6tureis9 · 11 months
The long corridor. Endless. 
And in the night it was lit only by a row of windows. Moonlight walked on the marble floor and walls, it touched the paintings with Supreme Guardians pictured on it. 
At some point the light caught someone's figure. A feminine figure walked slowly and her bare feet steps left echo behind themselves. She walked until she stood at the end of the corridor in front of a high window. She stood and looked into it, and the moonlight finally revealed her personality. 
It was Bronya. And she couldn't sleep. She couldn't do it for three days and even Seele's hugs didn't help her. They gave her support and warmth, but… Her fears and anxiety were stronger. 
She looked into the dark sky with many stars on it. As if she tried to find Namelesses in it. 
Stella, March 7 and Dan Heng. They could help with advice.
What to do when it's hard at heart, but you have… You have to be strong. 
“Why are you not sleeping?”, suddenly came from behind. She turned sharply and saw Seele in front of her, with crossed arms on her chest. In silk dark blue pajamas she looked… Very homely. 
Bronya smiled.
“Couldn’t sleep”, she answered.
Seele chuckled and came closer, her hands reached forward, wrapped around the other’s waist and now two girls were very close to each other. Very close. 
“Tell me what’s bothering you”, she whispered. She brushed friend’s silver hair from her face and with calloused fingers stroked her cheek. And smiled. 
Bronya against her will blushed, her smile became embarrassed. After so many touches and kisses she was still blushing, embarrassed and her heart seemed to be trying to jump out of chest. 
Girlish excitement that only Seele brought to her. To whom she showed it. 
“I don’t know actually… I just…”, she leaned closer to caressing hand and closed her eyes. “It’s so hard… I’m starting to doubt more and more if i can handle it. If I deserve all of this.”
Underworld dweller snorted very loudly. She pulled the Supreme Guardian closer to her and breathed out on her face. The aristocrat immediately opened her eyes and looked at friend in surprise. 
“Don’t say nonsense! You deserve it and even more. Strong, hardworking and truly beautiful woman. That’s who you are!”, Seele said in a low voice. She hugged Bronya tighter, so that she didn't run away and continued, but in a more gentle tone. “Feel free to ask me for help. For support.”
Bronya did not know what to say. She smiled and hugged the warrior around her neck, started to sort through her hair at the back of head. 
“Thank you…”, she said. “It’s mutual”
“Of course it is! Friends help each other!”, the blue-haired’s face was getting closer and closer. Finally, when their noses were almost touching, she added. “And… Not only friends.”
After these words she leaned to the girl's soft lips, hugging her even more tighter. To make her feel all the warmth, careness and love that Seele wanted to give her. And will give as much as it takes. 
The kiss came out tender, a little rough due to an overabundance of feelings from one to another. Seemed like it could last forever, because no one wanted to stop it, but the air is not eternal.
Pulling away, Seele frowned and narrowed her eyes.
“What?”, Bronya asked with a giggle, smiling at this scene.
“Nothing! Are we going to sleep?”, releasing from the embrace, she took her hand, intertwining their fingers.
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6tureis9 · 1 year
evening. room. parting.
evening. room. and the lamp stood on the bedside, which illuminated the left side of the room. alchemist forgot to turn it off, when 10 minutes earlier he used it to write something in his notebook, in a semi sitting pose. 
now he was layng and on the right side next to him lay kaeya. 
the captain putted his head on albedo’s shoulder and hugged him around the waist. the alchemist in turn buried his arm in sea-blue hair and sorted through softly, with one his eye looking for the other’s reaction. 
kaeya fell asleep over and over against his will and woke up right away, either from the creaking floorboards above the ceiling, or from the rustle of the curtains which was annoyed by the wind from the wide-open balcony. the day was very hot, so it could not be otherwise.
“I will go to the dragon spine in a week,” the alchemist started and smiled, when noticed how alberich again woke up from an obsessive nap. “finish the research and come back.” 
“how much time will it take for you to finish it?” the captain mumbled, burying in the snow-white neck. even through sleepy tiredness his alarmed and slightly displeased tone could be heard.
“I don't know… maybe one week. or two,” albedo answered with a breath. his gaze fixed at one point in the ceiling. he did not want to upset either kaeya or klee. that's why he added. "i will take sucrose with me. things will go faster."
