aeoix · 23 days
TMAYNT Day 8: Favorite Turtle Ally + Dynamic
Mikey and Leatherhead!
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I know I already drew Leatherhead for a prompt, but I couldn't help myself! Mikey and Leatherhead are best buds! I was either going to draw these two, or it was going to either be Raph and Mona or 2003 Raph and Casey.
Did a bit of experimentation on colored lines this time around!
Only a headshot this time around as I'm focusing on sketching up more complex images for later!
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aeoix · 24 days
Turtle Glider (2012)!
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When I saw these, I thought they were really cool! There are of course so many gadgets to choose from that are absolutely amazing *cough* metalhead *cough*, but I feel like this gadget doesn't have enough props!
I am a day behind rn because my power decided to go out in the middle of me drawing this so I'll be trying to play catch-up in the next couple of days!
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aeoix · 26 days
TMAYNT Day 6: Favorite Mutant Ally!
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Did a screenshot redraw for this one to make it a bit easier.
Really proud of how he came out, his face was literally the hardest for me to get right and his proportions are definitely all wrong but good enough for a first try if I do say so myself!
Leatherhead is just so cool in every iteration! Definitely one of my top favorite mutants!
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aeoix · 27 days
TMAYNT Day 5: Best Leo (From all Incarnations)
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Man, this was a really tough choice as Leo is definitely my favorite turtle. In terms of coolness though, I probably have to give it up for IDW Leo. This boy has already been through so much from what I've read so far.
I'm only up to issue 66 right now so I have a long way to go but I think he's just super cool! I would have drawn more Leo's but I didn't have a whole lot of time to draw anything so just some little headshots for now!
I would say tho if I didn't choose IDW Leo, 2012 and 2003 would have been tied for sure.
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aeoix · 28 days
TMAYNT Day 4: Baby Turtles!
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Baby Rise Turtles!
Honestly probably my favorite baby forms of the turtles by far. Didn't go far too detailed as I wanted a bit of an easier day. My favorite of the bunch is definitely Mikey!
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aeoix · 29 days
TMAYNT Day 3: Favorite Henchman
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Specifically the IDW versions. These two are absolute powerhouses when it comes to the comics. They are certainly a force to be reckoned with! And the stuff they get up to is hilarious.
Not too proud of how Bebop came out, but I had to stop messing with him eventually and called him good enough lol. Not bad drawing these two for the first time!
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aeoix · 30 days
TMAYNT Day 1: Favorite Turtle
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It seems like no matter which iteration of Tmnt I come across, Leo always ends up remaining my favorite despite everything.
A little bit late, by like a day because I had nothing but technical difficulties yesterday and wasn't able to draw, but here we are!
First time drawing the 2012 style and I'm proud of how this came out!
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aeoix · 1 month
Raph had already lost count of how many times he had already sneezed that day. He rarely sneezed. He had already seen his brothers looking at him with concern, and he quickly reassured them that he was fine. Though, he said it a little bit more snippy than he usually would. Part of him felt guilty, but at the same time, he just wanted to go back to sleep. After their morning training, he could almost feel like his bones were starting to ache, and he had started to wheeze when he was sparring with Leo. There was no way he was out of shape!
Dang, I think I'm getting on a roll with all of this! A Raph-focused chapter, and compared to the last one this one has more fluff to it. Eventually, I'll get more reference sheets for these guys done, but for now, I've been enjoying writing them more and more as I try and get their personalities right! Feel free to leave any sort of feedback as I want to improve my writing.
Reforged AU Masterpost
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aeoix · 1 month
The grip on his katanas tightened as there was a feeling brewing in the back of his stomach that was telling him something was wrong with this place. Leo could barely hear Mikey dropping down from the ladder to join him. Near the back of the basement, there was a familiar pink glow that was consistent with most of the technology of the Kraang. Leo could feel Mikey’s presence close behind him, making sure that their flank was clear as he cleared the way out in front of them.
I live!! Sorry about such a huge delay in this. My hyperfixation kinda disappeared for a couple of months and I had no motivation to write. But I'm back and more ready than ever to write about these boys! This chapter funny enough, is the longest chapter out of all of them lol Let me know what all of you think as I want to improve my writing! Hopefully, I'll be able to finally finish Donnie's ref sheet and then move on to Mikey lol.
