abudinges · 4 years
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I’m back from a very long hiatus, and instead of making a long thank you post, I figured it’s better for me to thank you with a simple giveaway. Thank you all for being patient with me and for sticking around despite my lack of consistent updates. I truly appreciate it, from the bottom of my heart.
Rules and notes :
There will be one winner
I’m willing to ship internationally
The winners will be selected radomly
Everyone following me can enter, no exceptions
You can enter by reblogging but likes are also counted
There will be another giveaway for beginners [here]
The deadline for the giveaway is October 10th, 2020.
You must be willing to provide your shipping address (if you’re a minor, please make sure that you get permission)
The gifts will be :
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The winner will get :
A mini-dictionary of basic words and expressions in Arabic with its English equivalent, covering various topics
Two Arabic children’s books with harakaat to practice reading
You can enter both giveaways, but you can only win one.
There’s a small surprise for those who were following me before the giveaway.
If I find anything interesting, I could add it to the gifts
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abudinges · 4 years
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I’m back from a very long hiatus, and instead of making a long thank you post, I figured it’s better for me to thank you with a simple giveaway. Thank you all for being patient with me and for sticking around despite my lack of consistent updates. I truly appreciate it, from the bottom of my heart. 
Rules and notes :
There will be one winner
I’m willing to ship internationally
The winners will be selected radomly
Everyone following me can enter, no exceptions
You can enter by reblogging but likes are also counted
There will be another giveaway for intermediate level learners [here]
The deadline for the giveaway is October 10th, 2020.
You must be willing to provide your shipping address (if you’re a minor, please make sure that you get permission)
The gifts will be :
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The winner will get 
Arabic exercice book to help you practice writing the alphabets and learn basic words
Handwriting/calligraphy notebook for beginners : naskh script 
Handwriting/calligraphy notebook for beginners : ruq’aa script
You can enter both giveaways, but you can only win one.
There’s a small surprise for those who were following me before the giveaway.
If I find anything interesting before the giveaway time ends, I could add it to the gifts
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abudinges · 4 years
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abudinges · 4 years
Patterns in Arabic  : part 2
[patterns in Arabic : part1]
Lesson plan : in this lesson, we will be exploring the patterns of different nouns, and this time we will start by giving more examples on how to find the patterns for more complex cases : such as cases with omissions and the infamous four lettered roots. I’ve added audio files for all Arabic words between [brackets] to help you pronounce the words.
I. More complicated verbs
Let’s practice a bit with something more challenging this time. 
Example for more complicated verbs (this verb means to isolate oneself)
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Step 2 – compare it to our unit of reference
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And bam! You got the pattern!
The pattern for the word [يعتزل] is [يفتعل ]. 
Let’s use a more complicated word, like the noun [الاستنتاجات ] (conclusions)
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Keep in mind that the word and its pattern should rhyme, so read the word and its pattern out loud to double check. 
And this is how you got the pattern.
The pattern for the word [الاستنتاجات ] is [الاستفعالات ] .
II. Omissions from the scale
We’ve discussed additions to the roots, then how do the omissions work?
You guessed it, it’s exactly the same principle but the other way around, instead of adding letters, we will just remove them. 
Let’s take another example : the word [صِفَةُ ] (this word means adjective or description), and use the three steps we spoke of before.
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When we compare them, notice how the letter in blue (i.e. the فـ of the word) has been omitted: when we passed from the root [وصف ] to the word [صفة ].
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The pattern for the word [صِفَة ]is [عِلَة]. 
III. Four lettered roots 
Although these words are less frequent in Arabic, but we should still mention them here.There are letters with roots that are over 4 letters but they’re very rare.
We need a new unit of reference for four lettered roots, and that is
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Then we compare it to our unit of reference for four lettered roots
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Finally, add the missing letters in the word [المهندسات] to the pattern [فعلل ]. Use the colors as a guide to help you see where the missing letters will go.
