded by the virtual community due to its vivid representation of the song. I as well saw how much effort and deliberation the team and the artists gave into creating such a splendid performance.
From this, “Ang Huling El Bimbo” exhibits the song through an artistic and sentimental method, in which I found appreciation amidst this adversity. I believe that the other individuals who got the chance to watch the performance were able to perceive the song and the overall context of the Eraserheads regarding their artworks more genuinely and comprehensively, making the situation a lot more worthwhile.
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On the Beauty of Art Unraveled
The pandemic contributed a stage of self-evaluation, breakdowns, and contemplations, all in one period. Despite such heavy hearts, people still see a ray of hope, a tomorrow that might be a little bit better. Through these artworks, people can still feel humanity even amidst these atrocities. Through art, individuals still see colors in a monochromatic situation. Art, in this season of chaos and calamity, made people ponder about reality, of how we can look forward to a brighter tomorrow. And how the beauty of art unraveled our hearts and soothed our souls. I also hope that you, amidst this season of habitual skepticism, find a source of positivity. May it be because of a portrait, a song, a musical, poetry, or any form of art that mediates your emotions during this time of disarray. Remember that your feelings are valid. If this pandemic heavily affected your mental state, remember to take a breather. Pause and ponder and absorb the beauty of creativity amidst this season of chaos and calamity.
that’s all for this blog! <3 
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say hello to my object of interest and inspiration -- the one who lights up my world (esp. during this quarantine period) ! :)
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