“i willingly believe,” was heard right under the ear and the blue-haired suddenly got up, hovering over the scientist's face and said very threateningly. “if you get stuck there again for a month, i’ll tell klee that you promised come back in three days”
“manipulating children is bad,” the alchemist grinned and held out his hand to the companion’s cheeks, after which they slid onto the shoulders and then he grabbed the collar of the other’s pajamas and pulled him over, involving in a kiss. 
the kiss was tender and gentle, it became deeper and more sensual. pressing his lips to the other’s, crushing them and biting in passion, kaeya expressed his despair because of the separation from his beloved that would be so soon. albedo hugged his neck, leaked through the strands that were as shiny as silk to the touch again, in turn merely accepting everything that had accumulated.
one more week left. albedo will leave after that week. but that week will pass insensibly with him, when a week or two, or a whole month without him will stretch like resin, hopelessly and endlessly long.
“i love you," the alchemist whispered.
the captain sighed. and smiled.
“and i love you too.”
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6tureis9 · 1 year
night. thunder. fear.
Alhaitham hugged Kaveh. His hand buried itself in the other’s hair and sorted through gold strands. They were soft, like silk and shimmered in the fake lamplight.  
There was darkness outside the window, through which it was impossible to see something. Lightning broke through this darkness sometimes, followed by thunder's shouts. And with every one of these shouts Haitham felt with his chest how the other’s trembling became stronger, how Kaveh’s heart was beating faster. 
Kaveh was afraid of thunder. It could be understood by the position in which he was found by the secretary. Sat on the coach, shrinking into a ball in total darkness. His ears he covered with his hands, and eyes were closed so tightly, that he couldn’t even see a ray of light. He was scared, so when the neighbor touched his shoulder he nearly screamed.
He looked very unhappy, like an abandoned kitten. Probably it was Haitham’s pity or maybe his sociological science interest, but now they were very close to each other and hugging. One of them heard calm smooth breathing in his ear, while the other heard the confused rhythm of the quiet hysteria.
“It’s normal to be afraid of thunder. You can’t control it, so that is the reason why, because of your helplessness.”, Haitham whispered.
“Do you want to humiliate me or cheer me up?”, Kaveh mumbled in answer. He frowned, but the other didn’t see it.
“As you wish”, Haitham answered.
But blondin said nothing about that. With his face he burrowed into friend’s shoulder. 
Yes, he was afraid of thunder. Terribly afraid. From very childhood it instilled fear in him, uncontrollable and ruthless. Situation was so bad that as a child, in bad weather season he on a regular basis hid under the bed and covered his ears. And waited, patiently waited. To his happiness he fell asleep because of exhaustion and when morning came he was pulled out from under the bed. 
He's an adult now, so he can’t cry and hide. He must endure to this terrible torture.
But he always endured badly and agony absorbed him until the moment of sunrise.
“But you’re not afraid of thunder. So why am I afraid of it?”, architect suddenly said. 
Haitham’s hand slipped from head to the friend’s back and started stroking it with the slightest, as if careful touches. What was happening now felt like fantasy, how unrealistic it was. But… Thanks to these hugs and touches, it became much better than before. 
“I don’t know. Maybe you were scared of this in your childhood?”, Haitham asked. 
“No… Well, I don't remember. I’m just… I’ve always been afraid of it. It has always been with me.”
“Probably then it happened at an unconscious age.”
“Maybe…”, Kaveh whispered. He closed eyes. Sleepiness gradually conquered his mind. Finally his heart and breathing calmed down. 
Haitham felt it immediately, but didn’t let go. He sat like that until the moment the neighbor fell asleep. And then he picked him up and carried to the bed. 
In the morning Kaveh thought that it was all a dream so he did not ask his friend about the reasons for his actions. 