Reforged AU Masterpost
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aeoix · 2 months
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aeoix · 5 months
Since the last time I posted the link, two chapters have been added! Feel free to give them a look and let me know what you think! I'm still trying to figure out how to write each turtle and the more I write the easier it gets! Already up to 7k words, crazy. I will be starting on Donnie's reference this week, so more art to come soon!
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aeoix · 5 months
Oooo for the palettes, maybe from collection 2 A6 for 2012 Leo and then collection 2 D2 for 2012 Mikey? And the scenario, maybe just both of them being goofy/silly brothers?
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They had a tough battle but don’t fear! Dr. Mikey is here to save the day with colorful bandaids
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aeoix · 5 months
So I've decided to try this out and actually write some drabbles for my Reforged AU! I've never done this before, and I've certainly never done anything turtle-related so hopefully I'm able to portray them well! I also set this up because I probably won't get any more refs done for this AU until after Christmas. I already have the next drabble almost done and it's nearly 3k words. Each chapter is its own story basically.
Please feel free to give any comments or critiques!
Reforged AU Masterpost
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aeoix · 5 months
What’s your opinion on people who think 2012 raph is an abusive bully? I think personally they are only children and it shows. People with siblings see this as normal.
I think that people with an opinion on any type of Hamato abuse in the show either haven’t done proper research on the show, they have a rough family life that twists it, or they don’t have siblings.
Since you opened the door for me to get ranty, Imma be a little ranty about more than simple TMNT data.
Now, some people DO have siblings and see this show as abusive, but that’s because of a number of other reasons.
The biggest problem, to me, is the fandom itself.
Let me explain:
You go outside for the first time. When you ask what color the grass is, your entire neighborhood says, “orange.” You accept this as correct, and now you would see all grass as orange. You could hear this for weeks before leaving the neighborhood. At the store, someone tells you, “Actually, it’s green, and here’s why.”
And here you hesitate.
Because wouldn’t that mean your neighbors are wrong? After they all believe it? Everyone says grass is orange. How dare this person say otherwise. You aren’t stupid. You know grass is orange. They’re attacking you and your neighbors. Why would you listen to them?
Likely, you wouldn’t believe them. You’d be more inclined to assume that what you always hear is correct. You would continue to spread what everyone says because it’s what you heard.
This is similar to how people see Mikey. 2012TMNT seasons and certain episodes were hard for me to find when I started looking for the show. Many people rely on the fandom more than show for opinions on it. Negative clips get taken out of context and the favorite moments like Parasitica are blown up until it’s all the fandom can see. I’ve spoken to people who write fanfics about the show, but haven’t seen past the second season.
They rely on the fandom to write, so if the fandom and their friends preaches that Mikey is abused and Raph is the abuser, why would they believe otherwise?
(It’s funny, how Mikey has been ‘abused’ by Raph for years, and yet, he never hesitates to do all of the things that will tick his brother off. He does not waste a moment pushing the buttons of the one person that he ‘fears’ more than anyone else, and turns to his ‘abuser’ before any of his other family members when he’s upset and looking for comfort. Even more interesting, is that the ‘abuser’ will not hesitate to help and comfort the brother that he ‘takes pride in hurting’.)
Everyone who has talked bad about the show has had strings for me to pull at. Not one “Mikey is abused” fan has made a solid argument as to why Mikey feels unloved and unwanted. When they talk about Raph, they often default to- well, Raph is mean to Mikey and that makes him upset. But he doesn’t stand up for himself, so he must be depressed and sad and I’m depressed that my life is bad so if you say he’s not than you’re attacking me. (True story)
It’s exhausting. I don’t like these kind of arguements. Because there’s a different between me saying that a character who is not you and does not share your exact thoughts and feels as well as not knowing the trauma of your home life is not depressed and me saying you are not depressed. Me saying a character is not depressed does not make your feelings any less real.
It just means that the character that I am analyzing from a show that has nothing to do with you in its creation isn’t depressed.
As well as saying that the character that I am analyzing from a show that has nothing to do with you in its creation isn’t abused.
Maybe it isn’t that Mikey doesn’t stand up for himself. (He does.)