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[here’s an audio to help you see how these two words rhyme].
The pattern for the word يتدحرج is يتفعلل, and the pattern for the word المهندسات is المفعللات. 
Other four lettered roots:
[زَلْزَلَ ] (to shake violently)
[جَلْجَلَ ] (to make a loud noise)
[صَنْدَقَ ] (to put in a box)
[تَرْجَمَ ] (to translate)
[بَسْتَنَ ](to garden)
[فَلْفَلَ ](to add pepper to something)
Now that we’ve set the base, we can finally get to the applications in the third and final part of this lesson. 
Next time -inshallah- we will learn:
How to use the pattern to derive nouns?
How to use these patterns to understand verb patterns?
What’s the link between Arabic poetry and patterns?
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abudinges · 4 years
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Ibn al-Muqaffa' writes in his Kitab al-Adab al-Saghir (Small Book of Etiquette*) about the characteristics which complete the intellect, in the sense of being able to use your rationality for a good life in the here and now as well as the hereafter. Regarding the first characteristic, he says:
"As for love, surely it provides one with favour in every matter of the present world and the afterworld when one prefers love, and there is nothing more healthy and nothing sweeter for one than it."
* adab is a difficult word to translate succinctly. In modern usage, it tends to refer to either literature (in which case the As tend to be elongated) or, frequently in Islamic contexts, somewhat rigid recommended social rules and recommended actions for 'ibadat.
The way I have found it used in classical texts, the meaning appears much more a somewhat nebulous mixture of etiquette, literacy, eloquence (as Ibn al-Muqaffa' argues in this very book, adab will present itself through linguistic prowess), being well read and well aware of the world at large - a general sort of culturedness. The adib proper is something of a savant, fit to educate even the caliph's children on a host of topics.
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abudinges · 4 years
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Al-aghlab man ghuliba bi-l-khayr, wa-l-maghlub man ghuliba bi-l-sharr
Victory lies in (the ego) being defeated by good, and defeat lies in (the ego) being defeated by evil.
From Kitab al-Futuwwah (the Book of Chivalry) by al-Sulami.
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abudinges · 4 years
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A little detour into digital calligraphy with Sheikh Yoda.
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abudinges · 4 years
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the most Merciful...
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abudinges · 4 years
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"By the morning brightness,
And by the night when still..."
Surah al-Duha, 1-2
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abudinges · 4 years
Congratulations for getting married! Welcome back. I'm new here but I'm glad to see you posting again :)
Thank you so much, and welcome! It's pretty simple around here; every so often I disappear, come back, tell myself I can deal with the mountainous backlog of requests that have piled up, become overwhelmed, leave again, and hope that I'm not terribly disappointing people in the meantime ^_^
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abudinges · 4 years
hi, can i post one of your writings on instagram? love your work ❤️
Yes you can! Please tag me there as well? Same username =)
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abudinges · 4 years
Hi there! Salamat! Haven't seen much of an update, are you doing alright? Be careful and stay safe my friend! Take care!
Salam! Yes I am doing well, thank you for your concern! I got married and life has happened a lot since. Only for the best alhamdulillah but it made tumblr sort of, well, tumble to the background.
But I'm considering coming back =)
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abudinges · 5 years
So I was just browsing through my blog and I came across this
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Apparently this post was flagged because tumblr thinks it contains adult content violating community guidelines. Now I want to make this one thing abudently clear tumblr:
I apologise deeply and sincerely, I have always tried to make my art beautiful but not to the point of arousal. I am sincerely sorry someone got affected by my work and I need you to know that I will endeavour to never again have this shameful association attributed to my work. Sincerely.
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abudinges · 5 years
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bitter black ink
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abudinges · 5 years
Please write, "bitter black ink" thanks.
Salamalaykum, I’m guessing you wanted me to write this in Latin(ish) alphabet? =)
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abudinges · 5 years
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abudinges · 5 years
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