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6tureis9 · 1 year
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6tureis9 · 1 year
phoenix and edgeworth are the only “normal” characters in ace attorney and i use that definition extremely loosely. this isn’t a lawyer game this is a ghost hunter game. this is some scooby doo shit. everybody phoenix meets is a fucking horror game character. maya and pearls can channel the dead, morgan fey is shit-your-pants terrifying, mia, misty, iris, dahlia, all of them have some creepy shit or other going on, i won’t even get started on dahlia’s insane spirit needing to be exorcised, and after surviving all that, phoenix gets a daughter with esp and he has to contend with the gramaryes who have supernatural powers and are mysterious as fuck, and a kid whose eyes glow red when he perceives you. top that off with a visit from the devil himself, kristoph with the fuckin skull on his hand and the mystical levitation powers we don’t know what they are, THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY GHOSTS AND DEMONS AND SHIT IN ACE ATTORNEY AND TBH I LOVE IT. and phoenix’s only defense is a magical green rock he holds it up against them all like a cross and screams “THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU”
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6tureis9 · 1 year
вечер. работа. поцелуи.
Альбедо сидел сгорбившись за столом, на котором лежали кипы бумаг авторства самого алхимика. Из под его карандаша уже в 10 или 11 раз выходило какое-то вычисление и тот его в 10 или 11 раз зачеркивал, по всей видимости, недовольный результатом. На его лице это никак не отражалось, он не выругивался или бубнил себе под нос, а выглядел абсолютно спокойно для постороннего человека. 
Но Кэйя не был посторонним. Он сразу заметил как сильно напряжены плечи алхимика, заметил что сила нажатия на карандаш стала куда больше, чем пару часов назад. Альбедо был раздражён и зол. 
Капитан захлопнул книжку и отложил. Ею всё это время он пытался развлечься, чтобы дождаться пока учёный освободится, но так как ничего не изменилось, то было принято решение действовать. Он встал, взял стул у окна и поставил рядом со столом. Придвинулся ближе к парню и заглянул ему через плечо. 
Цифры… Буквы… И много-много слов академического происхождения. Что-то что вне юрисдикции Кэйи. 
— Ты долго ещё? — Спросил он. 
Алхимик явно не ожидал этого. Потому что вздрогнул и резко обернулся на вопрошающего. Тут же он успокоился, но этот секундный испуг показался Альбериху немного забавным. Будто кролик испугался громкого звука. 
— Не знаю, честно говоря. У меня пока ничего не выходит, — ответил Альбедо. 
— Так ты уже больше 3-х часов сидишь! Конечно ничего не получится, ты же просто устал, — мужчина придвинулся совсем-совсем близко и уместился головой на плече того. Двумя руками он невесомо обхватил чужую талию. — Пойдём выпьем в таверну, а? 
Алхимик проигнорировал как тяжесть, исходящую справа, так и объятия. Он делал так каждый раз, когда капитан пытался вытянуть его на трапезу или прогулку в разгар исследований. Плевать, что он не спал и не ел несколько дней. Добиться нужного результата было куда важней.
Он вздрогнул опять. Причина - поцелуй, оставленный на его скуле. 
— Оторвись хотя бы на час. Тебе нужен отдых, я серьёзно, — шёпот раздался прямо в ушах, в одном из. Затем последовал ещё поцелуй, но в щёку. 
— Подожди немного, хорошо? Мне нужно ещё время, — пробурчал учёный и попытался сосредоточиться на записях. Но ничего не вышло.
Альберих осыпал его множеством поцелуев. В висок, щёку и шею. Много-много незаметных никому, кроме них двоих, меток. Такие нежные, они были воплощением любви одного человека к другому, заботой и поддержкой. 
Всё поплыло. И вычисления, и ответ, над которым он бился столько времени, а безотказное упорство растворилось в резко навалившейся на него усталости, превратилось в расслабление посредством ласок капитана. 
Карандаш выпал из его рук сам собой. И тогда Кэйя остановился. 
— Т… Чего ты? — Алхимик посмотрел на него и увидел на чужом лице довольную улыбку. Невольно он и сам улыбнулся. 
— Пойдем выпьем в таверну? — Повторил мужчина. 
— Угу, — ответил он. 
И поцеловал того в губы. 
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6tureis9 · 1 year
evening. job. kisses.
Albedo was sitting at the table hunched over. There were stacks of papers on the table and the author of them was the alchemist himself. It was the 10th or 11th attempt to write some kind of calculation and 10 or 11 times he crossed everything out in a displeased mood. Nothing changed on his face, he didn’t swear or mumble, he looked as always absolutely calm for strangers.
But Kaeya wasn’t a stranger. He immediately noticed how the alchemist's shoulders tensed, noticed how the force with which the guy pressed on the pencil became much bigger than 2 hours ago. Albedo was annoyed and angry. 