Maybe, more often than not, there’s nothing to stand up to.
And, no, I’m not saying you can’t headcanon Mikey as depressed. Or convince the fandom that he’s abused.
I’m saying that if you truly believe that he is, you better be able to give me a cohesive debate and plenty of picture proof that he feels unloved and unwanted or has any depression symptoms laced through the show. And you should also be ready to have me attack that with my own opinion to defend my beliefs.
I have nothing against someone who says Raph is abusive. I’m sure they have their reasons and I’m sympathetic to the trauma and respect whatever reasoning that they give.
I respect them and their right to opinion. I have nothing against that person. I’m not against any person.
I’m against, to quote 2018Leon, “Everything you stand for.”
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aeoix · 6 months
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Raphael considers himself to be the prime protector of his family. This led him to earn the most amount of scars out of his brother. Thanks to his DNA composition, his thick scales help him in battle, and then pairing him with armor makes him an absolute tank. He's the most muscular out of the brothers. When Leo isn't around, Raph is always the one to step out to take care of his brothers. He's somewhat self-conscious as he is blind in his right eye from when the brainworm was used on him.
This honestly took me longer than Leo did! And most of it wasn't even dealing with anatomy, it was the instruments that took me the longest. I hope I never have to draw a drum set again if I can help it. I would have put more of his instruments, but I couldn't fit them all on the size canvas that. So not pictured is the electric keyboard, and his acoustic guitar. Feel free to zoom in on this massive canvas! Below the cut are some closeups in case anything is hard to see, along with some extra tidbits of information!
Leo / Raph / Mikey / Donnie
Reforged AU Masterpost
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Raph takes his job seriously when it comes to his brother well well-being. He's of course, rough around the edges, but it comes from his fear of not being able to save his brothers. After all, he was there when his father was killed in front of him. He's basically as obsessed with training as Leo is, and he needs to be due to the blindness in his right eye that his enemies attempt to exploit.
Raph has a ton of hobbies when he isn't busy training. He is the one primarily responsible for fixing any of their gear that is made out of leather (Belts, knee pads, pouches, etc.). He is also the one who tests any of Leo's new creations from the forge. He is also a fairly skilled musician and has learned how to play multiple instruments. He writes his own music and Mikey is definitely his biggest fan.
Out of all the brothers, he is the one that wears the most armor, making him a serious threat to any of their enemies (that are still alive anyway).
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aeoix · 6 months
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Raphael considers himself to be the prime protector of his family. This led him to earn the most amount of scars out of his brother. Thanks to his DNA composition, his thick scales help him in battle, and then pairing him with armor makes him an absolute tank. He's the most muscular out of the brothers. When Leo isn't around, Raph is always the one to step out to take care of his brothers. He's somewhat self-conscious as he is blind in his right eye from when the brainworm was used on him.
This honestly took me longer than Leo did! And most of it wasn't even dealing with anatomy, it was the instruments that took me the longest. I hope I never have to draw a drum set again if I can help it. I would have put more of his instruments, but I couldn't fit them all on the size canvas that. So not pictured is the electric keyboard, and his acoustic guitar. Feel free to zoom in on this massive canvas! Below the cut are some closeups in case anything is hard to see, along with some extra tidbits of information!
Leo / Raph / Mikey / Donnie
Reforged AU Masterpost
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Raph takes his job seriously when it comes to his brother well well-being. He's of course, rough around the edges, but it comes from his fear of not being able to save his brothers. After all, he was there when his father was killed in front of him. He's basically as obsessed with training as Leo is, and he needs to be due to the blindness in his right eye that his enemies attempt to exploit.
Raph has a ton of hobbies when he isn't busy training. He is the one primarily responsible for fixing any of their gear that is made out of leather (Belts, knee pads, pouches, etc.). He is also the one who tests any of Leo's new creations from the forge. He is also a fairly skilled musician and has learned how to play multiple instruments. He writes his own music and Mikey is definitely his biggest fan.
Out of all the brothers, he is the one that wears the most armor, making him a serious threat to any of their enemies (that are still alive anyway).
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aeoix · 6 months
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[Aftermath S5 E5]
they're just not good at expressing feelings you guys. no worries.
(being cooped up for years without much social interaction might do that to you)
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