Captain closed a book and left it behind. With that book he tried to entertain himself while waiting for the scientist to be free. But since nothing has changed, the decision was accepted and it was to do something. He stood up, took a chair by the windows and put it beside the table. Moved closer to the writer and looked over his shoulder.
Numbers… Letters… And countless words of academic origin. Something that Kaeya will never be able to understand. 
"For how much longer will you be occupied?", he asked. 
Alchemist was clearly not expecting this. 'Cause he shuddered and turned sharply to the one who asked. He calmed down right here but that one second fright seemed to Alberich a little bit funny. Like a bunny scared by a loud noise.
“I don’t know, to be honest. Nothing has worked out yet”, Albedo answered. 
“You’ve been sitting here for more than 3 hours! Naturally that nothing work out, you are just tired”, the man moved very-very close and put his head on the guy's shoulder. With both hands he wrapped his arms around the other's waist in a weightless embrace, "Let's go have a drink at the tavern, a?"
Alchemist ignored both the heaviness from the right side and the hugs as well. He did it every time the captain tried to pull him out to have dinner or a walk in the middle of research. Don’t care if he hasn’t slept or eaten for several days. Results of research are more important than that. 
He shuddered again. And the reason now - the kiss, left on his cheekbone.
“Leave it for at least an hour. I’m talking seriously, you need a rest.”, a whisper sounded in his ear. That was followed by a kiss, but now on the cheek. 
“Wait a minute, okay? I need a little more time.”, scientist said. He tried to concentrate on notes, but nothing worked. 
Alberich showered him with countless kisses. In the temple, cheek and neck. So many, many marks that no one but themselves will be able to see. So gentle, they were the embodiment of one's love to another, they were support and care.
Everything started to turn into blur. The calculations, the answer he tried to find for so long. And that unshakable perseverance transformed into tiredness which suddenly fell on him, turned into relaxation, the reason for which was the captain's caresses.
A pencil fell out of his hand by itself. And then right after that Kaeya stopped. 
“Y… What’s wrong?”, alchemist looked at him and saw a satisfied smile on the other's face. Against his will, he smiled too. 
“Are we going to the tavern?”, the man asked again. 
“Yes”, he answered.
And kissed him on the lips.
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6tureis9 · 1 year
портрет и терпение
ру версия фанфика по каебедо
Поле. Чистое небо. И солнце, которое светит всё так же ярко, как утром, но сейчас его тепло мягче, приятней. И ветер, который колышет траву, листву деревьев. Аккуратно перебирает синие волосы, что закрывают мирно дремлющее лицо. Будто нарочно, перелистывает страницы блокнота, заставляя его хозяина возвращать всё обратно.
Альбедо терпелив. Особенно, когда рисует Кейю. 
Он может сидеть часами, выводя каждый аспект, каждую деталь, которая делает капитана им самим. Черты лица, мягкие, но строгие. Глаза, в которые словно заключена вся бездна. Крепкая шея, плечи. Рубашка, открывающая грудь… 
Дуновение ветра. И всё опять меняется. Альбедо хмурит брови и тянется рукой, чтобы вернуть как было. Касается щеки, поправляет локоны. 
Кейя щурится и улыбается. Проводит по чужому предплечью, как ответные ласки; его пальцы невесомой хваткой кутают запястье парня и тянут на себя,  пока он сам приподнимается, с целью поцеловать. 
Поцелуй мимолётный. И капитан зарывается в мягкие серебристые волосы, поглаживает шею. А Альбедо целует вновь. 
Небо над ними розовеет и ветер стихает. Они что-то бурно обсуждают, сидя на покрывале в изысканных узорах. Кейя так и не сказал, откуда достал его… А слева от алхимика лежит его блокнот, который открыт на странице с незаконченным портретом синевласого. 
Альбедо терпелив. Спокоен и непоколебим. Но разве он может устоять перед капитаном?
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6tureis9 · 1 year
portrait and patience
kaeya/albedo fic
Flower meadow. Clear sky. The sun shines just as bright as morning but now the temperature is softer, nicer. And wind shaking grass, the foliage of trees. It carefully sorts through the blue hair that hides a sleepy face; like for the purpose, flip through a notebook's pages, forcing the person who owns it to return it all back. 
Albedo is patient. Especially when he draws Kaeya.
Hours and hours he can sit and output every aspect, every detail of Kaeya that makes him himself. Face features - gentle, but strict. Eyes that as if a whole abyss enclose in them. Strong neck and shoulders. Shirt that partially opens the breast…
A breath of wind. Everything is changing again. Albedo frowns and holds out his hand to return all back in its place. Touches the cheek, fix a piece of hair. 
Kaeya squints and smiles. He touches the guy’s forearm and leads down as reciprocal caresses; his fingers embrace Aldebo’s wrist and pull him towards himself, while he stands up to kiss. 
The kiss is fleeting. And the captain buries in the soft silver hair, stroking his neck. And Albedo kisses him again after a moment.
Sky above them is getting pinker and the wind is quieter. Sitting on a carpet with elegant ornaments, they are discussing something violently. Kaeya didn't say where he got it… And to the right of the alchemist is his notebook, which opens to a page with an unfinished portrait of a blue-haired. 
Albedo is patient. Calm and unshakable. But how can he resist the captain?
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6tureis9 · 1 year
звук из глубин моря
просто рус версия фика по сакуджиро/кейсуке
Ночь. Луна почти в зените и полная тишина. Одежда, которая не привлечёт лишнего внимания и сумка с самыми нужными вещами. Главное - ступать по земле как можно тише, как можно незаметнее. Никто не должен заподозрить, что кто-то пропал, по крайней мере в ближайшее время. Чтобы успеть уйти.
— Ты уверен? А как же твои родители? — Неуверенный, дрожащий голос пронзил воздух, рассыпаясь о шум моря. Сакуджиро поправил ремешок на плече и попытался разглядеть лицо друга во тьме.
— Всё нормально, я объяснился с ними… Еимия позаботится о них, — послышался второй голос, уверенный и строгий, в котором, на удивление для его обладателя, тоже чувствовалась дрожь. Страшно. Кейсуке безумно страшно.
Но разве он может оставить Сакуджиро? Отпустить его опять для него что смерть.
Сумки - на дно лодки, а они сами - на скамьи. Весла в руках.
— Зачем ты так поступил? Я этого не заслуживаю… — Почти шептал юноша. — Теперь и ты - преступник. Разве ты не жалеешь об этом?
Предплечья Сакуджиро быстро устали и они поменялись местами.
— Ты продолжаешь себя унижать… Ты заслуживаешь намного больше, чем имеешь. А я…
Теперь, когда вокруг них одно море, Луна освещала их лица. Одно из них было полно стыда и совести, а другое… Кейсуке был счастлив.
— Как же я могу жалеть, если сбежал с тем, кого люблю? — Произнёс он.
Тишина. Вдали слышались раскаты грома. Им предстоял долгий путь до гавани Ли Юэ.
Луна освещала их лица. И оба были счастливыми.
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6tureis9 · 1 year
the sound by the water
my keisuke/sakujirou’s fic
Night. The moon is almost in the center of the sky and completely silent. Clothes that won't attract too much attention and bags with the most important things. The main - to take the steps as quietly as possible, as unnoticeably as possible. No one should know that someone is gone. At least for the next two hours. That will be enough to escape.
"Are you sure? What about your parents?", Nervous, trembling voice pierced the air and went away in the sound of the sea. Sakujirou fixed the bag strap and tried to see his friend's face.
"Everything is okay, I've talked to them. Yoimiya will take care of them", the second voice heard. It was confident and strict but to Keisuke's surprise a little bit shaky too. A fear. Keisuke feels madly afraid. 
But how could he leave Sakujirou again? Letting him go is equal to death. 
The bags — on the bottom of the boat, they themselves — on the bench. Paddles in hands.
"Why did you do that? I don't deserve it…", the young man almost whispered. "Now you are a criminal too… Don't you regret it?"
Sakujirou's hands tired fastly so they changed their places. 
"And you keep insulting yourself… You deserve more than you have. What about me…"
Now when the sea was around them, the moon had light on their faces. One face full of shame and conscience and the other one… Keisuke was happy.  
"How can i regret if i escaped with someone i love?", he said.
Silence. Thunderclaps heard somewhere in the sea. They have a long way to go to arrive in the Liyue.
The moon shone on their faces. And both of them were happy.
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